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Journal of Cellular Biochemistry 93:93–103 (2004)

Multiple Functions of BMPs in Chondrogenesis

Byeong S. Yoon1 and Karen M. Lyons1,2,3*
Department of Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology, University of California, Los Angeles,
California 90095
Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, University of California,
Los Angeles, California 90095
Department of Biological Chemistry, David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, University of California,
Los Angeles, California 90095

Abstract The ability of bone morphogenetic proteins (BMPs) to promote chondrogenesis has been investigated
extensively over the past two decades. Although BMPs promote almost every aspect of chondrogenesis, from commitment
to terminal differentiation is well known, the mechanisms of BMP action in discrete aspects of endochondral bone
formation have only recently begun to be investigated. In this review, we focus on in vivo studies that have identified
interactions between BMP signaling pathways and key downstream targets of BMP action in chondrogenesis. We also
discuss evidence regarding the potential roles of BMP receptors in mediating distinct aspects of chondrogenesis, and
studies investigating the intersection of BMP pathways with other pathways known to coordinate the progression of
chondrocytes through the growth plate. These studies indicate that both Smad-dependent and -independent BMP
pathways are required for chondrogenesis, and that BMPs exert essential roles via regulation of the Indian hedgehog (IHH)/
parathyroid hormone-related protein (PTHrP) and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) pathways in the growth plate. J. Cell.
Biochem. 93: 93–103, 2004. ß 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Key words: BMP; chondrocyte; chrogenesis; cartilage

The bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) came from demonstrations that BMPs directly
family of secreted growth factors forms a sub- regulate the expression of several chondrocyte-
group of molecules within the transforming specific genes, and that certain members of
growth factor b (TGFb) superfamily. BMPs were the Sox transcription factor family are essential
identified by virtue of their ability to promote regulators of chondrocyte commitment and
ectopic cartilage and bone formation [Wozney, differentiation, allowing mechanistic investi-
1989], and mechanisms underlying this unique gations of the connection between BMP signal-
capability have been the subject of intense ing, and chondrogenesis. Finally, the use of
investigation for the last two decades. A molec- genetically modified mice has led to novel
ular understanding of BMP action in chon- insights into how signaling pathways activated
drogenesis could not be achieved until the by BMPs intersect with other pathways to con-
framework of the BMP signal transduction trol multiple aspects chondrogenesis. The stra-
pathway had been elucidated [reviewed in tified architecture of the developing growth
Derynck and Zhang, 2003]. Other key insights plate makes it an ideal system for understand-
ing how multiple BMP signaling pathways
intersect with other pathways to control specific
Grant sponsor: NIH (to K.M.L.); Grant number: AR44528; aspects of cell proliferation, differentiation,
Grant sponsor: Vascular Biology Training Grant (to survival, and gene expression.
B.S.Y.); Grant number: T32HL69766. At least two distinct pathways mediate BMP
*Correspondence to: Karen M. Lyons, Department of signaling: the canonical Smad pathway and a
Molecular, Cell & Developmental Biology, University of mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) path-
California, Los Angeles, CA 90095.
E-mail: way [reviewed in Derynck and Zhang, 2003].
Received 13 May 2004; Accepted 14 May 2004
BMPs transduce signals through the formation
DOI 10.1002/jcb.20211
of heteromeric complexes of types I and II
Published online 26 July 2004 in Wiley InterScience serine/threonine kinase receptors (Fig. 1). Upon
( BMP binding, type II receptors phosphorylate
ß 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
94 Yoon and Lyons

Fig. 1. Mechanism of BMP signaling. Two downstream with Co-Smads, and this Smad complex translocates into the
mediators of BMP signaling have been identified in chondro- nucleus to regulate target genes. The binding of BMPs to their
cytes: The canonical Smad pathway and the p38 MAPK pathway. receptor complex also leads to the activation of p38 MAPK
BMPs signal by binding to a heteromeric receptor complex, through TAK1. BMP signaling is regulated by extracellular
leading to the phosphorylation and activation of R-Smads antagonists (Chd and Nog), and intracellular inhibitors (I-Smads
(Smad1, -5, and -8). Phosphorylated R-Smads form a complex and Smurfs) that target Smads for ubiquitination.

serine/threonine residues in type I receptors. degree of crosstalk between BMP and other
Three type I receptors transduce BMP signals: signaling pathways [von Bubnoff and Cho,
BMPRIA, BMPRIB, and ALK-2. Activated type 2001; Lyons and Delot, 2003]. For the most part
I receptors phosphorylate and thereby activate the physiological relevance of these modulatory
receptor-regulated Smads (R-Smads). Subse- mechanisms is not well understood in chondro-
quently, R-Smads recruit and bind common- genesis and will not be discussed here. We will
partner Smads (Co-Smads) to form heteromeric discuss evidence implicating BMP crosstalk
complexes. These Smad complexes enter the with other signaling pathways in the regulation
nucleus and bind DNA directly, or interact with of the growth plate.
DNA binding proteins to regulate the transcrip- The majority of the skeletal system forms
tion of target genes. BMPs can also signal by through endochondral ossification, in which
activating TGFb activated kinase 1 (TAK1). mesenchymal cells condense and differentiate
TAK1 leads to the activation of p38 MAPKs. The into chondrocytes, which subsequently form
aspects of BMP signaling in chondrocytes the growth plate, a cartilaginous template for
mediated by p38 MAPKs are unclear. bone formation [reviewed in Kronenberg, 2003].
A considerable degree of regulation of BMP Growth plate chondrocytes undergo a highly
signaling occurs at the level of ligand avail- organized differentiation program. Cells at the
ability. Noggin and Chordin complex with ends of skeletal elements form the resting or
BMPs and prevent them from binding their reserve zone, and may provide a source of stem
receptors; in turn, the activities of many BMP cells. Cells exiting the resting zone form the
antagonists are regulated by post-translational proliferative compartment. These cells produce
mechanisms [reviewed in Derynck and Zhang, cartilage extracellular matrix (ECM) compo-
2003]. Additional levels of control include the nents. Cell–ECM interactions lead to cell shape
modulation of BMP receptor and R-Smad stab- changes that orient planes of cell division, gen-
ility via ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis invol- erating flattened cells that align into columns
ving the actions of inhibitor Smads (I-Smads) as they proliferate. These cells eventually exit
and Smurfs. Finally, there is a considerable the cell cycle and differentiate into prehyper-
BMPs in Chondrogenesis 95

trophic chondrocytes, which terminally differ- and expression, indicating that one of the
entiate to form the hypertrophic zone. Cells in earliest roles of BMPs is to promote cell–cell
the hypertrophic zone become enlarged and interactions. As expected from the importance
undergo apoptosis. The hypertrophic cartilage of cell–cell interactions in chondrogenesis,
ECM and associated growth factors promote the N-cad inhibitors neutralize the effects of BMPs
invasion of blood vessels and osteoblasts, which [Haas and Tuan, 1999] (Fig. 2).
then form the bone matrix [Olsen et al., 2000; The requirement for BMP pathways in the
Kronenberg, 2003]. formation of precartilaginous condensations is
demonstrated in vivo by studies in chick limbs.
BMPs in Commitment to
The use of the secreted BMP inhibitor noggin
the Chondrogenic Lineage
has been a particularly informative approach;
In vitro systems have been particularly in- application of Noggin permits antagonism of
formative for investigating the role of BMP endogenously produced BMPs while avoiding
pathways in the earliest stages of chondro- potential artifacts arising from overexpression
genesis: commitment and condensation. BMPs of dominant-negative (DN) receptors. Overex-
induce differentiation of pluripotent mesen- pression of noggin blocks condensation, leading
chymal cell lines, such as C3H10T1/2, into to a total absence of cartilage. Overexpression
chondrocytes when grown at high density of constitutively active (CA) BMP receptors
[Denker et al., 1999; Haas and Tuan, 1999; results in expansion of cartilage at the expense
Ju et al., 2000; Kramer et al., 2000; Majumdar of muscle and soft tissues [Capdevila and
et al., 2001]. High-density culture mimics the Johnson, 1998; Pizette and Niswander, 2000].
condensation event that precedes chondrogen- These and related studies establish that BMP
esis in vivo. One mechanism by which BMPs signaling is required for, and acts as part of, an
induce chondrogenesis in this system is through instructive signal to promote commitment to
upregulation of N-cadherin (N-cad) function the chondrogenic lineage.

Fig. 2. BMP actions during chondrogenesis. Multiple effects of cyte differentiation by maintaining expression of Sox trans-
BMP signaling on chondrogenesis have been demonstrated cription factors. D: BMPs also have multiple roles during
in vitro and in vivo. A: Development of the limb bud. B: BMP chondrogenesis in the growth plate. They promote proliferation
signaling promotes mesenchymal condensation, in part by (a) and hypertrophic differentiation (b), and inhibit terminal
promoting N-cadherin production. C: BMPs promote chondro- differentiation (c).
96 Yoon and Lyons

BMPs and Sox Transcription Factors gene expression [Chimal-Monroy et al., 2003].
These results indicate that BMP signaling
Identifying the downstream targets that alone is not sufficient to initiate Sox9 expression
mediate the ability of BMPs to maintain the prior to condensation, but that BMP signaling is
chondrogenic program is an area of intense required for the maintenance of Sox9 expression
interest. Key insights have come from studies in condensations. The molecular mechanisms
examining the relationship between BMP sig- underlying the ability of BMP signaling to
naling and Sox protein expression and function. maintain Sox9 expression are unknown.
Sox proteins are Sry-related HMG box tran-
scription factors. Sox9 is the earliest known BMPs in Early Chondrocyte Differentiation
marker for cells committed to chondrogenesis,
The requirement for BMPs to maintain Sox
and its essential role as a regulator of chondro-
gene expression is consistent with the results
genic differentiation has been confirmed by
of many studies demonstrating a continuous
genetic studies. Loss of Sox9, or deficiency of
requirement for BMPs during chondrocyte
both L-Sox5 and Sox6 results in loss of most
differentiation. This aspect of BMP action has
skeletal elements. In Sox9 mutants, chondro-
been studied extensively in ATDC5 chondro-
genic condensations never form and no cartilage
sarcoma cells. These cells can undergo several
specific markers are expressed. Sox9 is
aspects of chondrogenic differentiation that
expressed continuously in chondrocytes up to
occur during endochondral ossification. Treat-
the hypertrophic stage, and is required to
ment of ATDC5 cells with BMPs results in
maintain the chondrocyte phenotype. L-sox5
changes in cell morphology characteristic of
and Sox6 are expressed in chondrocytes, have
chondrocytes and an upregulation of type II
overlapping functions, and are required for
collagen production [Shukunami et al., 1998,
maintenance of the chondrocyte phenotype [Bi
2000]. Conversely, the overexpression of a DN
et al., 1999; Smits et al., 2001]. Several studies
type I BMP receptor or treatment with Noggin
have examined the relationship between BMP
reduces cartilage formation and type II collagen
signaling and L-Sox5, -6, and -9 expression
prodcution [Ito et al., 1999; Shukunami et al.,
[Zehentner et al., 1999; Chimal-Monroy et al.,
2000]. The clearest in vivo evidence demons-
2003; Fernandez-Lloris et al., 2003] (Fig. 2).
trating that continuous BMP signaling is re-
BMPs promote the expression of Sox9 in
quired in chondrogenesis comes from studies
C3H10T1/2 cultures, placing BMPs upstream
in chick limbs. Precartilaginous cells in con-
of Sox9 in these cells. These studies also show
densations do not differentiate into chondro-
that Sox9 expression is required for BMP induc-
cytes in the absence of BMP signaling [Pizette
ed chondrogenesis, as antisense Sox9 oligonu-
and Niswander, 2000].
cleotides block the ability of BMPs to induce
type II collagen [Zehentner et al., 1999; Fer-
BMP Action in the Growth Plate
nandez-Lloris et al., 2003]. The ability of BMPs
to induce Sox gene expression has also been In addition to roles in early chondrogenesis,
investigated in vivo. Implantation of BMP2 BMPs have important functions in the growth
beads near condensed cartilage leads to upre- plate at later stages. Bmp2, -4, and -5 have
gulation of Sox proteins in condensations, and overlapping expression patterns in the peri-
Noggin beads lead to severe down-regulation of chondrium, Bmp7 is expressed in both the peri-
these genes. This regulation is time dependent: chondrium and proliferating chondrocytes,
Sox9 is induced within an hour and L-Sox5 and and Bmp6 is expressed in prehypertrophic
-6 are induced later. This pattern of induction and hypertrophic chondrocytes [Lyons et al.,
leaves open the possibility that BMPs directly 1995; Pathi et al., 1999; Minina et al., 2001].
regulate Sox9, triggering chondrogenesis, Type I BMP receptors also have both distinct
which subsequently leads to L-Sox5 and -6 and overlapping expression patterns. In ad-
expression. These studies show that BMPs are dition to overlapping expression of Bmpr1a and
not sufficient to regulate Sox protein expression 1b in prechondrogenic condensations, Bmpr1a
in limb mesenchyme. BMP beads can only is expressed in prehypertrophic and hyper-
induce Sox genes in condensed cells. In addition, trophic chondrocytes, while Bmp1b is found
when Sox genes are induced by TGFb rather than throughout the growth plate; Alk-2 is expressed
BMPinmesenchyme, Noggindoes notinhibitSox primarily in resting and proliferating chondro-
BMPs in Chondrogenesis 97

cytes [Zou et al., 1997; Zhang et al., 2003]. As during chondrogenesis. Overexpression of CA-
these expression patterns suggest, BMPs have BMPRIA or IB in chick limb buds results in
functions in the growth plate at various stages identical expansions of cartilaginous elements
of differentiation. That BMPs promote prolif- and chondrocyte proliferation [Zou et al.,
eration in the growth plate is well established. 1997]. However, several lines of evidence sug-
This was first demonstrated by the observation gest that they also have some unique functions.
that noggin null mice have overgrown skeletal In the chick, Bmpr1a is expressed at low levels
elements [Brunet et al., 1998], leading to the throughout limb bud mesenchyme, whereas
inference that in the absence of this antagonist, Bmpr1b is expressed in precartilaginous con-
chondrocytes exhibit a proliferative response to densations prior to type II collagen expression.
endogenouse BMPs. In accordance, overexpres- The predominant expression of bmpr1b in
sion of noggin results in smaller growth plates condensations indicates that this receptor
and reduced proliferation, while application of might be the primary mediator of BMP signal-
BMPs increases proliferation rates and growth ing during condensation. Consistently, DN-
plate size [Pathi et al., 1999; De Luca et al., BMPRIB overexpression in limb bud micromass
2001; Minina et al., 2001]. In addition to the cultures results in a complete absence of carti-
roles of BMP pathways in regulation of type II lage nodule formation, while DN-BMPRIA
collagen expression in proliferating and colum- overexpression has no effect [Zou et al., 1997].
nar chondrocytes, BMPs promote terminal In accordance, overexpression of DN-BMPRIB
differentiation. In ATDC5 cells and chick chon- leads to inhibition of proteoglycan, type II
drocytes, BMPs increase the expression of type collagen and aggrecan expression, while DN-
X collagen, the major ECM marker for hyper- BMPRIA leads to only a slight inhibition in
trophic chondrocytes [Shukunami et al., 1998; chick chondrocytes [Enomoto-Iwamoto et al.,
Grimsrud et al., 1999; Ito et al., 1999]. This 1998]. Thus, these studies suggest that while
effect is direct because BMPs upregulate type X both BMPRIA and IB are capable of inducing
collagen promoter activity [Volk et al., 1998]. chondrogenesis when overexpressed, BMPRIB
In vivo experiments have verified a role of is the major transducer of BMP signals in con-
BMP pathways in hypertrophic differentiation; densations. Whether or not BMPRIA and 1B
exposure to Noggin reduces the zone of type X transduce qualitatively distinct signals is un-
collagen expressing hypertrophic chondrocytes, clear. The effects of overexpression of CA-
indicating a requirement for BMPs to exit the receptors suggest that the signaling pathways
cell cycle and initiate terminal differentiation. activated by these receptors lead to similar
Noggin also increases the expression of osteo- outcomes in chondrocytes. Moreover, although
pontin, a marker for the most differentiated DN-BMPRIB blocks chondrogenesis in chick
cells in the growth plate in these experiments limbs, Bmpr1b null mice have a mild skeletal
[Pathi et al., 1999; De Luca et al., 2001; Minina phenotype, characterized by severe defects
et al., 2001]. Thus, BMPs promote chondrocyte in phalangeal elements, but minor changes in
differentiation toward the initial hypertrophic other endochondral elements [Baur et al., 2000;
state, but may inhibit the most terminal stages Yi et al., 2000]. These results raise the pos-
of differentiation. sibility that there may be species-specific dif-
ferences in the degree of overlapping function
BMP Receptors in Chondrogenesis
of BMPRIA and BMPRIB. That BMP receptors
The previous studies suggest that BMPs have overlapping functions in mammals is
are required to maintain the chondrocyte shown by the more severe phenotype of mice
phenotype. This implies that BMP signaling lacking both BMP7 and BMPRIB [Yi et al.,
regulates the distinct patterns of gene expres- 2000]. In these mice, a number of skeletal ele-
sion characteristic of the different populations ments are severely reduced or absent, demon-
of chondrocytes within the growth plate. Iden- strating that BMP7 can activate BMPRIA and/
tification of the signaling pathways through or ALK-2 in vivo, and that these receptors
which BMPs act to control distinct aspects of have overlapping functions with BMPRIB. Our
chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation is ongoing analyses of mice lacking BMPRIA and
an area of intense interest. Although BMPs bind IB in cartilage are consistent with broadly over-
to BMPRIA, IB, and ALK-2, it is unclear lapping functions for these receptors at early
whether these receptors elicit distinct effects stages of chondrogenesis [Yoon et al., 2003].
98 Yoon and Lyons

Evidence from a variety of studies suggests difficulties in overexpressing Smads is unclear.

that ALK-2 has effects on chondrogenesis that Moreover, in ATDC5 cells, overexpression of
are very distinct from those elicited by BMPRIA smad1, -5, or -8 in conjunction with Smad4
and IB. In ATDC5 cells, CA-BMPRIA or IB cannot rescue the anti-chondrogenic effects of
increases cartilage nodule formation, while DN-BMPRIB overexpression [Fujii et al., 1999;
CA-ALK-2 does not. In fact, overexpression of Ju et al., 2000]. In contrast, in the chondropro-
CA-ALK-2 actually delays differentiation in genitor cell line MC615, overexpression of
primary chondrocytes by inducing expres- BMP smads in conjunction with Smad4 mimics
sion of parathyroid hormone-related protein the chondrogenic effects of BMP treatment. In
(PTHrP), an inhibitor of hypertrophic differen- addition, Smads 1, and 5 activate the type II
tiation [Zhang et al., 2003]. Moreover, when collagen promoter [Hatakeyama et al., 2003].
DN-BMPRIA or IB is overexpressed in ATDC5 One of the most important insights that has
cells, chondrogenic differentiation is blocked, emerged from recent studies is that in addition
while DN-ALK-2 overexpression has no effect to mediating effects through canonical Smad
[Fujii et al., 1999]. These results suggest that pathways, BMPs effect chondrocytes by activat-
although ALK-2 can activate the same subset of ing p38 MAPK [Nakamura et al., 1999; Ju et al.,
BMP-specific Smads as BMPRIA and IB in 2000; Hatakeyama et al., 2003; Seto et al.,
many cell types in vitro, signaling through 2004]. In ATDC5 cells, BMP treatment leads to
BMPR1A and 1B promotes chondrogensic dif- sustained phosphorylation of p38. The ability of
ferentiation whereas signaling through ALK-2 BMPs to promote chondrogenesis requires p38,
may inhibit it. Consistent with this possibility, as p38 inhibitors strongly suppress induction
Alk-2 is highly expressed in the resting and of type II collagen and chondrogenic differen-
proliferative zones, areas where chondrocytes tiation without effecting cell proliferation
need mechanisms to prevent premature differ- [Nakamura et al., 1999].
entiation [Zhang et al., 2003]. The mechanistic The combined data from these and other
basis for these apparent differences is un- studies indicates that Smad and p38 mediated
known. It may be qualitative; these receptors BMP signaling play essential and nonoverlap-
may activate different non-Smad mediated ping roles in chondrogenic differentiation.
signaling pathways. The differences may also In vivo studies will be required to elucidate the
be quantitative, with distinct outcomes arising extent to which these pathways mediate dis-
as a result of different threshold requirements tinct aspects of chondrogenesis and the extent to
for BMP signal transduction in distinct aspects which they interact.
of chondrocyte proliferation and differentiation.
Synergy Between BMP Signaling and the
The possibility that distinct combinations of
Indian Hedgehog (IHH)/Parathyroid
BMP receptors transduce distinct effects has
Hormone-Related Protein (PTHrP) Pathway
also been raised. While CA-ALK-2 has either
no, or an inhibitory effect on its own, it syner- The diverse functions of BMP signaling path-
gizes more strongly with BMPRIA and 1B to ways in the growth plate are impacted by
induce chondrogenesis than these latter recep- interactions with other signaling pathways.
tors do with each other [Aoki et al., 2001]. One important interaction is with the IHH/
Understanding the mechanistic basis and PTHrP pathway (Fig. 3A). Indian hedgehog
physiological significance of these interesting (IHH) is a member of the Hedgehog family of
observations will require in vivo studies. proteins and signals by binding to the Patched/
Smoothened receptor complex, leading to acti-
Intracelluar Signaling Pathways: Smads vs. p38
vation of Gli transcription factors. Ihh is ex-
While the importance of Smad-mediated pressed by prehypertrophic chondrocytes, and
signaling in BMP-induced chondrogenesis is knockout of Ihh results in reduced chondrocyte
thoroughly established, the roles this pathway proliferation and premature differentiation
plays in early chondrogenesis are unclear, as [reviewed in Kronenberg, 2003]. This pheno-
there are conflicting results depending on the type arises because Ihh null mice do not express
cell line examined. In C3H10T1/2 and ATDC5 PTHrP in their growth plates. PTHrP is nor-
cells, overexpression of BMP specific Smads mally expressed by perichondrial cells at the
does not efficiently promote cartilage formation, ends of skeletal elements, and inhibits hyper-
but the extent to which this reflects technical trophic differentiation by maintaining cells in
BMPs in Chondrogenesis 99

Fig. 3. Cooperation between IHH/PTHrP and BMP signaling the expression of each other (d, e). B: IHH signal by binding to a
pathways. IHH and PTHrP form a feedback loop to regulate receptor complex composed of Smoothened and Patched,
hypertrophic differentiation in the growth plate. A: PTHrP in- resulting in the activation of Gli transcription factors. There is
hibits hypertrophic differentiation by maintaining cells in the evidence from other systems demonstrating that IHH and BMPs
proliferative state (a). Perichondrial PTHrP expression is regu- are capable of functional synergy. Whether this synergy occurs in
lated by IHH (b). IHH is expressed in the perhypertrophic zone chondrocytes remains to be tested.
and promotes proliferation (c). BMPs and IHH mutually promote

the proliferative state. This negative feedback There is also evidence supporting synergy
loop between IHH and PTHrP controls the between BMP and IHH signaling pathways.
length of the proliferative zone, and thus the In C3H10T1/2 cells, Sonic Hedgehog (SHH),
extent of bone growth. which is functionally equivalent to IHH, increa-
BMPs interact with the IHH/PTHrP pathway ses Smad1-dependent transcriptional activity
by promoting Ihh expression. In vivo, exposure [Spinella-Jaegle et al., 2001]. Second, in a
of cartilage to Noggin reduces Ihh expression mouse limb bud cell line, although IHH cannot
[Pathi et al., 1999; Minina et al., 2001]. The Ihh induce Runx2 and osteocalcin expression, treat-
promoter contains multiple Smad binding ment with a blocking antibody against IHH
motifs and is activated by BMP treatment, inhibits BMP induced expression of those two
demonstrating that the regulation of Ihh genes [Long et al., 2004]. Finally, immunopre-
expression by BMPs is direct [Seki and Hata, cipitation studies show that Smad1 directly
2004]. In turn, IHH maintains BMP levels, associates with truncated forms of Gli3 pro-
indicating the existence of a positive feedback teins, suggesting a possible mechanism for the
loop between BMPs and IHH. Overexpression of synergy between IHH and BMP pathways [Liu
Ihh in cartilage results in increased expression et al., 1998] (Fig. 3B). The relevance of these
of BMPs in the perichondrium and proliferating synergistic interactions between BMP and IHH
chondrocytes [Pathi et al., 1999; Minina et al., signaling pathways in chondrogenesis needs to
2001]. Furthermore, the downstream mediators be verified in vivo.
of IHH signaling, Gli transcription factors,
Antagonism Between BMP and FGF Signaling
directly upregulate Bmp4 and -7 promoter
Pathways in the Growth Plate
activity [Kawai and Sugiura, 2001]. Although
BMP and IHH pathways participate in this Fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signaling
feedback loop, neither pathway completely pathways play multiple essential roles in chon-
mediates the other’s functions. For example, drogenesis. As with BMPs, the majority of FGFs
BMPs and IHH act independently of each other are expressed in the perichondrium. FGF
to regulate chondrocyte proliferation, and IHH receptors have distinct domains of expression,
regulates PTHrP expression independently of with Fgfr1 expression in prehypertrophic and
BMP signaling [Minina et al., 2001]. hypertrophic zones, while Fgfr3 is expressed
100 Yoon and Lyons

by proliferating chondrocytes. In humans and MEK1 pathway in chondrocytes recapitulates

mice, activating mutations in FGFR1, -2, or -3 the delay in differentiation observed in mice
inhibit proliferation and chondrocyte differen- with activating mutations in FGFR3, without
tiation, causing many of the dwarfing chondro- altering proliferation rates [Murakami et al.,
dysplasias observed in humans. Conversely, 2004]. Taken together, these results suggest
Fgfr3 null mice exhibit enlarged skeletal ele- that the JAK-STAT signaling pathway med-
ments due to increased rates of chondrocyte iates the ability of FGF signaling to inhibit
proliferation (Fig. 4A) [reviewed in Ornitz and chondrocyte proliferation while the MEK1
Marie, 2002]. These effects that are essentially pathway is responsible for the inhibitory effect
opposite to those elicited by BMPs, suggesting of FGFs on hypertrophic differentiation.
that BMP and FGF pathways act antagonisti- The functional antagonism between BMP and
cally to regulate proliferation. Although FGF FGF signaling pathways is further confirmed in
signaling inhibits initial hypertrophic differen- limb culture studies. BMP treatment rescues
tiation, limb culture studies demonstrate that the phenotype of FGF treated growth plates,
FGFs promote terminal hypertrophic differen- and FGF treatment neutralizes the effects of
tiation [Minina et al., 2002]. As described above, BMPs [Minina et al., 2002]. It is unclear how
these effects are opposite to those elicited by these two signaling pathways regulate one
BMPs. The effects of FGFs are mediated by two another in chondrocytes. Some evidence sug-
signaling pathways: the Janus kinase-signal gests that FGFs and BMPs can mutually regu-
transducer and activator of transcription (JAK- late the expression of signaling components.
STAT) and the mitogen-activated protein However, the evidence is conflicting as to
kinase/ERK kinase 1 (MEK1) pathways [Ornitz whether the regulation is positive or negative.
and Marie, 2002; Murakami et al., 2004]. Overexpression of activated FGFR3 inhibits
Several recent studies have dissected the role Bmp4 expression in post-natal mouse growth
of each pathway in FGFs signaling during plates [Naski et al., 1998] but induces Bmp4
chondrocyte differentiation. Crossing Fgfr2 and Bmp7 in embryonic growth plates, where
overexpressing transgenic mice into a STAT1 BMP treatment also induces Fgf18 expression
null background rescues the increase in apop- [Minina et al., 2002]. These conflicting results
tosis and reduction in chondrocyte proliferation could be due age differences in the mice, as sug-
observed in Fgfr2 overexpressing mice [Sahni gested by the researchers [Minina et al., 2002].
et al., 2001]. On the other hand, activation of the Regardless, further studies must be performed

Fig. 4. Antagonism between FGF and BMP signaling pathways. and Jak/STAT pathway. It is unclear at what level(s) FGF and BMP
A: FGFs are expressed in the perichondrium and have multiple signaling pathways intersect to antagonize one another. There is
functions in the growth plate. FGFs inhibit proliferation (a) and evidence that Erk1/2 MAPK can phosphorylate R-Smads and
hypertrophic differentiation (b), and promote terminal differ- thereby inhibit them. Whether this level of regulation occurs in
entiation (c), effects opposite of BMPs. B: FGFs signal through two chondrocytes remains to be examined.
primary pathways in chondrocytes: The Erk1/2 MAPK pathway
BMPs in Chondrogenesis 101

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