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Castro, Joshua Angelo M.


Dissecting the Jollibee "Vow" Commercial: A Critical Analysis

The emotionally charged storyline of the Jollibee "Vow" advertisement sparked

controversy and served as a focus point for discussion on the effectiveness, risks, and
constraints of advertising in the Philippines. The ad's effectiveness stems from its skillful
storytelling, which creates an emotionally compelling tale for the viewer. The advertisement's
ability to hold viewers attention and create a personal connection demonstrates how well it
conveys its powerful message. The advertisement is not risk-free, though. Cultural sensitivity
and ethical issues have become contentious, drawing criticism and unfavourable responses.
These dangers draw attention to the difficulties advertising encounters in negotiating society
norms and values.

The advertisement has limits, despite its emotional appeal. Possible

misunderstandings or unexpected outcomes could limit its efficacy. To fully comprehend the
subtleties that contribute to the advertisement's positive and negative elements, a thorough
analysis is necessary. Connecting the ad to the negotiated effects approach reveals the
dynamic interaction between the content and viewers. The diverse interpretations and
discussions among viewers exemplify the negotiated nature of the ad's impact, where
individuals actively engage with the content, shaping their own perceptions. Finding patterns
and changes that impacted the production of such contentious advertisements may be
gained by looking at the historical background of the Philippine advertising scene.
Furthermore, recognizing the sociopolitical shifts that occurred during the advertisement's
debut reveals the intricate interaction of political, cultural, and economic elements that
influenced the advertisement's setting in Philippine society.

In conclusion, the Jollibee "Vow" commercial provides a prism through which to

examine the complex interplay between strength, risks, and constraints in the context of the
Philippines' rich historical and sociopolitical history. Its effects are a reflection of the intricate
dynamics that surround advertising and how it shapes the public’s views.

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