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Dissipative Solitons in a Waveguide with Nonlinear Gain and Absorption

Article in Optics and Spectroscopy · January 2000

DOI: 10.1134/1.626879

6 38

3 authors, including:

N. N. Rosanov Sergey Vasilyevich Fedorov

Vavilov State Optical Institute Ioffe Institute


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Optics and Spectroscopy, Vol. 88, No. 5, 2000, pp. 790–791. Translated from Optika i Spektroskopiya, Vol. 88, No. 5, 2000, pp. 869–870.
Original Russian Text Copyright © 2000 by Rozanov, Fedorov, Khodova.


Dissipative Solitons in a Waveguide

with Nonlinear Gain and Absorption
N. N. Rozanov, S. V. Fedorov, and G. V. Khodova
Research Institute of Laser Physics, St. Petersburg, 199034 Russia
Received November 5, 1999

Abstract—The results of numerical analysis of dissipative localized structures (“dissitons”) in a single-mode

waveguide with nonlinear gain and absorption are presented. An allowance is made for the finite relaxation
times in the active and passive media and the finite width of the spectral profiles of absorption and gain. © 2000
MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”.

INTRODUCTION and more important factor. Manifestations of the inertia

Temporal optical solitons in single-mode waveguides are substantially different for resonator and resonator-
with a nonlinear refractive index [1] allow one to realize free (including waveguide) schemes. In [7], the exist-
the propagation of short optical pulses of invariable form. ence of dissitons in a waveguide with the inertial non-
The compensation of the dispersive spreading of the linearity was demonstrated by numerical simulations.
pulses by their nonlinear compression give solitons a The purpose of the present paper is the further analysis
promising outlook for various applications. of this problem and, first of all, the determination of the
relationship between the relaxation times of amplifica-
At the same time, the solitons of such a type (they tion and absorption, at which the dissitons of different
are usually called conservative because they exist in the types are realized.
systems with a negligibly small energy dissipation, i.e.,
in the absence of optical losses and gain) have the fol-
lowing specific feature. The spectrum of such solitons RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
is continuous, so they form a family with the continu-
ously varying peak intensity. Therefore, subject to fluc- As in [7], the initial set of equations consists of the
tuations, parameters of the conservative solitons drift, quasioptical equation for the slowly varying envelope
which restricts the area of their application. of the field E
∂E ∂ E
Another type of solitons—“dissipative optical soli-
------ – ( i + d ) --------2- = ( N g – N a – 1 )E + in 2 E E
tons,” “autosolitons,” or “dissitons”—is realized in (1)
∂z ∂τ
nonlinear optical systems with a noticeable energy
exchange [2–4]. In this case, under the additional con- and the Bloch equations for the population difference
dition of the energy balance, the spectrum of the dissi- of N particles corresponding to the gain (subscript g)
tons proves to be discrete, which efficiently suppresses and absorption (subscript a)
the drift of their parameters and enhances the signal-to-
noise ratio. Because of these circumstances, dissitons ∂N g, a
τ g, a ------------
- = N 0g, a – N g, a – ( E /I g, a )N g .
as seen as promising for a number of special applica- ∂τ
Here, z is the longitudinal coordinate (along the
At first, the dissitons were studied for wide-aperture waveguide axis) in units of the inverse constant coeffi-
resonator schemes [2, 3, 5] where they take on the form cient of linear absorption; τ = t – z/vg is the time in the
of spatial solitons (spatially localized structures of
monochromatic radiation). However, in the simplest accompanying frame of reference moving along the
variant of an inertialess nonlinearity of the optical z-axis with the group velocity of light in the medium
medium, due to the space–time analogy, the equations vg; and the time t is expressed in the characteristic units
for a transversely one-dimensional laser dissiton coin- of the frequency dispersion. The effective diffusion
cide with the equation for a dissiton in the waveguide coefficient d describes the finite width of the spectral
with nonlinear gain and absorption [6]. This allows us contour of the absorption and gain; n2 is the coefficient
to predict different types of waveguide dissitons and of Kerr nonlinearity of the refractive index of the
their bifurcations upon changes in the waveguide medium; τg, a are, respectively, the relaxation times for
parameters [4]. However, as the lifetime of the the gain and absorption; Ig, a are the saturation intensi-
waveguide solitons shortens, the retardation of nonlin- ties of the nonlinearity; and N0g, a are the equilibrium
ear response of the optical medium becomes a more values of the population difference in the absence of

0030-400X/00/8805-0790$20.00 © 2000 MAIK “Nauka/Interperiodica”


τa there exist “ordinary” dissitons, which for τa, g 0

0.4 smoothly turn into the dissitons for the case of an iner-
tialess medium. Second, for sufficiently large values of
the relaxation time of amplification, there appears a
0.3 class of “Q-dissitons” different from the above type. As
shown in Fig. 1, these types of dissitons exist in differ-
ent nonoverlapping (in contrast to the case of laser dis-
0.2 sitons) regions of the waveguide parameters. The tem-
poral profiles of these two types of dissitons are pre-
sented in Fig. 2. Note that the Q-dissitons are absent in
0.1 the case of an inertialess medium and exist only at a
sufficiently large relaxation time of amplification.
These dissitons are characterized by a considerably
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 larger peak intensity and a smaller time duration than
τg the ordinary dissitons. Given the determining role of
the inertia of amplification and by analogy with the
Fig. 1. Regions of stability of “ordinary” dissitons (left regimes known for solid-state lasers, they can be inter-
shaded region) and “Q-dissitons” (right shaded region); preted as regions of generation of a giant pulse
parameters n2 = 0, d = 0.1, N0a = 2, N0g = 2.06, Ig/Ia = 10/1. (Q-switched pulse), moving along the waveguide.


8 (‡) 30 (b) Thus, in the domain of parameters of the single-
mode waveguide with nonlinear (and inertial) gain and
6 absorption, we separated out the regions of existence of
20 two different types of dissipative soliton-like pulses
4 (dissitons). By decreasing the relaxation times, one of
the types continuously turns into the ordinary dissiton
10 known for the inertialess nonlinearity. The second type
exists only at the considerable inertia of amplification
0 0 and is interpreted as a moving region of generation of a
–5 0 5 10 15 20 10 20 30 40 giant pulse. Both types of dissitons are excited rigidly
τ (in the threshold manner), which promotes noise
Fig. 2. Temporal profile of the intensity I(τ) = |E|2 for
(a) ordinary dissitons and (b) Q-dissitons; τg = (a) 0.1, (b) 1.0; ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
τa = (a) 0.1, (b) 0.8; the other parameters are the same as in
Fig. 1. This work was supported by the International Scien-
tific and Technical Center, project no. 666.
radiation (N0g > 0 and N0a < 0). To emphasize the dissipa-
tive nature of the structures under consideration, we REFERENCES
assume that the frequency detunings (between the radia- 1. S. A. Akhmanov, V. A. Vysloukh, and S. A. Chirkin,
tion frequency and the central frequencies of the gain and Optics of Femtosecond Laser Pulses (Moscow, Nauka,
absorption spectra) are absent and also further set n2 = 0. 1988).
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The numerical simulation, performed according to
the scheme of [7], allows us to determine the conditions
of existence of two types of waveguide dissitons. First, Translated by N. Reutova


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