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Linear topological defects in electromagnetic vector fields

M. O. Sopin
Yu. Fed’kovich State University, 274012 Chernovtsy, Ukraine
~Submitted June 8, 1996!
Zh. Tekh. Fiz. 68, 122–124 ~January 1998!
An analysis is made of the topological structure of an electromagnetic vector field near the point
where the amplitude of the field vanishes. Linear topological defects in the form of
dislocations of the wave front and disclinations are studied. It is shown that the polarization of
the field near a zero of the amplitude differs from the initial value. The structural stability
of the amplitude zeros is studied. © 1998 American Institute of Physics.

1. In 1931, Dirac drew attention to the fact that the phase Here f (1,2)
j 1 j 2 . . . j m are constant coefficients. Satisfaction of con-
of a wave function, by its very meaning, is defined only ditions ~2! and ~3! has the result that u 1,2 are harmonic func-
modulo 2 p . Dirac considered the exceptional case encoun- tions of two variables x 1 and x 2 . Two cases may then be
tered when a wave function goes to zero — in that case the distinguished.
phase of the wave function becomes meaningless.1 A situa- 3. Let us assume that f (1,2) j 1 j 2 . . . j m are complex quantities.
tion where the phase is indeterminate was considered in Ref.
This allows u 1,2 to be considered as a function of a complex
2 with reference to linear scalar waves. The phase singulari-
variable. It is natural to impose the constraint that these func-
ties which are lines in space or points on a plane about which
tions are analytic ~if x 1 1ix 2 is considered to be variable! or
the phase undergoes a jump of 2 p were called wave-front
antianalytic ~when x 1 2ix 2 is variable!. Thus, two types of
dislocations. It was shown that the dislocations are the fine
local solutions are constructed, which have the following
structure of the wave field in the sense that they reveal un-
form in the cylindrical coordinate system ( r , w , x 3 ):
usual phase topology on a scale level determined by the
wavelength. Amplitude zeros and associated wave-front dis-
locations have been studied in statistical fields3,4 and in fields
having a deterministic nature.5 Note that the problem was
A6 5a r m F G1
e i ~ v t2kx 3 6m w ! . ~5!

analyzed in the scalar approximation. An attempt to allow Here a is a complex constant which is unimportant to us. We
for the vector character of the speckle field was made in Ref. assume that the vectors k, E, and H are pairwise orthogonal
6. In the present paper it is shown that allowance for the (E52 ] A/c ] t and H5curl A are the electric and magnetic
vector properties of the electromagnetic field yields interest- field strengths!. The two types of solution correspond to field
ing new results which are not found in scalar waves. states with right and left circular polarization. The phase sur-
2. Therefore, let us consider a monochromatic electro- faces of the solutions are helicoids of opposite twist, where
magnetic wave field possessing spatial inhomogeneity. We the direction of twist and the character of the circular polar-
shall position the origin at a certain point in space where the ization are rigidly interrelated. As a result of the analyticity
amplitude of the field vanishes, directing the x 3 axis along ~antianalyticity! of the components of the complex ampli-
the wave vector k. Because of the wave character, the vector tude, the zero is an isolated point in the x 3 50 plane but may
potential of the field may be taken in the form of a two- describe some curve in three-dimensional space. This linear
component function

phase singularity, being a carrier of an amplitude zero, will
u 1 ~ x 1 ,x 2 ,x 3 ! e i u 1 be a screw dislocation line. Topologically stable solutions
A5 e i ~ v t2kx 3 ! . ~1!
u 2 ~ x 1 ,x 2 ,x 3 ! e i u 2 correspond to lines having no beginning or end.
The nontriviality of the topological structure of the elec-
Here u 1 and u 2 are certain real constants. As usual, the field
tromagnetic field near the zero can be seen if we consider the
obeys the wave equation and the additional gauge condition7
plane field of the phase gradient w5( ] 1 C, ] 2 C). The inte-
hA50, ~2! gral trajectories of this field are closed and describe planar
div A50. ~3! vortices. The topological invariant is

Assuming that the components of the vector potential are 1
smooth and considering for generality the case of an m-fold Q[ w 22 ~ w 1 dw 2 2w 2 dw 1 ! 5m,
zero, we express the field amplitude in a certain neighbor-
hood of the zero point in the form
3 which expresses the number of rotations of the vector w
about the zero point.8 For physicists, this quantity has been
u 1,2~ x 1 ,x 2 ,x 3 ! 5 (
j 1 , j 2 , . . . , j m 51
f ~j 1,2j ! . . . j x j 1 x j 2 . . . x j m .
1 2 m called the topological charge and in this case may have inte-
~4! ger values Q50 ~background!, Q511 ~monopolar vortex!,

110 Tech. Phys. 43 (1), January 1998 1063-7842/98/010110-02$15.00 © 1998 American Institute of Physics 110
Q512 ~dipolar vortex!, and so on. It can be seen from Ref. this follows from the possibility of introducing a symplectic
5 that unlike topological charges may be assigned to the two structure defined by the 2-form dx 1 /`dx 2 near the zero
types of solution. point. In this case, the amplitude of the vector potential is
4. Let us assume that f (1,2)
j 1 j 2 . . . j m are real quantities. The expressed in the form of the skew-symmetric gradient
vector potential near the zero then has the form u5s grad F. The zero of the field amplitude is therefore the

critical point of the function F(x 1 ,x 2 ). It is known that the
a 1 cos m w 1 a 2 sin m w critical point is structurally stable when and only when it is
A5 r m e i ~ v t2kx 3 ! . ~6!
a 2 cos m w 2 a 1 sin n w nondegenerate, and the degeneracy of the zero is then deter-
mined by the rank of the Hessian matrix i ] 2 F(0,0)/ ] x j ] x k i
Here, a 1 and a 2 are real constants which are unimportant to ~Ref. 10!. It is easy to see that only the simple amplitude
us. We again impose the constraint that the set of three vec- zeros are structurally stable ~the function F has the Morse
tors k, E, and H should be pairwise orthogonal. An impor- form! while the zeros of higher multiplicity do not possess
tant difference from the previous case is that the polarization this property. In other words, a small perturbation ~of the
is linear near this zero. boundary conditions, for example! only shifts the position of
The nontriviality of the topological structure of the elec- a simple zero in the plane x 3 5 const, without destroying it.
tromagnetic field near the zero can be seen if we consider the A zero of higher multiplicity may be destroyed by such a
invariant perturbation, as was noted for a dislocation in Ref. 11.

R x 3 ,t5const
A 22 ~ A 1 dA 2 2A 2 dA 1 ! 52m.
7. Thus, in spatially inhomogeneous electromagnetic
wave fields a distinction should be made between amplitude
zeros associated with wave-front dislocations and amplitude
For m51 the vector field is nondegenerate at the zero zeros associated with disclinations. Although both are topo-
point.9 In this case, the zero, being an isolated point in the logically stable formations, only the simple amplitude zeros
plane x 3 50, may describe some curve in three-dimensional possess properties of structural stability. In this sense, the
space. The topologically stable solutions correspond to lines zeros of higher multiplicity are atypical topological objects.
without a beginning or end. These lines, where the direction Regardless of the nature of the field, its polarization charac-
of the vector is indeterminate, are called disclinations, and teristics are strictly determined near an amplitude zero, the
they will be carriers of a zero of the amplitude in this par- polarization being circular near one type of zero and linear
ticular situation. The topological charge can generally have near the other type. The presence of topological objects —
negative integer values: Q50 ~background!, Q521 ~mo- dislocations and disclinations — converts a simply con-
nopolar charge!, Q522 ~quadrupolar charge!, and so on. nected manifold into a multiply connected one. The quanti-
5. It is known9 that a plane smooth vector field defines tative characteristic of these linear defects is a certain invari-
some continuous map of a circle in a circle. The introduction ant — the topological charge. Note that local properties of a
of the topological charge allows the set of these maps to be general type of field have been considered here. The size of
divided into nonintersecting classes of equivalence in terms the zero neighborhood in this formulation of the problem
of Q. This separation makes the problem of the creation will be determined by the characteristic parameter of the
~annihilation! of topological defects nontrivial. Nevertheless, field — the wavelength. In our next study we shall show that
considering the merging of two dislocations of the same the two types of zeros considered here by no means exhaust
strength but of opposite twist, we obtain all the fine-structure possibilities of an electromagnetic wave

cos m w
A1 1A2 52a r m e i ~ v t2kx 3 ! . ~7!
2sin m w 1
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111 Tech. Phys. 43 (1), January 1998 M. O. Sopin 111

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