Drill 1 Financial Ratios

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On the Dot Trading

Statement of Financial Position
As of December 31

Assets 2020 2019 2018

Current Assets
Cash P158,000 P 84,000 P 70,000
Short-term Investment 130,000 192,000 200,000
Accounts Receivable (net) 240,000 200,000 180,000
Merchandise Inventory 500,000 530,000 550,000
Total Current Assets P1,028,000 P1,006,000 P1,000,000
Property,Plant&Equipment 2,340,000 2,350,000 2,360,000
TOTAL ASSETS P3,368,000 P3,356,000 P3,360,000

Liabilities & Owner’s Equity

Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable P530,000 P584,000 P600,000
Non-Current Liabilities
Loan Payable 800,000 840,000 860,000
Total Liabilities P1,330,000 P1,424,000 P1,460,000
Owner’s Equity 2,038,000 1,932,000 1,900,000
Total Liabilities & Owner’s Equity P3,368,000 P3,356,000 P3,360,000

On the Dot Trading

Income Statement
For the Years Ended December 31
(in millions)

2020 2019 2018

Net Sales P4,972 P4,150 P3,600
Cost of Goods Sold 3,046 2,444 2,200
Gross Profit P 1,926 P1,706 P1,400
Selling and Administrative Expenses 1,556 1,500 1,200
Operating Income P370 P 206 P 200
Interest Expense 88 92 84
Income before Income Taxes 282 114 116
Income Tax Expense 94 42 37.2
Net Income P 188 P 72 P78.80

Compute the following ratio each year if applicable picture your answer and click submit assignment.

a. Current ratio
b. Quick Ratio
c. Receivable Turnover
d. Average Collection Period
e. Inventory Turnover
f. Average Sales Period
g. Working Capital
h. Debt Ratio
i. Equity Ratio
j. Debt to Equity Ratio
k. Times Interest Earned
l. Gross Profit Ratio
m. Operating Profit Margin
n. Net Profit Margin
o. Return on Assets

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