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Daily Journal

Day 1

October 16,2023, today is the first day of my deployment in Vinisitahan National High School for my
observation. We went to school exactly 7:30 in the morning for the orientation. After giving the
instructions, rules and introductions with our assigned critique teacher I am assigned to the afternoon
class of Sir Jeff. The start of his class is 12:10, In 1st , 2nd, and last period I observed his class in different
sections. Before starting Sir Jeff introduced me first to his class, Today they don’t have discussion the
students will just sing in front the song entitled “Deped Albay”. Performing in front of their classmates is
one of the struggles of the students but because their performance will be graded by Sir Jeff they strive
to fight the shy they feel.

In my vacant time my critique teacher let me observed to other subject teachers of his advisory class.
I have learned how students’ behavior is different in each section and how the teacher needs to cater
for different class behaviors. As I observed to Sir Jeff if the class start to make noise he just raise his fist
as sign of “stop” the students immediately keep quite. I can say that his strategy is effective to his
students because by just seeing him doing that the students know that they should stop. Not only the
behavior that should be cater also within the class there are different learning needs.

Day 2

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