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The artificial sweetener, Nutra-sweet, is the methyl ester of a compound formed from two amino
acids. It has the structure shown below.

(i) On the structure of Nutra-sweet, circle and label the amide and the ester functional
(2 marks)
(ii) Draw the structures of the TWO products formed when the amide bond you have
identified in (a) (i) above is hydrolyzed.

(4 marks)
(iii) State ONE way in which the process in (a) (ii) above is similar to that which occurs in the
digestion of proteins.
(1 mark)

(i) Examine all the functional groups in Nutra-sweet. Based on these groups, suggest a
possible chemical reaction that would most likely occur when water is added to cake
ingredients containing sodium hydrogen carbonate and Nutra-sweet. Give a reason for
your answer.

(3 marks)
(ii) The sucrose molecule is a disaccharide consisting of a glucose and a fructose molecule
linked together.
Using HO – X – OH to represent glucose and HO – Y -OH to represent fructose, draw a
structure for the sucrose molecule.

(2 marks)
(iii) Is the reaction in which sucrose is formed from glucose and fructose an example of a
condensation or an addition reaction? Give a reason for your answer.

(2 marks)
Total 14 Marks
2. Below are four organic compounds, A, B, C and D.

(a) (i) Which of the compounds belong to the same homologous series?
(1 mark)
(ii) State the homologous series to which the compounds you named in (a) (i) belong, and
Give a reason for placing them in the same homologous series.

(1 marks)
(iii) Draw fully displayed structures of ANY TWO structural isomers of Compound C.
Give the name of EACH isomer you have drawn.

(4 marks)

(b) Figure 4 shows some reactions of Compound E. Use the information in Figure 4 to answer the
questions which follow.

(i) State the reagent(s) and condition(s) for Reaction 1.

Reaction condition(s):
(2 marks)
(ii) State the name of the process occurring during Reaction 2.

(1 mark)
(iii) Draw the correct formulae for Compounds E and F and hence write a balanced equation for
Reaction 3.

(3 marks)
(iv) Draw the full structural formula of the organic product that is formed when Compound E
reacts with Compound B, the structure which is shown on the part (a).


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