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Name Mobile Emplyer CTC Declared Last called month Best Disposition

Best Date Best Remarks Best Associate Updated Remarks

Rohit Kamble 9082925860 Zara India 7.0 lacs Last Called in Sep Call
Back 3-Sep-22 "60,!N27....!N15 k ... 1 lac thousand ...!N5...!N" Akshata
Jay Gajjar 9323389060 Nitee Parulekar Architects Pvt. Ltd 7.5 lacs Last Called
in Sep Call Back 5-Sep-22 "total loan amount ... 70 Lac...50 Lac
remaining ,,,20 lac required ...looking for top up ...!Ncus. will check his cibil
score and the he will attend next call ." Akshata Kamble
Last Called in Aug Call Back 29-Aug-22 cus said that he had
reference so arrange cb after 2 pm Akshata Kamble
VISHWAS PAWAR 9221580606 ORIENTAL TECHNOLOGY 4.2 lacs Last Called in Aug
Call Back 29-Aug-22 cb after 1 hr cus busy Akshata Kamble
SACHIN KOMURLEKAR 9969988678 TATA MOTORS LTD 4.38 lacs Last Called in Aug
Call Back 29-Aug-22 cus . is travelling said arrange cb after 6:30 pm
Akshata Kamble
Narayan Prakash Parab 9594194194 Cellulike Backup Services Rs. 6.05 lacs
Last Called in Aug Call Back 29-Aug-22 "cus. said that he finalized
the property looking for home loan but , as of now he is busy so cant attend this
call arrange cb on monday after 12 : 30 . !Nbut cus is not there so third said
arrange cb after cb next day after 3 pm his is driving now ." Akshata Kamble
tanweer iqbal 8108124221 Offshore hook-up and construction services Rs.
6.81 lacs Last Called in Aug Call Back 29-Aug-22 cb on Monday after 4 :
30 pm ... cx want some time to think . Akshata Kamble
SHIVGOVIND-Singh 9967588838 mahindra logistics ltd Rs. 7.15 lacs Last Called
in Sep Call Back 2-Sep-22 "50,000 cx havine one home at mumbai ...
curruntly for job he is living in reted house at dehlli !Nnet salary 55 thousand !
Nage 39...obligation 16000!NSHIVGOVIND-Singh!N9967588838!Ncb after 1 day."
Akshata Kamble

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