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Tribhuvan University

Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences

Advanced College of Engineering and Management

“Internship Report on Quality Assurance”

Submitted to
Department of Computer Application
Advanced College of Engineering and Management
Kalanki, Kathmandu

In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Bachelors in Computer Application

Submitted By

February 2024

Under supervisor
Table of Contents
1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 1
1.1.1 Functional Testing in Software Quality Assurance ................................................................. 1
1.1.2 Non-Functional Testing in Software Quality Assurance .......................................................... 1
1.1.3 Postman ............................................................................................................................... 2
1.1.4 Cypress ................................................................................................................................. 2
1.1.5 JMeter .................................................................................................................................. 2
2 Problem Statement..................................................................................................................... 3
3. Objective ....................................................................................................................................... 3
4. Description Internship work plan ................................................................................................... 3
5. Project Overview ........................................................................................................................... 4
6. Internship plan .............................................................................................................................. 5
7. Expected outcome of internship activities...................................................................................... 5
8 Conclusion ...................................................................................................................................... 6
Reference .......................................................................................................................................... 6

CSS Cascading Style Sheets

HTML Hypertext Mark-up Language

JS Java Script

OWSP Open Web Application Security Project

ZAP Zed Attack Proxy

XSS Cross Site Scripting

HTTP Hypertext Markup Language

QA Quality Assurance
Information from the internship and work experience while intern at
Ambition guru were used to create this report. It provides thorough
information about the jobs and activities performed at Ambition guru. It gives
the necessary foundation knowledge about the business and the numerous
duties performed there.
Along with other techniques and technologies used during the process, it
primarily focuses on web design, development and Quality Assurance. The
two main software packages mentioned in this report are Postman and Jmeter.
The report contains all the necessary information on the website. In a nutshell,
the report is a collection of information and learning opportunities about
Quality assurance and Software testing platform.

KEYWORDS: design, nutshell, numerous

1.1 Introduction
Quality assurance is an essential aspect of software development, and software testing plays a
crucial role in ensuring that the software meets the required quality standards. As a result,
internships in quality assurance of software testing are highly sought after professionals alike.
In this internship, I will learn about the various aspects of software testing and quality
assurance, including test planning, test case design, test execution, and defect management.
(Guru99, 2013)
In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, the role of Quality Assurance (QA)
in ensuring the reliability and excellence of software applications is paramount. As
technology advances and user expectations rise, the demand for robust, bug-free software has
never been higher. The success of any software project hinges on its ability to deliver a
seamless user experience, free from defects and vulnerabilities. This proposal outlines the
framework for a comprehensive Quality Assurance Software Testing program, aiming to
address the challenges faced by aspiring QA professionals and bridge the gap between
theoretical knowledge and practical application. (Atlexsoft, 2011)

1.1.1 Functional Testing in Software Quality Assurance

Functional testing in software quality assurance is a crucial process that focuses on verifying
whether the system functions according to its specified requirements and design. This type of
testing ensures that each function of the software operates as intended without delving into
the internal source code. Functional testing aims to validate the behavior of the software
against the documented functional specifications, user requirements, and business processes.
Common types of functional testing include unit testing, integration testing, system testing,
and user acceptance testing. By conducting functional testing, QA teams can identify defects
early in the development lifecycle and ensure that the software meets user expectations and
business needs. (Shenoy, Associtation computing libary, 2019)

1.1.2 Non-Functional Testing in Software Quality Assurance

Non-functional testing in software quality assurance is a critical aspect that focuses on
evaluating attributes beyond the core functionality of the software. Unlike functional testing,
non-functional testing assesses aspects such as performance, security, scalability, reliability,
and usability. This type of testing aims to measure how well the software performs under
various conditions and stress levels. Examples of non-functional testing include performance
testing to evaluate speed and responsiveness, security testing to identify vulnerabilities,
scalability testing to assess system capacity, and usability testing to gauge user-friendliness.
Non-functional testing helps ensure that the software not only works correctly but also
delivers a positive user experience and meets quality standards set by industry regulations or
best practices. (Bhanushali, 20115)

1.1.3 Postman
Postman is a widely used tool for API testing that allows testers to discover endpoints, make
requests, create test data, run regression testing, and implement continuous integration of API
testing using tools like Newman. While Postman is user-friendly and supports multiple
platforms, it has limitations in scalability and performance testing. To overcome these
limitations, developers, DevOps, and QA engineers can convert their Postman tests to JMeter
scripts for load testing. This conversion enables multithreaded execution, performance metric
collection, advanced reporting, bottleneck identification, and evaluation of API endpoints'
performance under heavy loads

1.1.4 Cypress
Cypress is an open-source test automation tool that supports various types of testing using
JavaScript, including component testing, end-to-end testing, and API testing. It provides an
all-in-one solution for different types of tests within a single framework. While Cypress
offers easy setup and efficient mocking features for API testing, it has limitations in extensive
API testing support and requires technical knowledge of JavaScript. Additionally, Cypress
lacks built-in HTML reporters for reporting purposes and cannot be used for performance

1.1.5 JMeter
JMeter is a powerful tool primarily used for load testing to assess the performance of web
applications under various load conditions. It allows testers to simulate heavy loads on
servers, analyze performance metrics, identify bottlenecks, and measure system behavior
under stress. By converting Postman tests to JMeter scripts, testers can leverage JMeter's
multithreaded execution capabilities, obtain detailed performance metrics for APIs, and
generate advanced reports correlating load with response time and errors. JMeter's HTTP(S)
Test Script Recorder facilitates the conversion process by intercepting requests generated by
Postman and converting them into HTTP Request sampler.
2 Problem Statement
The software industry is constantly evolving, and with the increasing complexity of software
systems the need for effective quality assurance has become more critical than ever. Despite
the importance of software testing, many organizations struggle implement effective testing
processes, resulting in poor quality software that fails to meet user expectations. This
internship aims to address this problem by providing with hands-on experience in quality
assurance and software testing. (Bakhur, 2024)
The lack of adequate test automation tools and frameworks hinders the scalability and
efficiency of QA processes, leading to delays in testing cycles. Effective communication and
collaboration between QA teams, developers, and other stakeholders are essential for
successful QA outcomes. Inadequate communication can lead to misunderstandings, delays
in issue resolution, and a lack of alignment on quality goals. Inconsistent or ad-hoc QA
processes within organizations can lead to inefficiencies, gaps in testing coverage, and
difficulties in tracking quality metrics. Standardizing QA processes is essential for
maintaining consistent quality standards across project. (Bindu, 2018)

3. Objective
To complete the course requirements for the seventh semester of the BCA program at
Tribhuvan University, this report is being written. The following are some of the goal
 To provide with a comprehensive understanding of software testing and quality
 To enable to identify and report defects effectively.

4. Description Internship work plan

During this internship, participants will learn how to apply advanced security testing
methodologies to web technology, focusing primarily on detecting and addressing security
flaws such as XSS, injection attacks, and other common vulnerabilities. I will acquire
proficiency in configuring proxies, conducting active scans, performing fuzzing, and utilizing
the repeater and intruder functions in Burp Suite and OSWAP ZAP
5. Project Overview
Interns will participate in a series of projects designed to reinforce their understanding of web
technology security testing concepts. Each project will build upon the previous one, gradually
increasing complexity and challenging interns to think critically about security testing
strategies. Introduce exercises familiarize interns with basic concepts of web technology
security testing, including setting up proxies, configuring Burp Suite, and executing simple
scans. Advanced scanning introduced interns to more sophisticated scanning methods, such
as active scanning, fuzzing, and custom payload generation. Exploitation and remediation
demonstrate how to leverage discovered vulnerabilities to compromise mobile applications
and discuss best practices for remediating identified issues. Real-world scenarios challenge
interns to apply their knowledge to actual mobile applications, encouraging them to think
creatively about possible vulnerabilities and effective solution
6. Internship plan
To achieve these objectives, the following tasks have been outlined:

 Review relevant literature, research papers, and industry reports to stay updated on
emerging trends and best practices in QA.

 Examine current QA practices employed by the organization or client company to

determine strengths and weaknesses.

 Design a tailored QA strategy based on identified gaps and opportunities for


 Introduce and implement appropriate testing tools and frameworks to streamline

testing processes and boost efficiency.

 Collaborate with development teams to embed QA into every stage of the SDLC,
promoting early issue identification and resolution.

 Perform various types of tests, including unit, integration, system, acceptance,

regression, load, stress, and performance tests.

 Track and manage defects using bug tracking systems and maintain clear
communication channels among team members.

 Evaluate the effectiveness of QA initiatives through metrics and feedback

mechanisms, providing actionable insights for continuous improvement.

 Document lessons learned, challenges faced, and recommendations for future

improvements in a comprehensive internship report.

7. Expected outcome of internship activities

Possessing a solid grasp of software quality assurance principles and best practices, along
with proficiency in creating comprehensive test plans and test cases, demonstrates a strong
foundation in ensuring software reliability. The ability to execute test cases, identify defects,
and manage defect resolution processes showcases practical skills in maintaining product
quality. Familiarity with industry-standard testing tools and technologies further enhances the
effectiveness of quality assurance efforts. Additionally, the development of improved critical
thinking and problem-solving skills instills confidence in applying quality assurance
principles in real-world settings. This comprehensive skill set not only prepares individuals
for entry-level positions in software quality assurance but also facilitates networking
opportunities within the software quality assurance community, ensuring continuous
professional growth and career readiness.

8 Conclusion
Our Quality Assurance Internship Program offers a unique opportunity to gain hands-on
experience in software quality assurance. By actively participating in various aspects of
quality assurance processes, interns will gain valuable insights, practical skills, and industry-
relevant experience that will

Atlexsoft. (2011, 3 5). Retrieved from Atlexsoft:
Bakhur, N. (2024). Automated software testing. Neklo, 3.
Guru99. (2013, 3 17). Retrieved from Guru99:
Bhanushali, A. (20115). Ensuring Software Quality Through Effective Quality Assurance
Testing: Best Practices and Case Studies. International Journal of Advances in
Scientific Research and Engineering,
Bindu, (2018). QA touch. QA touch,

Shenoy, P. J. (2019). Associtation computing libary. ACM journal,

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