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The Six Figure Guitar Teacher

Business Blueprint Info Pack

Six Figure Blueprint
Information Pack

Welcome To The Six Figure Guitar Teacher!

Thank you for showing interest in our Six Figure Business Blueprint Program!

You may not know it yet, but you are taking the first steps in what will be a wonderful opportunity
for personal growth and the development that will transform your life by helping you build a Six-
Figure Guitar Teaching Business!

We've created this little info pack to help get you started on your journey with us.

Our Story
The Six Figure Guitar Teacher was founded in 2021 by Melbourne Guitar Academy owner Michael
Gumley. Michael had humble beginnings working a mix of supermarket and fast-food jobs while
teaching guitar on the side but never earned more than $15k in a year. When he saw that this
wasn't going to be conducive to supporting a family or having any kind of easy life he sought out
ways to make a better business model that would allow him to make more money and raise his
quality of life.

The result was the prototype of the Six Figure Business Blueprint which Michael used to make
his first $100,000 within a single year teaching guitar. He would use this same model to make over
$250,000 as a solo teacher before eventually hiring staff and growing his business Melbourne
Guitar Academy to over 250 students and half a million dollars of annual revenue. Michael's goal is
to help guitar teachers become better business people and empower them with the knowledge
that they can use to earn big money and live life to the fullest!

Our Mission Statement

To share our passion for music and business with each and every one of our clients as we guide
them on their own journey to six figures.

To deliver the highest quality music business coaching and teacher training in the world so that
our clients can experience a higher quality of life and realise all of their goals and dreams.

To empower our teachers with better business skills and teaching knowledge so that they can
have a bigger impact on their students and raise the standard of music education globally!
Bl re
s s igu
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Taking You From

Zero To
Six Figures!
How Our Program Works

You are enrolled in an 8 Week Online Course

Each week you complete 3-6 modules of

intense, in depth video training

You can attend 2x weekly Q&A Sessions

where we answer any of your questions and
help you implement what you learn

This program is priced at $5000 USD, which is

a small investment considering that within 12 The program covers in-depth mindset
months you will be earning $100,000 or more training so that you have the skills & thought
patterns of a successful businessperson

We'll give you plenty of worksheets and pre-

made templates so that you can quickly build
your business using our blueprint

You will learn everything you need to attract

your ideal student in high quantities then
convert them to paying customers

Most of our clients make their money back in

the first month of signing up for this program
and implementing what they learn
Six Figure Business Blueprint

Program Overview

8 Week Online Course Weekly Online Support Calls Private Membership Forum
(lifetime access) (12 month access) (lifetime access)

In this course, I will show you how to build a Guitar Teaching Business that magnetically attracts large numbers of your
ideal students, converts them to paying customers and keeps them learning with you for years. The result is you earning
$5000-$10,000 per month teaching guitar with an annual income of $100,000+ teaching 15-20 hours per week.

There are no sales gimmicks or short term marketing strategies, I am helping you build an evergreen business that will
continue to provide for you, your family and your ideal life for years to come.

Week 1 - The Road To Six Figures Week 5 - Online Marketing Machine

Week 2 - Setting Up Your Business Week 6 - Building The Ultimate Sales Machine
Week 3 - Business Building Essentials Week 7 - The Ongoing Student Lifecycle
Week 4 - Offline Marketing Blitz Week 8 - To Six Figures…And Beyond

Payment Options
This program has a price of $5000USD

I have found that those who make decisions quickly and can act with speed have the highest chance of success and will
do very well with this program. Therefore if you signup in the next 3 days you will receive the program at the special
price of $3000.

Here are your payment options: (click the option that works best for you)

$2997 USD $1000 USD $295 USD

Single Payment 3x Monthly Instalments 12x Monthly Instalments

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