Monetary Policy

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Monetary policy is a set of tools used by a nation’s central bank to control the overall money supply and promote
economic growth. It involves strategies such as revising interest rates and changing bank reserve requirements.
The primary goals of monetary policy are to achieve or maintain full employment, stabilize prices, and manage

Monetary policy is commonly classified as either expansionary or contractionary:

Expansionary Monetary Policy: This policy is used during times of economic slowdown or recession. It
involves lowering interest rates and increasing the money supply to stimulate economic activity.
Contractionary Monetary Policy: This policy is used when the economy is experiencing high inflation. It
involves increasing interest rates and reducing the money supply to slow economic growth and decrease

In Pakistan, the State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) is responsible for implementing monetary policy. For instance, in
2008, the SBP raised the policy rate to 10.5% to strengthen demand management. More recently, the SBP has used
a combination of fiscal policy and accommodative monetary policy to stimulate robust growth in domestic
demand indicators.

The effectiveness of monetary policy can vary depending on a range of factors, including the overall state of the
economy, the specific policy measures used, and how these measures are implemented.

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