Situation Analysis

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For number 24- 26

Situation Analysis:
Prior to the establishment of a sari- sari store, Aling Tere notice that there
is a convenience store in her vicinity, where many call center agents, nurses, and
construction workers buy food, beverages and other products during odd hours (from 10
pm to 6 am). She discovers that the customers either ride a tricycle or a jeepney just to
reach the convenience store. There are two sari- sari store nearby, but they close at 9
pm. Aling Tere believes this is an opportunity for a sari - sari store business with a twist.
Aling Tere realizes she needs to address the needs of the customers to differentiate her
business from competition. She decided to establish a 24/7 sari - sari store. As an initial
investment, Aling Tere hires 2 employees who will help her to run the sari – sari . During
their break Aling Tere mans the sari - sari store. She designs her sari - sari store like a
semi-convenience store, where customers can freely go and choose the product they
want. It is also air conditioned. For security purposes, she also installs a cctv camera.
Her task now is to craft a worthwhile value proposition for the potential customers.

For number 32- 34

Mr. Joe Takusawa an entrepreneur wants to engage a meat seller(pork)
business in his area in Quezon City. His target is the different kind eatery and retaurant
in the area. Mr. Takusawa wants to know if this is worth of his capital and effort, he
conducts a survey and found out that there are 18 stalls of eatery and 5 restaurants and
this restaurant and stalls consume of an average of 10kls.of pork every day. Mr.
Takusawa also found out that there are 3 sellers existing which have been 1 year and
the other 2 years and they have equal market share of 25%. The other 25% is from the
market or groceries. The average net income per kilo is P15.50. The objective of Mr.
Takusawa is to capture the other 25% of market share by implementing marketing
strategy of pricing. Mr. Takusawa will implement a mark down of P5 per kilo.

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