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The Change I want to make

A thousand miles begins with a single step. However, stepping out is the hardest thing to do.
Imagine, how our world will be like in 2030? Technologies everywhere and replacing workforce?
Great progress in economic growth? Kicking out fossil fuels and using sustainable resources for
everything? Every thing you can think of may become true. Let’s take a look at how our world are
like now and how can we take a small action to change the future community.
Around the world, the COVID-19 has caused a destructive effect to the global economy. Not
only the global health are threatened, but also the economy of the world has also fallen to the
bottom. According to the equivalent of 255 million full-time jobs, which is around 4 times of the
number lost during the global financial crisis in 2007 to 2009. Moreover, because of the pandemic,
less international tourist travel around, the international tourist arrivals fell from 1.5 billion in 2019
to 381 million in 2020, which is not expected to return to 2019 levels in 4 years’ time. The situation
in different industries has forced the young people, such as the freshmen who had just graduated
from the university and seeking for a job, to face the bad news of unemployment.
Take a close look in Macau, since COVID-19 has broken out, the Macau government has
taken strict measures to prevent the virus to spread over the community. The measures included
shutting down the boarder connecting to the Mainland China, and temporarily closing down the
entertaining venues including gym rooms, sport stadiums, etc. This dealt a fatal blow to Macau’s
vulnerable economic system. According to the BOC Macau, since Macau’s development is mostly
relying on the gaming industry, the decrease in the tax revenue collected from the gaming industry
has caused a big problem to Macau.
There’s a lot of things that can be done to help this situation, not just the Macau
government, but also we, the citizens. What we can do to help is just some simple actions. Before
purchasing things from other regions, stop and think, whether we can buy the same thing in the
local, so as to help the economy in Macau to recover faster. On the other hand, the government has
already done something to help out. For instance, the Consumption Voucher Scheme has been
proposed in 2020 and 2021 to boost up the local economy of Macau. Similar scheme has also been
proposed in Hong Kong in 2021, which can tell that the scheme worked.
With the work of the government and citizens, the community should become better. After
the pandemic has passed away and the economy recovered, Macau should become one of the cities
that are famous in the world. Arrivals and departures of tourists will soon bring our beautiful city to
another peak again. In 2030, there’ll be a better Macau with the effort of you, and me.

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