Energy Efficiency Investigation in Massive MIMO 5G System Using Nakagami-M Fading Channel

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2019 22nd International Conference of Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT), 18-20 December, 2019

Energy Efficiency Investigation in Massive MIMO

5G System using Nakagami-m Fading Channel
Tamanna Hossain Md Munjure Mowla Md Yeakub Ali
Dept. of ETE Dept. of ETE Dept. of ETE
Rajshahi Univ. of Engg. & Tech. Rajshahi Univ. of Engg. & Tech. Rajshahi Univ. of Engg. & Tech.
Rajshahi, Bangladesh Rajshahi, Bangladesh Rajshahi, Bangladesh

Abstract—Massive multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) is However, interference occurs in massive MIMO system as

considered as one of the major technologies for 5G communi- it carries a large number of antennas. The interference is the
cations, implementing huge elements of antenna array to boost obstacle for the efficiency of the massive MIMO system. The
spectral efficiency, robustness, and reliability. However, massive
deployment of MIMO antenna elements also increases power Nakagami-m fading channel is an advanced radio propagation
consumption, which ultimately cannot fulfill another important channel to reduce the co-channel interference, which supports
design criterion of 5G communications, i.e., energy- efficiency. m diversity order [4]. Diversity order is a property, which
In addition, huge deployment of closely spaced antenna also can reduce the co-channel interference. On the other hand,
increases co-channel interference. Nakagami-m fading channel Rayleigh fading only provides order of one. So, it is less
has the m diversity order to minimize interference in different
fading distributions. Based on base station antennas distribution, effective than Nakagami-m fading channel in terms of reducing
massive MIMO can be classified as co-located, distributed, and the co-channel interface.The Nakagami-m distribution allows
hybrid. In this paper, we investigate the energy efficiency of for more flexibility because of having one more free parameter.
massive MIMO systems for different distributions using MMSE Therefore, the Nakagami-m fading model not only improves
(minimum mean square error) detector in Nakagami-m fading the reliability of the system, but also reduces the co-channel
channel. Simulation results show that the high energy efficiency
can be exploited in hybrid system compared to other two MIMO interference significantly.
distributions. Moreover, the trade-off between spectral efficiency While the huge deployment of antenna elements meet the
and energy efficiency with signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is also spectrum capacity, it causes high power consumption as well.
portrayed for different distribution. Another major technical design consideration of 5G systems
Index Terms—Nakagami-m fading channel, co-located MIMO, is to achieve high energy efficiency as ICT sector consumes
distributed MIMO, hybrid MIMO, energy efficiency.
about 4.7% of global electricity production contributing 2-4%
of the global carbon footprint [5].
I. I NTRODUCTION In this paper, we investigate the energy efficiency of the
massive MIMO systems while using Nakagami-m fading
The upsurge of mobile data traffic is expected to reach 49 channel. In Nakagami-m fading channel MMSE (minimum
Exabytes within 2021 as the massive deployment of mobile de- mean square error) detector is the best detector compared to
vices, terminals, and equipment [1]. The next generation wire- other detectors like ZF (Zero Forcing) or MRC (maximum-
less technology, 5G is designed to fulfill the huge demand by ratio combining) detector [6]. We consider three different
leveraging some advanced technologies, e.g., massive multiple MIMO distributions, i.e, co-located, distributed, and hybrid.
input multiple output (MIMO), millimeter wave (mmWave), Several publications have appeared in recent years analyzing
small cell network (SCN) based heterogeneous system etc the performance of massive MIMO. Authors analyzed the
[2]. One of the remarkable 5G technologies is the massive ergodic capacity with various linear receivers using Nakagami-
multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO). It consists of a large m fading channel in [7]. Another research described the
number of antennas which are integrated into the system to maximum energy efficiency with small cell using Rayleigh
enhance the system performance as well as to meet the ever- fading model in [6]. However, to the best of author knowledge,
increasing demand of high data. Usually, the transmit-array no research have found that investigate the energy efficiency
of a massive MIMO system consists of tens or hundreds of of massive MIMO system using Nakagami-m channel while
transmit antennas to engage hundreds of users concurrently using different MIMO distribution simultaneously. The main
[3]. objective of this research is to analyze the nature and perfor-

978-1-7281-5842-6/19/$31.00©2019 IEEE

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mance of massive MIMO when Nakagami-m fading is applied. A. Co-located MIMO
In this paper, the energy efficiency for the co-located MIMO,
For a Co-located MIMO, the vector of the received signal
distributed MIMO and hybrid MIMO have been compared by
can be represented by [7]:
using MMSE detector.
The remainder of this paper is arranged as follows. Section P
II describes system model showing different MIMO distribu- yco−located = Hm x + n (2)
tions. The energy efficiency model is derived in Section III.
Section IV portrays the simulation environment and discusses Spectral Efficiency of the Co-located MIMO channel can be
results. Finally, Section V concludes the paper. expressed as:
" #
SEco−located = log2 P
II. S YSTEM M ODEL (I + M HmH .H )−1

In this section, we describe the network scenario for H

where Hm is the Hermitian matrix or self-adjoint matrix which
different MIMO distributions, i.e., Co-located (C-MIMO), is conjugate transpose of Hm .
distributed MIMO (D-MIMO), and hybrid (H-MIMO). The
received power and their corresponding spectral efficiency are B. Distributed MIMO
presented. Co-located MIMO has various co-located antennas
For a distributed MIMO, the vector of the received signal
at several sides of wireless link. It is the conventional point
can be represented by [7]:
to point MIMO and has identical large-scale fading [6].
Distributed MIMO has been developed for indoor coverage
without increasing large amount of antennas. The D-MIMO ydistributed = Hm W 1/2 .x + n (4)
channel reflects the distinctive large-scale fading effects for r
each antenna-pair. Here, the antennas of the base station = Am .x + n
(BS) are distributed at several geographical locations [8]. LMt
Hybrid MIMO is a combination of analog and fully digital where channel matrix is denoted by Am = Hm W 1/2 . W 1/2
beamformers and connected to the RF domain chains. It has indicates LMr × LMt diagonal matrix which is the effect of
a array antenna structures, which is fully or partially linked large-scale fading.
[9]. Fig. 1 depicts a layout for three MIMO distributions; Co- Spectral efficiency of the distributed MIMO channel can be
located MIMO (C-MIMO), distributed MIMO (D-MIMO), and written as:
hybrid MIMO (H-MIMO). " #
SEdistributed = log2 P −1
(I + LM t
AHm .Am )

where the linear decoder matrix is Mr × LMt .

C. Hybrid MIMO
For a hybrid MIMO, the vector of the received signal can
be represented as [10]:
yhybrid = 2
Hm W H .Vdiag .Vana .x + n (6)
σ Mt
Fig. 1: Layout of co-located, distributed and hybrid MIMO. = Cm .x + n
σ 2 Mt
In this paper, we consider Nakagami-m fading channel. The where Vdiag ∈ CMrf ×Ms and Vana ∈ CMt ×Mrf represent dig-
equation of Nakagami-m fading channel can be written as: ital and analog matrices, respectively. W denotes combining
matrix; Cm indicates a product of Hm , W H , Vdiag , and Vana
y = Hm .x + n (1) matrix. Ms represents data streams serving a single user with
Mr receive antennas. Mrf is the number of RF chains.
where y is the received signal vector, x is the transmitted Spectral efficiency of the hybrid MIMO channel can be
signal vector, and n is the AWGN vector represented by written as:
(Mr × 1), (Mt × 1), and (Mr × 1), respectively. Hm (Channel " #
co-efficient) is denoted by (Mt ×Mr ) matrix. In the following 1
SEhybrid = log2 P H .C )−1
section, we show the expression for different MIMO distribu- (I + M t
Cm m
tions, i.e., C-MIMO, D-MIMO, and H-MIMO.

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(a) EE vs SNR. (b) EE vs gain. (c) EE vs no. of antenna.
Fig. 2: Comparison of Energy efficiency (in Mbit/Joule) as a function SNR, gain, and no. of antenna.


In this section, we first describe simulation parameters
Energy Efficiency (EE) is defined as:
for different types MIMO distributions. Then, we discuss
Rt (bit/s) about the results associated with investigation. In this network
EEbit/joule = (8) scenario, co-located MIMO, distributed MIMO, hybrid MIMO
PT (joule/s)
are simulated by the different parameters which are defined by
Where Rt = β.SE; β is the channel bandwidth. fixed value according to table I. Besides, we use some other
The product of coding, decoding, and backhaul power is parameters e.g., number of transmitting antenna, number of
denoted as: Z = Pcod + Pdecod + Pbh . receiving antenna, number of user, number of data stream,
The fixed power of this system can be written as: number of RF chains, whose values vary considering different
simulation environment. All the results have been simulated
Pf ix = Pini + Pue U + Pbs M + Plo + Ps U M + Pce .
by the MATLAB simulator. In this system, there is no remark-
Therefore, the sum of the total power can be written as:
able change to count the energy efficiency regardless of the
hundreds or thousands number of iteration in the simulation.
PT = Pf ix + Z × SE (9)
TABLE I: Simulation parameters
where M and U denote the number of antennas and users. Parameter Name Notation Value
Pini , Pue , Pbs , Plo , Ps , and Pce represent initial power Fixed transmission power Pini 10 W
consumption, circuit power per active user, circuit power per Circuit power per active user Pue 0.2 × 10−9 W
base station antenna, power of local oscillator, power of signal Circuit power per BS antenna Pbs 0.4 × 10−9 W
Power of local oscillator Plo 0.2 × 10−9 W
processing, and power of channel estimation, respectively. Power of signal processing Ps 1.56 × 10−10 W
We can rewrite (8) as: Power of channel estimation Pce 0.2 W/(Bit/s)
Circuit power of channel coding Pcod 8 × 10−10 W/(Bit/s)
β.SE Circuit power of channel decoding Pdecod 12 × 10−10 W/(Bit/s)
EE = (10) Circuit power of backhaul Pbh 16 × 10−10 W/(Bit/s)
Pf ix + Z × SE
Bandwidth β 20 MHz

For a co-located MIMO channel, the EE can be expressed

as: Fig. 2a compares the energy efficiency of the co-located,
distributed and hybrid MIMO. The energy efficiency (EE)
β.SEco−located is increased with the increasing of the signal to noise ratio
EEco−located = (11)
Pf ix + Z × SEco−located (SNR). So, EE increases when the signal amount increases
and conversely, EE decreases when the noise increases. In this
For a distributed MIMO channel, the EE can be represented case, it is observed that the energy efficiency of the hybrid
as: MIMO is better than other two schemes. Another observation
β.SEdistributed is that distributed MIMO’s efficiency is higher than the co-
EEdistributed = (12) located MIMO. Fig. 2b represents the simulation of energy
Pf ix + Z × SEdistributed
efficiency with respect to gain. Here, the efficiency of hybrid
For a hybrid MIMO channel, the EE can be written as: MIMO results more efficient than other two configurations.
From the data in Fig. 2b, it is apparent that up to gain of 0.2,
β.SEhybrid the rate of EE is rapidly increasing, after that it results steady
EEhybrid = (13) improvement. All the above figures show that, hybrid MIMO
Pf ix + Z × SEhybrid

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(a) Co-located MIMO. (b) Distributed MIMO.
(c) Hybrid MIMO.
Fig. 3: Comparison of Energy efficiency (in Mbit/Joule) with the Spectral efficiency (in bits/s/Hz) and SNR (in dB).

bears better performance from the distributed and co-located Fig. 4 describes energy efficiency (in Mbit/Joule) as a
MIMO. Because, hybrid MIMO is capable of achieving almost function of the spectral efficiency (in Mbit/s/Hz). The trade-off
the same performance of the fully digital design. It can develop between spectral efficiency and energy efficiency is observed
the data streams intended for the MSs. Distributed MIMO in the figure. According to [11] in the spectral efficiency and
remains second in terms of performance as it has radio ports. energy efficiency trade-off, the quantity of power at distributed
If the number of radio ports is increased, the transmit diversity MIMO does not matter, there is a saturation point where the
will enhance. So, for that transmit diversity distributed MIMO energy efficiency is maximum. For this reason, the distributed
is better than the co-located MIMO. Co-located MIMO is MIMO shows more energy efficiency in Fig. 4. In Fig.4 trade-
point to point MIMO. Therefore, there is no need of additional off is showed the trade off at 0 W and 10 W.
point for a new user. Because it connects with all the points.
It is suitable for large number of users. On the other hand, V. C ONCLUSION
distributed MIMO has only one end, which reflects common In this investigation, the aim is to assess the energy ef-
large-scale fading. So, it is suitable for low number of users. ficiency of massive MIMO when the Nakagami-m fading
Figs. 3a, 3b, and 3c represent the energy efficiency (in channel is used. We have shown the mathematical model and
Mbit/Joule) which varies with the spectral efficiency (in comparison for different types of MIMOs, e.g., co-located, dis-
bits/s/Hz) and SNR (in dB) for the co-located, distributed and tributed, and hybrid MIMO. In this research, we have carried
hybrid MIMO Nakagami-m fading channel respectively. Here, a number of simulation on the energy efficiency in respect to
the energy efficiency of co-located and distributed MIMO are SNR, gain, number of antenna and spectral efficiency for the
approximately same but the energy efficiency of hybrid MIMO three types of MIMOs. One of the prime significant findings,
is higher than the rest of the two. what has been emerged from this study, is that the energy
efficiency of the hybrid MIMO is more than the two others
because of two attributes. The second major finding was that,
the distributed MIMO results more efficient than co-located
MIMO. We also investigate the trade-off between the energy
efficiency and the spectral efficiency. Further research in this
field regarding the role of energy efficiency would be great
help in next generation wireless communication.

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