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Class- 10+1


Time: 3 hrs MM: 70

Q. No. 1 has 28 parts carrying 1 mark each.
Q. No. 2 to 8 carry 2 marks each. Internal choice is given in Q 2,3 & 7.
Q. No. 9 to 14 carry 3 marks each. Internal choice is given in Q 11,12 &13.
Q. No. 15 to 16 carry 5 marks each. Internal choice is given in both the questions.

Q. 1 ONE MARK QUESTIONS (Multiple Choice)

i. Light year is the unit of
(a) time (b) intensity (c) distance (d) none of these

ii. Which of the following quantity is expressed as force per unit area
(a) Work (b) pressure (c) volume (d) area

iii. Which of the following is a vector quantity?
(a) density (b) power (c) work (d) momentum

iv. In uniform circular motion, which quantity does not remain same?
(a) Radius (b) Velocity (c) Speed (d) All of the above

v. Which one of the following statements is incorrect?

(a) Frictional force opposes the relative motion
(b) Limiting value of static friction is directly proportional to normal reaction
(c) Rolling friction is smaller than sliding friction
(d) Coefficient of sliding friction has dimensions of length

vi. Angle of Repose is always ……..Angle of Friction

(a) Greater than (b) Less than (c) Equal to (d) None of the above

vii. If net external force acting on the system of particles is zero, which of the following quantities remains
(a) Linear momentum (b) Angular momentum (c)Both linear and angular momentum (d) Neither linear nor

angular momentum

viii. According to Work-Energy theorem,work done by the net force on a particle is equal to change in its
(a) Linear momentum (b) Angular momentum (c) Velocity (d) Kinetic energy

ix. A man pushes a wall and fails to displace it. He does

(a) no work (b) negative work (c) Positive work (d) maximum positive work

x. When a particle executes S.H.M.,the restoring force Fvaries with displacement y as

(a) F ∝ y (b) F ∝ y2 (c) F ∝ 1/y (d) F ∝ 1/y2

Compressions and rarefactions are formed during the propagation of

(a) Transverse waves (b) longitudinal waves (c) Both transverse
and longitudinal waves (d) neither transverse nor longitudinal waves

xii. Which of the following physical quantity is represented by the product of moment of inertia and angular
(a)Torque (b) Impulse (c) Linear momentum (d) angular momentum

xiii. Torque is the rotational analogue of

(a) Mass (b) Force (c) Distance (d) Energy

xiv. Centre of mass is a point

(a) Which is geometric centre of the body
(b) From which distance of particles is same
(c) Where whole mass of the body is supposed to be concentrated
(d)Which is origin of reference frame

xv. Time-period of earth satellite in circular orbit is independent of its

(a) Massof satellite(b) Radius of its orbit(c) Both mass and radius of satellite(d)None of the above

xvi. The gravitational force between two bodies is

(a) Conservative (b) Repulsive (c) Non-conservative (d) All of the above

xvii. The perfect gas equation for an ideal gas can be written as
(a) PVR = nT (b) P = nRTV (c) PV = nRT (d) PR = nTV

Here, P = pressure, V = volume, T = temperature, n = number of moles, R = universal gas constant

xviii. The time period of geo-stationary satellite is

(a) 365 days(b) 24 hours(c) 2 years(d) 27.3 days

xix. In a simple pendulum,at mean position

(a) Kinetic energy is maximum and Potential energy is minimum

(b)Kinetic energy is minimum and Potential energy is maximum
(c) Both energies are minimum
(d) Both energies are maximum

xx. Working of hydraulic lift is based on
(a) Hooke’s law (b) Bernoulli’s principle (c) Torricelli’s law (d) Pascal’s law

xxi. In cgs system, unit of coefficient of viscosity is

(a) Poise (b)Deca poise (c) Dyne (d) Pascal

xxii. In the kinetic theory of gases,it is assumed that the gas molecules
(a) Repel each other (b) Collide elastically
(c) Are mass less particles (d) Move with uniform velocity

xxiii. The process in which pressure and temperature change but volume remains constant is (a) Isothermal (b)
Isobaric (c) Isochoric (d) Adiabatic


xxiv. More is number of significant figures, more accurate is the measurement. (T/F)
xxv. Two vectors are parallel to each other if their cross product is zero. (T/F)

Internal energy of an ideal gas is function of temperature only. (T/F)

xxvii. Density of water is maximum at 4° C. (T/F)
xxviii. The pressure applied to an enclosed liquid is transmitted undiminished to every portion of the liquid and
the walls of containing vessel are the statement of Bernoulli principle. (T/F)



Q. 2 Write at least 4 advantages of S.I. system of units. ( ½ each)


Q. 2 The temperatures of two bodies measured by a thermometer are T1 = 20oC ± 0.5oC and T2 = 50oC ±
0.5oC. Calculate the temperature difference with error limits. (2)

Q. 3 Making proper diagram and writing mathematical expression, state polygon law of vector addition.

Q. 3 A body starts from rest and acquires a velocity of 12m/s in 5 seconds.

Calculate acceleration and distance moved. (2)

Q. 4 What do you mean by surface tension of a liquid? Write the mathematical expression of surface tension.

Q. 5 Give the statement of first law of thermodynamics. Also write in mathematical form.
Q. 6 Write any 4 postulates of kinetic theory of gases? (½ each)

Q. 7 What do you mean by perfectly inelastic collision? Give at least one example. (1+1)
Q. 7 Find the work done in moving a particle along a vector �= (4� -� + 7�)metre, if the applied force is � = (�
+ 2� − �) N. (2)

Q. 8 What are transverse and longitudinal waves? Give an example of each. (1+1)


Q. 9 Derive an expression for time period of a simple pendulum executing S.H.M. (3)

Q.10 Prove that the mechanical energy (KE + PE) of a freely falling body always remains constant.
Q.11 State at least 3 laws of limiting friction. (1 each)

Q.11 A ball rolled on ice with a velocity of 14ms-1 comes to rest after travelling 40 m. Find the coefficient of
friction. (3)

Q.12 What do you mean by escape velocity? Derive its expression on the surface of a planet. Also find its value
on the surface of earth. (½ +2+ ½)

Q.12 A sphere of mass 40 kg is attracted by a second sphere of mass 80 kg with a gravitational force equal to
13.34 × 10-11 N. If G=6.67 x10-11 Nm2/kg2, calculate distance between them.

Q.13 Derive the relation CP– CV = Rusingfirst law of thermodynamics where CP and CV are molar specific heats

of a gas at constant pressure and constant volume respectively.


Q.13 1 mole of an ideal gas at 500K expands isothermally until its volume becomes three times. Find amount of
work done and heat absorbed in the process?
(Use R = 8.3 Jmol-1K-1 and ln 3 = 1.1) (2+1)

Q.14 Define torque. Derive the relation between torque and moment of inertia, �=Ι�
Here,α is angular acceleration of the body. (1+2)


Q. 15 What is a projectile?Give any two examples.Showthat the path followed by a projectile fired at an angle to

horizontal is a parabola. (1+1+3)


Q.15 State parallelogram law of vector addition. Find analytically magnitude and direction ofresultant vector of
two given vectors. (1+2+2)

Q.16 State Stokes’ law (without derivation) for a body falling freely inside a liquid. Defining terminal velocity,
derive an expression for the terminal velocity acquired by the freely falling body inside the fluid.
Q.16 What is capillarity? Derive an expression for height of liquid in a capillary tube. Also discuss the situation if
the tube is of insufficient height. (1+3+1)
Answer key and solution of sample paper 1
Answer Key of Q 1:

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4 Column 5 Column 6

(i) c (vi) c (xi) b (xvi) a (xxi) a (xxvi) true
(ii) b (vii) a (xii) d (xvii) c (xxii) b (xxvii) true
(iii) d (viii) d (xiii) b (xviii) b (xxiii) c (xxviii) false
(iv) b (ix) a (xiv) c (xix) a (xxiv) true
(v) d (x) a (xv) a (xx) d (xxv) true

Solution: Q1.
(i) (c), light year is the distance travelled by light in 1 year. ∴ it is the unit of distance. 1 ly = 9.462 × 1015 m

(ii) (b), pressure = thrust/area, where thrust is the ⊥ force.
(iii) (d), momentum, � = �� has the same direction as velocity.
(iv) (b), radius and speed always remain same in uniform circular motion. Direction of motion changes continuously. ∴

velocity changes continuously.
(v) (d), coefficient of friction, μ = F/R, both F and R have the dimensions of force. ∴ coefficient of friction has no dimensions.
(vi) (c), angle of repose (α) = angle of friction (θ)
(vii) (a), according to law of conservation of linear momentum, if net external force actingon the system is zero, then total
angular momentum of the system remains conserved.
(viii) (d), acc to work energy principle, work done by net force = change in KE
of body i.e. W = 1/2mv2 – 1/2mu2
(ix) (a), W = FS cos θ, here, S = 0, Thus, W = 0
(x) (a), In SHM, the restoring force acting on a body is always directly proportional to the displacement and directed opposite
to it.i.e. F∝ y or F = -ky This is standard equation of SHM.
(xi) (b), In longitudinal waves particles of the medium vibrate in the direction of propagation of wave. Here, compressions and
rarefactions are formed during the propagation of wave.
(xii) (d), Angular momentum, L = Iw. It is analogous to P = mv in translational motion.

(xiii) (b), torque, τ = Iα. It is analogous to force, F = ma in translational motion.

(xiv) (c), centre of mass is the point where the whole mass of the body is supposed to be concentrated and which behaves as
if all the external force acting on the body act only at this point.

2�� (�)3 (�+ℎ)3 2� (�+ℎ)3

(xv) (a), Time period of an artificial satellite is given by T = 2πr/v = =2π ��
= 2π ��2
=� �

Therefore, time period is independent of the mass of satellite.

(xvi) (a), gravitation force is a conservative and attractive force. Conservative nature means the work done by of against
gravitational force in moving the body from one point to another is independent of the path between these two points or the
work done against gravitational force in moving the body over a closed path will always be zero.

(xvii) (c), Perfect gas equation is PV = nRT and applicable for only ideal gases at all the conditions of pressures and
(xviii) (b), Geo-stationary satellites always move parallel to equatorial plane of earth and with same angular speed as the earth.

∴ their time period will also be the same as that of earth rotaion about its own axis i.e. 24 hr.
(xix) (a), KE and PE of a body in SHM are given as EK = ½mω2a2cos2ωt = ½ mω2(a2 – y2)
= ½ k(a2 – y2) and EP = ½mω2a2sin2ωt = ½ mω2y2 = ½ ky2
At mean position y = 0, ∴ EP = 0 and at extreme position y = a, ∴ EK = 0
(xx) (d), According to pascal law, pressure change at
one place is equally transmitted to all the other
places inside the fluid.
∴ P1 = P2
f/a = F/A
F = f A/a
Since, A >> a
∴ F >> f
It means a small force applied at the narrow end
produces a large force at the wider end which is
used to lift a heavy load like a car.
(xxi) (a), viscous force is given by F = ηAdv/dx
Coefficient of viscosity η is given as η = Fdx/Adv
SI units of η will be Nm/m2ms-1 = Nsm-2 which is called poiseuille(Pl).
Thus, 1 Pl = 1 Nsm-2
In CGS, units of η will be dynscm-2 which is called poise.
Thus, 1 Poise = 1 dyn scm-2
1 Pl = 1 Ns/m2 = 105 dyn s/104cm2 = 10 dyn s/cm2 = 10 poise
Thus 1 pl is also called decapoise (dP).
(xxii) (b), the collision between gas molecules in an ideal gas are perfectly elastic.
(xxiii) (c), It is called isochoric process.
In adiabatic process, no heat enters or leaves the system, dQ = 0
In isothermal process, temperature of system remains constant, dT = 0
In isochoric process, volume of system remains constant, dV = 0
In isobaric process, pressure of system remains constant, dP = 0
(xxiv) True, more are the no. of SFs, more accurate will be the measurement.
(xxv) True, cross product of two vectors is given as � × � = AB sin θ�

When vectors are parallel, θ = 0o or 180o, Now sin 0o = sin 180o = 0
∴� × � = AB sin 0o or 180o� = 0
(xxvi) True, internal energy = total KE + total PE, i.e. U = EK + EP, In case of an ideal gas, there is no attraction or repulsion

between the molecules. Therefore PE of the molecules will be zero. Thus for an ideal gas, internal energy will be the the
kinetic energy only which depends only on the temperature of the gas. Thus U = EK
(xxvii) True, as clear, density of water first
increases up to 4oC and then starts decreasing again. Thus,
density of water is max at 4oC.
(xxviii) False, this is the statement of Pascal’s law.
Solution of numerical problems:

Q2 OR: Difference in temperatures, T = T2 – T1 = 50oC -20oC =

∆T = ∆T2 + ∆T1 = 0.5oC +0.5oC = 1.0oC
Thus the difference in temperature is given by 30oC ± 1.0oC

Q3 OR: u = 0, v = 12m/s, t = 5s
Using, v = u + at ⟹12 = 0 +a × 5 ⇒ a = 12/5 = 2.5m/s2
Distance moved, S = ut + 1/2at2 = 0 × t + ½ × 2.5 × 52 = 31.25 m

Q7 OR: W = �. � =(�� � +�� � + �� �) . (�� +�� + ��) = xFx + yFy + zFz = (1)(4) + (2)(-1) + (-1)(7) = 4 – 2 -7
= -5J


Q11 OR: u = 14 m/s, v = 0 m/s, S = 40m, μ = ?

Using, v2 –u2 = 2aS ⇒ 0 – 142 = 2 × a × 40 ⇒ -196 = 80 a ⇒ a = -196/80 = - 2.45m/s2
Net force acting on the block of ice is only the force of friction.

∴ F = Ffr = ma ⇒ -μR = ma ⇒ -μmg = ma ⇒ a = -μg

μ = -a/g = 2.45/10 = 0.245
Q12 OR: Use newton law of gravitation, F = Gm1m2/r2⇒ r = �

6.67×10−11 ×40×80 40×80

r= 13.34 ×10−11
= 2
= 40m

Q13 OR: Using expression of work done in an isothermal process,

W = nRT ln�2= 1× 8.3 × 500 ln 3v1/v1 = 1× 8.3 × 500 ln 3 = 1× 8.3 × 500 × 1.1 = 4565 J = 4.56 KJ

Prepared by
Dr. Dinesh Kumar Lecturer Physics
Govt. Victoria Girls senior Secondary School,Patiala
Under the guidance of S. Balbir Singh Jaura
DM Physics & Principal GSSS Model Town, Patiala
Supervised and Presented by Smt. Jasvinder Kaur, Assistant Director PPPP Science state coordinator
By Head Office
PPPP Science Sen. Sec. State Team


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