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Make a list of the needs that customers have that can be met by your product; organize
this list in order of importance to the customer. Build your prospecting and selling around
these needs.

 List of Customer Needs: a. Comprehensive Skill Development: Provide a structured curriculum

covering graphic designing, UI/UX, and related skills. b. Industry-Relevant Knowledge: Offer
insights and practices that align with current industry trends and standards. c. Real-World
Experience: Provide internship opportunities to apply learned skills on actual projects under
TechAutoCode. d. Portfolio Creation Guidance: Assist students in developing their own
portfolios showcasing their work. e. Professional Mentoring: Offer guidance from experienced
professionals in the field. f. Industry-Ready Certification: Provide a recognized certification that
enhances employability.

2. Conduct regular market research among your satisfied customers; find out what benefit
your product offered that caused them to buy from you rather than someone else.

Market Research: Regularly gather feedback from satisfied customers, understanding what
specific benefits led them to choose TechAutoCode Academy over other options. Not needed as
it speaks about past students rather can give customer feedbacks of our previous clients ie of
 Most Important Benefit: Identify the primary benefit sought by business customers – this could
be the ability to create a professional portfolio, gain real-world experience, or receive industry-
recognized certification. Ensure this benefit is highlighted in all sales conversations.
 Significant Gains or Losses: Emphasize the potential gains (enhanced skills, industry exposure,
certification) and losses (missing out on industry insights, practical experience) that prospects
could experience by choosing or not choosing the academy.
 Dress for Success: Follow professional business dress standards to project a polished and
trustworthy image when interacting with potential students or partners.
 Open-Ended Questions: Develop a set of open-ended questions to guide sales conversations and
uncover the unique needs of each prospect. This could include questions about career goals,
specific skills of interest, and expectations from the program.
 Positioning: Present yourself as more than just an instructor – be a friend providing support, an
advisor offering guidance, and a teacher imparting valuable knowledge. This approach fosters a
positive and supportive learning environment.
3. Determine the most important benefit your business customers are seeking, and then
develop a way to explain that benefit in every sales conversation

(1) Five to Ten Most Attractive Features:

 Comprehensive Curriculum: A structured 6-month program covering graphic designing,

UI/UX, and related skills.
 Internship Opportunities: A 3-month internship with real-world projects under TechAutoCode,
providing practical experience.
 Industry-Relevant Insights: Knowledge aligned with current industry trends and standards.
 Portfolio Development Support: Guidance in creating a professional portfolio to showcase
acquired skills.
 Professional Mentoring: Access to experienced professionals in the field for guidance.
 Industry-Ready Certification: A recognized certification to enhance employability.
 Continuous Innovation: Staying updated on the latest trends and continuously generating
innovative ideas.
 10+ Years of Industry Experience: A proven track record with partnerships with reputable
brands like Prestige, IKEA, and TVS.
 Client-Servicing Expertise: Extensive experience in serving numerous clients, distinguishing
TechAutoCode in the industry.
 Holistic Approach: Offering a holistic education that combines design, development, and digital
marketing expertise.
(2) Specific Needs Addressed:

 Skill Development: Addresses the need for a comprehensive skill development program
in graphic designing and UI/UX.
 Industry Exposure: Meets the demand for real-world experience through internship
 Portfolio Creation: Satisfies the requirement for guidance in creating a professional
 Certification: Addresses the need for a recognized certification for increased
 Professional Guidance: Meets the need for professional mentoring and guidance from
experienced individuals in the field.
 Individual attention: Unlike others we will focus on every students and conduct their
SWOT analysis and train them accordingly
 Industry is not always sucess but also lots of failure too: We train them not only to
achive sucess but also to face failures head on
4. Identify the most significant gains or losses that your prospects could experience from
using or not using what you are selling; emphasize them repeatedly.

(3) Unique Offerings/Area of Excellence: TechAutoCode Academy stands out with its:

 Proven Track Record: 10+ years of experience and partnerships with reputable brands
showcase a track record of success.
 Client-Servicing Expertise: Extensive experience in serving numerous clients,
highlighting a deep understanding of industry dynamics.
 Holistic Approach: The academy's ability to combine expertise in branding, design, and
digital marketing provides a holistic education that few others can match.
 Innovation: A commitment to staying on top of the latest trends and continuously
brainstorming new and innovative ideas.

What Are the Five to Ten Most Attractive Features of Your Product? Do you know your
product’s most attractive features? List them in order of importance. Then go on to
determine the following: Why should somebody buy your product at all? Why should
somebody buy your product from your company? Why should someone buy your product
from you? You must be able to answer these questions clearly in your own mind before you
get face-to-face with a customer. 2. What Specific Needs of Your Prospective Customer
Does Your Product Satisfy? What benefits does it offer? In other words, what is in it for
the customer to purchase your product rather than someone else’s product, or no one’s
product? Write the most attractive features of your product down one side of a piece of
paper. Then write the benefits that your customer will enjoy from each of these features
next to them on the other side of the paper. Remember, customers do not buy features;
they only buy benefits. They do not buy products or services; they buy solutions to their
problems. They are not concerned with what goes into your product; they are only
concerned about what comes out for them. 3. What Does Your Company Offer That Other
Companies Do Not Offer? What is your “unique selling proposition?” What is your
company’s or product’s area of excellence? In what ways is your company, product, or
service superior to anything else available in your market? The greater clarity you have
with regard to these answers, the more creative you will be in finding better prospects and
making more sales to those prospects.

(1) Five to Ten Most Attractive Features:

 Comprehensive Curriculum: A 6-month program covering graphic designing, UI/UX, and
related skills.
 Internship Opportunities: 3-month internship with real-world projects under TechAutoCode,
providing practical experience.
 Industry-Relevant Insights: Knowledge aligned with current industry trends and standards.
 Portfolio Development Support: Guidance in creating a professional portfolio to showcase
acquired skills.
 Professional Mentoring: Access to experienced professionals in the field for guidance.
 Industry-Ready Certification: A recognized certification to enhance employability.
 Continuous Innovation: Staying updated on the latest trends and continuously generating
innovative ideas.
 Proven Track Record: 10+ years of experience and partnerships with reputable brands.
 Client-Servicing Expertise: Extensive experience in serving numerous clients.
 Holistic Approach: Offering a comprehensive education that combines design, branding figma,
and digital marketing expertise.
Why Should Somebody Buy from TAC Academy?

 TAC Academy offers a well-rounded and industry-oriented curriculum that spans various
aspects of digital design and development.
 The internship opportunities provide hands-on experience, making graduates industry-
 The academy's partnerships with reputable brands and 10+ years of experience showcase
a proven track record.
Why Should Somebody Buy from Your Company?

 TAC Academy excels in client-servicing expertise, ensuring a deep understanding of

industry dynamics.
 The holistic approach, combining design, development, and digital marketing, provides a
unique and comprehensive education.
 As it is our first batch we will be more dedicated than any other existing academies and
which in turn offers flexibility.
 Why Should Someone Buy from You?

 As it is our first batch we will be more dedicated than any other existing academies and
which in turn offers flexibility

(2) Specific Needs of Prospective Customers:

 Skill Development: TAC Academy satisfies the need for a comprehensive skill
development program in digital design.
 Industry Exposure: Internship opportunities meet the demand for real-world experience.
 Portfolio Creation: Guidance is provided for creating a professional portfolio, a crucial
need for showcasing skills.
 Certification: The academy addresses the need for a recognized certification, enhancing
 Scholarships
 Individual attention
(3) Unique Selling Proposition/Area of Excellence:

 Client-Servicing Expertise: TAC Academy's extensive experience in serving numerous

clients distinguishes it in the industry.
 Proven Track Record: With 10+ years of experience and partnerships with reputable
brands, TAC Academy showcases a successful history.
 Individual attention: Unlike others we will focus on every students and conduct their
SWOT analysis and train them accordingly
 Industry is not always sucess but also lots of failure too: We train them not only to
achive sucess but also to face failures head on

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