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Ado-Ekiti (ABUAD)

Course Code and Title CVE 832: Transportation Planning

The Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA)
Student Name Aruaman Kelvin Ataria
Due Date: 26 /04/ 2022
Aruaman Kelvin Ataria

Table of Contents
Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 2
History and Organogram of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) ........................................ 3
Organogram of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) ........................................................ 3
Role of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) and Directorates (NCAA, 2022) .................... 4
The Director-General .......................................................................................................................... 4
The Directorate of Airworthiness Standards (DAWS) ....................................................................... 4
The Directorate, Operations, Licensing & Training Standards........................................................... 4
The Directorate of Aerodrome and Airspace Standards ..................................................................... 4
The Directorate, Air Transport Regulation ......................................................................................... 5
The Directorate of Finance and Accounts........................................................................................... 5
The Directorate of Human Resources and Administration (DHR&A) ............................................... 5
The Role of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority Towards Socio-economic Development ................ 6
Conclusion .............................................................................................................................................. 7
List of References ................................................................................................................................... 8

Aruaman Kelvin Ataria

As with other transportation systems in the country, air transportation plays a significant role
in the facilitation of socio-economic growth and development, coupled with other benefits
(Paul, 2019). Air transport consists of varied activities that involve the direct transportation of
people and goods by air through airlines, airports, and other general aviation services. Aviation
(air transportation) is an important factor in Nigeria's transportation system, and in fact its
economy. Nigeria has approximately 20 airports and many regulated runways and heliports, 23
active domestic airlines, 554 licensed pilots, 913 licensed engineers and 1700 flight attendants
(NCAA, 2022). Nigeria is Africa's most populous country and a major destination for more
than 22 foreign airlines. Nigeria currently has bilateral aviation agreements with more than 78

With thousands of travelers who fly in and out of Nigeria every hour, the ministry that
regulates, supervises, and coordinates the affairs of the industry is the Federal Ministry of
Aviation (Quadri, 2021). The ministry of aviation is led by a Minister, appointed by the
President, who is supported by a Permanent Secretary, a career as a civil servant. Furthermore,
The Federal Ministry of Aviation is responsible for among others:

• It is responsible for the management of airports in Nigeria.

• It is responsible for the issuance of licenses to state-owned airports through one of its
• The ministry ensures that safety and security measures in the sector are in line with the
International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) standard and the World
Meteorological Organization (WMO) requirements and recommended best practices.
• It makes provision for aviation infrastructural services.
• It sanctions airline that violates the aviation guidelines.

The federal ministry of aviation consists of seven agencies namely, Federal Airports Authority
of Nigeria (FAAN), Nigerian Meteorological Agency (NiMet), Accident Investigation Bureau
Nigeria (AIB), Nigerian College of Aviation Technology (NCAT), Nigerian Airspace
Management Agency (NAMA) and the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA). All the
agencies form an alliance to ensuring the smooth running of the aviation sector. Although all
the agencies are responsible for the overall success of the industry, Nigerian Civil Aviation
Authority (NCAA) is the regulatory body for aviation in the country.

This paper presents the history and organogram of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority
(NCAA), and its role towards the socio-economic development of the country.
Aruaman Kelvin Ataria

History and Organogram of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA)

The Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) was established by decree 49 of 1999. It is an
agency under the Federal Ministry of Aviation with the responsibility of regulating,
monitoring, and promoting safety, security, and reliability of air navigation oversight in line
with world best practices (Stephens et al, 2014). The Authority effectively commenced
operations on 1st January, 2000. Nonetheless, a 2006 Civil Aviation Law was passed by
Parliament and approved by the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, making it
autonomous. The law not only empowers the institution to regulate aviation safety without
political interference, but also exercises monitoring functions such as airports, airspace,
weather services, and industry economic regulations.

Sequel to the adoption of the National Policy on Civil Aviation of 1988 by the Federal
Government, the Federal Civil Aviation Authority (FCAA) was established under decree 8 of
1990 as an Aviation regulatory body (NCAA, 2022). New Directorates of Safety Regulation
and Monitoring and Economic Regulatory and Monitoring were established in the Federal
Ministry of Aviation, to replace the Safety and Economic function of the defunct FCAA while
Air Traffic Services and Aerates department were merged with the former Nigerian Airports
Authority (NAA) to form Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FANN).

Organogram of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA)

Figure 1 below shows the organogram of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA). The
Minister of the Federal Ministry of Aviation (FMA) who is appointed by the President,
oversees all the agencies, and is assisted by the Permanent Secretary who is a fulltime career
civil servant.

Figure 1. The Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) Organogram

Aruaman Kelvin Ataria

Role of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) and Directorates (NCAA, 2022)
• Regulation of safety of aircraft operations, air navigation and aerodrome operations.
• Monitoring of aircraft operating environment for safety and security.
• Regulating of methods of entry and conduct of air transport business.
• Advising the Ministry on policy formulation on aviation related matters.
• Balancing the economic interest of operators, users of aviation services as well as the
public and the nation.
• Setting of Aviation Training Standards and approval of Training Institutions.
• Facilitating take off and operation of E-Ticketing and Billing Settlement Plan (BSP).

As seen in Figure 1 above, the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) consists of a
Director General who oversees six (6) directorates with varied roles:

The Director-General of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) has the
responsibilities of regulating the activities of the Nigerian Civil Aviation industry. The office
of the Director General is supported by six (6) directorates.

The Directorate of Airworthiness Standards (DAWS) was established by Civil Aviation Act
2006 as one of the NCAA Directorates to perform the NCAA statutory functions of maintaining
regular safety oversight of all the airworthiness aspects of Civil Aviation in Nigeria. Effective
safety oversight will help to ensure high safety standards are maintained and in the fulfilment
of Nigeria`s obligations under the Convention on International Civil Aviation.

The Directorate, Operations, Licensing & Training Standards, is responsible for the
development, revision, and implementation of regulations, standards, and guidance materials
on flight and ground operations as well as cabin safety. Issuance, renewal, or variation of Air
Operators Certification, Operations Specifications, Flight Operations Clearance Certificates,
and other certificates prescribed by the regulations. Establishment and monitoring of all
training standards, including ground school, drills, and other training programs applicable to
Pilots, Flight Engineers, Cabin Crew, and Flight Operations officers to ensure compliance with
Nigeria CARs and ICAO SARPs. Approval/Designation/Supervision of Inspectors, Check
Pilots/Flight Engineers Authorized Examiners for the Flight Crew, Cabin Crew, Dispatchers,
and Loadmasters of the AOC holders.

The Directorate of Aerodrome and Airspace Standards, ensures among other things that
aerodromes and airspace in Nigeria are safe and secure in accordance with the Convention on
Aruaman Kelvin Ataria

International Civil Aviation and the Nigeria Civil Aviation Regulations (Nig. CARs).
Conducting of aerodrome and heliport certification/ licensing in accordance with the Nigeria
Civil Aviation Act of 2006 and Nig. CARs.

Oversight and licensing of ground handling operations and activities to ensure compliance with
ICAO and National standards and best practices. Ensure compliance of aerodrome operator/
owner to the ICAO and National standards of Bird/ Wildlife Management.

The Directorate, Air Transport Regulation, is responsible for the economic regulation of
the aviation industry. The directorate consists of four (4) main departments, each one is
coordinated by a General Manager who reports directly to the Director. The four Departments
and units are:

• Air Transport Operations.

• Commercial and Statistics.
• Economic Regulation/Facilitation and
• Consumer Protection Department.

The Directorate of Finance and Accounts, provides accounting and management information
and other financial services to the Authority. The directorate of finance and accounts, herein
after referred to as DFA, has two main Departments:

• Department of accounts.
• Departments of finance.

The directorate is responsible for the preparation of annual accounts and reports including
monthly, quarterly, and annual management reports. The maintenance of an efficient and
effective cash management system through the preparation of weekly cash flow positions and
monthly cash forecast/projections. Maintenance of an effective fixed assets register couple with
the preparation and implementation of an effective budgetary system consulting with external
auditors for the auditing of the authority`s annual accounts and reports.

The Directorate of Human Resources and Administration (DHR&A) consists of two


a) Personnel Unit, which is responsible for staff movement and transfer. Transfer of
service and condition of service. Administration of central registry and record

Aruaman Kelvin Ataria

b) Industrial Relation and Welfare Unit, Is responsible for the processing of allowances
to management for approval. Processing of bereavement/burial assistance to bereaved
officers/families. Preparation of all categories of staff annual bulk basic allowances for
management’s approval.

The Role of the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority Towards Socio-economic Development
Nigeria's aviation industry is an important aspect of the national economy as it will continue to
create direct employment opportunities and catalyse the creation of wealth (Stephens et al.
2014). Since the availability of air transportation system is a principal factor in attracting
investments, the aviation industry will significantly facilitate the flow of Foreign Direct
Investments (FDI) to the country.

In recent years, domestic and overseas passenger traffic has risen steadily at an average of 10%
per annum, and Murtala Muhammed International Airport (MMIA) Lagos, the nation's main
gateway, accounts for over 60 percent of the total passenger and aircraft movement (NCAA,
2022). The effort of the Government through the Nigerian Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA)
to reposition the airports in Nigeria is complemented by the Nigerian Airspace Management
Agency (NAMA) which has made massive investments in the upgrade of Navigational
facilities including new radar systems and modern landing aids. The Agency has well-trained
personnel which includes 490 Air Traffic Controllers. The Nigerian International airports,
notably Abuja, Calabar, Kano, Lagos, and Port-Harcourt, are leading cargo centres (NCAA,
2022). More so, all the essential components in the sector, airlines, passengers, aircraft, crew,
and service providers are working in harmony to deliver a safe and economically sound air
transport system that meets national and international standards in the country.

Aruaman Kelvin Ataria

In conclusion, like other domestic transportation systems, air transportation, combined with
other advantages, plays a significant role in promoting socio-economic growth and
development. This is evident, as in recent years, domestic and overseas passenger traffic has
risen steadily at an average of 10% per annum, as the nation`s main gateways accounts for over
60 percent of the total passenger and aircraft movement. With the Nigerian Civil Aviation
Authority (NCAA) owning up to its mandate of regulating, monitoring, and promoting the
safety, security, and reliability of air navigation controls in line with global best practices. This
is a signal for a positive outlook for the continuous growth of the sector.

Aruaman Kelvin Ataria

List of References
NCAA, N., (2022). History of NCAA. NCAA. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 19 April 2022].
NCAA, N., (2022). Industry Overview. NCAA. [online] Available at:
<> [Accessed 19 April 2022].
Ogbeidi, Michael. (2006). The aviation industry in Nigeria: A historical overview. Lagos
Historical Review. 6. 10.4314/lhr.v6i1.32550.
Stephens, Mobolaji & Ikeogu, Vivian & Stephens, Omatshola & Ukpere, Wilfred. (2014).
Empirical Analysis of the Contribution of the Aviation Industry to the Nigerian Economy.
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences. 5. 115. 10.5901/mjss. 2014.v5n3p115.
Quadri, O., (2021). 6 Agencies Under Ministry of Aviation In Nigeria And Their Core
Mandates. [online] InfomediaNG. Available at: <
of-aviation-nigeria-and-their-core-mandates/> [Accessed 19 April 2022].


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