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The Impact of Corporate Social

Responsibility (CSR) on Financial



Asst.Prof Revathi Ravi Mr.Haamid

Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Table of content
Sl. No. Contents of Research Presentation
1. Company/Industrial Profile
2. Setting of Hypothesis/ Formulation of Problem Statement
3. Research methodology
• Research Method
• Population
• Sample design (sample size, sampling unit, sampling method)
• Method of data collection- Primary data secondary data
• Instrument for data collection using questionnaire
4. Questionnaire
5. Work Done Statement
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance

The Impact of Corporate Social

Responsibility (CSR) on Financial
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Company/Industrial Profile

Company Profile: TAC - Your Brand Partner

TAC goes beyond the conventional role of a creative agency; we are your dedicated brand partner, offering comprehensive solutions
in Design, Development, and Digital Marketing. Our mission is to empower brands through innovative design, customized
development, and strategic digital marketing, creating a lasting impact on the world. In the realm of design, we specialize in
Identity/Branding, UI/UX, Promotional Collaterals, and Motion Graphics, delivering visually striking and intellectually stimulating
designs that leave a lasting impression. When it comes to development, we are problem solvers, providing tailored solutions in
Landing Pages, Website Development, E-commerce, and Augmented Reality (AR). Our digital marketing expertise encompasses
Marketing Strategy, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, and SEO/SEM, helping businesses thrive online. The impact of our
work is evident in a 2300% surge in social media audience engagement, a 560% increase in conversions post brand design and
website enhancements, and the empowerment of over 1500 children through a financial literacy video. Connect with us to transform
your brand through transformative design, seamless development, and powerful digital marketing, propelling your business towards
a future where it not only survives but thrives.
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Company/Industrial Profile

Industry and Company Profile: Design, Development, and Digital Marketing

In the rapidly evolving landscape of design, development, and digital marketing, TAC stands as a notable player,
transcending conventional creative agency roles to become a dedicated brand partner. The industry at large is
characterized by its commitment to innovation, responding to the increasing demand for comprehensive solutions
in the digital sphere. TAC's offerings encompass a wide spectrum, including Identity/Branding, UI/UX,
Promotional Collaterals, Motion Graphics, Landing Pages, Website Development, E-commerce, Augmented
Reality (AR), Marketing Strategy, Content Marketing, Social Media Marketing, and SEO/SEM. Globally
recognized players such as IDEO, Adobe, and Ogilvy contribute to shaping the industry, while in the Indian
context, TAC aligns itself with notable indigenous firms like Webchutney, Wipro Digital, and Mirum India.
TAC's distinctiveness lies in its unwavering commitment to customization, innovation, and tangible results, as
demonstrated by an unprecedented 2300% surge in social media audience engagement, a 560% increase in
conversions, and impactful initiatives like empowering over 1500 children through a financial literacy video. As
the industry continues to evolve, TAC invites businesses to collaborate, offering transformative solutions that
propel brands toward a future where thriving in the digital landscape is not just a goal but a reality.
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Setting of Hypothesis/ Formulation of Statement


1. Null Hypothesis (H0): There is no significant relationship between CSR and companies Finance and
Financial performance
Alternative Hypothesis (H1): There is a significant relationship between the CSR and companies
Finance and Financial performance
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Setting of Hypothesis/ Formulation of Statement

In the increasingly changing business environment, there has been a growing interest in Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) programmes and its linkage with financial performance of companies. This research aims to
provide an all-inclusive understanding of how CSR activities affect economic outcomes of firms. These objectives
include assessing real-life industry examples across industries that show the significance of corporate social
responsibility in terms of equity value and profit generation. We also hope to identify the subtle elements, such as
the type of industry or company’s governance system, which shape the connection between CSR and financial

This study will strive to find gaps and disagreements in existing literature so that we can know where further studies
are needed. Thus, we aim at synthesizing current knowledge about this issue through a well-done analysis thus
making it useful both for policy makers, researchers and businessmen who want to improve their corporate image
using CSR towards creating a better society as well as improving their profitability. Besides, it is anticipated that this
work will inform practitioners on implementing strategies that demonstrate both awareness of CSR’s role in
propping up business viability over time while still fitting into prevailing discourses on sustainability embedded
within day-to-day operations
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Research Methodology

• Research Method
• Research Method
• Research method to address this issue involves quantitative techniques
• Survey: survey questionnaire to collect data from employees working in various companies regarding
their perception of using digital financial services
• Statistical analysis: Analyze survey responses using statistical techniques
• Population
• Research Population:

• The research population consists of all employees from diverse range of companies
and students from financial and basic finance knowledge
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Sample design

Sample size: aiming for a respresentative sample of 100 responses

b) Sampling unit: The sampling unit is each individual employee and student who will
be included in the study. Each employee represents a unit of analysis for collecting data
on their perceptions and experiences related to digital era of accounting.

Sampling method: Random sampling- selecting a random sample of employees from the
entire population, ensuring that each employee has an equal chance of being included in
the study.

d) Instrument for data collection: questionnaire through google forms

Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Method of data collection

Primary data -
primary data collection –to collect individual responses through means of google
sheets to observe each correspondents opinions and beliefs about topics such as
investment objectives, strategies, market timing, product portfolio management,
systematic investment strategies, the importance of having a well-defined investment
strategy, rebalancing, diversification, ethical investing, market analysis, global
economic trends, risk management and stress testing.
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Work Done Statement

Week - 5

b) Cold call
c) Cold Mail
d) Enquiry for bus marketing @ Shanthi nagar
e) Linkedin
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Work Done Statement

Week - 6

a) meeting with clients

b) Closed a lead
c) Linkedin
d) Cold Call
e) Cold mail
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Work Done Statement

Week - 7

a) Started off with market research for TAC Academy

b) Consumer Mind set analysis
c) TAC Academy - Plan of action
d) TAC Academy - List of marketing collaterals
e) TAC Academy - Organise the google drive that has
the competitive research dump
Impact of CSR on Company’s Finance
Work Done Statement

Week - 8
TAC Academy - Social media Influencer Enquiry
TAC Academy - Mailing influencers
TAC Academy - Calling influencers
TAC Academy - Rearranged Marketng collateralls

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