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2/26/24, 8:16 AM 11 Mathematics - Test Maker @ EasyLearningHome.


Name: _______________________

11 Mathematics Roll #:
Time: 35Min; Marks: 20
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Q1) Choose the most appropriate option. Cutting / overwriting is not allowed: 6 Marks
i) The sum of the four fourth roots of unity is:
A) 0 B) l C) -1 D) i
ii) The roots of x +x − 6 = 0 are

A) Real B) Equal C) Complex D) Trivial

iii) Product of all fourth roots of unity is
A) −1 B) 0 C) 1 D) i
iv) In a quadratic equation ax + bx + c = 0 if b − 4ac<0, then roots are:
2 2

A) Real B) Equal C) Rational D) Complex /imaginary

v) Sum of all the three cube roots of unity is:
A) 1 B) -1 C) 3 D) 0
vi) When 3x + 4x + x − 5 is divided by x + 1 then remainder is:
4 3

A) 7 B) 6 C) -6 D) 7

Q2) Write short answers of ANY FIVE (05) of the following: 10 Marks
i) If α, β are the roots of x − px − p − c = o then proe that (1 + α)(1 + β) = 1 − c

ii) Discuss the nature of roots of the equation x − 5x + 6 = 0. 2

iii) When x +kx −7x + 6 is divided by x + 2 the remainder is −4? Find the value of k.
3 2

iv) Solve the equation x −7x + 10 = 0 by factorization.


v) If a, β are roots of 3x - 2x + 4 = 0 find value of +

2 a β

β a

vi) If a, β are roots of 3x 2

−2x + 4 = 0 , find the value of a 2

Give explanatory answer of ANY ONE of the following: 4 Marks

3) Solve the equation 4 −3.2 +128 = 0
x x+3

4) 3x + 4y = 25
Solve the system of equations 3 4
+ = 2
x y

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2/26/24, 8:16 AM 11 Mathematics - Test Maker @ EasyLearningHome.com

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