Construction Technology Notes

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(9)Cut stone dressing }

The dressing in which all the projections from all the faces»of a stone block are removed by IMPORTANT POINTS ]

means of a sharp chisel, rendering the surface free of c h i s e l marks is called cut

stone dressing. This type of dressed stones used for ashlar masonry.

I. Sedimentary rocks are also called stratified rocks.

(10)Rubbed dressing
2. Argillaceous rocks have their main constituent as clay or a l u m i n a .
The dressing in w h i c h a perfectly smooth surface fi n i s h is obtained by grinding or rubbing a
3. The exposed surface of natural rock is used to indicate quarry and process of taking out stone
cut stone by hand or by machine is called rubbed dressing. This type of dressed stone used for
from natural rock beds is known as quarry i n g .
ashlar masonry.

4. Tools used for blastin g are D i pp er , Ju m p er , P ri m in g needle , S c r a p i n g spoon & Tamping ro d .

(11)Polished dressing
5 . L i n e of least re sis tance is the line or distance from the c e ntr e o f t h e b l ast hole to the face of
The dressing in which the rubbed stone surfaces are polished by manual labour, u s i n g sand
the ro ck exposed to air, a l ong w hich the gases g enerated durin g the e x plosion of the ch ar ge
. and water, pumice stone etc. or by means of a rubbing machine is called polished dressing.
w i ll find least resistance to escape into the a ir.

6. Forms of artificial stones are Cement concrete, Mosaic t i l e s , Terrazo.

7. Examples for I gneous rock : B asalt , G ra nite , D olerite .

8. Examples for Sedimentary rocks are: Chalk, Kankar, Li m e stone, S a n d stone.

9. EK%ipiss rorierorphic rocks: Gneiss, Laterite. Marble. Murrum, Quartzite, Slate

10. Most commonly used preservatives are Coal tar, L inseed o i l , Paint, Paraffin, S olution of alum

and soap & S olution of baryta.

[Review a u E s r o v s ]

Fill up the blanks with appropriate word/words

I. Rocks formed due to coolin g of magma at a considerable depth from earth's surface are ca ll e d ·


2. The rocks w hich are fo rmed by the deposition of products of weatherin g on the p re-e x isting­

rocks is known as _

3. The process of taking out stones from natural rock beds is known as _

4. A good building stone is one which does not absorb more than o · 6 / o f its weight of

water after one day of immersion.

- 5 . o [ c o n ? c_ @ { \ formed due to pouring of magma at earth's surface.

6. In siliceous rock, the predominates.

7. To quarry the hard stone and compact rocks method is used.

8. For docks and other marine structures the best choice of stone is _

9. rocks are formed by g ra dual deposition.

I0. rocks are g enera ll y used for road metals .

I I. Cement concrete is an example of stone.

-12. is the ma i n p redominant in argillaceous rock.

C l o-

13. rocks formed due to cooling of magma at relatively shallow depth.

4. The comp"e";"",sength of stone found out by ..test

45. T a mo p i v a is ~tool made fb d 20. State the properties and uses of marbles. u-­
-" ' . g upot ronze use to ram the blasting material during the process
- of charging the hole. . 's e US
21. Name two metamorphic rocks & give their engineering S u i t a b i l i t y .

I6.The crushing strength of good building stone should not be less than _L 9 0 9_ . A @ t e a? 22. Explain the procedure generally adopted for making an artificial stone.

Answers '-' ! s / Ce .
23. How do you determine hardness of stone?

I. Plutonic rocks 24. What is texture of a rock ? what are its different forms.
2. S edimentar y rocks

3. Quarryin g 25. What are the qualities and uses of granite and sand stone.
4. 0.60%

5. Volcanic rocks
6. Silica 26. Brifely explain more common l y used explosives for blasting.
7. B l as tin g 27. What are the minerals found in the Igneous rocks? Explain briefly Hornblende and Quartz
8. Granite

9. Se dimentary rocks 28. List any two types of stones available in Karnataka and write th e i r p r o p e r t i e s .
10. B as alt

l 1. Artificial 29. What are advantages of a r t i f i c i a l stone? •­

1 2 Clay

13. Hypabyssal 30. Name and e x p l a i n stone destroying agents.

14. Crushing

15. Tamping bar 3I. Explain the characteristics of good building stone.
16. l000

32. Factors to be considered while making a selection for quarry site.

Descriptive Type Questions
33. Define quarrying: Exptain the process of blasting w i th a neat sketch.
I. Lis t the methods of quarrying. .
34. Explain briefly the geological classification of rocks with examples.
2. How are "cast stones" prepared.-­
35. Explain briefly deterioration of stones.

3. Distinguish between quarrying and quarry.v-

36. Explain briefly the chemical classification of rocks with examples.

4. List the precautions to be taken in the blasting operation.

37. Explain briefly the physical classification of rocks with examples.

5. State the uses of stones as an engineerin g material. I

6. List tests on stone.

7. Define natural bed of stone and give its importance.

8. Explain 'Line of least resistance ' with a sketch.

9. Mention the rock forming minerals.--­

10. Expl ai n briefly different forms of art i fic i al stones.

. ,

11. Explain chemical classification of rocks.

12. What is meant by preservation of stones? List the commonly used preservatives.

13. What are the qualities of an i d e al preservative?

14. Expalin the following rock fo r ming minerals.

i) felspar

ii) quartz ;

15. Give sketches of tools used for blasting. !

I6. Distinguish between the Granite and marble.

17. Distinguish between natural stone and artificial s t o n e . <

18. Write the objects of acid test on stone. °

19. write short note on artificial stone. "


The converted tim b e r s should be properly stored.

For the pu rp ose of sto rag e , sui tab le stack s of t im b er

I. The timber which is sawn and - c u t into suitable commercial sizes is known as converted

pie ces are for med. The ti m b er pi e c es are arranged in

layers and the lay e r s are separated by wooden spacers.
j 9 The inner annual ring surrounding pith constitute the heart wood & it imparts strength to timber.
The stock is protected from d ir ect sun , dry wind and

3. The defects occurring in the timber are grouped into fi v e categories viz., defect due to fungi
rain. The fo l l o w i n g precautions should be taken while

insects, seasoning, nat ural forces & conversion.

Correct way of stacking
4. The tern rot is used to indicate decay or disease of timber.
I. In each layer, an air space of about 25mm should ti m be r. always with st r i p s on

be maintained between adjacent members. top of each other 5. The shakes are cracks w hich p a rtly or com p l etely separate the fibres of wood.

2. The spacers should be sound, straight and uniform 6. The various method of artificial seasoning are Boiling.Chemical seasoning, Electrica

th ick n ess .

The longer pieces should be placed i n bottom layers

-------- _-Ji--.,-,
seasoning, K i l n seasoning and Water seasoning.

7. The various market forms of tim b er are Ba tte n, Ba u lk, Board, Deal, End, Log. Plank, Pole

S c a nt l in g, etc. . ­
and the shorter pieces sh o ul d be placed in top layers. f....:.___
___. ®j
....__ ��

4. The ends of all members should be coated Yiji.Jl. - _ m;. .. . . '8. The timber which is prepared scientifically in a factory is termed as the industrial timber
suitable materials to prevent end-cracking. E ­ Example: Veneers, Plywoods, Fibre boards, Impreg timbers, Compreg timbers, etc.

5. The platform of stack should be made at least I5cm wrong way, staggering the 9. The thin sheets of wood are known as veneers & the boards prepared by. gluing under pressur

higher than gro u n d . p ositi o ns of strips induces three or more veneers is kn o w n as ply wood. .


Fig. 2 . 1 7 : Stacking of Timber


Fill up the blanks with appropriate word/words

I. The tim b er which is prepared scien t i fi ca ll y in a ctory

fa and possess desired shape, strengtl

appearance, etc, is termed as

2. Timber which is mostly used for engineering purposes are _trees.

3. The process of removing s ap from timber is known as

4. Timber which is o bta i ned after felling a tree is _

5. The thin radial fibres extending from pith to cambium layer are known as _

6. Conifers are also known as _trees.

7. The innermost central portion of timb er is called

8. An irregular growth c a used by the fibres on wo und left after the branch e s h av e cut off

9. Decay of t i mber due to alternate w ettin g and dry i ng is called _

trees grow inward by depositing each fresh layer internally instead of on tl


H. Deciduous trees are known as _trees.

2. Dry rot defect is caused by

13. Trees growing outwards are _

26. Differentiate between lmpreg timber and Compreg timber.

14. The inner layer covering the cambium layer is known as _

27. Mention five varieties of industrial timber.

15. Thin sheets or slices of wood of superior quality called as _

28. Give the classification of trees according to their mode of growth.


29. Name the five d i v i s i o n s of defects occurring in the timber.

I. Industrial timber 2. Exogenous 3. S easoning

4. Rough ti m be r 30. Enumerate the comparison between natural seasoning and k i l n seasoning.
5. Medullary rays 6. Ever-green
Pith 3 1. What is meant by decay and seasoning of timber?
8. Ringza" 9. wet rot

10. Endogenous 32. What are the causes of decay in timber?

1 1. Bro ad - leaf trees 12. fungi

13. Exogenous trees 2 33. Name the various methods of artificial seasoning.
1 4. I nner bark 15. Veneers z

34. Write note on c h e m i c a l seasoning.

Descriptive Type Questions

35. write short note on Prevention of wet rot.

1. What is meant by rough timber and converted timber.

36. Give the names and dimensions of the various fo rms of timber sold i n the market.

2. With e xa m pl e compare soft wood and hard wood.

37. What are the three objects of preservation of timber?

3. With an neat sketch, explain the transverse section of the trunk of an exogenous tree.
38. Differentiate between cup shake and star shake.

4. Differentiate between cup sha kes and heart shaes.

39. State the various market forms of timber.

5 Write a note on water seasoning method.

40. Give sketch for horizontal s t a c k for air seasoning.

6. Expla i n the charring method of preservation of timber.

4 1. Define: veneers, Knots.

7. Write a brief note on cl a s sifi c a tion of trees.

4 42. Ex plain brie fl y Termites & F o x iness.

8. List the methods of seasoning. Ex p l ain the k i l n sea so nin g.

6 43. W hat are the advantages and disadvantages of natural seasoning.

9. List the variet i es of ind u s t r i al timber.

5 44. Define: Timber, softwood, pith, medullary rays.

10. What are the uses of timber?

4 45. Describe the defects caused in timber due to fu ng i .

11. W h a t are the advantages of plyw ood s?

6 45. D istinguish between:

12. Write a note on preservation of timber s.

5 i) Plywood & fibre board.

13. What is meant by season i n g of t i mber?

ii) Plywood & veneers.

14. List the defects i n t i m be r.

iii ) Natural seasoning & Art i fi c i a l seasoning.

15. Write short note on ind u s trial timber.

46. Men tion the four varieties of timber.

16. What are Plywood's? Give its uses.

4 7. How trees are clas sified?

17. Name the various market forms of timb e r.

48. What are k nots? How are they cl assified?

18. Draw a neat cross-section of an exogenous tree and s h o w its v arious co mponents .

1 9. E x p l a in natu ra l se a soni n g of timber.

20. What are the defects caused due to s ea son i ng ?

2 1 . Name the types of preservatives c om m on ly used fo r timber.

2. Write a note on the storage of timber.

23. Differentiate between exogenous and endogenous trees.

2 4. Exp lain brie fly with s k etch , Tangential s a w i ng of t i m b e r.

2 5. State the objects of seasonin g .

Descriptive Type Questions
. ' ..

I. Name the standard tests conducted on bricks & mention the standard values, if any.

2. Write short note on clay bricks.

1. A good brick clay contains 20 to 30% of alumina, 50 to 60% s i l i c a and the remaining

3. What are the qualities of a good brick?

constituents are lime, magnesia, sodium, potassium, manganese and iron oxide.

Defferentiate between header and stretcher.
2. The excess of silica in the clay makes the brick brittle and weak.

5. Explain the construction and working of the intermittent upright kiln with neat sketch. u
3. The standard size of brick are 19cm x 9cm x 9cm.

4. Process of manufacturing of bricks consists of Preparation of brick clay, Moulding bricks, 6. What are the raw materials required for manufacture of bricks? Mention their percentage and

Drying of bricks and Burning of bricks.

7. Differentiate between plastic clay machines and dry clay machines. •.

5. Moulding of bricks may be hand moulding or machine moulding.

8. What are the harmful ingredients of brick earth? In what way are they harmful?
6. Harmful constituents of brick earth are Lime, Iron pyrites, Alkalies, Pebbles & Vegetation

and organic matter. 9. What is meant by pu g ging ? '-

7. The burning of dry bricks is done either in clamp or in a kiln. 10. Ex plain with a neat sketch, the process of bu rn in g of bricks by a cl a m p .

8. Refractory bricks are Acid bricks, Basic bricks and Neutral bricks. IE Explain the stages i n v o l v e d in preparation of clay for brick manufacturing. ...­

._Explain briefly the constituents of good brick earth.

13. B rie fly describe the w orking of B u ll ' s trench kiln , with neat sketch for the b u r n i n g of b ricks.

14. What are the uses of bricks? «

I5. Explain briefly 'absorption test' on bricks.

Fill up the blanks with appropriate word/words
Mention the standard dimensions of bricks as per IS.
[. Hollow bricks are also known as ' s p y bricks
17. Explain the stages involved in preparation of clay for brick manufacturing.
2. 9 s i n imparts yellow tint to bricks.
_I8 W r i t e short note on wire cut bricks.
3. Brickearth possesses the property of plasticity due to presence of
19. Draw a neat sketch of a pug mill & explain it.
The bricks prepared by dipping mould in water every time is known a s 7 ' ii

20. Write a short note on Fl y -ash bricks.

/ 5. The process of grinding clay with water and making it plastic is known a s. ' _ 1 ' 2 y ; ;
21. What are fire bricks? Mention their varities.
6. A good brick should not absorb more than ' ' '· o f its dry weight of water when
22. Explain the process of hand moulding of b ri c k s . . ­
immersed in water for 24 hours.
23. Give the comparison between clamp burnin g and k iln burning.
7. Brick made from fire clay are called s ± ·

24. Explain briefl y the hollow bricks.

8. Colour of good brick is [_ts¥ 5 D '
25. What are the uses of refractory bricks?
9. li,_ are the permanent structures used to burn bricks in large scale.
26. With the help of a neat s k e t c h , explain the working of Hoffman's Kiln for burning of bricks.
..,� The art of arranging the brick masonry wall is called ,-:_ ·- , , -t• :

27. Distinguish between first class bricks and second class bricks.

Answers 28. Write short note on Refractory Material.

I. Cellular or Cavity bricks 2. Magnesia

29. State the three important qualities of bricks.

3. Alumina 4. Ground moulded bricks

30. Differentiate between intermittent kiln and continuous kiln.

5. pugging 6. 20% 3 l. B rie fly explain artificial d r y in g of bricks.

7. Fire bricks 8. Copper colour 32. Write short note on hollow bricks.

9. Kilns IO. Bond 33. Give IS specification for bricks.

34. what are the different shapes of bricks?

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