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RMIT Classification: Trusted

ACCT 2119 Accounting, Behaviour and Organisations

Group Assessment 1


1. What type of strategy (cost leadership/differentiation) does Zara and Wearable Wishes
(WW) take? Discuss in terms of personnel, resources and activities performed. Provide a
thorough analysis to justify your answer. (4 marks) [word limit: 350 words]

2. Are there any reasons WW should not follow the organisational structure and production
model that Zara is using? (4 marks) [word limit: 350 words]

3. Present three key success factors and three associated strategic performance objectives for
WW and Zara. (3 marks) [word limit: 300 words]

4. Discuss the income cycle at Zara in detail. How does it differ from the income cycle at
WW (4 marks) [word limit: 350 words]

5. Conduct SWOT analysis for WW. List at least three factors in each quadrant. (You may
use RMIT library resources to investigate fashion industry in more detail). (3 marks)
[word limit: 300 words]

(Total: 18 marks)

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