CIC2601 Exam Paper Oct:Nov 2019

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UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS UNISA woos CiC2601 October/November 2019 Computer Integration in the classroom Duration — 2 Hours 100 Marks EXAMINERS ~ FIRST MR RCA RASEALE SECOND PROF L GOOSEN Closed book examination. This examination question paper remains the property of the Unwersity of South Africa and may not be temoved from the exammation venue This paper consists of 11 pages Answer ALL the questions [TURN OVER] 2 CIC2601 10/11 2019 QUESTION 1 Questions 1-25: Determine for each of the questions whether the statement is TRUE or FALSE. 1 2 Information literacy means knowing how to find, analyse, and use information A graphical user interface controls how to feed a computer with a data (input) and how processed information is displayed on the monitor (output) Teachers must monitor their students actively and continuously while they are on the Internet You can use Microsoft Access to create a slide show The short cut key Ctrl + X coptes text to the clipboard Spreadsheet application 1s used to create, edit and format a document that mostly consist of text The basic objects that are created in a database are a table, query, form and a report Google chrome 1s a search engine The integration of ICTs in teaching and learning forces a paradigm shift of teaching and learning, a shift from teacher-centred teaching to learner- centred teaching The learner's role in integrating ICT in teaching and learning changes from a collaborative to a solitary learner. The School ICT committee 1s responsible for identifying and select educational software involved in e-Learning activities Assessment involves the activities that will determine whether the outcomes of a lesson have been achieved It 1s explained that one reason that was not mentioned in the video about the Integration of technology in the classroom 1s that leamers are already using technology while experimenting with various applications on tablets, smartphones and laptops (TURN OVER] 14 15 16 7 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 3 CIC2601 10/11 2019 Government, decision makers, ICT support etc are some of the cntical role players in the effective integration of ICTs in classroom Activity theory is a theory used in this module to assist you as the teacher to identify, familarise yourself with roles and responsibilities of various stakeholders in order to implement ICT in the classroom effectively Activity theory 1s grounded in social histoncal theones that are founded on Vygotsky's concept of mediated action In the application of activity theory on ICT integration in teaching and learning, the subject is the teacher, the object is a learner as well as the performance and mediating tools include available ICT tools in a school. As a professional teacher, you are expected to do lesson planning for every theme or content subject you present to the learners The active participation develops learners’ 21st century skills, which in tur contribute to their success when they enter the workforce The success of ICT implementation depends on the knowledge about an institution's teachers Advancement in mobile digital resources offers leamers a flexible platform for learning Rich ICT resources in a school help even when teachers and learners do not know how to use them The subject specialist helps teachers by providing technical backup and troubleshooting in a school ‘The purpose of a slideshow is to provide the audience with an overview of the presentation The Web or WWW ts a collection of websites that you can access through the internet (28) [TURN OVER] 4 cic2601 10/11 2019 QUESTION 2 Questions 26 ~ 50: For each of the questions choose the most appropriate answer from the list of possible answers. 26 27 28 29 One of the broad intertwined issues, which must be taken into consideration when institutions think of implementing ICTs in teaching and learning are Rona effectiveness rehability support structure trouble shoot The following are the four pillars of integrating ICT in teaching and learning except one RON= A teacher's ICT content knowledge and skills, Technical support available to assist teachers Peer tutoring to share and guide another teacher The lesson outcomes and teaching strategies How do you start working in Microsoft Word? RONa By creating a blank document, Use an existing template to create a new document, Open an existing document All of the above Where a row and a column of a spreadsheet meet, it is called a RONo Cell Address Workbook Page layout (TURN OVER] 30 wy 32 5 CIC2601 10/11 2019 Choose a statement that best suit application program Rena Microsoft Office sutte is mainly used to work with numbers Microsoft PowerPoint 1s used to create graphic and diagrams Microsoft Office 1s used to create, format and edit text content Microsoft Excel can also be used to create graphs Choose the best statement that is applicable to Microsoft word 1 2 3 4 Skills you learn from Microsoft word can be used on other application like email Microsoft word 1s mainly used for numbers. Microsoft word ts the only program that you can edit, create and format words None of the above Choose the best statement that relevant to ICT Rona All of the below You need a licence in order to use Microsoft Office suite All phones can do the same functions that a computer can A tablet cannot install a word processing application Which of the following 1s advisable when creating presentation? RONA Copy and paste 6 lines per slide White paragraphs Use dark colour Identify which of functions can be found on a web browser ribbon? RONa Forward button Home button tand2 None of the above [TURN OVER] 35 37 39 6 CIC2601 10/11 2019 Which combination of keys will highlight content on an open application from top to bottom? Cti+H Ctr + Down Ctrl + PgDn Cr+ A Bons Which of the following function do you use when you want to calculate total of a range of values in Microsoft Excel? Sum Count Countlf Average RON The process of converting readable data into unreadable characters 1s called plaintext encryption call back cipher text RONa is a set of instructions for a computer to perform specific operations Memory Firmware Software All of the above Rone 1s one of the computer secunty risks. ‘System failure Firewall Analog Filtering Rena (TURN OVER] 40 a 42 43 44. 7 CIC2601 10/11 2019 The first step in checking your website's source code is to view the actual code page code home page web server RON= Awebsite source has a 4 source code 2 source page 3 web address 4 web page A title tag is an element that specifies the title of a web page 1 2 3 HTLM 4 URL The most common type of software theft is stealing a CD-ROM stealing a flash drive (memory stick) data theft software piracy Rone As the world of computers and computer related technologies advances, tt is essential that teachers gain some level of 1 Information fluency 2 Integration Iiteracy 3 Computer literacy 4 Information literacy (TURN OVER] 45 46 47 48 8 CIC2601 10/11 2019 Select an example of a protocol from the following 1 2 3 4 ww https 17 www google com coza Which of the following 1s not an example of a search engine? RONa Google Yahoo Microsoft Bing Which of the following statements descnbe the activity theory best according to Vygotsky 1 2 Activity theory 1s grounded in ant-social histoncal theories and draws heavily on Vygotsky's concept of mediation Activity theory is grounded in social-historical theories and draws heavily on Vygotsky's concept of mediation Activity theory 1s descnbed as who 1s doing what, why and how Activity theory 's descnbed as a community consists of people who share the same goal, whereas, rules control the actions and interactions during the actrvity, and the division of labour represents the way in which tasks are divided between members of the community, as well as the more subtle but crucially important divisions and allocations of status and power Who provides training and technical support, security arrangements of school when integrating ICT in the classroom Rona Teachers Subject Specialis/HoD Community Business (TURN OVER] 9 CIC 2601 10/11 2019 49 Whose ICT content knowledge and skills needs to be taken in consideration when integrating technology as they are primary implementers of technology in the classroom 1 The subject specialist/HoD 2 The principal 3 The leamer 4 The teacher 50 Research shows that some of the teachers are reluctant to use the technology Who should encourage teachers to use ICT in teaching and leaming and allow them the freedom to design their own teaching while integrating technology? 1 School management team 2 The policy developers 3 The school principal 4 The government (25) QUESTION 3 21 Application packages consist of programs designed to perform specific tasks for students and teachers Redraw the table below in your scnpt For each of the types of software package give a name of a package that you can buy, describe the basic use or purpose of the package, and provide an example of how it can be used for teaching or leaming. 5X4=(20) Type of software | Name of | Use or purpose of |Example of teaching package software the package learning task package Example: Microsoft Access | To record data| Teachers build 9 a Database orderly in records | database of personal with fields details of leamers in register classes mlololal> (TURN OVER] 10 CIC2601 10/11 2019 QUESTION 4 Boitshoko Primary School is situated in an urban area There are 30 teachers and the school enrolment is 1000 learners in Grades R-7. The school’s complete Information and Communication Technology (ICT) infrastructure consists of the following only (Ve. no other hardware, services or ICT skills are available): two microcomputers with printers for administrative use a local area network with 25 microcomputers and two printers for administration use in a classroom that is not secure The only software available on all microcomputers 1s Windows 365 Microsoft Office Five teachers are computer literate and they only teach leamers the basic knowledge of computers and how to use them ‘The use of ICT in the school for teaching, learning and administration is not successful For example, the available technology is only used occasionally, some of the computers are not operational, and there 1s neither an ICT coordinator nor an overseeing committee The principal and SMT are also not ICT users 41 Whatother types of literacy do the five teachers need in order to have the competency of integrating ICT into their teaching activities? Q 4.2 _ List four (4) possible reasons why the integration of ICT in Bottshoko Primary School is not successful 4) 43. Descnbe six (6) major interventions that the Department of Education can implement in order to make ICT usage in teaching and learning a success in thts primary school ©) 44 Explain the best strategy for curriculum integration in teaching and learning (6) [TURN OVER] 1 CIC2601 10/11 2019 45 Digital children can do anything with technological tools One major problem 's that they can access unsuitable material through the internet. State and explain four (4) educational contro! measures that can be used to prevent such a problem 8) 46 — List any five social media that millenniats would naturally be able to use daily (5) (30) Total Marks: [100] oe ‘UNISA 2019

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