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UNIVERSITY EXAMINATIONS UNIVERSITEITSEKSAMENS, UNISA | EMA1501 Mayldune 2019 Emergent Mathematics Duration 2 Hours 4100 Marks EXAMINERS . FIRST MRS P GOVENDER SECOND PROF ADICKER Closed book examination This examination question paper remains the property of the University of South Africa and may not be removed from the examination venue. This paper consists of SIX (6) pages. INSTRUCTIONS: Read each question carefully before answenng . ‘Answer ALL the questions . Write the numbers of the questions you completed on the examination book cover QUESTION 1 4 2 EMA1501 05/06 2019 ‘Match column B with column A Write the correct LETTER only next to the correct number im your answer book,eg 111K COLUMN A COLUMN B 17 Positionaity "A Derived through representations of concrete objects such as pictures: 72 Enactive knowledge B Movement from one place to another 73 Symbolic knowledge © Recorded as anecdotal notes, checkiisis or rating scales, 14 Capacity D” Collection of work sampies to provide a vind picture of chiid's development 15 Object permanence E The use of abstract symbols T@ Directionality F Danved from the physical manipulation of objects and the child’s own movement 17 Volume Location of things in relation to one another 18 Iconic knowledge H ‘The realisation that an object or person still exists even if it cannot be seen 79 Observation 1 Refers to how much a contamer can hold 10 Portfolios J Refers to the amount of space a substance occupies (10) 12 This section is on multiple choice questions Select the correct option Write the correct letter only next to the correct number in your answer book. (10) 12.1 Which of the following statements about emergent mathematics is INCORRECT? ao ‘Young children should be given opportunities to lear about mathematics from the day they are born, Even before a child can add or count, the child can construct ideas about mathematics that do not require direct teaching Children acquire mathematical concepts naturally even before they are directly taught Children start to construct mathematical concepts only from the age of sx when they start schoo! {TURN OVER] 3 EMA1501 05/06 2019 122 Select the option that best descnbes the order of Piaget's stages of cognitive development ‘Senson-motor, pre-conceptual, concrete operational, pre-operational ‘Senson-motor, pre-operational, pre-conceptual, concrete operational Concrete operational, pre-conceptual, pre-operational, sensor-motor Pre-operational, sensori-motor, pre-conceptual, concrete operational aooe 423 Asking a chuid to help with the washing by separating the whites from the colours 1s an ‘example of ‘Sorting Matching (One-to-one correspondence Patterning aco 124 Identify the pre-number concept that is developed in the following activity This activity requires a set of cards with a set number of dots on each card Select a card and flash it before the leamers, showing them the image for no more than three seconds at most, preferably shorter The learner needs to recognise the set as quickly as possible without having to actually count Classification ‘Senation Subttising Sorting aoce 125 Identify the concept thats being developed in the following activity The teacher wntes the number on a card and draws the number of circles The child uses counters/buttons to cover each circle A Senation Classifying Sorting (One-to-one correspondence [TURN OVER] 126 4 —MA1501 05/06 2019 ‘Which of the following concepts descnbes the idea that the count for a set group of objects stays the same respective of whether the objects are spread out or are close together as ‘seen in the illustration below. acc 127 aoce 128 voce 129 oo ‘Conservation Stable order Grouping Abstraction The idea that the last count of a group of objects represents the total number of objects in the group is referred to as Senation cardinality reversals unttising Sthle agrees to exchange her whole apple for two halves because she knows that this is a fair exchange According to the Piagetian theory of development, Lucy demonstrates development of ‘object permanence class inclusion ‘conservation subtraction Identify the statement that is net true Dunng exploratory play, children use all their senses to explore Construction play involves exploration through constructing, creating, reasoning and problem-solving Dunng construction play, children explore patterns using diferent kinds of matenals, such as frutt and shoes to make a spectfic pattern Dunng fantasy play children imitate and pretend all sorts of scenarios related to their everyday Ife expenences [TURN OVER] 1210 5 EMA1501 05/06 2019 ‘Which one of the following statements 1s incorrect? Assessment in the early grades ts formal and is used to score learners so that they can move to the next grade b _The teacher uses assessment results to pian for instruction c Through assessment the teacher finds out which children need more instruction, as well as which children master new concepts m ore rapidly and are ready for more advanced instruction Assessment in the early grades 1s continuous and occurs throughout the day 413 Distinguish between rote counting and rational counting Provide examples of activities to demonstrate your understanding of each type of counting ©) QUESTION 2 21 Explain the concept “pattern” 6) 22 Look at the picture below and explain how you would use an obstacle course to teach the concept of postion and direction (10) 23 Distinguish between 2D shapes and 3D objects, ©) 24 Provide an example of a 2D shape and 3D object and mention the properties of each ©) (25) [TURN OVER] 6 EMA1501 08/06 2019 QUESTION 3 34 “Non-standard units are important to introduce children to the concept of measurement before using standards unit’. 311 State whether you agree or disagree with the above statement and provide a reason for your answer ©) 312. Inlight of the above statement, demonstrate your understanding of non-standard unit and standard unit of measurement, by explaining how you would teach the concept “length” using non-standard unit and then standard unit of measurement (10) 32 Explain how you would teach the concept time to young children using the following actities 321 Birthdays 322 Day/night (10) QUESTION 4 41 Explain what data handing 1s @ 42 Identify and discuss the four processes of data handling ®) 43 Select an appropnate theme for preschoolers and plan an activity on data handling to show how you would involve children in collecting, sorting and drawing the data (10) 44 Bnefly explain the purpose of assessment mn early mathematics teaching ©) (25) TOTAL: [100] EXAMINERS: FIRST EXAMINER MRS P GOVENDER SECOND EXAMINER PROF DICKER UNISA 2019 [TURN OVER]

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