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Ms. Sievney Klyze G. Quidet
MODULE 2: THE NATURE, which means “common.” Both the sender and the
ELEMENTS, PROCESS, MODELS, receiver should arrive at a common understanding
of something.
COMMUNICATION According to Cheney (2011),
What is Communication? communication is a process of encoding and
transmitting messages such as ideas,
I. Communication is SYSTEMIC information, feelings, and emotions using
o which means that it involves a group of different symbols from a sender to a receiver in
interrelated parts that affect one another. In order to achieve a desired goal. Once a receiver
family communication, for instance, each decodes the message, he then encodes feedback
member of the family is part of the system. In and transmits it back to the sender. For this cycle
addition, the physical environment and the time to continue, understanding between the sender and
of day are elements of the system. receiver has to be reached.

Communication can be defined according to

II. Communication is IRREVERSABLE
form and use.
o This principle states that one should remember
Communication as a/an...
once you speak, you cannot take back what had
been said. Because of this, you should always
think before you speak on how this could affect
you in the present as well as in the future.

III. Communication is PROACTIVE

o This means that you engage in communication
with a goal in mind and you already anticipate
responses from your listener/s.

IV. Communication is a SYMBOLIC

o This means that you want to communicate with
someone in order to build or develop a
relationship with him/her. The Process of Communication.

In communication, meanings are Because all elements of communication

individually construed. Different people may give play a vital role in the entire process, each of these
different meanings out of what you have just said. elements has to be understood well to achieve
That is why it is very important for us to ask a successful communication.
question or verify information.

Through effective communication a

speaker can make a difference in someone’s life. A
good communicator is someone who can make the
audience reflect on a communication situation and
thus create a change for the betterment of

The Nature of Communication.

Communication, as the term suggests,

comes from the Latin word “communicare”
Ms. Sievney Klyze G. Quidet
The Message. A message
is the heart of communication. It is a
“signal, or a combination of signals that
serve as a stimulus for a
receiver” (DeVito, 1986:201). It is the
sender's translated ideas, feelings, attitudes, or
emotions in the form of signals or symbols.
A message is classified into verbal and
The Elements of Communication. non-verbal. For verbal messages, these could be
spoken, written, visual such as signs and symbols
Let's break down the usual elements of
and electronic. On the other hand, non-verbal
communication together.
messages could be expressed through
The Sender.
The sender is the initial
source of information
sometimes commonly
referred to as the encoder.
He has the ideas,
information, emotions, or
feelings that he intends to
transmit to the receiver
using different symbols. paralanguage such as hand and body gestures and
These symbols could be facial expressions. (Remember paralanguage, this
words in spoken or will appear later!)
written form or pictures,
graphs, signs, and even non- verbal cues such as a
wink of an eye or pouting of a lip. Also, the
sender decides on the purpose or goal for which
the specific communication process intends to
achieve. During the entire communication
process, the sender switches roles from being an
encoder to a decoder.

Channel. Also known as the

The Receiver. The receiver is the target of medium, it is the means or the channel by
communication. He is the reason why which the message is sent through from
communication is the sender to the receiver. This can be the
created. He is the space between the sender and the receiver
instrument from in a personal direct communication
which the or the electronic gadget for
communication goals distance communication (device- mediated
are realized and communication).
achieved. Therefore, it
is important that the
sender's message is
able to get through to the receiver. The receiver
initially decodes the message but could later on
encode reactions or feedback. So, he also switches
role from decoder to encoder as the
communication process continues.
Ms. Sievney Klyze G. Quidet
Feedback. It is a response the What is a
receiver gives to the sender to inform model?
the latter if the message
sent has gotten acrosseffectively A
or not. model is a
Feedback makes the entire graphic
communication process meaningful.
Through it, the sender may know if he
is communicating or not. He may also
know if effective communication has
taken place. Indeed, feedback is a vital
element in the communication loop for
representation designed to explain the way
it is the basis of completion of the
a variable works. It is a pattern, plan,
communication process or a start of a new
representation, or description designed to
communication cycle because feedback
show the structure or workings of an
paves way to generation of new idea/s for
object, system, or concept.
A number of communication scholars
Feedback can be both instantaneous have come up with different models of
and delayed depending on the time communication, and for senior high school,
required by the receivers to think and we will be looking at three: the linear
compose their reply. However, if feedback model (Shannon & Weaver, 1949), the
is not received at all, oftentimes, senders interactive model (Schramm, 1955), and
get frustrated. For a parent not to get a the transactional model (Barlund, 2008).
quick reply from a son or daughter who is
out partying with his/her friends at 11 The Linear Model of Communication
p.m., this could mean a possible (Shannon & Weaver, 1949)
disciplining. For a girlfriend who has been
waiting for a boyfriend's update, this could Known as the mother of all
mean a threat to their relationship. communication models, the Shannon-
Weaver model (1949) depicts
Because feedback is equally communication as a linear or one-way
important, it should be considered carefully process consisting of five elements: a
and promptly before it is given back to the source (producer of the message), a
sender. transmitter (encoder of the message into
signals), a channel (signals adapted for
Barrier. Also known as noise, it is
anything that interferes with the
transmission of the message by the sender
to the receiver. As a result, the message is
not properly received and understood.
DeVito (1986: 209) provides three types
of noise namely: physical noise
(environmental barrier), psychological
noise (mental/emotional barrier),
physiological noise (physical transmission), and receiver (the decoder of
weakness/sickness) and semantic noise messages from the signal), and a
(language barrier). destination.
Ms. Sievney Klyze G. Quidet

This model, however, has been

criticized for missing one essential element
in the communication process: feedback.
Without feedback, the speaker will not
know whether the receiver understood the
message or not.

This kind of model may be used in

sending billing or any promotional letters Schramm also took into account the
which may not require (immediate) wider social situations and relationships of
feedback from the recipient. both source and destination. He maintained
that when both have the same kind of
situations, the message is selected,
The Interactive Model of received, and interpreted according to the
Communication (Schramm, 1954) frames of references in which noise and
feedback play important roles. He also
The interactive model of included the idea of feedback by expressing
communication is also known as the two- that communication is reciprocal, two-way,
way process. In this model, the even though the feedback may be delayed.
accumulated experience of two individuals
engaged in communication is emphasized, This type of model may be used in
unlike in the linear model where classroom scenarios when a teacher
interaction, feedback, and sharing presents something to the class; then, the
experiences have no place. students receive and react to the stimuli by
either asking a question or answering a
The sender encodes and sends the question.
message, the receiver decodes the The Transactional Model of
message and transmits feedback to the Communication (Barlund, 2008)
Unlike the Shannon-Weaver Model,
which is the one-way process, the
Transactional Model is a two-way process
with the inclusion of feedback as one

As seen in the figure below, this

model is more interactive and addresses
the weaknesses of the other models. This
tells us that communication is a
Ms. Sievney Klyze G. Quidet
spontaneous, simultaneous, and dynamic outright explicitly stated, but they still
process of idea transfer requiring a back- augment the way we communicate, and
and-forth kind of relationship among the sometimes it is used because it sends
elements. messages that are trickier to verbalize.

The sender and receiver are referred In daily life, when people
to as communicators because they do not communicate, only 35% is verbal. The
just send or receive messages. Both can other 65% is through non-verbal means.
send and receive messages at the same
time, and the feedback is provided even
before the message is fully sent.

Dimensions: Verbal Communication.

There are two sub-dimensions when

it comes to verbal communication: the
spoken, and the transcription of thoughts
and ideas.
The transactional model of
When we participate in
communication is best illustrated in
conversations, make speeches, even talk
communication between two friends for
on the phone, these are
instance. When communicating to each
considered spoken verbal communication.
other, these two friends can simultaneously
function as receiver or sender of messages. However, sending people snappy
Immediate feedback can be in a non-verbal texts or taking the time to write a sweet
way, thus signalling the other letter falls under written verbal
communicator for a response. communication.

There are two dimensions of

communication, and we are pretty familiar
with what they are and even use it in real
life to communicate.

When we use our words, be it using

our mouth or in writing, this is considered
verbal communication. We are more
explicit, and the way we use our words is a
large aspect of verbal communication.

Things like body language, gestures,

facial expressions, and even the way we Register.
dress is also a dimension of
communication! This is called non-verbal
communication. These aspects are not
Ms. Sievney Klyze G. Quidet
expression falls, or
they scoff, or they
even walk out on
you for saying
something like that.
Be careful with your
Communication is also affected by words and be
the level of formality of the setting, and intentional with
how we present ourselves in these them, and reread a
situations. We cannot just barge into a message before you
black tie event in jean shorts and a hoodie hit 'send', just in
and think that is appropriate, just as we case you might
cannot turn up at Sugbo Mercado in a unintentionally
tuxedo or ball gown. The same goes when upset someone.
we are using language.
the required
Dimensions: Non-Verbal
formality helps us fit in and show respect to
the people around us. This is what we call
"Actions speak
louder than words," the old
When the scene calls for a
adage goes. As mentioned
meticulous observation of appropriateness
in the previous page, non-
when it comes to language, like writing an
verbal communication is a
apology letter to the principal for your
dimension of
absence or an application letter for
communication that has
university, this is considered the formal
nothing to do with the way
we use our words. It is
more of how we act and
On the other hand, in a situation that
present ourselves in
is more casual where formalities are not
situations. Aspects like our
strictly observed (or even laughable), you
facial expressions, tone of
might need to use the informal register.
voice, and body language
send waves of
communication louder than
Sometimes words. We need to be
we say things we careful not just with our
don't mean. While a words but with the way we
usual occurrence, act, as well, because these
it's still not are also powerful tools of
desirable. A speaker communication that might,
might not be aware in some cases, be more
of the unintended brutal than our words could
meaning of a be.
message they sent
Non-Verbal Communication:
out and only realize
the issue once they Paralanguage.
receive feedback: in
Ms. Sievney Klyze G. Quidet
Paralanguage is not what is said, but how it authority and power. The most important
was said. The manner of speech, our tone person in an event, the guest of honor,
and intonations, voice, volume, and even arrives last to signify their authority.
hesitation and physical items like gifts
convey messages that go beyond words. This is chronemics in action: the study of
Some examples of paralanguage are listed the relationship between time and
below: communication (Ballard, n.d.). The way we
perceive and react to time is connected to
● Sarcasm is a form of paralanguage. the way we humans communicate,
We say one thing, but we really especially when it comes to positions or
mean the opposite. power.

● Giving flowers. Universally, red roses Non-

symbolize love. White lilies in most Verbal
European countries are exclusively
for funerals and wakes. In Italy,
chrysanthemums are given to people
you have affection for, which would
be awkward to do in the Philippines
as this flower is usually displayed in Communication: Proxemics.
tombs in cemeteries.
Have you ever been in a conversation with
● Colors. Most fastfood/regular
restaurants are painted in the
colors of the sunset, i.e. yellow,
orange, red, as these increase
appetite. Hospital interiors/wards
usually are painted in pastel pink
or purple, powder blue as these
colors are thought to calm people.
Black is the color of mourning. In
most Asian monarchies, yellow is the
royal color such as the royal family
of Thailand. In Singapore, white
tents signal that there is a wedding, someone you just met but you just feel like
while yellow tents signal that there is they're a little too close to your face? It's
a funeral. kind of uncomfortable how they're feeling
close - both literally and metaphorically.
Non-Verbal Communication: This discomfort is proxemics at play.
According to Danesi (2006), proxemics is
In the "study of personal space and the
the degree of separation that individuals
maintain between each other in social
situations." Every individual, be it human
or animal, has a general radius of personal
space, and depending on the person and
their level of closeness, has an allocated
acceptable space within that radius.
movie "Princess Diaries 2", Queen Clarisse
says, "The Queen is never late. Everyone
else is simply early." This is a display of
Ms. Sievney Klyze G. Quidet

communication. Actions like nodding

for 'yes' and shaking the head to say
'no', and rolling eyes to express
distaste helps control the
Non-Verbal Communication: Haptics. conversation and the direction is
heading towards.
Haptics are the use of touch to express
what cannot be said: A kiss on a hand for ● illustrating - pinching the air to
lovers, best friends giving a tight hug, illustrate size of a handheld item,
handshake to affirm agreement or a deal, using both hands to demonstrate the
wife asking favor from a husband by way height or distance.
of a shoulder massage. There are many ● emblems - gestures associated with
ways to convey our messages through specific meaning, like putting your
the use of haptics. However, be careful hand on the chest during the
when touching other people. There might national anthem or putting your
be differences in culture or gender that hand up during the national pledge.
can unintentionally send a different
message or offend someone even if we
don't mean to do so. Non-Verbal Communication: Facial

Non-Verbal Communication: Facial

Gestures. expressions
The way we move our hands and head are the way
while speaking also holds a lot of our face
communicative meaning. Gestures are the movesto
most popular type of non-verbal convey
communication, and there are four types: our
● emphasizing - to punctuate what one emotional
wants to states
highlight in without
a message having to verbally (and
● regulating - sometimes violently) express them. There
used to are many different emotions that we can
control the feel and have the ability to
flow of convey through our face, but there are
seven basic expressions that we use
usually in everyday interactions.
Ms. Sievney Klyze G. Quidet
Non-Verbal Communication: Personal In countries like the U.S. silence can also
Appearance. be used as a form of protest, like the Day
Personal appearance is a type of verbal Silence.

In Japan, silence is the highest form of

respect a student can give a teacher.
has gotten across effectively or not

communication where an individual

decorates or modifies their physical
body to communicate meaning to
others. Other than our OOTD (outfit of
the day), tattoos, hairstyles, and
jewelry also help express our personality
and viewpoints on society.

Culture also plays a role in how personal

appearance is interpreted. In Japan, it is
offensive to leave the house with wet hair,
while in the Philippines we do not care
much about it.

Consider various dress codes: semi-

formal, smart casual, business attire,
formal, black tie, rugged, and cocktail. At
which events is one expected to wear
them? What about uniforms—why are
students wearing them? What kind of
message does wearing a uniform convey?

Non-Verbal Communication: Silence.

Giving someone the silent treatment

may seem like a lack of communication,
but you would be surprised to
find that it is also considered a
form of non-verbal communication

Depending on the culture, the way silence

is interpreted varies greatly. In the
Philippines, silence is extremely powerful
because it is a sign that a person may be
refusing to engage in communication,
which effectively renders communication

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