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Negative-Sequence Reactive-Power Control by a

PWM STATCOM Based on a Modular Multilevel
Cascade Converter (MMCC-SDBC)
Makoto Hagiwara, Member, IEEE, Ryo Maeda, and Hirofumi Akagi, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—This paper presents the application of a modular [10], [12] and battery energy storage systems [13], [14].
multilevel cascade converter based on single-delta bridge cells However, without significantly increasing the converter-cell
(SDBCs) to a STATic synchronous COMpensator (STATCOM), count, the SSBC-based STATCOM cannot draw any negative-
particularly for negative-sequence reactive-power control. The
SDBC is characterized by cascade connection of multiple single- sequence reactive power because it has no circulating current.
phase H-bridge (or full bridge) converter cells per leg, thus Flicker compensation of arc furnaces requires the control
facilitating flexible circuit design, low-voltage steps, and low- of positive-sequence reactive power, negative-sequence reactive
electromagnetic-interference emissions. This paper designs, power, and low-frequency active power at the same time [15]–
constructs, and tests a 100-V 5-kVA pulsewidth-modulated [17]. The SDBC, DSCC, and DSBC have the capability to
STATCOM based on the SDBC, with focus on the operating
principle and performance. Experimental results verify that it control negative-sequence reactive power because they have the
can control not only positive-sequence reactive power but also circulating current(s) that flow inside. The authors of this paper
negative-sequence reactive power and low-frequency active power have described the DSCC acting as a STATCOM with focus
intended for flicker compensation of arc furnaces. on control and performance [19], [20]. Experimental results
Index Terms—Flicker compensation, multilevel converters, obtained from a 200-V 10-kVA downscaled model have shown
negative-sequence reactive power. that the STATCOM can control the rated negative-sequence
reactive power with a small amount of circulating current [19].
I. I NTRODUCTION However, the converter-cell count required for the DSCC is four
times of that for the SSBC [1].
T HE FAMILY of modular multilevel cascade converters
(MMCCs) is expected as one of the next-generation power
converters suitable for high-voltage or medium-voltage ap-
Attention has been paid to STATCOMs based on the SDBC
[7]–[9]. The SDBC seems to be a better choice than the DSCC
plications without line-frequency transformers [1]–[20]. From from a practical point of view because√the converter-cell count
power-circuit and converter-cell configurations, it can be clas- required for the SDBC is only 1.7 (= 3) times of that for the
sified into the following [1]: SSBC [1]. Peng and Wang presented a control method of an
1) single-star bridge cells (SSBCs); SDBC-based STATCOM with stair-case modulation, in which
2) single-delta bridge cells (SDBCs); the amplitude of each cluster current is determined by offline
3) double-star chopper cells (DSCCs); calculation based on phasor diagrams [7]. In other words,
4) double-star bridge cells (DSBCs). no feedback loop is formed to control the current circulating
among the delta-connected clusters. Moreover, the authors in
The term “bridge cell” is a single-phase H-bridge (or full
[7] made no description of the term “circulating current.” It has
bridge) converter, and the “chopper cell” is a bidirectional chop-
been pointed out in [8] and [9] that the STATCOM can draw
per consisting of a dc capacitor and two insulated-gate bipolar
negative-sequence reactive power by adjusting the circulating
transistors. The SSBC is particularly suitable for a STATic syn-
current. However, no experimental verification has been made
chronous COMpensator (STATCOM) for voltage regulation
in the literature.
The aim of this paper is to provide experimental verification
Manuscript received October 25, 2011; revised December 8, 2011; of an SDBC-based pulsewidth-modulated (PWM) STATCOM
December 17, 2011. Date of publication December 30, 2011; date of current
version March 21, 2012. Paper 2011-IPCC-569.R1, presented at the 2011 IEEE
for negative-sequence reactive-power control. This paper pro-
Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Phoenix, AZ, September 17–22, poses a control method that is characterized by forming a feed-
and approved for publication in the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON I NDUSTRY back loop of the circulating current among the delta-connected
A PPLICATIONS by the Industrial Power Converter Committee of the IEEE
Industry Applications Society.
clusters, leading to stable dc-mean voltage control of all the
M. Hagiwara and H. Akagi are with the Department of Electrical and dc capacitors. This paper derives theoretical equations related
Electronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo 152-8552, Japan to ac-voltage fluctuations of each dc capacitor. It is followed
R. Maeda was with the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, by experimental verification using a downscaled model rated at
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo 152-8552, Japan. He is now with Tokyo 100 V and 5 kVA. Experimental results verify that it can control
Electric Power Company, Inc., Tokyo 100-8560, Japan. not only positive-sequence reactive power but also negative-
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at sequence reactive power and low-frequency active power at the
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2011.2182330 same time.

0093-9994/$26.00 © 2011 IEEE

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Fig. 1. Typical system configuration with ac arc furnaces, passive filters, and
a flicker compensator.

Fig. 3. Flicker compensators with the SDBC-based STATCOM. (a) 22-kV/

33-kV system with a grid transformer. (b) 6.6-kV system with no grid

into practical use to date: One is based on line commutation,

called as static var compensators [15]. The other is based on
self-commutation, called as a STATCOM [18].

C. SDBC-Based STATCOM for Flicker Compensation

Fig. 2. Simplified circuit of Fig. 1. Fig. 3 shows two kinds of flicker compensators with an
SDBC-based STATCOM. The SDBC is characterized by easily
II. F LICKER C OMPENSATORS FOR A RC F URNACES increasing the voltage and current ratings without using line-
A. Configuration of Flicker Compensators frequency converter transformers. Fig. 3(a) shows a 22-kV/
33-kV system with a grid transformer. Each cluster of the
Fig. 1 shows a typical system configuration with ac arc fur- SDBC is connected in delta configuration via a single coupled
naces, passive filters, and a flicker compensator. The multiple ac inductor. The leakage inductance of the transformer works as
arc furnaces in a range from 10 to 100 MVA are connected to ac-link inductors between the grid and the SDBC. Fig. 3(b)
a high-voltage grid [18]. Arc furnaces draw positive-sequence shows a 6.6-kV system with no grid transformer. Each cluster
and negative-sequence reactive currents, low-frequency active of the SDBC is connected via three noncoupled inductors. The
currents, and harmonic currents from the grid. The harmonic SDBC can be connected directly to the 6.6-kV grid because the
currents can be suppressed by connecting the passive filters noncoupled inductors work as ac-link inductors.
tuned to such specific frequencies as shown in Fig. 1. The other
currents that cause the so-called “voltage flicker” should be
mitigated fully by the flicker compensator. III. C IRCUIT C ONFIGURATION OF THE SDBC
A. Circuit Configuration
B. Configuration of Flicker Compensators Fig. 4 shows the detailed circuit configuration of the 100-V
Fig. 2 shows a simplified circuit of Fig. 1 in which iS is the 5-kVA STATCOM used in experiments. Each cluster of the
supply current, iL is the load current, and i is the compensating SDBC consists of cascade connection of three bridge cells
current. Note that p and q are the instantaneous active and re- (i.e., single-phase full-bridge PWM converters), and the three
active powers in the three-phase circuit [22] at the ac terminals clusters are connected in delta configuration via a single cou-
of the compensator. Without the compensator, a voltage flicker pled inductor L. The SDBC is connected to a three-phase ac
would appear on the point of common coupling (PCC) due to mains of 100 V (line to line in rms) via a three-phase ac-link
the time-varying load current iL drawn by the arc furnace. The inductor LS that corresponds to the leakage inductance of the
flicker compensator mitigates the voltage flicker by controlling grid transformer in Fig. 3(a). Here, vuv , vvw , and vwu are the
both p and q. Generally, the controller of a flicker compensator cluster voltages, iuv , ivw , and iwu are the cluster currents, and
calculates power commands p∗ and q ∗ from the load current p and q are the instantaneous active and reactive powers at the
detected.1 Then, the current commands of the compensating PCC. The following relations exist between the compensating
currents are calculated from p∗ and q ∗ . Note that the three- currents and the cluster currents2 :
phase voltages at the PCC would be almost balanced and
iu = iuv − iwu iv = ivw − iuv iw = iwu − ivw . (1)
sinusoidal waveforms when the compensator worked properly.
For example, the following flicker compensators have been put
2 The compensating currents and the supply currents are the same in Fig. 4
1 How to calculate p∗ and q ∗ is beyond the scope of this paper. because no load (arc furnace) is connected.
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Fig. 4. Circuit configuration of the 100-V 5-kVA PWM STATCOM used in


Fig. 5. Coupled inductor used in Fig. 4.

Let the circulating current flowing inside the delta-connected

clusters be iZ . It is defined as
iZ = (iuv + ivw + iwu ). (2)

B. Configuration of the Coupled Inductor

Fig. 6. Block diagram of dc-capacitor voltage control. (a) Cluster-balancing
Fig. 5 shows the detailed configuration of the coupled in- control. (b) Circulating-current control. (c) Individual-balancing control.
ductor used in Fig. 4. It consists of three windings, each of
which has a turn number of N/3 along a common magnetic set as VC∗ = 60 V. The dc capacitor was set as either C =
core. The following relation between the magnetic flux φ and 16.4 mF (H = 53 ms) or C = 0.9 F (H = 2.9 s). The ac-link
the magnetomotive force is obtained from Fig. 5 and (2) as: inductor and the coupled inductor were set as LS = 0.5 mH
(8%) and L = 2.3 mH (37%), respectively.3
N iuv N ivw N iwu
Rφ = + + = N iZ (3)
3 3 3
where R is the reluctance of the core. Hence, the coupled induc-
tor presents an inductance value of L (= N 2 /R) only to the Fig. 6 shows the block diagram of the dc-capacitor voltage
circulating current iZ and no inductance to the compensating control. Voltage control of the nine floating dc capacitors in
currents. Note that L is the inductance value when the three Fig. 4 can be divided into the following:
windings are connected in series. 1) cluster-balancing control;
2) circulating-current control;
C. Circuit Parameters Used in Experiments 3) individual-balancing control.

Table I summarizes the circuit parameters of the SDBC

3 The percent inductance of the coupled inductor, i.e., 37%, is calculated on
which will be used in experiments later on. Each carrier
a three-phase, 100-V, 5-kVA, and 50-Hz base. A coupled inductor is much
frequency of phase-shifted PWM for bridge cells was set as smaller in physical volume than an ac-link inductor when both have the same
fC = 2 kHz. The command of each dc-capacitor voltage was percent inductance.
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A. Cluster-Balancing Control
Fig. 6(a) shows the block diagram of the cluster-balancing
control. The voltage major loop forces the average voltage
of each cluster, namely, v̄Cu , v̄Cv , and v̄Cw , to follow the
average voltage of the three clusters v̄C where they are de-
fined as

1 1
3 3
v̄Cu = vCju v̄Cv = vCjv
3 j=1 3 j=1

v̄Cu + v̄Cv + v̄Cw
v̄Cw = vCjw v̄C = . (4)
3 j=1 3 Fig. 7. Block diagram of instantaneous active and reactive power controls,
and overall voltage control.
Here, v̄Cu , v̄Cv , v̄Cw , and v̄C are instantaneous values contain-
ing both ac and dc components. It is desirable to extract only the
dc components (i.e., (v̄Cu )dc , (v̄Cv )dc , (v̄Cw )dc , and (v̄C )dc )
because the existence of the ac components deteriorates the
controllability. The following methods can be utilized to extract
the dc components:
1) the method using a low-pass filter [10];
2) the method using a feedforward control;
3) the method using a moving-average filter of 100 Hz [9].
The last method is adopted in this paper. Note that sin(ωt +
π/6) in Fig. 6(a) is in phase with vuv . When (v̄C )dc >
(v̄Cu )dc , the product of vuv and iZ (= i∗Z ) forms positive
active power because iZ contains the same component as
vuv . As a result, an amount of active power flows into the Fig. 8. AC-voltage command of each bridge cell. (a) u-phase. (b) v-phase.
u-phase cluster, thus leading to increasing (v̄Cu )dc . On the (c) w-phase.
other hand, the product of vuv and iZ forms negative active
power when (v̄C )dc < (v̄Cu )dc , thus leading to decreasing Hence, the sum of the voltage commands is equal to zero.
(v̄Cu )dc . This means that no interference occurs between the individual-
balancing control and the circulating-current control.
B. Circulating-Current Control
Fig. 6(b) shows the block diagram of the circulating-current D. Active-Power, Reactive-Power, and Overall
control. The current minor loop forces iZ to follow its com- Voltage Controls
mand i∗Z , producing the voltage command vA ∗
that is common Fig. 7 shows the block diagram of the active-power, reactive-
to the three clusters. power, and overall voltage controls [10], in which p∗ and q ∗
represent the power commands of p and q at the PCC. The
C. Individual-Balancing Control dc component of q ∗ is adjusted to control positive-sequence
reactive power keeping the relation of p∗ = 0. On the other
Fig. 6(c) shows the block diagram of the individual- hand, a couple of second-order components (100 Hz) with the
balancing control. It forms an active power between the ac same amplitude but a phase difference of 90◦ are superimposed
voltage of each bridge cell and the corresponding cluster cur- on p∗ and q ∗ , respectively, to control negative-sequence reactive
∗ ∗ ∗
rent [21]. The voltage commands vBju , vBjv , and vBjw are power. A low-frequency component is superimposed on p∗ to
given by control active power, keeping the relation of q ∗ = 0. The line-
∗ ∗ ∗
∗ to-line voltage commands vuv , vvw , and vwu are determined
vBju = K4 (v̄Cu − vCju )iuv
by decoupled current control of the compensating currents. A

vBjv = K4 (v̄Cv − vCjv )ivw voltage major loop intended for compensating the converter
loss is formed as shown in Fig. 7, which forces (v̄C )dc to follow

vBjw = K4 (v̄Cw − vCjw )iwu . (5) its command vC ∗
Fig. 8 shows the ac-voltage command of each bridge cell.
The following equation is obtained from (4) and (5): The voltage command is normalized by each dc-capacitor volt-

3 age. Then, it is compared with a triangular waveform having a
∗ ∗ ∗
vBju + vBjv + vBjw = 0. (6) maximal value of 1 and a minimal value of −1 with a carrier
j=1 j=1 j=1 frequency of fC .
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√ 7π
vwu = 2V sin ωt − (8)
where V is the rms value. The compensating currents iu , iv ,
and iw are expressed as

iu = − 2I sin(ωt + φ)
√ 4π
iv = − 2I sin ωt + φ −
√ 2π
iw = − 2I sin ωt + φ − (9)
where I is the rms value and φ is an initial phase. Applying the
d−q transformation into (9) produces id and iq as

id = 3I cos(2ωt + φ)

iq = 3I sin(2ωt + φ). (10)

The three-phase instantaneous active and reactive powers at

the PCC p and q under the balanced and sinusoidal ac-mains
voltages are expressed as follows:

p = VS id = 3VS I cos(2ωt + φ)

q = VS iq = 3VS I sin(2ωt + φ). (11)

The cluster currents and the circulating current are expressed as

follows (see the Appendix):
Fig. 9. Experimental waveforms when the rated negative-sequence reactive 2 π  π
power of 5 kvar was controlled with a condition of C = 16.4 mF (H =
iuv = 2 I sin φ − sin ωt −
3 3 3
53 ms). 
ivw = 2 I sin φ sin ωt
2 2π 2π
iwu = 2 I sin φ − sin ωt −
A. Cluster Currents and Circulating Current 3 3 3

The supply or ac-mains line-to-neutral voltages in Fig. 4 are 2
given by iZ = I cos(ωt − φ). (12)
2 2 2π The following conclusions are obtained from (12).
vSu = VS sin ωt vSv = VS sin ωt −
3 3 3 1) The initial phase φ determines either the capacitive or
   inductive operation of each cluster, along with the am-
2 4π
vSw = VS sin ωt − . (7) plitude of each cluster current. √
3 3 2) The maximal rms value of the cluster current is 2I/ 3.
The cluster voltages vuv , vvw , and vwu are not completely
balanced when a negative-sequence reactive power is con- B. DC-Capacitor Voltage
trolled. This means that their rms value and phase difference are
An operating condition of φ = 5π/6 is considered where
different from 100 V and 120◦ , respectively. The experimental
the ac-voltage fluctuation of vC1u and the amplitude of iuv
results in Fig. 9 show that the difference in the rms value is less
are maximal. The cluster current iuv can be expressed from
than 13% with respect to 100 V, and the phase difference is less
(12) as
than 12% with respect to 120◦ , both of which are not so large. 
To make the theoretical analysis simple and easy, the cluster 2  π
voltages are assumed to be balanced and sinusoidal as iuv = 2 I sin ωt − . (13)
3 3
√  π
vuv = 2V sin ωt + The dc-capacitor voltage vC1u can be obtained as follows:
6 √
√ π 3VS I
vvw = 2V sin ωt − vC1u = VC + cos 2ωt + (14)
2 9ωCVC 3
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where VC is the dc component of vC1u (= VC∗ ). Equation (14)

indicates that a second-order frequency component of 100 Hz
is superimposed on VC .


The instantaneous active and reactive powers in the three-
phase circuit p and q are given to the STATCOM as follows:

p= 3VS I sin(ω0 t + φ0 ) q=0 (15)

where ω0 /2π is a frequency and φ0 is an initial phase. The

following relation exists in Fig. 4 when the effects of the ac-
link inductors and the coupled inductor are ignored:

p = vuv iuv + vvw ivw + vwu iwu . (16)

The instantaneous active power in the u-phase cluster yields

d(vC1u + vC2u + vC3u ) dv̄Cu

vuv iuv  CVC = 3CVC .
dt dt
The similar relationships come into existence in the v-phase and
w-phase clusters as

vvw ivw  3CVC Fig. 10. Experimental waveforms when a positive-sequence capacitive-
reactive power of 1.7 kvar, a negative-sequence reactive power of 1.7 kvar, and a
dv̄Cw 10-Hz active power of 1.7 kW were simultaneously controlled with a condition
vwu iwu  3CVC . (18) of C = 16.4 mF (H = 53 ms).

The following equation is obtained from (4), (15)–(18) as: A. Negative-Sequence Reactive-Power Control
√ The instantaneous active and reactive power commands in
p = 3VS I sin(ω0 t + φ0 ) the three-phase circuit p∗ and q ∗ are given by.4
d(v̄Cu + v̄Cv + v̄Cw ) dv̄C  
 3CVC = 9CVC . (19) 5π
dt dt p∗ = 5 cos 2ωt + [kW]
Equations (15) and (19) produce  
∗ 5π
q = 5 sin 2ωt + [kvai] (21)
√ 6
v̄C = VC − cos(ω0 t + φ0 ). (20)
9ω0 CVC where the initial phase from (9)–(11) was set as φ = 5π/6 so
that the amplitude of iuv has its maximal value. Equation (21)
Hence, a low-frequency component of ω0 /2π appears on v̄C . and Fig. 7 give i∗d and i∗q as follows:
Note that the low-frequency components included in the nine  
dc-capacitor voltages are identical in amplitude and phase. 5π
i∗d = 50 cos 2ωt + [A]

VII. E XPERIMENT i∗q = 50 sin 2ωt + [A] (22)
Figs. 9–12 show the experimental waveforms obtained from
the 100-V 5-kVA downscaled model. All the experimental where the dc component of i∗d coming from the overall volt-
waveforms were taken in a personal computer (PC) through age control is excluded from (22). Applying the inverse d−q
the YOKOGAWA WE7000 PC-based data acquisition system
with different sampling frequencies. Figs. 9, 10, and 12 had a
sampling frequency of 100 kHz, and Fig. 11 had a sampling 4 The unit volt ampere imaginary (“vai”) is introduced to the instantaneous
frequency of 20 kHz. reactive power, according to [24]
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i∗w = 41 sin ωt − [A]. (23)

It is obvious from (23) that i∗u leads i∗w by 120◦ and i∗v by 240◦ ,
thus resulting in drawing the negative-sequence reactive power
from the ac mains.
Fig. 9 shows the experimental waveforms when the rated
negative-sequence reactive power of 5 kvar was controlled. The
cluster voltage vuv is a seven-level PWM waveform with a
voltage step of 60 V (= VC∗ ), containing much less harmonic
voltages as well as much less common-mode voltages than
traditional two-level voltage-source PWM converters. Since the
carrier frequency of each chopper cell is 2 kHz, the equivalent
switching frequency of the cluster is 12 kHz ( 2 kHz × 6).
The compensating currents iu , iv , and iw agree well with
their current commands given by (23). The waveform of iu
can be considered as a sinusoidal waveform with a funda-
mental component of 50 Hz. The total harmonic distortion
(THD) value of iu is as low as 3.3%.5 The amplitudes of the
compensating currents are slightly different (i.e., Iu = 42 A,
Iv = 35 A, and Iw = 39 A) due to the converter loss.
Fig. 11. Experimental waveforms when a 1-Hz active power of 5 kW was The u-phase cluster acts as an inductor because iuv lags vuv
controlled with a condition of C = 0.9 F (H = 2.9 s).
by 90◦ . On the other hand, the v- and w-phase clusters act as a
capacitor because ivw leads vvw by 90◦ and iwu leads vwu by
90◦ . The amplitudes of vuv , vvw , and vwu are different because
their operating modes are different. The circulating current
defined as (2) flows inside the delta-connected clusters to draw
the negative-sequence reactive power. As a result, the rms value
of iuv is as large as 34 A. Since the coupled inductor presents
the inductance as large as 37% to the circulating current, the
harmonic currents included in iZ are negligible.
The dc-capacitor voltages vC1u , vC1v , and vC1w contain both
dc and ac components, in which the voltage control regulates
the dc component at 60 V. The ac component consists of a
second-order (100 Hz) frequency component as shown in (14).
Fig. 9 shows that the peak-to-peak voltage fluctuation in vC1u
was observed as 3.6 V, which agrees well with the theoretical
value of 3.6 V obtained from (14).

B. Active-Power and Reactive-Power Controls

Flicker compensation of arc furnaces requires to control
positive-sequence reactive power, negative-sequence reactive
power, and low-frequency active power at the same time. As
an example, p∗ and q ∗ are given by

p∗ = 1.7 sin(ωt/5) + 1.7 cos 2ωt + [kW]
Fig. 12. Experimental waveforms when a negative-sequence reactive power 5π
was increased from 2.5 to 5 kvar in 20 ms, kept constant for 20 ms, and q ∗ = 1.7 sin 2ωt + − 1.7 [kvai]. (24)
decreased from 5 to 2.5 kvar in 20 ms with a condition of C = 16.4 mF (H = 6
53 ms).
Fig. 10 shows the experimental waveforms when a positive-
sequence capacitive-reactive power of 1.7 kvar, a negative-
transformation into (22) produces i∗u , i∗v , and i∗w as sequence reactive power of 1.7 kvar, and a 10-Hz active power
 π of 1.7 kW were simultaneously controlled with a condition of
i∗u = 41 sin ωt − [A]
 π 5 The harmonic currents were counted up to the 40th component according to
i∗v = 41 sin ωt + [A] the Japanese harmonic guidelines.
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C = 16.4 mF (H = 53 ms). Since three different operating capacitor is required to decrease the voltage difference during
modes are intermixed, the amplitude and phase of the currents the transient period.
are changing dynamically as shown in Fig. 10. The amplitude of
iZ in Fig. 10 is one-third of that in Fig. 9 because the negative-
sequence reactive power in Fig. 10 is reduced to one-third of
that in Fig. 9. This paper has discussed a PWM STATCOM using
The dc-capacitor voltages contain two frequency compo- an MMCC-SDBC, with focus on operating principle and
nents. One is a second-order frequency component of 100 Hz performance. The experimental results obtained from the
resulting from the negative-sequence reactive power. The other 100-V 5-kVA downscaled model have led to the following
is a low-frequency component of 10 Hz resulting from the conclusions.
active power. The three clusters have 100-Hz components with 1) Low-voltage steps at the ac terminals of each cluster make
different amplitudes but the same phase difference as 120◦ , a significant contribution to reducing the THD values of
whereas the three clusters have the common 10-Hz component the compensating currents.
with the same amplitude. Fig. 10 indicates that the amplitude of 2) The SDBC has a capability to control negative-sequence
the 10-Hz component is much larger than those of the 100-Hz reactive power with the help of the circulating current
components because it is inversely proportional to ω or ω0 as among the delta-connected clusters.
shown in (14) and (20). Hence, larger capacitors are required 3) Positive-sequence reactive power, negative-sequence re-
to control low-frequency active power. Fig. 10 suggests that the active power, and low-frequency active power can be
10-Hz peak-to-peak voltage fluctuation included in vC1u was controlled simultaneously.
observed as 6 V, which agrees well with the theoretical value of These conclusions suggest that the SDBC is applicable to a
5.9 V obtained from (20). STATCOM for flicker compensation of arc furnaces.

C. Low-Frequency Active-Power Control A PPENDIX

To control a 1-Hz instantaneous active power of 5 kW, p and A. Derivation of (12)
q ∗ are given by
Equations (1) and (2) give the cluster currents as
p∗ = 5 sin (ωt/50) [kW] iu − iv
iuv = + iZ
q∗ = 0 [kvai]. (25) 3
iv − iw
Fig. 11 shows the experimental waveforms in which each of ivw = + iZ
the dc capacitors was replaced with C = 0.9 F (H = 2.9 s).
Both compensating and cluster currents form 1-Hz envelopes as iw − iu
iwu = + iZ . (26)
shown in 3
√Fig. 11, in which the amplitude of the cluster currents
was 1/ 3 of that of the compensating currents. Carefully Substituting (9) into (26) yields
looking into Fig. 11 reveals that the amplitudes of both cluster  
and compensating currents when p∗ > 0 are larger than that of 2 π
iuv = − I sin ωt + φ − + iZ
the currents when p∗ < 0 due to the converter loss. The relation 3 6
of iZ = 0 always exists because no negative-sequence reactive  
2 π
power was controlled. The dc-capacitor voltages vC1u , vC1v , ivw = − I sin ωt + φ + + iZ
and vC1w contain both 1- and 100-Hz components in which the 3 2
former is much larger than the latter. Fig. 11 shows that the 2 5π
1-Hz peak-to-peak voltage fluctuation is 3.3 V which agrees iwu = − I sin ωt + φ − + iZ . (27)
3 6
well with the theoretical value of 3.3 V obtained from (20).
Each dc-capacitor voltage lags p∗ by 90◦ as obtained from (15) The circulating current iZ can be expressed as follows:
and (20). √
iZ = 2IZ sin(ωt + φZ ) (28)

D. Transient-State Performance where IZ is the rms value and φZ is the initial phase.
The instantaneous active power formed between the voltage
Fig. 12 shows the experimental waveforms when the
and the current in each cluster is represented as
negative-sequence reactive power was increased from 2.5 to
5 kvar in 20 ms, kept constant for 20 ms, and decreased from puv = vuv · iuv
5 to 2.5 kvar in 20 ms with a condition of C = 16.4 mF (H =
53 ms). It is clear from Fig. 12 that the STATCOM can achieve pvw = vvw · ivw
fast negative-sequence reactive-power control without delay pwu = vwu · iwu . (29)
time. However, the waveforms of vC1u , vC1v , and vC1w show
that a maximal voltage difference of 12 V (20%) occurs during Let the dc component of puv , pvw , and pwu be (puv )dc , (pvw )dc ,
the transient state. To increase the capacitance of each dc and (pwu )dc , respectively. The following equation should be
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[4] Y. Liang and C. O. Nwankpa, “A new type of STATCOM based on Jul./Aug. 1996.
cascading voltage-source inverters with phase-shifted unipolar SPWM,” [24] H. Akagi, E. H. Watanabe, and M. Aredes, Instantaneous Power Theory
IEEE Trans. Ind. Appl., vol. 35, no. 5, pp. 1118–1123, Sep./Oct. 1999. and Applications to Power Conditioning. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE Press,
[5] S. Sirisukprasert, A. Q. Huang, and J. S. Lai, “Modeling, analysis and con- 2007.
trol of cascaded-multilevel converter-based STATCOM,” in Proc. Power
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[6] C. K. Lee, J. S. K. Leung, S. Y. R. Hui, and H. S. H. Chung, “Circuit-level
comparison of STATCOM technologies,” IEEE Trans. Power Electron., Makoto Hagiwara (M’06) was born in Tokyo,
vol. 18, no. 4, pp. 1084–1092, Jul. 2003. Japan, in 1979. He received the B.S., M.S., and
[7] F. Z. Peng and J. Wang, “A universal STATCOM with delta- Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Tokyo
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pp. 3529–3533. 2006, respectively.
Since April 2006, he has been an Assistant Pro-
6 The values of v ∗ and v ∗ fessor in the Department of Electrical and Elec-
A B1u are as small as 1% of the rms value of tronic Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology.
∗ /3 (= 33 V) under the steady-state condition.
7 The ac components are as small as 5% of the dc component of 60 V His research interests are modular multilevel cascade
converters for utility applications.
from Fig. 9.
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Ryo Maeda was born in Yokohama, Japan, in 1987. Hirofumi Akagi (M’87–SM’94–F’96) was born in
He received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering Okayama, Japan, in 1951. He received the B.S. de-
from Tokyo Metropolitan University, Tokyo, Japan, gree in electrical engineering from Nagoya Institute
in 2009, and the M.S. degree in electrical engineering of Technology, Nagoya, Japan, in 1974, and the M.S.
from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, in 2011. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from
Since April 2011, he has been with Tokyo Electric Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan, in 1976
Power Company, Inc., Tokyo. and 1979, respectively.
In 1979, he joined Nagaoka University of Tech-
nology, Nagaoka, Japan, as an Assistant Profes-
sor and then became an Associate Professor in the
Department of Electrical Engineering. In 1987, he
was a Visiting Scientist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT),
Cambridge, for ten months. From 1991 to 1999, he was a Professor in the
Department of Electrical Engineering, Okayama University, Okayama. From
March to August of 1996, he was a Visiting Professor at the University of
Wisconsin, Madison, and then at MIT. Since January 2000, he has been a
Professor in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Tokyo In-
stitute of Technology. His research interests include power conversion systems,
motor drives, active and passive electromagnetic interference (EMI) filters,
high-frequency resonant inverters for induction heating and corona discharge
treatment processes, and utility applications of power electronics such as active
filters, self-commutated back-to-back systems, and flexible ac transmission
system devices. He has authored or coauthored more than 100 IEEE T RANS -
ACTIONS papers and two invited papers published in P ROCEEDINGS OF THE
IEEE in 2001 and 2004. The total citation index for all his papers in Google
Scholar is more than 15 000. He has made numerous presentations as a keynote
or invited speaker internationally.
Dr. Akagi served as the President of the IEEE Power Electronics Society
for 2007–2008. He was elected as a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE
Power Electronics and IEEE Industry Applications Societies for 1998–1999.
He was a recipient of five IEEE T RANSACTIONS Prize Paper Awards and nine
IEEE Conference Prize Paper Awards. He was also the recipient of the 2001
IEEE William E. Newell Power Electronics Award, the 2004 IEEE Industry
Applications Society Outstanding Achievement Award, and the 2008 IEEE
Richard H. Kaufmann Technical Field Award.

Authorized licensed use limited to: Florida State University. Downloaded on February 23,2024 at 17:34:46 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.

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