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Write a narrative essay about one time when you went on an eventful trip together with

your family. (180-200 words)

Last summer, my family embarked on an unforgettable journey that unfolded into an

eventful trip filled with laughter, exploration, and unexpected twists. Packed into our
trusty minivan, we set out on a road trip to the mountains, seeking respite from the
hustle and bustle of everyday life.

The journey itself became an adventure as we wound our way through picturesque
landscapes, each turn revealing a new and breathtaking vista. Along the way, we
stumbled upon a charming roadside diner, its neon sign beckoning us to indulge in
hearty meals and share stories. It was a spontaneous detour that added a dash of
flavour to our itinerary, the taste of the unexpected lingering in our memories.

As we reached the mountain cabin we had booked, excitement filled the air. The days
unfolded with hiking trails leading us to hidden waterfalls, and evenings were spent
around a crackling bonfire, swapping tales and roasting marshmallows. However, the
true climax of our trip was an impromptu decision to explore a mysterious cave.
Armed with flashlights and a sense of curiosity, we ventured into the unknown,
discovering a subterranean world of wonders.

As far as I’m concerned it was one of the most adventurous and delightful trips I’ve
ever had.

Seek-sought=a cauta


Wind-wound=a serpui/coti


stumble upon=a gasi ceva intamplator

roadside diner=restaurant

beckon=a face semn cuiva

indulge in=a se lasa in voia/a-si permite

hearty meal=a manca zdravan



linger=a zabovi/ramane
unfold=a trece/a se petrece

hiking trails=drumetii


bonfire=foc de tabara


impromptu=improvizat/facut pe loc

As far as I’m concerned=in ceea ce ma priveste

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