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Name: Bui Thi Bich Ngoc IPE03-K68

ID number: 20234672-20224783
Date: January 8th, 2024
Topic 1: You have just had a wonderful summer vacation with your family
and cannot wait to share it with your friend. Write a letter: Describe the place
you visited/ Express what you enjoyed most about it/ Invite him/her to come
with you on the next trip.
Dear Jun,
Today, I am writing to tell you about my wonderful summer vacation with my
family. I am so excited so I cannot wait to share it with you.
My family and I decided to go to Sapa for a few days in order to escape the hot
weather in summer. The road to Sapa is difficult so it took my family 6-7 hours by
car to get there. On coming to Sapa, I was not disappointed. The natural scenery here
is truly beautiful. The air is extremely fresh, and you can also see clouds hovering
over the top of the towering mountains.
When I was there, I visited many wonderful places. First, my family and I visited in
Cat Cat village. It is one of the oldest villages in Sapa. You can experience the
lifestyle of the people, and take beautiful photos with ethnic minority children here.
They so cute and pretty. The next day, I had the opportunity to experience taking the
cable car to the top of Fansipan mountain. The weather up there is very cold and
cloudy. I climbed 600 steps to reach the top of Fansipan. At that time, I was very
tired but when I conquered it, I felt extremely excited. I also take a photo with my
family with the flag paced on the top of the mountain. Then, I also went to Sapa
market for traditional shopping experience. The market is always crowded. The
market has many traditional goods and dishes of Sapa’s people. After that, my
family and I also went to some local food stores to try out Sapa cuisine. My favourite
dish is chicken hotpot. I felt very happy, relaxed, and I have a lot of time with my
family. I can also experience and enjoy many interesting services in Sapa. All in all,
the trip to Sapa left many beautiful memories for me.
How was your summer vacation? I also want to invite you to come with me on the
next trip. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Hopefully we can meet again
Best wishes,
Bui Ngoc
Unit 6: Brain Food
Topic 1: When desgining a diet for yourself or another person, what
information would you need? How would you gather the data? How would you
compile it? Are there any paradigms you would follow?
If we want to have a healthy body, besides regular exercise, combining it with a
heathy diet is important and nescessary in life.
When designing a diet for yourself or another person, we shoud find carefully about
eating mehods, ingredients, and scientific eating habits from famous researchers in
the field of eating. As FAO (2012) demonstrate, “Sustainable diets are protective
and respectful of biodiversity and ecosystems culturally acceptable, accessible,
economically fair, and affordable; nutritionally adequate, safe, and healthy; while
optimizing natural and human resources.”
First of all, before designing a diet, we need to pay attention to the following advice.
We should devide our food portions into smaller. Secondly, we need to make the
right choices with food at vending machines or meetings. We need also review the
snack options sold in hospital stores. In addition, we should approach fruits,
vegetable and increase lighting in areas such as sidewalks, parks, etc (Maryniuk,
We can follow other types of paradigms such as DASH (the Dietary Approach to
Stop Hypertension), the Mediterranean diet, etc. One of them is the Pyramid diet
paradigm by Stampfer, M. J., & Willett, W. C. (2014, March 26). First, we need
provide refined cacbohydrates such as white bread and white rice. It is the main fuel
of each person’s body, increase glucose levels in the blood. Next, we should eating
boiled potatoes. It can increases blood sugar levels because potatoes are mainly
composed of starch, so they are easily converted into glucose. Besides, we need
increase eating vegetable and fruits. It has many good effects such as reduce the
chance of getting cancer, car-diovascular disease or low the risk of heart disease and
diabetes, and provide many vitamins for health. We can eating nuts in order to avoid
the possibility of obesty because nuts can reduce the intake of other foods.
Stampfer, M. J., & Willett, W. C. (2014, March 26) also recommended drinking 2-3
glasses of milk a day. Drinking this milk helps us provide calcium, avoid disease
osteoporosis and bone fractures. On the other hand, consuming too much red meat
can lead to coronary heart disease, increase the risk of 2 diabetes and colon cancer.
Thus, instead we eat red meat, we can replace it by chicken and fish. Fish can
provides omega-3 fatty acids. The Pyramid recommends we should eat mix healthy
fatts is liquid vegetables oils such as olive, peanut, corn, etc with healthy
cacbonhydrates such as brown rice, whole wheat bread, etc. The last, we should limit
amount of alcohol consumed for the cardio vascular system.
Based on Healthy Eating Index (HEI) - a score developed by the USDA showed that
women and men both smoke less, exercised and live healthier. Although it has
become an iconic paradigm over the years and brings many benefits in desgn a diet,
it can lead people to eat more refined starches, fewer of the healthy unsaturated fats.
In conclusion, The Pyramid paradigm has many suggestion about good foods to
design a healthy diet. We should also pay attention to the harmful effects of this diet,
consider whether it is suitable for body or not. In the future, the Pyramid paradigm
should also change to be more suitable.
FAO 2012, , Sustainable Diets and Biodiversity - Directions and solutions for
policy, research and actions. [2017, 3/21].

Melinda D. Maryniuk; Pyramids, Paradigms, and Possibilities. Diabetes Spectr 1

January 2006; 19 (1): 58-63.

Stampfer, M. J., & Willett, W. C. (2014, March 26). Rebuilding the food pyramid.
Scientific American.

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