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Biodiversity loss

A decrease in biodiversity within a species, an ecosystem, a given geographic area, or Earth as

a whole. Biodiversity, or biological diversity, is a term that refers to the number of genes,
species, individual organisms within a given species, and biological communities within a
defined geographic area, ranging from the smallest ecosystem to the global biosphere. A
biological community is an interacting group of various species in a common location.
Likewise, biodiversity loss describes the decline in the number, genetic variability, and variety
of species, and the biological communities in a given area. This loss in the variety of life can
lead to a breakdown in the functioning of the ecosystem where decline has happened

Solutions to ecosystem degradation biodiversity loss

Planting trees in the catchments

Afforestation or planting of trees can help us control environmental degradation. Plants give us
oxygen and take in carbon dioxide, thereby reducing the amount of carbon dioxide in the
atmosphere. Forests are home to various indigenous species. Cutting them creates an
imbalance in the ecosystem. The roots of the plant hold onto the soil preventing soil erosion.
Plants provide us with food and shelter. They also help in controlling the temperature of our
planet. They can regulate rainfall. So, let’s plant a tree and contribute to saving our

Rainwater harvesting

Rainwater harvesting or collection of rainwater for domestic purposes is a way to prevent

wastage of water. The unavailability of drinking water and water pollution makes it hard for
people to find healthy drinking water. The water collected by rainwater harvesting can be used
for agricultural purposes, domestic works, and cooking. Using this method, we recycle the
rainwater for our personal use and thus avoid wastage of water.

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle

The resources are limited and cannot be renewed. Such resources are called non-renewable
resources. There is a sudden rise in the human population. So, the resources are being
overused. This can lead to exhaustion. So, we need to reduce the use and emission of
greenhouse gases. We can reuse the items and recycle them. We can avoid plastic bags and
stick to jute bags. The cans can be recycled. We can avoid buying items that are not important.

By reducing the use of chlorofluorocarbons

Chlorofluorocarbons or CFCs such as methane are known as greenhouse gases. They are
harmful to the atmosphere and deplete the ozone layer. These gases trap heat in the
atmosphere and giving rise to global warming. Depletion in the ozone layer allows ultraviolet
rays into the atmosphere. These rays can cause skin diseases in humans, such as skin cancer,
eczema, etc. CFCs are extensively used in ACs and refrigerators. So it is necessary to cut down
their use. This will reduce the global emission rate and prevent drastic climate change.

Reduce fuel consumption

The cars release harmful gases like carbon monoxide into the environment. This increases the
amount of carbon in the air, causing air pollution. Fuels such as diesel and petrol are limited
sources of energy. Excessive use of diesel and petrol will lead to the extinction of resources.
Rather, we can travel by bus and other means of public transport or just use the bicycle lying
in your house. Also, we can save energy like electricity by switching them off when not in use.
We can use renewable energies such as CNG, solar energy, etc. They are found amply in nature
and are inexhaustible.

Create awareness among people about the issue.

Not many people around us know much about ecosystems and their environment. They have
no idea about climate change or global warming. Public consciousness must be made about
the necessity of conservation and the harmful effects of environmental degradation. I feel it is
our responsibility to make awareness among the people about environmental degradation. Talk
about it to people around you and spread the word. Run school campaigns and spread
awareness. Abide by the rules of the government and help others implement the laws too.

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