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What problem do you encounter in dealing with learning principles that affect your learning?

Answer: Lack of Effective Communication and environment - We occasionally experience

difficulty in successfully communicating with our teachers. Students are developing social and
emotional as well as intellectual individuals. Also, it has been demonstrated that the
atmosphere that teachers foster affects students. Miscommunication and an unsuitable or
unfavorable atmosphere can hinder learning and performance, but good communication and
the right kind of setting can motivate students to learn.

3 radical ways:
Teachers build trust with students - The cornerstone of productive communication is trust and
this can only be established with an honest commitment to transparency – A major key to
respectfully building this trust is being transparent. Transparency is absolutely necessary for
effective communication in schools.

Trust is earned over time, and cannot be gathered with one-off grand gestures if they aren’t
backed up by real, valuable demonstrations of listening to and considering people. It’s a gradual
process; a response to consistent, reliable respect.

When staff, students, and parents feel respected, it’s much easier to engage them in difficult
conversations that follow good-faith arguments and concerns.

Create a safe environment - Create a safe and supportive environment where students feel
comfortable to open up and express their thoughts and ideas. An atmosphere that allows
students to ask if they need help is crucial to their academic success. It is important that at all
stages of the teaching process, you nurture this kind of non-judgemental environment.
Having an open-door policy and allowing students to pop in and talk about anything that may
occur is a great way to promote good communication. Giving students extra support, tuition, or
explanations before and after class helps shy students that don’t feel comfortable in class to ask
questions to learn.

Active listening - Listen to hear your students, not just respond and give an immediate answer.
Sometimes just lending an ear can be extremely useful in promoting a supportive and caring
environment. Other times, students have a question about homework or need some
clarification about a topic that has been discussed where an answer is needed.
Listening to your students enables you to provide better assistance and consequently a better
education. Likewise, helping to teach your students both the value and the skills of active
listening will both help to improve their ability to understand instructions and lessons as well as
their ability to connect with their peers. These are skills that will be invaluable throughout their
time in education and throughout their lives.

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