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MSc Petroleum Geoscience


The Late Ordovician to Early Cretaceous Sekondian Group of southern Ghana is made up of

seven major sedimentary formations. It is a 1.2 km-thick sandstone and shale dominated

succession, but also includes coarse breccia and conglomerates. The rocks are extensively faulted

and virtually unmetamorphosed. The Sekondian Group rest with a profound unconformity on

granitic rocks. The formation consists of Ajua Shales, Elmina Sandstone, Takoradi Sandstone,

Takoradi Shale, Effia Nkwanta Beds, Sekondi Sandstone and Essikado Sandstone.

The trip was a four-day one in Sekondi-Takoradi and its environs to study these formations.

1.1 AIM

The aim of the field trip is to expose students to the practical aspect of what had been taught in

class to identify and interpret the geology and structures of the rocks.


• Ability to identify each formation of the Sekondian Group.

• Enable students to identify various minerals in the formations.

• Enable students to identify and interpret geologic structures in the field.

• Teach students how to use geological field equipment.

• How to take and record field measurements.


Fresh rock samples were chipped using the geological hammer and observed closely with the

hand lens while protecting our eyes with goggles. Measurements such as strike, dip and dip angle

were taken using the compass and all observations were recorded in a hard cover notepad.


At Asemkaw in the South Western part of Takoradi, is located the Dixcove Granite basement

rock. It is also known as Hornblende granite because of its rich hornblende content. Overlying

them are basal conglomerates which explains a non-conformity of the rocks followed by the

oldest of the Sekondian group, Ajua Shales. The basement rock is therefore not a part of the

Sekondian group. The Dixcove granite is generally coarse grained in texture, greyish white in

colour and composed of clear quartz, greenish hornblende, platy biotite and brownish/pinkish

feldspar minerals.

A Diorite dyke which is a vertical intrusion cuts through the basement rock and is said to be

younger according to the principle of cross-cutting. The dyke is a basic rock thus, it has low

silica content and rich in mafic minerals like iron, magnesium. Another intrusive rock, Aplite

was observed. It is fine grained, acidic; has high silica content and felsic in composition. In terms

of relative ages, the Hornblende granite is older than both dykes, Diorite dyke older than Aplite

and thus, Aplite is the youngest and the last to form. A quartz vein was also present in the

basement rock.

At Nyasia, another basement rock is found and is called the Cape Coast Granite. This is quite

different from the former because it is a Biotite granite. It is greyish dark in colour. It largely

contains biotite, and portions of quartz and feldspar. There is also an intrusive body passing

through it which is a pegmatite dyke. It is coarse grained in texture and whitish in colour. It has

about 90% K-feldspar and some quartz minerals. The granitic body is found in a sedimentary

area because of a boundary fault which runs into the sea from the land.

Quartz vein

Fig 1.0 Basal conglomerates on basement rock Fig 1.1 Quartz vein in basement rock

Aplite dyke

Diorite dyke

Fig 1.2 Diorite and Aplite cross-cutting Dixcove granite

Pegmatite dyke

Fig 1.3 Pegmatite dyke across Cape Coast granite



The Ajua Shales is the first formation and the oldest of the Sekondian Group located at the beach

at Asemkaw in South Western Takoradi. It rests unconformably on the Dixcove granite separated

by basal conglomerates. The shales were noted to be black or dark grey in colour and have

arenaceous sandstone laminations. There are numerous geological structures present on the Ajua

Shales. Graded bedding and cross-bedding found at the bottom of the sandstone indicates the

different paleocurrent directions.

Asymmetrical ripple marks clearly seen also tells us they were formed by one directional flow of

water currents. Honeycomb structures visible on the surfaces are as a result of differential

weathering and feeding activities of sea urchins aids the weathering and leads to deepening of

holes formed. The quartz vein is seen cutting through the Ajua shales on the further western side

and is observed with clear crystals. .It also shows the principle of intrusion, this implies that the

intrusion (quartz) is older than the host rock, Ajua Shales. Ajua Shales is also noted to grade

finely upwards known as graded bedding at the western side.

Fig 1.4 Ripple marks on the surface Fig 1.5 Honeycomb structures

Further on to the Eastern side, basement rocks cannot be seen because of a normal boundary

fault. Bigger grain sizes seen at the topmost part of the Ajua Shales suggests the deposition of

environment was fluvial but the presence of boulders too implies a glacial deposition of

environment. Hence, the whole formation is said to be transported by fluvio-glacial currents.

Another outcrop displays fissile, thinly laminated and well jointed shales. Slump features are

found and were formed by sediments when they were in motion. The fold axis of slump features

can help to determine if they are anticlinal or synclinal folds.

Atop of the Ajua Shales there is a facies change; a change in colour and composition of the rock

above. It is the Elmina Sandstone. It has a chocolate colour and derives that colour because it is

feldspathic or arkosic. It contains microfossils called acritarch hence could be dated as Late

Ordovician to Early Silurian.

Fig 1.6 Elmina Sandstone on top of Ajua Shales Fig 1.7 Slump features


Fig 1.8 Boulder in Ajua Shale Fig 1.9 Thinly laminated Ajua Shale


The Elmina Sandstone, once called Adoblo rock sits on top of Ajua Shales. It is located along the

beach between Takoradi Gulf club and the Hwini River. It is distributed all the way to Elmina

and outcrops can also be found at Asemkaw, Tanokrom and Coal beach. The Elmina Sandstone

is chocolate purple in colour and have medium grain texture. Rock samples observed are

dominated by feldspar and that accounts for the purple colour. Quartz, mica (streaks of black,

weathered biotite and muscovite) minerals are also present. The formation is generally described

as being arkosic, medium grained, cross bedded, well jointed and massive.

This formation exhibits the trough and planar tabular type of cross stratification. The trough cross

bedding which is more evident on the Elmina Sandstone are inclined lines on the surface while

the planar tabular type are horizontal lines. Honeycomb structures are also present on the

surfaces. By the detection of acritarch which

are microfossils in the sandstone, they are

dated as Late Ordovician to Early Silurian.

Over time a new rock has been formed and is

seen overlying the Elmina sandstone. The

new formation is a Calcareous Sandstone

formed by deposition of calcium carbonate

shells over a long period of time and it may

Fig 2.0 Calcareous Sandstone on Elmina Sandstone

probably be younger than the Essikado Sandstone. It reacts with hydrochloric acid by showing

effervescence. Some greenish colonial corals could be seen in the water. They are photosynthetic

corals so they dwell in shallow, clean and quiet water in order to absorb light. There is also the

presence of a raised beach behind the African Beach Hotel. Raised beaches are geographical

features at sea sides where tidal waves heap sandy deposits. This tells us how high the sea level

rose and had happened since Cretaceous during regression. The Hwini River was seen from a

distance flowing into the sea. It has a nose like shape when viewed closely. A sand bar at the

center separates the sea from the river. The sand bar is said to form when sea waves meet the

river and to a point where net force is zero, the sediments settle.

Fig 2.1 Raised beach Fig 2.2 Sandbar between Hwini River
However, a direct contact between Takoradi Sandstone and Elmina Sandstone can be observed at

Tanokrom. Takoradi Sandstone lies on top as it is younger and the Elmina Sandstone is below it.

The Elmina Sandstone is quickly differentiated as it is not friable. It is also fine grained, purple

and contains biotite mica and clay. Weathered portions of the exposed Elmina sandstone show

lots of clay content indicating the weathering of feldspar.

Takoradi sandstone

Elmina sandstone

Fig 2.3 Elmina Sandstone below Takoradi Sandstone

In addition, an outcrop can be seen at Coal beach, a rocky beach which appears to be dark purple,

sandy and fine grained in texture. The abundance in feldspar suggests an arkosic sandstone and is

the Elmina Sandstone. Mud cracks which indicate an area where the water has been and has

constricted forming cracks can be observed, joints and cross-bedding (tangential internal cross

bedding). They dip into the sea as well.


The Takoradi Sandstone is the next formation of the Sekondian rocks. It is about 182km thick

and exposed at road cutting at Wireless Station or Monkey Hill, Ekuasi and Tanokrom. The

depositional environment is fluvial and dated as Lower Devonian. It is referred to as the reservoir

rock for Saltpond oil field. A reservoir rock is one which has good permeability and porosity to

hold oil.
The sandstone is creamy in colour and softer than the Elmina Sandstone. Because of the nature of

the rock, it is easily friable within the fingers. Because of its friability, bioturbation is created by

burrowing organisms leaving holes on the surface. This is basically as a result of poor binding

materials. When iron stained, it turns yellow to pink or purple. The Takoradi sandstone consists

of fine grained and well sorted sandstone. It has few feldspar content with high silica content

(more quartz) therefore an arenite. The base of the sandstone shows cross-stratification with one

bedding in the direction of the south and another in the north.

Fig 2.4 Cross beddings and bioturbation in Takoradi sandstone at monkey hill

Moving to the Takoradi Sandstone at Ekuasi, this is observed not to be friable but more compact.

This is actually found along the beach and is the second lower part of the Takoradi sandstone.

In the road cut at Tanokrom, there are two different formations; the Takoradi Sandstone and

Elmina Sandstone. The Elmina sandstone is overlain by the Takoradi sandstone on one side of the

road but across the road, only the Takoradi sandstone is visible. A normal fault running parallel

to the road is suggested as responsible for this


Takoradi sandstone

Fig 2.5 Takoradi sandstone on Elmina sandstone at Tanokrom


Takoradi Shales is estimated to be 198-200km thick. It overlies the Takoradi Sandstone as the

fourth formation in the Sekondian Group. Takoradi shale can be seen outcropping at Poasi

village, New Takoradi along the beach, Essipon beach, Coal beach and the road cut to the

harbour. The geologic age is suggested as Upper Devonian to Lower Carboniferous based on the

microfossils namely; spores, pollen, acritarch. It is described as the oil shale of the Saltpond oil

basin due to its fossiliferous nature. Tano, Saltpond and Keta are the three sedimentary onshore

basins in Ghana.

To begin with the Takoradi shale at Poasi village, they appear yellowish red, fine grained in

texture, thinly laminated shales. There is the occurrence of sulphur mineralization which makes it

yellowish. The two types of sulphur mineralization are Jarosite (yellowish in colour) is a mineral
consisting of hydrons iron potassium sulphate and Halotrichite (whitish) is a highly hydrated

sulphate of aluminum and iron. They dip steeply eastward to the sea. There is reorientation of the

rock in terms of dip direction and dip angle showing evidence of faulting between Takoradi shale

and Effia Nkwanta Beds. Meanwhile, the Takoradi shale at New Takoradi along the beach is

observed to be dipping gently into the sea. It appears dark grey or black, fine grained in texture

and thinly laminated.

At Essipon beach, the shales observed are dark grey in colour, fine grained carbonaceous and

sandy, thinly laminated shales. The upper part is bulky and sandstone forms part of the shale.

The topmost part also contains siderite nodules in a disc shape which are made up of iron

carbonate. Rocks found here are indurated, thus they are hard as a result of heat generated from

fault plane. It contains traces of oil when felt in the palm.

Effia Nkwanta Beds are seen directly on top of Takoradi shales-Takoradi shales acts as the

footwall and Effia Nkwanta beds as hanging wall. It is a normal fault since younger beds are

encountered in the direction of dip. The contact between the Takoradi Shales and the Effia

Nkwanta beds is shown by pebbly beds. A reverse fault is observed at another point. Horst and

graben is seen at the Western part of Essipon. Other structures such as boudinage structure, kink

fold and recumbent fold are present in the shale.

Fig 2.5 Takoradi shale at Essipon beach Fig 2.6 Siderite nodules at the topmost part

Fig 2.7 Recumbent fold Fig 2.8 Boudinage structures

Some compass readings of a bedding plane of Takoradi shale at Essipon beach were measured

and recorded. The values are as follows

Table 1.0 show various compass readings

Dip direction Dip angle Strike

1st reading 025°NE 008° 300°NW

2nd reading 048°NE 022° 300°NW

3rd reading 032°NW 036° 322°NE

The Takoradi shale at the western part of Coal beach is thinly laminated and contains honeycomb

structures. Jarosite is responsible for the yellowish coloration of the Takoradi shale. This site is

highly tectonized. First of all, Takoradi shale is found in contact with Elmina

Sandstone instead of Takoradi Sandstone. This indicates a disconformity whereby Takoradi

Sandstone was probably deposited and eroded before the shale formed. There is a fault which

runs through and that accounts for why the shale is in contact with the Elmina sandstone. Also,

while Elmina sandstone is dipping into the sea, Takoradi shale dips in the opposite direction. On

the eastern side, Effia Nkwanta beds is seen directly on top of the Takoradi shale which shows

the natural succession of the Sekondian Group.

Fig 2.9 Effia Nkwanta beds on

Takoradi shale at Coal beach

showing a fault between

chalcedony bands

Some measurements of a bedding plane of Takoradi shale at the western and eastern side at the

Coal beach were taken and recorded and are as follows

Table 1.1 Compass reading at western side

Dip direction Dip angle Strike

Reading 290°NW 11° 200°SW

Table 1.2 Compass readings at eastern side

Dip direction Dip angle Strike

1st reading 033°NE 020° 300°NW

2nd reading 171°SE 024° 271°SW

Lastly, near the road leading to the harbour, Takoradi shale is observed to be dark grey and thinly

laminated. But has a yellowish coloration caused by the presence of jarosite. The only difference

is that it is highly weathered and in land showing that they are not only found along the beaches.

Fig 3.0 Highly weathered Takoradi shale


The Effia Nkwanta beds are older than the Sekondi Sandstone and Essikado Sandstone and they

overlie the Takoradi shales. It can be seen near Poasi, Nkontompo headland, Asaman railway and

Coal Beach. It has no fossils and so dating is quite complex.

The entire Effia Nkwanta beds is about 210m thick and characterized by bright and variegated

colours. The formation is divided into three units based on lithostratigraphy: lower, middle and

upper parts. The lower part of Effia Nkwanta beds found at the Asaman railway are fine grained,

well sorted and dips towards the north. It contains mudstone, claystone and sandstone. The

sandstone shows multiple colours like dark brown, pink, light brown, grey and yellow. There is a

large scale cross bedding of tangential internal type often associated with aeolian deposition. The

middle part is well bedded, contains clearly visible mudstone and cross beddings on large scale.

It is also jointed and has cracks.

The upper part of the beds also consists of well bedded, purple, pink, grey and green shales,

siltstone and sandstone with some mudstone. There are bandings which characterizes this zone

and are formed by chemical substance of the sedimentation of silica known as chert or

chalcedony. A reverse fault is seen to have occurred between the chalcedony beds. Along the

path, the upper Effia Nkwanta beds has a monoclinic fold and alluvial fan formed at the base.

There is also a horst and graben structure observed.

At Asaman railway, the middle part is not visible due to massive faulting. Along the coal beach

at the eastern part, the Effia Nkwanta beds is found overlying the Takoradi shale. This is a

reverse fault and it is as a result of this that there is an upthrust of the Effia Nkwanta beds. Effia

Nkwanta beds appear very stratified along a railway cut at Nkontompo Headland.

Fig 3.1 Effia Nkwanta beds Fig 3.2 Horst and graben structure

Fig 3.3 Chalcedony bands


The Sekondi sandstone is the sixth formation in the Sekondian group and sits on top of Effia

Nkwanta beds. Outcrops of this formation are exposed at the Essikado beach near the fishing

harbour, in a railway cutting near Asaman and near Ekuasi. Near Ekuasi on the beach, a sill of

fine grained dolerite which is dark green in colour intrudes the Sekondi sandstone and transits to

Essikado Sandstone. There is the presence of pyroxene and amphibole in the dolerite. The

Sekondi sandstones are older than the dolerite because it is intruded by the sill. It is dated to the

pre-Jurassic period because it marks the separation of the African and South American continents

which happened between the Jurassic periods. Samples of this sill is also found in Brazil as


The upper part of the Sekondi sandstone along Essikado beach is pebbly in nature, hard, massive

and close to dark grey in colour. It is made up of quartzose sandstone. The pebbles in them are

believed to be derived from the chalcedony bed in Effia Nkwanta.

The lower part of the Sekondi sandstone is brick red in colour. In certain areas of Sekondi town,

the kind of Sekondi sandstone outcrops observed are soft, massive sandstone and cross bedded

with grains of chalcedony as well. At the upper part, evidence of long-distance travel and

environment of deposition to be Aeolian.

Petrified wood is also seen within the town of Ekuasi, which may have been formed over many

years when organic tissues of wood are replaced by silica. This process of preservation is

described as permineralization whereby the cellular structure of a tree, shell is filled with mineral

deposits. There is also cross stratification and lots of well-rounded but poorly sorted grains.

Fig 3.4 Sekondi sandstone Fig 3.5 Petrified wood


This is the youngest formation of the Sekondian rock series. It is found along the Essikado beach

and Ekuasi in Sekondi. It is an argillaceous formation composed of immature sediments derived

from predominantly felsic sources. Shales form the interbedding layer between the Sekondi

sandstone and the Essikado sandstone. The shale is fossiliferous and the fossil dating implies that

the rock was deposited in the early Cretaceous. A crocodilian tooth was taken to England by the

British some years ago and were also assumed to be Cretaceous but they actually are Ordovician

to Cretaceous.

The base of the Essikado sandstone is arkosic and feldspathic with the upper part being pebbly

argillaceous sandstone. However, there are abundant subordinate bands of shale and sandy shale

at various horizons. Immature clastic material in the sandstone indicates tectonic uplifts. Shales

form the interbedding layer between Sekondi sandstone and Essikado sandstone. It is soft, easily

breaks when scrubbed with the fingers.

It is an arkosic rock, thus has dominant feldspar minerals and also some amount of quartz

because of the pebbles present. It also contains clay galls. Interference ripple marks formed as a

result of multiple ripple marks crossing each other due to sudden changes in current direction. A

faulting led the upthrust of this rock.

Fig 3.6 Essikado sandstone at Essikado beach


• The Takoradi Sandstone serves as a reservoir rock for oil field in Saltpond.

• Takoradi Shales are a source of extraction of oil.

• Elmina sandstone, Takoradi shale and Essikado sandstone are embedded with fossils and

are essential for the correlation and absolute dating of the rocks.


The Ajua Shale is typically made of shales, sandy shales and sandstones containing boulder and

pebbles. It rests on the Dixcove granite and overlain by the Elmina Sandstone. Elmina Sandstone

is a massive, chocolate purple feldspathic sandstone and overlain by some calcareous rock.

Takoradi Sandstone rests on the Elmina sandstone and is friable sandstone. Takoradi Shales lies

on Takoradi sandstone and made up of carbonaceous shales, sandy shales and shaly sandstone,

dark grey colored overlain by the Effia Nkwanta Beds. Effia Nkwanta Beds is with chert

interbedded sandstones and little shales. Sekondi Sandstone is pebbly and mudstones from base

to top and has fossil contents. Essikado Sandstone is a pebbly, argillaceous sandstone. The listed

strata above run from oldest at the bottom to youngest at the top.

Finally, the Sekondian rock formations proves to be a prominent field of study for students as it

enhances ones knowledge of sedimentary environments and identification of geologic structures.


We are grateful to our lecturers, Dr. Marian Sarpah and Dr. Jennifer. Our teaching assistants,

Doreen and Benjamin Fameyeh who contributed immensely to making the trip a success.


Asiedu, K. Daniel et al. (2005). Provenance of late Ordovician to early Cretaceous sedimentary

rocks from southern Ghana, as inferred from Nd isotopes and trace elements. Journal of

African Earth Sciences. Vol 41(4). Pp 316-328


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