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EirGrid Grid Code

Version 13

Users are directed to the EirGrid Website to view any

other modifications that have been approved by the
CRU since the issue date.

Issue Date:30/01/2024
Demarcation of Requirements

Requirements in the Grid Code which are not marked by a symbol and border are applicable to all
Users (which expression means all persons (other than the TSO) to whom any individual section of
the Grid Code applies).

Requirements in the Grid Code which are marked by a symbol and border are appliciable to the
corresponding Users as per Table 1: Demarcation of Requirements.

Table 1: Demarcation of Requirements

Symbol Applicable to
○ RfG Generation Units

○ Non-RfG Generation Units

⌂ DCC Units

⌂ Non-DCC Units

|| HVDC Units

|| Non-HVDC Units

GC GENERAL CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................ 7
GC.1 INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................... 7
GC.2 OBJECTIVE ............................................................................................................................. 7
GC.3 SCOPE .................................................................................................................................... 7
GC.4 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................................... 8
GC.5 GRID CODE REVIEW PANEL ................................................................................................... 8
GC.6 JOINT GRID CODE REVIEW PANEL......................................................................................... 8
GC.7 GRID CODE REVISIONS .......................................................................................................... 9
GC.8 GRID CODE INTERPRETATION ............................................................................................. 10
GC.9 DEROGATIONS .................................................................................................................... 11
GC.10 PLANT FAILURES.................................................................................................................. 26
GC.11 ASSISTANCE IN IMPLEMENTATION ..................................................................................... 27
GC.12 UNFORESEEN CIRCUMSTANCES ......................................................................................... 28
GC.13 HIERARCHY .......................................................................................................................... 29
GC.14 OWNERSHIP OF PLANT AND/OR APPARATUS .................................................................... 29
GC.15 SYSTEM CONTROL ............................................................................................................... 29
GC.16 ILLEGALITY AND PARTIAL INVALIDITY ................................................................................. 29
PC PLANNING CODE ....................................................................................................................... 30
PC.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 30
PC.2 OBJECTIVES ......................................................................................................................... 31
PC.3 SCOPE .................................................................................................................................. 31
PC.4 PLANNING PROCEDURES FOR CONNECTION ...................................................................... 32
PC.5 SYSTEM PLANNING ............................................................................................................. 35
PC.6 DATA ................................................................................................................................... 36
PC.7 PLANNING STANDARDS ...................................................................................................... 40
PC.8 VALIDATION AND VERIFICATION OF DATA ......................................................................... 41
PC.A PLANNING CODE APPENDIX ................................................................................................... 42
PC.A1 GENERAL INFORMATION .................................................................................................... 42
PC.A2 NEW CONNECTIONS ........................................................................................................... 42
PC.A3 DEMAND DATA REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................ 45
PC.A4 GENERATOR DATA REQUIREMENTS .................................................................................. 53
PC.A5 Controllable PPM Data Requirements ................................................................................ 65
PC.A6 Interconnector Data Requirements .................................................................................... 68
PC.A7 Demand Side Unit Operators .............................................................................................. 72

PC.A8 Modelling Requirements for Users ..................................................................................... 75
CC CONNECTION CONDITIONS ........................................................................................................ 81
CC.1 INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................... 81
CC.2 OBJECTIVE ........................................................................................................................... 81
CC.3 SCOPE .................................................................................................................................. 82
CC.4 TRANSMISSION STATION COMPOUND ............................................................................... 82
CC.5 PLANT DESIGNATIONS ........................................................................................................ 84
CC.7 SPECIFIC DESIGN AND PERFORMANCE STANDARDS .......................................................... 87
CC.8 TRANSMISSION SYSTEM PERFORMANCE ......................................................................... 134
CC.9 METERING ......................................................................................................................... 135
CC.10 USER PROTECTION AND POWER QUALITY ....................................................................... 135
CC.11 COMMUNICATION FACILITIES .......................................................................................... 149
CC.12 SIGNALS TO BE PROVIDED BY USERS ................................................................................ 150
CC.13 POWER SUPPLIES .............................................................................................................. 154
CC.14 RESPONSIBILITY FOR SAFETY ............................................................................................ 154
CC.15 COMMISSIONING AND NOTIFICATION ............................................................................. 154
OC Operating Conditions ............................................................................................................... 170
OC.1 Demand Forecasts ............................................................................................................ 170
OC.1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 170
OC.1.2 Objectives .................................................................................................................. 171
OC.1.3 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 171
OC.1.4 Data Required by the TSO in the Operational Planning Phase .................................. 171
OC.1.5 Post Control Phase..................................................................................................... 173
OC.1.6 The TSO Demand Forecast ........................................................................................ 174
OC.2 Operational Planning ........................................................................................................ 174
OC.2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 174
OC.2.2 Objective .................................................................................................................... 175
OC.2.3 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 176
OC.2.4 Outage Scheduling ..................................................................................................... 176
OC.2.5 Not Used .................................................................................................................... 180
OC.2.6 Changes to the Committed Outage Programme within the Implementation Year (Year
0) 180
OC.2.7 Other Information to be Noted ................................................................................. 183

OC.3 Not Used ........................................................................................................................... 185
OC.4 System Services................................................................................................................. 186
OC.4.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 186
OC.4.2 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 186
OC.4.3 Frequency Control ..................................................................................................... 187
OC.4.4 Voltage Control .......................................................................................................... 200
OC.4.5 Network Control ........................................................................................................ 206
OC.4.6 Operating Margin ...................................................................................................... 210
OC.4.7 Black Start .................................................................................................................. 215
OC.4 Demand Control................................................................................................................ 217
OC.5.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 217
OC.5.2 Objective .................................................................................................................... 218
OC.5.3 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 218
OC.5.4 Procedure for the Implementation of Demand Control on the Instructions of the TSO
OC.5.5 Automatic Low Frequency Demand Disconnection .................................................. 220
OC.5.6 Automatic Frequency Restoration............................................................................. 221
OC.5.7 Automatic Low Voltage Demand Disconnection ....................................................... 222
OC.6 Small Scale Generator Conditions..................................................................................... 224
OC.6.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 224
OC.6.2 Objective .................................................................................................................... 225
OC.6.3 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 225
OC.6.4 Outage Scheduling ..................................................................................................... 226
OC.6.5 Changes to the Committed Outage Programme within the Implementation Year .. 226
OC.6.6 Other Information to be Notified .............................................................................. 228
OC.6.7 Network Control ........................................................................................................ 228
OC.7 Information Exchange ....................................................................................................... 231
OC.7.1 Notification of Events and Operations ...................................................................... 231
OC.7.2 Operational Communication and Data Retention ..................................................... 236
OC.8 Operational Testing .......................................................................................................... 249
OC.8.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 249
OC.8.2 Objective .................................................................................................................... 249
OC.8.3 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 250
OC.8.4 Tests Required by the TSO......................................................................................... 250

OC.8.5 Tests Required by the Users ...................................................................................... 251
OC.8.6 Procedure for Requesting Operational Tests ............................................................ 252
OC.8.7 Evaluation of Proposed Operational Tests ................................................................ 253
OC.8.8 Approval for Operational Testing .............................................................................. 254
OC.8.9 Scheduling of Operational Tests ................................................................................ 256
OC.8.10 Dispatching of Operational Tests .............................................................................. 256
OC.8.11 Test Reporting ........................................................................................................... 257
OC.8.12 Disputes ..................................................................................................................... 258
OC.9 Emergency Control and Power System Restoration ......................................................... 259
OC.9.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 259
OC.9.2 Objective .................................................................................................................... 259
OC.9.3 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 260
OC.9.4 System Alerts ............................................................................................................. 260
OC.9.5 Power System Restoration ........................................................................................ 262
OC.9.6 De-Energisation of the User’s plant by the TSO ........................................................ 263
OC.10 Monitoring, Testing and Investigation.............................................................................. 264
OC.10.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 265
OC.10.2 Objective .................................................................................................................... 265
OC.10.3 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 266
OC.10.4 Monitoring ................................................................................................................. 266
OC.10.5 Testing ....................................................................................................................... 269
OC.10.6 Investigation .............................................................................................................. 272
OC.10.7 Consequences of Monitoring, Testing and Investigation .......................................... 272
OC.10.8 Disputation of Assessment of Non-Compliance by a User ........................................ 279
OC.11 Safety Co-ordination ......................................................................................................... 280
OC.11.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 280
OC.11.2 Objective .................................................................................................................... 281
OC.11.3 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 281
OC.11.4 Safety Rules ............................................................................................................... 282
OC.11.5 Safety as the Interface between the Transmission System and the User System .... 282
SDC1 Scheduling and Dispatch Code No.1..................................................................................... 284
Unit Scheduling ............................................................................................................................... 284
SDC1.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 284
SDC1.2 Objective .................................................................................................................... 286

SDC1.3 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 287
SDC1.4 Procedure .................................................................................................................. 288
SDC1 – APPENDIX A..................................................................................................................... 314
SDC1 ANNEX I .............................................................................................................................. 322
SDC2 Scheduling and Dispatch Code No.2 .......................................................................................... 327
Control Scheduling and Dispatch .................................................................................................... 327
SDC2.1 Introduction ............................................................................................................... 327
SDC2.2 Objective .................................................................................................................... 328
SDC2.3 Scope ......................................................................................................................... 329
SDC2.4 Procedure .................................................................................................................. 329
SDC2 - APPENDIX A ..................................................................................................................... 344
SDC2 - APPENDIX B ..................................................................................................................... 351
SDC 2 ANNEX I ............................................................................................................................. 354
PPM1 Controllable PPM Power Station Grid Code Provisions........................................................ 361
PPM1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 361
PPM1.2 Objective ........................................................................................................................... 362
PPM1.3 Scope................................................................................................................................. 362
PPM1.4 Fault Ride Through Requirements .................................................................................... 364
PPM1.5 Transmission System Frequency Ranges .......................................................................... 368
PPM1.6 Transmission System Voltage Requirements.................................................................... 386
PPM1.7 Signals, Communication & Control ................................................................................... 399
Glossary ............................................................................................................................................... 411
Acronyms ........................................................................................................................................ 411
Units 414
Definitions ....................................................................................................................................... 415


GC.1.1 While each individual section of the Grid Code contains the rules and provisions
relating specifically to that section of the Grid Code, there are provisions of more
general application, which need to be included in the Grid Code. Such provisions are
included in the General Conditions.

GC.1.2 Terms which are capitalised and in bold type shall be interpreted according to the
definition in the Glossary of the Grid Code. Where the Glossary refers to any word
or term which is more particularly defined in a part of the Grid Code, the definition
in that part of the Grid Code will prevail over the definition in the Glossary in the
event of any inconsistency.

GC.2.1 The objectives of the General Conditions are as follows:
(a) to ensure, insofar as it is possible, that the various sections of the Grid Code
work together, and work in practice, for the benefit of the operation of the
Power System and for the benefit of the TSO and Users;
(b) to provide a set of principles governing the status and development of the Grid
Code and related issues, as approved by the CRU;
(c) to provide an outline of how the TSO, the Other TSO and the Regulatory
Authorities will cooperate with regard to Grid Code revisions and derogations to
both Sections Under Common Governance and other Grid Code sections which
may be considered to be relevant to the operation of the SEM.

The General Conditions apply to the TSO, the CRU, and to all Users (which
expression in these General Conditions means all persons (other than the TSO) to
whom any individual section of the Grid Code applies).

GC.4.1 This Grid Code is designed to cover all material technical aspects relating to the
operation and use of the Transmission System, and (insofar as relevant to the
operation and use of the Transmission System) all material technical aspects
relating to the use of Plant and or Apparatus connected to the Transmission System
or to the Distribution System.


GC.5.1 The TSO shall establish and maintain the Grid Code Review Panel which shall be a
standing body constituted to:
(a) generally review and discuss the Grid Code and its workings;

(b) review and discuss suggestions for modifications to the Grid Code which the

TSO, the CRU, or any User may wish to submit to the TSO for consideration by
the Grid Code Review Panel from time to time;
(c) discuss what changes are necessary to the Grid Code arising out of any

unforeseen circumstances referred to it by the TSO under GC.12; and

(d) publish recommendations and ensure that User consultation upon such

recommendations has occurred through Grid Code Review Panel members.

GC.5.2 The Grid Code Review Panel shall be governed by a constitution, which defines its
scope, membership, duties, and rules of conduct and operation as approved by the


GC.6.1 The TSO shall, in conjunction with the Other TSO, establish and maintain the Joint
Grid Code Review Panel. This panel comprises all members of the Grid Code
Review Panel and Northern Ireland Grid Code Review Panel and it has the following

(a) generally review and discuss the Sections Under Common Governance and their
(b) review and discuss suggestions for modifications to the Sections Under
Common Governance of the Grid Code, which the TSO, either Regulatory

Authority, or any User may wish to submit to the TSO for consideration by the
Joint Grid Code Review Panel from time to time;
(c) discuss what changes are necessary to the Sections Under Common
Governance of the Grid Code arising out of any unforeseen circumstances
referred to it by the TSO under GC.12 and

GC.6.2 The TSO shall publish recommendations and ensure that User consultation upon
such recommendations has occurred.

GC6.3 The Joint Grid Code Review Panel shall be governed by its own constitution, which
defines its scope, membership, duties, and rules of conduct and operation as
approved by both Regulatory Authorities.


GC.7.1 All revisions to the Grid Code must be reviewed by the Grid Code Review Panel or
the Joint Grid Code Review Panel (where relevant) prior to application to the CRU
by the TSO. Where the TSO identifies or receives a proposed revision that affects a
Section Under Common Governance, it shall bring it to the attention of the Other
TSO. All proposed revisions from Users, the CRU, or the TSO will be brought before
the Grid Code Review Panel or the Joint Grid Code Review Panel (where relevant)
by the TSO for consideration. In the event that the TSO, acting reasonably,
considers that proposed revisions are frivolous or repeated, the TSO may propose to
the Grid Code Review Panel or the Joint Grid Code Review Panel (where relevant)
that these proposed revisions are not to be considered. However, in the event that
any member of the Grid Code Review Panel or the Joint Grid Code Review Panel
(where relevant) decides that the revision is worthwhile, it shall be reviewed. The
TSO shall then inform the proposer of the decision, with an accompanying
explanation if required. If the proposing User is not satisfied with the response from
the TSO, they can bring it to the attention of the CRU.

The TSO will advise the Grid Code Review Panel or the Joint Grid Code Review
Panel (where relevant), all Users, and the CRU of all proposed revisions to the Grid
Code with notice of no less than 10 Business Days (excluding the day of issue and
the day of the meeting) in advance of the next scheduled meeting of the Grid Code
Review Panel or the Joint Grid Code Review Panel (where relevant).

GC.7.2 Following review of a proposed revision by the Grid Code Review Panel or the Joint
Grid Code Review Panel (where relevant), the TSO will apply to the CRU for revision
of the Grid Code based on the TSO recommendation and shall make representation
of all other views or considerations including those of the Grid Code Review Panel
or the Joint Grid Code Review Panel (where relevant). The TSO, in applying to the
CRU, shall also notify each User of the proposed revision and other views expressed
by the Grid Code Review Panel or the Joint Grid Code Review Panel (where
relevant) and Users so that each User may consider making representations directly
to the CRU regarding the proposed revision.

GC.7.3 The CRU shall consider the proposed revision, other views, and any further
representations and shall determine whether the proposed revision should be made
and, if so, whether in the form proposed or in an amended form. Where
amendments to the revision are contemplated by the CRU, the CRU shall consult the
Grid Code Review Panel or the Joint Grid Code Review Panel (where relevant), the
TSO, and Users as appropriate. Determination on a modification to a Section Under
Common Governance shall be made by the CRU in accordance with its procedure
that is in place to approve modifications to Sections Under Common Governance.

GC.7.4 Having been so directed by the CRU that the applied for revision or amended
revision shall be made, the TSO shall notify each User of the revision at least 14
Business Days prior to the revision taking effect, and the revision shall take effect
(and this Grid Code shall be deemed to be amended accordingly) from (and
including) the date specified in such notification or other such date as directed by
the CRU. The date may be modified to ensure that the revision is implemented
simultaneously in both jurisdictions on the island of Ireland.


GC.8.1 In the event that any User requires additional interpretation of the intention and
application of any provision of the Grid Code, it may apply to the TSO for such
interpretation. Provided that the request is reasonable, the TSO shall provide the
User with an interpretation of the relevant provision. If the request refers to a

Section Under Common Governance then the TSO shall liaise with the Other TSO
prior to the provision of the interpretation to the User.

GC.8.2 In the event that the User, acting reasonably, considers that an interpretation
provided by the TSO pursuant to GC.8.1 is incomplete, the User may request
additional clarification from the TSO.

GC.8.3 In the event that the User, acting reasonably, considers that an interpretation
provided by the TSO pursuant to GC.8.1 is unreasonable or incorrect, the User may
require the TSO to refer the matter for consideration, at the next scheduled meeting
of the Grid Code Review Panel or the Joint Grid Code Review Panel (where
relevant) (or in the event that there is insufficient time before the next scheduled
meeting, then at the meeting immediately following the next scheduled meeting).

GC.9.1 The following process is for all Users except RfG Generation Units and DCC Units
and HVDC Units and DC-Connected PPMs.

GC.9.2 If a User finds that it is, or will be, unable to comply with any provision of the Grid
Code, then it shall without delay report such non-compliance to the TSO and shall,
subject to the provisions of GC.9.2.1 make such reasonable efforts as are required to
remedy such non-compliance as soon as reasonably practicable. Where the TSO is
aware or should reasonably be aware that a non-compliance may have an impact on
the Other Transmission System or on the operation of the SEM, the TSO shall
provide details of the non-compliance to the Other TSO.

GC.9.2.1 Where the non-compliance is:

(a) with reference to Plant and/or Apparatus connected to the Transmission
System and is caused solely or mainly as a result of a revision to the Grid Code;
(b) with reference to Plant and/or Apparatus which is connected, approved to
connect, or for which approval to connect to the Transmission System is being

and the User believes either that it would be unreasonable (including cost and
technical considerations) to require it to remedy such non-compliance or that it
should be granted an extended period to remedy such non-compliance, it shall
promptly submit to the TSO a request for a derogation from such provision in
accordance with the requirements of GC.9.2.2 and shall provide the CRU with a copy
of such a request. In consideration of a derogation request by a User, the TSO may
contact the relevant User to obtain clarification of the derogation request, or to
obtain further information regarding the request, or to discuss changes to the
request. Once the derogation request has been validated by the TSO, the reference
number is assigned.

Where the derogation request may have an impact on the Other Transmission
System or the operation of the SEM, the TSO shall liaise with the Other TSO prior to
providing an assessment to the CRU.

The TSO will assess the derogation request and provide to the CRU an assessment
and a recommendation.

On receipt of a derogation assessment from the TSO, the CRU will consider the
derogation request, the TSO’s assessment and the TSO’s recommendation.

In its consideration of a derogation request by a User, the CRU may contact the
relevant User and/or the TSO to obtain clarification of the request, or to obtain
further information regarding the request, or to discuss changes to the request.

Where the CRU identifies that a derogation request may impact on the Other
Transmission System or the operation of the SEM, the CRU shall keep the
Regulatory Authority in Northern Ireland informed in its consideration of the

Provided that the CRU considers that the grounds for the derogation are reasonable,
then the CRU shall grant such derogation unless the derogation would, or it is likely
that it would, have a materially adverse impact on the security and stability of the
Transmission System or the Other Transmission System or impose unreasonable
costs on the operation of the Transmission System or on other Users.

GC.9.2.2 A request for derogation from any provision of the Grid Code shall contain:
(a) the version number of the Grid Code;

(b) identification of the Plant and/or Apparatus in respect of which a derogation is
(c) identification of the provision with which the User is, or will be, unable to
(d) the extent of the non-compliance;
(e) the reason for the non-compliance; and
(f) the date by which compliance will be achieved (if remedy of the non-compliance
is possible) subject to GC.9.2.1.

GC.9.2.3 If the TSO finds that it is, or will be, unable to comply with any provision of the Grid
Code, then it shall, subject to the remaining provisions of GC.9.1 make such
reasonable efforts as are required to remedy such non-compliance as soon as
reasonably practicable.

GC.9.2.4 In the case where the TSO requests a derogation, the TSO shall submit the
information set out in GC.9.2.2 to the CRU.

GC.9.2.5 To the extent of any derogation granted in accordance with this GC.9.1, the TSO
and/or the User (as the case may be) shall be relieved from its obligation to comply
with the applicable provision of the Grid Code and shall not be liable for failure to so
comply but shall comply with any alternate provisions as set forth in the derogation.

GC.9.2.6 The TSO shall:

(a) keep a register of all derogations which have been granted, identifying the
company and Plant in respect of whom the derogation has been granted, the
relevant provision of the Grid Code and the Grid Code version number, the period
of the derogation and the extent of compliance to the provision;
(b) on request from any User or User of the Other Grid Code, provide a copy of
such register of derogations to such User; and
(c) publish this register on the TSO’s website.

GC.9.2.7 Where a material change in circumstance has occurred a review of any existing
derogations, and any derogations under consideration, may be initiated by the CRU
at the request of the CRU, the TSO, or Users.

GC.9.3 RfG Generation Unit Derogation Procedure

GC.9.3.1 Power to Grant Derogations
CRU may, at the request of a Generator, or the TSO, grant a Generator or the TSO
derogations from one or more RfG Generation Unit clauses in the Grid Code for RfG
Generation Units and Non-RfG Generation Units in accordance with GC.9.3.2,
GC.9.3.3 and GC.9.3.4. Derogations may be granted and revoked in accordance with
GC.9.3.2, GC.9.3.3 and GC.9.3.4 by other authorities than the CRU.

GC.9.3.2 General Provisions

GC. The criteria specified by CRU to assess derogations pursuant to GC.9.3.3 and
GC.9.3.4 are specified in form CNCD2 and CNCD3 respectively.
GC. If CRU deems that it is necessary due to a change in circumstances relating to the
evolution of system requirements, it may review and amend at most once every
year the criteria for granting derogations as referenced in GC. Any changes
to the criteria shall not apply to derogations for which a request has already been
GC. The CRU may decide that Generation Units for which a request for a derogation has
been filed pursuant to GC.9.3.3 or GC.9.3.4 do not need to comply with RfG
Generation Unit clauses in the Grid Code from which a derogation has been sought
from the day of filing the request until the CRU's decision is issued.


GC.9.3.3 Request for a Derogation by a Generator
GC. Generators may request a derogation to one or several RfG Generation Unit clauses
in the Grid Code for Generation Units within their Facility.
GC. A request for a derogation shall be filed with the TSO using form CNCD2 and include:
(a) an identification of the Generator, and a contact person for any communications;
(b) a description of the Generation Unit(s) for which a derogation is requested;
(c) a reference to the RfG Generation Unit clauses in the Grid Code from which a
derogation is requested and a detailed description of the requested derogation;
(d) detailed reasoning, with relevant supporting documents and cost-benefit analysis;
(e) demonstration that the requested derogation would have no adverse effect on
cross-border trade.
GC. Within two weeks of receipt of a request for a derogation, the TSO shall confirm to
the Generator whether the request is complete. If the TSO considers that the request
is incomplete, the Generator shall submit the additional required information within
one month from the receipt of the request for additional information. If the
Generator does not supply the requested information within that time limit, the
request for derogation shall be deemed withdrawn.
GC. The TSO shall assess the request for derogation and the provided cost-benefit
analysis, taking into account the criteria determined by the CRU pursuant to GC.9.3.2.
GC. Within six months of receipt of a request for derogation, the TSO shall forward the
request to the CRU and submit the assessment(s) prepared in accordance with
GC. That period may be extended by one month where the TSO seeks further
information from the Generator.
GC. The CRU shall adopt a decision concerning any request for derogation within six
months from the day after it receives the request. That time limit may be extended by
three months before its expiry where the CRU requires further information from the
Generator, or from any other interested parties. The additional period shall begin
when the complete information has been received.


GC. The Generator shall submit any additional information requested by the CRU within
two months of such a request. If the Generator does not supply the requested
information within that time limit, the request for derogation shall be deemed
withdrawn unless, before its expiry:
(a) the CRU decides to provide an extension; or
(b) the Generator informs the CRU by means of a reasoned submission that the
request for a derogation is complete.
GC. The CRU shall issue a reasoned decision concerning a request for derogation. Where
the CRU grants a derogation, it shall specify its duration.
GC. The CRU shall notify its decision to the relevant Generator and the TSO.
GC. The CRU may revoke a decision granting a derogation if the circumstances and
underlying reasons no longer apply or upon a reasoned recommendation of the
European Commission or reasoned recommendation by ACER pursuant to GC.

GC.9.3.4 Request for a Derogation by the TSO

GC. The TSO may request derogations for classes of Generation Units connected or to be
connected to their Network.
GC. The TSO shall submit their requests for derogations, using form CNCD3, to the CRU.
Each request for a derogation shall include:
(a) identification of the TSO, and a contact person for any communications;
(b) a description of the Generation Units for which a derogation is requested and the
total installed capacity and number of Generation Units;
(c) the RfG Generation Unit clauses in the Grid Code for which a derogation is
requested, with a detailed description of the requested derogation;
(d) detailed reasoning, with all relevant supporting documents;
(e) demonstration that the requested derogation would have no adverse effect on
cross-border trade;
(f) a cost-benefit analysis.
GC. The CRU shall adopt a decision concerning a request for derogation within six months
from the day after it receives the request.


GC. The six-month time limit referred to in GC. may, before its expiry, be extended
by an additional three months where the CRU requests further information from the
TSO requesting the derogation or from any other interested parties. That additional
period shall run from the day following the date of receipt of the complete

The TSO shall provide any additional information requested by the CRU within two
months from the date of the request. If the TSO does not provide the requested
additional information within that time limit, the request for derogation shall be
deemed withdrawn unless, before expiry of the time limit:

(a) the CRU decides to provide an extension; or

(b) the TSO informs the CRU by means of a reasoned submission that the request for
derogation is complete.

GC. The CRU shall issue a reasoned decision concerning a request for derogation. Where
the CRU grants a derogation, it shall specify its duration.
GC. The CRU shall notify its decision to the TSO and ACER.

GC. The CRU may lay down further requirements concerning the preparation of requests
for derogation by the TSO. In doing so, the CRU shall take into account the delineation
between the transmission system and the distribution system at the national level and
shall consult with system operators, Generators and stakeholders, including

GC. The CRU may revoke a decision granting a derogation if the circumstances and
underlying reasons no longer apply or upon a reasoned recommendation of the
European Commission or reasoned recommendation by ACER pursuant to GC.


GC.9.3.5 Register of Derogations
GC. The CRU shall maintain a register of all derogations they have granted or refused and
shall provide ACER with an updated and consolidated register at least once every six
months, a copy of which shall be given to ENTSO for Electricity.
GC. The register shall contain, in particular:

(a) the requirement or requirements for which the derogation is granted or refused;

(b) the content of the derogation;

(c) the reasons for granting or refusing the derogation;

(d) the consequences resulting from granting the derogation.

GC.9.3.6 Monitoring of Derogations

GC. ACER shall monitor the procedure of granting derogations with the cooperation of the
CRU. The CRU shall provide ACER with all the information necessary for that purpose.
GC. ACER may issue a reasoned recommendation to the CRU to revoke a derogation due
to a lack of justification. The European Commission may issue a reasoned
recommendation to the CRU to revoke a derogation due to a lack of justification.
GC. The European Commission may request ACER to report on the application of
GC. and GC. and to provide reasons for requesting or not requesting
derogations to be revoked.

GC.9.4 DCC Unit Derogation Procedure

GC.9.4.1 Power to Grant Derogations

CRU may, at the request of a Demand Facility Owner, Closed Distribution Systems
Operator and Distribution System Operator, or the TSO, grant a Demand Facility,
Closed Distribution System, DSO or the TSO, derogations from one or more DCC
Unit clauses in the Grid Code for DCC Units and Non-DCC Generation Units in
accordance with GC.9.4.2, GC.9.4.3 and GC.9.4.4. Derogations may be granted and
revoked in accordance with GC.9.4.2, GC.9.4.3 and GC.9.4.4 by other authorities
than the CRU.

GC.9.4.2 General Provisions

GC. The criteria specified by CRU to assess derogations pursuant to GC.9.4.3 and
GC.9.4.4 are specified in form CNCD1, CNCD2 and CNCD3 respectively.
GC. If CRU deems that it is necessary due to a change in circumstances relating to the
evolution of system requirements, it may review and amend at most once every
year the criteria for granting derogations as referenced in GC. Any changes
to the criteria shall not apply to derogations for which a request has already been
GC. The CRU may decide that Demand Facilities, Closed Distribution Systems,
Distribution Systems and Demand Units for which a request for a derogation has
been filed pursuant to GC.9.4.3 or GC.9.4.4 do not need to comply with DCC Unit
clauses in the Grid Code from which a derogation has been sought from the day of
filing the request until the CRU's decision is issued.

GC.9.4.3 Request for a Derogation by a Demand Facility Owner, Closed Distribution System
Operator or Distribution System Operator
GC. Demand Facility Owners, Closed Distribution Systems Operators and Distribution
System Operator may request a derogation to one or several DCC Unit clauses in
the Grid Code for Demand Facility, Closed Distribution System or Distribution


GC. A request for a derogation shall be filed with the TSO using form CNCD1 or CNCD2
and include:
(a) an identification of the Demand Facility Owner, Closed Distribution System
Operators or DSO and a contact person for any communications;
(b)a description of the Demand Facility, Closed Distribution System, Distribution
System or Demand Unit for which a derogation is requested;
(c) a reference to the DCC Unit clauses in the Grid Code from which a derogation is
requested and a detailed description of the requested derogation;
(d) detailed reasoning, with relevant supporting documents and cost-benefit
(e) demonstration that the requested derogation would have no adverse effect on
cross-border trade.
GC. Within two weeks of receipt of a request for a derogation, the TSO shall confirm to
the Demand Facility Owner, Closed Distribution System Operator or DSO whether
the request is complete. If the TSO considers that the request is incomplete, the
Demand Facility Owner, Closed Distribution System Operator or DSO shall submit
the additional required information within one month from the receipt of the
request for additional information. If the Demand Facility Owner, Closed
Distribution System Operator or DSO, does not supply the requested information
within that time limit, the request for derogation shall be deemed withdrawn.
GC. The TSO shall assess the request for derogation and the provided cost-benefit
analysis, taking into account the criteria determined by the CRU pursuant to
GC. Within six months of receipt of a request for derogation, the TSO shall forward the
request to the CRU and submit the assessment(s) prepared in accordance with
GC. That period may be extended by one month where the TSO seeks
further information from the Demand Facility Owner, Closed Distribution System
Operator or DSO.


GC. The CRU shall adopt a decision concerning any request for derogation within six
months from the day after it receives the request. That time limit may be extended
by three months before its expiry where the CRU requires further information from
the Demand Facility Owner, Closed Distribution System Operator or DSO, or from
any other interested parties. The additional period shall begin when the complete
information has been received.
GC. The Demand Facility Owner, Closed Distribution System Operator or DSO shall
submit any additional information requested by the CRU within two months of such
a request. If the Demand Facility Owner, Closed Distribution System Operator or
DSO does not supply the requested information within that time limit, the request
for derogation shall be deemed withdrawn unless, before its expiry:
(a) the CRU decides to provide an extension; or
(b) the Demand Facility Owner, Closed Distribution System Operator or DSO
informs the CRU by means of a reasoned submission that the request for a
derogation is complete.
GC. The CRU shall issue a reasoned decision concerning a request for derogation. Where
the CRU grants a derogation, it shall specify its duration.
GC. The CRU shall notify its decision to the relevant Demand Facility Owner, Closed
Distribution System Operator or DSO and the TSO.
GC. The CRU may revoke a decision granting a derogation if the circumstances and
underlying reasons no longer apply or upon a reasoned recommendation of the
European Commission or reasoned recommendation by ACER pursuant to

GC.9.5 Interconnector and DC-connected PPM Derogation Procedure

GC.9.5.1 Power to Grant Derogations
CRU may, at the request of an Interconnector Owner, Generator, or the TSO,
grant an Interconnector, DC-connected PPM or the TSO, derogations from one or
more HVDC clauses in the Grid Code for HVDC Units and Non-HVDC Units in
accordance with GC.9.5.3 and GC.9.5.4. Derogations may be granted and revoked
in accordance with GC.9.5.2, GC.9.5.3, GC.9.5.4 and GC.9.5.5 by authorities other
than the CRU.

GC.9.5.2 General Provisions

GC. The criteria specified by CRU to assess derogations pursuant to GC.9.5.3 and
GC.9.5.4 are specified in form CNCD2 and CNCD3 respectively.
GC. If CRU deems that it is necessary, due to a change in circumstances relating to the
evolution of system requirements, it may review and amend, at most once every
year, the criteria for granting derogations as referenced in GC. Any changes
to the criteria shall not apply to derogations, for which a request has already been
GC. The CRU may decide, that Interconnectors or DC-connected PPMs for which a
request for a derogation has been filed, pursuant to GC.9.5.3 or GC.9.5.4, do not
need to comply with HVDC Unit clauses in the Grid Code, from which a derogation
has been sought, from the day of filing the request, until the CRU's decision is

GC.9.5.3 Request for a Derogation by an Interconnector Owner or a Generator:

GC. An Interconnector Owner or a Generator may request a derogation from one, or
several, relevant clauses in the Grid Code, for an Interconnector or a DC-
connected PPM.
GC. A request for a derogation shall be filed with the TSO, using form CNCD2 and
(a) an identification of Interconnector Owner or Generator and a contact person
for any communications;

(b) a description of the Interconnector or DC-connected PPM for which a
derogation is requested;
(c) a reference to the relevant clauses in the Grid Code from which a derogation is
requested and a detailed description of the requested derogation;
(d) detailed reasoning, with relevant supporting documents and cost-benefit
(e) demonstration that the requested derogation would have no adverse effect on
cross-border trade;
(f) In the case of a DC-connected PPM connected to one or more remote-end
Interconnector Converter Stations, evidence that the converter station will not be
affected by the derogation or; alternatively, agreement from the converter station
owner to the proposed derogation.
In the case where a DC-connected PPM has, or will only have, a single connection
to a single synchronous area (e) above will not apply. Within two weeks of receipt
of a request for a derogation, the TSO shall confirm to the Interconnector Owner
or Generator whether the request is complete. If the TSO considers that the
request is incomplete, the Interconnector Owner or Generator shall submit the
additional required information within one month, from the receipt of the request
for additional information. If the Interconnector Owner or Generator, does not
supply the requested information within that time limit, the request for
derogation shall be deemed withdrawn.
GC. The TSO shall assess the request for derogation and the provided cost-benefit
analysis, taking into account the criteria determined by the CRU pursuant to
GC. Within six months of receipt of a request for derogation, the TSO shall forward the
request to the CRU and submit the assessment(s) prepared in accordance with
GC. That period may be extended by one month where the TSO seeks
further information from the Interconnector Owner or Generator.
GC. The CRU shall adopt a decision concerning any request for derogation within six
months from the day after it receives the request. That time limit may be
extended by three months before its expiry where the CRU requires further
information from the Interconnector Owner or Generator, or from any other
interested parties. The additional period shall begin when the complete

information has been received.
GC. The Interconnector Owner or Generator shall submit any additional information
requested by the CRU within two months of such a request. If the Interconnector
Owner or Generator does not supply the requested information within that time
limit, the request for derogation shall be deemed withdrawn unless, before its
(a) the CRU decides to provide an extension; or
(b) the Interconnector Owner or Generator informs the CRU by means of a
reasoned submission that the request for a derogation is complete.
However, the CRU may attach conditions to the derogation including a condition
that if the DC-connected PPM undergoes a development of a connection into a
multi-terminal network or the connection of a further PPM at the same point this
will cause the derogation to be re-evaluated by the CRU or to expire. The CRU
shall take into account the need to optimise the configuration between the DC-
connected PPM and the remote-end Interconnector Converter Station, as well as
the legitimate expectations of the Generator when adopting a decision concerning
a request for a derogation.
GC. The CRU shall issue a reasoned decision concerning a request for derogation.
Where the CRU grants a derogation, it shall specify its duration.
GC. The CRU shall notify its decision to the relevant Interconnector Owner or
Generator and the TSO.
GC. The CRU may revoke a decision granting a derogation, if the circumstances and
underlying reasons no longer apply, or upon a reasoned recommendation of the
European Commission, or reasoned recommendation by ACER, pursuant to

GC.9.5.4 Request for a Derogation by the TSO

GC. The TSO may request derogations for classes of Interconnectors or DC-connected
PPMs connected, or to be connected, to their Network.
GC. The TSO shall submit its requests for derogations, using form CNCD3, to the CRU.
Each request for a derogation shall include:
(a) identification of the TSO, and a contact person for any communications;

(b) a description of the Interconnectors or DC-connected PPMs, for which a
derogation is requested and the total installed capacity and number of
Interconnectors or DC-connected PPMs;
(c) the relevant clauses in the Grid Code for which a derogation is requested, with
a detailed description of the requested derogation;
(d) detailed reasoning, with all relevant supporting documents;
(e) demonstration that the requested derogation would have no adverse effect on
cross-border trade;
(f) a cost-benefit analysis.
GC. The CRU shall adopt a decision concerning a request for derogation within six
months, from the day after it receives the request.
GC. The six-month time limit referred to in GC. may, before its expiry, be
extended by an additional three months where the CRU requests further
information from the TSO requesting the derogation or from any other interested
parties. That additional period shall run from the day following the date of receipt
of the complete information.
The TSO shall provide any additional information requested by the CRU within two
months from the date of the request. If the TSO does not provide the requested
additional information within that time limit, the request for derogation shall be
deemed withdrawn unless, before expiry of the time limit:
(a) the CRU decides to provide an extension; or
(b) the TSO informs the CRU by means of a reasoned submission, that the request
for derogation is complete.
GC. The CRU shall issue a reasoned decision concerning a request for derogation.
Where the CRU grants a derogation, it shall specify its duration.
GC. The CRU shall notify its decision to the TSO and ACER.
GC. The CRU may lay down further requirements concerning the preparation of
requests for derogation by the TSO. In doing so, the CRU shall take into account
the delineation between the transmission system and the distribution system at
the national level and shall consult with the DSO, the Interconnector Owners,
Generator and stakeholders, including manufacturers.

GC. The CRU may revoke a decision granting a derogation, if the circumstances and
underlying reasons no longer apply, or upon a reasoned recommendation of the
European Commission, or reasoned recommendation by ACER, pursuant to
GC.9.5.5 Register of Derogations
GC. The CRU shall maintain a register of all derogations they have granted or refused
and shall provide ACER with an updated and consolidated register, at least once
every six months, a copy of which shall be given to ENTSO for Electricity.
GC. The register shall contain, in particular:
(a) the requirement, or requirements, for which the derogation is granted, or
(b) the content of the derogation;
(c) the reasons for granting, or refusing, the derogation;
(d) the consequences resulting from granting the derogation.
GC.9.5.6 Monitoring of Derogations
GC. ACER shall monitor the procedure of granting derogations, with the cooperation of
the CRU. The CRU shall provide ACER with all the information necessary for that
GC. ACER may issue a reasoned recommendation to the CRU, to revoke a derogation,
due to a lack of justification. The European Commission may issue a reasoned
recommendation, to the CRU, to revoke a derogation, due to a lack of justification.
GC. The European Commission may request ACER to report on the application of
GC. and GC. and to provide reasons for requesting, or not
requesting, derogations to be revoked.


GC.10.1 When partial breakage or partial failure of a Plant and/or Apparatus occurs which
causes a non-compliance but does not necessarily prevent the Plant and/or
Apparatus being operated safely or securely then the User shall promptly notify the
TSO of the non-compliance and the User's proposed programme for remedying the

GC.10.2 Where time permits and if the TSO reasonably considers that a non-compliance of a
User as described in GC.10.1 may have a materially adverse impact on another User
or Users, the TSO will consult the affected User or Users as to the impact of the
intended non-compliance on the User or Users. If the TSO considers that non-
compliance may have an impact on the SEM, it shall inform the Other TSO of the

GC.10.3 If the TSO, acting reasonably, and taking into account the operation of the
Transmission System and the consultation with any affected Users in GC.10.2, is
satisfied as to the User's programme for remedying the non-compliance, and the
breakage or failure is not causing or is not likely to cause the Plant and/or Apparatus
to materially affect the security and stability of the Transmission System or other
Users and is not likely to impose unreasonable and unforeseen costs on the
operation of the Transmission System or other Users, then the TSO may, for so long
as the TSO is so satisfied, treat the User as being in compliance with the relevant
provision of the Grid Code, and the User will be deemed to be so compliant.

GC.10.4 If the TSO, at its discretion, taking into account the operation of the Transmission
System and the consultation with any affected Users in GC.10.2, is not satisfied as to
the User's programme for remedying the non-compliance, the User shall apply for a
derogation under the terms of GC.9.

GC.10.5 When breakage or failure of a Plant and/or Apparatus occurs which causes a non-
compliance which prevents the Plant and/or Apparatus being operated safely or
securely then the User shall promptly notify the TSO of the non-compliance and
reflect such non-compliance in Availability Notices and Technical Parameters
Notices and other data submitted under SDC1 until such time as the non-compliance
has been remedied.

GC.10.6 Failing agreement between the User and the TSO, the User shall immediately apply
for derogation in accordance with GC.9.


GC.11.1 The TSO has a duty to implement, and comply with, the Grid Code as approved by
the CRU.

GC.11.2 In order to fulfil its duty to implement the Grid Code the TSO may, in certain cases,
need access across boundaries, or may need services and/or facilities from Users.
This could, for example, include De-Energising and/or disconnecting Plant and/or
Apparatus. It is hoped that these cases would be exceptional and it is not,
therefore, possible to envisage precisely or comprehensively what the TSO might
reasonably require in order to put it in a position to be able to carry out its duty to
implement the Grid Code in these circumstances.

GC.11.3 Accordingly, all Users are required not only to abide by the letter and spirit of the
Grid Code, which shall include providing the TSO with such rights of access, services
and facilities as provided for in appropriate agreements, and complying with such
instructions as the TSO may reasonably require in implementing the Grid Code.


GC.12.1 If circumstances arise which the provisions of the Grid Code have not foreseen, the
TSO shall to the extent reasonably practicable in the circumstances, consult
promptly and in good faith with all affected Users, and where the TSO deems it
appropriate, with the Other TSO, in an effort to reach agreement as to what should
be done.

GC.12.2 If agreement between the TSO and those Users as to what should be done cannot
be reached in the time available, the TSO shall determine what should be done. If
the unforeseen circumstance may have an impact on the SEM, the TSO shall, where
possible, consult with the Other TSO, with a view to jointly determining what should
be done. Whenever the TSO makes such a determination it shall have regard
wherever practicable in accordance with this GC.12.2 to the views expressed by
Users and, in any event, the TSO will act reasonably and in accordance with Prudent
Utility Practice in all circumstances. In addition the TSO will, following such a
determination and upon request, make available to any affected User its reasons for
the determination.
GC.12.3 Each User shall comply with all instructions given to it by the TSO following such a
determination provided the instructions are consistent with the then current
technical parameters of the User System as notified under the Grid Code. The TSO
shall promptly refer all such unforeseen circumstances, and any such determination,

to the Grid Code Review Panel or the Joint Grid Code Review Panel as appropriate
for consideration in accordance with GC.5.1(c).

In the event of any conflict between the provisions of the Grid Code and any
contract, agreement, or arrangement between the TSO and a User, the provisions of
the Grid Code shall prevail unless the Grid Code expressly provides otherwise.


References in the Grid Code to Plant and/or Apparatus of a User include Plant
and/or Apparatus used by a User under any agreement with a third party.


Where a User System (or part thereof) is, by agreement, under the TSO control,
then for the purposes of communication and the co-ordination of operational time
scales the TSO can (for these purposes only) treat that User System (or part thereof)
as part of the Transmission System, but as between the TSO and other Users it will
continue to be treated as the User System.


GC.16.1 If any provision of the Grid Code should be found to be illegal or partially invalid for
any reason, the legality and validity of all remaining provisions of the Grid Code shall
not be affected.

GC.16.2 If part of a provision of the Grid Code is found to be unlawful or invalid but the rest
of such provision would remain valid if part of the wording were deleted, the
provision shall apply with such modification as may be necessary to make it valid
and effective, but without affecting the meaning or validity of any other provision of
the Grid Code.


Development of the Transmission System will arise for a number of reasons
including, but not limited to:

(a) development on a User System already connected to the Transmission

(b) the introduction of a new Connection Site or the Modification of an existing
Connection Site between a User System and the Transmission System;
(c) changing requirements for electricity transmission facilities due to changes
in factors such as Demand, Generation, technology reliability requirements,
and/or environmental requirements; and
(d) a development on the NI System;
(e) the cumulative effect of a number of such developments referred to in (a),
(c) and (d) by one or more Users.

Accordingly, the development of the Transmission System may involve work:

(a) at a new or existing Connection Site where User’s Plant and/or Apparatus is
connected to the Transmission System;
(b) on new or existing transmission circuits or other facilities which join that
Connection Site to the remainder of the Transmission System; and
(c) on new or existing transmission circuits or other facilities at or between
points remote from that Connection Site.

The time required for the planning and subsequent development of the
Transmission System will depend on the type and extent of the necessary work, the
time required for obtaining planning permission and wayleaves, including any
associated hearings, and the degree of complexity in undertaking the new work
while maintaining satisfactory security and quality of supply on the existing
Transmission System.

The objectives of the Planning Code are to provide for:

(a) TSO/User interaction in respect of any proposed development on the User

System that may impact on the performance of the Transmission System or
the direct connection with the Transmission System;
(b) the supply of information required by the TSO from Users in order for the
TSO to undertake the planning and development of the Transmission
System in accordance with the Transmission System Security Planning
Standards and relevant standards;
(c) the supply of information required by the TSO from Users in order for the
TSO to participate in the co-ordinated planning and development of both
the Transmission System and the Other Transmission System; and
(d) the supply of information required by the TSO for the purposes of the
Forecast Statement.

The Planning Code applies to the TSO and to the following Users:

(a) Generators and Generator Aggregators with Registered Capacity greater

than 10 MW;
(b) all Generators connected to the Transmission System;
(c) Interconnector Operators;
(d) Transmission Asset Owner;
(e) Demand Customers; and
(f) Demand Side Unit Operators.

The above categories of User will become bound by the Planning Code prior to
generating, distributing or consuming electricity, as the case may be, and references
to the various categories (or to the general category) of User should, therefore, be
taken as referring to a prospective User in that role as well as to Users actually

PC.4.1 Information

Users and prospective Users of the Transmission System are able to assess
opportunities for connecting to, and using, the Transmission System, through:

(a) the statement, prepared by the TSO, enabling prospective Users to assess
for each of the seven succeeding years, the opportunities available for
connecting to and using the Transmission System and to assess those parts
of the Transmission System most suited to new connections and transport
of further quantities of electricity;
(b) a Connection Offer by the TSO to enter into or amend a Connection
Agreement; and
(c) published Use of System Tariffs.

PC.4.2 Application for Connection

PC.4.2.1 Users proposing a new Connection Site or Modification of an existing Connection
Site shall send an application form to the TSO.

PC.4.2.2 The application form to be submitted by a User when making an application for a
Connection Offer shall include:

(a) a description of the Plant and/or Apparatus to be connected to the

Transmission System or, as the case may be, of the Modification relating to
the User's Plant and/or Apparatus already connected to the Transmission
System, each of which shall be termed a "User Development" in the
Planning Code;
(b) the relevant data as listed in the Planning Code Appendix; and
(c) the desired Connection Date and Operational Date of the proposed User

PC.4.2.3 The application form for a Connection Offer shall be sent to the TSO as more
particularly provided in the connection offer process documentation.
PC.4.2.4 Data supplied in the application form or data submitted along with the application
form which is directly relevant to the application and has been submitted in support

of it will be treated as Preliminary Project Planning Data until such time as the
Connection Offer has been made and accepted.

PC.4.3 Connection Offer

PC.4.3.1 A Connection Offer shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following:

(a) details of how the connection is to be made, including details of the Plant and
Apparatus that will be required to implement the connection;
(b) a description of any Modification that the applicant User is required to pay
(c) an indication of the Connection Date and the Operational Date; and
(d) an estimate of the charges for connection.

PC.4.3.2 Any Connection Offer will provide that it must be accepted by the applicant User
within the period stated in the Connection Offer. Acceptance of the Connection Offer
shall be effected by execution of the Connection Agreement by both parties which
renders the connection works relating to that User Development committed and
binds both parties in accordance with its terms. The User shall supply the data
pertaining to the User Development as listed in the Appendix to this Planning Code in
accordance with the terms of the Connection Agreement.

PC.4.3.3 Once a Connection Offer has been accepted then all data supplied in the application
form and any data submitted along with the application form will be treated as
Committed Project Planning Data.

PC.4.4 Complex Connections

PC.4.4.1 The magnitude and complexity of any Transmission System development will vary
according to the nature, location and timing of the proposed User Development which
is the subject of the application and it may, in certain circumstances, be necessary for
the TSO to carry out additional or more extensive system studies to evaluate more
fully the impact of the proposed User Development on the Transmission System. A
proposed User Development may also require system studies to be carried out to
evaluate the impact of the proposed User Development on the NI System. Where the
TSO judges that such additional or more extensive studies are necessary the TSO shall

advise the User the areas that require more detailed analysis and before such
additional studies are carried out, the User shall indicate whether it wishes the TSO
to undertake the work necessary to proceed to make a Connection Offer within the
period allowed or such extended time as the TSO, acting reasonably considers is

PC.4.4.2 To enable the above detailed system studies to be carried out, the TSO may require
the User to supply some or all of the data items listed in the Appendix to this Planning
Code as Committed Project Planning Data in advance of the normal time-scale,
provided that the TSO considers that it is relevant and necessary. In the event that
such data items are supplied they will be treated as Preliminary Project Planning Data
submitted in support of the application as outlined in PC.4.2.4.

PC.4.5 Notice Required

Any User proposing to de-rate, close, retire, withdraw from service or otherwise cease
to maintain and keep available for Dispatch in accordance with Good Industry
Practice any Generation Unit or Generation Units or Controllable PPMs with
Registered Capacity greater than 50 MW in aggregate shall give the TSO at least 36
calendar months notice of such action and any Generation Unit or Generation Units
or Controllable PPMs with Registered Capacity less than or equal to 50 MW in
aggregate shall give the TSO at least 24 calendar months notice of such actio

PC.5.1 In order for the TSO to undertake the planning and development of the Transmission
System, in accordance with the relevant standards as provided for in PC.7, and,
where appropriate, to participate in the co-ordinated planning and development of
both the Transmission System and the Other Transmission System, the TSO will
require Users to provide data and information on a regular basis. Information
received for this purpose will be treated as System Planning Data.

PC.5.2 The TSO may also require additional data or information from a User. Where the TSO
considers that this information is required then the User where reasonable shall
submit the information to the TSO without delay. Such information may be required
so that the TSO can:
(a) plan and develop the Transmission System in accordance with the relevant
(b) undertake co-ordinated planning and development of both the Transmission
System and the Other Transmission System;
(c) monitor Power System adequacy and Power System performance and project
future Power System adequacy and Power System performance; and
(d) fulfil its statutory and regulatory obligations.

PC.5.3 In the planning and development of the Transmission System and, where
appropriate, in the co-ordinated planning and development of both the
Transmission System and the Other Transmission System, the TSO may require an
individual User, or group of Users, to modify or install new Plant or Apparatus,
where the TSO can reasonably show that it is prudent or necessary to do so. A User
may object on grounds that to modify or install new Plant or Apparatus as required,
in accordance with Good Industry Practice, would be technically infeasible. This
may include, but shall not be limited to, for example, the installation of Power
System Stabilisers.

PC.6.1 As far as the Planning Code is concerned, there are three relevant types of data;
Preliminary Project Planning Data, Committed Project Planning Data and System
Planning Data.

PC.6.1.1 These three types of data, which relate to differing levels of confidentiality,
commitment and validation, are described below.

PC.6.1.2 Preliminary Project Planning Data and Committed Project Planning Data relate to
the data required from a User at various stages during the process for introduction
of a new Connection Site or Modification of an existing Connection Site as outlined
in PC.4, and more specifically in the application form for a Connection or
Modification. System Planning Data relates to the data that must be submitted at
regular periods by all Users, or other such data or information as requested by the
TSO under PC.6.

PC.6.2 An existing User proposing a new Connection Site will need to supply data both in an
application for a Connection Offer and under the Planning Code in relation to that
proposed new Connection Site and such information will be treated as Preliminary
Project Planning Data or Committed Project Planning Data (as the case may be), but
the data an existing User supplies under the Planning Code relating to its existing
Connection Sites will be treated as System Planning Data

PC.6.3 Preliminary Project Planning Data

PC.6.3.1 At the time the User applies for a Connection Offer but before such an offer is made
by the TSO, the data relating to the proposed User Development will be considered
as Preliminary Project Planning Data. This data will be treated as confidential within
the scope of the provisions relating to confidentiality in the TSO policy on
confidentiality. The TSO may disclose Preliminary Project Planning Data to the Other
The following information shall be published on the TSO website:
(i) User’s name (legal and project name);
(ii) User’s contact details;
(iii) User’s date of completed application;

(iv) Status of application, for example in progress or issued;
(v) Specific location, including grid co-ordinates;
(vi) The Registered Capacity applied for; and
(vii) Interacting group where applicable.

PC.6.3.2 Preliminary Project Planning Data contains such data as may be reasonably required
by the TSO or Other TSO to evaluate the connection application/ as outlined in PC.4.2
and, if applicable, any other data directly relevant to, and submitted in support of, the

PC.6.4 Committed Project Planning Data

PC.6.4.1 Once the Connection Offer has been formally accepted by the prospective User, the
data relating to the User Development, already submitted as Preliminary Project
Planning Data, and any subsequent data required by the TSO under this Planning
Code, will become Committed Project Planning Data. This data, together with other
data held by the TSO and the Other TSO relating to the Transmission System and the
Other Transmission System, will form the basis from which new applications by any
User will be considered and from which planning of the Transmission System or Other
Transmission System and power system analysis will be undertaken. Accordingly,
Committed Project Planning Data will not be treated as confidential to the extent that
the TSO is obliged:
(a) to use it in the preparation of the Forecast Statement and in any further
information given pursuant to the Forecast Statement;
(b) to use it when considering and/or advising on applications (or possible
applications) of other Users (including making use of it by giving data from it,
both orally and in writing, to other Users making an application (or
considering or discussing a possible application) which is, in the TSO's view,
relevant to that other application or possible application);
(c) to use it for the TSO planning purposes and to use it when participating in co-
ordinated planning and development of both the Transmission System and
the NI System;
(d) the TSO may disclose it to the Other TSO for the purposes of consideration of
developments on the Other Transmission System; and

(e) the TSO may disclose it to the External TSO for the purposes of
consideration of Interconnector developments with the External System.

PC.6.5 To reflect different types of data, Preliminary Project Planning Data and Committed
Project Planning Data are themselves divided into those items of Data which:

(a) will always be forecast, known as Forecast Data;

(b) upon connection become fixed (subject to any subsequent changes), known
as Registered Data; and
(c) relate to Plant and/or Apparatus which upon connection will become
Registered Data, but which prior to connection will be an estimate of what is
expected, known as Estimated Registered Data.

PC.6.6 System Planning Data

PC.6.6.1 The Planning Code requires that, as soon as is practical, and not later than a date
which is the earlier of 18 months prior to the scheduled Operational Date or six
months after the signing of the Connection Agreement, unless otherwise directed by
the CRU, all data requirements as stated in the Appendix to the Planning Code, not
previously requested by the TSO and supplied by the User, will be submitted by the
User to the TSO. This will include confirming any estimated values assumed for
planning purposes or, where practical, replacing them by validated actual values and
by updated estimates for the future and by updating forecasts for Forecast Data items
such as Demand. As more accurate data becomes available, due to completion of
detailed design, test measurements/results or any other sources, this information will
be submitted by the User to the TSO as soon as practicable and not later than the
Operational Date.

PC.6.6.2 The Planning Code requires that Users submit to the TSO, each year, the System
Planning Data as listed in section PC.A3.3 of the Appendix to the Planning Code. This
data should be submitted by calendar week 9 of each year and should cover each of
the ten succeeding years (and in certain instances the current year). Where from the
date of one submission to the/a subsequent date submission there is no change in the
data to be submitted for any given year, instead of resubmitting the data, a User may

submit a written statement that there has been no change from the data submitted
the previous time, pertaining to the particular year specified.

PC.6.7 System Planning Data, together with other data held by the TSO and the Other TSO
relating to the Transmission System and the Other Transmission System, will form the
basis from which new applications by any User will be considered and from which
planning of the Transmission System will be undertaken. Accordingly, System
Planning Data will not be treated as confidential to the extent that the TSO is obliged:

(a) to use it in the preparation of the Forecast Statement and in any further
information given pursuant to the Forecast Statement;
(b) to use it when considering and/or advising on applications (or possible
applications) of other Users (including making use of it by giving data from it,
both orally and in writing, to other Users making an application (or
considering or discussing a possible application) which is, in the TSO's view,
relevant to that other application or possible application);
(c) to use it when participating in co-ordinated planning and development of
both the Transmission System and the NI System;
(d) to use it for the TSO planning purposes;
(e) to disclose it to the Other TSO so that it can meet its statutory and legal
requirements for the NI System and;
(f) to disclose it to the External TSO as the case may be, so that it can meet its
statutory and legal requirements for the External System.

To reflect the different types of data referred to above System Planning Data is itself
divided into those terms of data:

1) which will always be forecast, known as Forecast Data;

2) which upon connection become fixed (subject to any subsequent changes),
known as Registered Data; and
3) which relate to Plant and/or Apparatus which for the purposes of the Plant
and/or Apparatus concerned as at the date of submission are Registered Data
but which for the ten succeeding years will be an estimate of what is expected,
known as Estimated Registered Data.

PC.7.1 The TSO shall apply the Transmission System Security Planning Standards and
relevant standards in the planning and development of the Transmission System and
where appropriate when participating in the co-ordinated planning and development
of both the Transmission System and the Other Transmission System.

PC.7.2 In assessing the technical requirements of a User's connection, the TSO shall not
unfairly discriminate between Users of a similar category, location or size although it
will not be technically or economically practicable to achieve uniformity of method
of connection at all times.

PC.7.3 The Transmission System Voltage level at which a User's System will be connected
and the busbar configuration which a User's System uses will depend upon but shall
not be limited to the following:

(a) the size of the Generation Units and the number of Generation Units
comprising the User's System;
(b) the size and rating of the Interconnector;
(c) proximity to the existing Transmission System; and
(d) the cost of the proposed connection.

PC.7.4 The Transmission System Voltage level at which a Demand Customer will be
connected to the Transmission System will depend upon but shall not be limited to
the following:

(a) the size of the MW Demand at the Connection Point;

(b) consistency with future development of the Transmission System or the
Other Transmission System;
(c) proximity to the existing Transmission System.; and
(d) the cost of the proposed connection.
PC.7.5 The Transmission System Voltage level at which the Distribution System Operator
will be connected to the Transmission System will depend upon but shall not be
limited to the following:
(a) the size of the MW Demand at the Connection Point;
(b) consistency with future development of the Transmission System or the

Other Transmission System;
(c) consistency with co-ordinated planning of the Transmission System and of the
Distribution System;
(d) proximity to the existing Transmission System; and
(e) the cost of the proposed connection.

PC.7.6 The method of connection used may exceed the relevant standards where this is
required by the User and is acceptable to the TSO.


PC.8.1 Where a User submits data, which in the opinion of the TSO (or in its opinion
following referral with the Other TSO) is incorrect then the TSO may request that
that User supply such additional information as the TSO deems necessary to verify
the accuracy of the data.

PC.8.2 Where, following consideration of such information submitted under PC.8.1, the TSO
maintains (or maintains following referral with the Other TSO), acting reasonably,
that the additional information is insufficient to verify the accuracy of the original
data then the TSO may request that the User carry out specific Tests to verify the
data. Where such a Test or Tests are requested, they will be subject to the
provisions of the relevant operational codes.

PC.8.3 In the event that the data as submitted by the User is verified by the Test or Tests to
be correct then all costs reasonably incurred as a result of such Test or Tests as
agreed will be borne in full by the TSO.

PC.8.4 In the event that any of the data items submitted are shown to be incorrect or
inaccurate then the User will bear the cost of the Test in full and the data values as
ascertained by the Tests will be the values used in the data. If, as a result of the
changes to the data arising from the Test or Tests, the TSO have to redo or perform
additional system studies then the User will also bear the cost reasonably incurred
as a result of this additional work.



This appendix specifies data to be submitted to the TSO by Users or prospective Users
of the Transmission System. The requirement to provide data is governed by the
Planning Code (PC.4.2, PC.4.3, PC.4.4, 0 and 0).

The specific data requirements depend on whether the User is a Customer or a

Generator or Interconnector or a Demand Side Unit Operator or more than one
combined. PC.A1 and PC.A2 apply to all Users. PC.A3 applies to demand Users.
PC.A4 applies to Generators. PC.A5 applies to Controllable PPM. PC.A6 applies to
Interconnectors. PC.A7 applies to Demand Side Unit Operators. PC.A8 refers to the
dynamic Model requirements for Users. For the avoidance of doubt, PC.A8 may
apply to the DSO,, where the need for such Models is identified.

Any material changes to the data specified in PC.A3, PC.A4, PC.A5, PC.A6 or PC.A7
must be notified to the TSO as soon as practicable.


PC.A1.1 Full name of the User(s)___________________________________

PC.A1.2 Address of the User(s)_____________________________________
PC.A1.3 Contact Person__________________________________________
PC.A1.4 Telephone Number_______________________________________
PC.A1.5 Telefax Number_________________________________________
PC.A1.6 Email Address___________________________________________


PC.A2.1 General Details.

PC.A2.1.1 Projected or target Operational Date.

PC.A2.1.2 Target Connection Date.

PC.A2.1.3 Reliability of connection requested (number of connecting circuits e.g. one, two?):
(subject to technical and system security and reliability standards).

PC.A2.2 Map and Diagrams

PC.A2.2.1 Provide a 1:50,000 "Discovery Series" Ordnance Survey map, with the location of the
facility clearly marked with an "X". In addition, please specify the Ordnance Survey
Grid Co-ordinates of the electrical connection point which is assumed to be at the
HV bushings of the Grid Connected Transformer. See Figure 1 for an example of
how to correctly specify the grid co-ordinates.

PC.A2.2.2 Provide a plan of the site (1:200 or 1:500) of the proposed facility, indicating the
proposed location for a transmission station compound, location of the connection
point, generators, transformers, converter stations, site buildings etc. The plan is to
be submitted in hard copy format. A digitised format may be required and should
also be provided if available.

PC.A2.2.3 Provide an electrical single line-diagram of the proposed facility detailing all
significant items of plant. The plan is to be submitted in hard copy format. A
digitised format may be required and should also be provided if available.

PC.A2.3 Licensing and Authorisation (For Generation, Interconnector and other

applications requested by the TSO)

PC.A2.3.1 Licence
Details of any Generation or Interconnector or Supply Licence held by the applicant,
or of any application for a Generation or Interconnector or Supply Licence.

PC.A2.3.2 Authorisation
Details of any authorisation or application for authorisation to construct or
reconstruct the Generation station, Interconnector or other applications requested
by the TSO for which the connection is being sought.

23 Electrical Connection point

Site Reference



93 94 95 96

Site co-ordinates: Easting 294500, Northing 222500

Figure 1: Example of a Discovery Series Map grid

Easting and Northing co-ordinates should be stated to six digits.

The co-ordinates should be labelled clearly so as to identify which is Easting and
which is Northing.
The numbers on the horizontal axis are Easting co-ordinates.
The numbers on the vertical axis are Northing co-ordinates.


The Easting site co-ordinates are QYYZZZ, where:

Q refers to the first number (in superscript) of the bottom left hand corner of the
map (i.e. 292000 Q=2),

YY are the numbers on the horizontal axis directly below the site to the left (i.e. 94)

ZZZ is the actual position in the grid expressed from 0 to 999 (e.g. if half way
horizontally within the grid square, the Easting number is approximately 500.

The Northing co-ordinates are similarly identified, except the vertical axis rather
than the horizontal axis is used.

PC.A2.3.3 Exemptions and Policy Documents

Any existing EU exemption applications, pending EU exemption applications, and/or

any National or European policy decisions relevant for the application.


PC.A3.1 Treatment of Demand Data

At the time the User applies for a connection offer but before an offer is made by the
TSO and accepted by the applicant User the above data will be considered as
Preliminary Project Planning Data as described in PC.6.3.

Once the Connection Offer has been formally accepted by the prospective User all
data shall be provided by the User and treated as Committed Project Planning Data
as discussed in PC.6.4.

Following the Operational Date or Modification Date as appropriate, all data

requirements as listed in this appendix shall be submitted by the User to the TSO and
shall be treated as System Planning Data as discussed in PC.6.6. This will include
confirming any estimated values assumed for planning purposes and replacing them
by validated actual values and by updated estimates for future Forecast Data.

PC.A3.2 Registered Connection Capacity

The registered connection capacity is required in MW and Mvar, corresponding to

the maximum MVA. It should be stated whether the User is producing or absorbing

PC.A3.3 Measured and Forecast Data

This section details the measurements of demand and 10-year demand forecasts that
are required from each User of the Transmission System who is a Demand Customer
in respect of each infeed from the Transmission System to the Customer’s
network(s).. This section applies equally to the Distribution System Operator (DSO).

The TSO shall notify each User who is a Demand Customer in advance of each load
reading day. These load reading days are winter peak, summer and summer minimum
as specified in sections PC.A3.3.2, PC.A3.3.3 and PC.A3.3.4 respectively.

The measurements of demand and 10-year demand forecasts should be submitted

by the end of calendar week 9 of each year.

PC.A3.3.1 Measurement Point

Demand measurements and forecasts for each infeed from the Transmission
System shall relate to the appropriate Measurement Point.

PC.A3.3.2 Winter 12.30 and 18.00 - Load Readings and Forecast

A coincident set of measurements of MW and Mvar values both at 12.30 and 18.00
hours on the second Thursday in December is required. If the second Thursday in
December is the 8th, then the measurements should be taken on the following
Tuesday, December 13th. The readings should be taken with both the transmission
and distribution networks intact, and with normal sectionalising of the Distribution
System, i.e. under normal feeding conditions. The Load reading shall take account of
Embedded Generation as detailed in section PC.A3.3.6.

A forecast of the expected MW and Mvar winter peak demand at the Measurement

Point at 12.30 and 18.00 hours for the next ten (10) years is required. For example,

the forecasts to be received by calendar week 9 of 2003 should cover years 2003

through 2012. The Load forecast shall take account of sections PC.A3.3.6 through

PC.A3.3.9 dealing with Embedded Generation, description of forecast methodology,

transformer reinforcements and permanent Load transfer.

The DSO, in preparing the forecast for winter peak Load, shall bear in mind that the

coincident Load readings taken on the second Thursday in December may be lower

than at System peak.

PC.A3.3.3 Summer 12.30 - Load Readings and Forecast

A coincident set of measurements of MW and Mvar values at 12.30 hours on the

fourth Thursday in June is required. The Load reading shall take account of Embedded
Generation as detailed in section PC.A3.3.6.

A corresponding 10-year forecast of the MW and Mvar demand at the Measurement

Point in June at 12.30 hours for the next ten (10) years is also required. For example,
the forecasts to be received by calendar week 9 of 2003 should cover years 2003
through 2012. The Load forecast shall take account of sections PC.A3.3.6 through
PC.A3.3.9 dealing with Embedded Generation, description of forecast method,
transformer reinforcements and permanent Load transfer.

PC.A3.3.4 Summer Night Valley - Load Reading and Forecast

A coincident set of measurements of MW and Mvar values at 06.00 hours on the

Sunday preceding the early August Monday Public Holiday is required. The Load
readings shall take account of Embedded Generation as detailed in section PC.A3.3.6.

A corresponding 10-year forecast of the MW and Mvar minimum demand at the

Measurement Point in August at 06.00 hours for the next ten (10) years is also

required. For example, the forecasts to be received by calendar week 9 of 2003

should cover years 2003 through 2012. The Load forecast shall take account of

sections PC.A3.3.6 through PC.A3.3.9 dealing with Embedded Generation,

description of forecast method, transformer reinforcements and permanent Load


PC.A3.3.5 Non Coincident Peak Demand - Load Reading and Forecast

Each User of the Transmission System who is a Demand Customer, including the DSO,
is required to specify by calendar week 9 of each year, the MW and Mvar values
corresponding to the maximum MVA demand which occurred at the Measurement
Point during the previous year. The date and time of the occurrence of this maximum
demand should be stated by the User.

PC.A3.3.6 Embedded Generation

All Load readings shall specify, separately, the MW and Mvar contribution from
significant Embedded Generation. The User should indicate whether the Generator
is producing or absorbing Mvar from the System. The type or types of significant
Embedded Generation should be specified – hydro, wind, CHP, biomass, diesel or

All Load forecasts shall specify, separately, the installed Capacity of existing and

projected significant Embedded Generation. Both MW and Mvar capability should

be given, indicating the Mvar limits both for production and absorption. The type or

types of Embedded Generation should be specified – hydro, wind, CHP, biomass,

diesel or other.

PC.A3.3.7 Load Forecast - Methodology

The User shall provide, with the forecast data, a brief description of the basis for the

PC.A3.3.8 Load Forecast - Transformer Reinforcements

The User shall provide, with the forecast data, details of planned changes in
transformer capacity between the Measurement Point and the Connection Point.

PC.A3.3.9 Load Forecast - Permanent Load Transfer

There are two separate characteristics of Distribution System load forecasts;

expected load growth and expected permanent load transfer between infeeds from
the Transmission System. In order to identify separately the load growth, the DSO
demand forecasts shall be prepared for the load at each Measurement Point without
taking account of any proposed load transfers.

Then, in order to identify separately the proposed load transfer, the DSO shall provide,
with the forecast data, details of each planned load transfer as follows:

(a) Date of transfer

(b) Reason for transfer e.g. proposed 110kV station, transformer capacity, etc.
(c) MW and Mvar at each of the measurement points expected to be transferred
(d) Existing source of supply for the load to be transferred.

Only proposed permanent load transfers for which there is a firm commitment should
be included. For example, proposed 110kV stations should be included only where
there is a connection agreement between the TSO and the DSO.

For a proposed new 110kV station which will supply new load and for which there is a
connection agreement between the TSO and the DSO, a load forecast is required.

PC.A3.3.10 Special Load Reading

The DSO shall continue to provide the TSO with the DSO special load readings.

PC.A3.3.11 Data Templates

For uniformity of data capture, and to facilitate Users of the Transmission System
who are Demand Customers, the TSO will provide to each such User prepared
templates with data validation to facilitate entry of the required data.

Users shall provide data to the TSO using these data templates or in such other form
as may be agreed by the TSO.

PC.A3.4 User Network Data

Single-line diagram of user network to a level of detail to be agreed with the TSO.
Electrical characteristics of all 110 kV circuits and equipment (R, X, B, R0, X0, B0,)
continuous and overload ratings.
Contribution from User network to a three-phase short circuit at connection point.
Connection details of all 110 kV-connected transformers, shunt capacitors, shunt
reactors etc. (star, delta, zigzag, etc.)

Electrical characteristics of all 110kV circuits and equipment at a voltage lower than
110 kV that may form a closed tie between two connection points on the
Transmission System.

PC.A3.5 Standby Supply Data

For each User who is a Demand Customer, that can take supply from more than one
supply point, the following information is required:

Source of the standby supply (alternative supply point(s))

Standby capacity required (MW and Mvar)

PC.A3.6 Fluctuating Loads

For each demand that can fluctuate by more than 5 MVA at the point of connection
to the Transmission System, the following information is required:

PC.A3.6.1 Rate of change of Active Power and Reactive Power, both increasing and decreasing
(kW/s. kvar/s).

PC.A3.6.2 The shortest repetitive time interval between fluctuations in Active Power and
Reactive Power Demand (Seconds).

PC.A3.6.3 The magnitude of the largest step changes in Active Power and Reactive Power
Demand (kW, Kvar).

PC.A3.7 Disturbing Loads

Description of any Disturbing Load to be connected to the Transmission System.

PC.A3.8 Grid Connected Transformer

Symbol Units

Number of windings

Vector Group

Rated current of each winding A

Transformer Rating MVATrans

Transformer nominal LV voltage kV

Transformer nominal HV voltage kV

Tapped winding

Transformer Ratio at all transformer taps

Transformer Impedance (resistance R and reactance X) at all taps R+jX % on rating MVATrans

For 3 winding transformers, where there are external connections Z HV:LV1 % on rating MVATrans
to all 3 windings, the impedance (resistance R and reactance X)
ZHV:LV2 % on rating MVATrans

between each pair of windings is required, measured with the ZLV1:LV2 % on rating MVATrans
third set of terminals open-circuit.

Transformer zero sequence impedances at nominal tap

Zero Phase Sequence impedance measured between the HV ZHT 0 Ohm

terminals (shorted) and the neutral terminal, with the LV
terminals open-circuit.

Zero Phase Sequence impedance measured between the HV ZHL 0 Ohm

terminals (shorted) and the neutral terminal, with the LV
terminals short-circuited to the neutral.

Zero Phase Sequence impedance measured between the LV ZLT 0 Ohm

terminals (shorted) and the neutral terminal, with the HV
terminals open-circuit.

Zero Phase Sequence impedance measured between the LV ZLH 0 Ohm

terminals (shorted) and the neutral terminal, with the HV
terminals short-circuited to the neutral.

Zero Phase Sequence leakage impedance measured between the ZL 0 Ohm

HV terminals (shorted) and the LV terminals (shorted), with the
Delta winding closed.

Earthing Arrangement including LV neutral earthing resistance & reactance

Core construction (number of limbs, shell or core type)

Open circuit characteristic Graph

PC.A3.9 Shunt Capacitor / Reactor Data

For each shunt capacitor or reactor with a rating in excess of 1 Mvar connected to or
capable of being connected to a user network, the following information shall be

PC.A3.9.1 Rating (Mvar).

PC.A3.9.2 Resistance / Reactance / Susceptance of all components of the capacitor or reactor


PC.A3.9.3 Fixed or switched.

PC.A3.9.4 If switched, control details (manual, time, load, voltage, etc.).

PC.A3.9.5 If automatic control, details of settings.


PC.A4.1 General Details

Each Generator shall submit to the TSO detailed information as required to plan,
design, construct and operate the Transmission System.

Station Name ___

Number of Generating Units ___

Primary Fuel Type / Prime Mover (e.g. gas, hydro etc.) ___

Secondary Fuel Type (e.g. oil) ___

Generation Export Connection Capacity Required (MW)

PC.A4.2 Treatment of Generator Data

* data item which must be provided by the applicant and which shall be treated
as Preliminary Project Data as discussed in PC.6.3.

§ data item which, if not provided by the applicant as Preliminary Project Data,
will be estimated by the TSO at the applicant's sole risk. The TSO puts the applicant
on notice that this data estimate shall be treated as Preliminary Project Data as
discussed in PC.6.3.

Once the Connection Offer has been formally accepted by the prospective User all
data shall be provided by the User and treated as Committed Project Planning Data
as discussed in PC.6.4.

Following the Operational Date or Modification Date as appropriate, all data

requirements as listed in this appendix shall be submitted by the User to the TSO and
shall be treated as System Planning Data as discussed in PC.6.6. This will include
confirming any estimated values assumed for planning purposes and replacing them
by validated actual values and by updated estimates for future Forecast Data.

PC.A4.3 Generator Operating Characteristics and Registered Data

Minimum requirements for generator operating conditions are specified in the

Connection Conditions.

* For thermal plant, provide a functional block diagram of the main plant components,
showing boilers, alternators, any heat or steam supplies to other processes etc.
indicate whether single shaft or separate shaft.

For each individual unit, on Primary Fuel and on Secondary Fuel where applicable, fill
in the following:
Unit Number ____
Registered Capacity (MW) ____
Fuel ____

Symbol Units

* Normal Maximum Continuous Generation Capacity: MW

* Normal Maximum Continuous Export Capacity MW

Primary Fuel Switchover Output MW

Secondary Fuel Switchover Output

* Power Station Auxiliary Load MW

§ Power Station Auxiliary Load Mvar

* Maximum (Peaking) Generating Capacity MW

* Maximum (Peaking) Export Capacity MW

* Normal Minimum Continuous Generating Capacity MW

* Normal Minimum Continuous Export Capacity MW

* Generator Rating: Mbase MVA

* Normal Maximum Lagging Power Factor Mvar

* Normal Maximum Leading Power Factor Mvar

§ Governor Droop R

§ Forbidden Zones MW

§ Terminal Voltage adjustment range kV

§ Short Circuit Ratio

§ Rated Stator Current Amps

* Number of available hours of running at Registered

Capacity from on-site fuel storage stocked to its full capacity


§ Capability Chart showing full range of operating capability of the generator Diagram
including thermal and excitation limits.

§ Open Circuit Magnetisation Curves Graph

§ Short Circuit characteristic Graph

§ Zero power factor curve Graph

§ V curves Diagram

Symbol Units

§ Time to synchronise from warm Hour

§ Time to synchronise from cold Hour

§ Minimum Up Time Hour

§ Minimum Down Time Hour

§ Normal loading rate MW / min

§ Normal deloading rate MW / min

§ Can the Generator start on each fuel

§ Ability to change fuels on-load

§ Available modes (lean burn, etc.)

§ Time to change modes on-load

§ Control range for AGC operation MW

Other relevant operating characteristics not otherwise provided....

§ Reserve Capability

Primary Spinning Reserve

Secondary Spinning Reserve
Tertiary Reserve

Give details of reserve capability of the Generator in different operating modes:

Unit co-ordinating, turbine follow, recirculation, base load, etc.

What reserve, if any, is available when the unit is off load?

CCGT Installation Matrix

This matrix is a look up table determining which CCGT Unit will be operating at any given MW
Dispatch level. This information will be applied for planning purposes and for scheduling, Dispatch
and control purposes as covered in the SDCs unless by prior agreement with the TSO.

As an example of how the matrix might be filled out, consider a sample unit with a total capacity of
400 MW made up of two 150 MW combustion turbines and one 100 MW steam turbine. In this
case, the following ranges might be specified:

0 MW to 50 MW GT1

50 MW to 170 MW GT1 and ST

170 MW to 400 MW GT1 and GT2 and ST

Please insert MW ranges and tick the boxes to indicate which units are synchronised to deliver each
MW range at the following atmospheric conditions: Temperature 10°C, Pressure 1.01 bar and 70%


OUTPUT USABLE 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd



Unit MW Capacity → e.g. 150 150 - 100 - -

Total MW Output Range ↓

[ ] MW to [ ] MW

[ ] MW to [ ] MW

[ ] MW to [ ] MW

[ ] MW to [ ] MW

[ ] MW to [ ] MW

[ ] MW to [ ] MW

PC.A4.4 Generator Parameters

Symbol Units

* direct axis Synchronous reactance Xd % on rating

* direct axis Transient reactance saturated X 'd sat % on rating

* direct axis Transient reactance unsaturated X 'd unsat % on rating

* Sub-transient reactance unsaturated X 'd' = X 'q' % on rating

§ quad axis Synchronous reactance Xq % on rating

§ quad axis Transient reactance unsaturated X 'q unsat % on rating

§ Negative Phase Sequence Synchronous reactance X2 % on rating

§ Zero phase sequence reactance X0 % on rating

* Turbine generator Inertia constant for entire H MW s/MVA

rotating mass

§ Stator resistance Ra % on rating

§ Stator Leakage reactance XL % on rating

§ Poiter reactance XP % on rating

Generator Time Constants

Symbol Units

§ Direct axis open Circuit Transient Tdo’ sec

§ Direct axis open Circuit sub-Transient Tdo’’ sec

§ Quad axis open Circuit Transient Tqo’ sec

§ Quad axis open Circuit sub-Transient Tqo’’ sec

§ Direct axis short Circuit Transient Td’ sec

§ Direct axis short Circuit sub-Transient Td’’ sec

§ Quad axis short Circuit Transient Tq’ sec

§ Quad axis short Circuit sub-Transient Tq’’ sec

PC.A4.5 § Mechanical Parameters:

Provide mechanical parameters of the Generator that affect the dynamic

performance of the Generator. This may include the stiffness of the shaft, a multi-
mass model of the Plant components, torsional modes, mechanical damping or
parameters as specified by the TSO.

PC.A4.6 § Excitation System:

Provide parameters and supply a Laplace-domain control block diagram (or as

otherwise agreed with the TSO) completely specifying all time constants and gains to
fully explain the transfer function from the compensator or generator terminal voltage
and field current to generator field voltage. These parameters may include but are not
limited to:

Description Symbol Units

Excitation system type (AC or DC) Text

Excitation feeding arrangement (solid or shunt) Text

Excitation system Filter time constant Tr sec

Excitation system Lead time constant Tc sec

Excitation system Lag time constant Tb sec

Excitation system Controller gain Ka

Excitation system controller lag time constant Ta sec

Excitation system Maximum controller output Vmax p.u.

Excitation system minimum controller output Vmin p.u.

Excitation system regulation factor Kc

Excitation system rate feedback gain Kf

Excitation system rate feedback time constant Tf sec

PC.A4.7 § Speed Governor System

Supply a Laplace-domain control block diagram and associated parameters of prime

mover models for thermal and hydro units (or as otherwise agreed with the TSO)
completely specifying all time constants and gains to fully explain the transfer function
for the Governor Control System in relation to Frequency deviations and setpoint

PC.A4.8 § Control Devices (including Power System Stabilisers) and Protection Relays
Supply any additional Laplace domain control diagrams and associated parameters
for any outstanding control devices including Power System Stabiliser or special
protection relays in the Generating Unit, which automatically impinge on its
Operating Characteristics within 30 seconds following a System Disturbance and
which have a minimum time constant of at least 0.02 seconds.

PC.A4.9 § Environmental Impact

CO2 tonne CO2 / tonne fuel

Unit CO2 removal efficiency

SO2 tonne SO2 / tonne fuel

Unit SO2 removal efficiency

NOX tonne NOX / exported MWh curve

PC.A4.10 § Pumped Storage

Reservoir Capacity MWh pumping

Max Pumping Capacity MW

Min Pumping Capacity MW

Efficiency (generating / pumping ratio) %

PC.A4.11 § Generator Transformer

Symbol Units

Number of windings

Vector Group

Rated current of each winding Amps

Transformer Rating MVATrans

Transformer nominal LV voltage kV

Transformer nominal HV voltage kV

Tapped winding

Transformer Ratio at all transformer taps

Transformer Impedance at all taps1 % on rating MVATrans

Transformer zero sequence impedance at nominal tap Z0 Ohm

Earthing Arrangement including neutral earthing resistance & reactance

Core construction (number of limbs, shell or core type)

Open circuit characteristic Graph

PC.A4.12 Generator Forecast Data

PC.A4.12.1 § Expected Maintenance Requirements

1 For Three Winding Transformers the HV/LV1, HV/LV2 and LV1/LV2 impedances together with associated
bases shall be provided.

Expected Maintenance Requirements weeks/year

PC.A4.12.2 § Forecast Availability of Registered Capacity

Apart from the expected scheduled maintenance requirements

Availability of Registered Capacity Reason Available Exported MW Time %

Registered Capacity

Restricted Rating

Forced Outage Probability

Total 100%

Reasons for restricted rating might include poor fuel, loss of mill, loss of burners, hydro flow
restrictions, etc.

PC.A4.12.3 § Energy Limitations

Daily GWh

Weekly GWh

Monthly GWh

Annual GWh

PC.A4.12.4 § Hydro Expected Monthly GWh

January GWh

February GWh

March GWh

April GWh

May GWh

June GWh

July GWh

August GWh

September GWh

October GWh

November GWh

December GWh

PC.A4.13 § Generator Aggregators

For each Generator Aggregator, the following information shall be provided:

(i) Name of Generator Aggregator group;

(ii) Total Generation Capacity at their Connection Points of all Generation

Units being aggregated (MW) (Aggregated Maximum Export Capacity);

For each Generator Site within the Generator Aggregator group, the following
information shall be provided:

(iii) Location;

(iv) Registered Capacity; and

(v) Name of the Transmission Station to which the Generation Site is normally

PC.A5 Controllable PPM Data Requirements
All information for Controllable PPM connection applications shall include details of
the Transmission System Connection Point. This shall include details listed in
PC.A2.1, PC.A2.2 for the Connection Point. The minimum technical, design and
operational criteria to be met by Controllable PPM are specified in the Connection

PC.A5.1 § Wind Turbine Generators and Mains Excited Asynchronous Generators

State whether turbines are Fixed Speed or Variable Speed:

Provide manufacturer details on electrical characteristics and operating
performance with particular reference to Flicker and Harmonic performance.

For Mains Excited Asynchronous Generators, state:


How the generator is run up to synchronous speed

Magnitude of inrush / starting current Amps

Duration of inrush / starting current ms

Starting / paralleling frequency Hz

Power factor on starting

Reactive power demand at zero output ('no load') kvar

Give details of reactive power compensation to be installed

PC.A5.2 Wind Turbine Generator parameters

Provide electrical parameters relative to the performance of the Wind Turbine
Generator. This may include but is not limited to parameters of electrical generator,
power electronic converters, electrical control and/or protection systems. Laplace
diagrams and associated parameters shall be provided to the TSO where appropriate.

PC.A5.3 Mechanical parameters of the WTG
Provide mechanical parameters relative to the performance of the Wind Turbine
Generator. This may include but is not limited to the drive train characteristics of
the WTG, the stiffness of the shaft of the WTG and/or a multi-mass model of the
WTG components. Laplace diagrams and associated parameters shall be provided to
the TSO where appropriate.

PC.A5.4 Aerodynamic performance of WTG

Provide details on the aerodynamic performance of the Wind Turbine Generator. This
may include but is not limited to variation of power co-efficient with tip speed ratio
and WTG blade pitch angle, aerodynamic disturbance from WTG tower, WTG blade
pitch control and high and low wind speed performance of the WTG. Laplace diagrams
and associated parameters shall be provided to the TSO where appropriate.

PC.A5.5 Wind Turbine Generator transformer

Provide details of the transformer that connects the WTG with the internal
Controllable PPM network. This may include but is not limited to the rating of WTG
transformer (MVA or kVA), the WTG transformer voltage ratio (kV) or the WTG
transformer impedance (%).

PC.A5.6 Reactive Compensation

Provide details of any additional reactive compensation devices and control systems
employed by the Controllable PPM. This shall include Mvar capability, the number of
stages in the device and the Mvar capability switched in each stage and any control
or protection systems that influence the performance of the Controllable PPM at the
Connection Point. Laplace diagrams and associated parameters shall be provided to
the TSO where appropriate.

PC.A5.7 Controllable PPM control and protection systems

Provide details of any control or protection systems that affect the performance of
the Controllable PPM at the Connection Point. This shall include any systems or
modes of operation that activate during system Voltage or Frequency excursions
including Low Voltage Ride Through (FRT), High Voltage Ride Through, Low Frequency
Response and High Frequency Response. The transition between Controllable PPM

control modes shall also be specified. Laplace diagrams and associated parameters
shall be provided to the TSO where appropriate.

PC.A5.8 Grid Connected Transformer of Controllable PPM

Provide details of the transformer that connects the Controllable PPM site with the
Distribution/Transmission System (equivalent to the Generator Transformer of a
conventional Power Station). This shall include but is not limited to rating of grid
transformer (MVA or kVA), transformer Voltage ratio (kV), transformer impedance
(%), transformer tap changing control and no-load losses.

PC.A5.9 Internal network of Controllable PPM

Provide details of the Controllable PPM’s internal network structure (Collector

Network) and lay out (by means of a single-line diagram or other description of
connections). This shall include but is not limited to a breakdown of how the individual
WTGs are connected together as well as how they are connected back to the
Controllable PPM substation. Please specify different cable or overhead line types
and the individual length of each section of circuit.

Type1 Type2 Type3 Extend

Total length (m) Table as

Conductor cross section appropriate

area per core (mm)

Conductor type
(Al, Cu, etc)

Type of insulation

Charging capacitance

Charging current

Positive sequence
(R1 Ohm/km)

Positive sequence
reactance (X1 Ohm/km)

PC.A5.10 Flicker and harmonics

Provide details of harmonic or flicker contribution from the Controllable PPM that
may affect the performance of the Controllable PPM at the Connection Point. This
may include harmonic current injections and phase angles associated with the
Controllable PPM. Details of any additional AC filter devices shall also be provided by
the Controllable PPM to the TSO.

PC.A5.11 Short Circuit Contribution

Provide details of the single-phase to ground, phase-phase and three-phase to ground
short circuit contribution from the Controllable PPM at the Connection Point. The
Controllable PPM shall provide the TSO with the single-phase and three-phase short
circuit contribution for rated conditions, i.e. maximum output from the Controllable
PPM with all WTGs and any additional devices in the Controllable PPM contributing
to the short circuit current. The Controllable PPM shall also provide the single-phase
to ground, phase-phase and three-phase to ground short circuit contribution from an
individual WTG. Signature plots of the short circuit contribution from an individual
WTG shall also be supplied by the Controllable PPM.

PC.A6 Interconnector Data Requirements

All information for Interconnector connection applications shall include details of the
Transmission System Connection Point and external Transmission System
Connection Point. This shall include details listed in PC.A2.1, PC.A2.2 for each
Connection Point. The minimum technical, design and operational criteria to be met
by Interconnectors are specified in the Connection Conditions.

PC.A6.1 Interconnector Operating Characteristics and Registered Data

(i) Interconnector Registered Capacity

(a) Interconnector Registered Import Capacity for import to the
Transmission System (MW);
(b) Interconnector Registered Export Capacity for export from the
Transmission System (MW).
Interconnector Registered Capacity figures (a) and (b) above shall include
transmission power losses for the Interconnector and be considered Registered

(ii) General Details

(a) single line diagram for each converter station;
(b) proposed Transmission connection point;
(c) Control Facility location;
(d) Interconnector Operator details.

(iii) Technology details

(a) Interconnector technology type (i.e. current or voltage source
(b) DC network cable or overhead line type & characteristics i.e. length,
resistance (R), reactance (X), susceptance (B);
(c) rated DC Network Voltage/pole (kV);
(d) number of poles and pole arrangement;
(e) Earthing / return path arrangement;
(f) short circuit contribution (three phase to ground, single line to
ground, phase to phase);
(g) Interconnector losses (MW/Mvar);
i. converter station;
ii. line circuits;
iii. house load demand;
iv. losses on de-block at minimum transfer;
v. total losses at max import / export.
(h) overload capability including details of any limitations i.e. time,

(iv) AC filter reactive compensation equipment parameters
(a) total number of AC filter banks;
(b) type of equipment (e.g. fixed or variable);
(c) single line diagram of filter arrangement and connections;
(d) Reactive Power rating for each AC filter bank, capacitor bank, or
operating range of each item or reactive compensation equipment, at
rated voltage;
(e) performance chart (PQ), showing Reactive Power capability of the
Interconnector, as a function of Interconnector Registered Capacity
(f) harmonic and/or flicker contribution from the Interconnector that
may affect the performance of the Interconnector at the Connection

(v) Interconnector power electronic converter and control systems

(a) parameters related to the power electronic converters.

Interconnector converter characteristics to be represented may
include but is not limited by the following; converter firing angle,
modulation index, Valve winding voltage, DC Voltage, DC Current as
the output variables;

(b) transfer function block diagram representation including parameters

of the Interconnector transformer tap changer control systems,
including time delays;

(c) transfer function block diagram representation including parameters

of AC filter and reactive compensation equipment control systems,
including any time delays;

(d) transfer function block diagram representation including parameters

of any Frequency and/or load control systems;

(e) transfer function block diagram representation including parameters
of any small signal modulation controls such as power oscillation
damping controls or sub-synchronous oscillation damping controls,
which have not been submitted as part of the above control system

(f) transfer block diagram representation including parameters of the

Active Power control, DC Voltage control, AC Voltage control and
Reactive Power control at converter ends for a voltage source
converter for both the rectifier and inverter modes.

(g) transfer block diagram representation including parameters of any

control modes that affect the performance of the Interconnector at
the Connection Point which have not been submitted as part of the
above control system data. Features to be represented shall include
but are not limited to the following; start-up sequence, shutdown
sequence, Normal operating mode, VSC control mode, Island mode
and Emergency Power control.

(vi) Interconnector Transformer;

Symbol Units

number of windings

vector Group

rated current of each winding A

transformer rating MVATrans

transformer nominal LV voltage kV

transformer nominal HV voltage kV

tapped winding

transformer ratio at all transformer taps

transformer impedance at all taps1 % on rating MVATrans

transformer zero sequence impedance at nominal tap Z0 Ohm

Earthing arrangement including neutral Earthing resistance & reactance

core construction (number of limbs, shell or core type)

open circuit characteristic graph

PC.A7 Demand Side Unit Operators

For each Demand Side Unit Operator, the following information shall be provided:
(a) General Details

(i) name of Demand Side Unit;

(ii) address of the Demand Side Unit Control Facility;
(iii) address of each Individual Demand Site(s) comprising the Demand
Side Unit;
(iv) Irish Grid Co-ordinates of the Connection Point of each Individual
Demand Site comprising the Demand Side Unit;
(v) Meter Point Reference Number for each Individual Demand Site
comprising the Demand Side Unit;
(vi) classification of operation of each Individual Demand Site comprising
the Demand Side Unit as one of:
• avoided Demand consumption only,
• combination of avoided Demand consumption and Shaving
Mode operation of Generation Units,
• combination of avoided Demand consumption and Continuous
Parallel Mode operation of Generation Units,
• combination of avoided Demand consumption and Lopping
Mode operation of Generation Units,

1 For Three Winding Transformers the HV/LV1, HV/LV2 and LV1/LV2 impedances together with associated
bases shall be provided.

• combination of avoided Demand consumption and Standby
Mode operation of Generation Units,
• combination of avoided Demand consumption and Automatic
Mains Failure Mode operation of Generation Units,
• Shaving Mode operation of Generation Units only,
• Continuous Parallel Mode operation of Generation Units only,
• Lopping Mode operation of Generation Units only,
• Standby Mode operation of Generation Units only,
• Automatic Mains Failure Mode operation of Generation Units
(vii) current classification of operation of each Individual Demand Site
comprising the Demand Side Unit if different to above;
(viii) details of all Generation Units used as part of the Demand Side Unit
operated in Continuous Parallel Mode, Shaving Mode or Lopping
Mode, including the make, model, Capacity, MVA rating, fuel type,
and protection settings;
(ix) whether a change is required to the current Maximum Export
Capacity or Maximum Import Capacity of Individual Demand Sites
comprising the Demand Side Unit;
(x) whether the operation of Embedded Generator Interface Protection
trips a DSO-operated interface circuit breaker, DSO Demand
Customer main incomer, Generation Unit LV circuit breaker,
Generation Unit HV transformer circuit breaker or other on a
Distribution System-connected Individual Demand Site comprising a
Demand Side Unit containing Generation;
(xi) the current operation Embedded Generator Interface Protection if
different to above;
(xii) details of all Demand loads with Demand reduction capability of 5
MW or greater, including size in MW and demand reduction
capability from load;
(xiii) whether the Distribution System Operator has been informed about
the intention of the Demand Side Unit Operator to operate a
Demand Side Unit (the Demand Side Unit Operator is obliged to
inform the Distribution System Operator);

(xiv) whether each Individual Demand Site comprising the Demand Side
Unit is currently participating as or part of any Aggregated Generator
Unit or other Demand Side Unit;
(xv) proposed effective date in Single Electricity Market for first-time
applicants; and
(xvi) proposed date for Grid Code Testing.

(b) Technical Details

(i) total Demand Side Unit MW Capacity (MW) of the Demand Side
(ii) Demand Side Unit MW Capacity (MW) of each Individual Demand
Site comprising the Demand Side Unit;
(iii) total Demand Side Unit MW Capacity of the Demand Side Unit
available from on-site Generation (MW) operated in Shaving Mode
or Continuous Parallel Mode;
(iv) Demand Side Unit MW Capacity of each Individual Demand Site
comprising the Demand Side Unit available from on-site Generation
(MW) operated in Shaving Mode or Continuous Parallel Mode;
(v) total Demand Side Unit MW Capacity of the Demand Side Unit
available from avoided Demand consumption (MW) and on-site
Generation (MW) operated in Lopping Mode and on-site Generation
(MW) operated in Standby Mode;
(vi) Demand Side Unit MW Capacity of each Individual Demand Site
comprising the Demand Side Unit available from avoided Demand
consumption (MW) or on-site Generation (MW) operated in Lopping
Mode or on-site Generation (MW) operated in Standby Mode;
(vii) Demand Side Unit MW Response Time of the Demand Side Unit;
(viii) Demand Side Unit Notice Time of the Demand Side Unit;
(ix) Minimum Down Time of the Demand Side Unit;
(x) Maximum Down Time of the Demand Side Unit;
(xi) Minimum off time of the Demand Side Unit;
(xii) Maximum Ramp Up Rate of the Demand Side Unit;
(xiii) Maximum Ramp Down Rate of the Demand Side Unit;

PC.A8 Modelling Requirements for Users

PC.A8.1 Introduction

The TSO requires suitable and accurate dynamic Models for all Users connected to,
or applying for a connection to, the Transmission System, in order to assess the
impact of the proposed installation on the transient and dynamic performance, and
security and stability of the Power System for a range of timeframes, disturbances
and system conditions. The TSO bases the safe and secure design and operation of
the Power System on the Models provided by the Users. All Users of the Power
System shall provide suitable Models of their Plant in a timeframe and manner
specified by the TSO in this Grid Code.

PC.A8.2 Model Capabilities

The Users shall supply Models that shall be capable of representing the behaviour of
the Plant in balanced root mean-square positive phase-sequence, time-domain
studies and where specified, electromagnetic transient and harmonic studies.

The balanced, root mean-square positive phase-sequence time-domain Model shall

include all material elements that affect the Active Power and Reactive Power output
of the Plant with respect to changes or excursions in Voltage and Frequency at the
Connection Point. The Model shall include all electrical and mechanical phenomena,
where applicable, that impact on the Active Power and Reactive Power output of the
Plant for sub-transient, transient and synchronous dynamics up to and including
Primary Operating Reserve and Secondary Operating Reserve timeframe.

The three-phase electromagnetic transient Model shall include all material aspects of
the Plant that affect the symmetrical and asymmetrical voltage and current outputs
from the Plant. The Model shall represent phenomena that materially affect the
Voltage and Frequency at the Connection Point over timeframes of sub-cycles up to
500 cycles including but not limited to switching of power electronic devices,
transformer saturation or equipment energisation.

PC.A8.2.1 Model Aggregation
The TSO requires the Model to represent the Operation of the User’s Plant at the
Connection Point and therefore it is essential that the Models of individual
Generation Units can be aggregated into a smaller number of Models, each
representing a number of Generation Units at the same Site. If all Generation Units
in the User Site are not identical, the Model shall account for this by accurately
representing the overall performance of the User’s Plant at the Connection Point. A
representation of the Collector Network and any additional equipment such as
Reactive Power compensation may be included in the aggregate Model of the User’s
Plant. Models for the simulation studies must be single lumped Models, scalable for
different Active Power outputs as seen at the Connection Point.

PC.A8.3 Model Documentation and Source Code

Users are obliged to provide appropriate balanced, root mean-square positive-phase
sequence time-domain Models and three-phase electromagnetic transient Models in
accordance with specifications in this Grid Code. The TSO requires that sufficient
information be provided by the User to allow for Models to be redeveloped in the
event of future software environment changes or version updates. All Models must
be accompanied with appropriate documentation with sufficient detail as specified
by the TSO, such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld. The User shall provide
information including, but not limited to, a full description of the Model structure and
functionality, Laplace diagrams or other suitably understandable information. The
User may also choose to provide the TSO with detailed Model source code. The
Models shall be provided in a software format as specified by the TSO. Alternatively,
the User may provide an unambiguous reference to a standard open-source Model,
such as a standard IEEE Model, or to a dynamic Model previously submitted to the
TSO provided this Model accurately reflects the User’s Plant.
The TSO may, when necessary to ensure the proper operation of its complete system
representation or to facilitate its understanding of the results of a dynamic simulation,
request additional information concerning the Model, this may include Model
documentation or the source code of one or more routines in the model. The User
shall comply with any such request without delay.

PC.A8.4 Confidentiality
The dynamic Models, supporting documentation and associated data are provided to
the TSO in order to carry out its duties to meet its statutory and legal requirements.
In that regard the TSO is entitled to share the information with third party consultants,
other TSOs or DSOs working for or with the TSO to perform co-ordinated operational
and/or planning studies.
Where the User or any other party, acting reasonably, designates such information as
confidential on the basis that it incorporates trade secrets, the obligation will be with
the TSO to ensure the confidentiality of data shared with other TSOs or DSOs working
for or with the TSO to perform co-ordinated operational and/or planning studies.
Where such data is shared with third party consultants working for or with the TSO
such third party consultants will be obliged to carry out any activities will be subject
to stringent confidentiality agreements.
It is the responsibility of the User to provide the dynamic Models, supporting
documentation and associated data to the TSO. Where the User or any other party,
acting reasonably, designates such information as confidential on the basis that it
incorporates trade secrets, the TSO will accept the dynamic Models, supporting
documentation and associated data from a third party manufacturer provided the
third party manufacturer agrees to enter into the TSO’s standard confidentiality
agreement for Users. In the event that the manufacturer cannot agree to this
confidentiality contract, the User shall be responsible for the provision of the dynamic
Models, supporting documentation and associated data to the TSO.

PC.A8.5 Time to comply

The User shall provide a Model of the User’s Plant in accordance with PC.6.6.1. Where
a User requires reasonable time to develop the necessary Model or Models so as to
comply fully with all the provisions in this section, PC.A8.2 and PC.A8.3, the User may
apply to the TSO to be deemed compliant with the provisions of PC.A8.2 and PC.A8.3
on the basis of GC.10.3 of the General Conditions of the Grid Code. The TSO shall
consider any such application in accordance with GC.10.3, and if the TSO is satisfied
as to the User’s programme for developing and testing the necessary dynamic model,
the TSO may, for so long as the TSO is so satisfied, treat the User as being in
compliance with the provisions of this section. If the TSO decides, acting reasonably,
that it is not satisfied as to the User’s programme for developing and testing the

necessary dynamic Model and that the User cannot be deemed to be in compliance
with PC.A8.2 and PC.A8.3, the provisions of GC.10.4 shall apply and the User shall
apply for a derogation under the terms of GC.9.

PC.A8.6 Validation of Model

All Models provided to the TSO for use in dynamic simulations must be validated. The
TSO must be satisfied that the behaviour shown by the Model under simulated
conditions is representative of the behaviour of the real equipment under equivalent
For validation purposes the User shall ensure that appropriate tests are performed
and measurements taken to assess the validity of the dynamic Model. Where the
validity of the Model has not been confirmed prior to the commissioning of the User’s
Plant, appropriate tests shall be carried out and measurements taken at the User’s
site to assess the validity of the dynamic Model. The tests and measurements
required shall be agreed between the User and the TSO.
The User shall provide the TSO with all available information showing how the
predicted behaviour of the dynamic Model to be verified compares with the actual
observed behaviour of a prototype or production User System under laboratory
conditions and/or actual observed behaviour of the real User System as installed and
connected to a transmission or distribution network.
The User shall simulate the dynamic Models such that Model outputs can be
compared against measurements from Grid Code compliance testing to ensure
appropriate responses from the Model. Tests may include but are not limited to
Steady State Reactive Capability, Voltage Control & Reactive Power Stability, Low
Voltage Ride Through (FRT), High Voltage Ride Through, Low Frequency Response
and High Frequency Response. The tests and measurements required shall be agreed
between the User and the TSO. The TSO shall provide sufficient information on
system conditions at the User’s Connection Point to allow for the User to conduct
their studies.
After commissioning, the User shall provide the TSO with documentation comparing
the predicted behaviour of the balanced, root mean square, positive phase-sequence
time-domain Model against the tested performance. If no significant changes are
required to the Model structure the TSO shall update the three-phase
electromagnetic transient Model based on the parameters submitted by the User

provided the TSO has sufficient access to update the relevant Model parameters. The
TSO shall also perform studies and ongoing validation to ensure that Models
submitted by the User are representative of the User’s Plant throughout its
operational lifetime.
If the on-site measurements, Grid Code compliance tests or other information
provided indicate that the dynamic Model is not valid in one or more respects, the
User shall provide the revised dynamic Model, source code and documentation
whose behaviour corresponds to the observed on-site behaviour as soon as
reasonably practicable, but in any case no longer than 90 Business Days after the
conclusion of the Grid Code compliance tests.

PC.A8.7 Maintenance of Model

All Models provided to the TSO must be maintained and updated to accurately reflect
the operational performance of the User’s Plant over the lifetime of the Plant. The
User shall inform the TSO of any changes to the Plant which may materially affect the
accuracy of the dynamic Model in predicting the Active Power and Reactive Power
output of the Plant with respect to changes or excursions in Voltage and Frequency
at the Connection Point. In this case the User shall re-submit the parameters
associated to the dynamic Model or fully re-submit the dynamic Model of the Plant.
Changes which shall be reported to the TSO may include but are not limited to
alterations in Plant protection settings, modifications to Plant controller settings and
alterations to Governor Droop or Plant Frequency response. In the event of
scheduled Plant outages or maintenance the User must provide appropriate Model
updates in advance of the scheduled outage.
Updates of the dynamic Model version shall be supplied by the User to the TSO in a
timeframe agreed with the TSO.
The TSO is entitled to alter, modify and adjust Model parameters or data for the
purposes of better reflecting Plant behaviour with respect to observed operational
performance over the life of the Plant. The TSO shall inform the User of any Model
changes prior to implementing these in their System Models.

PC.A8.8 Software Environment and Model Usability

The User must provide Models in software packages as defined by the TSO. Details of
the current software version, computer platform, compiler version, and Model

usability guidelines, will be provided by the TSO upon request and shall be published
on the TSO’s website. The TSO may from time to time request that the Models be
updated to be compatible with changes in the TSO’s computing environment, namely
software version and/or compiler version. Each User shall ensure that such updated
Models are provided without undue delay or in any event, within 90 Business Days of
the date of the request. The User shall provide Models in the software formats as
defined by the TSO, or additionally in such other format as may be agreed between
the User and the TSO. Changes in the software format requirements for Models shall
be subject to the Grid Code revision process defined in GC.7.
All Models, irrespective of software format, shall be accompanied by a sample case
such that the Model can be tested before being integrated into the Model of the Irish
network in the respective software environment. The sample case shall include the
User’s Plant model, grid transformer and any other associated equipment connected
to an infinite bus via an impedance that is appropriate to represent the Connection


CC.1.1 For the protection of the Transmission System and Users’ Plant and Apparatus
directly connected to the Transmission System, and in order to maintain, insofar as
is possible by Good Industry Practice, stable and secure operation of the
Transmission System for the benefit of all Users, it is necessary to require certain
minimum technical, design and operational criteria to be met by Users’ Plant and

CC.1.2 These Connection Conditions establish certain principles and standards relating to
connection, method of connection, Plant and Apparatus designation and
nomenclature, technical standards, performance standards, data requirements.

CC.1.3 These Connection Conditions supply information as to the performance

characteristics of the Transmission System at the Connection Point, in order to
enable Users and prospective Users to design their Plant and Apparatus and to
provide appropriate control systems and Plant protection schemes.

CC.1.4 In addition to the Connection Conditions, there are Connection Agreements, which
are bilateral agreements between the TSO and each User and which contain the
detail specific to each User’s connection to the Transmission System. The
Connection Agreement requires the User and the TSO to comply with the terms of
the Grid Code, except to the extent that a derogation has been granted under the
General Conditions.


CC.2.1 The Connection Conditions define the minimum standards for the method of
connection to the Transmission System.

CC.2.2 The Connection Conditions define the technical, design and operational standards
which must be complied with by any User connecting to the Transmission System.

CC.2.3 The Connection Conditions define the normal Transmission System performance
standards at the Connection Point.

CC.2.4 The Connection Conditions outline the types of signals and indications that will be
required to be made available to the TSO by each User.

CC.2.5 The Connection Conditions detail requirements for the designation and
nomenclature of all User Plant and Apparatus connected to the Transmission


The Connection Conditions apply to the TSO and to the following Users:

(a) Generators with Registered Capacity greater than 2MW;

(b) Interconnectors;
(c) Demand Customers;
(d) Demand Side Unit Operators; and

(e) Generators connected to the Transmission System.

(f) Demand Facilities, Closed Distribution Systems and Distribution Systems.


CC.4.1 The User shall provide a Transmission Station compound, as provided for in the
Connection Agreement, immediately adjacent to the User's facility and otherwise
acceptable to the TSO for the erection of a Transmission Station, as necessary, for
the TSO and for installing other equipment required for connecting the User's
System to the Transmission System.

CC.4.2 Connection to the Transmission System must meet the standards defined in the
Planning Code and in these Connection Conditions. The method of connection used

may exceed the standards where this is required by the User and is acceptable to
the TSO.


CC.5.1 The name of the User Site shall be designated by the User and subsequently agreed
with the TSO, such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld.

CC.5.2 The designation and proposed nomenclature of User Plant and Apparatus
connected to the Transmission System shall be in accordance with the TSO standard
practice which, in particular, is designed to ensure that designation and
nomenclature avoids confusion. The User shall notify the designation and proposed
nomenclature of Users’ Plant and/or Apparatus to the TSO who may, if the TSO
determines that such proposed designation may lead to confusion or does not
conform with the TSO standard practice, notify substitute designation which shall
apply to such User Plant and/or Apparatus.

CC.5.3 The TSO's standard practice currently requires that, unless otherwise agreed with
the TSO, the following standard designations apply:

(a) Generation Units: for hydro and wind: G1, G2 etc.

for thermal: U1, U2 etc.

(b) Interconnectors: for: I1, I2 etc

(c) Generator transformers and

Interconnector Transformers: at 400 kV; T4001, T4002 etc.

(i.e. transformers for at 220 kV; T2001, T2002 etc.

Generation Unit production) at 110 kV; T101, T102 etc.

(d) Power Station transformers: at 400 kV; ST4001, ST4002 etc.

(i.e. dedicated transformers at 220 kV; ST2001, ST2002 etc.

supplying both the Generation at 110 kV; ST101, ST102 etc.

Unit and the Power Station

auxiliaries from the HV busbar)

(e) Unit transformers: UT1, UT2 etc.

(i.e. transformers supplying

auxiliaries of a Generation Unit)

(f) Load transformers: for 400/110 kV; T4101, T4102 etc.

for 220/110 kV; T2101, T2102 etc.

for 110/38kV; T141, T142 etc.

for 110/20kV; T121, T122 etc.

for 110/11kV and below; T101, T102 etc.

(g) Bus sections, conventional

busbars: single bus; A1, A2 etc.

double bus; A1, A2, B1, B2 etc.

(h) Bus sections, ring busbars: each section identified by

designation of Plant and/or

Apparatus item connected to it.

(i) Bus Couplers: K1, K2 etc.

(j) Lines and cables: each line or cable at a station identified

by name of station or stations at the
remote end or ends of the line or cable
in alphabetical order.

(k) Circuit Breakers CB.

(l) Main Earth Disconnects DE.

(m) Line Disconnect DL.

(n) Busbar Disconnects DA, DB, etc.

(o) Coupler Disconnects DA, DB, etc.

CC.5.4 Every User shall be responsible for the provision, erection and maintenance of clear
and unambiguous labelling showing the designation and nomenclature of its Plant
and Apparatus at the User Site.



CC.6.1 All User Plant and Apparatus associated with the connection to the Transmission
System shall comply with the:

(a) Irish and EU Law and

(b) the relevant European standards; or
(c) if there is no relevant European standards, such other relevant standard which
is in common use in the European Union;

in each case as current at the date of the User's applicable Connection Agreement.
Where the TSO, acting reasonably, determines that in order to ensure safe and co-
ordinated operation of a User’s Plant and/or Apparatus with the Transmission
System, there is a requirement for supplemental specifications and/or standards to
apply to the design of a User’s Plant and/or Apparatus, the TSO shall notify the User
and the User shall comply with the additional requirements. On request from the
User, the TSO shall provide reasonable evidence as necessary to demonstrate the
need for the supplemental specifications and/or standards.

CC.6.2 In the event that any standard or specification with which a User's Plant and/or
Apparatus is required to comply under PC.6.1 is amended, the TSO will, having
consulted with the affected Users and with the Grid Code Review Panel, make a
recommendation to the CRU as to what action should be taken.


CC.7.1 In order to facilitate secure and stable operation of the Transmission System for the
benefit of all Users, it is necessary that Users’ Plant and Apparatus is designed to be
capable of sustained operation within a range of Transmission System conditions.

CC.7.2 All Users

CC.7.2.1 Earthing

CC. The Earthing of all Users Plant and Apparatus and provision of an Earthing system
shall as a minimum requirement be in accordance with the recommendations
contained in the “Guide for Safety in Alternating Current Substations”, ANSI/IEEE
No. 80, 1986.

CC. The TSO shall consult with each User regarding the specification for the Earthing
grid to be provided.

CC. Each User’s earth disconnects must be earthed directly to the main station earth

CC. The User will be obliged to certify (by a competent body) that remote earths have
been isolated from the User's site plus any other affected third parties sites and that
adequate precautions shall be taken by the User to ensure that dangerous grid
potential rises are not transferred outside the Earthing zone. The Transmission
Station cannot be energised until this certification has been received by the TSO.

CC. Each User’s Earthing system shall be bonded to the Transmission Station earth grid
so that both Earthing systems are effectively integrated.

CC. Each User shall ensure that all staff working on the User’s Earthing system shall be
adequately trained to perform such work in a safe manner.

CC.7.2.2 Design

CC. User Plant and Apparatus shall be designed with the following minimum capabilities
(at the applicable Voltage levels):

Parameter (Minimum) 110kV 220kV 400kV

Insulation Level (kV);

- Lightning Impulse (1.2/50 sec.) 550 1050 1550

- Switching Impulse (0.25/2.5 ms) - - 1175

- Power Frequency (50 Hz, for 1 min) 230 460 -

Clearance outdoor in air of live metal parts 1100 2400 4100

(mm) phase to earth

Height of live parts above pedestrian 3400 4700 6400

passageways (mm)

Height of bottom of unscreened live 2300 2300 2300

bushings above ground (mm)

Height of live conductors above roadways 8000 9000 10500


CC. User Plant and Apparatus at the Connection Point shall be designed taking account
of the short circuit current levels specified in CC.8.6. User circuit breakers shall be
capable of safely making and interrupting currents due to faults, taking account of
the current levels specified in CC.8.6. Circuit breakers with a higher rating than the
current levels specified in CC.8.6 may be necessary for a number of reasons,
including, but not limited to the need to provide an adequate safety margin or to
cater for a high DC component in the fault current. It shall be the responsibility of
the User to determine, what safety margin if any to apply when selecting the User’s
Plant and Apparatus.

CC.7.2.3 LV cables and wiring

CC. All multi-core control and protection cables shall be provided with a suitable metallic
screen. Facilities for Earthing these screens at the base of cabinets shall be provided.

CC. LV supply cable and auxiliary wiring shall be routed from the Transmission Station to
each User’s control building through a mutually agreed cable corridor. The cables
will be laid in concrete troughs with reinforced concrete covers, or as mutually
agreed, to the User’s marshalling rack, which will be situated near the Transmission

CC.7.2.4 Locking

CC. The facility to lock in the open/closed position and interlocking facilities shall be
provided by each User on appropriate disconnects and/or circuit breakers (with
withdraw facilities) in order to ensure that the incoming feeder(s) to the facility can
be safely isolated when required by the TSO. The specific details of this requirement
will be outlined at the design phase.

CC. Existing Power Stations with ESB Power Generation Electrical Safety Rules, in
accordance with OC11, in operation will be deemed to comply with CC.
subject to review by the TSO.

CC.7.2.5 Grid Connected Transformers

CC. Generators shall provide on-load tap-changing (OLTC) facilities for all Generator
Transformers. Demand Customers are advised to provide on-load-tap-changing
(OLTC) facilities for all Grid Connected Transformers. All Users shall liase with the
TSO on the design specification for the performance of the tap-chaning facility on
Grid Connected Transmformers.

Demand Customers are advised to provide on-load tap-changing (OLTC) facilities for
all Grid Connected Transformers.


Where the TSO specifies the use of blocking of OLTC, the Grid Connected
Transformers at Distribution Facilities shall be capable of automatic or manual OLTC
blocking. The TSO will specify the automatic OLTC blocking functional capability.

CC. Generator Transformer windings shall be connected in star (with the star point or
neutral brought out) on the higher Voltage side and in delta on the lower Voltage

Other Grid Connected Transformers may be connected either:

(a) in delta on the lower voltage side and in star (with the star point or neutral
brought out) on the higher Voltage side; or
(b) in star on both higher and lower Voltage sides with a delta tertiary winding

CC. Demand Customers and Generators are advised that provision should be made for
the Earthing of the neutral of each of their Transformers connected to the 110kV
System by bringing out the neutral and ensuring that the insulation is such that the
Transformers can be operated unearthed.

The TSO will consider on a case by case basis the required treatment of the 110kV
neutral connection of these Transformers. A 110 kV neutral earth switch may be
required to be installed in specific instances and Demand Customers or Generators,
as applicable, will be advised of this at the time of the Connection Offer. The TSO
will be responsible for the status of the 110 kV neutral earth switch on these
Transformers. For the avoidance of doubt, this clause does not apply to
Transformers located at the TSO-DSO, boundary where such issues are agreed
between the TSO and DSO.

CC. Demand Customers and Generators are advised that provision should be made for
the Earthing of the neutral of each of their Transformers connected to the 220 kV
System by bringing out the neutral and ensuring that the insulation is such that
these Transformers can be operated unearthed. The TSO will consider on a case by

case basis the required treatment of the 220kV neutral connection of these
Transformers. A 220 kV neutral earth switch may be required to be installed in
specific instances and Demand Customers or Generators, as applicable, will be
advised of this at the time of the Connection Offer. The TSO will be responsible for
the status of the 220 kV neutral earth switch on these Transformers. For the
avoidance of doubt, this clause does not apply to Transformers located at the TSO-
DSO boundary, where such issues are agreed between the TSO and DSO.

CC. The HV neutrals of all Transformers connected to the 400 kV System should be
solidly earthed. The capability of being operated unearthed is unnecessary.
CC. The TSO will provide the facility for the tripping of Grid Connected Transformer HV
circuit breakers from the User’s transformer protection.

CC. An Interconnector Transformer shall be designed such that the Reactive Power
capability is possible over the full range of Transmission System Voltages (specified
in (f) The TSO and an Interconnector owner will liaise on matters related to the
Interconnector Transformer at the design stage.

CC. Interconnector Transformer windings shall be connected in star (with the star point
or neutral brought out) on the higher Voltage side and in delta on the lower Voltage
side or as agreed with the TSO.


CC.7.3.1 The conditions specified in this section of the code apply to all Generation Units
connected to or connecting to the Transmission System. Unless explicitly stated all
conditions specified apply over the full operating capabilities of the Generation Unit
at the Connection Point.

For all Generation Units where Secondary Fuel Registered Capacity is different than
Primary Fuel Registered Capacity all appropriate Connection Conditions must be met
or agreed with the TSO.

CC. Each Generation Unit, shall, as a minimum, have the following capabilities:


(a) operate continuously at normal rated output at Transmission System
Frequencies in the range 49.5Hz to 50.5Hz;
(b) remain synchronised to the Transmission System at Transmission System
Frequencies within the range 47.5Hz to 52.0Hz for a duration of 60 minutes;
(c) remain synchronised to the Transmission System at Transmission System
Frequencies within the range 47.0Hz to 47.5Hz for a duration of 20 seconds
required each time the Frequency is below 47.5Hz;

(i) remain synchronised to the Transmission System for a Rate of Change of
Frequency up to and including 1 Hz per second as measured over a rolling
500 milliseconds period. Voltage dips may cause localised Rate of
Change of Frequency values in excess of 1 Hz per second for short
periods, and in these cases, the Fault-Ride Through clause CC.
supercedes this clause (CC.; For the avoidance of doubt, this
requirement relates to the capabilities of Generating Units only and does
not impose the need for Rate of Change of Frequency protection nor
does it impose a specific setting for anti-islanding or loss-of-mains
protection relays;

(ii) remain synchronised to the Transmission System for a Rate of Change of
Frequency up to and including 1 Hz per second as measured over a rolling
500 milliseconds period. Voltage dips may cause localised Rate of Change
of Frequency values in excess of 1 Hz per second for short periods, and
in these cases, the Fault-Ride Through clause CC. supersedes
this clause (CC. For the avoidance of doubt, this requirement
relates to the capabilities of Generating Units only and does not impose
the need for Rate of Change of Frequency protection nor does it impose
a specific setting for anti-islanding or loss-of-mains protection relays;

(e) sustained operation at the specified Minimum Generation within the range

49.8 to 51.0 Hz;

(f) remain synchronised to the Transmission System at normal rated output at
Transmission System Voltages within the ranges specified in CC.8.3.2 for step
changes in Transmission System Voltage of up to 10%.

(g) sustained operation in accordance with the Reactive Power capability as

required by CC.7.3.6 at Transmission System Voltages within the ranges
specified in CC.8.3.2, unless otherwise specified;

(h) remain synchronised during and following any Fault Disturbance anywhere
on the Power System which could result in Voltage dips at the HV terminals
of the Generator Transformer of no greater than 95% of nominal Voltage (5%
retained) for fault durations up to and including the Fault Ride-Through
Times as defined in the table below and Voltage dips of no greater than 50%
of nominal Voltage (i.e. 50% retained) for fault durations up to and including
the Fault Ride-Through Times as defined in the table below (see also Fault
Ride-Through Envelopes below). Following the fault clearance the
Generation Unit should return to prefault conditions subject to its normal
Governor Control System and Automatic Voltage Regulator response. The
use of Extraordinary Governor Response and/or Extraordinary AVR
Response to remain synchronised during and following a fault is prohibited
unless specifically agreed with the TSO, such agreement not be unreasonably


VOLTAGE DIP MAGNITUDE Fault Ride-Through Times

400 kV System 220 kV System 110 kV System

95% (5% retained) 150 ms 150 ms 150 ms

50% (50% retained) 450 ms 450 ms 450 ms

Fault Ride-Through Envelopes

100% For the avoidance of doubt, the

curves shown are for the two
Voltage (% of Pre-Fault)

separate cases:
5% retained voltage (solid line) and
50% retained voltage (dashed line).

The dashed line is slightly offset for

illustrative purposes.
50% Generating units must remain
synchronized for voltage dips within the
shaded regions. This applies across the
full operating range of the generating
The Transmission System Voltage
ranges following a disturbance are given
in CC.8.3.2 and are not shown on this
5% graphic.

0 150 450 Time (ms)

(i) remain synchronised to the Transmission System during a negative phase

sequence load unbalance in accordance with IEC 60034-1.

(j) The short circuit ratio of each Generation Unit shall be in accordance with IEC

(k) Minimum Load not greater than 50% of Registered Capacity for CCGT
Installations and not greater than 35% of Registered Capacity for all other
Generation Units. For CCGT Installations whilst operating in Open Cycle
Mode as a result of combined cycle plant capability being unavailable, the
Minimum Load of each Combustion Turbine Unit must be not greater than

35% of the Registered Capacity divided by the number of Combustion
Turbine Units.

(l) Ramp up capability not less than 1.5% of Registered Capacity per minute
when the Unit is in the Normal Dispatch Condition.

(m) Ramp down capability not less than 1.5% of Registered Capacity per minute
when the Unit is in the Normal Dispatch Condition.

(n) Minimum up-time not greater than 4 hours for Thermal Units.

(o) Minimum down-time not greater than 4 hours for Thermal Units.

(p) Forbidden Zones within the range between normal Minimum Load plus 5%
and Registered Capacity less 10%, not more than 2 specified zones each not
greater than 10% of Registered Capacity.

(q) Block Loading not greater than 10% of Registered Capacity.

(r) Time off-load before going into longer standby conditions remain in a hot
condition for at least 12 hours and remain in a warm condition for at least 60

(s) Time to Synchronise from instruction:

hot: not greater than 3 hours
warm: not greater than 8 hour
cold: not greater than 12 hours

(i) Time from Synchronising to Minimum Load:

hot: not greater than 40 minutes

warm: not greater than 90 minutes

cold: not greater than 180 minutes

(ii) Time to deload from Minimum Load to De- Synchronising:

not greater than 40 minutes, except where agreed with the TSO.

(u) Operating Reserve

(i) POR not less than 5% Registered Capacity

To be provided, at a minimum, at MW Outputs in the range from 50%
to 95% Registered Capacity, with provision in the range of 95% to
100% Registered Capacity to be not less than that indicated by a
straight line with unity decay from 5% of Registered Capacity at 95%
output to 0 at 100% output.

(ii) SOR not less than 5% Registered Capacity

To be provided, at a minimum, at MW Outputs in the range from 50%
to 95% Registered Capacity, with provision in the range of 95% to
100% Registered Capacity to be not less than that indicated by a
straight line with unity decay from 5% of Registered Capacity at 95%
output to 0 at 100% output.

(iii) TOR1 not less than 8% Registered Capacity

To be provided, at a minimum, at MW Outputs in the range from 50%
to 92% Registered Capacity, with provision in the range of 92% to
100% Registered Capacity to be not less than that indicated by a
straight line with unity decay from 8% of Registered Capacity at 92%
output to 0 at 100% output

(iv) TOR2 not less than 10% Registered Capacity

To be provided, at a minimum, at MW Outputs in the range from 50%
to 90% Registered Capacity, with provision in the range of 90% to
100% Registered Capacity to be not less than that indicated by a
straight line with unity decay from 10% of Registered Capacity at 90%
output to 0 at 100% output.

(v) The TSO may request Generation Units of Registered Capacity greater than
or equal to 60MW to have the capacity to operate under AGC at all loads
between AGC Minimum Load and AGC Maximum Load

(w) Remain synchronised to the Transmission System and operate within the
frequency ranges and time periods specified in Table CC.

Table CC. Minimum Time Periods for Generation Units to Remain

Operational without Disconnecting
Frequency Range Time Period
47 – 47.5 Hz 20 seconds
47.5 – 48.5 Hz 90 minutes
48.5 – 49 Hz 90 minutes
49 – 51 Hz Unlimited
51 – 51.5 Hz 90 minutes
51.5 – 52 Hz 60 minutes

(x) Remain synchronised to the Transmission System and operate within the
ranges of the Transmission System Voltage at the connection point, for an
unlimited time period, as specified below:

(i) 400 kV system: 360 kV to 420 kV (0.9 p.u. – 1.05 p.u.)

(ii) 220 kV system: 198 kV to 245 kV (0.9 p.u. – 1.114 p.u.)
(iii) 110 kV system: 99 kV to 123 kV (0.9 p.u. – 1.118 p.u.)


(y) Remain synchronised to the Transmission System and continue to operate
stably during and following any Fault Disturbance anywhere on the Power
System which could result in Voltage Dips at the Connection Point. The
voltage-against-time profile specifies the required capability as a function
of voltage and Fault Ride-Through Time at the Connection Point before,
during and after the Fault Disturbance. That capability shall be in
accordance with the voltage-against-time profile as specified in Figure

Figure CC. Voltage-against-time profile at the connection point for

fault conditions

Following the fault clearance the Generation Unit should return to prefault
conditions subject to its normal Governor Control System and Automatic
Voltage Regulator response. The use of Extraordinary Governor Response
and/or Extraordinary AVR Response to remain synchronised during and
following a fault is prohibited unless specifically agreed with the TSO, such
agreement not be unreasonably withheld.
(z) Capable of disconnecting automatically from the Transmission System in
order to help preserve system security or to prevent damage to the
Generation Unit. The Generator and the TSO shall agree on the criteria for
detecting loss of angular stability or loss of control.


(aa) Enter into an agreement with the TSO regarding technical capabilities of
the Generation Units to aid angular stability under fault conditions.
(bb) Equipped with a facility to provide fault recording and monitoring of
dynamic system behaviour. This facility shall record the following
— voltage;
— active power;
— reactive power; and
— frequency.
The TSO will specify the quality of supply parameters for fault recording and
monitoring of dynamic system behaviour. The settings of the fault
recording equipment and the communications protocols for the recorded
data shall be agreed between the Generator and the TSO. The dynamic
system behaviour monitoring shall include an oscillation trigger specified
by the TSO, with the purpose of detecting poorly damped power
oscillations. The facilities for quality of supply and dynamic system
behaviour monitoring shall include arrangements for the Generator and
the TSO to access the information.
(cc) With regard to the installation of devices for system operation and devices
for system security, if the TSO considers that it is necessary for a Generator
to install additional devices in order to preserve or restore system
operation or security, the TSO and the Generator shall investigate that
matter and agree on an appropriate solution.
(dd) The maximum admissible Active Power reduction from Registered Capacity
with falling frequency shall be no greater than;
(i) Steady State Domain: 2% of the Registered Capacity at 50 Hz, per 1
Hz frequency drop, below 49.5 Hz; and
(ii) Transient Domain: 2% of the Registered Capacity at 50 Hz, per 1 Hz
frequency drop, below 49 Hz.
and subject to the ambient condition correction curves as provided by each
individual Generation Unit as well as other relevant technical factors as
agreed between the TSO and the Generator.
For Generation Units using gas as a fuel source at the time of the Low
Frequency Event, the standard ambient conditions for the measurement of
admissible Active Power reduction will be 10°C, 70 % relative humidity and
1013 hPa.

For all applicable Generation Units:

(ee) The Generation Unit must be capable of starting up on Secondary Fuel. The
Generation Unit must be capable of carrying out an online fuel changeover
from Primary Fuel to Secondary Fuel at Primary Fuel Switchover Output in
no greater than five hours. When operating on Secondary Fuel, the
generator must be capable of operating on Secondary Fuel at no less than
90% of Primary Fuel Registered Capacity. The Generation Unit must also
be capable of carrying out an online fuel changeover from Secondary fuel
to Primary Fuel at Secondary Fuel Switchover Output.

(ff) The Generation unit must store sufficient stocks of Secondary Fuel
equivalent to one, three or five days of continuous running at Primary Fuel
Registered Capacity as defined by Clause CC. A minimum of one day
of running at Primary Fuel Registered Capacity on Secondary Fuel must be
stored at the Generator Site. The remainder of the Secondary Fuel stock
requirement can be stored at an Off-Site Storage Location.

CC. A Generation Unit is designated as high merit or low merit by the CRU. The
Generation Unit that is designated as high merit will be required to hold 5 days of
Secondary Fuel stocks, low merit designated Plant will be required to hold 3 days of
Secondary Fuel stocks. Other Plant as designated by the CRU will be required to hold
Secondary Fuel stocks equivalent to one day continuous running at Primary Fuel
Registered Capacity.

CC. Users shall install Generation Unit governors that comply with OC.4.3.4. Users shall
not change frequency or load related control settings of Unit governors without
agreement with the TSO.

CC. Notwithstanding CC. combustion turbine, hydro, or other technology based

Generation Units shall as appropriate, register and perform to Operating
Characteristics giving maximum flexibility of operation, consistent with their type and
model of generation plant, in accordance with Good Industry Practice. Where
appropriate, Operating Characteristics and in particular start times, should be
registered separately for normal (planned) starts, and for starts required under

conditions of system stress, such as following the loss of a Generation Unit. The
Generator will maintain operational procedures and practices, which ensure that
there are no unnecessary delays in responding to Dispatch instructions in accordance
with the technical capabilities of the Generation Plant.

CC. Where the TSO approaches a Generator, the Generator will co-operate with the TSO
in the development of procedures and facilities to improve the response of each
Generation Unit during conditions of system stress, including, for example, automatic
start-up of fast-start Generation Units following a loss of Generation Unit(s) or in
advance of an anticipated loss of Generation Unit(s). This shall be subject to the
agreement of the Generator that the procedures are consistent with secure
operation of the Generator’s Plant, such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld.

CC.7.3.2 Where start-up time of Generation Units exceeds thirty minutes, they shall be
designed to have the capability, where supply from the Transmission System is lost,
to reduce output to match house load and sustain operation (i.e. tripping to

CC. In case of disconnection of the Generation Unit from the Transmission System, the
Generation Unit shall be capable of quick re-synchronisation as agreed between the
TSO and the Generator.

CC. Where start-up time of Generation Units exceeds fifteen minutes, they shall be
designed to have the capability, where supply from the Transmission System is lost,
to reduce output to match house load and sustain operation (i.e. tripping to
Auxiliaries). Generation Units must be designed to trip to house load from any
operating point in its Reactive Power capability. In this case, the identification of
house load operation must not be based solely on the system operator's switchgear
position signals.


CC. Generation Units shall be capable of continuing operation for 4 hours following
tripping to house-load, irrespective of any auxiliary connection to the external
Transmission System.

CC.7.3.3 Control Synchronising shall be provided by Generators at circuit breakers identified

by the TSO, which, depending on the Plant configuration may include:
(a) the Generation Unit circuit breaker;
(b) the Generator Transformer LV and HV circuit breakers;

The TSO will provide to the Generator signals from the TSO operated Plant and
Apparatus as are required to facilitate synchronising on the Generator Transformer
HV circuit breaker, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Connection

CC.7.3.4 The Synchronising facilities in CC.7.3.3 shall facilitate Synchronising under the
following conditions:

(a) Transmission System Frequency within the limits 48.0 to 52.0 Hz;

(b) Transmission System Frequency within the limits 47.0 to 52.0 Hz;

(c) Transmission System Voltage within the limits as specified in CC.8.3.2,

notwithstanding CC.7.3.6;

CC.7.3.5 Each Generation Unit shall be designed, where practicable, to mitigate the risk of
common mode failure with other Generation Units. In particular each Generation Unit
shall be designed so that it can operate with its essential auxiliaries supplied through a
unit transformer which shall be connected between the Generation Unit circuit
breaker and the Generator Transformer LV terminals, or from another secure source
as agreed with the TSO. Auxiliary supplies may, provided that they are in accordance
with Good Industry Practice, be taken from an alternative source during
commissioning, testing, start-up or emergencies.

In the case of a CCGT Installation this applies to the Combustion Turbine Units only.

CC.7.3.6 Reactive Power capability

CC. Each Generation Unit shall have the following Reactive Power capability as measured
at their alternator terminals:

Connected at: At Registered Capacity At 35% of Registered

Range between: Capacity between:

99kV ≤ V ≤ 123kV 0.93 power factor leading 0.7 power factor

110kV to 0.85 power factor leading to 0.4 power
lagging factor lagging

200kV ≤ V ≤ 245kV 0.93 power factor 0.7 power factor

220kV leading to 0.85 power leading to 0.4 power
factor lagging factor lagging

360kV ≤ V ≤ 420kV 0.93 power factor 0.7 power factor

leading to 0.85 power leading to 0.4 power
factor lagging factor lagging
350kV ≤ V < 360kV Unity power factor to 0.7 power factor
0.85 power factor lagging leading to 0.4 power
factor lagging

CC. At between Registered Capacity and 35% Registered Capacity, Mvar capability to be
not less than indicated by a straight line drawn between the two points derived from
the above, on a plot of Mvar capability against MW output.

CC. At below 35% Registered Capacity, Mvar capability to be not less than that at 35%
Registered Capacity.

CC. The Generator Transformer shall be designed such that the Reactive Power capability
is possible over the full range of Transmission System Voltages (specified in


CC. Generation Units connecting to the Transmission System shall comply with the
following Reactive Power requirements at Registered Capacity (Pmax) at the
Connection Point;


The Generation Unit shall be capable of moving to any operating point with its U-Q/Pmax profile in
appropriate timescale to target values. The appropriate timescale shall be identified during the
TSO’s Connection Offer process.

CC. The TSO and the Generator will liaise on matters related to CC.7.3.6 at the design

CC. For Generation Units where the Connection Point is remote from the Grid Connected
Transformer, any supplementary Reactive Power compensation required to offset
the Reactive Power demand of the HV line, or cable, between the Connection Point
and the Generation Unit shall be identified during the TSO’s Connection Offer

CC. Generation Units shall be capable of providing Reactive Power at least down to
Minimum Generation.

Even at reduced Active Power output, Reactive Power supply at the Connection
Point shall correspond fully to the Reactive Power capability of that Generation Unit,
taking the auxiliary supply power and the Active and Reactive Power losses of the
step-up transformer, if applicable, into account.


In the event of power oscillations, Generation Units shall retain steady-state stability
when operating at any operating point of the Reactive Power capability.

CC.7.3.7 Each Generation Unit must be fitted with a fast acting proportional turbine speed
governor and unit load controller or equivalent control device to provide Frequency
response under normal operating conditions in accordance with OC.4. The governor
must be designed and operated to the appropriate
(a) European Standards; or
(b) In the absence of a relevant European Standards, such other standard which
is in common use within the European Union
as at the time when the installation of which it forms a part was designed. Normal
governor regulation shall be between 3% and 5%.

Generation Units shall be capable of setting governor regulation between 2% and
12%. The default governor regulation setting shall be 4%.

CC.7.3.8 All Generation Units shall be capable of contributing to control of Transmission

System Voltage by continuous modulation of Generator Voltage by means of a
suitable continuously acting Automatic Voltage Regulation (AVR) which shall comply
with BS4999 part 140, or equivalent European Standards and the characteristics of
which have been accepted by the TSO prior to the Connection Date, such acceptance
not to be unreasonably withheld.

CC.7.3.9 Each Generator Transformer shall have on-load tap changing facilities (OLTC). The tap
step shall not alter the Voltage ratio at the HV terminals by more than:
(a) 2.5% on the 110kV system
(b) 1.6% on the 220kV and 400kV systems or as agreed with the TSO.

CC.7.4 Each Demand Side Unit shall, as a minimum, have the following capabilities:

(a) Able to provide Demand Side Unit MW Response between 0 MW and the
Demand Side Unit MW Capacity;
(b) Maximum Ramp Up Rate not less than 1.67% per minute of Demand Side
Unit MW Response as specified in the Dispatch Instruction;
(c) Maximum Ramp Down Rate not less than 1.67% per minute of Demand Side
Unit MW Response as specified in the Dispatch Instruction;
(d) Minimum Down Time not greater than 30 minutes;
(e) Maximum Down Time not less than 2 hours;
(f) Minimum off time not greater than 2 hours;
(g) Demand Side Unit MW Response Time of not greater than 1 hour;
(h) maintain Demand Side Unit MW Response at Transmission System
Frequencies in the range 49.5Hz to 50.5Hz;
(i) maintain Demand Side Unit MW Response at Transmission System
Frequencies within the range 47.5Hz to 49.5Hz and 50.5Hz to 52Hz for a
duration of 60 minutes;
(j) maintain Demand Side Unit MW Response at Transmission System
Frequencies within the range 47.0Hz to 47.5Hz for a duration of 20 seconds
required each time the Frequency is below 47.5Hz; and
(k) maintain Demand Side Unit MW Response for a rate of change of
Transmission System Frequency up to and including 0.5 Hz per second as
measured over a rolling 500 milliseconds period.

On-site Generation operated in Continuous Parallel Mode or Shaving Mode that

forms part of a Demand Side Unit, shall, as a minimum, have the following

(l) operate continuously at normal rated output at Transmission System

Frequencies in the range 49.5Hz to 50.5Hz;
(m) remain synchronised to the Transmission System at Transmission System
Frequencies within the range 47.5Hz to 52.0Hz for a duration of 60 minutes;
(n) remain synchronised to the Transmission System at Transmission System
Frequencies within the range 47.0Hz to 47.5Hz for a duration of 20 seconds
required each time the Frequency is below 47.5Hz; and

(o) remain synchronised to the Transmission System during a rate of change of
Transmission System Frequency of values up to and including 0.5 Hz per
On-site Generation operated in Lopping Mode or Automatic Mains Failure Mode that
forms part of a Demand Side Unit, shall, as a minimum, have the following

(p) operate continuously at normal rated output at Transmission System

Frequencies in the range 49.5Hz to 50.5Hz;


CC.7.4.2 Demand Facilities, Closed Distribution Systems and Distribution Systems shall:
CC. Remain synchronised to the Transmission System and operate within the frequency
ranges and time periods specified in Table CC.

Table CC. Minimum Time Periods for Demand Facilities, Closed Distribution
Systems and Distribution Systems to Remain Operational without Disconnecting

Frequency Range Time Period

47 – 47.5 Hz 20 seconds
47.5 – 48.5 Hz 90 minutes
48.5 – 49 Hz 90 minutes
49 – 51 Hz Unlimited
51 – 51.5 Hz 90 minutes
51.5 – 52 Hz 60 minutes

CC. Remain synchronised to the Transmission System and operate within the ranges of
the Transmission System Voltage at the connection point, for an unlimited time
period, as specified below:
(i) 400 kV system: 360 kV to 420 kV (0.9 p.u. – 1.05 p.u.)
(ii) 220 kV system: 198 kV to 245 kV (0.9 p.u. – 1.114 p.u.)
(iii) 110 kV system: 99 kV to 123 kV (0.9 p.u. – 1.118 p.u.)

CC. Demand Facilities which alter their MW consumption at their Connection Point, based
on changes in Transmission System Frequency and/or Voltage, shall co-ordinate and
agree their controls, protection, triggers and/or settings with the TSO in advance of
such alterations as appropriate.

CC. Reactive Power

CC. Demand Facilities without onsite generation shall be capable of maintaining their
steady-state operation at their Connection Point within a Reactive Power range of 0
to 0.48 [Qmax/PMIC] equal to a power factor of 1 to 0.9 lagging.
Demand Facilities with onsite generation shall be capable of maintaining their steady-
state operation at their Connection Point within a Reactive Power range of -0.48
[Qmin/max{PMEC,PMIC}] to 0.48 [Qmax/PMEC] which is equal to a power factor of 0.9


lagging to 0.9 leading.

CC. The Distribution System shall be capable of maintaining steady-state operation at the
Connection Point within a Reactive Power range of -0.48 Qmin/max{PMEC,PMIC} during
Reactive Power import/consumption, and 0.48 Qmax/PMEC during Reactive Power
export/production equal to a power factor of 0.9 lagging to 0.9 leading, except in
situations where either technical or financial system benefits are proved by the TSO
and the DSO through joint analysis. The TSO and DSO shall agree on the scope of such
an analysis, which shall address the possible solutions, and determine the optimal
solution for Reactive Power exchange between their systems, taking adequately into
consideration the specific system characteristics, variable structure of power
exchange, bidirectional flows and the Reactive Power capabilities in the Distribution


CC. The TSO may require a Closed Distribution System or Distribution System to have the
capability at the Connection Point to not export Reactive Power (at reference 1 p.u.
voltage) at an Active Power flow of less than 25 % of the Maximum Import Capacity.
The request will be justified through a joint analysis with the Closed Distribution
System or the Distribution System Operator and the TSO. If the requirement is not
justified based on the joint analysis, the TSO and the Closed Distribution System or
Distribution System Operator shall agree on necessary requirements according to the
outcomes of the joint analysis.

CC. Without prejudice to CC., the TSO may require a Closed Distribution System
or the Distribution System to actively control the exchange of Reactive Power at the
Connection Point for the benefit of the entire system. The TSO and the Closed
Distribution System or Distribution System Operator shall agree on a method to carry
out this control, to ensure the justified level of security of supply for both parties. The
justification shall include a roadmap in which the steps and the timeline for fulfilling
the requirement are specified.

CC. The Closed Distribution System or Distribution System Operator may require the TSO
to consider its Closed Distribution System or Distribution System for Reactive Power

CC. Reconnection
CC. The TSO will specify the conditions under which Demand Facilities, Closed Distribution
Systems and Distribution Systems can reconnect following a Disconnection.

CC. Demand Facilities, Closed Distribution Systems and Distribution Systems shall
facilitate Synchronising to the Transmission System within the limits 47 – 52.0 Hz.

CC. The TSO shall agree the settings for synchronisation devices with Demand Facilities,
Closed Distribution Systems and Distribution Systems prior to connection.


CC. Disconnection
CC. Demand Facilities, Closed Distribution Systems and Distribution Systems shall be
capable of remote Disconnection from the Transmission System. The equipment
required for automated remote Disconnection will be specified by the TSO. The
automated remote Disconnection system will be required to operate without any
time delays, other than those inherent in the design of the system.

CC. Short-circuit
Demand Facilities, Closed Distribution Systems and Distribution Systems shall be
capable of withstanding maximum short-circuit currents as specified in CC.8.6.

CC.7.5.1 The conditions specified in this section of the Grid Code apply to all Interconnectors
connected to or connecting to the Transmission System. The provision of services
affecting the Transmission System shall be in accordance with the Interconnector
Operating Protocol as agreed with the TSO and the External System Operator.

CC. Each Interconnector, shall have the following minimum capabilities, for the avoidance
of doubt, additional performance capabilities are required from OC.4 System Services:

(a) operate continuously at MW Output at Transmission System Frequencies in
the range 49.5Hz to 50.5Hz;

(b) operate and remain connected to the Transmission System at Transmission

System Frequencies within the range 47.5Hz to 52.0Hz;

(c) remain connected to the Transmission System at Transmission System

Frequencies within the range 47.0Hz to 47.5Hz for a duration of 30 seconds
required each time the Frequency is below 47.5Hz;

(d) remain connected to the Transmission System during rate of change of Transmission
System Frequency of values up to and including 1 Hz per second as measured over a
rolling 500 milliseconds period. Voltage dips may cause localised ROCOF values in
excess of 1 Hz per second for short periods, and in these cases, the Fault-Ride Through
clause CC7.5.1.1(g) supercedes this clause (CC7.5.1.1(d)); For the avoidance of doubt,
this requirement relates to the capabilities of Interconnectors only, and does not
impose the need for Rate of Change of Frequency protection nor does it impose a
specific setting for anti-islanding or loss-of-mains protection relays;

(e) remain connected to the Transmission System at MW Output at Transmission

System Voltages within the ranges specified in CC.8.3.2 for step changes in
Transmission System Voltage of up to 10%;

(f) sustained operation in accordance with the Reactive Power capability referred to
in CC.7.5.10 at Transmission System Voltages within the ranges specified in
CC.8.3.2, unless otherwise specified;

(g) remain connected during and following Voltage dips at the HV terminals of the
Interconnector Transformer of 95% of nominal Voltage (5% retained) for duration
0.2 seconds and Voltage dips of 50% of nominal Voltage (i.e. 50% retained) for
duration of 0.6 seconds. Following the fault clearance the Interconnector should
return to prefault conditions subject to normal Frequency Response and Voltage

(h) operate within all normal operating characteristics at a minimum short circuit level
at the Connection Point of 1000 MVA;

(i) remain connected to the Transmission System during a negative phase sequence
load unbalance in accordance with IEC 60034-1;

(j) have support triggers to allow the Interconnector to provide System Services as

outlined in OC.4;

(k) in Emergency capable of reversing the power flow on the Interconnector at a rate
which shall be no less than the Interconnector Registered Capacity within five
seconds, up to ten times during the life of the plant and no more than two times in
any given twelve months;

(l) Interconnector Minimum Load: not greater than the lesser of 3% of the
Interconnector Registered Capacity or 50 MW;

(m) Interconnector Ramp-up Capability: not less than the greater of 10% of the
Interconnector Registered Capacity per minute or 50 MW per minute, when the
Interconnector is in the Normal Dispatch Condition;

(n) Interconnector Ramp-down Capability: not less than the greater of 10% of the
Interconnector Registered Capacity per minute or 50 MW per minute, when the
Interconnector is in the Normal Dispatch Condition;

(o) Forbidden Zones: within the lesser range of between + and - 3% of

the Interconnector Registered Capacity or 30 MW in either flow
direction and not more than 2 specified zones.

(p) Block Load for an Interconnector: not greater than the lesser of 3% of the
Interconnector Registered Capacity or 30 MW in either flow direction.

(q) Time from off-line to Interconnector Minimum Load in either flow direction: Not
greater than 30 minutes.

(r) Time from Interconnector Minimum Load in either flow direction to off-line: Not
greater than 30 minutes.

(s) The TSO may request Interconnectors to have the capacity to operate under AGC
at all loads between AGC Minimum Load and AGC Maximum Load.

(t) remain connected to the Transmission System and operate within the Frequency ranges
and time periods specified in Table CC.
Table CC. Minimum Time Periods for Interconnectors to Remain
Operational without Disconnecting for Different Frequency Ranges

Frequency range Time period for

47 – 47.5 Hz 60 seconds
47.5 – 48.5 Hz 90 minutes
48.5 – 49 Hz 90 minutes
49 – 51 Hz Unlimited
51 – 51.5 Hz 90 minutes
51.5 – 52 Hz 60 minutes
For the remote end Interconnector Converter Station, this is the end connecting to
the Transmission System, provisions of CC., CC., CC. and
CC. shall apply.
(u) remain connected to the Transmission System and operate during rate of change of
Transmission System Frequency values between – 2.5 and + 2.5 Hz/s, as measured at
any point in time as an average of the rate of change of Frequency for the previous 1 s.
(v) Interconnector Converter Stations shall remain synchronised to the Transmission
System and operate within the ranges of the Transmission System Voltage at the
connection point, for an unlimited time period, as specified below:
(i) 400 kV system: 360 kV to 420 kV (0.9 p.u. – 1.05 p.u.)
(ii) 220 kV system: 198 kV to 245 kV (0.9 p.u. – 1.114 p.u.)
(iii) 110 kV system: 99 kV to 123 kV (0.9 p.u. – 1.118 p.u.)
(w) A remote end Interconnector Converter Station shall remain connected to the remote
end Interconnector Converter Station network and operate within the Voltage ranges
and time periods specified below based on the reference 1 p.u. Voltage:
(i) Voltage base for p.u. values from 300kV to 400kV, both inclusive
0.85 p.u. – 0.9 p.u. (60 minutes)
0.9 p.u. – 1.05 p.u. (unlimited)
1.05 p.u. - 1.15 p.u. (not allowed)
(ii) Voltage base for p.u. values from 110kV (inclusive) to 300kV (not
0.85 p.u. – 0.9 p.u. (60 minutes)
0.9 p.u. – 1.12 p.u. (unlimited)
1.12 p.u. - 1.15 p.u. (not allowed)

Wider Voltage ranges or longer minimum times of operation may be agreed

|| between the remote end network operator in coordination with the TSO and the DC
connected Controllable PPM owner in accordance with PPM1.6.1.

For Interconnector interface point at AC Voltages other than the ranges given in
points (i) and (ii) above, the remote end network operator in coordination with the
TSO shall specify applicable requirements at the Connection Points.

Where frequencies other than nominal 50Hz are used, the Voltage ranges and time
periods specified in points (i) and (ii) above may be adjusted in coordination with the
TSO and the adjustments shall be proportional to those given above.

(x) The Interconnector shall be capable of operating within the range of short circuit power
and network characteristics specified by the TSO.

(y) The Interconnector shall be capable of finding stable operation points with a minimum
change in Active Power flow and Voltage level, during and after any planned or
unplanned change in the Interconnector or Transmission System to which it is
connected. The Interconnector shall be capable of remaining stable for changes in the
system conditions within the ranges defined in CC. and CC.
(z) The Interconnector Owner shall ensure that the tripping or disconnection of an
Interconnector Converter Station, as part of any multi-terminal or embedded HVDC
system, does not result in transients at the Connection Point beyond the limit specified
by the TSO.

(aa) The Interconnector shall be capable of adjusting its Active Power up to its Registered
Capacity, following an instruction from the TSO. The minimum and maximum allowable
step change in the Active Power shall be specified by the TSO on a case-by-case basis.
(bb) The TSO may, on a site-specific basis, specify that the Interconnector be capable of
fast Active Power reversal. The Active Power reversal shall be possible from the maximum
Active Power transmission Capacity in one direction to the maximum Active Power
transmission Capacity in the other direction as fast as technically feasible and reasonably
justified by the Interconnector Owner to the TSO if greater than 2 seconds.

CC. Where the TSO approaches an Interconnector Operator, the Interconnector

Operator will co-operate with the TSO in the development of procedures and facilities
to improve the response of each Interconnector during conditions of system stress.
This shall be subject to the agreement of the Interconnector Operator that the
procedures are consistent with secure operation of the Interconnector Operator’s
Plant, such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld.

CC. The TSO and Interconnector Operator may agree on a site-specific basis, wider
Frequency ranges or longer minimum times for operation, if needed to preserve or to
restore system security. If wider Frequency ranges or longer minimum times for
operation are economically and technically feasible, the Interconnector shall not
unreasonably withhold consent.
CC. An Interconnector shall be capable of automatic disconnection at frequencies specified
by the TSO on a site-specific basis.
CC. The TSO may specify a maximum admissible Active Power output reduction from its
operating point if the Transmission System Frequency falls below 49 Hz.
CC. Unless otherwise instructed by the TSO, during the energisation or synchronisation of
an Interconnector Converter Station to the AC network or during the connection of an
energised Interconnector Converter Station to an Interconnector, the Interconnector
Converter Station shall have the capability to limit any Voltage changes to a steady-
state level specified by the TSO. The maximum magnitude, duration and measurement
window of the Voltage transient shall be specified on a site specific basis and shall not
exceed 5 per cent of the pre-synchronisation Voltage.
CC. In the case where the Interconnector is connecting a DC-connected Controllable PPM,
the remote end Interconnector Converter Station, shall be subject to the provisions of
CC., CC., CC. and CC. even if a nominal Frequency other
than 50Hz, or a Frequency variable by design is used in the network connecting the DC-
connected Controllable PPM.
CC. In the case where the Interconnector is connecting a DC-connected Controllable PPM,
the remote end Interconnector Converter Station Owner and the Generator shall
agree on the technical modalities of the fast signal communication in accordance with
the provision of PPM1.5.3.1. Where the TSO requires, the Interconnector shall
be capable of providing the network Frequency at the Connection Point as a signal.

CC.7.5.2 The Interconnector Operator must ensure that the reversal of flow capabilities is
provided for such that the average Interconnector Ramp Rate from Interconnector
Registered Export Capacity to Interconnector Minimum Import Load or
Interconnector Registered Import Capacity to the Interconnector Registered Export
Capacity of at least 50 MW per minute. For the avoidance of doubt this aggregate
Interconnector Ramp Rate will include any time needed to pass through deadbands
or Forbidden Zones of operation.

CC.7.5.3 The Interconnector will be able to connect to the Transmission System under the
following conditions:

(a) Transmission System Frequency within the limits 48.0 to 52.0 Hz;

(b) Transmission System Voltage within the limits as specified in CC.8.3.2,

notwithstanding CC.7.5.9;

(c) Transmission System Short Circuit Level at the point of connection no less than
1000 MVA.

Where supply from the Transmission System is temporarily lost, Interconnectors must
be able to reconnect to the Transmission System and reach Minimum Load within 30
minutes of the Transmission System supply being restored.

CC.7.5.4 Each Interconnector:

(a) Must ensure that they do not cause any sub synchronous resonance,
undamped oscillations or harmful shaft torsional oscillations to Users on the
Transmission System. This shall be demonstrated by simulation prior to
connection by the Interconnector using best industry practice as agreed by
the TSO.

(b) Where it is determined by the TSO that the Interconnector does cause such
harmful oscillations or resonances the operation of the Interconnector shall
cease until a solution is agreed with the TSO;

(c) Where further studies are required to examine an oscillation or resonance

issue there shall be an exchange of the necessary data between the
Interconnector Operator and the TSO, such exchange of data shall not be
unreasonably withheld. The Interconnector Operator shall provide a report
to show the contribution that the Interconnector control system design will
have on the torsional mode frequencies.

(d) Input provisions for addition of a future sub synchronous damping controller
shall be made by the Interconnector Operator;

(e) When several Interconnector Convertor Stations or other plant and

equipment are in close electrical proximity, the TSO may specify control
interation studies on site specific basis with defined scope and extent in
order to demonstrate no adverse interaction effect. The control interaction
study shall idently possible mitigiation actions to be implemented if adverse
control interaction is identified.

(f) Shall be capable of contributing to electrical damping of torsional

frequencies. The TSO shall specify on a case by case basis the necessary
extent of subsynchronous torsional interaction studies. Subsynchronous
torsional interaction studies shall identify conditions, if any, where torsional
interaction exists and propose mitigation action.
(g) The TSO shall identify all relevant parties to participate in the control
interaction and subsynchronous torsional interaction studies referred to in
CC.7.5.4.(e) and CC.7.5.4.(f). The interaction studies shall be carried out by
the connecting Interconnector. The TSO shall obtain all the relevant data

from all identified parties including TSO system dynamic data and shall pass
this to to the Interconnector carrying out the studies.
(h) The TSO shall assess the results of the control interaction and
subsynchronous torsional interaction studies and, may request further
studies in line with the scope and extent specified. The TSO may also review
or replicate some of the control interaction and subsynchronous torsional
interaction studies and in such a case, the Interconnector Operator shall
provide all relevant data and models to the TSO to allow such study to be
(i) Any mitigating actions identified as part of the control interaction and
subsynchronous torsional interaction studies and reviewed by the TSO shall
be undertaken by the Interconnector Owner as part of the connection of
the new Interconnector Converter Station.
(j) The TSO may specify transient levels of performance associated with events
for the invidual Interconnector or collectively across commonly impacted
Interconnector systems in order to protect the integrity of both TSO
equipment and that of Users.
(k) Shall be capable of contributing to the damping of power oscillations in the
connected AC networks. The control system of the Interconnector shall not
reduce the damping of power oscillations. The TSO shall specify a Frequency
range of oscillations that the control scheme shall positively damp along
with the network conditions resulting in such a condition taking into account
potential stability problems on a site specifc basis. The selection of the
control parameter settings shall be agreed between the TSO and the

CC.7.5.5 Each Interconnector must be capable of:

(a) contributing to Frequency Control by continuous modulation of Active

Power supplied to the Transmission System;

(b) contributing to Voltage Control by continuous changes to the Reactive

Power supplied to the Transmission System;

CC.7.5.6 Users shall install Interconnector controllers that comply with OC.4 System Services.
Users shall not change frequency or load related control settings of the
Interconnector controllers without agreement with the TSO.

CC.7.5.7 Standards for Frequency Response

CC. Each Interconnector must be fitted with a fast acting control device to provide
Frequency Response under normal operating conditions in accordance with OC.4.3.
The control device must be designed and operated to the appropriate:

(a) European Standards; or

(b) In the absence of a relevant European Standards, such other standard which
is in common use within the European Union; and

(c) Interconnection Agreement.

CC.7.5.8 Interconnector Frequency Response

CC. An Interconnector must be capable of maintaining its Active Power output (i.e. when
operating in Import mode) to the Transmission System at a level not less than the
amount determined by the linear relationship shown in the figure below for System
Frequency changes within the range f1 to f2 Hz, such that if the System Frequency
drops to f1 Hz the Active Power output shall not decrease by more than 100 - P1 where
P1 is the upper active power limit as a percentage of the Active Power output before
the frequency change event, where;

(i) f2≥f1
(ii) 48Hz≤f1≤50Hz
(iii) 48Hz≤f2≤50Hz
(iv) 95%≤P1≤100% Active Power

Active Power

100% Active Power


f1 f2 50Hz f

Settings for each of f1, f2 and P1 shall be specified by the TSO at least 120 Business
Days prior to the Interconnector’s scheduled Operational Date. The Interconnector
Operator shall be responsible for implementing the appropriate settings during

Alterations to these settings may be requested in real-time by the TSO and the
implementation of the settings shall commence within 10 seconds of receipt of the
signal from the TSO.

Note: This clause is in addition to any other obligations for Frequency Performance
that the Interconnector may already have.

CC. An Interconnector must be capable of maintaining its Active Power input (i.e. when
operating in Export mode) from the Transmission System at a level not greater than
the amount determined by the linear relationship shown in the figure below for
System Frequency changes within the range f3 to f4 Hz, such that if the System
Frequency drops to f3 Hz the Active Power input decreases by more than 100 - P3
where P3 is the lower Active Power limit as a percentage of the Active Power output
before the frequency change event, where;

(i) f4≥f3
(ii) 48Hz≤f3≤50Hz
(iii) 48Hz≤f4≤50Hz
(iv) 0%≤P3≤100% Active Power

Active Power

100% Active Power


f3 f4 50Hz f

Settings for each of f3, f4 and P3 shall be specified by the TSO at least 120 Business
Days prior to the Interconnector’s scheduled Operational Date. The Interconnector
Operator shall be responsible for implementing the appropriate settings during

Alterations to these settings may be requested in real-time by the TSO and the
implementation of the settings shall commence within 10 seconds of receipt of the
signal from the TSO.

Note: This clause is in addition to any other obligations for Frequency Performance
that the Interconnector may already have.

CC. At the Grid Connection Point the Active Power output under steady state conditions
of any Interconnector directly connected to the Transmission System should not be
affected by Voltage changes in the normal operating range specified by more than
the change in Active Power losses at reduced or increased Voltage. The Reactive
Power output under steady state conditions should be fully available at normal
operating range.

CC. The Frequency Deadband for all Interconnectors should be no greater than 0.03Hz (for
the avoidance of doubt, ±0.015Hz).

CC. The TSO shall specify, on a site-specific basis, how an Interconnector shall be capable
of modifying the transmitted Active Power infeed in case of disturbances into one or
more of the AC networks to which it is connected. If the initial delay prior to the start
of the change is greater than 10 milliseconds from receiving the triggering signal sent
by the TSO, it shall be reasonably justified by the Interconnector to the TSO.

CC. An Interconnector shall limit its loss of Active Power injection in a synchronous area to
a value specified by the relevant TSOs for their respective load Frequency control area,
based on the Interconnector's impact on the power system. The value will be specified
on a site-specific basis.

Where an Interconnector connects two or more control areas, the relevant TSOs will
consult each other in order to set a coordinated value, on a case-by-case basis, of the
maximum loss of Active Power injection, taking into account common mode failures.

CC. In the case where the Interconnector is connecting a DC-connected Controllable PPM,
the adjustment of Active Power Frequency response shall be limited by the capability
of the DC-connected Controllable PPM.

CC.7.5.9 Automatic Voltage Regulation

CC. All Interconnectors (excluding Current Source Technology) shall be capable of

contributing to control of Transmission System Voltage by continuous modulation of
Interconnector Voltage by means of a suitable continuously acting Automatic
Voltage Regulation (AVR) which shall be in accordance with European Standards and
the characteristics of which have been accepted by the TSO prior to the Connection
Date, such acceptance not to be unreasonably withheld.

Interconnectors using Current Source Technology shall be capable of meeting the

Reactive Power requirements to satisfy unity Power Factor at rated MW import /
export at the Connection Point.

CC. The Voltage Regulation System shall be capable of receiving a Voltage Regulation Set-point
for the Voltage at the Connection Point. The Voltage Regulation System shall act to regulate
the Voltage at this point by continuous modulation of the Interconnector’s Reactive Power
output, within its Reactive Power range. A change to the Voltage Regulation Set-point shall
be implemented by the Interconnector within 20 seconds of receipt of the appropriate signal
from the TSO.

CC. The Voltage Regulation System Slope Setting shall be capable of being set to any value
between 1% and 10%. The setting shall be specified by the TSO at least 120 Business Days
prior to the Interconnector’s scheduled Operational Date. The Interconnector shall be
responsible for implementing the appropriate settings during Commissioning. The slope
setting may be varied from time to time depending on Transmission System needs. The TSO
shall give the Interconnector a minimum of 1 Business Days notice if a change is required.
The Interconnector shall formally confirm that any requested changes have been
implemented within 1 Business Days of receiving the TSO’s formal request.

CC. The speed of response of the Voltage Regulation System shall be such that, following a step
change in Voltage at the Connection Point the Interconnector shall achieve 90 % of its
steady-state Reactive Power response within 1 second. The response may require a
transition from maximum Mvar production to maximum Mvar absorption or vice-versa.

CC. An Interconnector Converter Station shall be capable of implementing the following
Reactive Power control modes which shall be available to the TSO:

(a) The speed of response of the Voltage Regulation System shall be such that,
following a step change in Voltage at the Connection Point the
Interconnector Converter Station shall achieve 90 % of its steady-state
Reactive Power response within 1 second. The Reactive Power must settle
at the steady-state Reactive Power response within 5 seconds, with a steady-
state Reactive Power tolerance no greater than 5 % of the maximum Reactive
Subject to agreement with TSO, the Voltage Regulation Set-point may be

operated with or without a deadband selectable in a range from zero to ±5% of
reference 1 p.u. Transmission System Voltage, with continuous setting.

Voltage Regulation Set-point shall include the capability to change Reactive

Power output based on a combination of a modified set-point Voltage and an
additional instructed Reactive Power component. The TSO will specify a slope
with a range and step on a site-specific basis.

(b) Reactive Power control (Q) set-point to maintain the Reactive Power set-point
at the Connection Point. The Interconnector Converter Station shall be capable
of setting the Reactive Power set-point at least within the Reactive Power
range specified in CC.7.5.10, and controlling the Reactive Power at the
Connection Point to an accuracy within ± 5 % of the Reactive Power set-point.

The required Reactive Power range shall be agreed and co-ordinated between
the TSO and the Interconnector owner;

(c) Power Factor control (PF) set-point to maintain the Power Factor set-point at
the Connection Point. The Interconnector Converter Station shall be capable
of controlling the Reactive Power at least within the Reactive Power ranges
specified in CC.7.5.10, with maximum setting steps as specified by the TSO but
no greater than 0.01 p.u.;

(d) The maximum Voltage step allowed at the Connection Point due to operation
of the Reactive Power control modes is 0.03 p.u..

(e) An Interconnector Converter Station shall be capable of operating in additional

Reactive Power control modes specified by the TSO.

(f) The TSO shall specify any equipment needed to enable the remote selection of
Reactive Power control modes and set-points.

CC.7.5.10 Interconnector Reactive Power

(a) There is a requirement for a continuously-acting automatic control system

to provide control of the Voltage (or zero transfer of Reactive Power as
applicable for Current Source Technology) at the Grid Connection Point
without instability over the entire operating range of the Interconnector.

(b) An Interconnector must be capable of maintaining zero transfer of Reactive
Power at the Grid Connection Point at all Active Power output levels under
steady state Voltage conditions. The steady state tolerance on Reactive
Power transfer to and from the Transmission System expressed in Mvar
shall be no greater than 5% of the rated MW.

(c) An Interconnector (excluding Current Source Technology) must be capable of supplying
rated MW import / export at any point between the limits 0.95 Power Factor lagging and
0.95 Power Factor leading based on the

Interconnector Registered Export Capacity at the Connection Point. For the avoidance of
doubt, Interconnectors shall be capable of operating at any point within the shaded
section for the Power Factor ranges for Registered Import Capacity or Registered Export
Capacities illustrated in Figure CC.7.5.10. The box shape is defined by the higher figure
between Interconnector Registered Import Capacity and Interconnector Registered
Export Capacity.

(d) An Interconnector Converter Station connecting to the Transmission System shall be
capable of providng Reactive Power as per the following requirement at its maximum
Active Power transmission capacity (at Active Power less than or equal to Registered
Capacity (Pmax)) at the Connection Point.

The Reactive Power variation by the Reactive Power control mode of the Interconnector
Converter Station shall not result in a Voltage step exceeding 0.03 pu at the connection

An Interconnector shall be capable of moving to any operating point within their U-Q/Pmax
profile, without undue delay, and shall be capable of moving from its minimum Reactive
Power capability Qmin/Pmax (Import/Lead) to its maximum Reactive Power capability
Qmax/Pmax (Export/Lag) within 120 seconds, depending on the Active Power output.

(e) The Interconnector shall ensure that the reactive power of its Interconnector Converter
Station exchanged with the Transmission System at the Connection Point is limited to
values specified by the TSO.

(f) A remote end Interconnector Converter Station shall be capable of providing Reactive
Power as per the following requirement at its maximum Active Power transmission
capacity (Pmax) at the Connection Point:



CC.7.5.11 Interconnection Agreement

CC. The Interconnection Agreement shall consist of an Interconnector Operating

Protocol between at least, the TSO and the External System Operator but may
include the Interconnector Operator. The agreement shall provide operational
details; requirements and services affecting the System and the External System. For
clarity, this shall not supersede any other agreements and is required to ensure
System Security when operating the Interconnector. The Interconnection
Agreement shall be agreed not less than 6 months prior to operation.

CC.7.5.12 Fault Ride Through

CC. Interconnector Converter Stations connected to the Transmission System shall be

capable of staying connected to the Transmission System and continuing to operate
stably during symmetric and asymmetric Voltage Dips. The voltage-against-time
profile specifies the required capability for the minimum Voltage and Fault Ride-
Through Time at the Connection Point before, during and after the Voltage Dip. That
capability shall be in accordance with the voltage-against-time profile as specified in
Figure CC.7.5.12.


Figure CC.7.5.12: Voltage-against-time profile at the Connection Point for symmetric

amd asymmetric fault conditions

Upon request by the Interconnector Operator, the TSO shall specify the pre-fault
and post-fault conditions for the fault-ride-through capability. This includes;

(i) the calculation of the pre-fault minimum short circuit capacity at each

Connection Point expressed in MVA;

(ii) pre-fault active and Reactive Power operating point of the Interconnector
Converter Station at the Connection Point and Voltage at the Connection Point;

(iii) calculation of the post-fault minimum short circuit capacity at each Connection
Point expressed in MVA.

With regards to network characteristics at the remote end, the Interconnector

Converter Station owner at the remote end shall provide the relevant data to a DC
connected Controllable PPM owner in accordance with the provisions of

CC. Interconnector Converter Stations may disconnect from the Transmission System if
the protection scheme for internal faults requires to do so. The protection scheme
for internal faults shall be designed not to jeopardise fault-ride-through

CC. The TSO may specify Voltages (Ublock) at the Connection Point, on a site-specific basis,
whereby the Interconnector is allowed to block, and remain connected to the
Network with no active and Reactive Power contribution for a time frame that shall
be as short as technically feasible and which shall be agreed between the TSO and

the Interconnector owner.

CC. During Voltage Dips, the reactive current response shall be supplied within the rating
of Interconnector Converter Station, with a Rise Time no greater than 100ms and a
Settling Time no greater than 300ms.

CC. During and after faults, priority shall always be given to Active Power and not
Reactive Power.

CC. The Interconnector shall reach its Active Power set-point as quickly as the technology
allows and in any event within 500 ms of the Transmission System Voltage recovering
to 90% of nominal Voltage, for Fault Disturbances cleared within 500 ms. For longer
duration Fault Disturbances, the Interconnector shall provide at least 90% of its
Active Power set-point within 1 second of the Transmission System Voltage
recovering to 90% of the nominal Voltage.

CC. Interconnectors shall be capable of fast recovery from transient faults within the
Interconnector’s system.

CC. The Interconnector shall withstand transient faults on HV AC lines in the Transmission
System it is connected to, and shall not cause any of the equipment in the
Interconnector to disconnect from the Transmission System due to autoreclosure of
lines in the network.

CC. The Interconnector Owner shall provide information to the TSO on the resilience of
the Interconnector to Transmission System disturbances.

CC. The Interconnector shall be equipped with a facility to provide fault recording and
monitoring of dynamic system behaviour for each of its Interconnector Converter
Stations. This facility shall record the following parameters:

— AC and DC Voltage;

— AC and DC current;

— Active Power;

— Reactive Power; and

— Frequency.

The TSO will specify the quality of supply parameters for fault recording and monitoring
of dynamic system behaviour. The particulars of the fault recording equipment
including analogue and digital channels, the settings, including trigger criteria, the
sampling rates and the communications protocols for recorded data shall be agreed
between the Interconnector and the TSO. The dynamic system behaviour monitoring
shall include an oscillation trigger specified by the TSO, with the purpose of detecting
poorly damped power oscillations. The facilities for quality of supply and dynamic
system behaviour monitoring shall include arrangements for the Interconnector and
the TSO to access the information electronically.


CC.8.1 The TSO shall in accordance with Prudent Utility Practice plan, design and operate
the Transmission System so as to endeavour to maintain the performance targets at
the Connection Point as set out in this CC.8.

CC.8.2 Transmission System Frequency

CC.8.2.1 The Transmission System Frequency is nominally 50 Hz:

(a) Normal operating range: 49.8 to 50.2 Hz.
(b) During Transmission System disturbances: 48.0 to 52.0 Hz.
(c) During exceptional Transmission System disturbances: 47.0 to 52.0 Hz.

CC.8.3 Transmission System Voltages

CC.8.3.1 The Transmission System Voltages are nominally 400kV, 220kV and 110kV. Normal
operating ranges are:
(a) 400kV system: 370kV to 410kV;
(b) 220kV system: 210kV to 240kV;
(c) 110kV system: 105kV to 120kV.

CC.8.3.2 During Transmission System disturbances or following transmission faults:

(a) 400kV system: 350kV to 420kV;
(b) 220kV system: 200kV to 245kV;
(c) 110kV system: 99kV to 123kV.

Some Transmission System disturbances (e.g. earth faults, lightning strikes) will
result in short-term Voltage deviations outside the above ranges.

CC.8.4 The negative phase-sequence component of the phase Voltage of the Transmission
System Voltages will generally not exceed 1% under normal operating conditions.

CC.8.5 The Transmission System is an effectively earthed neutral system with an earth fault
factor less than 1.4.

CC.8.6 The Transmission System is designed and operated to maintain the Initial
Symmetrical Short-Circuit Current below the following:

(a) 50kA on the 400kV system;

(b) 40kA on the 220kV system;

(c) 25 kA on the 110 kV system generally;

(d) 31.5 kA at designated locations on the 110kV system.

The TSO shall notify any User with a connection to the Transmission System at a
location to which item (d) above applies that the location is so designated.

The TSO shall publish annually a list of locations designated in accordance with item
(d) above.


CC.9.1 Metering Equipment shall be installed at User Sites in accordance with the
provisions of the Connection Agreement and to the standards defined in the
Metering Code.


CC.10 shall apply to the DSO, Generators, Interconnectors and Demand Customers.

CC.10.1 Every User shall, acting in accordance with Good Industry Practice, be responsible,
insofar as is reasonably practicable, for ensuring that faults on Plant and Apparatus
cause minimal disturbance to the Power System. Faults on Plant and/or Apparatus

connected to the Transmission System should be cleared as soon as possible with
no deliberate time delay introduced and in any event should be cleared within a
maximum time of:

(a) 120 milliseconds for the 110 kV system;

(b) 100 milliseconds for the 220 kV system; and

(c) 80 milliseconds for the 400 kV system.

These clearance times are from primary protection systems only. Without limiting this
obligation, a User shall as a minimum prior to connection of the User's System to the
Transmission System install and maintain, in accordance with Good Industry Practice,
the protection equipment specified in CC.10.8 and CC.10.9.

CC.10.2 For the avoidance of doubt, the adequacy of protection equipment installed by the
User for protecting the User's Plant and Apparatus against Transmission System
disturbances is for the User to determine. It should also be noted that the TSO’s
requirements are primarily intended to protect the Transmission System facilities,
although they afford a level of protection to Users they are not primarily designed to
protect User’s facilities.

CC.10.3 For the purpose of CC.10.1 the minimum protection requirements for a User facility
connecting to the Transmission System will vary according to type, size, Earthing and
method of connection. User protection required by the TSO should always be in
service when associated plant is in service.

CC.10.4 It should be noted that high speed automatic reclosing (HSAR) is a feature of
Transmission System operation. This feature is characterised by the sudden re-
energisation of the power supply after a dead time of approximately 600 milliseconds.
All tripping and high speed reclosing on the 110 kV System is three pole. Tripping and
high speed reclosing on the 220 kV and 400 kV Systems is a combination of single pole
and three pole.

CC.10.5 It is recommended that Users take precautions against disturbances on the

Transmission System including without limitation protection against:
(a) load unbalance (negative sequence) protection;

(b) over/under-voltage;
(c) over/under-frequency;
(d) a combination of (b) and (c) that may result in overfluxing; and
(e) high speed automatic reclosing (HSAR), where applicable.

Users may consult with the TSO with respect to protection adequacy.

CC.10.6 In order to ensure secure operation of the Transmission System and correct co-
ordination and discrimination between faults on the Transmission System and the
Distribution System and User Systems, settings for User's protection systems that
may have an Operational Effect, shall be notified to the TSO and it will be necessary
for the TSO to, and the TSO may, prohibit the settings of some User protection
systems within certain ranges. Protection systems where such limitations will apply
include, but are not limited to:
(a) Generation Unit under-frequency, over-current, or distance protection;
(b) transformer over-fluxing, over-current, or distance protection;
(c) loss-of-mains protection.
A mechanism for the notification, and where applicable approval and determination,
of such settings will be set out in the User's Connection Agreement or other

CC.10.7 The TSO shall provide to the User the information and signals necessary for the
interface co-ordination and operation of the User’s protection, in accordance with the
relevant provisions of the Connection Agreement, other agreements and CC.

CC.10.8 Where it is feasible to do so, the TSO shall provide circuit breaker fail protection on
Grid Connection Point circuit breakers installed in new transmission stations.
CC.10.9 Generators

CC.10.9.1 Generators shall provide:

(a) differential protection on the Generator Transformer. The connections
between the Grid Connection Point circuit breaker and the HV terminals of the
Generator Transformer shall be included in the protected zone of this
differential protection.
(b) backup protection (to the Transmission System) on Generation Units. The TSO
acting reasonably shall require one or more of the following to be installed:

generator overcurrent protection, voltage controlled generator overcurrent
protection or generator distance protection;
(c) under frequency protection; and
(d) Generation Unit loss of excitation protection.

CC.10.9.2 The TSO may require an individual Generator, or group of Generators, to install
additional protection and/or control schemes, where the TSO can reasonably show
that it is prudent or necessary to do so. These schemes may include but are not
limited to the following:

(a) Generation Unit over/under-voltage protection.

(b) Generation Unit over-frequency protection.
(c) Generation Unit transformer neutral displacement voltage detection.
(d) loss-of-mains protection (rate of change of frequency or vector shift).
(e) Generation Unit pole slip protection.
(f) Power System stabiliser.

CC.10.9.3 Distance protection shall be provided by the TSO on the Grid Connection Point circuit
breaker of Generator Transformers.

CC.10.9.4 The schemes and settings of the different control devices of the Generation Units that
are necessary for Transmission System stability and for taking emergency action shall
be coordinated and agreed between the TSO and the Generator. Any changes to the
schemes and settings, of the different control devices of the Generation Units shall be
coordinated and agreed between the TSO and the Generator.

(a) The TSO shall specify the schemes and settings necessary to protect the
Transmission System, taking into account the characteristics of the Generation
Units. The protection schemes needed for the Generation Units and the
Transmission System as well as the settings relevant to the Generation Units shall
be coordinated and agreed between the TSO and the Generator. The protection


schemes and settings for internal electrical faults must not jeopardise the
performance of a Generation Unit.
(b) Electrical protection of the Generation Units shall take precedence over
operational controls, taking into account the security of the system and the health
and safety of staff and of the public, as well as mitigating any damage to the
Generation Units.
(c) Changes to the protection schemes needed for the Generation Unit and the
Transmission System and to the settings relevant to the Generation Unit shall be
agreed between the TSO and the Generation Unit.

CC.10.9.6 The Generator shall organise its protection and control devices in accordance with the
following priority ranking (from highest to lowest):
(i) Transmission System and Generation Unit protection;
(ii) Synthetic inertia (if applicable);
(iii) Frequency Control;
(iv) Power restriction; and
(v) Power gradient constraint.

CC.10.9.7 Generators shall be capable of exchanging information with the TSO in real time or
periodically with time stamping, as specified by the TSO. The TSO shall specify the
content of information exchanges including a precise list of data to be provided by the
CC.10.9.8 Generators shall be capable of remaining connected to the Network during single-
phase or three-phase auto-reclosures on meshed Network lines. The details of that
capability shall be subject to coordination and agreements on protection schemes and
settings as referred to in CC.10.9.5.

CC.10.10 DSO

CC.10.10.1 The DSO shall provide differential-protection on Grid Connected Transformers.

CC.10.10.2 The TSO may require the DSO to install additional protection schemes, where the TSO
can reasonably show that it is prudent or necessary to do so, such schemes may

include but are not limited to the following:

(a) directional overcurrent protection or distance protection on User’s

(b) direct intertripping between the Grid Connection Point circuit breaker and the
User Connection Point circuit breaker;
(c) neutral voltage displacement protection on HV side of User’s transformer(s);
(d) loss of mains protection;
(e) under/over voltage protection;
(f) under/over frequency protection;
(g) unit (differential) type protection on Distribution System lines or cables;
(h) distance protection on the User Connection Point circuit breaker on
Distribution lines or cables;
(i) bus zone protection on 110 kV Distribution System busbars; and
(j) teleprotection channels (for use with distance protection) between the Grid
Connection Point circuit breaker and User Connection Point circuit breaker.

CC.10.10.3 Distance protection or over-current protection shall be provided by the TSO on Grid
Connection Point circuit breaker(s) unless where otherwise agreed by the TSO and

CC.10.10.4 The TSO shall specify the devices and settings necessary to protect the Transmission
System, taking into account the characteristics of the Distribution System, on a site-
specific basis. The protection schemes needed for the Distribution System and the
Transmission System, as well as the settings relevant to the Distribution System, shall
be coordinated and agreed between the TSO and the DSO.
Electrical protection of the Distribution System shall take precedence over operational
controls, taking into account the security of the system and the health and safety of
staff and of the public, as well as mitigating any damage to the Distribution System.

CC.10.10.5 The TSO and the Distribution System owner shall agree on changes to the protection
schemes relevant for the Distribution System, and on the arrangements for the
protection schemes of the Distribution System.


CC.10.10.6 The TSO and the DSO shall agree on the schemes and settings of the different control
devices of the Distribution System relevant for system security on a site-specific basis.
The TSO and the DSO shall agree on any changes to the schemes and settings of the
control devices. This agreement shall include the following elements:

• isolated (network) operation;

• damping of oscillations;
• disturbances to the Transmission System;
• automatic switching to emergency supply and restoration to normal topology; and
• automatic circuit-breaker re-closure (on 1-phase faults).

CC.10.10.7 The DSO shall set the protection and control devices of its Distribution System in
compliance with the following priority ranking, organised in decreasing order of

(i) Transmission System protection

(ii) Distribution System protection

(iii) Frequency control (active power adjustment)

(iv) Power restriction

CC.10.11 Demand Customers

CC.10.11.1 Demand Customers shall provide differential-protection on Grid Connected


CC.10.11.2 The TSO may require Demand Customers to install additional protection schemes,
where the TSO can reasonably show that it is prudent or necessary to do so, which
may include the following:
(a) directional overcurrent protection or distance protection on Grid Connected

Transformer(s) where the User System contains Embedded Generation;

(b) neutral voltage displacement protection on HV side of Grid Connected

(c) loss of mains protection where the User System contains Embedded Generation;

(d) under/over voltage protection where the User System contains Embedded

Generation; and
(e) under/over frequency protection where the User System contains Embedded


CC.10.11.3 Distance protection or over-current protection shall be provided by the TSO on the
Grid Connection Point circuit breaker(s).

CC.10.11.4 The TSO shall specify the devices and settings necessary to protect the Transmission
System, taking into account the characteristics of the Demand Facility, on a site-
specific basis. The protection schemes needed for the Demand Facility and the
Transmission System, as well as the settings relevant to the Demand Facility, shall be
coordinated and agreed between the TSO and the Demand Facility owner.

Electrical protection of the Demand Facility shall take precedence over operational
controls, taking into account the security of the system and the health and safety of
staff and of the public, as well as mitigating any damage to the Demand Facility.


CC.10.11.5 The TSO and the Demand Facility owner shall agree on changes to the protection
schemes relevant for the Demand Facility, and on the arrangements for the protection
schemes of the Demand Facility.

CC.10.11.6 The TSO and the Demand Facility owner shall agree on the schemes and settings of
the different control devices of the Demand Facility relevant for system security on a
site-specific basis. The TSO and the Demand Facility owner shall agree on any changes
to the schemes and settings of the control devices. This agreement shall include but
may not be limited to the following elements:

• isolated (network) operation;

• damping of oscillations;
• disturbances to the Transmission System;
• automatic switching to emergency supply and restoration to normal topology; and
• automatic circuit-breaker re-closure (on 1-phase faults).

CC.10.11.7 The Demand Facility owner shall set the protection and control devices of its Demand
Facility in compliance with the following priority ranking, organised in decreasing
order of importance:

(i) Transmission System protection

(ii) Demand Facility protection
(iii) Frequency control (active power adjustment)
(iv) Power restriction

CC.10.12 Interconnectors
CC.10.12.1 Interconnectors shall provide:
(a) differential protection on the Interconnector Transformer. The connections

between the Grid Connection Point circuit breaker and the HV terminals of the
Interconnector Transformer shall be included in the protected zone of this
differential protection, or in the event that other plant such as filter banks or
reactors are connected to these connections they shall be protected by a suitable
buszone or differential protection scheme.
(b) primary and backup protection for any plant (e.g. filter banks, reactors, damping

resistors) which may be connected between the Grid Connection Point circuit
breaker and the Interconnector Transformer
(c) backup protection (to the Transmission System) on Interconnectors. The TSO

acting reasonably shall require one or more of the following to be installed:

Interconnector overcurrent protection, Voltage controlled Interconnector
overcurrent protection or Interconnector distance protection;
(d) over/ under Frequency protection; and over/under-voltage protection.

CC.10.12.2 The TSO may require an individual Interconnector Operator, to install additional
protection and/or control schemes, where the TSO can reasonably show that it is
prudent or necessary to do so. These schemes may include but are not limited to the
(a) Power System Stabiliser;

(b) Ability to accept set points and commands (e.g. to ramp up or ramp down or

reverse MW and or Mvar flows);

(c) Automatic remedial actions such as stopping the ramping and blocking FSM, LFSM-

O, LFSM-U and Frequency control.

CC.10.12.3 Distance protection shall be provided by the TSO on the Grid Connection Point circuit
breaker of Interconnector Transformers.

CC.10.12.4 For the electrical protection schemes and settings:
(a) The TSO shall specify the schemes and settings necessary to protect the

Transmission System, taking into account the characteristics of the Interconnector

Converter Stations. The protection schemes needed for the Interconnector
Converter Stations and the Transmission System as well as the settings relevant
to the Interconnector Converter Stations shall be coordinated and agreed
between the TSO and the Interconnector. The protection schemes and settings for
internal electrical faults must not jeopardise the performance of an Interconnector
Converter Station.
(b) Electrical protection of the Interconnector Converter Stations shall take

precedence over operational controls, taking into account the security of the
system and the health and safety of staff and of the public, as well as mitigating
any damage to the Interconnector Converter Stations.
(c) Changes to the protection schemes needed for the Interconnector Converter

Station and the Transmission System and to the settings relevant to the
Interconnector Converter Station shall be agreed between the TSO and the
Interconnector prior to implementation.
(d) Undervoltage protection shall be set by the Interconnector to the widest possible

technical capability of the Interconnector Converter Station. The TSO may specify
narrower settings pursuant to clauses (a), (b) and (c) above.

CC.10.12.5 The TSO and the Interconnector shall coordinate and agree on the schemes and
settings of the different control modes of the Interconnector Converter Station
including the settings of the specific parameters on a site-specific basis.

Any change to the schemes or settings of parameters of the different control modes
and protection of the Interconnector, including the procedure, shall be coordinated
and agreed between the TSO and the Interconnector.

The parameters of the different control modes and the protection settings of the
Interconnector Converter Station shall be able to be changed if required by the TSO.
The control modes and associated setpoints shall be capable of being changed
remotely as specified by the TSO.

CC.10.12.6 The Interconnector shall set the protection and control devices of its Interconnector
Converter Station in compliance with the following priority ranking, organised in
decreasing order of importance unless otherwise specified by the TSO:
(i) Transmission System and Interconnector system protection
(ii) Active Power control for emergency assistance
(iii) Synthetic inertia, if applicable
(iv) Automatic remedial actions as specified in CC.10.12.2. (c)
(v) Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode
(vi) Frequency Sensitive Mode and Frequency control
(vii) power gradient constraint.

CC.10.12.7 If specified by the TSO, each Interconnector Converter Station of an Interconnector

shall be equipped with an automatic controller capable of receiving instructions from
the relevant system operator. This automatic controller shall be capable of operating
the Interconnector Converter Stations in a coordinated way. The relevant system
operator shall specify the automatic controller hierarchy per Interconnector
Converter Station.
The automatic controller shall include control schemes capable of automatic remedial
action such as stopping the ramping and blocking Frequency Sensitive Mode, Limited
Frequency Sensitive Mode – Over- Frequency, Limited Frequency
Sensitive Mode – Under- Frequency and Frequency control. The triggering and
blocking criteria shall be specified by TSO and subject to notification to the CRU. The
automatic controller of the Interconnector shall be capable of providing operational
and alarm signal as indicated in CC. 12.2.
The automatic controller shall be capable of sending and receiving the following
signals and commands to and from the relevant system operator:
(a) Start-up command;
(b) Active power setpoints;
(c) Frequency Sensitive Mode settings;
(d) Reactive power, Voltage or similar setpoints;
(e) Reactive power control modes;
(f) Power oscillation damping control;

(g) Emergency blocking;
(h) Ramp blocking;
(i) Active power flow direction; and
(j) Fast active power reversal command.

CC.10.12.8 The parameters and settings of the main control functions of an Interconnector shall
be implemented within such a control hierarchy that makes their modification possible
if necessary. Those main control functions are at least:
(a) Frequency Sensitive Mode, Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode – Over- Frequency,
Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode – Under- Frequency;
(b) Frequency control;
(c) Reactive power control mode;
(d) Power oscillation damping capability; and
(e) Subsynchronous torsional interaction damping capability.

CC.10.13 Power Quality

(a) Harmonic Voltage Distortion
Users shall ensure that their connection to the Transmission System does not
result in an increase in the level of harmonic distortion of the supply Voltage on
the Transmission System, at the Connection Point, exceeding that allocated to
them. These incremental limits will be determined by the TSO for each User’s
connection, to ensure compliance with IEC/TR 61000-3-6 and by default,
CENELEC Standard EN 50160, on the Transmission System.

The necessary data will be exchanged between both parties and the exchange of
data shall not be unreasonably withheld. This data may consist of but is not
limited to; Impedance Loci at the Connection Point, background distortion
levels and Allocated Harmonic Distortion Limits (AHDL).

(b) Voltage Fluctuations
Users shall ensure that their connection to the Transmission System does not
result in the level of fluctuation of the supply Voltage on the Transmission
System at the Connection Point exceeding limits set out below. Any necessary
data will be exchanged between both parties and the exchange of data shall not
be unreasonably withheld.

(i) Voltage Flicker

Users shall take responsibility for limiting Voltage Flicker caused by their
Plant to remain within the maximum permissible Voltage Flicker limits
at the Connection Point as allocated to them by the TSO or, as a
minimum, those defined in Table 5 of IEC/TR 61000-3-7.

(ii) Rapid Voltage Change

Type of rapid Voltage change Limit (%) Timeframe

Must recover to
Temporary Voltage
5 nominal Voltage in 3
Step Change 3 One cycle

Users shall ensure that the disturbance levels introduced by their Plant
and/or Apparatus do not promote rapid Voltage changes exceeding
those specified in the above table or alternative limit allocated to them
by the TSO during normal system operation.

The User can be connected to the Transmission System provided that the
required studies have been completed by the User to show compliance with the
limits outlined in CC.10.13.1 (a) and CC.10.13.1 (b) and have been reviewed by
the TSO. Following consultation with the TSO, a conditional connection may be
allowed to Users where modelling of the connection shows a breach of the
limits to be marginal or only occurring during contingencies as defined by the
TSO. This may allow the User to verify that the installation is compliant by
monitoring, or to implement a mitigation solution.

The User’s Allocated Harmonic Distortion Limits and any special conditions
pertaining to power quality will be referenced in the Connection Agreement.
These are subject to verification of compliance by the TSO and through an on-
going monitoring programme as described in OC10.2.2 (c).

In the event that a User causes any such limits in CC.10.13.1 (a) and CC.10.13.1
(b) to be breached, the TSO shall be entitled to require the User to take such
steps as the TSO reasonably considers to be necessary in order to prevent such
breach from continuing and the User shall comply with the TSO’s instructions
without delay.

CC.10.13.2 The aggregate power factor for a Demand Customer is calculated in accordance with
the following formula:

Sum P

APF = ___ ___________________

((Sum P)2 + (Sum Q)2)0.5


APF is the Aggregate Power Factor for the Demand Customer

Sum P is the Energy exchanged with the Demand Customer at the Connection Point
for any half-hour period; and

Sum Q is the Reactive Energy exchanged with the Demand Customer at the
Connection Point for the same half-hour period.

CC.10.13.3 A Demand Customer shall ensure that at any load above 50% of Maximum Import
Capacity the aggregate power factor as determined at the Connection Point in any
half-hour period shall be within the range 0.90 lagging to unity.


CC.11.1 The communication facilities required to be provided by Users are addressed in the
Operating Codes.


CC.12.1 Each User shall provide such signals and indications in relation to the User's Plant
and Apparatus as are required by the TSO (acting reasonably) in accordance with
the Connection Agreement.

CC.12.2 Signals and indications required to be provided by Users will include but shall not be
limited to the following:

(a) LV switchgear positions pertinent to the status of each Grid Connected

Transformer through a set of two potential free auxiliary contacts (one contact
normally open and one contact normally closed when circuit breaker is open)
for each circuit breaker;
(b) kV at transformer low Voltage terminals; and

(c) a minimum of four sets of normally open potential free auxiliary contacts in

each transformer LV bay for fault indication.

(d), (e), (f), (g), (h), (i) and (j) are applicable to Generators only:

(d) MW and +/-Mvar at alternator terminals of each Generation Unit;

(e) kV at Generator Transformer LV terminals;

(f) Generator Transformer tap position;

(g) Measured or derived MW output on each fuel, from Generation Units that can

continuously fire on more than one fuel simultaneously;

(h) Where it is agreed between the TSO and the Generator that signals are not

available on the HV terminals, +/- MW and +/- Mvar shall be provided at the
Grid Connected Transformer low Voltage terminals; and
(i) Remaining Secondary Fuel capability (where applicable) in MWh equivalent

when running at Registered Capacity;


(j) With regard to real-time monitoring of Frequency Sensitive Mode, as described

in OC.1, the Generator shall be equipped to transfer in real time and in a

secured manner, at least the following signals:
— status signal of Frequency Sensitive Mode (on/off);
— actual parameter settings for Active Power frequency response; and
— Governor Droop and Frequency Response Deadband.
The TSO shall specify additional signals to be provided by the Generator by
monitoring and recording devices in order to verify the performance of the
active power frequency response provision of participating Generation Units.

(k) and (l) are applicable to Demand Customers only:

(k) MW and +/- Mvar at the HV terminals of the Grid Connected Transformer; and

(l) Grid Connected Transformer tap position.

(m), (n), (o), (p), (q), (r), (s) and (t) are applicable to Demand Side Unit Operators who
represent a Demand Side Unit:

(m) Demand Side Unit MW Response from Generation operating in Continuous

Parallel Mode or Shaving Mode;

(n) Demand Side Unit MW Response from avoided Demand consumption and

Generation operating in Lopping Mode, Standby Mode or Automatic Mains

Failure Mode;
(o) Remaining Demand Side Unit MW Availability;

(p) Demand Side Unit MW Response from each Individual Demand Site with a

Demand Side Unit MW Capacity of greater than or equal to 5 MW;

(q) MW Output from Generation Units with a Capacity greater than or equal to

5 MW;
(r) Mvar Output from Generation Units with a Capacity greater than or equal to

5 MW at Individual Demand Sites with a Maximum Export Capacity specified

in the Connection Agreement or DSO Connection Agreement as applicable, as
required by the TSO;
(s) Aggregate MW Output from Generation Units with a combined Capacity of

greater than or equal to 5 MW on an Individual Demand Site, as required by

the TSO; and
(t) Demand Side Unit MW Response from each Individual Demand Site that

comprises the Demand Side Unit, as required by the TSO.

(u), (v), (w), (x) and (y) are applicable to Interconnectors only:
(u) +/-MW and +/-Mvar at the high Voltage terminals of the Interconnector

(v) kV at Interconnector Transformer high Voltage terminals;

(w) Interconnector Transformer tap position;

(x) Interconnector status; and

(y) Frequency;

(z) Start-up signals;
(aa) AC and DC Voltage measurements;

(bb) AC and DC current measurements;

(cc) Active and Reactive Power measurements on the AC side;

(dd) DC power measurements;

(ee) HVDC converter unit level operation in a multi-pole type HVDC converter;

(ff) elements and topology status;

(gg) Frequency Sensitive Mode, Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode – Over-

Frequency and Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode – Under- Frequency Active

Power ranges;

(hh) emergency blocking;

(ii) ramp blocking; and

(jj) fast Active Power reversal.

CC.12.3 Where signals or indications required to be provided by the User under CC.12.2
become unavailable or do not comply with applicable standards due to failure of
the Users’ technical equipment or any other reason under the control of the User,
the User shall, acting in accordance with Good Industry Practice, restore or correct

the signals and/or indications as soon as possible.

CC.12.4 Signals to be provided by Users shall be presented in such form as is nominated by

the TSO.

CC.12.5 Where, the TSO, acting reasonably, determines that because of a Modification to
the Transmission System or otherwise to meet a Transmission System
requirement, additional signals and/or indications in relation to a User's Plant and
Apparatus are required, the TSO shall notify that requirement to the User. On
receipt of such a notification the User shall promptly, and in accordance with Good
Industry Practice, ensure that such signals and/or indications are made available at
the relevant marshalling rack.

CC.12.6 Demand Side Unit Operators and Generator Aggregators shall provide the TSO the
specification of the method of aggregation of SCADA from multiple sites. The
minimum specifications shall be agreed with the TSO in advance and shall include:

(a) signals from Demand Side Unit Operators shall be relayed to the TSO
Telecommunication Interface Cabinet which reflect the Demand Side Unit
MW Response to an accuracy of within 1 MW of the actual Demand Side Unit
MW Response within 15 seconds of change occurring to the Demand Side Unit
MW Response; and
(b) a single failure of an item of the Demand Side Unit Operator’s equipment will
not result in:

(i) loss of control of more than one Individual Demand Site;

(ii) loss of Demand Side Unit MW Response of more than one Individual
Demand Site; or
(iii) the Demand Side Unit MW Response from Generation or Demand Side
Unit MW Response from avoided Demand consumption signals being
incorrect by more than the Demand Side Unit MW Capacity of the
Individual Demand Site with the highest Demand Side Unit MW Capacity
comprising the Demand Side Unit.


CC.13.1 Each User shall provide:

(a) 400 V ac / 230 V ac power supplies as required by the TSO for Transmission

Station facilities, the capacity and detail of which shall be as specified by the TSO
and provided for in the User's Connection Agreement;

(b) a standby supply for all ac power supplies for Transmission Station facilities by a

diesel generator, unless alternative means are agreed with the TSO, such
agreement not to be unreasonably withheld. In the event of loss of mains,
standby supplies shall be capable of being sustained for a minimum of 10 hours.


CC.14.1 For each User Site and in consultation with the User, the TSO shall detail in the
Operation Instructions the demarcation of responsibility for safety of persons
carrying out work or testing at the User's Connection Site and on circuits which
cross the User's Site at any point.

CC.14.2 More detailed information on procedures and responsibilities involved in safety

procedures is set out in OC.11.


CC.15.1 The TSO and the User shall, in accordance with the provisions set out in the
Connection Agreement, meet to discuss Commissioning, including Commissioning
Tests and Grid Code Tests. The User's obligations in relation to Testing set out in
this 0 are in addition to the requirements under the Connection Agreement.

CC.15.2 Users are required to carry out such tests (which are defined to be Grid Code Tests)
as are required in order to confirm that the User's Plant and Apparatus meets all
the requirements of the Grid Code which must be met prior to the Operational
Date. The TSO may, under the Connection Agreement, notify to the User such Grid

Code Tests as it requires the User to carry out. The TSO may not necessarily test for
CC., (b), (c), Error! Reference source not found. and (e) but reserve the right
to test to establish design and operational compliance. For the avoidance of doubt
it is the responsibility of Users at all times to ensure their compliance with the Grid
Code and testing successfully or otherwise shall not in any way diminish or reduce
such responsibilities.

CC.15.3 Where Commissioning is likely to involve a requirement for Dispatch for Test
purposes, the User shall, as soon as possible, notify the TSO of this requirement,
including reasonable details as to the duration and type of Testing required. Users
shall give the TSO reasonable advance notice (being not less than fifteen (15)
Business Days) of the time of carrying out of the Commissioning Tests. The time
and date of such commissioning shall be reconfirmed not less than three (3)
Business Days before the time of carrying out such tests. In the event that, having
given such confirmation the User (acting reasonably) determines that such tests
must be carried out prior to the time and the date previously confirmed, then
provided the User gives the TSO reasonable notice of the re-scheduled tests, he shall
not be deemed to have failed to give the notices required. The User shall as soon as
it becomes aware of the same, subsequently notify the TSO of any material changes
in the requirement and details so notified.

CC.15.4 The information provided under CC.15.3 is for indicative purposes only, and the User
shall subsequently make a formal request to the TSO for a Commissioning Test
requiring Dispatch in accordance with the following provisions of this 0, and shall
not carry out such a Commissioning Test except as Dispatched in accordance with
this 0.

CC.15.5 Users shall make a request in writing to the TSO for every Commissioning Test
requiring Dispatch, in accordance with CC.15.4. Such request to include the
following information:

CC.15.5.1 details of the proposed Commissioning Test;

CC.15.5.2 Dispatches, where necessary, required by Users for completion of the
Commissioning Test, if any, including the duration of the Dispatch. Where the User
may not know the entire Dispatches required for completion of the Test until part of
the Test is completed then the User when proposing the Test shall:
(a) divide the Commissioning Test into sections as appropriate;
(b) indicate and discuss which sections of the Commissioning Test can be completed
in stages and which cannot;
(c) indicate possible variations of the Commissioning Test for the sections which can
be completed in stages.

CC.15.5.3 the preferred time or times for the Commissioning Test;

CC.15.5.4 the milestones for individual sections of the Commissioning Test (if any) which can
be completed separately, and/or do not require to be repeated if the
Commissioning Test is interrupted by the TSO after completion of each section.

CC.15.6 Generators and Interconnectors will be subject to SDC1 and SDC2 a minimum of
seven (7) days prior to the Operational Date and the Generation Unit or
Interconnector will be available for Dispatch from the Operational Date.

CC.15.7 Following the Connection Date but not later than the Operational Date Users shall
verify (by giving the TSO such evidence as it may reasonably require including,
without limitation, the results of the relevant Commissioning Test or Grid Code
Test) technical data provided under the Planning Code and other technical data
which the TSO reasonably requires to be verified to assess compliance with the Grid
Code or the Connection Agreement.

CC.15.8 The values as confirmed or verified under 0 shall be included in the User’s
Registered Operating Characteristics and Registered Data.


CC.15.9 The Generator shall demonstrate to the TSO that it has complied with Generation
Unit requirements by successfully completing the Operational Notification Procedure
for connection of each Generation Unit.

CC.15.10 Operational Notification Procedure

The Operational Notification Procedure for connection of each Generation Unit
requires the completion of three sequential processes, consisting of:

• Energisation Operational Notification (EON);

• Interim Operational Notification (ION); and
• Final Operational Notification (FON).

CC.15.10.1 Energisation Operational Notification

The TSO will issue an EON to the Generator for a Generation Unit, subject to
completion of the EON checklist. This checklist will require agreement on the
protection and control settings relevant to the Connection Point.

Upon receipt of the EON, a Generator may energise its internal network and
auxiliaries for the associated Generation Unit by using the grid connection that is
specified for the Connection Point.


CC.15.10.2 Interim Operational Notification
The TSO will issue an ION to the Generator for a Generation Unit, subject to
completion of the ION checklist.
Upon receipt of the ION, a Generator may operate the associated Generation Unit
and generate power for a limited period of time, by using the grid connection that is
specified for the Connection Point. The limited period of time shall be agreed with the
TSO and shall not be longer than 24 months. An extension to this period of time may
be granted via a derogation undertaken according to GC.9.3, if the Generator can
demonstrate sufficient progress towards full compliance and outstanding issues are
clearly identified.

CC.15.10.3 Final Operational Notification

CC. The TSO will issue a FON to the Generator for a Generation Unit, subject to
completion of the FON checklist.

Upon receipt of the FON, a Generator may operate the associated Generation Unit
and generate power by using the grid connection that is specified for the Connection

CC. If the TSO identifies a reason not to issue a FON, the Generator may seek a derogation
via the process described in GC.9.3.

Where a request for a derogation is rejected, the TSO shall have the right to refuse to
allow the operation of the Generation Unit until the Generator and the TSO resolve
the incompatibility and the TSO considers that the Generation Unit is compliant with
Grid Code.

If the TSO and the Generator do not resolve the incompatibility within a reasonable
time frame, but in any case not later than 6 months after the notification of the
rejection of the request for a derogation, each party may refer the issue for decision
to the CRU.


CC.15.11 A Generator issued with a FON shall inform the TSO immediately in the following
(a) the facility is temporarily subject to either significant modification or loss of
capability affecting its performance; or
(b) equipment failure leading to non-compliance with some relevant

CC.15.12 Limited Operational Notification

CC.15.12.1 A Generator shall apply to the relevant system operator for a Limited Operational
Notification (LON), if the Generator reasonably expects the circumstances described in
CC.15.11 to persist for more than three months.
CC.15.12.2 The TSO will then issue a LON containing the following information:
(a) the unresolved issues justifying the granting of the LON;
(b) the responsibilities and timescales for the expected solution; and
(c) a maximum period of validity which shall not exceed 12 months. The initial
period granted may be shorter with the possibility of an extension if evidence
is submitted to the satisfaction of the TSO demonstrating that substantial
progress has been made towards achieving full compliance.
CC.15.12.3 The FON shall be suspended during the period of validity of the LON with regard to the
items for which the LON has been issued.
CC.15.12.4 A further extension of the period of validity of the LON may be granted upon a request
for a derogation, via the process described in GC.9.3, made to the TSO before the
expiry of that period.
CC.15.12.5 The TSO shall have the right to refuse to allow the operation of the Generation Unit,
once the LON is no longer valid. In such cases, the FON shall automatically become
CC.15.12.6 If the TSO does not grant an extension of the period of validity of the LON in
accordance with CC.15.12.4 or if it refuses to allow the operation of the Generation
Unit once the LON is no longer valid in accordance with CC.15.12.5, the Generator
may refer the issue for decision to the CRU within six months after the notification of
the decision of the TSO.


CC.15.13 The Demand Facility Owner, Closed Distribution System Operator and DSO shall
demonstrate to the TSO that it has complied with DCC Unit requirements by
successfully completing the operational notification procedure for connection of
each Demand Facility, Distribution Facility and Distribution System.

CC.15.14 Operational Notification Procedure

The operational notification procedure for connection of each Demand Facility,
Distribution Facility and Distribution System requires the completion of three
sequential processes, consisting of:

• energisation operational notification (EON);

• interim operational notification (ION); and
• final operational notification (FON).

CC.15.14.1 Energisation Operational Notification

The TSO will issue an EON to the Demand Facility Owner, Closed Distribution
System Operator and DSO for a Demand Facility, Distribution Facility and
Distribution System, subject to completion of the EON checklist. This checklist
will require agreement on the protection and control settings relevant to the
Connection Point.

Upon receipt of the EON, a Demand Facility Owner, Closed Distribution System
Operator and DSO may energise its internal network and auxiliaries for the
associated Demand Facility, Distribution Facility or Distribution System by using
the grid connection that is specified for the Connection Point.

CC.15.14.2 Interim Operational Notification

The TSO will issue an ION to the Demand Facility Owner, Closed Distribution
System Operator and DSO for a Demand Facility, Distribution Facility and
Distribution System subject to completion of the ION checklist.


Upon receipt of the ION, a Demand Facility Owner, Closed Distribution System
Operator and DSO may operate the associated Demand Facility, Distribution
Facility or Distribution System, by using the grid connection that is specified for
the Connection Point for a limited time period. The limited period of time shall
be agreed with the TSO and shall not be longer than 24 months. An extension to
this period of time may be granted via a derogation undertaken according to
GC.9.4, if the Demand Facility Owner, Closed Distribution System Operator or
DSO can demonstrate sufficient progress towards full compliance and
outstanding issues are clearly identified.

CC.15.14.3 Final Operational Notification

CC. The TSO will issue a FON to the Demand Facility Owner, Closed Distribution
System Operator or DSO for a Demand Facility, Distribution Facility or
Distribution System, subject to completion of the FON checklist.

Upon receipt of the FON, a Demand Facility Owner, Closed Distribution System
Operator or DSO may operate the associated Demand Facility, Distribution
Facility or Distribution System and generate power by using the grid connection
that is specified for the Connection Point.

CC. If the TSO identifies a reason not to issue a FON, the Demand Facility Owner,
Closed Distribution System Operator or DSO may seek a derogation via the
process described in GC.9.4.

Where a request for a derogation is rejected, the TSO shall have the right to
refuse to allow the operation of the Demand Facility, Distribution Facility or
Distribution System until the Demand Facility Owner, Closed Distribution
System Operator or DSO and the TSO resolve the incompatibility and the TSO
considers that the Demand Facility, Distribution Facility or Distribution System
is compliant with Grid Code.


If the TSO and the Demand Facility Owner, Closed Distribution System Operator
or DSO do not resolve the incompatibility within a reasonable time frame, but in
case not later than 6 months after the notification of the rejection of the request
for a derogation, each party may refer the issue for decision to the CRU.

CC.15.15 Limited Operational Notification

CC.15.15.1 A Demand Facility Owner, Closed Distribution System Operator or DSO issued
with a FON shall inform the TSO within 24 hours of the incident, in the following
• the facility is temporarily subject to either significant modification or loss of
capability affecting its performance; or
• equipment failure leading to non-compliance with some relevant
A longer time to inform the TSO can be agreed with the Demand Facility Owner,
Closed Distribution System Operator or DSO depending on the nature of the

CC.15.15.2 A Demand Facility Owner, Closed Distribution System Operator or DSO shall
apply to the relevant system operator for a limited operational notification
(LON), if the Demand Facility Owner, Closed Distribution System Operator or
DSO reasonably expects the circumstances described in CC.15.15.1 to persist for
more than three months.

CC.15.15.3 The TSO will then issue a LON containing the following information:
• the unresolved issues justifying the granting of the LON;
• the responsibilities and timescales for the expected solution; and
• a maximum period of validity which shall not exceed 12 months. The initial
period granted may be shorter with the possibility of an extension if evidence
is submitted to the satisfaction of the TSO demonstrating that substantial
progress has been made towards achieving full compliance.


CC.15.15.4 The FON shall be suspended during the period of validity of the LON with regard
to the items for which the LON has been issued.

CC.15.15.5 A further extension of the period of validity of the LON may be granted upon a
request for a derogation, via the process described in GC.9.4, made to the TSO
before the expiry of that period.

CC.15.15.6 The TSO shall have the right to refuse to allow the operation of the Demand
Facility, Closed Distribution System or Distribution System, once the LON is no
longer valid. In such cases, the FON shall automatically become invalid.

CC.15.15.7 If the TSO does not grant an extension of the period of validity of the LON in
accordance with CC.15.15.5 or if it refuses to allow the operation of the Demand
Facility, Distribution Facility or Distribution System once the LON is no longer
valid in accordance with CC.15.15.6, the Demand Facility Owner, Closed
Distribution System Operator or DSO may refer the issue for decision to the CRU
within six months after the notification of the decision of the TSO.

CC.15.16 The Interconnector Owner shall demonstrate to the TSO that it has complied with
Interconnector requirements by successfully completing the Operational Notification
Procedure for connection of each Interconnector.

CC.15.17 Operational Notification Procedure

The Operational Notification Procedure for connection of each Interconnector
requires the completion of three sequential processes, consisting of:
• Energisation Operational Notification (EON);
• Interim Operational Notification (ION); and
• Final Operational Notification (FON).

CC.15.17.1 Energisation Operational Notification

The TSO will issue an EON to the Interconnector Owner for an Interconnector,
subject to completion of the EON checklist. This checklist will require agreement on
the protection and control settings relevant to the Connection Point.

Upon receipt of the EON, an Interconnector Owner may energise its internal network
and auxiliaries for the associated Interconnector by using the grid connection that is
specified for the Connection Point.

CC.15.17.2 Interim Operational Notification

The TSO will issue an ION to the Interconnector Owner for an Interconnector, subject
to completion of the ION checklist.

Upon receipt of the ION, an Interconnector Owner may operate the associated
Interconnector and generate power for a limited period of time, by using the grid
connection that is specified for the Connection Point. The limited period of time shall
be agreed with the TSO and shall not be longer than 24 months. An extension to this
period of time may be granted via a derogation undertaken according to GC.9.5, if the
Interconnector Owner can demonstrate sufficient progress towards full compliance
and outstanding issues are clearly identified.

CC.15.17.3 Final Operational Notification
CC. The TSO will issue a FON to the Interconnector Owner for an Interconnector, subject
to completion of the FON checklist.

Upon receipt of the FON, an Interconnector Owner may operate the associated
Interconnector and generate power by using the grid connection that is specified for
the Connection Point.

CC. If the TSO identifies a reason not to issue a FON, the Interconnector Owner may seek
a derogation via the process described in GC.9.5.

Where a request for a derogation is rejected, the TSO shall have the right to refuse to
allow the operation of the Interconnector until the Interconnector Owner and the
TSO resolve the incompatibility and the TSO considers that the Interconnector is
compliant with Grid Code.

If the TSO and the Interconnector Owner do not resolve the incompatibility within a
reasonable time frame, but in any case not later than 6 months after the notification
of the rejection of the request for a derogation, each party may refer the issue for
decision to the CRU.

CC.15.18 A Interconnector Owner issued with a FON shall inform the TSO immediately in the
following circumstances:
(a) the facility is temporarily subject to either significant modification or loss of
capability affecting its performance; or
(b) equipment failure leading to non-compliance with some relevant

CC.15.19 Limited Operational Notification
CC.15.19.1 An Interconnector Owner shall apply to the relevant system operator for a Limited
Operational Notification (LON), if the Interconnector Owner reasonably expects the
circumstances described in CC.15.18 to persist for more than three months.
CC.15.19.2 The TSO will then issue a LON containing the following information:
(a) the unresolved issues justifying the granting of the LON;
(b) the responsibilities and timescales for the expected solution; and
(c) a maximum period of validity which shall not exceed 12 months. The initial
period granted may be shorter with the possibility of an extension if evidence
is submitted to the satisfaction of the TSO demonstrating that substantial
progress has been made towards achieving full compliance.
CC.15.19.3 The FON shall be suspended during the period of validity of the LON with regard to the
items for which the LON has been issued.
CC.15.19.4 A further extension of the period of validity of the LON may be granted upon a request
for a derogation, via the process described in GC.9.5, made to the TSO before the
expiry of that period.
CC.15.19.5 The TSO shall have the right to refuse to allow the operation of the Interconnector,
once the LON is no longer valid. In such cases, the FON shall automatically become
CC.15.19.6 If the TSO does not grant an extension of the period of validity of the LON in
accordance with CC.15.19.4 or if it refuses to allow the operation of the
Interconnector once the LON is no longer valid in accordance with CC.15.19.5, the
Interconnector Owner may refer the issue for decision to the CRU within six months
after the notification of the decision of the TSO.

CC.15.20 Sections CC.15.21 to CC.15.24 apply DC-connected PPMs only.
CC.15.21 The Generator shall demonstrate to the TSO that it has complied with DC-connected
PPM requirements by successfully completing the Operational Notification Procedure
for connection of each DC-connected PPM.

CC.15.22 Operational Notification Procedure

The Operational Notification Procedure for connection of each DC-connected PPM
requires the completion of three sequential processes, consisting of:

• Energisation Operational Notification (EON);

• Interim Operational Notification (ION); and
• Final Operational Notification (FON).

CC.15.22.1 Energisation Operational Notification

The TSO will issue an EON to the Generator for a DC-connected PPM, subject to
completion of the EON checklist. This checklist will require agreement on the
protection and control settings relevant to the Connection Point.

Upon receipt of the EON, a Generator may energise its internal network and auxiliaries
for the associated DC-connected PPM by using the grid connection that is specified for
the Connection Point.

CC.15.22.2 Interim Operational Notification

The TSO will issue an ION to the Generator for a DC-connected PPM, subject to
completion of the ION checklist.

Upon receipt of the ION, a Generator may operate the associated DC-connected PPM
and generate power for a limited period of time, by using the grid connection that is
specified for the Connection Point. The limited period of time shall be agreed with the
TSO and shall not be longer than 24 months. The TSO shall notify the CRU of the ION
validity period.

An extension to this period of time may be granted via a derogation undertaken
according to GC.9.5 if the Generator can demonstrate sufficient
progress towards full compliance and outstanding issues are clearly identified.

CC.15.22.3 Final Operational Notification

CC. The TSO will issue a FON to the Generator for a DC-connected PPM, subject to
completion of the FON checklist.

Upon receipt of the FON, a Generator may operate the associated DC-connected PPM
and generate power by using the grid connection that is specified for the Connection

CC. If the TSO identifies a reason not to issue a FON, the Generator may seek a derogation
via the process described in GC.9.5.

Where a request for a derogation is rejected, the TSO shall have the right to refuse to
allow the operation of the DC-connected PPM until the Generator and the TSO resolve
the incompatibility and the TSO considers that the DC-connected PPM is compliant
with Grid Code.

CC.15.23 A Generator issued with a FON shall inform the TSO immediately in the following
(a) the facility is temporarily subject to either significant modification or loss of
capability due to one or more modifications of significance to its performance;
(b) equipment failure leading to non-compliance with some relevant

CC.15.24 Limited Operational Notification
CC.15.24.1 A Generator shall apply to the relevant system operator for a Limited Operational
Notification (LON), if the Generator reasonably expects the circumstances described in
CC.15.23 to persist for more than three months.

CC.15.24.2 The TSO will then issue a LON containing the following information:
(a) the unresolved issues justifying the granting of the LON;
(b) the responsibilities and timescales for the expected solution; and
(c) a maximum period of validity which shall not exceed 12 months. The initial
period granted may be shorter with the possibility of an extension if evidence is
submitted to the satisfaction of the TSO demonstrating that substantial
progress has been made towards achieving full compliance.
CC.15.24.3 The FON shall be suspended during the period of validity of the LON with regard to the
items for which the LON has been issued.
CC.15.24.4 A further extension of the period of validity of the LON may be granted upon a request
for a derogation, via the process described in GC.9.5, made to the TSO before the
expiry of that period.
CC.15.24.5 The TSO shall have the right to refuse to allow the operation of the DC-Connected PPM,
once the LON is no longer valid. In such cases, the FON shall automatically become

OC Operating Conditions
OC.1 Demand Forecasts
OC.1.1 Introduction

OC.1.1.1 OC.1 is concerned with Demand forecasting for operational purposes. In order to
match Generation with Demand for electricity it is necessary to undertake Demand
forecasting. It is also necessary to undertake Demand forecasting of Reactive

OC.1.1.2 In the Operational Planning Phase, Demand forecasting shall be conducted by the
TSO taking account of Demand forecasts furnished by Users who shall provide the
TSO with Demand forecasts and other information in the form set out in this OC.1.

OC.1.1.3 In the Programming Phase and Control Phase, the TSO will conduct its own Demand
forecasting taking into account information to be furnished by Users and the other
factors referred to in OC.1.6.1.

OC.1.1.4 In OC.1.4, which relates to data required from Users in the Operational Planning
Phase, Demand means demand of MW and Mvar of electricity relating to each Grid
Supply Point plus that to be met by Embedded Generation Plant. Reactive Power
Demand includes the series Reactive Power losses of the User’s System but
excludes any network susceptance and any Reactive Power compensation on the
User’s System. The TSO will obtain the lumped network susceptance and details of
reactive compensation from the requirements to submit data under the Planning

OC.1.1.5 OC.1 deals with the provision of data on Demand Control in the Operational
Planning Phase, the Programming Phase, the Control Phase and the Post Control

OC.1.1.6 In this OC.1, Year 0 means the current year at any time, Year 1 means the next year
at any time, Year 2 means the year after Year 1, etc.

OC.1.1.7 The reference in this OC.1 to a “day” shall mean the period covered by the Trading
Day, even though that may not be a calendar day.

OC.1.1.8 References in OC.1 to data being supplied on a half hourly basis refer to it being
supplied for each period of 30 minutes ending on the hour and half hour in each

OC.1.2 Objectives

The objectives of OC.1 are to:

OC.1.2.1 Ensure the provision of data to the TSO by Users in the Operational Planning Phase,
Programming Phase, Control Phase and Post Control Phase; and

OC.1.2.2 Describe the factors to be taken into account by the TSO when Demand forecasting
in the Programming Phase and Control Phase.

OC.1.3 Scope

OC1 applies to the TSO and to all Users:

(a) Generators;
(b) The Distribution System Operator;
(c) Suppliers; and
(d) Demand Customers.

OC.1.4 Data Required by the TSO in the Operational Planning Phase

OC.1.4.1 Each User shall provide the TSO with the data requested in the relevant parts of
OC.1.4 below (except Demand solely related to Power Station Auxiliary Plant when
fed in accordance with pre-agreed feeding arrangements).

OC.1.4.2 For year 1 the following shall be supplied to the TSO In Writing by week 22 in year 0:

(a) The DSO and Demand Customers shall supply typical profiles of the anticipated
Demand (averaged over any half hour on any Grid Supply Point) on half hourly
and Grid Supply Point basis for defined categories of day type as determined by
the TSO;

(b) The DSO and Demand Customers shall supply MW profiles of the amount and
duration of anticipated Demand Control which may result in a Demand change
of 10MW or more (averaged over any half hour on any Grid Supply Point) on
half hourly and Grid Supply Point basis;

(c) The DSO shall supply typical MW profiles for the operation, or Availability as
appropriate, of Embedded Generation where the total Registered Capacity of
Generation Units on a single Site exceeds 5MW for defined categories of day
type as determined by the TSO. The method for submitting MW schedules
and/or Availability shall be agreed between the TSO and the DSO, such
agreement not to be unreasonably withheld;

(d) Notwithstanding OC.1.4.2(c), the DSO shall supply typical MW profiles for the
operation, or Availability as appropriate, of Embedded Generation where the
total Registered Capacity of Generation Units on a single Site exceeds 2MW,
for defined categories of day type as determined by the TSO, if the TSO
considers the Site to be critical for Transmission System operation. The method
for submitting MW schedules and/or Availability shall be agreed between the
TSO and the DSO, such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld.

OC.1.4.3 The DSO and Demand Customers shall inform the TSO of any changes to the
information supplied under OC.1.4.2 as soon as this information is available. This
information will be provided In Writing, or as otherwise agreed between the DSO or
Demand Customers and the TSO, such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld.

(a) In particular, the DSO and Demand Customers shall provide to the TSO In
Writing information pertaining to new connections greater than 2MW
immediately this information is available. This information must include:
anticipated connection date, location of connection, size of connection
category of connection (e.g. residential, industrial etc.) and the typical
profiles of the anticipated Demand on half hourly basis for defined
categories of day type as determined by the TSO;

(b) In particular, the DSO and Demand Customers shall provide to the TSO In
Writing information pertaining to disconnection of existing Demand
immediately this information is available. This information must include:
anticipated disconnection date, location of connection, size of connection,
and the revised typical profiles of the anticipated Demand on a half hourly
basis at the Grid Supply Point for defined categories of day type as
determined by the TSO;

OC.1.4.4 On the 5th last Business Day of every month the DSO and Demand Customers shall
verify In Writing that the most recently submitted MW Demand profiles for the
following two months are in accordance with their current best estimate of these

OC.1.5 Post Control Phase

The following is required by the TSO In Writing (or by such electronic data
transmission facilities as have been agreed with the TSO) by 14.00 hours each day in
respect of Active Power data and Reactive Power data:

a) MW profiles for the previous Trading Day of the amount and duration of
Demand reduction achieved from the use of Demand Control of 10MW or
more (averaged over any half hour on any Grid Supply Point), on a half hourly
and Grid Supply Point basis, from the DSO;

b) MW profiles of the amount and duration of Demand reduction achieved from

the use of Customer Demand Management of 10MW or more on a half
hourly basis during the previous Trading Day, from Suppliers and Demand

c) Details of half hour Active Power output and Reactive Power produced or
absorbed by Embedded Generation, with a single Site with Registered
Capacity in excess of 2MW, during the previous Trading Day, from the DSO;

d) (Where requested by the TSO), details of half hour Active Power output and
Reactive Power produced or absorbed by Generation Plant during the
previous Trading Day, from Generators.

OC.1.6 The TSO Demand Forecast

OC.1.6.1 The following factors will be taken into account by the TSO when conducting
Demand forecasting in the Programming Phase and Control Phase:

(a) Historic Demand data;

(b) Weather forecasts and the current and historic weather conditions;
(c) The incidence of major events or activities which are known to the TSO in
(d) Transmission System losses;
(e) Embedded Generation;
(f) Demand Control of 10MW or more (averaged over any half hour at any Grid
Supply Point) proposed to be exercised by the DSO and of which the TSO has been
(g) Customer Demand Management of 10MW or more (averaged over any half hour)
proposed to be exercised by Suppliers and of which the TSO has been informed,
(h) Other information supplied by Users, and
(i) Growth rates.

OC.1.6.2 Taking into account the factors specified in OC.1.6.1 the TSO uses Demand forecast
methodology to produce forecasts of Demand.

OC.1.6.3 The methodology will be based upon factors (a), (b), (c) and (d) above to produce, by
statistical means, unbiased forecasts of Demand including that to be met by
Embedded Generation. Demand will be calculated from these forecasts but will
also take into account factors (e), (f), (g), (h) and (i) above.

OC.2 Operational Planning

OC.2.1 Introduction

Secure operation of an electricity system requires that maintenance of production

facilities (Generation Units, Interconnectors, Aggregated Generating Units and
Demand Side Units) should be carried out in a timely and orderly fashion. This is
essential in order to enable the TSO to fulfil its obligations relating to operation of

the Transmission System, and to enable Generators, Interconnector Operators,
Generator Aggregators or Demand Side Unit Operators to plan their Outages in an
orderly way with due regard to Plant requirements and resource limitations. The
mechanisms by which this is achieved are formalised in this Operational Planning
Code (Generation).

OC.2.2 Objective

The primary objective of OC.2 is to promote the development and implementation

of a co-ordinated Generation Outage Programme, consistent with security of supply
and requirements for the secure and economic operation of the Transmission
System and the Other Transmission System, and with the needs of Generators,
Interconnector Operators, Generator Aggregators or Demand Side Unit Operators
in respect of Plant maintenance requirements and resource limitations.

In order to achieve this objective, OC.2 defines:

(a) the procedure for formal notification of Outages by Generators,

Interconnector Operators, Generator Aggregators and Demand Side Unit
Operators to the TSO;
(b) the procedures by which the Indicative, Provisional and Committed Outage
Programmes are reviewed by the TSO, in consultation with Generators,
Interconnector Operators, Generator Aggregators or Demand Side Unit
(c) the co-ordination of Outage planning and the interchange of Outage
schedules with the Other TSO; and
(d) the procedure for formal notification by Generators, Generator Aggregators
or Demand Side Unit Operators of:
(i) a decision to cancel a major Outage of a Generating Unit;
(ii) the findings during or following a major Outage of a Generating
(iii) an unexpected and unplanned failure of a Generating Unit.

OC.2 shall apply to all proposed Outages that may affect the ability of a Generation
Unit, Interconnector, Aggregated Generating Unit and Demand Side Unit to

achieve, in accordance with its Registered Operating Characteristics, either its full
Registered Capacity, appropriate to each Registered Fuel, Interconnector
Registered Capacity or its Demand Side Unit MW Capacity as the case maybe.

OC.2.7 also requires Generators, Interconnector Operators, Generator Aggregators

and Demand Side Unit Operators to inform the TSO of other proposed maintenance
of a Generation Unit, Interconnector, Aggregated Generating Unit, Demand Side
Unit or any associated Plant or Apparatus, where such maintenance will affect the
availability of Ancillary Services in respect of that Generation Unit.

OC.2.3 Scope

Operational Planning applies to the TSO and to the following, each of which is a User
under this OC.2:

(a) Generators which for the purposes of OC.2 includes all Generators with Registered

Capacity greater than 5 MW or which are subject to Central Dispatch;

(b) Interconnector Operators;

(c) Generator Aggregators;

(d) Demand Side Unit Operators; and

(e) The Distribution System Operator (DSO).

OC.2.4 Outage Scheduling

OC.2.4.1 Throughout OC.2 the current year shall be defined as year 0, the following year as
year 1, and so on. The Outage planning process in respect of a Generation Unit,
Interconnector, Aggregated Generating Unit and Demand Side Unit shall
commence not later than one (1) year prior to the Scheduled Operational Date or
from the date of the relevant agreements, whichever is the later.

OC.2.4.2 In rolling over the Generation Outage Programme from one year to the next, for
every year except the first year of the planning process:

(a) submissions by the Generator, Interconnector Operator, Generator Aggregator
and/or Demand Side Unit Operator for year 2 should reflect the current
Provisional Outage Programme for year 3; and

(b) submissions by the Generator, Interconnector Operator, Generator Aggregator

and/or Demand Side Unit Operator for year 1 should reflect the current
Provisional Outage Programme for year 2.

except, in any such case, to the extent that the Generator, Interconnector Operator,
Generator Aggregator or Demand Side Unit Operator is reasonably responding to
changed circumstances. This does not require Generators, Interconnector
Operators, Generator Aggregators or Demand Side Unit Operators to explain
changes unless required to do so by the TSO. The aggregate of all Generators’ Outage
Programmes is the Generation Outage Programme that will comprise the COP and

OC.2.4.3 By the end of March in year 0, Generators, Generator Aggregators and Demand Side
Unit Operators shall submit to the TSO, for each Generation Unit, Aggregated
Generating Unit or Demand Side Unit, details of Outages and estimates of the Forced
Outage Probabilities for inclusion in:

(a) the Committed Outage Programme (COP) for year 1. Other than in the first year
after the planning process has commenced, this will be based on the previous
year's Provisional Outage Programme for year 2, which period through the
passage of time has now become year 1, and any changes may only reflect the
Generator's, Interconnector Operator’s, Generator Aggregator’s, and Demand
Side Unit Operator’s reasonable response to changed circumstances;

(b) the Provisional Outage Programme (POP) for years 2 and 3.

In the case of Aggregated Generating Units, and Demand Side Units which consist of
Aggregated Demand Sites, the Generator Aggregator or Demand Side Unit Operator
shall provide the aggregated Outages, and upon request from the TSO the Generator

Aggregator or Demand Side Unit Operator shall provide the Outage for each
individual site, in a reasonable time period.

Generators, Interconnector Operators, Generator Aggregators and Demand Side

Unit Operators shall specify with regard to each of their Generation Units,
Interconnector, Aggregated Generating Units or Demand Side Units, the start date
and time and the duration of each Outage.

OC.2.4.4 In scheduling Outages, and in relation to all other matters under OC.2, the Generator,
Interconnector Operator, Generator Aggregator or Demand Side Unit Operator must
act reasonably and in good faith. Without limitation to such obligation, each
Generator, Interconnector Operator, Generator Aggregator and Demand Side Unit
Operator should act in accordance with Good Industry Practice in planning their
Outages and, in particular, so as to avoid a situation arising in which a Generator,
Interconnector Operator, Generator Aggregator or Demand Side Unit Operator is
obliged to schedule an Outage at short notice by reason of obligations imposed upon
the Generator, Interconnector Operator, Generator Aggregator or Demand Side Unit
Operator by statute as a consequence of the Generator, Interconnector Operator,
Generator Aggregator or Demand Side Unit Operator not having planned in
accordance with Good Industry Practice, for example, by not having planned
sufficiently in advance its Outages for any statutory time limit.
OC.2.4.5 When submitting proposed Outages for inclusion in the COP, POP and IOP,
Generators, Interconnector Operators, Generator Aggregators and Demand Side
Unit Operators shall, unless they reasonably substantiate that an Outage is inflexible,

(a) an alternative preferred window, or alternative preferred windows, of

opportunity within each year for any Outage;

(b) the minimum Outage duration which would be acceptable, if less than the
scheduled Outage duration;

(c) situations where the paralleling of Outages of two or more of its Generation
Units, Interconnectors, Aggregated Generating Units, Demand Side Units or
Aggregated Demand Side Units may be required, desirable, undesirable or not

(d) a priority order associated with the various Outages scheduled by the
Generator, Interconnectors, Generator Aggregators and Demand Side Unit

(e) any Outages where it is particularly desirable that they should take place within
the year scheduled; or

(f) any Outage where its timing is dependent on Generation Unit run hours,
equivalent run hours or starts.

OC.2.4.6 Generators, Interconnector Operators, Generator Aggregators, Demand Side Unit

Operators are required to signal adequately in advance major Outages which could
impact on capacity adequacy or on the TSO's transmission outage maintenance and
development. In rolling over the Generation Outage Programme from one year to
the next each Generator, Generator Aggregator and Demand Side Unit Operator
shall not be constrained in making any submission by any previous Provisional
Outage Programme.

OC.2.4.7 Between March and June of year 0, the TSO shall carry out a security analysis of
years 1 to 7 in light of proposed Outages and other relevant matters including:

(a) Outages of other Generation Units, Aggregated Generating Units and Demand
Side Units;
(b) Outages of Generation Units, Aggregated Generating Units and Demand Side
Units on the Other Transmission System;
(c) Interconnectors and Inter-jurisdictional Tie Line; and
(d) Transmission outages, Load growth and fuel security.

In the event that a proposed Generator’s, Interconnector Operator’s and Generator

Aggregator’s, Demand Side Unit Operator’s Outage has a detrimental effect on
Capacity Adequacy or system security either in the Transmission System or in the
Other Transmission System, the relevant TSO will highlight the shortfall to all
Generators, Interconnector Operators, Generator Aggregators, Demand Side Unit
Operators and Suppliers.

OC.2.4.8 Any concerns which the TSO may have with the Generation Outage Programme
must be notified to all Generators, Interconnector Operators, Generator
Aggregators and Demand Side Unit Operators by the end of June in year 0.

OC.2.4.9 Between the end of June in year 0 and the end of September in year 0 any concerns
raised by the TSO shall be notified to Generators, Interconnector Operators,
Generator Aggregators and Demand Side Unit Operators. The TSO will enter into
discussions with Generators, Interconnector Operators, Generator Aggregators and
Demand Side Unit Operators to find a resolution. If by the end of September in
year 0 no resolution has been agreed and in the opinion of the TSO there is a
capacity shortfall in year 1, the TSOs will jointly issue a System Capacity Shortfall

OC.2.4.10 The TSO shall issue to each Generator, Interconnector Operator, Generator
Aggregator and Demand Side Unit Operator a Generation Outage Programme for
that Generator, Interconnector, Generator Aggregator, Demand Side Unit Operator
for years 1 to 3 by the last Business Day of September in year 0, including the COP
for year 1.

OC.2.4.11 Information relating to the COP and POP shall be exchanged on a regular basis with
the Other TSO.

OC.2.5 Not Used

OC.2.6 Changes to the Committed Outage Programme within the Implementation

Year (Year 0)

OC.2.6.1 A request for a change to an Outage included in the Committed Outage Programme
or an additional Outage may be initiated either by the TSO or by a Generator,
Interconnector Operator, Generator Aggregator or Demand Side Unit Operator at
any time.

OC.2.6.2 Request initiated by the TSO

OC. The TSO may at any time request from a Generator, Interconnector Operator,
Generator Aggregator or Demand Side Unit Operator a change in the timing or

duration of any Outage of one of the Generator's Generation Units,
Interconnectors, Demand Side Unit Operator’s Demand Side Units or an Individual
Demand Site which constitutes the Demand Side Unit in the Committed Outage

OC. A Generator, Interconnector Operator, Generator Aggregator or Demand Side Unit

Operator may respond either by declining the request, or by agreeing to the request
(in which case the COP shall be deemed to be amended accordingly). Generators,
Interconnector Operators, Generator Aggregators and Demand Side Unit
Operators shall make every reasonable effort to co-operate with changes requested
by the TSO.

OC. If a Generator, Interconnector Operator, Generator Aggregator or Demand Side

Unit Operator responds by agreeing to the request subject to specific conditions,
the TSO may respond by either confirming agreement to those conditions, in which
case the conditions specified by the Generator, Interconnector Operator, Generator
Aggregator or Demand Side Unit Operator shall be deemed to have been accepted,
or by declining agreement. Where the TSO agrees to the conditions the COP shall be
deemed to be amended accordingly. Where the TSO declines to agree to the
conditions, then the TSO may negotiate with the Generator, Interconnector
Operator, Generator Aggregator or Demand Side Unit Operator as to revised or
alternative conditions, which would be acceptable.

OC.2.6.3 Outage Change Initiated by a Generator, Interconnector Operator, Generator

Aggregator or Demand Side Unit Operator

OC. Generators, Interconnector Operators, Generator Aggregators or Demand Side

Unit Operators may at any time request the TSO for a change in the timing or
duration of any Outage of one of the Generator's Generation Units,
Interconnectors or Demand Side Unit Operator’s Demand Side Units or an
Individual Demand Site which constitutes the Demand Side Unit in the Committed
Outage Programme.
OC. Where a change to the COP is proposed by a Generator, Interconnector Operator,
Generator Aggregator or Demand Side Unit Operator, the TSO shall evaluate
whether the change is likely to have a detrimental effect on Capacity Adequacy or

on the secure operation of the Transmission System. This shall be done within a
reasonable time frame, taking into consideration the extent of the change and the
timing of the Outage.

OC. Where the request is not likely to have a detrimental effect on Capacity Adequacy
or the secure operation of the Transmission System then the TSO shall amend the
COP accordingly. The Generator, Interconnector Operator, Generator Aggregator
or Demand Side Unit Operator shall be advised by the TSO that the change has been

OC. Where the Outage change is likely to have a detrimental effect on Capacity
Adequacy or requirements for the secure operation of the Transmission System
then the TSO shall not amend the COP. The TSO shall contact the Generator,
Generator Aggregator or Demand Side Unit Operator and inform the Generator,
Interconnector Operator’s, Generator Aggregator or Demand Side Unit Operator
that the change to the COP has not been accepted, the TSO shall at the Generator’s,
Interconnector Operator, Generator Aggregator’s or Demand Side Unit Operator’s
request enter into discussions with the Generator, Interconnector Operator,
Generator Aggregator or Demand Side Unit Operator to facilitate an alternative
modification which may meet the requirements of the Generator, Interconnector
Operator, Generator Aggregator or Demand Side Unit Operator while not having an
unacceptable effect on Capacity Adequacy or requirements for secure operation of
the Transmission System. In the event that the Generator, Interconnector
Operator, Generator Aggregator or Demand Side Unit Operator wishes to avail of
an alternative modification, it shall submit a change request in accordance with

OC. Where the Generator, Interconnector Operator, Generator Aggregator or Demand

Side Unit Operator has been notified that the change to the COP has not been
accepted, but in the view of the Generator, Interconnector Operator, Generator
Aggregator or Demand Side Unit Operator it must force the Generation Unit,
Interconnector or Demand Side Unit to be unavailable due to technical or safety
issues, then the Generator, Interconnector Operator, Generator Aggregator,
Demand Side Unit Operator shall inform the TSO immediately in accordance with
the requirements to submit an Availability Notice.

OC.2.7 Other Information to be Noted

OC.2.7.1 Generators and Interconnector Operators will inform the TSO of any proposed
maintenance, in addition to Outages, which will, or is likely to, affect the capability
of the Generation Unit or Interconnector to provide Ancillary Services, as soon as is
reasonably possible.

OC.2.7.2 The TSO may, where security of supply or the secure operation of the Transmission
System or the Other Transmission System would be at risk, request alterations to
maintenance notified under Section OC.2.7.1. The TSO shall make reasonable
endeavours to give as much notice as possible for such requests for alterations.
Where the TSO makes such a request, the Generator, Interconnector Operator,
Generator Aggregator or Demand Side Unit Operator shall use reasonable
endeavours to comply with the request in arriving at the User's final programme for
such maintenance.

OC.2.7.3 The DSO shall co-operate with the TSO and Embedded Generators and Demand
Side Unit Operators in all phases of Outage planning to promote Capacity Adequacy
and ensure system security.

OC.2.7.4 Generators must immediately notify the TSO on making the decision to cancel a
major Outage of a Generation Unit.

OC. Following the decision by a Generator to cancel a major Outage of a Generation

Unit the Generator must report to the TSO, on an on-going basis, practical, useful,
and proportionate information to allow the TSO to make the necessary assessments
and propose mitigation measures in relation to security of supply.

OC. The reports should cover the following:

(a) an explanation for the cancellation of a major Outage;
(b) annual notification of major changes to the operational intentions of the
Generator and/or characteristics of the Generation Unit as a result of the
OC2. decision not to proceed with the major Outage;
(c) assessments covering the risks of sudden and catastrophic failure.

OC.2.7.5 A Generator must immediately notify the TSO in the event of sudden and
catastrophic failure of a Generation Unit.

OC. The Generator must report to the TSO the impact of the failure of the Generation
Unit and the future operation of the Generation Unit.

OC. The TSO must notify the Regulatory Authority if the assessments covering the
sudden and catastrophic failure of a Generation Unit highlight the emergence of
potential risks to the security of supply and the operation of the System.

OC.3 Not Used

OC.4 System Services

OC.4.1 Introduction

System Services refers to the services essential to the proper functioning of the
Power System which electricity utilities collectively provide for their customers in
addition to the provision of electrical power, the supply of electric energy, and
the transmission and distribution of this energy, and which thus determine Power

(a) Frequency Control;

(b) Voltage Control;

(c) Network Control;

(d) Operating Margin; and

(e) Black Start.

In order to ensure secure operation, the TSO shall have control over all System
Services; i.e. the TSO shall specify what System Services are to be provided when
and by whom.

OC.4.2 Scope

OC.4.2.1 OC.4 applies to the TSO and to the following Users:

(a) Grid Connected Generators with Registered Capacity greater than 2MW;
(b) Demand Customers
(c) The Distribution System Operator (DSO); and
(d) Interconnector Operators.

OC.4.3 Frequency Control

OC.4.3.1 Introduction

OC. In order to maintain the security and integrity of the Transmission System it is
necessary that the TSO operates the Transmission System and Dispatches in such
a manner as to provide adequate Frequency Control so as to achieve operation
within applicable Frequency limits at all times.

OC.4.3.2 Objective

OC. The objectives of OC.4.3 are:

(a) to set out the procedures required to ensure that adequate Frequency
Control capability is provided on the Transmission System to enable
operational Frequency Control by the TSO so as to achieve the applicable
limits; and
(b) to set out the procedures required to enable the TSO to control the
Transmission System Frequency and (insofar as possible) to maintain
Frequency within the limits set out in CC.8.2.1.

OC.4.3.3 Description of Frequency Control

OC. Frequency Control occurs in two time scales, namely:

(a) Primary Frequency Control; and

(b) Secondary Frequency Control.

OC. Primary Frequency Control

OC. Primary Frequency Control takes place in the period of up to 30 seconds after a
change in Frequency and is achieved by automatic corrective responses to
Frequency deviations occurring on the Transmission System. This automatic
correction arises from:
(a) natural frequency demand relief of motor load;

(b) automatic MW output adjustment of Generation Units initiated by
Governor Droop or other responses including peaking of Combustion
Turbine Units, condensate stop or frequency triggered response of
pumped storage units;
(c) automatic load shedding (see OC.4: Demand Control).

OC. Automatic Primary Frequency Control actions in response to normal Frequency

fluctuations, within the levels specified in CC.8.2.1(a), on the Transmission System
can be termed as "Frequency Regulation". Inadequate Frequency Regulation can
result in:

(a) unscheduled operation because Generation Units are moving away from
their Dispatched MW levels due to Frequency drift;
(b) poor External Interconnection tie-line control; and
(c) failure to meet the applicable Frequency limits.

OC. Frequency deviations, outside the levels specified in CC.8.2.1(a) such as those that
may occur on the loss of Generation Unit(s), Interconnectors or other MW input
into, the Transmission System or the Distribution System are corrected through
the use of Operating Reserve.

OC. Secondary Frequency Control

OC. Secondary Frequency Control takes place in the time scale from 5 seconds up to 10
minutes after the change in Frequency. It is provided by a combination of
automatic and manual actions.

OC. Improved Secondary Frequency Control can be achieved by use of a Secondary

Frequency Regulation System which acts directly on the MW Outputs of
participating Generation Units and on the Active Power transfer to or from
External Systems by Interconnectors. This automatic action facilitates more
frequent MW output adjustments than is practicable by means of Dispatch
Instructions and manual setpoint adjustment, thus allowing more frequent and
rapid Frequency correction.

OC.4.3.4 Frequency Response Systems

OC. Requirements of Generation Unit Governor Systems

OC. In order that adequate Frequency Regulation is maintained on the Transmission

System at all times, Generators are required to comply with the provisions of

OC. Other than as permitted in accordance with OC4.

(a) Generation Units when Synchronised to the Transmission System shall operate at
all times under the control of a Governor Control System, unless otherwise
specified by the TSO, with characteristics within the appropriate ranges as
specified in Connection Conditions;

(b) no time delays other than those necessarily inherent in the design of the
Governor Control System shall be introduced;

OC. The Generator may only restrict governor action in such a manner as to contravene
the terms of OC. where:
(a) the action is essential for the safety of personnel and/or to avoid damage to Plant,
in which case the Generator shall inform the TSO of the restriction without delay;
(b) in order to (acting in accordance with Good Industry Practice) secure the
reliability of the Generation Unit; or
(c) the restriction is agreed between the TSO and the Generator in advance; or
(d) the restriction is in accordance with a Dispatch Instruction given by the TSO.

OC. In the event that the TSO in accordance with OC. either agrees to a restriction
on governor action or instructs such a restriction, the TSO shall record the nature of
the restriction, the reasons, and the time of occurrence and duration of the restriction.

OC. Frequency Sensitive Mode
A Frequency Deadband of no greater than +/- 15mHz may be applied to the operation
of the Governor Control System. The design, implementation and operation of the
Frequency Deadband shall be agreed with the TSO prior to the Commissioning.

OC. Action required by Generators in response to low Frequency:

(a) If System Frequency falls to below 49.80 Hz each Generator will be required to
check that each of its CDGUs is achieving the required level of response
including that required from the Governor Control System, where applicable
in order to contribute to containing and correcting the low System Frequency.
(b) Where the required level of response is not being achieved appropriate action
should be taken by the Generator without delay and without receipt of
instruction from the TSO to achieve the required levels of response, provided
the Generator’s local security and safety conditions permit.

OC. Action required by Generators in response to High Frequency Events:

If System Frequency rises to or above 50.2 Hz, each Generator will be required to
ensure that its CDGUs have responded in order to contribute to containing and
correcting the high System Frequency by automatically or manually reducing MW
Output without delay and without receipt of instruction from the TSO to achieve the
required levels of response, provided the Generator’s local security and safety
conditions permit.

OC. Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode – Over-frequency

The following shall apply for Generators operating in Limited Frequency Sensitive
Mode – Over Frequency:
(a) Generation Units shall be capable of providing Active Power Frequency
Response when the Transmission System Frequency rises to or above 50.2
(b) The Active Power Frequency Response shall be capable of having a
Governor Droop between 2% and 12%. The default Governor Droop setting
shall be 4%.
Where the required level of response is not being achieved appropriate
action should be taken by the Generator without delay and without receipt
of instruction from the TSO to achieve the required levels of response,
provided the Generator’s local security and safety conditions permit.


(c) Generators shall be capable of providing a power decrease down to
Minimum Load. Stable operation shall be ensured.
(d) Generation Units shall be capable of continuous stable operation when MW
Output is reduced to Minimum Load. This response will prevail over any
other Active Power control mode.

Figure OC. Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode – Over-frequency

OC. Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode – Under-frequency

The following shall apply for Generators operating in Limited Frequency
Sensitive Mode – Under-frequency:
(a) Generation Units shall be capable of providing Active Power Frequency
Response when the Transmission System Frequency falls to or below
49.5 Hz.
(b) The Active Power Frequency Response shall be capable of having a
Governor Droop between 2% and 12%. The default Governor Droop
setting shall be 4%.


(c) Where the required level of response is not being achieved appropriate
action should be taken by the Generator without delay and without receipt
of instruction from the TSO to achieve the required levels of response,
provided the
Generator’s local security and safety conditions permit.
(d) Generators shall take into account the;
(i) ambient conditions when the response is triggered;
(ii) operating conditions of each Generation Unit; and
(iii) availability of the Primary Fuel.
(e) Generators shall be capable of providing a power increase up to
Registered Capacity. Stable operation shall be ensured.
(f) Generators capable of acting as a load, including Pumped Storage Plants,
shall be capable of disconnecting their load. This requirement does not
extend to auxiliary supplies.

Figure OC. Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode – Under-frequency


OC. Frequency Sensitive Mode
The following shall apply for Generators operating in Frequency Sensitive Mode
(a) A Frequency Deadband of no greater than +/- 15mHz may be applied to the
operation of the Governor Control System. The design, implementation
and operation of the Frequency Deadband shall be agreed with the TSO
prior to the Commissioning.
(b) Generation Units shall be capable of setting Governor Droop between 2%
and 12%. The default Governor Droop setting shall be 4%.
(c) Generation Units shall be capable of providing Active Power Frequency
Response in accordance with the parameters specified in Table

Parameter Value
Frequency Response Insensitivity (Δf) 15mHz
Frequency Response Insensitivity (Δf/f) 0.03%
Table OC. Parameters for Active Power Frequency Response

Upon request from the TSO, the Frequency Response Deadband and Governor Droop
must be able to be reselected repeatedly.
The maximum combined effect of Frequency Response Insensitivity and Frequency
Deadband cannot exceed a value of +/- 15 mHz.

Figure OC. Frequency Sensitive Mode


OC. The Frequency Response System shall be required to change between Limited
Frequency Sensitive Mode – Under-frequency, Limited Frequency Sensitive
Mode – Over-frequency, and Frequency Sensitive Mode within one minute from
receipt of the appropriate signal from the TSO. Generators may be instructed to
be in both Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode – Under-frequency and Limited
Frequency Sensitive Mode – Over-frequency at the same time. Generators shall
only operate in Frequency Sensitive Mode when they are not operating in
Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode – Under-frequency or Limited Frequency
Sensitive Mode – Over-frequency.

OC. Requirement of Interconnector Frequency Response Systems

OC. In order that adequate Frequency Control is maintained on the Transmission System
at all times, Interconnectors are required to comply with the provisions of OC.

OC. Other than as permitted in accordance with OC.

(a) Interconnectors when Energised shall operate at all times in Frequency Control
mode, unless otherwise specified by the TSO, with characteristics within the
appropriate ranges as specified in Connection Conditions;
(b) The Interconnector Frequency Droop shall normally be 4% and shall be settable
between 2% and 7%;
(c) No intentional time delays other than those agreed with the TSO shall be
introduced into the frequency response system;
(d) The Frequency Deadband shall normally be zero. Any non-zero deadband must be
agreed in advance with the TSO and shall not exceed +/-15mHz.
(e) Interconnectors shall not act to control the frequency in an External System unless
agreed in advance with the TSO and the External System Operator.

Frequency Sensitive Mode

The following shall apply for Interconnectors for Frequency Sensitive Mode operation:

(a) Interconnector shall be capable of responding to Frequency deviations on the

Transmission System by adjusting its Active Power transmission within the
minimum and maximum transmission capacity in each direction in accordance with
the parameters given below.

(b) A Frequency Deadband of no greater than +/- 15mHz.

(c) A Frequency Response Insensitivity of 15mHz.

(d) An upward regulation (importing) droop between 0.1% and 12% with a default
value set at 4%.

(e) A downward regulation droop (exporting) droop between 0.1% and 12% with a
default value set at 4%.

(f) The maximum combined effect of Frequency Response Insensitivity and

Frequency Deadband cannot exceed a value of +/- 15mHz.

(g) Adjustment of Active Power response to a Frequency step change shall be

delivered as soon as technically feasible and will be at or above the solid line in the
following digram in accordance with the parameters shown in Table CC.

Table OC. Parameters for full activation of Active Power Frequency response
resulting from Frequency step change

Parameter Setting

Active Power as percentage of Maximum Capacity


Maximum admissible initial delay t1 0.5 seconds

Maximum admissible time for full activation t2, unless

10 seconds
longer activation times are agreed with the TSO

An Interconnector linking various synchronous areas shall be capable of adjusting the

full Active Power Frequency response when operating in Frequency Sensitive Mode
at any time and for a continuous time period. In addition, the Active Power control of
the Interconnector shall not have any adverse impact on the Active Power Frequency

Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode – Over-frequency

The following shall apply for Interconnectors operating in Limited Frequency Sensitive
Mode – Over- Frequency:

(a) Interconnector shall be capable of adjusting Active Power Frequency response,

during both import and export, when the Transmission System Frequency rises to
or above 50.2 Hz.

(b) The Active Power response shall be capabale of operating with a droop between
0.1% and 12% with default set at 4%.

(c) Interconnector shall be capable of adjusting its Active Power down to its minimum
active power transmission capacity. Stable operation shall be ensured. When
Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode – Over- Frequency is active, hierarchy of control
facilities shall be organised in accordance with CC.10.12.6.

(d) Interconnector shall be capable of adjusting Active Power Frequency response as

fast as inherently technically feasible.

Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode – Under-frequency
The following shall apply for Interconnectors operating in Limited Frequency Sensitive
Mode – Under- Frequency:

(a) Interconnector shall be capable of adjusting Active Power Frequency response,

during both import and export, when the Transmission System Frequency falls to
or below 49.5 Hz.

(b) The Active Power response shall be capabale of operating with a droop between
0.1% and 12% with default set at 4%.

(c) Interconnector shall be capable of adjusting its Active Power up to its maximum
Active Power transmission capacity. Stable operation shall be ensured. When
Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode – Under- Frequency is active, hierarchy of
control facilities shall be organised in accordance with CC.10.12.6.

(d) Interconnector shall be capable of adjusting Active Power Frequency response as

fast as inherently technically feasible.

OC. The Interconnector Operator may only restrict the action of the Frequency Control
mode in such as a manner as to contravene the terms of 0 where:

(a) The action is essential for the safety of personnel and/or to avoid damage to
Plant, in which case the Interconnector Operator shall inform the TSO of the
restriction without undue delay; or
(b) in order to (acting in accordance with Good Industry Practice) secure the
reliability of the Interconnector, in which case the Interconnector Operator
shall inform the TSO of the restriction without undue delay; or
(c) the restriction is agreed between the TSO and the Interconnector Operator
in advance; or
(d) the restriction is in accordance with a Dispatch Instruction given by the TSO.

OC. In the event that the TSO in accordance with OC. either agrees to a restriction
on the control action or instructs such a restriction, the TSO shall record the nature of
the restriction, the reasons, and the time of occurrence and duration of the restriction.

OC. Action required by Interconnector Operators in response to low Frequency:

(a) If System Frequency falls to below 49.80 Hz each Interconnector Operator will
be required to ensure that it has responded in order to contribute to containing
and correcting the low System Frequency by automatic or manually increasing
the Active Power transfer from an External System or decreasing the Active
Power transfer from the Transmission System without delay and without receipt
of instruction from the TSO to achieve the required levels of response, provided
the Interconnector’s local security and safety conditions permit;
(b) Any such action shall be in accordance with the Interconnector Operating
Protocol agreed between the Interconnector Operator, the TSO and the
External System Operator.

OC. Action required by Interconnector Operators in response to high Frequency:

(a) If System Frequency rises above 50.2 Hz each Interconnector Operator will be
required to ensure that it has responded in order to contribute to containing and
correction of the high System Frequency by automatic or manually decreasing
the Active Power transfer from an External System or increasing the Active
Power transfer from the Transmission System without delay and without receipt
of instruction from the TSO to achieve the required levels of response, provided
the Interconnector’s local security and safety conditions permit.
(b) Any such action shall be in accordance with the Interconnector Operating
Protocol agreed between the Interconnector Operator, the TSO and the
External System Operator.

OC. Action required by Interconnector Operators in response to External System

Frequency Events:
Automatic MW setpoint changes of Interconnectors triggered by Frequency Events on
the External System shall be agreed between the Interconnector Operator, the TSO,
and the External System Operator in accordance with the Interconnector Operating

OC. The TSO having due regard to system security may instruct the Interconnector
Operator to disable the Frequency Control mode of an Interconnector at any time,
and this instruction must be carried out without delay.

OC.4.3.5 Dispatch Instructions

When the TSO determines it is necessary, by having monitored the System Frequency,
it may, as part of the procedure set out in SDC2, issue a Dispatch Instruction (including
Target Frequency where applicable) in order to seek to regulate Frequency to meet the
requirements for Frequency Control. The TSO will give, where applicable, 15 minutes
notice to each relevant User of variation in Target Frequency.

OC.4.3.6 Automatic Generator Control (AGC)

OC. The secondary Frequency regulation system operational on the Transmission System
is known as the "Automatic Generator Control" (AGC).

OC. Generation Units and Interconnectors with a Registered Capacity of 60MW or greater
are, under Connection Conditions, required to be connected to AGC, the AGC Control
Range being a Registered Operating Characteristic.

OC. Other than as provided for in OC. and OC. all Generation Units and
Interconnectors fitted with AGC shall operate under the control of AGC when within
their AGC Control Range.
OC. In the event that the Generator or Interconnector Operator (acting in accordance
with Good Industry Practice) considers that it is necessary to secure the reliability of a
Generation Unit or Interconnector, or for the safety of personnel and/or Plant, to
prevent a Generation Unit or Interconnector from operating under AGC and
commences to control the MW output manually, then the Generator or
Interconnector Operator shall inform the TSO of this without delay. Generators and
Interconnector Operators shall also inform the TSO of the reasons for not operating
the Generating Unit or Interconnector under AGC, and the course of action being
taken to rectify the problem forthwith. When the problem has been rectified, the
Generator or Interconnector Operator shall contact the TSO to arrange for the
Generation Unit or Interconnector to return to operation under the control of AGC.

OC. The TSO may issue a Dispatch Instruction to a Generator or Interconnector Operator
to prevent a Generation Unit or Interconnector (fitted with AGC) from operating
under AGC, in accordance with SDC2.

OC. Generation Units or Interconnectors not operating under AGC for reasons set out in
OC. and OC. shall nevertheless continue to follow MW Dispatch
Instructions as required by SDC2.

OC.4.4 Voltage Control

OC.4.4.1 Introduction

OC. In order to maintain security and integrity of the Transmission System, to avoid
damage to the Transmission System and to User Plant, and to maintain Voltages at
User Connection Points within the limits specified in the Connection Conditions, it is
necessary for the TSO to control Transmission System Voltages.

OC. Voltage control of power systems requires that a Mvar demand is met and that
sufficient dynamic Voltage control capability is available on the Transmission System
to cover changes in the Mvar demand such as result from Demand variations, to
facilitate controlled Voltage adjustment and to limit the duration and extent of
Voltage fluctuations under fault conditions. In order to do this, static and dynamic
reactive reserve capability is required. To control Transmission System Voltages, the
TSO will utilise a variety of methods of dynamic and static control.

OC. Voltage control strategies used by the TSO include:

a) transformer tap-changing, cable switching, reactor and capacitor switching,

and other control methods which involve utilisation of Transmission System
Plant only;
b) tap-changing on Generator Transformers;
c) Demand power factor correction;
d) utilisation of Generation Unit Reactive Power capability, both by means of AVR
control and also Mvar Dispatch Instructions issued by the TSO to Generators;

e) utilisation of Interconnector Reactive Power capability by means of suitably
acting AVR control and/or Mvar Dispatch Instructions issued by the TSO to
Interconnector Operators.

OC.4.4.2 Objectives

OC. The objective of OC.4.4 is to set out the control strategies used by the TSO, in
conjunction with Users where appropriate, in controlling Transmission System

OC. OC.4.4 sets out the procedures required (in conjunction with those in SDC2 to enable
the TSO to:
(a) maintain voltage stability of the Transmission System;
(b) maintain Transmission System Voltages at User Connection Points within
operational limits as specified in the Connection Conditions.

OC. OC.4.4 sets out the procedures for the utilisation of User Plant or facilities by the TSO
for the purposes of Transmission System Voltage control, where appropriate.

OC. Some procedures for implementation of Voltage control strategies (e.g. Generation
Unit Mvar Dispatch, Interconnector Mvar Dispatch) are addressed under the
provisions of SDC2 and therefore this OC.4.4 shall be read in conjunction with these
OC.4.4.3 Description of Voltage Control

OC. Voltage Control is achieved by ensuring sufficient availability of dynamic and static
reactive power from contributions listed in OC. The factors, which are
obviously most readily subject to control by the TSO, are the Mvar
produced/absorbed by Generation Units, Interconnectors and installed dedicated
Voltage Control facilities.

OC. The TSO shall endeavour to maintain sufficient availability of dynamic and static
reactive power in order to operate Transmission System Voltages at Connection
Points within the levels specified in CC.8.3, at all times. Factors, which will influence
the required Mvar capacity, include the following:

OC. The charging capacitance of the Transmission System.

OC. Customer Mvar Demand.

OC. Transmission System Mvar losses.

OC. Generation Unit Mvar production or absorption.

OC. Interconnector Mvar production or absorption.

OC. Voltage Control facilities, such as capacitor banks and reactors.

OC. The effects of Transmission System capacitance can be controlled and to some extent
utilised by controlled variation of the Transmission System Voltage. Thus at times of
high Mvar Demand (normally times of high MW Demand), the Transmission System
Voltage may be operated towards the upper portion of the allowable control range,
and at times of low Mvar Demand (normally times of low MW Demand), the
Transmission System Voltage may be operated towards the lower portion of the
allowable control range. This daily variation is typically required for operation of the
Transmission System.

OC. Due to the electrical characteristics of a Transmission System, the Voltage (for Plant
operated at the same nominal Voltage) will not be the same at all points on the
Transmission System.

OC.4.4.4 Voltage Control Policy

OC. The TSO shall control system voltage in order to minimise system losses and cost of
use of Ancillary Services. The TSO shall determine and modify as appropriate general
procedures for its use in controlling Voltage on the Transmission System. The
procedures shall be formulated having due regard to relevant economics of
Transmission System operation and Power System reliability. In particular, the
Voltage Control shall take cognisance of daily, weekly and seasonal factors and the
TSO shall determine:

(a) suitable target Voltages in order to limit/control the effect of transmission
(b) best utilisation of dedicated Voltage Control facilities; and
(c) Mvar dynamic reserve requirements.

OC.4.4.5 Methods Utilised in Exercising Voltage Control

OC. Transmission System Voltages shall be continuously monitored by the TSO.

Appropriate Voltage operating points shall be determined by the TSO, taking
account of OC.4.4.4 and in particular of System conditions pertaining at the
time of operation.

OC. The TSO shall adjust System Voltages, using control facilities that are available
so as to achieve the Mvar capacity necessary in order to operate Transmission
System Voltages at Connection Points within the levels specified in CC.8.3 and
retain a dynamic Mvar capability to deal with changing System conditions
which result from changes in Demand or changes in transmission or Generation
configuration, whether as a result of Control Actions or faults. This may
necessitate the modification of Generation Unit MW Output or
Interconnector(s) Active Power transfer from an External System or Active
Power transfer to the Transmission System.

OC. The excitation system of each Generation Unit shall normally be operated
under the control of a continuously acting AVR, which shall be set so as to
maintain a constant terminal voltage. The Generator may not disable or restrict
the operation of the AVR except in accordance with OC., in which event
the Generator shall notify the TSO without delay.

OC. Each Interconnector shall control the voltage at the Grid Connection Point by
means of a suitable continuously acting AVR. The voltage control mode shall
be as agreed under the Interconnector Operating Protocol. The
Interconnector Operator may not disable or restrict the operating of the AVR

except in accordance with OC., in which event the Interconnector
Operator shall notify the TSO without undue delay.

OC. The Generator or Interconnector Operator may only disable or restrict AVR
action where:
(a) the action is essential for the safety of personnel and/or Plant; or
(b) in order to (acting in accordance with Good Industry Practice), secure
the reliability of the Generation Unit or Interconnector; or
(c) the restriction is agreed between the TSO and the Generator or
Interconnector Operator in advance.

OC. In the event of a Generation Unit not operating under AVR, the TSO may
impose restrictions on the operation of the Generation Unit in accordance with
Prudent Utility Practice, to the extent necessary to provide for safe and secure
operation of the Transmission System and operation within prescribed
standards, including where necessary instructing the Generator to De-Energise
the Generation Unit. Where the TSO takes such action, the TSO shall consult
with the Generator as soon as practicable in order to determine a safe
operating regime, which causes minimum restriction on the operation of the
Generation Unit.

OC. In the event of an Interconnector not operating under AVR, the TSO may
impose restrictions on the operation of the Interconnector in accordance with
Prudent Utility Practice, to the extent necessary to provide for safe and secure
operation of the Transmission System and operation within prescribed
standards, including where necessary instructing the Interconnector Owner to
De-Energise the Interconnector.

OC. The TSO shall, by means of Dispatch Instructions (as provided in SDC2), instruct
Generators and Interconnectors to adjust the Reactive Power output of
Generation Units and Interconnectors, and the relevant provisions of SDC2
shall apply.

OC. Other facilities which shall be utilised by the TSO, where appropriate, in order
to exercise Voltage Control shall include:
(a) switching in or out of dedicated Voltage Control facilities, such as
capacitor banks and reactors;
(b) tap-changing on 400/220kV and 220/110kV Transmission System
(c) switching out of transmission HV cables (and occasionally transmission
lines) in order to reduce the capacitive contribution of the
Transmission System.

OC. The extent to which Voltage Control mechanisms can be utilised may be limited
by System conditions and other limitations of Plant and Apparatus.

OC. On some occasions it shall be necessary to reschedule Generation Units or

Interconnectors away from their desired output in order to achieve
Transmission System Voltages at Connection Points within the levels specified
in CC.8.2.

OC.4.4.6 Emergency or Exceptional Voltage Control

OC. Additional Voltage Control mechanisms may be utilised in the event of System
Emergency Conditions. These shall include the following:

OC. Generators may be requested to operate Generation Units at Mvar production

or absorption levels outside their currently declared Technical Parameters.
This will be done by agreement between the Generator and the TSO and
Generators will not be penalised for non-compliance with this clause.

OC. Changes in System Voltage can be achieved by instructing, as a form of

Dispatch Instruction under OC.4.4, Generators to carry out a Simultaneous Tap
Change. In the event that the TSO considers it necessary to carry out a
Simultaneous Tap Change, Generators shall comply with the TSO's

OC. Demand shedding may be used to prevent Voltage from contravening low
Voltage limits (as further provided in OC.4) at Connection Points.

OC. Interconnector Operators may be requested to operate Interconnectors at

Mvar production or absorption levels outside their currently declared Technical
Parameters. This will be done by agreement between the Interconnector
Operator and the TSO and Interconnector Operators will not be penalised for
non-compliance with this clause.

OC.4.5 Network Control

OC.4.5.1 Introduction

OC. In implementing the Transmission Outage Programme, in routine operation of

the Transmission System and in responding to emergency and fault situations
on the Transmission System, the TSO needs to carry out network switching and
Control Actions which may from time to time affect the operations of Users or
security of supply to Users.

OC. The purpose of this OC.4.5 is to set out the actions which may be taken by the
TSO in controlling the Transmission System, to set out the procedures whereby
the TSO shall inform Users, where practicable, as to network Control Actions
which will or may be likely to significantly affect a User's operations and to
identify where the TSO shall, insofar as reasonably practicable, consult with
Users and take into consideration Users’ reasonable requirements.

OC.4.5.2 Objective

OC. The first objective of OC.4.5 is to identify the Control Actions that may be taken
by the TSO, in order that the TSO may carry out maintenance and operation of
the Transmission System and respond to Transmission System faults and

OC. The second objective of OC4.5 is to establish procedures whereby the TSO will:

(a) where practicable, inform Users who will be or are likely to be
significantly affected by network Control Actions of relevant details of
intended Control Actions and the effect of those Control Actions;
(b) consult with Users as appropriate in order to find out and take into
consideration reasonable objections raised by Users so affected.

OC.4.5.3 Network Control Actions

OC. The TSO needs to carry out operational network switching for a number of
purposes, which will include:

(a) Outages of transmission Plant and Apparatus for the purposes of

maintenance, new works, System Tests, protection testing and work by
(b) Outages of transmission Plant due to suspected or potential faults and
emergency repairs;
(c) Voltage Control;
(d) limiting power flows on the Transmission System to levels consistent with
the capabilities of the transmission Plant and system security.

OC. Additionally, network switching may occur automatically and without advance
warning due to operation of protection equipment in isolating or clearing faults
on transmission Plant or on User's Plant which is connected to the
Transmission System.

OC. Automatic switching sequences may also be established to limit power flows or
Voltage or Frequency deviations in the event of faults elsewhere on the

OC.4.5.4 Notification to Users of Network Control

OC. All network Control Actions carried out on the Transmission System have the
potential in a given set of circumstances to affect Users. To attempt to inform
Users of every Control Action is not practicable and in most cases the

information will not be of value to the User as the User will not invoke any
specific action as a result of receipt of the information.

OC. Where it is identified and agreed, in accordance with the terms of the
Connection Agreements and/ or Operating Agreements, between the TSO and
a User that a specific Control Action (usually an action affecting the
Transmission System configuration) has an Operational Effect on a User and
that there is merit in notifying the User in advance of the Control Action, then
the TSO will notify the User of the Control Action (if planned and where time
permits), in accordance with any standing agreement that may be agreed with
the User.

OC. Typical examples of actions notified in accordance with OC. may include:
(a) notification to the DSO of a significant reduction in supply security to a Grid
Supply Point, where the DSO may arrange standby feeding arrangements at
lower Voltages;

(b) notification to a Demand Customer of a significant reduction in supply security

to a Grid Supply Point (such as the Outage of one of two transmission
connections) where the Demand Customer may arrange standby supply or run
in-house Generation.

OC. Where it is necessary to carry out urgent switching or other network Control Actions
resulting from a System condition or fault, then it may not be possible for the TSO to
inform Users in advance of the switching or other Control Actions. The TSO shall
endeavour to inform Users where time permits, but this shall not delay timely
implementation of Control Actions as required. Where the TSO is unable to inform
Users prior to the Control Actions, then the provisions of OC.4.5.5 shall apply.

OC.4.5.5 Control Under Fault or Emergency Conditions

OC. In the event of a System fault or protection operation or other automatic operation, it
will not be possible to invoke standing procedures in accordance with OC.4.5.4 prior to
the occurrence of the Control Action.
OC. In the circumstances referred to in OC. or in the event that the TSO needs to

implement Control Actions urgently and without informing Users, then unless the
situation is of a temporary nature and has been rectified to normal, the TSO shall inform
Users of the occurrence of the actions.

OC. The TSO shall also inform Users as to the likely duration of the condition and shall
update this prognosis as appropriate. The TSO shall additionally inform Users when the
condition has ended.

OC. Emergency Assistance to and from External Systems will be detailed in the
Interconnector Operating Protocol agreed between the Interconnector Operator, the
TSO and the External System Operator, and shall include the following actions:

(a) An External System Operator may request that the TSO take any available
action to increase the Active Power transferred into its External System, or
reduce the Active Power transferred into the Transmission System. Such
request must be met by the TSO providing this does not require a reduction
of Demand on the Transmission System, or lead to a reduction in security on
the Transmission System.

(b) Not used.

OC.4.5.6 De-Energisation of Users by the TSO

OC. De-Energisation of a User's Plant and Apparatus may be effected at any time
and from time to time if and to the extent that the TSO reasonably considers it
necessary in order to provide for safe and secure operation of the Transmission
System within prescribed standards, including in circumstances which
otherwise cause or in the TSO's view are likely to cause one or more of the

(a) risk to the safety of personnel;

(b) risk to the stability of the Transmission System;
(c) risk to the Transmission System or any User's Plant or Apparatus;
(d) Transmission System elements to become loaded beyond their
emergency limits;

(e) Voltage excursions on the Transmission System outside the ranges
specified in CC.8.3;
(f) any behaviour causing sustained operation outside the normal
Transmission System operating Frequency range;
(g) any material breach of a Connection Condition; and
(h) any action or inaction which places the TSO in breach of any legal or statutory
or regulatory obligation.

OC.4.6 Operating Margin

OC.4.6.1 Introduction
OC. In order to cater for Demand forecast variations and to cover against a sudden loss of
generation from the Transmission System, it is necessary that an Operating Margin is
maintained through the Operational Control Phase.
OC. The Operating Margin is the amount of reserve (provided by additional Generation or
Demand reduction measures) available above that required to meet the expected
System Demand. Prudent Utility Practice requires that a continuum of Operating
Margin is provided to adequately limit, and then correct, the potential Frequency
deviation which may occur due to a Generation/Demand imbalance.

OC. OC.4.6 describes different types of reserve, as provided in a number of reserve time
scales, which the TSO expect to utilise in the provision of the Operating Margin.

OC. Minimum connection and operating requirements for Generators and Interconnectors
are outlined in the Connection Conditions.

OC. Procedures for the Monitoring and Testing of Operating Reserve are outlined under

OC.4.6.2 Objective

OC. The objective of OC.4.6 is to describe the various time scales for which reserves are
required, to describe the policy which will govern the dispatch of the reserves, and to
describe the procedures for monitoring the performance of Generation Units,
participating Interconnectors and other reserve providers.

OC.4.6.3 Constituents of Operating Margin

OC. The Operating Margin consists of Operating Reserve (which is further broken down
into 4 time-scales), Replacement Reserve, Substitute Reserve and Contingency

OC. Operating Reserve

OC. Operating Reserve is additional MW output provided from Generation plant, reduction
of Active Power transfer to an External System or increase of Active Power transfer to
the Transmission System by Interconnectors, or reduction in Customer Demand, which
must be realisable in real time operation to contain and correct any potential
Transmission System Frequency deviation to an acceptable level.

OC. Operating Reserve definitions relate to the time elapsed from the occurrence of an
event which has initiated a Frequency disturbance. The definition of the time at which
the event is deemed to have occurred and other associated definitions are addressed
in OC.4.6.4.

OC. Primary Operating Reserve (POR)

OC. Primary Operating Reserve (POR) is the additional MW output (and/or reduction in
Demand) required at the Frequency nadir (minimum), compared to the pre-incident
output (or Demand), which is fully available and sustainable between 5 seconds and 15
seconds after the Event and where the nadir occurs between 5 and 15 seconds after
the Event.

OC. If the actual Frequency nadir occurs less than 5 seconds or more than 15 seconds after
the Event, then for the purpose of POR monitoring (in accordance with OC.10.4.4) the
nadir is deemed to be the lowest Frequency which did occur between 5 and 15 seconds
after the Event.

OC. Secondary Operating Reserve (SOR)

OC. Secondary Operating Reserve (SOR) is the additional MW output (and/or reduction in
Demand) required compared to the pre-incident output (or Demand), which is fully
available and sustainable over the period from 15 to 90 seconds following an Event.

OC. Tertiary Operating Reserve

OC. Tertiary Operating Reserve band 1 (TOR1) is the additional MW output (and/or
reduction in Demand) required compared to the pre-incident output (or Demand)
which is fully available and sustainable over the period from 90 seconds to 5 minutes
following an Event.

OC. Tertiary Operating Reserve band 2 (TOR2) is the additional MW output (and/or
reduction in Demand) required compared to the pre-incident output (or Demand)
which is fully available and sustainable over the period from 5 minutes to 20 minutes
following an Event.
OC. Replacement Reserve is the additional MW output (and/or reduction in Demand)
required compared to the pre-incident output (or Demand) which is fully available and
sustainable over the period from 20 minutes to 4 hours following an Event.

OC. Substitute Reserve is the additional MW output (and/or reduction in Demand) required
compared to the pre-incident output (or Demand) which is fully available and
sustainable over the period from 4 hours to 24 hours following an Event.

OC. Contingency Reserve is the margin of Availability over forecast Demand, which is
required in the period from 24 hours ahead down to real time, to cover against
uncertainties in availability of generation capacity and also against weather forecast
and Demand forecast errors. Contingency Reserve is provided by generation plant
which is not required to be Synchronised, but which must be held available to
Synchronise within a limited time scale.
OC.4.6.4 Definitions Associated with an Operating Reserve Incident

OC. Following the occurrence of a significant Frequency disturbance, the TSO shall monitor,
in accordance with OC.10.4, and analyse the adequacy of the provision of Operating
Reserve. For the purposes of this performance analysis, the following criteria have been

OC. A significant Frequency disturbance event is deemed to have occurred if the Frequency
falls below 49.70 Hz.

OC. The time of occurrence of the event is defined as the last time at which the Frequency
fell through the level of 49.80 Hz, prior to the occurrence of the Frequency nadir.

OC. The pre-incident Frequency value is the average Transmission System Frequency
between 60 and 30 seconds prior to the Event.

OC. The pre-incident value of MW output of a Generation Unit, MW Demand of a Customer,

is the appropriate MW value averaged over the period between 60 and 30 seconds prior
to the Event.

OC.4.6.5 Operating Margin Policy

OC. Contingency Reserve

OC. The TSO shall determine the amount of Contingency Reserve required for each time
scale up to 24 hours ahead, taking due consideration of relevant factors, including but
not limited to the following:
(a) historically Availability Factor and reliability performance of individual
Generation Units;
(b) notified risk to the reliability of individual Generation Units; and
(c) Demand forecasting uncertainties; and
(d) status and availability of Interconnectors.

OC. Operating Reserve

OC. The TSO shall determine the amount of Primary Operating Reserve, Secondary
Operating Reserve, Tertiary Operating Reserve and Replacement Reserve to be carried
at any time to ensure system security. This will not be constrained by the Trading and
Settlement Code. Due consideration will be taken of relevant factors, including but not

limited to the following:

(a) the relevant TSO operating policy in existence at that time;

(b) the extent to which Customer Disconnections allowed under the relevant
standard have already occurred within the then relevant period;
(c) the elapsed time since the last Customer Disconnection incident;
(d) particular events of national or widespread significance, which may justify
provision of additional Operating Reserve;
(e) the cost of providing Operating Reserve at any point in time;
(f) the magnitude and number of the largest Generation infeeds to the
Transmission System at that time, including infeeds over External
Interconnections and also over single transmission feeders within the
Transmission System and also the amount of Generation that could be
lost following a single Contingency;
(g) ambient weather conditions, insofar as they may affect (directly or
indirectly) Generation Unit and/or Transmission System reliability;
(h) the predicted Frequency drop on loss of the largest infeed as may be
determined through simulation using a dynamic model of the Power
(i) constraints imposed by agreements in place with Externally
Interconnected Parties;
(j) uncertainty in future Generation output.

OC. The TSO shall keep records of significant alterations to the Operating Reserve
policy so determined under OC.

OC.4.6.6 Responsibilities of the TSO in Respect of Operating Reserve

OC. The TSO shall in accordance with Prudent Utility Practice make reasonable
endeavours to Dispatch generation and otherwise operate the system in
compliance with the TSO's determinations as to Operating Margin policies
made from time to time.

OC. The TSO's sole responsibility, having met its obligations under the preceding
provisions of OC.4.6, shall be to, acting in accordance with Prudent Utility
Practice, Dispatch such Generation Units as are available required to meet:

(a) System Demand; and

(b) the level of Operating Reserve required by the TSO's then Operating Reserve

OC.4.7 Black Start

OC.4.7.1 Introduction

OC. In order to recover the Transmission System from a Partial Shutdown or Total
Shutdown, it is necessary to have certain Power Stations ("Black Start
Stations") available which have the ability for at least one of its Generation
Units to Start-Up from Shutdown and to Energise a part of the total System, or
be Synchronised to the System, upon instruction from the TSO, without an
external electrical power supply as detailed in the Interconnector Operating
Protocol agreed between the Interconnector Operator, the TSO and the
External System Operator.

OC.4.7.2 Objective

OC. The objectives of OC.4.7 is to set out the requirements of Black Start Stations
to enable recovery of the Transmission System from a Partial Shutdown or
Total Shutdown:

OC.4.7.3 Requirements of Black Start Stations

OC. In order that adequate security is maintained on the Transmission System at
all times, Black Start Stations are required to comply with the provisions of

OC. Other than as permitted in accordance with OC.

During a Black Start situation, instructions in relation to Black Start Stations will be in
the format required for instructions to Units in SDC1 and SDC2, and will recognise any
differing Black Start operational capabilities (however termed) set out in the relevant
Ancillary Services Agreement in preference to the declared operational capability as
registered pursuant to SDC1 (or as amended from time to time in accordance with
SDC1 and SDC2). For the purposes of these instructions the Black Start will be an
emergency circumstance. For Power Stations or Interconnectors which are not Black
Start Stations, Dispatch instructions will recognise each Unit's declared operational
capability as registered pursuant to SDC1 (or as amended from time to time in
accordance with SDC1 and SDC2).

OC. If during the Demand restoration process any Generation Unit or Interconnector that
is part of a Black Start Station cannot, because of the Demand being experienced,
keep within its safe operating parameters, the Generator or Interconnector Operator
shall inform the TSO. The TSO will, where possible, either instruct Demand to be
altered or will re-configure the Transmission System or will instruct a User to re-
configure its System in order to alleviate the problem being experienced by the
Generator or Interconnector Operator. However, the TSO accepts that any decision
to keep a Generation Unit or Interconnector operating, if outside its safe operating
parameters, is one for the Generator or Interconnector Operator concerned alone
and accepts that the Generator or Interconnector Operator may change Generation
on that Generation Unit or Interconnector if it believes it is necessary for safety
reasons (whether relating to personnel or Plant and/or Apparatus). If such a change
is made without prior notice, then the Generator or Interconnector Operator shall
inform the TSO as soon as reasonably practical.

Demand Control

OC.5.1 Introduction

OC.5.1.1 OC5 is concerned with the provisions to be made by the DSO and, by the TSO in
relation to Demand Customers, to permit the reduction of Demand in the event of
available Generating Plant and transfers from External Interconnections being
insufficient to meet Demand, or in the event of breakdown or operating problems
such as in respect of System Frequency, Voltage levels or Thermal Overloads on any
part of the Transmission System. The Demand Control arrangements may also apply
where there are insufficient Generating Plant or transfers to meet Demand in all or
any part of the Other Transmission System and/or in the event of problems on the
Other Transmission System in circumstances where the TSO is able to assist the
Other TSO and where doing so would not have a detrimental effect on the security
of the Transmission System.

OC.5.1.2 OC5 deals with the following:

(a) Customer Demand reduction instructed by the TSO;

(b) Customer Demand reconnection instructed by the TSO;
(c) Automatic low Frequency Demand Disconnection;
(d) Automatic low Voltage Demand Disconnection; and
(e) Automatic Frequency Restoration.

The term “Demand Control” is used to describe any or all of these methods of
achieving Demand reduction, or in the case of (b) and (e), a Demand increase.

OC.5.1.3 The procedures set out in OC.4 includes a system of Alerts, issued to Users, to give
advance notice of Demand Control that may be required by the TSO under this OC5.

OC.5.1.4 Data relating to Demand Control shall include details relating to MW.

OC.5.1.5 Demand Control shall not, so far as is possible, be exercised in respect of Priority
Customers. OC.4, therefore, applies subject to this exclusion.

OC.5.1.6 Demand Control shall be exercised equitably in respect of Customers connected to
the Distribution System and Demand Customers.

OC.5.1.7 Explanation

OC. Demand Control is exercised through operation of the Distribution System or of the
Transmission System (in the case of Demand Customers). Demand Control in
relates to the physical organisation of the total System, and not to any contractual
arrangements that may exist. Where Demand Control is needed in a particular area,
the TSO would not know which Supplier to contact and (even if it were to) the
resulting Demand Control implemented, because of the diversity of contracts, may
not produce the required result.

OC. Therefore, in most instances of Demand Control, Demand Control will be

exercisable by the DSO. Suppliers should note, however, that, although
implementation of Demand Control in respect of their Customers may not be
exercisable by them, their Customers may be affected by Demand Control.

OC.5.2 Objective

OC.5.2.1 The overall objective of OC.4 is to require the provision of facilities by DSO and
Demand Customers to enable the TSO to achieve the reduction in Demand that will
either avoid or relieve operating problems on the Transmission System, and subject
to the circumstances set out in OC.5, the Other Transmission System, in whole or in
part, and thereby to enable the TSO to instruct Demand Control in a manner that
does not unduly discriminate against, or unduly prefer, any one or any group of
Users. It is also to ensure that the TSO is notified of any Demand Control utilised by
Users other than following an instruction from the TSO.

OC.5.3 Scope

OC.5 applies to the TSO and to the following Users:

(a) The Distribution System Operator;

(b) Suppliers; and
(c) Demand Customers.

OC.5.4 Procedure for the Implementation of Demand Control on the Instructions

of the TSO

OC.5.4.1 Where a shortage of generation capacity or other reason for the exercising of Demand
Control is foreseen, the TSO will alert the DSO by means of a Demand Control Alert.

OC.5.4.2 Where reasonable notice of the need for Demand Control is available, the TSO will
initiate the Rota Load Shedding Plan and Demand Control will be implemented in
accordance with the Rota Load Shedding Plan. The TSO and the DSO will each be
responsible for maintaining procedures and will co-operate with each other so as to
provide for the implementation of Demand Control in accordance with the Rota Load
Shedding Plan.

OC.5.4.3 Where the requirement for Demand Control arises at short notice, it may be
necessary for practical reasons to implement Demand Control other than in
accordance with the Rota Load Shedding Plan. The TSO and the DSO will each
maintain procedures (and will co-operate in forming such procedures) to provide that
Demand Control can be exercised rapidly when required, in accordance with the
TSO’s instructions.

OC.5.4.4 In the event of Demand Control being exercised other than in accordance with the
Rota Load Shedding Plan (due to reasons of short notice or otherwise), and if the
Demand Control is expected to be sustained, then the TSO will arrange for the Rota
Load Shedding Plan to be implemented as soon as practicable. The TSO may instruct
certain modifications in the application of the Rota Load Shedding Plan to provide for
those Customers which have been subject to shedding in the initial phase prior to the
initiation of Planned Rota Load Shedding.

OC.5.4.5 The Rota Load Shedding Plan provides for disconnection and reconnection of defined
blocks of demand on instruction from the TSO, In this way the TSO can instruct the
necessary level of disconnection (and reconnection) required by the circumstances at
the time. The DSO shall comply with instructions issued by the TSO in accordance with

the Rota Load Shedding Plan, and in particular will not reconnect Demand other than
in accordance with the TSO’s instructions.

OC.5.4.6 The Rota Load Shedding Plan shall also provide for the issue of information to
Customers through the media of the expected duration of Demand Control, and
which blocks of Customers are at most risk of disconnection at which times.

OC.5.4.7 Both the TSO and the DSO will maintain records of the disconnection and
reconnection of customers exercised under the Rota Load Shedding Plan, (and, for
the avoidance of doubt, of any Demand Control exercised in accordance with

OC.5.5 Automatic Low Frequency Demand Disconnection

OC.5.5.1 The DSO shall make arrangements that will enable automatic low Frequency Demand
Disconnection of a percentage of its total peak Customer Demand (based on Annual
SLR Conditions) as specified by the TSO, in order to seek to limit the consequences of
a major loss of Generation or an Event on the total System which leaves part of the
total System with a Generation deficit, provided that, so far as possible, Demand of
Generation Units which is required to enable the Generation Units to Start-Up shall
not be subject to automatic low Frequency Demand Disconnection. The TSO retains
the right to specify the Frequency settings on percentages of Demand subject to
automatic low Frequency Demand Disconnection.

OC.5.5.2 The Demand of the DSO which is subject to automatic low Frequency Disconnection
will be split into discrete MW blocks. The number, location, size and the associated
low Frequency settings of these blocks, will be as specified by the TSO by week 39 in
every three calendars year following discussion with the DSO and will be reviewed
every three years by the TSO. The distribution of the blocks will be such as to give
reasonably uniform Disconnection within the Distribution System across all Grid
Supply Points.

OC.5.5.3 Demand Customers shall provide automatic low Frequency Disconnection, which will
be split into discrete blocks. The number and size of blocks and the associated low
Frequency settings will be as specified by the TSO by week 39 every three calendar

years following discussion with the Demand Customers. In the case of a User, it is not
necessary for it to provide automatic low Frequency Disconnection under OC.5.5 if it
is providing low Frequency Disconnection at a higher level of Frequency as an
Ancillary Service.

OC.5.5.4 Demand Facilities, Closed Distribution Systems and Distribution Systems shall be
capable of automatic low Frequency Disconnection between 47 – 50 Hz.

OC.5.5.5 The proportion of demand subject to automatic low Frequency Disconnection shall be
agreed with the TSO. For Demand Facilites, up to 100% of the Demand may be made
subject to automatic low Frequency Disconnection at the TSO’s direction.

OC.5.5.6 The automatic low Frequency Disconnection scheme for a Demand Facility, Closed
Distribution System or the Distribution System shall be capable of disconnecting
Demand in stages for a range of operational frequencies. The specifics performance
requirements of the scheme shall be specified and agreed with the TSO.

OC.5.5.7 The automatic low Frequency Disconnection scheme shall allow for operation from a
nominal AC input to be specified by the TSO, and shall meet the following functional
(i) Frequency range: at least between 47-50 Hz, adjustable in steps of 0.05 Hz;
(ii) Operating time: no more than 150 ms after triggering the Frequency setpoint;
(iii) Voltage lock-out: blocking of the functional capability shall be possible when the
voltage is within a range of 30 to 90 % of reference 1 p.u. voltage; and
(iv) Provide the direction of active power flow at the point of disconnection.

The AC voltage supply used in providing these automatic low Frequency Disconnection
functional capabilities, shall be measured from the at the Connection Point.

OC.5.6 Automatic Frequency Restoration

OC.5.6.1 The DSO will make arrangements that will enable automatic Frequency restoration of
Demand that is subject to automatic low Frequency Demand Disconnection. The TSO
retain the right to specify the Frequency settings on blocks of Demand subject to
automatic Frequency restoration.

OC.5.6.2 Once an automatic low Frequency Demand Disconnection has taken place, the DSO
shall not reconnect Customers until instructed by the TSO, or otherwise in accordance
with agreed procedures.

OC.5.6.3 Where conditions are such that, following automatic low Frequency Demand
Disconnection, it is not possible to restore a large proportion of the total Demand so
Disconnected within a reasonable period of time, the TSO may instruct the DSO to
implement additional Demand Disconnection manually, and restore an equivalent
amount of the Demand that had been Disconnected automatically. The purpose of
such action is to ensure that a subsequent fall in Frequency will again be contained
by the operation of automatic low Frequency Demand Disconnection. If the
requirement for Demand Control is expected to continue for a sustained period of
time, then the TSO will initiate the implementation of the Rota Load Shedding Plan
in accordance with OC.5.4.
OC.5.6.4 Once the Frequency has recovered, the DSO will abide by the instructions of the TSO
with regard to reconnection, and/or shall implement agreed procedures for Demand
reconnection, without undue delay.

OC.5.7 Automatic Low Voltage Demand Disconnection

OC.5.7.1 The TSO may from time to time determine that there is a requirement for automatic
low Voltage Disconnection of Customer Demand, in order to limit the consequences
of the loss of a Generation Unit(s), or an event on the total System, which otherwise
would result in part of the total System with Voltages outside the levels specified in

OC.5.7.2 The TSO may exercise the required Automatic Low Voltage Demand Disconnection
(ALVDD) at the level of the Transmission System. However, depending on the extent
of ALVDD required, and in order not to disconnect more Customer Demand than
reasonably required in response to a specific incident or set or circumstances, it may
be preferable that ALVDD is carried out at the level of the Distribution System.

OC.5.7.3 On request by the TSO, the DSO will co-operate with the TSO as to the design and
implementation of ALVDD at locations on the Distribution System, where the

requirement is indicated in accordance with OC.5.7.2. The TSO will retain full control
over the enabling/disabling of the ALVDD, and the Voltage settings at which ALVDD
will be initiated in each circumstance. In general, the settings will be specified by the
TSO by week 39 in every three calendars year following discussion with the DSO, but
the specification of settings may be altered by the TSO at other times to address
specific circumstances pertaining at the time. The DSO shall respond to any change in
specification by altering the settings without undue delay.

OC.5.7.4 The TSO will specify the functional capabilities for low voltage demand disconnection,
where the TSO identifies the need, in co-ordination with Distribution Facilities and
Demand Facilities on a site specific basis, and will include as a minimum:
(i) monitoring voltage by measuring all three phases; and
(ii) blocking of the relays operation based on direction of either Active Power or
Reactive Power flow.

OC.5.7.5 Low voltage demand disconnection shall be implemented automatically or manually.

OC.5.7.6 The TSO may specify the requirement for on-load tap changer blocking. Closed
Distribution System and Distribution System Operators will be advised as necessary,
on a case-by-case basis, taking into consideration the site-specific requirements.

OC.6 Small Scale Generator Conditions

OC.6.1 Introduction

OC.6.1.1 Secure operation of an electricity system requires that maintenance of production

facilities (Generation Units) should be carried out in a timely and orderly fashion.
This is essential in order to enable the TSO to fulfil its obligations relating to
operation of the Transmission System, and to enable Generators to plan their
Outages in an orderly way with due regard to Plant requirements and resource

OC.6.1.2 OC6 formalises the mechanism for scheduling outages of Users specified in OC.6.3.

OC.6.1.3 In implementing the Transmission Outage Programme, in routine operation of the

Transmission System and in responding to emergency and fault situations on the
Transmission System, the TSO needs to carry out network switching and Control
Actions which may from time to time affect the operations of Users or security of
supply to Users.

OC.6.1.4 OC6 sets out the actions which may be taken by the TSO in controlling the
Transmission System, to set out the procedures whereby the TSO shall inform Users,
where practicable, as to network Control Actions which will or may be likely to
significantly affect a User's operations and to identify where the TSO shall, insofar as
reasonably practicable, consult with Users and take into consideration Users’
reasonable requirements.

OC.6.1.5 In addition to OC.6, the Users specified in OC.6.3 are required to comply with:

• Planning Conditions
• General Conditions
• Connection Conditions (Excluding CC. to (v) inclusive, CC.7.3.5,
CC.7.3.7, CC.7.3.8, CC.12.2 (e) to (g) inclusive)
• OC.7
• OC.10 (excluding sections OC.10.5.6; OC.10.7.1; OC.10.7.2; OC.10.7.3;
OC.10.7.4; OC.10.7.6), and
• OC.11

OC.6.2 Objective

OC.6.2.1 OC.6 ensures the development and implementation of a Generation Outage

Programme, consistent with security of supply and requirements for the secure and
economic operation of the Transmission System, and with the needs of Small Scale
Generators in respect of Plant maintenance requirements and resource limitations.

OC.6.2.2 In order to achieve this objective, OC.6 defines the procedure for formal notification
of Outages by Generators to the TSO.

OC.6.2.3 OC.6 entifies the Control Actions that may be taken by the TSO, in order that the TSO
may carry out maintenance and operation of the Transmission System and respond to
Transmission System faults and emergencies.

OC.6.2.4 OC.6 establishes procedures whereby the TSO will:

(a) where practicable, inform Users, who will be or are likely to be significantly
affected by network Control Actions, of relevant details of intended Control
Actions and the effect of those Control Actions;

(b) consult with Users, as appropriate, in order to find out and take into
consideration reasonable objections raised by Users so affected.

OC.6.3 Scope

OC.6 applies to the TSO, and to the following Users:

(a) Generators with Registered Capacity of 2MW or less (on a single Site);

(b) Generators with Registered Capacity less than 5MW (on a single Site)
and greater than 2MW (on a single Site) where the TSO consider that the
Generator is in a location that does not make its operation particularly
critical to the operation of the transmission system.

OC.6.4 Outage Scheduling

OC.6.4.1 Throughout OC.5.7.3 the current year shall be defined as year 0, the following year as
year 1, and so on.

OC.6.4.2 By the end of March in year 0, Small Scale Generators shall submit to the TSO, for
each Generation Site, Plant Capacity available for each week for year 1 for inclusion
in the Committed Outage Programme (COP) for year 1 and estimated weekly Load
Factors for year 1. Generators shall specify the start date and time and the duration
of each Outage. This information shall be supplied on a Generation Unit basis if so
requested by the TSO.

OC.6.4.3 In scheduling Outages, and in relation to all other matters under OC.5.7.3, the
Generator must act reasonably and in good faith. Without limitation to such
obligation, each Generator should act in accordance with Good Industry Practice in
planning their Outages and, in particular, so as to avoid a situation arising in which a
Generator is obliged to schedule an Outage by reason of obligations imposed upon
the Generator by statute as a consequence of the Generator not having planned in
accordance with Good Industry Practice, for example, by not having planned
sufficiently in advance its Outages for any statutory time limit.

OC.6.4.4 Any concerns which the TSO may have with the Generation Outage Programme
must be notified to all Generators by the end of June in year 0.

OC.6.4.5 Between the end of June in year 0 and the end of September in year 0 any concerns
raised by the TSO shall be notified to Generators. The TSO will facilitate discussions
by Generators to find a resolution.

OC.6.5 Changes to the Committed Outage Programme within the Implementation


A request for a change to an Outage included in the Committed Outage Programme

or an additional Outage may be initiated either by the TSO or by a Generator at any

OC.6.5.1 Request Initiated by the TSO

OC. The TSO may at any time request from a Generator a change in the timing or
duration of any Outage of one of the Generator's Generation Units in the
Committed Outage Programme.

OC. A Generator may respond by either declining the request, or by agreeing to the
request (in which case the COP shall be deemed to be amended accordingly).
Generators shall make every reasonable effort to co-operate with changes
requested by the TSO.

OC. If a Generator responds by agreeing to the request subject to specific conditions,

the TSO may respond by either confirming agreement to those conditions, in which
case the conditions specified by the Generator shall be deemed to have been
accepted, or by declining agreement. Where the TSO agrees to the conditions the
COP shall be deemed to be amended accordingly. Where the TSO declines to agree
to the conditions, then the TSO may negotiate with the Generator as to revised or
alternative conditions, which would be acceptable.

OC.6.5.2 Outage change Initiated by a Generator

OC. Generators may at any time request the TSO for a change in the timing or duration
of any Outage of one of the Generator's Generation Units in the Committed Outage

OC. Where a change to the COP is proposed by a Generator, the TSO shall evaluate
whether the change is likely to have a detrimental effect on the secure operation of
the Transmission System. This shall be done within a reasonable time frame, taking
into consideration the extent of the change and the timing of the Outage. The
Generator shall be advised by the TSO whether or not the change has been

OC. Where, in accordance with OC6.5, the request is not likely to have a detrimental
effect on the secure operation of the Transmission System then the TSO shall
amend the COP accordingly.

OC. Where, in accordance with OC.6.5, the Outage change is likely to have a detrimental
effect on requirements for the secure operation of the Transmission System then the
TSO shall not amend the COP. The TSO shall contact the Generator requesting the
change to establish that it is still required.

OC.6.6 Other Information to be Notified

OC.6.6.1 Generators will inform the TSO of any proposed maintenance, in addition to
Outages, which will, or is likely to, affect the capability of the Generation Unit to
provide Ancillary Services.

OC.6.6.2 The TSO may, where security of supply or the secure operation of the Transmission
System would be at risk, request alterations to maintenance notified under Section
OC.6.6.1. The TSO shall make reasonable endeavours to give as much notice as
possible for such requests for alterations. Where the TSO makes such a request, the
Generator shall use reasonable endeavours to comply with the request in arriving at
the Generator's final programme for such maintenance.

OC.6.7 Network Control

OC.6.7.1 Network Control Actions

OC. The TSO needs to carry out operational network switching for a number of purposes,
which will include:

(a) Outages of transmission Plant and Apparatus for the purposes of maintenance,
new works, System Tests, protection testing and work by Users;
(b) Outages of transmission Plant due to suspected or potential faults and
emergency repairs;
(c) Voltage Control;
(d) limiting power flows on the Transmission System to levels consistent with the
capabilities of the transmission Plant and system security;
(e) High Speed reclosing is a feature of the network.

OC. Additionally, network switching may occur automatically and without advance warning

due to operation of protection equipment in isolating or clearing faults on transmission
Plant or on User's Plant which is connected to the Transmission System.

OC. Automatic switching sequences may also be established to limit power flows or Voltage
or Frequency deviations in the event of faults elsewhere on the System.

OC.6.7.2 Notification to Users of Network Control

OC. All network Control Actions carried out on the Transmission System have the potential
in a given set of circumstances to affect Users. To attempt to inform Users of every
Control Action is not practicable and in most cases the information will not be of value
to the User as the User will not invoke any specific action as a result of receipt of the

OC. Where it is identified and agreed, in accordance with the terms of the Connection
Agreements and/ or Operating Agreements, between the TSO and a User that a specific
Control Action (usually an action affecting the Transmission System configuration) has
an Operational Effect on a User and that there is merit in notifying the User in advance
of the Control Action, then the TSO will notify the User of the Control Action (if planned
and where time permits), in accordance with any standing agreement that may be
agreed with the User.

OC. Where it is necessary to carry out urgent switching or other network Control Actions
resulting from a System condition or fault, then it may not be possible for the TSO to
inform Users in advance of the switching or other Control Actions. The TSO shall
endeavour to inform Users where time permits, but this shall not delay timely
implementation of Control Actions as required. Where the TSO is unable to inform
Users prior to the Control Actions, then the provisions of OC.6.7.3 shall apply.

OC.6.7.3 Control Under Fault or Emergency Conditions

OC. In the event of a System fault or protection operation or other automatic operation, it
will not be possible to invoke standing procedures in accordance with OC.6.7.2 prior to
the occurrence of the Control Action.

OC. In the circumstances referred to in OC. or in the event that the TSO needs to
implement Control Actions urgently and without informing Users, then unless the
situation is of a temporary nature and has been rectified to normal, the TSO shall inform
Users of the occurrence of the actions.

OC. The TSO shall also inform Users as to the likely duration of the condition and shall
update this prognosis as appropriate. The TSO shall additionally inform Users when the
condition has ended.

OC.6.7.4 De-Energisation of Users by the TSO

OC. De-Energisation of a User's Plant and Apparatus may be effected at any time and from
time to time if and to the extent that the TSO reasonably considers it necessary in order
to provide for safe and secure operation of the Transmission System within prescribed
standards, including in circumstances which otherwise cause or in the TSO's view are
likely to cause one or more of the following:
(a) risk to the safety of personnel;
(b) risk to the stability of the Transmission System;
(c) risk to the Transmission System or any User's Plant or Apparatus;
(d) Transmission System elements to become loaded beyond their emergency
(e) Voltage excursions on the Transmission System outside the ranges specified in
(f) any behaviour causing sustained operation outside the normal Transmission
System operating Frequency range;
(g) any material breach of a Connection Condition; and
(h) any action or inaction which places the TSO in breach of any legal or statutory
or regulatory obligation.

OC. Instructions to De-energise a User connected to the distribution system under the
terms of OC. may be issued by the TSO to the DSO who shall act on the
instruction without undue delay.

OC.7 Information Exchange

OC.7.1 Notification of Events and Operations

OC.7.1.1 Introduction

OC. OC.7.1 sets out the requirements for the exchange of information in relation to
Operations and/or Events on the Power System which have had (or may have had)
or will have (or may have) an Operational Effect, and thereby have become:

(a) Significant System Incidents on the Transmission System in the case of an

Operation and/or Event occurring on a User System; and
(b) Significant System Incidents on a User System in the case of an Operation
and/or Event occurring on the Transmission System.
(c) significant system incidents on the Other Transmission System in the case of
an Operation and/or Event occurring on the Transmission System.

OC. The requirement to notify in OC.7.1 relates generally to notification of what is

expected to happen or what has happened. However, as OC.7.1 provides, when an
Event or Operation has occurred on the Transmission System which itself has been
caused by (or exacerbated by) an Operation or Event on a User System, the TSO in
reporting the Event or Operation on the Transmission System to another User or
External System Operator as the case may be, can pass on what it has been told by
the User under OC.7.1 in relation to the Operation or Event on the first User System.

OC. Much of the information that the TSO will require to analyse Significant System
Incidents may be available by means of:

(a) the TSO’s SCADA system(s) and other data collection systems; and
(b) information provided to the TSO by Users under other codes of the Grid Code.

OC. In order to ensure that the TSO receives as rapidly as practicable the information it
needs to operate the Transmission System, and to ensure that no information is
missed, this OC.7.1 sets out a comprehensive set of requirements. It also provides for
information to be submitted to Users, in order to assist Users. Where an obligation

exists elsewhere to provide data to the TSO the User is not required also to provide
data under OC.7.1.

OC.7.1.2 Objective
The objective of OC.7.1 is to provide for the exchange of information so that the
implications of an Operation and/or Event can be considered, possible risks arising
from it can be assessed and appropriate action taken by the relevant party in order to
assist in maintaining the integrity of the Power System.

OC.7.1.3 Scope

OC. OC.7.1 applies to the TSO and to the following Users:

(a) Generators;
(b) Interconnector Operators;
(c) Dispatchable PPMs;
(d) Distribution System Operator;
(e) Demand Customers; and
(f) Demand Side Unit Operators.

OC. It is required that as part of the fulfilment of obligations under this OC.7.1, both the
TSO and Users will take into account information they have received from third
parties in determining whether an Operation or an Event is to occur, or has,

OC.7.1.4 Requirement to Notify

OC. While in no way limiting the general requirements to notify set out in this OC.7.1,
the TSO and Users shall agree to review from time to time which Operations and
Events are required to be notified.

OC.7.1.5 Notification of an Operation

OC. The TSO will notify the User, (save in circumstances as provided for under
OC., of Operations on the Transmission System, which will have (or may
have), in the reasonable opinion of the TSO, an Operational Effect on the User.
Except as agreed with the TSO, the User may not pass on the information contained
in a notification to it from the TSO under this OC.7.1 to any other person.

OC. In circumstances where it is not possible to invoke standing procedures prior to the
occurrence of an Operation or in the event that the TSO needs to implement
Operations urgently and without informing the User then, unless the situation is of a
temporary nature, i.e. less than 15 minutes, and has been rectified to normal, the
TSO shall inform the User of the occurrence of the Operations, without undue delay.
The TSO shall also inform the User as to the likely duration of the condition and shall
update this prognosis as appropriate. The TSO shall additionally inform the User as
soon as reasonably possible when the condition has ended.

OC. The User will notify the TSO of Operations on the User's System which will have (or
may have) an Operational Effect on the Transmission System. The TSO may use this
information in notifying any other User(s) on whose System(s) the Operation will
have, or may have, in the reasonable opinion of the TSO, an Operational Effect, in
accordance with this OC.7.1.

OC.7.1.6 Form of Notification of an Operation

OC. A notification (and any response to any questions asked under OC., of an
Operation shall be of sufficient detail to describe the Operation (although it need
not state the cause) and to enable the recipient of the notification reasonably to
consider and assess the implications and risks arising.

OC. A notification will include the name (and job title) of the individual reporting the
Operation on behalf of the TSO or the User, as the case may be.

OC. The recipient of the notification may ask questions to clarify the notification and the
giver of the notification will, insofar as he is able, answer any questions raised.

OC.7.1.7 Recording of an Operation

The notification shall be given In Writing whenever possible before carrying out an
Operation. If there is insufficient time before the Operation is scheduled to take place
for notification to be given In Writing, then the notification shall be given orally and
if either the User or the TSO requests, it shall be submitted In Writing.

OC.7.1.8 Timing in Respect of an Operation

A notification under Section OC.7.1.5 will be given as far in advance as possible and in
any event shall be given in sufficient time as will reasonably allow the recipient to
consider and assess the implications and risks arising.

OC.7.1.9 Notification of Events

OC. The TSO will notify the User of Events which in the reasonable opinion of the TSO are
Significant System Incidents having an Operational Effect on the User. Except as
agreed with the TSO, the User may not pass on the information contained in a
notification to it from the TSO to any other person.

OC. The User will notify the TSO of Events which may be Significant System Incidents
affecting the Transmission System. The TSO may use this information in notifying any
other Users on whose System(s) the Significant System Incident will have, or may
have, in the reasonable opinion of the TSO, an Operational Effect.

OC. The TSO will notify the Other TSO of Events which in the reasonable opinion of the
TSO are Significant System Incidents having an Operational Effect on the Other TSO.
Except as agreed with the TSO, the Other TSO may not pass on the information
contained in a notification to it from the TSO to any other person.

OC.7.1.10 Form of Notification of an Event

OC. A notification (and any response to any questions asked under Section OC.
of an Event, will describe the Event, pursuant to Section OC.7.1.9 although it need not
state the cause of the Event, and, subject to that, will be of sufficient detail to enable

the recipient of the notification reasonably to consider and assess the implications
and risks arising.

OC. A notification will include the name (and job title) of the individual reporting the Event
on behalf of the TSO or the User, as the case may be.

OC. The recipient of the notification may ask questions to clarify the notification and the
giver of the notification will, insofar as he is able (although he need not state the cause
of the Event) answer any questions raised.

OC.7.1.11 Provision of Further Information

When an Event has been reported to the TSO by a Generator or Interconnector

Operator under OC.7.1 and it is necessary in order for the Generator or
Interconnector Operator to assess the implications of the Event on their system more
accurately, the Generator or Interconnector Operator may ask the TSO for details of
the fault levels from the Transmission System to their Generation Unit or
Interconnector at the time of the Event, and the TSO will, as soon as reasonably
practicable, give the Generator or Interconnector that information provided that the
TSO has that information.

OC.7.1.12 Recording of an Event

Notification of an Event pursuant to Section OC.7.1.9 shall be given orally in the first
instance. Significant System Incidents must be reported In Writing if requested by
either the User or the TSO.

OC.7.1.13 Timing in Respect of an Event

A notification of an Event under section OC7.1.9 shall be given as soon as practicable

after the occurrence of the Event, or time that the Event is known of or anticipated
by the giver of the notification under OC.7.1, and in any event, except in an emergency
,within fifteen minutes of such time.

OC.7.2 Operational Communication and Data Retention

OC.7.2.1 Introduction

OC. It is necessary that adequate communication facilities and procedures are established
between the TSO and Users to allow the timely transfer of information, in order that
the TSO may fulfil its obligations with regard to the operation of the Transmission

OC.7.2.2 Objective

OC. The objectives of OC.7.2 are:

(a) to establish contact locations for the TSO and each class of User;
(b) to detail the communication facilities required between the TSO and each class
of User;
(c) to establish the general procedures (notwithstanding any specific procedures
which may be established in other sections of this Grid Code) for
communication of information between the TSO and Users; and
(d) to establish the general procedures (notwithstanding any specific procedures
which may be established in other sections of this Grid Code) for the
authorisation of the TSO personnel to act on behalf of the TSO and User
personnel to act on behalf of the User in the communication of information
between the TSO and Users.

(e) to establish the general procedures (notwithstanding any specific procedures

which may be established in other sections of this Grid Code) for the retention
of data.

OC. Pursuant to this OC.7.2 both the TSO and Users will be obliged to adopt the use of new
technologies and methodologies for communication of information, where there is a
recognisable benefit from doing so, and to do so would be reasonable in the

OC. This OC.7.2 covers the general procedures for all forms of communication of operational
information between the TSO and Users, other than pre-connection communication

that is dealt with in the Connection Conditions. Data relating to Commercial (Energy)
Metering is specifically not covered by this OC.7.2.

OC.7.2.3 Scope

OC. OC.7.2 applies to the TSO and to the following Users:

(a) Generators;
(b) Interconnector Operators;
(c) Dispatchable PPM;
(d) Distribution System Operator;
(e) Demand Customers; and
(f) Demand Side Unit Operator.

OC.7.2.4 Contact Locations


OC. Other than where specifically provided for under Section OC. or in other
sections of the Grid Code, the contact location within the TSO for communication on
matters pertaining to the real time operation of the Transmission System shall be the
National Control Centre (NCC) or if designated under Section OC. the
Emergency Control Centre (ECC).

OC. The TSO will, from time to time, notify to Users the relevant points of contact in the
TSO (and their contact details) and any changes to such points of contact and/or
details for the purposes of each section of this Grid Code (including, where
appropriate, for specific purposes under each section), and the User shall, as required,
contact the relevant notified points of contact.

OC. The TSO shall from time to time distribute to each User an organisational chart and
list of personnel and contact numbers (consistent with the notification given under
Section OC. in order to assist the User in communicating with the TSO.

OC. Generators

OC. The Generator contact locations and personnel referred to in this Section OC.
shall be notified by the Generator to the TSO prior to connection and thereafter
updated as appropriate.

OC. The Generator is required to provide a Control Facility. The Generator shall ensure
acting in accordance with Good Industry Practice that the Control Facility is staffed at
appropriate staffing levels at all times.

OC. The Control Facility shall be staffed by a Responsible Operator(s) who shall respond to
communications from the TSO without undue delay (except where otherwise provided
for by agreement between the Generator and the TSO, such agreement not to be
unreasonably withheld) and are of suitable experience and training and are authorised
to perform the following functions on behalf of the Generator:

(a) to accept and execute Dispatch Instructions;

(b) to receive and acknowledge receipt of requests, for amongst other matters,
operation outside the Declared values of Availability, Ancillary Service
capability, or Operating Characteristics of the Generation Units during System
Emergency Conditions.

OC. At any point in time, a single person shall be designated by the Generator and notified
to the TSO as the Responsible Manager. The Responsible Manager shall be
responsible for dealing with the TSO on matters relating to the Grid Code other than
as provided for in OC. and OC. In the event that the Responsible
Manager is not a person on duty at the Control Facility, then the Responsible
Manager must be capable of being contacted from the Control Facility at all times,
and in the event that the TSO issues a request to the Control Facility requiring the
Responsible Manager to contact the NCC, the Responsible Manager shall comply
with the request without undue delay and in any case within 15 minutes of the

OC. The Responsible Manager shall be authorised by the Generator to perform the
following functions on behalf of the Generator:

(a) to make estimates in accordance with Good Industry Practice as to the
available Availability, Ancillary Service capability and Operating
Characteristics of each Generation Unit;

(b) to make Declarations for each Generation Unit;

(c) to communicate with respect to issues regarding Outages of each Generation


The Generator may, from time to time, notify a replacement contact location and
personnel which meets the foregoing requirements.

OC. Demand Customers

OC. The Demand Customers contact locations and personnel referred to in this Section
OC. shall be notified by the Demand Customer to the TSO prior to connection
and thereafter updated as appropriate.

OC. The Demand Customer is required to provide the TSO with the contact information of
a Responsible Operator(s) who shall respond to communications from the TSO without
undue delay (except where otherwise provided for by agreement between the Demand
Customer and the TSO, such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld) and are of
suitable experience and training and are authorised to perform functions on behalf of
the Demand Customer.

OC. The Responsible Operator shall have the ability to attend the Site of the Demand
Customer within 60 minutes of an instruction to do so being issued by the TSO.

OC. At any point in time, a single person shall be designated by the Demand Customer
and notified to the TSO as the Responsible Manager. The Responsible Manager shall
be responsible for dealing with the TSO on matters relating to the Grid Code other
than as provided for in OC. and OC. In the event that the
Responsible Manager is not a person on duty at the Site of the Demand Customer ,
then the Responsible Manager must be capable of being contacted from the Site of
the Demand Customer at all times, and in the event that the TSO issues a request to

the Site of the Demand Customer requiring the Responsible Manager to contact the
NCC, the Responsible Manager shall comply with the request without unreasonable
delay and in any case within 15 minutes of the request.


OC. The DSO contact locations and personnel referred to in this Section OC. shall be
notified by the DSO to the TSO prior to connection and thereafter updated as

OC. The DSO is required to provide a Control Facility. The DSO shall ensure acting in
accordance with Good Industry Practice that the Control Facility is staffed at
appropriate staffing levels at all times.

OC. The DSO shall operate its Control Facility according to the provisions agreed with the
TSO in any agreements between the DSO and the TSO, such agreement not to be
unreasonably withheld.

OC. Dispatchable PPMs

OC. The Dispatchable PPM’s contact locations and personnel referred to in this Section
OC. shall be notified by the Dispatchable PPM to the TSO prior to connection
and thereafter updated as appropriate.

OC. The Dispatchable PPM is required to provide a Control Facility. The Dispatchable
PPM shall ensure acting in accordance with Good Industry Practice that the Control
Facility is staffed at appropriate staffing levels at all times.

OC. The Control Facility shall be staffed by a Responsible Operator(s) who shall respond
to communications from the TSO without undue delay (except where otherwise
provided for by agreement between the Dispatchable PPM and the TSO, such
agreement not to be unreasonably withheld) and are of suitable experience and
training and are authorised to perform the following functions on behalf of the
Dispatchable PPM:
(a) to accept and execute Dispatch Instructions as per SDC2; and

(b) to receive and acknowledge receipt of requests, for amongst other matters,
operation outside the Declared values of Availability, Ancillary Service
capability, or operation of the Dispatchable PPM during System Emergency

OC. At any point in time, a single person shall be designated by the Dispatchable PPM
and notified to the TSO as the Responsible Manager. The Responsible Manager
shall be responsible for dealing with the TSO on matters relating to the Grid Code
other than as provided for in OC. and OC. In the event that the
Responsible Manager is not a person on duty at the Control Facility, then the
Responsible Manager must be capable of being contacted from the Control Facility
at all times, and in the event that the TSO issues a request to the Control Facility
requiring the Responsible Manager to contact the NCC, the Responsible Manager
shall comply with the request without undue delay and in any case within 15
minutes of the request.

OC. The Responsible Manager shall be authorised by the Dispatchable PPM to perform
the following functions on behalf of the Dispatchable PPM:

(a) to submit and revise an Availability Notice and other data under SDC1 for the
Dispatchable PPM;
(b) to communicate with respect to issues regarding Outages of the Dispatchable

The Dispatchable PPM may, from time to time, notify a replacement contact location
and personnel which meets the foregoing requirements.

OC. Interconnector Operators

OC. The Interconnector Operator contact locations and personnel referred to in this
section OC. shall be notified by the TSO prior to connection and thereafter
updated as appropriate.

OC. The Interconnector Operator is required to provide a Control Facility. The
Interconnector Operator shall ensure acting in accordance with Good Industry
Practice that the Control Facility is staffed at appropriate levels at all times.

OC. The Control Facility shall be staffed by a Responsible Operator(s) who shall respond
to communications from the TSO without undue delay (except, where otherwise
provided for by agreement between the Interconnector Operator and the TSO, such
agreement not to be unreasonably withheld) and are of suitable experience and
training and are authorised to perform the following functions on behalf on the
Interconnector Operator:

(a) to accept and execute Dispatch Instructions;

(b) to receive and acknowledge receipt of requests, for amongst other matters,
operation outside the Declared values of Availability, Ancillary Service
capability, or Operating Characteristics of the Interconnectors during System
Emergency Conditions.

OC. At any point in time, a single person shall be designated by the Interconnector
Operator and notified to the TSO as the Responsible Manager. The Responsible
Manager shall be responsible for dealing with the TSO on matters relating to the Grid
Code other than as provided in OC. and OC. In the event that the
Responsible Manager is not the person on duty at the Control Facility, then the
Responsible Manager must be capable of being contactable from the Control Facility
at all times, and in the event that the TSO issues a request to the Control Facility
requiring the Responsible Manager to contact the NCC, the Responsible Manager will
comply without undue delay and in any case within 15 minutes of the request.

OC. The Responsible Manager shall be authorised by the Interconnector Operator to

perform the following functions on behalf of the Interconnector Operator:

(a) to make estimates in accordance with Good Industry Practice as to the

Availability, Ancillary Service capability and Operating Characteristics of the

(b) to make Declarations for the Interconnector;
(c) to communicate with respect to issues regarding Outages of the

The Interconnector Operator may, from time to time, notify a replacement contact
location and personnel which meets the foregoing requirements.

OC. Demand Side Unit Operators

OC. Demand Side Unit Operators are required to provide a Control Facility. The Demand
Side Unit Operator shall ensure acting in accordance with Good Industry Practice that
the Control Facility is staffed with appropriate staffing levels at all times.

OC. For Demand Side Unit Operator, the Control Facility shall be staffed by a Responsible
Operator(s) who shall respond to communications from the TSO without undue delay
(except where otherwise provided for by agreement between the Demand Side Unit
Operator and the TSO, such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld) and are of
suitable experience and training and are authorised to perform functions on behalf of
the Demand Side Unit Operator as follows:

(a) to accept and execute Dispatch Instructions;

(b) to receive and acknowledge receipt of requests, for amongst other matters,
operation outside the Declared values of Demand Side Unit MW Availability.

OC. At any point in time, a single person shall be designated by the Demand Side Unit
Operator and notified to the TSO as the Responsible Manager. The Responsible
Manager shall be responsible for dealing with the TSO on matters relating to the Grid
Code. In the event that the Responsible Manager is not a person on duty at the
Control Facility of the Demand Side Unit Operator, then the Responsible Manager
must be capable of being contacted from the Control Facility of the Demand Side Unit
Operator at all times, and in the event that the TSO issues a request to the Control
Facility of the Demand Side Unit Operator requiring the Responsible Manager to

contact the NCC, the Responsible Manager shall comply with the request without
unreasonable delay and in any case within 15 minutes of the request.

OC. The Responsible Manager shall be authorised by the Demand Side Unit Operator to
perform the following functions on behalf of the Demand Side Unit Operator:

(a) to make estimates in accordance with Good Industry Practice as to the

Demand Side Unit MW Availability;
(b) to make Declarations of the Demand Side Unit MW Availability for Demand
Side Unit Operator; and
(c) to communicate with respect to issues regarding Outages of each Individual
Demand Site within the Demand Side Unit.

The Demand Side Unit Operator may, from time to time, notify a replacement contact
location and personnel which meets the foregoing requirements.

OC. Unless otherwise agreed with the TSO, each Individual Demand Site comprising a
Demand Side Unit shall have a Responsible Operator that must be capable of being
contacted from the Control Facility of the Demand Side Unit Operator at all times
and is capable of being at the Individual Demand Site within 1 hour of request to
respond to any query or issue from the Responsible Operator at the Control Facility
of the Demand Side Unit Operator or the TSO.

OC.7.2.5 Communication Facilities

OC. The minimum communications facilities which are to be installed and maintained
between the TSO and the User are defined in this Section OC.7.2.5.

OC. All equipment to be provided by Users under this Section OC.7.2.5 shall comply with
the applicable International Telecommunications Union (ITU) and International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) standards for SCADA and communications
equipment and shall meet such standards as notified by the TSO, acting reasonably,

in advance of their design or procurement (whichever is later) and shall be provided
at the cost of the User, except where otherwise specified.

OC. Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA)

OC. SCADA remote terminal equipment shall be required in the control room of the
Transmission Station at the User Site for the transmission of signals and indications
to and from the NCC. The signals and indications which must be provided by Users
for transmission by SCADA equipment to the NCC are the signals and indications
referred to under Connection Conditions together with such other information as
the TSO may from time to time by notice to Users reasonably require.

OC. For Demand Side Unit Operators, SCADA remote terminal equipment shall also be
required at the Control Facility for the transmission of signals and indications to and
from the NCC. The signals and indications which must be provided by Demand Side
Unit Operators for transmission by SCADA equipment to the NCC are the signals and
indications referred to under Connection Conditions together with such other
information as the TSO may from time to time, by notice to Demand Side Unit
Operators, reasonably require.

OC. Interface cabinets shall be installed in the control room of the Transmission Station
at the User Site and also on the User's Site or, in the case of a Demand Side Unit
Operator, in the User’s Control Facility. Provision and maintenance of wiring and
signalling from the User's Plant and Apparatus to the User's interface cabinet shall
be the responsibility of the User. The TSO shall provide the cables to interconnect
these interface cabinets.
OC. Computer Equipment
OC. Each User shall comply with the TSO requirements and provide appropriate
computer and data networking equipment to allow data exchange such as electronic
mail, dispatch instructions etc between the TSO and the User. The equipment shall
only be used by the User for operational communications with the TSO.
OC. Each User shall be responsible for optimising the reliability and security of the
computer equipment, referred to in OC., including the provision, at no
charge, of an uninterruptible power supply.
OC. Telephone/Fascimile

OC. Each User shall be responsible for the provision and maintenance (at the cost of the
User) of telephone and facsimile equipment as required by this Section OC.
OC. The TSO may arrange for the provision of one or more telephone extensions to be
connected to the OPTEL system. This facility shall be reserved for operational
purposes only, and shall be continuously attended by a person meeting the
requirements of OC., OC., or OC. (as appropriate) and
answered without undue delay. Users shall be responsible for the provision at no
charge of an uninterruptible power supply.
OC. Users shall provide a Public Switched Telephone Network circuit to the
Communications and Control Room.
OC. Users shall provide no fewer than two separate Public Switched Telephone Network
circuits to the Control Facility.
OC. Users shall provide no fewer than one telefacsimile unit, connected to a dedicated
Public Switched Telephone Network circuit at the Control Facility.

OC. Access and Security

OC. All SCADA, metering equipment, computer and communications equipment that
interfaces with the TSO and the information carried by it must be secure from
unauthorised access. Procedures governing security and access shall be agreed with
Users pursuant to the Operation Instructions, but shall allow for adequate access to
the equipment and information by the TSO or its service providers for the purposes
of maintenance, repair, testing and the taking of readings.

OC. Time Standards

OC. Time will be set by a standard determined by the TSO. The time standard will be
broadcast to relevant telecommunications devices in order to maintain time

OC.7.2.6 Communications

OC. Communication Between the TSO and the User

OC. Other than where specifically provided for in other sections of the Grid Code,
communication between the TSO and Users on matters pertaining to the real time
operation of the Transmission System shall take place between the NCC and the
User's Control Facility.

OC. If the NCC is to be moved to a different location the TSO shall ordinarily notify Users
not more than one Business Day after the move, but in the event of an emergency it
may instead notify Users as soon as practicable after the move.

OC. Unless otherwise specified in the Grid Code, all instructions given by NCC and
communications between NCC and the User's Control Facility shall be given by
means of the facilities described in OC.7.2.5.

OC. Any automatic recording (by whatever means) of communications given by means of
telephony, electronic means, facsimile transfer or telex will be accepted by the TSO
and Users as evidence of those instructions or communications.

OC. Communication Between the TSO and External TSO

OC. For Interconnectors, the procedure for operational liaison by the TSO with the
External TSO is set out in the Interconnector Operating Protocol.

OC. Communication between the TSO and External TSO on the real time operation of
the Transmission System regarding Interconnectors shall take place between the
NCC and the External System’s Control Facility.
OC.7.2.7 Data and Notices

OC. Data and notices to be submitted to the TSO or to Users under the Grid Code (other
than data and notices which are the subject of a specific requirement of the Grid
Code as to the manner of their delivery) shall be In Writing and shall be delivered by
hand or sent by pre-paid post, by telex, receipted email or telefacsimile transfer.

OC. Data and notices to be submitted to the TSO under the Grid Code shall be addressed
to the person, and at the address, notified by the TSO to Users for such purpose,
following entry into the Connection Agreement or for a Demand Side Unit prior to

issuance of the Operational Certificate, or to such other person or address, as the
TSO may notify to Users from time to time.

OC. Data and notices to be submitted to Users under the Grid Code shall be addressed
to the User's nominated representative (at the address notified by Users to the TSO
following entry into the Connection Agreement or for a Demand Side Unit prior to
issuance of the Operational Certificate for such purpose (and failing such notification
to the principal office of the addressee)), or to such other person or address as Users
may notify to the TSO from time to time.

OC. All data items, where applicable, will be referenced to nominal Voltage and
Frequency unless otherwise stated.

OC. All Operational Data is to be supplied in accordance with the timetables set out in
the Grid Code.

OC.7.2.8 Data Retention

OC. Operational Data is all data required to be supplied by either the TSO or Users
under the Grid Code or any other data expressly provided to be Operational Data
under the Grid Code. Operational Data to be supplied by the User must be
submitted to the department or address as the TSO may from time to time advise.

OC. The TSO and Users will keep all Operational Data confidential.
OC. The TSO shall maintain a complete and accurate record of all Operational Data
supplied or maintained under the Grid Code. The format for the retention of
records shall be as the TSO may reasonably determine (provided such format shall
not prejudice its accessibility and comprehension by the User under OC. All
Operational Data shall be so maintained for a period of not less than six (6) years
commencing from the date the Operational Data was first supplied (or first created,
if earlier).
OC. The TSO shall afford Users access to its records (and copies thereof) of Operational
Data and/or data required to be maintained under OC. on reasonable notice.

OC.8 Operational Testing

OC.8.1 Introduction

OC.8.1.1 OC.8 deals with the responsibilities and procedures for arranging and carrying out
Operational Tests which may have an effect on the Systems of the TSO and Users.

OC.8.1.2 By their nature, Operational Tests may impinge on either or both of:

(a) the TSO's responsibilities in respect of the Transmission System, including

Dispatch of Generation, Interconnectors and Demand Side Unit MW
Availability; and
(b) the operations of Users and the quality and continuity of supply of electricity to

OC.8.1.3 To minimise disruption to the operation of the Transmission System and to the
Systems of other Users, it is necessary that tests which affect the operation of the
Transmission System or Users’ Systems as under OC.8.1.2, are subject to central co-
ordination and control.

OC.8.1.4 To achieve the primary objective as outlined in OC.8.2.1, OC.8 sets out procedures for
establishing and reporting Operational Tests.

OC.8.2 Objective

OC.8.2.1 The primary objective of OC8 is to establish procedures for central co-ordination and
control of an Operational Test required by the TSO or a User, where such test will or

(a) affect the secure operation of the Transmission System; or

(b) have a significant effect on the operation of the Transmission System, the Other
Transmission System or a User's System; or
(c) affect the economic operation of the Transmission System or a User's System;
(d) affect the quality or continuity of supply of electricity to Users.

OC.8.2.2 By way of example, tests that are typical of those which may be expected to be covered
by OC.8 are listed in OC.8.4 to OC.8.5. This list is not intended to be exhaustive and other
tests which fall within the definition of Operational Tests shall also be covered by the
procedures outlined in this OC.8.

OC.8.2.3 OC.8 is not intended to deal with tests which may be called routinely by the TSO in order
to assess compliance of Users with their design, operating and connection requirements
as specified in the Grid Code and in each User's Connection Agreement, Ancillary
Services Agreements and System Support Agreement, or to assess that Generators or
Interconnector Operators are in compliance with their Registered Data as notified by
Declarations, where appropriate, or to determine that Generation Units or
Interconnectors are in compliance with Dispatch Instructions. These issues are covered
under OC.10 (Monitoring, Testing and Investigation).

OC.8.3 Scope

OC.8 applies to the TSO and to the following Users:

(a) Generators which includes all Generators with units with Registered Capacity
greater than 5 MW and Generator Aggregators;
(b) Interconnectors;
(c) Demand Side Unit Operators;
(d) The Distribution System Operator; and
(e) Demand Customers.

OC.8.4 Tests Required by the TSO

OC.8.4.1 The TSO as operator of the Transmission System shall in accordance with Prudent
Utility Practice, carry out Operational Tests in order to maintain and develop
operational procedures, to train staff, and to acquire information in respect of
Power System behaviour under abnormal System conditions. The TSO will
endeavour to limit the frequency of occurrence, scope, extent of effects and type of
Operational Tests to those that are required by Prudent Utility Practice.

OC.8.4.2 Operational Tests required by the TSO from time to time shall include, but shall not
be limited to the following:

(i) Tests involving the controlled application of Frequency and/or Voltage

variations aimed at gathering information on Power System behaviour;
(ii) Power System Restoration tests;
(iii) Testing of standing procedures for System Emergency Conditions and Alert
(iv) Testing or monitoring of Power Quality under various Power System
conditions and Dispatch configurations.

OC.8.4.3 The provisions of OC.8.6, OC.8.7, OC.8.8, OC.8.10.4 and OC.8.11 shall not apply to
Operational Tests required by the TSO under this OC.8.4.

OC.8.4.4 Where the TSO intends to carry out an Operational Test in accordance with this
OC.8.4 and, in the TSO's reasonable opinion, such an Operational Test will or may
have an Operational Effect on a User’s System, the TSO shall, in accordance with OC.7
(Information Exchange) provide such notice to the User of the scheduled time and
effect of the Operational Test as is reasonable in all the circumstances and shall keep
the User informed as to any changes to the scheduled time and nature of the
Operational Test.

OC.8.4.5 Where a User, having been informed about an Operational Test under OC.8.4.4 may,
acting reasonably, contact the TSO to request additional time to consider the impact
of the test on the User. The TSO shall co-operate with the User to assess the risks.
The test shall not proceed until all Users are satisfied unless, in the TSO’s view, a User
is acting unreasonably.

OC.8.5 Tests Required by the Users

OC.8.5.1 Operation of Users’ Plant in accordance with Good Industry Practice requires
Operational Testing in order to maintain and develop operational procedures,
develop and measure Plant performance, comply with statutory or other industry
obligations and to train staff.

OC.8.5.2 In accordance with Good Industry Practice each User shall endeavour to limit the
frequency of occurrence of Operational Tests and to limit the effects of such
Operational Tests on the Transmission System.

OC.8.5.3 Operational Tests can comprise of a Significant Test and/or a Minor Test.

OC.8.6 Procedure for Requesting Operational Tests

OC.8.6.1 Users shall submit proposals for an Operational Test in a timely fashion in
accordance with OC7 (Information Exchange) or alternative procedures agreed with
the TSO. Notwithstanding the other requirements in OC7, in the case of a Significant
Test, Users shall submit proposals to the TSO at least five Business Days before the
test start date or, with the agreement of the TSO, no later than 09:00 two Business
Days before the test start date.

OC.8.6.2 As part of the proposal Users, when requesting an Operational Test, shall supply
sufficient detail to the TSO to allow any operational consequences of the test to be
adequately assessed. This shall include the following information:

OC. the reason for the proposed test indicating whether the Operational Test is a test
required by statute, required for compliance with licence conditions, statutory
regulations, or safety codes, which may require that execution of the Operational
Test be expedited and given priority over other Operational Tests.

OC. the preferred time or times for the test;

OC. the milestones for individual stages of the Operational Test (if any) which can be
completed separately, and/or do not require to be repeated if the Operational Test
is interrupted by the TSO after completion of each stage;

OC. whether there may be an adverse material impact on the User if the Operational
Test is cancelled at short notice or delayed (reasonable detail being given by the
User to the TSO of the impact).

OC. where the User is a Generator, Interconnector Operator, Generator Aggregator or

Demand Side Unit Operator, the Dispatch or Dispatches required by the Generator,

Interconnector Operator, Generator Aggregator or Demand Side Unit Operator for
completion of the test, if any, including the duration of Dispatch shall be supplied to
the TSO as part of the proposal. Where the Generator, Interconnector Operator,
Generator Aggregator or Demand Side Unit Operator may not know the entire
Dispatches required for completion of the test until part of the test is completed
then the Generator, Interconnector Operator, Generator Aggregator or Demand
Side Unit Operator when proposing the test shall:

(a) divide the test into sections as appropriate;

(b) indicate and discuss with the TSO which sections of the test can be
completed in stages and which cannot; and
(c) indicate possible variations of the test for the sections that can be
completed in stages.

Additionally, the factors that influence the completion of the stages should be
outlined to the TSO, namely, if the procedure to be followed for a certain stage
depends on the outcome of a previous stage.

OC.8.6.3 A request by the Generator, Interconnector Operator, Generator Aggregator or

Demand Side Unit Operator for an Operational Test requiring a Generation Unit,
Interconnector or Demand Side Unit to be Dispatched to a particular MW Output
or operating condition shall not be considered a Re-declaration of Availability,
Ancillary Service capability or Operating Characteristics.

OC.8.7 Evaluation of Proposed Operational Tests

OC.8.7.1 The TSO shall, on receipt of an Operational Test request from the User, assess the
impact of the proposed test on the operation of the Power System. The TSO may
request additional information from the User required to evaluate the impact or
impacts of the test.

OC.8.7.2 The TSO will evaluate the impact (in terms of continuity and quality of Supply only)
of the Operational Test with significantly affected Users. Any reasonable objections
from any such Operationally Affected Users shall be considered. When discussing

the Operational Test with any affected User, the TSO shall not disclose what it
reasonably believes to be commercially sensitive or otherwise potentially sensitive
information to Users without the consent of the User requesting the test.

OC.8.7.3 Where an Operational Test proposed by a Generator, Interconnector Operator,

Generator Aggregator or Demand Side Unit Operator in respect of one of its
Generation Units, Interconnector or Demand Side Units requires a Dispatch that
exceeds the currently declared values of Availability, Ancillary Service capability
where applicable, or Operating Characteristics of the Generation Unit,
Interconnector or Demand Side Units, then the TSO may so Dispatch the
Generation Unit, Interconnector or Demand Side Units for the period required for
the Operational Test, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Grid Code.

OC.8.8 Approval for Operational Testing

OC.8.8.1 Following receipt of an Operational Test proposal and evaluation of the Operational
Test’s likely impact, including discussions of test requirements with the User
requesting the Operational Test and with Operationally Affected Users as
appropriate, the TSO will decide if approval for the requested Operational Test is

OC.8.8.2 The criteria for approving Operational Test include:

(a) the impact of the Operational Test on Transmission System operation

(b) the impact of the Operational Test on Transmission System operation
economics or on the economics of the operation of the Other Transmission
(c) the impact of the Operational Test on other Users’ Systems;
(d) the effect of the Operational Test on continuity and quality of electricity

OC.8.8.3 On approval by the TSO of an Operational Test proposed by a User, the TSO shall
contact the User outlining the proposed Dispatch procedure and schedule.

OC. On receipt of the proposed Dispatch procedure and schedule of the Operational Test,
the Test Proposer shall notify the TSO without undue delay, of the Test Proposer's
acceptance or rejection of the proposed Dispatch procedure and schedule for the

OC. On notification of rejection of the proposed Dispatch procedure and schedule for the
Operational Test by the Test Proposer, then the Operational Test shall not take place.
The Test Proposer may enter into discussions with the TSO as to an alternative
schedule for the Operational Test, or may request a different Operational Test or may
request the Operational Test at an alternative time.

OC. On notification of acceptance of the proposed Dispatch procedure and schedule for
the Operational Test by the Test Proposer, the TSO shall inform other Users as to the
scheduled time and nature of the test, if in the opinion of the TSO those Users will or
may be significantly affected by the test, or otherwise as dictated by standing

OC. If Operationally Affected Users are not satisfied with the proposed Operational Test,
they shall advise the TSO of their concerns. The TSO shall not cancel a proposed
Operational Test unless these objections are reasonable. If Operationally Affected
Users are still not satisfied with the Operational Test being approved, then they may
appeal the decision to the CRU in accordance with OC.8.12.

OC. Notification by the TSO to the Test Proposer of the proposed Dispatch procedure and
schedule for an Operational Test, or notification by the Test Proposer to the TSO of
acceptance of the proposed Dispatch procedure and schedule, does not constitute a
Dispatch Instruction from the TSO to the Test Proposer.

OC.8.8.4 On rejection of the proposed Operational Test by the TSO, the Test Proposer may
enter into discussions with the TSO as to an alternative schedule for the Operational
Test, or may request a different Operational Test or may request the Operational
Test at an alternative time. If the amended proposal for an Operational Test is
approved by the TSO, and the User requesting the Operational Test is a Generator,
then OC.8.8.3 shall apply.

OC.8.8.5 If the Test Proposer is not satisfied that there are reasonable grounds for rejecting
the proposed Operational Test, then they may appeal to the CRU according to

OC.8.9 Scheduling of Operational Tests

OC.8.9.1 Operational Tests will usually, but not necessarily, be scheduled by the TSO in
accordance with SDC1 .

OC.8.9.2 Where an Operational Test is requested by a User, the User shall submit Physical
Notifications consistent with planned Operational Tests in accordance with SDC1
and the Trading and Settlement Code consistent with planned Operational Tests.
The User shall also submit all other data as normal as required under the SDC1.

OC.8.9.3 The TSO shall use reasonable endeavours to prioritise Operational Tests where the
Test Proposer has notified the TSO that Operational Tests are required in
accordance with licence conditions, statutory regulations or safety codes or a delay
in the execution of the tests may have an adverse material impact on a User.

OC.8.10 Dispatching of Operational Tests

OC.8.10.1 Dispatch Instructions for Operational Tests shall be issued by the TSO in the normal
manner for issuing Dispatch Instructions in accordance with SDC2.

OC.8.10.2 The TSO shall use reasonable endeavours to ensure that scheduled Operational
Tests are dispatched in accordance with the agreed Dispatch procedures.

OC.8.10.3 Where the TSO foresees a requirement or likely requirement to cancel, postpone or
otherwise significantly alter an agreed Dispatch procedure and schedule, then the
TSO shall inform the Test Proposer as soon as reasonably possible. In this case the
provisions of OC.8.10.4 and OC.8.10.5 apply.

OC.8.10.4 Where the TSO assesses that the impact of an Operational Test on Transmission
System security or on the continuity and quality of supply or operation of a User

may or is likely to be significantly greater than originally estimated, the TSO may
contact the Test Proposer to discuss a revised test procedure or schedule.
OC.8.10.5 The TSO may where it considers it necessary cancel, interrupt or postpone an
Operational Test at any time, but shall where possible utilise the procedures
outlined under OC.8.10.4 prior to taking such action where the cancellation,
interruption or postponement is for other than technical reasons.

OC.8.10.6 If the Test Proposer wishes to cancel an Operational Test either before
commencement of the test or during the test, the TSO must be notified by the Test
Proposer, in accordance with OC.7.

OC.8.11 Test Reporting

OC.8.11.1 Upon conclusion of the scheduled time for an Operational Test the Test Proposer
shall notify the TSO as to whether the test has been completed, or sections of the
test if divided into sections under OC. have been completed.

OC.8.11.2 At the conclusion of the Operational Test, the Test Proposer shall be responsible for
preparing a written report on the Operational Test (the "Final Report") which shall
be available within three months of the conclusion of the Operational Test to the
TSO, Operationally Affected Users and the CRU on request.

OC.8.11.3 The Final Report shall not be submitted to any person who is not a representative of
the TSO or the Test Proposer unless the TSO and the Test Proposer having
reasonably considered the confidentiality issues arising, shall have unanimously
approved such submission.

OC.8.11.4 The Final Report shall include a description of the Plant and/or Apparatus tested
and a description of the System Test carried out together with the results,
conclusions and recommendations as they relate to the TSO and Operationally
Affected Users.

OC.8.12 Disputes

OC.8.12.1 Operationally Affected Users who consider that the implementation of the
proposed Operational Test will have a significant negative impact on them may
appeal to the CRU providing details of their objections.

OC.8.12.2 The Test Proposer has right of appeal to the CRU if it considers that rejection of the
proposed Operational Test is unreasonable.

OC.9 Emergency Control and Power System Restoration

OC.9.1 Introduction

OC.9.1.1 Normal operation of the Transmission System by the TSO is in accordance with the
principles and procedures as set out in this Grid Code and obligations under the
Electricity Supply Act 1927. There will be emergency situations when security of the
Transmission System is subject to abnormal levels of risk (e.g. during major lightning
storms) and this OC.9 provides for specific requirements to address such situations.

OC.9.1.2 Experience has shown that electricity supply systems can suffer Partial Shutdown or
Total Shutdown. Collapses can result from a number of root causes but might most
typically be due to a high number of Plant failures (Generation and/or transmission)
resulting from severe weather conditions and/or maloperation of protection systems.

OC.9.1.3 It is therefore necessary in the Grid Code to provide for how to deal with a Partial
Shutdown or Total Shutdown of the Transmission System, and to ensure that the
necessary procedures and facilities are in place to support rapid re-establishment of
the shutdown parts and restore supply to Customers.

OC.9.1.4 A Partial Shutdown or Total Shutdown represents one of the most serious fault
situations liable to occur on the Transmission System, having a major effect on both
Users and Customers. Due to the significance of such an incident and the urgency in
restoring supply to all Customers, it is imperative that all Users should maintain a high
level of awareness and training in respect of Power System Restoration.

OC.9.2 Objective

OC.9.2.1 The objective of OC.9 is to ensure that in the event of a Partial Shutdown or Total
Shutdown of the Transmission System, normal supply is restored to all Customers as
quickly and as safely as practicable in accordance with Prudent Utility Practice. This
objective can be subdivided:

(a) to outline the general restoration strategy which will be adopted by the TSO in
the event of a Partial Shutdown or Total Shutdown of the Transmission
(b) to establish the responsibility of the TSO to produce and maintain a
comprehensive Power System Restoration Plan, covering both Partial
Shutdowns and Total Shutdowns;
(c) to establish the responsibility of Users to co-operate with the formation and
execution of the Power System Restoration Plan,
(d) to ensure that the TSO and User personnel who will potentially be involved
with the Power System Restoration Plan, should be adequately trained and
fully familiar with the relevant details of the plan.

OC.9.3 Scope

OC.9 applies to the TSO and to the following Users:

(a) Generators which for the purposes of OC.9 includes all Generators with
Registered Capacity greater than 5 MW;
(b) Interconnector Operators;
(c) The Distribution System Operator;
(d) Demand Customers; and
(e) Demand Side Unit Operators.

OC.9.4 System Alerts

OC.9.4.1 In the event of a System Emergency Condition or imminent shortfall of MW

capacity, the TSO may issue any of several Alerts to the Generator, key
Transmission Stations, Distribution Control Centres and Demand Side Unit
Operators. These Alerts may include an Alert State, Emergency State or Blackout
State, or other Alerts as may be agreed from time to time.

OC.9.4.2 Alerts will normally (except in the case of a failure of the Electronic Alert System
when it will be given verbally) be transmitted to the User via the Electronic Alert

System. The Alert shall cause an alarm in the receiving location, which must be
acknowledged by the User in accordance with their Alert procedures.

OC.9.4.3 Alert State

OC. An Alert State may be issued when a single Event would give rise to a reasonable
possibility of failure to meet the Power System Demand, or of Frequency or Voltage
departing significantly from normal, as per CC.8.2.1(a) and CC.8.3.1(a), or if multiple
Events are probable due to prevailing weather conditions.

OC. Standing procedures to be activated in response to an Alert State will be developed

by the TSO, in consultation with Users, and notified to each User as appropriate.
These standing procedures will not impose obligations on the User which are not
already implicit in the Grid Code.

OC. Each User is responsible for internal procedures necessary to execute the standing

OC.9.4.4 Emergency State

OC. A Emergency State may be issued when, other than as provided for in OC.10, the
Frequency or Voltage has deviated significantly from normal, or User's Demand has
been disconnected, or, in the period immediately ahead there is a high probability of
failing to meet the Power System Demand or to maintain normal Voltage.

OC. Standing procedures to be activated in response to a Emergency State will be

developed by the TSO, in consultation with Users, and notified to each User as

OC.9.4.5 Blackout State

OC. The issuing of a Blackout State other than as provided for in OC.9.5.4, by the TSO
signifies that either a Partial Shutdown or a Total Shutdown of the Power System
has taken place.

OC. Standing procedures to be activated in response to a Blackout State will be
developed by the TSO, in consultation with Users, and notified to each User as
appropriate. These standing procedures will not impose obligations on the User
which are not already implicit in the Grid Code.

OC. Each User is responsible for internal procedures necessary to execute the standing
procedures. In developing internal procedures to apply following the activation of
Blackout State standing procedures, each User shall consult with the TSO.

OC.9.5 Power System Restoration

OC.9.5.1 The Power System Restoration Plan will be developed and maintained by the TSO in
consultation with the DSO and other Users as appropriate. The TSO will promulgate
the Power System Restoration Plan in accordance with Prudent Utility Practice.

OC.9.5.2 The procedure for Power System Restoration shall be that notified by the TSO to
the User at the time of a Partial Shutdown or Total Shutdown. Each User shall
abide by the TSO's instructions during the restoration process, subject to safety of
personnel and the TSO's and the User's Plant and Apparatus.

OC.9.5.3 It shall be the responsibility of the User to ensure that any of its personnel who may
reasonably be expected to be involved in Power System Restoration are familiar
with, and are adequately trained and experienced in their standing instructions and
other obligations so as to be able to implement the procedures and comply with any
procedures notified by the TSO under OC.9.5.2.

OC.9.5.4 The TSO shall in consultation with each User and on at least one occasion each year,
issue a Blackout State to the User for the purposes of assisting training. The content
of the tests shall be notified in advance to the User, and a date and time for
execution of the tests shall be agreed. The User must, acting in accordance with
Good Industry Practice, co-operate with any such testing.


OC.9.5.5 Generators shall not be permitted to reconnect to the Transmission System after an
incidental disconnection caused by a Transmission System disturbance, unless
specified otherwise by the TSO. Generators shall not be permitted to install
automatic reconnection systems, unless specified otherwise by the TSO.

OC.9.6 De-Energisation of the User’s plant by the TSO

OC.9.6.1 De-Energisation of a User's Plant and Apparatus is also provided for in OC.4.5.6. It may
be effected at any time and from time to time if and to the extent that the TSO, acting
in accordance with Prudent Utility Practice, considers it necessary in order to provide
for safe and secure operation of the Transmission System within prescribed standards,

(i) during a System Emergency Condition;

(ii) during Power System Restoration; and
(iii) following the issue of a Blackout State.

OC.10 Monitoring, Testing and Investigation

OC.10.1 Introduction

OC.10.1.1 In order to discharge its responsibilities in respect of the safe, secure and economic
operation of the Transmission System and in respect of generation Dispatch, the TSO
will need to carry out certain Monitoring, Testing and Investigation in respect of the
performance of Users’ Plant.

OC.10.1.2 OC.10 does not apply to Operational Tests, which may be required by the TSO or by
Users. The procedures by which Operational Tests are notified, and approved,
executed and reported, are covered under Operational Testing (OC.8).

OC.10.2 Objective

OC.10.2.1 The primary objectives of OC.10 are to establish procedures for Testing that Users are
operating within their design, operating and connection requirements, as specified in
the Grid Code, Connection Agreements, Ancillary Services Agreements and System
Support Agreements between Users and the TSO.

OC.10.2.2 In order to achieve the primary objective set out in OC.10.2.1, OC.10 establishes
procedures for Monitoring, Testing and Investigation. In particular, this facilitates
adequate assessment of each of the following:

(a) whether Centrally Dispatched Generation Units (CDGU), Interconnectors and

Demand Side Units comply with Dispatch Instructions;
(b) whether Generators, Interconnectors, Demand Side Unit Operators and
Generator Aggregators are in compliance with Declarations of Availability,
Ancillary Services capabilities, Operating Characteristics and any other data
required to be registered by those Generators, Interconnectors and Demand
Side Unit Operators under the Grid Code;
(c) whether Power Quality of Users conforms with CC.10.13.1;
(d) whether Users are in compliance with protection requirements and protection
settings under the Grid Code, Users' Connection Agreements, Ancillary Service
Agreements and System Support Agreements between Users and the TSO;
(e) whether Generators have the ability to generate on Primary Fuel and
Secondary Fuel (where applicable) and have the ability to carry out on on-line

fuel changeover; and
(f) whether Generators have the required Secondary Fuel stock levels at the
Generator Site and Off-Site Storage Location.

OC.10.3 Scope

OC.10 applies to the TSO and to the following Users

(a) Generators which, for the purposes of OC.10, include all Generators with
Generation Unit(s) subject to Central Dispatch or with Generation Unit(s) that
have a total Registered Capacity greater than 4 MW on a single Site;
(b) Interconnector Operators;
(c) The Distribution System Operator;
(d) Suppliers;
(e) Demand Customers;
(f) Demand Side Unit Operators in respect of their Demand Side Units; and;
(g) Generator Aggregators in respect of the Generation Units which they represent.

OC.10.4 Monitoring

OC.10.4.1 Monitoring is normally continuous or continuous for periods of time, and is carried
out by monitoring, data recording and analysis or by such other methods as the TSO
shall reasonably determine are appropriate in the circumstances. It does not require
advance notification from the TSO to Users.

OC.10.4.2 Where a data recording and analysis system is used for Monitoring, the TSO shall
inform the User that such data recording and analysis system is being used and, on
request from the User, shall make available to the User reasonable information in
respect of the data recording and analysis system.

OC.10.4.3 Monitoring may be carried out at any time by the TSO and may result, without the
application of further Testing, in the evaluation by the TSO of User non-compliance.
Where the User disputes a finding of non-compliance, the TSO shall provide the
User with any data collected during Monitoring over the period of alleged non-

compliance and such other documentation as is reasonably necessary to show
evidence of non-compliance.

OC.10.4.4 Performance parameters that the TSO shall Monitor may include, but are not
limited to, the following:

OC. Compliance with Dispatch Instructions;

OC. Compliance with Declarations including, without limitation, in respect of:

(a) Primary, Secondary and Tertiary Operating Reserve provided by each of a

Generator’s Generation Units, following a Low Frequency Event on the
Transmission System;
(b) Frequency Regulation provided by each Generation Unit (to confirm that it is
consistent with the Declared Governor Droop); and
(c) Tertiary Operating Reserve 2 and Replacement Reserve provided by each of
a Generator's Generation Units.

OC. Compliance with IEC Power Quality standards; and

OC. Provision of static and dynamic Reactive Power; and

OC. Monitoring of Primary Fuel and Secondary Fuel capability, on-line changeover
capability and fuel storage levels.

OC.10.4.5 Monitoring systems and procedures

OC. Procedures and systems used for assessment of compliance will be either generic
procedures (which will be provided by the TSO) or otherwise agreed between the
TSO and the User, such agreement not to be unreasonably withheld.

OC. Compliance of Demand Side Units with Dispatch Instructions

A Demand Side Unit shall be deemed compliant with a Dispatch Instruction if:

(i) the Demand Side Unit MW Response of the Dispatch Instruction is achieved
in the Demand Side Unit MW Response Time and maintained until the

subsequent Dispatch Instruction or until the Maximum Down-Time of the
Demand Side Unit has elapsed; and

(ii) the Demand Side Unit Performance Monitoring Percentage Error is less than
5% for each full quarter-hour Meter period of the Demand Side Unit MW
Response for 90% of the last ten Dispatches or 90% of the Dispatches in a
three-hundred and sixty-five day period


the Demand Side Unit Performance Monitoring Error is less than 0.250 MWh
for each full quarter-hour Meter period of the Demand Side Unit MW
Response in 90% of the last ten Dispatches or 90% of the Dispatches in a
three-hundred and sixty-five day period; and

(iii) the Demand Side Unit Performance Monitoring Percentage Error is less than
10% for each full quarter-hour Meter period of the Demand Side Unit MW


the Demand Side Unit Performance Monitoring Error is less than 0.250 MWh
for each full quarter-hour Meter period of the Demand Side Unit MW
Response; and

(iv) the Demand Side Unit Performance Monitoring Percentage Error is on

average less than 5% for each full quarter-hour Meter period of the Demand
Side Unit MW Response


the Demand Side Unit Performance Monitoring Error is on average less than
0.250 MWh for each full quarter-hour Meter period of the Demand Side Unit
MW Response; and

(v) the Demand Side Unit SCADA Percentage Error is less than 5% or the Demand
Side Unit SCADA Error is less than 0.250 MWh.

OC.10.5 Testing

OC.10.5.1 Testing may involve attendance by the TSO or the TSO representative at User Sites
in order to carry out Tests in accordance with the testing procedures set out in

OC.10.5.2 For the purposes of this OC10 a Test shall be carried out pursuant to a Dispatch
Instruction from the TSO or by such alternative procedure as is required or
permitted by this OC10.

OC.10.5.3 A Test may require the User to carry out specific actions in response to a Dispatch

OC.10.5.4 The results of a Test may be derived from the Monitoring of performance during the

OC.10.5.5 The TSO may, from time to time, carry out Tests in order to determine that a User is
complying with its Connection Conditions, Registered Operating Characteristics and
Declarations. The TSO may:

(a) from time to time and for the purposes of Testing, issue a Dispatch
(b) induce controlled Power System Frequency or Voltage conditions or
variations for the purpose of determining that the Generation Unit’s
response is in accordance with its Declared Availability, Ancillary Service
capabilities and Operating Characteristics; and
(c) having given three Business Days notice, or less where agreed, (identifying
the Ancillary Service and/or Operating Characteristic to be tested), send a
representative to the Generator's Site to verify by Testing in accordance with
the Test procedures specified in OC.10.5.8, that the Generator is in
compliance with its Declared values;
(d) request Start-Up on Secondary Fuel, or on-line changeover at Primary Fuel
Switchover Output from Primary Fuel to Secondary Fuel or from Secondary
Fuel to Primary Fuel at Secondary Fuel Switchover Output; and

(e) having given the Generator one Business Day’s notice send a representative
to the Generator’s Site to verify the Secondary Fuel stock levels both at the
onsite Secondary Fuel storage location and if required at the Off-Site Storage

OC.10.5.6 If the TSO subcontracts Testing work on a User's Site, then the User and the TSO must
be in agreement on the selection of a suitable subcontractor.

OC.10.5.7 Black Start Testing

OC. The TSO may require a Generator with a Black Start Station to carry out a test (a
"Black Start Test") on a CDGU in a Black Start Station either while the Black Start
Station remains connected to an external alternating current electrical supply (a
"Black Start unit Test") or while the Black Start Station is disconnected from all
external alternating current electrical supplies (a "Black Start Station Test"), in order
to demonstrate that a Black Start Station has a Black Start Capability.

OC. Where the TSO requires a Generator with a Black Start Station to carry out a Black
Start unit Test, the TSO shall not require the Black Start Test to be carried out on
more than one CDGU at that Black Start Station at the same time, and would not, in
the absence of exceptional circumstances, expect any other CDGU at the Black Start
Station to be directly affected by the Black Start unit Test.

OC. Black Start Test Intervals

The TSO requires a Generator or Interconnector Operator with a Black Start Station
to carry out a Black Start Test at least once every three calendar years.

OC. Black Start unit Test

The TSO may require a Black Start unit Test to be carried out at any time but no
more than once in each calendar year in respect of any particular CDGU or
Interconnector unless it can justify on reasonable grounds the necessity for
further tests or unless the further test is a re-test.

OC. Black Start Station Test
The TSO may require a Black Start Station Test to be carried out at any time but
no more than once in every two calendar years in respect of any particular CDGU
or Interconnector unless it can justify on reasonable grounds the necessity for
further tests or unless the further test is a re-test.

OC. When the TSO wishes a Generator or Interconnector Operator with a Black Start
Station to carry out a Black Start Test, it shall notify the relevant Generator or
Interconnector Operator at least 7 Business Days prior to the time of the Black Start
Test with details of the proposed Black Start Test.

OC. All Black Start Tests shall be carried out at the time specified by the TSO in the notice
given under OC. and shall be undertaken in the presence of a reasonable
number of representatives appointed and authorised by the TSO, who shall be given
access to all information relevant to the Black Start Test.

OC.10.5.8 Test Procedures

The proposed procedure for a Test will be notified to the User by the TSO in advance
of the Test. For an existing procedure, three Business Days notice shall be given.
For a new procedure, seven days notice shall be given and following receipt of such
notification the User, acting in good faith, may, by five days notice to the TSO,
reasonably object to the proposed procedure on the grounds that there will be a
material risk to the safety of the User's Plant or personnel, or that the proposed
procedure is technically infeasible or inappropriate to the purpose (in accordance
with Good Industry Practice), giving full details of its concerns. In the event that the
User so objects, the TSO shall, as it considers necessary, modify the procedure and
re-notify the User.

OC. The TSO shall treat information collected from Users during monitoring and testing
as confidential.

OC.10.5.9 Results of Testing shall be dealt with in accordance with OC.10.7.

OC.10.6 Investigation

OC.10.6.1 The TSO may, if it reasonably considers that there may be an issue of non-
compliance by the User, carry out an Investigation to acquire or verify information
relevant to Users' Plant and/or Apparatus design, operation or connection
requirements under the Grid Code, Connection Agreements, Ancillary Service
Agreements and System Support Agreements between Users and the TSO.

OC.10.6.2 Investigation by the TSO usually applies to information not collected on a regular
basis by means of Monitoring and Testing. The TSO may, having given reasonable
notice, send a representative or subcontractor to a User’s Site in order to
Investigate any equipment or operational procedure on or applicable to the User
Site insofar as the condition of that equipment or operational procedure is relevant
to compliance with the Grid Code, Connection Agreements, and/or other agreements
between Users and the TSO.

OC.10.7 Consequences of Monitoring, Testing and Investigation

OC.10.7.1 Non-compliance with a Dispatch Instruction issued by the TSO to a Generator,

Interconnector Operator, Demand Side Unit Operator or Generator Aggregator.

OC. When the TSO considers that a Generator, Interconnector Operator, a Demand Side
Unit Operator or a Generator Aggregator is not in compliance with a Dispatch
Instruction then the TSO shall inform the Generator, the Interconnector Operator,
the Demand Side Unit Operator or the Generator Aggregator by agreed methods,
identifying the relevant Generation Unit, Interconnector or Demand Side Unit, and
identifying the Dispatch Instruction and the time of issue of the Dispatch Instruction
with which the TSO considers the Generator, the Interconnector Operator, the
Demand Side Unit Operator or the Generator Aggregator is not in compliance. This
shall be known as a "Warning for non-compliance with a Dispatch Instruction". The
Warning is to contain a Dispatch Instruction which may be identical to the original
Dispatch Instruction or which may differ from it. The occurrence of the Warning

shall be logged by the TSO and by the Generator, the Interconnector Operator, the
Demand Side Unit Operator or the Generator Aggregator.

OC. On receipt of a Warning for non-compliance with a Dispatch Instruction, the

Generator, the Interconnector Operator, the Demand Side Unit Operator or the
Generator Aggregator must as soon as possible, and in any case within ten (10)
minutes of the receipt of the Warning:

(a) commence to comply with the Dispatch Instruction included with the
Warning (this may be the original or a modified Dispatch Instruction as
outlined in OC.; or
(b) reply to the TSO, disputing in good faith the validity of the original Dispatch
Instruction, detailing the grounds on which the validity is being disputed; or
(c) reply to the TSO, disputing in good faith the validity of the assessment of
non-compliance. In this event the Generator, the Interconnector Operator,
the Demand Side Unit Operator or the Generator Aggregator must as soon
as is reasonably practicable, inform the TSO in detail of the grounds on
which the assessment of non-compliance is being disputed; or
(d) reply to the TSO, giving a reason for inability to comply with the Dispatch
Instruction, and making a revised Declaration in respect of the Availability,
Ancillary Service capabilities or Operating Characteristics, as appropriate.

OC. If the Generator, Interconnector Operator, Demand Side Unit Operator or

Generator Aggregator complies in accordance with OC. (a), no further
action shall arise.

OC. In the event of the Generator, Interconnector Operator, Demand Side Unit
Operator or Generator Aggregator making a revised Declaration under OC.
(d), the TSO shall then issue a new Dispatch Instruction, consistent with the revised
Declaration. The revised Declaration will be backdated to the time of issue of the
relevant Dispatch Instruction. Notwithstanding the backdating of the revised
Declaration, the Generator, Interconnector Operator, Demand Side Unit Operator
or Generator Aggregator will still be deemed under OC. as having failed to
comply with a Dispatch Instruction.

OC. In the event of OC. (b) or OC. (c) applying, the TSO shall consider the
substance of the Generator's, Interconnector Operator’s, Demand Side Unit
Operator’s or Generator Aggregator’s disputation. The TSO shall, where the TSO
considers appropriate, communicate with the Generator, Interconnector Operator,
Demand Side Unit Operator or Generator Aggregator to clarify aspects relating to
the issue and receiving of the Dispatch Instruction, and the Generator's,
Interconnector Operator’s, Demand Side Unit Operator’s or Generator
Aggregator’s actions. The TSO shall acting reasonably determine the validity of the
Generator’s, Interconnector Operator’s, Demand Side Unit Operator’s or
Generator Aggregator’s disputation, and shall inform the Generator, Interconnector
Operator’s, Demand Side Unit Operator or Generator Aggregator as to its decision.
The TSO shall record both its decision, and also all pertinent information relating to
the event, including the Generator's, Interconnector Operator’s, Demand Side Unit
Operator’s or Generator Aggregator’s disputation and such information shall be
deemed to be Operational Data.

OC. Where the TSO, acting reasonably, is of the view that a disputation given by a
Generator, Interconnector Operator, Demand Side Unit Operator or Generator
Aggregator is not valid or not wholly valid or if the Generator, Interconnector
Operator, Demand Side Unit Operator or Generator Aggregator has not replied in
accordance with OC., the TSO shall inform the Generator, Interconnector
Operator, Demand Side Unit Operator or Generator Aggregator that it is overriding,
by means of a Post Event Notice, the Generator's Declaration or Interconnector’s
Declaration in respect of the Availability, Ancillary Service capabilities or Operating
Characteristics of the Generation Unit or Interconnector as appropriate. The Post
Event Notice shall govern until such times as the Generator, Interconnector
Operator, Demand Side Unit Operator or Generator Aggregator submits a revised
Availability Notice.

OC. Where the TSO gives a Post Event Notice under OC., the Post Event Notice
shall be backdated to the time of issue of the relevant Dispatch Instruction, or the
latest time for which there exists compelling evidence that the Generation Unit,
Interconnector and Demand Side Unit was acting in compliance with the Dispatch
Instruction, whichever is the later. The Post Event Notice shall set the level of

Declared Availability, Declared Ancillary Service capability or declared Technical
Parameter, as the case may be, at such level as the Monitoring, Testing or
Investigation indicates the Generation Unit or Interconnector actually achieved.
Notwithstanding the backdating of the Post Event Notice, the User will still be
deemed under OC. as having failed to comply with a Dispatch Instruction.

OC. In the event that the Demand Side Unit Operator is deemed by the TSO in
accordance with the provisions of this OC.10 to be in non-compliance with its
Dispatch Instructions, that is the Demand Side Unit failed to comply with three (3)
Dispatch Instructions in a one calendar month period then the TSO shall notify the
Demand Side Unit Operator of the continued non-compliance. The Demand Side
Unit Operator shall take immediate action to remedy such non-compliance. The
terms of this OC. shall be without prejudice to the rights of the TSO to
instruct the Market Operator that the Demand Side Unit is in breach of the Grid
Code. In such cases the TSO may set the Demand Side Unit’s Availability to zero or
to a level as deemed appropriate by the TSO until Testing is completed on
compliance with Dispatch Instructions.

OC.10.7.2 Non-compliance by a Generator and Interconnector Operator with Declared

Operating Reserve

OC. In evaluating the adequacy of the performance of a Generation Unit or

Interconnector as the case may be, the TSO shall compare the actual performance
as measured, with the expected performance for that Generation Unit or
Interconnector. The expected performance from the Generation Unit or
Interconnector shall be calculated based on the Frequency deviation from the Pre-
Incident Frequency, and the Generation Unit's or Interconnector’s then Declared
values of Availability, POR, SOR, TOR1, TOR2 and Governor Droop;

OC. Where the performance of a Generation Unit or Interconnector is deemed by the

TSO to be in non-compliance with Declared Operating Reserve, then the TSO shall
notify the Generator or Interconnector Operator, of the non-compliance, identifying
the system or procedure by which non-compliance was measured. The TSO shall by
means of a Post Event Notice override the Generator's or Interconnector
Operator’s Declaration in respect of Operating Reserve. The revised Declaration

shall be effective from the time of commencement of the Test or Event on which the
non-compliance has been assessed, or such later time as may, in the opinion of the
TSO acting reasonably, be appropriate if the non-compliance did not apply to the full
period of the Test or Event.

OC. Following the notification of non-compliance, the TSO shall make available to the
Generator or Interconnector Operator within three Business Days relevant data in
relation to the system Frequency and Generation Unit or Interconnector
performance, that the Generator or Interconnector may reasonably require
substantiating the assessment of non-compliance.

OC. The consequences of non-compliance by a Generator or Interconnector with

Declared Operating Reserve will be addressed in the Trading and Settlement Code
and other agreements as appropriate.

OC.10.7.3 Non-compliance by a Generator, Interconnector Operator, Demand Side Unit

Operator or Generator Aggregator with an Availability Notice
OC. In the event that the performance of a Generation Unit, Interconnector, Demand
Side Unit or Aggregated Generator is deemed by the TSO to be in non-compliance
with its Declared Availability, then the TSO shall notify the Generator,
Interconnector Operator, Demand Side Unit Operator or the Generator Aggregator
of the non-compliance.

OC. Having so informed the Generator, Interconnector Operator, Demand Side Unit
Operator or Generator Aggregator, the TSO shall, by means of a Post Event Notice,
override the User's Availability Notice, with a value as appropriate to the outcome
of the Test or Investigation. The revised Declaration shall be effective from the
time of commencement of the Test or Investigation on which the non-compliance
has been assessed, or such later time as may, in the opinion of the TSO acting
reasonably, be appropriate if the non-compliance did not apply to the full period of
the Test or Investigation.

OC. The economic consequence of non-compliance by a Generator, Interconnector

Operator, Demand Side Unit Operator or Generator Aggregator with Declared

Availability will be addressed in the SEM Trading and Settlement Code and other
agreements as appropriate.

OC.10.7.4 Non-compliance by a Generator, Demand Side Unit Operator or Interconnector

Operator with Declared Ancillary Services or Declared Technical Parameters

OC. In the event that the performance of a Generation Unit, Demand Side Unit
Operator or Interconnector is deemed by the TSO to be in non-compliance with its
Declared Ancillary Services capability or Operating Characteristics, then the TSO
shall notify the Generator, Demand Side Unit Operator or Interconnector Operator
of the non-compliance, and having so informed the Generator, Demand Side Unit
Operator or Interconnector Operator then the TSO shall by means of a Post Event
Notice override the Generator's Declaration, Demand Side Unit Operator’s
Declaration or Interconnector Operator’s Declaration in respect of Ancillary
Services or Operating Characteristics as appropriate.

OC. The consequences of non-compliance by a Generator, Demand Side Unit Operator

or Interconnector Operator with Declared Ancillary Services or Declared Technical
Parameters will be addressed in the SEM Trading and Settlement Code and other
agreements as appropriate.

OC.10.7.5 Non-compliance by a User with a Connection Condition or Registered Operating


OC. In the event that the performance of a Generation Unit is deemed by the TSO in
accordance with the provisions of this OC10 to be in non compliance with its
Operating Characteristics or with a Connection Condition, then the TSO shall notify
the Generator of the non-compliance and the Generator shall take immediate
action to remedy such non compliance. The terms of this OC.10.7.5 shall be without
prejudice to the rights of the TSO to De-energise the Generator's Plant and
Apparatus in accordance with the terms of OC.9.6.

OC. In the event that the performance of an Interconnector is deemed by the TSO in
accordance with the provisions of this OC.10 to be in non-compliance with its

Operating Characteristics, or with a Connection Condition, then the TSO shall notify
the Interconnector Operator of the non-compliance and the Interconnector
Operator shall take immediate action to remedy such non compliance. The terms of
this OC.10.7.5 shall be without prejudice to the rights of the TSO to De-energise the
Interconnector and Apparatus in accordance with the terms of OC.9.6.

OC. In the event that the performance of a Demand Side Unit is deemed by the TSO in
accordance with the provisions of this OC.10 to be in non-compliance with its
Operating Characteristics or with a Connection Condition, then the TSO shall notify
the Demand Side Unit Operator of the non-compliance and the Demand Side Unit
Operator shall take immediate action to remedy such non compliance. The terms of
this OC.10.7.5 shall be without prejudice to the rights of the TSO to De-energise the
Demand Site and Apparatus in accordance with the terms of OC.9.6.

OC.10.7.6 Failure of a Black Start Test

OC. A Black Start Station shall fail a Black Start Test if the Black Start Test shows that it
does not have a Black Start Capability (i.e. if the relevant Generating Unit fails to be
Synchronised to the System within two hours of the Auxiliary Gas Turbine Unit(s) or
Auxiliary Diesel Engine(s) being required to start).

OC. If a Black Start Station fails to pass a Black Start Test the Generator or
Interconnector Operator must provide the TSO with a written report specifying in
reasonable detail the reasons for any failure of the test so far as they are then
known to the Generator or Interconnector Operator after due and careful enquiry.
This must be provided within five Business Days of the test. If a dispute arises
relating to the failure, the TSO and the relevant Generator or Interconnector
Operator shall seek to resolve the dispute by discussion, and if they fail to reach
agreement, the Generator or Interconnector Operator may require the TSO to carry
out a further Black Start Test on 48 hours notice which shall be carried out following
the agreed procedure as the case may be, as if the TSO had issued an instruction at
the time of notice from the Generator or Interconnector Operator.

OC. If the Black Start Station concerned fails to pass the re-test and a dispute arises on
that re-test, either party may use the Disputes Resolution Procedure for a ruling in
relation to the dispute, which ruling shall be binding.

OC. If following the procedure in OC. and OC10.7.6.3 it is accepted that the Black
Start Station has failed the Black Start Test (or a re-test carried out under
OC., within 14 days, or such longer period as the TSO may reasonably
agree, following such failure, the relevant Generator or Interconnector Operator
shall submit to the TSO in writing for approval, the date and time by which that
Generator or Interconnector Operator shall have brought that Black Start Station to
a condition where it has a Black Start Capability and would pass the Black Start
Test, and the TSO will not unreasonably withhold or delay its approval of the
Generator's or Interconnector Operator’s proposed date and time submitted.
Should the TSO not approve the Generator's or Interconnector Operator’s proposed
date and time (or any revised proposal) the Generator or Interconnector Operator
shall revise such proposal having regard to any comments the TSO may have made
and resubmit it for approval.
OC. Once the Generator or Interconnector Operator has indicated to the TSO that the
Generating Station or Interconnector has a Black Start Capability, the TSO shall
either accept this information or require the Generator or Interconnector Operator
to demonstrate that the relevant Black Start Station has its Black Start Capability
restored, by means of a repetition of the Black Start Test referred to in
OC. the same procedure as for the initial Black Start Test. The
provisions of this OC.10.5.7 will apply to such test.

OC.10.8 Disputation of Assessment of Non-Compliance by a User

OC.10.8.1 In the event that a User has received notification from the TSO of an assessment of
non-compliance and/or application of a Post Event Notice under OC7 then the User
may reply to the TSO disputing in good faith the validity of either the assessment of
non-compliance and/or the content of the Post Event Notice, detailing the grounds
on which the validity is being disputed. Any disputation should be submitted within
12 hours although additional information in support of the disputation may follow
within two Business Days.

OC.10.8.2 If a User submits a disputation to the TSO under OC.10.8.1, then the TSO shall
consider the substance of the User's disputation. The TSO may, where the TSO
considers appropriate, communicate with the User to clarify aspects of the
assessment of non-compliance or the User's disputation.

OC.10.8.3 The TSO shall determine the validity of the User's disputation, and shall inform the
User within five Business Days as to its decision. The TSO shall alter or revise any
assessment of non-compliance and/or Post Event Notices as appropriate.

OC.10.8.4 In the event that there is still disagreement as to the outcome, the dispute shall if
requested by either the TSO or the User, be referred to the CRU.

OC.11 Safety Co-ordination

OC.11.1 Introduction

OC.11.1.1 In order to adequately maintain and repair damage to Transmission System Plant
and/or Apparatus it will be necessary for the TSO and/or its agents to work on or in
close proximity to Transmission System Plant and Apparatus, or in close proximity
to User's Plant and Apparatus.

OC.11.1.2 Users and/or their agents will similarly need to work on or in close proximity to
User's Plant and Apparatus which is connected to, or capable of being connected to
in an approved manner, the Transmission System, and from time to time to work in
close proximity to Transmission System Plant and Apparatus.

OC.11.1.3 It will also be necessary to facilitate work by third parties in close proximity to
Transmission System Plant and Apparatus.

OC.11.1.4 In order to ensure safe working conditions for each of the above situations, the TSO,
the TAO, Users, and/or their respective agents shall comply with their applicable
Safety Rules and Irish and EU Health and Safety Legislation.

OC.11.1.5 In the event of a conflict between OC.11 (Safety Co-ordination) and any other
section of the Grid Code, OC.11 shall take precedence.

OC.11.2 Objective

OC.11.2.1 The objective of OC11 is to ensure that the TSO, Users and their respective agents
operate in accordance with approved safety rules, which ensure the safety of
personnel working on or in close proximity to Transmission System Plant and
Apparatus or personnel who may have to work at or use the equipment at the
interface between the Transmission System and the User System.

OC.11.2.2 This will normally involve making electrical Plant dead and suitably isolating /
disconnecting (from all sources of Energy) and Earthing that Plant such that it
cannot be made live.

OC.11.2.3 The Safety Rules shall also cover work on live Transmission System Plant and

OC.11.3 Scope

OC11 applies to the TSO and to the following Users:

(a) Generators;
(b) Interconnector Operators;
(c) the Distribution System Operator;
(d) Demand Customers;
(e) Demand Side Unit Operators;
(f) the TAO; and
(g) agents of the TSO or agents of any User (as defined in OC.11.3(a),(b),(c) and

OC.11.4 Safety Rules

OC.11.4.1 The safety of personnel working on or in close proximity to Transmission System

Plant and Apparatus for or on behalf of the TSO is governed by the ESB Networks
Electrical Safety Rules.

The safety of personnel working on or in close proximity to User Plant and

Apparatus is governed by the ESB Networks Electrical Safety Rules, ESB Power
Generation Electrical Safety Rules or Users Safety Rules, as appropriate.

OC.11.4.2 In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Code and the provisions of
the ESB Networks Electrical Safety Rules, the provisions of the ESB Networks
Electrical Safety Rules shall take precedence.
OC.11.4.3 In the event of a conflict between the provisions of this Code and the provisions of
the ESB Power Generation Electrical Safety Rules, the provisions of the ESB Power
Generation Electrical Safety Rules shall take precedence.

OC.11.4.4 Where clarification is required regarding the correct interpretation of a rule within
the ESB Networks Electrical Safety Rules, the TSO shall issue the interpretation to
the User as provided by the person responsible for the ESB Networks Electrical
Safety Rules following consultation with the relevant parties.

OC.11.5 Safety at the Interface between the Transmission System and the User

OC.11.5.1 There shall be a Designated Operator for each User Site.

OC.11.5.2 Operation Instructions for each User Site shall, following consultation with the
relevant User, be issued by the TSO to the User and will include:

(a) detail on the demarcation of responsibility for safety of persons carrying

out work or testing at the User’s Site and on circuits which cross the User’s
Site at any point.

(b) detailed switching sequences for voluntary, fault and Emergency

(c) control and operational procedures;

(d) identification of operational boundaries;

(e) identity of the representatives of the TSO and the User(s) and/or their
respective agents who will attend the Transmission Station and/or facility
for operation and during emergencies;

(f) other matters agreed between the TSO and User.

OC.11.5.3 The TSO and each User shall co-operate in developing procedures and agreement on
any matters that may be relevant for ensuring overall Site safety and, in particular,
the overall safety of equipment at the interface between the Transmission System
and the User System.
OC.11.5.4 In the event of a Modification or a change in operational practices, which may have
an Operational Effect on a User Site, the TSO and the User shall review the
adequacy of overall Site safety.

OC.11.5.5 Adequate means of isolation / disconnection (from all sources of Energy) shall be
provided at the interface between the Transmission System and the User System to
allow work to be carried out safely at, or either side of this point, by the TSO and
each User.

OC.11.5.6 Where necessary adequate facilities for Earthing and short circuiting shall be applied
to Plant and/ or Apparatus at either side of the interface between the Transmission
System and the User System, to allow work to be carried out safely at or either side
of this point.

SDC1 Scheduling and Dispatch Code No.1
Unit Scheduling

SDC1.1 Introduction

SDC1.1.1 SEM Provisions

(a) This Scheduling and Dispatch Code No. 1 ("SDC1") forms part of the Sections
under Common Governance of the Grid Code. The Sections under
Common Governance are those parts of the Grid Code which are under
common governance in both the Grid Code and the Other Grid Code.

(b) The form of this SDC1 is similar to the SDC1 in the Other Grid Code.
Differences relate to references to relevant power systems and related
terms. Where there is a difference between a provision in this Grid Code
and an equivalent provision in the Other Grid Code, the wording in question
is shaded in grey. In addition, those parts of this SDC1 that are not part of
the Other Grid Code are shaded in grey in this SDC1. Differences between
the form of this SDC1 and the SDC1 in the Other Grid Code are summarised
in Annex 1 to this SDC1.

(c) This SDC1 is intended to work in conjunction with other documents,

including the Trading and Settlement Code (“TSC”). The provisions of the
Grid Code and the Other Grid Code will take precedence over the TSC.

(d) Where stated in SDC1 the obligation to submit data in relation to some of
the information required to be provided to the TSO may be fulfilled by Users
where such information submitted under the TSC by a User or by an
Intermediary on behalf of Users is then provided to the TSO by the Market
Operator in accordance with the TSC, as further provided in this SDC1. The
TSO may require Users to verify or provide revisions to data received by it
via the Market Operator.

(e) Further provisions dealing with the Sections under Common Governance
are contained in the General Conditions.

SDC1.1.2 SDC1 sets out the procedure used by the TSO to develop unit commitment
schedules in respect of CDGU’s, Controllable PPMs and Demand Side Units
including the requirements for Users to submit data to support this procedure:

i. Availability: the submission by a User to the TSO of an Availability Notice in

respect of each of its:
(i) CDGUs (which for the avoidance of doubt comprise, Generating
Units subject to Central Dispatch, CCGT Installations, Hydro Units,
Pumped Storage Generation (but not Pumped Storage Plant
Demand or Energy Station Power Station Demand) and
Dispatchable PPMs);
(ii) Pumped Storage Plant Demand;
(iii) Energy Storage Power Station Demand;
(iv) Interconnector Availability (in the case of the Interconnector
(v) Demand Side Units;
(vi) in the case of Generator Aggregators, its Aggregated Generating
Units; and
(vii) Controllable PPMs.

ii. Technical Parameters: the notification to the TSO of the Technical

Parameters, in respect of the following Trading Day, by each User in a
Technical Parameters Notice, notification of Other Relevant Data and
notification of other technical data including Ancillary Services capability;

iii. Commercial Offer Data: the notification of Commercial Offer Data in

accordance with the TSC;

iv. Physical Notifications: the declaration by a User to the TSO of Physical Notifications
data in accordance with the TSC;

v. Interconnector Schedule Quantities: the declaration by a Scheduling Agent to the

TSO of Interconnector Schedule Quantities in accordance with the TSC;

vi. Revisions/Re-declarations: revisions / Re-declarations of such information
as provided for this in SDC1;

vii. Indicative Operations Schedules: the periodic production and issuing by the
TSO of Indicative Operation Schedules as required under SDC1.4.7 as a
statement of which:

(i) CDGUs;
(ii) Pumped Storage Plant Demand;
(iii) Energy Storage Power Station Demand;
(iv) Interconnectors;
(v) Demand Side Units;
(vi) Aggregated Generating Units; and/or
(vii) Controllable PPMs
may be required.

SDC1.1.3 The TSO (in conjunction with the Other TSO) shall develop, maintain and publish the
process describing the methodology and parameters to be used by the TSO (and the
Other TSO) in fulfilling their responsibilities under this SDC1 and SDC2.

SDC1.2 Objective

The objectives of SDC1 are:

(a) to ensure (so far as possible) the integrity of the Transmission System and
to ensure that the TSO acts in conjunction with the Other TSO so that the
Other TSO can ensure the integrity of the Other Transmission System
(with the Other TSO having a similar objective in the Other Grid Code);

(b) to ensure the security and quality of supply in relation to the Transmission
System and to ensure that the TSO acts in conjunction with the Other TSO
so that the Other TSO can ensure the security and quality of supply in
relation to the Other Transmission System (with the Other TSO having a
similar objective in the Other Grid Code);

(c) to ensure that sufficient available capacity is scheduled to meet the
electrical power demand, and thereby in conjunction with the Other TSO
to ensure that sufficient available capacity is scheduled to meet the
demand on the Island of Ireland at all times and in both cases together
with an appropriate margin of reserve;

(d) to enable the TSO, in conjunction with the Other TSO, to prepare and
update Indicative Operations Schedules to be used in the scheduling and
Dispatch process;

(e) to ensure that Indicative Operations Schedules are published as

provided for in this SDC1.

and, subject to delivering the objectives in SDC1.2(a), SDC1.2(b), and

SDC1.2(c) and taking account of the factors set out in [SDC1.4.7.3],

(f) to minimise the cost of scheduled divergence from the Physical

Notifications in accordance with Merit Order, subject to SDC1.2(g);

(g) in fulfilling the objective in SDC1.2(c), minimise the requirement to issue

Notices to Synchronise before Gate Closure 2.

SDC1.3 Scope
SDC1 applies to the TSO and to the following Users:

(a) Generators with regard to their:


and Controllable PPMs.

(b) Pumped Storage Generators with regard to their Pumped Storage Plant

(c) Energy Storage Generators with regard to their Energy Storage Power
Station Demand;

(d) In respect of the submission of Availability Notices under SDC1.4.1,

Interconnector Owners with regard to their Interconnectors;

(e) In respect of the submission of Interconnector Schedule Quantities under
SDC1.4.4.6, Scheduling Agents with regard to the scheduling of imports
and exports across each Interconnector they have been nominated to

(f) Demand Side Unit Operators in relation to their Demand Side Units; and

(g) Generator Aggregators in respect of their Aggregated Generating Units.

Each of which (other than the TSO) is a “User” under this SDC1.

SDC1.4 Procedure

SDC1.4.1 Availability Notice

SDC1.4.1.1 Requirement

(a) Each User shall, by not later than the Gate Closure 1 each day, notify the

TSO by means of an Availability Notice (in such form as the TSO may
reasonably notify from time to time or in the form published on the TSO
website) of changes to the Availability, and/or Demand Side Unit MW
Availability (as the case may be) of each of its:

(i) CDGUs;
(ii) Controllable PPMs;
(iii) Pumped Storage Plant Demand;
(iv) Energy Storage Plant Demand;
(v) Interconnectors (to be submitted by the Interconnector Owner);
(vi) Demand Side Units; or
(vii) Aggregated Generating Units as the case may be.

(b) A User may satisfy this obligation by submitting the data under the TSC,

unless the TSO requires, by notice to the User, the data to be submitted to it
directly under the Grid Code.

(c) A Generator Aggregator will satisfy the obligation in this SDC1.4.4.1 by

notifying to the TSO in an Availability Notice in the form described in

paragraph (a) above the Availability of its Aggregated Generating Units as
the case may be.

(d) As a general requirement, the User shall ensure that the data in any

Availability Notice or any revision thereto is consistent with its obligations

under SDC1.4.3.2 and SDC1.4.3.4.

SDC1.4.1.2 Content
(a) The Availability Notice shall state the Availability of the relevant CDGU,
Controllable PPM, Interconnector, Demand Side Unit or Pumped Storage
Plant Demand as the case may be, (including, in the case of a CCGT
Installation, the Availability of each of the CCGT Units within it) for each
Imbalance Settlement Period in the time up to and including the end of the
relevant Trading Day (subject to revision under SDC1.4.3.6). A new
Availability Notice will supersede the previous one in relation to Availability
for Imbalance Settlement Periods which are covered by the new one.

(b) In respect of Interconnectors, the Availability Notice shall state the physical
capability of the Interconnector, and shall take account of any further
restrictions placed by any relevant agreement or the provisions of any licence
in respect of the Interconnector, but shall not otherwise take account of any
expected transmission constraints or other aspects of the operation of the
Transmission System or an External System. A new Availability Notice will
supersede the previous one in relation to Availability for Imbalance
Settlement Periods which are covered by the new one.

(c) In the case of a Generator Aggregator, the Availability Notice shall state the
Availability of its Aggregated Generating Units as a whole.

SDC1.4.1.3 Whole Numbers

The MW figure stated in the Availability Notice shall be a whole number.

SDC1.4.1.4 Atmospheric Conditions
In the case of CDGUs and Controllable PPMs which are affected by ambient
conditions, an Availability Notice submitted by a Generator shall be stated as being
the User’s best estimate of the prevailing atmospheric conditions for the Imbalance
Settlement Period to which each part of the Availability Notice relates.

SDC1.4.2 Additional Grid Code Availability Notice

The following items are required to be submitted by each User by no later than the
Gate Closure 1 each day, with the exception of Aggregators and Demand Side Unit
Operator, direct to the TSO, regardless of whether these have to be submitted
under the TSC. The requirements in SDC1.4.1 in relation to data apply to this
SDC1.4.2 as if repeated here.

SDC1.4.2.1 Fuels
In the case where a CDGU is capable of firing on different fuels, then the Generator
shall submit an Availability Notice setting out the information in SDC1.4.1 above for
each fuel for the CDGU.

SDC1.4.2.2 CCGT Availability

(a) The Availability of each CCGT Unit within each CCGT Installation;

(b) In the case of a CCGT Installation, the CCGT Installation Matrix submitted by the
Generator under PC.A4.3 of the Planning Code Appendix (as may be revised as
therein provided is used and relied upon by the TSO as a ‘look up table’ to
determine the number of CCGT Units within a CCGT Installation which will be
synchronised to achieve the MW Output specified in a Dispatch Instruction.
When using a CCGT Installation Matrix for Scheduling purposes, the TSO will
take account of any updated information on the individual Availability of each
CCGT Unit contained in an Availability Notice submitted by a Generator
pursuant to this SDC1. The individual Availability figures submitted under this
SDC1.4.2.2 must be consistent with the Generator’s submission under the TSC.

(c) It is accepted that in cases of change in MW Output in response to Dispatch
instructions issued by the TSO, there may be a transitional variance to the
conditions reflected in the CCGT Installation Matrix. Each Generator shall notify
the TSO as soon as practicable after the event of any such variance.

(d) In achieving a Dispatch Instruction the range or number of CCGT Units

envisaged in moving from one MW Output level to the other should not be
departed from.

(e) There is a provision in SDC1.4.3.6 for the Generator to revise the individual
Availability of each CCGT Unit within each CCGT Installations, subject always to
the provisions of this SDC1.4.2.2;

SDC1.4.3 General Availability Requirements

SDC1.4.3.1 Availability of Generating Units

Each Generator and Generator Aggregator shall in relation to its CDGUs,
Controllable PPMs or Aggregated Generating Units maintain, repair, operate and
fuel the CDGU and/or Controllable PPM and/or Aggregated Generating Unit as
required by Prudent Utility Practice and any legal requirements applicable to its
jurisdiction, with a view to providing the required Ancillary Services as provided for
in an Ancillary Services Agreement.

SDC1.4.3.2 Each Generator, and where relevant each Generator Aggregator, shall, subject to
the exceptions in SDC1.4.3.3 and SDC1.4.3.3A, use reasonable endeavours to ensure
that it does not at any time declare in the case of its CDGU, Controllable PPM, or
Aggregated Generating Unit, the Availability or Technical Parameters at levels or
values different from those that the CDGU, Controllable PPM, and/or an
Aggregated Generating Unit could achieve at the relevant time. The TSO can reject
declarations to the extent that they do not meet these requirements.

SDC1.4.3.3 SDC1.4.3.2 shall not apply to the extent:

(a) it would require the Generator or, where relevant, the Generator
Aggregator to declare levels or values better than the Registered Capacity

and Technical Parameters as submitted under the Planning Code in respect
of a CDGU, a Controllable PPM and/or an Aggregated Generating Unit;
(b) necessary during periods of Scheduled Outage or Short Term Scheduled
Outage or otherwise with the consent of the TSO;

(c) necessary while repairing or maintaining the CDGU, the Controllable PPM
and/or the Aggregated Generating Unit or equipment necessary to the
operation of the CDGU, the Controllable PPM and/or the Aggregated
Generating Unit where such repair or maintenance cannot reasonably, in
accordance with Prudent Utility Practice, be deferred to a period of
Scheduled Outage or Short Term Scheduled Outage;

(d) necessary to avoid an imminent risk of injury to persons or material damage

to property (including the CDGU, the Controllable PPM and/or the
Aggregated Generating Unit); or

(e) it is not lawful for the Generator to operate the CDGU, the Controllable
PPM and/or the Aggregated Generating Units.

SDC1.4.3.3A SDC1.4.3.2 shall not apply for a CDGU, a Controllable PPM, an Aggregated
Generating Unit, Energy Storage Power Station Demand or Pumped Storage Plant
Demand that is disconnected during the any one or more of the following:

(a) Any TSO scheduled Annual Maintenance Outage or portion thereof on the
Outturn Availability Connection Asset lasting up to and including a
maximum of five days in total in a calendar year; or
(b) Where work to the Transmission System is being carried out that is driven
by the relevant CDGU, Controllable PPM, Aggregated Generating Unit,
Energy Storage Power Station Demand or Pumped Storage Plant Demand
or driven by works related to the Connection Agreement of the relevant
CDGU, Controllable PPM, Aggregated Generating Unit, Energy Storage
Power Station Demand or Pumped Storage Plant Demand. This does not
include work carried out related to another Generation Unit with a different
Connection Point but a shared asset.

The relevant CDGU, Controllable PPM, Aggregated Generating Unit, Energy Storage
Power Station Demand or Pumped Plant Demand shall declare Availability at a
value of zero during any one or more of (a) or (b) above, as advised by the TSO.

SDC1.4.3.4 Availability of Demand Side Units

Each Demand Side Unit Operator shall, subject to the exceptions in SDC1.4.3.5 and
SDC1.4.3.5A, use reasonable endeavours to ensure that it does not at any time
declare the Demand Side Unit MW Availability and the Demand Side Unit
characteristics of its Demand Side Unit at levels or values different from those that
the Demand Side Unit could achieve at the relevant time. The TSO can reject
declarations to the extent that they do not meet these requirements.

SDC1.4.3.5 SDC1.4.3.4 shall not apply to the extent:

(a) it would require the Demand Side Unit Operator to declare levels or values
better than Demand Side Unit MW Capacity and Technical Parameters as
submitted under the Planning Code in respect of a Demand Side Unit;
(b) necessary during periods of Scheduled Outage or Short Term Scheduled
Outage or otherwise with the consent of the TSO;
(c) necessary while repairing or maintaining the Demand Side Unit or
equipment necessary to the operation of the Demand Side Unit where such
repair or maintenance cannot reasonably, in accordance with Prudent
Utility Practice, be deferred to a period of Scheduled Outage or Short Term
Scheduled Outage.
(d) necessary to avoid an imminent risk of injury to persons or material damage
to property (including the Demand Side Unit);
(e) it is not lawful for the Demand Side Unit Operator to change its Demand
Side Unit MW Response or to operate its Demand Side Unit.

SDC1.4.3.5A SDC1.4.3.4 shall not apply for a Demand Side Unit that is disconnected during any
one or more of the following:

(a) Any TSO scheduled Annual Maintenance Outage or portion thereof on the
Outturn Availability Connection Asset lasting up to and including a
maximum of five days in total in a calendar year; or
(b) Where work to the Transmission System is being carried out that is driven
by the relevant Demand Side Unit or driven by works related to Connection
Agreement of the relevant Demand Side Unit. This does not include work

carried out to another Generating Unit with a different Connection Point
but a shared asset.

The relevant Demand Side Unit shall declare Availability at a value of zero
during any one or more of (a) or (b) above, as advised by the TSO.

SDC1.4.3.6 Changes in Availability:

a) A User may, subject to this SDC1.4.3 and as provided for in this SDC1, make
revisions to the Availability Notice submitted to the TSO under SDC1.4.1.1at
any time after submission of the Availability Notice in accordance with its
obligations to make the unit Available under SDC1.4.3 by submission by the
Electronic Interface of a revised Availability Notice which shall be in the
form set out on the TSO website or in such other form as the TSO may
reasonably notify to each User from time to time.

b) In the event that the TSO submits a Post Event Notice under OC.10 in
relation to any part of the period covered by the Availability Notice at any
time after submission of the Availability Notice, the User shall be deemed
to have submitted a revised Availability Notice consistent with such Post
Event Notice.

c) The revisions to the Availability Notice may include revisions of the levels of
Availability in the CCGT Installation Matrix reflecting the revised

d) Additional Grid Code Availability Notice: A User may, subject to SDC1.4.3

and to the provisions of this SDC1, make revisions to the Additional Grid
Code Availability Notice submitted to the TSO under SDC1.4.2 at any time
after the submission of the Additional Grid Code Availability Notice in
accordance with its obligations to make the unit Available under SDC1.4.3
by submission by the Electronic Interface of a revised Additional Grid Code
Availability Notice. The Notice shall be in the form set out on the TSO
website or in such other form as the TSO may reasonably notify each User
from time to time.

e) Increasing Availability: If a Generator, a Generator Aggregator or a Demand
Side Unit Operator in respect of a CDGU, an Aggregated Generating Unit, a
Demand Side Unit, Energy Storage Power Station or Pumped Storage Plant
in relation to Demand, issues an Availability Notice increasing (from zero or
otherwise) the level of Availability or Demand Side Unit MW Availability
from a specified time, such notice shall be construed as meaning that:

(i) in the case of a CDGU and/or Aggregated Generating Unit, the

CDGU and/or Aggregated Generating Unit is capable of being
synchronised to the Transmission System or Distribution System at
that specified time or increasing its MW Output at that specified
time as the case may be;

(ii) in the case of a CDGU which is an Open Cycle Gas Turbine, the
CDGU is capable of being started at that specified time; or

(iii) in the case of a Demand Side Unit, the Demand Side Unit is capable
of delivering a greater Demand Side Unit MW Response at that
specified time.

f) Controllable PPM: If a Generator or, where relevant a Generator

Aggregator, in respect of a Controllable PPM, issues an Availability Notice
increasing (from zero or otherwise) or decreasing the level of Availability
from a specified time, such notice shall be effective from the Imbalance
Settlement Period following the specified time.

g) Decreasing Availability: When a CDGU and/or Controllable PPM is

Synchronised to the System the Generator may have occasion to issue an
Availability Notice decreasing the level of Availability of the CDGU and/or
Controllable PPM from a specified time. Such notice shall be construed as
meaning that the CDGU and/or Controllable PPM is capable of maintaining
Load at the level of the prevailing Availability until the time specified in the
notice. Thereafter, the CDGU and/or Controllable PPM shall be capable of
maintaining Load to the level which would have been achieved if a Dispatch
Instruction had been given to reduce the Load. This would have occurred

with effect from the specified time, at the maximum De-Loading Rate
and/or Ramp-Down Rate declared for the CDGU and/or Controllable PPM
as a Technical Parameter at such time down to the level of Availability
specified in the new Availability Notice.

When a Demand Side Unit is providing a Demand Side Unit MW Response

the Demand Side Unit may have occasion to issue an Availability Notice
decreasing the level of Demand Side Unit MW Availability of the Demand
Side Unit from a specified time. Such notice shall be construed as meaning
that the Demand Side Unit is capable of maintaining Demand Side Unit MW
Response at the level of the prevailing Demand Side Unit MW Availability
until the time specified in the notice. Thereafter, the Demand Side Unit shall
be capable of maintaining Demand Side Unit MW Response to the level
which would have been achieved if a Dispatch Instruction had been given to
reduce the Demand Side Unit MW Response. This would have occurred
with effect from the specified time, at the Maximum Ramp Down Rate
declared for the Demand Side Unit as a Technical Parameter at such time
down to the level of Demand Side Unit MW Availability specified in the new
Availability Notice.

(h) If an Interconnector Owner in respect of an Interconnector issues an

Availability Notice increasing (from zero or otherwise) or decreasing the
Availability of the Interconnector as a whole from a specified time, such
notice shall, subject to SDC1.4.3.6a) be effective immediately following the
specified time.

SDC1.4.3.7 Default Availability:

(a) Insofar as any data submitted or deemed to have been submitted on any
particular day in any Availability Notice, or any revision thereto is inconsistent
with any other data in any other such notice, then the most recently submitted
data which, if substituted for the inconsistent data, would make the data in such
notices consistent, shall apply for the next following Trading Day or any other
values that the TSO may reasonably deem appropriate.

(b) Insofar as an Availability Notice is not submitted, the User shall be deemed to
have submitted an Availability Notice by Gate Closure 1 stating that the
Availability of the relevant CDGU, Controllable PPM, Demand Side Unit and/or
the Aggregated Generating Units for the whole of the relevant Trading Day will
be the level of Availability and Operating Mode declared in respect of the final
Imbalance Settlement Period of the current Trading Day or any other values that
the TSO may reasonably deem appropriate.

SDC1.4.3.8 Outturn Availability

Outturn Availability shall be set equal to the declared value of Availability.

SDC1.4.4 Technical and Commercial Data Requirements

SDC1.4.4.1 Technical Parameters

(i) By not later than the Gate Closure 1, each User shall in respect of

o Controllable PPM;
o Aggregated Generating Unit,
o Pumped Storage Plant Demand
o Energy Storage Power Station Demand; and/or
o Demand Side Unit,

submit to the TSO a Technical Parameters Notice in such form as the

TSO may reasonably notify to each User or in the form published on
the TSO website from time to time, containing the Technical
Parameters to apply for the relevant Trading Day.

(ii) A User may satisfy this obligation by submitting the data under the
TSC, unless the TSO requires, by notice in writing to the User, the data
to be submitted to it under the Grid Code.

(iii) Subsequent revisions to the Technical Parameters Notice may be
submitted according to the technical offer data submission provisions
as set out in the TSC. If there is a change to the data submitted under
the TSC, the User shall notify the TSO.

(iv) As a general requirement, the User shall ensure that the data in any
Technical Parameters Notice, or any revision thereto is consistent
with its obligations under SDC1.4.3.2 and SDC1.4.3.4.

(b) Flexibility:

(i) In the case of any Technical Parameters as to which the User should,
acting in accordance with Prudent Utility Practice, have some
flexibility either in the revision itself or in the time at which the
revision is to take effect the TSO may, acting reasonably, suggest an
amended data figure and/or an amended time at which the data
figure is to take effect.

(ii) Insofar as it is able to do so without breaching any obligations

regarding confidentiality contained either in the TSO Licence or in any
agreement, the TSO shall notify the User of the reasons for such
flexibility request in such degree of detail as the TSO considers
reasonable in the circumstances.

(iii) If the User agrees to such suggestion (such agreement not to be

unreasonably withheld) the User shall use reasonable endeavours to
accommodate such suggestion and submit a revised Technical
Parameters Notice accordingly. In any event, the TSO may require
such further information on the revision as is reasonable and the User
shall give the TSO such information as soon as reasonably practicable.

A User shall notify the TSO as soon as it becomes aware, acting in accordance with
Prudent Utility Practice, that any of the data submitted under SDC1.4.4.1 changes.

(c) Changes to Technical Parameters:
If any of the data submitted to the TSO under this SDC1.4.4.1 changes, a User
shall, subject to SDC1.4.3, make revisions to such data. The User shall notify the
TSO of any revisions to any previously revised data by submitting by the
Electronic Interface a revised Technical Parameters Notice in the form set out
on the TSO website or in such other form as the TSO may reasonably notify to
each User from time to time.

(d) Energy Limits for Hydro Units:

A Generator in respect of its Hydro Units shall resubmit Energy Limits on the
Trading Day regardless of whether the Energy Limits have changed since the
Gate Closure 1. Revised Energy Limits for Hydro Units may be submitted at any
time up until 11.00 hours on the relevant Trading Day in a format specified by
the TSO.

(e) Default Technical Parameters:

Insofar as any data submitted or deemed to have been submitted on any
particular day in any Technical Parameters Notice (such notice not being
relevant to an Interconnector Owner), or any revision thereto is inconsistent
with any other data in any other such notice, then the most recently submitted
data which, if substituted for the inconsistent data, would make the data in such
notices consistent, shall apply for the next following Trading Day or any other
values that the TSO may reasonably deem appropriate.

Insofar as not submitted or revised, the applicable Standing Technical Offer Data
for Technical Parameters shall apply for the next relevant Trading Day.

Default Energy Limits for Hydro Units: Notwithstanding the obligations in

SDC1.4.4.1(d), in respect of Hydro Units, the Energy Limit that applied to the
previous Trading Day will be used.

SDC1.4.4.2 Additional Grid Code Characteristics Notice

The following items are required to be submitted by each User direct to the TSO:
(a) Individual CCGT Unit data equivalent to the data required for a CCGT
Installation. It shall also show any revisions to the Technical Parameters for
each of the CCGT Units within it.

[Note: The term “CCGT Module” applies to the SONI Grid Code and the term
“CCGT Unit” will apply to the EirGrid Grid Code.]

(b) Different Fuels: In the case where a CDGU is capable of firing on different
fuels, then the Generator shall submit an Additional Grid Code
Characteristics Notice in respect of any additional fuel for the CDGU, each
containing the information set out in SDC1.4.4.1 above for each fuel and each
marked clearly to indicate to which fuel it applies.

(c) Export adjustment factors applied by the User in submitting data and that
may be applied by the TSO where applicable in issuing Dispatch Instructions
and otherwise in calculations relating to instructions in relation to the relevant
Plant and/or Apparatus, between the Generator Terminals and the
Connection Points.

(d) In the case of Interconnector Owners, Interconnector data, including but not
limited to the Availability of Interconnector Filters.

(e) In relation to each Demand Side Unit, the Demand Side Unit Notice Time and
the Demand Side Unit MW Response Time.

(f) Where there is a Ancillary Services Agreement in place, the Ancillary Services
which are Available.

(g) The parameters listed in Appendix A Part 2 of SDC1.

(h) A Generator shall submit to the TSO the Operating Reserve capabilities for
each category of Operating Reserve defined in OC4.6.3 for each of its CDGUs
for each Imbalance Settlement Period.

[Note: Please note that the above paragraph only applies to the EirGrid Grid Code

A User shall notify the TSO as soon as it becomes aware, acting in accordance with
Prudent Utility Practice, that any of the data submitted under SDC1.4.4.2 no longer

A User may make revisions to the Additional Grid Code Characteristics Notice
submitted to the TSO under SDC1.4.4.2 at any time after the submission of the
Additional Grid Code Characteristics Notice by submitting by the Electronic Interface
a revised Additional Grid Code Characteristics Notice. The notice shall be in the form
set out on the TSO website or in such other form as the TSO may reasonably notify to
each User from time to time.

SDC1.4.4.3 Not used.

SDC1.4.4.4 Other Relevant Data

(a) By not later than the Gate Closure 1 each day, each User in respect of each of
its Plant, shall in respect of the following Trading Day submit to the TSO in
writing in the form set out on the TSO website or in such other form as the
TSO may reasonably notify to each User from time to time), details in relation
to the relevant Trading Day of any newly arisen special factors, including
abnormal risk to loss, which in the reasonable opinion of the User may have
a material effect on the likely MW Output or Demand Side Unit MW
Response of such Plant (including, for a CCGT Installation in relation to each
of the CCGT Units therein). The notice shall be consistent with the User’s
obligations under SDC1.4.3.2. The provisions of this paragraph also apply to
Interconnector Owners in relation to their Interconnector Filters.
[Note: The term “CCGT Module” will apply to the SONI Grid Code and the
term “CCGT Unit” will apply to the EirGrid Grid Code.]

(a) Where a CDGU is capable of firing on different fuels, then the Generator shall
submit details in respect of each fuel for the CDGU. Each set of details shall
contain the information set out in (a) above for each fuel and each shall be
marked clearly to indicate to which fuel it applies.

(b) A User, acting in accordance with Prudent Utility Practice, shall notify the TSO
as soon as it becomes aware that any of the data submitted under SDC1.4.4.4
has changed.

(c) Changes to Other Relevant Data

If any of the data submitted to the TSO under this SDC1.4.4.4 is no longer
correct, a User shall, subject to SDC1.4.3, make revisions to such data. The
User must notify the TSO of any new Other Relevant Data of which it
becomes aware at any time, in writing.

(e) Default Other Relevant Data

Insofar as any data submitted or deemed to have been submitted on any

particular day in any notice of Other Relevant Data or any revision thereto is
inconsistent with any other data in any other such notice, then the most
recently submitted data which, if substituted for the inconsistent data,
would make the data in such notices consistent, shall apply for the next
following Trading Day or any other values that the TSO may reasonably
deem appropriate.

Insofar as not submitted or revised, the last notice relating to Other

Relevant Data to have been submitted shall apply for the next relevant
Trading Day.

(f) As a general requirement, the User shall ensure that the data in any
Availability Notice, Technical Parameters Notice, or notice of any Other
Relevant Data or any revision thereto is consistent with its obligations under
SDC1.4.3.2 and SDC1.4.3.4.

SDC1.4.4.5 Commercial Offer Data

(a) Each:
• Generator;
• Energy Storage Generator;
• Pumped Storage Generator;
• Demand Side Unit Operator; and
• Generator Aggregator,

Shall in respect of:

Each of its CDGUs;

Each of its Energy Storage Power Station Demand;

Each of its Pumped Storage Plant Demand;

Each of its Demand Side Units; and

Its Aggregated Generating Units,

submit to the TSO, either directly or by means of an Intermediary on its

behalf (if applicable), Commercial Offer Data in accordance with the TSC.

(b) The TSO may require, by notice to the relevant User, the data referred to at
SDC1.4.4.5(a) to be submitted to it directly under the Grid Code. All data
items submitted under this SDC1.4.4.5 are to be at levels of MW Output at
the Connection Point.

(c) Amendments to Commercial Offer Data shall be in accordance with the TSC.

(d) Default Commercial Offer Data: Insofar as not submitted or revised,

Commercial Offer Data shall be deemed in accordance with the TSC.

SDC1.4.4.6 Physical Notifications and Interconnector Schedule Quantities

(a) Each:
• Generator,
• Pumped Storage Generator,
• Demand Side Unit Operator, and
• Generator Aggregator.
Shall in respect of:
Each of its CDGUs;
Each of its Pumped Storage Plant Demand;
Each of its Demand Side Units; and
Its Aggregated Generating Units,

submit to the TSO, either directly or by means of an Intermediary on its behalf

(if applicable), Physical Notifications by Gate Closure 1 for the corresponding
Trading Days in accordance with the TSC. Physical Notifications shall be
technically feasible. Users shall ensure that the accuracy of Physical
Notifications is commensurate with Good Industry Practice.

(b) Prior to Gate Closure 2, Physical Notifications submitted in accordance with
SDC1.4.4.6(a) shall be amended by the User (or Intermediary if applicable) to
align with changes to their expected Active Power Generation or Active
Power Demand. A new Physical Notification will supersede the previous one
in relation to a Physical Notification for Imbalance Settlement Periods or
parts thereof which are covered by the new one. At Gate Closure 2, Physical
Notifications for the relevant Imbalance Settlement Period become Final
Physical Notifications for that Imbalance Settlement Period. Final Physical
Notifications may not be amended.

(c) Each Generator may, in respect of their Controllable PPM submit Physical
Notifications in accordance with the provisions of SDC1.4.4.6(a) and

(d) Each Scheduling Agent shall in respect of each Interconnector they have been
nominated to schedule, submit to the TSO, Interconnector Schedule
Quantities by Gate Closure 1 for the corresponding Trading Days in
accordance with the TSC. Prior to Gate Closure 2, Scheduling Agents shall
submit further Interconnector Schedule Quantities in accordance with the
TSC to reflect trading in intraday markets. At Gate Closure 2 (or an alternative
later time advised from time to time by the TSO acting in accordance with
Prudent Utility Practice) for an Imbalance Settlement Period, further
Interconnector Schedule Quantities may not be submitted for that
Imbalance Settlement Period.

(e) Notwithstanding the obligations in SDC1.4.4.6(a), SDC1.4.4.6(b) and

SDC1.4.4.6(d), a value of zero will be deemed in all Imbalance Settlement
Periods, or parts thereof, for which Physical Notifications data or
Interconnector Schedule Quantities date has not been submitted.

(f) If a User has submitted proposals for a test to the TSO and subsequently
receives approval for the test from the TSO, the User (or their Intermediary,
if applicable) shall submit Physical Notifications for the unit under test in
accordance with the TSC to identify the time periods during which their units
are under test. The User shall ensure that the Physical Notifications

submitted in respect of a unit under test align with the approved test start
time, test MW Output profile (or Demand Unit MW Response profile in the
case of Demand Side Units) and test end time.

SDC1.4.5 The TSO shall, insofar as it is reasonably able, take account of revisions or notifications
submitted under SDC1.4 for Scheduling and Dispatch purposes.
SDC1.4.6 Form of Submission
a) Where this SDC1 requires a User to submit a notice, it may instead of
submitting it in writing, submit the information required in such a notice
(which information shall be supplied in full) by telephone subject to the TSO’s
prior consent (identifying unambiguously the type of notice which is thereby
being submitted).
b) The individual who is giving the notice by telephone on behalf of the User
shall firstly specify the time at which the notice is being given, then identify
himself and ask the individual receiving the notice on behalf of the TSO also
to identify himself. The information required by the notice shall then be given,
including (without limitation) the identity of the CDGU, Controllable PPM,
Energy Storage Power Station Demand, Aggregated Generating Unit,
Pumped Storage Plant and Demand Side Unit to which the notice relates
c) The notice shall then be confirmed by facsimile transmission or by any
electronic means as agreed with the TSO as soon as possible thereafter (and
in any event be sent to the TSO within 2 hours). Where a facsimile is so sent
by way of confirmation, it shall state clearly that it is in confirmation of a
notice already given by telephone and shall state the exact time at which the
notice was given by telephone.

SDC1.4.7 Compilation of Indicative Operations Schedules

SDC1.4.7.1 Indicative Operations Schedules will be compiled by the TSO in conjunction with the
Other TSO as further provided in this SDC1.4.7 as a statement of which CDGUs and/or
Controllable PPM and/or transfers across any Interconnector and/or Demand Side
Units and/or Pumped Storage Plant Demand, Energy Storage Power Station Demand
and/or Aggregated Generating Units and equivalent units in Northern Ireland may be

required to operate and their expected MW Output. The TSO in conjunction with the
Other TSO will periodically update the Indicative Operations Schedules.

SDC1.4.7.2 Merit Order

Subject as provided below, a Merit Order will be compiled by the TSO (in
conjunction with the Other TSO) for each Imbalance Settlement Period from the
Price Quantity Pairs, Start-Up Cost, Shutdown Cost and No-Load Cost (which
together shall be known as the “Price Set”) and, subject as provided in this SDC1,
used to determine which of the CDGUs, Controllable PPMs, Pumped Storage Plant
Demand, Energy Storage Power Station Demand, Demand Side Units, Aggregated
Generating Units or Interconnector power transfer to Schedule and Dispatch in
relation to their Price Sets at values that differ from those indicated by Physical
Notifications, as required to deliver the objectives set out in SDC1.2(a), SDC1.2(b)
and SDC1.2(c). The Merit Order for increasing MW Output above the level indicated
in Physical Notifications and Interconnector Schedule Quantities will be on the
basis of ascending prices so that the CDGU, Controllable PPM, Pumped Storage
Plant Demand, Energy Storage Power Station Demand, Demand Side Unit, or
Aggregated Generating Unit Price Set or bid-offer data from an External System
Operator at the head of a Merit Order will be that which has the lowest price per
MWh, and that at the foot of a Merit Order shall be the one with the highest price
per MWh. Each CDGU, Controllable PPM, Pumped Storage Plant Demand, Energy
Storage Power Station Demand, Demand Side Unit, Aggregated Generating Units
and/or bid-offer data from an External System Operator shall appear in the Merit
Order for each Price Set submitted.
The Merit Order for dispatching MW Output to a level below that indicated in
Physical Notifications and Interconnector Schedule Quantities will be on the basis
of descending prices so that the CDGU, Controllable PPM, Pumped Storage Plant
Demand, Energy Storage Power Station Demand, Demand Side Unit, Aggregated
Generating Unit Price Set or bid-offer data from an External System Operator at the
head of a Merit Order will be that which has the highest price per MWh, and that at
the foot of a Merit Order shall be the one with the lowest price per MWh. Each
CDGU, Controllable PPM, Pumped Storage Plant Demand, Energy Storage Power
Demand, Demand Side Unit, Aggregated Generating Units or bid-offer data from an

External System Operator shall appear in the Merit Order for each Price Set

SDC1.4.7.3 In compiling the Indicative Operations Schedules in conjunction with the Other TSO,
the TSO will take account of the following factors (and the equivalent factors on the
Other Transmission System will be so treated separately by the Other TSO):

(i) Physical Notifications, Final Physical Notifications or Interconnector

Schedule Quantities (as the case may be) submitted in accordance with
(ii) Transmission System constraints from time to time, as determined by the
(iii) Reserve constraints from time to time, as determined by the TSO;
(iv) the need to provide an Operating Margin (by using the various categories of
reserve as specified in OC.4.6 and CC. (as the case may be), as
determined by the TSO acting in conjunction with the Other TSO;
(v) Transmission System stability considerations;
(vi) the level of MW Output and availability covered by Non Centrally
Dispatched Generating Units, by Plant subject to Priority Dispatch and by
Controllable PPM;
(vii) the Energy Limits for Hydro Units;
(viii) in respect of all Plant, the values of their Technical Parameters registered
under this SDC1 and other information submitted under SDC1.4.4.4;
(ix) Commercial Offer Data for each CDGU and/or Controllable PPM and
Demand Side Unit and equivalent commercial data provided by an External
System Operator in respect of Interconnectors;
(x) the requirements, as determined by the TSO, for Voltage Control and Mvar
(xi) CDGU and/or Controllable PPM stability, as determined by the TSO;
(xii) other matters to enable the TSO to meet its Licence Standards and the
Other TSO to meet its equivalent;
(xiii) the requirements as determined by the TSO, for maintaining Frequency

(xiv) Monitoring and/or Testing and/or Investigations to be carried out, or being
carried out, under OC.10 (as the case may be), Testing to be carried out, or
being carried out, at the request of a User under OC.8 and/or
Commissioning Testing under the CC;
(xv) System Tests, Operational Tests and Commissioning Tests;
(xvi) the inability of any CDGU and/or Controllable PPM to meet its full reserve
(xvii) Inter-jurisdictional Tie Line limits;
(xviii) other facts as may be reasonably considered by the TSO to be relevant to
the Indicative Operations Schedule;
(xix) the inflexible characteristics as declared by the Generator and abnormal
(xx) losses on the Transmission System and on the Other Transmission System;
(xxi) requirements within any Constrained Group;
(xxii) factors used by the TSO (and the Other TSO) in order to comply with
Statutory Instruments, Statutory Regulations and/or the Licence which may
impact scheduling and Dispatch;
(xxiii) factors used by the TSO (and the Other TSO) to comply with the objectives
in SDC1.2(g);

SDC1.4.7.4 Taking account of and applying the factors referred to in SDC1.4.7.3, Indicative
Operations Schedules shall be compiled by the TSO in conjunction with the Other TSO
to schedule such CDGUs, Controllable PPM, Pumped Storage Plant Demand, Energy
Storage Power Station Demand, Demand Side Units, Aggregated Generating Units
and/or such Interconnector power transfers, and equivalent units or power transfers
of equivalent units in Northern Ireland, which have been declared Available in an
Availability Notice (and the equivalents on the Other Transmission System):

(i) in accordance with the applicable Merit Order;

(ii) as will in aggregate (after taking into account electricity delivered other than
from CDGUs, Controllable PPMs, Aggregated Generating Units, and/or
Interconnector power transfers and variation in Demand from Pumped
Storage Plant Demand, Energy Storage Power Station Demand and

Demand Side Units) be sufficient to match at all times (to the extent
possible having regard to the Availability or Demand Side Unit MW
Availability of CDGUs, Controllable PPMs, Pumped Storage Plant Demand,
Energy Storage Power Station Demand, Demand Side Units, Aggregated
Generating Units and Interconnector power transfers) the forecast
aggregated Demand (derived under OC1 of the Grid Code and the Other
Grid Code) together with such margin of reserve as the TSO working in
conjunction with the Other TSO shall consider to be appropriate; and

(iii) as will in aggregate be sufficient to match minimum forecast Demand levels

together with a sufficient Minimum Demand Regulation.

The taking account of and application of the factors in SDC1.4.7.3 will mean
that, in general, strict adherence to Merit Order may not necessarily be

SDC1.4.7.5 The TSO will periodically rerun the scheduling process and issue revised Indicative
Operations Schedules to take account of any of the following factors (and the
equivalent factors on the Other Transmission System which will be so dealt with
separately by the Other TSO)

a) changes to Physical Notifications and Interconnector Schedule Quantities;

b) changes to Commercial Offer Data [and bid-offer data from External

Transmission System Operators];

c) changes to Availability or Demand Side Unit MW Availability and/or

Technical Parameters of CDGUs and/or Controllable PPM and/or
Aggregated Generating Units and/or Interconnectors and/or Demand Side
Units notified to the TSO;

d) changes to Demand forecasts on the Island of Ireland;

e) changes to resource forecasts on the Island of Ireland;

f) changes to Transmission System constraints, emerging from the necessarily
iterative process of Scheduling and network security assessment;

g) changes to CDGU and/or Controllable PPM requirements following

notification to the TSO of the changes in capability of a Generator to provide
a Special Action as described in SDC2;

h) changes to CDGU and/or Controllable PPM requirements within

Constrained Groups, following re-appraisal of System Demand forecasts on
the Island of Ireland within that Constrained Group;

i) changes to Monitoring and/or Testing and/or Investigations to be carried

out, or being carried out, under OC.10 (as the case may be), changes to
testing to be carried out, or being carried out, at the request of a User under
OC.8 and/or Commissioning Testing under CC15

j) changes to any conditions which in the reasonable opinion of the TSO,

would impose increased risk to the Transmission System and would
therefore require an increase in the Operating Margin;

k) known (or emerging) limitations and/or deficiencies of the Scheduling


SDC1.4.7.6 When:

a) adverse weather is anticipated;

b) there is a high risk to the whole or part of the Transmission System

and/or the Other Transmission System;

c) Demand Control has been instructed by the TSO; or

d) a Total Shutdown or Partial Shutdown exists;

these factors may mean that a CDGU, Controllable PPM, Pumped Storage Plant
Demand, Energy Storage Power Station Demand, Demand Side Unit, Aggregated

Generating Unit and/or Interconnector transfers is/are chosen other than in
accordance with the profile described in Physical Notifications (the Active Power
profile derived from Interconnector Schedule Quantities in respect of
Interconnectors) and amended in line with Merit Order to a greater degree than
would be the case when merely taking into account and giving due weight to the
factors listed in SDC1.4.7.3 in order to seek to maintain the integrity of the
Transmission System.

a) The Synchronising and De-Synchronising times (and, in the case of Pumped
Storage Plant Demand and Energy Storage Power Station Demand, the relevant
effective time) shown in the Indicative Operations Schedule are indicative only
and it should be borne in mind by Users that the Dispatch Instructions could
reflect more or different CDGU, Aggregated Generating Unit and/or Controllable
PPM, Pumped Storage Plant Demand, Energy Storage Power Station Demand
and/or Aggregate Generating Unit requirements than in the Indicative
Operations Schedule. The TSO may issue Dispatch Instructions in respect of any
CDGU and/or Aggregated Generating Unit, Controllable PPM, Pumped Storage
Plant Demand, Energy Storage Power Station Demand or Aggregated Generating
Unit which has not declared an Availability or Demand Side Unit MW Availability
of 0 MW in an Availability Notice. Users with CDGUs and/or Aggregated
Generating Units, Controllable PPM, Pumped Storage Plant Demand or Energy
Storage Power Station Demand shall ensure that their units are able to be
Synchronised, or in the case of Pumped Storage Plant Demand, used at the times
Scheduled, but only if so Dispatched by the TSO by issue of a Dispatch
Instruction. Users shall, as part of a revision to the Technical Parameters, indicate
to the TSO the latest time at which a Dispatch Instruction is required to meet the
scheduled Synchronising time or in the case of Pumped Storage Plant Demand or
Energy Storage Power Station Demand, the Scheduled relevant effective time.

b) The provisions of SDC1.4.7.7(a) shall apply to Demand Side Units with the
exception that reference to relevant effective time shall be read as a reference to
Demand Side Unit Notice Time.

SDC1.4.7.8 Content of Indicative Operations Schedules

The information contained in the Indicative Operations Schedules will indicate,

where appropriate, on an individual CDGU, Controllable PPM, Pumped Storage
Plant Demand, Energy Storage Power Station Demand, Demand Side Unit,
Aggregated Generating Units and/or Interconnector basis, the period and Loading
for which it is Scheduled. In the case of a CDGU which is capable of firing on two
different fuels, it will also indicate the fuel for which it is Scheduled. If no fuel is
contained in the Indicative Operations Schedule, then the most recently specified
fuel shall be treated as having been indicated.

SDC1.4.7.9 Issue of Indicative Operations Schedules

(a) The initial Indicative Operations Schedule for a Trading Day will be
published for access by Users by 1600 hours on the Trading Day preceding
the relevant Trading Day. However, if on any occasion the TSO is unable to
meet this time, the TSO also reserves the right to extend the timescale for
the issue of the Indicative Operations Schedules to the extent necessary.
Following the issue of the initial Indicative Operations Schedule preceding
the relevant Trading Day, the TSO will periodically issue revised Indicative
Operations Schedules to reflect updated information from the scheduling

(b) Indicative Operations Schedules issued by the TSO may comprise several
schedules covering short term, medium term or long term timeframes
where long term covers the period up to 48 hours immediately following
real time.

(c) The TSO may issue Dispatch Instructions to Users in respect of CDGUs,
Controllable PPMs, Pumped Storage Plant Demand, Energy Storage Power
Station Demand and/or Demand Side Units and/or Aggregated Generating
Units and/or Interconnector power transfers before the issue of the initial
Indicative Operations Schedule for the Trading Day to which the Dispatch
instruction relates if the Synchronous Start Up Time for the relevant CDGUs
and/or Controllable PPMs, Pumped Storage Plant Demand, Energy Storage
Power Station Demand and/or Demand Side Unit and/or Aggregated
Generating Unit requires the Dispatch instruction to be given at that
time. When the length of the time required for Notice to Synchronise is
within 30 minutes of causing the CDGU and/or Controllable PPMs and/or
Pumped Storage Plant Demand and/or Energy Storage Power Station
Demand to be unable to meet the indicative Synchronising time in the

Indicative Operations Schedule or a subsequent indicative Synchronising
time and no Dispatch Instruction has been received, the Generator shall
inform the TSO without delay.

SDC1.4.7.10 Regulation
It is a requirement for running the Transmission System that all Synchronised CDGUs
and/or Controllable PPMs shall at all times be capable of reducing MW Output
sufficient to allow a sufficient Regulating Margin for adequate Frequency
Control. The TSO will monitor the MW Output data of the Indicative Operations
Schedule against forecast of System Demand on the Island of Ireland to see whether
the level of regulation for any period is sufficient, and may take any shortfall into
account in Scheduling and Dispatch.

SDC1.4.7.11 Data Requirements

SDC1 Appendix A Part 1 sets out the Technical Parameters for which values are to be
supplied by a User in respect of each of its CDGUs and/or Controllable PPMs and/or
Pumped Storage Plant Demand and/or Demand Side Units and/or Energy Storage
Power Station Demand and/or Aggregated Generating Units by not later than Gate
Closure 1 for the relevant Trading Day.

SDC1 Appendix A Part 2 sets out the additional data items required in respect of an
Additional Grid Code Characteristics Notice.


Part 1. Technical Parameters

[Note: The factors applicable to CDGUs below 10 MW apply to the EirGrid Grid Code only.]

Technical Parameter CDGU Control DSU Agg. CDGU ESPS Pump

PPM Gen <10 Demand Storage
MW Demand

Thermal Hydr/ Disp. Pump - Indiv. Agg. - - -

En Ltd PPM S Gen Demand Demand
Site Sites

Block Load Cold ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Block Load Hot ✓ ✓

Block Load Warm ✓ ✓

Charging Capacity ✓ ✓

Cycle Efficiency ✓ ✓


Demand Side Unit MW ✓ ✓


Demand Side Unit ✓ ✓

MW Response Time

Demand Side Unit ✓ ✓

Notice Time

Deload Break Point ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

De-Loading Rate 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

De-Loading Rate 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Dwell Time Up 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Dwell Time Up 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Dwell Time Up 3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Dwell Time Down 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Technical Parameter CDGU Control DSU Agg. CDGU ESPS Pump
PPM Gen <10 Demand Storage
MW Demand

Thermal Hydr/ Disp. Pump - Indiv. Agg. - - -

En Ltd PPM S Gen Demand Demand
Site Sites

Dwell Time Down 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Dwell Time Down 3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Dwell Time Up Trigger ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Point 1

Dwell Time Up Trigger ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Point 2

Dwell Time Up Trigger ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Point 3

Dwell Time Down ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Trigger Point 1

Dwell Time Down ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Trigger Point 2

Dwell Time Down ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Trigger Point 3

End Point of Start Up ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓


Energy Limit ✓

Forecast Minimum ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Output Profile ESPS


Forecast Minimum ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Generation Profile

Demand Side Unit ✓ ✓

MW Response Time

Load Up Break Point ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Cold (1)

Technical Parameter CDGU Control DSU Agg. CDGU ESPS Pump
PPM Gen <10 Demand Storage
MW Demand

Thermal Hydr/ Disp. Pump - Indiv. Agg. - - -

En Ltd PPM S Gen Demand Demand
Site Sites

Load Up Break Point ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Cold (2)

Load Up Break Point ✓ ✓

Hot (1)

Load Up Break Point ✓ ✓

Hot (2)

Load Up Break Point ✓ ✓

Warm (1)

Load Up Break Point ✓ ✓

Warm (2)

Loading Rate Cold (1) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Loading Rate Cold (2) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Loading Rate Cold (3) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Loading Rate Hot (1) ✓ ✓

Loading Rate Hot (2) ✓ ✓

Loading Rate Hot (3) ✓ ✓

Loading Rate Warm (1) ✓ ✓

Loading Rate Warm (2) ✓ ✓

Loading Rate Warm (3) ✓ ✓

Max Ramp Down Rate ✓ ✓

(shall be a number
greater than zero)

Max Ramp Up Rate

(shall be a number
greater than zero)
✓ ✓

Technical Parameter CDGU Control DSU Agg. CDGU ESPS Pump
PPM Gen <10 Demand Storage
MW Demand

Thermal Hydr/ Disp. Pump - Indiv. Agg. - - -

En Ltd PPM S Gen Demand Demand
Site Sites

Maximum Charge ✓ ✓
Capacity ESPS Gen

Maximum Down Time ✓ ✓

Maximum Generation / ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Registered Capacity

Maximum On Time ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Maximum Storage ✓

Minimum Charge ✓ ✓
Capacity ESPS Gen

Minimum Down Time ✓ ✓

Minimum Generation ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Minimum off time ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Minimum on time ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Minimum Storage ✓ ✓✓

Off to Generating Time ✓

Off to Spin Pump Time ✓

(Other relevant ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
technical parameters)

Pumping capacity ✓ ✓

Ramp Down Break ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Point 1

Technical Parameter CDGU Control DSU Agg. CDGU ESPS Pump
PPM Gen <10 Demand Storage
MW Demand

Thermal Hydr/ Disp. Pump - Indiv. Agg. - - -

En Ltd PPM S Gen Demand Demand
Site Sites

Ramp Down Break ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Point 2

Ramp Down Break ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Point 3

Ramp Down Break ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Point 4

Ramp Down Rate 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Ramp Down Rate 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Ramp Down Rate 3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Ramp Down Rate 4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Ramp Down Rate 5 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Ramp Up Break Point 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Ramp Up Break Point 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Ramp Up Break Point 3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Ramp Up Break Point 4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Ramp Up Rate 1 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Ramp Up Rate 2 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Ramp Up Rate 3 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Ramp Up Rate 4 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Ramp Up Rate 5 ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Short Term ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Short Term ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Maximisation Time

Technical Parameter CDGU Control DSU Agg. CDGU ESPS Pump
PPM Gen <10 Demand Storage
MW Demand

Thermal Hydr/ Disp. Pump - Indiv. Agg. - - -

En Ltd PPM S Gen Demand Demand
Site Sites

Soak Time Cold (1) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Soak Time Cold (2) ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Soak Time Hot (1) ✓ ✓

Soak Time Hot (2) ✓ ✓

Soak Time Trigger Point ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Cold (1)

Soak Time Trigger Point ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓

Cold (2)

Soak Time Trigger Point ✓ ✓

Hot (1)

Soak Time Trigger Point ✓ ✓

Hot (2)

Soak Time Trigger Point ✓ ✓

Warm (1)

Soak Time Trigger Point ✓ ✓

Warm (2)

Soak Time Warm (1) ✓ ✓

Soak Time Warm (2) ✓ ✓

Spin Pump to Pumping ✓

Energy Time

Synchronous Start-Up ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Time Cold

Synchronous Start-Up ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Time Hot

Synchronous Start-Up ✓ ✓
Time Warm

Technical Parameter CDGU Control DSU Agg. CDGU ESPS Pump
PPM Gen <10 Demand Storage
MW Demand

Thermal Hydr/ Disp. Pump - Indiv. Agg. - - -

En Ltd PPM S Gen Demand Demand
Site Sites

Target Charge Level ✓ ✓

Percentage ESPS Gen

Start of Restricted ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Range 1

End of Restricted Range ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓


Start of Restricted ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓
Range 2

End of Restricted Range ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓


Part 2. Additional data items required in an Additional Grid Code Characteristics Notice

Table (i)

Variable Applies to
Declared POR CDGUs, excluding Dispatchable PPMs
Declared SOR CDGUs, excluding Dispatchable PPMs
Declared TOR1 CDGUs, excluding Dispatchable PPMs
Declared TOR2 CDGUs, excluding Dispatchable PPMs
Declared Replacement Reserve CDGUs, excluding Dispatchable PPMs
Minimum MW for POR CDGUs, excluding Dispatchable PPMs
Minimum MW for SOR CDGUs, excluding Dispatchable PPMs
Minimum MW for TOR1 CDGUs, excluding Dispatchable PPMs
Minimum MW for TOR2 CDGUs, excluding Dispatchable PPMs
Minimum MW for Replacement Reserve CDGUs, excluding Dispatchable PPMs
POR Decrement Rate CDGUs, excluding Dispatchable PPMs
SOR Decrement Rate CDGUs, excluding Dispatchable PPMs
TOR1 Decrement Rate CDGUs, excluding Dispatchable PPMs
TOR2 Decrement Rate CDGUs, excluding Dispatchable PPMs
Replacement Reserve Decrement Rate CDGUs, excluding Dispatchable PPMs
Governor Droop CDGUs, excluding Dispatchable PPMs

Table (ii)

Black Start Capability (yes/no) CDGUs, excluding Dispatchable PPMs

Declared Reactive Power (Consumption) CDGUs, excluding Dispatchable PPMs

Declared Reactive Power (Production) CDGUs, excluding Dispatchable PPMs

Correction Factor (Mvar consumption) CDGUs, excluding Dispatchable PPMs

Correction Factor (Mvar Production) CDGUs, excluding Dispatchable PPMs
Export Adjustment Factor 1 CDGUs, excluding Dispatchable PPMs
Export Adjustment Factor 2 CDGUs, excluding Dispatchable PPMs
Unit Loss Factor CDGUs, excluding Dispatchable PPMs


Explanatory Note of differences between SDC1 in the SONI Grid Code and EirGrid Grid Code

This annex is an explanatory note only and does not form part of the Grid Code.

1. General Differences in wording

The table below summarises the general differences in wording between the form of SDC1 in the SONI Grid
Code and the form of SDC1 in the EirGrid Grid Code, which appear repeatedly throughout SDC1.

Terms used in SONI Grid Equivalent terms used in EirGrid Reason

Code Grid Code (where different)

System Support Services Ancillary Service(s) The existing arrangements for

Ancillary Services and System
Support Services are continuing
until further notice.

System Support Services Ancillary Service(s) Agreement These agreements will continue
Agreement to stay in place with their
existing names

CCGT Module CCGT Unit This is the phrase currently used

to describe the individual parts
of a Combined Cycle Plant CCGT
Module is an important concept
in Northern Ireland and is
reflected in many other
agreements. EirGrid is keeping
the phrase CCGT Unit, as it more
closely describes the concept of
an individual unit and EirGrid has
formerly used CCGT Module to
describe the whole CCGT

Prudent Operating Practice Prudent Utility Practice Each Code uses a different
phrase for this concept.

Planned Outage Schedule Outage Each Code uses a different

phrase for this concept.

Planned Maintenance Short Term Scheduled Outage Each Code uses a different
Outage phrase for this concept.

2. Specific differences in wording between equivalent provisions in both Grid Codes

The table below provides a list of the other specific differences in wording between equivalent provisions of
SDC1 in both Grid Codes.

Provision SONI Grid Code EirGrid Grid Code Reason

SDC1.4.4.2(b) Reference is made to Reference is made to These are the

“PCA2.3.4” “PC.A4.3 of the Planning respective
Code Appendix” requirements for
the provision of
the CCGT
Installation data.

SDC1.4.3.6(b) Reference is made to “OC11” Reference is made to These are the

“OC.10” respective
requirements for
Monitoring and

SDC1.4.3.6(d) Reference is made to a User Reference is made to a User SONI has

acting in accordance with its acting in accordance with its separate
obligations under “SDC1.4.3 obligations under requirements for
and Appendix B to this SDC1” “SDC1.4.3” only Availability and

related issues in
respect of PPA

SDC1.4.3.7 The EirGrid Grid Code Difference is due

contains the following to different
additional words at the end requirements in
of the paragraph: both jurisdictions.

“or any other values that the

TSO may reasonably deem

SDC1.4.7.1 Reference is made to “the Reference is made to Reference is

Republic of Ireland”. “Northern Ireland”. being made in
each Grid Code to
the other

SDC1.4.7.3(iv) Reference is made to “OC.3” Reference is made to These are the

“OC.4.6 and CC.” respective
references to

SDC1.4.7.3(xiv) Reference is made to “OC.11” Reference is made to These are the

and then to “OC11.8” “OC.10” and then to “OC.8” respective
references to
Monitoring and
Investigation and

SDC1.4.7.3(xiv) Reference is made to Reference is made to These are the
“Commissioning/Acceptance “Commissioning/Testing” respective terms
Testing” used in each Grid

SDC1.4.7.3(xv) Reference is made to “System Reference is made to The EirGrid Grid

Tests” only “System Tests, Operational Code definition of
Tests and Commissioning System Tests
Tests” excludes
Operational and
Tests whereas the
SONI definition
includes them.

SDC1.4.7.4 Reference is made to “the Reference is made to Reference is

Republic of Ireland”. “Northern Ireland”. being made in
each Grid Code to
the other

SDC1 Appendix Part 2 refers to factors Part 2 refers to factors The two System
A Part 2 applicable to the SONI Grid applicable to the EirGrid Grid Operators require
Code only Code only some data items
specific to that
system and they
are detailed here.

3. Provisions applicable to one Grid Code only

The table below provides a list of the provisions of SDC1 which exist in one Grid Code only.

Provisions used in SONI Grid Code only Reason

SDC1.1.4 SONI has extra requirements due to the presence

of PPA Generation in Northern Ireland.
SDC1.4.3: Introductory sentence

SDC1.4.4: Introductory sentence


SDC1 Appendix B

SDC1.4.2.2(f) The CCGT Matrix can be amended in the SONI Grid

Code as per a specific requirement in the Planning
Code Appendix, whereas the EirGrid Code can be
amended as per any Planning Code data.

SDC1.4.4.2(i) This provision is necessary to deal with conversion

factors applicable to PPA Generators in Northern

SDC1.4.4.3 There are differences in how Reserve capabilities

are notified to both SONI and EirGrid.

Provisions used in EirGrid Grid Code only

SDC1.4.4.2(h) There are differences in how Operating Reserve

capabilities are notified to both SONI and EirGrid.

SDC1.4.4.2(c) The SONI Grid Code addresses the issue of

conversion factors in a different way by cross-
referring to the Planning Code.

SDC2 Scheduling and Dispatch Code No.2

Control Scheduling and Dispatch

SDC2.1 Introduction

SDC2.1.1 SEM Provisions

(a) This Scheduling and Dispatch Code No. 2 ("SDC2") forms part of the Sections
under Common Governance of the Grid Code. The Sections under
Common Governance are those parts of the Grid Code which are under
common governance in both the Grid Code and the Other Grid Code.

(b) The form of this SDC2 is similar to the SDC2 in the Other Grid Code.
Differences relate to references to relevant power systems and related
terms. Where there is a difference between a provision in this Grid Code
and an equivalent provision in the Other Grid Code, the wording in question
is shaded in grey. In addition, those parts of this SDC2 that are not part of
the Other Grid Code are shaded in grey in this SDC2. Differences between
the form of this SDC2 and the SDC2 in the Other Grid Code are summarised
in Annex 1 to this SDC2.

(c) This SDC2 is intended to work in conjunction with other documents,

including the Trading and Settlement Code (“TSC”). The provisions of the
Grid Code and the Other Grid Code will take precedence over the TSC.

(d) Where stated in this SDC2, the obligation to submit data in relation to some
of the information required to be provided to the TSO by this SDC2 may be
fulfilled by Users where such information submitted under the TSC by a User
or by an Intermediary on behalf of Users is then provided to the TSO by the
Market Operator in accordance with the TSC, as further provided in this
SDC2. The TSO may require Users to verify or update data received by it via
the Market Operator.

(e) Dispatch Instructions issued pursuant to this SDC2 may be utilised for
settlement in respect of SEM generator units which have been registered in
accordance with the TSC.

(f) Further provisions dealing with the Sections under Common Governance
are contained in the General Conditions.

SDC2.1.2 SDC2 sets out the procedure for the TSO to issue Dispatch Instructions to:

(a) Generators in respect of their CDGUs (which for the avoidance of doubt
comprise, Generating Units subject to Central Dispatch, CCGT Installations,
Hydro Units, Pumped Storage Generation and Dispatchable PPMs);

(b) Pumped Storage Generators in respect of their Pumped Storage Plant


(c) Energy Storage Generators in respect of their Energy Storage Power Station

(d) Interconnector Owners in respect of their Interconnectors;

(e) Demand Side Unit Operators in respect of their Demand Side Units; and

(f) Generator Aggregators in respect of their Aggregated Generating Units.

Controllable PPMs are not currently subject to Dispatch Instructions.

However, remote signals sent by the TSO to Controllable PPMs in order to
limit Active Power Output may be utilised by the MO as Dispatch
Instructions in accordance with the TSC.

SDC2.2 Objective

The procedure for the issue of Dispatch Instructions by the TSO, is intended to
enable (as far as possible) the TSO to match continuously CDGU, Demand Side Unit,
Aggregated Generating Units output (or reduction as the case may be) and/or

Interconnector transfers to Demand, and thereby in conjunction with the Other
TSO, the demand on the Island of Ireland, by utilising the Physical Notifications and
Merit Order derived pursuant to SDC1 and the factors to be taken into account
listed there and by taking into account any NCDGU MW Output in both cases
together with an appropriate margin of reserve, whilst maintaining (so far as
possible) the integrity of the Transmission System together with the security and
quality of supply (with the Other TSO having a similar objective with regard to its
Transmission System).

SDC2.3 Scope

SDC2 applies to the TSO, and:

(a) Generators with regard to their CDGUs;

(b) Pumped Storage Generators with regard to their Pumped Storage Plant

(c) Energy Storage Generators with regard to their Energy Storage Power
Station Demand;

(d) Interconnector Owners with regard to their Interconnectors;

(e) Demand Side Unit Operators in relation to their Demand Side Units; and

(f) Generator Aggregators in respect of their Aggregated Generating Units.

Each of which (other than the TSO) is a “User” under this SDC2.

SDC2.4 Procedure

SDC2.4.1 Information Used

SDC2.4.1.1 The information which the TSO shall use in assessing which CDGU, Demand Side
Unit, Interconnector transfers, Pumped Storage Plant Demand and/or Energy
Storage Power Station Demand and/or Aggregated Generating Units to Dispatch,
will be:

(a) Final Physical Notifications (or Physical Notifications in circumstances
where Dispatch Instructions must be issued before Gate Closure 2) and
Interconnector Schedule Quantities;
(b) the Availability Notices;
(c) the Merit Order as derived under SDC1;
(d) the other factors to be taken into account under SDC1 and which were used
by the TSO to compile the Indicative Operations Schedule; and
(e) the
(i) Technical Parameters;
(ii) Additional Grid Code Characteristics Notices;
(iii) Reserve Characteristics; and
(iv) Other Relevant Data,

in respect of that CDGU, Demand Side Unit, Interconnector transfers,

Pumped Storage Plant Demand and/or Energy Storage Power Station
Demand and/or Aggregated Generating Units subject to any subsequent
revisions to the data under SDC1 and SDC2.

SDC2.4.1.2 Additional factors which the TSO will also take into account are:

(a) those Generators or Demand Side Unit Operators who have not complied
with Dispatch Instructions or Special Actions;

(b) real time variation requests; and

(c) the need to Dispatch CDGUs, Aggregated Generating Units, Demand Side
Units, Interconnector transfers, Pumped Storage Plant Demand and Energy
Storage Power Station Demand for Monitoring, Testing or Investigation
purposes (and/or for other trading purposes whether at the request of a
User, for Commissioning or Acceptance, System Tests or otherwise)

SDC2.4.1.3 In the event of two or more CDGUs, Demand Side Units, Pumped Storage Plant
Demand, Energy Storage Power Station Demand and/or Aggregated Generating
Units having the same Price Set and the TSO not being able to differentiate on the

basis of the factors identified in SDC1.4.7.2, SDC1.4.7.3 and SDC1.4.7.4, then the TSO
will select first for Dispatch the one which in the TSO’s reasonable judgement is
most appropriate in all the circumstances.

SDC2.4.1.4 Following Gate Closure 2, Users may no longer submit or amend Physical
Notifications, Interconnector Schedule Quantities or Commercial Offer Data in
respect of Imbalance Settlement Periods for which the Gate Closure 2 has occurred
(subject to SDC1.4.4.6(d)). Notwithstanding SDC1.4.7, the TSO will continue to rerun
the scheduling process and issue Indicative Operations Schedules.

SDC2.4.2 Dispatch Instructions

SDC2.4.2.1 Introduction

As far as is reasonably practicable, Dispatch Instructions will normally be issued at

any time following Gate Closure 2 in respect of the relevant Imbalance Settlement
Periods. The TSO may, however, at its discretion, issue Dispatch Instructions in
relation to a CDGU, Demand Side Unit, Interconnector transfers, Pumped Storage
Plant Demand and/or Energy Storage Power Station Demand and/or Aggregated
Generating Units prior to Gate Closure 2.

SDC2.4.2.2 Issue of Dispatch Instructions

The TSO will issue Dispatch Instructions direct to:
(a) the Generator for the Dispatch of each of its CDGUs.
(b) the Generator Aggregator for the Dispatch of its Aggregated Generating
(c) the Energy Storage Generator for the Dispatch of its Energy Storage Power
Station Demand.
(d) the Demand Side Unit Operator and the Pumped Storage Demand User in
respect of each of their Demand Side Units and Pumped Storage Plant
Demand respectively.
(e) the Interconnector Owner for the Dispatch of the Interconnector transfers.
(f) The TSO may issue Dispatch Instructions for any CDGU, Demand Side Unit,
Interconnector transfers, Pumped Storage Plant Demand and/or Energy

Storage Power Station Demand and/or Aggregated Generating Units which
has been declared Available in an Availability Notice even if that CDGU,
Demand Side Unit, Interconnector transfers, Pumped Storage Plant Demand
and/or Energy Storage Power Station Demand and/or Aggregated
Generating Units was not included in an Indicative Operations Schedule.

SDC2.4.2.3 Scope of Dispatch Instructions

In addition to instructions relating to the Dispatch of Active Power, Dispatch

Instructions (unless otherwise specified by the TSO at the time of giving the Dispatch
Instructions) shall be deemed to include an automatic instruction of Operating
Reserve, the level of which is to be provided in accordance with the Declared
Operating Reserve Availability under SDC1 and the Ancillary Service Agreement.

SDC2.4.2.4 In addition to instructions relating to the Dispatch of Active Power, Dispatch

Instructions in relation to CDGUs and, Demand Side Units and/or Pumped Storage
Plant Demand and/or Energy Storage Power Station Demand may include:

(a) a Dispatch Instruction to provide an Ancillary Service;


(i) Mvars: the individual Reactive Power output from CDGUs at the
Generator Terminals or Voltage levels (at instructed MW level) at the
Connection Point which will be maintained by the CDGU.

(ii) The issue of Dispatch Instructions for Active Power will be as at the
Connection Point and will be made with due regard to any resulting
change in Reactive Power capability and may include instruction for
reduction in Active Power generation to increase Reactive Power

(iii) In the event of a sudden change in System voltage a Generator must not
take any action in respect of any of its CDGUs to override automatic Mvar
response unless instructed otherwise by the TSO or unless immediate
action is necessary to comply with stability limits. A Generator may take

such action as is in its reasonable opinion necessary to avoid an imminent
risk of injury to persons or material damage to property (including the

(iv) Further provisions in relation to Dispatch Instructions regarding

Generator Reactive Power Dispatch are set out in Appendix B to this

(c) Fuels: Fuels to be used by the Generator in operating the CDGU. The
Generator shall only be permitted to change Fuels with the TSO’s prior

(d) Special Protection Scheme: an instruction to switch into or out of service an

Special Protection Scheme or other Intertripping Scheme;

(e) Time to Synchronise/react: a time to Synchronise or De-Synchronise CDGUs

and, where appropriate Demand Side Units and/or Energy Storage Power
Stations in relation to Energy Storage Power Station Demand and/or
Pumped Storage Plants in relation to Pumped Storage Plant Demand and
time to react for Demand Side Units;

(f) Synchronous Compensation: an instruction, (where contracted, where that is

necessary), for a CDGU to operate in Synchronous Compensation mode;

(g) Testing etc: an instruction in relation to the carrying out of Testing,

Monitoring or Investigations as required under OC.10, or testing at the
request of a User under OC.8.5, or Commissioning Testing under the CC;

[Note: Please note that the SONI Grid Code will referring to “OC11” and
“OC11.8”, whereas the EirGrid Grid Code will be referring to “OC.10” and

(h) System Tests: an instruction in relation to the carrying out of a System Test
as required under OC.8.4;

(i) Maximisation: in the case of a CDGU which is subject to an agreement with

the TSO for the provision of Maximisation an instruction requiring it to
generate at a level in excess of its Availability but not exceeding its Short
Term Maximisation Capability which may only be given if, at the time of issue
of the instruction, the CDGU is Dispatched to a MW Output equal to its
Availability and provided that the limit on the number of hours for which such
instructions may be given in any year, as set out in any arrangement relating
to the relevant agreement is not thereby exceeded. Such an instruction shall
be identified as a "Maximisation Instruction". When the TSO gives a Dispatch
Instruction which is in excess of the Availability of the CDGU which is not
designated a "Maximisation Instruction", the Generator must inform the TSO
immediately that the Dispatch Instruction is so in excess in order that the TSO
can so designate the Dispatch Instruction as a Maximisation Instruction or
withdraw the instruction. The Generator shall not then be obliged to comply
with the Dispatch Instruction unless and until the TSO notifies it that the
instruction is designated a "Maximisation Instruction";

(j) Cycle Operating Mode: in the case of a CCGT Installation, an instruction

specifying the Cycle Operating Mode and/or an instruction to Dispatch a
CCGT Installation in Open Cycle Mode. The Generator must then ensure that
the CCGT Installation achieves the new Dispatched Operating Mode, without
undue delay, in accordance with the CCGT Installation’s declared Availability
and declared Technical Parameters. Dispatch Instructions in relation to Cycle
Operating Modes issued by the TSO shall reflect the applicable Availability
Notice and Technical Parameters;

(k) Pumped Storage: mode changes for Pumped Storage Plants, where
contracted, in relation to Pumped Storage Plant Demand;

(l) Energy Storage Power Station: mode changes for ESPS, where contracted, in
relation to Energy Storage Power Station Demand;

(m) Dispatch Instruction Test Flags: Dispatch Instruction Test Flags shall be
applied to Dispatch Instructions in respect of new or amended test proposals
submitted by a Generator after Gate Closure 2 has already occurred for the
relevant Imbalance Settlement Periods (since Final Physical Notifications
cannot be amended) and the Generator could not have reasonably foreseen
the need for the new or amended test request before Gate Closure 2 for the
relevant Imbalance Settlement Period. The Dispatch Instruction Test Flag
shall be applied to the portion of the Dispatch Instruction which diverges
from Physical Notifications submitted by a Generator in respect of a test
proposal which has been approved by the TSO. The part of a Dispatch
Instruction subject to the flag will not be deemed to be a Dispatch Instruction
for settlement purposes;

(n) Gas supply emergency: instructions relating to gas supply emergencies,

where the ordinary Dispatch process may not be followed;

SDC2.4.2.5 Form of Instruction

(a) Instructions may normally be given via Electronic Interface but can be given

by telephone, by facsimile transmission. In the case of a Special Protection

Scheme, a Low Frequency Relay or any other automatic Primary Frequency
Control scheme (excluding governor response) initiated response from a
CDGU, Demand Side Unit, and/or Pumped Storage Plant in relation to
Pumped Storage Plant Demand and/or Energy Storage Power Station in
relation to Energy Storage Power Station Demand, the instruction will be
given for the effective time which is consistent with the time at which the Low
Frequency Relay operation occurred. This Dispatch Instruction will be issued

(b) The reduction by a Generator of the MW Output of one of its CDGUs under

OC.4.3 shall be deemed to have followed a Dispatch Instruction issued by the


(i) In the event of a temporary loss of the NI Control Centre/National

Control Centre as described under OC.9, each Generator shall, subject to
the provisions of SDC2.4.2.5(c)(ii), continue to operate its CDGUs in
accordance with the last Dispatch Instructions to have been issued by the
TSO but shall use all reasonable endeavours to maintain System
Frequency at the indicated Target Frequency plus or minus 0.05Hz by
monitoring Frequency and increasing/decreasing the MW Output of its
CDGUs as necessary until such time as new Dispatch Instructions are
received from the TSO.

(ii) When operating its CDGUs in the circumstances described under

SDC2.4.2.5(c)(i), a Generator shall never be required to Dispatch these
units in a manner in which the TSO would not be entitled to require such
units to be Dispatched by means of a Dispatch Instruction issued in
accordance with this SDC2.

(d) The De-Synchronisation of a CDGU following the operation of a Special

Protection Scheme selected by the TSO shall be deemed to have happened
as a result of a Dispatch Instruction issued by the TSO.

SDC2.4.2.6 Target Frequency

(a) Dispatch Instructions to Generators will generally indicate the target MW (at
Target Frequency) to be provided at the Connection Point to be achieved in
accordance with the respective CDGU's Technical Parameters and/or
parameters as provided in the Additional Grid Code Characteristics Notices

provided under SDC1 or this SDC2, or such rate within those parameters as is
specified by the TSO in the Dispatch Instructions.

(b) Dispatch Instructions deemed to be given upon the operation of an agreed

Low Frequency Relay will be deemed to indicate the target MW (at Target
Frequency), which may either be at maximum MW Output or at some lower
MW Output (as previously specified by the TSO), to be provided at the
Connection Point which reflects and is in accordance with the CDGU’s
Technical Parameters and/or parameters as provided in the Additional Grid
Code Characteristics Notice data given under (or as revised in accordance
with) SDC1 or this SDC2.

SDC2.4.2.7 To aid clarity, the form of and terms to be used by the TSO in issuing instructions
together with their meanings are set out in the Appendices to this SDC2.

(a) Subject only to SDC2.4.2.9 and as provided below in this SDC2.4.2.8,
Dispatch Instructions will not be inconsistent with the Availability and/or
Technical Parameters and/or Additional Grid Code Characteristics Notice
data and Other Relevant Data notified to the TSO under SDC1 (and any
revisions under SDC1 or this SDC2 to that data).

(b) A new Dispatch Instruction may be subsequently given (including an

instruction for a Cancelled Start) at any time.

(c) Dispatch Instructions may however be inconsistent with the Availability

and/or Technical Parameters and/or Additional Grid Code Characteristics
Notice data and/or Other Relevant Data so notified to the TSO for the
purposes of carrying out a test at the request of the relevant Generator
under OC.8.5 or a System Test at the request of the relevant Generator
under OC.8.6, to the extent that such Dispatch Instructions are consistent
with the procedure agreed (or otherwise determined) for conducting the
test or System Test (as the case may be).

(d) For the avoidance of doubt, any Dispatch Instructions issued by the TSO for
the purposes of carrying out a test at the request of the relevant Generator
under OC.8.5 or a System Test at the request of the relevant Generator
under OC.8.6 shall not be deemed to be Dispatch Instructions given
pursuant to SDC2.4.2.9.

(a) To preserve System integrity under emergency circumstances where, for
example, Licence Standards cannot be met the TSO may, however, issue
Dispatch Instructions to change CDGU, Aggregated Generating Units,
Demand Side Unit, Interconnector transfers and/or Pumped Storage Plant
Demand MW Output and/or Energy Storage Power Station Demand MW
Output or Demand Side Unit MW Response even when this is outside
parameters so registered or so amended. This may, for example, be an
instruction to trip or partially load a CDGU. The instruction will be stated by
the TSO to be one in relation to emergency circumstances under SDC2.4.2.9.

(b) A User may refuse to comply or continue to comply with instructions

referred to in this SDC2.4.2.9 but only in order to avoid, in the Generator's
reasonable opinion, an imminent risk of injury to persons or material
damage to property (including in the case of a Generator, the CDGU).

SDC2.4.2.10 Communication with Users

(a) Dispatch Instructions whether given via Electronic Interface, by telephone,

by facsimile transmission must be formally acknowledged immediately by
the User at the Control Facility by Electronic Interface or, with the TSO’s
prior consent, by telephone, by return facsimile transmission, in the manner
agreed between the User and the TSO or a reason must be given as soon as
possible for non-acceptance, which may (subject to SDC2.4.2.9) only be to
avoid, in the User's reasonable opinion, an imminent risk of injury to
persons or material damage to property (including the CDGU) or because
they are not in accordance with the applicable Availability Notice, or
Technical Parameters, or Additional Grid Code Characteristics Notices or do
not reflect Other Relevant Data submitted by the User pursuant to SDC1.

(b) In the event that in carrying out the Dispatch Instructions, an unforeseen
problem arises, giving rise, in the User's reasonable opinion, to an imminent
risk of injury to persons or material damage to property (including the
CDGU) the TSO must be notified as soon as possible by telephone.

(c) When issuing Notice to Synchronise to Generators in respect of their

Generating Units, the TSO shall recongise the applicable heat state of each
relevant Generating Unit at the proposed Synchronisation effective time
and facilitate the synchronous start up time applicable to that heat state as
indicated by the Generator in the Technical Parameters supplied for the
Generating Unit.

SDC2.4.2.11 Action Required from Users

(a) Each User will comply in accordance with SDC2.4.2.12 with all Dispatch
Instructions given by the TSO unless the User has given notice to the TSO
under the provisions of SDC2.4.2.10 regarding non-acceptance of Dispatch

(b) When complying with Dispatch Instructions for a CCGT Installation a

Generator will operate its CCGT Units in accordance with the applicable
CCGT Installation Matrix.

(c) Where the TSO issues a Synchronising time to a Generator for a specific
CDGU and the Generator identifies that such CDGU will not be
Synchronised within -15/+15 minutes of the instructed time, the Generator
must immediately (at the time the discrepancy is identified) inform the TSO
of the situation and estimate the new Synchronising time.

(d) If the CDGU has not synchronised within 15 minutes of the Synchronising
time in the original Notice to Synchronise the TSO will issue a Failure to
Follow Notice to Synchronise Instruction and the Generator shall re-declare,
by Electronic Interface or by other form as the TSO may reasonably notify to
each User from time to time, its Availability to 0 MW for the CDGU effective
at the Synchronising time in the original Notice to Synchronise.

SDC2.4.2.12 Implementation of Instructions by Users

When a User has received a Dispatch Instruction given by the TSO, it will react by
responding to that Dispatch Instruction given by the TSO without undue delay, and,
in any event, within one minute in accordance with the instruction or in the case of
Dispatch Instructions for Mvars within two minutes of the instruction, including those
Dispatch Instructions issued pursuant to SDC2.4.2.9. Instructions indicating a target
MW Output at the Target Frequency will be complied with by Users notwithstanding
any tolerance bands set out in any Testing requirement or elsewhere in the Grid
For the avoidance of doubt, Demand Side User operators and Generator Aggregators
shall comply with SDC2.4.2.12, as detailed above.

○ ||
When a User has received a Dispatch Instruction given by the TSO, it will react by
responding to that Dispatch Instruction given by the TSO within 10 seconds. This set
point must be reached in a time no greater than 10 seconds plus the ramp rate for the
Generation Unit or Interconnector, including those Dispatch Instructions issued
pursuant to SDC2.4.2.9.

A tolerance will apply to the Dispatch Instruction. This will be the greater of 1 MW or
1% of the dispatched quantity. Instructions indicating a target MW Output at the
Target Frequency will be complied with by Users notwithstanding any tolerance
bands set out in any Testing requirement or elsewhere in the Grid Code.

Manual local measures shall be allowed in cases where the automatic remote control
devices are out of service. The Active Power set point must be reached within 1 hour.


When a User has received a Dispatch Instructions for Mvars it will respond to that
Dispatch Instruction given by the TSO within two minutes of the instruction.

(a) Subject to the exception set out below in this SDC2.4.2.13, Generators will
only Synchronise or de-Synchronise CDGUs when they have received these
Dispatch Instructions from the TSO or unless it occurs automatically as a
result of Special Protection Schemes or Low Frequency Relay
operations. Subject to the exception set out below in this SDC2.4.2.13,
Demand Side Unit Operators will only reduce or increase their Demand Side
Unit MW Response to the Dispatch Instructions of the TSO or unless it
occurs automatically as a result of Special Protection Schemes or Low
Frequency Relay operations.

(b) De-Synchronisation may otherwise only take place without the TSO's prior
agreement if it is to avoid, in the Generator's reasonable opinion, an
imminent risk of injury to persons or material damage to property (including
the CDGU). Demand Side Units, who cannot maintain the provision of any
Demand Side Unit MW Response, may otherwise only take place without
the TSO's prior agreement if it is to avoid, in the Demand Side Unit
Operator's reasonable opinion, an imminent risk of injury to persons or
material damage to property (including the Demand Side Unit).

(c) If one of these exceptions occur, then the TSO must be informed that it has
taken place as soon as possible.

SDC2.4.2.14 The TSO may suspend the issue of Dispatch Instructions to User’s Plant in
accordance with the Merit Order (having taken account of and applied the factors
referred to in SDC1.4.7.3) to the extent that the conditions in SDC1.4.7.6 or
SDC2.4.2.4(n) arise. When necessary the TSO will issue Dispatch Instructions for a
Black Start.

SDC2.4.2.15 User Plant Changes

Each User at its Control Facility will, without delay, notify the TSO by Electronic
Interface, telephone or by facsimile transmission of any change or loss (temporary
or otherwise) to the operational capability of its Plant including any changes to the
Technical Parameters and/or Additional Grid Code Characteristics Notice data of
each of the User’s Plant (in the case of Technical Parameters, by the submission of a
Technical Parameters Revision Notice) indicating (where possible) the magnitude
and the duration of the change. In the case of CDGUs already Synchronised to the
System, each Generator, in respect of its Generating Units, must also state whether
or not the loss was instantaneous.

SDC2.4.2.16 Each Generator, in respect of its Generating Units, will operate its Synchronised
CDGUs with AVRs and Var limiters in service at all times (where required pursuant
to CC.7.3 and SDC2.B.7) unless released from this obligation in respect of a particular
CDGU by the TSO.

SDC2.4.2.17 Each Generator, in respect of its Generating Units, shall request the TSO's
agreement for one of its CDGUs at that Generating Plant to be operated without the
AVR or Var limiter in service. The agreement of the TSO will be dependent on the
risk that would be imposed on the System. However, a Generator may, in any event,
take such action in relation to that CDGU as is reasonably necessary to avoid, in the
Generator's reasonable opinion, an imminent risk of injury to persons or material
damage to property (including the CDGU).

SDC2.4.2.18 Minimum Demand Regulation ("MDR")

Synchronised CDGUs must at all times be capable of reducing MW Output sufficient

to allow a sufficient Regulating Margin for adequate Frequency Control. The TSO
will monitor the MW Output data of the Indicative Operations Schedule against the
forecast Demand to see whether the level of MDR for any period is insufficient, and
may take any shortfall into account in Dispatch.

SDC2.4.3 Special Actions

The TSO may also issue Dispatch Instructions for Special Actions (either pre- or
post-fault) to a User in respect of any of its Plant in the event that the TSO in its
reasonable opinion believes that such instructions are necessary in order to ensure
that the Licence Standards are met. Special Actions will generally involve a Load
change, a Load reduction change or a change in required Notice to Synchronise (or,
in the case of a Demand Side Unit or Pumped Storage Plant Demand or Energy
Storage Power Station Demand, a change in the relevant effective time) in a specific
timescale on individual or groups of CDGUs. They may also include selection of
Special Protection Scheme for stability or thermal reasons. Instructions for Special
Actions will always be within Technical Parameters.


Dispatch Instructions for CDGUs and Demand Side Unit

SDC2.A.1 General

This Appendix A to SDC2 provides further information on the form of a Dispatch

Instruction as well as an example of a Dispatch Instruction for CDGUs and Demand
Side Units.

SDC2.A.2 Form of Dispatch Instruction

SDC2.A.2.1 All Loading/De-Loading Rates will be assumed to be in accordance with Technical

Parameters and Additional Grid Code Characteristics Notice data. Each Dispatch
Instruction will, wherever possible, be kept simple, drawing as necessary from the
following forms and SDC2.4.2.

SDC2.A.2.2 The Dispatch Instruction given by Electronic Interface, telephone, or facsimile

transmission will normally follow the form:

(a) where appropriate, the specific CDGU or User’s Plant to which the
instruction applies;
(i) the MW Output (or Demand Side Unit MW Response) to which it is
instructed; or
(ii) the MW Output (or Demand Side Unit MW Response) to which it is
instructed until, a specified time, in which case the instructed MW Output
shall be followed until a further Dispatch Instruction is issued;

(c) if the start time is different from the time the instruction is issued, the start
time will be included;
(d) where specific Loading/De-Loading Rates are concerned, a specific target
(e) the issue time of the instruction;
(f) the fuel;

(g) in the case of CDGUs , if the instruction is designated as a "Maximisation
Instruction", this will be stated; and
(h) in the case of a CCGT Installation, the Operating Mode to which it is

SDC2.A.2.3 Where the MW Output (or Demand Side Unit MW Response) is instructed until a
specified time, that time shall normally be within the Trading Days for which Gate
Closure 1 has passed. The TSO may, however, at its discretion, specify a time
beyond the end of the Trading Days for which Gate Closure 1 has passed.

SDC2.A.3 Dispatching a Synchronised CDGU to increase or decrease MW Output

SDC2.A.3.1 If the time of the Dispatch Instruction is 1400 hours, the Unit is Unit 1 and the MW
Output to be achieved is 205 MW, the relevant part of the instruction would be, for

"Time 1400 hours. Unit 1 to 205 MW until further notice"

“Time 1400 hours. Unit 1 to 205 MW effective until 1500 hours”

SDC2.A.3.2 If the start time is 1415 hours, it would be, for example:

"Time 1400 hours. Unit 1 to 205 MW until further notice, start at 1415 hours"
“Time 1400 hours. Unit 1 to 205 MW effective until 1500 hours, start at 1415 hours”

SDC2.A.3.3 Loading and De-Loading Rates are assumed to be in accordance with Technical
Parameters and Additional Grid Code Characteristics Notice data unless otherwise
stated. If different Loading or De-Loading Rates are required, the time to be
achieved will be stated, for example:

"Time 1400 hours. Unit 1 to 205 MW by 1420 hours until further notice"
“Time 1400 hours. Unit 1 to 205 MW by 1420 hours, effective until 1500 hours”

SDC2.A.4 Dispatching a CDGU to Synchronise/de-Synchronise

SDC2.A.4.1 CDGU Synchronising

SDC2.A.4.1.1 In this instance, for CDGUs, the Dispatch Instruction issue time will always have
due regard for the Synchronous Start-Up Time (for cold, hot, warm states) declared
to the TSO by the Generator as a Technical Parameters or as part of Additional
Grid Code Characteristics Notice data.

The instruction will follow the form, for example:

"Time 1300 hours. Unit 1, Synchronise at 1600 hours"

In relation to an instruction to Synchronise, the Synchronising time referred to in

SDC2.A.2.2 will be deemed to be the time at which Synchronisation is to take place.

SDC2.A.4.1.2 Unless a Loading programme is also given at the same time it will be assumed that
the CDGU(s) are to be brought to Minimum Generation and on the Generator
reporting that the unit has Synchronised a further Dispatch Instruction will be

SDC2.A.4.1.3 When a Dispatch Instruction for a CDGU to Synchronise is cancelled (i.e. a

Cancelled Start) before the unit is Synchronised, the instruction will follow the form,
for example:

"Time 1400 hours. Unit 1, cancel Synchronising instruction"

SDC2.A.4.1.4 If a CDGU fails to Synchronise more than 15 minutes after the Synchronising time
specified in a Notice to Synchronise, the TSO will issue a Failure to Follow Notice
to Synchronise Instruction. If a Generator requests to Synchronise a CDGU more
than 15 minutes before the Synchronising time set out in the Notice to
Synchronise, the TSO may agree to the CDGU being Synchronised at that time or
request that the CDGU be Synchronised at the original Synchronising time. If the
TSO accepts the request to Synchronise more than 15 minutes before the original
Synchronising time, the TSO will not amend the original Synchronising time but
the Generator shall be entitled to Synchronise the CDGU, and the CDGU shall be
deemed to have met the original Synchronising time.

SDC2.A.4.1.5 When in respect of a CDGU a Generator receives a Failure to Follow Notice to

Synchronise Instruction the original Notice to Synchronise is deemed never to
have been issued and the CDGU is not entitled to Synchronise. The TSO will then
decide whether or not to instruct again the Generator to Synchronise the CDGU,
and will notify the Generator in relation to that CDGU accordingly.

SDC2.A.4.1.6 When a CDGU trips before reaching Minimum Generation a Failure to Reach
Minimum Generation Instruction will be issued. The Failure to Reach Minimum
Generation Instruction will negate the Notice to Synchronise received by the
CDGU. The TSO will then decide whether or not to instruct the CDGU to
Synchronise again, and will notify the Generator in relation to that CDGU

SDC2.A.4.1.7 The TSO may request a CDGU to endeavour to Synchronise earlier than the
declared Synchronous Start Up Time (for cold, hot, warm states). In this event the
TSO will issue the Dispatch Instruction with a Synchronising time that reflects the
CDGU declared Synchronous Start Up Time (for cold, hot, warm states)
accompanied by a written or verbal request that the unit Synchronise as soon as
possible. If the CDGU Synchronises ahead of the Synchronising time in the
Dispatch Instruction the TSO will cancel that Dispatch Instruction and issue a new
Dispatch Instruction with a Synchronising time equal to the actual time the unit

SDC2.A.4.2 CDGUs De-Synchronising

SDC2.A.4.2.1 The Dispatch Instruction will normally follow the form, for example:

"Time 1300 hours. Unit 1, Shutdown"

If the instruction start time is for 1400 hours the form will be, for example:

"Time 1300 hours. Unit 1, Shutdown, start at 1400 hours"

Both the above assume De-Loading Rate at declared Technical

Parameters. Otherwise the message will conclude with, for example:

"... and De-Synchronise at 1500 hours"

SDC2.A.5 Frequency Control

SDC2.A.5.1 All the above Dispatch Instructions will be deemed to be at the instructed Target
Frequency, i.e. where a CDGU is in the Frequency Sensitive Mode instructions
refer to target MW Output at Target Frequency. Target Frequency changes will
always be given to the Generator by telephone or Electronic Interface and will
normally only be 49.95, 50.00, 50.05Hz.

The adjustment of MW Output of a CDGU for System Frequency other than an
average of 50 Hz, shall be made in accordance with the current Declared value of
Governor Droop for the CDGU.

SDC2.A.5.2 CDGUs required to be Frequency insensitive will be specifically instructed as

such. The Dispatch Instruction will be of the form for example:

"Time 2100 hours. Unit 1, to Frequency insensitive mode"

SDC2.A.5.3 Frequency Control instructions may be issued in conjunction with, or separate from,
a Dispatch Instruction relating to MW Output.

SDC2.A.6 Emergency Load Drop

The Dispatch Instruction will be in a pre-arranged format and normally follow the
form, for example:

"Time 2000 hours. Emergency Load drop of "X"MW in "Y" minutes"

SDC2.A.7 Voltage Control Instruction

[Note: Voltage is used as a defined term in the EirGrid code but not in the SONI

In order that adequate System Voltage profiles are maintained under normal and
fault conditions a range of Voltage Control instructions will be utilised from time to
time, for example:

i. Operate to target Voltage of 117 kV;

ii. Maximum production or absorption of Reactive Power (at current instructed
MW Output)
iii. Increase reactive output by 10 Mvar (at current instructed MW Output);
iv. Change Reactive Power to 100 Mvar production or absorption;
v. Increase CDGU Generator step-up transformer tap position by [one] tap or
go to tap position [x];
vi. For a Simultaneous Tap Change, change CDGU Generator step-up
transformer tap position by one [two] taps to raise or lower (as relevant)
System Voltage, to be executed at time of telegraph (or other) Dispatch
vii. Achieve a target Voltage of 210 kV and then allow to vary with System
conditions; and
viii. Maintain a target Voltage of 210 kV until otherwise instructed. Tap change as

In relation to Mvar Dispatch matters, Mvar production is an export onto the

System and is referred to as “lagging Mvar”, and Mvar absorption is an
import from the System and is referred to as “leading Mvar”.

It should be noted that the excitation control system constant Reactive
Power level control mode or constant Power Factor output control mode will
always be disabled, unless agreed otherwise with the TSO.

SDC2.A.8 Instruction to change fuel

When the TSO wishes to instruct a Generator to change the fuel being burned in the
operation of one of its CDGUs from one Dispatched Fuel (or fuel) to another (for
example from 1% sulphur oil to 3% sulphur oil), the Dispatch Instruction will follow
the form, for example:

"Time 1500 hours. Unit 2 change to 3% fuel at 1700 hours".

SDC2.A.9 Instruction to change fuel for a dual firing CDGU

When the TSO wishes to instruct a Generator to change the fuel being burned in the
operation of one of its CDGUs which is capable of firing on two different fuels (for
example, coal or oil), from one Designated Fuel (or fuel) to another (for example,
from coal to oil), the instruction will follow the form, for example:

"Time 1500 hours. Unit 1 generate using oil at 1800 hours".

SDC2.A.10 Maximisation Instruction to CDGUs

When the TSO wishes to instruct a Generator to operate a CDGU at a level in

excess of its Availability in accordance with SDC2.4.2.4(i), the instruction will follow
the form, for example:

"Maximisation Instruction. Time 1800 hours. Unit GT2 to 58 MW."

SDC2.A.11 Emergency Instruction

If a Dispatch Instruction is an Emergency Instruction the Dispatch Instruction

will be prefixed with the words. This is an Emergency Instruction. It may be in a pre-
arranged format and normally follow the form, for example:

This is an Emergency Instruction. Reduce MW Output to "X"MW in "Y" minutes,

Dispatch Instruction timed at 2000 hours.

SDC2.A.12 Dispatching a Demand Side Unit to a Demand Side Unit MW Response

SDC2.A.12.1 For Demand Side Units, the Dispatch Instruction issue time will always have due
regard for the Demand Side Unit Notice Time declared to the TSO by the Demand
Side Unit Operator as a Technical Parameter or as part of Additional Grid Code
Characteristics Notice data.

SDC2.A.12.2 If the time of the Dispatch Instruction is 1400 hours, the Demand Side Unit is XX1,
the Demand Side Unit Notice Time is 10 minutes and the Demand Side Unit MW
Response to be achieved is 20 MW, the relevant part of the instruction would be for

“Time 1400 hours. Unit XX1 to 20 MW until further notice, start at 1410 hours”
“Time 1400 hours. Unit XX1 to 20 MW until 1500 hours, start at 1410 hours”


[Note: This Appendix applies to the EirGrid Grid Code only.]

Dispatch Instructions for Generator Reactive Power

SDC2.B.1 The Mvar Output of any CDGU in respect of which a Dispatch Instruction is given
under SDC2.4.2.4(b) shall, in accordance with its declared Technical Parameters,
be adjusted to the new target Mvar level so Instructed, within, a tolerance of +/- 2%
of the target or +/- 2 Mvar, whichever is greater. The Reactive Power output of a
CDGU shall not be adjusted (other than under AVR action) except in response to a
Dispatch Instruction from the TSO.

SDC2.B.2 Generators having achieved the new target Mvar Output, should not attempt to
sustain this level of Mvar Output as the System Voltage varies but should, rather,
allow the Reactive Power output to vary under AVR control in accordance with the
then applicable Declarations of Ancillary Service capabilities and Technical

SDC2.B.3 While a Reactive Power Dispatch Instruction shall normally specify a new Mvar
target for a CDGU, the TSO may also from time to time instruct Generators to
perform one or more tap changes on the generator step-up transformer of a CDGU.
The Dispatch Instructions for tap changes may be a Simultaneous Tap Change
Instruction whereby the tap change shall be effected by the Generator in response
to a Dispatch Instruction from the TSO issued simultaneously to relevant Power
Stations. The Dispatch Instruction, which is normally preceded by advance
warning, shall be effected within 1 minute of receipt from the TSO of the Dispatch

SDC2.B.4 Dispatch Instructions in relation to Reactive Power may include target voltage levels
to be achieved by the CDGU on the Transmission System at Grid Connection Point
(or on the User System at the User System Entry Point in the case of an Embedded
Generator, namely on the higher voltage side of the Generator step-up transformer).
Where a CDGU is Instructed to a specified target voltage, the Generator shall achieve
that target within a tolerance of 1 kV by tap changing on the Generator step-up
transformer unless otherwise agreed with the TSO. Under normal operating conditions,
once this target voltage level has been achieved, the Generator shall not tap change
again without prior consultation with and agreement of the TSO.

SDC2.B.5 Under certain conditions such as low System Voltage, a Dispatch Instruction to
maximum Mvar production at Instructed MW Output may be given and the
Generator shall take appropriate action to maximise Mvar production unless
constrained by plant operational limits or safety grounds relating to personnel or

SDC2.B.6 Under certain conditions such as high System Voltage, a Dispatch Instruction to
maximum Mvar absorption at Instructed MW Output may be given and the
Generator shall take appropriate action to maximise Mvar absorption unless
constrained by plant operational limits or safety grounds relating to personnel or

SDC2.B.7 The excitation system, unless otherwise agreed with the TSO, shall be operated only
in its constant terminal voltage mode of operation with var limiters in service, with any
constant Reactive Power output control mode or constant Power Factor output
control mode always disabled, unless agreed otherwise with the TSO.

SDC2.B.8 A Dispatch Instruction relating to Reactive Power will be implemented without delay
and, notwithstanding the provisions of SDC2.4.2.12 and subject as provided in this
Appendix B will be achieved not later than 2 minutes after the Dispatch Instruction
time, or such longer period as the TSO may Instruct.

SDC2.B.9 Where Dispatch Instructions relating to Active Power and Reactive Power are
given together, and to achieve the Reactive Power output would cause the CDGU to
operate outside Technical Parameters as a result of the Active Power Dispatch
Instruction being met at the same time, then the adjustment of the Reactive Power
output may be delayed until the operating limits no longer prevent the change. In
any case the Active and Reactive Power Dispatch Instruction shall be followed
without undue delay.

SDC2.B.10 In circumstances where the TSO issues new Dispatch Instructions in relation to
more than one CDGU at the same Power Station at the same time tapping will be
carried out by the Generator one tap at a time either alternately between (or in
sequential order, if more than two), or at the same time on, each CDGU, as the case
may be.

SDC2.B.11 Where the Dispatch Instructions require more than two taps per CDGU and that
means that the Dispatch Instructions cannot be achieved within 2 minutes of the
time of the Dispatch Instructions (or such longer period at the TSO may have

Instructed), the Dispatch Instructions shall each be achieved with the minimum of
delay after the expiry of that period;

SDC2.B.12 On receiving a new MW Dispatch Instruction, no tap changing shall be carried out
to change the Mvar Output unless there is a new Mvar Dispatch Instruction.

SDC2.B.13 Where a Dispatch Instructions to Synchronise is given, or where a CDGU is

Synchronised and a MW Dispatch Instruction is given, a Mvar Dispatch
Instruction consistent with the CDGU's relevant parameters may be given. In the
absence of a Mvar Dispatch Instruction with an instruction to Synchronise, the
Mvar Output should be 0 Mvar.

SDC2.B.14 Where a Dispatch Instructions to De-Synchronise is given, a Mvar Dispatch

Instruction, compatible with shutdown, may be given prior to De-Synchronisation
being achieved. In the absence of a separate Mvar Dispatch Instruction, it is implicit
in the Dispatch Instructions to De-Synchronise that Mvar output should at the point
of synchronism be 0 Mvar at De-Synchronisation.

SDC2.B.15 A Dispatch Instruction relating to Reactive Power may be given in respect of

CCGT Units within a CCGT Installation where running arrangements and/or
System conditions require, in both cases where connection arrangements permit.

SDC2.B.16 On receipt of a Dispatch Instruction relating to Reactive Power, the Generator

may take such action as is necessary to maintain the integrity of the CDGU
(including, without limitation, requesting a revised Dispatch Instruction), and shall
contact the TSO without delay.

SDC2.B.17 Under System fault conditions it is possible for AVR action to drive Reactive Power
output for a CDGU outside of its Declared Operating Characteristic limits. The
Generator shall immediately inform the TSO of the situation. However if the
Generator reasonably believes that the situation may be dangerous to personnel or
Plant, then limited action may be taken to improve the situation.


Explanatory Note of differences between SDC2 in the SONI Grid Code and EirGrid Grid Code

This annex is an explanatory note only and does not form part of the Grid Code.

1. General Differences in wording

The table below summarises the general differences in wording between the form of SDC2 in the SONI
Grid Code and the form of SDC2 in the EirGrid Grid Code, which appear repeatedly throughout SDC2.

Terms used in SONI Grid Equivalent terms used in Reason

Code EirGrid Grid Code (where

System Support Services Ancillary Service(s) The existing arrangements for

Ancillary Services and System
Support Services are continuing
until further notice.

CCGT Module CCGT Unit This is the phrase currently used

to describe the individual parts
of a Combined Cycle Plant CCGT
Module is an important concept
in Northern Ireland and is
reflected in many other
agreements. EirGrid is keeping
the phrase CCGT Unit, as it more
closely describes the concept of
an individual unit and EirGrid has
formerly used CCGT Module to
describe the whole CCGT

voltage Voltage “Voltage” is a defined term in
the EirGrid Grid Code but not in
the SONI Grid Code.

emergency Emergency “Emergency” is a defined term in

the EirGrid Grid Code but not in
the SONI Grid Code.

2. Specific differences in wording between equivalent provisions in both Grid Codes

The table below provides a list of the other specific differences in wording between equivalent
provisions of SDC1 in both Grid Codes.

Provision SONI Grid Code EirGrid Grid Code Reason

SDC2.1.2(a) Reference is made to “but not Reference to

Pumped Storage Demand” these words in
after the words “Pumped the SONI Grid
Storage Generation”. Code is made for
clarity reasons.

SDC2.4.2.4(g) Reference is made to “OC.11” Reference is made to These are the

and “OC11.8” “OC.10” and “OC.8.5” and respective
to the word “Acceptance” requirements in
after “Commissioning” relation to
monitoring and

SDC2.4.2.4(h) Reference is made to “OC.10” Reference is made to These are the

“OC.8.4” respective System

SDC2.4.2.5 Reference is made to “radio No reference is made to These are

telephones” in the list of “radio telephones” and in respective
means of communications of addition, after the words requirements
a Dispatch Instruction “Frequency Relay” the regarding the
EirGrid Grid Code also form of a
refers to “or any other Dispatch
automatic Primary Instruction
Frequency Control Scheme

(excluding governor

SDC2.4.2.5(b) Reference is made to Reference is made to These are the

“SDC3.6.1” “OC.4.3” respective
requirements in
relation to
actions required
in response to
high frequency

SDC2.4.2.5(c)(i) Reference is made to “OC7” Reference is made to These are the

“OC.9” respective
references in
respective of
temporary losses
at the TSOs’
Control Centres

SDC2.4.2.8(c) Reference is made to Reference is made to These are the

“OC11.8” and “OC10.4” “OC.8.5” and “OC8.6” respective
requirements in
respect of testing
and System Tests

SDC2.4.2.8(d) Reference is made to Reference is made to These are the

“OC11.8” and “OC10.4” “OC8.5” and “OC.8.6” respective
requirements in
respect of testing
and System Tests

SDC2.4.2.10(a) Reference is made to “radio No reference is made to The reference to

telephones” in the list of “Radio telephones” “radio
means of communication telephones” is
specific to the
means of

under the SONI
Grid Code.

SDC2.4.2.11(c) Reference is made to “+15/-5 Reference is made to “+/-10 These are the
minutes” minutes” respective delays
in synchronising
times which
trigger an
obligation on a
Generator to
notify the TSO of
the delay in

SDC2.4.2.12 No reference is made to Reference is made to “or in The EirGrid Grid

Dispatch Instructions for the case of a Dispatch Code has several
Mvars Instruction for Mvars within specific
two minutes of the requirements for
instruction” after the words the dispatch of
“in accordance with the Generator
instruction” Reactive Power.

SDC2.4.2.16 Reference is made to Reference is made to These are the

“CC.S1.5” “CC.7.3 and SDC2.B.7” respective
requirements for
Generating Unit

SDC2.A.2.2 Reference is made to Reference is only made to This is due to the

“Designated Fuel” and “fuel” PPA specific fuel
“Declared Fuel” terminology in
the SONI Grid

3. Provisions applicable to one Grid Code only

The table below provides a list of the provisions of SDC1 which exist in one Grid Code only.

Provisions used in SONI Grid Code only Reason

SDC2.1.3 This paragraph cross-refers to Appendices C and D

which both deal with specific issues applicable to
PPA Generation only.

SDC2.4.1.4 This provision is necessary in the SONI Grid Code

to specify that specific CCGT requirements
contained in the Generating Unit Agreements,
Power Station Agreements and System Support
Services Agreements prevail over the
requirements of the Grid Code in case of

SDC2.4.2.3 This paragraph is necessary to deal with issues

specific to PPA Generation, and in particular the
fact that for PPA Generation, a Dispatch
Instruction may include an automatic instruction
of Spinning Reserve.

SDC2.4.2.4(c) – final sentence This final sentence is specific to the SONI Grid Code
as it cross-refers to Appendix C that sets out the
different terminology and requirements relating
to fuel for PPA Generation.

SDC2.4.2.4(n) This is a SONI Grid Code only requirement in

respect of instructions to change Generator
Transformer tap positions

SDC2.A.1 – second paragraph This is a SONI Grid Code only provision which
provides that for PPA CCGT Modules and Units,

provisions in the Power Purchase Arrangements
and SSSAs prevail over Grid Code requirements
where there is an inconsistency.

SDC2 Appendix C This appendix deals with fuel provisions which

apply to PPA Generation only.

SDC2 Appendix D This appendix deals with additional provisions

which apply to PPA Generation only.

Provisions used in EirGrid Grid Code only Reason

SDC2.4.2.3 This paragraph is necessary in order to deal with

the EirGrid specific requirement that a Dispatch
Instruction may include an automatic instruction
of Operating Reserve.

SDC2.4.2.4(b)(iv) This paragraph is EirGrid specific as it cross-refers

to Appendix B which sets out EirGrid specific
requirements for Generator Reactive Power

SDC2.A.5.1 – second paragraph This provision deals with EirGrid specific

requirements in respect of MW Output
adjustment of a CDGU for System Frequency.

SDC2.A.7 iv to viii and final 2 paragraphs These additional paragraphs deal with EirGrid
specific Generator Reactive Power dispatch

SDC2.A.11 This additional paragraph deals with EirGrid

specific Dispatch Instructions in relation to

SDC2 Appendix B This appendix deals with the EirGrid specific
requirements for the Dispatch of Generator
Reactive Power

PPM1 Controllable PPM Power Station Grid Code Provisions

PPM1.1 Introduction

All Generators connecting to the Transmission System are required to comply with
the Grid Code. The Grid Code was originally developed with synchronous
generators in mind. Since Generation Units do not have the same characteristics as
synchronous generators, it was considered appropriate to develop a new set of Grid
Code provisions specifically for Controllable PPMs. This section of the Grid Code
gives the specific requirements for Controllable PPMs and PPM Extensions to pre-
existing Controllable PPMs where an extension to a PPM shall be classified as one of
the following two types:

(a) Transmission Connected Type A

A PPM Extension which is not separately controllable.

(b) Transmission Connected Type B

A PPM Extension which is separately controllable will be considered as a
unique PPM with the exception of its requirements to PPM1.6 Transmission
System Voltage Requirements which will be tested in aggregate with the
existing Controllable PPM.

Transmission Connected Type A PPM Extensions and Transmission Connected Type

B PPM Extensions will be subject to full Grid Code Compliance testing at the
discretion of the TSO. Where a Controllable PPM has been granted derogations or
exemptions from the Grid Code any PPM Extension to that Controllable PPM will be
a Transmission Connected Type B PPM Extension.

PPM1.2 Objective

The primary objective of PPM1 is to establish the technical rules which Controllable
PPMs and PPM Extensions must comply with in relation to their connection to and
operation on the Transmission System.

PPM1.3 Scope

PPM1.3.1 PPM1 applies to the following Users:

(a) The TSO;

(b) Grid Connected Controllable PPMs; and
(c) Grid Connected Controllable PPM Extensions; and
(d) Grid Connected Energy Storage Power Station Demand

PPM1.3.2 In addition to PPM1, Controllable PPMs and Energy Storage Power Station
Demand are required to comply with the following sections of the Grid Code:
• GC - General Conditions
• PC - Planning Code
• PCA – Planning Code Appendix
• CC- Connection Conditions excluding:
o CC.
o CC.
o CC. (a) to (h), (j) to (u), (y) and (dd) to (ff)
o CC.
o CC.
o CC.7.3.3
o CC.7.3.4
o CC.7.3.5
o CC.7.3.6
o CC.7.3.7
o CC.7.3.8
o CC.7.4
o CC.7.5
o CC.12.2

o CC.12.3
• OC.1
• OC.2
• OC.4 excluding:
o OC.4.3.4
o OC.
o OC.
o OC.
• OC.6
• OC.7 excluding
o OC.
• OC.8
• OC.9
• OC.10 excluding
o OC.10.5.7
o OC.10.7.1
o OC.10.7.2
o OC.10.7.3
o OC.10.7.4
o OC.10.7.6
• OC.11
• SDC1

Dispatchable PPMs and Energy Storage Power Station Demand are also required
to comply with SDC2.

In the Grid Code, where applicable, for the purposes of Controllable PPMs
references to Generation Unit or Generator should be interpreted to mean
Controllable PPM.

For the avoidance of doubt, within PPM1, references to Controllable PPM and
PPM also include Energy Storage Power Station Demand.

PPM1.4 Fault Ride Through Requirements

PPM1.4.1 A Controllable PPM shall remain connected to the Transmission System for
Transmission System Voltage Dips on any or all phases, and shall remain Stable,
where the Transmission System Phase Voltage measured at the HV terminals of the
Grid Connected Transformer remains above the heavy black line in Figure PPM 1.4.1.

Fault Ride Through Capability of PPMs




0 150 625 3000 (ms)

Phase Voltage vs Time profile at HV Terminals of Grid-
Connected Transformer

Figure PPM 1.4.1 - Fault Ride-Through Capability of Controllable PPMs

PPM1.4.2 In addition to remaining connected to the Transmission System, the Controllable

PPM shall have the technical capability to provide the following functions:

(a) During Transmission System Voltage Dips, the Controllable PPM shall
provide Active Power in proportion to retained Voltage and provide reactive
current to the Transmission System, as set out in PPM1.4.2(c).

The provision of reactive current shall continue until the Transmission System
Voltage recovers to within the normal operational range of the Transmission
System as specified in CC.8.3.1, or for at least 500 ms, whichever is the sooner.


The provision of reactive current shall continue until the Transmission System
Voltage recovers to within the normal operational range of the Transmission
System as specified in CC. (x), or for at least 500 ms, whichever is the

The Controllable PPM may use all or any available reactive sources, including
installed statcoms or SVCs, when providing reactive support during
Transmission System Fault Disturbances which result in Voltage Dips.

(b) The Controllable PPM shall provide at least 90 % of its maximum Available
Active Power or Active Power Set-point, whichever is lesser, as quickly as the
technology allows and in any event within 500 ms of the Transmission System
Voltage recovering to 90% of nominal Voltage, for Fault Disturbances cleared
within 140 ms. For longer duration Fault Disturbances, the Controllable PPM
shall provide at least 90% of its maximum Available Active Power or Active
Power Set-point, whichever is lesser, within 1 second of the Transmission
System Voltage recovering to 90% of the nominal Voltage.

(c) During and after faults, priority shall always be given to the Active Power
response as defined in PPM1.4.2(a) and PPM1.4.2(b). The reactive current
response of the Controllable PPM shall attempt to control the Voltage back
towards the nominal Voltage, and should be at least proportional to the
Voltage Dip. The reactive current response shall be supplied within the rating
of the Controllable PPM, with a Rise Time no greater than 100ms and a
Settling Time no greater than 300ms. For the avoidance of doubt, the
Controllable PPM may provide this reactive response directly from individual
Generation Units, or other additional dynamic reactive devices on the site, or
a combination of both.

(d) The Controllable PPM shall be capable of providing its transient reactive
response irrespective of the reactive control mode in which it was operating
at the time of the Transmission System Voltage Dip.


The Controllable PPM shall revert to its pre-fault reactive control mode and
setpoint within 500ms of the Transmission System Voltage recovering to its
normal operating range as specified in CC.8.3.1.

The Controllable PPM shall revert to its pre-fault reactive control mode and
setpoint within 500ms of the Transmission System Voltage recovering to its
normal operating range as specified in CC. (x).

(e) The TSO may seek to reduce the magnitude of the dynamic reactive response
of the Controllable PPM if it is found to cause over-voltages on the
Transmission System. In such a case, the TSO will make a formal request to
the Controllable PPM. The Controllable PPM and the TSO shall agree on the
required changes, and the Controllable PPM shall formally confirm that any
requested changes have been implemented within 120 days of received the
TSO’s formal request.

(f) Controllable PPMs connected to the Transmission System shall be capable
of staying connected to the Transmission System and continuing to
operate stably during Voltage Dips. The voltage-against-time profile
specifies the required capability for the minimum voltage and Fault Ride-
Through Time at the Connection Point before, during and after the Voltage
Dip. That capability shall be in accordance with the voltage-against-time
profile as specified in Figure PPM1.4.2.


Figure PPM1.4.2: Voltage-against-time profile at the connection point for

fault conditions

The TSO specifies the pre-fault and post-fault conditions for the fault-ride-
through capability on a case-by-case base, and where requested by the
Controllable PPM. The specified pre-fault and post-fault conditions for the
fault-ride-through capability will be made publicly available. This includes;
(i) the calculation of the pre-fault minimum short circuit capacity at the
Connection Point (MVA);
(ii) pre-fault active and reactive power operating point of the Controllable
PPM at the Connection Point and voltage at the Connection Point; and
(iii) calculation of the post-fault minimum short circuit capacity at the
Connection Point (MVA).

In the case of DC-connected Controllable PPM, the calculation point shall be
the Interconnector interface point.

PPM1.5 Transmission System Frequency Ranges

PPM1.5.1 Controllable PPMs shall have the capability to:

(a) operate continuously at normal rated output at Transmission System
Frequencies in the range 49.5 Hz to 50.5 Hz;

(b) remain connected to the Transmission System at Transmission System

Frequencies within the range 47.5 Hz to 52.0 Hz for a duration of 60 minutes;

(c) remain connected to the Transmission System at Transmission System

Frequencies within the range 47.0 Hz to 47.5 Hz for a duration of 20 seconds
required each time the Transmission System Frequency is below 47.5 Hz;


(i) remain connected to the Transmission System for a Rate of Change of

Frequency up to and including 1 Hz per second as measured over a rolling

500 milliseconds period. Voltage dips may cause localised ROCOF values
in excess of 1 Hz per second for short periods, and in these cases, the
Fault-Ride Through clause PPM1.4.1 supercedes this clause
(PPM1.5.1(d)(i)); For the avoidance of doubt, this requirement relates to
the capabilities of Controllable PPMs only, and does not impose the need
for Rate of Change of Frequency protection nor does it impose a specific
setting for anti-islanding or loss-of-mains protection relays..


(ii) remain connected to the Transmission System for a Rate of Change of

Frequency up to and including 1 Hz per second as measured over a rolling

500 milliseconds period. Voltage dips may cause localised ROCOF values
in excess of 1 Hz per second for short periods, and in these cases, the
Fault-Ride Through clause PPM1.4.2(f) supersedes this clause. For the
avoidance of doubt, this requirement relates to the capabilities of
Controllable PPMs only, and does not impose the need for Rate of
Change of Frequency protection nor does it impose a specific setting for
anti-islanding or loss-of-mains protection relays.

No additional Generation Unit shall be started while the Transmission System Frequency is
above 50.2 Hz.

e) remain connected, in the case of a DC-connected Controllable PPM, to the
remote-end Interconnector Converter Station network and operate within the
Frequency ranges and time periods specified in Table PPM1.5.1. Where a
nominal Frequency other than 50Hz, or a Frequency variable by design is used,
the applicable Frequency ranges and time periods shall be specified by the TSO
taking into account specific characteristics of the system and the requirements
of Table PPM1.5.1.

Table PPM1.5.1 Minimum Time Periods for DC-connected Controllable PPMs to Remain
Operational without Disconnecting for Different Frequency Ranges

Frequency range Time period for

47 – 47.5 Hz 60 seconds
47.5 – 48.5 Hz 90 minutes
48.5 – 49 Hz 90 minutes
49 – 51 Hz Unlimited
51 – 51.5 Hz 90 minutes
51.5 – 52 Hz 60 minutes

Wider Frequency ranges or longer minimum times for operation can be agreed
between the TSO and the DC-connected Controllable PPM if needed to
preserve or to restore system security. If wider Frequency ranges or longer
minimum times for operation are economically and technically feasible, the
DC-connected Controllable PPM Operator shall not unreasonably withhold
The DC-connected Controllable PPM shall be capable of automatic
disconnection at specified frequencies, if specified by the TSO. Terms and
settings for automatic disconnection shall be agreed between the TSO and the
DC-connected Controllable PPM Operator.
f) remain connected, in the case of DC-connected Controllable PPM, to the
remote-end Interconnector Converter Station network for a Rate of Change of
Frequency up to +/- 2 Hz per second (measured at any point in time as an
average of the rate of change of Frequency for the previous 1 second) at the
Interconnector interface point of the DC-connected Controllable PPM at the
remote end Interconnector Converter Station.

g) Remain synchronised to the Transmission System and operate within the
frequency ranges and time periods specified in Table PPM1.5.1(e).

Table PPM 1.5.1(e): Minimum Time Periods for Generation Units to Remain
Operational without Disconnecting
Frequency Range Time Period
47 – 47.5 Hz 20 seconds
47.5 – 48.5 Hz 90 minutes
48.5 – 49 Hz 90 minutes
49 – 51 Hz Unlimited
51 – 51.5 Hz 90 minutes
51.5 – 52 Hz 60 minutes

A PPM Control System shall be installed by the Controllable PPM to allow for the
provision of Active Power Control and Frequency Response from the Controllable
PPM. The PPM Control System and Frequency Response System shall provide the
functionality as specified in this section PPM1.5.2.

PPM1.5.2.1 Active Power Control with the exception of ESPS

The PPM Control System with the exception of ESPS shall be capable of operating
each Generation Unit at a reduced level if the Controllable PPM’s Active Power
output has been restricted by the TSO. In this Active Power Control Mode, the PPM
Control System shall be capable of receiving an on-line Active Power Control Set-
point sent by the TSO and shall commence implementation of the set-point within 10
seconds of receipt of the signal from the TSO. The rate of change of output to achieve
the Active Power Control Set-point should be the Active Power Control Set-Point
Ramp Rate setting of the PPM Control System, as advised by the TSO, as per
PPM1.5.4. The TSO acknowledges that if the Active Power output of the Controllable
PPM is initially less than the Design Minimum Operating Level, and if the Controllable
PPM is expected to increase its Active Power output, then it may not be able to
achieve the specified ramp rate at first, due to Generation Units going through a start-
up sequence. In such a case, Generation Units shall start up as quickly as the
technology allows, and in any case, not longer than three minutes from the time the
Active Power Control Set-point was received.

Manual local measures shall be allowed in cases where the automatic remote control
devices are out of service. The Active Power set point must be reached within 1 hour.
Best endeavours shall be made to resolve the loss of automatic remote control in as
quick a timeframe as possible.

PPM1.5.2.2 Active Power Control for an ESPS

The PPM Control System for an ESPS shall be capable of operating each Generation
Unit at a set level if the Controllable PPM’s Active Power output has been
instructed by the TSO. In this Active Power Control Mode, the PPM Control System

shall be capable of receiving an on-line Active Power Control Set-point sent by the
TSO and shall commence implementation of the set-point within 10 seconds of
receipt of the signal from the TSO. The rate of change of output to achieve the
Active Power Control Set-point should be the Active Power Control Set-Point Ramp
Rate setting of the PPM Control System, as advised by the TSO, as per PPM1.5.4.
When this Active Power Control Mode is turned off, the PPM Control System shall
commence implementation of a 0 MW set-point with the rate of change of output at
the Active Power Control Set-Point Ramp Rate, unless subsequently over-ridden by
a Dispatch Instruction.


PPM1.5.3.1 In Resource Following Mode, the Frequency Response System for Controllable
PPMs with the exception of ESPSs shall have the capabilities as displayed in the
Power-Frequency Response Curve in Figure, where the power and
frequency ranges required for points A, B, C, D, E are defined below in Table PPM and Table PPM Controllable PPM Frequency Response and
Governor Droop shall be calculated with respect to Registered Capacity.

The Frequency Response System for Controllable PPMs consisting of ESPSs shall
have the capabilities as displayed in the Power-Frequency Response Curve in Figure
PPM, where the characteristics and the settable parameters are defined
below in Table PPM and Table PPM Frequency Response and
equivalent of Governor Droop for Controllable PPM comprising of ESPSs shall be
calculated with respect to their active frequency response mode parameters.

The Frequency Response System shall adjust the Active Power output of the
Controllable PPM comprising of ESPSs according to an equivalent of Governor
Droop, when operating in the ranges outside the deadband range F1-F3 in the Power-
Frequency Response Curve. The equivalent Governor Droop minimum range is 2% to
10% and will be defined by the TSO through the settable parameters Table PPM below. The Frequency Response System shall be capable of responding to
both high and low frequency conditions from a baseline Active Power level
anywhere within the Operating Range of the Controllable PPM consisting of ESPS,
including at zero MW Output.


Maximum Under frequency

Response Setting

MW/Hz frequency
slope Trajectory

F (Hz)
F2 F1 F3 F4

frequency MW/Hz
Trajectory slope
Maximum Over frequency
Response Setting

Figure PPM - ESPS Frequency Response Characteristic & Parameters

No. Characteristic Description

1 F System frequency at any given time
Change in active power output, due to change in system
2 ΔP
Under frequency trigger frequency Frequency at which the unit begins to provide under
(F1) frequency response
Frequency at which the unit would achieve its maximum
4 F2 under frequency response setting (F1 - Under frequency
trajectory setting)
Over frequency trigger frequency Frequency at which the unit begins to provide over
(F3) frequency response
Frequency at which the unit would achieve its maximum
6 F4 over frequency response setting (F3 + Over frequency
trajectory setting)
The magnitude of the change in Frequency over which the
7* Under frequency trajectory setting unit would deliver its Maximum Under frequency Response
Setting (if it was not limited by capacity or availability)
The magnitude of the change in Frequency over which the
8* Over frequency trajectory setting unit would deliver its Maximum Over frequency Response
Setting (if it was not limited by capacity or availability)
Maximum Under frequency Maximum increase in active power which the unit will
Response provide in response to under frequency
Maximum reduction in active power which the unit will
10* Maximum Over frequency Response
provide in response to over frequency
* Settings accompanied with an asterisk are the settable parameters which define frequency
response modes 1 to 5.
Table PPM– ESPS Frequency Response Characteristics definitions


The Frequency Response System shall adjust the Active Power output of the
Controllable PPM with the exception of ESPSs according to a Governor Droop,
settable by the TSO in a range from 2% to 10% and defaulting to 4%, when operating
in the ranges outside the deadband range FB-FC in the Power-Frequency Response

The Frequency Response System shall adjust the Active Power output of the
Controllable PPM according to a Governor Droop, settable by the TSO in a range
from 2% to 12% and defaulting to 4%, when operating in the ranges outside the
deadband range FB-FC in the Power-Frequency Response Curve.

A DC-connected Controllable PPM shall be capable of receiving a fast signal from a
connection point in the Transmission System to which Frequency response is being
provided, and be able to process this signal within 100 ms from sending to completion
of processing the signal for activation of the response. Frequency shall be measured
at the connection point in the Transmission System to which Frequency response is
being provided. If Frequency response is provided to more than one synchronous
area, then DC-connected Controllable PPM shall be capable of delivering coordinated
Frequency control as specified by the TSO.

PPM1.5.3.2 When in Active Power Control Mode, the Controllable PPM with the exception of
ESPSs shall always operate in Frequency Sensitive Mode with a Governor Droop as
set out in PPM1.5.3.1 and with a deadband of +/-15mHz, or as otherwise agreed with
the TSO.

Controllable PPM Active Power Output as a % of Available

Governor Droop
(default 4%)
Active Power


40 Please Note:
(i) Droop is calculated with respect
to Registered Capacity
(ii) The frequency deviation is
calculated from nominal
frequency, not the deadband edge

47 48 49 50 51 52 53
Frequency (Hz)

Figure PPM–Example of Power-Frequency Response Curve for Resource Following Mode

a) When acting to control Transmission System Frequency, the Controllable
PPM with the exception of ESPSs shall provide at least 60% of its expected
additional Active Power response within 5 seconds, and 100% of its
expected additional Active Power response within 15 seconds of the start of
the Transmission System Frequency excursion outside the range FB-FC, or in
the case of a Controllable PPM in Active Power Control Mode, when the
Transmission System Frequency goes outside the deadband of +/-15mHz.
b) When acting to control Transmission System Frequency, the Controllable
PPM consisting of ESPSs shall provide at least 60% of its expected additional
Active Power response within 5 seconds, and 100% of its expected
additional Active Power response within 15 seconds of the start of the
Transmission System Frequency excursion outside the range F1-F3.

PPM1.5.3.4 When the Transmission System Frequency is in the range FC-FD, the Controllable
PPM with the exception of ESPSs shall ensure that its Active Power Output does not
increase beyond the Active Power value of the Controllable PPM when the

Transmission System Frequency first exceeded FC, due to an increase in Available
Active Power in that period.


a) For Controllable PPMs with the exception of ESPSs, if the Frequency drops
below FA, then the Frequency Response System shall act to maximise the
Active Power output of the Controllable PPM, irrespective of the Governor
Droop Setting. If the Frequency rises above FD, then the Frequency
Response System shall act to reduce the Active Power output of the
Controllable PPM to its DMOL value. If the Frequency rises above FE, then
the Frequency Response System shall act to reduce the Active Power
output of the Controllable PPM to zero.

b) Any Generation Unit which has disconnected shall be brought back on load
as fast as technically feasible, provided the Transmission System Frequency
has fallen below 50.2 Hz.

PPM1.5.3.6 For Controllable PPMs with the exception of ESPSs, points ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’ and ‘E’
shall depend on a combination of the Transmission System Frequency, Active
Power and Active Power Control Set-point settings. These settings may be different
for each Controllable PPM depending on system conditions and Controllable PPM
location. These settings are defined in Table PPM

Point Transmission System Controllable PPM Active Power Output

Frequency (Hz)
(% of Available Active Power)


B FB Minimum of : PB or

Active Power Control Set-point

(converted to a % of Available Active

Point Transmission System Controllable PPM Active Power Output
Frequency (Hz)
(% of Available Active Power)

C FC Minimum of: PC or

Active Power Control Set-point

(converted to a % of Available Active

D FD Minimum of: PD or

Active Power Control Set-point

(converted to a % of Available Active

E FE PE = 0 %

Table PPM Transmission System Frequency and % Available Active Power
Settings for the Points ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’, ‘D’ and ‘E’ illustrated in Figure PPM

Two settings for each of FA, FB, FC, FD, FE, PA, PB, PC, PD and PE shall be specified by the
TSO at least 120 Business Days prior to the Controllable PPM’s scheduled
Operational Date (refer to PPM. below). The Controllable PPM shall be
responsible for implementing the appropriate settings during Commissioning.

For Controllable PPMs consisting of ESPSs the frequency response characteristics

and parameters are as shown in Figure PPM and defined in Table PPM Five settings for each of the settable parameters marked by an asterisk in
Table PPM, shall be specified by the TSO at least 120 Business Days prior to
the ESPS’s scheduled Operational Date (refer to PPM1.5.3.15 below). The ESPS shall
be responsible for implementing the appropriate settings during Commissioning.

PPM1.5.3.7 Table PPM shows the Transmission System Frequency and Active Power
ranges for FA, FB, FC, FD, FE, PA, PB, PC, PD and PE.

Transmission Available Active Power (%)
System Frequency
Registered Capacity ≥ 5 MW

FA 47.0-49.5 PA 50-100
FB 49.5-50 PB
FC 50-50.5 PC 15-100
FD PD 15-100 but not less than DMOL
FE 50.5-52.0 PE 0

Table PPM Transmission System Frequency & Active Power ranges for
Controllable PPMs with the exception of ESPSs, appropriate to Figure PPM

For the Transmission System Frequency values in Table PPM above, FA ≤ FB
≤ FC ≤ FD ≤ FE.

For Controllable PPMs consisting of ESPSs, Table PPM shows the ranges for
the settable frequency response parameters.

Settable Parameter Range

Under frequency Trigger frequency F1 49.5 Hz – 50 Hz
Under frequency Trajectory setting F1-F2 1 Hz – 5 Hz
Maximum Under frequency Response 0 MW – Operating Range
Over frequency Trigger frequency F3 50 Hz – 50.5 Hz
Over frequency Trajectory setting F3-F4 1 Hz – 5 Hz
Maximum Over frequency Response 0 MW – Operating Range

Table PPM ESPS Minimum Parameter Ranges for Frequency Response

PPM1.5.3.8 Alterations to the Controllable PPM’s Active Power output, triggered by

Transmission System Frequency changes, shall be achieved by proportionately
altering the Active Power output of all available Generation Units as opposed to
switching individual Generation Units on or off, insofar as possible.

PPM1.5.3.9 No time delays, such as moving average frequency filters, other than those necessarily
inherent in the design of the Frequency Response System shall be introduced. The
Frequency Response System shall continuously monitor the Transmission System
Frequency in order to continuously determine the Controllable PPM’s appropriate
Active Power output by taking account of the Controllable PPM’s Available Active
Power or Controlled Active Power.


a) For Controllable PPMs with the exception of ESPSs, if the Transmission

System Frequency rises to a level above ‘D’-’E’, as defined by the Power-
Frequency Response Curve in Figure PPM, the TSO accepts that
Generation Units may disconnect.
b) Any Generation Unit which has disconnected shall be brought back on load
as fast as technically feasible (provided the Transmission System Frequency
has fallen below 50.2 Hz).

PPM1.5.3.11 Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode – Over-frequency
The following shall apply for Controllable PPMs operating in Limited Frequency
Sensitive Mode – Over Frequency:
(a) Controllable PPMs shall be capable of providing Active Power Frequency
Response when the Transmission System Frequency rises to or above 50.2 Hz.
(b) The Active Power Frequency Response shall be capable of having a Governor
Droop between 2% and 12%. The default Governor Droop setting shall be 4%.
(c) Where the required level of response is not being achieved appropriate action
should be taken by the Controllable PPM without delay and without receipt of
instruction from the TSO to achieve the required levels of response, provided
the Controllable PPM’s local security and safety conditions permit.
(d) Controllable PPMs shall be capable of providing a power decrease down to
Minimum Load. Stable operation shall be ensured.
(e) Controllable PPMs shall be capable of continuous stable operation when MW
Output is reduced to Minimum Load. This response will prevail over any other
Active Power control mode.

(f) In the case of DC-connected Controllable PPM, operation in Limited Frequency
Sensitive Mode – Over- Frequency is subject to fast signal response as specified
in PPM1.5.3.1.

Figure PPM1.5.3.11: Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode – Over-frequency

PPM1.5.3.12 Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode – Under-frequency
The following shall apply for Controllable PPMs operating in Limited Frequency
Sensitive Mode – Under-frequency:
(a) Controllable PPMs shall be capable of providing Active Power Frequency
Response when the Transmission System Frequency falls to or below 49.5 Hz.
(b) The Active Power Frequency Response shall be capable of having a Governor
Droop between 2% and 12%. The default Governor Droop setting shall be 4%.
(c) Where the required level of response is not being achieved appropriate action
should be taken by the Controllable PPM without delay and without receipt of
instruction from the TSO to achieve the required levels of response, provided the
Controllable PPM’s local security and safety conditions permit.


(d) Controllable PPMs shall take into account the;
(i) ambient conditions when the response is triggered;
(ii) operating conditions of each Controllable PPM; and
(iii) Available Active Power.
(e) Controllable PPMs shall be capable of providing a power increase up to
Available Active Power. Stable operation shall be ensured.
(f) Controllable PPMs capable of acting as a load shall be capable of disconnecting
their load. This requirement does not extend to auxiliary supplies.

(g) In the case of DC-connected Controllable PPM, operation in Limited Frequency
Sensitive Mode – Under- Frequency is subject to fast signal response as
specified in PPM1.5.3.1.

Figure PPM1.5.3.12: Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode – Under-frequency


PPM1.5.3.13 Frequency Sensitive Mode
The following shall apply for Controllable PPMs for Frequency Sensitive Mode
(a) A Frequency Deadband of no greater than +/- 15mHz may be applied. The
design, implementation and operation of the Frequency Deadband shall be
agreed with the TSO prior to the Commissioning.
(b) A Controllable PPM shall be capable of setting Governor Droop between 2%
and 12%. The default Governor Droop setting shall be 4%.
(c) Controllable PPMs shall be capable of providing Active Power Frequency
Response in accordance with the parameters specified in Table PPM1.

Table PPM1. Parameters for Active Power Frequency Response

Parameter Value
Frequency Response Insensitivity (Δf) 15mHz
Frequency Response Insensitivity (Δf/f) 0.03%

Upon request from the TSO, the Frequency Response Deadband and Governor

Droop must be able to be reselected repeatedly.

The maximum combined effect of Frequency Response Insensitivity and

Frequency Deadband cannot exceed a value of +/- 15 mHz.

(d) In response to Low Frequency Events, Controllable PPMs shall be capable of

providing a power increase up to Available Active Power. Stable operation in
response to Low Frequency Events shall be ensured.

Controllable PPMs capable of acting as a load, shall be capable of disconnecting their

load in the case of a Low Frequency Event. This requirement does not extend to
auxiliary supplies.


PPM1.5.3.14 The Frequency Response System shall be required to change between Limited
Frequency Sensitive Mode – Under-frequency, Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode –
Over-frequency, and Frequency Sensitive Mode within one minute from receipt of the
appropriate signal from the TSO. Controllable PPMs may be instructed to be in both
Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode – Under-frequency and Limited Frequency
Sensitive Mode – Over-frequency at the same time. Generators shall only operate in
Frequency Sensitive Mode when they are not operating in Limited Frequency
Sensitive Mode – Under-frequency or Limited Frequency Sensitive Mode – Over-
a) Procedure for Setting and Changing the Power-Frequency Response Curves

Two Power-Frequency Response Curves (Curve 1 and Curve 2) shall be specified by the
TSO at least 120 Business Days prior to the scheduled Operational Date for each
Controllable PPM with the exception of ESPSs. The Controllable PPM with the
exception of ESPSs shall be responsible for implementing the appropriate settings
during Commissioning. The Frequency Response System shall be required to change
between the two curves within one minute from receipt of the appropriate signal
from the TSO. The TSO shall give the Controllable PPM with the exception of ESPSs
a minimum of two weeks notice if changes to either of the curve’s parameters (i.e. FA,
FB, FC, FD, FE, PA, PB, PC, PD or PE), are required. The Controllable PPM with the
exception of ESPSs shall formally confirm that any requested changes have been
implemented within two weeks of receiving the TSO’s formal request.

b) Procedure for Setting and Changing the Power-Frequency Response Modes

Five Power-Frequency Response Modes (Mode 1 to 5) shall be specified by the TSO

at least 120 Business Days prior to the scheduled Operational Date for each
Controllable PPM consisting of ESPSs. The Controllable PPM consisting of ESPSs
shall be responsible for implementing the appropriate settings during
Commissioning. The Frequency Response System shall be required to change
between the five modes within one minute from receipt of the appropriate signal
from the TSO. The TSO shall give the Controllable PPM consisting of ESPSs a
minimum of two weeks notice if changes to any of the modes settable parameters,

are required. The Controllable PPM consisting of ESPSs shall formally confirm that
any requested changes have been implemented within two weeks of receiving the
TSO’s formal request.

PPM1.5.3.16 In the case of DC-connected Controllable PPMs, if a constant nominal Frequency other
than 50 Hz, a Frequency variable by design or a DC system voltage is used, subject to
the agreement of the TSO, the capabilities listed in PPM1.5.1.(f), PPM1.5.2.1,
PPM1.5.3.11.(f), PPM1.5.3.12.(g) and PPM1.5.4.1, and the parameters associated with
these capabilities shall be specified by the TSO.


a) The PPM Control System with the exception of an ESPS shall be capable of
controlling the ramp rate of its Active Power output. There shall be three
ramp rate capabilities, designated Resource Following Ramp Rate, Active
Power Control Set-Point Ramp Rate, and Frequency Response Ramp Rate.
The PPM Control System shall operate the ramp rates with the following
order of priority (high to low): Frequency Response Ramp Rate; Active Power
Control Set-Point Ramp Rate; Resource Following Ramp Rate. The Resource
Following Ramp Rate shall be used during Start-Up, normal operation, and
Shutdown. The TSO shall specify the Resource Following Ramp Rate and the
Active Power Control Set-Point Ramp Rate in percentage of Registered
Capacity per minute. The Frequency Response Ramp Rate shall be the
maximum possible ramp rate of the Controllable PPM agreed with the TSO
and with the characteristics as set out in PPM1.5.3.1. The TSO acknowledges
that rapidly changing resource availability may cause temporary deviations
from the ramp rate settings of the Controllable PPM.
b) The PPM Control System for an ESPS shall be capable of controlling the ramp
rate of its Active Power output. There shall be three ramp rate capabilities,
designated Capacity Limited Ramp Rate, Active Power Control Set-Point

Ramp Rate, and Frequency Response Ramp Rate. The PPM Control System
shall operate the ramp rates with the following order of priority (high to low):
Capacity Limited Ramp Rate; Frequency Response Ramp Rate; Active Power
Control Set-Point Ramp Rate and more than one ramp rate may be applicable
at any one time. The TSO shall specify the Capacity Limited Ramp Rate and
the Active Power Control Set-Point Ramp Rate in percentage of Registered
Capacity per minute. The Frequency Response Ramp Rate shall be the
maximum possible ramp rate of the Controllable PPM agreed with the TSO
and with the characteristics as set out in PPM1.5.3.1. The TSO acknowledges
that rapidly changing resource availability may cause temporary deviations
from the ramp rate settings of the Controllable PPM. These deviations should
not be allowed to exceed 3% of Registered Capacity.

These deviations should not be allowed to exceed 3% of Registered Capacity.

These deviations should not exceed the greater of 3% of Registered Capacity or +/-
0.5 MW.

a) For Controllable PPMs with the exception of ESPSs, it shall be possible to vary
the Resource Following Ramp Rate and the Active Power Control Set-Point
Ramp Rate each independently over a range between 1% and 100% of
Registered Capacity per minute;
b) For Controllable PPMs consisting of ESPSs, it shall be possible to vary the
Capacity Limited Ramp Rate and the Active Power Control Set-Point Ramp
Rate each independently over a range between the following values.

Capacity Limited Ramp Rate

Minimum value shall be the lower of 10% Registered Capacity per minute or
5MW per minute. If 5MW is lower than 1% of Registered Capacity, then the
minimum value shall be 1% of Registered Capacity per minute.

Maximum value shall be 100% of Registered Capacity per minute.

Active Power Control Set-Point Ramp Rate

Minimum value shall be 1% of Registered Capacity per minute.
Maximum value shall be 100% of Registered Capacity per minute.

PPM1.5.4.3 Procedure for Setting and Changing the Ramp Rate Control

The ramp rate settings shall be specified by the TSO at least 120 Business Days prior
to the Controllable PPM’s scheduled Operational Date. The Controllable PPM shall
be responsible for implementing the appropriate settings during Commissioning. The
ramp rate settings may need to be changed from time to time depending on system
needs. The TSO shall give the Controllable PPM a minimum of two weeks notice if a
change is required. The Controllable PPM shall formally confirm that any requested
changes have been implemented within two weeks of receiving the TSO’s formal

PPM1.6 Transmission System Voltage Requirements


Controllable PPMs with the exception of ESPSs, shall remain continuously connected
to the Transmission System at maximum Available Active Power or Controlled Active
Power output for normal and disturbed system conditions and for step changes in
Transmission System Voltage of up to 10 %. The following are the ranges which may
arise during Transmission System disturbances or following transmission faults:

Controllable PPMs consisting of ESPSs, shall remain continuously connected to the

Transmission System at Dispatched Active Power or Controlled Active Power or
Frequency Response output, for normal and disturbed system conditions and for step
changes in Transmission System Voltage of up to 10 %.

The following are the ranges which may arise during Transmission System
disturbances or following transmission faults:
(a) 400 kV system: 350 kV to 420 kV;
(b) 220 kV system: 200 kV to 245 kV;

(c) 110 kV system: 99 kV to 123 kV.

Controllable PPMs shall remain continuously connected to the Transmission System
at maximum Available Active Power or Controlled Active Power and operate within
the ranges of the Transmission System Voltage at the Connection Point, for an
unlimited time period, as specified below:
(a) 400 kV system: 360 kV to 420 kV (0.9 p.u. – 1.05 p.u.)
(b) 220 kV system: 198 kV to 245 kV (0.9 p.u. – 1.114 p.u.)
(c) 110 kV system: 99 kV to 123 kV (0.9 p.u. – 1.118 p.u.)

DC-connected Controllable PPM shall remain connected to the remote-end
Interconnector Converter Station network and operate within the Voltage ranges and
time periods specified in Table PPM1.6.1.

Table PPM1.6.1 Minimum Time Periods for DC-connected Controllable PPMs to Remain
Operational without Disconnecting for Different Voltage Ranges

System Voltage Range Duration

340 kV to 360 kV (0.85 p.u. – 0.9 p.u.) 60 minutes
400 kV 360 kV to 420 kV (0.9 p.u. – 1.05 p.u.) Unlimited
420 kV to 460 kV(1.05 p.u. – 1.15 p.u.) Not allowed
220 kV 187 kV to 198 kV (0.85 p.u. – 0.9 p.u.) 60 minutes
198 kV to 246 kV (0.9 p.u. – 1.118 p.u.) Unlimited
246 kV to 253 kV(1.118 p.u. – 1.15 p.u.) Not allowed

110 kV 93.5 kV to 99 kV (0.85 p.u. – 0.9 p.u.) 60 minutes
99 kV to 123 kV (0.9 p.u. – 1.118 p.u.) Unlimited
123 kV to 126.5 kV(1.05 p.u. – 1.15 p.u.) Not allowed

Wider Voltage ranges or longer minimum times for operation can be agreed between
the TSO and the DC-connected Controllable PPM if needed to preserve or to restore
system security. If wider Voltage ranges or longer minimum times for operation are
economically and technically feasible, the DC-connected Controllable PPM Operator
shall not unreasonably withhold consent.

The DC-connected Controllable PPM shall be capable of stable operation within the
minimum to maximum range of short circuit power and network characteristics of the
Interconnector interface point specified by the TSO.
For Interconnector Converter Station interface points at AC Voltages other than those
given in Table PPM1.6.1, the TSO shall specify applicable requirements at the
connection point.

In the case of DC-connected Controllable PPMs, if a constant nominal Frequency other

than 50 Hz is used, the Voltage ranges and time periods specified by the TSO shall be
proportional to those given in Table PPM1.6.1.


PPM1.6.2.1 Controllable PPMs shall have a continuously-variable and continuously-acting

Voltage Regulation System with similar response characteristics to a conventional
Automatic Voltage Regulator and shall perform generally as described in BS4999 part
140, or equivalent European Standards.
PPM1.6.2.2 Under steady state conditions, the Voltage Regulation System shall be capable of
implementing the following Reactive Power control modes which shall be available
to the TSO:

(a) The Controllable PPM shall be capable of receiving a Power Factor control
(PF) set-point to maintain the Power Factor set-point at the Connection

The Controllable PPM shall be capable of controlling the Reactive Power at
least within the Reactive Power ranges specified in PPM1.6.3, with setting
steps no greater than 0.01 p.u.. The Power Factor shall be maintained within
a tolerance of ± 0.5 %. The tolerance will be measured with reference to the
maximum Reactive Power at the Connection Point.

(b) The Controllable PPM shall be capable of receiving a Reactive Power control
(Q) set-point to maintain the Reactive Power set-point at the Connection

The Controllable PPM shall be capable of setting the Reactive Power set-
point at least within the Reactive Power range specified in PPM1.6.3, with
setting steps no greater than 5 Mvar or 5 % (whichever is smaller) of
maximum Reactive Power, controlling the Reactive Power at the connection
point to an accuracy within ± 5 Mvar or ± 5 % (whichever is smaller) of the
maximum Reactive Power;

(c) The Controllable PPM shall be capable of receiving a Voltage Regulation (kV)
Set-point for the Voltage at the Connection Point. The Voltage Regulation
System shall act to regulate the Voltage at this point by continuous
modulation of the Controllable PPM’s Reactive Power output, without
violating the rapid Voltage change limits as set out in CC.10.13.1.

The Controllable PPM shall be capable of contributing to voltage control at
the Connection Point by provision of Reactive Power exchange with the
Transmission System with a Voltage Regulation Set-point covering 0.95 to
1.05 p.u. in steps no greater than 0.01 p.u.. The Reactive Power output shall
be zero when the grid voltage value at the connection point equals the

Voltage Regulation Set-point.

The speed of response of the Voltage Regulation System shall be such that,
following a step change in Voltage at the Connection Point the Controllable
PPM shall achieve 90 % of its steady-state Reactive Power response within 1
second. The Reactive Power must settle at the steady-state Reactive Power
response within 5 seconds, with a steady-state Reactive Power tolerance no
greater than 5 % of the maximum Reactive Power.

Subject to agreement with TSO, the Voltage Regulation Set-point may be
operated with or without a deadband selectable in a range from zero to
±5% of reference 1 p.u. Transmission System voltage in steps no greater than

A change to the Power Factor (PF) control set-point, Reactive Power (Q) control set-
point or Voltage Regulation (kV) Set-Point shall be implemented by the Controllable
PPM within 20 seconds of receipt of the appropriate signal from the TSO, within its
reactive power capability range as specified in PPM1.6.3.

One Reactive Power Control mode shall be operational at all times with the facility to
toggle between each of the Reactive Power control modes from NCC. Toggling
between Reactive Power controllers shall be smooth in transfer i.e. the Controllable
PPM shall calculate and implement an appropriate set-point when transferring to the
new control mode. The set-point calculated for the new control mode shall be
consistent with the Mvar output at that time.



The Voltage Regulation System Slope Setting shall be capable of being set to any
value between 1 % and 10 %.

The Voltage Regulation System Slope Setting shall be capable of being set to any
value between 2 to 7 % in steps no greater than 0.5%

The setting shall be specified by the TSO at least 120 Business Days prior to the
Controllable PPM’s scheduled Operational Date. The Controllable PPM shall be
responsible for implementing the appropriate settings during Commissioning. The
slope setting may be varied from time to time depending on Transmission System
needs. The TSO shall give the Controllable PPM a minimum of two weeks notice if a
change is required. The Controllable PPM shall formally confirm that any requested
changes have been implemented within two weeks of receiving the TSO’s formal

PPM1.6.2.4 The speed of response of the Voltage Regulation System shall be such that, following
a step change in Voltage at the Connection Point the Controllable PPM shall achieve
90 % of its steady-state Reactive Power response within 1 second. The response may
require a transition from maximum Mvar production to maximum Mvar absorption
or vice-versa.


PPM1.6.3.1 Controllable PPMs with the exception of ESPSs operating in Power Factor control
mode, Voltage Control mode or constant Reactive Power mode shall be at least
capable of operating at any point within the P-Q capability ranges illustrated in Figure
PPM1.4, as measured at the Connection Point over the normal and disturbed
Transmission System Voltage ranges specified in CC.8.3.2; subject to the exception in
PPM1.6.3.2, where additional Reactive Power compensation may be utilised to
compensate for the Reactive Power demand of the connection between the
Connection Point and the Controllable PPM.

Referring to Figure PPM

Point A represents the minimum Mvar absorption capability of the Controllable PPM
at 100% Registered Capacity and is equivalent to 0.95 power factor leading;

Point B represents the minimum Mvar production capability of the Controllable PPM
at 100% Registered Capacity and is equivalent to 0.95 power factor lagging;

Point C represents the minimum Mvar absorption capability of the Controllable PPM
at 12% Registered Capacity and is equivalent to the same Mvar as Point A;

Point D represents the minimum Mvar production capability of the Controllable PPM
at 12% Registered Capacity and is equivalent to the same Mvar as Point B;

Point E represents the minimum Mvar absorption capability of the Controllable PPM
at the cut-in speed of the individual Generation Units;

Point F represents the minimum Mvar production capability of the Controllable PPM
at the cut-in speed of the individual Generation Units;

The TSO accepts that the values of Points E and F may vary depending on the number
of Generation Units generating electricity in a low resource scenario;

Figure PPM represents the minimum expected Reactive Power capabilities
of the Controllable PPM. The Controllable PPM is obliged to tell the TSO/DSO if it
can exceed these capabilities, and submit the actual P-Q capability diagram based
upon the installed plant and Collector Network characteristics to the TSO during

The Grid Connected Transformer tap changing range must be capable of ensuring
nominal voltage at the lower voltage side of the grid connected transformer, for any
Voltage at the Connection Point within the ranges specified in PPM.1.6.1.

Registered A B

12% of Registered C D


0.33 Q/Pmax

Figure PPM – Minimum Reactive Power Capability of Controllable PPM

b) Controllable PPMs consisting of ESPSs operating in Power Factor control

mode, Voltage Control mode or constant Reactive Power mode shall be at
least capable of operating at any point within the P-Q capability ranges
illustrated in Figure PPM, as measured at the Connection Point
over the normal and disturbed Transmission System Voltage ranges
specified in CC.8.3.2; subject to the exception in PPM1.6.3.2, where
additional Reactive Power compensation may be utilised to compensate for
the Reactive Power demand of the connection between the Connection
Point and the Controllable PPM.

Figure PPM Minimum Reactive Power Capability of Controllable PPMs
consisting of ESPSs

Referring to Figure PPM

Point A represents the minimum Mvar absorption capability of the Controllable

PPM at 100% Registered Capacity and is equivalent to 0.95 power factor leading
[Registered Capacity and a Q/P ratio of -0.33 is -0.95 pf];

Point B represents the minimum Mvar production capability of the Controllable

PPM at 100% Registered Capacity and is equivalent to 0.95 power factor lagging
[Registered Capacity and Q/P ratio of 0.33 is 0.95 pf];

Point C represents the minimum Mvar production capability of the Controllable

PPM at Maximum Import Capacity (kW) and is equivalent to the same Mvar as
Point B;

Point D represents the minimum Mvar absorption capability of the Controllable

PPM at Maximum Import Capacity (kW) and is equivalent to the same Mvar as
Point A;

Point E is the intersection of the P and Q axes and represents zero Active Power
and Reactive Power.

Figure PPM describes a Controllable PPMs consisting of ESPSs, whose

Operating Range is symmetric about zero. In cases where the Operating Range
is not symmetric , the minimum Reactive Power export and import capabilities
(the Q values of the lines AD and BC) shall be defined based on a Q/P ratio of
0.33 at Registered Capacity.

Figure PPM represents the minimum expected Reactive Power

capabilities of the Controllable PPM. The Controllable PPM is obliged to tell the
TSO/DSO if it can exceed these capabilities, and submit the actual P-Q capability
diagram based upon the installed plant and Collector Network characteristics to
the TSO during Commissioning. The Controllable PPM will be required to
maintain the effective Reactive Power during changes to Active Power export
or import, including through zero MW. The Grid Connected Transformer tap
changing range must be capable of ensuring nominal voltage at the lower
voltage side of the grid connected transformer, for any Voltage at the
Connection Point within the ranges specified in PPM1.6.1.

PPM1.6.3.2 For Controllable PPMs where the Connection Point is remote from the Grid
Connected Transformer, any supplementary Reactive Power compensation required
to offset the Reactive Power demand of the HV line, or cable, between the
Connection Point and the Controllable PPM shall be identified during the TSO’s
Connection Offer process.

PPM1.6.3.3 The total charging of the Controllable PPM Collector Network during low load
operation (below 12%) shall be examined during the TSO’s Connection Offer process.
If during this examination it is identified that this charging may cause the voltage on
the Transmission System to be outside the Transmission System Voltage ranges, as
specified in PPM.1.6.1, then the Reactive Power requirements will need to be altered.


PPM1.6.3.4 Without prejudice to PPM1.6.3.1, Controllable PPMs shall comply with the following
Reactive Power requirements at Registered Capacity at the Connection Point;

110kV Connection Voltage


1.10 -0.33, 1.118 0.33, 1.118

Voltage (p.u.)



-0.33, 0.90 0.33, 0.90

-0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Consumption (lead) <-- Q/Pmax --> Production (lag)

220kV Connection Voltage


1.10 -0.33, 1.114 0.33, 1.114

Voltage (p.u.)



-0.33, 0.90 0.33, 0.90

-0.4 -0.3 -0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
Consumption (lead) <-- Q/Pmax --> Production (lag)


In the event of power oscillations, Controllable PPMs shall retain steady-state
stability when operating at any operating point of the Reactive Power capability.

PPM1.6.3.5 Without prejudice to PPM1.6.3.1, Controllable PPMs shall comply with the following
Reactive Power requirements at Registered Capacity at the Connection Point;

PPM1.6.3.6 DC connected Controllable PPMs shall comply with the reactive power capability
requirements as given in the diagrams in PPM1.6.3.4 at maximum Interconnector active
power transmission capacity.

PPM1.6.3.7 For DC connected Controllable PPMs, the TSO may specify supplementary reactive
power to be provided if the connection point of a DC connected Controllable PPM is
neither located at the high Voltage terminals of the step-up transformer to the Voltage
level of the connection point not at the alternator terminals, if no step-up transformer
exists. This supplementary reactive power shall compensate the reactive power
exchange of the high Voltage line or cable between the high Voltage terminals of the
step-up transformer of the DC connected Controllable PPM or its alternator terminals,
if no step-up transformer exists, and the connection point and shall be provided by the
responsible owner of that line or cable.


Emission limits for Voltage changes are defined in CC.10.13.1. This standard shall also
apply to Controllable PPMs.

During synchronisation of a DC connected Controllable PPM to the AC collection
network, the DC connected Controllable PPM shall have the capability to limit any
Voltage changes to a steady-state level specified by the relevant system operator. The
maximum magnitude, duration and measurement window of the Voltage transient
shall be specified on a site specific basis and shall not exceed 5 per cent of the pre-
synchronisation Voltage.


PPM1.6.5.1 Controllable PPMs shall provide on-load tap-changing (OLTC) facilities for all Grid
Connected Transformers. All Controllable PPMs shall liaise with the TSO on the
design specification for the performance of the tap-changing facility of the Grid
Connected Transformer.

PPM1.6.5.2 The Controllable PPM’s Grid Connected Transformers may be connected either:

(a) in delta on the lower voltage side and in star (with the star point or neutral
brought out) on the HV side; or
(b) in star on both HV and lower voltage sides with a delta tertiary winding

PPM1.7 Signals, Communication & Control


Signals from Controllable PPMs to the TSO shall be broken up into a number of logical
groups. There shall be different requirements for Controllable PPMs depending on
the Controllable PPM’s MEC and energy source. The following groups shall apply:
• Signals List #1 - applies to all Controllable PPMs;

In addition, Controllable PPMs shall be required to provide signals from Signals Lists
2, 3, 4 and/or 5. These lists relate to:

• Signals List #2 - Meteorological Data (except for Controllable PPMs consisting

of ESPSs);
• Signals List #3 - Availability Data;
• Signals List #4 - Active Power Control Data;
• Signals List #5 - Frequency Response System Data.

PPM1.7.1.1 Signals List #1

The Controllable PPM shall make the following signals available at the designated TSO
Telecommunication Interface Cabinet for that Controllable PPM:

(a) Active Power output (MW) at the lower voltage side of the Grid Connected
(b) Reactive Power output/demand (+/-Mvar) at the lower voltage side of the
Grid Connected Transformer;
(c) Voltage (in kV) at the lower voltage side of the Grid Connected Transformer;
(d) Available Active Power (MW) at the lower voltage side of the Grid
Connected Transformer (including separate signals for export and import
from Controllable PPMs consisting of ESPSs);
(e) Grid Connected Transformer tap positions;
i. Power Factor control mode status feedback (ON/OFF);
ii. Power Factor set-point feedback (degrees)
iii. Reactive Power control code status feedback (ON/OFF);
iv. Reactive Power set-point feedback (Mvar);
v. Voltage Regulation control mode status feedback (ON/OFF)
vi. Voltage Regulation Set-point feedback (kV);
(g) On/off status indications for all Reactive Power devices exceeding 5 Mvar1;
(h) Circuit-breaker and disconnect position indication shall be required. These
may include indications from circuit-breakers on individual Generation Unit
circuits. Signals from individual Generation Unit circuit-breakers shall not
be required. The actual circuit-breaker and disconnect signals required shall
be specified by the TSO at least 120 Business Days prior to the Controllable
PPM’s scheduled Operational Date;
(i) A minimum of four sets of normally open potential free auxiliary contacts in
each Grid Connected Transformer lower voltage bay for fault indications;
(j) On/off status of TSO remote control enable switch, which disables the ability
of the TSO to send commands to the Controllable PPM.

1 Typically the position indication from capacitor/ SVC circuit breakers

For the Controllable PPM’s where the Connection Point is at the HV side of the Grid
Connected Transformer, signals a), b) and c) above will also be required from the HV
side of the Grid Connected Transformer.

PPM1.7.1.2 Signals List #2

PPM1. Wind-powered Controllable PPMs comprising of Wind Turbine Generators with a MEC
in excess of 10 MW shall make the following meteorological data signals available at
the designated TSO Telecommunication Interface Cabinet for that Controllable

(a) Wind speed (at hub height or as agreed with the

TSO) - measurand signal;
(b) Wind direction (at hub height or as agreed with the
TSO) - measurand signal;
(c) Air temperature- measurand signal;
(d) Air pressure- measurand signal.

PPM1. The above meteorological data signals (ref. PPM1. shall be provided by a
dedicated Meteorological Mast located at the wind-powered Controllable PPMs
site or, where possible and preferable to do so, data from a means of the same or
better accuracy. For wind-powered Controllable PPMs where the WTG are widely
dispersed over a large geographical area and rather different weather patterns are
expected for different sections of the wind-powered Controllable PPM, the
meteorological data shall be provided from a number of individual Meteorological
Masts, or where possible and preferable to do so, data from a source of the same or
better reliability for groups of WTG (e.g. 1 set of meteorological data for each group
of XX WTG within the wind-powered Controllable PPM). It is expected that WTG
within an individual group shall demonstrate a high degree of correlation in Active
Power output at any given time. The actual signals required shall be specified by
the TSO at least 120 Business Days prior to the wind-powered Controllable PPM’s
scheduled Operational Date.

PPM1. Solar-powered Controllable PPMs with a MEC in excess of 10 MW shall make the
following meteorological data signals available at the designated TSO
Telecommunication Interface Cabinet for that Controllable PPM:
(a) Global Horizontal Irradiance (GHI) - measurand signal;

(b) Diffused Horizontal Irradiance (DHI) - measurand signal;

(c) Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) (required for solar tracking panels only) -

measurand signal;
(d) Air temperature - measurand signal;

(e) Back panel temperature - measurand signal;

(f) Wind speed - measurand signal;

(g) Wind direction - measurand signal;

(h) Precipitation – measurand signal;

(i) Air pressure - measurand signal.

PPM1. The above meteorological data signals (ref. PPM1. shall be provided by
measurement devices located at the solar-powered Controllable PPMs site. All
meteorological data signals shall at a minimum meet accuracy levels defined by the
TSO. For solar-powered Controllable PPMs where the solar arrays are widely
dispersed over a large geographical area and rather different weather patterns are
expected for different sections of the solar-powered Controllable PPM, the
meteorological data shall be provided from a number of individual measurement
devices. It is expected that solar arrays within an individual group shall demonstrate
a high degree of correlation in Active Power output at any given time. The actual
signals required shall be specified by the TSO at least 120 Business Days prior to the
solar-powered Controllable PPM’s scheduled Operational Date.

PPM1. Controllable PPMs, in excess of 5 MW, with the exception of wind-powered and
solar-powered Controllable PPMs, shall make relevant meteorological data signals
available, which may include but are not limited to solar irradiance and tidal
streams, at the designated TSO Telecommunication Interface Cabinet for that
Controllable PPM as agreed with the TSO.
The actual signals required shall be specified by the TSO at least 120 Business Days
prior to the Controllable PPM’s scheduled Operational Date.

PPM1. The above meteorological data signals (ref. PPM1. shall be provided by a
measurement device located at the Controllable PPM site, the exception of wind-
powered and solar-powered Controllable PPM sites, as defined by the TSO. All
meteorological data signals shall at a minimum meet accuracy levels defined by the
For Controllable PPMs, with the exception of wind-powered and solar-powered
Controllable PPMs, where the Generation Units are widely dispersed over a large
geographical area and rather different weather patterns are expected for different
sections of the Controllable PPM, the meteorological data shall be provided from a
number of individual sources. It is expected that Generation Units within an
individual group shall demonstrate a high degree of correlation in Active Power
output at any given time. The actual signals required shall be specified by the TSO
at least 120 Business Days prior to the Controllable PPM’s scheduled Operational

PPM1.7.1.3 Signals List #3

PPM1. Wind-powered Controllable PPMs with a MEC in excess of 10 MW shall make the
following signals available at the designated TSO Telecommunication Interface
Cabinet for that Controllable PPM:
a) Wind-powered Controllable PPM Availability (0-100 % signal);
b) Percentage of WTG shutdown due to high wind-speed conditions
(0-100 %);
c) Percentage of WTG not generating due low wind-speed shutdown
(0-100 %).

PPM1. For wind-powered Controllable PPMs with a MEC in excess of 10 MW,

where the WTG are widely dispersed over a large geographical area and
rather different weather patterns are expected for different sections of the
wind-powered Controllable PPM, the above data set (ref. PPM1.
shall be provided for a number of groups of WTG (e.g. 1 signal for each
group of XX WTG within the wind-powered Controllable PPM). It is
expected that WTG within an individual group shall demonstrate a high
degree of correlation in Active Power output at any given time. The actual

signals required shall be specified by the TSO at least 120 Business Days
prior to the wind-powered Controllable PPM’s scheduled Operational
PPM1. Solar-powered Controllable PPMs with a MEC in excess of 10 MW shall
make the following signals available at the designated TSO
Telecommunication Interface Cabinet for the Controllable PPM:
(a) Solar-powered Controllable PPM Availability (0-100 % signal).

PPM1. For solar-powered Controllable PPMs with a MEC in excess of 10 MW,

where the solar arrays are widely dispersed over a large geographical area
and rather different weather patterns are expected for different sections of
the solar-powered Controllable PPM, the above data set (ref. PPM1.
shall be provided for a number of groups of solar arrays (e.g. 1 signal for
each group of XX solar arrays within the solar-powered Controllable PPM).
It is expected that solar arrays within an individual group shall demonstrate
a high degree of correlation in Active Power output at any given time. The
actual signals required shall be specified by the TSO at least 120 Business
Days prior to the solar-powered Controllable PPM’s scheduled Operational

PPM1. Controllable PPMs, with a MEC in excess of 5 MW, with the exception of
wind-powered and solar-powered Controllable PPMs, shall make the
following signals available at the designated TSO Telecommunication
Interface Cabinet for that wind-powered Controllable PPM:
a) Controllable PPM Availability (0-100 % signal);
b) Percentage of Generation Unit shutdown due to high resource
conditions (0-100 %);
c) Percentage of Generation Unit not generating due to low resource
conditions (0-100 %).

PPM1. For Controllable PPMs, with an MEC in excess of 5 MW, with the exception of wind-
powered and solar-powered Controllable PPMs, where the Generation Units are
widely dispersed over a large geographical area and rather different weather patterns
are expected for different sections of the Controllable PPM, the above data set (ref.

PPM shall be provided for a number of groups of Generation Units (e.g. 1
signal for each group of XX Generation Units within the Controllable PPM). It is
expected that Generation Units within an individual group shall demonstrate a high
degree of correlation in Active Power output at any given time. The actual signals
required shall be specified by the TSO at least 120 Business Days prior to the
Controllable PPM’s scheduled Operational Date.
PPM1. The Controllable PPM consisting of ESPSs shall make the following signals available
at the designated TSO Telecommunication Interface Cabinet for that Controllable
a). ESPS available export capacity (+MWh)
b). ESPS available import capacity (-MWh)

PPM1.7.1.4 Signals List #4

The Controllable PPM shall make the following signals available at the designated TSO
Telecommunication Interface Cabinet for that Controllable PPM:
a) Active Power Control Set-point feedback (MW);
b) Active Power Control status feedback (ON/OFF).

PPM1.7.1.5 Signals List #5

The Controllable PPM shall make the following signals available at the designated TSO
Telecommunication Interface Cabinet for that Controllable PPM:
a) Frequency Response Curve (i.e. Power-Frequency Response Curve 1 or 2 or Mode
(1 to 5));
b) Frequency Response System status feedback (ON/OFF);
c) Frequency Response System Governor Droop feedback (%) (for a Controllable
PPM consisting of ESPSs, c) is not applicable).


With regard to real-time monitoring of Frequency Sensitive Mode, as described in
PPM1.5.3.13, the Controllable PPM shall be equipped to transfer in real time and in
a secured manner, at least the following signals:
a) status signal of Frequency Sensitive Mode (on/off);
b) actual parameter settings for Active Power frequency response; and

c) Governor Droop and Frequency Response Deadband.

The TSO shall specify additional signals to be provided by the Generator by

monitoring and recording devices in order to verify the performance of the active
power frequency response provision of participating Controllable PPMs.

PPM1.7.1.6 Time Delays and Data Quality

Digital signal changes from the Controllable PPM shall be relayed to the TSO
Telecommunication Interface Cabinet within 1 second of the associated change of
state event. Analogue signal changes shall be relayed within 5 seconds and with an
error of 0.5% or less, with the exception of the Meteorological Data required as per
PPM1.7.1.2, which shall be updated within 5 seconds and shall be accurate at least
97.5% of the time over a rolling 12-month period.


PPM1.7.2.1 The control signals described in PPM1.7.2 shall be sent from the TSO to the
Controllable PPM. The Controllable PPM shall be capable of receiving these signals
and acting accordingly.

PPM1.7.2.2 Active Power Control

An Active Power Control Set-point signal shall be sent by the TSO to the PPM Control
System. This set-point shall define the maximum Active Power output permitted
from the Controllable PPM. The PPM Control System shall be capable of receiving

this signal and acting accordingly to achieve the desired change in Active Power
output. This signal shall be in the form of a single analogue value and a strobe pulse
to enable.

The Controllable PPM is required to make it possible for the TSO to remotely enable/
disable the Active Power Control function in the PPM Control System. The associated
status indication is described in PPM1.7.1.4.

PPM1.7.2.3 Frequency Response

The Frequency Response Curve signal or Mode shall be sent by the TSO to the
Controllable PPM in the event that a change from one Power-Frequency Response
Curve or Mode to another is required.

The Controllable PPM is required to make it possible for the TSO to remotely enable/
disable the Frequency Response System. The associated status indication is described
in PPM1.7.1.5.

The Controllable PPM with the exception of ESPSs shall make it possible for the TSO
to set the Governor Droop value of the Frequency Response System in values from
2% to 10%.

PPM1.7.2.4 Voltage Regulation

The following signals shall allow the TSO to select Reactive Power control mode and
send Reactive Power control set-points to the Voltage Regulation System. Set-point
signals shall be in the form of a single analogue value and a strobe pulse to enable.
• Power Factor control mode with Power Factor set-point (PF set-point)
• Reactive Power control mode with Reactive Power set-point (Q set-point)
• Automatic Voltage Regulation control mode with Voltage Regulation Set-
point (kV set-point)

PPM1.7.2.5 Black Start Shutdown

Means shall be provided by the Controllable PPM to facilitate the disconnection of
the Controllable PPM consisting wholly or in part of wind-powered or solar powered
Generating Units by the TSO and to also prevent re-connection in the event of Black
Start. The TSO shall send a Black Start Shutdown signal and upon receipt, the
Controllable PPM consisting wholly or in part of wind-powered or solar powered
Generating Units shall be required to trip the circuit-breaker(s) at the Controllable
PPM’s Connection Point and shutdown the Controllable PPM in a controlled manner.
The precise circuit-breakers for which this facility shall be provided shall be specified
by the TSO at least 120 Business Days prior to the Controllable PPM’s scheduled
Operational Date. Controllable PPMs may only be reconnected (i.e. made live) when
the Network is fully restored following instruction from the TSO2 and only earlier if
the TSO deems it acceptable to do so.

PPM1.7.2.6 Time Delays and Data Quality

PPM1. Digital output commands from the TSO Telecommunication Interface Cabinet shall
be relayed to the Controllable PPM equipment within 1 second. Set-point output
signals shall be relayed within 5 seconds and with an error of 0.5% or less.


A designated Responsible Operator shall be contactable by the TSO at all times to

discuss operational matters without undue delay and in any case within 15 minutes.
Following a request from the TSO, the Responsible Operator shall be present at the
Controllable PPM’s Connection Point without undue delay and in any case within one
hour and shall be capable of taking any required appropriate actions. The Responsible
Operator shall be contactable 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

2 Typically this instruction will be in the form of a Blackstart Shutdown OFF command


PPM1.7.4.1 The location of the TSO Telecommunication Interface Cabinet shall be agreed
between the TSO and the Controllable PPM at least 120 Business Days prior to the
Controllable PPM’s scheduled Operational Date. A standard interface for signals will
be made available to the Controllable PPM by the TSO.

PPM1.7.4.2 The necessary communications links, communications protocol and an individual

Controllable PPM signal list shall be specified by the TSO at least 120 Business Days
prior to the Controllable PPM’s scheduled Operational Date. Current applicable
standards shall apply and the accuracy class for signals shall comply with the
prevailing European Standard at that time.

PPM1.7.4.3 For loss of communications links, persistence (i.e. continuing to operate with the most
recent data set) shall be used in terms of set-points until the designated Responsible
Operator has been contacted by the TSO.

PPM1.7.4.4 If Active Power Control, Frequency Response or Voltage Regulation facilities for the
Controllable PPM become unavailable, the Controllable PPM shall contact the TSO
without undue delay.

PPM1.7.4.5 Where signals or indications required to be provided by the Controllable PPM under
PPM1.7.1 and PPM 1.7.2 become unavailable or do not comply with applicable
standards due to failure of the Controllable PPM’s technical equipment or any other
reason under the control of the Controllable PPM, the Controllable PPM shall, acting
in accordance with Good Industry Practice, restore or correct the signals and/or
indications as soon as possible.


PPM1.7.5.1 Should the TSO determine that resource forecasts as produced by the Controllable
PPM are required, the TSO shall inform the Controllable PPM and the resource
forecasts shall be provided by the Controllable PPMs. These forecasts, if required,
shall be provided in a format and timescale as specified by the TSO, and by means of

an Electronic Interface in accordance with the reasonable requirements of the TSO’s
data system.

PPM1.7.5.2 Controllable PPMs shall engage fully with the TSO to ensure that the necessary
information is available to the TSO for the production of resource generation
forecasts with the appropriate level of accuracy by the TSO. Where this engagement
involves the provision of data by the Controllable PPM to the TSO, this data must be
provided as soon as reasonably practicable, or in any event, within 60 business days
of the date of the request.


Controllable PPMs shall submit Controllable PPM MW Availability

Declarations whenever changes in Controllable PPM Availability occur or
are predicted to occur. These declarations shall be submitted by means of
an Electronic Interface in accordance with the reasonable requirements of
the TSO’s data system.



AC Alternating Current

ACER Agency for the Cooperations of Energy Regulators

AFR Automatic Frequency Restoration

AGC Automatic Generator Control

AHDL Allocated Harmonic Distortion Limit

ALVDD Automatic Low Voltage Demand Disconnection

AVR/AVC Automatic Voltage Regulation / Automatic Voltage Control

BGE Bord Gais Éireann

BS British Standard

BSP Bulk Supply Point

CB Circuit Breaker

CCGT Combined Cycle Gas Turbine

CDGU Centrally Dispatched Generation Unit

CENELEC Comité Européan de Normalisation Electrotechnique

CO2 Carbon Dioxide

COP Committed Outage Programme

CRU Commission for Regulation of Utilities

DC Direct Current

DCC Distribution Control Centre

DI Dispatch Instruction

DMOL Design Minimum Operating Level

DSO Distribution System Operator

ECC Emergency Control Centre

ESB Electricity Supply Board

EON Energisation Operational Notification

ESO External System Operator

ESPS Energy Storage Power Station

ESU Energy Storage Unit

ETSO European Transmission System Operators

FON Final Operational Notification

GC General Conditions

GCRP Grid Code Review Panel

GS Generation Schedule

GT Gas Turbine

HV High Voltage

HVDC High Voltage Direct Current

IEC International Electrotechnical Committee

ION Interim Operational Notification

IOP Indicative Outage Programme

ITU International Telecommunications Union

JGCRP Joint Grid Code Review Panel

LON Limited Operational Notification

LV Low Voltage

MEC Maximum Export Capacity

MIC Maximum Import Capacity

MO Market Operator

MV Medium Voltage

NCC National Control Centre

NCDGU Non-Centrally Dispatched Generating Unit

NIAUR Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation

NIE Northern Ireland Electricity

OC Operating Code

OLTC On load Tap Changer

POP Provisional Outage Programme

POR Primary Operating Reserve

PPM Power Park Module

PSP Pumped Storage Plant

RMS Root Mean Square

RTU Remote Terminal Unit

SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition

SDC Scheduling and Dispatch Code

SEM Single Electricity Market

THD Total Harmonic Voltage Distortion

TSC Trading and Settlement Code

SLR Special Load Reading

SONI System Operator Northern Ireland

SOR Secondary Operating Reserve

SVC Static Var Compensator

TAO Transmission Asset Owner

TRM Transmission Reliability Margin

TOR Tertiary Operating Reserve

TSO Transmission System Operator

TTC Total Transfer Capacity

UFR Under Frequency Relay

Un Nominal Voltage

VO Voluntary Outage

WTG Wind Turbine Generator


A Amp(s)

°C Degrees Celsius

GW Giga Watt

GWh Giga Watt hour

hPa hecto Pascal

Hz Hertz

kA kilo Ampere

kW kilo Watt

kWh kilo Watt hour

kV Kilo Volt

MWh Mega Watt hour

MW Mega Watt

TWh Tera Watt hour

MVA Mega Volt Ampere

Mvar Mega Volt Ampere reactive / Megavar

Mvarh Megavar hour

var Volt Ampere reactive

Act The Electricity Regulation Act 1999.
The electrical energy produced, flowing or supplied by an electric
circuit during a time interval, being the integral with respect to
Active Energy
time of the instantaneous Active Power, measured in units of
Watt-hours or standard multiples thereof, i.e.:
1000 Watt-hours = 1 Kilo Watt-hour (kWh)
1000 Kilo Watt-hour = 1 Mega Watt-hour (MWh)
1000 Mega Watt-hour = 1 Giga Watt-hour (GWh)
1000 Giga Watt-hour = 1 Tera Watt-hour (TWh)
The product of the components of alternating current and
Active Power voltage that equate to true power which is measured in units of
watts and standard multiples thereof, for example:
1000 Watts = 1 kW;
1000 kW = 1 MW;
1000 MW = 1 GW.
The automatic change in Active Power output from a
Active Power Control Controllable PPM in a response to an Active Power Control Set-
point received from the TSO.
A mode of operation of a Controllable PPM where the
Active Power Control Mode Controllable PPM has been instructed by the TSO to maintain
its Active Power output at the Active Power Control Set-Point.
The maximum amount of Active Power in MW, set by the TSO,
Active Power Control Set-point
that the Controllable PPM is permitted to export.
The rate of increase or decrease of Active Power output of a
Active Power Control Set-Point
Controllable PPM in response to an Active Power Control Set-
Ramp Rate
point instruction.
Additional Grid Code Availability A notice submitted by a User to the TSO pursuant to SDC1.4.2
Notice relating to additional data on Availability.
Additional Grid Code Characteristics A notice to be submitted to the TSO pursuant to SDC1.4.4.2
Notice relating to additional technical data.
AGC Control Range The range of Loads over which AGC may be applied.
AGC Maximum Load The upper limit of the AGC Control Range.
AGC Minimum Load The lower limit of the AGC Control Range.
Aggregate Interconnector Ramp The maximum Ramp Up Rate for an Interconnector or
Rate maximum Ramp Down Rate as determined by the TSO.

A group of Individual Demand Sites represented by a Demand
Side Unit Operator, which together are capable of a Demand
Side Unit MW Capacity equal to or above 4 MW (and which is
therefore subject to Central Dispatch from the TSO). Each
Aggregated Demand Site Individual Demand Site comprising an Aggregated Demand
Site shall be in one currency zone and shall have a Demand Side
Unit MW Capacity of no greater than 10 MW. Unless otherwise
specified, information submitted in respect of an Aggregated
Demand Site shall always be at an aggregated level.
A group of Generating Units represented by a Generator
Aggregator, each of which must not have a Registered
Capacity greater than 10 MW. An Aggregated Generating
Unit with a total Registered Capacity of 4 MW or more shall
be subject to Central Dispatch, but one with a total Registered
Aggregated Generating Unit
Capacity of less than 4 MW may be subject to Central Dispatch
subject to agreement with the TSO. Unless otherwise
specified by the TSO or otherwise in the Grid Code,
information submitted in respect of an Aggregated Generating
Unit shall always be at an aggregated level.
In the case of a Generator Aggregator, the aggregated value (in
MW, MVA, kW and/or kVA) provided in each Connection
Aggregated Maximum Export
Agreement (or connection agreement to the Distribution
System, as the case may be) for the Generating Units for which
the Generator Aggregator is responsible.
Either a Generator Aggregator or a Demand Side Unit Operator
in respect of an Aggregated Demand Site.
A Emergency State, an Alert State or a Blackout State or other
Alert Alert warning as agreed pursuant to OC9 (Emergency Control and
Power System Restoration)
An Alert issued by the TSO to the Users when a single Event
would give rise to a reasonable possibility of failure to meet the
Alert State Power System Demand, or of Frequency or Voltage departing
significantly from normal or if multiple Events are probable due
to prevailing weather conditions.
The Allocated Harmonic Distortion Limit to a User’s connection
is the maximum Incremental Harmonic Voltage Distortion
Level that the User’s facility is allowed to introduce in the
Allocated Harmonic Distortion Limit Transmission System Voltage. The AHDL is assessed at the
(AHDL) Connection Point and it is expressed as a percentage of the
RMS value of the fundamental Frequency Voltage. The AHDL
applies to the THD and to each individual harmonic order from
the 2nd up to, and including, the 40th.
A service, other than the production of electricity, which is used
to operate a stable and secure Power System including. Reactive
Ancillary Service
Power, Operating Reserve, Frequency Control and Blackstart
The bilateral agreement between the TSO and the User, which
Ancillary Service Agreement contains the detail specific to the User's provision of Ancillary

A transmission outage that is scheduled with reasonable notice
to the relevant Generator(s) in advance of the start of the outage
Annual Maintenance Outage
for planned maintenance of equipment that is part of an Outturn
Availability Connection Asset.
12.30 and 18.00 on the second Tuesday of January or any other
Annual SLR Conditions
day nominated by DSO.
An item of equipment in which electrical conductors are used,
supported or of which they may form part and includes meters,
Apparatus lines, cables and appliances used or intended to be used for
carrying electricity for the purpose of supplying or using
The product of voltage and of alternating current measured in
Apparent Power
units of volt-amperes and standard multiples thereof.
A system for reconnecting Demand Customers automatically
Automatic Frequency Restoration
following a Low Frequency Event on the Transmission System,
once the frequency has recovered.
A control system installed between the NCC and a Power
Automatic Generator Control (AGC) Station whereby MW set points can be adjusted remotely by
the TSO to reflect the Dispatch Instruction
The automatic disconnection of Demand Customers when the
Automatic Low Voltage Demand
Voltage or the rate of change of voltage has violated acceptable
Disconnection (ALVDD)
limits as determined by the TSO.
The operation of Generation Unit(s) at an Individual Demand
Site of a Demand Side Unit where in the event of
Disconnection, the Generation Unit(s) is(are) enabled and
supplies(y) the Demand Customer’s or DSO Demand
Customer’s Load while not Synchronised to the Transmission
System or Distribution System. Upon sustained restoration of
Automatic Mains Failure Mode
the connection to the Transmission System or Distribution
System for a settable period of time, the Generation Unit(s)
Synchronise to the Transmission System or Distribution
System for a short period of time not exceeding 180 seconds to
facilitate the smooth transfer of power prior to Shutdown of the
Generation Unit(s).
Automatic maintenance of a Generation Unit's terminal voltage
Automatic Voltage Regulation
or Interconnector’s Reactive Power output at a desired setpoint
A continuously acting automatic closed loop control system
Automatic Voltage Regulator acting on the excitation system so as to maintain a Generation
Unit's terminal voltage at a desired setpoint.
Persons to whom electrical Energy is provided and by whom the
Autoproducer electrical Energy is generated essentially for their own use, by
means of a direct connection to the Transmission System.
Any item of Plant and/or Apparatus not directly a part of the
boiler plant or Generating Unit, but required for the boiler
plant's or Generating Unit's functional operation. 'Auxiliary'
shall be defined accordingly.
A diesel engine driving a Generating Unit which can supply a
Unit Board or Station Board, which can start without an
Auxiliary Diesel Engine
electrical power supply from outside the Power Station within
which it is situated.

A fuel other than a Primary Fuel which may be used for start up
Auxiliary Fuel purposes or for support of combustion or Maximisation when
the Generation Unit is producing Energy
The electrical Demand of the Generation Unit’s Auxiliary Plant
Auxiliary Load
required for the operation of the Generation Unit.
Any item of Plant and/or Apparatus not directly a part of the
Auxiliary Plant boiler plant or Generation Unit, but required for the boiler
plant's or Generation Unit's functional operation.
At any given time the measure of Active Power a Generation
Unit(s) is capable of delivering to the Connection Point and the
term “Availabilities” shall be construed accordingly. This can be
calculated as a gross figure.

In terms of a Demand Side Unit, the Demand Side Unit MW

Capacity as the measure at any given time of the capability of the
Demand Side Unit to reduce Demand.

At any given time the measure of Active Power an

Interconnector is capable of importing to or exporting from the
Connection Point and the term “Availabilities” shall be
constructed accordingly. This can be calculated as a gross figure.
The ratio of the Energy that could have been produced during
a specified period of time by a Generation Unit operating in
accordance with its Availability, and the Energy that could
Availability Factor have been produced during the same period by that
Generation Unit operating at its Registered Capacity.
Availability Factor can alternatively be reported in gross
Availability Notice A notice to be submitted to the TSO pursuant to SDC1.4.1.1.
The amount of Active Power that the Controllable PPM could
produce based on current resource conditions.

Available Active Power For Controllable PPMs with the exception of ESPSs, the
Available Active Power shall only differ from the actual Active
Power if the Controllable PPM has been curtailed, constrained
or is operating in a restrictive Frequency Response mode.
An Alert issued by the TSO signifying that either a Partial
Blackout State Shutdown or a Total Shutdown of the Power System has taken
The procedure necessary for a recovery from a Total Shutdown
Black Start
or Partial Shutdown.
Ability in respect of a Black Start Station, for at least one of its
Centrally Dispatched Generation Units or Interconnector to
start-up from Shutdown, without importing energy from the
Black Start Capability
Transmission System, and to energise a part of the Transmission
System and be Synchronised or energised (for Interconnectors)
to the Transmission System upon instruction from the TSO.
In the event of a Partial Shutdown or Total Shutdown of the
Transmission System, the Controllable PPM shall be sent a
Black Start Shutdown
Black Start Shutdown signal by the TSO and upon receipt of the
signal, the Controllable PPM shall trip the circuit breaker(s) at

the Connection Point and shutdown the Controllable PPM in a
controlled manner.
A Power Station and/or Interconnector which is registered
Black Start Station
pursuant to Grid Code as having a Black Start Capability
The level of output that a Generating Unit immediately
Block Load produces following Synchronisation. For avoidance of doubt,
Block Load can equal 0 MW.
Block Load Cold Block Load during a Cold Start.
The level of output, in either flow direction, that an
Interconnector immediately produces following energisation.
Block Load for an Interconnector
For avoidance of doubt, Block Load can equal 0 MW and can be
different in either flow direction.
Block Load Hot Block Load during a Hot Start.
Block Load Warm Block Load during a Warm Start.
Monday through Friday excluding public holidays and holidays
Business Day
observed by the TSO.
A response by a Generator to an instruction from the TSO
Cancelled Start cancelling a previous instruction to Synchronise to the
Transmission System.
The rated continuous load-carrying ability, expressed in
Capacity megawatts (MW) or megavolt-amperes (MVA) of generation,
transmission, or other electrical equipment.
When there is sufficient Generation Capacity to meet the
Capacity Adequacy
Demand and Reserve requirements.
An indication issued by the TSO for each weekly peak of the year
Capacity Adequacy Indicator based on Availability and Demand forecasts whether or not
there is sufficient Generation Capacity to meet Demand.
The point calculated by the PPM Control System where there is
just enough energy storage or generation capacity, calculated
Capacity Limit
in MWh, for the ESPS to change the Active Power to zero MW
at the Capacity Limited Ramp Rate.
The rate of increase or decrease of Active Power of an ESPS in
Capacity Limited Ramp Rate
response to reaching the Capacity Limit.
A warning issued by the TSO that based on Availability and
Capacity Shortfall Warning Demand forecasts there is insufficient Generation Capacity to
meet the peak Demand.
A collection of Generation Units comprising one or more
Combustion Turbine Units and one or more Steam Units
where, in normal operation, the waste heat from the
Combustion Turbine Units is passed to the water/steam system
CCGT Installation of the associated Steam Unit or Steam Units and where the
component Generation Units within the CCGT Installation are
directly connected by steam or hot gas lines which enable those
Units to contribute to the efficiency of the combined cycle
operation of the CCGT Installation.
The matrix which must be submitted by a Generator under the
Planning Code and which is used by the TSOs for Scheduling
CCGT Installation Matrix
and Dispatch purposes under the SDCs as a “look up” table
determining which CCGT Units will be operating at any given

MW Dispatch level subject to any updated Availability
information submitted by a Generator to a TSO under SDC1.
CCGT Unit A Generation Unit within a CCGT Installation
The process of Scheduling and issuing Dispatch Instructions
directly to a Control Facility by the TSO pursuant to the Grid

All Dispatchable PPMs, Interconnectors, Pumped Storage

Plant Demand, Energy Storage Power Station Demand,
Demand Side Units, and Aggregated Generating Units are
subject to Central Dispatch. In relation to all other Generation
Units, thresholds apply as follows:
• all other Generation Units with a Registered Capacity
of 10 MW or more are subject to Central Dispatch;
• all other Generation Units with a Registered Capacity
of 5 MW or more and less than 10 MW are not subject
to Central Dispatch unless required by the TSO;
Central Dispatch
however, such Generation Units can elect to be
subject to Central Dispatch;
• all other Generation Units with a Registered Capacity
of less than 5 MW are not subject to Central Dispatch
unless required by the TSO;
• any Power Station, which has an aggregate Registered
Capacity of 10 MW or more, consisting of more than
one Generation Unit that is not otherwise subject to
Central Dispatch, is subject to Central Dispatch as an
Aggregated Generating Unit;
• all Generation Units with a Registered Capacity of less
than 10 MW can elect whether to comply with
SDC1.4.4.5 relating to the submission of Commercial
Offer Data.
A Generating Unit within a Power Station subject to Central
Dispatch, which comprises, unless specified otherwise in
Centrally Dispatched Generating relation to a particular use of the term, a Thermal Plant
Unit (CDGU) including a CCGT Installation, a Dispatchable PPM, Hydro Unit
and Pumped Storage Plant in respect of its Pumped Storage
The maximum amount of Energy consumed by Energy Storage
Charging Capacity Power Station when acting as an Energy Storage Power Station
A System which distributes electricity within a geographically
confined industrial, commercial or shared services site and does
not supply household customers, without prejudice to
Closed Distribution System incidental use by a small number of households located within
the area served by the System and with employment or similar
associations with the owner of the System. This is a separate
system to the Distribution System.
An entity which is responsible for, amongst other things, the
Closed Distribution Systems
planning, development, operation and maintenance of a Closed
Distribution System.

Any Synchronisation of a Generating Unit that has previously
Cold Start not been Synchronised for a period of time longer than its
submitted Warm Cooling Boundary.
The network of cables and overhead lines within a Controllable
Collector Network PPM used to convey electricity from individual Generation
Units to the Connection Point.
A Generation Unit which compresses the inlet air and feeds fuel
to the combustion chamber. The fuel and air burn to form hot
Combustion Turbine Unit gases which in turn forces these hot gases into the turbine,
causing it to spin. The turbine can be fuelled by natural gas, by
distillate or by other such fuels as technology may allow.
Metering which is utilised to measure Energy for Tariff charging
Commercial Energy Metering
The Commercial Offer Data submitted to the MO pursuant to
Commercial Offer Data
the TSC.
Activities involved in undertaking the Commissioning Test or
implementing the Commissioning Instructions pursuant to the
terms of the Connection Agreement or as the context requires
the testing of any item of users equipment required pursuant to
this Grid Code prior to connection or re-connection in order to
determine that it meets all requirements and standards for
connection to the Transmission System. It also includes
activities that determine the new values of parameters that
apply to it following a material alteration or modification and in
addition those activities involved in undertaking the
Commissioning Tests or implementing the Commissioning
Instructions as the context requires.
Commissioning Instructions A step-by-step test procedure for a Commissioning Test.
Testing of a CDGU, Controllable PPM, Pumped Storage Plant
Demand, Demand Side Units, Aggregated Generating Units,
Interconnector or an item of User’s Plant and/or Apparatus
required pursuant to the Connection Conditions prior to
connection or re-connection in order to determine whether or
not it is suitable for connection to the System and also to
Commissioning Test
determine the new values of parameters to apply to it following
a material alteration or modification of a CDGU, Controllable
PPM, Pumped Storage Plant Demand, Demand Side Units,
Aggregated Generating Units, Interconnector or of an item of
User’s Plant and/or Apparatus and the term “Commissioning
Testing” shall be construed accordingly.
A programme of Outages of the Generator’s Generation Units
Committed Outage Programme
and of Interconnectors prepared by the TSO pursuant to
Section OC2 and covering year 1.
Data relating to a User Development once the offer for a
Committed Project Planning Data Connection, Use of System Agreement and/or supplemental
agreements are accepted.
The communications and control room to be provided by the
Communications and Control Room
User in accordance with the Connection Agreement.

The bilateral agreement between the TSO and the User, which
Connection Agreement contains the detail specific to the User's connection to the
Transmission System.
The section of this Grid Code which is identified as the
Connection Conditions
Connection Conditions.
The date on which the Commissioning Instructions have to the
TSO’s satisfaction been properly implemented in respect of
every part of the User’s Plant and/or Apparatus, following which
Connection Date
the TSO shall, as soon as reasonably practicable notify the User
to that effect, specifying the date of completion of such
A quotation letter together with the unsigned Connection
Agreement which forms the TSO's offer for connection of the
Connection Offer
Facility to the Transmission System as the result of an
application for connection of the Facility.
The physical point where the User’s Plant Apparatus or System
Connection Point is joined to the Transmission System or the Distribution
The site at which the Plant and Apparatus of the User at the
Connection Site User's side of the Connection Point is to be installed including
the land, spaces, roads and any surfaces.
A group of Generating Units located within a constrained part
Constrained Group
of the System as determined by the TSO.
The unexpected failure or Outage of a system component, such
as a Generation Unit, transmission line, circuit breaker, switch,
Contingency or other electrical element. A Contingency also may include
multiple components, which are related by situations leading to
simultaneous component outages.
The margin of available Generation Capacity over forecast
System Demand which is required in the period of 24 hours
Contingency Reserve ahead down to real time, to cover against uncertainties in
availability of Generation Capacity and against Demand
forecast errors or variations
Unrestricted periods of Synchronised operation of Generation
Unit(s) to the Transmission System or Distribution System at
Continuous Parallel Mode an Individual Demand Site of a Demand Side Unit, subject to
Connection Agreement or DSO Connection Agreement
An action, such as switching, whereby the Transmission System
Control Action
is operated.
A location used for the purpose of monitoring, control and
Control Centre operation of the Transmission System or a User System other
than a Generator's System.
A location used for the purpose of Monitoring, control and
Control Facility operation of the User 's Plant and Apparatus and for accepting
Dispatch Instructions via Electronic Interface.
The Control Phase follows on from the Programming Phase and
Control Phase starts with the issue of the Generation Schedule for the next
day and covers the period down to the real time.

The coupling (by manual or automatic closing of the circuit
Control Synchronising breaker) of two asynchronous Systems by means of
A site containing at least one PPM can automatically act upon a
Controllable PPM
remote signal from the TSO to change its Active Power output.
The amount of MW the Controllable PPM can produce given
Controllable PPM Availability
favourable resource conditions.
A measure of the maximum Active Power output which can be
Controllable PPM MW Availability produced by a Controllable PPM given favourable resource
Declaration conditions. Account shall be taken of partial and/or full outages
of individual Generation Units within the Controllable PPM.
Controllable PPM Operator The operator of the Controllable PPM.
The amount of Active Power that a Controllable PPM is
Controlled Active Power permitted to export based on the Active Power Control Set-
point signal sent by the TSO.
The longest fault duration not leading to out-of-step conditions
such as pole-slipping in a Generating Unit following a Fault
Disturbance. Critical Fault Clearance Time will vary according
to the active and reactive power output of the Generating Unit.
Critical Fault Clearance Time
The minimum Critical Fault Clearance Time for a particular
Fault Disturbance is likely to occur when the Generating Unit is
at maximum Active Power output and maximum leading
Reactive Power output.
Current source inverters include all static devices generating an
AC current from a rectified DC current source. The intermediate
Current Source Technology DC current is kept constant with a controlled rectifier and high
inductance reactors, while the AC output is of variable
Frequency and Voltage.
A person to whom electrical power is provided (whether or not
this is the same person who provides the electrical power).
Reducing the supply of electricity to a Customer or
Customer Demand Management disconnecting a Customer in a manner agreed for commercial
purposes between a Supplier and its Customers
The Open Cycle Mode or combine cycle Operating Mode of a
Cycle Operating Mode CCGT Installation which may need to be specified pursuant to a
Dispatch Instruction under SDC2.4.2.4(j).
A Demand Facility, Closed Distribution System or Distribution
System that is not a Non-DCC Unit.
DCC Unit
A Pumped Storage Unit which only operates as Pumped Storage
Plant Demand, and does not meet Non-DCC Unit criteria, is
classified as a DCC Unit.
A notice prepared by the User in respect of a User’s Plant
submitted to the TSO in accordance with the requirements of
Declaration SDC1 and setting out the values (and times applicable to those
values) of Availability, Ancillary Services capabilities, Operating
Characteristics, and “Declared” shall be construed accordingly.
The Operating Characteristics which the Generator or Demand
Declared Operating Characteristics Side Unit Operator shall have informed the TSO under the
provisions of SDC1 and which shall reasonably reflect the true

Operating Characteristics of the Generation Unit or Demand
Side Unit.
De-energise Disconnect from the Transmission System utilising circuit
switches etc to isolate the Plant and/or Apparatus, and “De-
energised” and “De-energising” shall be construed accordingly.
The point at which due to technical reason a Generating Unit
Deload Break Point
may need to pause during its MW Output reduction process.
The rate at which a Generation Unit reduces MW Output from
Minimum Generation to zero when it is instructed to cease
De-Loading Rate output. There are up to two possible deloading rates, which
shall be named accordingly: De-Loading Rate 1 and De-Loading
Rate 2.
The amount of electrical power consumed by the Power System
Demand comprising of both Active and Reactive Power, unless otherwise
All or any of the methods of achieving a Demand reduction or an
Demand Control
increase in Demand as set out in OC5.
A warning issued by the TSO when the TSO anticipates that it
Demand Control Alert
will or may instruct the DSO to implement Demand reduction.
An person to whom electrical Energy is provided by means of a
direct connection to the Transmission System.
Demand Customer Autoproducers are to be considered both Generators and
Demand Customers. Demand Facilities are a type of Demand
Demand Disconnection Disconnection of Demand Customers.
A facility which consumes electrical energy and is connected at
one or more Connection Points to the Transmission System.
Demand Facility(ies)
The Distribution System and/or auxiliary supplies of a
Generation Unit do not constitute a Demand Facility.
Demand Facility Owner A person who owns a Demand Facility.
An Individual Demand Site or Aggregated Demand Site with a
Demand Side Unit Demand Side Unit MW Capacity of at least 4 MW. The Demand
Side Unit shall be subject to Central Dispatch.
The four Demand Side Unit Profiles from one day to eighty-four
days prior to the Dispatch Instruction, offset to minimise the
Demand Side Unit Best Correlated average absolute error across all the Meter periods comprising
Profile the Demand Side Unit Profile when compared to the Demand
Side Unit Profile which finishes with the Dispatch period,
resulting in the four smallest average absolute errors, averaged.
The estimated total Energy requirement for an Individual
Demand Site or aggregated consumption for each Individual
Demand Site which form part of an Aggregated Demand
Demand Side Unit Energy Profile
Site for each Imbalance Settlement Period in the following
Trading Day and which must be submitted to the TSO in the
Availability Notice under SDC1.4.4.2.
The value of the quarter-hour Demand Side Unit Performance
Demand Side Unit Calculated MWh Monitoring Baseline less the sum of the quarter-hour Meter
Response readings of all the Individual Demand Sites that comprise the
Demand Side Unit aligned to a quarter-hour Meter period.

The forecasted change in Active Power which can be achieved in
one currency zone by a Demand Side Unit for each Imbalance
Settlement Period in the following Trading Day period and which
Demand Side Unit MW Availability
must be submitted by the User to the TSO in an Availability
Notice under SDC1.4.1.2.
The maximum change in Active Power that can be achieved by
a Demand Side Unit on a sustained basis for the duration of the
Demand Side Unit’s Maximum Down Time by totalling the
Demand Side Unit MW Capacity
potential increase in on-site Active Power Generation and the
potential decrease in on-site Active Power Demand at each
Individual Demand Site.
The proportion (in MW) of the Demand Side Unit MW Capacity
that is delivered at a given time following a Dispatch Instruction
Demand Side Unit MW Response
from the TSO. This value will be zero unless dispatched by the
The time as specified by the Demand Side Unit Operator in the
Technical Parameter and is the time it takes for the Demand
Demand Side Unit MW Response
Side Unit Operator to be able to implement the Demand Side
Unit MW Response from receipt of the Dispatch Instruction
from the TSO.
The equivalent Energy in a quarter-hour Meter period of a
Demand Side Unit MWh Response Demand Side Unit MW Response requested in a Dispatch
The time as specified by the Demand Side Unit Operator in the
Technical Parameter and is the time it takes for the Demand
Demand Side Unit Notice Time Side Unit to begin ramping to the Demand Side Unit MW
Response from receipt of the Dispatch Instruction from the
A person who
1. operates a Demand Side Unit, with an aggregated
Demand Side Unit MW Capacity not less than 4 MW
Demand Side Unit Operator
2. is in receipt of or has signed a Demand Side Unit
Operator System Operator Interface Agreement.
The bilateral agreement between the TSO and the Demand Side
Demand Side Unit Operator Unit Operator, which contains the detail specific to the
Interface Agreement Individual Demand Site(s) within a Demand Side Unit or is part
of an Aggregated Demand Site.
An Energy value for each quarter-hour Meter period while a
Demand Side Unit Performance Demand Side Unit is Dispatched. It is the Demand Side Unit
Monitoring Baseline Best Correlated Profile excluding the first forty-eight quarter-
hour Meter periods.
Demand Side Unit Performance The absolute value of the Demand Side Unit Calculated MWh
Monitoring Error Response less the Demand Side Unit MWh Response.
The absolute value of the Demand Side Unit Calculated MWh
Demand Side Unit Performance
Response less the Demand Side Unit MWh Response divided
Monitoring Percentage Error
by the Demand Side Unit MWh Response.
Consecutive aggregated Meter readings of all Individual
Demand Sites that comprise a Demand Side Unit for each of the
Demand Side Unit Profile
full quarter-hour Meter periods in a twelve-hour period plus the
duration of Dispatch. If the Demand Side Unit was Dispatched

during the period the Demand Side Unit Calculated MWh
Response in the same quarter-hour Meter periods are added,
except in the case of the Dispatch being monitored. In this case
the accumulated Energy calculated from Demand Side Unit
MW Response from Generation operating in Continuous
Parallel Mode or Shaving Mode signal (CC.12.2 (l)) plus the
Demand Side Unit MW Response from avoided Demand
consumption and Generation operating in Lopping Mode,
Standby Mode or Automatic Mains Failure Mode signal
(CC.12.2 (m)) are added.
The time it takes for a Demand Side Unit to ramp to the
Demand Side Unit MW Response. It is equal to the Demand
Demand Side Unit Ramp Time
Side Unit MW Response Time less the Demand Side Unit
Notice Time.
The Demand Side Unit Calculated MWh Response less the
accumulated Energy calculated from Demand Side Unit MW
Response from Generation operating in Continuous Parallel
Mode or Shaving Mode signal (CC.12.2 (l) plus the Demand Side
Demand Side Unit SCADA Error
Unit MW Response from avoided Demand consumption and
Generation operating in Lopping Mode, Standby Mode or
Automatic Mains Failure Mode signal (CC.12.2 (m)) in the same
quarter-hour Meter period.
The Demand Side Unit Calculated MWh Response less the
accumulated Energy calculated from Demand Side Unit MW
Response from Generation operating in Continuous Parallel
Mode or Shaving Mode signal (CC.12.2 (l) plus the Demand Side
Demand Side Unit SCADA
Unit MW Response from avoided Demand consumption and
Percentage Error
Generation operating in Lopping Mode, Standby Mode or
Automatic Mains Failure Mode signal (CC.12.2 (m)) divided by
Demand Side Unit Calculated MWh Response the in the same
quarter-hour Meter period.
An instruction issued by the TSO to Generators to cease
De-maximisation Instruction
The minimum Active Power output of Controllable PPM where
all Generation Units are generating electricity and capable of
Design Minimum Operating Level
ramping upwards at any of the specified ramp rates (given
available resource),and shall not be greater than 12% of
Registered Capacity.
The operators approved in writing by the relevant User as
Designated Operator competent to carry out the procedures in the agreed Operation
Instructions for parties connecting to the Transmission System
The act of taking a Generation Unit which is Synchronised to the
Transmission System off the Transmission System to which it has
been Synchronised and the term “De-Synchronised”, and other
like terms, shall be construed accordingly.
The act of taking a Generating Unit off the Network, to which it
De-Synchronising has been Synchronised, and like terms shall be construed
The physical separation of Users (or Customers) from the
Transmission System or a User System as the case may be.

The issue by the TSO of instructions to a Generator, Pumped
Storage Generator, Interconnector Owner, Interconnector
Operator, Demand Side Unit Operator or Generator
Dispatch Aggregator in respect of its CDGU, Pumped Storage Plant
Demand, Demand Side Unit, Aggregated Generating Units, or
Interconnector pursuant to SDC2 and the term "Dispatched"
shall be construed accordingly.
An instruction given by the TSO to a CDGU, Demand Side Unit,
Interconnector and/or Pumped Storage Plant Demand to that
User’s approved Control Facility to change the output, fuel or
Dispatch Instruction
manner of operation of the CDGU, Demand Side Unit,
Interconnector and/or Pumped Storage Plant Demand.
“Instruct” and “Instructed” shall be construed accordingly.
The flag indicating that a Dispatch Instruction will not be
deemed to be a Dispatch Instruction for settlement purposes,
used when the TSO approves new or amended test proposals
Dispatch Instruction Test Flag submitted by a User after Gate Closure 2 (or there is insufficient
time for the TSO to evaluate and approve the test proposal
before Gate Closure 2) and as a result, the Dispatch Instructions
issued by the TSO diverge from the Final Physical Notifications.
A Controllable PPM which must have a Control Facility in order
Dispatchable PPM
to be dispatched via an Electronic Interface by the TSO.
The procedures described in the Connection Agreement, Use of
Disputes Resolution Procedure System Agreement and Ancillary Services Agreement relating
to disputes resolution.
Distribution Control Centre Control Centre of the Distribution System Operator
A Closed Distribution System or Distribution System connection,
Distribution Facility(ies) or the electrical plant and equipment used at the Connection
Point, to the Transmission System.
The system consisting (wholly or mainly) of electric circuits,
transformers and switchgear which are operated by and used for
the distribution of electricity from Grid Supply Points or
Distribution System Generating Units or other entry points to the point of delivery to
Customers or other Users and any Plant and Apparatus and
meters used in connection with the distribution of electricity, but
not including any part of the Transmission System.
An entity unit within ESB which is responsible for, amongst other
Distribution System Operator
things, the planning, development, operation and maintenance
of the Distribution System.
An unplanned event that produces an abnormal System
Disturbing Loads A load on the System that adversely affects Power Quality.
The bilateral agreement between the DSO and the DSO
Demand Customer, which contains the detail specific to the
DSO Connection Agreement
DSO Demand Customer's connection to the Distribution
A person to whom electrical Energy is provided by means of a
DSO Demand Customer
direct connection to the Distribution System.

The duration for which the Generating Unit must remain at the
Dwell Time Down Trigger Point during a change in its MW
Dwell Time Down
Output while ramping down between instructed MW Output
and Minimum Generation.
A constant MW level at which a Generating Unit must remain
while ramping down between instructed MW Output and
Dwell Time Down Trigger Point Minimum Generation. There may be circumstances where
more than one parameter applies and this is indicated by adding
a number at the end of the parameter.
The duration for which the Generating Unit must remain at the
Dwell Time Up Trigger Point during a change in its MW Output
Dwell Time Up
while ramping up between Minimum Generation and instructed
MW Output.
A constant MW level at which a Generating Unit must remain
while ramping up between Minimum Generation and instructed
Dwell Time Up Trigger Point MW Output. There may be circumstances where more than one
parameter applies and this is indicated by adding a number at the
end of the parameter.
A way of providing a connection between conductors and earth
by an Earthing Device.
A means of providing a connection between a conductor and
Earthing Device earth being of adequate strength and capability for the
intended purpose.
The effect of the flow of electricity on an electric system’s
transmission facilities resulting from scheduled electric power
Effect of Parallel Flows transfers between two electric systems. Electric power flows on
all interconnected parallel paths in amounts inversely
proportional to each paths resistance.
The current version of the document prepared by the TSO and
EirGrid Safety Rules
entitled “EirGrid Safety Rules”.
The primary means by which an Alert is transmitted by the TSO
Electronic Alert System
to Users (or to certain Users only) in accordance with OC9.
A system, in accordance with the requirements of the TSO’s
data system, at the Control Facility, providing an electronic
interface between the TSO and a User, for issuing and receiving
Electronic Interface
instructions, including Dispatch Instructions as provided for in
the Grid Code and established pursuant to an agreement
between the TSO and the User.
Generation Units within a Power Station which are directly
connected to a Distribution System or the system of any other
Embedded Generation User , such connection being either a direct connection or a
connection via a busbar of another User but with no other
Connection to the Transmission System
Protection designed to disconnect Generation Units from the
Distribution System during abnormal system conditions by
Embedded Generator Interface
tripping a dedicated circuit breaker or recloser located as close
as practically possible to the interface between the DSO
Demand Customer equipment and the Distribution System.
Any abnormal system condition that requires automatic or
immediate manual action to prevent or limit loss of

transmission facilities or generation supply that could adversely
affect the reliability of the Transmission System
A site, remote from the National Control Centre, providing at
least the minimum level of control capabilities necessary for
secure operation of the Power System, to be utilised in the event
Emergency Control Centre (ECC) that an emergency situation or major failure of facilities at the
National Control Centre prevents operation from the National
Control Centre, or otherwise as determined by the TSO (e.g. for
NCC maintenance, testing or training).
An Alert issued by the TSO to the User in the circumstances set
Emergency State
out in OC9.
A Dispatch instruction issued by the TSO, pursuant to SDC2.11
to a CDGU or an Interconnector which may require an action or
Emergency Instruction
response which is outside the limits implied by the then current
The end point in MW of a Forbidden Zone. There may be
End of Restricted Range circumstances where more than one parameter applies and this
is indicated by adding a number at the end of the parameter.
The time after which the rate of change of the Generating Unit
End Point of Start-up Period Output is not dependent upon the initial Warmth of the
Generating Unit.
The movement of any isolator, breaker or switch so as to enable
active power and reactive power to be transferred to and from
the Facility through the Generator’s Plant and Apparatus and
“Energised” and “Energising” shall be construed accordingly.
The electrical energy produced, flowing or supplied by an
electrical circuit during a time interval and being the integral with
respect to time of the instantaneous Active Power, measured in
units of Watt-hours or standard multiples thereof.
The forecasted maximum amount of Energy that can be
Energy Limit generated by an Energy Limited Generating Unit within the
Trading Day.
A Generating Unit with a limit on the Energy it can deliver in a
Energy Limited Generating Unit
specified time period.
A Generator which owns and/or operates any Energy Storage
Energy Storage Generator
Power Station.
A collection of one or more ESU(s) that can automatically act
Energy Storage Power Station (ESPS) upon a remote signal from the TSO to change its Active Power
Energy Storage Power Station (ESPS) An Energy Storage Power Station in its operation of consuming
Demand Energy.
A Generation Unit(s) using storage devices to generate and
Energy Storage Unit (ESU)
consume electricity as, or as part of, a PPM.
The current version of the document prepared by ESB and
ESB Networks Electrical Safety Rules
entitled “ESB Networks Electrical Safety Rules”
ESB Power Generation Electrical The current version of the document prepared by ESB and
Safety Rules entitled “ESB Power Generation Electrical Safety Rules”.
Those items of Planning Data which either upon connection will
Estimated Registered Data become Registered Data, or which for the purposes of the Plant
and/or Apparatus concerned as at the date of submission are

Registered Data, but in each case which for the seven
succeeding the TSO financial years will be an estimate of what
is expected.
An unscheduled or unplanned occurrence on, or relating to either
Event the Transmission System or a User's System, including faults,
incidents and breakdowns.
Apparatus for the transmission of electricity to (from) the
Transmission System or the Other Transmission System from
External Interconnection
(to) a transmission or distribution system located outside the
island of Ireland.
In relation to an External System Operator means the
transmission or distribution system which it operates which is
located outside the island of Ireland and any Apparatus or Plant
External System
which connects that system to the External Interconnection
and which is owned or operated by such External System
A person who operates an External System which is connected
External System Operator to the Transmission System or the Other Transmission System
by an External Interconnection.
The operator of an electrical transmission or distribution system
Externally Interconnected Party outside the island of Ireland which is connected to the
Transmission System by an External Interconnection.
Any response to a Voltage Dip that requires an extraordinary
response from normal behaviour of the Automatic Voltage
Regulator of a Generation Unit. For the avoidance of doubt any
action of an Automatic Voltage Regulator, which results in
anything other than an adjustment of the excitation field
Extraordinary AVR Response
current is deemed to be an Extraordinary AVR Response.
Where such schemes, including fast valving, are being
considered by a Generator they need to be formally agreed with
the TSO before implementation, such agreement not to be
unreasonably withheld.
Any response to a Voltage Dip that requires an extraordinary
response from normal behaviour of the Governor Control
System of a Generation Unit. For the avoidance of doubt any
action other than Governor Control System with respect to
Extraordinary Governor Response Frequency dips is deemed to be an Extraordinary Governor
Response. Where such schemes, including fast valving, are
being considered by a Generator they need to be formally
agreed with the TSO before implementation, such agreement
not to be unreasonably withheld.
The User's facility located at the Connection Site including the
User's Plant and Apparatus plus the Plant and Apparatus to be
installed at the User's side of the Connection Point necessary to
effect the connection.
An instruction given by the TSO to a Generator in respect of its
Failure to Follow Notice to CDGU confirming that it has failed to Synchronise more than
Synchronise Instruction 15 minutes after the time specified in the Notice to

An instruction given by the TSO to a Generator in respect of its
Failure to Reach Minimum
CDGU confirming that it has De-Synchronised where it has
Generation Instruction
tripped before reaching Minimum Generation.
Any type of fault including, but not limited to, single line to
ground, line to line and three-phase short-circuits, in any single
item of Plant anywhere in the Transmission System where the
operation of the TSO protection will not disconnect the
Fault Disturbance
Generator Plant from the existing or planned Transmission
System under normal or Scheduled Outages conditions. For the
avoidance of doubt this Fault Disturbance can include bus zone
The point in time at which the Transmission System Voltage at
the Connection Point goes outside the range as defined in
Fault Inception CC.8.3.2, on any or all phases. At nominal voltages less than 110
kV, this shall be the point in time at which the Voltage under
construction is less than 0.9pu of the nominal Voltage.
The ability of a Generating Unit to stay Synchronised to the
Fault Ride-Through
Transmission System during and following a Fault Disturbance.
The required fault duration that a Generating Unit shall ride
Fault Ride-Through Time through for a particular Fault Disturbance, and is equivalent to
the Critical Fault Clearance Time.
In respect of Users and the Physical Notification submitted in
accordance with SDC1.4.4.6 for an Imbalance Settlement
Final Physical Notification
Period, the last Physical Notification received before Gate
Closure 2 for that Imbalance Settlement Period.
An Outage scheduled in the Committed Outage Programme as
Flexible Outage a Flexible Outage which is not within four Business Days of the
scheduled start date and time
A MW range within which a Generator or Interconnector cannot
Forbidden Zone operate in a stable manner due to an inherent technical
limitation of the machine.
The probability, in percentage terms, of a Generation Unit or an
Forced Outage Probability Interconnector not being available to provide Energy or Ancillary
The User’s forecast of the average level of Minimum
Forecast Minimum Generation
Generation, in MW, for the User’s Plant for each Imbalance
Settlement Period in the Trading Day.
The User’s forecast of the average level of minimum MW
Forecast Minimum Output Profile Output, in MW, for the Pumped Storage Plant for each
Imbalance Settlement Period in the Trading Day.
Forecast Statement A statement as defined in Section 38 of the Act
The number of alternating current cycles per second (expressed
in Hertz) at which a System is running.
Frequency Control The control of the Frequency on the Power System.
A Frequency range within which the Governor Control System is
not expected to respond to changes in Transmission System
Frequency Deadband Frequency. The purpose of the Frequency Deadband is to filter
out noise and not to restrict the normal Frequency response of
the Governor Control System.

Disconnection of Demand Customers when Frequency falls to a
Frequency Demand Disconnection
particular threshold.
The automatic adjustment of Active Power output by a
Generation Unit, initiated by free governor action in response to
Frequency Regulation
continuous minor fluctuations of Frequency on the Power
The automatic adjustment of Active Power output from a
Frequency Response Generation Unit(s) or Interconnector in response to Frequency
Frequency Response Deadband Frequency Response Deadband means an interval used
intentionally to make the Frequency control unresponsive.
Frequency Response Insensitivity Frequency Response Insensitivity means the inherent feature
of the control system, specified as the minimum magnitude of
change in the Frequency or input signal that results in a change
of output power or output signal.
The minimum rate of increase or decrease of Active Power
Frequency Response Ramp Rate output of a Controllable PPM when acting to control
Transmission System Frequency.
A facility providing the means to automatically adjust the Active
Frequency Response System Power output from a Generation Unit(s) in response to changes
in Frequency.
The operation of a Generating Unit or Interconnector whereby
its generation level or Active Power transmission level is varied
Frequency Sensitive Mode
automatically to compensate for variations in the Frequency of
the System.
Gas Turbine Unit A Generation Unit driven by gas.
In respect of a Trading Day is 13.30 hours on the Trading Day
Gate Closure 1
prior to that Trading Day.
In respect of an Imbalance Settlement Period, 1 hour before
Gate Closure 2
the start of that Imbalance Settlement Period.
The part of Grid Code which is defined as the General
General Conditions
Generating Plant A Power Station subject to Central Dispatch.
Generating Unit Has the same meaning as Generation Unit.
The process of producing electrical energy from other forms of
Generation energy; also, the amount of electric energy produced, usually
expressed in megawatthours (MWh).
Any or all of the Indicative Outage Programme, the Provisional
Generation Outage Programme
Outage Programme and the Committed Outage Programme.
Any apparatus which produces electricity and, for the purpose
of SDC1 and SDC2, shall include a CCGT Installation or a CCGT
Generation Unit
Unit, where running arrangements and/or System conditions
The Active Power and Reactive Power produced by a Generation
Generation Unit Output
Unit net of Generation Unit Auxiliary Load
A person or Power Station as the case may be who generates
Generator electricity and is subject to the Grid Code pursuant to any
agreement with the TSO or otherwise.

Autoproducers are to be considered both Generators and
Demand Customers.
A person who represents several Generating Units, each of
which does not have a Registered Capacity greater than 10 MW
and the combined Registered Capacity of which is equal to or
greater than 4 MW, by in particular preparing notices under
Generator Aggregator SDC1, in relation to those Generating Units and receiving
Dispatch Instructions in relation to those Generating Units
under SDC2. For the avoidance of doubt, a Generator
Aggregator cannot aggregate a Generating Unit with an output
equal to or above 10 MW.
The inflexibilities declared by a Generator to the TSO under SDC1
Generator Declared Inflexibilities and which the TSO must take into account under SDC1.4.5.3
when compiling the Indicative Operations Schedule.
The site owned (or occupied pursuant to a lease, licence or other
Generator Site agreement) by the Generator which contains the Connection
Generator Terminal The stator terminals of a Generating Unit.
A transformer whose principal function is to provide the
interconnection between the Generation Unit and the Network
and to transform the Generation Unit voltage to the Network
Generator Transformer
voltage. In the case of Controllable PPMs, this shall be interpreted
to mean the Controllable PPM’s Grid Connected Transformer
rather than the individual WTG transformers.
Those standards, practices, methods and procedures conforming
to safety and legal requirements which are attained by exercising
that degree of skill, diligence, prudence and foresight which
Good Industry Practice
would reasonably and ordinarily be expected from a skilled and
experienced person engaged in the same type of undertaking
under the same or similar circumstances.
A system which will result in Active Power output of a
Generation Unit changing, in response to a change in System
Governor Control System
Frequency, in a direction which assists in the recovery to Target
The percentage drop in the Frequency that would cause the
Generation Unit under free governor action to change its output
from zero to its full Capacity. In the case of a Controllable PPM,
Governor Droop
it is the percentage drop in the Frequency that would cause the
Controllable PPM to increase its output from zero to its full
Registered Capacity.
This code prepared by the TSO pursuant to section 33 of the
Act, and approved by the CRU, as from time to time revised,
Grid Code
amended, supplemented or replaced with the approval of or at
the instance of the CRU.
Grid Code Review Panel The panel as set out in GC5 of the General Conditions
A test that is to be mutually agreed, with agreement not to be
Grid Code Test unreasonably withheld, and conducted in accordance with Grid
Grid Connected Connected to the Transmission System.

Any transformer directly connected to the Transmission System.
In the case of Controllable PPMs where the Connection Point is
Grid Connected Transformer
remote from the Controllable PPM, this shall be interpreted to
mean the HV transformer located at the Controllable PPM.
The point at which a Generating Unit, Interconnector or a CCGT
Grid Connection Point Installation or a CCGT Unit or a Customer or an External
System, is directly connected to the Transmission System.
A point of connection between the Transmission System and the
Grid Supply Point or GSP Distribution System or a Demand Customer or other network
The Harmonic Voltage Distortion Level of the hth order is the
RMS value of the steady-state sinusoidal Voltage waveform at
a Frequency of (50 x h) Hz which is present in the Voltage
waveform in addition to its fundamental Frequency
Harmonic Voltage Distortion Level
The Harmonic Voltage Distortion Level is expressed as a
percentage of the RMS value of the fundamental Frequency
An event where the Transmission System Frequency deviates to
High Frequency Event
a value above 50.2 Hz.
The period of time, following De-Synchronisation of a
Hot Cooling Boundary Generating Unit after which the Warmth State transfers from
being hot to being warm.
Any Synchronisation of a Generating Unit that has previously
Hot Start not been Synchronised for a period of time shorter than or
equal to its submitted Hot Cooling Boundary.
An Interconnector or DC-connected PPM that is not a Non-
HVDC Unit.

In addition, HVDC Units, which are comprised of:

a) embedded Interconnectors within one control area
and connected to the Transmission System, and/or
b) embedded Interconnectors within one control area
and connected to the Distribution System when a
cross-border impact is demonstrated to the TSO. The
relevant TSO shall consider the long-term
HVDC Unit development of the network in this assessment
shall not be subject to Grid Code clauses CC.15.16 to CC.15.19.6,
if one or more of the following conditions apply:
1) the Interconnector has at least one
Interconnector Converter Station owned by the
2) the Interconnector is owned by an entity which
exercises control over the TSO; or
3) the Interconnector is owned by an entity directly
or indirectly controlled by an entity which also
exercises control over the TSO.

A Generating Unit which generates electricity from the

Hydro Unit
movement of water excluding Pumped Storage Generation.

Imbalance Settlement Period A thirty minute period beginning on the hour or the half-hour.
A set of diagrams characterising the Transmission System
impedance vector for a range of frequencies at the Connection
Point from the 2nd up to, and including, the 40th harmonic. These
Impedance Loci
diagrams will contain polygons, whose envelopes outline the
bounds of the Transmission System impedance under intact
network and appropriate single contingency conditions.
This includes typewriting, printing, lithography, electronic mail,
In Writing facsimile and other modes of reproducing words in a legible and
non-transitory form;
The incremental change in magnitude of the Harmonic Voltage
Distortion Level attributed to the User’s facility as measured at
the Connection Point which is solely caused by the connection
of the User’s facility. The Incremental Harmonic Voltage
Incremental Harmonic Voltage Distortion Level is a combination of: (a) Distortion caused by
Distortion Level harmonic Voltages or currents generated by the User’s facility
and (b) Amplification of the existing Harmonic Voltage
Distortion Level caused by an interaction between the User’s
facility and the Transmission System harmonic impedance (for
example due to resonances).
A person who has been authorised by the TSO to use the
Independent Sector Users
interconnector pursuant to a valid Use of System Agreement.
A schedule prepared by the TSO in conjunction with the Other
Indicative Operations Schedule
TSO pursuant to SDC1.4.8.1.
A programme of Outages of the Generator’s Generation Units or
Indicative Outage Programme Interconnectors prepared by the TSO pursuant to OC2 and
covering years 4-7 ahead.
A single premises of a Demand Customer connected to the
Transmission System or a DSO Demand Customer connected
to the Distribution System with a Demand Side Unit MW
Capacity. This includes where the Individual Demand Site forms
Individual Demand Site
a Demand Side Unit or is part of an Aggregated Demand Site
for which Demand Side Unit Operator has entered into a
Demand Side Unit Operator System Operator Interface
Agreement with the TSO with respect to that premise.
RMS value of the AC symmetrical component of a prospective
Initial Symmetrical Short-Circuit
(available) short-circuit current applicable at the instant of short
circuit if the impedance remains at the zero time value.
The size, nature and name plate rating of each fundamental
constituent part of the Generation Unit. For a conventional
Generation Unit this should include, at a minimum,
information on each constituent part of the alternator,
excitation system and turbine. For a windfarm this should, at a
Installed Plant minimum, include the individual Wind Turbine Generator size,
make and model and the number of Wind Turbine
Generator(s) installed. Relevant, additional information
should also be included, such as Power System
Stabilisers. Where a User is not clear on the requirements,
clarification must be sought from the TSO.

An agreement between the TSO and an External System
Interconnection Agreement Operator, which may include agreement with the Interconnector
Owner and/or Interconnector Operator.
A HVDC electrical transmission system as a means for the bulk
transmission of electrical power to or from the Transmission
System or Other Transmission System to or from an External
Transmission System. An Interconnector comprises at least
two Interconnector Converter Stations with DC transmission
lines or cable between the Interconnector Converter Stations.
Part of an Interconnector with one or more HVDC converter
units installed in a single location together with buildings, filters,
Interconnector Converter Station
Reactive Power devices, control, monitoring, protective,
measuring and auxiliary equipment.
A person who owns an Interconnector Converter Station. For
Interconnector Converter Station the avoidance of doubt the Interconnector Converter Station
Owner Owner shall be responsible for all Grid Code requirements in
relation to the Interconnector Converter Station.
A tuned device within an Interconnector which prevents the
transmission of harmonics to the Transmission System to which
Interconnector Filter that Interconnector is connected and which also provides a
means of controlling the Mvar flow to and from that
In relation to an Interconnector transferring power into the
Transmission System, it is the percentage drop in the
Frequency that would, under the action of the Interconnector
Frequency Control system, cause a change in the
Interconnector’s output from zero to its full Interconnector
Registered Import Capacity. In relation to an Interconnector
Interconnector Frequency Droop transferring power to an External System, it is the percentage
drop in the Frequency that would, under the action of the
Interconnector Frequency Control system, cause a change in
the Interconnector’s output from its full Interconnector
Registered Export Capacity to zero. In both cases, it is
assumed that the Frequency Control system is regulating the
Frequency in the Transmission System.
Interconnector Minimum Export Minimum MW output an Interconnector can export
Load continuously to a remote network while maintaining stability.
Minimum MW output an Interconnector can import
Interconnector Minimum Import
continuously from a remote network while maintaining
Absolute sum of the Interconnector Minimum Export Load and
Interconnector Minimum Load Interconnector Minimum Import Load representing the
minimum range of bi-directional power transfer.
The Interconnector Operating Protocol is a protocol for specific
operating conditions of the Interconnector which may exist
between the Interconnector Operator, the TSO and the
External TSO. The Interconnector Operating Protocol shall be
Interconnector Operating Protocol
agreed as appropriate by all parties before operation of the
Interconnector. The Interconnector Operating Protocol shall
include but is not limited by the following; planned outage
coordination, Operating Procedures, Interconnector

Instructions, Interconnector Faults, Emergency Power
Functionality, Operational Liaison, System Testing, Operational
and Safety Switching.
A person who operates an Interconnector and is subject to the
Interconnector Operator
Grid Code pursuant to any agreement with the TSO or otherwise.
A person who owns an Interconnector. For the avoidance of
doubt the Interconnector Owner shall be responsible for all
Interconnector Owner
Grid Code requirements concerning the Interconnector
Operator in relation to the Interconnector.
The maximum rate of increase or decrease of the power
Interconnector Ramp Rate
transferred, in either flow direction, by an Interconnector.
The rate of decrease of an Interconnector. Ramp-down
Interconnector Ramp-down Capabilities apply over the bi-directional range from its
Capability Interconnector Registered Import Capacity to its
Interconnector Registered Export Capacity.
The rate of increase of an Interconnector. Ramp-up
Capabilities apply over the bi-directional range from its
Interconnector Ramp-up Capability
Interconnector Registered Export Capacity to its
Interconnector Registered Import Capacity.
The maximum Capacity, in either flow direction, expressed in
whole MW, that an Interconnector can deliver on a sustained
Interconnector Registered Capacity basis, without accelerated loss of equipment life, at the
Connection Point. This figure shall include transmission power
losses for the Interconnector.
The maximum Capacity, expressed in whole MW that an
Interconnector Registered Export Interconnector may export (transfer energy from the Power
Capacity System to a remote network) on a sustained basis, without
accelerated loss of equipment life, as registered with the TSO.
The maximum Capacity, expressed in whole MW that an
Interconnector Registered Import Interconnector may import (transfer energy from a remote
Capacity network into the Power System) on a sustained basis, without
accelerated loss of equipment life, as registered with the TSO.
The quantities of Active Power which have been scheduled on an
Interconnector Schedule Quantities Interconnector as a result of trading in day ahead and/or intraday
markets and submitted by a Scheduling Agent.
A transformer whose principal function is to provide the
interconnection between the Interconnector and the Network
Interconnector Transformer
and to transform the Interconnector voltage to the Network
An Interconnector subject to Central Dispatch which will
include appropriate control and response of each converter
station and Apparatus upon Dispatch Instruction issued by the
Interconnector’s Plant
TSO. It shall consist of all aspects of the technology including,
converter station, DC cable filter banks etc. up to the
Connection Point.
The lines, facilities and equipment that connect the
Inter-jurisdictional Tie Line Transmission System of the Republic of Ireland to the
transmission system of Northern Ireland.
The person representing a Generating Unit for the purposes
provided for in the TSC.

Special tariff paid for Energy due to the arrangement that the
Customer is automatically interruptible by use of Under
Interruptible Tariff
Frequency Relay or other means in accordance with
arrangements made between the Customer [and Supplier].
Customers who purchase electricity under an Interruptible
Interruptible Tariff Customers
Investigation carried out by the TSO under OC10, and
“Investigate” shall be construed accordingly.
Joint Grid Code Review Panel The panel as set out in GC.6 of the General Conditions
An electricity generation licence or an electricity supply licence,
Licence as the context requires, granted pursuant to Section 14 of the
Licence Standards The standards set out or referred to in the TSO Licence.
The Active Power or Reactive Power, as the context requires,
Load generated, transmitted or distributed and all like terms shall be
construed accordingly.
The ratio of the actual electrical Energy produced by a
Generation Unit to the possible maximum electrical Energy that
Load Factor
could be produced by that Generation Unit in any defined
The break point which defines the shared MW boundary
between the two Loading Rates Cold. The first Loading Rate
Cold applies from Block Load to the first Load Up Break Point
Cold, the second Loading Rate Cold applies from the first Load
Load Up Break Point Cold
Up Break Point Cold to the second Load Up Break Point Cold,
the third Loading Rate Cold applies from the second Load Up
Break Point Cold to the end point of the Start Up period, which
should be set equal to the Minimum Generation.
The break point which defines the shared MW boundary
between the Loading Rates Hot. The first Loading Rate Hot
applies from Block Load to the first Load Up Break Point Hot,
the second Loading Rate Hot applies from the first Load Up
Load Up Break Point Hot
Break Point Hot to the second Load Up Break Point Hot, the
third Loading Rate Hot applies from the second Load Up Break
Point Hot to the end point of the Start Up period, which should
be set equal to the Minimum Generation.
The break point which defines the shared MW boundary
between the Loading Rates Warm. The first Loading rate
applies from Block Load to the first Load Up Break Point Warm,
the second Loading Rate Warm applies from the first Load Up
Load Up Break Point Warm
Break Point Warm to the second Load Up Break Point Warm,
the third Loading Rate Warm applies from the second Load Up
Break Point Warm to the end point of the Start Up period,
which should be set equal to the Minimum Generation.
The Loading Rate Cold, Loading Rate Hot or Loading Rate
Loading Rate
Warm as the case may be.
The rate at which a Generating Unit increases Output from Block
Loading Rate Cold Load to Minimum Generation when it is instructed to Cold Start.
There may be circumstances where more than one parameter

applies and this is indicated by adding a number at the end of the
The rate at which a Generating Unit increases Output from Block
Load to Minimum Generation when it is instructed to Hot Start.
Loading Rate Hot There may be circumstances where more than one parameter
applies and this is indicated by adding a number at the end of the
The rate at which a Generating Unit increases Output from Block
Load to Minimum Generation when it is instructed to Warm
Loading Rate Warm Start. There may be circumstances where more than one
parameter applies and this is indicated by adding a number at the
end of the parameter.
The operation of Generation Unit(s) at an Individual Demand
Site of a Demand Side Unit where the Generation Unit(s)
supplies the Demand Customer’s or DSO Demand Customer’s
Load while not Synchronised to the Transmission System or
Lopping Mode Distribution System. The Generation Unit(s) is(are)
Synchronised to the Transmission System or Distribution
System for short periods of time not exceeding 180 seconds at
Start-Up and Shutdown of the Generation Unit(s) to facilitate a
smooth transfer of power.
An event where the Transmission System Frequency deviates to
Low Frequency Event
a value below 49.5Hz.
An electrical measuring relay intended to operate when its
Low Frequency Relay characteristic quantity (Frequency) reaches the relay settings by
decrease in Frequency.
The difference between maximum Active Power (net of Auxiliary
Margin Loads) from Available Generation Units and net System Demand
expressed in MW.
Market Operator Shall have the meaning set out in the TSC.
An increase in MW Output above the Registered Capacity up to
the level of the Short Term Maximisation Capability, and the
terms “Maximise” and “Maximised” shall be construed
An instruction issued by the TSO to the Generator to Maximise
Maximisation Instruction
the MW Output of a Generation Unit.
The maximum amount of Energy that can be produced from the
Maximum Charge Capacity
storage of an Energy Storage Generator for a Trading Day.
The maximum capacity (MW) (or effective rating), modified for
ambient limitations, that a Generation Unit can sustain
Maximum Continuous Rating
indefinitely without loss of equipment life, less the capacity
used to supply the Auxiliary Load.
In the case of a Demand Side Unit, the maximum period of time
Maximum Down Time during which Demand Side Unit MW Response can be greater
than zero.
The value (in MW, MVA, kW and/or kVA) provided in accordance
Maximum Export Capacity with the User's Connection Agreement or DSO Demand
Customer’s DSO Connection Agreement.

The values (kW and/ or kVA) provided in accordance with the
Maximum Import Capacity User’s Connection Agreement or DSO Demand Customer’s DSO
Connection Agreement.
The maximum time that a Generating Unit can run following
Maximum On Time
Start Up.
The maximum Ramp Down Rate of a Demand Side Unit. In the
case of a Demand Side Unit which consists of an Aggregated
Maximum Ramp Down Rate
Demand Site this shall be the aggregated maximum Ramp Down
Rate of the Individual Demand Sites.
The maximum Ramp Up Rate of a Demand Side Unit. In the case
of a Demand Side Unit which consists of an Aggregated Demand
Maximum Ramp Up Rate
Site this shall be the aggregated maximum Ramp Up Rate of the
Individual Demand Sites.
The maximum amount of Energy that can be produced from the
Maximum Storage Capacity
reservoir of a Pumped Storage Generator for a Trading Day.
The Measurement Point shall be the Connection Point to the
Measurement Point Transmission System or such other point or points as may be
agreed between the TSO and the User.
An order, compiled by the TSO in conjunction with the Other
Merit Order TSO pursuant to SDC1 of Commercial Offer Data sorted in price
A Transmission Station which is looped into the Transmission
Meshed Transmission Station
A device erected at the Controllable PPM which has the
capability measure representative wind speed, wind direction,
Meteorological Mast air temperature and air pressure to a degree of accuracy
corresponding to the appropriate prevailing European Standard
at that time.
Meter A device for measuring and recording units of electrical energy.
The code that specifies the minimum technical design and
operational criteria to be complied with for metering and data
Metering Code
collection equipment and associated procedures as required
under the Trading and Settlement Code.
Meters, time switches, measurement transformers, metering
protection and isolation equipment, circuitry and their associated
Metering Equipment data storage and data communications equipment and wiring
which are part of the Active Energy and Reactive Energy
measuring equipment at or related to a Site.
The minimum amount of Energy that must be produced from
Minimum Charge Capacity
the storage of an Energy Storage Generator for a Trading Day.
Minimum Demand Regulation That minimum margin of Active Power to provide a sufficient
(MDR) regulating margin for adequate Frequency Control.
In the case of Demand Side Units, the minimum period of time
Minimum Down Time during which Demand Side Unit MW Response at a Demand Side
Unit can be greater than zero.
The minimum MW Output which a Generating Unit can
Minimum Generation generate continuously, registered with the TSO under SDC1 as
a Technical Parameter.
Minimum MW Output a Generator can maintain on a continuous
Minimum Load
basis, whilst providing System Services.

The minimum time that must elapse from the time of a
Generation Unit De-synchronises before it can be instructed to
Minimum off time
In the case of Demand Side Units, the minimum time that must
elapse while the Demand Side Unit MW Response is at zero
until the next delivery of Demand Side Unit MW Response.
The minimum time that must elapse from the time of a
Minimum on time Generation Unit Start-up before it can be instructed to
The minimum amount of Energy that must be produced from the
Minimum Storage Capacity
reservoir of a Pumped Storage Generator for a Trading Day.
The minimum time that must elapse from the time of a
Minimum Up Time Generation Unit Start-up before it can be instructed to
An Operational Test with a total duration of less than 6 hours in
any Trading Day or when the Active Energy produced during
the total duration of the test is less than:
Minor Test (i) 3 times the Active Energy which would be produced by
the Test Proposer’s Plant during 1 hour of operation at
the Plant’s Registered Capacity; and
(ii) 500 MWh
A software representation(s) of a User System and/or Plant
Model(s) provided to the TSO for the purposes of Power System
Any actual or proposed replacement, renovation, modification,
alteration or construction by or on behalf of a User or the TSO
to either that User's Plant or Apparatus or the TSO's Plant or
Modification Apparatus or the TAO’s Plant or Apparatus, as the case may be,
or the manner of its operation which has or may have a material
effect on a User or the TSO, as the case may be, at a particular
Connection Site.
Monitoring carried out by the TSO under OC10, and “Monitor”
shall be construed accordingly.
The Reactive Power produced or absorbed by a Generation Unit
Mvar Output
net of Generation Unit Auxiliary Load
An instruction given by the TSO from its National Control Centre
MW Dispatch Instruction to the Generator’s approved contact person or location regarding
the MW Output of the Generation Unit.
The actual Active Power output in MW of a Generation Unit at
MW Output
the Connection Point.
The TSO's National Control Centre, as notified by the TSO to the
National Control Centre
Generator from time to time.
The Transmission System and the Distribution System taken
Network switching and Control Actions that the TSO needs to
carry out in implementing the Transmission Outage Programme,
in routine operation of the Transmission System and in
Network Control
responding to emergency and fault situations on the
Transmission System, which may from time to time affect the
operations of Users or security of supply to Users.

Together, the Other Transmission System and the distribution
NI System
system in Northern Ireland.
A price which forms part of Commercial Offer Data expressed in
€ or £/hour and which is invariant in the level of MW Output and
No Load Cost
which applies at all times when the level of MW Output is greater
than zero.
Non-Centrally Dispatched
A Generating Unit not subject to Central Dispatch.
Generation Unit (NCDGU)
A Demand Facility, Closed Distribution System or Distribution
System with a signed Connection Agreement:

a. Connected to the Network on or before the 7th

September 2019; or
b. Whose owner has concluded a final and binding
contract for the purchase of the main Plant on or
before the 7th September 2019 and provides evidence
of same, as acknowledged by the TSO, on or before
the 7th March 2020. Such evidence shall at least
contain the contract title, its date of signature and
date of entry into force, and the specifications of the
main Plant to be constructed, assembled, or
purchased; or
c. Is an exception to the applicability of the DCC Unit
requirements and is a Non-DCC Unit such as a Pumped
Storage Unit that has both generating and pumping
operation mode.
Non-DCC Unit
An existing Demand Facility, Closed Distribution System or
Distribution System that undergoes modernisation,
refurbishment or replacement of equipment which drives a
modification to its Connection Agreement, and has concluded
a final and binding contract for the purchase of the Plant being
modified after the 7th September 2019 will be deemed a DCC
Unit, unless the Plant being modified is one of the exceptions
listed in c) above.

If an existing Demand Facility undergoes modernisation,

refurbishment or replacement of equipment, part or all of the
DCC requirements will apply to the appropriate item of Plant
or Apparatus.

If an existing Closed Distribution System or Distribution System

undergoes modernisation, refurbishment or replacement of
equipment, part or all of the DCC requirements will apply to the
appropriate item of Plant or Apparatus at the Facility.
An Interconnector or DC-connected PPM with a signed
Non- HVDC Unit Connection Agreement:
a) Connected to the Network on or before the 15th
September 2018; or

b) Whose owner has concluded a final and binding
contract for the purchase of the main Plant on or
before the 15th September 2018 and provides
evidence of same, as acknowledged by the TSO, on or
before 15th of March 2019. Such evidence shall at
least contain the contract title, its date of signature
and date of entry into force, and the specifications of
the main Plant to be constructed, assembled, or

A Non-HVDC that under goes modernisation, refurbishment or

replacement of equipment which drives a modification to its
Connection Agreement, and had concluded a final and binding
contract for the purchase of the Plant being modified after the
15th September 2018 will be deemed a HVDC Unit.

A Generation Unit with a signed Connection Agreement:

a) Connected to the Network on or before the 30th
November 2018; or
b) Whose owner has concluded a final and binding
contract for the purchase of the main Plant on or before
the 30th November 2018 and provides evidence of
same, as acknowledged by the TSO, on or before the
31st May 2019. Such evidence shall at least contain the
contract title, its date of signature and date of entry into
force, and the specifications of the main Plant to be
constructed, assembled, or purchased; or
c) Is one of the exceptions to the applicability of the RfG
Generation Unit requirements and is a Generation Unit
as follows:
(i) Installed to provide back-up power and operate in
Non-RfG Generation Unit parallel with the Network for less than five minutes
per calendar month while the system is in normal
system state; or
(ii) No permanent Connection Point and is used by the
TSO to temporarily provide power when normal
system capacity is partly or completely unavailable;
(iii) Energy Storage Units except for Pumped Storage

A Non-RfG Generation Unit that undergoes modernisation,

refurbishment or replacement of equipment which drives a
modification to its Connection Agreement, and had concluded
a final and binding contract for the purchase of the Plant being
modified after the 30th November 2018 will be deemed an RfG
Generation Unit, unless the Plant being modified is one of the
exceptions listed in c) above.

The condition of the Generation Unit at the End of the Start-up

Normal Dispatch Condition

A Dispatch Instruction given by the TSO from its National Control
Notice to Synchronise Centre to the Generator’s approved contact person or location to
Synchronise the Generation Unit.
The site in close vicinity to the Generator Site where (pursuant
to a lease, licence or other agreement) the User stores stocks of
Primary Fuel and/or Secondary Fuel. A dedicated pipeline with
Off-Site Storage Location a dedicated pump must be in place on this site between the
dedicated fuel tank off-site and the Generating Plant. As a
maximum, this Off-Site Storage Location should be no more
than 6 km from the Generating Plant.
A transformer located on an offshore platform, forming part of
Offshore Connection Transformer the Plant and Apparatus of the Transmission System, providing
the connection between an Offshore PPM and the Network.
A Controllable PPM that has a single Connection Point on an
Offshore PPM
offshore platform to the Transmission System.
A Generation Unit driven by a gas turbine other than a CCGT
Open Cycle Gas Turbine Unit
Installation or CCGT Unit.
The mode of operation of a CCGT Installation where only the Gas
Open Cycle Mode Turbine Unit is operational (i.e. without operation of any
associated Steam Turbine Units).
The technical capabilities, flexibilities and limitations for the
operation of a Generation Unit or Demand Side Unit as
Operating Characteristics
registered or declared in accordance with the provisions of the
Grid Code.
Operating Code (OC) The part of Grid Code which is identified as the Operating Code
Operating Margin Contingency Reserve and Operational Reserve.
An Operating Mode of a Generating Unit is a pre-defined
Operating Mode method of operating that Generating Unit, as agreed between
the TSO and the User.
The Active Power range over which an ESPS can operate, in
Operating Range MW, taking into account MIC, MEC, Installed Plant and
Registered Capacity.
The additional MW Output required from Generation Units or
Interconnector import or Interconnector export adjustment or
Demand reduction which must be realisable in real time
Operating Reserve operation to contain and correct any potential Power System
Frequency deviation to an acceptable level. It will include
Primary Operating Reserve, Secondary Operating Reserve and
Tertiary Operating Reserve
A scheduled or planned action relating to the operation of a
System (including an embedded independent generating plant).
Management instructions and procedures, both in support of
the Safety Rules and for the local and remote operation of Plant
Operation Instructions
and Apparatus, issued in connection with the actual operation
of Plant and/or Apparatus at or from a Connection Site.
Operational Control Phase The period from real time to one week ahead of real time.
Data required under the Operating Codes and/or Scheduling
Operational Data
and Dispatch Codes.

When the TSO is satisfied that all of the Grid Code Tests have
been carried out correctly and satisfactorily completed the TSO
Operational Date
will as soon as is practicable notify the User, specifying the time
and date of such completion.
Any effect on the operation of the relevant other system that
causes the Transmission System or the User's System to operate
(or be at a materially increased risk of operating) differently to
Operational Effect
the way in which they would or may have normally operated in
the absence of that effect. Operationally Effected shall be
construed accordingly.
The period from 1 week to the end of the 7th year ahead of real
Operational Planning Phase
Tests carried out by the TSO in order to maintain and develop
operational procedures, to train staff and to acquire
Operational Tests information in respect of Transmission System behaviour under
abnormal System conditions, and also tests carried out by other
Users for similar purposes in respect of their Plant.
The operational telephony system owned by ESB and used by the
TSO for voice communication with Users.
The code prepared pursuant to the licence to carry out electricity
transmission activities granted to the Other TSO pursuant to
Other Grid Code Article 10(1)(b) of the Electricity (Northern Ireland) Order 1992
in Northern Ireland, as from time to time revised in accordance
with such licence.
Other Relevant Data The data referred to in SDC1.4.4.4.
The transmission system operated by the Other TSO in Northern
Other Transmission System
The holder of a licence granted pursuant to Article 10(1)(b) of the
Electricity (Northern Ireland) Order 1992 in Northern Ireland to
Other TSO participate in the transmission of electricity in the capacity of co-
ordinating and directing the flow of electricity onto and over the
Other Transmission System.
In relation to a Generation Unit, a total or partial reduction in
Availability such that the Generation Unit is unavailable to
achieve its full Registered Capacity in accordance with its
Registered Operating Characteristics.
In relation to a Demand Side Unit, a total or partial change in
Availability such that the Demand Side Unit is unavailable to
achieve its full Demand Side Unit MW Capacity in accordance
with its submitted Technical Parameters.
In relation to an Interconnector, a total or partial reduction in
Availability such that the Interconnector is unavailable to
achieve its full Interconnector Registered Capacity in accordance
with its Registered Operating Characteristics.
The set of Availability data for the relevant CDGU, Controllable
PPM, Aggregated Generating Unit, Pumped Storage Plant
Outturn Availability Demand or Demand Side Unit as declared pursuant to SDC1.4
and submitted by the TSO to SEM after the end of the Trading

Any equipment that is part of the Transmission System between
Outturn Availability Connection and including the Connection Point and the busbar clamps at the
Asset Meshed Transmission Station for which the TSO Schedules
The situation existing when all generation has ceased in part of
Partial Shutdown the Power System and there is no electricity supply from External
Interconnection or any other part of the System.
Phase Voltage Voltage measured between the line and System neutral.
A declaration submitted by certain Users in accordance with
SDC1.4.4.6 and the TSC indicating expected MW Output profile
Physical Notifications
or Active Power Demand profile based on trading in day ahead
and intraday markets.
Planned De-Energisation of Customers on a rota basis where
Planned Rota Load Shedding there is a significant shortfall of Generation required to meet
the Total Demand for a protracted period.
Planning Code That part of Grid Code which is identified as the Planning Code
Fixed and movable items used in the generation and/or
Plant consumption of and/or supply and/or transmission of electricity
other than Apparatus.
Post Control Phase The days following the Control Phase
Post Event Notice A notice issued by the TSO in accordance with OC10
Power Factor The ratio of Active Power to Apparent Power.
A Generation Unit or ensemble of Generation Units generating
Power Park Module (PPM)
electricity which;
• Is connected to the Network non-synchronously or
through power electronics,
• Has a single Connection Point to a Transmission System,
Distribution System or HVDC System.
Target conditions for power quality and the variation in power
Power Quality
quality that can be expected at Grid Connection Points.
Power Station An installation consisting of Generation Unit(s).
The Transmission System and all User System's within the
Power System
Republic of Ireland.
The restoration of the Power System or part of the Power
Power System Restoration System to a state of normal operation from a state of Total
Shutdown or Partial Shutdown as the context requires.
A plan, prepared and maintained by the TSO pursuant to OC9
setting out guidelines assisting those involved in Power System
Power System Restoration Plan
Restoration to achieve Power System Restoration as safely and
as quickly as possible.
Device that injects a supplementary signal into the AVR
Power System Stabiliser (Automatic Voltage Regulator) in order to improve Power
System damping.
The control system at the Controllable PPM which provides for
PPM Control System Active Power Control, Frequency Response, ramp rate control
and other Generation Unit control features.

An increase to the Registered Capacity of any Controllable
PPM Extension
The value is the average Transmission System Frequency
Pre-Incident Frequency between 60 and 30 seconds prior to the occurrence of a
significant Frequency disturbance.
Data relating to a proposed User Development at the time the
User applies for a Connection and Use of System Agreement
Preliminary Project Planning Data
and/or a supplemental Agreement but before an offer is made
and accepted.
Prices and their respective quantity ranges for Generating Units,
Demand Side Units and Aggregated Generating Units as part of
Price Quantity Pairs
Commercial Offer Data indicating the price of dispatching away
from the relevant Physical Notifications profile.
The Price Quantity Pairs, Start-up Costs, Shutdown Costs and No
Price Sets
Load Costs submitted by a User under SDC1.
Primary Frequency Control takes place in the period of up to 30
seconds after a change in Frequency and is achieved by
automatic corrective responses to Frequency deviations
occurring on the Transmission System. This automatic
correction arises from:
(a) natural frequency demand relief of motor load;
Primary Frequency Control
(b) automatic MW output adjustment of Generation Units
initiated by Governor Droop or other responses
including peaking of Combustion Turbine Units,
condensate stop or frequency triggered response of
pumped storage units; and
(c) automatic load shedding.
The fuel or fuels registered in accordance with the Grid Code as
Primary Fuel the principal fuel(s) authorised for Energy production by the
Generation Unit
The MW Output, not lower than Minimum Load at which a
Primary Fuel Switch Over Output Generation Unit can achieve a switch over from Primary Fuel
to Secondary Fuel.
The additional MW Output (and/or reduction in Demand)
required at the Frequency nadir (minimum), compared to the
pre-incident output (or Demand), which is fully available and
sustainable between 5 seconds and 15 seconds after an Event
Primary Operating Reserve (POR) and where the nadir occurs between 5 and 15 seconds after the
Event. If the actual Frequency nadir occurs less than 5 seconds
or more than 15 seconds after the Event, then for the purpose of
POR monitoring the nadir is deemed to be the lowest Frequency
which occurred between 5 and 15 seconds after the event.
Customers which are either:
• exempt from Load shedding under the Rota Load Shedding
Scheme or
Priority Customers • exempt from Load shedding under the technical under-
Frequency Load shedding scheme or
• prioritised for Supply under the technical under-Frequency
Load shedding scheme.
The Dispatch given priority as afforded under governing
Priority Dispatch
legislation in either jurisdiction.

The period between Operational Planning Phase and the
Programming Phase Control Phase. It starts at the 1 week ahead stage and finishes
with the issue of the Generation Schedule for the day ahead
An Outage programme of the Generator’s Generation Units and
Provisional Outage Programme of Interconnectors, as prepared by the TSO pursuant to OC2 and
covering years 2-3 ahead.
A statement prepared and issued by the TSO to the Generator
pursuant to SDC1, which indicates for each Generation Unit
Provisional Running Orders owned or controlled by the Generator, the expected load
pattern, the required fuel or fuels and Synchronising and De-
Synchronising times for the following day.
Those standards, practices, methods and procedures
conforming to safety and legal requirements which are attained
by exercising that degree of skill, diligence, prudence and
Prudent Utility Practice
foresight which would reasonably and ordinarily be expected
from skilled and experienced operatives engaged in the same
type of undertaking under the same or similar circumstances.
A Pumped Storage Plant in its operation of producing Energy by
Pumped Storage Generation
releasing water from an upper reservoir.
A Generator which owns and/or operates any Pumped Storage
Pumped Storage Generator
Pumped Storage Mode A mode of operation of a Pumped Storage Unit.
A Generation Plant that produces Active Energy using water
Pumped Storage Plant from an upper reservoir and takes energy by pumping water up
to the same reservoir.
A Pumped Storage Plant in its operation of consuming Energy
Pumped Storage Plant Demand
by pumping water to an upper reservoir.
Pumped Storage Unit A Generation Unit within a Pumped Storage Plant.
The MW level at which the Ramp Down Rate changes. There
may be circumstances where more than one parameter applies
Ramp Down Break Point
and this is indicated by adding a number at the end of the
The maximum rate of decrease in a Generating Unit’s Output
after the End Of Start-up Period. The Ramp Down Rate applies
over the output range from its Registered Capacity to Minimum
Generation. The rate of change is not dependent upon the
Ramp Down Rate
initial Warmth of the plant but may depend on the MW Output.
There may be circumstances where more than one parameter
applies and this is indicated by adding a number at the end of
the parameter.
The MW level at which the Ramp Up Rate changes. There may
be circumstances where more than one parameter applies and
Ramp Up Break Point
this is indicated by adding a number at the end of the
The maximum rate of increase in a Generating Unit’s Output
after the End Of Start-up Period. This rate of increase continues
Ramp Up Rate until the Generating Unit reaches the level of output instructed
by the control room operator of its Registered Capacity. The rate
of increase is not dependent upon the initial Warmth of the plant

but may depend on the MW Output. There may be
circumstances where more than one parameter applies and this
is indicated by adding a number at the end of the parameter.
The rate of decrease in a Generation Unit' Output after the End
Of Start-up Period. Ramp-down Capabilities apply over the
Ramp-down Capability output range from its Registered Capacity to Minimum
generation. The rate of change is not dependent upon the
initial warmth of the plant but may depend on the MW Output.
The rate of increase in a Generation Unit' Output after the End
Of Start-up Period. This rate of increase continues until the
Generation Unit reaches the level of output instructed by the
Ramp-up Capability control room operator or its Registered Capacity. Following the
End Of Start-up Period, the rate of increase is not dependent
upon the initial warmth of the plant but may depend on the MW
Rate of Change of Frequency The rate of increase or decrease of Frequency as measured at
(ROCOF) the User’s Connection Point over the time period as set out in
CC., CC. (d), CC. and PPM1.5.1(d).
Means the product of voltage and current and the sine of the
Reactive Power phase angle between them measured in units of volt-amperes
reactive and standard multiples thereof.
Notification to the TSO by the User of any revisions to data,
pursuant to SDC1.4.5.
The maximum Capacity, expressed in whole MW, that a
Generation Unit can deliver on a sustained basis, without
accelerated loss of equipment life, at the Connection Point
which is under the dispatch (or control of a Controllable PPM)
Registered Capacity of the TSO. This shall be the value at 10°C, 70 % relative
humidity and 1013 hPa. The values of an Interconnector’s
Operating Characteristics for operation of the Interconnector
pursuant to the Grid Code registered under the Connection
Those items of Standard Planning Data and Detailed Planning
Registered Data Data that upon connection become fixed (subject to any
subsequent changes).
Registered Fuel The fuel(s) registered under the Planning Code of the Grid Code
The values of a Generation Unit’s Operating Characteristics for
operation of the Generation Unit pursuant to the Grid Code
registered under the Connection Conditions.
Registered Operating
The values of an Interconnector’s Operating Characteristics for
operation of the Interconnector pursuant to the Grid Code
registered under the Connection Conditions.
The margin of generating Capacity that is Synchronised over
Regulating Margin Demand which is required in order to maintain Frequency
Regulatory Authorities Each Regulatory Authority taken together.
The authority appointed under legislation to regulate the
Regulatory Authority
electricity industry in the respective jurisdiction. In the Republic

of Ireland it is the CRU and in Northern Ireland it is NIAUR
(Northern Ireland Authority for Utility Regulation).
A device that collects, codes and transmits data. An RTU collects
information from a master device and implements processes
Remote Terminal Unit (RTU) that are directed by that master. RTUs are equipped with input
channels for sensing or metering, output channels for control,
indication or alarms and a communications port.
Any Plant and Apparatus or meters owned by the TAO which:
a) are Embedded in a User System and which are not
directly connected by Plant and/or Apparatus owned
Remote Transmission Assets
by the TAO to a sub-station owned by the TAO; and
b) are by agreement between the TAO and such User
operated under the direction and control of such User.
Replacement Reserve is the additional MW Output (and/or
reduction in Demand) required compared to the pre-incident
Replacement Reserve
output (or Demand) which is fully available and sustainable over
the period from 20 minutes to 4 hours following an Event.
The MW level of reserve available at any given MW Output of a
Reserve Characteristics CDGU or Interconnector as set out in the available Ancillary
Service Agreement.
A mode of operation of a Controllable PPM, with the exception
of ESPSs, where the system frequency is within normal range
and the Controllable PPM is not under Active Power Control by
the TSO, allowing the Controllable PPM to produce up to 100%
of its Available Active Power, depending on the Power-
Resource Following Mode
Frequency Curve in operation. When operating on Power-
Frequency Curve 2, the Controllable PPM is required to
maintain its Active Power output at a fixed percentage of its
Available Active Power when Transmission System Frequency
is within the range FB-FC.
The maximum rate of increase of Active Power output of a
Resource Following Ramp Rate Controllable PPM, with the exception of ESPSs, in response to
an increase in resource availability.
A manager who has been duly authorised by a User or the TSO
Responsible Manager to deal with issues including matters related to the Grid Code
on behalf of that User or the TSO, as the case may be.
A person nominated by a User to be responsible for control of
Responsible Operator
Plant and Apparatus related to the User's System
RfG Generation Unit A Generation Unit that is not a Non-RfG Generation Unit.
In relation to reactive current response from Controllable PPM,
Rise Time it is the length of time from Fault Inception for reactive current
to reach 90% of its steady-state value.
A plan that provides for disconnection and reconnection of
Rota Load Shedding Plan
defined blocks of demand on instruction from the TSO
ESB Networks Electrical Safety Rules, ESB Power Generation
Electrical Safety Rules or the rules of a User, compliance with
Safety Rules which ensures that persons working on Plant and/or Apparatus
to which the rules apply are safeguarded from hazards arising
from the System.

Scheduled Operational Date Has the meaning set out in the Connection Agreement.
Any Fixed Outage, Flexible Outage or Short Term Scheduled
Scheduled Outage
In relation to an Interconnector, a person nominated to provide
Scheduling Agent
Interconnector Schedule Quantities to the TSO.
The parts of the Grid Code which specify the scheduling and
Scheduling and Dispatch Code (SDC)
Dispatch process.
Secondary Frequency Control takes place in the time scale from
5 seconds up to 10 minutes after the change in Frequency. It is
provided by a combination of automatic and manual actions.
These include:
(a) a contribution from automatic governor action and other
Secondary Frequency Control
control systems on Generation Units;
(b) manual action by Generation Unit operators altering
the MW Output of Generation Units in response to
Dispatch Instructions issued by the TSO in accordance
with SDC2.
The fuel or fuels registered in accordance with the Grid Code
Secondary Fuel as the secondary or back-up fuel(s) authorised for Energy
production by the Generation Unit.
The MW output, not lower than Minimum Load at which a
Secondary Fuel Switchover Output Generation Unit can achieve a switch over from Secondary
Fuel to Primary Fuel.
The additional MW Output (and/or reduction in Demand)
required compared to the pre-incident output (or Demand),
Secondary Operating Reserve (SOR) which is fully available by 15 seconds from the time of the start
of the Frequency fall and sustainable up to 90 seconds following
an Event.
In order to support the efficient running of the SEM, certain
sections of the Grid Code are under common governance.
Sections Under Common Modifications and derogations to these sections of the Grid Code
Governance will effectively require agreement and direction from both
Regulatory Authorities. SDC1 and SDC2 are the Sections Under
Common Governance.
Settlement Day The period from 0000 to 2400 hours in each day.
In relation to reactive current response from Controllable PPM
and Interconnector Converter Station, it is the length of time
Settling Time
from Fault Inception for reactive current to settle within +/-10%
of its steady-state value.
The Synchronised operation of Generation Unit(s) to the
Distribution System at an Individual Demand Site of a Demand
Side Unit where the Generation Unit(s) supplies part of, or, the
Shaving Mode
DSO Demand Customer’s entire Load. Normally the Generation
Unit(s) would operate for 2 hours per day as agreed with the
Short Notice Re-declaration A Re-declaration where changes apply to values relating to
Imbalance Settlement Periods occurring within 4 hours of
receipt by the TSO of the Re-declaration.

The capability of a Generating Unit to deliver, for a limited
Short-Term Maximisation Capability duration of time, MW Output greater than its Registered
The time that the Short-Term Maximisation Capability could be
Short-Term Maximisation Time
The condition of a Generation Unit where the generator rotor
is at rest or on barring.
Shutdown Costs The costs associated with shutting down a Demand Side Unit.
Events which have had or might have had or might have an
Significant System Incident (SSI) Operational Effect on the Transmission System or a User’s
An Operational Test with a total duration of equal to or greater
than 6 hours, or where the Active Energy produced during the
total duration of the test is equal to or greater than:
(i) 3 times the Active Energy which would be
Significant Test
produced by the Test Proposer’s Plant during 1
hour of operation at the Plant’s Registered
Capacity; or
(ii) 500 MWh;
A tap change implemented on the Generator step-up
transformers of CDGUs, effected by Generators in response to
a Dispatch Instruction from the TSO issued simultaneously to
Simultaneous Tap Change the relevant Power Stations. The Dispatch Instruction, which is
normally preceded by advance warning, must be effected
within 1 minute of receipt from the TSO of the Dispatch
The wholesale all-island single electricity market established and
Single Electricity Market (SEM)
governed pursuant to the relevant legislation and the TSC.
Site A TSO Site, TAO Site or User Site, as the case may be.
(i) Generators with Registered Capacity of 2MW or less (on a
single Site); and
(ii) Generators with Registered Capacity less than 5MW (on a
Small Scale Generators single Site) and greater than 2MW (on a site basis) where
the TSO consider that the Generator is in a location that
does not make its operation particularly critical to the
operation of the Transmission System.
The duration of time for which the Generating Unit must
remain at the Soak Time Trigger Point Cold during a Cold Start.
Soak Time Cold There may be circumstances where more than one parameter
applies and this is indicated by adding a number at the end of
the parameter.
The duration of time for which the Generating Unit must
remain at the Soak Time Trigger Point Hot during a Hot Start. .
Soak Time Hot There may be circumstances where more than one parameter
applies and this is indicated by adding a number at the end of
the parameter.
A constant MW level at which a Generating Unit must remain
Soak Time Trigger Point Cold while loading up between Block Load and Minimum
Generation after a Cold Start. There may be circumstances

where more than one parameter applies and this is indicated by
adding a number at the end of the parameter.
A constant MW level at which a Generating Unit must remain
while loading up between Block Load and Minimum
Soak Time Trigger Point Hot Generation after a Hot Start. There may be circumstances
where more than one parameter applies and this is indicated by
adding a number at the end of the parameter.
A constant MW level at which a Generating Unit must remain
while loading up between Block Load and Minimum
Soak Time Trigger Point Warm Generation after a Warm Start. There may be circumstances
where more than one parameter applies and this is indicated by
adding a number at the end of the parameter.
The duration of time for which the Generating Unit must
remain at that Soak Time Trigger Point Warm during a Warm
Soak Time Warm Start. There may be circumstances where more than one
parameter applies and this is indicated by adding a number at
the end of the parameter.
Special Action Those actions referred to in SDC2.4.3.
A control or protection scheme to facilitate System operation
Special Protection Scheme
by the intertripping of circuit breakers or other Control Actions.
A mode of operation of a Pumped Storage Unit where it is
Spin Generation spinning in air in the same direction as it would if it was
generating Active Power
A mode of operation of a Pumped Storage Unit which is
Spin Pump intermediate between the Pumped Storage Unit being at
standstill and pumping.
A Generation Unit is adjudged to be stable if the various
machine states and variables, including but not limited to rotor
angle, active power output, and reactive power output, do not
exhibit persistent or poorly damped oscillatory behaviour,
when the Generation Unit is subjected to a Fault Disturbance
or other transient event on the Transmission System.
The general data required by the TSO under the PC. It is
Standard Planning Data generally also the data that the TSO requires from a new User
in applications for Connection and Use of System Agreements.
The operation of Generation Unit(s) at an Individual Demand
Site of a Demand Side Unit where the Generation Unit(s)
supplies the Demand Customer’s or DSO Demand Customer’s
Standby Mode Load while not Synchronised to the Transmission System or
Distribution System. The Generation Unit(s) is(are) never
Synchronised to the Transmission System or Distribution
Technical offer data provided on registration to the TSC, and
updated in accordance with the TSC, by a User of each of its
Standing Technical Offer Data Units in accordance with the TSC. For CDGUs with a Registered
Capacity of 10 MW or less, this data shall be advised directly to
the TSO.
The start point in MW of a Forbidden Zone. There may be
Start of Restricted Range circumstances where more than one parameter applies and this
is indicated by adding a number at the end of the parameter.

The action of bringing a Generation Unit from Shutdown to
Synchronous Speed.
Start-Up Cost The costs associated with Start-Ups.
A switchboard through which electrical power is supplied to the
Auxiliaries of a Power Station, and which is supplied by a
Station Board
Station Transformer. It may be interconnected with a Unit
A transformer supplying electrical power to the Auxiliaries of a
Station Transformer Power Station, which is not directly connected to the
Generating Unit terminals.
A Generation Unit whose prime mover converts the heat-energy
Steam Unit
in steam to mechanical energy.
A step change is defined as a single, rapid change of the RMS
voltage. Transmission System step changes can occur due to
Step Change
switching in and out of capacitors, lines, cables, transformers
and other plant.
The additional MW output (and/or reduction in Demand)
required compared to the pre-incident output (or Demand)
Substitute Reserve
which is fully available and sustainable over the period from 4
hours to 24 hours following an Event.
Supplier The holder of a Supply Licence.
The process of delivering electrical energy by a Supplier; also,
Supply the amount of electric energy delivered, usually expressed in
megawatthours (MWh).
The condition where an incoming Generation Unit or system is
connected to another System so that the frequencies and phase
relationships of that Generation Unit or System, as the case may
be, and the System to which it is connected are identical and the
terms “Synchronise”, “Synchronising” and “Synchronisation”
shall be construed accordingly.
The operation of rotating synchronous Apparatus for the
Synchronous Compensation specific purpose of either the Generation or absorption of
Reactive Power.
The time taken to bring a Generating Unit to a Synchronised
Synchronous Start-Up Time Cold
state from a Cold (De-Synchronised) state.
The time taken to bring a Generating Unit to a Synchronised
Synchronous Start-Up Time Hot
state from a Hot (De-Synchronised) state.
The time taken to bring a Generating Unit to a Synchronised
Synchronous Start-Up Time Warm
state from a Warm (De-Synchronised) state.
Any User System and/or the Transmission System as the case
may be.
A warning issued by the TSO if, the Availability forecast and
System Capacity Shortfall Warning Demand forecast indicate that there will be a deficit in any
A Partial Shutdown or Total Shutdown or any other physical or
operational condition and/or occurrence on the Power System
System Emergency Condition which, in the TSO’s opinion, is
(i) imminently likely to endanger or is endangering life
or property; or

(ii) is imminently likely to impair or is impairing:
(a) the TSO’s ability to discharge any statutory,
regulatory or other legal obligation and/or
(b) the safety and/or reliability of the Power System.
A software representation of the Transmission System
developed and maintained by the TSO for the purposes of
System Model Power System simulation. The System Model contains all data
relating to the Transmission System network, User Registered
Operating Characteristics and User Models.
The process by which the performance of the System is
System Planning evaluated and future changes and additions to the System are
Data that must be submitted at regular periods by all Users, or
System Planning Data other such data or information as requested by the TSO under
Services which are required for System reasons and which
include those which must be provided by Users in accordance
System Services with the Connection Conditions and those which must be
provided by a User if the User has agreed to provide them under
supplemental agreements
A bilateral agreement between the TSO and a User for services
which are required for System reasons and which exclude those
System Support Agreement
which must be provided by Users in accordance with the
Connection Conditions.
Those services defined as System Support Services in Condition
System Support Services
1 of the TSO Licence granted to the Other TSO.
Tests which involve simulating conditions, or the controlled
application of irregular, unusual or extreme conditions, on the
System Test System, or any part of the System, but which do not include
Commissioning or recommissioning tests or any other tests of
a minor nature.
Target Charge Level Percentage As defined in the TSC.
Part of the Commercial Offer Data for an Energy Storage Power
Target Charge Levels Station Generator and means the target level of the storage for
the end of the Trading Day.
That Frequency determined by the TSO, in its reasonable
Target Frequency opinion, as the desired operating Frequency of the Power
The technical capabilities, flexibilities and limitations for the
operation of a User’s Plant as registered or declared in
Technical Parameters
accordance with the provisions of the Grid Code including those
parameters listed in Appendix A to SDC1.
Technical Parameters Notice A notification as submitted under SDC1.4.4.1.
A rapid change in fundamental Frequency RMS or peak
Voltage over several cycles and remaining within the normal
operating voltage range. This form of disturbance can manifest
Temporary Voltage Depression as an RMS Voltage depression with a slow recovery to nominal
Voltage. The RMS Voltage depression is attributable to
starting motors or the energisation of transformers or reactors
and is characterised by the following diagram:

Tertiary Operating Reserve band 1 and Tertiary Operating
Tertiary Operating Reserve
Reserve band 2
The additional MW Output (and/or reduction in Demand)
required compared to the pre-incident output (or Demand)
Tertiary Operating Reserve band 1
which is fully available and sustainable over the period from 90
seconds to 5 minutes following an event.
The additional MW Output (and/or reduction in Demand)
required compared to the pre-incident output (or Demand)
Tertiary Operating Reserve band 2
which is fully available and sustainable over the period from 5
minutes to 20 minutes following an event.
Test Proposer The User submitting proposal for a test under OC8.
Testing carried out by the TSO pursuant to OC10 and/or CC and
the term “Test” shall be construed accordingly.
A Thermal Overload occurs when the designed thermal rating
of a transmission line or cable is exceeded. The thermal rating
of a transmission line is dictated by its physical construction and
Thermal Overload
varies with the ambient weather conditions, while the thermal
rating of a transmission cable is dependent solely on its physical
Thermal Plant A Generating Unit that uses any source of thermal Energy.
The Total Harmonic Voltage Distortion is the RMS value of the
Total Harmonic Voltage Distortion
sum of all individual Harmonic Voltage Distortion Levels up to
a specified order H, where H is set to be 40.
The situation existing when all generation has ceased and there
Total Shutdown
is no electricity supply from External Interconnection.
The total amount of power that can be exchanged continuously
to or from the Transmission System over the Interconnector
while ensuring the safe operation of the Transmission System. It
Total Transfer Capacity
is set based on physical and electrical realities according to
system security requirements including thermal limits (including
single contingencies), voltage limits and stability limits.
The Single Electricity Market Trading and Settlement Code
which the Market Operator is required to administer and
Trading and Settlement Code
maintain in force under the Market Operator licences issued by
the Regulatory Authorities.
The period commencing at 23.00 each day and ending at 23.00
Trading Day
the next day.
The ESB, acting in its capacity as a Transmission System Owner,
Transmission Asset Owner (TAO)
pursuant to section 14.1(f) of the Act.

A transmission transfer capacity margin which accounts for the
security margin for regulation, reserve sharing, and Rescue Flows
between the Transmission System and any External System and
Transmission Reliability Margin
may also take into account uncertainties of system conditions
and other assumptions made to produce Total Transfer Capacity
A node in the electricity Transmission System with transmission
Transmission Station circuit/s, transformer/s, circuit breakers and their associated
protection and communications systems.
The System consisting (wholly or mainly) of high Voltage electric
lines and cables operated by the TSO for the purposes of
transmission of electricity from one Power Station to a sub-
Transmission System station or to another Power Station or between sub-stations or
to or from any External Interconnection including any Plant and
Apparatus and meters owned or operated by the TSO or TAO in
connection with the transmission of electricity.
The holder of the licence granted pursuant to Section 14.1(e) of
Transmission System Operator (TSO)
the Act 1999 to operate a Transmission System.
System Planning practices and considerations that the TSO
follows. The application of Transmission System Security
Transmission System Security
Planning Standards may vary to match local conditions and
Planning Standards
local System requirements. The Transmission System Security
Planning Standards are available on the TSO’s website.
Transmission Use of System An agreement between the TSO and a User setting out the
Agreement terms relating to the use of the Transmission System.
A Licence authorising a TSO to carry out electricity transmission
activities, granted either pursuant to Article 10(1)(b) of the
TSO Licence Electricity (Northern Ireland) Order 1992 in Northern Ireland or
pursuant to section 14 of the Electricity Regulation Act 1999 in
the Republic of Ireland.
The physical interface point between the TSO’s
TSO Telecommunication Interface
telecommunications equipment and the Controllable PPM’s
control equipment.
A switchboard through which electrical power is supplied to the
Unit Board Auxiliaries of a Generating Unit and which is supplied by a Unit
Transformer. It may be interconnected with a Station Board.
A transformer directly connected to a Generating Unit’s
Unit Transformer terminals, and which supplies power to the Auxiliaries of a
Generating Unit.
Tariffs set by the TSO subject to approval by the CRU for use of
Use of System Tariffs
the Transmission System.
A term utilised in various sections of the Grid Code to refer to the
persons using the Transmission System, as more particularly
User identified in each section of the Grid Code concerned. The term
means any person (other than the TSO) to whom the Grid Code
In the Planning Code means either User's Plant and/or
Apparatus to be connected to the Transmission System, or a
User Development
Modification relating to a User's Plant and/or Apparatus
already connected to the Transmission System, or a proposed

new connection or Modification to the connection within the
User System.
A site owned (or occupied pursuant to a lease, licence or other
User Site
agreement) by a User in which there is a Connection Point.
Any system owned or operated by a User comprising:-
(i) Generating Units;
(ii) Interconnectors;
(iii) systems consisting (wholly or mainly) of electric
circuits used for the distribution of electricity from
Grid Supply Points or Generating Units or other
entry points to the point of delivery to Customers, or
other Users;
User System and Plant and/or Apparatus connecting:-
(i) the system as described above; or
(ii) Demand Customers’ equipment;
to the Transmission System or to the relevant other User
System, as the case may be.
The User System includes any Remote Transmission Assets
operated by such User or other person and any Plant and/or
Apparatus and meters owned or operated by the User or other
person in connection with the distribution of electricity but
does not include any part of the Transmission System.
A point at which a Generation Unit, a CCGT Installation or a
User System Entry Point CCGT Unit, as the case may be, which is Embedded connects to
the User System.
Var A single unit of Reactive Power.
Voltage of relevant section of Transmission System - nominally
400kV, 220kV or 110kV or 66 kV.
The retention of the Voltage on the System within acceptable
Voltage Control
This is a short-duration reduction in Voltage on any or all phases
due to a Fault Disturbance or other Significant System Incident,
resulting in Transmission System Voltages outside the ranges
Voltage Dip as specified in CC.8.3.2, and more generally, bus Voltages or
terminal Voltages of less than 90% of nominal Voltage on any
or all phases. Percentage Voltage Dip shall be calculated with
respect to nominal Voltage.
The impression of unsteadiness of visual sensation induced by a
Voltage Flicker light stimulus whose luminance or spectral distribution
fluctuates with time.
The automatic adjustment of Reactive Power output from a
Voltage Regulation Generation Unit(s) in response to Voltage changes (e.g. from a
Generation Unit).
The Voltage in kV that the Voltage Regulation System will act
Voltage Regulation Set-point to regulate by continuous modulation of the Interconnector’s
or wind-powered Controllable PPMs Reactive Power.

A facility providing the means to automatically adjust the
Voltage Regulation System Reactive Power output (e.g. from a Generation Unit)(s) in
response to changes in Voltage.
The percentage change in Transmission System Voltage that
would cause the Reactive Power output of the Interconnector
to vary from maximum Mvar production to maximum Mvar
Voltage Regulation System Slope
absorption or vice-versa or Controllable PPM to vary from
maximum Mvar production capability of Q/Pmax of 0.33 to
maximum Mvar absorption capability of Q/Pmax of -0.33 or
vice-versa, as per Figure PPM1.6.3.1.a or Figure PPM
The period of time, which must be greater than that defined by
the Hot Cooling Boundary, post De-Synchronisation of a
Warm Cooling Boundary
Generating Unit after which the Generating Unit’s Warmth
State transfers from being warm to cold.
Any Synchronisation of a Generating Unit that has previously
not been Synchronised for a period of time longer than its
Warm Start
submitted Hot Cooling Boundary and shorter than or equal to
its submitted Warm Cooling Boundary.
The temperature related condition of a CDGU which changes
according to the length of time since the CDGU was last De-
Synchronised, expressed as various levels of warmth
(dependent upon the design of the CDGU).
Either cold, warm or hot, as defined under the timeframes since
Warmth State last De-Synchronisations for Cold Start, Warm Start or Hot
Start respectively.
Warning A warning as provided for in OC10.7.1.1
Wind Turbine Generator(s) (WTG) A Generation Unit(s) generating electricity from wind.


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