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Ujian Tengah Semester Bahasa Inggris

Nama : Rika Amanda Putri

NIM : 225100101111015
Kelas :D
Prodi : Ilmu dan Teknologi Pangan
Dosen Pengampu : Moch. Turdi Mustafa, S.S, M.Li
Hari dan Tanggal : Selasa, 10 Oktober 2023

1. Simple present
(+) Celine goes to city park every Sunday
(-) Celine doesn’t go to city park every Sunday
(?) Does Celine go to city park every Sunday?

(+) I watch anime with my brothers

(-) I don’t watch with my brothers
(?) Do you watch anime with your brothers?

(+) Astri likes those k-pop guys that much

(-) Astri doesn’t like those k-pop guys that much
(?) Does Astri like those k-pop guys that much?

(+) I am at my grandma’s home every Sunday
(-) I am not at my grandma’s home every Sunday
(?) Are you at your grandma’s home every Sunday?

(+) Zeyna is that pretty though

(-) Zeyna isn’t that pretty though
(?) Is Zeyna that pretty though?

(+) The dog is pregnant right now

(-) The dog isn’t pregnant right now
(?) Is the dog pregnant right now?

2. Simple past
(+) Yasmin went to library yesterday
(-) Yasmin did not go to library yesterday
(?) Did Yasmin go to library yesterday?

(+) I studied a lot last week for quiz only

(-) I didn’t study a lot last week for quiz only
(?) Did you study a lot last week for quiz only?

(+) Astri ate my last burger yesterday

(-) Astri didn’t eat my last burger yesterday
(?) Did Astri eat my last burger yesterday?

(+) My stomach was hurt this morning
(-) My stomach wasn’t hurt this morning
(?) Were your stomach hurt this morning?

(+) Raymond and Russel were good friends back then

(-) Raymond and Russel weren’t good friends back then
(?) Were Raymond and Russel good friends back then?

(+) I was good in math

(-) I wasn’t good in math
(?) Were you good in math?

3. Present perfect
(+) Cookies have already cooked
(-) Cookies haven’t cooked yet
(?) Have cookies already cooked?

(+) Karina has just arrived in Jiji’s home

(-) Karina hasn’t arrived yet in Jiji’s home
(?) Has Karina already arrived in Jiji’s home?

(+) Astri has just woken up

(-) Astri hasn’t woken up yet
(?) Has Astri woken up?

(+) Astri has been that funny since the day I met her (still the same now)
(-) Astri hasn’t been that funny when the day I met her (she was too shy before but
now she’s on fire with her next level jokes)
(?) Has Astri been that funny since the day you met her?

(+) I have been the only daughter in my family (off course until right now or maybe
(-) I haven’t been the only daughter in my family
(?) Have you been the only daughter in your family?
(+) Yasmin has been kind to me since before (up to now)
(-) Yasmin hasn’t been kind to me before
(?) Has Yasmin been kind to you before?

4. Present Continuous
(+) Me and my mom are making pasta right now
(-) Me and my mom are not making pasta right now
(?) Are you and your mom making pasta right now?

(+) Zeyna is reading Tere Liye’s novels

(-) Zeyna is not reading Tere Liye’s novels
(?) Is Zeyna reading Tere Liye’s novels?

(+) Astri is studying a lot for mid test

(-) Astri is not studying a lot for mid test
(?) Is Astri studying a lot for mid test?

(+) Jeffry is being happy right now
(-) Jeffry is not being happy right now
(?) Is Jeffry being happy right now?

(+) Matt and Andy are being good team mate

(-) Matt and Andy are not being good team mate
(?) Are Matt and Andy being good team mate?

(+) I am being sick

(-) I am not being sick
(?) Are you being sick?

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