2324 Level H (Grade 5 UAE - Grade 6 Gulf) Science Course Questions - No Answers

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Course Questions Science

Term 1 – 2023-24
Level H

Week 1
Sec. 1.1 (LP 1-2)

1. G A [___________] is tool that uses several lenses to [___________] objects. Most cells
can only be seen when magnified by a microscope.

2. G A [___________] is the basic unit of all living things. Some organisms are
[___________] (consist of one cell), like bacteria, amoeba and paramecium; and some
are [___________] (containing more than one cell), like humans, animals and plants.

Week 2
Sec. 1.1 (LP 3-6)

1. G In multicellular organisms, the structure of each cell is directly related to its

Red blood cells are [___________] and flexible to move easily through blood vessels.
Nerve cells are [___________] to transmit messages over long distances.
Fat cells can increase in size to store more fat when needed.

2. G A group of cells having the same structure and function is called a [___________].

3. G Phloem and xylem are examples of plant [___________]. Xylem moves

[___________] and nutrients from roots to leaves. Phloem transports [___________]
made in leaves to all plant parts.

4. G An [___________] consists of a group of tissues that have one specific function.

5. G An [___________] consists of two or more organs that have one main function. E.g.
the digestive system consists of the mouth, esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver and
other organs.

6. G The five levels of organization in a multicellular organism are cell, tissue, organ,
organ system and [___________].

7. G Organelles in animal cells include the [___________] that controls or direct all cell’s
activities, [___________] to release energy stored in food, and [___________] for

8. G Plant cells have certain parts that are not found in animal cells:
The stiff layer that supports and protects the plant cell, is called cell [___________]
Organelles that make food for the plant called: [___________]

9. G The process by which plants make their food is called [___________] and it takes
place in the [___________].
Date 28-08-23 | Level H | 1
10. G The green substance in chloroplasts that captures energy from sunlight is

11. G Equation for photosynthesis:

carbon dioxide + [___________] + [___________] → [___________] + [___________]
CO2 + H2 O + sunlight → C6H12O6 + O2

Week 3
Sec. 1.1 (LP 7) + Sec. 1.2 (LP 1)

1. G The process by which cells release the energy stored in food is called cellular
[___________] and it takes place in the [___________]

2. G In cellular respiration sugar burns with [___________] to give carbon dioxide, water
and energy: Sugar + oxygen  carbon dioxide + water + energy.

3. G Equation for respiration: [___________] + [___________] → carbon dioxide +

[___________] + [___________]
C6H12O6 + O2 → CO2 + H2O + energy.

Sec. 1.2 (LP 1)

4. G [___________] is the process of arranging organisms into groups or classes based on

5. G Classification helps scientists identify an [___________] organism.

6. G One importance of classification is avoiding [___________] when identifying


Date 28-08-23 | Level H | 2

Week 4
Sec. 1.2 (LP 2-5)

1. G A [___________] key is used to identify [___________] based on their

characteristics. e.g. Suppose you find a small insect that has one pair of short wings,
one way to identify this insect is to use a dichotomous key.

2. G The animal kingdom is classified in several phyla (singular is [___________]). A

phylum is divided into classes, then orders, families, genuses, and finally

3. G A species is a group of animals from the same [___________] that can

[___________] from each other.

4. G A species is named by giving first the name of the [___________] then by giving the
name of the [___________] Homo sapiens are humans: homo is the genus and sapiens
is the species.

5. G Some plants (like apples or wheat) reproduce by producing [___________] which

contain an embryo (tiny plant) and food supply surrounded by a [___________].

6. G Other plants reproduce by producing [___________]. A small reproductive cell that

grows into a multicellular organism is a [___________].

7. G [___________], like dogs (mammals), frogs (amphibians), birds and reptiles (snakes
and crocodiles) have a [___________]. [___________], like insects (with 6 legs, like
ants and flies), spiders, scorpions, [___________] and crabs and do not have a

Week 5
Sec. 1.3 (LP 1-4)

1. G A trait that is passed on from [___________] to offspring is an [___________] trait.

2. G [___________] inherited traits describe [___________] parts. e.g. The color of a

daisy flower.

3. G Behavioral [___________] traits describe how an organism [___________]. e.g. baby

sea turtles crawling to the ocean after hatching.

4. G An [___________] trait is picked up through [___________] or from the


5. G A trait or behavior that helps an organism [___________] in its environment is an


6. G [___________] (body) adaptations include unhinged jaws for [___________] to

swallow their food whole.
Date 28-08-23 | Level H | 3
7. G [___________] adaptation for desert plants include thick, fleshy stem that stores

8. G [___________] adaptation: A plant in a room near a window will bend towards light
to make food.

Week 6
Sec. 1.3 (LP 5-7)

1. G [___________] selection is the process by which organisms that are best

[___________] to their environments survive and reproduce.

2. G The [___________] disappearance of all members of a species is called


3. G A [___________] is the remains or [___________] of an organism that lived long


Week 7
Sec. 2.1 (LP 1-4)

1. G The nervous system is made up of two parts: the [___________] and the
[___________] nervous systems.

2. G The [___________] nervous system includes the [___________] and [___________]


3. G The [___________] nervous system includes the [___________] (eyes, ears, tongue,
skin, and nose) and the sensory and motor nerves that pass information between them
and the brain.

4. G The brain controls voluntary action such as speech and [___________]. It controls
many involuntary actions such as [___________] and heart rate.

5. G The spinal cord is protected by the [___________] and it controls the [___________]
nervous system.

6. G Wearing a helmet while riding a bicycle is necessary to protect the [___________].

7. G A [___________] is a nerve cell that can receive and send messages.

8. G Sensory nerves carry information from the sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, skin and
[___________]) to the (1) brain and (2) spinal cord.

9. G A [___________] is any change that takes place and triggers a response.

Date 28-08-23 | Level H | 4

Week 8
Sec. 2.1 (LP 5-6)

1. G [___________] receptors in the retina send messages to the brain through the [___________]

2. G [___________] receptors in the inner ear send a message to the brain through the
[___________] nerve.

3. G A [___________] is an involuntary action that the body performs without thinking.

Week 9
Sec. 2.2 (LP 1-5)

1. G A [___________] is any agent that causes diseases e.g. bacteria, [___________],

viruses and parasites.

2. G Some [___________] cause strep [___________], they are contagious.

3. G Athlete’s foot is a foot [___________] which is caused by [___________].

4. G The flu (influenza) and measles are caused by [___________].

5. G To prevent pathogens from entering, the body has [___________] barriers called the
[___________] lines of defense. e.g. unbroken skin.

6. G A group of tissues and organs that provide protection from pathogens is the [___________]
system. It represents the [___________] line of defense.

7. G [___________] causes the injured tissue to become [___________], hot, swollen and painful.

8. G Vaccination is the process of injecting the body with a [___________] which

contains the killed or the weakened pathogens.

9. G [___________] immunity is achieved by contacting a pathogen naturally or through

vaccination. In [___________] immunity, the body receives protection from another

10. G [___________] hands with soap and water can protect you against [___________]

Date 28-08-23 | Level H | 5

Week 10
Sec. 2.2 (LP 6)

1. G Diseases not caused by pathogens, like heart or kidney diseases, diabetes and
cancer, are [___________].

2. G An allergy is a reaction of the [___________] system to a substance in the

environment that is not a pathogen.

Week 11
Sec 2.3 (LP 1-3)

1. G The [___________] system is the set of organs that get rid of [___________] and
gaseous body [___________], i.e. urine, sweat and carbon dioxide gas.

2. G The [___________], the [___________] and the [___________] are organs of the
excretory system.

3. G The lungs take in [___________] and remove [___________] (which is a waste

product of cellular respiration). (The waste products of the lungs are carbon dioxide
and water vapor)

4. G The buildup of [___________] (toxic waste) in the blood causes muscle spasms.

5. G The skin is the [___________] organ of the body. Functions of the skin include
protecting the body, removing wastes, removing water, excreting sweat and
removing heat.

6. G The skin helps the body cool down by secreting [___________] which is produced
by sweat glands. When the sweat on the skin [___________], the body cools down.

7. G Sweat is made of [___________], [___________] and other wastes.

8. G The part of the excretory system that filters the blood from liquid wastes is the
[___________] system.

Date 28-08-23 | Level H | 6

Week 12
Sec 2.3 (LP 4-5)

1. G The urinary system is a part of the excretory system. It contains the two
[___________] which filter urea out of the blood, the ureters which carry urine to the
bladder, and the urethra which is a tube to pass urine out of the body.

2. G The function of the kidneys is filtering the blood. The waste product eliminated by
the kidneys is urea which is produced from the breakdown of [___________].

3. G The liquid waste product that travels to the bladder through the ureters is the urine
which is stored in the urinary [___________] and released from the body through the

4. G [___________] and water are returned to the blood after being filtered by the

5. G The common excretory product between the lungs, kidneys, and skin is

6. G [___________] reduces body odor, keeps skin pores [___________] for sweat to be
released and maintains healthy skin. (The skin pores might become clogged if you
don’t shower for many days).

7. G Inhaling polluted air harms mainly the [___________].

8. G The best way to strengthen your breathing muscles is to [___________] frequently.

9. G Healthy kidneys are maintained by drinking plenty of [___________] and avoid

taking a lot of [___________].

Date 28-08-23 | Level H | 7

Course Questions Science
Term 2 – 2023-24
Level H

Week 1
Sec 3.1 (LP 1-4)

1. G Matter is anything that has [___________] and takes up space. All matter is made of
tiny particles called [___________].

2. G An element is a substance in which all the atoms are [___________].

An [___________] cannot be separated into simpler substances because it has one kind
of atoms only. Examples are: aluminum, gold and diamond (diamond is made of pure
carbon atoms, like coal).

3. G An atom consists of a nucleus that has a central cluster of particles called

[___________] and neutral [___________], surrounded by negatively charged
[___________] moving in unknown ways.

4. G Atoms of the same element have the same number of [___________] in the nucleus.
This number distinguishes one element from another.

5. G An atom is [___________] if it has [___________] of protons and electrons.

Date 28-08-23 | Level H | 8

Week 2
Sec 3.1 (LP 5) + Sec 3.2 (LP1-2)

1. G Atoms can exist alone, or they can be attached to other atoms. A [___________] is a
group of two or more atoms joined together.

2. G Atoms in a [___________] are held together by [___________] bonds.

3. G A hydrogen molecule is made by [___________] hydrogen atoms while a

[___________] molecule is made up of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom.

4. G A carbon dioxide molecule contains two [___________] atoms and one [___________]

Sec 3.2 (LP1-2)

5. G Each element is given a [___________] (each name is one word) and a
[___________], each being one capital letter or a capital and small letter. Example, the
symbol for hydrogen is [___________], and the symbol for helium is [___________].

6. G The atomic number of any element is the number of [___________] in the nucleus.
Oxygen atoms have 8 protons therefore the atomic number of oxygen is equal to

7. G A chart showing all the elements arranged in rows and columns according to their
properties is called the [___________].

8. G The elements are arranged in the periodic table by [___________] atomic number.

Date 28-08-23 | Level H | 9

Week 3
Sec 3.2 (LP 3-6)

1. G Elements that have similar properties are placed in the periodic table in a vertical
[___________] called a group.

2. G A row in the periodic table is called a [___________].

3. G A cell in the periodic table is shown below.

 The chemical symbol of mercury is [___________].

 The number “80” refers to the [___________] number of the element.

4. G Most of the elements are [___________], that are shiny, ductile (bent easily), and
conduct [___________] (and heat).

5. G Elements located on the left and in the middle of the periodic table are

6. G Elements located on the right side of the periodic table are [___________]. Solid
nonmetals are [___________].

7. G An element that has properties of both metals and nonmetals is called a

[___________] or metalloid (semimetals are usually shiny like metals and brittle like

8. G Nonmetals are found towards the [___________] and the top of the periodic table.
The elements between the metals and nonmetals, like silicon and germanium, are
called [___________].

9. G Elements in the last group of the periodic table are called [___________] gases such
as helium and neon which rarely combine with other elements.

10. G Element sets based on the column order in which they are found in the periodic
table, from left to right:

Date 28-08-23 | Level H | 10

Week 4
Sec 4.1 (LP 1-2)

1. Energy is the ability to cause motion or [___________].

2. The total amount of energy of the molecules in matter is called [___________] energy.
Thermal energy depends on the [___________] of the object and the amount of matter
in it.

3. When the temperature of an object increases, its thermal energy [___________]. An ice
cube has [___________] thermal energy than the same amount of warm water.

4. G The amount of [___________] energy in two liter of water is more than the amount
in one liter of water, if both quantities have the same temperature.

5. G Temperature is [___________] using a [___________]. It is expressed in degrees

[___________] or degrees Fahrenheit.

Week 5
Sec 4.1 (LP 3-7)

1. G Heat is the transfer of thermal energy from warmer object (at the higher
temperature) to the [___________] object (at lower temperature). [___________] energy
continues to flow until both objects are at the same [___________.]

2. G When you place one end of a copper rod in a [___________], the other end of the
rod eventually heats up by [___________].

3. G A good [___________] is a material that conducts well, [___________] energy or

[___________] current. e.g. silver, copper, graphite.

4. G A good [___________] is a material that is a poor [___________] of thermal energy

or electric current.

5. G A good [___________] wrapped around an object can keep a hot object

[___________] and a cold object [___________] for hours, because the insulator slows
down the escape of thermal energy from the hot object to the surroundings.

6. G [___________] is the transfer of [___________] energy by the movements of fluids

(liquid or gas).

7. G Warm, moist air rises from the ocean upwards by [___________], and cold air
replaces it. This is what causes clouds and rain to form. A radiator near the floor
heats a room more efficiently than a radiator placed near the [___________].

8. G [___________] is the transfer of thermal energy over a distance by the emission of

waves through empty space.

Date 28-08-23 | Level H | 11

Week 6
Sec 4.2 (LP 1-3)

1. G All electromagnetic waves (EM) travel in [___________] (or air) at 300,000 km per

2. G The electromagnetic spectrum is the range of all the electromagnetic waves in

[___________] order of energy. Radio waves carry the [___________] amount of
energy while gamma rays carry the [___________] amount of energy.

3. G The visible light spectrum is formed of 7 main colors, from least to most energetic:
[___________], [___________], [___________], [___________], [___________], indigo
and [___________].

Week 7
Sec 4.2 (LP 4-8)

1. G A [___________] is a dark area that forms when an object blocks light.

2. G The taking in of light energy by an object is called [___________]. When light

energy is absorbed, it changes into [___________] energy.

3. G The bouncing back of light waves when they hit a surface is called [___________].
A light ray reflects at the [___________] angle at which it struck a surface.

4. G Leaves look green because they reflect [___________] light and [___________] other
colors. White objects reflect all colors while black objects absorb all colors of visible

5. G [___________] is bending of lights when passes into a new transparent material at


6. G A [___________] of light is an imaginary straight line along which light travels.

7. G A convex lens is [___________] in the middle and bends light inward while a concave
lens is [___________] in the middle and bends the light [___________].

Date 28-08-23 | Level H | 12

Week 8
4.3 (LP 1-4)

1. G [___________] waves are produced by [___________] objects like a guitar string or

vocal cords.

2. G Sound waves travel in air, in [___________] and in solids, but not in [___________].

3. G A material like air or [water] through which sound travels is called a [___________].

4. G Sound travels the [___________] in solids and [___________] in gases

5. G The [___________] of a sound wave gives the number of [___________] per second.
It is expressed in hertz (Hz).

6. G The [___________] of a sound is how high or low it sounds. A siren has a

[___________] pitch.

7. G Women’s voices have a [___________] pitch than [___________] voices

Week 9
Sec 4.3 (LP 5-6)

1. [___________] is the loudness or softness of sound.

2. G Stronger vibrations produce louder [___________]. A louder sound delivers more


3. [___________] describes the [___________] of the wave.

4. G The [___________] of a sound is related to its [___________]. High amplitude means

high volume.

5. G Listening to loud [___________] damages your ears so you become [___________]

at a young age.

6. G Some ways to protect our ears from loud sounds: [___________] ears with hands,
wear [___________], and use protective headphones.

Date 28-08-23 | Level H | 13

Course Questions Science
Term 3 –2023-24
Level H

Week 1
Sec 5.1 (LP1-LP5)

1. G The Earth consists of the [___________] (air), [___________] (water), [___________]

(solid, non-living part) and [___________] (all living things).

2. G A [___________] is a [___________] (a found in nature), homogenous (all its parts

are alike), [___________] (made of non-living material) [___________] (all particles
arranged in neat patterns).

3. G A natural [___________] is a material that occurs naturally and is useful to people.

4. G [___________] is used in the production of glass.

5. G [___________] is used to make pencils.

6. G [___________] is used in jewelry and to cut rocks.

7. G An [___________] is a material from which useful substances can be obtained


8. G A [___________] is identified by its properties, like color, luster and streak.

9. G [___________] is the easiest mineral property to observe.

10. G [___________] is the way light is reflected from the surface of a mineral.

11. G [___________] is the color of the line of the powder left when a mineral is rubbed
against a rough white tile.

12. G [___________] and [___________] causes the sedimentary rock to change into the
metamorphic rock.

13. G Magma or lava become [___________] rocks by [___________] or [___________].

14. G Rocks can be broken down by [___________] processes to form sediments.

15. G Deposited sediment piles up on the ocean floor to form [___________] rocks.

Date 28-08-23 | Level H | 14

Week 2
Sec 5.1 (LP 6) & 5.2 (LP1-3)

1. G The [___________] cycle is when igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rock are
changed from one form to the other.

2. G Sequence of events of the rock cycle:

igneous rocks  (heat+pressure)  [___________] rocks  (weathering)  [___________] rocks

5.2 (LP2-3)
3. G [___________] is the loose top layer of earth in which plants grow, and it consists of
clay, rock particles, water and decayed material from dead plants or animals.

4. Soil is important to plants and [___________] as well, because animals eat plants that
live in the soil.

5. G The part of soil that we call [___________] is a mixture of clay, sand and tiny pieces
of rock.

6. G The part of soil that we call [___________] is made of bits of dead plants and

7. G [___________] is the broken-down organic matter in soil. It provides plants with the
nutrients they need, and retains air and water in the soil.

Week 3
Sec 5.2 (LP 4- LP5)

1. G Renewable resources are natural resources that can be replaced over a [___________]
period of time, such as trees and water.

2. G Nonrenewable resources are natural resources that cannot be replaced over a short
period of time, such as coal, oil or ores of iron and other [___________].

3. G A [___________] is a harmful substance that contaminates natural resources like soil,

water or air. Adding pollutants to resources is called pollution.

4. G A [___________] is a substance that contains nutrients that make the soil better for

5. G A [___________] is a chemical that kills harmful organisms, like a fungus or insects

that might damage crops.

Date 28-08-23 | Level H | 15

Week 4
Sec 5.3(LP1-4)

1. G Fuels that come from the remains of plants and animals that existed millions of
years ago are called [___________]. Example: oil and coal.

2. Fossil fuels are [___________] natural sources of energy because they took millions of
years to form.

3. [___________] is the introduction of harmful substances into the environment. The

major source of [___________] pollution is burning fossil fuels.

4. G Oil can be a [___________] when it leaks out of an underwater well or a tanker, and
may result in the death of millions of animals.

5. G When harmful gases released by burning fossil fuels combine with water in the air,
[___________] forms.

6. G Renewable energy refers to energy obtained from renewable resources, which

include [___________] turbines, [___________] panels, water [___________] and
[___________] which is plant matter.

7. G People can make [___________] decisions to conserve natural resources, by

[___________] instead of using fuel-driven cars, using less [___________] by keeping
taps closed, turning off electricity when not needed, and [___________] shopping

Date 28-08-23 | Level H | 16

Week 5
Sec 6.1 (LP 1-3)

1. G The Earth not only orbits the Sun, but it [___________] around an imaginary line
passing through its north and south poles, called the Earth’s [___________].

2. G The Earth is (almost) [___________] and makes one rotation around its axis in
(around) 24 hours. Daytime is on the side of Earth facing the [___________].
Nighttime is on the opposite side where sunlight cannot reach.

3. G A time zone is a vertical belt extending from Earth’s North Pole to the South
Pole.There are [___________] time zones around the world because one day is 24

4. G All locations that belong to the same time zone, have the [___________] time.

5. The zero degree reference line from which time is calculated is called the
[___________]. Moving by one time zone east, the time is one hour [___________].
Moving by one time zone west. the time is one hour [___________].

6. G Because the Earth is rotating, you see the Sun rising from the East, and around 12
hours later, you see the Sun setting in the [___________].

Week 6
Sec 6.1 (LP 4)

1. G A [___________] is the dark area formed by an object that blocks light.

2. G The higher the sun in the sky, the [___________] will be the shadow of a vertical
object on the ground.

3. G In the morning, shadows of objects point [___________] and are long. As we

approach noon, the shadows gradually become [___________], and shortest
[___________]. Then, in the afternoon, shadows become longer again and point to the

Date 28-08-23 | Level H | 17

Week 7
Sec 6.2 (LP1-3)

1. G An [___________] is the path a body follows as it [___________] around another body.

2. G The Earth revolves around the sun completing one [___________] in one year, or
[___________] days.

3. G Seasons are caused by the [___________] of Earth’s axis and its revolution around
the [___________].

4. G When the Northern Hemisphere is tilted away from the Sun, it is [___________]. At
the same time, the Southern Hemisphere is tilted toward the Sun and it is
[___________] there.

5. G The Southern and Northern Hemispheres always experience the [___________]


Week 8
Sec 6.2 (LP 4-5)

1. G Locations near the equator have 2 seasons: [___________] and [___________].

2. G Close to the [___________], the length of daytime is close to the length of

[___________] at all times of the year (about 12 hours each).

3. G At the [___________], there are only two seasons: summer and winter. Snow covers
the region throughout the whole year.

4. G The shadow cast in summer is [___________] than that in winter (because in

summer, the sun is higher in the sky than in winter).

Date 28-08-23 | Level H | 18

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