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The greatest joy

by Popa Marta Nicoleta

Of all the holidays throughout the year, Christmas is the most beautiful. It brings boundless
joy to the souls of people everywhere, from the little ones to the big ones.

For me, it means emotion, joy, tradition, meeting loved ones. I canʹt wait for the days before
Christmas Eve! I like the hustle and the bustle of the city, I like to go shopping with my family
and choose a present for each close person. I like to help my mother in the kitchen to prepare the
dishes for the dinner of this special day or to decorate the house as ingeniously as possible.
Decorating the tree is one of the most loved customs, indispensable in every family. We all listen
and sing carols while hanging colorful globes and silver tinsel from the branches of the
evergreen tree.

In addition to such preparations, year after year, we try to bring a ray of light to someone
who was not as lucky as us. We tie up packages of clothes, toys, books and food, then we
heartily distribute them to those who need them. Such gestures should be done more often, but
even only on a special occasion, they become blessings. Itʹs great that we can give! Sometimes
the joy we feel when we give is greater than we receive.

In the evening of Eve, the house became cramped. Aunts, uncles, cousins and
grandparents are coming. We all gather to celebrate the Nativity of Jesus. It is so nice to sit at the
round table in the living room, to tell stories, to laugh, to feel together the smell of cetina and the
luck of being healthy, cheerful! In the evening, late, comes the long-awaited moment, especially
by us, the children. Opening presents!

But Christmas means more than decorated trees, the smell of cookies and ripe apples. It is
a holly holiday because we celebrate the miracle that God became man in Bethlehem. We listen
once more to the story of the star, the magi, the manger... The blessing pours out over the world,
and the angels sing in chorus: „The Lord is on Earth!”

Merry Christmas!

Școala: Gimnazială „Ștefan cel Mare” , Focșani, Vrancea

Clasa: a VII-a C

Profesor coordonator: Văsii Adriana

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