CH 02 Financial Analysis - Ratios

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Financial Analysis

 Definitions and functions of

financial statement
 Financial ratios
 Basic sources and uses of
What is Financial Analysis?

“ Is the process of collecting and refining

financial data to provides necessary
information to aid decision making in an
effort to determine future course of actions”
 The Study of Financial Statement (i.e. historical
 Enables:
▪ To assess operating result & financial status
▪ To assist in developing plans and strategies
Financial Statements

Consists of:
▪ A statement of financial position,
▪ A statement of financial performance,
▪ Cash flows statement,
▪ Statement of retained earnings

❑ Primary source of data information and the

standing of operations and financial
 Represent snapshot of firm’s financial
position at specific point in time
 Consist of :
◼ Assets (i.e. current and fixed)
◼ Liabilities (i.e. short and long term)
◼ Owner’s equity (i.e. common equity)
 Balance Sheet Equation
Assets = Liabilities + Owner’s Equity
Statement of financial position December 20XX


Current Assets Current Liabilities
Marketable Securities Account Payable
Account Receivable Notes Payable
Inventories Accruals
Prepaid expenses Total Current Liabilities
Total Current Assets

Fixed Assets Long Term Debt

Plant and Machinery
Land and Buildings Common Equity
Total Fixed Assets Common Stock
Preferred Stock
Retained Earnings


Statement of financial position

Types of Assets
◼ Cash (i.e. cash balance from cash transaction)
◼ Marketable securities (i.e. temporary investment)
◼ A/c receivables (i.e. debtors)
◼ Inventories (i.e. materials, WIP & unsold product)
◼ Prepaid (i.e. advance payment on expenses)
◼ Fixed assets (subjected to depreciation)
Statement of financial position

Types of Liabilities & Equities

◼ A/c payables (i.e. creditors)
◼ Notes payable (i.e. short term loan)
◼ Other payables (i.e. interest payment or income tax
◼ Accrued expenses (i.e. unpaid expenses )
◼ Capital stock (i.e. common or preferred stock)
◼ Retained earnings (i.e. reserved)
 The summary of the firm’s operating result over
a period of time
 Shows Revenues (i.e. sales & other income),
costs (i.e. COGS), expenses incurred & Profit
Profit = Sales - Expenses
 Split into 2 parts:
◼ Operating activities
◼ Financing activities
A statement of financial
statement of financial performance the year ended
December 20XX

Revenue/Net Sales
less: COGS
Operating Gross Profit
Activities less: Operating Expenses
Operating Income/EBIT

plus: other income

less: Interest
Earnings Before Taxes
Financing less: Corporate Taxes
Net Income
Dividend: Preferred
Retained Earnings
A statement of financial

◼ Sales/Revenue (i.e. cash & credit sales)
◼ COGS (i.e. cost to produce goods or services)
◼ Operating exp (i.e. marketing, administration etc)
◼ Interest (i.e. financing cost)
◼ Tax expenses (i.e. payment to govt)
◼ Net Income (i.e. to distribute to shareholders)
Statement of Retained Earnings

 Shows the distribution of the firm’s net

 How much the retained earnings
 Relates to dividend policy
 Investment & Need for Dividend
Statement of Retained Earnings

Statement of Retained Earnings for the year ended December 31, 20X2

Balanced of retained earnings, Dec 31, 20X1 XXX

add: Earning after tax 20X2 XXX
less: Dividend, 20X2 XXX
Balanced of retained earnings, Dec 31, 20X2 XXXX
Cash Flow Statement

 Summarizes the inflows and outflows of

cash transactions for the year
 Divided into 4 categories:
◼ C/flow from Operations
◼ C/flow from Investments
◼ C/flow from financings
◼ Reconciliation of cash
Financial Ratios

 As an Analysis tools (i.e. to interpret

and evaluate firm’s performance)
 Base on Financial Statement
 Users (i.e. Managers, investors, or
interested parties )
 Two ways to interpret:
◼ Trend analysis (i.e. vertical or time
◼ Comparative analysis (i.e. horizontal)
Uses of financial ratios in the firm
 Identify deficiencies in a firm’s performance
and take corrective action.
 Evaluate employee performance and
determine incentive compensation.
 Compare the financial performance of the
firm’s different divisions.
Uses of financial ratios in the firm
 Prepare, at both firm and division levels,
financial projections.
 Understand the financial performance of the
firm’s competitors.
 Evaluate the financial condition of a major
Uses of financial ratios in the firm
Financial ratios are used by
 Lenders in deciding whether or not to lend to a
 Credit-rating agencies in determining a firm’s
 Investors (shareholders and bondholders) in deciding
whether or not to invest in a company.
 Major suppliers in deciding to whether or not to
extend credit to a company or in designing the
specific credit terms.
The Limitations of Financial Ratio
1. It is sometimes difficult to identify industry categories or
comparable peers.
2. The published peer group or industry averages are only
3. Industry averages may not provide a desirable target ratio.
4. Accounting practices differ widely among firms.
5. A high or low ratio does not automatically lead to a specific
6. Seasons may bias the numbers in the financial statements.
Financial Ratios (cont..)

 Group into 5 categories

◼ Liquidity ratios (i.e. how liquid the firms to meet
short-term obligation)
◼ Activity ratios (i.e. to measure efficiency of
assets to generate sales)
◼ Leverage ratios (i.e. how firms finance the its
assets, to determine the capital structure)
◼ Profitability ratios (i.e. measure the efficiency of
firms to generate profit)
◼ Market/Equity ratios (i.e. concern to
Financial Ratios (cont..)

Liquidity Ratios
Current Ratio
Answer in X, higher ratio reflect the ability to pay its short-term obligations
on time

Quick Ratio =

Answer in X, higher ratio reflect the ability to pay its short-term obligations
without rely on inventories
Financial Ratios (cont..)

Liquidity Ratios
Net Working =
Answer in $, higher (i.e. positive value), absolute measure in liquidity
Financial Ratios (cont..)
Activity Ratios
Turnover =
Answer in X, higher ratio reflect the effectiveness of inventory to generate

Answer in Days, higher ratio indicates that firm has problem in collecting
Financial Ratios (cont..)
Activity Ratios

Receivable =
Answer in X, higher ratio reflect the effectiveness in collecting receivables
Financial Ratios (cont..)
Activity Ratios
Fixed Assets
Turnover =
Answer in X, higher ratio reflect the effectiveness of fixed assets to generate

Total Assets =
Answer in X, higher ratio reflect the effectiveness of total assets to generate
Financial Ratios (cont..)
Leverage or Solvency Ratios
Ratio =
Answer in %, higher ratio reflect the higher amount of debt to finance assets

Debt to
Equity =
Answer in %, higher ratio reflect the higher amount of debt (i.e. capital
Financial Ratios (cont..)
Leverage or Solvency Ratios
Time Interest
Earned =
Answer in X, higher ratio indicates that firm can meet loan requirement and
lower risk of default
Financial Ratios (cont..)
Profitability Ratios
Gross Profit
Margin =
Answer in %, higher ratio indicates higher contribution margin

Profit Margin =
Answer in %, higher ratio indicates better productivity (i.e. operations)
Financial Ratios (cont..)
Profitability Ratios
Net Profit
Answer in %, higher ratio indicates better income to shareholders

Return On
/ Investment
Answer in %, higher ratio indicates higher return on firm’s investment
Financial Ratios (cont..)
Profitability Ratios

Return On =

Answer in %, higher ratio indicates higher return to shareholders

Example: Financial Ratio Analysis
Statement of financial performance for the year ended
December 31, 2020
Revenue/Net Sales 1500
less: COGS 450
Gross Profit 1050
less: Operating Expenses 450
Other operating expenses 300
Operating Income(EBIT) 300

plus: other income none

less: Interest 25
Earnings Before Taxes 275
less: Corporate Taxes (40%) 110
Net Income 165
less: Dividend- Preferred none
Common 33
Retained Earnings 132
Example: Financial Ratio Analysis
Statement of financial position as at December 31, 2020


Current Assets Current Liabilities
Cash 12 Account Payable 38
Account Receivable 44 Notes Payable 35
Inventories 82 Accruals 6
Prepaid expenses 8 Total Current Liabilities 79
Total Current Assets 146

Fixed Assets Long Term Debt 180

Plant and Machinery 170
Land and Buildings 450 Common Equity
Total Fixed Assets 620 Common Stock 100
Preferred Stock 150
Retained Earnings 257


Liquidity Ratios
Liquidity Ratios 2020 Industry
1) Current ratio (times)

Current Assets 146 1.85 2X

Current Liabilities 79

2) Quick ratio (times)

Current Assets-Prepaid- Inventories 146 -8- 82 0.71 1.2X

Current Liabilities 79

3) Net working Capital

Current Asset - Current Liablities 146 - 79 67.00 none

Profitability Ratios
Profitability Ratios 2020 Industry

1) Return on Equity (%)

Earning after tax 165 32.54 32%

Common Equity 507

2) Return on Asset(%)

Earnings after tax 165 21.54 45%

Total assets 766

3) Gross Profit Margin(%)

Gross Profit 1050 70.00 65%

Sales 1500

4) Operating Margin(%)

Operating Income 300 20.00 30%

Sales 1500

5) Net Profit Margin(%)

Net Profit 165 11.00 9%

Sales 1500
Activity Ratios
Activity Ratio 2020 Industry

1) Asset Turnover (times/yr)

Sales 1500 1.96 5X

Total Assets 766

2) A/c Receivables Turnover (times/yr)

Sales 1500 34.09 40X

A/c Receivables 44

3) Average Collection Period (days)

A/c Receivables 44 10.56 6 days

Daily Sales (1500/360)

4) Inventory Turnover (times/yr)

Sales 1500 18.29 20X

Inventory 82

5) Fixed Assets Turnover

Sales 1500 2.42 none

Fixed Assets 620
Leverage or Solvency Ratios
Leverage (Solvency) Ratio 2003 2020 Industry

1) Debt Ratio

Total Debt 259 33.81 30%

Total Assets 766

2) Debt to Equity

Total Debt 259 51.08 50%

Equity 507

3) Time Interest Earned (time)

EBIT 300 12.00 10X

Interest 25
Tutorial (Refer to past year questions)

 Semester June 2019 – Part A: Question 1

 Semester Dec 2019 – Part A: Question 1
To be continued…

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