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Nama: Muhammad Nor Hilmi

Nim : 2310115210010

Mata kuliah: Bahasa Inggris

Adjective Exercise

Read the sentences below carefully and identify the adjectives (it can
be more than 1 word in a sentence).

1. The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

Adjective:Quick, Brown, lazy

2. The beautiful princess lived in a large castle.

Adjective: beautiful, large

3. John has a new red car.

Adjective: New,red

4. The old man lives in a small wooden house.

Adjective: old, small,wooden

5. The fierce tiger roared loudly in the jungle.

Adjective: Fierce,loudly

6. He is an excellent player.

Adjective: Excellent

7. The tall girl won the race.

Adjective: Tall

8. The little child loves the colourful balloons.

Adjective: Little, colorful

9. The rich man donated a large amount of money.

Adjective: Rich, Large

10. The cold weather is making me shiver.

Adjective: Cold

11. Tom is a good runner.

Adjective: Good

12. We have enough food for the trip.

Adjective: Enough

13. Reading books is an interesting activity.

Adjective: Interesting

14. This book is more interesting than the other one.

Adjective: Interesting

15. These mangoes are very sweet.

Adjective: Sweet

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