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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 02 (Cagayan Valley)
Echague East District
Malibago, Echague, Isabela 3309
 09061846655 

Grade 6- Weekly Home Learning Plan

Quarter 2, Week 2, January 11-15,2021

Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

10:30 AM - SCIENCE 6 1. Explain how the organs * Learning Task 1: (What I Need to Know) Parents/guardian will
10:55 AM of each organ system work Read What I Need To Know hand-in the output,
together * Learning Task 2: (What I Know) answer sheets,
2. Identify the function of Arrange the jumbled letters to form the correct worksheets and
the organs of the * Learning Task 3: (What’s In) notebook of the pupil
Circulatory System Start by answering the crossword puzzle to the teacher in
3. Describe how the organs * Learning Task 4: (What’s New) school based on the
of the Circulatory System Read What’s New. date and time
(S6LTII-a-b-1) * Learning Task 5: (What is It) scheduled.
Read and study the 3 major organs of circulatory sytstem.
* Learning Task 6: (What’s More) *As the parent enter
Write the correct answer under the column of organs being describe the school strict
* Learning Task 7: (What I Have Learned) implementation of
Read the important notes. the minimum health
* Learning Task 8: (What I Can Do) protocols will be
Look at the picture of the circulatory system, explain in a short followed as
paragraph prescribed by the
how the organs in the circulatory system work together DOH and IATF.
* Learning Task 9: (Assessment)
Match the column A to column B. Write only the letter on the space Teacher can
provided. communicate to
* Learning Task 10. (Additional Activity) his/her pupuls and do
oral questioning and
Make a poster or slogan showing healthy habits on taking care of the
assessment to the
circulatory system.
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery


11:35AM - MUSIC 6 creates simple melodies * Learning Task 1: (What I Need to Know) Parents/guardian will
11:55AM (MU6ME-IIa-4); Read What I Need To Know hand-in the output,
a. identifies melodies in C * Learning Task 2: (What I Know) answer sheets,
Major, G Major and F Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on your worksheets and
Major scales; and paper. notebook of the pupil
b. sing through so-fa * Learning Task 3: (What’s In) to the teacher in
syllable simple melodies Choose the correct answer in the box below and write it on your paper. school based on the
created in C Major, * Learning Task 4: (What’s New) date and time
G Major and F Major Read What’s New. scheduled.
scales. * Learning Task 5: (What is It)
Read and study. *As the parent enter
* Learning Task 6: (What’s More) the school strict
Sing the song “Pamulinawen” in two different scale, in C Major scale implementation of
and in G Major scale. Try to see or hear the difference of the two scales. the minimum health
* Learning Task 7: (What I Have Learned) protocols will be
Complete the two major scales on the staffs. Do it on your paper. followed as
* Learning Task 8: (What I Can Do) prescribed by the
Give the missing syllable names of C Major and G Major scales. Write DOH and IATF.
your answer on your paper.
* Learning Task 9: (Assessment)
A. Construct the following scales. Do this on your paper. Teacher can
B. Create simple melodies using C Major and G Major scales. Then sing communicate to
the created melodies through its so-fa syllables. Do this on your paper. his/her pupuls and
* Learning Task 10. (Additional Activity) do oral questioning
Create your own simple melodies in C Major and G Major scales, then and assessment to
practice singing them using so-fa syllable. the pupil.

1:00PM – ARTS 6 Creates a digital painting * Learning Task 1: (What I Need to Know) Parents/guardian will
1:40PM similar with the Masters’ Read What I Need To Know hand-in the output,
(e.g., Van Gogh, Amorsolo, * Learning Task 2: (What I Know) answer sheets,
etc.) in terms of style, Match the pictures in column A to its name in column B. Write your worksheets and
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

theme, etc. (A6PR-IIc) answer on a sheet of paper.

* Learning Task 3: (What’s In)
Analyze the pictures below and classify if it is a HARDWARE or
SOFTWARE used in digital painting. Write your answer on a sheet of
notebook of the pupil
to the teacher in
* Learning Task 4: (What’s New)
school based on the
Analyze the masterpiece of well-known Filipino artists such as Fernando
date and time
Amorsolo and Juan Luna.
* Learning Task 5: (What is It)
Study the pictures.
*As the parent enter
* Learning Task 6: (What’s More)
the school strict
Try to make your own digital painting using the original masterpiece of
implementation of
Victorio C. Edades.
the minimum health
* Learning Task 7: (What I Have Learned)
protocols will be
Supply a correct word on the statements below by choosing them inside
followed as
the box. Write your answer on a sheet of paper.
prescribed by the
* Learning Task 8: (What I Can Do)
Imagine that you are one of the creators of famous masterpieces, choose
one from the three to create your own version using the skills that you
Teacher can
learned on digital painting. communicate to
* Learning Task 9: (Assessment) his/her pupuls and do
Create your own version of digital painting showing your favorite style, oral questioning and
theme, and technique in painting. assessment to the
* Learning Task 10. (Additional Activity) pupil.
Try to create a digital painting using the masterpiece of Filipino artist
Cesar Legaspi.

2:15PM - PE6 Describe the skills involved * Learning Task 1: (What’s In) Parents/guardian will
2:35PM in the games (PE6GS-Ib-2) How often do you perform the activities listed below? Check the column hand-in the output,
that corresponds to your answer. answer sheets,
* Learning Task 2: (What’s New) worksheets and
Let’s have fun and sing the song to the tune of “Leron-leron Sinta”. notebook of the pupil
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

* Learning Task 3: (What is It) to the teacher in

Read and learn. school based on the
* Learning Task 4: (What’s More) date and time
Perform the activity with the help of a family member or a friend and fill scheduled.
out the chart afterwards.
* Learning Task 5: (What I Have Learned) *As the parent enter
Read and take the important notes. the school strict
* Learning Task 6: (What I Can Do) implementation of
Do the ff. activities. the minimum health
* Learning Task 7: (Assessment) protocols will be
Put a check (✓) on the blank if the skills in playing Agawang Panyo are followed as
transferrable in the given activities below and an (X) mark if not. prescribed by the
* Learning Task 8. (Additional Activity) DOH and IATF.
Using a skipping rope or any rope available at home, do the following
activities and answer the questions that follow. Teacher can
communicate to
his/her pupuls and do
oral questioning and
assessment to the

1:40 PM - HEALTH 6 list down practices for Read and study. Parents/guardian will
2:05PM building and maintaining * Learning Task 6: (What’s More) hand-in the output,
healthful school and List down practices for building and maintaining healthful school and answer sheets,
community environment community environment. Choose your answer inside the box below the worksheets and
table. notebook of the pupil
* Learning Task 7: (What I Have Learned) to the teacher in
Read and take the important notes. school based on the
* Learning Task 8: (What I Can Do) date and time
Rate how healthy your school and community. Put a check in the box of scheduled.
your answer.
* Learning Task 9: (Assessment) *As the parent enter
Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not. the school strict
* Learning Task 10. (Additional Activity) implementation of
Day & Time Learning Area Learning Competency Learning Tasks Mode of Delivery

Do the following activities every day. Answer the following questions the minimum health
honestly. protocols will be
followed as
prescribed by the

Teacher can
communicate to
his/her pupuls and do
oral questioning and
assessment to the

Prepared by:
Teacher 1

Noted by:
Principal -I

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