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Oregon LNG Terminal and Oregon Pipeline Project

Pre-Filing Review Draft Resource Report 13 —

Engineering and Design Material


Docket Number PF07-10-000

Prepared by:
LNG Development Company, LLC (d/b/a Oregon LNG)
Oregon Pipeline Company, LLC

January 2008
Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 – Engineering and Design Material


13.1 Facility Description 16

13.1.1 Owner, Operator and Principal Contractors 16
13.1.2 Location and Site Information 16
13.1.3 LNG Receiving Terminal; Source and Market for Product 17
13.1.4 LNG Receiving Terminal; Storage, Import and Sendout Capacities and
Conditions 22
13.1.5 Liquefaction; Source of Feed Gas and Market for Product 24
13.1.6 Base Load Liquefaction; Capacities of Feed Gas, Pretreatment, Liquefaction,
Fractionation Products 24
13.1.7 Base Load Liquefaction; Storage, Product Shipping and Sendout Capacities and
Conditions 24
13.1.8 Peak Shaving; Source of Feed Gas and Market for Product 24
13.1.9 Peak Shaving; Capacities of Feed Gas Pretreatment and Liquefaction 24
13.1.10 Peak Shaving; Storage, Vaporization, Sendout Capacities and Conditions 24
13.1.11 Satellite; Source of LNG and Market for Sendout 24
13.1.12 Satellite; Storage, Vaporization, Sendout Capacities and Conditions 24
13.1.13 LNG Trucking Facilities 24
13.1.14 List of Major Systems and Components 24
13.1.15 Design Features 26
13.1.16 Utilities and Services 30
13.1.17 Safety Features for Containment 31
13.1.18 Safety Features for Fire Protection 33
13.1.19 Emergency Response 36
13.1.20 Operating Modes 36
13.1.21 Commissioning and Cooldown 37
13.1.22 Operation and Maintenance 38
13.1.23 Staffing Structure 41
13.1.24 Future Plans for the Terminal 41
13.1.25 Drawings 41

13.2 Project Schedule 42

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 – Engineering and Design Material

13.3 Site Plans 42

13.3.1 Site Description 42
13.3.2 Drawings 48

13.4 Basis of Design 49

13.4.1 Guarantee Conditions 49
13.4.2 Site Conditions 52
13.4.3 Emissions 53
13.4.4 Seismic 53
13.4.5 Climatic Conditions 55
13.4.6 Shipping 57
13.4.7 Mooring 57
13.4.8 LNG Cargos 58
13.4.9 Unloading 58
13.4.10 Feed Gas 58
13.4.11 Pretreatment 58
13.4.12 Regeneration Gas 58
13.4.13 Liquefaction 58
13.4.14 Fractionation Products 58
13.4.15 Storage 59
13.4.16 LP Pumps 59
13.4.17 HP Pumps 59
13.4.18 First Stage Ambient Air Vaporizers 60
13.4.19 Second Stage Vaporizers 60
13.4.20 Gas Liquid Removal 60
13.4.21 Btu Adjustment 60
13.4.22 Sendout Battery limit 60
13.4.23 Fuel Gas Conditions 61
13.4.24 Vapor Handling 61
13.4.25 Stack 61
13.4.26 LNG Trucking 62
13.4.27 Electrical 62
13.4.28 Control Instrumentation 62

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 – Engineering and Design Material

13.4.29 Instrument Air 62

13.4.30 Service Air 62
13.4.31 Inert Gas 63
13.4.32 Nitrogen 63
13.4.33 Fire Water 63
13.4.34 Cooling Water 63
13.4.35 Hydrotest Water 63
13.4.36 Utility (Service) Water 64
13.4.37 Fire Protection 64
13.4.38 Site Security 64

13.5 Major Process Systems 65

13.5.1 Marine 65
13.5.2 Unloading 69
13.5.3 Feed Gas 72
13.5.4 Liquefaction 72
13.5.5 Fractionation 72
13.5.6 Vapor Handling 72
13.5.7 LNG Sendout System 75
13.5.8 Gas Liquid Removal 81
13.5.9 Btu Adjustment 81
13.5.10 Vent and Flare Systems 81
13.5.11 Pressure Relief 82
13.5.12 Sendout Metering 84
13.5.13 LNG Product Loading - Marine 84
13.5.14 LNG Product Loading/Unloading - Trucking 84
13.5.15 Commissioning Plan 84

13.6 LNG Storage Tanks 86

13.6.1 General 86
13.6.2 Tank Foundation 88
13.6.3 Outer Containment 88
13.6.4 Inner Containment 88

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 – Engineering and Design Material

13.6.5 Seismic Loads on Inner and Outer Tanks 89

13.6.6 Wind Loads on Outer Tank 90
13.6.7 Insulation System 90
13.6.8 Tank Instrumentation 91
13.6.9 Pressure and Vacuum Relief Systems 92
13.6.10 Fittings, Accessories, and Tank Piping 94
13.6.11 Stairways and Platforms 95
13.6.12 Cryogenic Spill Protection 95
13.6.13 Anchorage 96
13.6.14 Painting 96
13.6.15 Tank Lighting and Convenience Receptacles 96
13.6.16 Electrical Grounding 96
13.6.17 Welding 96
13.6.18 Testing and Inspection 96
13.6.19 Procedures for Monitoring and Remediating Stratification 99
13.6.20 Tank Secondary Bottom and Corner Protection 99
13.6.21 Drawings 99

13.7 Utilities 100

13.7.1 Instrument Air 100
13.7.2 Service Air 101
13.7.3 Nitrogen 102
13.7.4 Potable Water 104
13.7.5 Service Water 105
13.7.6 Storm & Condensate Water 105
13.7.7 Wastewater 107

13.8 Equipment Data 107

13.8.1 Equipment List with Design Conditions 107
13.8.2 Equipment Data 107

13.9 Instrumentation 109

13.9.1 Description of Control System 109
13.9.2 Plant Control and Monitoring System Components 111

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 – Engineering and Design Material

13.9.3 Field Control Instruments 115

13.9.4 Control Communication and Control Power 116
13.9.5 Backup Power Supply 117
13.9.6 Sample Conditioning, Analyzers and Custody Transfer 117
13.9.7 Drawings 118

13.10 Safety Instrumentation 118

13.10.1 Description of the SIS 118
13.10.2 SIS Components 119
13.10.3 Communication and Control Power 119
13.10.4 Backup Power Supply 120
13.10.5 Emergency Shut Down (ESD) 121
13.10.6 Drawings and Tables 125

13.11 Electrical 125

13.11.1 Description of Electrical System 125
13.11.2 Hazardous Area Classification Basis 128
13.11.3 Electrical Tables and Lists 128
13.11.4 Electrical Drawings 129

13.12 Fuel Gas 130

13.12.1 Description of Fuel Gas System 130
13.12.2 Drawings 130

13.13 Spill Containment Systems 131

13.13.1 Description of Spill Containment Systems 131
13.13.2 Thermal Radiation Exclusion Zones 134
13.13.3 Flammable Vapor Exclusion Zones 135

13.14 Hazard Detection Systems 136

13.14.1 Description of Hazard Detection Systems 136
13.14.2 Description of Hazard Warning Systems Including Offsite, Plant Wide and
Local Area 138
13.14.3 Hazard Detector List 139
13.14.4 Drawings 139

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 – Engineering and Design Material

13.15 Fire Suppression and Response Plan 140

13.15.1 Description of Response to Fire and Deployment of Resources 140
13.15.2 Organizational Chart for Emergency Response and Fire Fighting 144

13.16 Hazard Control Systems 148

13.16.1 Description of Hazard Control Equipment and Systems 148
13.16.2 Dry Chemical Basis of Design 149
13.16.3 Matrix of Hazard Control Equipment 150
13.16.4 Dry Chemical System Drawings 150

13.17 Fire Water 151

13.17.1 Description of Fire Water System 151
13.17.2 Matrix of all Fire Water Delivery Equipment 155
13.17.3 Fire Water Drawings 155

13.18 High Expansion Foam System 156

13.18.1 Description of Foam System and Equipment 156
13.18.2 Foam System Basis of Design 156
13.18.3 Matrix with Tag Number, Location, Type/Model of Foam Equipment. 157
13.18.4 Drawings 157

13.19 Security 157

13.19.1 Security Description 157
13.19.2 Site Access Control 159
13.19.3 Cameras 159
13.19.4 Intrusion Detection 160

13.20 Piping 160

13.20.1 Piping Systems 160
13.20.2 Piping Specification 161
13.20.3 Piping Insulation, Cold 161
13.20.4 Piping Insulation, Hot 162
13.20.5 Pipe Racks 162
13.20.6 Piping Specification Tabular Summary 162
13.20.7 Piping Insulation Tabular Summary 162

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 – Engineering and Design Material

13.20.8 Piping Arrangement Drawings 163

13.21 Foundations and Supports 163

13.21.1 Description of Foundations and Supports 163
13.21.2 Drawings 165

13.22 Buildings and Structures 165

13.22.1 Description of Buildings 165
13.22.2 List of Buildings with Dimensions 168
13.22.3 Drawings 169

13.23 Process Drawings 169

13.23.1 Process Flow Diagrams and Material and Energy Balances 169

13.24 Piping and Instrument Diagrams 170

13.24.1 Drawing List with Revision Number and Issue Date 170
13.24.2 Piping and Instrumentation Legend and Symbols 170

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 – Engineering and Design Material


Table Page
Table LNG Sources and Compositions.........................................................................17
Table LNG Unloading and Transfer System Equipment ............................................25
Table LNG Storage Equipment...................................................................................25
Table Vapor Handling System Equipment .................................................................25
Table Vaporization and Sendout System Equipment..................................................26
Table Auxiliary Heating System Equipment ..............................................................26
Table Hazard Detector Layout Plans ..........................................................................33
Table Cut and Fill Quantities ........................................................................................43
Table Site Elevations ....................................................................................................52
Table Site Tidal Elevations ...........................................................................................53
Table Anticipated Flood Elevations..............................................................................57
Table Wind Limits .....................................................................................................69
Table Marine Drawings..............................................................................................69
Table 13.6.1 LNG Storage Tanks, General Information.............................................................87
Table 13.6.21 LNG Storage Tank Drawings...............................................................................99
Table List of Process Equipment Data Sheets ............................................................108
Table Equipment Vendor Data ...................................................................................108
Table 13.11.1 Motor Details .....................................................................................................127
Table Transformer List .............................................................................................129
Table LNG Spill Containment Basin S-606 .............................................................133
Table 13.13.2 Thermal Radiation Exclusion Zone Radii..........................................................135
Table 13.13.3 Flammable Vapor Exclusion Zones...................................................................136
Table 13.14.2 Hazard Detection Equipment Data Sheets .........................................................138
Table Hazard Detector Layout Plans ........................................................................139
Table 0 Building Hazard Detector Layout Plans.......................................................................140
Table Dry Chemical Equipment Systems Location Plans.........................................150
Table Dry Chemical Equipment Coverage Plans......................................................150
Table Dry Chemical System P&IDs .........................................................................150
Table Fire Water Equipment Location Drawings..................................................155
Table Fire Water P&IDs ........................................................................................155

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 – Engineering and Design Material


Table Page
Table Fire Water Coverage Plans .............................................................................156
Table 13.20.7 Pipe Insulation Tabular Summary......................................................................162
Table 13.20.8 Major Process Equipment Area Layout Drawings.............................................163
Table 13.22.2 List of Buildings with Dimensions ....................................................................168
Table Flow Diagrams....................................................................................170
Table Process Simulation Cases ...............................................................................170

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 – Engineering and Design Material


Figure Page
Figure Equipment Isolation/Maintenance Venting .....................................................83
Figure Emergency Shut Down System Zones...........................................................122
Figure 13.15.1-1 Emergency Classification Process.................................................................143
Figure 13.15.2-1 Emergency Organization ...............................................................................144

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 – Engineering and Design Material


Term Description
" inches
°F degree Fahrenheit
AAV Ambient Air Vaporizer
ACI American Concrete Institute
ANSI American National Standards Institute
API American Petroleum Institute
ASCE American Society of Civil Engineers
ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers
bbl barrels
bgs Below ground surfaces
BMS Burner Management System
BOG boiloff gas
BPA Bonneville Power Administration
Bscfd / bscfd billion standard cubic feet per day
Btu British thermal unit
Btu/(ft2hr) British thermal unit per feet squared per hour
CCTV closed circuit television
CFR Code of Federal Regulations
CHE Coast and Harbor Engineering
COTP Coast Guard Captain of the Port
CSZ Cascadia Subduction Zone
cy cubic yard
DB&B double block and bleed
DCS distributed control system
DOGAMI Oregon Department of Geology and Mineral Industries
DSL Department of State Lands (Oregon)
EIA Energy Information Administration
EIS Environmental Impact Statement
EPC Engineering, Procurement and Construction
ERC emergency release coupling
ERP Emergency Response Plan

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 – Engineering and Design Material


Term Description
ESD emergency shutdown
ESD-1 Pier Emergency Shutdown
ESD-1-1 Activation of the unloading arm/vapor return arm ERCs
ESD-2 Total Terminal Emergency Shutdown
ESP East Bank Skipanon Peninsula
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FEED Front End Engineering Design
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission
FIRM Flood Insurance Rate Map
FM Factory Mutual
fps feet per second
ft feet
GDR Geotechnical Data Report
gpm gallons per minute
h hour(s)
H&MB heat and material balance
HAZID Hazard Identification
HAZOP Hazard And Operability
HDMS Hazard Detection and Mitigation System
HHV higher heating value
HIPPS High Integrity Pipeline Protection System
HP high pressure
hp horsepower
HTF heat transfer fluid
IESNA Illuminating Engineering Society of North America
in inch
inches H2O inches of water
inches Hg inches of mercury
ISC International Ship to Shore Connections
ISO International Organization for Standardization
Kts knots

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 – Engineering and Design Material


Term Description
kV kilovolt
kVA kilovolt Ampere (one thousand Volt Amperes)
LFL lower flammability limit
LHV lower heating value
LNG Liquefied Natural Gas
Terminal Oregon LNG Import Terminal
LP low pressure
LTD Level, Temperature, Density
m3 cubic meters
m /hour cubic meters per hour
MARSEC Maritime Security
mbar millibar
MCC Motor Control Center
MCR Main Control Room
MLLW mean lower low water
MMBtu/hr million British thermal units per hour
MMcf/day million cubic feet per day
MMscfd million standard cubic feet per day
mph miles per hour
MW megawatt
N/A not applicable
NAVD North American Vertical Datum
NDE / NDT Nondestructive Examination / Nondestructive Testing
NEC National Electrical Code
NFPA National Fire Protection Association
NGA Natural Gas Act
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NTP Notice to Proceed
O&M Operations And Maintenance
OBE Operating Basis Earthquake
OCIMF Oil Companies International Marine Forum

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 – Engineering and Design Material


Term Description
OD Outside Diameter
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
P&ID piping and instrumentation diagram
PCMS Plant Control and Monitoring System
PCR Platform Control Room
PIANC Permanent International Association Navigation Congress
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
POTW Publicly-owned Treatment Works
PPB / ppb parts per billion
PPM / ppm parts per million
psf pounds per square foot
psig pounds per square inch gauge
RGS Rigid Galvanized Steel (conduit)
RR Resource Report
RTD resistance temperature detector
RTU remote terminal unit
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition
scfh standard cubic foot (feet) per hour
scfm standard cubic foot (feet) per minute
SIGTTO Society of International Gas Tanker & Terminal Operators
SIS Safety Instrumented System
SSE Safe Shutdown Earthquake
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol,
UL Underwriters Laboratories
UPS Uninterruptible Power Supply
USCG United States Coast Guard
USDOT United States Department of Transportation
USGS US Geological Survey
V voltage
VOC volatile organic compound

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

13.1 Facility Description

Oregon LNG proposes to construct and operate an onshore LNG receiving terminal and associated
facilities (the “Terminal” or “Project”) on the East Bank Skipanon Peninsula (ESP) near the confluence
of the Skipanon and Columbia Rivers at Warrenton, Clatsop County, Oregon. The Project includes
construction of an offshore slip and berth for offloading LNG carriers (LNGCs), onshore facilities to
receive and store up to 480,000 cubic meters (m3) of LNG, vaporizers to regasify LNG at a baseload rate
of 1 billion standard cubic feet per day (bscfd) of natural gas and a peak of 1.5 bscfd. Regasified natural
gas will be transported to the United States (U.S.) natural gas transmission grid via an approximately 120
mile long 36-inch-outside-diameter (OD) natural gas pipeline, which in turn will interconnect with other
natural gas pipelines, including the interstate transmission system of Williams Northwest Pipeline
(Williams) at the Molalla Gate Station.

Resource Report 1 contains detailed maps and drawings that illustrate the location of the Terminal and
Pipeline system.

This Resource Report 13 contains the front-end engineering design that has been prepared for the
Terminal, which includes the marine facilities and the onshore facilities. The front-end engineering
design has been prepared in accordance with the requirements of 18 C.F.R. §380.12 and has been
presented in accordance with the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s Resource Report 13 Draft
Preferred Submittal Format Guidance dated April 12, 2006. Sections 1.0 through 24.0 of Resource
Report 13 summarize the front-end engineering design, and Appendices A through U contain specific
reports, engineering standards, drawings and specifications referenced in the Report.

13.1.1 Owner, Operator and Principal Contractors

The Project is being proposed and will be owned and operated by LNG Development Company, LLC
(d/b/a Oregon LNG) and Oregon Pipeline Company (collectively, “Oregon LNG”).

13.1.2 Location and Site Information Location
The proposed Terminal will be located on the northern portion of the East Bank Skipanon Peninsula
(ESP) at River Mile 11.5 of the Columbia River. The onshore Terminal facilities will be situated entirely
within an approximately 96-acre parcel of land that is owned by the State of Oregon and leased to the
Port of Astoria by the Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL). LNG Development Company, LLC,
holds a long-term sublease for the entire 96-acre land parcel.

The Terminal will be located on the shoreland areas of the ESP, which are zoned Water Dependent
Industrial Shorelands I-2. The marine facilities are proposed in areas zoned Aquatic Development A-1. Site Information

Approximately 54 of the 96-acres leased by Oregon LNG will require land modification to accommodate
the Import Terminal, which will include three LNG storage tanks, LNG transfer pipeline, process
equipment, control rooms, natural gas send-out Pipeline, buildings, access roads, and parking areas.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Total land modification will be dependent upon final design configuration approved by FERC and other
state and federal authorities.

13.1.3 LNG Receiving Terminal; Source and Market for Product LNG Source
The Import Terminal has been designed to receive LNG from several possible LNG production sources.
A range of compositions has been used for the design basis. The heavy LNG case is used for process
simulation purposes, but equipment will be rated to accommodate both light and heavy compositions as
illustrated in the table below. The design of the Import Terminal does not require BTU control of the
sendout natural gas.

Table LNG Sources and Compositions

Light LNG Heavy LNG
Component Units
Composition Composition
Source -- Australia
Methane Mol % 89.05% 86.11%
Ethane Mol % 10.38% 9.04%
Propane Mol % 0.02% 3.60%
n-Butane Mol % 0.00% 0.42%
i-Butane Mol % 0.00% 0.52%
Pentanes and higher Mol % 0.00% 0.01%
Nitrogen Mol % 0.54% 0.30%
Molecular Weight 17.57 18.76
Gross Heating Value Btu/scf 1088.3 1156.5
H2S ppm by vol. nil nil
Total Sulfur ppm nil nil
Mercaptan Sulfur ppb nil nil

Note: “Heavy” LNG has been used for sizing LNG equipment. Not related to pipeline tariff compositional or
heating value limitations. Natural Gas Market

Current and Projected Natural Gas Supplies and Demand in North America

In its recent Annual Energy Outlook 2007, the U.S. Department of Energy’s Energy Information
Administration (EIA) presented a set of energy market forecasts for the U.S. through 2030, as follows:

• U.S. domestic natural gas demand is projected to increase;

• U.S. domestic gas production is projected to be generally flat or falling slightly;

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

• The yet-to-be-produced deposits of domestic gas are smaller and deeper than currently producing
fields, which will mean generally higher natural gas prices in the future (in both nominal and real

• Canadian gas exports to the U.S. (via pipeline) will continue to decline, because of dwindling
Canadian production and increased Canadian domestic demand; and

• U.S. imports of LNG will increase.

These market factors show a tightening of the overall supply-demand balance in the U.S.

Traditional domestic sources of natural gas supply in North America are declining. Natural gas is a
depletable resource, meaning that there is a fixed amount and what is used today will be unavailable
tomorrow. Since its first widespread commercial application in the early 1900s, natural gas resources
have been drawn down at an accelerating rate in both the U.S. and Canada. The EIA projects domestic
supplies to remain stable through 2014, then to continue declining through 2030.

Compounding the problem of decreasing domestic gas supply is the maturing of the domestic gas-
producing basins. The EIA identifies this trend in several ways. First, since a large proportion of the
onshore Lower-48 conventional natural gas resource base has already been discovered (and much of it
depleted), future discoveries of new conventional natural gas reservoirs are expected to be smaller,
deeper underground, further offshore, and/or in deeper water. These factors make these supplies more
expensive to develop and produce, per unit of gas produced. Also, as opportunities for conventional gas
development (large fields of natural gas contained in discrete pools so that large volumes of gas can be
extracted by a single well) become less attractive, the industry is expected to move more toward so-called
“unconventional” supplies (coalbed methane, tight-sands gas, and gas shales), but these supplies usually
have production costs that are higher than conventional supplies. In short, supplies are still available and
will continue to be so in the short term, but no longer at low cost.

The cost of natural gas supplies has therefore been increasing significantly in recent years, and the EIA
projects continued high natural gas prices throughout the forecast horizon. The EIA forecasts U.S.
wellhead gas prices generally in the range of approximately $6.00 per million cubic feet (Mcf) (in
constant 2005 dollars) through 2030 – higher than the recorded wellhead prices (in both real and nominal
terms) for most of the last 20 years.

Accompanying the problems of decreasing supply and higher costs is the steady increase in natural gas
demand in the U.S. and Canada, a demand that is likely to accelerate in the future. The primary driver of
demand growth is the electricity sector, which uses natural gas as fuel in power plants to generate
electricity. As environmental regulations increase the cost of emissions, power generation will turn more
to clean-burning and efficient natural-gas-fired plants and away from high-emission coal- or oil-fired
plants. To meet the nation’s growing demand for electricity, the power industry is turning to natural gas
as the fuel of choice. Currently the U.S. owns about 3 percent of the world’s natural gas reserves, but
consumes almost 30 percent of the world’s total natural gas. The EIA forecasts a 15.4 percent increase
(to 3.24 trillion cubic feet [Tcf]) in overall U.S. annual end-use natural gas consumption between 2007
and 2030, and a 10.3-percent increase (to 0.26 Tcf) in the Pacific region, defined as Washington, Oregon,

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Idaho, California, Alaska, and Hawaii. Therefore, new lower-cost natural gas supplies are needed to meet
the ever-increasing U.S. demand.

Historically, gas imports from Canada (via pipeline) have filled the gap between domestic gas production
and natural gas consumption in the U.S. In recent years, these Canadian supplies have comprised up to 18
percent of total U.S. end-use consumption, reaching a high of 3.5 Tcf per year. However, the EIA
forecasts that the Canadian gas market will face the same factors facing the U.S. market – increasing
domestic demand and maturation of the Canadian domestic conventional supply base (principally the
Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin). These factors will combine to reduce the amount of gas available
for export from Canada to the U.S.; the EIA forecasts that by 2030, these exports will have declined more
than 50 percent from their current level, to 1.56 Tcf.

These market conditions – increasing domestic demand, decreasing domestic supply, and decreasing
imports via pipeline from Canada – are ripe for the introduction of new LNG supplies to the U.S. market.
The EIA forecasts that by 2030, annually imported LNG supplies will have risen more than 500 percent
from their present level (from 0.83 to more than 4.5 Tcf per year) and will represent almost 19 percent of
total U.S. end-use gas consumption in that year. These new LNG supplies will help the U.S. market meet
the forecasted levels of demand, while keeping prices at reasonable levels consistent with this level of
demand. LNG projects within the U.S. will be key components in maintaining a robust U.S. gas market at
reasonable prices. In order to reach the level of LNG imports required by the EIA forecasts, many LNG
projects will be required in the U.S. Already, in the Gulf Coast and mid-Atlantic states, many LNG
projects are in operation or planned for the near future.

Abundant natural gas supplies are available in various parts of the world, including the Middle East,
Indonesia, Malaysia, Australia, Russia, South America, and Eastern Europe. The cost of transporting gas
is high, and pipelines are preferable over short distances, but the most economical method of transporting
natural gas over very long distances (1,000 miles and more) is to first liquefy it (i.e., convert it to LNG)
and then ship it in specially designated tankers. This LNG trade has been active since the 1960s, is a
proven technology with a demonstrated record of safe operations, and has been implemented successfully
in the U.S. in Massachusetts, Louisiana, Georgia, and Maryland. The trade continues to grow steadily
because such countries as Japan and Korea are entirely dependent on LNG for their natural gas supplies,
and many additional projects like the Oregon LNG Terminal and Oregon Pipeline (with a projected
capacity of about 0.35 Tcf per year) will be required. Thus, the proposed Project is entirely consistent
with the fundamental long-term market trends identified in the EIA forecasts.

The Oregon LNG Import Terminal will be part of the solution for these market trends – increasing
demand, decreasing availability of lower-cost U.S. supplies, decreasing availability of Canadian imports
via pipeline, and overall rising prices. The Project will benefit consumers in two ways: it will provide
new, competitively-priced gas supplies that will serve the increasing demand, and it will help to maintain
prices at reasonable levels.

Natural Gas Supplies, Demand, and Distribution in the Pacific Northwest

Natural gas consumption in the state of Oregon alone, which imports all of its natural gas, now accounts
for one fifth of all the energy consumed in the state; and Oregon is representative of the entire Pacific

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Northwest. Yet, in contrast to the many LNG projects in place or planned in the Gulf Coast and Mid-
Atlantic states, very few have been proposed in the Western states. In addition, the Pacific Northwest has
felt the recent changes in the North American natural gas market more acutely than most of the U.S.
Historically a region of low prices because of relatively short distances to prolific resource basins (the
Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin and the Rocky Mountain Gas Basin), the Pacific Northwest is now
faced with prospect of having among the highest natural gas prices in the world. While steady population
growth will continue to accelerate the demand for natural gas, the declining Canadian supplies and
exports will affect the Pacific Northwest particularly badly because the region has historically relied on
Canada for much of its supply.

Furthermore, lower-cost gas supplies that are currently available in the Rocky Mountain Gas Basin are
limited by pipeline takeaway capacity to the Pacific Northwest, as the cost of building new pipelines
through the Rocky Mountains is extremely high. In any case, when the Rockies Express pipeline is
completed and adds almost 2 Bscf/d of capacity from the Rocky Mountains to the Midwest, the price of
gas is expected to increase, and thus cheap supplies will no longer be available in the area. Prices are a
measure of economic scarcity, and the simple fact is that the Pacific Northwest has run out of cheap

Indicators point to rapidly escalating natural gas prices in Oregon and throughout the Pacific Northwest.
Currently, the price at Sumas, Washington, which is a published pricing point in the region, is traded at a
discount compared with the price at Henry Hub in Louisiana, which is the most widely traded natural gas
market in the world. The basis to Henry (i.e., the difference in price between two points) is negative,
meaning that the price at Sumas is lower than the price at Henry. However, given the market changes that
are likely to occur, the historical basis will not be maintained. Pacific Northwest prices will escalate
rapidly with the decline in Canadian imports, while the Henry Hub price will be relatively stagnant as
numerous LNG projects are constructed in the Gulf Coast and Mid-Atlantic states. Within a decade from
now, the basis is expected to turn positive, meaning that the Sumas price will be higher than the Henry
Hub price. Therefore, if natural gas supply alternatives are not located and implemented, the Pacific
Northwest will increasingly suffer from depleted supplies and higher prices.

The proposed Oregon LNG Import Terminal will receive LNG from Pacific Rim sources and deliver the
regasified supplies to natural gas markets throughout the Pacific Northwest. The Project will provide
additional, competitively-priced gas to growing markets that are currently served by declining and
increasingly expensive North American gas supplies, thus helping to meet the demand while mitigating
price increases.

In Oregon specifically, LNG delivered by the Project will serve local markets and decrease natural gas
prices in that state. Oregon consumers will benefit from having a competitively priced supply alternative
that will apply downward pressure on price. A price decrease of $0.15 per million British thermal units
(MMBtu), which is a fairly conservative estimate, will save Oregon households and businesses an
estimated $50 million dollars per year, regardless of who actually contracts the gas.

Oregon LNG has examined the existing and potential natural gas flow volumes that can be provided by
the Oregon Pipeline. As described previously, the approximately 121 miles of 36-inch-OD natural gas
pipeline will to run from Warrenton, Oregon to the Molalla Gate Station, from where the natural gas will

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

reach the local market through its interconnections with the Williams natural gas transmission system
(16-inch-OD and 20-inch-OD high-pressure transmission pipelines) and NW Natural’s 24-inch-OD
SMPE. Existing peak and theoretical additional flows have been calculated for takeaway capacity at the
Molalla Gate Station location. The new NW Natural Pipeline Lateral will allow for the Oregon Pipeline
to connect to the SMPE further north, near Banks, Oregon.

Based on Oregon LNG’s evaluation and calculations, the proposed 36-inch-OD Oregon Pipeline has
potential outlets that meet its 1.5-Bscf/d peak design capacity. This ultimate flow is made up of the
following components:

• Existing historical peak flows on the Williams natural gas transmission system;

• Improvements to the Williams natural gas transmission system at Oregon City and Washougal,
Oregon compressor stations to reach the peak capacity of these existing lines for a northern flow

• Existing historical peak flows on the NW Natural 24-inch-OD SMPE to the Mist Gas Storage
Facility from the Molalla Gate Station;

• Improvements to the injection rate at the Mist Gas Storage Facility to allow more flow;

• Supplying NW Natural distribution flows to the greater Portland, Oregon distribution system
using the 24-inch-OD SMPE and the existing connections to the distribution system at Aurora,
Sherwood, and Hillsboro; and

• Providing a crossover pipeline (the NW Natural Pipeline Lateral) from the 36-inch-OD Oregon
Pipeline to the NW Natural 24 inch-OD SMPE to allow injection to the Mist Gas Storage
Facility and also distribution load supply at Aurora, Sherwood, and Hillsboro simultaneously.

Existing peak flows on the Williams and NW Natural pipelines currently will allow for 533 million
standard cubic feet per day (MMscf/d). With modifications to the Williams natural gas transmission
system at Oregon City and Washougal, it is calculated that the total peak flow would become slightly
more than 1 Bscf/d. Adding improvements to the injection rate at the Mist Gas Storage Facility or using
the SMPE to supply gas to the distribution system to the greater Portland area will bring this maximum
potential peak flow to 1.2 Bscf/d. Installing the NW Natural Pipeline Lateral cross-connection between
the 36-inch-OD Oregon Pipeline and the NW Natural 24-inch-OD SMPE will allow this maximum
potential peak flow to reach 1.5 Bscf/d.

It will also be possible to transport natural gas provided by the proposed Project through pipelines to
other Western states, especially those in the Pacific Northwest. The region has enough year-round
demand to accept the entire Project delivery capacity (planned at up to 1.5 Bscf/d) by itself. The region
has fairly seasonal demand with winter load peaks due to space-heating requirements, but also has
sufficient industrial and commercial load to maintain a good base load. The proposed Project will help
moderate the continued increase in natural gas prices by bringing additional supplies to serve the Pacific
Northwest market.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Two additional factors related to storage will facilitate the delivery of natural gas to the Oregon market
and to the Pacific Northwest in general. Storage is a vital consideration for LNG projects because
deliveries from LNG carriers are large and intermittent. Carriers typically make at least two deliveries a
week, bringing a very large volume of LNG each time. Storage is necessary to buffer the delivered
volumes so that they can be absorbed into the natural gas system. LNG facilities must have access to
storage, either at the Terminal site or accessible by pipeline. Typically, storage is the most expensive
component of an LNG terminal. The proposed Oregon LNG Terminal has been designed to have three
LNG storage tanks, each with a usable storage capacity of 160,000 m3.

If an existing underground storage facility can be used, it can greatly decrease the cost of an LNG
terminal. While underground storage facilities are scarce in the western U.S., in this case two storage
facilities are located not far from the proposed Terminal. One is the Mist Gas Storage Facility at nearby
Mist, Oregon, with a capacity of 16 billion cubic feet (Bcf), and the other is at Jackson Prairie,
Washington, with a capacity of 41 Bcf. The natural gas provided by the Project, via the Molalla Gate
Station, will be able to serve these facilities as well as the Williams natural gas transmission system and
the NW Natural pipeline system.

13.1.4 LNG Receiving Terminal; Storage, Import and Sendout Capacities

and Conditions LNG Import Facilities
The following provides a summary of the Terminal facilities, capacities and conditions:

LNG carrier size range......................................................... 70,000 to 266,000 cubic meters (m3)

Number of berths ...........................................................................................................................1

Liquid unloading arms and size per berth.................................................................. 3 x 16 inches

Vapor return arms and size per berth......................................................................... 1 x 16 inches

Unloading maximum rate ...................................................................................... 14,000 m3/hour

Unloading (transfer) pipeline diameter............................................................................ 36 inches

Unloading minimum pressure at carrier manifold..................... 100 meter head (approx. 65 psig)

Max allowable saturation pressure of carrier's cargo (equilibrium pressure) ....................2.5 psig

Design pressure, arms ........................................................................................................275 psig

Design pressure, unloading piping.....................................................................................275 psig

Design vapor return pressure at carrier manifold .............................................................1.45 psig

Maximum vapor return temperature at carrier manifold ..................................................... -180°F

The maximum required vapor flow returned to the carrier is to be based on a normal boiloff rate from the
carrier. A design rate of 0.15 percent of the full contents per day at an industry standard of 95°F ambient

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

for newer carriers, and a maximum boiloff rate of 0.25 percent of the full contents per day at the same
95°F ambient for older carriers is used in the design. LNG Storage

The following provides a summary of the LNG storage capacities and conditions:

Type of tank ..........................................................................Full Containment Above Ground

Foundation ............................................. Piled with concrete pile cap, with seismic isolators

Secondary containment..................................................................... Concrete Outer Containment

Number of tanks.............................................................................................................................3

Gross capacity per tank........................................................ Approximately 170,000 cubic meters

Working capacity per tank............................................................................ 160,000 cubic meters

Design pressure ..................................................................................................................4.3 psig

Design temperature .............................................................................................................. -270°F

Discretionary vent pressure ................................................................................................4.0 psig

Design vacuum .................................................................................Not less than 2.0 inches w.c.

Working pressure............................................................................4.3 psig (maximum allowable)

Normal operating pressure range...............................................................................0.5 – 3.7 psig

Boiloff rate (pure methane and full tank) ......................................0.05% per day at 95°F ambient

Maximum design LNG specific gravity ...................................................................................0.48 Natural Gas Sendout

The following provides a summary of the natural gas sendout capacities and conditions:

Sendout pipeline length ..........................................................................Approximately 120 miles

Sendout pipeline diameter (leaving site) .................................................36-inch outside diameter

Design flow rate........................................... 1,000 million standard cubic feet per day (MMscfd)

Peak flow rate ........................................... 1,500 million standard cubic feet per day (MMscfd)

Pipeline maximum allowable operating pressure at battery limit ...................................1440 psig

Maximum allowable pipeline temperature at battery limit....................................................120°F

Minimum allowable pipeline temperature at battery limit ......................................................40°F

The natural gas pipeline will interconnect with other natural gas pipelines, including the interstate natural
gas transmission system of Williams Northwest Pipeline (Williams) at the Molalla Gate Station.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

13.1.5 Liquefaction; Source of Feed Gas and Market for Product

Not applicable

13.1.6 Base Load Liquefaction; Capacities of Feed Gas, Pretreatment,

Liquefaction, Fractionation Products
Not applicable

13.1.7 Base Load Liquefaction; Storage, Product Shipping and Sendout

Capacities and Conditions
Not applicable

13.1.8 Peak Shaving; Source of Feed Gas and Market for Product
Not applicable

13.1.9 Peak Shaving; Capacities of Feed Gas Pretreatment and Liquefaction

Not applicable

13.1.10 Peak Shaving; Storage, Vaporization, Sendout Capacities and

Not applicable

13.1.11 Satellite; Source of LNG and Market for Sendout

Not applicable

13.1.12 Satellite; Storage, Vaporization, Sendout Capacities and Conditions

Not applicable

13.1.13 LNG Trucking Facilities

Not applicable

13.1.14 List of Major Systems and Components

The following is a list of the major systems and components that will be installed at the Terminal. Plot
plan 07902-DG-000-001, which is included in Appendix U.1, illustrates the location of these

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material LNG Unloading and Transfer System

Table LNG Unloading and Transfer System Equipment

Equipment Number Description
L-101A/B/C LNG Unloading Arms
L-102 Vapor Return Arm
D-103 Platform Drum LNG Storage System

Table LNG Storage Equipment

Equipment Number Description
T-201A/B/C LNG Storage Tanks
P-202AA/AB LP Pumps – T-201A
P-202BA/BB LP Pumps – T-201B
P-202CA/CB LP Pumps – T-201C Vapor Handling System

Table Vapor Handling System Equipment

Equipment Number Description
D-203 BOG Drum
C-204A/B/C BOG Compressors
C-205A/B Vapor Return Blowers
E-206 Gas Make-up Vaporizer
E-207 BOG Condenser
L-210 Discretionary Vent Stack
D-211 Low Point Drain Drum
E-213A/B Fuel Gas Heaters
D-214 Fuel Gas Drum

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material Vaporization and Sendout System

Table Vaporization and Sendout System Equipment

Equipment Number Description
D-208 HP Pump Drum
P-301A/B/C/D/E/F HP Pumps
E-302A through Q First Stage Ambient Air Vaporizers
E-304A/B/C Second Stage Vaporizers
L-306 Sendout Meter Station Auxiliary Heating System

Table Auxiliary Heating System Equipment

Equipment Number Description
B-401A/B/C Fired Heaters
P-402A/B/C HTF Pumps
D-403 HTF Surge Drum

13.1.15 Design Features LNG Piping Design Considerations
All cryogenic liquid piping has been designed such that all large bore segments are continuously
circulated during normal operation, including zero sendout. Similarly, all piping “dead legs” are
provided with continuous cooling circulation to avoid geysering or potential condensation-induced water

If de-inventorying of a given section of the Terminal is required, all large volumes of LNG can be
nitrogen-pressure transferred into a closed system and returned to the LNG storage tank(s) without
overloading the Terminal Vent/Drain System. LNG Unloading System

There will be one unloading berth on the unloading platform. The berth has three 16-inch liquid
unloading arms, L-101A/B/C. The unloading arms will have full-bore, emergency release couplings
(ERCs) at the outboard end of each arm.

LNG will be unloaded from an LNG carrier at a rate of 14,000 m3/hour into LNG Storage Tanks
T-201A/B/C via a single 36-inch LNG unloading pipeline. The unloading pipeline will be maintained at
cryogenic conditions at times when there is no unloading operation at a given berth by circulating LNG
from the LNG storage tank(s) through an LNG circulation pipeline to the berths. Expansion loops are
provided in the circulation pipeline to provide for pipeline expansion and contraction.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material LNG Storage System

Design Considerations

The LNG storage tanks (T-201A/B/C) are all identical, full-containment type tanks, with a primary inner
containment and a secondary outer containment. The tanks are designed and will be constructed so that
the self-supporting primary containment and the secondary containment will be capable of independently
containing the full volume of LNG. The primary containment will contain the LNG under normal
operating conditions. The secondary containment is designed to be capable of containing the LNG (110
percent capacity of the inner tank contents) and of controlling the vapor resulting from the highly
unlikely failure of the inner containment. Each insulated tank is designed to store a net volume of
160,000 m3 (1,006,000 barrels) of LNG at a design temperature of -270°F and a maximum internal
pressure of 4.3 psig.

Each full containment tank will consist of:

• A 9 percent nickel steel open-top inner containment;

• A pre-stressed concrete outer containment wall;

• A reinforced concrete dome roof;

• A reinforced concrete outer containment bottom; and

• An insulated aluminum deck over the inner containment suspended from the roof.

The aluminum support deck is designed to be insulated on its top surface with fiberglass blanket
insulation material. The fiberglass blanket of Perlite® insulation is chosen to minimize the potential of
in-leakage into the inner containment. The outside diameter of the outer containment is approximately
292 feet at the base of each tank. The small amount of vapor pressure generated from boiloff of the LNG
is designed to be equalized through ports in the suspended deck with the boiloff gas contained by the
outer containment. The internal design pressure of the outer containment roof is 4.3 psig. The space
between the inner containment and the outer containment is insulated to allow the LNG to be stored at a
minimum design temperature of -270°F while maintaining the outer containment at near ambient
temperature. The insulation beneath the inner containment is cellular glass, load-bearing insulation that
will support the weight of the inner containment tank, associated structures (including the bottom fill
standpipe column), and the LNG. The space between the sidewalls of the inner and outer containments is
filled with expanded Perlite® insulation that will be compacted to reduce long-term settling of the
insulation. The outer containment is lined on the inside with carbon steel plates. This carbon steel liner
serves as a barrier to moisture migration from the atmosphere reaching the insulation inside the outer
concrete wall. This liner also provides a barrier to prevent vapor escaping from inside the tank in normal

There will be no penetrations through the inner containment or outer containment sidewall or bottom.
All piping into and out of the inner or outer containments enters from the top of the tank.

The inner containment is designed and will be constructed in accordance with the requirements of
American Petroleum Institute (API) Standard 620 Appendix Q. The tank system meets the requirements

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

of National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 59A (2001 edition will be used as the basis except where
the 2006 edition is more stringent) and 49 CFR Part 193.

Each tank is protected against over-pressure and under-pressure by the provision of pressure and vacuum
relief valves.

Instrumentation installed on the tank will monitor level, temperature and density for detection of
situations that could result in roll-over.

Section of this Report summarizes the key parameters used in the design of the LNG storage

Low Pressure (LP) LNG Pumps (P-202AA/AB/BA/BB/CA/CB)

Each of the LNG storage tanks will have two LP Pumps. Each LP Pump will be mounted inside its own
column and will be located inside the column near the bottom of the LNG storage tank. There will also
be one spare pump column installed in each of the LNG storage tanks for installation of another pump if
needed for future operation.

Each pump will be provided with an individual minimum flow recycle line and flow control to protect the
pump from insufficient cooling and bearing lubrication at low flow rates.

The pumps have remotely monitored pressure, flow, vibration and motor amperage signals.

The pumps will include features to isolate and safely maintain a single pump without requiring other
pumps to be removed from service. The LP Pumps will be removable for maintenance while maintaining
an operating level in the LNG storage tank. Vapor Handling Systems

Vapor Handling Priority

To avoid the lifting of vacuum relief valves, the LNG storage tanks T-201A/B/C are first protected from
low pressure by injecting revaporized LNG into the boiloff gas (BOG) Header via the Gas Make-Up
Vaporizer E-206.

The LNG carrier’s tanks are protected from low pressure by returning BOG to the carrier via Vapor
Return Blowers C-205A/B through Vapor Return Arm L-102.

Excess vapor in the on-shore LNG storage tanks (indicated by rising LNG tank pressures) is either
returned to unloading carriers, consumed as fuel gas for the auxiliary heating system, or condensed in
BOG Condenser E-207 and sent out through the vaporization system.

During extended periods of zero sendout, or with loss of BOG Compressors C-204A/B/C and Vapor
Return Blowers C-205A/B during LNG carrier unloading with the LNG storage tank operating near the
vent pressure setpoint, excess vapor will be vented to the atmosphere through Flare Stack L-210.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

BOG Condenser Design Considerations

BOG Condenser E-207 has been sized to condense the BOG gas stream generated during carrier
offloading and normal sendout operations. The BOG Condenser is sized to handle the peak volume of
BOG, which occurs during times of minimum sendout rate during carrier offloading operations. The
operating pressure of the BOG Condenser is optimized for the vapor compression and LP Pump

Vent Design Basis

The atmospheric venting system, including Flare Stack L-210, is designed for use during the following

• Initial cooldown of the Terminal;

• Extended power outage;

• Extended Emergency Shut Down (ESD) events;

• Unexpected loss of vapor handling equipment or sendout during carrier unloading with the LNG
tanks operating near maximum normal operating pressure; and

• Any other scenario which could lead to tank pressure approaching design pressure. LNG Vaporization and Sendout System

High Pressure (HP) LNG Pumps (P-301A/B/C/D/E/F)

The Terminal will be equipped with six HP Pumps. The HP Pumps are used to increase LNG pressure to
the natural gas sendout pressure.

Each HP Pump will be supplied from a common suction manifold fed by HP Pump Drum D-208 and will
discharge into a common manifold that supplies each HP Vaporizer with a separate inlet line. Valves
will be provided to safely isolate each pump from the system. Provisions have been made in the design
of suction and discharge manifolds for the addition of additional HP Pumps for possible future

Each HP pump will be provided with an individual minimum flow recycle line and flow control to
protect the pump from insufficient cooling and bearing lubrication at low flow rates. The recycle flow
will be routed to the top of one or more LNG storage tanks through a continuously cooled connection to
the tank top fill lines.

The pumps will have remotely monitored pressure, flow, vibration and motor amperage signals.

The pumps will include features to isolate and safely maintain a single pump without requiring other
pumps to be removed from service. First Stage Ambient Air Vaporizers (E-302A through Q)

The Terminal will be equipped with Ambient Air Vaporizers (AAVs) which will extract the bulk of heat
needed to vaporize LNG from ambient air prior to sendout through the pipeline. At times during the year

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

it is expected that these vaporizers will provide all of the required LNG vaporization heat duty; at other
times, the natural gas leaving the AAVs must be further heated in a supplementary heating system. For
this reason the AAVS are identified as the First Stage Ambient Air Vaporizers.

The First Stage AAVs Vaporizers will be of forced draft design with ambient air entering from the top
and flowing down over finned tubes containing a countercurrent (flow up) stream of LNG. Inlet and
outlet connections and headers have been sized for the design pressure drop, and are supplied with butt
weld connections for interconnection piping. Second Stage Vaporizers (E-304A/B/C)

In the event that ambient conditions are insufficient to heat the natural gas to the design basis 40°F
sendout temperature, a sidestream of natural gas will be routed through the Second-Stage Vaporizers,
which will heat the gas to approximately 180°F. Gas exiting these second-stage vaporizers will be
blended with the main natural gas flow to achieve the design basis sendout temperature. Second-stage
vaporizer heat is provided from heat transfer fluid which is in turn heated by a bank of natural gas-fired

13.1.16 Utilities and Services

The Terminal includes the following utility systems and services. Instrument and Service Air Systems

Air compressors produce compressed air for the instrument air and service air systems for use at the
Terminal Site.

Service air is used to power tools and equipment that will be used in the maintenance of the Terminal.

Dry instrument air is used for the instrumentation and control system installed at the Terminal.

Instrument air takes priority over service air if there is any reduction in compressed air supply. Nitrogen Systems

Liquid nitrogen is stored at the Terminal in an 8,300-gallon vertical liquid nitrogen storage tank and will
be vaporized as needed to meet demand. The vaporization is performed in a vendor supplied skid using
ambient air and electric power. Vaporized nitrogen flows to various locations through a piping
distribution system.

Nitrogen will be used to purge pipelines and equipment in preparation for maintenance and in preparation
for return to service. Electric Power Transmission and Control Systems

The Terminal will be powered from two, 115kV lines fed from either the Warrenton Substation, owned
by Pacific Power, or the Clatsop Substation, owned by BPA. The Warrenton Substation is located
approximately 1.7 miles from the Terminal, and is the most likely source of power. The Clatsop
Substation would require transmission lines approximately 5 miles in length, depending on the power
line routing. The 115kV lines will be carried on an overhead line from the respective substation to two

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

dedicated onsite 115kV/13.8kV step down transformers The 115kV feed line will have a transmission
capacity of 41.7MVA.

At the Terminal, the line will feed two, 100% capacity 115kV/13.8kV step down transformers.

The 115kV power will be stepped down to 13.8kV and then routed to the 13.8kV switchgear and all of
the 4160V and 480V switchgear and motor control centers.

One standby power generator set will be provided that will be capable of supplying enough power for
one LP pump, to maintain LNG circulation throughout the Terminal for maintenance cooling, Terminal
emergency lighting, including security lighting, security monitoring and warning systems, emergency
communications systems, control systems, one instrument air compressor, and other necessary auxiliary
systems. Potable and Service Water Systems

Potable and service water will be provided from the City of Warrenton municipal water system. Potable
water will be used for domestic consumption and sanitary purposes throughout the Terminal, while
service water will be used for maintenance activities.

No storage of potable water will be provided on the Terminal Site. Potable water will be supplied
directly from the city main at local pressure.

Service water will be drawn from the top of Fire Water Tank T-601 through a standpipe in the tank.
Service water flow will be pumped throughout a distribution system by two service water pumps in
parallel. The service water main pressure will be maintained at a nominal pressure of 90 psig by a
hydrostatic tank. Storm Water and Wastewater Systems

Sanitary waste from domestic use will be sent to the City of Warrenton municipal sanitary waste system
for treatment.

Storm water falling in curbed process areas and LNG spill containment troughs will drain to the LNG
Spill Containment Basin S-606. In addition, operation of the AAVs will reduce the air temperature
below its dewpoint, which will generate condensate in the air flow and ice formation on the AAV heat
transfer surfaces. This condensate and the associated ice melt will also flow into the LNG Spill
Containment Basin S-606. Water collecting in this Basin will be pumped through an oily water separator
and then drained to a bioswale area on site. Storm water that falls on vegetated areas elsewhere on the
site will drain to the local waterways or dissipate into the soil.

13.1.17 Safety Features for Containment

The Terminal is subject to the ssiting requirements of 49 CFR 193 Subpart B and NFPA 59A 2001
edition, (which the U.S. Department of Transportation (USDOT) incorporated within 49 CFR Part 193
on April 9, 2004).

The following siting requirements from 49 CFR Part 193 and NFPA 59A (2001) are applicable to
systems and equipment.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

• Three 160,000 m3 (net) full containment LNG storage tanks. 49 CFR Parts 193.2057 and 2059
require the establishment of thermal and flammable vapor exclusion zones for LNG storage
tanks. NFPA 59A Section specifies four thermal exclusion zones based on the design
spill and the impounding area. NFPA 59A Sections and specify a flammable
vapor exclusion zone for the design spill, which is determined in accordance with Section
of NFPA 59A;

• A pier composed of one LNG carrier berth and a marine cargo transfer system consisting of three
16-inch LNG unloading arms, a single 16-inch vapor return arm, and a single 36-inch LNG
transfer pipeline. 49 CFR Parts 193.2001, 2057 and 2059 require thermal and flammable vapor
exclusion zones for the transfer system. NFPA 59A does not address LNG transfer systems; and

• LNG process equipment, including six in-tank LP LNG pumps (two per tank); six HP pumps;
and 150 first stage ambient air vaporizers. 49 CFR Parts 193.2057 and 2059 require thermal and
flammable vapor exclusion zones. NFPA 59A Section specifies the thermal exclusion
zone and Sections and specify the flammable vapor exclusion zone based on a
design spill.

49 CFR Part 193.2181 specifies that the impoundment system serving a single LNG storage tank must
have a volumetric capacity of 110 percent of the LNG tank’s maximum liquid capacity. The LNG
Storage Tanks are each of full containment design consisting of a primary inner containment and a
secondary outer containment meeting this requirement.

The Terminal design includes one insulated concrete LNG Spill Containment Basin (S-606) as illustrated
on plot plan 07902-DG-000-001 included in Appendix U.1. The flow of LNG spills into this
containment basin is illustrated on the LNG Spill Containment Plot Plan 07902-DG-600-001 that is
included in Appendix Q.2. LNG Spill Containment Basin (S-606)

This containment basin is designed to contain a design spill of LNG resulting from a guillotine failure of
the 36-inch LNG unloading pipeline flowing for a period of 10 minutes. The maximum LNG unloading
rate is 14,000 m3/hour; therefore, the basin volume is designed to contain 2,333 m3 of LNG (equivalent to
82,400 cubic feet, or 616,400 gallons). LNG spills would flow along insulated concrete troughs located
beneath LNG transfer pipes leading to the LNG storage tanks. Troughs are designed and sized to
minimize vapor formation during LNG spills.

LNG spilled from the process area would also flow into the S-606 basin. The required spill volume for
sizing the sump is conservatively based on a ten minute flow from a guillotine failure of the LNG Storage
Tank In-tank LP Pump discharge header operating at full rated capacity. Because the flow rate from
these pumps is less than the 14,000 cubic meters per hour for carrier unloading, this spill volume is
bounded by the spill volume of the 36-inch LNG transfer line, as described above. Thermal Radiation Exclusion Zones

Exclusion distances for various flux levels have been calculated in accordance with 49 CFR Part
193.2057 and Section of NFPA 59A, using the "LNGFire III" computer program model developed

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

by the Gas Research Institute. The calculation and resulting thermal radiation exclusion zones for the
Terminal are detailed in Appendix Q.1 of this Resource Report. Flammable Vapor Exclusion Zones

In accordance with the requirements of Sections and of NFPA 59A and 49 CFR Part
193.2059, provisions have been made within the design of the Terminal to minimize the possibility of
flammable vapors reaching a property line that can be built upon and that would result in a distinct
hazard. Specifically, in accordance with the requirements of 49 CFR Part 193.2059, dispersion distances
have been calculated for a 2.5 percent average gas concentration, which is one half the lower
flammability limit (LFL) of LNG vapor. These distances have been calculated for the design spill into
the LNG Spill Containment Basin, S-606, using the design spills defined in accordance with Section of NFPA 59A (2001 edition).

The DEGADIS Dense Gas Dispersion Model was used to compute dispersion distances based on stability
Class F, a wind speed of 4.5 miles per hour (mph), 50 percent relative humidity and the average regional
temperature of 51°F and an initial basin wall temperature of 51.5°F. The calculation and resulting
flammable vapor exclusion zones for the Terminal are detailed in Appendix Q.1 of this Resource Report.

13.1.18 Safety Features for Fire Protection Hazard Detection and Mitigation System
A Hazard Detection and Mitigation System (HDMS) will be installed to continuously monitor and alert
the operator to hazardous conditions throughout the Terminal from fire, combustible gas leaks and low
temperature LNG spills. Monitoring capability will be provided via graphic display screens and/or
mimic panel displays located in the Main Control Room (MCR) and the Platform Control Room (PCR).

The Terminal will have a dedicated stand-alone system for fire, heat, combustible gas, smoke or
combustion product and low temperature LNG spill monitoring. Hazard Detector Layout Plans

The following hazard detector layout plans are included in Appendix U.8.

Table Hazard Detector Layout Plans

Drawing Number Description
07902-DG-610-410-01 Hazard Detector Layout Overview - Pier
07902-DG-610-420-01 Hazard Detector Layout Overview - Onshore Facilities
07902-DG-620-430-01 Hazard Detection Layout – Area 1
07902-DG-620-430-02 Hazard Detection Layout – Area 2
07902-DG-620-430-03 Hazard Detection Layout – Area 3
07902-DG-620-430-04 Hazard Detection Layout – Area 4
07902-DG-620-430-05 Hazard Detection Layout – Area 5
07902-DG-620-430-06 Hazard Detection Layout – Area 6
07902-DG-620-430-07 Hazard Detection Layout – Area 7
07902-DG-620-430-08 Hazard Detection Layout – Area 8

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Fire and gas detection and protection of offices and other buildings will be networked via fire panels
located in individual buildings to a master fire and gas detection panel located in the Main Control Room
(MCR). They will provide common alarms and status information to the Hazard Detection and
Mitigation System (HDMS).

An independent Safety Instrumented System (SIS) will be installed to allow the safe, sequential
shutdown and isolation of rotating equipment, vaporization equipment, pier operations and LNG storage
facilities when an Emergency Shutdown (ESD) is initiated. Emergency shutdown push buttons will be
installed at various points throughout the Terminal, and will encompass carrier unloading systems,
natural gas sendout systems and specific equipment.

The Terminal ESD system includes shutdown and control devices designed to put the Terminal in a safe
state. The ESD system will be used for major incidents and will result in either total shutdown of the
Terminal, shutdown of carrier unloading, shutdown of the sendout system and/or individual pieces of
equipment depending on the type of incident. The following levels of ESD will be configured for the

• ESD-1: Shutdown of unloading operations and isolation of the berth and unloading platform;

• ESD-1-1: A subset of ESD-1 which activates the ERC on each of the LNG unloading arms and
the vapor return arm; and

• ESD-2: Shutdown of LNG/NG sendout operations, including ESD-1. This action isolates the
Terminal from the natural gas sendout pipeline and from any carrier which may be berthed.

Cause & Effect Diagram (07902-DG-660-460, included in Appendix U.4) illustrates the input and output
relationship of all ESD initiators and actions. Hazard Control System

The Terminal design includes a fire fighting system composed of fixed and portable fire water systems,
fixed and portable dry chemical extinguishing systems, and a high expansion foam system. The
preliminary fire protection evaluation report for the Terminal prepared in accordance with the
requirements of Section 9.1.2 of NFPA 59A (2001 edition) is included in Appendix P.1 of this Resource
Report and the philosophy for the hazard control system is described in Appendix C.4.

The preliminary design basis for the fire water system assumes a total continuous fire water demand of
3,000 gpm, which is calculated as the sum of the 1,000 gpm supply required for hand held hose streams
per NFPA 59A (2001 edition) Section 9.4.2 and the maximum single incident postulated. The maximum
credible single incident postulated for the Terminal is assumed to require two 1,000 gpm monitors
operating simultaneously on the unloading platform. This is a typical value that will be confirmed during
final design of the fire water system. The fire fighting system is designed to maintain pressure
continuously to ensure 100 psig will be maintained at the monitors under all flow conditions. The
primary source of water for the fire water system is from the Fire Water tank, T-601, which is supplied
by the City of Warrenton municipal water system. However, backup fire water will be provided from

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Deluge Fire Pumps that will be installed at the edge of the Skipanon River, in accordance with applicable
permits. The Deluge Fire Pumps will also be used at any time that the LNG storage tank deluge system
is in operation. The design of the fire water system will consist of the following components:

• Fire Water Tank, T-601, with a fire water storage capacity of 360,000 gallons, based on a two
hour sustained flow rate, as required by NFPA 59A (2001 edition) Section 9.4.2;

• Electric and Diesel Fire Pumps, P-602 and P-603, respectively. The Fire Pumps will be located
onshore and will draw water from the Fire Water Tank. Each pump is designed to supply the
entire 3,000 gpm fire water demand (100 percent redundancy) at an outlet pressure that will meet
the design requirement of 100 psig system pressure at the inlet valves for the monitors on the
unloading platform. One pump is driven by an electric motor and the other pump is driven by a
diesel engine. This ensures the fire water system will be capable of providing the design basis
flow and pressure in the event of an electrical power failure;

• Jockey Pumps, P-604A/B. Two 100 percent redundant 250 gpm Jockey Pumps will be provided
and will be used to maintain system pressure in the fire water system; and

• Deluge Fire Pumps. These pumps will draw water from the Skipanon River and will be capable
of supplying water directly to the LNG storage tank deluge demand. In addition, these fire
pumps can provide river water to the fire water distribution system to provide emergency makeup
for the fire water system. The pumps are driven by diesel internal combustion engines.

The fire water system equipment sizing calculation 07902-CA-600-401 is included in Appendix P.2.

Dry chemical systems will be installed at the Terminal as they are effective against hydrocarbon pool and
three-dimensional fires (e.g., jet fires), particularly those involving pressurized natural gas or LNG spills,
provided re-ignition potential is low. The dry chemical agent specified is potassium bicarbonate
(“Purple-K®”) as this has been found to be most effective of the dry chemical agents. In addition, dry
chemical systems may be used in conjunction with the LNG Spill Containment Basin’s high expansion
foam system. Therefore, the dry chemical agent must be compatible with the high expansion foam agent.

The dry chemical systems will consist of total flooding systems, local application (fixed nozzle and/or
hose line systems) and/or portable extinguishers (both handheld and wheeled). System selection depends
on the type of hazard, the location of the hazard, the size of the hazard, existence of nearby ignition
sources, ability to access the hazard and the potential consequences of the fire on the public, Terminal
personnel and equipment. The dry chemical systems are located in strategic locations to facilitate
effective fire extinguishment. These systems are designed in accordance with NFPA 17 for engineered
systems and NFPA 10 for portable extinguishers and will be UL listed or FM approved.

A high expansion foam system, designed and installed in accordance with NFPA 11A, will be located at
the LNG Spill Containment Basin (S-606) to control ignited or un-ignited LNG spills.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

13.1.19 Emergency Response

Oregon LNG is developing an Emergency Response Plan in accordance with the requirements of the
FERC Draft Guidance for Terminal Operator’s Emergency Response Plan (ERP). The ERP will contain
details of:

• The structure of the emergency response team, including roles, responsibilities and contact

• Responses to emergency situations that occur within the LNG Import Terminal;

• Emergency evacuation adjacent to the LNG Import Terminal and along LNG carrier transit

• Training and exercises;

• Documentation of consultations made with interested parties during the development of the ERP;

• Details of cost sharing plans that have been negotiated to reimburse capital costs, annual costs
and other expenses incurred by off-site emergency organizations in providing emergency
response services to the LNG Import Terminal.

In accordance with the above-mentioned FERC draft guidance document, the ERP will be prepared in
consultation with the U.S. Coastguard, state and local agencies, and Oregon LNG will request
Commission approval prior to the commencement of construction.

13.1.20 Operating Modes

The Terminal is designed to operate in the following operating modes.

• Case 1 - Zero Sendout Rate, without carrier unloading;

• Case 2 - Minimum Sendout Rate, without carrier unloading;

• Case 3 - Minimum Sendout Rate, with carrier unloading;

• Case 4 - Peak Sendout Rate, with carrier unloading; and

• Case 5 - Peak Sendout Rate, without carrier unloading. No Carrier Unloading Operating Modes

The Terminal operates in this mode at all times except when a carrier is unloading LNG to the LNG
storage tanks. When operating in this mode, the in-tank LP Pumps circulate LNG through a small
diameter circulation line to the pier and back through the transfer pipeline and to the sendout area in
order to keep these piping systems cold. In this operating mode, BOG is continuously generated in the
LNG storage tanks due to the heat leak into the system piping, from heat leak through the insulated tank
walls, and from the heat added by the operating LP pump(s). Under these operating conditions, the BOG
will be compressed by the BOG compressors and condensed in the BOG condenser. At high sendout
rates, there will be insufficient BOG to displace the LNG being withdrawn from the LNG tanks. The

Oregon LNG Terminal
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displacement is provided by vaporizing a sidestream of the LP pump discharge and injecting it into the
BOG Header. This vaporization is performed using the E-206 Gas Makeup Vaporizer. Carrier Unloading Operating Modes

LNG will be delivered to an unloading berth on the Terminal’s unloading platform from LNG carriers
with capacities ranging from 70,000 m3 to 266,000 m3. The carrier will use onboard pumps to transfer
the LNG through the unloading arms and insulated 36-inch transfer pipeline to the LNG storage tanks.

The marine facility unloading system is designed to berth and unload one carrier at a maximum rate of
14,000 m3/hour.

During carrier unloading, vapor in the LNG storage tanks will be displaced by the newly added LNG.
The displaced vapor is returned to the LNG carrier by vapor return blowers through a vapor return line
and a vapor return arm connected to the carrier in order to maintain the pressure in the carrier’s tanks.
Additional BOG will be generated due to the heat added by the carrier’s transfer pumps and the heat leak
into the tank and piping systems. Any BOG not returned to the carrier will be compressed by the BOG
compressors and condensed in the BOG Condenser, E-207. Sendout Operating Modes

LNG will be pumped out of one or more LNG storage tanks via the in-tank LP Pumps. The LNG
pressure will be increased to pipeline sendout pressure by the HP Pumps, before being vaporized into
natural gas. The natural gas sendout will flow from the Terminal via the pipeline to the interstate natural
gas transmission system of Williams Northwest Pipeline (Williams) at the Molalla Gate Station.

13.1.21 Commissioning and Cooldown

Commissioning of the Terminal will commence once the construction contractor has achieved
mechanical completion of equipment and systems. Mechanical completion will be achieved only when
installation of equipment and systems has been completed and all have been cleaned out; quality control
records have been completed; and all operating and maintenance manuals have been provided. Oregon
LNG will verify that mechanical completion has been achieved and will review commissioning
procedures that will be prepared by the construction contractor.

Commissioning of equipment and systems will be in accordance with the commissioning procedures.
With respect to cryogenic systems, including LNG unloading pipeline, LNG storage tanks and LNG
sendout pipelines and equipment, commissioning must include a controlled cooldown process.

The first step of cooldown is to ensure all equipment and systems are sufficiently free of water (dry).
This will be achieved through the use of dry air, liquid nitrogen and nitrogen vaporization equipment.
Dry air (maximum -60°F dew point) will be injected into a common header to distribute dry air to all
parts of the Terminal. Commissioning personnel will cycle valves and vents so that all parts of the
cryogenic piping will receive a steady dry air flow. This dry air purge will continue until all parts of the
Terminal demonstrate hygrometer dew point readings of no more than -40°F. At this point, the Terminal
is considered dry.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Once dryout has been completed, warm, vaporized liquid nitrogen will be injected into the connections
previously used to feed dry air into the piping system. The goal is to displace the dry air, oxygen rich
environment with an inert nitrogen environment, which will not support combustion of flammable gas.
Portable oxygen/flammable gas meters will be used to sample the environment inside the piping system.
Once it is assured that all points of the Terminal contain an environment with less than 5 percent oxygen,
the system will be considered to be purged and ready for cooldown.

Cooldown will commence with the LNG transfer pipeline and one LNG storage tank. Although the
Terminal is designed such that LNG tank cooldown can be achieved using liquid nitrogen, the preferred
method will be to use a shipment of LNG.

A temporary piping connection is provided at the LNG berth such that a small LNG flow can be routed
from one LNG unloading arm to the 6-inch LNG recirculation line. The Terminal will be lined out such
that the 6-inch recirculation line is open to the tank spray cool ring. The LNG spray first begins purging
the tank of nitrogen and then cooling the LNG tank. Cooldown of an LNG tank requires about 72 hours.
The tank contractor will oversee the cooldown process and direct control of the cooldown rate.

Initially the gas leaving the LNG tanks will be warm and nitrogen rich. As the outlet gas temperature
decreases it will be routed to the Vapor Return Blowers where it is directed to the unloading platform.
The gas is desuperheated upstream of the Platform Drum and routed through a temporary connection to
the L-101B LNG unloading arm. The cold gas then returns onshore through the 36-inch LNG transfer
line. Once on-shore, the gas further cools other large diameter LNG piping.

The Vapor Return Blowers will circulate cold vapor until all portions of the unloading line reach -200°F.
At this point, it is safe to introduce cold liquid to the system. Once the LNG Transfer System has been
inventoried and filling of the LNG tank has commenced, normal unloading may commence.

Once the carrier is unloaded, an LP Pump will start and will circulate LNG through the LNG unloading
pipeline and back to the LNG storage tank to maintain the system at cryogenic temperatures. Once the
carrier has departed, commissioning personnel will align the Terminal such that they may use the Vapor
Return Blowers to introduce cold vapor to all equipment and large diameter piping. Once the Terminal is
sufficiently cool, it will be aligned to provide a cooling flow of LNG from the LP Pumps to the balance
of the piping system. At this point, the Terminal is cold and ready for normal operation.

The timing of commissioning of equipment and systems at the Terminal is illustrated on the schedule
included in Appendix B.

13.1.22 Operation and Maintenance

The Terminal will be operated and maintained in accordance with the USDOT Federal Safety Standards
for LNG Facilities (49 CFR Part 193), and NFPA 59A (2001 edition), Standard for the Production,
Storage and Handling of LNG. In addition, the marine facility will be operated and maintained in
accordance with the United States Coast Guard (USCG) regulations for LNG Waterfront Facilities, 33
CFR Part 127.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material Operations and Maintenance Procedures

Procedures for the operation and maintenance (O&M) of the Terminal will be developed to comply with
the requirements of:

• 49 CFR Part 193 Subpart F – Operations, and NFPA 59A Chapter 14 – Operating, Maintenance
and Personnel Training. This will include policies for operating procedures, monitoring of
operations, emergency procedures, personnel safety, investigation of failures, communication
systems and operating records;

• 49 CFR Part 193 Subpart G – Maintenance, and NFPA 59A Chapter 14 – Operating,
Maintenance and Personnel Training. This will include policies for maintenance procedures, fire
protection, isolating and purging, repairs, control systems, inspection of LNG storage tanks,
corrosion control and maintenance records; and

• 49 CFR Part 193 Subpart J – Security, and NFPA 59A Annex C – Security. This will include
policies for security procedures, protective enclosures, security communications, security
monitoring and warning signs. Operations and Maintenance Team Training

All permanent O&M personnel employed at the Terminal will be trained and sufficiently qualified to
operate the Terminal in accordance with the requirements of 49 CFR Part 193 Subpart H – Personnel
Qualifications and Training, and also NFPA 59A Chapter 14 – Operating, Maintenance and Personnel

Recruitment of the O&M team will commence during the construction period and personnel involved in
the day-to-day operations and maintenance of the Terminal will receive the following training.

Basic LNG Training

A technical reference manual will be developed for the Terminal and will cover the following topics:

• Introductory information;

• Design basis, process and instrumentation diagrams and other technical references;

• Process systems;

• Utility and auxiliary systems;

• Hazard detection and mitigation systems; and

• Equipment O&M and troubleshooting procedures.

The basic training program will be based on the technical reference manual and will include:

• Basic orientation;

• Basic equipment study;

• Terminal operations review;

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

• Basic utility and auxiliary systems;

• Hazard detection and mitigation;

• Terminal communications;

• Sendout pipeline;

• Maintenance procedures; and

• Operations procedures.

Vendor Supplied Training

Training will be provided by the manufacturers of the major pieces of equipment that will be installed at
the Terminal and will be based on the O&M manuals.

Health, Safety and Security Training

Training will be provided that will include:

• Safe systems of work;

• Personal protective equipment and clothing;

• Emergency response; and

• Training required by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), including
Process Safety Management (including Management of Change) and other training specific for
the Terminal.

Environmental Training

Training will be provided in environmental management and mitigation to comply with the requirements
of the various permits that will be issued for the Project at the federal, state and local levels.

Hands-On Training

Hands-on training will be provided at all stages of the construction of the Project, including:

• Factory acceptance testing. This will include the review of equipment design parameters,
witness of factory tests, review of factory test results, final inspection of completed equipment
packages, and reports of any discrepancies or non-compliances;

• Construction. During this period, the O&M team will develop all of the software systems
including policies and procedures and management information systems;

• Mechanical completion. During this period, the O&M team will assist the Engineering,
Procurement and Construction (EPC) contractor in the preparation for mechanical completion,
which will include equipment and system clean-out, flushes and cooldown;

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

• Start-up and commissioning. During this period, the O&M team will assist the EPC contractor in
reviewing the start-up and commissioning procedures and checklists, completing valve-out of
equipment and systems in accordance with commissioning procedures, preparing instrumentation
in accordance with commissioning procedures, and preparing electrical supplies and distribution
systems; and

• Performance testing. During this period, the O&M team will assist the EPC contractor in
demonstrating contractual performance guarantees for the Project.

Ongoing Training

During the commercial operation of the Terminal, the O&M team will receive on-going refresher training
at a frequency of no less than every two years in the O&M of the Terminal, safety, security and fire
protection. Individual training plans will be developed for each O&M team member, and training records
will be maintained for audit during the annual FERC and USCG inspections.

13.1.23 Staffing Structure

The Terminal will be operated on a permanent 24-hour basis and will be staffed accordingly.

During commercial operations, it is expected that the Terminal will employ approximately 63 full-time
permanent personnel in administration, security, and O&M areas. The proposed organization chart for
the Terminal is included in Appendix A.1.

13.1.24 Future Plans for the Terminal

Oregon LNG may seek to expand the Project in the future through the addition of additional vaporization
capacity. Certain engineering elements associated with the possible future expansion have already been
incorporated into the front end engineering design (FEED) for the Terminal. These include:

• Common process and auxiliary system piping headers that would have to carry the increased
volume have been sized accordingly;

• Double block and bleed (DB&B) isolation has been provided for the addition of additional HP
Pumps and vaporizers that will preclude the need to shutdown the Terminal to make tie-ins in the

• Provision of a third pump column (initially unused) in each tank; and

• Additional capacity in the electrical design has been provided.

This future plan is dependent upon market demand and other commercial factors.

13.1.25 Drawings Area Location Map
Resource Report 1 includes detailed maps that illustrate the location of the Terminal.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material Plot Plan

Drawing 07902-DG-000-001 in Appendix U.1 illustrates the general arrangement of all equipment,
structures and buildings that will be installed at the Terminal. Organization Plan

Appendix A contains a preliminary organization chart for permanent staffing at the Terminal.

13.2 Project Schedule

A Gantt chart of the proposed Project schedule is included in Appendix B.1. The Gantt chart provides
details of the engineering, procurement, construction and startup of the Terminal. Milestones are also
included for filing requirements, FERC approvals and key inspection points.

13.3 Site Plans

13.3.1 Site Description Location
The Terminal will be located on the northern portion of the East Bank Skipanon Peninsula (ESP) near the
confluence of the Skipanon and Columbia Rivers at Warrenton, Clatsop County, Oregon. The ESP is
located at River Mile 11.5 of the Columbia River. The Terminal will be situated entirely within an
approximately 96-acre parcel of land owned by the State of Oregon and leased to the Port of Astoria by
the Oregon Department of State Lands (DSL). LNG Development Company, LLC holds a long-term
sublease for the entire 96-acre parcel. The Terminal will be located on the shoreland areas of the ESP,
which are zoned Water Dependent Industrial Shorelands I-2. The marine facilities are proposed in areas
zoned Aquatic Development A-1.

Please refer to Resource Report 1 for detailed maps, drawings and descriptions of the Project. Site Development

LNG Development Company proposes to construct, own, and operate the Oregon LNG Import Terminal.
The Terminal will consist of a pier with an unloading platform and a single berth, LNG transfer
pipelines, three LNG storage tanks and process equipment needed to vaporize the LNG and handle
Boiloff Gas (BOG).

There are no existing structures on the site requiring demolition. During construction of the Terminal,
the site will be graded.

The northeastern portion of the ESP is predominately wetlands with an elevation 2 to 3 feet above the
mean high water elevation. The west side of the ESP, next to the Skipanon River, and the south side of
the ESP are at a higher elevation (about 6 to 10 feet higher than the northeastern portion). These areas
include small wetland areas, but are predominately sandy areas that are not wetlands. The Terminal
layout was developed to minimize impacts on wetlands by locating the process equipment in the higher

Oregon LNG Terminal
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elevation areas. Refer to Resource Report 10, Alternatives for a discussion of the approach used in laying
out the facility to minimize wetland impacts.

The marine facilities will consist of a pier composed of a trestle containing a roadway and elevated
piperack with associated spillway and an unloading platform that will include a single berth for LNG
carriers that will range in capacity from 70,000 m3 to 266,000 m3. No tug berthing is planned at the

The marine facilities will primarily be constructed using floating equipment including a pile driving
barge, crane barge and material barges. Structural steel and precast concrete beams for the marine
facilities will likely be transported to the site by barge, while cast-in-place concrete will likely be
provided from the landside using either ready mix truck delivery or an on-site batch plant.

The main constituents of the marine structures will be as follows:

• Driven steel cylinder piles for all foundations, installed using a steam or diesel hammer;

• Pile caps constructed using cast-in-place concrete;

• Trestle beams constructed using precast prestressed concrete; and

• Decks constructed using cast-in-place concrete or open steel grid.

The structures associated with the on-shore portion of the Terminal include the main control room,
administrative building, buildings housing auxiliary equipment and utilities; the Compressor Building;
and various other structures (fire pump houses, security building, etc.). Site buildings will be new
construction, and will be constructed in accordance with code requirements commensurate with their
function. Where permitted, buildings will be constructed on concrete slabs and provided with metal
frames and metal siding. Soil and Site Preparation

The site is currently used by motorcycles and three-wheelers as open trail paths. There are no formal
access roads within the Terminal site. The trail paths are native sand, no gravel surfacing or pavement.
The access road to the terminal site is a poorly maintained asphalt concrete road with many potholes.

The approach to site grading is to produce a balance of the cut and fill materials for the onshore facilities.
It is anticipated that the site grading can be accomplished with conventional earthmoving equipment,
such as scrapers, dozers, and excavators. Appendix T.5 contains details of site preparation

As presented in Table, it is anticipated that about 9,300 cubic yards of imported fill will be
required for site grading.

Table Cut and Fill Quantities

Area Quantity (cy)
Onsite Excavation 60,700
Onsite Fill 70,000

Oregon LNG Terminal
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Area Quantity (cy)

Net Import Fill 9,300

All organic materials will be stripped from the ground surface before excavation for structures and
placing site fill. Strippings will not be used as backfill or in engineered fills, but may be removed from
the site or stockpiled for reuse during landscaping.

Onsite materials (poorly graded sand) are suitable for use as structural fill. Site fill beneath structures
and pavement will be placed as structural fill, in maximum 8-inch-thick lifts and compacted to at least 95
percent relative compaction. Relative compaction is the ratio of the in-place density to the maximum dry
density as determined by ASTM D698. Fill placed in areas not under structures or pavement will be
compacted to 90 percent relative compaction.

The LNG Spill Containment Basin is anticipated to require roughly 9 feet of excavation for the
foundation subgrade (elevation 2.7 feet). Excavation can be performed using standard excavation

Temporary dewatering will be performed during excavation as needed. The dewatering system will
consist of deep wells, or well points, designed to lower the water level a minimum of 2 feet below the
bottom of excavation. Surface water will be controlled and diverted away from excavations. If soil is
loosened by water standing in excavations, the soil will be removed and replaced with compacted
structural fill.

Temporary excavation slopes will comply with all state, local, and federal codes, ordinances, and
regulations. Recommendations regarding temporary excavation sloping, shoring, sheeting, or bracing are
highly dependent on the contractor’s selected excavation method and construction procedures. For this
reason, the construction contractor will be made responsible for the design of all temporary slopes and
trench support. This will permit the contractor to select a system particularly suited to planned
construction procedures.

Subsurface Conditions

In general, the site is underlain by layers of unconsolidated alluvial deposits of clay, silt, and sand, as
listed below. (Elevations given below are in NAVD 88 datum.)

• Layer 1 – 10 feet of silty SAND (SM) to poorly graded SAND with silt (SP-SM) to poorly
graded SAND (SP) is located at about elevation 10 to 0 feet. This zone has the potential to
liquefy during a seismic event;

• Layer 2 – 8 feet of SILT (ML) to fat CLAY (CH) to poorly graded SAND with silt (SP-SM) is
located at about elevation 0 to -8 feet. This zone is not likely to liquefy during a seismic event;

• Layer 3 – 28 feet of poorly graded SAND with silt (SP-SM) to silty SAND (SM) is located at
about elevation -8 to -36 feet. Some zones liquefy in this layer, but the liquefiable layers do not
appear to be horizontally continuous across the site;

Oregon LNG Terminal
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• Layer 4 – 28 feet of interbedded layers of poorly graded SAND with silt (SP-SM), silty SAND
(SM), and SILT (ML) is located at about elevation -36 to -64 feet. This zone has the potential to
liquefy during a seismic event;

• Layer 5 – 50 feet of interbedded layers of poorly graded SAND with silt (SP-SM) and silty
SAND (SM) is located at about elevation -64 to -114 feet. Some zones liquefy in this layer, but
the liquefiable layers do not appear to be horizontally continuous across the site; and

• Layer 6 – 150 feet of interbedded layers of silty SAND (SM), SILT (ML), and poorly graded
SAND with silt (SP-SM) is located at about elevation -114 to -264 feet. Portions of this layer
liquefy during a seismic event.

The above soil profile was modeled to consider pile capacity, static settlement, and soil liquefaction and
settlement during a seismic event.

Groundwater levels have varied from elevation 5 to 7 feet (NAVD 88) as measured in August 2007. For
design, the 100-year flood elevation is assumed to be 12.6 feet (NAVD 88). Structures are designed for
full hydrostatic uplift or include an underdrain system.

See Appendix J for the Geotechnical Report which includes the Geotechnical Data Report (GDR) as an
attachment. The GDR presents the results from subsurface exploration, laboratory testing, and
geophysical surveys.

Ground Improvement

Ground improvement and deep foundations are recommended to stiffen the ground to be more resistant to
soil liquefaction, and to reduce potential settlement of the improved soil. Two ground improvement
options are being considered. Ground improvement option 1 would mitigate liquefaction for Layers 1, 3,
and 4 under the LNG Storage Tanks and mitigate liquefaction of only Layer 1 for other facilities. For the
LNG Storage Tanks, the site response analysis assumed improving the site soil materials (Layers 1, 3,
and 4) to a depth of about 80 feet (elevation -70 feet). Soil properties were based on ground
improvement consisting of cement deep soil mixing (CDSM). For the other facilities, ground
improvement would mitigate for only Layer 1 using stone columns.

CDSM is a soft soil stabilization method which mixes soft soil with cement slurry to produce soil-cement
with higher strength and lower compressibility than the native soil. The cement slurry is mechanically
blended using as auger with mixing paddles. A single auger or up to three augers can be used. A
computerized batch plant supplies the cement slurry and consists of a water tank, cement silo, mixers,
pumps and control room. Interlocking columns will be laid out in a grid type pattern. The drilling and
mixing operations has a low noise level and low vibrations, and does not generate dust.

Stone column (vibro-replacement) construction is a soil improvement technique where soft soil is
improved with columns of dense, crushed stone. For the wet, top feed method, jetting water is used to
remove soft material, stabilize the probe hole, and ensure that the stone backfill reaches the tip of the
vibrator. This method is the most cost-effective type of stone column construction, but generates spoil
that requires removal. For the dry, bottom feed method, a hopper and supply tube feed the stone backfill

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

directly to the tip of the probe. This eliminates the generation of spoil. Stone columns are typically
constructed in a triangular pattern with equal spacing between columns.

Ground improvement option 2 would mitigate liquefaction for only Layer 1 for the LNG Storage tanks
and the other facilities. Foundations

Based on geotechnical analyses, the LNG Storage Tanks, ancillary structures (including structural steel
buildings and pipe rack structures), and the LNG Spill Containment Basin will need to be supported on
deep foundations for vertical and lateral support. The deep foundations will extend to a depth required
for management of tolerable total static and seismic settlement. See Appendix J for the Geotechnical
Report, which discusses the site conditions, geotechnical analyses, preliminary foundation design and
construction recommendations.

LNG Storage Tanks

Driven steel pipe piles are the recommended deep foundation type. Deep foundations are required to
provide uplift capacity for the LNG storage tanks and to transfer tank dead load uniformly to the
underlying soil. Layers of the underlying soil are compressible, even at depth, and settlement will occur.
It is anticipated that the piles will be driven closed-ended. The compressive capacity will be developed
from a combination of skin friction and end bearing. The tensile capacity will be developed from skin
friction along the outside of the pile.

In order to limit total settlement, the piles will be 215 feet long. Total settlement is estimated to be about
8 inches. This settlement is anticipated to occur relatively uniform across the foundation base and is
anticipated to occur during hydrostatic testing of the tank.

In order to limit total static and seismic settlement to less than 3 inches, the piles will be approximately
290 feet long. Total settlement is estimated to be approximately 3 inches. This settlement is anticipated
to occur relatively uniformly across the foundation base and is anticipated to occur during hydrostatic
testing of the tank. The estimated differential settlement of the tank on piles is no more than 2 inches
between the center and either edge of slab (2 inches in 146 feet, or 1:292).

Ancillary Structures

Ancillary structures at the Project site that are in Seismic Category I (includes structural steel buildings,
pipe rack structures, and other miscellaneous ancillary structures) will be supported by steel pipe piles. A
concrete mat foundation or an integral slab and gradebeam system will be constructed on the piles in
order to provide a structural floor and a means of connecting the building or structure superstructure.

For lightly-loaded ancillary structures (such as small buildings or other small appurtenance equipment)
that are in Seismic Category II or III, the structures will be supported on ground-supported shallow
foundations. Unsuitable upper layer soils will be excavated and replaced with compacted structural fill.
Concrete mat foundations, spread footings, and integral slabs with gradebeams will be used to support
the building shell and equipment.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Construction of ancillary structures will be staged to avoid interference with construction of the LNG
Storage Tanks.

LNG Spill Containment Basin

The LNG Spill Containment Basin will be constructed of reinforced concrete and supported by steel pipe
piles. The basin structure will consist of a thick concrete mat foundation with concrete walls designed to
contain an LNG spill, prevent inundation of the basin by a tsunami, and prevent flotation during a flood
event. Roads
A preliminary pavement design for Portland Cement Concrete (PCC) and asphalt concrete (AC)
pavement sections was completed on the basis of the following assumptions:

• Climate is region 1.

• Traffic is low level.

• Subgrade soil has a CBR of 15.

• Structural number (SN) is 1.5 for AC.

For AC pavement, the typical section would consist of an AC thickness of 3 inches and an aggregate base
layer of 5 inches. For PCC pavement, the typical section would consist of a PCC thickness of 5 inches
and an aggregate base of 4 inches. Both sections would include a geotextile between the subgrade and
the aggregate base layer to provide separation and to prevent migration of fines. AC pavement is
recommended with a present worth of 50 percent of PCC pavement. PCC pavement is also not
recommended because sea water exposure is corrosive to PCC and potential damage to the PCC due to
wetting and drying cycles associated with tide and storm water surface fluctuations. In low lying areas,
such as around the LNG storage tanks, aggregate surfacing course is an option to AC pavement. Equipment Layout Considerations

The following considerations have been made with respect to the layout of equipment and
systems at the Terminal:
• Section 2.2 and also Section 3.4 of NFPA 59A (2001 edition) have been considered with respect
to the siting of process equipment;

• Equipment and buildings have been located to provide adequate access for normal operation and
maintenance activities;

• In accordance with the requirements of Section 3.1 and 3.2 of NFPA 59A (2001 edition), process
equipment will be located (i) outdoors for ease of operation, to facilitate manual fire fighting and
to facilitate dispersal of accidentally released liquids and gases, and (ii) indoors, in enclosing
structures that comply with the requirements of Sections 2.3.2 and 2.3.3 of NFPA 59A (2001

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

• In accordance with the requirements of Section 3.2.2 of NFPA 59A (2001 edition), valves will be
installed so that pumps and compressors can be isolated for maintenance; and

• LNG vaporizers will be installed to comply with the requirements of Section 5.3 of NFPA 59A
(2001 edition). Barriers and Walls

A concrete barrier will be constructed around the LNG storage tanks that is designed to withstand surge
and hydrodynamic forces due to a tsunami. As illustrated on Drawing 07902-DG-000-200 included in
Appendix U.7, the barrier wall is a reinforced concrete wall with a continuous concrete footing
constructed on piles equally spaced along the perimeter of the wall; each pile location consists of two
piles equally spaced perpendicular to the wall. This arrangement prevents the wall from overturning
when struck by the force of a tsunami.

In addition, the barrier wall is designed with consideration of scouring that may occur due to a tsunami.
Peak scouring to one foot of depth was estimated based on numerical modeling; given uncertainty in the
modeling, 2-foot scour depth was used for design. The base of the barrier wall footing will be at an
elevation that is at least one foot below the 2-foot scour depth.

By designing the barrier wall to withstand the forces due to a tsunami and to not be undermined by
scouring, the LNG storage tank area inside the wall will not become inundated by a tsunami. Refer to the
Coastal and Hydraulic Modeling Study included in Appendix I.2 for additional description of the
modeling performed to estimate forces on the barrier wall and to estimate scouring caused by a tsunami.

Stormwater that collects within the barrier will be removed by pumps and treated prior to disposal at the
on-site bioswales as illustrated on drawing 07902-PF-970-371 included in Appendix U.2.

The LNG process area, which is at a nominal elevation of 16 feet (NAVD88), is bounded on the
northeast side by an existing berm. To prevent scouring of the existing barrier by a tsunami, the barrier
wall will be protected using rock. Predicted peak water velocity during a tsunami is 7 feet per second.
This velocity will be used to determine rock size and arrangement.

13.3.2 Drawings Site Plans
General Arrangement Plot Plan 07902-DG-000-001 included in Appendix U.1 illustrates the location of
the Terminal relative to neighboring properties as well as the following information:

• Identification and general arrangement of the equipment, systems, structures and buildings that
will comprise the Terminal;

• Location of roads;

• Routing of major pipe-racks; and

• Location of the LNG spill containment basin.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Additional sheets for the plot plan are also provided at a scale of 1:1200 (1-inch to 100 feet on 11-inch by
17-inch format) to show detail that is necessary to demonstrate the safe spacing of all equipment and
buildings as required by NFPA 59A (2001 edition) are included in Appendix U.1.

Drawing 07902-DG-000-003 included in Appendix U.1 illustrates the overall layout of site access and
emergency routing.

13.4 Basis of Design

The Terminal is designed in accordance with the requirements of 49 CFR Part 193, 33 CFR Part 127 and
NFPA 59A (2001 edition, which USDOT incorporated within 49 CFR Part 193 on April 9, 2004;
although the design also meets the more stringent requirements of NFPA 59A 2006 edition). Appendix
F.1 provides a summary of compliance with these requirements. Additional codes and standards that
apply to the design of the Terminal are included in Appendix D.1.

Although this section describes the basis for the design of the Terminal, the following reference
documents are also appropriate to this design basis.

• Engineering Design Standard, 07902-TS-000-001 (Appendix C.1);

• Design Basis, 07902-TS-000-002 (Appendix C.2);

• General Arrangement Plot Plan, 07902-DG-000-001 (Appendix U.1);

• Process Flow Diagrams, 07902-PF-000-001-01 and 07902-PF-000-001-02 (Appendix U.2);

• Heat and Mass Balance Diagrams, 07902-PF-000-011 (Appendix U.3); and

• Design Codes and Standards, 07902-TS-000-022 (Appendix D.1).

13.4.1 Guarantee Conditions Total net storage capacity ................................480,000 m3 (3,018,000 bbl) Net storage capacity per tank ..........................160,000 m3 (1,006,000 bbl) Gross capacity per tank .................... approx. 170,000 m3 (1,090,000 bbl) Liquefaction capacity ............................................................................. N/A LNG export rate...................................................................................... N/A Fractionation products rate................................................................... N/A Maximum LNG sendout rate .......... Design = 1.0 bscfd, Peak = 1.5 bscfd Minimum LNG sendout rate, no carrier unloading .............150 MMscfd Minimum LNG sendout rate, with carrier unloading...........300 MMscfd Pipeline pressure at maximum sendout rate .......................... 1440 psig

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material Sparing philosophy for equipment and utilities

The Terminal is designed to provide the design sendout with an availability of 95 percent and will
assume an n+1 sparing philosophy for all critical rotating and heat exchange process equipment with the
exception of the HP Pumps (P-301A/B/C/D/E/F) which will have an n+2 sparing philosophy. In some
cases, such as with the Vapor Return Blowers, alternative operating alignments negate the need for
sparing equipment.

The following table illustrates the major equipment that would be operating and which equipment would
be in standby when operating at the design sendout rate of 1,000 MMscfd.

Table Sparing Philosophy for Equipment and Utilities

Equipment Equipment Number
in Notes
Number Description Operating
L-101A/B/C LNG Unloading Arms 3 0 During LNG carrier unloading only
L-102 Vapor Return Arm 1 1 During LNG carrier unloading only
D-103 Platform Drum 1 0 No moving parts
T-201A/B/C LNG Storage Tanks 3 0
Only 2 pumps total required for
P-202BA/BB In-tank LP Pumps 2 4
design sendout.
D-203 BOG Drum No moving parts
C-204A/B/C BOG Compressors, no carrier 0 or 1 3 or 2
BOG Compressors, with
C-204A/B/C 2 1
C-205A/B Vapor Return Blowers 2 0 During LNG carrier unloading only
As backup, sendout natural gas can
E-206 Gas Make-Up Vaporizer 1 0 be let down and used as makeup
Straight through design, non-
E-207 BOG Condenser 1 0
corrosive, non-fouling media
D-208 HP Pump Drum 1 0 No moving parts
Only used during Terminal upsets or
L-210 Flare Stack 0 1
long-term zero sendout
No moving parts; only used during
D-211 Low Point Drain Drum 0 1
maintenance activities.
E-213A/B Fuel Gas Heaters 1 1
D-214 Fuel Gas Drum 1 0 No moving parts
Two spares required due to high
P-301A/B/C/D/E/F HP Pumps 4 2 maintenance and possible

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Equipment Equipment Number
in Notes
Number Description Operating
Varies depending on ambient
conditions. 15 trains of 10 units per
First Stage Ambient Air
E-302A through Q Varies Varies train are provided; nominally this is
sufficient for 1.5 bscfd with 10 trains
operating and 5 in defrost
E-304A/B/C Second Stage Vaporizers 2 1 Under expected worst case
conditions, the HTF system will
B-401A/B/C Fired Heaters 2 1
operate with 2 of 3 loops in service
P-402A/B/C HTF Pumps 2 1 at 1.0 bscfd.
D-403 HTF Surge Drum 1 0 No moving parts
Two meters in operation with one
L-306 Sendout Meter Station 2 1
Operating only during loss of offsite
G-502 Emergency Diesel Generator 0 1
T-601 Fire Water Tank 1 0 No moving parts
Operating only during fire
Electric and Diesel Fire
P-602 & P-603 0 2 emergency event. 1 is needed for
full requirement; 1 spare is provided
P-604A/B Jockey Pumps 1 1
Operating only during fire
P-605 Deluge Fire Pumps 0 4 emergency event. 3 are needed for
full requirement; 1 spare is provided
S-606 LNG Spill Containment Basin 1 0 No moving parts
One pump needed for code-
required water removal. Additional
LNG Spill Containment Sump pumps may be needed depending
P-607A/B/C/D/E 1 4
Pumps on accumulation of AAV
condensate/ice melt in the basin
due to ambient conditions
C-941A/B/C Air Compressors 2 1
L-942A/B Air Drier 1 1
D-943 Instrument Air Receiver 1 0 No moving parts
T-961 Liquid Nitrogen Storage Tank 1 0 No moving parts
E-962A/B Nitrogen Vaporizers 1 1
Unloading Platform Nitrogen
D-963 1 0 No moving parts

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

13.4.2 Site Conditions Site Elevations
The existing site elevation varies from 7.7 to 20 ft relative to NAVD88. The site will be graded and
partially filled as needed to facilitate construction and storm water management. Site elevations will be
determined during final design. The table below lists estimated elevations as of this filing.

Table Site Elevations

Area Equipment Elevation (ft)
Unloading Platform (beam
Unloading Platform + 31.0 NAVD88
+10.0ft NAVD88
LNG Storage Tanks T-201A, T-201B, T-201C
(nominal average)
HP Pump area
+16.0ft NAVD88
Process Areas Ambient Air Vaporizer area
(nominal average)
BOG Compressor area
The basin floors
are 4' below site
S-606 LNG Spill Containment
Impoundment Floor grade (10 ft
NAVD88 nominal
Perimeter At local grade; 23
Site Roads Site Internal (peak elevation) ft NAVD88
Pier Access (slope) (maximum) Elevation Reference (NAVD)

The zero elevation reference datum for the Terminal is the North American Vertical Datum of 1988
(NAVD 88). The Mean Lower Low Water (MLLW) level for the Terminal Site is -0.17 ft NAVD88,
based on the Astoria, Youngs Bay, Oregon National Oceanic and Atmospheric Association (NOAA)
Tidal Benchmark Station. Channel Depth

The depth of the navigation channels from the entrance range to the unloading platform berth varies from
a minimum of 40 feet up to a maximum depth of 53 feet. The channels require periodic dredging. Channel Width

The width of the existing navigation channel, known as the “Columbia River Channel,” is about 600 ft
with a dredged depth of about 43 ft (MLLW). Berth Depth

LNG carriers will be selected and operated such that their maximum arrival draft will not exceed 41 feet.
The berth will be located where the natural water depth is currently approximately 20 to 30 feet

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

(MLLW). Oregon LNG expects that construction of the berth and turning basin will require dredging to a
depth of 45 to 50 feet, which will provide adequate under keel clearance at all tide stages. Tidal Range, Elevations

Table Site Tidal Elevations

Tidal Plane To MLLW (ft)
__ (ft)
Tidal Plane To MLLW (ft)
88 (ft)
Highest Observed Water Level HOWL 12.55 12.38
Mean Higher High Water MHHW 8.8 8.63
Mean High Water MHW 8.1 7.93
North American Vertical Datum of 1988 NAVD 88 0.17 0
Mean Sea Level MSL 4.68 4.51
Mean Tide Level MTL 4.68 4.51
Mean Low Water MLW 1.25 1.08
Mean Lower Low Water MLLW 0 -0.17
Lowest Observed Water Level LOWL -3.76 -3.93 Normal Channel Current

Currents in the approach channel are expected to range from 0 to 3 knots.

The maximum expected channel current is 5 knots based on limited measured data from NOAA. Frost Line Depth

The frost line depth at the site is 18" below ground surface.

13.4.3 Emissions
Air emissions result from the operation of the Diesel Fire Water Pump P-603, Deluge Fire Pumps P-605,
Flare Stack L-210, Fired Heaters B-401A/B/C, and Emergency Diesel Generator G-502. Emissions from
these sources are summarized in Resource Report 9, Air and Noise Quality.

13.4.4 Seismic
A site-specific seismic hazard evaluation for the Terminal has been completed. The approach has been
developed to meet the requirements presented in the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 59A
(2001 edition) for LNG facilities, and the requirements of the FERC for seismic evaluation of LNG
terminals (18 CFR §380.12(o)). In addition, the site-specific hazard evaluation was conducted to meet
the requirements of the draft seismic design guidelines promulgated in January 2007.

The overall seismicity of the region is considered to be relatively high. The principal tectonic feature of
the Pacific Northwest is the active Cascadia Subduction Zone (CSZ), where the Juan de Fuca plate
subducts beneath the North American Plate along the Cascadia margin. This subduction zone begins off
the coast of Oregon and dips downward beneath western Oregon. Two primary seismic source
mechanisms are associated with the subduction zone: (1) an interface source mechanism and (2) an

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

intraslab source mechanism. In addition, there is the potential for earthquakes from shallow crustal
sources resulting from built-up tectonic stresses within the North American Plate.

Evidence indicates that interface earthquakes occur at intervals of 200 to 1,500 years, with an average
return period of 500 to 600 years (Goldfinger, 2003). The last large earthquake occurred approximately
300 years ago, in the year 1700, and was estimated to be a magnitude of approximately 9.0 (Satake et al.,

The events associated with the interslab source are estimated to range from Mw 6 to 7.5, based on
historical occurrences (Geomatrix, 1995). Three earthquakes in recent history have been attributed to the
intraslab source: the 1949, 1965, and 2001 earthquakes in the Puget Sound Region, with Mw of 7.1, 6.5,
and 6.8, respectively. No large intraplate earthquakes (Mw greater than 5.0) have occurred in Oregon,
however, for this study, the intraslab source was considered an active seismic source, consistent with the
USGS (2002).

The site-specific seismic hazard evaluation was performed in order to develop a Seismic Category I site-
specific design response spectra for the Safe Shutdown Earthquake (SSE) and the Operating Basis
Earthquake (OBE). The OBE is represented by the site-specific 475-year return period earthquake (as
the lesser of the 475-year return period and two-thirds the maximum considered earthquake (MCE) and
not less than 80 percent of the 475-year return period). The SSE is represented by the 2,475-year return
period earthquake (as the lesser of the 4,975-year return period; and two times the OBE and not less than
the site specific 80 percent 2,475-year return period). Separate horizontal and vertical component design
spectra for SSE and OBE earthquake events at 5 percent damping were developed. Three site-specific
design response spectra were developed for the site: LNG Storage Tanks with ground improvement to
mitigate for liquefaction in the upper 80 feet, LNG Storage Tanks and LNG Process Area with no ground
improvement, and Marine facilities. See Appendix I.1 for the Site-Specific Seismic Hazard Report which
includes a discussion of the hazards for ground surface rupture, seismic shaking (ground motions),
liquefaction potential, seismic subsidence, seismic slope stability, and tsunami.

Analysis indicates that layers 1, 3, and 4 liquefy at the Project site. Liquefaction is generally considered
to occur primarily above a depth of 100 feet. However, deep soil profiles may undergo loss of strength
and potential settlement at depth due to the generation of excess pore pressure at depth. Additional
laboratory tests are being conducted to better estimate the magnitude of seismic induced settlement.

Potential tsunami water elevations caused by a seismic event were modeled by Coast and Harbor
Engineering (CHE). Appendix I.2 is a technical memorandum prepared by CHE to summarize the results
of their evaluation. The seismic event used in the modeling was based on a study by the Oregon
Department of Geology and Mineral Industries (DOGAMI) (Priest et al., 2002), which examined tsunami
events that would be caused by the CSZ offshore from Coos Bay, Oregon. Several tsunami events were
developed based on different assumptions regarding the magnitude of the fault dislocation offshore. The
dislocation event used in the modeling was termed “Scenario 1-A Asperity” and consisted of dislocation
along the entire CSZ from a magnitude 9.1 earthquake. This event is predicted to cause a vertical
displacement of 19.7 feet between the uplift on the fault line and the shoreline. DOGAMI termed the
tsunami generated by this event to be an “extreme” tsunami.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

The elevation of the tsunami wave produced by the Scenario 1-A Asperity at the dislocation point was
used as a starting point to model the tsunami wave elevations as it traveled into the mouth of the
Columbia and upstream to the Terminal site. A 2-dimensional numerical model, MORPHO, which was
developed by CHE under a federal grant from the US Civilian Research and Development Foundation,
was used. The 1-A Asperity event has an estimated return period of 1,300 years. Events with longer
return periods have not been theorized at this time. The joint probability of the tide elevation was used to
arrive at a combined probability of 4,975 years, consistent with the return period for an SSE. Predicted
tide levels from NOAA’s Youngs Bay station over a 19-year period were used to determine the tide
elevation that, when combined with the 1,300 year return period for the tsunami, gives an overall return
period of 4,975 years. This tide elevation is 6.17 feet (NAVD 88).

Results of the modeling predict a peak tsunami wave elevation of approximately 14.2 feet (NAVD 88) at
the Terminal site, which is 8 feet above the tide elevation of 6.17 feet. The tsunami is predicted to
increase water elevations at the site for a period of 25 minutes.

In assessing the site area that could be inundated by the tsunami, the potential subsidence of the site was
also considered. A study done by Y. J. Yang of the potential subsidence that would occur due to the 1-A
Asperity event was used to estimate the amount of subsidence that may occur at the Terminal site. Using
data from the study, the estimated amount of subsidence at the Terminal site is 4.3 feet. The subsidence
would occur during the SSE at the same time the tsunami is formed offshore above the CSZ. Therefore,
when the tsunami arrives at the Terminal site, the ground elevation would be 4.3 feet below current
elevations. The combination of subsidence and peak tsunami elevation would result in inundation of
areas that are currently at an elevation of 18.5 feet or lower.

13.4.5 Climatic Conditions

Weather data used in the design are from published data from the Astoria Clatsop County Airport, COOP
ID 350328. The data set included hourly-collected data from a period beginning December 31, 2000 and
ending December 31, 2005. Minimum design temperature

The minimum ambient temperature used in the design of Oregon LNG was 6°F, based on review of
climate data.

The design temperature used for thermal exclusion zone calculations was 37°F. This value was
determined by reviewing climate data from 2001-2005 and was determined to occur less than 5% of the
time. Maximum design temperature

The maximum ambient temperature used in the design of Oregon LNG was 96°F, based on review of
climate data.

The design temperature used for heat and mass balance calculations for heat leak into cryogenic piping
and equipment was 95°F. The design temperature used for basin walls for vapor dispersion calculations
was 51.5°F.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material Barometric Pressure

The maximum barometric pressure was 1040 mbar, the minimum was 980 mbar and the average was
1017 mbar. The maximum rate of change per hour of barometric pressure was 1 mbar. Wind Direction

In general the wind direction is from the northwest, west, southwest, south, southeast, and east. Winds
from the north and northeast are less common. The site design assumed complete variability in wind
direction. Design wind speed

For the LNG storage tanks, the design wind velocity is 150 mph per the requirements of 49 CFR Part
193.2067. For other process equipment containing LNG, the design wind velocity per 49 CFR Part
193.2067 is obtained from ASCE-7 and is 100 mph (3-second gust) for the Terminal Site. Similarly, the
design wind velocity for site buildings is 100 mph (3-second gust). The site is located in a “Special Wind
Region” as defined in ASCE 7-05. The design wind speed value of 100 mpg is based upon information
presented in “SEAW Commentary on Wind Code Provisions,” Volume 1, Section 4.3.

The design wind speed used for thermal radiation exclusion zone calculations ranged from 0 to 16 mph.
These values were determined by reviewing climate data from 2001-2005. The wind speed assumed in
the vapor dispersion calculations was 4.5 mph per 49 CFR Part 193.2059.

The design wind speed used in heat and mass balance calculations for heat leak into cryogenic piping and
equipment was 10 mph. Hurricane Design Force

Based on information available from the Oregon Climate Service (administered by Oregon State
University), no hurricanes or tropical storms are known to have occurred in Oregon. Within the available
historical database, the most significant storm event with high wind speeds occurred on October 12,
1962. This storm is known as the Columbus Day storm. The storm was formed when the degraded
extratopical remains of typhoon Freda drifted into a powerful storm formation zone off of northern
California, resulting in regeneration of the cyclone. As far as is known, no similar event has occurred in
the period of climatological record. The maximum sustained wind speed recorded at the Astoria Airport
was 20 to 45 mph with gusts ranging from 50 to 96 mph (data from the National Climatic Data Center).
Peak gusts greater than 50 mph occurred over a 3-hour period. The minimum pressure recorded at the
Astoria Airport during the storm was 28.60 inches mercury. Flood Elevations

Flood elevations associated with storm events of varying return periods were obtained from Flood
Insurance Rate Map (FIRM) Panel Number 410033-0001B. The anticipated flood levels for the area
adjacent to the study area are as follows:

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Table Anticipated Flood Elevations

Event Elevation, ft NAVD88
100-year Flood 12.3
500-year Flood 13.0

Flood elevations do not include contribution from tsunamis, storm surge, or waves caused by high winds.
Tsunamis are discussed in section 13.4.4. For the Terminal site, 100-year wind speeds with a northerly
component are not fast enough to cause a measurable surge. Potential high wave events caused by high
winds were modeled using a two-dimensional spectral model SWAN (Holthuijsen et al., 2004). The
results of the SWAN modeling for the 100-year wind event show that maximum breaking wave heights
of 2.2 feet or less would occur at the 100-year flood elevation of 12.3 feet. The actual momentary
increase in water elevation due to the breaking waves would be 1.2 feet. Wave forces were estimated and
determined to be insignificant. These results are described further in Appendix I.2. Rain Fall during the 100-Year Storm

The precipitation rate for a 100-year storm is 6.5 inches/24-hour. This information is obtained from
NOAA Atlas 2, Volume X for location: 46.17 N, 123.9W @ 12 feet. Snow Load

The ground snow load per ASCE 7-05 is 10 psf. This load is based upon extreme value statistical
analysis of data available in the vicinity of the site using a value with a 2 percent annual probability of
being exceeded (50-year mean recurrence interval).

During the period between February 1, 1953 and December 31, 2006, the average annual total snow was
about 4.1 inches as recorded at the Astoria Airport. The maximum snowfall of 10.8 inches in a single
day occurred on January 13, 1972. Maximum accumulated snow depth of 18 inches occurred on January
30, 1969.

13.4.6 Shipping LNG carrier capacity range (expected) ............... 70,000 m3 to 266,000 m3

13.4.7 Mooring Number of berths .......................................................................................... 1 Turning basin ............................................................................................ Yes Number of platforms .................................................................................... 1 Trestle ........................................................................................................Yes

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

13.4.8 LNG Cargos Source ........................................................See Table, LNG Sources LNG specifications, range of conditions
The Terminal is designed to receive LNG from several possible LNG production sources. A range of
compositions is used for the design basis. Heavy LNG composition was considered for the Heat and
Material Balances provided in Appendix U.3, but equipment is rated to accommodate both light and
heavy compositions as stated in Table, LNG Sources. Maximum cargo equilibrium pressure, psig .................................... 2.5 psig

13.4.9 Unloading Unloading arms and size per berth, liquid................................. 3 x 16-inch Unloading arms and size per berth, vapor................................. 1 x 16-inch Unloading maximum rate .................................................... 14,000 m3/hour Unloading min pressure at carrier manifold .......... 100 m head (~ 65 psig) Design pressure, arms and piping.................................................... 275 psig Design vapor return pressure at carrier manifold ........................ 1.45 psig Maximum vapor return temperature at carrier manifold................-180°F

13.4.10 Feed Gas

Not applicable

13.4.11 Pretreatment
Not applicable

13.4.12 Regeneration Gas

Not applicable

13.4.13 Liquefaction
Not applicable

13.4.14 Fractionation Products

Not applicable

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

13.4.15 Storage Type of tank..................................... Full Containment, Above Ground Foundation............ Piled with concrete pile cap, with seismic isolators Secondary containment .......................... Concrete Outer Containment Number of tanks...................................................................................... 3 Gross capacity per tank.....approximately 170,000 m3 (1,090,000 bbl) Working capacity per tank .........................160,000 m3 (1,006,000 bbl) Design pressure ............................................................................ 4.3 psig Design vacuum .......................................... Not less than 2.0 inches w.c. Normal Operating pressure ................................. 0.5 – 3.7 psig (range) Design LNG specific gravity ............................................................. 0.48 Boiloff rate (pure methane & full tank) .......... 0.05% per day at 95°F

13.4.16 LP Pumps Type of pump - In-tank, column-mounted, submerged motor, centrifugal Number of pumps ................................................................... 2 per tank Rated flow .................................................................................4,600 gpm Differential head ............................................................................ 300 ft Maximum LNG specific gravity ...................................................... 0.46

13.4.17 HP Pumps Type of pump(s) ....... Vessel-mounted, submerged motor, centrifugal Number of pumps operating and spare ......... 4 operating and 2 spare Rated flow .................................................................................2,300 gpm Differential head ....................................................................... 8,250 feet Maximum LNG specific gravity ....................................................... 0.46

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

13.4.18 First Stage Ambient Air Vaporizers Vaporizer type................................. Forced Draft Ambient Air Finned Heating media.......................................................................Ambient Air Vaporizers operating and spare .... 100 op. with 50 in defrost (design) Design flow rate each .................. 1,200,000 (max) to 675,000 MMscfd Design discharge pressure........................................................ 2088 psig Design discharge temp ......Variable depending on ambient conditions

13.4.19 Second Stage Vaporizers Vaporizer type.................................................................... Shell & Tube Heating media............................................................ Heat transfer fluid Vaporizers operating and spare ......................2 operating and 1 spare Design flow rate each ..........................................................200 MMscfd Design discharge pressure........................................................ 2160 psig Design discharge temperature ....................................................... 180°F

13.4.20 Gas Liquid Removal

Not applicable

13.4.21 Btu Adjustment Process............................................................................... Not applicable Throughput capacity ....................................................... Not applicable Pipeline Btu and composition spec. .......Williams NW Pipeline Tariff

13.4.22 Sendout Battery limit Design flow rate........... 1,000 MMscfd (design), 1,500 MMscfd (peak) Pipeline maximum allowable operating pressure .................. 1440 psig Maximum allowable pipeline temperature.................................. 120°F

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material Minimum allowable pipeline temperature .................................... 40°F

13.4.23 Fuel Gas Conditions Design flow rates:..................... Maximum Capacity – 180 MMBtu/hr Pipeline maximum allowable operating pressure ................... 285 psig Maximum allowable fuel gas temperature .................................. 120°F Minimum allowable fuel gas temperature ..................................... 40°F

13.4.24 Vapor Handling Vapor return blower type ......... Single-stage, centrifugal compressor Vapor return blower each ............................ 500,000 scfh, 22,100 lb/hr Vapor return blower discharge pressure.................................. 8.2 psig BOG compressor type............ Single-stage, reciprocating compressor BOG compressors each................................. 380,000 scfd, 17,500 lb/hr BOG compressor discharge pressure......................................... 60 psig Required LNG send out rate, no carrier unloading .........150 MMscfd Required LNG send out rate, with carrier unloading ..... 300 MMscfd

13.4.25 Stack Vent type .......................................................................................... Flare Maximum flow conditions
Flow rate ..................................................................................... 1.7 MMscfd, 80,000 lb/hr

Pressure ..................................................................................................................2.9 psig

Temperature .................................................................................................................Ambient Minimum flow conditions

Flow rate ................................................................................................ 0 MMscfd, 0 lb/hr

Pressure ....................................................................................................................0 psig

Temperature .................................................................................................................. -260°F

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

13.4.26 LNG Trucking

Not applicable.

13.4.27 Electrical Main power utility supplier .................. PacifiCorp Power (Tentative) Utility supply voltage ................................................................... 115kV Utility supply capacity ............................................................ 41.7 MVA Main power generated onsite............................................................. No Main power generators..................................................................... N/A Emergency power supply .......................................... On-site generated Emergency power generators ................................. 1 Diesel Generator Emergency power voltage .......................................................... 4.16 kV Emergency power capacity ...................................................... 2.0 mVA UPS services, voltage, size and capacity....................................... 120 V

13.4.28 Control Instrumentation Design of Distributed Control System............ During detailed design Control System software supplier ................... During detailed design Safety instrumented system manufacturer .... During detailed design

13.4.29 Instrument Air Compressors ................................... Oil-free reciprocating compressor Drying system ............................................................................. Heatless Flow rate ...................................................................... 610 scfm (design) Operating Pressure ............................................................... 80-105 psig

13.4.30 Service Air Compressors ........................... (Same compressors as Instrument Air)

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

13.4.31 Inert Gas

The only inert gas to be used at the Terminal is nitrogen, which is covered in 13.4.32.

13.4.32 Nitrogen Source.............................................................. Cryogenic storage dewar Liquid nitrogen storage capacity............................................. 8,300 gal Flow rate .................................... 350 scfm design (29 scfm continuous) Pressure....................................................................................... 110 psig

13.4.33 Fire Water SourceOn-site: T-601 Fire Water Tank; backup from Skipanon River Fire Water Pump (P-602) ...................................... Centrifugal, Electric Fire Water Pump (P-603) ......................................... Centrifugal, Diesel Jockey Pump (P-604A/B)....................................... Centrifugal, Electric Deluge Fire Pump (P-605A/B/C/D).......................... Centrifugal, Diesel Fire Water Pump rated capacity ........................................... 3,000 gpm Jockey Pump rated capacity ......................................................250 gpm Deluge Pump rated capacity ...................................................4,500 gpm Make up water source ... City of Warrenton with river water backup

13.4.34 Cooling Water

The Terminal does not require cooling water.

13.4.35 Hydrotest Water

The LNG Tanks will be hydrostatically and pneumatically tested in compliance with the applicable codes
that govern the tank design. Hydrotesting will be performed on the inner container of each LNG storage
tank. Hydrostatic testing of the inner containment will be in accordance with API 620 Appendix Q.8
(partial hydrotest).

Since the Skipanon River water is brackish water, the water may need to be treated by reverse osmosis.
The water will be pumped from the river into the inner LNG tank through one of the manholes in the

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

outer containment tank roof. The target water flow rate will be 1600 gpm, or a lesser rate if limited by
the capacity of the reverse osmosis units. Approximately 28 million gallons of water will be required to
test each tank. Accordingly, the time to fill the tank will be at least 12 days of pumping at the maximum
allowed rate.

Once the tank hydrotest is complete, the test water will be pumped out of the tank, tested, treated (if
necessary) and discharged to the river in a location and manner in accordance with applicable permits
and regulations.

Following hydrotesting, the inner tank inside wall, floor and internal structures will be rinsed with fresh
water. Typical rinse water flow rate is about 3-5 gpm. The rinse water will be pumped out of the tank
and discharged to the river in a location and manner in accordance with applicable permits and
regulations. The quantity of rinse water to be discharged is approximately 7,200 to 12,000 gallons for
each tank. Detailed procedures for rinse and final drying of the tanks will be prepared and implemented.

Further details of the LNG storage tank hydrotest procedure are included in Section of this
Resource Report 13.

13.4.36 Utility (Service) Water Source................................ City of Warrenton municipal water system Flow Rate ........................................................................ 60 gpm (design) Supply Pressure........................................................ 90 psig (maximum)

13.4.37 Fire Protection Fire Protection Service
Oregon LNG is working to develop an Emergency Response Plan that will describe the coordination with
external stakeholders, including fire protection service providers. See Section 13.15 and Resource
Report 11 for additional information.

13.4.38 Site Security

The Terminal is designed and will be constructed and operated to provide the level of security and safety,
consistent with the requirements of its design and location.

A separate Facility Security Plan, describing site security provisions and features, is being prepared for
the USCG pursuant to USCG regulations, 33 CFR Part 105.

Key elements of this Facility Security Plan are summarized below.

Security measures included in the Facility Security Plan and within the design of the Terminal to control
access at all Maritime Security (MARSEC) levels include perimeter fencing, lighting, security personnel

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

and cameras, monitored and controlled access points into the Terminal, restrictions and prohibitions
applied at the access points, identification systems, and screening procedures.

The site will be surrounded with a security fence with limited access openings. The fence will extend to
the pier to ensure only authorized Terminal personnel can access the Terminal. A Closed Circuit
Television (CCTV) system will be installed at the Terminal and will monitor the pier, the perimeter fence
line, active access points, the waters along the Terminal and the interior of the Terminal.

13.5 Major Process Systems

13.5.1 Marine Dock mooring arrangement, turning basin, pier/trestle and dock.
The Terminal turning basin and approach channel will provide an access point for approaching LNG
carriers (from the existing Columbia River Channel to the northwest). LNG carriers transiting to the
Terminal will do so under active tractor tug escort. The speed of the incoming LNG carrier will be
gradually reduced during its transit of the Columbia River Channel until the carrier is at a speed of
approximately 3 knots near the entrance of the turning basin. Three tractor tugs will then assist the
carrier to turn into the turning basin. The incoming Carrier will approach the dock under active tractor
tug control at a very slow transit speed. The LNG Carrier will be brought to full stop in the turning basin
and will be berthed either with the bow upstream or downstream depending on prevailing weather
conditions. The departure procedures for LNG carriers will be similar to the incoming transiting LNG
carriers as described above.

Drawing 07902-DG-000-S101 included in Appendix K.1 illustrates the geometry and alignment of the
proposed turning basin. A turning basin depth of 45 ft (MLLW) is proposed. The proposed depth was
estimated taking into account the static draught of the largest carrier expected to call at the Terminal,
squat, trim, vertical carrier motion due to wave action, fresh water adjustment, underkeel clearance, and
tolerance for dredging and sounding accuracy. For security, economical, and practical reasons, LNG
carriers must be able to navigate to and from the Terminal at all tide conditions. As such, no tidal
allowance has been considered in defining the required minimum channel depth.

To support the Terminal marine operations, appropriate navigational aids will be installed at the turning
basin and dock. In addition, navigation lights will be installed on land and on structures, such as the end
of the pier.

Real time navigation studies were performed by the Columbia River Bar Pilots at the Pacific Maritime
Institute’s simulator facilities in Seattle, Washington. A total of 40 simulations were performed that
included all phases of vessel operation between the Columbia River Bar and the Terminal berth.
Elements specifically addressed include the following:

• Columbia River Bar crossing;

• Transit of navigational channels from the Entrance Channel to the Tansy Point Turn;

• LNG vessel turning;

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

• Docking, including both bow upstream and bow downstream conditions;

• Departing, including both bow upstream and bow downstream conditions; and

• Emergency operations simulation of partial to total mechanical failure.

Details of the simulations and results are presented in Resource Report 11 – Reliability and Safety,
Section 11.4.6.

The results of the simulations showed that the proposed approach channel, turning area, and berthing
area are adequate to safely allow the transit, turning, and berthing/de-berthing of the LNG carriers under
operational conditions. The results showed a total travel time from the Columbia River Channel to the
Terminal berth to be approximately 120 minutes, including docking. LNG carrier size and transfer design rates and pressure
The Terminal is designed to receive LNG carriers ranging in size from 70,000 m3 to 266,000 m3. The
maximum transfer rate is 14,000 m3/hour. The operating pressure at the unloading arm flange is 65 psig. Unloading Platform

An unloading platform will be constructed northeast of the ESP, approximately 2,200 feet from the
shoreline. The platform will have a single ship berth, which will be designed to accommodate the
dimensional characteristics of the majority of existing LNG carriers with storage capacities ranging from
70,000 m³ up to 266,000 m³. The LNG carrier will normally arrive at the pier loaded and will leave in
ballast condition.

The main components of the marine facility will include the following:

• A pier extending from the shore line to the unloading platform; the pier will support an elevated
pipeway and spill containment system and provide a roadway to the unloading platform area;

• Unloading platform with a single berth;

• Mooring and breasting dolphins

• Aids to navigation; and

• Mechanical systems.

To support the Terminal marine operations, a turning basin will be constructed by expanding existing
channels by dredging. Unloading Arm and Piping Design Conditions

Each LNG unloading arm is designed to unload LNG at a rate of 4.66 m3/hour with a design pressure of
275 psig and an operating temperature range of -270°F to +120°F. Piping Design

The design pressure of the marine area process piping and process equipment (Platform Drum D-103,
LNG Unloading Arms L-101A/B/C and Vapor Return Arm L-102) is 275 psig.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Design temperatures range from -270°F to +120°F for the piping and process equipment in the unloading
system at the Terminal. Vent and Blowdown Design

LNG unloading arm venting during the cooldown operation is through a vent line located as high as
practical on each LNG arm riser. The design is such to minimize liquid entrainment; however, any
liquids entrained will collect in Platform Drum D-103. Following the completion of unloading, nitrogen
pressure is used to push any liquids that may be present in the Platform Drum into the LNG Transfer

Draining (blowdown) of the LNG unloading arms after LNG transfer is accomplished by applying
nitrogen pressure at the apex of each arm. LNG on the carrier-side of the apex is drained back into one
or more of the carrier's LNG tanks. LNG on the side of the Terminal is forced through drain valves
(HV-112A/B/C) at the low point on each LNG arm. Once the LNG is forced out of each arm, the drain
valve closes automatically.

Once the draining is complete, the arm is left under nitrogen pressure. Platform Details

The elevated unloading platform will support the articulated unloading arms that connect the Terminal
piping systems to the carrier's manifold. The unloading platform will consist of a pre-cast/cast-in-place
concrete deck supported by a steel support structure. The LNG piping will extend downward from the
unloading arms to an elevated pipeway.

The elevated pipeway will extend from the unloading platform to the shore line. An elevated concrete
spillway will be installed adjacent to and below the piping. The piping and spillway will be supported by
a steel support structure.

The maximum unloading rate is 14,000 m3/hour. Piping will be provided in the design to allow
circulation of LNG through the unloading system during periods when no carrier is unloading, to
maintain the unloading lines at cryogenic temperatures, thus avoiding thermal cycling of the unloading
lines. Platform Fire Protection

As illustrated in drawing 07902-DG-610-440 included in Appendix U.9, the platform will be equipped
with the following fire protection systems:

• Fixed dry chemical system, covering the curbed area under the unloading and vapor return arms
using a fixed monitor plus hose lines;

• A fire water system, including two 1,000 gpm remote operated, elevated monitors; hydrant and
hose reel; and International Ship to Shore Connections (ISCs); and

• Hand-held dry chemical fire extinguishers for extinguishing small fires.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material Security provisions

A full-time dedicated berth operator will be present at the unloading platform area or platform control
room during unloading operations to monitor the cargo unloading operations. The berth operator will be
present at all times when an LNG carrier is moored at the pier, to monitor berthing and mooring
activities, operate the hydraulic power and control system for the personnel access gangway(s) and the
unloading arms, and conduct carrier-shore safety checks. The berth operator may be present on the pier
on a part-time basis at other times when no carrier is moored at the unloading platform.

A description of the proposed security arrangements that address the principal concerns for Terminal
security, plans for security and the parties who would be instrumental in the development of security
plans during the design phase of the Project are provided in Section 13.19 of this Resource Report. Operating and Safety Systems

Platform Control Room (PCR) A-801 serves as the control center for LNG unloading operations.

The PCR and/or unloading platform will be attended any time an LNG carrier has an unloading arm
connected, including the vapor arm. Control from the PCR will be limited to LNG unloading operations
and safety/ESD responses. The PCR has an operator console containing remote interfaces for the DCS,
SIS, HDMS and hard-wired ESD switches and annunciators, all of which are further described in Section
13.9 of this Resource Report.

The PCR will have a workstation to control and monitor the Marine Instrument Systems and LNG
Unloading Arm and Vapor Return Arm controls. Arm controls will include mobile units that can
function at the arms.

The operator console in the PCR will contain hard-wired ESD switches and annunciators for critical
alarms and fire and gas semi-graphic panels necessary for unloading operations.

A laser-type berthing monitoring system will be provided to measure the ship’s distance off the berth,
berthing velocity and angle of approach during final maneuvering and berthing. The measurements will
be conveyed to the pilot, master and berth operator by means of portable hand-held units and a display
board installed on the pier.

The mooring hooks will be fitted with load monitoring cells to measure the load in the mooring lines and
provide a warning when loads approach critical levels.

Information pertaining to preliminary selection of dockside equipment including: fenders, mooring and
vessel approach monitoring, mooring hooks, hydraulic crane and gangway is included in Appendix K.2
to this Resource Report 13. Winds Limits

The preliminary navigation, berth operations and berth structural design are based on the following

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Table Wind Limits

Condition Wind Speed (kts)
Port Approach 25
Cargo Transfer Limit 60 (current at 0 – 3 knots)
55 (current at 5 knots)
Moored Carrier 70 (current at 0 – 1 knots)
65 (current at 3 knots)
60 (current at 5 knots)
Structures and Topsides 87
LNG Supporting Structures 130

A safe means of access by a gangway is to be provided from the unloading platform to the LNG carrier.
A hydraulic-operated, pedestal-supported type gangway, with telescoping and slewing motion capability
will be provided. The gangway landing footprint will be small and position adjustable to ensure a stable
location on the limited carrier deck space that will be available. The Guide to Marine Terminal Fire
Protection and Emergency Evacuation (Oil Companies International Marine Forum, OCIMF//Society of
International Gas Tanker & Terminal Operators, SIGTTO) will be used as a reference for the design of
the gangway. Design of the gangway will give consideration to both emergency evacuation of the carrier
and firefighting or other emergency access to/from the carrier. Drawings
The following drawings for the marine facilities associated with the Terminal are included in Appendix

Table Marine Drawings

Drawing Number Description
07902-DG-100-800 Marine Terminal Plot Plan
07902-DG-100-801 General Arrangement
07902-DG-100-802 Trestle Plan & Elevation
07902-DG-100-803 Trestle Sections
07902-DG-100-804 Unloading Platform Plan
07902-DG-100-805 Unloading Platform Section
07902-DG-100-806 Breasting Dolphin Details
07902-DG-100-807 Mooring Dolphin Details
07902-DG-100-808 Walkway Details

13.5.2 Unloading
The following describes the basis for the design for unloading an LNG carrier and the anticipated
operating conditions for such operation, and the design features of the equipment including operating
conditions and special design conditions.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material LNG Carrier Capacities, Unloading Rates and Conditions

The Terminal is designed to unload a single LNG carrier with capacity between 70,000 m3 to 266,000 m3.
The maximum unloading rate is 14,000 m3/hour with carriers arriving with a maximum cargo equilibrium
pressure of 2.5 psig. LNG unloading is accomplished through three manifolded, articulated LNG
unloading arms L-101A/B/C. The LNG transfer to onshore is accomplished through a single 36-inch line
with a small sidestream flowing through the 6-inch LNG circulation line.

The unloading arms will be fitted with two isolating valves and an emergency release coupling (ERC)
that is installed between the two isolating valves. This ERC system protects the unloading arms and
carrier manifold when the unloading arm operating envelope is exceeded, and minimizes the spill of
LNG in case of an emergency uncoupling of the unloading arms from the carrier.

A data sheet for the unloading arms (07902-DS-100-101) is included in Appendix M.3 and vendor
information (07902-VP-100-101) is included in Appendix M.4. Vapor Return Desuperheating

There will be periods during the LNG transfer operation where the vapor returning to the LNG carrier
will be warmer than that allowed by most LNG carriers, nominally warmer than -180°F. In this event the
returning vapor will automatically be desuperheated by a spray desuperheater system protected by the
downstream liquid knockout drum, Platform Drum D-103. The vapor returns to the LNG carrier through
a single 16-inch articulated loading arm, L-102. The temperature and pressure compensated vapor flow
will be monitored.

A low flow to the vapor arm will also close the supply to the vapor return desuperheater spray. Liquid Removal

In the event that any liquid builds up in Platform Drum D-103, gaseous nitrogen can be used to push the
liquids directly into the 36-inch LNG transfer line. The primary source of liquid will be from carryover
during the cooldown of LNG Unloading Arms L-101A/B/C; however, liquid carryover from the spray
desuperheating of the vapor being returned to the carrier may also contribute to any build-up. The de-
inventorying of D-103, if required, typically would occur following LNG transfer, however it can be
accomplished during the LNG transfer if the transfer rate is reduced or if the LNG carrier can produce its
own vapor displacement during the de-inventory.

A high level in Platform Drum D-103 will also close the supply to the vapor return desuperheater spray
and close the vapor return pressure control valve, PV-103.

A data sheet for the Platform Drum (07902-DS-100-103) is included in Appendix M.3. LNG Relief Valve Discharge Containment

Each LNG unloading arm (L-101A/B/C) and the 36-inch LNG transfer line are protected by individual
thermal relief valves. Platform Drum D-103 is protected by a pressure relief valve. All of these relief
valves discharge into the LNG Arm Vent Header, which in turn connects to the on-shore BOG Header.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material LNG Vents and Drains

The Terminal is designed to recover all vented gases and drained LNG occurring during normal day-to-
day operation and maintenance as part of the Closed Vent/Drain System (See Section 13.5.11 of this
Report). Venting of hydrocarbons to the atmosphere is not part of any normal operation. This high level
of emission control integrity is made possible by using a combination of the Closed Vent/Drain System,
the Vapor Return System to the LNG carrier, and the BOG Condensing System.

The vents from LNG arm cooldown are directed to Platform Drum D-103 and then onshore to the BOG
Header. It is possible that some LNG may carryover during the arm cooldown and therefore the liquid
will be captured within Platform Drum D-103. The LNG arms drain into the LNG transfer line using a
bypass around the LNG Unloading Arm isolation valves (HV-111A/B/C around HV-101A/B/C). HV-
111 A/B/C valves automatically close upon completion of arm draining. Isolation Valves

Isolation valves associated with LNG transfer are located on each LNG unloading arm (HV-101A/B/C,
HV-111 A/B/C), the vapor arm (HV-102), and the Platform-Trestle/Shore ESD valves (HV-100, HV-101
and HV-106). Each of these valves is closed on the activation of an LNG transfer emergency shutdown
event (ESD-1). Appendix S.1 includes a specification (07902-TS-000-024) for the shutoff valves
associated with the marine facility. LNG Transfer Operations Narrative

LNG unloading is completely controlled by the Cargo Officer onboard the LNG carrier. The Terminal
Operations Department is in direct communications throughout the unloading operation including having
personnel continuously present in the LNG carrier’s Cargo Room.

Once the Unloading Arms have been connected and the spool piece purged of air, the Unloading Arms L-
101A/B/C will be aligned for cooldown. The design of Unloading Arms will allow rapid cooldown with
the cooldown vapor being directed into Platform Drum D-103 to facilitate cooldown.

Once the Unloading Arms are fully cooled down, and the Terminal Operator confirms he is ready for
unloading, the Cargo Officer may start the carrier's LNG cargo pumps at his discretion.

The Terminal Operators will determine which LNG storage tank(s) the LNG will be loaded into based on
current volumes in storage. Each LNG storage tank will be capable of being loaded from the top or
bottom. The decision to top or bottom fill a tank is a function of the composition of the LNG in the LNG
tank(s) and the composition to be unloaded, to avoid the potential for tank rollovers which could occur in
situations where heavy LNG is placed below lighter LNG in a storage tank.

The unloading rate will be highest during the initial period as the level in the carrier’s tanks is highest.
As the carrier unloads the unloading rate will decrease. As each carrier tank approaches minimum tank
levels, the cargo pumps will be shut down.

Once all of the carrier's cargo pumps are shut down, the LNG Unloading Arms are drained and purged.
The LNG on the carrier-side of the apex of the arm returns to an LNG tank on the carrier. The LNG on

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

the shore-side of the apex of the arm is bypassed around the closed unloading arm valve into the LNG
Transfer header.

13.5.3 Feed Gas

Not applicable

13.5.4 Liquefaction
Not applicable

13.5.5 Fractionation
Not applicable

13.5.6 Vapor Handling

The following describes the basis for the design for the Terminal vapor handling system and the
anticipated operating conditions. Vapor Return to the LNG Carrier

During LNG unloading operations, once the LNG unloading arms are cooled down the carrier’s LNG
Cargo Officer will begin to ramp up the unloading rate as quickly as the carrier’s pumps can be started
and lined out. Depending on the carrier’s cargo capacity and heat leak the Terminal will need to provide
displacement vapor (LNG tank boiloff) to the vapor space of the LNG carrier in order to prevent low
pressures within the carrier’s cargo tanks. In expectation of this, one or both of the Vapor Return
Blowers (C-205A/B) will be made ready to start. The Vapor Return Blowers have large capacity but low
dynamic head so that a large amount of BOG from the LNG Tanks (T-201A/B/C) can be “pushed” to the
carrier. The Terminal will provide adequate flow through the Vapor Return Blowers, the vapor return
line and the 16-inch articulated Vapor Return Arm (L-102) to provide vapor displacement for all known
LNG carriers transferring cargo at rates up to 14,000 m3/hour.

At the start-up of the Vapor Return Blowers (C-205A/B) it is possible that BOG from the LNG tanks will
need to be desuperheated. In this case a small stream of LNG is sprayed into the vapor stream just
upstream of the BOG Drum (D-203). This is the same process that is used to cool the returning vapor
upon the initiation of the process as the returning vapor will be warmer than allowable for the LNG
carrier. In each event, the returning vapor will be desuperheated to -180° or colder.

A data sheet for the Vapor Return Blowers (07902-DS-200-205) is included in Appendix M.3 of this
Resource Report and typical manufacturer information (07902-VP-200-205) is included in Appendix
M.4. Vapor Taken from the LNG Carrier

The Terminal design also includes a provision to take vapor from an LNG carrier during periods where
the carrier is at the berth and not unloading. If a carrier is not unloading, reversing the valve positions of
HV-258 and HV-259 provides a flow path to the on-shore BOG Header. The temperature and pressure
compensated vapor flow from the LNG carrier is monitored. The delivery pressure of the vapor from the

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

LNG carrier must be at least 5.0 psig, often requiring the use of the carrier’s blowers, to assure that the
Terminal can take the vapor in all operating scenarios.

ESD-1 or ESD-2, loss of the Vapor Return Blowers, or high liquid level in Platform Drum D-103 will
cause the vapor return to the LNG carrier to cease.

The Vapor Return Blowers will shut down with activation of an ESD-2, high liquid level in the BOG
Drum (D-203) or low suction pressure. Boiloff Gas (BOG) Low Pressure Compression

Due to the allowable operating pressures of the full containment design LNG tanks (T-201A/B/C) and
the maximum allowable saturated pressure on arrival of the LNG carrier’s cargo, there will be no
flashing of the unloaded LNG. The volume of vapor being generated during the LNG transfer will be the
normal boiloff from the LNG tanks and the physical volumetric displacement of boiloff during LNG
transfer. Of this volume a significant portion (40 percent to 60 percent) is returned to the LNG carrier
for vapor displacement (See Section of this Report). The remainder of the BOG must be
disposed of, otherwise the LNG tank pressures will begin rising. The BOG from the LNG tanks is
directed to the BOG Compressors (C-204A/B/C) through the BOG Drum (D-203). The first priority use
of the BOG Compressor discharge is to provide fuel gas to the Fuel Gas System. Any BOG not used as
fuel gas is condensed in the BOG Condenser, E-207 (see Section of this Report).

A data sheet for the BOG Compressors (07902-DS-200-204) is included in Appendix M.3 of this Report
and typical manufacturer data (07902-VP-200-204) is included in Appendix M.4.

The BOG Compressors will shut down with activation of an ESD-2, high liquid level in the BOG Drum
(D-203), low LNG tank pressure, high compressor discharge temperature or pressure or low compressor
suction pressure. BOG Recondensation

When there is more BOG available than can be returned to the LNG carrier (if unloading) or consumed
as fuel gas, the shell and tube BOG Condenser (E-207) will be used to condense the excess BOG and mix
it with the inlet stream to the HP Pumps (P-301A through F) prior to vaporization.

A data sheet for the BOG Condenser (07902-DS-200-208) is included in Appendix M.3 of this Report,
and typical manufacturer data (07902-VP-200-208) is included in Appendix M.4. BOG High Pressure Compression

The Terminal does not have a high pressure compression system for BOG. High pressure compression is
not warranted at this time for the following reasons:

• The Terminal design includes a Closed Vent / Drain System which captures all discharges from
thermal reliefs, drains and vents for LNG process equipment and piping. The only way the gas is
released to atmosphere is through the Flare Stack (L-210), or from pressure relief valves on the
LNG storage tanks, the HP vaporizers, and the fuel gas drum; and

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

• The high tank design pressure and inclusion of redundant BOG compressors reduces the need to
vent gas.

During detailed design, the EPC contractor will evaluate the expected operating and sendout scenarios,
and determine whether the Terminal is likely to operate for long periods of time at low or no sendout. In
that case, if economics dictate, high pressure BOG compression will be included in the design at that
time. To allow for this possible future installation, the BOG system includes provisions for connection to
a pipeline compressor, as illustrated on P&ID 07902-PI-200-109 included in Appendix U.4. Vapor Handling Operations Narrative

When not unloading LNG, the selected method for vapor handling will vary depending on LNG sendout
rate. When operating at low sendout rates, excess BOG will be generated in the LNG tanks due to LNG
tank heat leak from the ambient air surrounding the tank and associated piping being recirculated.
Normally one BOG Compressor (C-204A/B/C) will be required to handle the amount of BOG generated.
The BOG Compressor discharge will first be used as fuel gas for heating the heat transfer fluid. If this
use is not adequate to control tank pressure, the excess BOG will be condensed in the BOG Condenser
(E-207). The lower the sendout rate the more BOG must be handled, conversely at high sendout rates
there may not be adequate BOG to displace the volumetric withdrawal of LNG from the tanks. In this
situation the BOG Compressors will automatically shut down and BOG condensing will stop. If the
LNG storage tank pressures continue to fall, the Gas Make-Up System vaporizes a side stream of LP
Pump discharge through the ambient Gas Make-Up Vaporizer (E-206) with the vapor injected directly
into the BOG header. If the Gas Make-Up System cannot maintain a minimum LNG tank pressure,
sendout gas may be let down in pressure to the LNG storage tank pressure and injected into the BOG

When unloading an LNG carrier there will be excess BOG to handle. In this situation the Vapor Return
Blower(s) will direct BOG to the LNG carrier. The LNG carrier’s Cargo Officer will control the vapor
return rate. The excess BOG flowing from the on-shore LNG storage tanks will be directed through the
BOG Compressors to the BOG Condenser (E-207). At lower than design unloading rates and/or lower
than maximum carrier saturated pressure the above scenario may change to where there will be no BOG
condensed or even inadequate fuel gas available for vaporization. In this case, fuel gas will be
supplemented from letdown sendout gas.

The Terminal is designed such that no venting of BOG will occur during normal operation. As such, the
Terminal rarely operates near the maximum operating pressures of the LNG tanks. However, there are
basically two scenarios that could lead to venting BOG. The first scenario involves extended periods of
operation at sendout rates lower than the minimum sendout rate. In this scenario, the LNG tank pressures
will begin rising. Rather than allowing the LNG tank pressure safety valves to open, a discretionary
venting system is used. Based on rising tank pressure, excess BOG will be directed to the atmosphere
first via a discretionary vent installed on each LNG storage tank; then eventually via the Flare Stack, L-
210. Venting rate will be equal to the BOG generation rate resulting from heat leak into the Terminal.
The second scenario occurs during LNG transfer of LNG at or near maximum saturated condition and at
or near maximum unloading rates (14,000 m3/hour). In this scenario the LNG tanks are operating near
maximum operating pressure. Any loss of vapor handling or LNG sendout could result in the LNG tanks

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

approaching maximum allowable operating pressure. Such an event would very quickly result in the
reduction or cessation of LNG transfer, thus should venting occur it will be very short lived. Once the
cause of the upset is rectified the BOG handling system will be re-started, venting will stop and LNG
transfer can be increased or re-started.

13.5.7 LNG Sendout System

Vaporization system studies were performed for the Oregon LNG Project. Alternative vaporization
systems were considered and are described in the report entitled Vaporizer Alternatives Study (07902-
TS-000-107) that is included in Appendix R.1. Oregon LNG will use a combination of Forced Draft
Direct Ambient Air Vaporizers as the primary means of LNG Vaporization, which will be supplemented
by natural gas fired heaters using an intermediate heat transfer fluid system. The basis for the design of
the LNG vaporization system is further described in the LNG Vaporization Study (TR-07902-000-002)
that is included in Appendix C.5.

In summary, vaporization is performed in two stages at Oregon LNG:

• First Stage Vaporization is performed using forced draft Ambient Air Vaporizers. These
vaporizers obtain the bulk of the heat needed for vaporization from ambient air; and

• Second Stage Vaporization is used at times when the heat available from the ambient air is not
sufficient to produce sendout gas at the design sendout temperature. This could occur when
ambient temperatures are low or when heat transfer to the AAVs is hampered by accumulation of
ice. When in service, the Second Stage Vaporizers heat up a sidestream of natural gas above the
sendout temperature, after which the sidestream is blended with the remaining natural gas to
achieve the design sendout temperature.

The following describes the basis of the design for both of these systems along with the anticipated
operating conditions, the design features of the equipment and special design conditions for each. Low Pressure LNG Pumps, Minimum Flow, Low Pressure LNG Recycle Systems
from High Pressure Pump Suction
The allowable operating pressure of the full containment design LNG tanks (T-201A/B/C) allows a
minimization of the operating pressures of the BOG Condenser (E-207) compared to many Terminals.
Thus, the operating head of the LP Pumps will vary with liquid level in the LNG tank and LNG tank
vapor pressure.

Each of the in-tank LP Pumps can provide LNG circulation of the LNG transfer piping, supply LNG to
the BOG desuperheater upstream of the BOG Drum (D-203), supply LNG to the Gas Make-Up Vaporizer
(E-206), and supply LNG to the Sendout System. Each LP Pump has a recycle system sized for a
minimum of 35 percent of its design flow to ensure that with loss of downstream flow the pump can run
indefinitely on recycle without causing damage to the LP Pump. The recycle flow is directed to the top
fill line of the respective LNG tank.

A data sheet for the LP Pumps (07902-DS-200-202) is included in Appendix M.3 of this Report and
typical manufacturer data (07902-VP-200-202) is included in Appendix M.4.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

The LP Pumps will shutdown with activation of an ESD-2, high LP Pump vibration or high or low LP
Pump amperage. Inter Tank LNG Transfer Systems

Each LNG tank is provided a crossover valve (HV-222A/B/C) from the LP Pump discharge to the tank
top fill line to provide the ability to recirculate the tank inventory. In this operation the pumps are
permitted to operate near maximum pump amperage to ensure a maximum recirculation rate. In addition
to the temperature/density profile monitoring capability provided in the tank design, each tank is
provided with an LNG sampler upstream of the crossover valve to monitor LNG composition. LNG Transfer Pipeline Cooling

LNG transfer pipe maintenance cooling is provided using a side stream of the LP Pump discharge.
Depending on the LNG sendout rate, the recirculated LNG can be directed back to the LNG tank(s) or
upstream of the BOG Condenser (E-207). The recirculation flow rate, supply, return and differential
temperatures are continuously monitored. High Pressure LNG Pumps, Pump Vessel Vent System, Minimum Flow Recycle
The HP Pumps (P-301A through F) draw supply from the HP Pump Drum (D-208). The HP Pump Drum
will be supplied by the discharge from the BOG Condenser (E-207) and, at higher sendout rates, a bypass
of the BOG Condenser will take LNG directly from the LP Pumps or the LNG Transfer circulation

The HP Pumps are dedicated to supplying the First Stage Ambient Air Vaporizers (E-302). Each HP
Pump has a recycle system sized for a minimum of 35 percent of the design flow to ensure that with loss
of downstream flow the pump can run indefinitely on recycle without damage to the HP Pump. The
recycle flow is directed to the top fill lines of the LNG tanks thus minimizing upstream supply upsets
when recycle operation takes place.

The HP pumps share a common recycle header. The following provisions have been made in the design
to protect the recycle header from the HP pump discharge pressure and operating conditions:

Prior to entering the recycle header, the recycle discharge flow from each HP pump is reduced in
pressure via an anti-cavitation valve sized for about 40% of design flow.

The recycle header is continuously recirculated with LNG from HP pump suction manifold to ensure the
header is kept cold at all times when one or more HP pumps is operating.

All interfacing lines of lower pressure class will be protected with a check valve.

As vessel-mounted pumps, each pump is tied into the top of the HP Pump Drum with a continuously
rising pump vessel vent line to ensure a flooded pump vessel in all operating modes including continuous
cooling during the idle mode.

A data sheet for the HP Pumps (07902-DS-300-301) is included in Appendix M.3 of this Report and
typical manufacturer data (07902-VP-300-301) is included in Appendix M.4.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

The HP Pumps will shut down with activation of an ESD-2, low HP Pump Drum level or pressure, high
HP Pump vibration, high or low HP Pump amperage, high sendout gas pressure or low sendout gas
temperature. First Stage of LNG Vaporization

LNG discharged from the HP pumps flows to the First Stage Ambient Air Vaporizers (AAVs). These are
vertical, forced-draft heat exchangers with top-mounted fans that force ambient air down past the outside
surface of finned tubes. LNG enters the tubes through a header at the bottom of the vaporizer and flows
up through the finned tubes, rising in temperature as heat is transferred from the ambient air to the LNG.
The large temperature difference between the entering LNG and the countercurrent flow in this heat
exchanger allows the exiting natural gas temperature to approach the ambient air temperature.

As ambient air flows down through the AAVs, the air can cool to its dewpoint and a portion of the water
vapor in the ambient air will condense. This condensate is either carried out of the AAV with the air
flow or deposits on the finned tube outer surfaces. Condensate that collects on the surfaces can freeze,
leading to a buildup of a frost/ice layer on the tubes, impeding heat transfer. This layer increases with
thickness in time, leading to reduced heat transfer. The rate of accumulation varies based on ambient
conditions (temperature, relative humidity, wind, solar radiation, precipitation, etc.) and LNG parameters
(such as flow, inlet temperature, pressure, composition). As a result, over time either the exiting natural
gas temperature will drop, or the amount of gas that can be heated to the desired temperature will drop, or

The AAVs are arranged in 15 trains with ten units per train, for a total of 150 units available for use. The
discharge temperature of each train is indicated in the control room, and the discharges of all 15 trains
are combined and mixed in a common discharge. The temperature of the mixed AAV discharge is
continuously monitored and indicated to the plant operations staff, who can take action if the temperature
drops below the design basis limit of 40°F as follows:

Individual trains may be taken out of service and defrosted. At the same time, one or more idle
(defrosted) trains may be placed in service. This will increase the mixed discharge temperature since the
gas exiting the new train will be relatively warm compared to the train that was taken out of service.

If bringing idle AAV trains on line is not sufficient to achieve the desired sendout temperature, plant
operators can send a portion of the mixed discharge through the Second Stage Vaporizers as described
below. This sidestream of gas will be heated to a temperature above the sendout temperature and then
mixed with the balance of the flow as needed to achieve the desired sendout temperature.

AAVs can be defrosted by stopping the LNG inlet flow while keeping the fans on. At the Oregon LNG
Import Terminal site, ambient temperatures are generally above freezing, so this method will defrost the
AAVs at most times of the year. However, when ambient temperatures are too low to allow defrosting,
there is relatively little water vapor in the ambient air. Accordingly, the rate of condensation and ice
buildup on the tube surfaces will be greatly reduced under these conditions. This means that the units
will operate for longer periods before needing to be taken out of service for defrosting. Prolonging the
run cycle allows operators to wait to take units out of service for defrosting for times when the
temperature is warmer (i.e., daylight or the end of a cold period of weather).

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

The units will continue to transfer heat from air to LNG even with an ice buildup, due to the large
temperature difference driving force for heat transfer and the large heat transfer area. Accordingly,
although the heat transfer is impeded with ice buildup, significant heat duty can still be achieved even
under iced conditions.

As more experience is gained with use of AAVs for LNG vaporization, it is expected that equipment
vendors will develop methods for in-place defrosting the units. This may include mechanical ice removal
methods, spraying of warm fluids, or provision of heated air flow through iced units. Oregon LNG will
review operating experience and current technology trends as experience is gained with this equipment
elsewhere and may add features to the final design to aid in defrosting these units.

To account for the lower performance of AAVs due to icing and the difficulty for defrosting the units at
certain times, the following provisions are made for the Oregon Terminal:

The number of AAVs units planned for Oregon LNG (150) was selected based on the peak sendout of
1.5 bscfd, with 33% of the installed units out of service for defrosting. This means that each of the 100
operating units can produce an average of 15 MMscfd. Typically each unit can vaporizer much higher
flows for a short period and at least this amount for a longer period. This large number of vaporizer units
allows operators to plan vaporization campaigns taking into account the drop-off in performance of
individual units with time and the need to take units out of service for defrosting.

Designing for the peak sendout case of 1.5 bscfd provides margin to ensure that the design sendout of 1.0
bscfd can be achieved under a wider range of ambient conditions.

A data sheet for the First Stage Ambient Air Vaporizers (07902-DS-300-302) is included in Appendix
M.3 and typical manufacturer data (07902-VP-300-302) is included in Appendix M.4.

The AAVs will shut down with activation of an ESD-2 or low low outlet temperature. Second Stage of LNG Vaporization

At times when the gas exiting the First Stage Vaporizers falls below the desired sendout temperature, a
portion of the gas is routed through the Second Stage Vaporizers, heated, and then mixed back into the
main gas flow to control the sendout temperature.

The Second Stage Vaporization System design is based on the following considerations:

• Per vendor information, the AAVs will operate with an approach temperature of 30°F. As the
site rarely experiences temperatures below about 30°F, it is assumed that the lowest expected
AAV discharge gas temperature will be 0°F throughout the year; and

• The desired sendout temperature is 40°F; to reach this temperature, the 0°F AAV outlet gas must
be increased by 40°F. Increasing the temperature of the peak sendout flow of 1.0 bscfd by this
amount will require approximately 90 mmBtu/hr (for heavy LNG composition). For the peak
sendout case (1.5 bscfd), 135 mmBtu/hr will be required.

Accordingly, the design duty for the Second Stage Vaporization is at least 90 mmBtu/hr. For Oregon,
additional margin is added to allow the system to provide 120 mmBtu/hr on a design basis (i.e., with an

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

N+1 sparing philosophy), with a peak duty of 180 mmBtu/hr with all spare equipment operating. This is
accomplished by providing a three-loop system where each loop has a 60 mmBtu/hr duty. Each loop
consists of the following components:

• E-304 Second Stage Vaporizer. This is a horizontal shell and tube heat exchanger which heats
gas flowing through the tube side using a heat transfer fluid (HTF) flowing on the shell side;

• B-401 Fired Heater. This heater burns fuel gas to heat HTF flowing through tubes. Fuel gas to
these Fired Heaters is produced by the fuel gas system as described below; and

• P-402 HTF Pump. This is a centrifugal pump used to move the HTF between the Fired Heater
and the Second Stage Vaporizer shell.

The loops are connected via a common header and are equipped with an HTF Surge Drum (D-403) to
account for volume changes which will occur as the HTF operating temperatures change.

The system is designed to heat a portion of the AAV outlet gas to a temperature above the desired
sendout temperature, and then to blend that heated portion back to the main flow to achieve the desired
sendout temperature. Under peak conditions, about 30% of the AAV outlet flow (at 0°F) would be
heated to 180°F in the Second Stage Vaporizer system and then blended back with the remaining flow to
achieve an average of 40°F.

The HTF flow rate through the heat exchanger shell and fired heater in each loop is kept constant. The
control system for the Second Stage Vaporizer system will regulate the natural gas flow rate into the heat
exchanger tubes as needed to maintain the outlet natural gas temperature after blending at the set point
value. A falling outlet natural gas temperature will result in an increase in the fraction of the sendout gas
that is routed through the Second Stage Vaporizers. This will increase the heat transfer in these heat
exchangers and reduce the HTF temperature exiting the heat exchanger shell side.

This cooled HTF will flow into the Fired Heater. Fuel gas flow to the Fired Heater will be controlled
such that the firing is sufficient to heat the exiting HTF temperature to the HTF setpoint temperature of
nominally 200°F. The HTF flow rate is selected such that when providing 60 mmBtu/hr of heating duty,
a single system loop will return HTF from the Second Stage Vaporizer shell to the Fired Heater at 120°F.

Data sheets for the Second Stage Vaporizers (07902-DS-300-304) and Fired Heaters (07902-DS-400-
401) are included in Appendix M.3 of this Report and typical manufacturer data (07902-VP-300-304 and
07902-VP-400-401) is included in Appendix M.4. Sendout Gas Metering

Vaporized LNG will exit the Terminal through a metering station near the battery limit of the Terminal
(along the southern property boundary). The vaporization system is designed to provide natural gas at
1,440 psig and 40°F at this location. Natural Gas Sendout Operations Narrative

Prior to the startup of the first vaporizer, the Terminal will typically be in the zero sendout mode. In this
mode, all of the large bore LNG piping associated with sendout will be maintenance cooled with a side

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

stream from the LP Pumps. The LP Pump discharge is circulated through and around the BOG
Condenser (E-207), through the HP Pump Drum (D-208) and into the suction header that feeds the HP
Pumps. Piping is provided to allow LNG to cool the HP Pump suction header, and to then flow into and
cool the HP Pump discharge header. After traversing this discharge header, the LNG flows into the HP
pump recycle header back to one or more of the LNG storage tanks, via the tank top fill line. In addition,
piping is provided to allow LNG flow through the First Stage Vaporizer inlet header and into the HP
pump discharge header, for maintenance cooling of this large bore line. To provide for these flow paths,
operators will follow startup procedures which will require them to open several normally car seal closed
manual valves.

The design of the HP Pump recycle header permits extended recycle operation of one or more of the HP
Pumps without flow through the vaporizers. To begin vaporization using the AAVs, the fans will be
started in one of the AAV trains, and Operators will then halt maintenance cooling in the discharge
header by car seal closing manual valves per procedure. Once all the zero sendout valving has been re-
car sealed closed, an HP Pump will be started in recycle only. When operation of that pump has
stabilized, the discharge valve on the HP Pump will be throttled opened, which will pressurize the HP
pump discharge header and allow flow to begin to the first vaporizer. LNG will be gradually increased to
the AAV train while gas outlet temperatures are monitored. If additional sendout is required, the process
will be repeated until adequate pumps and vaporizers have been started and lined out.

To initiate use of the Second Stage Vaporization system, warm HTF flow will be initiated through the
shell side of a Second Stage Vaporizer until procedurally controlled operating temperatures are
established. At that time, a portion of the AAV outlet gas flow will be routed through the tube side of
that heat exchanger and the outlet gas temperature monitored. The gas flow will be increased as needed
to achieve the setpoint sendout temperature.

An upset in the sendout system, such as a momentary loss of the sendout line outside of the Terminal
property boundary, will not immediately result in the shutdown of all HP Pumps. Without Operations
staff intervention, the HP Pumps will automatically be shut down in a controlled sequence over time;
however, the design of the recycle system can permit the HP Pumps to remain on line as long as needed
until the cause of the shutdown has been located and corrected. This will minimize the start/stop cycles
on the HP Pumps, which will increase mean time between failures and facilitate a more rapid re-
establishment of sendout.

If the sendout system is to be shutdown for a longer duration, Terminal staff will determine whether or
not to shift to zero sendout mode. The choice will be a function of the estimated time before sendout is
to be re-established. Fuel Gas Operations Narrative

Fired Heaters B-401A/B/C burn fuel gas (natural gas) at inlet conditions of approximately 50 psig and
40°F. There are two sources available at the Terminal for fuel gas for these fired heaters.

The preferred source of fuel gas for the fired heaters is BOG from the LNG process system. This gas is
collected in the BOG header, and can be compressed to the required fuel gas pressure in BOG

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Compressor C-204A/B/C and warmed to the required temperature in Fuel Gas Heaters E-213A/B.
Warmed fuel gas flows to Fuel Gas Drum D-214 prior to entering the heater fuel gas manifold.

When the amount of BOG generated at the Terminal is insufficient to meet the fuel gas demand, the next
option for providing fuel gas to the fired heaters is to use the Terminal sendout gas. When used as fuel
gas, the sendout gas must first be reduced in pressure and heated to compensate for the resulting gas
temperature drop. The pressure reduction is performed by one of the two pressure control valves PV-
213A/B, which reduces the sendout pressure to the nominal fuel gas system pressure. The reduced
pressure sendout flow is heated in one of the two Fuel Gas Heaters E-213A/B, after which it flows into
the Fuel Gas Drum D-214.

13.5.8 Gas Liquid Removal

Not applicable

13.5.9 Btu Adjustment

Not applicable

13.5.10 Vent and Flare Systems

The following describes the basis for the design for vents, the anticipated operating conditions for vent
operation, the design features of the equipment, and special design conditions. Vent System

The Terminal has been designed to minimize fugitive emissions with no venting during all normal
operations by provision of a Closed Vent/Drain System. All LNG and natural gas relief valves
(excluding relief valves on the LNG Storage Tanks, Fuel Gas Drum D-214 and the Vaporizer outlet
process relief valves) are vented into a closed vent system that is common with the LNG storage tank
vapor spaces. In case of excess relief system pressure, the vent pressure control valve (PV-290) will
dump gas to the Flare Stack, L-210. Flare System

The flare is equipped with a pilot which is fed from the sendout header. A continuous nitrogen gas
sweep is incorporated downstream of PV-290 to ensure proper purging of the Flare Stack.

A data sheet for the Flare Stack (07902-DS-200-210) is included in Appendix M.3. The Low Point Drain System

Any onshore liquid drains are collected by gravity into the un-insulated Low Point Drain Drum (D-211)
onshore. Any vapors generated in or through the Low Point Drain Drum are vented into the BOG
Header. The Terminal, however, is designed such that the majority of LNG normally drained from
equipment or piping is recovered as liquid and not routed to the D-211. The Low Point Drain System
serves only small residual volumes of LNG during any of the draining processes.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material Provisions for Draining LNG Piping and Process Equipment

When piping or process equipment containing LNG requires draining in normal operation or preparation
for maintenance, the bulk of the LNG is preserved and transferred into pre-determined sections of LNG
piping using nitrogen pressure. Specifically, LNG remaining in the unloading arms is de-inventoried
directly into the LNG transfer line; the HP Pump Drum (D-208) is de-inventoried back into the HP pump
recycle line to the LNG tanks; and the HP pumps are de-inventoried into their suction lines. The LNG
transfer line can be partially or completely de-inventoried by use of a “de-inventory bypass”. The low
point drain drum can be de-inventoried to the HP pump recycle line.

Following this bulk draining step, any small residual volume of LNG is gravity drained to a low point
collection (the D-103 Platform Drum on the Unloading Platform, and the D-211 Low Point Drain Drum
onshore). These small LNG volumes are then permitted to vaporize through ambient heat leak into the
respective vessel. The vapors formed are routed eventually to the BOG Header.

This method minimizes problems experienced in some LNG facilities where components are de-
inventoried directly to the LNG storage tanks. In these other applications, trace heavy hydrocarbons in
the drain lines can collect over time in horizontal pipe runs. They can later jell and plug the lines when
contacted by cold LNG during a later draining operation. At the Terminal, any heavy hydrocarbons that
do not vaporize will accumulate in the D-211 Low Point Drain Drum (the lowest point in the process
plant), where they can be removed when desired via a manual drain. Vent/Drain System Operations Narrative

During normal operation the Flare Stack (L-210) is idle with only a small positive sweep of nitrogen gas
assuring that air cannot backflow into the Vent System. Should the highest vapor pressure reading on
any of the LNG tank vapor pressure transmitters approach the set point of PIC-290, the vent control valve
(PV-290) will begin to open and release BOG to the flare. Any flow to the flare will be monitored with
an alarm to alert Terminal staff to the fact that the flare is in operation. A flame detector will monitor the
pilot of the flare and will alarm if the pilot is extinguished.

13.5.11 Pressure Relief

The following describes the design philosophy for containment and handling of relief valve discharge for
LNG, cryogenic flammable vapors and non-cryogenic flammable vapors. The Closed Vent/Drain System

The Terminal is designed such that the venting of process gases to atmosphere is strategically minimized.
All thermal relief valves and process relief valves in the Terminal (excluding LNG Storage Tanks (T-
201A/B/C), the Fuel Gas Drum (D-214) and the First Stage Ambient Air Vaporizer outlet process relief
valves) are designed to discharge into a closed system of manifolds that float on the normal operating
vapor pressure of the LNG storage tanks (0.5-3.7 psig). All manual vent (de-pressure) valves in LNG
and cryogenic vapor service are manifolded into this closed system, as well.

Under this design any potential draining of liquids is directed to the Low Point Drain Drum (D-211) that
collects and vaporizes these liquids. The resulting gas is directed into the BOG Header. Specific sources
of liquid include:

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

• The BOG Drum (D-203) which gravity drains to the Low Point Drain Drum under control from
the MCR;

• If the BOG Condenser (E-207), the HP Pump Drum (D-208) or any HP Pump (P-301A through
P-301F) need to be drained for maintenance, the liquid is first pressure transferred using nitrogen
into other LNG systems, then the limited residual liquid is manually gravity drained into the Low
Point Drain Drum; and

• Any liquid remaining between the first isolation valve and the inlet flow control valve of the First
Stage Ambient Air Vaporizers (E-302A through E-302Q) is automatically gravity drained into
the Low Point Drain Drum.

Because all vents, drains and BOG are directed into the BOG Header, which is connected to the vapor
space of the LNG storage tanks (T-201A/B/C), there is no need to vent the system pressure until the
vapor pressures in the LNG storage tanks approach the set point of PIC-290, which directs gas to the
Flare Stack, L-210. During prolonged periods without LNG sendout it is conceivable that venting could
take place as the pressure in the LNG storage tanks rise from the system boiloff. It is also conceivable
that short-term venting could occur with the loss of the BOG Compressors (C-204A/B/C) and/or the
Vapor Return Blowers (C-205A/B) during LNG carrier transfer operations if the LNG storage tanks are
operating near PIC-290’s set point. Equipment Isolation/Maintenance Venting

Typically, whenever an LNG or BOG system component is taken out of service, some amount of
vaporized LNG or natural gas must be vented from the system or equipment in question. The Terminal is
designed in such a way that this gas is first vented into the Closed Vent/Drain System. Once the vented
section of pipe or equipment equilibrates with the low LNG storage tank vapor pressure, the vent valve to
the Closed Vent/Drain System is closed and a vent valve is opened to atmosphere.

The following figure illustrates this philosophy by using HP Pump P-301A as an example.

Figure Equipment Isolation/Maintenance Venting

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Procedurally, VLV 1 would be closed first followed by closing VLV 2. VLV 3 would then be opened
immediately to allow any LNG vapor or gas to be recovered into the Closed Vent/Drain System. Once
the system is fully de-pressured, VLV3 is closed and VLV 4 is opened establishing a safe, “double block
and bleed” isolation (VLV 1, VLV 2 and VLV 4, respectively).

13.5.12 Sendout Metering

Sendout gas is measured using temperature and pressure compensated ultrasonic meter runs. Each run is
individually analyzed with on-line gas chromatographs.

The meter station is protected from over-pressure and unacceptably low operating temperatures through a
two-out-of-three voting logic High Integrity Pipeline Protection System (HIPPS). Activation of the
HIPPS will isolate the meter station from the LNG vaporization system.

13.5.13 LNG Product Loading - Marine

Not applicable

13.5.14 LNG Product Loading/Unloading - Trucking

Not applicable

13.5.15 Commissioning Plan Commissioning Plan Summary
The commissioning plan for the Terminal is included in the Project Schedule, which is included in
Appendix B.1. Mechanical Completion Verification and Sign Off

Commissioning of the Terminal will commence only when the construction contractor has achieved
mechanical completion of equipment and systems.

Mechanical completion will be achieved only when installation of equipment and systems has been
completed and cleaned out, quality control records have been completed, and all operating and
maintenance manuals have been provided. Oregon LNG will verify that mechanical completion has been
achieved and will review commissioning procedures that will be prepared by the construction contractor.
Oregon LNG will provide the construction contractor with a signed certificate acknowledging that
mechanical completion of the applicable equipment and system has been achieved and that
commissioning may commence. Pre-commissioning Activities

Commissioning of equipment and systems will be conducted in accordance with commissioning
procedures that will be prepared by the construction contractor in conjunction with equipment vendors.
The commissioning procedures will be reviewed and approved by Oregon LNG.

The commissioning procedures will include pre-commissioning activities, which will include:

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

• Instrumentation and control system function and loop checks;

• Electrical system checks, including confirmation of electrical protection scheme settings;

• Confirmation of operation of all protective devices;

• Confirmation of alarm and trip set-points and operation;

• Confirmation of the operation of all protective devices including emergency shut-down valves;

• Confirmation of operation of all hazard detection and hazard control equipment; and

• Line out of the equipment and system valves including all relief devices to the vent system.

All pre-commissioning activities will be completed before the equipment and systems are commissioned. Commissioning
With respect to cryogenic systems including the LNG unloading pipeline, LNG storage tanks, and LNG
sendout pipelines and equipment, commissioning must include a controlled cooldown process.

The first step of cooldown is to ensure all equipment and systems are sufficiently free of water (dry).
This will be achieved through the use of dry air, liquid nitrogen and nitrogen vaporization equipment.
Dry air will be injected into a common header connection to distribute dry air to all parts of the Terminal.
Commissioning personnel will cycle valves so that all parts of the Terminal receive a steady dry air flow.
This dry air purge will continue until all parts of the Terminal demonstrate hygrometer dew point
readings of -40°F or lower. At this point, the Terminal is considered dry.

Once dryout has been completed, gaseous nitrogen will be injected into the connections previously used
to feed dry air into the piping system. The goal is to displace the dry, oxygen-rich air environment with
an inert nitrogen environment that will not support combustion of flammable gas. Portable
oxygen/flammable gas meters will be used to sample the environment inside the piping system. Once it
is ensured that all points of the Terminal contain an environment with less than 5 percent oxygen, the
system will be considered to be purged and ready for cooldown.

Cooldown will commence with the LNG unloading pipeline and one LNG storage tank. The preferred
and intended method for initial Terminal cooldown is to use LNG, although the Terminal is also designed
such that cooldown can be achieved using liquid nitrogen.

To use LNG for the cooldown, a temporary piping connection is provided at the LNG unloading platform
such that a small LNG flow can be routed from the L-101B LNG unloading arm to the 6-inch LNG
circulation line. The Terminal isolation valves will be aligned such that the 6-inch recirculation line is
open to spray cool ring in one of the LNG storage tanks. The LNG spray first begins purging the LNG
storage tank of nitrogen and then cooling the LNG storage tank. Cool-down of an LNG storage tank
requires about 72 hours. The LNG storage tank contractor will oversee the cool-down process and direct
control of the cool-down rate.

Initially, the gas leaving the LNG storage tanks will be warm and nitrogen rich. As the outlet gas
temperature decreases it will be routed to the Vapor Return Blowers where it is directed to the LNG

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

unloading platform. The vapor is desuperheated upstream of the Platform Drum and routed through a
temporary connection to an LNG unloading arm. The cold vapor then returns onshore through the LNG
unloading pipeline. Once on-shore, the vapor cools other large diameter LNG piping.

The Vapor Return Blowers will circulate cold vapor until all portions of the unloading line reach -200°F.
At this point, it is safe to introduce cold liquid to the system. Once the LNG Transfer System has been
inventoried and filling of the LNG storage tank has commenced, normal unloading can then commence.

Once the LNG carrier is unloaded, an LP pump will start and will circulate LNG through the LNG
unloading pipeline and back to the LNG storage tank to maintain the system at cryogenic temperatures.
Once the LNG carrier has departed, commissioning personnel will align the Terminal such that they may
use the vapor return blowers to introduce cold vapor to all equipment and large diameter piping. Once
the Terminal is sufficiently cool, the Terminal will be aligned to provide a cooling flow of LNG from the
LP pumps to the balance of the piping system. At this point, the Terminal is cold and ready for normal

13.6 LNG Storage Tanks

The following technical description of the proposed LNG storage tanks (T-201A/B/C) includes the
essential features of the tank design and foundation system, piping support systems on the tank and
support between the tank and horizontal ground piping, tank spill protection and instrumentation.

Appendix L.1 contains details of the LNG Storage Tank and Foundation specification 07902-TS-200-108
that has been used in the preparation of the LNG storage tank design.

13.6.1 General
Appendix R.1 includes a report entitled LNG Storage Tank Alternatives (07902-TS-000-106) that
describes the alternative LNG storage tank design concepts that were considered for the Oregon LNG

The design concept selected for the LNG Storage Tanks (T-201A/B/C) is a full containment tank, with a
primary inner containment and a secondary outer containment. The tanks are designed and will be
constructed so that the self-supporting primary containment and the secondary containment will be
capable of independently containing the LNG. The primary containment will contain the LNG under
normal operating conditions. The secondary containment is designed to be capable of containing the
LNG (110 percent capacity of the inner tank contents) and of controlling the vapor resulting from the
highly unlikely failure of the inner containment. Each insulated tank is designed to store a net volume of
160,000 m3 (1,006,000 barrels) of LNG at a design temperature of -270°F and a maximum internal
pressure of 4.3 psig.

Each full containment tank will consist of:

• A nine percent nickel steel open top inner containment;

• A pre-stressed concrete outer containment wall;

Oregon LNG Terminal
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• A reinforced concrete dome roof;

• A reinforced concrete outer containment bottom; and

• An insulated aluminum deck over the inner containment suspended from the roof.

The aluminum support deck is designed to be insulated on its top surface with fiberglass blanket
insulation material. The fiberglass blanket is chosen to minimize the potential of in-leakage of Perlite®
insulation into the inner containment. The outside diameter of the outer containment is approximately
292 feet at its base. The vapor pressure from the LNG is designed to be equalized through ports in the
suspended deck and will be contained by the outer containment. The internal design pressure of the outer
containment will be 4.3 psig. The space between the inner containment and the outer containment will
be insulated to allow the LNG to be stored at a minimum temperature of -270°F while maintaining the
outer containment at near ambient temperature. The insulation beneath the inner containment will be
cellular glass, load-bearing insulation that will support the weight of the inner containment, tank internal
structures (including the bottom fill standpipe column), and the LNG. The space between the sidewalls
of the inner and outer containments will be filled with expanded Perlite® insulation that will be
compacted to reduce long term settling of the insulation. The outer containment will be lined on the
inside with carbon steel plates. This carbon steel liner will serve as a barrier to moisture migration from
the atmosphere reaching the insulation inside the outer concrete wall. This liner also provides a barrier
to prevent vapor escaping from inside the tank in normal operation.

There will be no penetrations through the inner containment or outer containment sidewall or bottom.
All piping into and out of the inner and outer containments will enter from the top of the tank.

The inner containment is designed and will be constructed in accordance with the requirements of API
Standard 620 Appendix Q. The tank system meets the requirements of NFPA 59A (2001 edition is used
as the basis except where the 2006 edition is more stringent) and 49 CFR Part 193. Refer to Drawing
07902-DG-200-201 included in Appendix L.2 for typical general arrangement details.

Table 13.6.1 LNG Storage Tanks, General Information

Number of tanks 3
Net capacity of each inner containment 160,000 m3 (1,006,000 barrels)
Internal design pressure 4.3 psig
Operating pressure 0.5 to 3.7 psig
Design wind load 150 mph
Seismic zone See Appendix I.1 of this Resource Report
Inner tank minimum design metal -270°F
Corrosion allowance of inner containment None
Allowable boiloff rate 0.05% per day

Additional typical tank data is provided in LNG storage tank data sheet 07902-TS-200-201 that is
included in Appendix M.3.

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13.6.2 Tank Foundation

Each LNG storage tank will be constructed on a reinforced concrete slab base-mat, which in turn will sit
atop seismic isolators. Friction pendulum type isolators will be used to reduce seismic forces to the LNG
tank. The isolators will be placed on an on-ground reinforced concrete slab. This on-ground slab will
rest upon foundation piles. Drawing 07902-DG-200-251 included in Appendix L.2 illustrates the
arrangement of the slabs, isolators and piles which compose the tank foundation.

13.6.3 Outer Containment

The outer tank contains the product pressure at ambient temperature and contains the insulation system.

The outer tank roof is composed of a butt-welded compression ring and welded steel plates. A deck is
suspended from the outer roof with hangers. The deck holds the roof insulation above the inner tank.
The outer tank roof and vapor space above the suspended deck will essentially be at ambient temperature.
A typical cryogenic roof penetration is illustrated on Drawing 07902-DG-200-205 in Appendix L.2.

The outer tank is designed for the following conditions:

• Internal pressure of 4.3 psig;

• External pressure of 1.168 ounce per square inch (0.073 psi);

• The specified wind design speed of 150 mph with Exposure C and an Importance Factor, I, equal
1.0 per ASCE 7-05 and as specified in 49 CFR Part 193, Section 2067;

• Seismic loads in accordance with NFPA 59A and the site specific seismic reports included in
Appendix I.1;

• Internal pressure imposed by insulation loads;

• Roof and platform dead loads;

• Roof live load (to be determined during detailed design) applied to the entire projected area of
the roof and combined with the specified external pressure and the platform global live load; and

• Platform live load combined with a crane handling live load (both to be determined during
detailed design) and external pressure load. Roof live load is not combined with platform live

The suspended deck will be composed of B209-5083-0 aluminum or equivalent. The suspended deck
hangers will be Type 304 stainless steel.

Details of a typical outer containment are illustrated on Drawing 07902-DG-200-230 included in

Appendix L.2.

13.6.4 Inner Containment

The inner tank is designed in accordance with API 620 Appendix Q. The inner tank will be “open top,”
consisting of a shell and bottom. The inner tank will not use a roof. Gas and gas pressure produced by

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the stored LNG will be contained by the outer tank. The inner tank, therefore, will not be subjected to
differential gas pressure and will be stressed only by liquid head, insulation loads, earthquake loads and
the effects of thermal gradients. Circumferential stiffeners will be located on the inside of the inner tank
shell to resist external insulation pressure.

The tank liquid levels will provide a net capacity in the cold condition of at least 160,000 m3 (1,006,000
barrels). Tank liquid levels will be as follows:

Design maximum LNG level (DMLL): ................................................................. 118.63’

Seismic Design Liquid Level:................................................................................ 115.75’
Maximum Normal Operating Level:...................................................................... 115.75’
Minimum Normal Operating Level: .......................................................................... 5.50’

The inner tank is designed for the following conditions:

• Product temperatures and resulting thermal gradients due to cooldown and subsequent filling and
emptying operations;

• Internal pressure due to liquid head to the Design Maximum Liquid Level;

• Seismic loads in accordance with NFPA 59A and the site specific seismic reports included in
Appendix I.1; and

• External pressure imposed by insulation loads.

The inner tank will be composed of nine percent nickel steel A553 Type 1.

The inner bottom will be composed of a lap-welded bottom in the tank interior. Details of a typical inner
containment are illustrated on Drawing 07902-DG-200-201 included in Appendix L.2.

13.6.5 Seismic Loads on Inner and Outer Tanks

For earthquake loading, the inner containment is designed using the methods in API 620. In addition, the
operating base earthquake (OBE) and safe shutdown earthquake (SSE) criteria specified in NFPA 59A
will be used. The design assumes that the inner containment is filled with LNG to its maximum
operating level during both OBE and SSE seismic events.

Horizontal and vertical accelerations are considered for both OBE and SSE seismic events.

Appropriate damping factors will consider soil structure interaction effects. The seismic loading on the
base insulation is also considered.

As per the preliminary calculation, sloshing heights for OBE and SSE are 5.6’ and 13.0’ respectively.
The inner tank will accommodate those sloshing heights to prevent over fill accordingly.

The complete seismic information is available in the seismic hazard report included in Appendix I.1.

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13.6.6 Wind Loads on Outer Tank

The outer containment is designed to withstand a wind velocity of 150 mph in accordance with 49 CFR
Part 193.2067.

13.6.7 Insulation System Tank Bottom
The tank bottom will be insulated with cellular glass block insulation, which is a load bearing insulation
designed to support the tank and product weight. The bottom insulation in the tank interior will be
composed of layers of cellular glass. A concrete bearing ring will be located under the inner tank shell to
distribute the shell loads into an underlying layer of insulation. The cellular glass blocks will be located
between the outer bottom and inner bottom and laid on a concrete leveling course on top of the outer tank
bottom. Inter-leaving material will be placed over the concrete leveling course and between bottom
insulation layers to fully develop the strength of the load bearing bottom insulation and help avoid
breakdown should the blocks move slightly. A layer of dry sand or leveling concrete will be placed over
the cellular glass block bottom insulation prior to installation of the inner tank bottom.

Details of a typical bottom corner insulation system are illustrated on Drawing 07902-DG-200-217
included in Appendix L.2. Tank Sidewalls

The annular space between the inner and outer tanks will be approximately 48 inches wide. The annular
space will be filled with loose fill expanded Perlite® and resilient glass wool blanket insulation.
Expanded Perlite® insulation is hard, granular material that readily settles, consolidates and builds up
lateral pressure in a space that changes dimensions. Expanded Perlite® density is between 2-5 lb/ft3.
The glass wool blanket acts as a spring cushion to accommodate the dimensional changes without
compacting the Perlite® and causing excessive external pressure on the inner shell.

An important consideration for the installation of the Perlite® in the annular space is the Perlite®
vibration after filling. Vibration will be used to settle the Perlite® to eliminate potential voids or pockets
in the Perlite® volume and maximize the insulating value of the system. A reservoir of Perlite® will be
placed at the top of the annular space to compensate for future, long-term settlement of the Perlite®.

Typical shell insulation configuration is illustrated on drawing 07902-DG-200-215 included in Appendix

L.2. Suspended Deck

The outer tank roof will support a suspended deck at the top of the inner tank. The suspended deck will
be insulated with glass wool blankets with a density of minimum 0.75 lb/ft3. At each penetration through
the suspended deck there will be a flexible shroud fitted to prevent fiberglass material from falling into
the inner tank. Drawing 07902-DG-200-205 included in Appendix L.2 illustrates the typical shroud

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The suspended deck will be composed of aluminum plate with a series of stiffeners. Hanger bars will
attach to the deck stiffeners and roof framing to suspend the deck above the inner tank. The suspended
deck and hangers are designed for product temperatures. The deck hangers will be composed of stainless

13.6.8 Tank Instrumentation

Typical tank instrumentation requirements are illustrated on the tank P&ID Drawings 07902-PI-200-107-
01 through 03 included in Appendix U.4 and specifications 07902-TS-200-203 and 07902-TS-200-204 in
Appendix L.3. Cooldown Sensors

To assist in cool down and subsequent temperature measurement during commissioning and
decommissioning of the tank, resistance temperature detector (RTD) elements will be installed on the
inner tank shell, the inner tank bottom and the suspended deck. All cabling from RTDs will be
terminated at one or more junction boxes external to the tank roof. Typical setup of these sensors can be
seen in Drawing 07902-DG-200-247 in Appendix L.2. Temperature Sensors

RTDs will be installed on the bottom surface of the annular space between the inner and outer tanks to
monitor for leakage of the inner tank. The RTDs will be installed at four equally spaced locations around
the circumference of the annular space. Because this location in the tank is not accessible for
maintenance, two RTDs will also be installed at each location to provide for redundant indication. These
typical sensors are illustrated in drawing 07902-DG-200-247 in Appendix L.2. Liquid Level Instruments

Each LNG tank will include two liquid level gauges installed in stilling wells, using a same level sensing
technology. The gauges will include field indicators and a data transmitter to allow information to
interface with the Terminal DCS system. Tank Gauging and Overfill Protection Requirements

Two level gauges will be installed in each tank to provide remote reading and high-level alarm signals in
the control room. Each gauge will be equipped with a transmitter and threshold contact, allowing the
reading of low-low level, low level, high level and high-high level.

An independent third servo-instrument for high-high level alarm only with trips will be provided in each
tank. The trip switches from this third instrument, along with the other two automatic gauges, will be
wired to the Safety Instrumented System (SIS) that is described in Section 13.10 of this Report.

This typical instrumentation is further described in technical specification 07902-TS-200-203 and 07902-
TS-200-204 provided in Appendix L.3.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material Level, Temperature and Density (LTD) Monitoring

An independent LTD system monitor, with density difference alarm, will be installed in each tank. The
system will monitor the level versus temperature versus density profile. This device will be used to
monitor for liquid stratification and potential rollover situations. This typical instrumentation is further
described in technical specification 07902-TS-200-203 and 07902-TS-200-204 provided in Appendix
L.3. Liquid Temperature Measurement

Two temperature assemblies will be installed in each tank to measure temperature of the tank internal
contents at predetermined elevations. These temperature signals will be transmitted to the control room
via the level system serial link. This typical instrumentation is further described in technical
specification 07902-TS-200-203 and 07902-TS-200-204 provided in Appendix L.3.

13.6.9 Pressure and Vacuum Relief Systems

Each LNG tank has been designed to be ultimately protected against over- and under-pressure by the
provision of pressure and vacuum relief valves. Over-Pressure Protection

The Terminal design includes a BOG handling system that is designed to prevent the LNG storage tanks
from over-pressurizing. In the unlikely event that this system should fail to provide sufficient protection,
the ultimate over-pressure protection for each LNG tank is provided by diaphragm type, remote sensing
pilot operated relief valves. These valves relieve cold LNG vapor from the inner tank to atmosphere,
which ensures that cold gas is not drawn into the dome space in a relief event. However, discharge
through these relief valves to atmosphere is expected to occur only during emergency situations when all
other protective features of the terminal are insufficient to protect the tanks from over-pressurization.
The LNG storage tanks are full containment tanks with a high design pressure and a large vapor volume
combined for the three tanks, which minimizes the potential for actuation of these relief valves.

Each 12-inch x 16-inch valve will have a capacity of approximately 220,000 lb/hr with respect to the
design pressure of the tank. The required relieving rate is dependent on a number of factors, but sizing
will be based on the NFPA 59A Section (2006 edition) requirement that: “The minimum pressure
relieving capacity in pounds per hour (kilograms per hour) shall not be less than 3 percent of full tank
contents in 24 hours.” This corresponds to about 230,000 lb/hour. Therefore a minimum of two on-line
valves will be required to meet this requirement. Two on-line valves have been included within the front
end engineering design. NFPA 59A 7.8.4.B (2006 edition) requires: “Pressure and vacuum relief valves
shall be installed on the LNG container to allow each relief valve to be isolated individually while
maintaining the required relieving capacity.” Therefore, an additional spare valve is provided for each
tank to allow one valve to be taken out of service while maintaining two valves in service to provide the
required relieving capability. Accordingly, a total of three pressure relief valves are provided for each
LNG tank. Each valve is provided with an inlet isolation valve.

NFPA 59A Section 7.8.2 (2006 edition) requires: “Relief valves shall communicate directly with the
atmosphere.” Accordingly, each valve discharge is independently routed to atmosphere. Each relief

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valve discharges to atmosphere at a safe location via its 16" vertical tailpipe. A safe location is
considered to be a minimum of 10 feet from platforms and walkways and 15 feet above local grade (tank
roof). The concrete tank roof has inherent passive fire protection, and the pipework and structures are
passively fire protected.

To protect against the ingress of foreign matter, each tailpipe will be provided with a rain flapper to
protect against rain ingress and a small-bore piped low point drain will be provided. To protect against
snow and ice, each tailpipe will be provided with appropriate winterization. A monorail crane will be
positioned for relief valve service.

These valves are illustrated the tank P&IDs 07902-PI-200-107-01 through 03 in Appendix U.4. A typical
arrangement of the relief valves and nozzles is illustrated on drawings 07902-DG-200-210 included in
Appendix L.2. Typical relief valves are positioned as illustrated on drawing 07902-DG-200-257
included in Appendix L.2. Under-Pressure Protection

The Terminal design includes a BOG handling system that is designed to prevent the LNG storage tanks
from dropping below the design minimum tank pressure. In the unlikely event that this system should
fail to provide sufficient protection, the ultimate under-pressure protection is provided by weight-loaded,
pallet-type vacuum relief valves installed on each tank. These valves relieve from atmosphere to the
dome space. This ensures, insofar as possible, that moist air is not drawn into the inner tank in a relief
event. When the relief valves lift, air is drawn into the tank from the atmosphere. However, lifting of
these relief valves to atmosphere is expected to occur only during emergency situations when all other
protective features of the terminal are insufficient to protect the tanks from under-pressurization. The
BOG make-up vaporizer and large vapor volume combined for the three tanks minimize the potential for
actuation of these relief valves.

Each 12" valve will have a capacity of about 210,000 standard cubic feet per hour (scfh) of air with
respect to the design vacuum of the tank. The required relieving rate is dependent on a number of
factors, but the front end engineering design basis is 640,000 scfh of air. Therefore, a minimum of four
on-line valves will be required to meet this requirement. Four on-line valves have been included in the
front end engineering design. NFPA 59A Section 7.8.4.B (2006 edition) requires: “Pressure and vacuum
relief valves shall be installed on the LNG container to allow each relief valve to be isolated individually
while maintaining required relieving capacity.” Therefore, an additional spare valve is provided for each
tank to allow one valve to be taken out of service while maintaining three valves in service to provide the
required relieving capability. Accordingly, a total of five vacuum relief valves are provided for each
tank. Each valve is provided with a dedicated tank-side isolation valve. Valve inlets draw independently
from the atmosphere.

To protect against the ingress of foreign matter, the inlet will be provided with coarse screen; and to
protect against rain and snow ingress, a protective cowl will be provided. To protect against ice, the
valves may be provided with winterization. A monorail crane will be positioned for relief valve service.

These valves are illustrated the tank P&IDs 07902-PI-200-107-01 through 03 in Appendix U.4. A typical
arrangement of the relief valves and nozzles is illustrated on drawings 07902-DG-200-211 included in

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Appendix L.2. Typical relief valves are positioned as illustrated on drawing 07902-DG-200-257
included in Appendix L.2.

13.6.10 Fittings, Accessories, and Tank Piping Roof Platform
The roof platform is sized to provide sufficient working space around the pump columns and piping.
Drawing 07902-DG-200-236 in Appendix L.2 illustrates a typical arrangement of the roof platform. Cranes/Hoists
The pump handling system will consist of a hydraulic jib crane or a monorail-type hoist. Explosion proof
electric motors or pneumatic drives and components will be provided to meet hazardous rating
requirements. For further details on typical cranes and hoists, refer to drawing 07902-DG-200-224
included in Appendix L.2. In-tank Pump Columns

Three in-tank pump columns will be installed per tank. LP pumps will be installed in two of these
columns; the third column is a spare and will not have a pump installed at this time. The pump columns
will be provided with electrical seals, supports, instrumentation, piping, etc., for a complete system. The
columns are designed to ASME pressure vessel codes, as they operate at higher pressures than the LNG
storage tanks. Each pump will be provided with vibration detection. The arrangement of a typical pump
column is illustrated on Drawing 07902-DG-200-227 included in Appendix L.2. Tank Internal Pipework

All LNG tank internal piping will enter the tank through the concrete outer tank roof. The tank internal
piping is illustrated on the P&IDs 07902-PI-200-107-01 through 03 included in Appendix U.4.

Typical roof connection details are illustrated on Drawings 07902-DG-200-205 and typical internal pipe
work details are illustrated on Drawings 07902-DG-200-202, 07902-DG-200-208, 07902-DG-200-209,
07902-DG-200-210, 07902-DG-200-211, 07902-DG-200-226 and 07902-DG-200-227. These drawings
are included in Appendix L.2. Tank External Pipework and Supports

The LNG tank external piping is illustrated on P&IDs 07902-PI-200-107-01 through 03 included in
Appendix U.4.

All piping systems are designed in accordance with ASME B31.3 and NFPA 59A.

The pipes running down the vertical side of the tank wall will be supported from the top of the tank
structure and guided by supports along the vertical run in at least two elevations along the vertical wall.
The supports in the vertical section are attached directly to the tank wall; therefore no structure from
grade for these supports is required.

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The interconnecting rack will contain a pipe support strategically located to account for the
expansion/contraction of the pipework in the vertical leg and any estimated pipe movement due to
seismic-induced tank motion or settlement of the supporting structure.

13.6.11 Stairways and Platforms Access to Platform and Roof
Platforms will be provided on the LNG tank roof for access to the pump columns, nozzles and

A stairway with intermediate landings attached to the outer tank will be provided to access the roof
platform for the LP Pumps and instrumentation. A staircase with galvanized steel handrails will be
provided to provide access from the LP Pump platform to the tank roof.

An emergency escape ladder will also be provided opposite the main roof platform and will be accessible
via a roof walkway equipped with handrails. The emergency escape ladder will be of the caged ladder
type with side stepping platforms. It will be attached to and supported by the outer concrete tank.

Typical arrangements of the stairways and ladder are illustrated on drawings 07902-DG-200-238 and
07902-DG-200-240, included in Appendix L.2. Internal Tank Ladder

Internal LNG tank access will be provided through roof man-ways. A stairway will be provided to the
inner tank bottom.

Typical LNG tank access details are illustrated on drawing 07902-DG-200-239 included in Appendix
L.2. Walkways and Handrails

Handrails for exterior stairways and platforms will be galvanized.

13.6.12 Cryogenic Spill Protection

Spill protection of the LNG tank roof is designed to comply with the requirements of NFPA 59A. To
avoid spills, the number of flanges used on the tank top will be minimized. Should a spill occur then gas
detectors located on the tank will trigger an alarm and the emergency shutdown system will be activated
either automatically or manually to shut-off the flow of LNG.

A reinforced concrete bund beneath the tank top platform will be provided to ensure that discharge is
controlled and directed to two spillage down-pipes. These down pipes direct the spill to the base of the
tank, where the spill is discharged into a reinforced concrete channel and directed away from the tank
into a spill containment trough. Drawing 07902-DG-200-235 in Appendix L.2 illustrates plan and
elevation views of a typical tank top platform spill containment and down-pipe arrangement.

The tank top protection will extend to the edge of the roof dome. Any structural carbon steel on the roof
will be protected from potential spills.

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13.6.13 Anchorage
The concrete outer tank wall and base connection is monolithic and does not require anchors.

Since the seismic isolators will reduce the forces to the inner tank, anchor straps will not be necessary for
the inner tank.

13.6.14 Painting
Carbon steel stairs, platforms and pipe supports will be galvanized. Stainless steel, aluminum and
galvanized surfaces will not be painted.

13.6.15 Tank Lighting and Convenience Receptacles

General LNG tank lighting systems will be provided. Lighting levels will be as defined per Illuminating
Engineering Society of North America (IESNA) recommendation.

Emergency escape lighting will be provided using self-contained battery fittings.

A dual aircraft warning light will be provided at the highest point on each LNG tank if required in
accordance with Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) directives. Outdoor convenience receptacles
will be provided at the tank, with a minimum of two at the top platform.

The electrical system is designed in accordance with the National Electrical Code (NEC). Drawing
07902-DG-200-229 provides a typical lightening protection for a full containment tank.

13.6.16 Electrical Grounding

The LNG tanks will be provided with a grounding system. The grounding grid will consist of stranded
copper wire. Grounding electrodes will be spaced such that the overall grounding resistance does not
exceed 10 Ohms.

13.6.17 Welding
LNG tank welding procedure qualifications and welder qualifications will be in accordance with ASME
Section IX C13. The guidelines of API 620 Appendix Q will be followed for the quantity of tests. Test
plates will be welded on a test stand.

Visual inspection will be performed in accordance with API 620.

The shell plate to annular plate joint will be smoothly finished to avoid undercuts and overlaps, provided
that any undercut will be within the tolerances allowed by API 620.

13.6.18 Testing and Inspection

Testing and inspection of the welding, completed work and the completed structure will be performed
under the direct supervision of a qualified welding supervisor inspector. Both visual inspection and
radiographic inspection will be used. An inspection and quality assurance procedure applicable to LNG
tanks will be used.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material Alloy Verification

All alloy material used in the construction of the inner and outer tanks will be subject to alloy
verification. All alloy material external to the tank and in cryogenic service will be subject to alloy

Alloy verification will be performed in accordance with specifications. Technical specification 07902-
TS-200-202, included in Appendix L.5 summarizes typical requirements. Radiography
The radiographic techniques and acceptance criteria will be in accordance with API 620. The extent of
radiography will be in accordance with API 620 and NFPA 59A Section 4.2.1 (2001 edition). The
radiographic test may be substituted with the ultrasonic test in accordance with API 620 Appendix U. Liquid Penetrant Examination

Liquid penetrant examination will be performed in accordance with API 620, with the exception that the
water-washable method may be used. Vacuum Box Testing

Vacuum box testing will be carried out in accordance with API 620. Hydrotesting of Inner Tank

The LNG storage tanks will be hydrostatically and pneumatically tested in compliance with the
applicable codes that govern the tank design. Hydrotesting will be performed on the inner container of
each LNG storage tank. Hydrostatic testing of the inner containment will be in accordance with API 620
Appendix Q.8 (partial hydrotest).

The inner containers will be made of nine percent nickel. Hydrotest water will be taken from the
Skipanon River and will be filtered to prevent the ingress of coarse materials. The test water will be
sampled and tested for compliance with API 620, Section Q.8.3 requirements for test water quality prior
to use. In addition to the API620 requirements, the test water will meet the following requirements.

• pH: between 6 and 8;

• The electric conduction ratio: below 500µs/cm @25°C;

• Chloride content (Cl): below 500ppm;

• Water soluble sulphate (SO32-) content: below 200ppm;

• Iron content (Fe) targeted: below 1.0ppm;

• Ammonium ion content (NH4+): nearly 0 ppm; and

• The chemical oxygen demand of the test water (CODMn): below approx. 15ppm.

Since Skipanon River water is brackish water, the water will be treated in reverse osmosis units so that
the quality of test water will satisfy the above requirements. The water will be pumped from the river into

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

the inner LNG tank through one of the manholes in the outer containment tank roof. The water flow rate
will be 1,600 gpm realistically although it will be subject to be changed by capacity of the reverse
osmosis units. Approximately 28 million gallons of water will be required to test each tank. Accordingly,
the time to fill the tank will be at least 12 days of pumping at the maximum allowed rate. The water
residence time in the tank will be sufficient to meet the testing time required per API 620 (including a
one-hour hold time) and will otherwise be limited to prevent any possible corrosion. Sediment control
devices will be used during discharge of the test water to minimize turbidity and maintain compliance
with the federal and state water quality standards so there will be no adverse effects on the quality of the
Skipanon River.

Each tank will be equipped with a settlement monitoring system to measure and record inner and outer
tank movements during hydrotest. The settlement monitoring system consists of survey/reference points
equally spaced around the tank and will be capable of measuring differential settlement between inner
and outer tanks. During hydrotest, settlements, rotation and base slab tilting will be monitored at
approximately each 16.4-foot increment of water fill height. Measurements will also be recorded when
the tank is emptied.

The LNG storage tank construction schedule will be developed such that water used to hydrotest the first
storage tank may be reused to test subsequent tanks. After each tank hydrotest, the test water will be
pumped out of the tank, tested, treated (if necessary) and discharged to the river in a location and manner
in accordance with applicable permits and regulations.

Following hydrotesting, the inner tank inside wall, floor and internal structures will be rinsed with fresh
water. Typical rinse water flow rate is about 3-5 gpm. The rinse water will be pumped out of the tank
and discharged to the river in a location and manner in accordance with applicable permits and
regulations. The quantity of rinse water to be discharged is approximately 7200-12000 gallons for each
tank. Detailed procedures for rinse and final drying of the tanks will be prepared and implemented. Pressure and Vacuum Testing

A pneumatic test of the outer containment will be performed in accordance with API 620 Appendix Q.8. Settlement Monitoring

A settlement monitoring system will be provided to measure and record inner and outer tank movements
during construction and hydrotest.

A minimum of 16 survey/reference points will be equally spaced around the outer edge of the base slab.
In addition, settlement of the inner tank will be monitored at the same reference points used for the base
slab/outer tank. Measurement will be made from the inner tank annular plate. Also a reference point
will be established on the outer tank wall to measure differential settlement between inner and outer
tanks. Differential settlement and tilting of the base slab will be monitored and recorded.

During hydrotest, settlements, rotation and base slab tilting will be monitored at approximately each
16.4-foot increment of water fill height. Measurements will also be recorded when the tank is emptied.
During construction, the settlement of the base slab and inner tank will be monitored on a weekly basis.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Refer to specification 07902-TS-200-205 included in Appendix L.4 for a description of a typical

settlement monitoring system. Translation and Rotation Movement Indicators

Refer to drawing 07902-DG-200-243 in Appendix L.2 for details of typical movement indicators
provided for the inner tank.

13.6.19 Procedures for Monitoring and Remediating Stratification

Each LNG tank will be equipped with density monitoring instrumentation to indicate stratification and
potential rollover problems to allow early operator action. The LNG storage tank will be capable of top
or bottom filling from an LNG ship to avoid stratification. In addition, facilities will be provided to
circulate the stored product so that if stratification begins to develop, the tank contents can be thoroughly
mixed. This will involve pumping LNG from the bottom of the tank and returning it to either the top or
the bottom as needed.

13.6.20 Tank Secondary Bottom and Corner Protection

Each LNG tank will be equipped with a typical nine percent nickel steel secondary bottom and corner
protection system. Drawing 07902-DG-200-204 included in Appendix L.2 illustrates a typical
arrangement for this corner protection.

13.6.21 Drawings
The following LNG storage tank general arrangement and construction drawings are included in
Appendix L.2.

Table 13.6.21 LNG Storage Tank Drawings

Drawing Number Description
07902-DG-200-201 General Arrangement of 160,000 M Full Containment LNG Storage Tank
07902-DG-200-202 Typical Detail at Top of Bottom Fill Column Including Heat-break
07902-DG-200-204 Typical Details of 9%Ni Bottom Corner Protection
07902-DG-200-205 Typical Details of Heat-break and non-heat break Roof Nozzle
07902-DG-200-208 Typical Detail of Top Inlet Nozzle Termination
07902-DG-200-209 Typical Details of Cooldown Ring
07902-DG-200-210 Typical Pressure Relief Assembly
07902-DG-200-211 Typical Vacuum Relief Assembly
07902-DG-200-212 Typical Details of Suspended Deck Vents
07902-DG-200-215 Typical Shell Insulation Details
07902-DG-200-216 Top Corner Insulation Typical Details
07902-DG-200-217 Typical Details of Bottom Corner Insulation
07902-DG-200-219 Typical Outer Tank Wall Embedment Details (Vapor Barrier)
07902-DG-200-220 Typical Outer Tank Wall Liner Plating Details (Vapor Barrier)
07902-DG-200-223 General Arrangement of Typical Piperack to Outer Concrete Tank Wall

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Drawing Number Description

07902-DG-200-224 Typical Arrangement of in Tank Pump Hoist
07902-DG-200-225 Typical Access Through Suspended Deck
07902-DG-200-226 Typical Detail of Inter Purge Pipe
07902-DG-200-227 Typical Pump Column Arrangement
07902-DG-200-228 Arrangement and Details of 36”Manway and 52" Manway
07902-DG-200-229 Typical Lightning Protection Details
07902-DG-200-230 Arrangement of Outer Concrete Tank of LNG Storage Tank
07902-DG-200-231 Sectional Plans and Buttress Details
07902-DG-200-232 Typical Wall Post Tensioning Details Sheet 1 Quadrant 1
07902-DG-200-233 Typical Wall Post Tensioning Details Sheet 2
07902-DG-200-234 Temporary Access Opening – Typical Diagrammatic and Explanatory
07902-DG-200-235 General Arrangement of Tank Roof Spill Collection Area
07902-DG-200-236 General Arrangement of Roof Platforms
07902-DG-200-237 General Arrangement of Suspended Deck
07902-DG-200-238 General Arrangement of External Stairway
07902-DG-200-239 General Arrangement of Internal Ladders
07902-DG-200-240 General Arrangement of External Ladder
07902-DG-200-241 General Arrangement of Internal Suspended Deck Access Platform
07902-DG-200-243 Typical Arrangement of Inner Tank Horizontal Movement Monitoring
07902-DG-200-247 Typical Cooldown Detection RTD Blocks on Inner Tank
07902-DG-200-251 Tank Foundation
07902-DG-200-257 Tank Roof Nozzle Layout
07902-DG-200-258 Tank Roof Structure Support Plinths

13.7 Utilities
13.7.1 Instrument Air
The Instrument Air System will supply dry compressed air to pneumatic valves and cabinet purges in the
Terminal. Basis of Design

Instrument Air and Service Air Utility Flow Diagram 07902-PF-940-341 included in Appendix U.2
provides details of the design flow rates, pressures and temperatures of the instrument air system.

Operating conditions for the instrument air system are as follows:

• Instrument air discharge pressure (after regulator on receiver): 135 psig;

• Maximum instrument air operating pressure: 105 psig; and

• Minimum instrument air operating pressure: 80 psig.

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Air consumption for pneumatic valves is based on typical consumption rates for control valves (1 scfm),
on/off valves (0.08 scfm), an estimated number of valves in the Terminal, and an assumed ratio of control
valves to on/off valves. The system is designed with 100 percent margin on pneumatic valve air
consumption to account for high short term usage of valves.

Total instrument air consumption will be verified during the detailed engineering phase of the Project. Equipment Description

The Plant Air System will provide flow to the Instrument Air System and the Service Air System. The
Plant Air System will consist of the following equipment:

Air Compressor Package

Three 50 percent motor-driven air compressor packages (C-941A/B/C) will be installed. Each 50 percent
compressor will provide oil-free air at a design rate of 310 scfm (for a total design flow rate of 620 scfm)
and a pressure of 150 psig. Each package consists of a compressor with an electric motor driver, a
knockout drum, an inlet filter, an inter-cooler, if required and an after cooler and control instrumentation
systems. When the system air pressure falls below a predetermined setpoint pressure, the standby
compressor will automatically start.

Air Dryer Packages

Two 100 percent Air Dryer Packages (L-942A/B), each with a capacity of 620 scfm, will be installed.
Air from the plant air compressors will supply each dryer package. The dryer will supply the design
instrument air and service air demands at a dew point of -40ºF or lower. The dryers will be of the heat-
less type and will be equipped with inlet and outlet filters. Air provided to the dryers will be oil free.
The maximum allowable pressure drop through the dryer package is 15 psig at the design air supply rate.

The air dryers will feed the instrument air receiver.

Instrument Air Receiver

An Instrument Air Receiver (D-943) with a volume of 880 ft³ will be provided at the outlet of the dryers.
The vessel is sized so that instrument air can be supplied to the critical users during a system
malfunction. The instrument air volume is sufficient for five minutes when the minimum normal
operating pressure falls from 105 psig to 80 psig. Upon indication of low air pressure in the instrument
air system, flow to the service air system is halted.

P&IDs 07902-PI-940-341 through 07902-PI-940-343 included in Appendix U.4 illustrate the Instrument
Air System.

13.7.2 Service Air

Service air will be used within the Terminal to provide motive power for pneumatic tools and equipment
that may be used during maintenance activities at the site. The service air is taken from the Instrument
Air Receiver and is therefore dried in the Air Dryer Package L-942A/B for freeze protection. Also, since
the instrument and service air system is oil free, pneumatic tools and equipment will need to be fitted
with lubricators as required.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material Basis of Design

Instrument and Service Air Utility Flow Diagram 07902-PF-940-341 included in Appendix U.2 provides
details of the design flow rates, pressures and temperatures of the Service Air system.

Operating conditions for the service air system include:

• Service air discharge pressure (after dryer): 135 psig; and

• Service air design operating pressure: 105 psig.

Since utility stations are not in continuous use, it is assumed that not more than one 2-inch pneumatic
grinder and one pneumatic impact wrench is in operation at one time. The service air system flow rate is
designed to provide 235 scfm to service these tools.

Total service air consumption will be verified during the detailed engineering phase of the Project. Equipment Description

The service air supply will be from the air compressors C-941A/B/C that are described in Section of this Report.

Service air will be available at utility stations located throughout the Terminal. The actual quantity and
location of utility stations will be determined during the detailed engineering phase.

The Service Air System is illustrated on P&IDs 07902-PI-940-344 and 07902-PI-940-345 included in
Appendix U.4.

13.7.3 Nitrogen
Nitrogen will be used within the Terminal during normal operations and for preparing equipment for
maintenance or return to service after maintenance. Nitrogen will be used to prevent concentrations of
natural gas vapors and oxygen reaching the lower flammability limit. Basis of Design

The total nitrogen design consumption for the Terminal is 334 scfm. The total continuous consumption
is 29 scfm. This is based on the following usage and is also detailed in the Nitrogen System Utility Flow
Diagram 07902-PF-960-361 that is included in Appendix U.2.

Unloading and Vapor Return Arms (L-101A/B/C and L-102)

Nitrogen will be provided for purging of the unloading and vapor return arms before, during and after

Prior to unloading, nitrogen is used to purge the unloading arms to remove air pockets between the
carrier and unloading arms. This ensures the natural gas concentration in the arms is below the lower
flammability limit. During unloading, nitrogen is used to purge the swivel joints in the unloading and
vapor return arms. At the completion of unloading, a nitrogen purge is also used to force liquid LNG
into both the LNG carrier and the unloading header.

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Nitrogen is also required on an intermittent basis to purge the unloading arms of LNG and natural gas
after carrier unloading.

Platform Drum (D-103)

The Platform Drum receives LNG liquid drained from the unloading arms at the end of the carrier
unloading. The liquid is transferred to the LNG storage tanks via the unloading line using nitrogen
pressure. This is an intermittent operation and required only after carrier unloading.

LP Pumps (P-202AA/AB/BA/BB/CA/CB)

Nitrogen will be used to maintain a positive nitrogen seal and/or continuous purge in the junction boxes
of the low pressure pumps. Nitrogen is also required for purging the columns when the in-tank LP
Pumps need to be removed for maintenance.

Vapor Return Blower (C-205A/B) and BOG Compressors (C-204A/B/C)

Nitrogen will be used for purging of the seals on these components.

HP Pumps (P-301A/B/C/D/E/F)

Similar to the LP Pumps, nitrogen will be used to maintain a positive nitrogen seal and/or provide a
continuous purge to the electrical and instrumentation junction boxes of the HP Pumps. Nitrogen is also
used to purge the HP pump housings when these pumps need to be disassembled for maintenance.

Vent Header and Flare Stack (L-210)

Nitrogen will be provided to continuously sweep the vent header and stack to prevent air entry.

Utility Stations

Nitrogen will be available at utility stations located throughout the Terminal. Although the actual
quantity and location of utility stations will be determined during the detailed engineering phase,
provision has been made within the front end engineering design based on nitrogen requirements for
purging piping and equipment.

HTF Expansion Drum (D-403)

Nitrogen will be supplied to maintain backpressure in this expansion drum during HTF system
temperature swings.

Other Uses

Components that contain LNG or natural gas have nitrogen connections to allow for purging these
components for maintenance or for return to service following maintenance. These components are
supplied with nitrogen from local utility stations via hoses. Other minor uses of nitrogen include
warming of LNG in liquid samplers, laboratory use, etc. Equipment Description

The nitrogen system will consist of:

Oregon LNG Terminal
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• 1 x 100 percent liquid nitrogen storage tank;

• 1 x 100 percent dedicated small ambient air vaporizer to maintain pressure in the tank;

• 2 x 100 percent vaporizers (1 operating, 1 back-up) for supply of gaseous nitrogen to meet the
nitrogen demand; and

• Piping network distributed throughout the Terminal to provide nitrogen to equipment and utility

The nitrogen tank and vaporizers will be a skid-mounted, prefabricated vendor package. The equipment
selected will be based on the storage and vaporization requirements of the Terminal. The vendor will
supply the necessary rupture disks, pressure relief devices, instrumentation and valving. The nitrogen
storage tank will be a vertical pressure vessel. The vessel will be vacuum jacket insulated and will be
supplied with liquid nitrogen from a truck. Pressure will be maintained in the tank via a small ambient
air vaporizer loop. The pressure is monitored at the tank outlet. When the outlet pressure decreases
below the set point of the controller, a control valve will open which will allow liquid nitrogen into the
ambient air vaporizer. The vaporized nitrogen will flow into the tank vapor space, which increases the
pressure until the required control pressure is reached. If the pressure increases above the required
control pressure, a control valve will open and excess nitrogen will be vented into the atmosphere.

The vendor package will also include 2 x 100 percent capacity vaporizers (1 operating, 1 standby) which
will vaporize sufficient nitrogen flow to supply gaseous nitrogen to the distribution network on demand.
The spare vaporizer allows one vaporizer to be shutdown for maintenance. A pressure regulator on the
distribution header controls the nitrogen supply pressure.

Temperature indicators at the vaporizer outlet will be used to ensure that cryogenic nitrogen is not
present in the system. Additional safety systems are included in the design to prevent the potential
hazard of cold nitrogen flowing into the distribution network or through the vent to atmosphere.

Nitrogen system P&IDs 07902-PI-960-361 and 07902-PI-960-362 are included in Appendix U.4.

13.7.4 Potable Water

Potable water will be used for domestic use and safety showers at the Terminal. Basis of Design

Potable Water System Utility Flow Diagram 07902-PF-920-321 included in Appendix U.2 includes
details of the design flow rates, pressures and temperatures of the Potable Water System.

A summary of the Potable Water System design parameters is also illustrated on Terminal Water Balance
07902-PF-900-300 that is included in Appendix U.2. Equipment Description

Potable water from the City of Warrenton water system is provided via a potable water piping connection
located at the intersection of Northeast King Avenue and East Harbor Street/Warrenton-Astoria
Highway. According to the City of Warrenton, the supply pressure in the water main at a location

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approximately 1.25 miles from the Project site, averages 90 psig (the elevation difference between this
location and the site is minimal). The City of Warrenton guarantees the supply pressure will be greater
than the state minimum of 20psig.

The Potable Water System is illustrated on P&ID 07902-PI-920-321, which is included in Appendix U.4.

13.7.5 Service Water

Service water will be used for non-potable uses such as maintenance activities. Basis of Design

Service Water System Utility Flow Diagram 07902-PF-930-331 included in Appendix U.2 includes
details of the design flow rates, pressures and temperatures of the Service Water System.

A summary of the Service Water System design parameters is also illustrated on the Terminal Water
Balance 07902-PF-900-300 that is included in Appendix U.2. Equipment Description

Service water will be drawn from a standpipe located in the Terminal’s Fire Water Tank (T-601) and will
be pumped to the Terminal’s buildings, process areas and other areas that require service water. The
service water system at the Terminal consists of:

• Storage capacity located above the standpipe elevation in the Fire Water Tank T-601;

• 2 x 100 percent, Service Water Pumps (P-926A/B) operating at 160 feet total dynamic head and
60 gpm; and

• 1 x 100 percent, 300 gallon (working volume) Service Water Hydrostatic Tank (T-927) operating
at 90 psig. The tank will maintain service water distribution piping pressure between operational
cycles of the service water pumps.

The Service Water System is illustrated on P&ID 07902-PI-930-331, which is included in Appendix U.4.

13.7.6 Storm & Condensate Water

The Storm Water & Condensate System consists of the following streams:

• Storm water from curbed process areas and LNG containment troughs, all of which drain to the
LNG Spill Containment Basin, S-606;

• Condensate and ice melt resulting from operation of the First Stage Ambient Air Vaporizers,
which also drain to the LNG Spill Containment Basin, S-606;

• Storm water from the LNG Spill Containment Basin, S-606 itself;

• Storm water from sumps inside the barrier surrounding the LNG tanks; and

• Storm water from other areas of the Terminal which do not drain directly to the LNG Spill
Containment Basin, S-606.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material Basis of Design

Storm water that falls within the LNG storage tank area will be collected in sumps and pumped to the
storm water treatment system. Storm water that falls in the process areas will either drain to the LNG
spill containment basin or directly to the storm water treatment system. Sump pumps in the LNG spill
containment basin and tank area sumps will be used to pump the storm water to the treatment system.
The report entitled Rainfall Design Basis (07902-CA-900-301) included in Appendix C.6 details the
assumptions used in designing the stormwater collection and removal systems.

In addition to storm water, up to 1,000 gpm of condensate may result from condensation of ambient
water vapor on the outside of the ambient air vaporizer tubing, which is further described in the report
entitled Estimated Condensation Rate for Ambient Air Vaporization (07902-CA-300-302) that is
included in Appendix C.3 . This condensate will also flow to the LNG spill containment basin.

The storm water treatment system is a 1.7 acre area with 28 bioswales, each 130 feet long and 20 feet
wide. Discharge from the storm water treatment system flows into the existing wetlands located on the
northeast portion of the site. The discharge will be distributed across a wide section of the wetlands to
prevent channelization.

The Storm Water & Condensate System Utility Flow Diagram 07902-PF-970-371 included in Appendix
U.2 includes details of the design flow rates, pressures, and temperatures of the system. Equipment Description

The Storm Water & Condensate System consists of the following equipment:

LNG Spill Containment Basin S-606.

This LNG spill containment basin collects all storm water falling directly into the containment system, as
well as any storm water collected into plant areas that drain directly into it. These plant areas include all
LNG spill containment troughs under LNG-conveying pipe racks (including racks extending from the
unloading platform to the shore line, which also drain to this basin), curbed LNG process areas such as
the HP pump area and First Stage Ambient Air Vaporizers area (which drain by troughs to this basin),
and the top of the LNG storage tanks (which also drain to this basin via drain pipes from the tank tops
which feed into troughs). In addition to storm water, this basin also receives condensate and ice melt
resulting from operation of the AAVs. Except for these areas, the site is graded such that no other rain
water will fall into this basin. The basin volume is sized to contain a 10 minute spill of LNG from an
unloading line, with margin, which is more than adequate to contain the expected rain fall.

LNG Spill Containment Basin Pumps P-607A/B/C/D/E.

These sump pumps pump water out of the S-606 basin into Storm Water Oily Waste System L-970. The
NFPA code requires that these sump pumps must remove 25 percent of the rainfall from a 10-year, one-
hour storm, which for Oregon LNG is 0.9 inches per hour. Each of the five pumps is sized to remove
100% of the NFPA 59A required storm water removal flow. Multiple pumps are provided to ensure that
this water removal rate can be achieved simultaneously with the design basis condensate generation rate
from AAV operation. Capacities of these sump pumps are illustrated in 07902-PF-970-371 included in
Appendix U.2.

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Storm Water Oily Waste System L-970.

This is a 1 x 100 percent system sized to handle storm water at 4,000 gpm. The discharged water from
this system flows to the Bioswales.

Tank Barrier Area Sumps and Sump Pumps.

The tank area is surrounded by a barrier, which is provided with two sumps to collect storm water. Each
sump has a two 100% sump pumps which pump collected storm water over the barrier and into the L-970
Oily Waste System. The capacity of the pumps and design information for the sump pumps is illustrated
on Utility Flow Diagram 07902-PF-970-371 in Appendix U.2.

The Storm Water System is illustrated on P&IDs 07902-PI-970-371 and 07902-PI-970-372, which are
included in Appendix U.4.

13.7.7 Wastewater
The Wastewater System consists of the following streams:

• Oily waste from the Compressor Building;

• Oily waste from the Auxiliary Building; and

• Sanitary waste. Basis of Design

Oily waste demands from the above buildings are expected to be infrequent and small in volume. A
sump will be provided in each building, along with an installed sump pump for oily water collection and
removal. When the sumps fill with oily water, the pumps will be manually started and the wastes
collected locally.

The sanitary waste capacity is considered to be equal to the potable water demand, which is illustrated on
Utility Flow Diagram 07902-PF-920-321 included in Appendix U.2. Sanitary wastes will be transferred
to the City of Warrenton municipal water treatment system using a sanitary lift station.

13.8 Equipment Data

13.8.1 Equipment List with Design Conditions
Equipment List 07902-LI-000-002 summarizing the major process and utility equipment and applicable
design conditions that will be installed at the Terminal is included in Appendix M.1.

13.8.2 Equipment Data Equipment Data Sheets
Data sheets for the following process equipment are included in Appendix M.3.

Oregon LNG Terminal
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Table List of Process Equipment Data Sheets

Document Number Description
07902-DS-100-101 LNG Unloading Arm
07902-DS-100-102 Vapor Return Arm
07902-DS-100-103 Platform Drum
07902-DS-200-201 LNG Storage Tank
07902-DS-200-202 LP Pump
07902-DS-200-203 BOG Drum
07902-DS-200-204 BOG Compressor
07902-DS-200-205 Vapor Return Blower
07902-DS-200-206 Gas Make-Up Vaporizer
07902-DS-200-207 BOG Condenser
07902-DS-200-208 HP Pump Drum
07902-DS-200-210 Flare Stack
07902-DS-200-211 Low Point Drain Drum
07902-DS-200-213 Fuel Gas Heater
07902-DS-300-301 HP Pump
07902-DS-300-302 First Stage Ambient Air Vaporizer
07902-DS-300-304 Second Stage Vaporizer
07902-DS-400-401 HTF Heaters Equipment Vendor Data

Table lists the manufacturer’s vendor packages provided for major process equipment that are
included in Appendix M.4.

Vendor information for the LNG Storage Tanks T-201A/B/C are included in Appendix L of this Report.

Table Equipment Vendor Data

Vendor Package Description
07902-VP-100-101 LNG Unloading and Vapor Return Arms
07902-VP-200-201 LNG Storage Tanks (see Appendix L)
07902-VP-200-202 LP Pumps
07902-VP-200-204 BOG Compressors
07902-VP-200-205 Vapor Return Blowers
07902-VP-200-207 BOG Condenser
07902-VP-300-301 HP Pumps
07902-VP-300-302 First Stage Vaporizers
07902-VP-300-304 Second Stage Vaporizers
07902-VP-400-401 HTF Heaters

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Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

13.9 Instrumentation
The following describes the basic instrumentation and control system philosophy for the Terminal. The
systems described are generic and final equipment designs and selection will be made during the detailed
engineering and EPC phases.

13.9.1 Description of Control System

The Terminal will be highly automated.

A Plant Control and Monitoring System (PCMS) provides control of the Terminal. The PCMS consists
of field instrumentation and a number of microprocessor based sub-systems located in control centers
throughout the Terminal. Primary operator interfaces are located in the Main Control Room (MCR) and
at the Platform Control Room (PCR). The PCMS provides the Terminal personnel with user-friendly
information displays, monitoring, processing and automatic and manual control of the processes.

The subsystems making up the PCMS include the Distributed Control System (DCS), Safety
Instrumented System (SIS), Hazard Detection and Mitigation System (HDMS), Analyzer System, Gas
Metering System, LNG Tank Gauging System, Vibration Monitoring System and Marine Instrumentation

The DCS includes a Supervisory Station that will be located in the MCR and will access (Read Only)
process monitoring and alarm data. The Supervisory Station will be used to generate various operational
and management reports.

Shared process and operation information is passed on a fiber-optic network connecting all the areas.
The Administration Building (A-804) illustrated on Plot Plan 07902-DG-000-001 included in Appendix
U.1 will also be connected to the data highway for information access and to facilitate Emergency
Response as described in the Emergency Response Plan discussed in Section 13.15 of this Report. The
DCS will communicate with each instrument sub-system via Modbus RTU protocol, using Ethernet or
serial connections, or hardwired connections allowing direct control through distributed I/O racks.

The Terminal will be controlled primarily from the Main Control Room (MCR), which will be the
primary operator interface and monitoring center for the Terminal. The MCR will be equipped with push
buttons that activate the Emergency Shutdown (ESD) system described in Section 13.10 of this Report.
Operations personnel in the MCR will monitor critical alarms and process variables and will be able to
manually shutdown the unloading operation and other processes if required during an emergency.

The Platform Control Room will be the control center for unloading operations and will be attended
during LNG unloading operations. The PCR will be equipped with push buttons that activate the ESD

Local Control Station (LCS) shelters will be located in the vicinity of packaged equipment and will
contain instrument cabinets and packaged equipment cabinets. Final positioning of LCS locations will be
determined during the detailed design phase and will be based on Terminal layout, number of instrument
I/Os and packaged equipment.

Oregon LNG Terminal
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Field instruments will be connected via remote distributed I/O panels located in weatherproof enclosures
or via marshalling racks in equipment rooms.

All control system equipment is designed to be of proven design and operational reliability with an
installed base of at least 5 years of operation.

The Control System Block Diagram 07902-DG-700-001 included in Appendix U.11 depicts major
information and control sub-systems and inter-relations. The final system architecture that will be
defined during the detailed design phase will include a flexible integrated design based on functionality,
while at all times ensuring safe, reliable and economic operation of the Terminal as well as ease of
maintenance and troubleshooting. Main Control Room (MCR) A-802

As illustrated on the area classification drawing 07902-DG-500-511 included in Appendix O.2, the MCR
will be located in an unclassified area within the Terminal.

The MCR will be the primary operator interface and monitoring center for the Terminal. Shared process
and operation information is passed on a fiber-optic network connecting all areas.

Video based operator screens for major control systems such as DCS, HDMS and SIS will be in operator
workstation consoles located in the MCR. The operator console will consist of double-tier CRT monitors
designed for operation. These interfaces will take into account Human Factors Engineering.

In addition to the monitoring screens, the operator console contains hard-wired Emergency Shutdown
(ESD) switches and annunciators for critical alarms, and fire and gas semi-graphic panels.

Other auxiliary systems are also located in the MCR, such as the closed circuit television (CCTV) system
for site security monitoring.

The engineering workstation is located in the MCR. This workstation will interface directly with the
DCS control hardware to store historical data used to perform analysis and generate reports. This
workstation will also interface with the historian. The workstation provides the capability to capture the
sequence and times of significant events. The monitoring function will time and date stamp the events to
an accuracy defined by the Terminal Operator, as well as the duration over which this data will be
maintained and the minimum number of digital signals to archive. Platform Control Room (PCR) A-801

The PCR will serve as the control center for LNG carrier unloading operations.

The PCR will be attended during LNG carrier unloading operations. Control from the PCR will be
limited to LNG carrier unloading operations and safety/ESD responses.

The PCR will have an operator console containing remote interfaces for the DCS, SIS, HDMS and hard-
wired ESD switches and annunciators. However, this operator console will only provide monitoring

Oregon LNG Terminal
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The PCR will also have a workstation to control and monitor the Marine Monitoring System and LNG
Unloading Arm and Vapor Return Arm controls. Arm controls will also include local units that can
function in the vicinity of the arms.

13.9.2 Plant Control and Monitoring System Components Distributed Control System (DCS)
The Process Control System that will be procured for the Terminal will be a state-of-art Distributed
Control System (DCS) with 5 years of proven service in LNG applications.

Monitoring capability will be provided via video display units located in the MCR and the PCR. The
screens for the operator video display units will be based on the Terminal P&IDs. A logical hierarchy of
the displays will be developed to allow easy navigation throughout the system.

The operator video display units will provide alarm configuration management. The alarm system allows
the Terminal Operator to view all alarms with time stamping and trending screens, as well as historical

Access to the DCS will be configured to allow different levels of access control to maintain security,
ensuring that only properly trained and authorized personnel can operate the various parts of the
Terminal or access system tuning and software parameters.

The control system will include the capability to capture the sequence and times of significant events.

The DCS will contain the software and hardware required to perform the following functions:

• Terminal control and monitoring;

• Automatic/manual remote start sequence and operation. Alarms and events will be available to
the Terminal Operator to identify failures;

• Protection and interlocks;

• Data communication for integration with other Terminal systems to provide more coordination
between systems;

• Data acquisition for archiving; and

• Alarm and storage of all system faults.

The DCS will communicate with other systems and vendor packages installed in the Terminal via
Modbus RTU protocol, using Ethernet or serial connections. Where only a few I/O are required to be
monitored, hardwired connections will be used.

The DCS hierarchy consists of operator control level, Terminal control level and field devices. The
operator control level consists of workstations, hardware push button control stations and peripherals.
The Terminal control level consists of DCS controllers, SIS, HDMS and package control systems

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

The main components of the DCS consist of the Operator Workstations, the Engineer Workstation, I/O
and Controllers and the Communication Devices. The configuration of the components for the DCS
system will be determined during the detailed design phase, but, as a minimum, will include:

• Remote I/O cabinets to be located in the Local Control Shelters;

• Interface with BOG Compressor and Vapor Return Blower control systems;

• Interface with electrical substation and MCC controls;

• Interface with Marine Monitoring system;

• Interface with tank gauging and data acquisition system;

• Interface with LNG unloading and vapor return arms system;

• Interface with SIS and HDMS;

• Operator workstations and an engineering workstation;

• At least one workstation for the SIS and HDMS;

• Workstation for the tank monitoring system;

• A historian package that will be a configurable, real time and historical data collection package
for trending, logging and reporting; and

• Interface with print servers. Safety Instrumented System (SIS)

A completely independent, standalone, high integrity Safety Instrumented System (SIS) will be provided
to implement process safety related interlocks for the ESD. The SIS is described in Section 13.10 of this
Report. Hazard Detection and Mitigation System

A stand-alone independent Hazard Detection and Mitigation System will continuously monitor and alert
the Terminal Operator of hazardous conditions throughout the Terminal due to fire or LNG/gas leaks.

Monitoring capability is provided in the SIS/HDMS workstation located in the MCR.

In response to fire and gas leak alerts, operating personnel will have the ability to manually initiate
appropriate fire fighting and/or shutdown actions via hard-wired switches provided on the MCR and the
PCR control consoles.

The Hazard Detection and Mitigation System will have interfaces with the following PCMS sub-systems:

• DCS – redundant Ethernet or serial links;

• SIS – hardwired; and

• Public Address/ General Announcement (PA/GA) system – hardwired.

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The Hazard Detection System and equipment is further described in Section 13.14 of this Report. LNG Tank Gauging System

The LNG Storage Tank instrumentation is described in Section 13.6 of this Report.

A microprocessor based networked inventory management system will be used to consolidate all level,
temperature and density measurements associated with the LNG storage tanks. The system will interface
with the DCS via non-redundant Ethernet or serial link. Vibration Monitoring System

A vibration monitoring system will monitor shaft vibration, axial displacement and bearing temperatures
of major rotating machines.

Automatic vibration shutdown devices will be installed on large, critical rotating machinery. The
following guidelines will be used:

• All critical pumps and rotary or centrifugal gas or air compressors between 100 hp and 1000 hp,
and all non-critical pumps over 500 hp, will be equipped with bearing failure detection
equipment (vibration detection). For anti-friction bearings, a bearing housing mounted velocity,
acceleration or acoustic device will be installed. Velocity style sensors will be used. For
hydrodynamic bearings, Bentley-Nevada non-contacting probes will be installed in an X-Y

• All critical pumps and rotary or centrifugal gas or air compressors, 1000 hp and larger will be
equipped with two thrust proximity probes sensing the shaft end or shaft shoulder (not a collar),
two radial proximity probes inboard and two radial proximity probes outboard;

• Equipment 1000 hp and larger will be equipped with vibration trip functions on axial probes;

• Equipment over 5000 hp will be equipped with vibration trip functions on axial and radial

• Equipment over 12,000 rpm will be equipped with trip function on radial probes;

• All critical pumps and centrifugal gas or air compressors from 500 hp to less than 1000 hp and
all non-critical pumps, will be equipped with one RTD in the lube oil return; and

• All critical pumps and centrifugal gas or air compressors over 1000 hp and larger, will be
equipped with RTDs in the bearings.

Common alarms will be provided on the DCS. Trip signals will be hard-wired to the machine
safeguarding system and alarmed on the DCS.

Machinery suppliers will generally supply the vibration and temperature probes and related electronic

The vibration monitoring system supplier will provide the centralized monitors, servers and related
software. This console will be located in the MCR or remotely at the individual pieces of equipment.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material Compressor Surge Protection

The Vapor Return Blowers will include an anti-surge control. This control will be via a PLC located in a
local control panel. The DCS will include monitoring of critical parameters and shutdown of the
equipment in case the local PLC fails. Burner Management System and Hot Water Heater Control System
Fired Heaters B-401A/B/C will include a Burner Management System (BMS) to ensure safe operation
and control.

The BMS will be a redundant microprocessor based, high-integrity PLC system. Communications from
the BMS to the DCS will be provided through serial link using Ethernet or Modbus RTU. Marine Monitoring Systems

To aid carrier’s berthing and navigation, the following control systems are provided and monitored at the

• Mooring Load Monitoring System;

• Ship Berthing Monitoring System; and

• Weather Monitoring System. Platform Control System

Ship unloading operations will be monitored and controlled from the PCR through local devices. The
PCR will be provided with a console to monitor the unloading of LNG and operation of the packaged
equipment control installed on the platform.

During unloading operation the carrier personnel will communicate with Terminal operations personnel
via radio. In case of an emergency and/or abnormal operation, the carrier personnel can activate the ESD
push button in the carrier operation room, which is further described in Section 13.10 of this Report.
This signal will be transferred through one or more of the following means:

• 37 pin Pyle National Standard Electric (Umbilical);

• Pneumatic connection to pneumatic switch; and

• Fiber optic cable.

An activation of the carrier’s cargo system ESD generates a shutdown of the unloading operations (ESD-
1). Package Equipment Control Systems

Packaged equipment, which uses hardwired local control panels or programmable logic controller (PLC)
based controls, will be provided by the equipment suppliers. These control systems will be mounted on
or near the equipment skid or placed in the Local Control Shelter (LCS) where feasible. Common
trouble and common trip alarms will be hardwired to the DCS. Additional important parameters may

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also be monitored on DCS via hard-wired, Ethernet or industry standard serial-linked interface such as
Modbus RTU.

Vendor package programmable logic controllers (PLCs) and other systems will provide, as a minimum, a
status and common alarm to the DCS. This information will be presented to the Terminal Operators in
the operator displays. The graphic representation in the DCS will mimic the representation in the local

13.9.3 Field Control Instruments

Electronic field transmitters will be of the “Smart” type capable of supporting full digital
communications with the selected DCS system. Where full digital communication capabilities cannot be
supported by a specific instrument system, “intelligent” transmitters with digital calibration signals
superimposed on 2-wire, 4-20 ma signals will be used.

When “intelligent” transmitters are used, a feature that allows connection to the digital communication
system will be available in the I/O rack marshalling panels.

All trips will require online testing capabilities through a switch or through the DCS. All field devices
that are trip inputs to the control systems will have bypass capabilities for maintenance. This will be
provided by either hardwired key-lock bypass switches or software configured screens that inhibit the
input during testing. This feature will be password protected. When any device is in bypass, a status
alarm will be displayed on the alarm panel.

Critical safety systems will have their own separate field mounted input equipment. The physical
detection of the measurement may be shared with another loop, but the electronic processing will be
segregated. For example, one orifice plate may be shared by two transmitters, which also serves to
minimize pipe penetrations and therefore reduce the potential for leaks.

For critical applications, voting systems will be used when dictated based on safety considerations, i.e.,
using two out of two or two out of three transmitters. The selection of voting systems will be based on
the need for increased additional availability and the desire to minimize false readings. The voting logic
will be defined during detailed design and will be based on a failure modes and effects analysis.

Control valves will have smart valve positioners.

Control valve actuators will be a pneumatic design. Hydraulic actuators will be used where fast stroking
is required.

Potential-free contact type process switches will be used for fire detection tubing systems and enclosures
in hazardous areas.

Rotary switches will be used for local trip switches. The trip switch enclosure color will be red. Push
button switches will be used for local trip reset functions.

Thermocouples will be fabricated using ISA premium accuracy, calibrated, thermocouple lead wire of
appropriate alloy. Thermocouple Type K will be used for general service and Type T for LNG service.

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RTDs will be considered in lieu of thermocouples for narrow spans or for higher accuracy. Three-wire,
100-ohm platinum RTDs will be used.

Level shutdowns will have separate level switches.

Vibration in Terminal stationary rotating mechanical equipment will be monitored and alarmed where
equipment is critical to the uninterrupted operation of the Terminal.

13.9.4 Control Communication and Control Power Communications System
The communications system will allow information to be transferred between the various components of
the DCS. The system will consist of a fully redundant Ethernet communications network. Failure of the
redundant communication paths will not result in the loss of the control functions of any device on the
system. The Ethernet Network employs TCP/IP communications between all network resident devices.

From the Operator Workstation, the Terminal Operator will be able to verify the conditions of devices
connected on the redundant path and to switch to a redundant device if desired. When appropriate (e.g.,
when a problem occurs with device or communication path), the DCS will automatically switch
“bumplessly” to a redundant device or communication path.

Continuous communications diagnostics will alarm a failure and switch to the redundant communications
path automatically. Any communication errors will be logged at any console in the system.
Communication system status/performance will be made available to any console in the system.

Nodes on the control network will be synchronized across the entire network to within plus or minus one
millisecond via the DCS-based clock. All computers will be time synchronized.

Each sub-system will have the capability to communicate with the DCS system via Modbus RTU
protocol, using Ethernet or serial connections. Where only a few I/O are required to be monitored,
hardwired connections may be used.

Network interfaces to external networks such as the Terminal computer network will be provided with
adequate security such as a “firewall” to protect from misuse, viruses and intruders. System Power

The instrument electrical power supply system will ensure an appropriate level of security for the
functions served by the instrumentation.

In addition, redundant 24V DC systems will be provided for all equipment as required. This system will
include dual battery chargers and 100% rated dual batteries, arranged so that a failure or removal from
service of any one component will not interrupt service.

Power supply for instruments and related systems will be as follows:

• Field mounted: 24V DC (supplied by the Control System);

• PCMS sub-systems: 120V AC, 60 Hz;

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• Solenoid valves: 24V DC; and

• Alarms/annunciators: 24V DC.

All system and I/O modules will be capable of operating at a minimum of +/-10% available voltage and
+/-5% available frequency.

Separate 24V DC redundant field interrogation voltage and final actuating element power supplies will
also be provided.

Power supplies will be dual as a minimum, each capable of supplying complete system power.

Each power supply will be rated for expected duty including an additional 15% for installation of spare
capacity. The system will accept power from two different power sources.

Power supplies will be replaceable on-line without disrupting the process and without impacting the main
processor. The system will alarm if one of the power supplies in a redundant set fails.

13.9.5 Backup Power Supply

Critical instruments that require the most reliable power supplies will remain in service during power
failures for a sufficient amount of time to shutdown the Terminal. Typical supplies will be DC with dual
battery backup, dual un-interruptible power supplies (UPSs) and dedicated switchboards. The
Emergency Generator (G-502) will provide extended power capability and will also back up the critical
supplies. Critical instrument systems include:

• Safety Instrumented System and supporting system cabinets (30 minutes UPS);

• DCS for process control and monitoring purposes including supporting system cabinets (30
minutes UPS);

• Fire protection safeguarding and monitoring equipment, including supporting system cabinets (2
hours battery backup);

• Other safety related instrument systems (30 minutes UPS); and

• Packaged equipment control cabinet electronic and PLCs including I/Os (30 minutes UPS battery

13.9.6 Sample Conditioning, Analyzers and Custody Transfer Analyzer System
Quality control instrumentation and analyzers (gas, chemical composition, etc.) will be provided.

The analyzer systems will interface with the DCS via Ethernet or serial links or hardwired signals.

Analyzers will be required for metering and gas composition for natural gas sendout.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material Gas Metering System

A dedicated fiscal gas metering station will be provided for custody transfer of the sendout natural gas.
In addition, gas metering will be provided for fuel gas supplied to the fired heaters.

The metering systems will be supplied complete as a pre-engineered package including the flow
measurement skids, associated instrumentation, analyzers and flow computers.

Communications between the metering system and DCS will be by redundant Ethernet or serial links.

13.9.7 Drawings Control System Block Diagram
Control system block diagram 07902-DG-700-001 is included in Appendix U.11. As detailed design
advances, this diagram will be updated accordingly to reflect final plant configuration.

13.10 Safety Instrumentation

The following provides a design philosophy and overview of the Safety Instrumented System (SIS) for
the Terminal. Final equipment selection and detail design requirements will be determined during the
EPC phase.

The SIS will use redundant microprocessor hardware.

Primary operator access to the SIS will be provided at the Main Control Room (MCR) A-802 and at the
Platform Control Room (PCR) A-801.

13.10.1 Description of the SIS

The function of the SIS is to automatically prevent the occurrence of any physical situation which could
potentially cause loss, damage or undesirable effects to personnel, property or the environment. The SIS
will accomplish this by shutting down systems and/or equipment to a predetermined safe condition. All
process safety trip logic and emergency shut down (ESD) interlocks will be accomplished through the

The SIS will be an independent, high integrity system. The system will continuously monitor the
Terminal and alert the Terminal Operator of any hazardous condition. The SIS will provide both
programmable and solid state safeguarding systems that satisfy critical process applications. The SIS
will also be fault-tolerant and designed to eliminate single point failures.

Safety Integrity Level (SIL) requirements will be determined per SIL determination guidelines (ISA
S84.01) during the detailed design phase. The trip philosophy that will be incorporated within the SIS
will be to de-energize to trip (fail-safe) for process machine trips. However, energize to trip systems may
be considered for certain applications such as de-pressuring, fire and gas trips and rotating machinery
trips. The trip philosophy will be finalized during the EPC phase through a Safety Integrity Level

SIS equipment will be configured for fail-safe action in the event of power loss or loss of instrument air.

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Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

On-line and off-line diagnostics will be provided to assist in system maintenance and troubleshooting.
Diagnostics will be provided for every major system component.

All SIS I/O will be hardwired from the field devices to the MCR SIS cabinet or remote I/O panel.

All SIS alarms and shutdown conditions will be alarmed in the SIS/HDMS workstation.

Monitoring capability for this system will be provided via video display units and/or mimic panel
displays located in the MCR and the PCR. In response to hazard conditions, the Terminal Operator will
have the ability to manually initiate appropriate shutdown actions via hard-wired switches provided on
the MCR and the PCR control consoles.

SIS initiators are typically field sensors such as transmitters and switches. Smart transmitters will be
used as trip initiators whenever feasible.

I/O signals will provide an alarm for a bad quality signal, whether that input is single or multiple for
voting purposes. The bad quality alarm signal will be displayed in the DCS. These signals will be
transmitted to the DCS by soft-link.

A deviation alarm will be generated for all signals used for voting purposes. This alarm will be
generated whenever the magnitude of the difference between the minimum and maximum signals is
greater than a preset value of 5% full span signal range. This alarm will not be generated if any of the
signals is of bad quality. Instead, a "bad signal quality" alarm will be generated.

13.10.2 SIS Components

The Terminal Safety Instrumented System will consist of the following components:

• Field mounted addressable instruments and safety valves. Instruments will be accessible for
maintenance and readability;

• A Programmable Electronic System (PES), which will serve as the configurable system for the
SIS. The PES will be independent from the DCS and its reliability will not be affected by the
DCS link status;

• SIS main control panel located in MCR – A high integrity system, UL approved for safety
integrated monitoring service, will be required;

• Operator interface – video display screens and printers located in the MCR and the PCR; and

• Hard-wired switches located at the MCR and PCR and in process areas.

13.10.3 Communication and Control Power SIS Communication
The SIS equipment cabinet will be located in the MCR and will connect via a redundant link to the
dedicated SIS and HDMS workstation and to an engineering workstation. The SIS will have an
independent Ethernet network from the DCS. The Ethernet Network employs TCP/IP communications to
all network resident devices.

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Continuous communications diagnostics will be installed that will alarm a communications failure and
switch to the redundant communications path automatically. Any communication errors will be logged at
the SIS workstation. Communication system status/performance information will be available from the
SIS workstation.

The SIS communicates with the DCS via Modbus RTU protocol, using Ethernet, serial connections and
hardwired connections. When transmitting great amounts of non-critical data, serial communication
links are used instead of hardwired connections. SIS System Power

Standard power supply for instruments and systems in the Terminal is as follows:

Field mounted: ................................................................................................................ 24V DC

PCMS sub-systems: ...........................................................................................120V AC, 60 Hz
Solenoid valves:............................................................................................................... 24V DC
Alarms/annunciators: ...................................................................................................... 24V DC

Instrument electrical power supply systems are designed to ensure an appropriate level of security for the
function the instrumentation serves.

13.10.4 Backup Power Supply

The main control room has a suitably sized UPS for 120V AC circuits. Details of the UPS system are
illustrated on drawing 07902-DG-500-503 included in Appendix O.2 and are further described in Section
13.11 of this Report.

In addition, redundant 24V DC systems will be provided for all equipment as required. This system will
include dual battery chargers and 100% rated dual batteries, arranged so that a failure or removal from
service of any one component will not interrupt service.

Any 24 VDC power supplies used in the SIS cabinets to power field I/O will be capable of accepting
120VAC +/- 10%, 60 Hz +/- 3%, single phase.

Power supplies will be dual and each will be capable of supplying complete system power.

Each power supply will be rated for expected duty including an additional 15% for installation of spare
capacity. The system will be supplied with power from two different power sources. Power supplies
will be replaceable on-line without disrupting the process and without impacting main processor
triplication. The system will be designed to alarm if one of the power supplies in a redundant set fails.

Critical instruments are those requiring extremely reliable power supplies. These instruments and
controls will remain in service during power failures for a sufficient amount of time to allow the
Terminal to be shutdown. Supplies will be DC with dual battery backup, dual un-interruptible power
supplies (UPS), and dedicated switchboards. The emergency generator (G-502) will provide extended

Oregon LNG Terminal
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power capability to backup the critical supplies. Power to the SIS and supporting system cabinets will be
backed up by a 30 minute UPS.

13.10.5 Emergency Shut Down (ESD) Emergency Shut Down System (ESD) Logic
The Emergency Shutdown System (ESD) is provided to initiate closure of valves and shutdown of
process drivers during emergency situations. All other shutdowns that are not ESD are process related
trips. All ESD circuits and logic are implemented in the SIS.

Each major part of the Terminal and process area will have an ESD circuit. Each ESD circuit will have
dedicated instruments that are independent and separate from instruments used for normal operations.

The LNG carriers have their own ESD system, which will be connected to the Terminal through a
ship/shore umbilical link. The carrier cargo officer will have the ability to initiate an ESD signal.

The ESD system will isolate the Terminal and trip operating equipment. Natural gas sendout into the
pipeline may also be stopped by an ESD valve located in the natural gas sendout pipeline near the
Terminal battery limit.

ESD circuits will be provided for major equipment such as vaporizers, BOG compressors and the LNG
storage tanks.

The Main Control Room will be equipped with push buttons that activate the Emergency Shutdown
(ESD) system. The PCR will also be equipped with manual push button capability to activate the ESD
system. In addition, ESD push buttons will be located in different process areas throughout the Terminal.

The Terminal Hazard Detection and Mitigation System (HDMS) will interface with the ESD system and
will initiate the ESD system upon receipt of specified signals.

Cause and Effect Diagram 07902-DG-660-460 included in Appendix U.4 illustrates the input and output
relationship of all ESD initiators and actions.

The following two levels of ESD will be configured for the Terminal.

• ESD-1: Shutdown of unloading operations and isolation of the pier. ESD-1-1 is a subset of ESD-
1 and activates the Emergency Release Couplings (ERCs) on each of the LNG unloading arms
and the vapor return arm. ESD-1 is referred to as interlock I-100 on the Terminal logic and
P&ID drawings included in Appendix U.4. ESD-1 is referred to as interlock I-101; and

• ESD-2: Shutdown of LNG/NG sendout operations, including ESD-1. This action isolates the
Terminal from the natural gas sendout pipeline and from any carrier which may be berthed at the
unloading platform. ESD-2 is referred to as interlock I-200 on the Terminal logic and P&ID
drawings included in Appendix U.4.

The demarcation of the various ESD zones is depicted in the following diagram.

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Figure Emergency Shut Down System Zones ESD-1: LNG Transfer Operations

Activation of ESD-1 suspends unloading operations, isolates unloading arms and the vapor return arm
and isolates the Platform/Shore transfer line.

The following actions are performed on activation of ESD-1 for the pier:

• ESD valves on unloading arms and vapor return arm are closed;

• Process valves on pier piping with ESD function are closed;

• LNG unloading pumps on the carrier trip, and the carrier’s manifold valves are closed (through
the ship/shore umbilical signal); and

• Platform/Shore ESD isolation valves are closed.

ESD-1 is manually actuated by:

• ESD push buttons located in the Platform Control Room and the Main Control Room;

• ESD push buttons located near the LNG unloading and vapor return arms;

• ESD push buttons located at the Platform/Shore interface; and

• The carrier’s cargo officer.

ESD-1 is automatically operated on the following:

• Actuation of the first stage over-reach alarm (apex or slew angle) on any of the unloading or
vapor return arms;

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

• Activation of cross-zoned fire or spill detectors; and

• Activation of a cross-zoned gas detector HH limit alarm.

ESD-1 will completely shutdown LNG unloading operations and vapor return and isolate the process
lines to/from the Platform. ESD-1-1: Arm Breakaway

ESD-1-1 is a subset of ESD-1. Actuation of ESD-1-1 leads to the following actions:

• Activation of the Emergency Release Couplings (ERC) on the unloading and vapor return arms;

• Activation of ESD-1.

ESD-1-1 is manually actuated through:

• ESD push buttons located in the Platform Control Room and the Main Control Room;

• ESD push buttons located near the LNG unloading and vapor return arms; and

• ESD push buttons located at the Platform/Shore interface.

ESD-1-1 is automatically operated on the following:

• Activation of 2nd stage overreach of apex or slew angle alarm on any of the unloading or vapor
return arms. ESD-2: Balance of Terminal

ESD-2 shuts down process operations to minimize potential releases of hydrocarbons in an emergency.
Activation of ESD-2 automatically initiates ESD-1.

Actuation of ESD-2 leads to the following actions:

• LNG storage tank in-tank LP Pumps trip;

• The inlet and outlet valves to the LNG Storage Tanks close;

• HP Pumps trip;

• Vapor Return Blowers and BOG Compressors trip;

• Valves close on LNG inlet and outlet to the BOG Condenser and the HP Pump Suction Drum

• Valves close on LNG inlet to the first stage vaporizers; and

• Sendout isolation valve closes.

ESD-2 action is initiated manually by activation of any single push button at the following locations:

• Near the HP Pumps;

Oregon LNG Terminal
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• Near the Compressor Building;

• First stage vaporizer area;

• Main Control Room console; and

• Platform Control Room console.

ESD-2 is automatically operated on the following:

• Activation of cross-zoned fire or spill detectors; and

• Activation of a cross-zoned gas detector HH limit alarm. Process Shutdown

Individual equipment shutdown is initiated automatically by trip input signals to the SIS system. These
include the signals for equipment protection and the signals from any process trip. ESD Valves

Tanks, vessels, drums and accumulators that will contain more than 2,000 gallons of LNG at the normal
liquid level (NLL) during normal operations will be provided with ESD valves on all piping connections
below NLL. ESD valves will be located on the inlet and outlet of pipes containing flammable materials
and also, as necessary, to define the emergency de-pressuring (EDP) zones within the process system.

Each first stage vaporizer will require ESD valves at the LNG inlet and natural gas outlet for isolation of
the vaporizer.

ESD valves for pipes into and out of tanks will be located at the tank nozzle.

All ESD valves will be of fire-safe design provided with single action, fail-closed actuators and will be
activated by the SIS.

ESD valve trip circuits will be periodically tested to verify proper functioning of the ESD valves as
required to meet the Safety Integrity Level (SIL) established for that valve.

Details of the shutoff valves that will be used as ESD valves at the marine area of the Terminal are
included in Appendix S.1. Positioners on ESD Valves

All valves that are fitted with positioners for remote throttle operation will be fitted with independent
valve position switches that will indicate when the valve is not fully closed.

Open/close limit switches on the ESD valves will be provided for confirmation of trip action. ESD valve
limit switches will not be used for shutdown functions, but may be used for permissive activities. If the
command to the valve does not match with the position switch, an alarm will be generated and will be
displayed on the DCS.

Oregon LNG Terminal
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13.10.6 Drawings and Tables SIS Block Diagram
Control System Block Diagram 07902-DG-700-001 is included in Appendix U.11.

The ESD system logic P&ID 07902-PI-000-006 is included in Appendix U.4. Cause and Effect Diagram

Cause and Effect Diagram 07902-DG-660-460 is included in Appendix U.4.

13.11 Electrical
13.11.1 Description of Electrical System
The following describes the Terminal’s electrical system. See single line diagrams 07902-DG-500-501
through 07902-DG-500-503 (included in Appendix O.2) for reference. Terminal Power Supply

The Terminal will be powered from two, 115kV lines fed from either the Warrenton Substation, owned
by Pacific Power, or the Clatsop Substation, owned by the Bonneville Power Administration (BPA). The
Warrenton Substation is located approximately 1.7 miles from the Terminal and is the most likely source
of power. The Clatsop Substation would require transmission lines approximately 5 miles in length,
depending on the power line routing. The 115kV lines will be carried on an overhead line from the
respective substation to two 100% capacity dedicated onsite 115kV/13.8kV step-down transformers. The
115kV feed will have a transmission capacity of 41.7 MVA. On-site Power Distribution System

The 115kV/13.8kV transformers will feed the 13.8kV bus. The main 13.8kV bus will be double-ended
with bus XB-501A and bus XB-501B and a bus tie breaker.

Four 4160V buses are supplied from the 13.8kV bus. The 4160V buses will consist of two groups of
double-ended buses with a bus tie breaker between the buses in each group. XB-511A and XB-511B will
make up the first bus group, and XB-511C and XB-511D will make up the second.

Each 4160V bus powers 2 480V buses. The 480V buses will consist of 480V switchgear XB-521A, XB-
521B, XB-521C and XB-521D, XB-521E, XB-521F, XB-521G and XB-521H, with bus tie breakers
between XB-521A-XB-521B and XB-521C-XB-521D and XB-521E-XB-521F and XB-521G-XB-521H.
A fifth 480V bus, XB-521J, is powered off 4160V bus XB-511A or XB-511B and provides power to the

During normal operation, the 13.8kV, 4160V and 480V bus feeders will be configured to provide
maximum redundancy and protection in the event of a loss of power supply to any bus.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material Standby Generation

The Terminal design provides for one standby power generator set capable of supplying enough power
for the following cumulative loads:

• One LP pump, to maintain LNG circulation throughout the LNG unloading pipeline for
maintenance cooling;

• Terminal emergency lighting, including security lighting;

• Security monitoring and warning systems;

• Emergency communications systems;

• Control systems;

• One instrument air compressor; and

• Other necessary auxiliary systems.

The standby diesel powered generator (G-502) is connected to the 4160V bus and will be used when the
normal power supply has failed. As stated above, G-502 is sized to power non-process loads, i.e., non-
motor loads, plus one LP pump. Motor loads will drop out when the power is lost. Essential and
emergency loads will be powered from UPS systems, as illustrated on drawing 07902-DG-500-503
included in Appendix O.2. The G-502 will supply all remaining loads connected to the switchgear
breakers and molded case circuit breakers. The G-502 is also sized to power one in-tank LP Pump in the
event of an extended outage to maintain recirculation of the LNG unloading pipeline. Once the normal
power supply has been restored, G-502 will automatically synchronize with the utility source. Terminal
Operator action will be required to re-close the main feeder to the Terminal, after which the bus tie
breaker will automatically open (i.e., when both main feeder breakers are closed).

As illustrated on drawing 07902-DG-500-503, G-502 will also provide power to the 480V buses and to
the Unloading Platform. This eliminates the need for a separate stand-by generator on the pier. Uninterruptible Power Supply (UPS)

The 2 x 100 percent UPS systems will have a minimum combined battery life of 4 hours. The UPS units
are rated for 120 percent of the anticipated load and include all necessary indications with local alarm
lamps and remote alarms in the MCR. The UPS units are located in an air-conditioned room. These
units are designed to ensure the operation and functioning of the process controls, ESD and Fire Safety
systems. The UPS will be powered by either NiCad or Valve Regulated Lead Acid (VRLA) batteries. Electrical Equipment Design, Construction and Manufacturing

The electrical system is designed to all local and national codes, including but not limited to the

• NFPA 30, 59A, 70, 70E, 496, 497;

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

• ANSI/IEEE C37, C57;

• NEMA MG-1, TR-1; and

• API 500, 505.

The 4160V switchgear will be built to ANSI/IEEE C37.20.7 arc-resistant type 2 design. Arc-resistant
design is also specified for the 4160V MCCs and the low-voltage switchgear.

The circuit protection scheme employs both electronic devices and standard fuses and circuit breakers.
Electronic relays will be GE Multilin style.

The following table provides design details for motors that will be used at the Terminal.

Table 13.11.1 Motor Details

4160V Motors 480V Motors
TEFC or TENV TEFC or TENV outdoors or in classified
locations, TEFC preferred but ODP
allowed indoors in non-classified and non-
corrosive locations
Severe duty rated
Copper windings Copper windings
Class B rise, class H insulation Class B rise, class F insulation
Stator and bearing RTDs for motors
> 1000 hp
240V space heater operated at 120V 240V heaters operated at 120V for TEFC,
TENV or outdoor motors > 25 hp
1.15 service factor 1.15 service factor
Oversize junction box Oversize junction box

Cable trays installed on the pipe rack will be used and will be extended to the electrical loads whenever
practical. Cable trays will be aluminum, hot-dipped galvanized steel or reinforced fiberglass depending
on the suitability of each in proximity to salt-water. Cable trays will be separated for the following

• 4160V;

• 480V and 208Y/120V power and control;

• 24VDC control circuits; and

• RTD, thermocouple, fiber optic.

Critical circuits for the ESD and communications system will be run in dedicated rigid galvanized steel
(RGS) conduit with orange labels.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

RGS conduit will be used for all runs from the cable tray to equipment, except for metal-clad cable,
which can be run in channels. Flexible conduit will be used for all final runs to rotating or vibrating

In general, electrical equipment will be located outside of classified areas where practical. Conduit seals
and associated fittings will be used in hazardous classified areas. In accordance with the requirements of
NFPA 496, control cabinets located in hazardous locations will be purged with dry instrument air and
alarms will be installed to warn of low purge air pressure. All panels and fixtures that cannot be located
out of a classified area will be NEMA 7X with appropriate thermal T-rating. Lighting Systems

The Terminal will be adequately lit to provide an average of 5 foot-candles of lighting at each unloading
arm, 5 foot-candles at each active access point, and an average of 1 foot-candle throughout the remainder
of the facility. A minimum of ½ foot-candle of lighting will be provided throughout the facility.
Lighting along the waterside of the Terminal and on the pier will be located or shielded to avoid
confusing or interfering with navigation on the adjacent waterways.

The lighting system will be connected to the emergency power bus to ensure lighting is available for
operations and security during loss of offsite power events. Grounding and Cathodic Protection

Grounding studies will be performed during detailed design to ensure conformance with IEEE 80
requirements. This will go hand-in-hand with any cathodic protection studies. All Terminal circuits will
feature an equipment grounding conductor. All metallic parts of the electrical system will be bonded to
the Terminal grounding system.

13.11.2 Hazardous Area Classification Basis

Electrical area classification drawings 07902-DG-500-510, 07902-DG-500-511, and 07902-DG-500-512
included in Appendix O.3 are based on NFPA 59A and NFPA 497, with additional references found in
API RP 500.

13.11.3 Electrical Tables and Lists Anticipated Total Requirements for the Terminal
Appendix O.1 provides the electrical load list (07902-LI-500-008) for the Terminal. The total power
requirement is 29 MVA for the 1.5 bscfd sendout case. Anticipated Power Requirements for Operating Modes

Electrical Load List (07902-LI-500-008) for anticipated operating modes is provided in Appendix O.1. Transformer List, with Tag Number, Size and Location

The following is a summary of details for the transformers that will serve the Terminal.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Table Transformer List

Tag No. Voltage Service Size (MVA) Location
XF-511A 4160 15 Power Distribution Center
XF-511B 4160 15 Power Distribution Center
XF-511C 4160 15 Power Distribution Center
XF-511D 4160 15 Power Distribution Center
XF-521A 480 4 Power Distribution Center
XF-521B 480 4 Power Distribution Center
XF-521C 480 4 Power Distribution Center
XF-521D 480 4 Power Distribution Center
XF-521E 480 1 Power Distribution Center
XF-521E 480 2 Power Distribution Center
XF-521F 480 2 Power Distribution Center
XF-521G 480 2 Power Distribution Center
XF-521H 480 2 Power Distribution Center
XF-521J 480 1 Power Distribution Center

13.11.4 Electrical Drawings Hazardous Area Classification, Overall Plans and Area Plans
Hazardous area classification drawings 07902-DG-500-510, 07902-DG-500-511, and 07902-DG-500-512
are included in Appendix O.3. Single Line Drawings Power Distribution

Electrical single line drawings 07902-DG-500-501, 07902-DG-500-502 and 07902-DG-500-503 for the
power distribution system are included in Appendix O.2. Single Line Drawings of Emergency Load Supply and Distribution

Single line drawing 07902-DG-500-503 included in Appendix O.2 also illustrates the emergency power
distribution including the UPS systems and the emergency diesel generator G-502. Electrical Pass-through Seals for LNG Pumps and Instrumentation

Connections on the pressure boundary of each LNG pump (HP and LP) for electrical leads and
instrumentation cable conduits are isolated to prevent the passage of LNG or natural gas through the
associated seal into the conduit, as required by Section 7.6 of NPFA 59A (2001 edition). The
connections will include a primary seal and at least one additional seal between the flammable fluid and
the electrical system. The specific seal arrangement may vary depending on the vendor selected for the
pumps. The arrangement will include provision for purge gas flow and for detection of flammable gas
leakage through the primary seal. Drawings illustrating these seals will be provided with vendor

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

information packages to be obtained during final design. To allow for this usage, the Terminal nitrogen
system has been sized to allow for consumption of some nitrogen purge gas for this demand.

Similarly, the pass-through seal design for other pressure boundary instrumentation will also meet NFPA
59A (2001 edition) Section 7.6 requirements. The specific sealing arrangement will be determined based
on the vendor selected for each type of instrumentation. Drawings illustrating these seals will be
provided with vendor information packages to be obtained during final design.

13.12 Fuel Gas

13.12.1 Description of Fuel Gas System
At times when the ambient environmental conditions are such that the natural gas exiting the First Stage
Ambient Air Vaporizers is below the design sendout temperature of 40°F, a portion of the gas will be
routed through Second Stage Vaporizers, E-304A/B/C. These vaporizers are shell-and-tube heat
exchangers which transfer heat from heat-transfer fluid flowing in the shell side to the cold natural gas
flowing in the tube side. The HTF returning from these heat exchangers is warmed in the B-401A/B/C
Fired Heaters. The Fired Heaters burn fuel gas at inlet conditions of approximately 50 psig and 40°F.

There are two sources available at the Terminal for fuel gas for these fired heaters. Each is described
below. BOG Fuel Gas System

The preferred source of fuel gas for the Fired Heaters is BOG from the LNG process system. This gas is
collected in the BOG header, and can be compressed to the required inlet fuel gas pressure in BOG
Compressor C-204A/B/C and warmed to the required temperature in Fuel Gas Heaters E-213A/B.
Warmed fuel gas flows to Fuel Gas Drum D-214 prior to entering the Fired Heater fuel gas manifold. Fuel Gas System

When the amount of BOG generated at the Terminal (and available to be used as fuel gas) is insufficient
to meet the HTF heating demand, fuel gas for Fired Heaters B-401A/B/C may be obtained from the
Terminal sendout gas. When used as fired heater fuel gas, the sendout gas must first be reduced in
pressure and heated to compensate for the resulting gas temperature drop. The pressure reduction is
performed by one of the two pressure control valves PV-213A/B, which reduce the sendout pressure to
the nominal fuel gas system pressure. The reduced pressure sendout flow is heated in one of the two
Fuel Gas Heaters E-213A/B, after which it flows into Fuel Gas Drum D-214. Flow from this drum can
then be used for Fired Heater fuel gas.

Data sheet 07902-DS-200-213 is provided in Appendix M.3 for Fuel Gas Heaters E-213A/B.

13.12.2 Drawings Plans Showing Piping and Equipment Layout
Fuel Gas System Piping and Instrument Diagram 07902-PI-200-112 included in Appendix U.4 illustrates
the fuel gas system arrangement.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material Fuel Gas Operating Parameters

Process Flow Diagram 07902-PF-000-001 included in Appendix U.2 includes the Fuel Gas System. Heat
and Material Balance Drawings 07902-PF-000-011 included in Appendix U.3 illustrate the operating
pressures, temperatures and flows of fuel gas for the mode where the gas is produced via the fuel gas
system, which is the most typical mode of operation expected for the Terminal.

13.13 Spill Containment Systems

13.13.1 Description of Spill Containment Systems
The siting requirements of 49 CFR Part 193 Subpart B and NFPA 59A 2001 edition, (which the USDOT
incorporated within 49 CFR Part 193 on April 9, 2004) are applicable to the Terminal.

The following siting requirements from 49 CFR Part 193 and NFPA 59A (2001) are applicable to
systems and equipment.

• Three 160,000 m3 (net) full-containment LNG storage tanks – 49 CFR Parts 193.2057 and 2059
require the establishment of thermal and flammable vapor exclusion zones for LNG storage
tanks. NFPA 59A Section specifies four thermal exclusion zones based on the design
spill and the LNG spill containment area. NFPA 59A Sections and specify a
flammable vapor exclusion zone for the design spill, which is determined in accordance with
Section of NFPA 59A;

• A pier consisting of one LNG carrier berth and a marine cargo transfer system consisting of three
16-inch LNG unloading arms, a single 16-inch vapor return arm, and a single 36-inch LNG
transfer pipeline. 49 CFR Parts 193.2001, 2057 and 2059 require thermal and flammable vapor
exclusion zones for the transfer system. NFPA 59A does not address LNG transfer systems; and

• Six in-tank LP LNG pumps (two per tank); six HP pumps; 150 First Stage Ambient Air
Vaporizers; and three Second Stage Vaporizers. 49 CFR Parts 193.2057 and 2059 require
thermal and flammable vapor exclusion zones. NFPA 59A Section specifies the thermal
exclusion zone and Sections and specify the flammable vapor exclusion zone
based on a design spill. LNG Storage Tank (T-201A/B/C)

49 CFR Part 193.2181 specifies that the impoundment system serving a single LNG storage tank must
have a volumetric capacity of 110 percent of the LNG tank’s maximum liquid capacity.

The LNG storage tanks (T-201A/B/C) that will be installed at the Terminal are full-containment type
tanks, with a primary inner containment and a secondary outer containment. The tanks are designed and
constructed so that the self-supporting primary containment and the secondary containment will be
capable of independently containing the LNG. The primary containment will contain the LNG under
normal operating conditions. The secondary containment will be capable of containing the LNG (110
percent capacity of inner tank) and of controlling the vapor resulting from product leakage from the inner

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

containment. Each insulated tank is designed to store a net volume of 160,000 m3 (1,006,000 barrels) of
LNG at a temperature of -270°F and a maximum internal pressure of 4.3 psig.

Each full-containment tank will consist of:

• A nine percent nickel steel open-top inner containment;

• A pre-stressed concrete outer containment wall;

• A reinforced concrete dome roof;

• A reinforced concrete outer containment bottom; and

• An insulated aluminum deck over the inner containment suspended from the roof.

The outside diameter of the outer containment is approximately 292 feet at its base. The vapor pressure
from the LNG is designed to be equalized through ports in the suspended deck and will be contained by
the outer containment. The internal design pressure of the outer containment will be 4.3 psig. The space
between the inner containment and the outer containment will be insulated to allow the LNG to be stored
at a minimum temperature of -270°F while maintaining the outer containment at near ambient
temperature. The insulation beneath the inner containment will be cellular glass, load-bearing insulation
that will support the weight of the inner containment, internal structures, and the LNG. The space
between the sidewalls of the inner and outer containments will be filled with expanded Perlite®
insulation that will be compacted to reduce long term settling of the insulation. As these tanks sit upon
isolators, no base heating will be provided for these tanks. The outer containment will be lined on the
inside with carbon steel plates. This carbon steel liner will serve as a barrier to moisture migration from
the atmosphere reaching the insulation inside the outer concrete wall. This liner also provides a barrier
to prevent vapor escaping from inside the tank in normal operation.

There are no penetrations through the inner containment or outer containment sidewall or bottom. All
piping into and out of the inner and outer containments will enter from the top of the tank.

The inner containment is designed and will be constructed in accordance with the requirements of API
Standard 620 Appendix Q. The tank system will meet the requirements of NFPA 59A and 49 CFR Part
193. Refer to Drawing 07902-DG-200-201 included in Appendix L.2 for general arrangement details and
also to Section 13.6 of this Resource Report for details of the LNG storage tank design.

Spill protection of the tank roof is designed to comply with the requirements of NFPA 59A. The
protection will extend to the edge of the roof dome. Any structural carbon steel on the roof will be
protected from potential spills. Spill protection for the LNG storage tank roof is illustrated on drawing
07902-DG-200-235 included in Appendix L.2.

The full containment design prevents water ingress into annular spaces and therefore there are no water
removal requirements for this tank design.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material LNG Spill Containment Basin (S-606).

The Terminal design includes one insulated concrete LNG Spill Containment Basin (S-606). The flow of
LNG spills into this containment basin is illustrated on the LNG Spill Containment Plot Plan 07902-DG-
600-001 that is included in Appendix Q.2.

This basin is designed to contain a spill of LNG resulting from a guillotine failure of the 36-inch LNG
unloading pipeline flowing for a period of ten minutes (see Line Numbers LNG-100-36-01SS-8CC and
LNG-200-36-01SS-8CC on the P&IDs in Appendix U.4). This is an unlikely occurrence, because the
LNG unloading line will be a fully welded design. The maximum LNG unloading rate is 14,000 cubic
meters per hour; therefore, the basin volume is designed to contain a ten-minute spill equal to 2,333 cubic
meters of LNG (equivalent to 82,400 cubic feet, or 616,400 gallons).

LNG spilled from the process area would also flow into this basin. The required spill volume for sizing
the sump is based on a ten-minute flow from a guillotine failure of the LNG Storage Tank In-tank LP
Pump discharge header (Line Numbers LNG-232-30-01SS-7.5CC and LNG-239-30-01SS-7.5CC on the
P&IDs in Appendix U.4) operating at full rated capacity. The full sendout capacity for the Terminal at
peak conditions is 1.5 bscfd. Assuming a typical expansion of 600-to-1 for vaporized LNG, 1.5 bscfd is
equivalent to about 2,950 m3/hour, which is substantially less than the unloading rate of 14,000 m3/hour.
Since the sump was sized based on a design basis 10 minute spill at the full unloading rate, it is much
larger than required for a guillotine break of the LP Pump Discharge Header.

The location of LNG Spill Containment Basin S-606 is illustrated on the Terminal plot plan 07902-DG-
000-001 included in Appendix U.1.

LNG spills would flow along insulated concrete troughs that will be located adjacent to and beneath
LNG transfer pipes leading to the LNG storage tanks, and adjacent to and beneath LNG piping between
the tanks and process area equipment. Troughs are designed and sized to minimize vapor formation
during LNG spills. Pipe-rack section drawings 07902-DG-000-002-01 and 07902-DG-000-002-02
included in Appendix U.6 illustrate the following information:

• Dimensions of pipe-racks;

• Locations and dimensions of LNG spill containment troughs and dimensions; and

• Typical piping support systems.

The capacity of LNG Spill Containment Basin S-606 is summarized in the following table.

Table LNG Spill Containment Basin S-606

Basin Dimensions Containment
Length (ft) Width (ft) Depth (ft) Volume
96,800 cubic feet
110 110 8
(equivalent to 724,100 gallons)

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

The basin will be an insulated concrete design, which is further described in Section 13.21 of this
Resource Report 13. In accordance with the requirements of Section of NFPA 59A (2001
edition), the insulation system used for the impounding surfaces will be, in the installed condition,
noncombustible and suitable for the intended service, considering the anticipated thermal and mechanical
stresses and loads.

Section drawings of the LNG Spill Containment Basin are illustrated on LNG Spill Containment Cross-
Section Drawing 07902-DG-600-002 included in Appendix U.7.

As required by Section of NFPA 59A (2001 edition), the spill containment basin will include a
sub-basin to clear rain or other water from the impounding area. For the Oregon Terminal, water
generated by operation of the ambient air vaporizers (from condensation of ambient water vapor and ice
melt) will also flow initially into this sub-basin. In accordance with Section of NFPA 59A
(2006 edition) the water removal system will have the capacity to remove water at a minimum of 25
percent of the rate from a storm of a 10-year frequency and 1-hour duration. As illustrated in document
07902-CA-900-301 that is included in Appendix C.6, this is equivalent to 0.9 inches per hour for the

Per the requirement of Section of NFPA 59A (2001 edition), sump pumps P-607A/B/C/D/E will
be installed to remove water from the spill containment basin. Utility Flow Diagram 07902-PF-370-371
included in Appendix U.2 illustrates the design and continuous volumetric flows of water removed from
the spill containment basin, which is routed to an oily water separator and then discharged to the
bioswale area of the Terminal site.

The sump pumps will be fitted with an automatic cutoff device that prevents their operation when
exposed to LNG temperatures. High Expansion Foam Systems

The LNG Spill Containment Basin will be fitted with a High Expansion Foam System, which is
described in Section 0 of this Report. P&ID 07902-PI-640-441, which is included in Appendix U.4,
illustrates the High Expansion Foam System that will be installed.

13.13.2 Thermal Radiation Exclusion Zones

Exclusion distances for various flux levels have been calculated in accordance with 49 CFR Part
193.2057 and Section of NFPA 59A (2001 edition), using the "LNGFire III" computer program
model developed by the Gas Research Institute. The calculation and resulting thermal radiation
exclusion zones for the Terminal are detailed in the Thermal Radiation and Vapor Dispersion Report and
drawings included in Appendix Q of this Resource Report.

The following summarizes the bounding assumptions used in thermal radiation modeling and the
isopleths that have been calculated.

Tank inside diameter (feet).......................................................................................................254

Tank height above grade (feet) .................................................................................................142

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

S-606 basin dimensions ................................................................. 110 feet long by 110 feet wide
Ambient Temperature (°F)..........................................................................................................37
Relative Humidity (%).............................................................................................................58.2
Wind speed (mph)....................................................................................................................0-16

Weather data used in thermal radiation and flammable vapor exclusion calculations for the Import
Terminal are from published data from the Astoria Clatsop County Airport, COOP ID 350328. The data
set used for these calculations included hourly-collected data from a period beginning December 31,
2000 and ending December 31, 2005.

In accordance with 49 CFR Part 193.2057, these calculations use values for wind speed, ambient
temperature and relative humidity that produce the maximum exclusion distances, except for those values
that occur less than five percent of the time based on recorded data for the area.

Based on this set of input data, the thermal radiation exclusion zone distances listed below were

Table 13.13.2 Thermal Radiation Exclusion Zone Radii

LNG Tanks LNG Spill Containment Basin
T-201A/B/C (ft) S-606 (ft)
10,000 Btu/hr/ft 352 268
3,000 Btu/hr/ft 710 392
1,600 Btu/hr/ft 913 496
Note: All distances are presented as radii measured from the center point of
the specified location. Drawing 07902-DG-000-005 included in Appendix
Q.2 to this Resource Report 13 depicts the isopleths in relation to the
property boundaries.

13.13.3 Flammable Vapor Exclusion Zones

In accordance with the requirements of Sections and of NFPA 59A and 49 CFR Part
193.2059, provisions have been made within the design of the Terminal to minimize the possibility of
flammable vapors reaching a property line that can be built upon and that would result in a distinct
hazard. Specifically, in accordance with the requirements of 49 CFR Part 193.2059, dispersion distances
have been calculated for a 2.5 percent average gas concentration, which is one half the lower
flammability limit (LFL) of LNG vapor. These distances have been calculated for the design spill into
LNG Spill Containment Basin S-606, using the design spill defined in accordance with Section of
NFPA 59A (2001 edition).

The DEGADIS Dense Gas Dispersion Model has been used to compute dispersion distances. The
calculation and resulting flammable vapor exclusion zones for the Terminal are detailed in Appendix Q.1

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

of this Resource Report 13. The following summarizes the assumptions used in flammable vapor
exclusion modeling and the resulting distances.

Wind Speed (mph): ...................................................................................................................4.5

Atmospheric Stability Class: ....................................................................................... Category F
Relative Humidity (%): ..............................................................................................................50
Ambient Temperature (°F): ....................................................................................................51.5
Surface Roughness Factor (m): ...............................................................................................0.03
Basin Lining: ................................................................................ Insulating Polymer Concrete
Basin Floor/Wall Temperature (°F): .......................................................................................51.5

Weather data from the Astoria Airport from 2001-2005 were used to calculate the above temperature. In
accordance with 49 CFR Part 193.2059, the average ambient temperature is used.

Based on this set of input data, the flammable vapor exclusion zone distances listed below were

Table 13.13.3 Flammable Vapor Exclusion Zones

LNG Spill Containment Basin
S-606 (ft)
Lower Flammability Limit (5%) 170
50% of LFL (2.5%) 350

Note: All distances are presented as radii measured from the center point of the specified location.

Drawing 07902-DG-000-006 included in Appendix Q.2 of this Resource Report 13 depicts the flammable
vapor exclusion distances in relation to the property boundaries.

13.14 Hazard Detection Systems

13.14.1 Description of Hazard Detection Systems
A Hazard Detection and Mitigation System (HDMS) will be installed at the Terminal to prevent the
occurrence of physical situations that could result in injury to personnel and/or damage to property and
the environment. The HDMS will accomplish this by detecting and alerting Terminal Operators to the
presence of fire and LNG and flammable gas leak hazards, and by activating necessary systems to control
these hazards. Hazard Detection and Mitigation Philosophy document 07902-TS-600-500 is included in
Appendix C.4 of this Resource Report and the following is a summary of the details contained within
that document.

The HDMS will be an independent, stand-alone, high integrity system and will continuously monitor and
alert operating personnel to LNG spills, fires or flammable gas leaks. The HDMS will be based on a

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Proprietary Supervising Fire Alarm System in accordance with NFPA 72. This system will also be fault-
tolerant and self-supervising to alert operating personnel of fault conditions.

The main HDMS control panel and operator interface will be located in the MCR. A secondary control
panel will be provided in the PCR for control of systems on the pier. Local control panels will be
distributed around the Terminal to provide local detection, notification and system release functions.
The local control panels and the main control panel will be networked together on a dedicated system.
The HDMS will have a communication link to the DCS for the display of HDMS status and alarm signals
on the DCS.

The HDMS will consist of the following components:

• Field-mounted addressable fire and flammable gas detectors and other sensors. All instruments
will be accessible for operation and maintenance;

• Visual and audible alarms located in the field and the MCR to notify personnel of hazardous
conditions. Leak hazards and fire hazards will have distinct alarms;

• Local control panels for the initiating devices and notification devices. Automatic activation of
fire suppression systems and control of other equipment (e.g., automatic shut-off of ventilation
systems) are also accomplished from the local control panels. All circuits will be supervised to
detect integrity problems;

• A HDMS main control panel that will be located in the MCR. The main control panel will be
networked with the local panels over a high integrity communications system. The network
circuit will be supervised to detect integrity problems;

• Operator interface via video display screens and printers located in the MCR and the PCR;

• Mimic panels located in the MCR, PCR and other buildings as required; and

• Hard-wired switches located in the MCR and PCR.

The HDMS will interface with the following systems:

• DCS – redundant Ethernet or serial links;

• ESD System – hardwired from the main control panel;

• SIS – hardwired from the main control panel;

• Public Address / General Announcement (PA/GA) system – hardwired; and

• Call out capability to the designated local fire department.

The HDMS will execute control logic for single detectors as well as for groups of detectors. For
example, a voting scheme may be applied where three detectors are installed in a particular area and
alarms from two out of the three detectors will initiate controlled actions. A deviation alarm will be
generated for all signals used for voting purposes. This alarm will be generated whenever the magnitude

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

of the difference between the minimum and maximum signal signals is greater than a preset value of 10
percent full span signal range. This alarm will not be generated if any of the signals is of bad quality.

Monitoring capability is provided via graphic display screens and mimic panel displays located in the
MCR and the PCR. All HDMS alarms and shutdown conditions will be alarmed in the SIS/HDMS
workstation. Fire alarms and overview graphics illustrating the location of the detector will be repeated
on the DCS via communications links.

Fire and flammable gas detection and protection of offices and other buildings will be via networked fire
panels provided by the building supplier. These fire panels will be located in individual buildings and
networked to the main fire alarm control panel in the MCR. All hazard signals will alarm locally as well
as in the MCR and PCR. Local signals will be audible and visual (strobe lights) and will have distinctive
alarms and colors for fire and flammable gas (leak) hazards.

Operating personnel will be able to initiate appropriate fire fighting and/or shutdown actions via hard-
wired switches provided at the MCR and the PCR control consoles in response to fire and/or flammable
gas leaks.

Hazard trips that initiate automatic shutdown of equipment and systems and which will activate the ESD
system are described in Section 13.10 of this Resource Report 13. The input and output relationship of
all ESD initiators and actions is further illustrated in Cause and Effect Diagram 07902-DG-660-460
included in Appendix U.4.

The fire and flammable gas detection system is designed such that no single failure point would affect
system integrity. All circuits and devices will be supervised, and shorts to ground will not prevent alarm
or communication capability. Failure of any single active component supplied within the system will not
cause a multiple loss of field devices and during such a failure the system will remain on-line and will
continue to monitor for fire and flammable gas. Additionally, the system will accommodate a means for
alarming the fault.

On-line and off-line diagnostics will be provided to assist in system maintenance and troubleshooting.
Diagnostics will be provided for every major system component and peripheral.

13.14.2 Description of Hazard Warning Systems Including Offsite, Plant

Wide and Local Area
A description of hazard detection equipment and associated warning equipment that will be installed at
the Terminal is included in the Preliminary Fire Protection Evaluation that is included in Appendix P.1.

Data sheets for the following hazard detection equipment are included in Appendix M.3.

Table 13.14.2 Hazard Detection Equipment Data Sheets

07902-DS-600-611-01 Heat Detector – Indoor
07902-DS-600-611-02 Heat Detector – Outdoor

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

07902-DS-600-612-01 Smoke Detector
07902-DS-600-612-02 Smoke Detector – High Sensitivity
07902-DS-600-613 Low Temperature Detector
07902-DS-600-614-01 Combustible Gas Detector
07902-DS-600-614-02 Combustible Gas Detector
07902-DS-600-614-03 Combustible Gas Detector – Duct Mounted
07902-DS-600-615-01 Flame Detector – Indoor
07902-DS-600-615-02 Flame Detector – Outdoor
07902-DS-600-616 High Temperature Detector

13.14.3 Hazard Detector List

Matrix 07902-LI-600-001, illustrating tag number, location, type, settings and method of activation of
hazard control equipment for the above types of detectors, is included in Appendix M.2.

13.14.4 Drawings Hazard Detector Layout Plans
The following hazard detector layout plans are included in Appendix U.8.

Table Hazard Detector Layout Plans

Document Number Description
07902-DG-610-410-01 Hazard Detector Layout Overview - Pier
07902-DG-610-420-01 Hazard Detector Layout Overview – Onshore Facilities
07902-DG-620-430-01 Hazard Detection Layout – Fire Area 1
07902-DG-620-430-02-01, Hazard Detection Layout – Fire Area 2
02, 03
07902-DG-620-430-03 Hazard Detection Layout – Fire Area 3
07902-DG-620-430-04 Hazard Detection Layout – Fire Area 4
07902-DG-620-430-05 Hazard Detection Layout – Fire Area 5
07902-DG-620-430-06 Hazard Detection Layout – Fire Area 6
07902-DG-620-430-07 Hazard Detection Layout – Fire Area 7
07902-DG-620-430-08 Hazard Detection Layout – Fire Area 8 Combustion/Ventilation Air Intake Locations

The following drawings illustrating the location of flammable gas detectors in building ventilation air
intake structures are included in Appendix U.8.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Table 0 Building Hazard Detector Layout Plans

07902-DG-680-861 Deluge Water Pump House Hazard Detectors
07902-DG-680-804 Administration Building Hazard Detectors
07902-DG-680-805 Maintenance Building Hazard Detectors
07902-DG-680-802 Main Control Room Hazard Detectors
07902-DG-680-840 Auxiliary Building Hazard Detectors
07902-DG-680-820 Compressor Building Hazard Detectors
07902-DG-680-803 Security Building Hazard Detectors
07902-DG-680-860 Fire Pump House Hazard Detectors

13.15 Fire Suppression and Response Plan

Oregon LNG is developing an Emergency Response Plan in accordance with the requirements of the
FERC Draft Guidance for Terminal Operator’s Emergency Response Plan (ERP). The ERP will contain
details of:

• The structure of the emergency response team, including roles, responsibilities and contact

• Responses to emergency situations that occur within the LNG Import Terminal;

• Emergency evacuation adjacent to the LNG Import Terminal and along LNG carrier transit

• Training and exercises;

• Documentation of consultations made with interested parties during the development of the ERP;

• Details of cost sharing plans that have been negotiated to reimburse capital costs, annual costs
and other expenses incurred by off-site emergency organizations in providing emergency
response services to the LNG Import Terminal.

A framework for the proposed ERP is included in Appendix P.3.

In accordance with the above-mentioned FERC draft guidance document, the ERP will be prepared in
consultation with the U.S. Coast Guard and state and local agencies. Oregon LNG will request
Commission approval of the ERP prior to the commencement of construction.

13.15.1 Description of Response to Fire and Deployment of Resources

Emergencies are categorized based on two distinct criteria:

• Can the Terminal Operations Personnel prevent harm to personnel or property by taking
reasonable and prudent actions? This criterion determines whether the emergency is a
Controllable Emergency or Uncontrollable Emergency; and

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

• If the emergency is an Uncontrollable Emergency, will it affect off-site personnel or property?

This criterion determines whether the emergency is a Terminal Site Emergency or a General

Controllable Emergency

This is an emergency in which the Terminal Operations Personnel can prevent harm to personnel or
equipment by taking reasonable and prudent actions such as valve manipulations, shutting down
equipment, or initiating the Emergency Shutdown System. Examples of Controllable Emergencies that
may occur at the Terminal include:

• LNG spills that are contained within the LNG spill containment system and do not result in fire;

• LNG spills that are contained within the LNG spill containment system and result in a fire within
the containment system;

• Overpressure of gas or liquid process piping;

• Collapse of buildings or systems and equipment that does not result in or does not have the
potential to result in the loss of containment of LNG or flammable gases;

• Building fires that do not involve flammable gases;

• Electrical fires that do not involve flammable gases;

• Loss of electrical power;

• Emergency LNG carrier departure – unexpected LNG carrier disconnect;

• Vehicle accidents;

• Severe weather conditions; and

• Breaches of site security that do not result in or have the potential to result in substantial damage
to the Terminal.

Uncontrollable Emergency

This is an emergency in which the Terminal Operations Personnel cannot prevent harm to personnel or
equipment by taking reasonable and prudent actions such as valve manipulations, shutting down
equipment, or initiating the Emergency Shutdown System. An Uncontrollable Emergency involves
situations that have the potential to result in exposure of personnel or property to natural gas in a liquid,
cold vapor, or gaseous state or may result in fire or explosion. Examples of Uncontrollable Emergencies
that may occur at the Terminal include:

• LNG spills that are not contained by the LNG spill containment system and do not result in fire;

• LNG spills that are not contained by the LNG spill containment system and result in an
unconfined fire;

• Flammable gas leaks from significant failure of a pipeline or equipment;

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

• Building or equipment fires that contain or have the potential to contain flammable gases

• Structural failure of an LNG storage tank;

• Major fire aboard an LNG Carrier;

• Bomb threats; and

• Severe weather conditions that cause wide-scale damage to equipment and systems that result in
or have the potential to result in a loss of containment of LNG or flammable gases.

In addition, a Security Breach that results in a high probability of substantial damage to the Terminal and
may create an Uncontrollable Emergency will be considered an Uncontrollable Emergency, even if no
damage has yet occurred. Examples of this situation include:

• Discovery of an explosive device in close proximity to an LNG tank or major LNG pipeline or
natural gas pipeline; and

• An act of sabotage that may result in structural failure of an LNG storage tank or rupture of an
LNG tank or major LNG pipeline or natural gas pipeline.

An Uncontrollable Emergency is then further classified as a Terminal Site Emergency or a General

Emergency. Uncontrollable Emergency – Terminal Site Emergency

This is an Uncontrollable Emergency that threatens Terminal personnel or equipment with exposure to
natural gas (liquid, cold vapor, or gaseous state) or involves a fire or explosion of a magnitude that
involves a large portion of the Terminal.

A Security Breach that results in a high probability of substantial damage to the Terminal is considered a
Terminal Site Emergency.

At the instruction of the Terminal Emergency Director, emergency help will be requested by the Public
Information Contact from off-site emergency organizations during a Terminal Site Emergency Uncontrollable Emergency – General Emergency

This is an Uncontrollable Emergency that threatens the public with exposure to natural gas (liquid, cold
vapor, or gaseous state) or involves a fire or explosion of a magnitude that affects persons or property
off-site. At the instruction of the Terminal Emergency Director, emergency help will be requested by the
Public Information Contact from off-site emergency organizations during a General Emergency.
Additionally, the Terminal Emergency Director may recommend an evacuation of the local community.

The following diagram illustrates the decision-making process that Oregon LNG will use to classify site
emergencies and determine the appropriate response to the emergency.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Figure 13.15.1-1 Emergency Classification Process

Certain Emergency Actions will require emergency response from outside organizations. Effective
Emergency Response Planning and response is, therefore, dependent on close, ongoing coordination
between Oregon LNG and those outside organizations.

To assure effective coordination is maintained, there will be periodic meetings, drills, and familiarization
tours conducted for these organizations at predetermined intervals. In addition, the outside organizations
will be encouraged to send new members to the Oregon LNG Import Terminal for familiarization tours.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Oregon LNG will coordinate the development of its ERP with the U.S. Coast Guard and state and local
agencies. A significant aspect of this plan will be the organization and staffing of local police, fire, and
emergency response resources and personnel specific to the needs and action plans of the Import
Terminal. The ERP will describe the roles and responsibilities of the off-site emergency services.

13.15.2 Organizational Chart for Emergency Response and Fire Fighting

The Normal Operating Organization of the Oregon LNG Import Terminal consists of:

• Operations Personnel;

• Maintenance Personnel;

• Security Personnel;

• Management and support personnel (normal working hours only); and

• Contractor personnel (normal working hours only).

During normal working hours, the Terminal Management Personnel will initiate the Emergency
Response Plan. During off-normal working hours, Operations Personnel will initiate the Emergency
Response Plan.

When the Emergency Response Plan is put into effect, Terminal Personnel will assume designated
positions, each with specific duties as depicted in the following chart.

Figure 13.15.2-1 Emergency Organization

Emergency Director

Public Information Emergency Response Shift Assembly
Contact Team Leader Supervisor Leaders

Emergency Response Force

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Terminal Emergency Director

The Terminal Emergency Director is in command of the Terminal Emergency Organization. If the
emergency occurs outside of normal business hours, the Shift Supervisor will assume the Terminal
Emergency Director position until relieved by the Terminal Manager.

The role of the Terminal Emergency Director involves interacting with both on-site groups (Terminal
employees dealing with the emergency) as well as off-site groups (media and off-site emergency
organizations). If the emergency continues for an extended period, then the Terminal Emergency
Director position may be filled in rotation by mo0re than one person. The Terminal Emergency Director
is normally based in the Emergency Control Center, which will be located in the Administration

The specific duties of the Terminal Emergency Director position will include the following tasks:

• Assessing each emergency and determining the appropriate Emergency Classification using
information provided by the Emergency Response Team Leader;

• Designating and directing the Terminal Public Information Contact or acting as the Terminal
Public Information Contact until another individual is designated for that position;

• Coordinating activities with off-site emergency organizations and, if acting as the Public
Information Contact requesting off-site assistance for emergency response;

• Determining which resources are required to respond to an emergency and directing the call-in of
additional Terminal employees;

• Directing on-site evacuation and providing recommendations for off-site evacuation as needed;

• Overseeing the Security Shift Supervisor;

• Overseeing the Assembly Leaders;

• Developing re-entry plans for any areas previously evacuated; and

• Maintaining the Terminal Emergency Control Center Status Board.

Public Information Contact

In the event of an emergency at the Terminal, it is critical that information released to public agencies,
the media, and ultimately the general public be accurate. During an emergency situation, the Terminal
employees may be contacted by the media or by members of the general public regarding the emergency.
In order to assure that accurate information is disseminated, only the Public Information Contact will be
authorized to provide information to the media, local agencies or the public. Terminal employees will
refer all persons with questions regarding the emergency to the Public Information Contact. Also, if
Terminal employees are questioned about statements or speculations that arise, they will also refer the
person to the Public Information Contact.

Oregon LNG Terminal
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The Public Information Contact will be designated as the information point of contact by the Terminal
Emergency Director and acts as the spokesperson for disseminating information to all media outlets and
state and local emergency organizations. The Public Information Contact reports to the Terminal
Emergency Director.

The specific duties of the Public Information Contact include the following tasks:

• Contacting off-site emergency organizations to request emergency support during an emergency

condition as directed by the Terminal Emergency Director;

• Providing off-site emergency organizations with the status of the emergency;

• Appointing and overseeing a liaison to communicate with local emergency organizations during
General Emergencies; and

• Designating a media area, preparing news releases, and disseminating information to the media
in accordance with established protocols.

Emergency Response Team Leader

The Emergency Response Team Leader will be the on-duty Shift Supervisor or Lead Operator. The
Emergency Response Team Leader will command the on-site Emergency Response Team and will report
to the Terminal Emergency Director. Generally, the Emergency Response Team Leader will direct the
Operations Team and off-site emergency organizations while they are performing emergency actions at
the Terminal.

The specific duties of the Emergency Response Team Leader include the following tasks:

• Assessing each emergency situation and assuming the role of Terminal Emergency Director until
relieved by the Terminal Manager;

• Identifying the actual and potential hazards affecting the Terminal, its personnel and/or areas
adjacent to the Terminal;

• Directing Emergency Response Team members;

• Identifying specific off-site resources that may be needed in an emergency; and

• Providing the Terminal Emergency Director with the current information about the emergency

Emergency Response Team

The Emergency Response Team will report directly to the Emergency Response Team Leader. The
Emergency Response Team's responsibilities include the direct actions to bring the Terminal to a safe

The Emergency Response Team consists of:

• Operations Personnel;

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• Maintenance Personnel;

• Selected contractor personnel as requested by the Emergency Response Team Leader; and

• Selected off-site emergency personnel as requested by Emergency Response Team Leader.

The specific duties of the Emergency Response Team include the following tasks:

• LNG and flammable gas release control. This role will primarily utilize Terminal Operations
and Maintenance Personnel, who will implement immediate actions required to terminate any
release and mitigate the consequences of the emergency incident.

• Emergency recovery and restoration. This role will primarily utilize Terminal Operations and
Maintenance Personnel, who will implement immediate actions required to bring the Terminal to
a safe condition and mitigate the consequences of the emergency incident.

• Fire fighting. This role will primarily utilize off-site fire fighting personnel. The Terminal
employees are also trained to fight fires.

• Re-entry into areas that were previously evacuated. Re-entry will be approved only by the
Terminal Emergency Director. Re-entry will primarily utilize Terminal Operations and
Maintenance Personnel, who will search for unaccounted personnel, rescue trapped or injured
personnel, perform maintenance or operations activities to terminate or mitigate the emergency,
determine safe areas and personnel exclusion areas, and determine the nature and magnitude of
the emergency.

• Medical Aid. This role will utilize Terminal employees, including the Safety and Health
Coordinator, and off-site rescue squads as needed. The Terminal employees will perform this
function until off-site rescue squad personnel arrive. As off-site rescue squad personnel arrive,
Medical Aid activities will be taken over by rescue squad personnel to free the Terminal
employees for Terminal recovery activities. The Medical Aid activities include transporting
injured persons to a safe location, administering first aid, determining if transport off-site is
needed, notifying hospital(s) of incoming injured, transporting injured personnel to appropriate
medical facilities, and maintaining accurate records of all first aid treatment.

• Escort. Escort off-site emergency personnel as required.

Security Shift Supervisor

The Security Shift Supervisor supervises the Security Force and reports directly to the Terminal
Emergency Director. The Security Shift Supervisor is responsible for assuring the Security Force carries
out its assigned duties.

Security Force

The specific duties of Security Force Personnel include the following tasks:

• Securing and maintaining the Terminal perimeter;

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

• Controlling access to the Terminal;

• Ensuring that Terminal access roads are clear for use by emergency vehicles and essential

• Coordinating and directing off-site emergency response teams to staging areas as directed by the
Emergency Response Team Leader;

• Assisting with on-site evacuations as directed by the Terminal Emergency Director;

• Assisting with accountability activities;

• Overseeing direct coordination with local law enforcement agencies; and

• Identifying needs for additional security requirements (i.e., local law enforcement) and
communicating those needs to the Terminal Emergency Director.

Assembly Leaders

The Assembly Leaders perform an accountability function and direct personnel safely to assembly areas.
Assembly Leaders will assume their designated roles when a Terminal evacuation is ordered by the
Terminal Emergency Director.

Although the Assembly Leaders report to the Terminal Emergency Director, they will also communicate
directly with the Emergency Response Team Leader.

13.16 Hazard Control Systems

Hazard Detection and Mitigation Philosophy 07902-TS-600-500 is included in Appendix C.4 of this
Resource Report 13 and this section 13.16 provides a summary of the information contained in that

13.16.1 Description of Hazard Control Equipment and Systems

Dry chemical systems are effective against hydrocarbon pool and three-dimensional fires (e.g., jet fires),
particularly those involving pressurized natural gas or LNG spills, provided re-ignition potential is low.
The dry chemical agent that will be used at the Terminal is potassium bicarbonate (“Purple-K®”) as this
has been found to be most effective of the dry chemical agents. In addition, dry chemical systems may be
used in conjunction with high expansion foam systems in select areas. Therefore, the dry chemical agent
must be compatible with the high expansion foam agent.

Dry chemical systems installed at the Terminal will consist of total flooding systems, local application
(fixed nozzle and/or hose line systems) and/or portable extinguishers (both handheld and wheeled).
System selection, as discussed in Section 13.16.2 below, depends on the type of hazard, the location of
the hazard, the size of the hazard, existence of nearby ignition sources, ability to access the hazard and
the potential consequences of the fire on the public, Terminal personnel and equipment. As illustrated in
Section 13.16.4, these systems are located at strategic locations to facilitate effective fire extinguishment.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

These systems are designed in accordance with NFPA 17 for engineered systems and NFPA 10 for
portable extinguishers and will be UL listed or FM approved.

Fixed dry chemical systems are provided on the unloading platform, the Compressor Building, HP Pump
Enclosure and the LNG storage tank pressure safety valve tail pipes.

13.16.2 Dry Chemical Basis of Design

Dry chemical system selection is based on the configuration of the area containing the hydrocarbon
hazard. Specifically:

• Enclosed areas that contain natural gas or LNG processing equipment should be protected with a
total flooding system due to the risk of a three-dimensional fire, including the tail pipes of LNG
storage tank relief valves. These systems will be automatically activated by the HDMS using
heat and/or flame detectors,

• Areas where LNG spills may collect should be provided with a local application system that is
either automatically or manually operated, or portable extinguishers. The choice selected
depends on the results of a hazards evaluation that considers the size of the hazard, ignition
sources available, time required for response and other factors, and

• Open areas where natural gas or LNG leaks, sprays, or ruptures may occur should be equipped
with a local application system or portable extinguishers. As these potential fires are likely to be
small and less likely to significantly affect the public, Terminal personnel or equipment, manual
systems (either hose lines or portable extinguishers) may be used. However, each area should be
individually examined in a hazards evaluation.

Systems will meet the requirements of NFPA 17 and be UL Listed or FM Approved. In accordance with
33 CFR §127.609, a dry chemical system is provided for the marine transfer areas (i.e., under the
unloading arms). This system is for local application with at least two discharge systems, one of which
must be a monitor. The second may be either a monitor or a hose line. System capacity is based on 45-
second discharges from each system either sequentially or simultaneously.

Manual systems consisting of either hose line units or portable extinguishers will be employed, provided:

• The area to be protected does not typically have ignition sources;

• The area to be protected is easily accessible;

• The fire size is such that personnel can approach the fire to effectively apply the dry chemical
agent; and

• The consequences of the fire to the public and the Terminal are found to be low, allowing time
for a manual response.

If an automatic system is determined to be appropriate for a local application, the dry chemical will be
applied by either nozzles or monitors. Sufficient detection equipment, such as heat and/or flame
detectors, will be provided for system activation.

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Portable dry chemical extinguishers will be available throughout areas where LNG or natural gas process
piping exists for fast response to small fires.

Dry chemical system sizing is described in the hazard detection and mitigation philosophy (07902-TS-
600-500) included in Appendix C.4 to this Resource Report.

13.16.3 Matrix of Hazard Control Equipment

Matrix 07902-LI-600-003 included in Appendix M.2 summarizes the location, tag number, area covered,
type, size, discharge conditions, activation method for all dry chemical equipment that will be installed at
the Terminal.

13.16.4 Dry Chemical System Drawings Dry Chemical Equipment and Other Systems Location Plans
The following drawings included in Appendix U.9 illustrate the location of fixed and portable dry
chemical systems that will be installed at the Terminal.

Table Dry Chemical Equipment Systems Location Plans

Drawing Number Description
07902-DG-610-440 Fire protection overview – Pier
07902-DG-610-442 Fire extinguisher layout - Pier
07902-DG-620-450 Fire protection overview – onshore facilities
07902-DG-620-452 Fire extinguisher layout – onshore facilities Dry Chemical Coverage Plans

The following drawings included in Appendix U.9 illustrate the areas of coverage by fixed and portable
dry chemical systems that will be installed at the Terminal.

Table Dry Chemical Equipment Coverage Plans

Drawing Number Description
07902-DG-610-444 Dry chemical coverage – Pier
07902-DG-620-454 Dry chemical coverage – onshore facilities Dry Chemical System P&IDs

The following P&IDs for the dry chemical systems are included in Appendix U.4.

Table Dry Chemical System P&IDs

Drawing Number Description
07902-PI-620-421 Dry Chemical System – Unloading Platform
07902-PI-620-422 Dry Chemical System – Compressor Building
07902-PI-620-423 Dry Chemical System – HP Pump Area

Oregon LNG Terminal
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13.17 Fire Water

13.17.1 Description of Fire Water System
The fire water system that will be installed at the Terminal will be a private, fresh water distributed fire
main loop that is fed via fire pumps from a fire water storage tank. The distributed loop will provide fire
water to various sprinkler systems, automatic water systems, hydrants, monitors and other systems as
needed. The storage tank capacity will be sufficient to provide water to the largest system demand for 2
hours. The largest system demand is the design basis fire water demand (defined below) plus a 1,000
gpm hose stream allowance per NFPA 59A-2001/2006. The Fire Water Tank will be supplied with water
from the city water main.

In addition, there will be an LNG storage tank deluge system to protect LNG storage tanks that are
exposed to the heat from a fire involving an adjacent LNG storage tank. The deluge system will be fed
from dedicated pumps taking suction from the Skipanon River.

The main fire water pumps will consist of two x 100 percent jockey pumps and two x 100 percent fire
pumps: one motor driven and the other diesel driven. The deluge system will use four x 33 percent fire
pumps that will all be diesel driven. Fire Water System Design Demands and Basis of Sizing

Terminal Fire Water System

The Firewater System and Equipment Sizing Calculation 07902-CA-600-401 included in Appendix P.2
demonstrates that the design of fire water supply and distribution systems is based on the volume of
water required to combat and protect against the maximum credible fire event, thereby establishing the
“design basis fire water demand” for the Terminal, plus a hose stream allowance of 1000 gpm per NFPA
59A-2001/2006. Separate, unrelated simultaneous fires in two or more Terminal locations are not
considered to be credible and are not provided for in the design. The maximum credible fire event for
the fresh water system is estimated to require 2,000 gpm of water at a residual pressure of 100 psig, plus
1,000 gpm for hose streams for a total of 3,000 gpm. The design flow rates are illustrated on the Fire
Water System Utility Flow Diagram 07902-PF-600-401 that is included in Appendix U.2.

LNG Storage Tank T-201A/B/C Deluge System

For the LNG storage tank deluge system demand, the maximum credible fire is a fire at one tank
generating heat that affects the adjacent LNG storage tanks. Coverage is provided for the surfaces of the
adjacent tanks that may be exposed to radiant heat fluxes in excess of 9,500 Btu/hour/ft2, which is based
on the concrete’s ability to withstand this heat flux. As demonstrated in the Firewater System and
Equipment Sizing Calculation 07902-CA-600-401 included in Appendix P.2 the deluge system requires a
flow of up to 18,400 gpm for the limiting case where the middle tank (T-201B) is burning and deluge
water is provided to the two adjacent tanks.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material Fire Water System Components

Fire Water Tank

The Fire Water Tank (T-601) will be a suction tank at grade in accordance with NFPA 22. The Fire
Water Tank will also serve as the supply tank for the service water system. Water for the service water
system will be drawn from the Fire Water Tank via a standpipe located at an elevation in the tank which
will ensure that the service water system cannot draw the tank level below the required fire water
volume. The working capacity of the tank is 360,000 gallons to handle the maximum credible fire event
for two hours. The make-up water will be from the city water supply.

Data sheet 07902-DS-600-601 for the Fire Water Tank is included in Appendix M.3.

Fire Water Pumps

The entire pump installation, including the fire pumps, jockey pumps, drivers, controllers, piping, valves,
fuel tanks, interconnecting wiring, etc., is in accordance with NFPA 20.

The fire water system will normally be pressurized to above 100 psig by operation of one of the two
100% capacity Jockey Pumps (P-604A/B). The Electric Fire Pump (P-602) and Diesel Fire Pump (P-
603) are arranged for automatic, sequential start upon a decrease in the fire water system pressure. Upon
a drop in system pressure, the first fire pump to operate will be the Electric Fire Pump. If this fire pump
fails to start, or if the header pressure continues to fall, the Diesel Fire Pump will automatically start.
Design flow for each pump is 3,000 gpm. The design flow for the jockey pumps is 250 gpm, which
enables fire water usage of up to 250 gpm flow without requiring start of the large fire water pumps.

The following data sheets are provided in Appendix M.3 for these components:

• 07902-DS-600-602 for the Electric Fire Water Pump;

• 07902-DS-600-603 for the Diesel Fire Water Pump; and

• 07902-DS-600-604 for the Fire Water Jockey Pumps.

Deluge Fire Pumps

Deluge Fire Pumps P-605A/B/C/D will be installed in the Deluge Pump House (A-861) located on the
western boundary of the Terminal. The pumps will be vertically mounted centrifugal pumps and will
take suction from the Skipanon River. These pumps will supply fire water to the LNG Tank Deluge
System at a design flow of 4,500 gpm (and a maximum capacity of 6,750 gpm) per pump. All Seawater
Fire Pumps will be diesel-driven. These pumps are designed per NFPA 20. Starting controls are based
on LNG tank containment fire.

The Deluge Fire Pumps will take suction from the Skipanon River through intake screens that are
designed to prevent debris from damaging the pumps while minimizing potential for damage to marine
life. The intake screen design will limit the water velocity passing through the screens to 0.4 feet per
second or less under design flow conditions.

Data sheet 07902-DS-600-605 for the Deluge Fire Pumps is included in Appendix M.3.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Fire Water Piping

A looped, underground fire water distribution network will extend throughout all areas of the Terminal in
accordance with NFPA 24. The layout of the system will provide a supply to each area from a minimum
of two directions, except for the pier, which will be supplied by a single fire water line. Isolation gate
valves (Post Indicating Valves) will be used to isolate sections of piping in the event of failures and will
retain the ability to supply fire water to each designated area. The distribution system is sized to deliver
the design fire water demand to the hydraulically most remote location in the network at a minimum
residual (flowing) pressure of 100 psig. Aboveground piping will deliver fire water to the pier and
unloading platform area via a pipe rack.

Post Indicator Valves (PIVs) will be resilient type gate valves. Butterfly valves will not be used. These
valves will be locked open so as not to require electrical supervision. A PIV will be located at each
branch connection and downstream of each branch connection at a minimum per 33 CFR §127.607.

For the pier, the fire main system will provide at least two water streams to each part of the LNG transfer
piping and connections, one of which must be from a single length of hose (1-1/2-inch or greater hose of
length no greater than 100 feet) or from a fire monitor in accordance with 33 CFR §127.607. The hose
will be connected to the hydrant or standpipe and will be on a reel or hose rack. The nozzle will be a
USCG-approved combination solid stream and water spray nozzle.


Fire hydrants will be located throughout the Terminal area (process area, pier and unloading platform
areas) in accordance with NFPA 24 and the OCIMF guidelines. Hydrants will be spaced at not more than
150 feet in Terminal process areas and dock areas and not more than 300 feet along the trestle and
Terminal roads.

Three types of fire hydrants will be provided:

• 2-way fire hydrants with 2½-inch hose connections;

• 3-way fire hydrants (with one 3½-inch pumper connection and two 2½" hose connections); and

• 3-way monitor mounted fire hydrants with two 2½-inch hose connections.

Hydrants located along the pier and roadways will be 2-way type.

Hydrants located in the LNG unloading area, LNG tank storage area and LNG process area will be 2-way
or 3-way monitor mounted types.


Fire water monitors will be located as needed to provide cooling, vapor dispersion and exposure

Berthing area monitors will be tower elevated brass monitors, will be remotely controlled with either
electrical or electro-hydraulic operation, and will be suitable for hazardous locations. Each monitor will

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

be equipped with a fog/straight stream nozzle. Monitor remote controls will be located at least 50 feet
from anticipated fire locations.

The area near the LNG Spill Containment Basin will be equipped with one monitor as needed to cool the
pipe rack in the event of a fire in the basin. Monitors will be equipped with a combination fog/straight
stream brass nozzle.

The number of monitors is minimized since the use of monitors can inadvertently add significant
amounts of water to the LNG containment system increasing the evolution of vapor and/or fire intensity
(if ignited). A spill in the process area will drain away from the process area to the LNG containment
basin, minimizing exposure to process equipment. If a spill does ignite in the process area, activation of
the ESD will isolate the spill and, with the draining of the spill away from the area, the fire exposure in
the area will be mitigated. For this reason, hose reels are preferred to respond to any lingering fires and
will be strategically located for vapor cloud control in the event that the spill does not ignite.

Hose Reels and Hose Houses

Outside hose houses with fire hose carts, nozzles, hydrant wrenches, spanners and other necessary
equipment will be provided and located around the Terminal in accordance with NFPA 24. Hose houses
at hydrants will have hoses pre-connected to the hydrant. Sprinkler and Water Spray Systems

Automatic Sprinklers

Automatic (either wet pipe or dry pipe) sprinkler systems will be provided in non-process areas in
accordance with NFPA 13 and local building codes. Systems are hydraulically designed for the
occupancy classification of the application.

LNG Tank Water Deluge System

The Tank Water Deluge System will consist of 360° circumferential spray ring headers for the roof of
each tank, and circumferential spray ring headers for the tank side walls. For the middle tank (T-201B),
the side wall spray ring header will extend 360° around its circumference to provide protection in the
event of a fire in either of the adjacent tanks. For the end tanks (T-201A and T-201C), the side wall
spray ring headers extend 270° around each tank since the side of each tank away from the middle tank
does not need deluge flow.

These rings will distribute the water over the tank outer surface for cooling when there is a fire in an
adjacent tank. The application rate is 0.1 gpm/ft2 on the exposed tank surface areas to ensure complete
wetting of the surfaces. Only those surfaces that may be exposed to heat fluxes in excess of 9,500
Btu/hr/foot2 will be protected. The deluge system will be supplied by the Deluge Fire Pumps through
deluge valves and will operate normally dry from these valves to the tank distribution rings. Water Supply for High Expansion Foam

The fire main system will supply water to the high expansion foam system located at LNG Spill
Containment Basin S-606. The fire main is sized to meet the demands of the high expansion foam

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

system, but the peak flow demand for the foam systems will not be used to determine the fire main
system maximum demand, since the foam system will operate intermittently to maintain the foam

13.17.2 Matrix of all Fire Water Delivery Equipment

Matrix 07902-LI-600-002 included in Appendix M.2 summarizes the location, tag number, area covered,
type, size, discharge conditions, activation method for all fire water equipment including deluge systems,
sprinklers, monitors, hydrants and hose stations that will be installed at the Terminal.

13.17.3 Fire Water Drawings Fire Water Flow Diagram
The Fire Water Flow Diagram 07902-PF-600-401 is included in Appendix U.2. Fire Water P&IDs

The following drawings that are included in Appendix U.9 illustrate the location of firewater systems that
will be installed at the Terminal.

Table Fire Water Equipment Location Drawings

Drawing Number Description
07902-DG-610-440 Fire protection overview – Pier
07902-DG-610-441-01 Fire hydrant, fire monitor and hose reel layout - Pier
07902-DG-610-442 Fire extinguisher layout - Pier
07902-DG-610-444 Dry chemical coverage – Pier
07902-DG-620-450 Fire protection overview - Onshore
07902-DG-620-451-01 Fire hydrant, fire monitor and hose reel layout - Onshore
07902-DG-620-452 Fire extinguisher layout – onshore areas
07902-DG-620-453 Automatic sprinkler coverage – onshore areas

The following P&IDs for the fire water systems are included in Appendix U.4.

Table Fire Water P&IDs

Drawing Number Description
07902-PI-600-401 Fire Water System
07902-PI-600-402 Fire Water System Distribution
07902-PI-600-403 Deluge Fire Pumps
07902-PI-600-404 LNG Tanks Fire Water Deluge System Fire Water Coverage Plans

The following equipment location and coverage drawings are included in Appendix U.9.

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Table Fire Water Coverage Plans

Drawing Number Description
07902-DG-610-441-02 Fire hydrant coverage - Pier
07902-DG-610-441-03 Fire monitor coverage - Pier
07902-DG-620-451-02 Fire hydrant coverage - onshore facilities
07902-DG-610-441-03 Fire monitor coverage - onshore facilities

13.18 High Expansion Foam System

13.18.1 Description of Foam System and Equipment
A high expansion foam system will be provided for LNG Spill Containment Basin S-606.

High expansion foam will be used to reduce the vaporization rate of spilled LNG, provide additional
vapor dispersion control (since vapors traveling through the foam warm sufficiently to better disperse in
the atmosphere), and reduce the heat release rate of a basin fire, if ignited, by reducing the vaporization
rate from the basin under fire conditions.

The system will consist of a foam concentrate storage tank, a proportioning device to mix the concentrate
with fire main water, and a foam generator powered by a water-driven reaction motor to distribute the
foam over the liquid surface of any spilled LNG in the basin. The foam concentrate has an expansion
ratio of at least 500:1. The system will be activated manually by Terminal Operators as required. The
foam generator is designed to withstand high temperatures and will be of a design proven for LNG
service. Foam fences will also be used to minimize the loss of foam as a result of wind.

The foam system provides for coverage of at least one foot blanket depth over the entire basin area within
30 seconds of system actuation, and coverage of at least five feet blanket depth within one minute of
activation. System capacity will be sufficient to maintain this foam blanket for a 24-hour period by
periodically adding more foam.

13.18.2 Foam System Basis of Design

The high expansion (Hi-Ex) foam system is designed in accordance with NFPA 11A and will be UL
listed or FM approved. System capacity is based on an initial foam discharge rate of 6 cubic feet per
minute per square foot of surface area (cfm/ft2) and on maintaining a blanket coverage depth of 5 feet.
The discharge rate and foam depth are based on LNG spill testing where the test application rate of 6
cfm/ft2 resulted in total foam coverage within 30 seconds of system actuation. The 5 foot coverage depth
was selected to provide margin over testing that showed that 3 foot coverage depth was sufficient to
significantly reduce downwind gas concentrations. The 5 ft coverage depth provides additional
conservatism since LNG Spill Containment Basin S-606 will be insulated, resulting in lower LNG boiloff
rates, which in turn provides additional protection time per foot of foam. (See “Considerations Relating
to Fire Protection Requirements for LNG Plants (75-T-47)” by H. R. Wesson, Operating Section
Proceedings, American Gas Association, Los Angeles, CA May 5-7, 1975, pp. T-121 - T-136.)

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System capacity to maintain a 5-foot depth of foam for 24 hours has been conservatively selected to
provide sufficient time to disperse the LNG vapors in a controlled and safe manner. This capacity also
provides a margin of safety to account for wind-driven or rain-driven foam depth loss.

Potassium bicarbonate dry chemical agents may be used as well as the foam system to control basin fires.
As a result, the dry chemical and foam agents used will be compatible.

High expansion foam system sizing is described in the hazard detection and mitigation philosophy
document (07902-TS-600-500) included in Appendix C.4 to this Resource Report.

13.18.3 Matrix with Tag Number, Location, Type/Model of Foam

Matrix 07902-LI-600-003 included in Appendix M.2 summarizes the location, tag number and type of
high expansion foam system equipment that will be installed at the Terminal.

13.18.4 Drawings Foam System Component Location Plan
The location of the high expansion foam system for the S-606 LNG Spill Containment Basin and its area
of coverage is illustrated in drawing 07902-DG-620-454, which is included in Appendix U.9. High Expansion Foam System P&ID

The P&ID for the high expansion foam system for the S-606 LNG Spill Containment Basin is illustrated
in drawing 07902-PI-640-441, which is included in Appendix U.4.

13.19 Security
The Terminal is designed and will be constructed and operated to provide the level of security and safety,
consistent with the requirements of its design and location.

A separate Facility Security Plan, describing site security provisions and features, is being prepared for
the USCG pursuant to USCG regulations, 33 CFR 105, and is being treated as Sensitive Security
Information according to the USCG regulations. This information will be made available upon request in
accordance with the USCG disclosure requirements for Sensitive Security Information.

Key elements of this Facility Security Plan are summarized below. For more detailed information, see
the Facility Security Plan.

13.19.1 Security Description

Oregon LNG will employ a Facility Security Plan developed to meet the requirements of the USCG,
Department of Homeland Security, Maritime Security (Facility) regulations, 33 CFR §105 et al. The
purpose of the Facility Security Plan is to provide procedures that will enhance the safety and security of
the Terminal against unlawful acts.

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Security measures included in the Facility Security Plan and within the design of the Terminal to control
access at all Maritime Security (MARSEC) levels include:

• Perimeter security;

• Access points into the Terminal;

• Restrictions and prohibitions applied at the access points

• Identification systems; and

• Screening procedures.

A Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) system will be installed at the Terminal and will monitor the pier,
the fence line, active access points and the waters along the Terminal, and the interior of the Terminal.

Intrusion detection systems will be installed at the perimeter security fence and also in all buildings.

Key features of the Facility Security Plan include:

Security Procedures
• Description of the facility security administration and organization;

• Facility security officer qualifications;

• Response to change in MARSEC level;

• Procedures for interfacing with vessels;

• Declaration of Security (DOS) requirements;

• Security measures and procedures for handling cargo;

• Procedures for delivery of vessels for bunkers and stores;

• Security monitoring procedures;

• Security incident procedures (such as evacuation, reporting incidents, briefing Terminal

personnel, securing non-critical operations);

• Security measures for access control, including perimeter security, access points into the
Terminal, restriction and prohibitions applied at the access points, identification system,
acceptable forms of personnel identification, visitors’ log and passes, screening procedures for
personnel and vehicles, access control and screening procedures;

• Restricted areas and procedures; and

• Audits and security plan amendments.

Security Systems and Equipment Maintenance
• Security fencing system;

• Buildings, equipment and other structures that will be enclosed;

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• Location of the means of access and egress through the protective enclosure;

• Methods of maintaining security of gates that are used for access and egress and procedures that
will be used during emergency situations;

• Security lighting systems; and

• Security systems and equipment maintenance requirements.

The Facility Security Plan includes communication systems and procedures to provide effective and
continuous communications between all Terminal personnel, vessels interfacing with the Terminal, the
COTP, and federal, state, and local authorities with security responsibilities.
Security Training
The Facility Security Plan includes details of training that must be provided to all personnel who will be
involved in providing security at the Terminal. Training will be provided to comply with the
requirements of 49 CFR Part 193 Subpart H, NFPA 59A (2001 edition) Annex D and 33 CFR §127.503.

• Required personnel training and qualifications;

• Training documentation and review requirements; and

• Required drills and exercises.

13.19.2 Site Access Control

Security measures will be implemented to control entry to and egress from the Terminal at all MARSEC
levels. Entry to the facility will be controlled by an automated key card badge system for employees and
a security guard posted at the main entrance for any visitors. The security guard will be posted during
daytime operations, maintenance periods, and any period in which an LNG carrier is berthed at the
Terminal. Specifics of the access entry control are further detailed in the Facility Security Plan. The
purpose of such measures will be to:

• Deter the unauthorized introduction of dangerous substances and devices including any device
intended to damage or destroy persons, vessels, facilities or ports;

• Secure dangerous substances and devices that are not authorized by the owner or operator to be
on the Terminal Site; and

• Control access to the Terminal.

13.19.3 Cameras
A Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) monitoring system will be installed at the Terminal to provide
remote surveillance capability.

The CCTV system will monitor the pier, the fence line, active access points, the waters along the
Terminal, and the interior of the Terminal.

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The system will include a mix of fixed and pan/tilt/zoom cameras to provide the coverage based on the
lighting requirements, the application, the required field of view and the camera location. The cameras
will be low-light or ultra-low-light depending on the lighting in each area. Monitors will be located in
the Control Room and the Security Building. The layout of the security cameras and areas of coverage
are illustrated in drawing 07902-DG-000-010, which is included in Appendix U.12 to this Resource

13.19.4 Intrusion Detection

Intrusion detection systems will be installed at the perimeter security fence and also in all buildings.

The fence line system will detect, alarm, and accurately identify the locations of any attempts of intrusion
through the security fence. The fence line perimeter will be partitioned into zones, and each zone will be
alarmed and logged at the security system console.

The intrusion detection system will also include sensors for early warning of approaching vehicles and
will be capable of controlling vehicle access gates. To minimize false alarms, surrounding weather
conditions will be appropriately considered when installing the system.

13.20 Piping
13.20.1 Piping Systems
Process-related piping systems at the Terminal are designed in accordance with the following design
fluid velocities at maximum design steady-state velocities:

• Low Pressure LNG: 10 ft/sec;

• High Pressure LNG: 15 ft/sec;

• LNG Unloading Lines: 25 ft/sec;

• LNG Vapor: 75 ft/sec; and

• Heat Transfer Fluid: 10 ft/sec.

The use of flanges in cryogenic piping will be minimized. Vessels and equipment will use welded
connections, except where entry or disassembly for inspections or maintenance after start-up is
anticipated or required, such as for heat exchangers or relief valves. In these cases, there will be a case-
by-case evaluation to confirm that flanges are required. Belleville® washers will be used for all flanged
connections in LNG or other cryogenic service.

Provisions will be made to allow for the de-inventorying of LNG Transfer Systems following start-up of
the Terminal. The bypass design will include a manual valve and check valve to the LNG storage tank
side of the valve. All piping will be sloped accordingly to allow de-inventorying. There will be similar
de-inventory systems at the fill line into each LNG storage tank.

Small diameter weld penetrations increase pipe thermal stresses during cooldown. Consequently, all
piping penetrations for vents, drains and instruments sensing lines will be evaluated during detailed

Oregon LNG Terminal
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engineering. If the thermal stresses for a given penetration cannot be diminished by pipe hangers or pipe
supports, the penetration will be a minimum of 2 inches. All efforts will be made to minimize the
number and size of penetrations. Wherever possible, penetrations for sensing lines for level, pressure
and differential pressure will be combined for both local and remote instrumentation.

LNG headers and dead headed piping are provided with a means for maintenance cooling. Piping that
serves in intermittent operation will also be provided with a means for maintenance cooling.

Piping details are further described in the Engineering Design Standard 07902-TS-000-001 that is
included in Appendix C.1.

13.20.2 Piping Specification

Piping Specification 07902-TS-000-104 included in Appendix T.1 defines the acceptable piping
components and minimum requirements for piping materials for all piping classes.

13.20.3 Piping Insulation, Cold

For cryogenic service, a total cellular (CG) insulation system is preferred. However, other systems will
be allowed if it can be demonstrated that the insulating characteristics are equal to or superior to total CG
and are cost competitive. Any alternative insulation systems must have proven service in other cryogenic
installations at similar temperatures.

Insulation thickness is based upon design parameters relevant to site conditions including ambient
temperature, relative humidity, wind velocity and maximum heat gain/loss. The insulation thickness is
calculated based upon internationally recognized standards. Low temperature insulation is designed for a
maximum heat gain of 8 Btu/hr/ft2 and to prevent surface condensation. All insulation will be finished
with a weatherproof outer metal jacket of stainless steel. All banding and other fasteners are stainless

Cold Insulation Specification 07902-TS-000-105 included in Appendix T.2 defines the requirements for
exterior insulation for piping and equipment that will be used at the Terminal. The specification scope
includes insulation for piping and equipment that contain the following fluids:

• LNG or BOG at cryogenic temperatures as low as -270ºF. For these fluids, the insulation is
designed to minimize heat leakage into the process fluid and to minimize condensation or
freezing of atmospheric moisture onto the insulation outside surface;

• Boiloff gas at temperatures as low as -150ºF. For this fluid, the insulation is designed to
minimize heat leakage into the process fluid and to minimize condensation or freezing of
atmospheric moisture onto the insulation outside surface; and

• Fluids in general with temperatures as low as 32ºF which operate below ambient temperatures.
For these fluids, the insulation is designed to minimize condensation or freezing of atmospheric
moisture onto the insulation outside surface.

This specification includes insulation for both indoor and outdoor applications.

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13.20.4 Piping Insulation, Hot

The HTF system at the Terminal operates at temperatures up to 200ºF. Insulation will be provided on
pipes and equipment in this system to retain heat and to prevent personnel injury. The insulation
specification for hot piping and equipment will be developed during the final design of the facility.

13.20.5 Pipe Racks

The locations of major pipe racks at the Terminal are illustrated on plot plan 07902-DG-000-001
included in Appendix U.1.

Pipe rack sections are illustrated on drawings 07902-DG-000-002-01 and 07902-DG-000-002-02

included in Appendix U.6. The section drawings include dimensions and elevations of pipe racks,
locations and dimensions of LNG spill containment troughs, and configuration of typical piping support

13.20.6 Piping Specification Tabular Summary

Piping Specification 07902-TS-000-104 in Appendix T.1 includes a table of the service, material, class
and pressure/temperature rating of piping systems used at the Terminal.

13.20.7 Piping Insulation Tabular Summary

The following table is a summary of the insulation type and thickness requirements for nominal pipe
sizes that will be used in process piping at the Terminal. These are also included in the Insulation
Specification 07902-TS-000-105 that is included in Appendix T.2.

Table 13.20.7 Pipe Insulation Tabular Summary

Insulation Thickness Insulation Thickness
Nominal Pipe Nominal Pipe (Inches
Size (inches) Size (inches)
Class CC Class CP Class CC Class CP

0.5 3 1 16 7 1.5
0.75 3.5 1 18 7 1.5
1 3.5 1 20 7.5 2
1.5 4 1 22 7.5 2
2 4 1 24 7.5 2
2.5 4 1 26 7.5 2
3 5 1.5 28 7.5 2
4 5 1.5 30 7.5 2
5 5.5 1.5 32 8 2
6 5.5 1.5 36 8 2
8 6 1.5 40 8 2
10 6.5 1.5 44 8 2

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Insulation Thickness Insulation Thickness

Nominal Pipe Nominal Pipe (Inches
Size (inches) Size (inches)
Class CC Class CP Class CC Class CP
12 6.5 1.5 48 8 2
14 7 1.5
CC - Cold conservation (Aluminum jacketed cellular glass)
CP - Condensate control below ambient through -40 degrees F.

13.20.8 Piping Arrangement Drawings

The following drawings that are included in Appendix U.5 illustrate the plan and elevations of major
process equipment that will be installed at the Terminal:

Table 13.20.8 Major Process Equipment Area Layout Drawings

Drawing Number Description
07902-DG-110-101 LNG marine Unloading (plan)
07902-DG-111-102 LNG Marine Unloading (elevation 1)
07902-DG-111-103 LNG marine Unloading (elevation 2)
07902-DG-210-111 LNG BOG Compressor area (plan)
07902-DG-210-121 LNG HP Drum and BOG Condenser Area (plan)
07902-DG-211-112 LNG BOG Compressor area (elevation)
07902-DG-211-113 LNG BOG Compressor area (piping section)
07902-DG-211-122 LNG BOG Condenser Area (elevation)
07902-DG-310-141 LNG Vaporizer (plan)
07902-DG-310-142 LNG Vaporizer (piping section)

13.21 Foundations and Supports

13.21.1 Description of Foundations and Supports Foundations
Building Foundations

Appendix J.1 includes the Geotechnical Report, which discusses the site conditions, geotechnical
analyses, and preliminary foundation design and construction recommendations. Appendix T.3 and
Appendix T.4 contain specifications for civil construction applicable to foundations.

LNG Storage Tanks

The LNG storage tanks will have an outer wall of pre-stressed concrete and a structural slab base of
reinforced concrete. The slab will be supported with pile foundations. Deep foundations are required to
provide uplift capacity for the overturning load from the LNG storage tanks and to transfer tank dead
load uniformly to the underlying soil. Layers of the underlying soil are compressible, even at depth, and
settlement will occur. It is anticipated that the piles will be driven closed-ended. The compressive
capacity will be developed from a combination of skin friction and end bearing. The tensile capacity will

Oregon LNG Terminal
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be developed from skin friction along the outside of the pile. In order to limit total settlement to 8
inches, the piles may need to be 215 feet long. This settlement is anticipated to occur relatively uniform
across the foundation base and is anticipated to occur during hydrostatic testing of the tank. Actual
length and configuration of the vertical piles will be determined during detailed engineering design.

LNG Spill Containment Basin

The LNG Spill Containment Basin (S-606) is described in Section of this Report, and is
illustrated on the plot plan 07902-DG-000-001 that is included in Appendix U.1.

The sidewalls of the basin will consist of reinforced concrete in order to provide separation between the
LNG and the adjacent ground and groundwater. Thickness of the sidewalls will be determined during
detailed engineering design. The design will account for forces resulting from floods, tsunamis, high
groundwater levels, and LNG containment. The joint between each wall and the mat will be sealed using
a water stop component. To protect the structural concrete in the event of a spill, all interior surfaces
will be coated with a lightweight concrete that contains Perlite® aggregates. This type of mixture is
preferred for sumps used in cryogenic applications as it provides resistance to heat transfer thereby
slowing the rate of generation of vapor during LNG spills.

The LNG spill containment basin walls will be supported on steel pipe piles. The deep foundation system
will provide support to the structure static loads (gravity and buoyancy) and seismic loads (lateral loads
and loads due to unstable soils).Groundwater levels, as previously noted in the geotechnical report
(Appendix J.1) and flood levels are present above the anticipated bottom of the basin; hence the structure
is designed with hydrostatic conditions in mind. A concrete mat will be constructed at the bottom of the
basin designed to resist hydrostatic uplift pressures. The dead weight of the mat foundation and
sidewalls, plus tension resistance provided by the piles, will provide the required resistance to these
uplift pressures. The uplift resistance to buoyant forces will be provided by a combination of downdrag
forces along the deep foundation system in the upper depth of drag plus the skin friction below the zone
of drag. Length and configuration of the steel pipe piles as well as the overall mat thickness will be
determined during detailed engineering design. An internal pit will be provided to collect and remove
accumulated storm water. Structural design will be based on the Geotechnical Report contained in
Appendix J.1 and the International Building Code, ASCE 7 and ACI Manual, all referenced in Appendix
D.1 of this Resource Report 13.

Ancillary Structures

In addition to the above structures, pads and foundations will be provided for other structures and
equipment, including:

• First stage vaporizer area (mat foundation supported on piles);

• Auxiliary heating area, second stage vaporizer area, and fuel gas area;

• Sendout metering area;

• Compressor Building (mat foundation supported on piles);

• Gas Makeup Vaporizer (mat foundation supported on piles);

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

• HP Pump Structure (mat foundation supported on piles);

• Emergency Diesel Building (mat foundation supported on piles);

• Fire pump houses and fire water storage tank; and

• Drums (BOG and HP Pump) and BOG condenser.

Pad sizing will accommodate the particular piece of equipment and account for both design loading and
differential settlement criteria. Mat foundations will typically be pile supported as outlined in the
Geotechnical Report included in Appendix J.1. The foundations will also serve to dampen vibrations
from operating equipment.

Ancillary structures at the Project site include structural steel buildings, pipe rack structures, and other
miscellaneous ancillary structures. Ancillary structures that are settlement sensitive will be similarly
supported on a pile foundation system as the tank foundations, as noted above.

For non-settlement sensitive, lightly-loaded ancillary structures (such as small buildings or other small
appurtenance equipment), these structures may be supported on individual column footings bearing on a
minimum of one foot of structural fill placed and compacted consistent with the recommendations in the
geotechnical report. The foundations will be sized for the net allowable bearing pressure of 1,500 psf
when founded on a minimum 1-foot thick layer of structural fill.

13.21.2 Drawings

13.22 Buildings and Structures

13.22.1 Description of Buildings
Several new buildings and structures will be constructed to support the operation of the Terminal. Major
buildings and structures are described in this section.

New construction will be in accordance with code requirements consistent with the function of each
building and structure. In general, buildings will be pile supported and constructed on concrete slabs.
Where required by code, buildings and structures that house LNG process equipment will be constructed
of open frames and non-load bearing walls.

Platform Control Room (A-801)

The PCR is illustrated on plot plan 07902-DG-000-001 included in Appendix U.1 and the building layout
is illustrated on drawing 07902-DG-800-801 included in Appendix U.10.

The PCR will be attended during LNG carrier unloading operations and will contain all controls
necessary for controlling and monitoring unloading operations. The building will also contain panels for
monitoring the status of the ESD System. The PCR will also be connected to the DCS located in the
MCR for monitoring LNG Terminal operations

The PCR building will be constructed of ribbed surface precast metal panels. The top parapet of the
building will be constructed from smooth precast metal panels.

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Main Control Room (A-802)

The Main Control Room (MCR) is illustrated on plot plan 07902-DG-000-001 included in Appendix U.1
and the building layout is illustrated on drawing 07902-DG-800-802 included in Appendix U.10.

The MCR will be continuously attended and will be the center for all operational activities. The MCR
will contain the DCS, HDMS and associated instrumentation and control systems.

The MCR building will be constructed of ribbed surface precast metal panels with a roof parapet
constructed from smooth precast metal panels.

Security Building (A-803)

The Security Building is illustrated on plot plan 07902-DG-000-001 included in Appendix U.1 and the
building layout is illustrated on drawing 07902-DG-800-803 included in Appendix U.10.

The building will be permanently occupied by the site security team and will be the headquarters for site
security. The building will be located at the entrance to the site.

The building will include a training area where site visitors and contractors can receive safety training
before entering the site.

The building will include a security control center where all security monitoring devices will be located.
Direct communications with the Main Control Room and the Administration Building will be provided.

The building will be constructed of ribbed surface metal panels with aluminum window frames.

Administration Building (A-804)

The Administration Building location is illustrated on plot plan 07902-DG-000-001 included in

Appendix U.1 and the building layout is illustrated on drawing 07902-DG-800-804 included in Appendix

The building will include offices for the site management and administrative teams and will also include
facilities for training, storage space, and the technical library.

The building will be constructed of ribbed surface metal panels and will have aluminum metal frames
with insulating glazing.

Maintenance Building / Warehouse (A-805)

The Maintenance Building / Warehouse location is illustrated on plot plan 07902-DG-000-001 included
in Appendix U.1 and the building layout is illustrated on drawings 07902-DG-800-805-01 and 07902-
DG-800-805-02 included in Appendix U.10.

The maintenance building includes space for general and clean area workshops and offices for the
engineering and maintenance teams. An overhead crane will be used for lifting heavy pieces of
equipment into and out off the building and for moving equipment around inside the building.

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The warehouse will be the central location for all consumable items and equipment spare parts. A waste
storage area will be located outside of the warehouse under a roof and will be used for the
characterization of all waste material generated on the site in preparation for correct disposal. A fire
barrier will separate the waste storage area from the warehouse.

The maintenance building and warehouse will be housed in a common building that will be constructed
of a combination of ribbed and smooth surface metal panels. Windows will be aluminum framed.

Compressor Building (A-820)

The Compressor Building is illustrated on plot plan 07902-DG-000-001 included in Appendix U.1 and
the building layout is illustrated on drawings 07902-DG-800-820-01 and 07902-DG-800-820-02 included
in Appendix U.10.

The building will house the BOG Compressors and Vapor Return Blowers. The building will be a two
story design with the BOG Compressors and Vapor Return Blowers located above the floor elevation.

The building will be constructed of lightweight non-flammable materials and will have non-load bearing
walls. The building will be open-sided at the grade elevation and equipped with a roof ridge vent for
ventilation to minimize the possibility of hazardous accumulation of flammable gases. The building floor
slab will be curbed to contain any oil leaks.

The building will be designed such that BOG Compressors and Vapor Return Blowers can be removed
without the need to remove roof or wall sections. A crane will be provided to allow the removal and
replacement of equipment for maintenance.

The building will also include an area where an HP Pump can be stored for maintenance purposes.

HP Pump Structure (A-830)

The HP Pump Structure is illustrated on plot plan 07902-DG-000-001 included in Appendix U.1 and the
building layout is illustrated on drawings 07902-DG-800-830 and 07902-DG-800-830-02 included in
Appendix U.10.

The HP Pump Structure supports the HP Pumps and associated electrical and mechanical equipment, and
a 15 ton bridge crane used for pump maintenance.

The structure will be open-faced on the sides up to the working deck, which is situated to allow personnel
to access the pump top flanges for maintenance. Above that elevation, the top portion of the structure
will be enclosed by walls and a roof to protect personnel and the crane from exposure to the weather.
The enclosure will be constructed of ribbed metal panels. The structure will be equipped with a handrail
around the perimeter of the upper operating floor level and a stairwell to provide access to the crane and
upper level platform.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Auxiliary Buildings (A-840)

The Auxiliary Building is illustrated on plot plan 07902-DG-000-001 included in Appendix U.1 and the
building layout is illustrated on drawings 07902-DG-800-840-01 and 07902-DG-800-840-02 included in
Appendix U.10.

The building will house the fired heaters, the heat transfer fluid (HTF) pumps and the HTF surge drum.
The building will be constructed ribbed surface, non-load bearing metal panels and translucent panels.
The building’s parapet will be of smooth surface, non-load bearing metal panels. A roll-up door will be
provided to allow movement of equipment.

Emergency Diesel Building (A-850)

The Emergency Diesel Building location is illustrated on plot plan 07902-DG-000-001 included in
Appendix U.1 and the building layout is illustrated on drawing 07902-DG-800-850 included in Appendix

The Diesel Generator Building will house Diesel Generator G-502 and associated equipment.

The building will be constructed of ribbed surface, non-load bearing metal panels with a roof parapet
constructed from smooth metal panels.

Fire Pump House (A-860)

The Fire Pump House is illustrated on plot plan 07902-DG-000-001 included in Appendix U.1 and the
building layout is illustrated on drawing 07902-DG-800-860 included in Appendix U.10.

The building will contain the two electric fire water jockey pumps, the electric fire water pump and the
diesel operated fire water pump. The building will also house the two service water pumps.

Located adjacent to the fire water storage tank, the building will be constructed of ribbed surface, non-
load bearing metal panels with a roof parapet constructed from smooth metal panels.

Deluge Fire Pump House (A-861)

The Deluge Fire Pump House is illustrated on plot plan 07902-DG-000-001 included in Appendix U.1
and the building layout is illustrated on drawing 07902-DG-800-861 included in Appendix U.10.

The building will contain the Deluge Fire Pumps and diesel fuel storage tanks. A bridge crane will also
be provided in the building to facilitate maintenance activities. In addition, pumps will be removed and
installed through hatches provided in the roof of the building.

The building will be constructed of ribbed surface, non-load bearing metal panels with a roof parapet
constructed from smooth metal panels.

13.22.2 List of Buildings with Dimensions

The following table lists buildings that are or will be installed at the Terminal.

Table 13.22.2 List of Buildings with Dimensions

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Dimensions (ft - in)

Building Description Wall
Number Length Width
A-801 Platform Control Room 33 - 0 20 - 0 15 - 4
A-802 Main Control Room / MCC 103 - 6 43 - 6 15 - 4
A-803 Security Building 80 - 0 28 - 0 13 - 0
A-804 Administration Building 128 - 6 63 - 6 15 - 4
A-805 Maintenance Building / Warehouse 153 - 0 83 - 0 30 - 3
BOG Compressor & Blower
A-820 128 - 0 63 - 0 30 - 0
A-830 HP Pump Structure 96 - 0 30 - 0 46 - 0
A-840 Auxiliary Building 200 - 0 100 - 0 30 - 0
A-850 Emergency Diesel Building 43 - 0 23 - 0 36 - 8
A-851 Power Distribution Center 160 -0 110 -0 15 -0
A-852 Switchgear House 40 -0 20 - 0 13 - 0
A-860 Fire Pump House 53 - 0 53 - 0 20 - 0
A-861 Deluge Pump House 76 - 4 21 - 4 21 - 4
A-890 Utility Building 106 - 0 63 - 0 20 - 0

These building sizes are preliminary and will be reviewed and adjusted as required during detailed

13.22.3 Drawings Preliminary Building Plans and Elevations
Building plan and elevation drawings are included in Appendix U.10.

13.23 Process Drawings

13.23.1 Process Flow Diagrams and Material and Energy Balances Process Flow Diagrams (PFDs)
The following process flow diagrams are included in Appendix U.2.

Oregon LNG Terminal
Draft Resource Report 13 Engineering and Design Material

Table Flow Diagrams

Drawing Number Description
07902-PF-000-001-1 Process Flow Diagram – LNG carrier Unloading
07902-PF-000-001-2 Process Flow Diagram – No LNG carrier Unloading
07902-PF-400-201 Heat Transfer Fluid System
07902-PF-600-401 Firewater System
07902-PF-900-300 Water Balance Diagram
07902-PF-920-321 Potable Water System
07902-PF-930-331 Service Water System
07902-PF-940-341 Instrument / Service Air System
07902-PF-960-361 Nitrogen System
07902-PF-970-371 Storm Water and Condensate System Heat and Material Balance (H&MB) Diagrams

Process simulations have been performed for the following operating modes:

Table Process Simulation Cases

Drawing Number Operating Mode
07902-PF-000-011-01 Case 1 Zero Sendout Rate without Carrier Unloading
Minimum Sendout Rate with Carrier
07902-PF-000-011-02 Case 2
Minimum Sendout Rate without Carrier
07902-PF-000-011-03 Case 3
07902-PF-000-011-04 Case 4 Peak Sendout with Carrier Unloading
07902-PF-000-011-05 Case 5 Peak Sendout without Carrier Unloading

H&MBs for each of the process simulation results are also included in Appendix U.3.

13.24 Piping and Instrument Diagrams

P&IDs are included in Appendix U.4. A Process Hazards Assessment (PHA) has been performed on the
process design and the findings and recommendations are contained in Appendix G.1. Marked up P&IDs
illustrating the nodes that were evaluated during the PHA are included in Appendix G.2.

13.24.1 Drawing List with Revision Number and Issue Date

P&ID 07902-PI-000-001 included in Appendix U.4 includes a drawing list. Each P&ID includes a
revision number and issue date.

13.24.2 Piping and Instrumentation Legend and Symbols

P&IDs 07902-PI-000-001, 07902-PI-000-002, 07902-PI-000-003 and 07902-PI-000-004 included in
Appendix U.4 describe the instrumentation legends and symbols that are used within the P&IDs.


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