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Creon’s Thought Process Group names: INDIVIDUAL

Lines Inner thought bubble - ONE Emotion Scale 1-10

phrase “I” reactions

[To soldier] Are you out of “I am not sure what i'm 1- surprise - doesn’t really believe it
your mind? Do you realize the hearing”
implications of what you are

Did you Catch her in the act? “I need more details to 2-3 - still disbelief but more urgent
Did you see her doing it? believe this - actual proof”

And you[to Antigone]. You with 9 - anger

your head down. What do you “Am I lying? So you admit
say to this accusation? Do you you've done it. You've buried Implies that he's a god and thinks
admit it? Are you guilty, or your brother!” everyones

Now, tell me, a simple yes or 10 - implied as a liar

no. Did you hear of my order “Don’t take me as a fool!”
forbidding the burial?

And yet you dared to disobey “How dare you take my words 8 - disbelief and annoyed
the law? for granted, I am the king.
You need to listen to me (Implying that he's the almighty and
because I know what's right is never wrong but always right, he
for my people and my land!” thinks of himself as a god and
Antigone is annoyed and tells him
you're not god and if i disobey a law I
should be punished by the Gods not

This woman is very proud. That “People without power, 6- disgusted, see himself above these
was obvious In the first place ordinary citizens, must commoners.
when she broke the law, And is necessarily obey those in
even clearer now. She glories authority over them. This
In the crime she has woman is a fool who enjoys
committed, and insults me To the fact she has committed a
my face, as well as ignoring my crime.”

If she is allowed to flout the “If people begin to break my 7 - criticism, gets defensive
law In this way, all authority in laws, they will lack respect
the State will collapse. I will and chaos will ensue, I can
not have that! not allow this as a King.”

There will be no exchanging of “I can not allow someone to 8 - Feels threatened regarding his
roles here, Me playing the undermine my masculinity..” role, and perhaps his masculinity
woman while she plays the king!

She is my niece, my sister’s “I don't care about family, 2 - He is not bothered, he is

child. But I am the law. And my role comes first completely focused on his role as King.
that responsibility Is above regardless of who is
kinship. Were she even closer, involved..”
The closest, my own daughter,
my duty Would be plain.

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