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” SPECIAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT ; nthg and + V/Wo understand that in the case of contracts for oiK mm + in the event of my/our tender being accepted, no FT coment of rates under any circumstance where Go ever wiht bi erstand that in case of contracts for one years cur tender being accepted no claim for enhanceme will be made. understand and agree that the quantities stated at Annexure ‘3! are only given as a rough guide ane aim for compensation will be entertained in case these quent t™ under the 4. I/We agree that payment for supplics/services rendered Saas items of this contract will be made to the credit of my/our accour Registered Bank of India. a I/We agree to appoint a reliable and intelligent repreaencacive oa my/our agent who will attend unit ration stand daily and who Wil! /° 7 given necessary powers by me/us to make prompt arrangements | 0 Feplacenents of any supplies rejected at ration issue stands/ BLO'S Fresh Points /other places at Vasco, Veren area and Coast Guard. Such representatives shall be authorised by me/us to sign IAFS-1520 at all times of delivery of supplies. 6. In the event of my/our leaving the station temporarily for a shore period the name and address of my/our legal representative, who will Enswer for my/us during the period of my/our absence, will be reported to the officer operating the contract. A power of attorney appointing such representative will be lodged with the Base Logistics Officer, Goa. 7. These specifications and conditions are to be read as forming part of the first schedule and in the event of the tender being accepted form an integral part of the contract. 8. 1/We agree to pay the hire charges for the Government transport supplied to me/us at my/our request in the case of failure of public transport services due to any clause (s) at the rate fixed by the Governzent in accordance with orders which may be current at the tine of transport is hired. 9. I/We clearly understand that the aforesaid clause does not in any way bind in or oblige the Government to provide me/us with the services, The decision of the Flag Officer Commanding, Headquarters Goa Naval Area, Vasco-da-Gama, Goa in this matter will be final and binding to me/us. 10. I/We undorstand that no tender will be accepted unless correctly signed and all other relevant contractual documents. If the contractor does not himself sign, then the person signing on his behalf must be certified as having a registered power of attorney to sign for tendering contractor(s). 28 11. I/We certified that I/We have in the rates rod taken inté account the effect of any new bill under discussie 6 Legislature. 12. I/We furthor agree that in the event of any tax/taxes be to be paid to any local authorities on account of my/< ontract, he ot be in ony samo shall bo paid by me/us and that the Government will liability on that account. 23. No guarantee of Governments assistance such export priority certificate for rail movements, petrol coupons for conte vehicle and so on is implied and the ing of such assistance state or its denial will not prejudice the contractual right? Government. 24. I/we agree that Government shall have the right articles contracted for or their authorised substitutes Schedule from any Central Government aided/ sponsored scheme (s) State Governmont/Unit Gardens either within or outside the area cover by this contract or Government tinned stuffs in lieu of any articie® being supplied by me /us under this contract and I/We shall have 2° claim against the Government as damage or compensation on account of Suspension, reduction on supplies caused by such issues. 15. I/We agree to take all reasonable steps necessary to ensure that all persons employed by me/us in any work in connection with the contract, have full knowledge of the official secret act and regularization framed there under. 16. Communication of any information known during the implementation of the contract by me/us, my/our servants or agents to any persons not concerned with such information shall be treated as non-compliance with the provisions of the official secret Act and or Rules made there under and render me/us liable to such punishment as is /are prescribed there under. 17. I/We are aware non-compliance with the above instructions shall constitute breach of the contract and shall in addition to the criminal liability referred to (b) above also entitle the officer sanctioning the centract to cancel the contract and to purchase the articles or its substitutes at my/our risk and cost in accordance with Para 24 of Part IV of REP. In the event of such cancellation the articles contracted for er its authorized substitutes shall be procured by the Officer sanctioning the contract or his representatives at such price and within such time as he lie consider fair and reasonable and the decisions of this officer in this respect shall be final and binding on me/us. 18. I / We agree that in the event of any delay in lodging the PBG as Security Deposit, Contract Operating Officer / CDA may deduct the requisite amount of Security Deposit from my / our bills, if in these the payment of our bills is being made by Contract Operating Officer, the amount will be deducted by Contract Operating Officer and in case the payment is directly made by tho CDA, the amount will be deducted by the CDA on receipt of intimation from the Contract Operating Officer. 29 - eee Th quentity sated in the jchedulo/BoQ (TAP2-2121) Lae Approximate requirement* are only given a3 a rough guide. Plus/minu? upto 258 variation over/under ‘approximate Requirement’ will be accepted and no claim for cong a Adont quantities d Requirement". ade or entertained for the 93m tract rate whether ceas of the ‘Approxima sation will be ust be complicd with at the manded therein be within or in ation ed The authority calling for tender is at liberty to extend invit fer/otfers to lowest tonderer value-wise and/or item wise a9 3 £38 in the circumstances of the case. The authority calling for the tenders reserves the Fight te lude contracts for any single item or any grouping of it ‘ensidered appropriate. . @ authority calling for tenders is also at liberty to accept the tes in whole or in part whichever is economical to the state. through your the above 23. By quoting the rates and uploading the tender Fegistered login ID you undertake to have accepted all conditions in entirety. 24. I/We agree that children under 12 years of age will not be employed and that the hours of work for persons between 12 and 15 years of age will be limited to five hours per day. I/we agree that while employing ¢ivilian in the butchery, I/We adhere to the existing labours laws with regards to age as well as number of working hours per day. 25. I/We agree that the Govt will not be responsible for any loss that Ray result from the failure of the Bank on which cheques in payment of contractors bill are issued. 26. It 1s certified that I./We shall supply Rags(Ben), Moat frock and Ham as given in the scheduled. In the event of CFA’s decision to issue Eggs(Hon), Moat fooh and Hom on all days. I/We also agree to supply such additional quantity of Bego(Sen), Moat fresh and Ham required at the same rate. I/We further undertake to supply 25% over or under the quantity of Egga(Men), Moat fzesh ond Ham mentioned above in both contingencies without any demand or asking for cost compensation. WA TRADING CO. MIS FOZIA TRADING Ae SES oe Sates aoe TP ArTORneY Signature of Witness pisigiddure ‘of Tenderer (s) Name: IRFAN .M. PATEL Name: QAZIA_M. PATEL (in block letters) (in block letters) Telephone No. T3501) C815. FAX No — §-2-2024. (Mandatory for communication ee cere : * appenpix S TECHNICAL EVALUATION L IG; BILITY CRITERIA FOR PARTICIPATION FOR TENDER (TD E FILLEO BY. DERI aS EIR SIGNATURES AND STAMP) TENDER FoR ci CY FOI PLY O1 S(HEN), HAM AND MEAT FRESH AY GOA JAVAL AREA FO} ‘OF ONE YEAR - 2024-25 1. Firm Detal lig: (a) Name and Comptete Postal Address - m/s Fo2. fo — (&) Name of the Contract Person : z 2 10 ?_Ragia m, ake, ___ (©) EMail 1 heginbradang on 2 gmasb. cam. (6) Telephone No. with STD code : = (e) Fax Number with STD Code : ial 26g. (2) Mobile No. 4 (©) Details of Bank Account. () Name and Type of Account : Foz TRADING ca N (i) Account Number : 32138 50400875 112. __—_ (ii) MICR Number '4UlO2 660 5 _____— iv ‘Neme address and PIN code: Uns Bet Nome wth ul adsross ng PIN oot: ani gn. Bae kof lads (9) IT PAN Number of the firms '$_BAREF2O33) x —__ | 2. ll the above details are certified by supplier/vendor for making any official correspondence and if not provided the tender is liable to be rejected. 2x 1S 18035 C000: 10, 03, OF 312,09, Ou ,OoFr (b) Food Product Category (Serial No) for which license obtained a = FS Jon mohd ] Address of Registered Oifico of the [brreee camp aoell f | | 7 | fare with fox Mo., contact no., e-mail toyatra aungo@ arent ‘ | Atos oo offica of tho firm | 478 TAIMENDST | with fax no., contact no., e-mail Id Pe hea | ) PAN card (Photo copy to be | © | onctosed) ‘i attached : Income Tax Details & Balance | 10 | Shoot of past 03 years (Document | attached ito be enclosed) 41 | Past contract for similar item with defence sectors (attach details) ‘Source of supply! authorised | qq. | Seater distribution ship (from \ originator only) for quoted t brandfitem 13 id Security Declaration Exemption | certificate (if any) Date; 5-2-2024. Piace: _PuMé_ Name of brand of the item quoted Seif certification by the bidder (as per Appendix — D) enclosed. etesOC pis FOZIA TRADE C Signature mac pe eed robin dasca at of ‘Address 1435 Sok Street camp Part -l. 32 apegnpse ‘DY CERTIPICATE OF CONFORMITY TO DEFENCE FOODS spucrFEcATIoN - 2016 SELE CERTIGICATE 1. xf hereby that all items mentioned below are the ps efence Food specification 2016 ao men each = jatene | Spoci@ic |Con@irmation |Con?iraation | _Z¢ ‘No’ Be. | jation No |to =«=—| te packaging | thon | | ef DES- | Spoci¢icatic | roosons/eloz + an 4s B_(Yoo/No) | a€teation | ta) Eggs iten) |Spn No = ¥ | S Posts: yep. O ee 2 \ )} Spn No | — i 15a 12 14 at tie) [eae ye exes = 2. I/'e agree with packing. Delivery and transportetion Clauses: Yes/xo 3. I/We agree with the terms and condition of RFP. 4. 1 have read all pages and RFP and understood the content. 5. I/We agree that substitute for contracted articles as hereto above provided for may be purchased, procured or supplied from existing Govt. stocks at my/our risk and expense in accordance ©. Foro 2¢ of Part (IV) of RFP 6. Details like GST number, Bank address with EFT Account if applicable, etc and complete postal & e-mail address of my/our office has been furnished on my letter head/original memo which is attached with the bid. 2, It is certified that our firm is interested for supply of “ment. fce¢.wam.t© Goa Naval Area and agree with all terms and Genditions of HOGNA RFP 11/447/8 Eggs (Hen) Meat dated Lf 2020 and will supply all items as per specification mentioned in the RFF. wer eRe Wis FOZIA TRADING CO- (Signature of Tenderer f/authorized Rep.) yer yl A) LORY (name Es lef Address INE" San mohd Street Comp. Dated 5-2-2024 33 APPEMONE ED ‘The Flag Officer Commanding (for Chief Staff Officer (LA&P), Headquarters, Goa Naval Area Vasco-da-Gama, Goa-403802 SELF DECLARATION tis hereby accepted that in case of following circumstances I/we, (_Eogiicackennbcisato rTS Jan mold shat ).will be suspended for a patiod of two years effective from the date of Submission of bid from being eligible to submit any bid for any contract to your Headquarters: (2) Withdraw or modify the bid submitted for Contract for supply of Eggs(Hen). Meat fresh and Ham at Goa Naval Area before 165 days from the last date of submission of bid. (0) Failure to sign the contract. {c) _ Failure to submit the performance bank guerantee within 20 days of receipt of confirmed parce teb MIS FOZIA TRADING Ce. (Signature of Tenderer/authorized Rep) Nene Ra fiiee™ Pike ATTORNEY address 1U25 Jan mohd strat camp Punt 4 Date: 5-2-2024.

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