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Made by Jennifer Dosher

Comments for students with the ATL skills

Social ● ____ is respectful to peers and adults.

● ____ is helpful, kind, and a pleasure to be around
● ____ works well with others.
● ____ demonstrates leadership skills.
● ____ is kind and compassionate
● ____ is very polite
● ____ is a great listener
● ____ is very talkative during quiet working periods and
requires redirection to avoid distracting others.
● ___ shows empathy for others
● ____ advocates for himself
● ____ advocates for herself
● ____ encourages his peers
● ____ encourages her peers

Communication ● ___ 's communication skills have strengthened.

● ___ excels in writing.
● ___ produces writing that is well organized.
● ___ has strong reading comprehension skills.
● At times, ___ seems to struggle with reading comprehension
and would benefit from ___.
● ___ gives meaningful feedback and accepts feedback from
● ___ has strong speaking skills.
● ___ has the ability to make inferences and draw conclusions
● ___ takes effective notes in class.

Thinking ● ___’s thinking skills have strengthened.

● ___ has the ability to make inferences and draw conclusions
● ___ is a problem solver
● ___ considers ideas from multiple perspectives
● ___ is curious and creative
● ___ can apply skills and ideas from one project to the next.
● ___’s creative solutions have not gone unnoticed!

Research ● ___’s research skills have strengthened.

● ___ effectively evaluates sources of information
● ___ seeks a range of perspectives from multiple, varied
● ___ understands the value of primary sources.

Self-management ● I appreciate ___’s work quality/motivation/attitude.

● ___ shows intelligence but his work quality does not reflect
● ___ shows intelligence but her work quality does not reflect
● I am concerned about ___ 's organizational skills
● ___ sets high standards for him/herself and reaches them.
● ___ is bright, motivated, and hard working.
● Unfortunately, ___ 's progress is stifled by missed
assignments/poor attendance.
● ___ is on task regardless of the activity.
● ___ is very organized.
● ____ meets deadlines in a timely manner
● ____ struggles to meet deadlines
● ____ should keep a weekly planner for assignments
● ___ uses technology effectively and appropriately
● ___ does not use technology appropriately
● ___ practices mindfulness.
● ___ shows perseverance and resilience.
● ___ is self-motivated.
● ___ is good at managing his/her emotions.
● ___ is reflective.
● ___ needs to be more reflective

Growth Mindset - for ● ___ is not there yet

when they are ● While ___’s results were not what he desired, let’s look at this
struggling as an opportunity for growth.
● While ___’s results were not what she desired, let’s look at
this as an opportunity for growth.
● I admire ___’s persistence and hard work; it will pay off.
● ___ may be struggling, but I can see progress. I especially
see growth in _____.
● I expect all students to make mistakes; it’s through these
mistakes that I learn how to support…
● I noticed that ___ didn’t give up when feeling frustrated.
● ___ has really improved on ___

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