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NAME: Francis njenga waweru

REG NO: E032-01-1544/2020


From the presentation done by east valley water district, white house utililty district, California
water service and bowling green municipality utilities the following was discussed….
Spatial Infrastructure Analysis:
Examination of spatial distribution and conditions of water infrastructure.
Planning maintenance based on the age and condition of infrastructure components.
Operational Optimization:
Monitoring and optimizing day-to-day operations using spatial data.
Analyzing operational data to enhance efficiency and response times.
Cost Management:
Analysis of cost-related data to identify opportunities for recovery.
Resource allocation and operational optimization for cost control.
Emergency Response Planning:
Spatial data utilization for planning and optimizing emergency response routes.
Identifying potential impact areas during emergencies and strategic planning.

Water Supply Analysis:

Examination of water supply patterns and trends for distribution optimization.
Understanding and managing water consumption to ensure a sustainable supply.
Infrastructure Management:
Spatial analysis for understanding the distribution and condition of water infrastructure.
Planning maintenance and replacements based on the age and condition of infrastructure
System Operations:
Monitoring and optimizing day-to-day operations using spatial data.
Analyzing operational data to improve efficiency and response times.
Cost Recovery and Control:
Analyzing cost-related data to identify opportunities for cost recovery.
Controlling costs through efficient resource allocation and optimized operations.
Emergency Response:
Using spatial data to plan and optimize emergency response routes.
Identifying potential impact areas during emergencies and planning accordingly.
Water Supply Management:
Analyzing water supply patterns and trends to optimize distribution.
Understanding and managing water consumption to ensure adequate supply.
Conservation Efforts:
Investigating ineffective customer water use during periods like drought.
Analyzing consumption patterns, spikes, and differentiating between indoor and outdoor water
Implementing Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) for efficient water use monitoring.
Water Loss Reduction:
Identifying and addressing issues related to water loss.
Analyzing the relationship between the age of developments and service requests for leaks.
Assessing pressure damage and material composition of infrastructure to reduce water loss.
Sewer Mains and Underground Water Flows:
Ensuring awareness of intersecting sewer mains to prevent issues.
Surveying caves and analyzing underground water flows to prevent leaks.
Applying filters on gravity mains to show intersections with underground water flows.
Demographic Analysis:
Understanding the demographics of water users.
Focusing community outreach efforts based on demographic data for program adoption.
Enrichment with Living Atlas:
Utilizing Living Atlas to enrich data with additional contextual layers.
Incorporating external information, such as income and disposable income, for more
comprehensive analysis.

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