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t iv
iti e s

Copyright © MM Publications
Guidelines ........................................................................................... 3
Clip 1 I looked cool ......................................................................................... 4
Video length 1:58’

Clip 2 I’m really easy-going ......................................................................... 5

Video length 2:03’

Clip 3 It looks delicious .................................................................................. 6

Video length 1:52’

Clip 4 He’s alive! ............................................................................................ 7

Video length 2:12’

On view 1 The eye of the hurricane ............................................................ 8

Video length 2:26’

Clip 5 At the check-in desk ............................................................................ 9

Video length 1:47’

Clip 6 Just look at that view ........................................................................ 10

Video length 1:56’

Clip 7 No Choice ............................................................................................... 11

Video length 2:00’

Clip 8 I’ll make the shot ............................................................................... 12

Video length 1:54’

On view 2 Marvellous machines ................................................................. 13

Video length 2:12’

Clip 9 The wrong interview .......................................................................... 14

Video length 2:07’

Clip 10 The ATM is broken ............................................................................. 15

Video length 1:37’

Clip 11 I wouldn’t start from here ............................................................... 16

Video length 1:42’

Clip 12 What are your symptoms? .............................................................. 17

Video length 1:44’

On view 3 Peru ............................................................................................... 18

Video length 2:32’

Key to Pioneer clips & Pioneer On view .................................................... 19

Copyright © MM Publications
Introduction Activities
Pioneer Clips and Pioneer On View can be used as Each video from Pioneer Clips and Pioneer On View
a supplement to the Pioneer series. They thoroughly comes with a worksheet containing a variety of activities.
revise and consolidate the language (vocabulary, They include:
functions and structures) presented in the Student’s • pre-viewing
Book, providing additional listening and speaking The topic of the video is introduced through a discussion
practice. The videos have been designed so that they and/or simple vocabulary activities.
can be used effectively in class or by students working • prediction
individually or in small groups. Students look at images from the video and guess the
answers to given questions. The aim of the activity is
Videos to introduce the students to the topic and situation and
Pioneer Clips is based on the syllabus of Pioneer. also help them make predictions and have expectations
Each episode corresponds to a specific module of the about the video they are going to watch.
Student’s Book. Furthermore, each episode focuses
• while-viewing
on the vocabulary, functions and structures of the
There are various activities which are completed while
corresponding module. This is done through a wide
watching each video. The focus is on understanding gist
variety of video clips which present everyday situations
or main ideas.
through the use of humour.
• post-viewing
Pioneer On view consists of 3 factual videos presented
These activities are completed after students have
in a documentary style. Each episode corresponds to.
watched the video. Students practise the key language
4 modules of the Student’s Book. The episodes present
functions and structures introduced in the video.
cultural and cross-curricular information about various
topics such as sights, places, countries and animals, • oral practice
etc. This is a pair work or group work activity which involves
students in meaningful communication. The focus is on
All videos can be watched with or without subtitles,
practising the key language functions and structures
depending on the students’ needs.
introduced in the video.
Particular attention has been paid to activities which are
specific to audio-visual media. The symbol on the
worksheets indicates that the video should be watched
in order to complete the activity.

Copyright © MM Publications

tiv p 1
I looked cool
iti A. Discuss.
• Do you like wearing clothes which were trendy in the past?

• Why do you think fashion trends tend to go in cycles?

B. Look at the picture below. What do you think the D. Complete the dialogue with the words
men are saying? Watch the clip and check your answers. in the box. There are two extra words
that you do not need to use. Then
watch and check your answers.

leather rubber comfortable

denim silk polyester

Tony Please! You can’t compare that to my

shirts. Firstly, my shirts were always
1 .

Max Yeah, this 2 .

isn’t very 3 .

Tony And don’t forget, I didn’t go anywhere

without my 4 .

Max Yeah, I remember that jacket.

Tony And most importantly, I looked cool.

C. Watch again and answer the questions. E. Watch again and find three
ways Tony says he doesn’t like
1. How much did Max pay for his new shirt? Max’s shirt.

2. Where did he get his new shirt from? 1. 

3. What did Max wear when he was young?
4. How were Tony’s shirts different to
Max’s? 3. 
5. What did Tony always wear with his
shirts? F. Talk in groups. Discuss what kind of
6. Why does Max think he shouldn’t . clothes people used to wear in the 70s,
wear the shirt after all? 80s and 90s.
Copyright © MM Publications

‘ People used to wear colourful shirts

with flowers on them in the 70s.
Yeah, they were horrible. / They
were something else. ’

I’m really easy-going

Cli tiviti
p 2 es
A. Discuss. Which of the words in the box best describe your personality?

bossy outgoing easy-going selfish confident .

trustworthy forgetful optimistic stubborn

B. Look at the picture. Why do you think the man is angry? Watch the clip and check your answers.

C. Watch again. Who do you D. Complete the dialogue. Then

think says the following? watch and check your answers.

Steve Ian John Billy Dave Tim Steve Hello, Jeff.

Jeff Hi, Steve. 1 a flatmate
1. I couldn’t go at that time. It was way .
too early. 
2. Every time I cleaned up he came in . Steve Yeah, he’s great. He’s really 2 .
Copyright © MM Publications

to check.  and very 3 .

3. I wasn’t in there for very long at all!  Jeff You’re lucky. I 4 a really
4. Listen, I don’t mind a bit of fun, . hard time trying to find a flatmate.
but he went too far. 
Steve Well, you 5 quite a few,
5. Some people don’t like sharing, .
haven’t you?
but he was really bad. 
6. I didn’t have a hard time finding . E. Imagine you are one of Jeff’s flatmates. Write an
a good flatmate.  email to a friend complaining about his behaviour.

ti p 3
It looks delicious
t ie
A. Discuss.
• Do you like trying dishes that you’ve never eaten before?

• What’s the strangest thing you have ever eaten?

B. Do the crossword.
1 2 Across:
1. When we really don’t like the taste of something,
we call it .
3 4
3. When food isn’t sweet, it’s .
5. When food has a lot of sugar, it’s .
2. When food has too much oil, it’s .
3. When food is tasteless, it’s .
4. When fruit and vegetables aren’t old, they are .

C. Look at the ingredients. What do you think D. Watch again and write
Hilary makes with them? Watch and check T for True or F for False.
your answers.
1. Jim doesn’t want to go to Hilary’s because .
he doesn’t like her.
2. Jim and Susan had very spicy food the last .
time they went to Hilary’s.
3. Jim prefers eating bland food.
chocolate 4. Hilary once made a surprise chocolate .
dessert for Jim and Susan.
steak 5. Susan thought that Hilary would make
something nice for them to eat.
spicy chicken 6. Jim stayed at home because he wasn’t .
feeling well.

E. Talk in pairs.
Student A: Pretend you’re having Student B over
for dinner. Offer the most disgusting food you can
cream think of.
Student B: You are at Student A’s house for dinner.
Give your opinion about what Student B offers you.
Copyright © MM Publications

strawberries Try to be polite.

fried egg

He’s alive!

Cli tiviti
p 4 es
A. Discuss.
• Have you ever been affected by a natural disaster?
• If not, how do you think you would react if you
experienced an earthquake, hurricane, etc.?

B. Complete the paragraph with the words in the box.

damage aftershocks flooded collapsed trapped earthquake tsunami

Yesterday, there was an underwater 1 near

the island of Angrisha. It caused serious 2 to
buildings on the island, and many residents were 3 .
for hours. Luckily, only a few buildings 4 . The
disaster continued shortly after as a huge 5 hit
the island. It 6 many parts of the island and
some tourists disappeared as the wave pulled them out to sea. The
quake didn’t last for long, but residents are still reporting strong
7 .

C. Look at the picture. What do you think happened D. Watch the clip again and
to the man? Watch the clip and check your answers. put the events in order.

A huge tsunami hit the island.

The man ate fruit and caught fish.

The ground began to shake.

The man woke up on a desert island.

The man was drinking orange juice

on the beach.

The man floated on a raft in the sea.

E. Talk in pairs.
Student A: You are a reporter
interviewing the man from the clip. Think
of questions to ask him.
Student B: You are the man who survived
in the clip. Answer Student A’s questions.
Copyright © MM Publications

The eye of the hurricane
vi w
ti es
A c ti

A. Look at the picture and


• What do you think happened?

• What other damage do you
think happened that day?
• What do you think happened
to the residents?

B. What’s the difference C. Watch again and write T for True or F for False.
between a hurricane,
1. A hurricane is a kind of tropical storm.
a typhoon and a cyclone?
Watch the video and 2. Typhoons never occur in the Pacific Ocean.
check your answers.
3. Hurricanes usually occur in the second half of the year.
4. Hurricanes get their names before they become actual hurricanes.
5. The centre of a hurricane has the fastest winds.
6. Hurricane Katrina killed more than a thousand people. 

D. Look at the picture E. Talk in pairs. Discuss the following.

below and tick the
correct statements. • What’s the worst storm you have experienced?
1. It was the third tropical • What other natural disasters can cause so much damage?
storm of the season.
2. It first appeared near the
3. It occurred in March.
4. It had winds of over .
5. The eye of the storm was
100 miles wide. 
Copyright © MM Publications


At the check-in desk

Cli tiviti
p 5 es
A. Discuss. B. Match.
• Do you usually take a lot of things 1. conveyor a. compartment
with you when you travel?
2. boarding b. belt
• Do you find it difficult to pack
3. overhead c. attendant
when travelling by plane?
4. window d. pass
5. flight e. seat

C. Look at the picture. What do you think the man’s problem is? What
do you think he will do? Watch the clip and check your answers.

D. Watch again and write E. Complete the dialogue. Then

T for True or F for False. watch and check your answers.
1. The man is travelling to Warsaw to . Check-in Good afternoon. Where are you flying to?
visit his daughter. Man Warsaw. I’m going to visit my daughter.
2. The check-in agent gave the man . Check-in That’s nice. May I see your 1 ,
his boarding pass. please?

3. The check-in agent doesn’t know if Man Yes, I have a print-out of my 2 , too.
there is going to be a delay. Check-in Great, thank you.

4. The man will find out the gate . Man Could I ask you something?
number later. Check-in Sure.

5. The man put some clothes from his Man Is there going to be a 3 ?
suitcase in his hand luggage. Check-in No, it’s running on time.
Man Great. Do you know the 4 ?
Check-in It’s a bit early to tell you, so you should check the .
Copyright © MM Publications

5 .
Man Oh, OK. Could I have a 6 ?
Check-in Sure. I can arrange that for you.

F. Talk in pairs. Use the ideas below and your own to act out a situation at an airport check-in desk.
• Your luggage is too heavy. • The flight has been delayed.
• Your hand luggage is too big. • You have forgotten your passport.

ti p 6
Just look at that view
t ie
A. Discuss.
• What do you think would be the best/worst

thing about traveling to space?

B. Look at the picture. What do you think the man D. Look at the pictures below
and the woman are looking at? Watch the clip and and find the mistakes. Then watch
check your answers. and check your answers.

C. Watch again. Who do you think

would have said the following? 3
Valerie Norm Todd Pam

1. I’m really sad I couldn’t go on .

the trip. 

2. I feel really relaxed in space. 

Copyright © MM Publications

3. I paid a lot for this experience. 

4. I don’t want to spend the .

evening on my own. 
5. I probably won’t travel to .
space again. 
E. Imagine you are a space tourist. Write
6. I need someone to take a picture . an email to a friend describing your
of me.  experience.

No Choice

Cli tiviti
p 7 es
A. Discuss.
• When was the last time you had to make a difficult choice?
• How do you react to emergency situations?

B. Look at the film poster below. What do you think the

film will be about? Watch the clip and check your answers.

C. Watch again and answer the questions. D. Watch the clip again. Which
of the following do you see?
1. What does John announce to .
his friends?  torch lift

2. How do John and his friends . police car smoke

find out about the fire?  helicopter sunglasses
3. Why does John have to find .
laptop firefighter
a way out on his own? 
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4. Who notices that the fire has .

spread to the top floor?  E. Discuss.
5. What happens when the . • Would you go and see this film?
helicopter comes to rescue . • Do you often watch film trailers?
John?  • Do you think they are a good way to tell what a
film will be like, and if it will be good?
6. What does John decide to do? 

ti p 8
I’ll make the shot
t ie
A. Discuss.
• Do you like watching sport on TV?

• What’s the most exciting sporting

event you’ve ever seen?

B. Which of the words in the box do you associate with basketball? Which sports are the other words
associated with?

hit shoot catch pass dribble kick throw bounce net pads helmet
stick racket board goal

C. Look at the picture. What do you think is happening? Watch the clip and check your answers.

D. Watch again and put the E. Talk in pairs. Imagine only one of you saw
events in the correct order. the game last night. Tell your partner what
The Tigers celebrate winning the game.
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The Hawks score three points. ‘ You’ll never guess what happened at
The Tigers call a time-out. the end of the game. The score was... ’

Jimmy Griffin receives the ball from Steve Simms.

Jimmy offers to take the final shot.
The score is 82-82.
Coach Jackson tells Leon to try and make the final shot.

Marvellous machines

On Acti
vie vitie
A. Talk in pairs. Discuss the following.

w s
• What do you think the most useful mode

of transport is?
• Can you imagine life without cars, .
planes, trains, etc.?

B. Answer the questions below. Then

watch the video and check your answers.
1. Where did the first car accident when someone died happen?.
a. USA b. Australia c. Ireland
2. What do you think John Pitt put on his Sky Car?.
a. wings b. an umbrella c. feathers
3. When did the first powered flight take place?.
a. 1803 b. 1893 c. 1903

C. Watch again and complete the sentences. D. Talk in pairs. Discuss the following.

1. The Dynasphere was a monowheel that could go . • What do you think life was like when cars
. and planes were new inventions?
• Are there any new inventions that can
2. The Dynasphere was invented by .
compare to them nowadays?
3. The first car accident when someone died happened on .
Copyright © MM Publications

4. The first flying machines looked like they were .
and not flying.
5. Early flying machines with engines couldn’t take off because
they were .
6. were the first people to fly a powered
flying machine.

ti p 9
The wrong interview
t ie
A. Discuss.
• What sort of clothes should you wear to a job interview?

• How do you think you should behave?

B. You are going to watch a clip with a job interview. Who do you think will ask the
questions below, the interviewer or the interviewee? Watch and check your answers.

1. Do you mind if we start?

2. Is this going to take long?

3. Can you speak Chinese?

4. What company is this again?

5. How long have you been working .

in this office building?

C. Watch again and write T for True or F for False.

1. Mr Corbett drank some of the interviewer’s coffee.
2. Mr Corbett called a friend during the interview. 
3. Mr Corbett arranges to meet a friend after the interview.
Copyright © MM Publications

4. Mr Corbett didn’t understand one of the questions on the application form.

5. Mr Corbett’s CV says he can speak Japanese.
6. Mr Corbett doesn’t know which company he is at.
7. Fratton and Silverstone have been in the office building for 4 years.
8. Mr Corbett is at the wrong interview.

D. Talk in pairs. Act out a job interview similar to the one in the clip.

The ATM is broken

Cli tivit
p 1 ies
A. Discuss.
• How often do you use ATM machines?
• Have you ever had any trouble using them?

B. Do the crossword. C. Look at the woman in the picture. Why do

1 2
you think she is angry? Watch the clip and
check your answers.
3 4

3. Is it OK if I pay by ?
5. I think you gave me the wrong . .
I gave you a twenty-pound note.
6. Good morning, I’d like to make a , .
7. I opened up a new savings this
1. I need to find a exchange
office to get some euros.
2. Here’s your new mobile phone, and your .
is in the bag.
3. I’d like to help you out, but I don’t have any .
on me.
4. I usually use my card at the

D. Watch again and complete the paragraph.

The woman went into the bank and asked to speak
to 1 . She complained that
the 2 wasn’t working. She
Copyright © MM Publications

wanted to 3 some money but

she couldn’t. She was sure she had enough money
E. Talk in pairs. Act out the situation in the clip.
because she had checked 4 .
‘ Excuse me, I’d like to speak to the
The manager suggested that she might have entered
the wrong 5 . In the end, the
I am the manager... ’
manager pointed out that she was trying to use a(n)
6 .

I wouldn’t start from here
iti 1
tiv p 1
A. Discuss.
• Do you enjoy going to festivals?

• What kind of festivals do you have in your country?

B. Look at the picture. What do you think the couple is talking to

the old man about? Watch the clip and check your answers.

C. Watch again and answer the questions. D. Complete the dialogue. Then,
watch and check your answers.
1. Where are the man and .
Woman Great! We’re lost. You have no .
woman trying to get to? 
1 of direction.
2. What does the old man . Man We’re not lost.
always say to visitors? 
Woman Ask that old man for 2 .
3. Where do visitors come . Man OK, OK... Excuse me, could you tell us how
from to go to the festival?  to get to the 3 ?
4. Where does the couple . Old man Well, if I 4 you, I .
have to go to find the castle?  5 from here.

5. What does the old man . Man Huh? We don’t really have a .
give to the couple?  6 .
Old man I’m only joking. I say that to all the
6. When does the festival start? 
7 .
Copyright © MM Publications

Man Ah, very funny.

Old man Are you going to the 8 ?
Woman Yes, and we’re running a bit late, actually.
E. Discuss.
• Have you ever been lost? What did you do?
• Do you use GPS devices? Do you trust them? Are they useful?
• What would you do if you got lost in the middle of nowhere and had no mobile phone or GPS?

What are your symptoms?

Cli tivit
p 1 ies
A. Discuss.
• How ill do you have to be to visit a doctor?
• Do you look up your symptoms on the Internet
before going to a doctor?

B. Write the symptoms that the people have. C. Watch the clip. What symptoms
does the man have?




D. Watch again and answer the questions.

1. What does the doctor think the man has?

2. What did the man do that made him worried?

3. Where has the man recently travelled to?

4. What was the last symptom the man had?

Copyright © MM Publications

5. What happens at the end?

5.  E. Talk in pairs. Act out the situation in the clip.

‘ Hello, what seems to be the problem?

Well, I have... ’

tiv iew
it B. You are going to watch a video about
A. Look at the pictures below and
discuss. What do you know about Peru? Peru. Which of the following do you

think will be mentioned in the video?

Watch and check your answers.

Ancient civiliSation
The Amazon River
The Andes

C. Watch the video again and

match the numbers with the facts.
1. 30 million a. The number of
different types of
potatoes in Peru.
2. 22,205
b. The population of Peru.
c. The number of corn
3. 55 varieties in Peru.
d. The height of
4. 7,000 Huascarán.
e. The number of years
since the first potato
5. 3,800 was grown in Peru.

D. Watch again and answer the questions.

1. How many people live in Lima?
2. What is special about Mismi?
3. What does ‘selva’ mean?
4. How much of the country is taken up by the
Amazon rainforest?
5. What was the Norte Chico?
6. What was the name of the main city of the
Inca empire?
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7. What did Hiram Bingham do in 1911?

8. What do proud Peruvians say?

E. Talk in pairs. Discuss the following.

• Would you like to visit Peru?

• What kind of things make you want
to visit a country?

to Pion

Ke er n
Pio ee
ne r O
Clip 1 Clip 2 1. disgusting
A. Open answer A. Open answer 3. bitter

cli view
B. Open answer B. His flatmate is spending too much 5. sweet
C. 1. 20 pounds time in the bathroom. Down

2. A clothes shop on the High Street C. 1. Dave 2. greasy
3. Shirts like the one he is wearing 2. John 3. bland
4. They were silk 3. Ian 4. fresh
5. His leather jacket 4. Billy C. She made steak with chocolate on
6. He thinks he is too old for it 5. Tim it, and spicy chicken with creamy
D. 1. silk 6. Steve strawberry sauce, which had an egg
D. 1. Have you found and cheese on it.
2. polyester
2. easy-going D. 1. F
3. comfortable
3. trustworthy 2. T
4. leather
4. ’ve had 3. F
E. 1. I can’t say I’m crazy about it.
5. ’ve had 4. F
2. I find it horrible.
E. Open answer 5. T
3. It looks ridiculous.
6. F
F. Open answer
Steve Hello, Jeff. E. Open answer

Max Hi, Tony! Jeff Hi, Steve. Have you found

a flatmate yet? Jim So, what are we doing tonight,
Tony How’s it going?
Steve Yeah, he’s great. He’s really Susan?
Max Not too bad.
easy-going and very trustworthy. Susan We’re going to Hilary’s for dinner,
Tony What are you wearing? remember?
Jeff You’re lucky. I’ve had a really hard
Max What? This is my new shirt. I got it Susan What’s wrong?
time trying to find a flatmate.
for 20 pounds at a clothes shop Jim Umm... Nothing.
on the High Street. Steve Well, you’ve had quite a few,
haven’t you? Susan Jim, I thought you liked Hilary.
Tony You actually paid money for that?
Jeff Yeah, first there was Ian. He was Jim I do. She’s great, but her cooking
Max Yeah! As soon as I saw it, I knew is a bit, well... strange.
fine but he spent ages in the
I wanted it. It’s something else, Susan It’s not that bad. OK, the last
right? time we went the food was a little
Jeff Come on! What’s taking you so
Tony You could say that. Is it supposed spicy.
long? You’ve been in there at least
to be a costume? Susan But there are lots of people who
five and half minutes!
Max No. Don’t you like it? like spicy food.
Jeff Then there was John. He never
Tony I can’t say I’m crazy about it. Jim Listen, I don’t like my food to be
cleaned up after himself. It was
Max Really? Come on! Be honest with bland, but that was a little too
extremely annoying. After that, much. What’s she making for us
me. I was flatmates with Billy. But only tonight?
Tony I am. And I find it horrible. for a few days. He had no sense
Susan It’s a surprise.
Max You know, I had one just like it of humour. Then there was Dave.
Jim That doesn’t sound good. Do you
when I was young. I used to wear He liked all kinds of sports but he
remember her last surprise?
it all the time. never wanted to go jogging with
Hilary There you go.
Tony Well, I’m sorry to say this, but it me. Whenever I asked him, he got
Jim Is that... chocolate on my steak?
looks ridiculous. really angry!
Susan That was pretty disgusting,
Max How can you say that? I remember Jeff Come on! Let’s go!
you’re right. She might make
you used to wear shirts like this. Jeff My last flatmate, Tim, was pretty something really nice tonight,
Tony Please! You can’t compare that to cool but he kept on complaining though, you never know.
my shirts. Firstly, my shirts were that I was selfish and never let
Hilary Are you ready?
always silk. him use any of my things. Can you
Susan Yes.
Max Yeah, this polyester isn’t very believe that? Some people just
Hilary Spicy chicken with creamy
comfortable. don’t have any social skills.
strawberry sauce!
Tony And don’t forget, I didn’t go Steve Hmmm....
Copyright © MM Publications

Susan Mmmm. It looks delicious! Is that

anywhere without my leather Jeff Sometimes I think maybe I’m the a fried egg on the top?
jacket. problem. Hilary Uh-huh. Do you want some more
Max Yeah, I remember that jacket. Steve You think? cheese on it?
Tony And most importantly, I looked Susan No, no! Thanks.
cool. Hilary It’s a shame Jim isn’t here to try
Max I can’t argue with that. Maybe I am Clip 3 it. What did you say was wrong
a little too old for this shirt. A. Open answer with him?
Tony You said it, not me. B. Across Susan He’s got a stomach ache.

Key to Pioneer clips & Pioneer On view

Clip 4 On view 1 Clip 5

A. Open answer A. Open answer A. Open answer
B. 1. earthquake B. The only thing different is their B. 1. b
2. damage location 2. d
3. trapped C. 1. T 3. a
4. collapsed 2. F 4. e
5. tsunami 3. T 5. c
6. flooded 4. T C. He can’t check in his suitcase
7. aftershocks 5. F because it’s too heavy.
C. Open answer 6. T D. 1. T
D. 3 D. 1. 3 2. F
5 2. 3 3. F
2 3. 4. T
4 4. 3 5. F
1 5. E. 1. passport
6 E. Open answer 2. boarding pass
E. Open answer 3. delay
Hurricanes are a kind of tropical storm 4. gate number
Sailor He’s alive! where the wind spins round very fast 5. TV monitors
over a large area. Hurricanes, typhoons
Captain Get him on board. 6. window seat
and cyclones are actually all the same
F. Open answer
thing. The only difference between them
Captain How are you feeling?
is that hurricanes occur in the Atlantic
Man Just happy to be alive. and Northeast Pacific, typhoons occur in Check-in Good afternoon. Where are
Captain What happened to you? the Northwest Pacific and cyclones occur you flying to?
Man I was on a beach.... in the Indian Ocean and South Pacific. Man Warsaw. I’m going to visit my
Waiter Here is your orange juice, sir. In the Northern Atlantic Ocean the daughter.
Man Thank you. hurricane season lasts from 1st June to Check-in That’s nice. May I see your
30th November, with most hurricanes passport, please?
Man I was enjoying my orange juice occurring in August and September.
Man Yes, I have a print-out of my
when the ground began to Sometimes there may be two or three
boarding pass, too.
shake. It was an earthquake. active hurricanes at the same time.
Giving names to hurricanes makes Check-in Great, thank you.
People were panicking and
screaming. I didn’t know what it easier for scientists, emergency Man Could I ask you something?
to do. Not long after, there was services, ships’ captains, etc. to be clearly Check-in Sure.
understood when they communicate Man Is there going to be a delay?
a huge tsunami. I don’t know
with each other.
what happened. But I found Check-in No, it’s running on time.
myself in the middle of the sea. When the winds of a tropical storm in
Man Great. Do you know the gate
the Atlantic Ocean reach 40mph, the
I found a small floating tree number?
National Hurricane Center gives it a
and held on to it for days, and Check-in It’s a bit early to tell you, so
name, like ‘Tropical Storm Gordon’.
finally I woke up on a small you should check the TV
When the winds reach 74mph or more,
desert island. Luckily I wasn’t monitors.
it becomes ‘Hurricane Gordon’. The
injured. I lived on the island
National Hurricane Center has a list of Man Oh, OK. Could I have a window
for two years. I ate fruit and names in alphabetical order ready for seat?
caught fish. I even made a each hurricane season. In this way, we Check-in Sure. I can arrange that for
raft. One day, the volcano on know that Hurricane Gordon was the you. Do you have any luggage
the island erupted. The whole seventh tropical storm to occur that to check in?
island caught fire. The only season.
thing I could do was use my Man Yes, I have this suitcase.
Hurricanes first appear near the equator
raft and float out to sea. I was Check-in Ummm, I’m afraid it’s too
because they need warm ocean air to
lost at sea again. I was develop. The centre of a hurricane is heavy.
Copyright © MM Publications

floating for days. Then you called the eye and is an area of about Man Really? What can I do then?
found me. 20-40 square miles. The weather in the Check-in Maybe you can put some
Captain What a story! eye is actually calm, with light winds and things in your hand luggage.
Sailor A phone call for you, sir. clear skies. But all around there is a wall Man I hadn’t thought of that.
of huge storm clouds. Hmmm... Maybe not... Don’t
Man For me? Is it my family?
Hurricanes can cause a lot of damage. worry, I have an idea. Is that
Sailor No, it’s a beach café. They say
In 2005, Hurricane Katrina took the lives better?
you owe them £2.50 for the
of 1,833 people. It destroyed thousands
orange juice. Check-in I’m afraid not.
of homes, caused terrible flooding and
Man OK, let’s see what else I can
damage of $125 million.

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Man What about now? Valerie Yes. way out.

Check-in That’s fine. Here’s your Norm Let me show you. There she is John This is the worst day of my
passport. in our back garden, look. And life! I can’t cope with this.
Man Thanks. here she is with the kids. I have Fire helicopter The fire is now burning
Check-in Have a nice flight! hundreds of photos of my family on the top floor, too.
if you... Fire Chief There’s no way to get to the
Valerie That’s very nice. fire. I just hope nobody is up
Clip 6 Todd Listen, we’re going back to the
spacecraft now. John
Hello! Can anyone hear me?
A. Open answer
Norm Great idea. No need to float Police officer Sir, this line is for
B. They are surprised to find another
around here all day. emergencies only.
space tourist in space with them.
Valerie Yes. John Does it sound like I want to
C. 1. Pam
Norm Have you made any plans for this order a pizza?
2. Valerie
evening? Fire chief If you can get to a window,
3. Todd
Todd Not really. the helicopter can rescue
4. Norm you.
Norm Fantastic. Let’s hang out together!
5. Valerie There are some breathtaking Fire helicopter What’s he doing?
6. Norm views from the spacecraft. And Voiceover This summer, John Raven
D. 1. The two cats should be children. before we have dinner, I’ll show has a difficult choice to
2. Norm didn’t take a picture of Todd you the rest of my pictures... make...
and Valerie. Fire chief If you don’t get out now, you
3. Norm couldn’t get the Earth in the won’t make it!
background of his selfie. Clip 7 John But there are people up
4. Norm wanted to show Todd and A. Open answer there! I can hear them.
Valerie more pictures before B. Open answer Fire chief John! Don’t do it!
dinner, John I can’t just leave them.
C. 1. That he is getting married to Linda
not after.
/ Linda John, please!
E. Open answer they are going on their John I have no choice.
Todd So, Valerie. Is it everything you 2. A woman shouts out to them.
Valerie I still can’t believe it, Todd. I
3. Because the building collapses and
splits him up from Linda.
Clip 8
A. Open answer
honestly believed that space 4. The helicopter pilot.
tourism wouldn’t be possible in B. basketball: shoot, catch, pass, dribble,
5. He goes back inside. throw, bounce, net
my lifetime.
6. He risks his life to save the other hit: baseball, golf
Todd Well, it wasn’t cheap, I can tell
trapped people.
you that. kick: football
D. torch —
Valerie I know, but it was well worth it. pads: ice hockey
police car 3
I don’t think we’ll go on another helmet: ice hockey
trip like this in our lifetimes. helicopter 3
stick: ice hockey
Todd Just look at that view. laptop —
racket: tennis
Valerie And it’s so peaceful here. It’s lift —
board: windsurfing, skateboarding
really amazing. smoke 3
goal: football, ice hockey
sunglasses —
C. The team were celebrating because
Norm Excuse me! firefighter 3 they thought they had won the game,
Todd Huh?
E. Open answer but they hadn’t.
Norm Hi, there! I’m Norm. Will you do
D. 6
me a favour? I tried to take a
Voiceover It was supposed to be the 7
selfie, but I wasn’t able to get the
perfect day. 2
Earth in the background. Maybe
you’ll be able to help me? John Everyone, I’d like to make an 5
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Todd Ummm sure... announcement... Linda and

I have a very difficult choice
Norm Thanks. Do you want me to take 1
to make this year... where to
your picture? 3
go on our honeymoon!
Todd No, it’s OK. E. Open answer
Voiceover But it didn’t last...
Norm You sure?... OK.
Woman There’s a fire in the building!
Todd Listen we... C1 And another two points for the
Man Everybody, get out of here!
Norm It’s a shame my wife, Pam, Tigers!
couldn’t come. She would have Linda John!!!!!
C2 That makes the score 82 to 82.
loved it up here. John Don’t worry. I’ll find another

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What a game! speed of 25mph. Here is its inventor, Int 1: Ummm, I’d rather we...
C1 And the Tigers call a time-out, J. A. Purves, enjoying a drive in one. Mr. C: OK, OK.
with only 5 seconds on the clock. There were, of course, dangers involved Int 1: So,...
It looks like they have one more and drivers soon learned the importance Mr. C: Just a minute. Ricky! How’s it
chance to beat the Hawks. of road safety. On 31st August, 1869, going? Yeah, I’m at the interview
I wonder what coach Jackson is in Ireland, Mary Ward became the first now. I don’t know. I’ll ask. Is this
going to say to his players... person to die in a car accident. She was going to take long?
Coach OK, we have one last chance to a passenger in a car her cousins had
Int 1: Probably not.
win this. We don’t need to panic. made. Since then, people have become a
Mr. C: Great. I’ll see you at the tube
We have enough time. But we lot more aware of road safety.
station in an hour. OK, ha, ha, ha.
have to score. They will expect Next, it was time to take to the skies.
You know it! Check you later...
Jimmy to shoot our final shot The end of the 19th century saw
Right, where were we?
because he’s our best player. many inventors trying to make flying
Int 1: On your application, we asked you
But Steve, I want you to get the machines. Some were successful,
to describe yourself in one word.
ball and dribble it. Then, pass it others... not so much. This didn’t stop
to Leon. And Leon, I want you to inventors from coming up with crazy Mr. C: Yep.
make the final shot. machines. The machines didn’t have Int 1: You wrote, ‘I’m excellent at
Coach What!? What’s wrong? engines, and flying was, well, a bit more following instructions.’

Jimmy Coach. I’ll make the shot. like falling. Mr. C: It’s true. I am.

Coach OK, everyone do what you can Later, inventors came up with many Int 1: Hmmm.
to get the ball to Jimmy. Let’s do different ways to power their flying Int 2: Can you speak Chinese?
this! machines. The first machines with Mr. C: Ummm, is that what it says on my
engines were too heavy to take off, like CV?
C1 And here we go... Steve Simms
John Pitts’ Sky Car which had a large Int 2: Yes, it does.
passes to Jimmy Griffin. He
kind of umbrella joined to a car. Instead
shoots... And scores! The fans Mr. C: OK, then. Yes, I’m fluent in
of flying, it just bounced up and down.
are going wild and all of Griffin’s Japanese.
The ideas became crazier and crazier,
teammates are congratulating Int 2: Chinese.
and many people started to believe that
him. The game is over... Mr. C: Chinese. Yes, that’s what I meant.
powered flight wouldn’t ever be possible.
C2 Wait! there’s still one second on What company is this again?
But that all changed on 17th December,
the clock. The Hawks have the Int 1: Excuse me?
1903 when two brothers, Orville and
ball and they take a full-court
Wilbur Wright, made the first powered Int 2: This is Fratton and Silverstone.
shot... And score!
flight, and changed the world as we know Mr. C: How long have you been working
C1 3 points! And they win the it. in this office building?
game! Where were the Tigers?
Int 2: About 4 years, why?
They were given the perfect
Mr. C: Well, the furniture is a bit old-
opportunity to win, and they
blew it! How embarrassing! Clip 9 fashioned. Maybe you need to
A. Open answer make a few changes.
C2 You can say that again!
B. 1. Interviewer Int 1: Mr Corbett, you do realise this is
2. Interviewee an interview for the position of

On view 2 3. Interviewer
chief accountant at the company.
Mr. C: What? Oh, sorry. I think I’m at the
A. Open answer 4. Interviewee
wrong interview.
B. 1. c 5. Interviewee
Int 1: So do I.
2. b C. 1. F
Mr. C: Yeah, I applied for the general
3. c 2. F
manager’s position. Sorry! See ya!
C. 1. 25mph 3. T
2. J. A. Purves 4. T
3. 1869 5. F
6. T
Clip 10
4. falling A. Open answer
5. too heavy 7. T
B. Across
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6. Orville and Wilbur Wright 8. T

3. cheque
D. Open answer D. Open answer
5. change
6. deposit
Advances in engineering at the end of Int 1: Good afternoon, Mr Corbett.
7. account
the 19th century meant that many new Int 2: Mr Corbett? Down
machines were built, beginning with Mr. C: Huh? Oh yeah, hi. 1. currency
the car. Early motorcars were slow, but Int 1: Do you mind if we start? 2. receipt
soon became faster and, in some ways, Mr. C: Sure. Hey, that coffee smells nice. 3. cash
a little stranger. The Dynasphere was Can I try some?
4. debit
a monowheel vehicle which had a top

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C. She thinks the ATM is broken because festival. wear these hats.
her card doesn’t work. C. 1. The castle Man Well, thank you.
D. 1. the manager 2. I wouldn’t start from here Old man No problem.
2. ATM machine 3. All over the country Woman Bye!
3. withdraw 4. It’s just up the road, on their left. Old man Oh, by the way, the festival
4. online 5. Funny hats doesn’t start till tomorrow!
5. PIN number 6. Tomorrow
6. library card D. 1. sense
E. Open answer 2. directions Clip 12
3. castle A. Open answer
Woman I don’t believe this! 4. were B. 1. headache
Woman I want to speak to the 5. wouldn’t start 2. rash
manager. 3. sore throat
6. choice
Manager I’m the manager. How can 4. earache
7. visitors
I help you?
8. festival 5. fever
Woman There is something wrong
E. Open answer C. headache, runny nose, fever
with your ATM. I’ve been
D. 1. The flu
trying to use it for ten
minutes, but Woman Great! We’re lost. You have no 2. He looked at his symptoms on the
I can’t withdraw any money. sense of direction. Internet
Manager OK, I’ll be happy to help you Man We’re not lost. 3. The rainforest
madam. Woman Ask that old man for 4. He felt dizzy
Woman I know I have enough money directions. 5. He faints / falls down
in my account because I Man OK, OK... Excuse me, could E. Open answer
checked online yesterday. So, you tell us how to get to the
what’s wrong with the ATM? castle? Doctor Good morning, Mr Hooper. How
Manager I don’t believe there is Old man Well, if I were you, I wouldn’t are you?
anything wrong with it. Other start from here. Man Not so good.
customers have been using it Man Huh? We don’t really have a Doctor Tell me, what exactly are your
all morning just fine. choice. symptoms?
Woman I don’t really care about other Old man I’m only joking. I say that to all Man Well, I’ve got a terrible
customers. the visitors. headache, a runny nose and I
Manager Perhaps you entered the Man Ah, very funny. think I’ve got a fever.
wrong PIN number. Old man Are you going to the festival? Doctor I’m sure it’s nothing to worry
Woman Oh, so you’re saying it’s my Woman Yes, and we’re running a bit about. Have you got a sore
fault now. late, actually. throat?
Manager No, I didn’t mean to say.... Old man We get a lot of people coming Man No.
Woman I’m certain I entered the right through here at this time of Doctor You’re probably just coming
PIN. the year. down with the flu.
Manager I’m sorry... Man That’s nice. Man Phew! I was beginning to worry
Woman Apologies aren’t going to Old man They come from all over the a bit.
get me anywhere. I want my country. Doctor Why?
money. Where is it? Have you Man OK. The castle? Man Well, I was looking on the
lost all my money? Old man Oh, it’s just up this road, on Internet and I got worried.
Manager What message was on the your left. Doctor I see.
ATM machine? Man Great. Thank you. Man I checked my symptoms and
Woman Nothing. It didn’t accept my Old man Where are your costumes? I found lots of illnesses. You
card at all. don’t think it’s crimson fever,
Man No, we’re not taking part.
Manager Can I see your card, madam? do you?
Woman We’re just going to take a look.
Woman Here! Doctor Crimson fever? Of course not.
Old man You can’t go without
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Manager Were you trying to withdraw costumes. Everybody is going I mean, have you been to the
cash or books? to be wearing a costume. You rainforest recently?
Woman Excuse me? don’t want to stand out, do Man What are the symptoms of
Manager This is a library card, madam. you? crimson fever, again?
Man Well,... Doctor Well, it starts with a bad
Old man Wait here... There you go. Now, headache, and perhaps a runny
Clip 11 you’ll fit in perfectly. nose. Then, you might get a
terrible stomach ache. Next,
A. Open answer Man Are you sure?
you get a terrible red rash all
B. They are asking directions to a Old man Of course. It’s a custom to

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over your face. Then, the rash empire was centred around the city of
becomes very itchy. Next, you Cusco which is in southern Peru. The
can’t breathe very easily. Lastly, most famous Inca city is Machu Picchu,
you get extremely dizzy. But, as high up in the Andes. However, most
I say, I don’t think... Mr Hooper? people did not know it was there until
academic and explorer, Hiram Bingham,
rediscovered it in 1911.
On view 3 One of Peruvian people’s favourite
foods is corn. They have around 55
A. Open answer
different corn varieties and they come
B. Ancient civilisation
in all different colours. Peru was one
Potatoes of the first countries to grow potatoes,
The Amazon River over 7,000 years ago. Today you can
The Andes find about 3,800 different types of
C. 1. b potatoes and it is common to hear proud
2. d Peruvians saying ‘I am more Peruvian
3. c than a potato.’
4. e
5. a
D. 1. A quarter of the population.
(7.5 million)
2. It is the source of the Amazon
3. Jungle
4. 60%
5. An ancient civilisation that existed
in Peru 5,000 years ago.
6. Cusco
7. He rediscovered Machu Picchu.
8. I’m more Peruvian than a potato.
E. Open answer

Peru is the third largest country in

South America and has a population of
over 30 million. The capital city is Lima
and about a quarter of the country’s
population lives there. Peru has three
official languages: Spanish, spoken by
80% of the population, Quechua and
Aymara. However, in the Amazon jungle
regions there are many other different
The Andes mountain range divides
Peru from north to south. The highest
mountain in Peru is Huascarán at 22,205
feet. Another important mountain in
Peru is Mismi, at 18,358 feet, which is
the source of the Amazon River. To the
west of the Andes is the costa, or coast.
It is a very dry area with many seasonal
rivers all along the coast. To the east is
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the selva, or jungle. This area is covered

by the Amazon rainforest, and makes up
60% of the country.
Over five thousand years ago, the land
where Peru is today was home to the
Norte Chico civilisation. There were
about thirty population centres and it
was one of the oldest civilisations in
the world. Peru was also home to the
Inca empire in the 15th century. The

Pioneer Pre-Intermediate
Clips & On view video activities
H. Q. Mitchell - Marileni Malkogianni

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