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Hello a beautiful morning to you, thanks for accepting my friend request,

i am Coleman from Atlanta Georgia- USA

Sorry am too good speaking German
Sometimes i make mistakes while reading and writing in German
i hope you do understand me.


oh yes i'm an American, sorry i'm not too good in writing in dutch, my late wife
from Belgium
and i have been to Belgium twice with my Dughter, i also attended a dutch language
class over there in Belgium.
i hope you do understand me.


i'm sorry if i invaded your profile, I could not resist your charming looks so I
deemed it fit to extend my regards to you,
hoping to get to know you better and ask if we could be friends
Hope you aren't angry about that?


I'm sorry if i invaded your profile, I was in search of a colleague that was posted
to another country that was when i came
across your profile so I deemed it fit to extend my regards to you,
hoping to get to know you better and ask if we could be friends
Hope you aren't angry about that?
why should we become friends if we do not know each other personally

ANSWER: if we can know each other here, it will give enough room to know each other

sorry i'm not too good in speaking and writing in dutch, i sometimes make mistakes,
my late wife taught me dutch before she died
and when i also visited netherland, i also attened a dutch language class.

song for client ..........................................................
........................after she reply, give her dis ................

ooh i understand what you mean

i really hope we can be friends
i actually sent you a request
because i was attracted by your profile
so i deemed in to say Hello and to know you better.

thank you so much for your reply

and i beleive communication is a major key to a strong friendship.
i am glad having you here as my friend
i look forward to knowing more about you and having exciting time with you here.

looking forward to your reply

when i'm with now honey i'll like to have dinner with you in a room full of rose
flowers, candle light and romantic music playing and i'll look into your eyes and
tell you how much i love you with all of my heart.

ohh okay
so how is life over there in you country?

Belgium woman link______________

i'll be going for my normal patrol this morning

and later on i'll come back to the camp for my resting hour
and there i can be chanced to come talk to you
and later at night i'll be going for my night patrol.

A beautiful morning for you friend

I hope you had a beautiful night's rest
thank you for accepting my request
sorry i invaded your profile I could not resist your charming
looks so I deemed it fit to extend my regards to you,
hoping to get to know you better and ask if we could be friends

for me i'm a military personnel

and i do work under the US Army
and i'm currently in Afghanistan on a peacekeeping mission
due to the war going on here
i guess you are aware of it?

i'm from from Atlanta Georgia- USA

but im currently in Iraq on a peacekeeping mission
due to the war going on here
i guess you are aware of it?

Types od books we read

i do read read adventure and some poetry from shakespeare.

am glad having you as a friend here on facebook am looking

forward to knowing you better and having an exciting time with you.
i'll like us to be more conversant in our conversation i'm beging to develop
likeness for you.
everything about you
what you like and what you hate
i am beginning to develop likeness for you
and i want us to be more conversant in our communication

I always go on duty in the morning and sometimes at night

and we always have a short break in the afternoon to ally�s have lunch.
There is no too much entertainment over here
We do our best to keep us entertained
Sometimes we dance, tell jokes and do some funny stuff to make us happy

oh that's nice
for me i do enjoy listening to love and romantic songs
and mostly songs that has meaning and severe as learning opportunity

Sorry am too good in speaking Dutch

my late wife was for Belgium and she taught me a little of Dutch
before she passed away and i also went to a Dutch language class
i have only been to Belgium two times now with my daughter
Sometimes i make mistakes while reading and writing in Dutch.

i love pets a lot

i have 2 dogs in america
as i was leaving for this rescue mission
i gave them out because pets needs to be treated with love and care
do you have any pets.

please due to security reasons,

we are not always allowed to use facebook
it's against the law over here and i may get punished
i'll love us to talk more on Email address (hangout)
do you have a gmail address so we can talk more on hangout?
New Client::::::
For security reasons, we are not allowed to use the mobile phones,
so I can't talk to you on whatsapp
my dear, I like you to make a Gmail
so we can talk much better there.

for me i'll be going to the military chapel and after that i'll go to the clinic
to visit my a colleague of mine that went on a mission and was badly injured

for me my father died a retired soldier and

my mom is in an elderly care, over there in my country where she's properly taken
care of.
i do go there to visit her when i'm around.

for me, it's so sad to say but i'm the only child of my parents.
that made my childhood so lonely and boring for me.

meaning of Parade:

wheel at the parade,we observer dress code and count if all the officers are
complete in number
we are many but the general officer knows the total number of the officers in the

my dear i think i'll have a very busy day today

because i'll be going offline now
i have to take my shower now then i'll be leaving for the church
after that i'll go to the hospital and visit my colleagues that went
on a resuce mission and was injured
later on i'll go contact my daughter to know how she's doing
i guess i'll tell her about you
what do you think?

I have a lot which i will like you to know about me, i have, enough
which i will want a woman like you to enjoy with me,
and for my Daughter to call you mom, and me call you wife.
I really wish for us to build a very strong relationship.

ohh i was born in Atlanta Georgia.I was actually married until i lost my wife 4
years ago
in an auto crash on her way back home from a missionary journey couple of years
i have been a widower for four years now but i do have an hansome son in which my
strenth comes from
my late wife was from Belguim
and i have been to Belguim twice with my son

For me In the morning I went to my normal morning parade

Then I would like to create an order for the new hiring
and to guide her and that I was so exhausting
and I decided to come here and talk to you, but you were not online,
so I had to go offline and rest
Later, I went to a meeting in the General Office
and now I am here to talk to you
Later in the evening I go to my night patrol.

If you read these words, know that there is

someone who thinks and cares about you every day. Goodmorning my love
Austria woman link


To put woman for love

today, while on duty, I have thought of you very much
I cannot fully explain how I feel
i feel like a teenager


Getting to know more about you, makes me so happy,

and it has made me develop so much love and affection,
i do know if you feel the same way?

i just feel the same way too
i feel and think it's a feeling of love and affection
what do you think?


yes it is
i want to use to build strong trust and believe towards each other
without trust and believe i do not think true love can be born
what do you think?


when i was in the camp with my colleagues yesterday

i was smiling and happy without anyone making me smile
they thought i was mad
they never knew that it was the thought of you in my heart that made me happy.

Did you know why i didn't tell them about you?

the reason is because it's not everyone that wants a person to be happy so you have
to keep what ever makes you happy to yourself.
i don't know if you understand what i'm saying?

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