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Master of Business Administration Program

School of Business and Management
Institut Teknologi Bandung


NIM: 29119019
Date of Passing of Final Test ( / / )
Date of Graduation Ceremony ( / / )
Master’s Programme, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2021
Final Project Advisor: Nila Armelia Windasari, S.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.

Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is a 4-star business and leisure hotel owned by PT. Saraswanti
Indoland Development. Melia Hotels International operates this brand. In 2018-2019, Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta experienced a relatively rapid increase in revenue. However, the General
Manager of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and the Directors of PT Saraswanti Indoland
Development are still not satisfied with the hotel's current performance because their revenue is
still inferior to competing hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. To improve hotel
performance, the target market will be focused on leisure travelers. The target market's choice is
due to the more significant number of leisure travelers heading to Yogyakarta than business
travelers. However, the social media platform owned by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, which will
attract leisure travelers, also does not have a good performance.
In terms of social media problems belonging to Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, the author conducts
various analyses and continues with formulating marketing strategies until the right solution is
found and its implementation. The analysis used is an external analysis using the PESTEL,
Competitor Analysis, and an internal analysis using the VRIO, Segmentation, Targeting, and
Positioning (STP). The analysis's objective is to identify the situation that occurs outside and
inside the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. The next step is a survey to find out more about leisure
travelers' preferences visiting the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The survey was made based on
the customer experience's digital journey while staying at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and hotels
in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. There are six stages of the customer experience journey: the
awareness/inspiration stage; research/consideration stage; decision-making stage; preparation
stage; in-hotel experience stage; and loyalty advocacy stage. The survey results were processed
quantitatively and analyzed descriptively.
Based on the survey results, the root of the problem lies in customers' low awareness/inspiration
towards Innside by Melia Yogyakarta's social media. The majority of customers can be aware of
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta with a vertical marketing system. The solution to this problem is
sought by using the Repositioning and New Wave Marketing strategy to create a horizontal
marketing system on Innside by Melia Yogyakarta's social media. Each alternative solution is
systematically compiled on the customer journey map. Then, recommendations for social media
content were made to implement the strategy.

Keywords: Hotel, Digital Marketing, Customer Experience Journey, Repositioning,

New Wave Marketing



NIM: 29119019
Tanggal Kelulusan Sidang ( / / )
Tanggal Wisuda ( / / )
Program Magister, Institut Teknologi Bandung, 2021
Pembimbing Tugas Akhir: Nila Armelia Windasari, S.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.

Innside by Melia Yogyakarta merupakan hotel bisnis dan rekreasi berbintang 4 milik PT.
Saraswanti Indoland Development. Merek ini dioperasikan oleh Operator Melia Hotels
International. Pada tahun 2018-2019, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta mengalami peningkatan
pendapatan yang cukup pesat. Namun, General Manager Innside by Melia Yogyakarta dan
Direksi PT Saraswanti Indoland Development masih belum puas dengan kinerja hotel saat ini,
karena pendapatan yang mereka peroleh masih kalah dengan hotel pesaing di Daerah Istimewa
Yogyakarta. Sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan kinerja hotel, pasar sasaran akan difokuskan
pada wisatawan khusus untuk rekreasi. Pemilihan pasar sasaran tersebut disebabkan karena
jumlah wisatawan rekreasi yang menuju ke Yogyakarta lebih besar dibandingkan dengan
wisatawan bisnis. Namun, platform media sosial milik Innside by Melia Yogyakarta yang akan
digunakan untuk menarik wisatawan rekreasi juga belum memiliki peforma yang baik.
Permasalahan sosial media milik Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, penulis teliti dengan melakukan
berbagai analisis dan dilanjutkan dengan merumuskan strategi pemasaran hingga ditemukan
solusi yang tepat beserta implementasinya. Analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis eksternal
dengan PESTEL, Analisis Kompetitor, dan analisis internal dengan VRIO dan Segmentasi,
Penargetan, dan Pemosisian (STP). Tujuan kedua analisis tersebut adalah untuk mengidentifikasi
secara lengkap situasi yang terjadi diluar dan didalam Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Langkah
selanjutnya dilakukan survey untuk mengetahui lebih dalam preferensi dari wisatawan rekreasi
yang berkunjung ke Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Survey dibuat berdasarkan perjalanan
pengalaman pelanggan secara digital saat menginap di Innside by Melia Yogyakarta dan hotel-
hotel yang ada di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Terdapat 6 tahap perjalanan pengalaman
pelanggan yang diteliti, yaitu tahap kesadaran/inspirasi; penelitian/pertimbangan; pengambilan
keputusan; persiapan; pengalaman di hotel; serta loyalitas dan advokasi. Hasil survey diolah
secara kuantitatif dan dianalisis secara deskriptif.
Berdasarkan hasil survey, akar permasalahan terletak pada pada rendahnya kesadaran/inspirasi
pelanggan terhadap sosial media milik Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Mayoritas pelanggan dapat
sadar pada Innside by Melia Yogyakarta dengan sistem pemasaran vertikal. Kemudian,
permasalahan tersebut dicari solusinya dengan menggunakan strategi Repositioning dan New
Wave Marketing untuk membuat sistem pemasaran yang horizontal pada sosial media milik
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta dan tiap alternatif solusi disusun secara sistematis pada peta
perjalanan konsumen. Kemudian, rekomendasi konten sosial media dibuat sebagai
pengimplementasian strategi.

Kata kunci: Hotel, Pemasaran Digital, Perjalanan Pengalaman Pelanggan, Repositioning,

New Wave Marketing




NIM: 29119019

Master of Business Administration Program

School of Business Management
Institut Teknologi Bandung

Bandung, 2 February 2021
Final Project Advisor

Nila Armelia Windasari, S.A., M.B.A., Ph.D.


Plagiarism is: 7%
Taking, using, and submitting a work of another, including an idea,
writing, or invention, as if it was her or his own.

Plagiarism includes (but not limited to):

1. Quoting verbatim the work of another without acknowledgement of
the source
2. Paraphrasing the work of another without acknowledgement of
the source
3. Using the idea of another without acknowledgement of the source
4. Submitting the work of another without identifying clearly who did
the work
5. Colluding by submitting the work of another as her or his own
with consent from the other.

I understand that Plagiarism is wrong, a breach of academic integrity, and against

Program, School, and University’s Policy and Regulation.

I declare that all material in this Final Project is original, my own work, and
does not involve plagiarism.

I have not allowed, and will not allow, another to copy my work with the
intention of submitting it as her or his own work.

Name: Arief Fathoni Argadian Student ID : 29119019

Signed Date : 2 February 2021


All the praise and gratitude of the author pray to God Almighty for His grace and
gifts so that the author can complete the final project entitled “SOCIAL MEDIA
MELIA YOGYAKARTA”. This final project was prepared as part of the learning process
of the MBA Program curriculum, School of Business Management, Institut Teknologi
Bandung. After passing through various stages, this final project can be completed with
the help, enthusiasm, motivation, and encouragement from various parties. The author
should express the gratitude as much as possible to:

1. Allah SWT who has given His infinite grace and gifts for the author to complete
this thesis.
2. Mrs. Nila Armelia Windasari, my amazing final project advisor who always
guides the author wholeheartedly.
3. Mr. Frieth Siahaan, General Manager of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta who are
always ready and kind to help giving their insights.
4. The author's beloved family and relatives, especially Bogat Agus Riyono, Ida
Istiqomah, Ayu Fresno Argadianti, Rizal Agung Prakosa, and Razka, for all the
supports, prayers, and loves to the author.
5. The entire MBA ITB lecturers and staff sincerely helped authors in conveying
knowledge and experience. Hopefully, the knowledge and experience of the
faculty would be great lessons for the author in the future
6. Jeslyn Fionita and Rennys Amalia, both reasons for the author trying this hard to
finish the thesis while working. Wherever it is, success for all of us.
7. The author's beloved supportive best friends, Carissa Kusuma Widyadhana and
Iqlima Tristy Aulia, for the continuous supports, love, and spirit as long as this
thesis was being written.
8. All of the author's beloved friends in Yogyakarta, Dina Aulia Nurfiana, Fatia
Nurbani Aulia, Bagas Restu Trisnantoro, Rakan Fauzi, Bayu Kristiawan, and
Arza Mandega, for all the help and support to complete the college assignments
up to this thesis.

9. All of the author's friends and colleagues in The Alana Yogyakarta, Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta, Institut Teknologi Bandung, Universitas Gadjah Mada, and
Taruna Nusantara Senior High School for the happiness and memorable
experiences during the MBA program.

In preparing this final project, the author realizes that this report is not perfect because
of the limitations of the author's knowledge. Therefore, the author expects criticism and
suggestions for improving the writing in the future. Hopefully, this final project can be
useful and can be used for further research and development.

Bandung, 2 February 2021

Arief Fathoni Argadian


ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................... i
ABSTRAK ....................................................................................................................... ii
VALIDATION PAGE ..................................................................................................... iii
DECLARATION OF NON-PLAGIARISM ................................................................... iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................ v
TABLE OF CONTENT ................................................................................................. vii
LIST OF FIGURES .......................................................................................................... x
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................ xvi
LIST OF APPENDICES ................................................................................................ xx
CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................... 1
1.1. Background .....................................................................................................1

1.2. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta ..........................................................................6

1.2.1. Company Profile ......................................................................................6

1.2.2. Vision .......................................................................................................7

1.2.3. Mission.....................................................................................................7

1.2.4. Values Company ......................................................................................8

1.2.5. Target dan Positioning .............................................................................8

1.2.6. Company Product ....................................................................................8

1.2.7. Organizational Structure ........................................................................13

1.3. Business Issue ...............................................................................................14

1.4. Research Question .........................................................................................23

1.5. Research Objective........................................................................................24

1.6. Research Limitation ......................................................................................24

1.7. Research Structure ........................................................................................24

CHAPTER 2 BUSINESS ISSUE EXPLORATION ...................................................... 25

2.1. Conceptual Framework ........................................................................................25

2.2. Research Methodology .........................................................................................26

2.2.1. Research Method ..........................................................................................26

2.2.2. Research Design ...........................................................................................27

2.3. External Environment Analysis ....................................................................29

2.3.1. PESTEL Analysis ..................................................................................29

2.3.2. Competitor Analysis ..............................................................................40

2.4. Internal Environment Analysis .....................................................................42

2.4.1. VRIO Analysis ......................................................................................42

2.4.2. Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning (STP) ................................................45

2.5. Consumer Analysis .......................................................................................47

2.5.1. Profile of Respondents ...........................................................................48

2.5.2. Preliminary.............................................................................................53

2.5.3. Customer Experience Journey ...............................................................62

2.5.4. Awareness/Inspiration ...........................................................................67

2.5.5. Research/Consideration .......................................................................102

2.5.6. Decision Making ..................................................................................121

2.5.7. Preparation ...........................................................................................134

2.5.8. In-house Experience ............................................................................143

2.5.9. Loyalty and Advocacy .........................................................................155

2.6. Root Cause Analysis ...................................................................................168

CHAPTER 3 BUSINESS SOLUTION ........................................................................ 169

3.1. Business Solution Alternatives ...................................................................169

3.1.1. Repositioning .......................................................................................169

3.1.2. New Wave Marketing ..........................................................................174

3.2. Analysis of Alternatives from Customer Journey Maps .............................192

3.2.1. Awareness for Potential Customers .....................................................194

3.2.2. Awareness for Existing Customers ......................................................197

3.2.3. Value at the Hotel ................................................................................201

3.2.4. Interaction with Customers ..................................................................202

CHAPTER 4 CONCLUSION AND IMPLEMENTATION ........................................ 203

3.3. Conclusion...................................................................................................203

3.4. Implementation ...........................................................................................204

BIBLIOGRAPHY ........................................................................................................ 207

LIST OF APPENDICES .............................................................................................. 210


Figure 1. 1. Number of Tourists Visiting Yogyakarta 2015-2019 .................................. 2
Figure 1. 2. The Average Length of Stay of Tourists in Yogyakarta 2015-2019 ............. 2
Figure 1. 3. Occupancy Rate of Hotel Room in Yogyakarta 2015-2019 ......................... 3
Figure 1. 4. Mobile, Internet and Social Media Use in Indonesia .................................... 4
Figure 1. 5. E-Commerce Activities in Indonesia ............................................................ 5
Figure 1. 6. E-Commerce Spend by Category in Indonesia ............................................. 5
Figure 1. 7. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta Logo............................................................... 6
Figure 1. 8. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta Building ......................................................... 7
Figure 1. 9. The Townhouse Room Innside by Melia Yogyakarta .................................. 9
Figure 1. 10. Syndeo Restaurant and Bar Innside by Melia Yogyakarta ....................... 10
Figure 1. 11. Sky Deck Rooftop Pool and Bar Innside by Melia Yogyakarta ............... 10
Figure 1. 12. InFit Gym Center Innside by Melia Yogyakarta....................................... 11
Figure 1. 13. New York Big Ideas Space Innside by Melia Yogyakarta ....................... 12
Figure 1. 14. Organizational Structure Innside by Melia Yogyakarta............................ 13
Figure 1. 15. Total Revenue and Revenue for Each Major Product ............................... 14
Figure 1. 16. Comparison of RevPAR with Competitors ............................................... 15
Figure 1. 17. Market Segment Map and Booking Channel ............................................ 16
Figure 1. 18. The Revenue Generated from Each Market Segment ............................... 16
Figure 1. 19. Revenue from Each Room Purchase Channel .......................................... 17
Figure 1. 20. Awareness Level on Innside by Melia Compared to Competitor Hotels.. 19
Figure 1. 21. Social Media Audience Profile in Indonesia ............................................. 19
Figure 1. 22. Social Media Advertising Audiences in Indonesia ................................... 20
Figure 1. 23. Average Engagement Rate Instagram Innside Yogyakarta ...................... 21
Figure 1. 24. Insight on the Instagram profile of Innside Yogyakarta ........................... 22
Figure 1. 25. Insight on the Instagram profile of Innside Yogyakarta ........................... 23

Figure 2. 1. Conceptual Framework ............................................................................... 26
Figure 2. 2. PESTEL Framework ................................................................................... 30
Figure 2. 3. Leisure Consumption in Indonesia ............................................................. 33
Figure 2. 4. Contribution of the Tourism to Indonesia GDP in Billion Rupiah ............. 34

Figure 2. 5. Types of Household Consumption .............................................................. 35
Figure 2. 6. Digital Travel Sales in Indonesia in Billion US $ ....................................... 37
Figure 2. 7. Trends of Online Goods and Services Transaction in Billion US$ ............ 37
Figure 2. 8. Global Gas Emission in Hotel Industry ...................................................... 39
Figure 2. 9. VRIO Analysis ............................................................................................ 42
Figure 2. 10. Questionnaire Distributing Scheme for Each Persona .............................. 47
Figure 2. 11. Gender of Respondent for Each Persona .................................................. 48
Figure 2. 12. Domicile of Respondent for Each Persona ............................................... 49
Figure 2. 13. Age of Respondent for Each Persona........................................................ 49
Figure 2. 14. Profession of Respondent for Each Persona ............................................. 50
Figure 2. 15. Average Income per Month of Respondent for Each Persona .................. 51
Figure 2. 16. Average Expenditure of Respondent for Each Persona ............................ 52
Figure 2. 17. The Most Frequent Travel by The Respondent of Each Persona.............. 53
Figure 2. 18. The Average Length of Stay at Hotels in Yogyakarta .............................. 55
Figure 2. 19. The Average Number of People Staying at Hotels in Yogyakarta ........... 55
Figure 2. 20. The Hotel Class Most Often Stayed in Yogyakarta .................................. 56
Figure 2. 21. Brand Hotels in Yogyakarta that has been Seen or Heard ........................ 57
Figure 2. 22. Brand Hotels in Yogyakarta that has been Stayed .................................... 58
Figure 2. 23. Hotel Operators that have been Seen or Heard ......................................... 59
Figure 2. 24. Hotel Operators that have been Staying .................................................... 60
Figure 2. 25. The Most Frequently Used Electronic Devices of Each Persona ............. 60
Figure 2. 26. The Most Frequently Used Social Media of Each Persona....................... 61
Figure 2. 27. Social Media Access Time in One Day of Each Persona ......................... 62
Figure 2. 28. Consumer Journey Model for Digital Age……………………………….63
Figure 2. 29. Customer Journey Maps on Persona 1 ...................................................... 64
Figure 2. 30. Customer Journey Maps on Persona 2 ...................................................... 65
Figure 2. 31. Customer Journey Maps on Persona 3 ...................................................... 66
Figure 2. 32. Social Media that Makes Aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta for
Persona 1 / Existing Customer .................................................................. 82
Figure 2. 33. Social Media that Makes Aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta for
Persona 2 / Potential Customer ................................................................. 83
Figure 2. 34. Social Media that Makes Aware of Other Hotels in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta for Persona 2 / Potential Customer ........................................ 83
Figure 2. 35. Social Media that Makes Aware of Other Hotels in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta for Persona 3 / Potential Customer ........................................ 84
Figure 2. 36. Social Messenger that Makes Aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta for
Persona 1 / Existing Customer .................................................................. 85
Figure 2. 37. Social Messenger that Makes Aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta for
Persona 2 / Potential Customer ................................................................. 85
Figure 2. 38. Social Messenger that Makes Aware of Other Hotels in the Special Region
of Yogyakarta for Persona 2 / Potential Customer.................................... 86
Figure 2. 39. Social Messenger that Makes Aware of Other Hotels in the Special Region
of Yogyakarta for Persona 3 / Potential Customer .................................... 86
Figure 2. 40. Instagram Features that Makes Aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta for
Persona 1 / Existing Customer .................................................................. 87
Figure 2. 41. Instagram Features that Makes Aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta for
Persona 2 / Potential Customer ................................................................. 88
Figure 2. 42. Instagram Features that Makes Aware of Other Hotels in the Special
region of Yogyakarta for Persona 2 / Potential Customer ........................ 88
Figure 2. 43. Instagram Features that Makes Aware of Other Hotels in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta for Persona 3 / Potential Customer ....................... 89
Figure 2. 44. The First Attraction when Looking at the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
Social Media for Persona 1 / Existing Customer ...................................... 90
Figure 2. 45. The First Attraction when Looking at the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
Social Media for Persona 2 / Potential Customer ..................................... 90
Figure 2. 46. The First Attraction when Looking at the Other Hotels in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta Social Media for Persona 2 / Potential Customer . 91
Figure 2. 47. The First Attraction when Looking at the Other Hotels in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta Social Media for Persona 3 / Potential Customer . 91
Figure 2. 48. Causes of Following the Other Hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
Social Media for Persona 2 / Potential Customer ..................................... 92
Figure 2. 49. Causes of Following the Other Hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
Social Media for Persona 3 / Potential Customer ..................................... 93
Figure 2. 50. Customer Thoughts After Aware at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta for
Persona 1 / Existing Customer .................................................................. 94
Figure 2. 51. Customer Thoughts After Aware at Other Hotels in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta for Persona 2 / Potential Customer ........................................ 95
Figure 2. 52. Customer Thoughts After Aware at Other Hotels in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta for Persona 3 / Potential Customer ........................................ 95

Figure 2. 53. Time Phase Duration Awareness Stage at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta for
Persona 1 / Existing Customer .................................................................. 98
Figure 2. 54. Time Phase Duration Awareness Stage at Other Hotels in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta for Persona 2 / Potential Customer ....................... 98
Figure 2. 55. Time Phase Duration Awareness Stage at Other Hotels in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta for Persona 3 / Potential Customer ....................... 99
Figure 2. 56. Awareness stage T-test in Persona 1 and 2 ............................................. 100
Figure 2. 57. Awareness stage T-test in Persona 1 and 3 ............................................. 100
Figure 2. 58. Awareness stage T-test in Persona 2 and 3 ............................................. 100
Figure 2. 59. Social Media Platform as a Consideration for Choosing Hotel .............. 113
Figure 2. 60. Social Messenger as a Consideration for Choosing Hotel ...................... 114
Figure 2. 61. Instagram Features as a Consideration for Choosing Hotel .................... 115
Figure 2. 62. Types of Content that are Considered in Choosing a Hotel .................... 116
Figure 2. 63. Types of Influencer that are Considered in Choosing a Hotel ................ 117
Figure 2. 64. Consumer Thoughts while Researching and Considering Hotels ........... 117
Figure 2. 65. Duration of the research/consideration stage .......................................... 118
Figure 2. 66. T-test of the Research/Consideration Stage of Persona 1 and 2 ............. 119
Figure 2. 67. T-test of the Research/Consideration Stage of Persona 1 and 3 ............. 119
Figure 2. 68. T-test of the Research/Consideration Stage of Persona 2 and 3 ............. 120
Figure 2. 69. The Type of Hotel Chosen to Stay .......................................................... 121
Figure 2. 70. Preferred Hotel Facilities ........................................................................ 122
Figure 2. 71. The Preferred Hotel Rate to be Selected ................................................. 123
Figure 2. 72. The Preferred Hotel Location to be Selected .......................................... 124
Figure 2. 73. Least Reputation Hotel that Prefer to Stay.............................................. 124
Figure 2. 74. Factors that Influence the Decision Persona 1 / Existing Customer to Stay
at the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta ........................................................ 125
Figure 2. 75. Factors that Influence the Decision Persona 2 / Potential Customer to not
choosing to stay at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta ................................... 126
Figure 2. 76. Additional Requests at the Hotel to Stay ................................................ 127
Figure 2. 77. The Decision Maker to Stay at the Gotel ................................................ 128
Figure 2. 78. The Platform Used to Book Hotel Rooms .............................................. 128
Figure 2. 79. Customer Thoughts when Adding Hotel to the Shopping Chart ............ 129
Figure 2. 80. Customer Thoughts when Making an Order ........................................... 130
Figure 2. 81. The Duration of the Decision Making Stage for Each Persona .............. 131
Figure 2. 82. T-test of the Decision Making Stage of Persona 1 and 2 ........................ 132
Figure 2. 83. T-test of the Decision Making Stage of Persona 1 and 3 ........................ 132
Figure 2. 84. T-test of the Decision Making Stage of Persona 2 and 3 ........................ 133
Figure 2. 85. Services from Hotels that have been Experienced .................................. 136
Figure 2. 86. The Preferred Media to Receive Services from Hotel ............................ 137
Figure 2. 87. Media that has been Used by Hotels to Provide Services ....................... 138
Figure 2. 88. The Preferred Social Media for Receiving Hotel Services ..................... 138
Figure 2. 89. The Preferred Social Messenger for Receiving Hotel Services .............. 139
Figure 2. 90. Customer Thought when Getting Hotel Service ..................................... 139
Figure 2. 91. Duration of Time at the Preparation Stage .............................................. 140
Figure 2. 92. T-test of the Preparation Stage of Persona 1 and 2 ................................. 141
Figure 2. 93. T-test of the Preparation Stage of Persona 1 and 3 ................................. 141
Figure 2. 94. T-test of the Preparation Stage of Persona 2 and 3 ................................. 142
Figure 2. 95. The Most Satisfying Facilities at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta ............. 146
Figure 2. 96. The Most Satisfying Value at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta .................. 147
Figure 2. 97. Complaints that have been Made at the Hotel ........................................ 148
Figure 2. 98. Social Media Used to Share Content while Staying at Hotels ................ 149
Figure 2. 99. Instagram Features Used to Share Content while Staying ...................... 149
Figure 2. 100. Customer Thoughts when Staying at the Hotel..................................... 150
Figure 2. 101. Customer Thoughts when there are Complaints at the Hotel ............... 151
Figure 2. 102. Phase Time Duration at the In-hotel Stage ........................................... 152
Figure 2. 103. T-test of the In-house Stage of Persona 1 and 2.................................... 153
Figure 2. 104. T-test of the In-house Stage of Persona 1 and 3.................................... 153
Figure 2. 105. T-test of the In-house Stage of Persona 2 and 3.................................... 154
Figure 2. 106. Frequency of Staying at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta ......................... 155
Figure 2. 107. Frequency of Staying at Hotels in the Yogyakarta ............................... 156
Figure 2. 108. The Thing that Makes Want to Stay Back at the Hotel......................... 156
Figure 2. 109. Media that Can Makes Remember at the Hotel .................................... 157
Figure 2. 110. Social Media that Can Makes Remember at the Hotel ......................... 158
Figure 2. 111. Content that Can Makes Remember at the Hotel .................................. 159
Figure 2. 112. Instagram Features that Can Makes Remember at the Hotel ................ 160
Figure 2. 113. Customer Thoughts when Remember at the Hotel ............................... 160
Figure 2. 114. The Media Used to Share the Experience ............................................. 162
Figure 2. 115. Social Media Used to Share the Experience ......................................... 162
Figure 2. 116. Instagram Features Used to Share the Experience ................................ 163
Figure 2. 117. Customer Thoughts when Sharing Experience ..................................... 164
Figure 2. 118. Phase time duration at loyalty and advocacy stage ............................... 165
Figure 2. 119. T-test of the Loyalty and Advocacy Stage of Persona 1 and 2 ............. 166
Figure 2. 120. T-test of the Loyalty and Advocacy Stage of Persona 1 and 3 ............. 166
Figure 2. 121. T-test of the Loyalty and Advocacy Stage of Persona 2 and 3 ............. 166
Figure 2. 122. Root Cause Analysis ............................................................................. 168

Figure 3. 1. The Ansoff Matrix..................................................................................... 170
Figure 3. 2. 12 C's New Wave Marketing .................................................................... 175
Figure 3. 3. New Wave Strategy .................................................................................. 176
Figure 3. 4. Three Ways to Form Community ............................................................. 177
Figure 3. 5. New Wave Tactics .................................................................................... 184
Figure 3. 6. New Wave Value ...................................................................................... 190
Figure 3. 7. Customer Journey Maps ............................................................................ 193


Table 2. 1 Criteria for Research Respondents ............................................................... 29
Table 2. 2. Strategic Goals of the Tourism Sector, 2020-2024 ...................................... 32
Table 2. 3. Competitor Analysis Table ........................................................................... 40
Table 2. 4. VRIO Analysis of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta ......................................... 43
Table 2. 5. Segmenting of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Travelers ....................... 46
Table 2. 6. Target Customers Innside by Melia Yogyakarta .......................................... 46
Table 2. 7. The Frequency of Staying at Hotels in Yogyakarta ..................................... 54
Table 2. 8. Touchpoint Awareness at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta from the Word of
Mouth Category for Persona 1 / Existing Customers .................................. 67
Table 2. 9. Touchpoint Awareness at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta from the Word of
Mouth Category for Persona 2 / Potential Customers ................................. 68
Table 2. 10.Touchpoint Awareness at Other Hotels in the Yogyakarta from the Word of
Mouth Category for Persona 2 / Potential Customers ................................. 69
Table 2. 11.Touchpoint Awareness at Other Hotels in the Yogyakarta from the Word of
Mouth Category for Persona 3 / Potential Customers ................................. 69
Table 2. 12.Touchpoint Awareness at Innside by Melia from In-hotel Category for
Persona 1 / Existing Customers ................................................................... 70
Table 2. 13.Touchpoint Awareness at Innside by Melia from In-hotel Category for
Persona 2 / Potential Customers .................................................................. 70
Table 2. 14.Touchpoint Awareness at Other Hotels in the Yogyakarta from the In-hotel
Category for Persona 2 / Potential Customers ............................................. 71
Table 2. 15.Touchpoint Awareness at Other Hotels in the Yogyakarta from the In-hotel
Category for Persona 3 / Potential Customers ............................................. 72
Table 2. 16.Touchpoint Awareness at Innside by Melia from Mass Media Category for
Persona 1 / Existing Customers ................................................................... 73
Table 2. 17.Touchpoint Awareness at Innside by Melia from the Mass Media Category
for Persona 2 / Potential Customers ............................................................ 73
Table 2. 18.Touchpoint Awareness at Other Hotels in the Yogyakarta from the Mass
Media Category for Persona 2 / Potential Customers .................................. 74
Table 2. 19.Touchpoint Awareness at Other Hotels in the Yogyakarta from the Mass
Media Category for Persona 3 / Potential Customers .................................. 74

Table 2. 20.Touchpoint Awareness at Innside by Melia from the Internet Media
Category for Persona 1 / Existing Customers .............................................. 75
Table 2. 21.Touchpoint Awareness at Innside by Melia from the Internet Media
Category for Persona 2 / Potential Customers ............................................. 76
Table 2. 22.Touchpoint Awareness at Other Hotels in Yogyakarta from the Internet
Media Category for Persona 2 / Potential Customers .................................. 76
Table 2. 23.Touchpoint Awareness at Other Hotels in Yogyakarta from the Internet
Media Category for Persona 3 / Potential Customers .................................. 77
Table 2. 24.Touchpoint Awareness at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta from the
Community Category for Persona 1 / Existing Customers .......................... 78
Table 2. 25.Touchpoint Awareness at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta from the
Community Category for Persona 2 / Potential Customers ......................... 78
Table 2. 26.Touchpoint Awareness at Other Hotels in the Yogyakarta from the
Community Category for Persona 2 / Potential Customers ......................... 79
Table 2. 27.Touchpoint Awareness at Other Hotels in the Yogyakarta from the
Community Category for Persona 3 / Potential Customers ......................... 79
Table 2. 28.Touchpoint Awareness at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta from the Contact
Centre Category for Persona 1 / Existing Customers .................................. 80
Table 2. 29.Touchpoint Awareness at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta from the Contact
Centre Category for Persona 2 / Potential Customers ................................. 81
Table 2. 30.Touchpoint Awareness at Other Hotels in the Yogyakarta from the Contact
Centre Category for Persona 2 / Potential Customers ................................. 81
Table 2. 31.Touchpoint Awareness at Other Hotels in the Yogyakarta from the Contact
Centre Category for Persona 3 / Potential Customers ................................. 82
Table 2. 32.Customer Feeling After Aware at the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta for
Persona 1 / Existing Customers ................................................................... 96
Table 2. 33.Customer Feeling After Aware at the Other Hotels at the Special Region of
Yogyakarta for Persona 2 / Potential Customers ......................................... 97
Table 2. 34.Customer Feeling After Aware at the Other Hotels at the Special Region of
Yogyakarta for Persona 3 / Potential Customers ......................................... 97
Table 2. 35.Hotel Criteria for Consideration for Persona 1 / Existing Customers ....... 102
Table 2. 36.Hotel Criteria for Consideration for Persona 2 / Potential Customers ...... 103
Table 2. 37.Hotel Criteria for Consideration for Persona 3 / Potential Customers ...... 103
Table 2. 38.Touchpoints Word of Mouth Category that Influences Research on Persona
1 / Existing Customers ............................................................................... 104
Table 2. 39.Touchpoints Word of Mouth Category that Influences Research on Persona
2 / Potential Customers .............................................................................. 105
Table 2. 40.Touchpoints Word of Mouth Category that Influences Research on Persona
3 / Potential Customers .............................................................................. 105
Table 2. 41.Touchpoints Mass Media Category that Influences Research on Persona 1 /
Existing Customers .................................................................................... 106
Table 2. 42.Touchpoints Mass Media Category that Influences Research on Persona 2 /
Potential Customers ................................................................................... 107
Table 2. 43.Touchpoints Mass Media Category that Influences Research on Persona 3 /
Potential Customers ................................................................................... 107
Table 2. 44.Touchpoints Internet Media Category that Influences Research on Persona
1/Exisiting Customers................................................................................ 108
Table 2. 45.Touchpoints Internet Media Category that Influences Research on Persona
2/Potential Customers ................................................................................ 109
Table 2. 46.Touchpoints Internet Media Category that Influences Research on Persona
3/Potential Customers ................................................................................ 109
Table 2. 47.Touchpoints Community Category that Influences Research on Persona 1 /
Existing Customers .................................................................................... 110
Table 2. 48.Touchpoints Community Category that Influences Research on Persona 2 /
Potential Customers ................................................................................... 110
Table 2. 49.Touchpoints Community Category that Influences Research on Persona 3 /
Potential Customers ................................................................................... 111
Table 2. 50.Touchpoints Contact Centre Category that Influences Research on Persona
1 / Existing Customers ............................................................................... 112
Table 2. 51.Touchpoints Contact Centre Category that Influences Research on Persona
2 / Potential Customers .............................................................................. 112
Table 2. 52.Touchpoints Contact Centre Category that Influences Research on Persona
3 / Potential Customers .............................................................................. 113
Table 2. 53.Customer Feeling while Researching and Consider Hotel ........................ 118
Table 2. 54.Customer Feeling when Adding to Cart the Hotel of his Choice .............. 130
Table 2. 55.Customer Feeling when Making an Order ................................................ 131
Table 2. 56.Assessment of the Services Provided by the Hotel for Persona 1 / Existing
Customer .................................................................................................... 135
Table 2. 57.Assessment of the Services Provided by the Hotel for Persona 2 / Potential
Customer .................................................................................................... 135
Table 2. 58.Assessment of the Services Provided by the Hotel for Persona 3 / Potential
Customer .................................................................................................... 136
Table 2. 59.Customer Feeling at Preparation Stage ..................................................... 140
Table 2. 60.Experience Staying at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta of Persona 1 / Existing
Customer .................................................................................................... 143
Table 2. 61.Experience Staying at Other Hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta of
Persona 2 / Potential Customer .................................................................. 144
Table 2. 62.Experience Staying at Other Hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta of
Persona 3 / Potential Customer .................................................................. 145
Table 2. 63.Assessment of the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta from Persona 1 / Existing
Customer .................................................................................................... 146
Table 2. 64.Customer Feelings when Experiencing the Hotel ..................................... 151
Table 2. 65.Customer Feeling when there are Complaints at the Hotel ....................... 152
Table 2. 66.Customer Feeling when Remember at the Hotel....................................... 161
Table 2. 67.Customer Feeling when Sharing Experience ............................................ 164

Table 4. 1. Implementation Plan for The Proposed Business Solution ........................ 205


Appendix 1. Script of The Interview Result ................................................................. 210

Appendix 2. List of Survey Questions for Persona 1 ................................................... 213
Appendix 3. List of Survey Questions for Persona 2 ................................................... 228
Appendix 4. List of Survey Questions for Persona 3 ................................................... 245


1.1. Background
Special Region of Yogyakarta is a province in Indonesia that has tremendous and
attractive tourism potential. Tourism in the Special Region of Yogyakarta is mostly in the
form of nature tourism and cultural centers. Tourism activities are expected to be reliable
development forces because tourism activities can generate large income from foreign
and domestic tourists (BPS, 2020: 1).
Both foreign and domestic tourists who come need to be balanced with an increase
in accommodation availability, such as hotels. Hotels are used as benchmarks to
determine the number of tourists visiting an area because tourists certainly need a place
to stay. Hotels are significant places for tourists who expect comfort, good service,
cleanliness, and others. (BPS, 2019: 1).
According to Hendriyati, the hotel industry is growing very rapidly in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta. Currently, hotels are not only centered in the city of Yogyakarta
but now they have spread to the suburbs and districts. Many boarding houses function as
non-star hotels. The boarding house owner collaborates with the hotel operator to operate
his hotel. Boarding houses were built to have adequate facilities and several rooms. The
rapid development of hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta has led to intense
competition between hotels for guests (2019: 2).
There are three main indicators in the hotel industry that can show the
development of the hotel industry in an area. The three indicators are (1) the number of
foreign and domestic tourists visiting, (2) the average length of stay of tourists, and (3)
the occupancy rate of hotel rooms (BPS, 2020: 2).
The number of foreign and domestic tourists visiting can show how the Special
Region of Yogyakarta can generate much potential income. The more foreign and
domestic tourists visit, the greater their potential to spend their money in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta. Figure 1.1 shows the number of foreign and domestic tourists
visiting the Special Region of Yogyakarta in 2015-2019.

Number of Foreign and Domestic Tourists Visiting the
Special Region of Yogyakarta in 2015 - 2019


Number (People)
6,854,907 6,525,894

6000000 4,407,538


2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Figure 1. 1. Number of Tourists Visiting Yogyakarta 2015-2019 (BPS, 2020: 23)

In Figure 1.1, the number of foreign and domestic tourists visiting the Special
Region of Yogyakarta from 2015-2019 shows a positive trend. 2019 is the highest year
with the number of visits of 9,006,150 tourists. This data shows that business activities in
the Special Region of Yogyakarta, especially the hotel industry, are very interesting
because many tourists need hotels. The number is always increasing every year.

The Average Length of Stay of Foreign and Domestic

Tourists in the Special Region of Yogyakarta in 2015-2019
1.62 1.66
2.00 1.40 1.38
Number (day)




2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Figure 1. 2. The Average Length of Stay of Tourists in Yogyakarta 2015-2019 (BPS, 2020: 29)

Figure 1.2 shows the average length of time for foreign and domestic tourists
staying in the Special Region of Yogyakarta in 2015-2019. The longer the tourists stay,
it means that the area is very attractive to tourists. Tourists like to take a vacation or visit
the area. The length of time tourists stay can also increase the potential for consumption
or expenditure, which will lead to an increase in the income of the Special Region of
Yogyakarta. Although the average length of stay for tourists in the Special Region of

Yogyakarta in 2015-2019 tends to be stable in the range of 1.5 days, each year shows a
positive trend, which means that it is projected to increase next few years.

Occupancy Rate of Hotel Room in Special Region of

Yogyakarta 2015-2019
45.08% 45.11% 46.27%

50.00% 37.72%
Number (Percent)





2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Figure 1. 3. Occupancy Rate of Hotel Room in Yogyakarta 2015-2019 (BPS, 2020: 32)

Figure 1.3 shows that hotel rooms' occupancy rate in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta always increases every year and shows a positive trend. This data shows that
the higher the occupancy rate of hotel rooms, the more rooms the hotel owners can sell
in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. This is an excellent opportunity for hotel owners in
the Special Region of Yogyakarta to expand or new business people interested in doing
business in the hotel sector in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.
The three indicators previously discussed (number of tourists, the average length
of stay for tourists, the occupancy rate of hotel rooms) show that the Special Region of
Yogyakarta is a very attractive and potential hotel business area. So it is natural that hotel
owners in the Special Region of Yogyakarta compete to get hotel guests.
Rapid technological advances support the development of the hotel industry in
this era. Advances in technology, such as the internet, have greatly facilitated
disseminating information worldwide through social media platforms. Social media plays
a vital role in the hospitality industry. Social media can change the way travelers search,
discover, share information about travel products, and change how they view hotel
decisions online (Varkaris and Neuhofer, 2017: 2).

Cox et al. explained that almost 80% of social media users use their social media
to find information about hotels, accommodation, and tourism locations. They try to see
reviews and hotel reviews made by customers who have stayed at the hotel. This behavior
shows that consumers have power to influence each other via social media (2009: 753).

Figure 1. 4. Mobile, Internet and Social Media Use in Indonesia (Kemp, 2019: 15)

Technological advances also occur in Indonesia. In his digital progress survey in

Indonesia in 2019, Kemp stated that 56% of Indonesia's 268.2 million people (150 million
people) are active internet and social media users. Compared to 2018, internet and social
media users in Indonesia experienced a growth of 13% (17 million people) and 15% (20
million people). This data shows that Indonesia's population is an extensive internet and
social media user and projected to grow every year.
Besides, Indonesians use the internet not only for social media activities. They
also began to carry out many activities to purchase goods or services online. In Figure
1.5, we can see that as many as 93% of Indonesians who actively use the internet (140
million people) look for goods or services they want to buy via online, then 86% of
Indonesians who actively use the internet (129 million people) choose to purchase goods
or services via online. This data shows that currently, online sales of goods or services

are very potential in Indonesia because most of Indonesia's population is an active buyer
in E-Commerce.

Figure 1. 5. E-Commerce Activities in Indonesia (Kemp, 2019: 56)

Figure 1.6 shows Indonesian residents total expenditure via online by category of
goods or services during 2019. The travel and accommodation category is in third place,
with a total consumer expenditure of $ 9,376 billion. The travel and accommodation
category is only inferior to the video games and digital music categories. This shows that
the interest of the Indonesian residents to shop for goods or services in the travel and
accommodation category is quite large (2019: 57).

Figure 1. 6. E-Commerce Spend by Category in Indonesia (Kemp, 2019: 57)

Given the previously mentioned data, the Indonesian population is a large and
potential market for social media. It has a large enough interest in buying products or
services in the travel and accommodation category. This data shows that social media as
a marketing tool can certainly be a differentiator for a hotel in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta to win the competition and generate large profits.
The owner and General Manager of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta are very aware
and felt the competitive competition between hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.
As a hotel with an urban lifestyle concept that targets the millennial generation (20-40
years) as consumers, the Owner and General Manager of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
need to build an effective social media strategy so that Innside by Melia Yogyakarta brand
awareness can be created well. The development of an effective social media strategy is
expected to create interest in potential customers, leading to their decision to buy Innside
by Melia Yogyakarta products and services and maintain the trust of loyal customers to
make repeat purchases.

1.2. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta

1.2.1. Company Profile
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta (Graha Indoland) is a 4-star hotel that was
established on March 24, 2017. This hotel is a project of PT. Saraswanti Indoland
Development is one of the Saraswanti business group subsidiaries engaged in the property
division. This project is named Graha Indoland and PT. Saraswanti Indoland
Development chose Melia Hotel International as the operator to carry out all hotel
operational functions. Graha Indoland is the first hotel in the Asia Pacific to carry the
Innside by Melia brand.

Figure 1. 7. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta Logo (Internal Data, 2020)

The Innside by Melia brand itself is a brand originating from Mallorca, Spain.
Then the operational center of this brand is in Shanghai, China. Several rules must be
obeyed to use the Innside by Melia brand, such as not allowing users of the Innside by
Melia brand to give too much quota of rooms sold on the Online Travel Agency (OTA).
Innside by Melia wants to maximize all promotional activities and room bookings via the
Melia Website and Mobile Application. Besides, all data analytics is carried out centrally
in Shanghai. Users of the Innside by Melia brand are not granted access to these analytics.

It is intended that users of the Innside by Melia brand can be monitored in one direction
so that the hotel's quality and standard can be maintained properly.
The hotel is located on Jl. Padjajaran, Ringroad Utara, Maguwoharjo, Sleman,
Yogyakarta, a strategic place in the Special Region of Yogyakarta with all easy access
from Adi Sucipto Airport (8 minutes), tourist attractions, interesting souvenirs, and
entertainment such as Gudeg Yu Djum, Bakpia Djava, TransMart (5 minutes), JogjaBay
Pirates Waterpark (8 minutes), Hartono Mall, Ambarukmo Plaza (10 minutes),
Prambanan Temple, Ratu Boko Temple (15 minutes), Kids Fun Parks (18 minutes),
Malioboro Shopping Center, Sultan Palace, Tamansari Water Castle and Beringharjo
Traditional Market (20 minutes).

Figure 1. 8. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta Building (Internal Data, 2020)

Innside by Melia Yogyakarta carries a design in a chic and trendy with an urban
lifestyle touch with the concept of "Holistic Bleisure," which is a combination of business
and leisure trips. This hotel is very convenient for those who enjoy work, life, leisure, and
business moments.

1.2.2. Vision
Our aim is to be amongst the top hotel groups in the world in the mid and full
service urban and resort markets, demonstrating our leadership in this segment and
gaining recognition as a benchmark for excellence, responsibility, and sustainability.

1.2.3. Mission
At Melia Hotels International we provide global hospitality services and
experiences, focused on excellence, responsibility, and sustainability, all with the
dedication of a family business to contribute to a better world
1.2.4. Values Company
1. Values
a. Service Vocation
Because our guest is our reason for being
b. Excellence
Because we do things right: with professionalism, efficiency and agility
c. Innovation
Because we anticipate an evolve to be better every day
d. Proximity
Because we love to share, listen and feel
e. Consistency
Because we do what we say

2. From Values to Behaviours

a. Proximity Friendly attitude
b. Excellence and Consistency Professional attitude
c. Service Vocation Hospitable essence
d. Innovation Creative work

1.2.5. Target dan Positioning

Innside by Melia Yogyakarta chooses a target market for business and leisure
travelers from the middle to the upper-class millennial generation (minimum income of
Rp 5,000,000), aged 20-40 years who enjoy work, life, leisure, and business moments.
Based on the target market, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta positions its hotel as "Urban
Lifestyle Hotels for Smart Professional Travelers."

1.2.6. Company Product

1. Rooms
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta features 242 contemporary rooms, including 12
suites on eight floors. Each room offers a unique style and modern décor. Each room's
price varies, depending on the room type, the booking system chosen by the customer,
and the current promo. For the published rate, the price range for The Innside Room type
rooms is Rp 510,000.00 - Rp 650,000.00 / night. There are five types of rooms that
consumers can choose:

a. The Innside Room
Measuring 26 m2 , available king/twin size bed, free mini bar
b. The Innside Room Merapi View
Measuring 26 m2 , available king/twin size bed, Mount Merapi view, free mini bar
c. The Innside Room Terrace
Measuring 35 m2 , studio bedroom, spacious private balcony, free mini bar
d. The Loft
Measuring 46 m2 , comfortable space, free mini bar, daily refreshment in room
e. The Townhouse
Measuring 48 m2 , daily refreshment in room, free mini bar, spacious living room,

Figure 1. 9. The Townhouse Room Innside by Melia Yogyakarta (Internal Data, 2020)

2. Restaurant and Bar

Innside by Melia Yogyakarta has a restaurant and bar called "Syndeo," which is
located on the 1st floor. Syndeo restaurant and bar are open to hotel guests and the public
for 24 hours. There are various kinds of Food and Beverage (F&B) menus, from
Indonesian to Western. Syndeo restaurant and bar strives to keep abreast of developments
in the millennial generation by updating the trendy F&B menu and creating events.
Besides, there is entertainment in the form of live DJs and acoustic performances during
a well-earned breakfast.

Figure 1. 10. Syndeo Restaurant and Bar Innside by Melia Yogyakarta (Internal Data, 2020)

3. Sky Deck Rooftop Pool and Bar

Sky Deck Rooftop Pool and Bar is one of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta's flagship
facilities. Hotel guests and the general public can do sports activities, swimming or just
relaxing while eating snacks, drinking cocktails that can be ordered at the bar with the
best city, and Mount Merapi views in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

Figure 1. 11. Sky Deck Rooftop Pool and Bar Innside by Melia Yogyakarta (Internal Data, 2020)

4. InFit Gym Center
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta also has a fully equipped gym facility for hotel
guests and the public. This place is named InFit Gym Center and is located on the rooftop,
next to the Sky Deck Rooftop and Bar. Various gym packages and exercise programs
such as yoga are offered at InFit Gym Center.

Figure 1. 12. InFit Gym Center Innside by Melia Yogyakarta (Internal Data, 2020)

5. Meeting Rooms
To facilitate hotel guests who are business travelers, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
provides five meeting rooms that can be used to support work and meeting needs. Meeting
rooms can be designed according to customers' needs in classrooms, theater, U-shape,
round tables, and others. The following are the five meeting rooms of Innside by Melia
a. Yogyakarta Meeting Room
264 sqm for maximum capacity 300 persons
b. Manchester and Madrid Meeting Rooms
128 sqm for maximum capacity 120 persons
c. Mallorca Meeting Room
54 sqm for maximum capacity 60 persons
d. New York Big Ideas Space
48 sqm for maximum capacity 20 persons

New York Big Ideas Space is made different from other meeting rooms because
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta seeks to understand the millennial generation's desires who
want to hold meetings with a "fun" concept and be different from others. This space is
perfect for those who carry out meetings in a flexible, informal, and unlimited way. There
are also facilities in this room in the form of an exercise ball, various kinds of toys, a
mini-bar, a sound system, and relaxes sofa areas.

Figure 1. 13. New York Big Ideas Space Innside by Melia Yogyakarta (Internal Data, 2020)

6. The Added Value of the Products

a. Modern Cuisine and Mixology
Spice up your day with our healthy and delicious cuisines presented by our talented
chef and witness our evolution into a cool and sophisticated base for your after-work
b. Open Lobby Lounges
Linger for longer and watch the comings and goings as you make yourself comfortable
in our open living spaces, home to the Syndeo restaurant and lobby bar
c. Stay Connected
Don’t ever need to worry about disconnected with fast, free wifi throughout our hotel.
It’s unlimited, endless, and will have you online in a flash, any time of the day.
d. Free Refreshing Mini Bar
No need to ask. No need to wait. We have free soft drinks that will be refreshed every
day prepared for every room.
1.2.7. Organizational Structure
The following is the organizational structure of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. In
general, the General Manager of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is responsible for
managing, running, and ensuring that the entire hotel operation runs well and strives to
achieve the maximum profit. The General Manager of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta has
a coordination line with the board of directors of PT Saraswanti Indoland Development
as the hotel owner and a coordination line with the manager of the Melia Hotel
International, which is based in Spain. Then, in Figure 1.14, it can be seen that five job
positions have not been filled again. For job descriptions, the Room Division Manager
and Financial Controller handled job positions that have not been filled until new people
are recruited for these job positions.

Frieth Siahaan

Room Division Financial

Manager Controller

Arif Setiadi Yanis Fajar Y.

Human Executive Food &

Front Office Executive Chief Executive
Resources Secretary & IT Manager Beverage
Manager Housekeeper Engineer Manager GEX Manager Manager
Assistant Assistant
Director of Revenue
Vacant Vacant Vacant Gisela Sarah R. Diella Avy H. Vacant Vacant Arif Wicaksono Sales Manager

Dwi Ratna Sari Asti Widayanti

Figure 1. 14. Organizational Structure Innside by Melia Yogyakarta (Internal Data, 2020)

1.3. Business Issue
Based on the results of an in-depth interview with General Manager of Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta, the hotel experienced a significant increase in revenue in 2018 - 2019.
In 2018, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta generated revenue of Rp 17,923,467,884. The
revenue is generated from 2 main products: Rooms with Rp 11,626,137,400, also Food
and Beverage (F&B) with Rp 5,981,473,466. In 2019, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta's
revenue succeeded to increase to Rp 25,156,485,986, with the most significant increase
in revenue from rooms products to Rp 17,839,889,998. Then F&B revenue also increased
from 2018, although not too significant to Rp 6,992,743,338. Figure 1.15 shows the total
revenue of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and its primary product revenue.

Total Revenue and Revenue for Each Major Product Category at the
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta in 2018-2019
10,000,000,000 9,434,392,470
Revenue (Rupiah)

6,610,804,573 6,900,271,366
6,000,000,000 5,086,045,167 6,855,637,017
3,851,129,558 3,735,776,983 4,957,100,376
4,000,000,000 2,841,804,402 4,472,214,884
3,000,000,000 3,637,293,982
2,000,000,000 2,441,412,459 2,389,858,623 2,452,756,365
1,830,655,097 1,983,216,630 1,862,470,882
1,000,000,000 1,364,092,256
1,295,396,760 1,382,119,331
0 961,746,345

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th

Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter
2018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019
Period (Quarterly)

Rooms revenue F&B revenue Total revenue

Figure 1. 15. Total Revenue and Revenue for Each Major Product (Internal Data, 2020)

However, General Manager of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and the board of

directors of PT Saraswanti Indoland Development are still not satisfied with the current
hotel performance. Their dissatisfaction with hotel performance is shown in the Revenue
Per Available Room (RevPAR) with competing hotels in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta. The competing hotels are the Sheraton Hotel Mustika Yogyakarta Resort &
Spa, Novotel Yogyakarta, Sahid Jaya Yogyakarta Hotel & Convention, and Grand
Mercure Yogyakarta Adi Sucipto.
Figure 1.16 shows that in 2018-2019, there was an increase in RevPAR at Innside
by Melia Yogyakarta. The average RevPAR Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is Rp 183,145
and lower than competing hotels with RevPAR of Rp 270,618. When compared with four
competing hotels, RevPAR Innside by Melia Yogyakarta ranks 4 out of 5 hotels.

Comparison of Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR) at the
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta with Competitors
450,000 413,439
RevPAR (Rupiah)

350,000 323,405
297,495 338,370
300,000 259,264
250,000 207,677 217,239 237,920 270,618
203,359 244,321
200,000 220,596
150,000 179,017 183,145
100,000 142,942
122,651 122,120
50,000 92,962

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Average

Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter RevPAR
2018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019
Period (Quarterly)

Competitors Innside Melia

Figure 1. 16. Comparison of RevPAR with Competitors (Internal Data, 2020)

As a hotel that carries the concept of "Bleisure," business and leisure, revenue
from Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is formed by two main segments: corporate and leisure
travelers. The two main segments of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta (corporate companies
and leisure travelers) are classified according to two categories based on the number of
rooms booked. The two categories are transients (bookings with less than ten rooms) and
groups (bookings of more than ten rooms).
The corporate and leisure traveler segments have various channel options for
booking rooms at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Both segments can book directly from
the web or application by accessing Besides, there are options for ordering
through the Online Travel Agency (OTA), tour agencies, and tour operations in
cooperating with Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. The way to cooperate with Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta is by registering on the Melia PRO website. After registering, the three
channels can book hotel rooms for the corporate or leisure travelers who book through
them at a much lower price. Figure 1.17. shows the market segment map and booking
channel at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.
Figure 1.18. shows that in 2018-2019, the largest revenue from Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta was generated from the Transient Corporate Company segment with an
average of Rp 1,674,302,115. The second place is the Transient Leisure Travelers
segment, with an average of Rp 852,033,354. The third is the Corporate Company Group
segment, with an average of Rp 811,903,897, and the last place is the Leisure Traveler
Group segment with an average of Rp 345,014,058. In general, the rating indicates that

the Corporate Company is an important segment owned by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
because it currently contributes the most to revenue.

Customer Category Based on

Number of Rooms Booked Main Segments Booking Channel


Website and
(< 10 Rooms)

Online Tour
Agency (OTA)

Company Melia Pro

Group Tour Agency

Customers and Tour
(>10 Rooms) Operation


Figure 1. 17. Market Segment Map and Booking Channel (Internal Data, 2020)

Figure 1.19. shows that in 2018-2019, the booking channels that generated the
most revenue for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta were the Travel Agency and Tour
Operations with average revenue of Rp 2,000,075,957. The second place is OTA, with
average revenue of Rp 1,592,975,838, and the last place is Website and Application, with

The Revenue Generated from Each

Market Segment of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta in 2018-2019
2,933,079,233 2,822,074,583
Revenue (Rupiah)

1,917,826,570 1,970,591,751
2,000,000,000 1,811,687,570

1,500,000,000 1,247,435,955 1,417,224,883 1,319,069,953 1,674,302,115
993,097,947 948,812,879 1,386,648,112 852,033,354
1,000,000,000 714,823,515 686,682,033 802,660,424 832,541,133
591,032,919 504,615,058 811,903,897
500,000,000 325,006,105 344,159,724 564,706,430 539,881,942 676,322,572
428,370,206 440,642,007 401,578,141 345,014,058
0 202,484,338 182,288,366 199,802,451 230,772,591 200,336,132

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Average

Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Revenue
2018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019
Period (Quarterly)

Transient Corporate Company Transient Leisure Travelers

Corporate Company Group Leisure Traveler Group

Figure 1. 18. The Revenue Generated from Each Market Segment (Internal Data, 2020)
average revenue of Rp 90,201,630. Based on these data, the Travel Agency and Tour
Operations are the most widely used channels for each consumer segment of Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta for booking rooms.

Revenue Innside by Melia Yogyakarta

from Each Room Purchase Channel
Revenue (Rupiah)

3,000,000,000 2,766,816,815 3,260,787,690

2,500,000,000 2,303,661,433
1,836,435,159 2,000,075,957
2,000,000,000 1,864,011,298 2,113,683,060
1,456,743,000 2,054,782,569
1,500,000,000 1,167,383,268 1,494,367,418 1,714,412,875
943,385,964 857,563,526
1,000,000,000 865,628,026
500,000,000 158,205,380
55,163,516 119,041,433 102,033,838 113,770,882 37,927,678 58,869,809 76,600,501 90,201,630
1st 2nd 3rd 4th 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Average
Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Quarter Revenue
2018 2018 2018 2018 2019 2019 2019 2019
Period (Quarterly)
Web and Mobile Application ( Online Travel Agent (OTA)
Travel Agency and Tour Operation

Figure 1. 19. Revenue from Each Room Purchase Channel (Internal Data, 2020)

As an effort to improve the performance of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, it is

difficult to always rely on the Corporate Company segment (transient and group).
However, the Corporate Company segment is the largest revenue-generating segment for
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. General Manager of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta said that
guests arrival in the Corporate Company segment depends on the facilities for the
Meeting, Incentive, Convention, and Exhibition (MICE).
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta has limited MICE facilities. Currently, Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta has five meeting rooms, with the largest capacity being 300 packages
in 1 meeting room. In comparison, the other four meeting rooms only have a capacity of
between 60 - 120 packages. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta often loses opportunities to get
guests from the Corporate Company segment because they cannot fulfill their demand to
provide hotel rooms and meeting rooms of more than 300 packages. Hotel renovation or
build a new ballroom to add more significant MICE facilities is no longer possible due to
limited land for the hotel development area.
Realizing this, General Manager of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta strives to
improve the performance of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta by increasing the contribution
from the leisure travelers segment. Leisure travelers are considered to be the right target
because they have great potential to improve hotel performance. According to the data

obtained from BPS in Figure 1.1., the number of domestic and foreign tourists who come
to vacation in the Special Region of Yogyakarta each year increases and shows a positive
trend. Besides, the concept of "Bleisure," Business and Leisure hotels, and trendy hotel
designs with a touch of urban lifestyle brought by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is suitable
for the needs of leisure travelers. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta already has leisure
facilities such as the Sky Deck Rooftop Pool and Bar, which can be an attraction for the
leisure travelers segment to stay at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.
Besides trying to target leisure travelers, General Manager of Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta is also trying to increase room bookings through the Melia Website and
Mobile Application channel. Booking a room through this channel is classified as direct
booking, allowing Innside by Melia Yogyakarta to sell hotel rooms with a higher ARR
than other channels such as OTA, tour agencies, and tour operations. This benefit is
obtained because at OTA, tour agency, and tour operation, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
needs to pay a high commission for room sales (15-25%). Suppose Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta can make the Melia Website and Mobile Application the main booking
channel for customers in each segment. In that case, the opportunity to increase revenue
at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta will be even greater.
However, according to General Manager of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, there
were various problems when targeting leisure travelers through the Melia Website and
Mobile Application channel. The first problem is the brand awareness of Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta, which is still not good. The second problem is that using the Melia Website
and Mobile Application channels for booking hotel rooms is still low compared to OTA
or tour agencies and tour operations. In Figure 1.20. The level of awareness and popularity
of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is still below four competing hotels. The four competitor
hotels are superior in terms of awareness in each province in Java Island.
As the first hotel in the Asia Pacific to use the Innside by Melia brand, consumers
often doubt and do not understand that this brand is a world-class brand from Melia Hotels
International with an excellent reputation. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta carries the
concept of an urban lifestyle hotel targeting the millennial generation (age 20 - 40 years).
This concept contrast with other Melia International Hotel brands in Indonesia, such as
Gran Melia Hotels and Resorts, ME by Melia, Sol by Melia. In Yogyakarta, this hotel is
different from the Melia Purosani, which has been in Yogyakarta for years. This lack of
understanding resulted in the issue of different expectations from consumers after staying.

Figure 1. 20. Awareness Level on Innside by Melia Compared to Competitor Hotels (Internal Data, 2020)

There are currently efforts to overcome the problems to awareness of Innside by

Melia Yogyakarta and efforts to increase room bookings via the Melia Website and
Mobile Application channel by utilizing social media platforms. Social media is the right
platform to build brand awareness for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta because most social
media users are millennials. These platforms follow the design of Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta, an urban lifestyle hotel with a target market for Corporate Companies and
especially leisure travelers from the middle to the upper-class millennial generation.

Profiles of Social Media Users in Indonesia Based

on Age in 2019
20% 16%
Number (%)

15% 11%
10% 7%
4% 3% 5% 5%
3% 3% 2% 2%
13 - 17 18 - 24 25 - 34 35 - 44 45 - 54 55 - 64 > 65
Years Years Years Years Years Years Years
Old Old Old Old Old Old Old

Male Female

Figure 1. 21. Social Media Audience Profile in Indonesia (Kemp, 2019: 36)

Social media can also be used to place a link to the Melia Website and Mobile
Application. With high traffic, it is hoped that the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta market
segment, especially leisure travelers, can click on the website link listed on the social
media platform then download the Melia Mobile Application or directly book a room.
Figure 1.21. shows profiles of social media users in Indonesia in 2019 based on age. Age
25-34 is the largest user with 19% male and 13% female; aged 18-24 is the second-largest
user with 16% male and 11% female. This data shows that most social media users in
Indonesia are millennials (aged 20-40 years).

Figure 1. 22. Social Media Advertising Audiences in Indonesia (Kemp, 2019: 34)

Suppose Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can appropriately manage social media. In

that case, this social media can reach a large number of potential markets according to the
desired target. Figure 1.22 shows that Facebook and Instagram are the most effective
social media platforms to reach the market through their advertisements. In 2019
Facebook has 130 million users, and Instagram has 62 million users who can be reached
through advertisements placed. This number is enormous and almost half of Indonesia's
population. This number is predicted to continue to increase with a growth of 5.1% for
the Instagram platform.

However, there are problems with the use of the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
social media platform. Facebook and Instagram have not been managed properly and
effectively. The difficulty of making suitable and appropriate content for the target market
becomes a problem to gaining a follower's awareness and attractiveness, which leads to
the purchase of hotel products. The ineffectiveness of social media managed by Innside
by Melia Yogyakarta can be seen from the average engagement rate shown in Figure 1.23.
The average engagement rate for Instagram Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is
2.16%. This value is still not good because, with 4159 followers, the minimum value of
a good average engagement rate is 5.60%. The average engagement rate shows how the
Instagram followers of an account are actively and directly involved in the content created
by the Instagram account owner. The more interaction views, likes, and comments the
followers provide, the higher the average engagement rate of an account. The average
engagement rate value is important to increase brand awareness because it can increase
potential customers' desire to try to buy the products being sold and increase customer
loyalty to make repeat purchases.

Figure 1. 23. Average Engagement Rate Instagram Innside Yogyakarta (Internal Data, 2020)

Another indicator that can measure brand awareness is insight from the Instagram
profile of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. With 4159 Instagram followers of Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta, 2079 accounts viewed Innside by Melia Yogyakarta's Instagram post
content (Accounts reached), then 2079 of these accounts viewed Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta's Instagram post content 13334 times (impression). Even though the
impression given to the post content of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is quite high, the
post content is only seen by 2079 accounts. The post content is not spread too much to

other accounts. In addition to the relatively low number, 2079 of these accounts only saw
the post's content without any purchase interaction. This is shown by the number of taps
website links that are only clicked 20 times to continue to a product purchase decision.

Figure 1. 24. Insight on the Instagram profile of Innside Yogyakarta (Internal Data, 2020)

Similar to Instagram, Facebook Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is also not good at

increasing hotel brand awareness. It can be seen in Figure 1.25., 134 accounts are viewing
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta (Post Reach) Facebook post content and 256 accounts that
interact with Innside by Melia Yogyakarta (Post Engagement) Facebook post content.
Both post reach and post engagement are still too few to generate good brand awareness.
Moreover, the age demographics who view the Facebook post content of Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta are still dominated by accounts owned by people over the millennial
generation (over 40 years) who are not the target market for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.
Based on the business issue previously described, the problem of Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta is the lack of customer awareness of each segment, especially the leisure
travelers segment towards hotels, and the lack of interest in booking rooms via the
Website and Mobile Application channels. The effort made by Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta to solve these two problems is building an effective social media platform.

Figure 1. 25. Insight on the Instagram profile of Innside Yogyakarta (Internal Data, 2020)

Therefore, the author tries to help research these problems so that the efforts to
build a social media platform by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can run as expected. Social
media will be focused on Facebook and Instagram platforms with a customer experience
journey approach. The author will formulate the right social media marketing strategy
based on the customer purchase journey of potential consumers and existing consumers'
customer experience. Effective social media is expected to be a good marketing platform
to increase brand awareness for the leisure travelers segment and increase bookings
through the Melia Website and Mobile Application. Social media is also expected to be
a potential bridge for customers to buy Innside by Melia Yogyakarta products, add and
retain existing customers to make repeat purchases to increase hotel revenue and
performance in the following years after COVID-19 ends.

1.4. Research Question

1. Does Innside by Melia Yogyakarta need to do a repositioning?
2. What are the suitable social media content strategies to attract more followers of
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta account?
3. How to attract potential customers from the leisure travelers segment through the
process of the purchase journey within social media?
4. How to maintain existing customers from the leisure travelers segment through
experience within social media?

1.5. Research Objective
1. To find out the strategy that needs to be done when Innside by Melia Yogyakarta has
to do repositioning.
2. To find out the suitable strategic plan for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta social media
content to customers awareness and attractiveness.
3. To design an effective journey through social media content for the potential customer
from the leisure travelers segment.
4. To design an effective experience through social media content for existing customers
from the leisure travelers segment

1.6. Research Limitation

1. In this study, the primary problem used is the problem experienced by Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta before the COVID-19 pandemic and has not been resolved.
2. This research will focus on Innside by Melia Yogyakarta social media.
3. This research will not put concentration on financial and operation aspects.
4. The strategy to discuss in the research will focus on social media content and
marketing within customers journey and experience.
5. Results of this research will only suggest marketing and business strategy aspects.

1.7. Research Structure

This research is divided into four chapters, which are correlated with each other.
The following is an explanation of each chapter:
1. Chapter 1: Introduction explains the background of the business overview, company
profile, problem statement, and limitation of the research to provide a clear
understanding of the business issues analyzed in this research
2. Chapter 2: Business Issue Exploration will contain the conceptual framework for
research, generic framework, and thematic framework that will be used to analyze the
business environment and capability of the company. This chapter also includes the
data that has been collected and theories that are integrated with the problem issue.
3. Chapter 3: The business solution will contain analysis and propose marketing strategy
to answer the business issue by using some of the framework and methodology, and
also answer the research question and achieve the research objective
4. Chapter 4: Conclusion and Recommendation will provide the implementation plan
that is covering the answer of the exploration and research about the business, and
proposed recommendations for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta to solve business issues


2.1. Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework is based on the business issue formulated in chapter 1.
The business issue is the lack of brand awareness of the primary customer segment of
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and the lack of interest in each segment for booking rooms
using the Melia Website and Mobile Application (especially in the Leisure Travelers
segment). Effective social media creation and improvement are expected to increase room
bookings using the Melia Website and Application; increase potential customers to try
staying at the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta; keep existing customers to stay again to
improve performance the form of increasing Innside by Melia Yogyakarta revenue.
Therefore, this research will focus on creating and improving effective social media for
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.
The conceptual framework is used to better understand the conditions and causes
of the business issue at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Besides, the conceptual framework
is used as a reference for steps to formulate a strategy for resolving each business issue,
implementing each strategy until a solution is found, and recommendations for business
issues experienced by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.
The conceptual framework in this study consists of a business issue exploration
used to analyze the external and internal conditions of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and
the business solution alternatives used to resolve the business issues.
In the business issue exploration, the external analysis will be carried out using
PESTEL analysis and competitor analysis. The internal analysis will be carried out with
VRIO, and STP analysis. Consumer analysis examines consumer behavior and
preferences while staying at Innside by Melia and Special Region of Yogyakarta with a
customer experience journey approach. For the business solution alternatives, the author
will use a repositioning, new wave marketing, and each alternative solution is analyzed
and streamlined using customer journey maps.
The author's business issue exploration analysis will use primary data from
external and internal sources. External data sources are obtained from distributing
questionnaires to potential customers, and existing customers are then processed
quantitatively. Internal data sources were obtained from interviews with leaders of
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, such as General Managers and company internal data
collection. The author also uses secondary data from trusted sources such as books,
journals, and others as additional information and data in this study.


VRIO Exploration PESTEL
Analysis Analysis

Internal External
Analysis Analysis
Customer Experience Journey from 3 Personas:
1. Persona 1/Existing customer
STP (Knows and has stayed at Innside)
2. Persona 2/Potential customer
(Knows but has never stayed at Innside)
3. Persona 3/Potential customer
(Does not know and has never stayed at Innside)


Customer Journey Maps:

1. Awareness/Inspiration
2. Research/Consideration
3. Decision Making
4. Preparation
5. In-house Experience
6. Loyalty and Advocacy

Conclusion of
Root Cause Analysis
(Fishbone Diagram)
Customer Business
Journey Solution
Maps Alternatives
New Wave

Figure 2. 1. Conceptual Framework (Primary Data, 2020)

2.2. Research Methodology

2.2.1. Research Method
Research at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta was conducted using two methods:
qualitative and quantitative methods. The following is an explanation of each method.

1. Qualitative Research Method

Qualitative research methods are research types that produce findings that can not
be obtained using statistical procedures or other means of quantification/measurement
(Rahmat, 2009: 2). Using a qualitative research method, the authors can collect richer
information and get a more detailed of business issues (Arora and Stoner, 2009: 275).

This research conducted a qualitative research method through interviews. The
interview was conducted with the General Manager of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.
Interviews were conducted during exploratory business issues, understand deeper hotel
conditions for internal analysis, and formulate the right marketing strategy based on the
problems that have been formulated

2. Quantitative Research Method

According to Rahmat (2009: 2), quantitative research methods involve measuring
a specific feature's level and processing with certain statistical calculations. Quantitative
research is the process of collecting, analyzing, interpreting, and writing the results
(Creswell, 2002).
Besides a qualitative method, this research conducted a quantitative research
method through a survey with a tool in the form of an online questionnaire distributed
randomly to obtain respondents from potential customers and existing customers who
match the study's criteria.
The answers obtained from respondents will be processed quantitatively using
SPSS. The statistical method used is the t-test. A T-test is a type of statistical test used to
compare two groups' means (Kim, 2015: 540). After the questionnaire answers from all
respondents have been fulfilled, the respondent will be divided into three personas. The
answers of the three personas will be tested using the t-test to determine whether there is
a significant difference between the three personas based on each stage of the consumer
experience journey that is carried out. These differences will be analyzed further.

2.2.2. Research Design

1. Research Steps
The research steps written in the conceptual framework are explained at the
following points:
a. Problem statement. The author interviewed General Manager Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta to find out the business issue that faced. Moreover, the author is observed
related to Innside by Melia Yogyakarta social media. The internal data was also got to
support the research.
b. Defines research objectives. The critical author component that narrows and focuses
that the findings are relevant to decision-makers.
c. Business Issues Exploration. This part will analyze the current conditions from Innside
by Melia Yogyakarta related to the social media business field. The analysis will be
divided into the external, internal, and consumer analysis.

d. Conclusion of Business Situation. The business situation that was previously analyzed
in the business issue exploration section was then summarized using a fishbone
diagram to identify business problems accurately, and business solutions can be
focused on following these problems.
e. Business Solution Alternatives. This stage is used to formulate the right solution to
solve the problems experienced by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. This stage uses
repositioning, New Wave Marketing, and each alternative solution is analyzed and
streamlined using customer journey maps.
f. Proposed implementations for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.

2. Type of Data
The types of data used in this study are as follows:
a. Primary Data
Primary data is obtained directly from sources or first parties such as sources,
respondents through interviews, and questionnaires. The primary data needed in this
study include business issues that occur at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, internal and
external conditions at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, digital customer journey, and
customer experience.
b. Secondary Data
Secondary data is data obtained indirectly through intermediary media. Secondary
data is obtained through records, historical reports/archives, or primary data that has been
further processed and presented, usually in tables or diagrams. The secondary data needed
in this study include an overview of the prospects for hotels in the Yogyakarta, an
overview of the prospects for using social media as a medium of sale and purchase in
Indonesia, a description of the competitors of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, etc.

3. Data Collection
The data collection methods used in this study are as follows:
a. Observation
Observations are made to see the conditions that occur in the field. This method
aims to determine the problems that occur at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.
b. Interview
The interview is a data collection technique carried out through face-to-face and
direct questions and answers between researchers and sources. Interviews were conducted
at the General Manager of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta to obtain information about the
business issues and the hotel's internal conditions.

c. Survey
The survey is a method of collecting primary data by giving several questions to
individual respondents. The main focus was to see brand awareness and purchase decision
making through social media content consideration than it will relate to the customer's
experience. The tool used in the survey is a questionnaire that is distributed to target
respondents, namely potential customers and existing customers. The criteria for
respondents are as follows:

Table 2. 1 Criteria for Research Respondents (Primary Data, 2020)

Potential Customer Existing Customer
Age 20 - 40 Years Old 20 - 40 Years Old
Demographic Indonesia Indonesia
Type of Traveler Leisure Travelers Leisure Travelers
Knowing the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta No/Yes Yes
Have stayed at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta No Yes

Since this research is a quantitative study, it is possible to generalize data for large
populations outside the sample size. This study using the central limit theorem. According
to Chang and Huang (2006: 32), the central limit theorem states that if the study takes
sufficiently large random samples from the population with replacement, then the
sample's distribution will be approximately normally distributed. This theory will hold
whether the source population is normal or skewed, the sample size must be sufficiently
large n ≥ 30. Therefore, this study will take 50 samples of potential customers and existing
d. Literature study
A literature study was carried out to obtain secondary data. In this case, the
researcher does not directly collect the data himself but uses data or documents produced
by other parties. A literature study is carried out by collecting information through
articles, journals, reports, books, the internet, and other relevant references and can
support this research.

2.3. External Environment Analysis

2.3.1. PESTEL Analysis
PESTEL analysis is a framework or tool to analyze and monitor the external
marketing environmental factors. The purpose of conducting PESTEL analysis in this
research is to identify the external factors and uncertainty factors that affect the hotel
industry. PESTEL analysis is the most common approach for considering the external
business environment (Gupta, 2013: 35).
Analysis of PESTEL divides the general environment forces into six factors:
Political, Economic, Sociocultural, Technological, Environmental, and Legal factors.
PESTEL analysis below critically evaluates and identifies various strategies in Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta's competitive and dynamic environment.

Figure 2. 2. PESTEL Framework (Gupta, 2013: 35)

1. Political Factor
One political factor that has driven the development of the tourism sector in
Indonesia is its commitment to its development through various policies. The Indonesian
government has implemented several policies to promote the development of the tourism
industry. For example, this includes the passage of Presidential Regulation No. 21 of 2016
regarding Visa-Free Visits, a replacement for Presidential Regulation No. 69 of 2015
regarding Visa-Free Visits, which is intended to increase the number of foreign tourists
in Indonesia. Through this regulation, the government has allowed nationals of 169
countries to enter Indonesia without a visa.
Another policy is developing ten priority tourism destinations (DPP) and national
strategic territories (KSPN) through Presidential Regulation No. 3 of 2016. These ten
priority destinations were Lake Toba, Kelayang Cape, Lesung Cape, the Thousand
Islands, Borobudur Temple Tourist Park, Bromo-Tengger-Semeru, Mandalika Lombok,
Labuan Bajo, Morotai Island, and Wakatobi National Park.
Meanwhile, according to the Presidential Regulation, the ten KSPN are Kelayang
Cape (Bangka Belitung), Borobudur Temple (Central Java), Morotai (North Maluku),
Komodo Island-Labuan Bajo (East Nusa Tenggara), Wakatobi National Park (Southeast
Sulawesi), Thousand Islands (Jakarta Capital Region), Lake Toba (North Sumatra),
Bromo-Tengger-Semeru (East Java), Mandalika Lombok (West Nusa Tenggara), and
Lesung Cape (Banten).

The Indonesian Government, Bank Indonesia, and the Financial Services
Authority have promoted institutional coordination and policy synergy to accelerate the
development of the tourism sector. Nine policy strategies have been made priorities by
these institutions, namely (LPEM FEB UI, 2018: 33):
a. Increasing the tourism industry's performance by increasing attraction accessibility
and diversity and amenity quality while also strengthening promotion efforts and
improving tourism sector actors' capacity. This policy is intended to increase foreign
tourists and increase foreign exchange revenues from priority tourism destinations
such as Lake Toba, Borobudur–Joglosemar (Yogyakarta-Solo-Semarang), Mandalika,
Labuan Bajo, Bali, Jakarta, Banyuwangi, Bromo, and Riau Islands.
b. Improving tourism data and information by determining a specific nomenclature for
classifying the specific types of businesses involved in tourism for use in policy
formulation. Foreign tourists are surveyed to ascertain their travel tendencies,
expenses, and feedback regarding tourism destinations.
c. Increasing funding to support businesses in the tourism sector by providing credit
through People's Business Credit (Kredit Usaha Rakyat, KUR).
d. Intensifying the application of digital payment and economic systems at all tourism
destinations, with Bali becoming the program champion at the 2018 IMF-World Bank
Annual Meeting.
e. Increasing synergy between the central government, regional governments, and Bank
Indonesia in promoting tourism.
f. Improving land and air access to tourism destinations by:
• Accelerating Blimbingsari Airport, Banyuwangi, as an international airport.
• Increasing the passenger capacity and navigation facilities to increase air travel
frequency, including at Silangit Airport.
• Accelerating the development of the New Yogyakarta International Airport (NYIA)
and building a rail transport system from NYIA to Yogyakarta City.
g. Developing attractions integrated with tourism destinations, including Borobudur-
Joglosemar and Bali-Banyuwangi tourist packages.

Table 2. 2. Strategic Goals of the Tourism Sector, 2020-2024 (LPEM FEB UI, 2018: 4)
Strategic Goals Targets
1 Increasing the number of foreign tourists from 20 million (2019) to 30
million (2024).
Increasing foreign exchange revenue to USD 40 million.
Optimising the tourism potential of the archipelago.
2 Developing ten priority tourism destinations of international quality and
realising the principles of sustainable development.
Creating an international-standard management organisation and using
the brand "Wonderful Indonesia".
Improving the quality of tourism infrastructure as well as the
innovativeness of tourism products.
Increasing Indonesia's Tour and Travel Competitiveness Index (TTCI)
from 30th (2019) to 20th (2024).
3 Tripling MICE events and special-interest tourism activities over the
next five years.
Making Indonesia the best destination for MICE activities in ASEAN.
Seizing the opportunities presented by special interest tourism, including
ecotourism, halal tourism, underwater sports, senior tourism, cruise ship
tourism, and sailing.
4 Developing human resources in the tourism sector.

h. Improving the amenities at tourism destinations by:

• Accelerating the completion of the Kampung Ujung area of Labuan Bajo.
• Accelerating the land certification process for developing infrastructure Lake Toba.
• Improving waste management and providing clean water at tourism attractions.
i. Improving the quality of human resources and tourism activities by providing
vocational training to tourism sector workers.
Several additional policies have also provided a political basis for developing the
tourism sector in Indonesia. The Indonesian government has shown a political and
institutional commitment to developing the tourism industry. It has created policies for
promoting the tourism sector's growth, emphasized the need to develop local enterprises,
and prioritized local human resources (LPEM FEB UI, 2018: 4). The government's
commitment to accelerating the growth of the tourism sector can be seen in the Table 2.2.
Strategic Goals of the Tourism Sector, 2020-2024.

2. Economic Factor
Economic factors contributing to the tourism sector's growth exist at both the
domestic and global levels. At the domestic level, Indonesia's economy has shown
positive trends promoting the tourism sector's growth. For example, there has been a shift
(particularly among millennials), from goods-based consumption to experience-based
consumption since 2015. A shift in consumption patterns attributed to increased access
to technology and improved purchasing power. This tendency has driven recent
developments in Indonesia's tourism sector, particularly in the accommodation and food
and drink industries. As a result, leisure activities have significantly contributed to the
national economy.

Figure 2. 3. Leisure Consumption in Indonesia (Bank Indonesia, 2018: 26)

Meanwhile, millennials have become the dominant actors in e-commerce

transactions globally, particularly in the global tourism industry. For example, in 2017,
30.5% of persons who conducted e-commerce transactions were between the ages of 25
and 34; for comparison, 24.3% were aged 35-44; 18.8% were 18-24, 17.2% were aged
45-54; and 9.2% were aged 55-64 (Bank Indonesia, 2018: 26).
Several other economic factors at the global level have also positively affected
Indonesia's tourism industry. The global economy's performance has increased demand
for tourism, which has contributed to Indonesia's tourism industry and its GDP. The
increased accessibility of international travel has also driven global tourism through the
establishment of low-cost airlines, openness of international travel laws, widespread
availability of cultural and art festivals, improvements in transportation infrastructure
(even in the smallest villages), and rapid growth of industries supporting tourism such as
hotels and restaurants. The growth of Indonesia's tourism industry has also promoted

economic growth at the regional level, and tourists have become increasingly aware of
attractions in these areas.
The United Nations declared 2018 to be the International Year of Tourism,
recognizing its importance in many countries' economic development, including
Indonesia. This declaration contributed to increased international tourism, including in
Indonesia. The number of international tourists entering Indonesia increased between
2013 and 2018, positively affecting its foreign exchange revenue. Based on the
projection, the Indonesian government has sought to increase the number of foreign
tourists to 21.6 million by 2020, 31.8 million by 2025, 42.8 million by 2030, 57.5 million
by 2035, 65.1 million by 2040, and 73.6 million by 2045 (LPEM FEB UI, 2018:29).

Figure 2. 4. Contribution of the Tourism to Indonesia GDP in Billion Rupiah (BPS, 2017: 50)

The tourism sector's contribution to Indonesia's GDP has increased over time. In
2012, Indonesia's tourism sector contributed Rp 593.4 billion to the country's GDP. This
GDP increased by 4.16% in 2013, reaching Rp 618.1 billion; it reached Rp 682.5 billion
in 2014, and Rp 829.9 billion in 2018. The tourism sector is expected to contribute 6.6%
of Indonesia's GDP by 2028 directly.

3. Sociocultural Factor
Every country has different social conditions; the same is true for Indonesia,
which has hundreds of ethnic and cultural groups. This ethnic and cultural diversity can
attract tourists, both international and domestic, and thereby support the tourism industry
(Bacsi, 2017: 26). This ethnic and cultural diversity cannot be separated from Indonesia’s
geographic diversity. The archipelagic country consists of more than 17,000 countries
inhabited by some 300 ethnic groups divided into four major cultural groups. Each of

Indonesia’s 34 provinces has its languages, ethnic groups, religions, and history.
Indonesians can trace their roots to China, Europe, India, and the Malay Peninsula.
Despite being the world’s largest Muslim-majority country, Indonesia also has
large Protestant, Catholic, Hindu, and Buddhist populations. This demographic diversity
has, in turn, driven diversity in the tourism sector. Take, for example, dance; East Java is
famed for its Reog Ponorogo, while Bali is known for the Kecak dance. Traditional
cultural practices, passed from generation to generation, can also attract tourists to
different archipelago parts.
Another social factor that has supported the Indonesian tourism industry is its age
demographic. The country’s population is predominantly of productive age (15–64 years
old). Furthermore, Bank Indonesia (2018: 7) shows that in 2017, most persons (46.3%)
who used online travel booking services in Indonesia were between the ages of 25 and
34. The dominance of productive age persons helps drive the tourism sector, as it drives
consumption and promotes labor absorption. Meanwhile, there has been a shift in
consumption patterns within Indonesian society. Millennials’ consumption is dominated
by experience- and leisure-based activities such as tourism. In Indonesia, tourism has also
been driven by the growth of the middle class, who tend to have more time and money to
spend on entertainment. The growth of the middle class in Indonesia is reflected in shifts
in the country’s consumption patterns. Since 2015, the amount of money spent on clothing
and expenses has decreased; at the same time, spending on entertainment and lifestyle
activities has increased. In 2017, for example, spending on restaurants and hotels
increased by 5.6% over the previous year, while spending on communication increased
by 5.2% (Bank Indonesia, 2018:7).

Figure 2. 5. Types of Household Consumption (Bank Indonesia, 2018: 7)

4. Technological Factor
According to Atembe (2015: 224), Technological advances have also contributed
significantly to the tourism sector, including supply and demand. These advances
(particularly the increased access to technology and connectivity), have also accelerated
the shift towards increased leisure sector consumption. The presence of new technologies
has directly transformed the entire concept of travel and tourism, both from a supply and
a demand perspective. The use of these new technologies has made tourism increasingly
accessible. Today, travel agencies can easily reach global audiences, while consumers no
longer have to visit agents' offices. Technology has enabled the integration of tourism
business operations and increased the tourism industry's value chain.
The Indonesian government has also utilized technology to develop and promote
the tourism sector through social media, as seen in the "Wonderful Indonesia"
advertisements that have been uploaded to YouTube and other websites. Through social
media, the promotion of Indonesia as a destination for tourism has become increasingly
significant. Technology (particularly social media and other internet-based media) have
enabled the government to effectively reach global and domestic markets; this has
become particularly true as internet penetration rates have increased both in Indonesia
and worldwide. In Indonesia (social media-particularly Facebook and Twitter), has
become increasingly common as internet penetration rates have increased. Indeed, there
remains significant room for growth; in March 2017, Indonesia only had an internet
penetration rate of 50%. The number of internet users in Indonesia has increased from 84
million in 2017; 95.2 million in 2018; and 107.2 million in early 2019. The number of
internet users in the country is predicted to increase to 119.4 million by 2020, 149.9
million by 2023. This trend has driven an exponential increase in online business
activities, including in the tourism sector.
Today, consumers can purchase travel products such as flights, hotels, and car
rentals directly from company websites or online travel agents. Indeed, according to
Marzo et al. (2019: 192), an increasingly large percentage of Fully Independent Travelers
(FITs) use online travel agents such as, Expedia, Hotwire, Kayak,
Lastminute, MakeMyTrip, TripAdvisor, Trivago.
Meanwhile, TripAdvisor's websites permit tourists to post about their experiences
with hotels, restaurants, and other travel products. Such companies generally earn money
through advertisements on their websites. Online travel product sales have increased over
the past few years. In 2016, online travel was a USD 564.9 billion industry; this figure is

expected to reach USD 817.5 billion by 2020. In Indonesia, the online travel industry was
worth USD 5 billion in 2015, and it is expected to reach USD 9.33 billion in 2019.

Figure 2. 6. Digital Travel Sales in Indonesia in Billion US $ (Statista, 2019)

Technological advances have also positively affected the economy, primarily by

improving efficiency and innovation (thereby reducing the cost of economic and social
transactions). Despite their high initial costs, digital economic platforms enable
production to be upscaled rapidly with lower direct cost margins. Given this efficiency,
the number of online transactions involving goods and services has increased rapidly. The
value of these e-sales has increased rapidly, from only USD 0.56 billion in 2011 to an
estimated USD 4.49 billion in 2016. In 2017, some 41% of Indonesians purchased at least
one product or service online-up from 26% of Indonesians in 2016. That year, online sales
were worth a cumulative USD 5.3 billion. This number shows that Indonesia has
considerable potential for future growth.

Figure 2. 7. Trends of Online Goods and Services Transaction in Billion US$ (Statista, 2019)

However, Indonesia does face considerable obstacles in developing its internet

technologies and infrastructure. One of these is connection speed. Indonesia has the
slowest cellular internet connections in the Asia Pacific region, ranking 106th globally.

As such, it ranked significantly behind Singapore (4th), Vietnam (61st), Malaysia (74th),
Cambodia (78th), and the Philippines. Similarly, Indonesia ranked 93rd globally in
broadband speed, behind Singapore (1st), Vietnam (56th), Malaysia (62nd), and the
Philippines (91st) (Goyal et al., 2018: 3666).

5. Environmental Factor
Ecotourism is the most discusses global issue lately in Indonesia. Ecotourism is
one of the unique tourist interest activities that have a low impact on nature tourism.
Ecotourism in the era of sustainable development and tourism's mission must be a
minimum negative impact, both on the environmental resources and on local socio-
cultural values. When all tourism development can not is separated from the negative
impacts, such as ecosystem disturbances in ecotourism objects when visited by many
tourists, there are many conflicts of interest between ecotourism management with local
communities, especially regarding the distribution of benefits and accessibility.
Indonesian tourism is a high concentration of activities in the most developed
provinces, such as Jakarta, Bali, Yogyakarta, and several places in North Sumatera, North
Sulawesi, and South Sulawesi (Butarbutar and Soemarno, 2013: 99). These facts indicate
that many other provinces have ecotourism resources and unique traditional culture but
have not been utilized properly. Tourism attractions, such as heritage tours, traditional
small towns, natural scenery, and flora fauna of wild animals, spread throughout the
country. However, its activities are still limited to some natural regions. This activity
suggests that ecotourism has a vital role in the context of sustainable development because
it offers the high potencies for the private sectors to develop and utilize the potential of
natural resources and to support community economic development, particularly in rural
areas surrounding the ecotourism destinations.
Environmental factors also relate to the surrounding environment and the impact
of ecological aspects. This element becomes more important because it will change the
climate and weather that affect the hospitality and tourism industries. The hotel industry
treats the customer with a hot shower, clean linen changed daily, air conditioner, and other
facilities. In contrast, hotels contribute 60 million tons of Co2 emissions annually due to
wasteful practices and oblivious guests. According to Abeydeera and Karunasena (2019:
3), hotels consume large amounts of energy, 61% of energy is consumed in the form of
electricity, and pay high prices for their energy, as they are commercial establishments.
At the same time, the most significant contribution of gas emissions comes from
electricity and heat.

Figure 2. 8. Global Gas Emission in Hotel Industry (Abeydeera and Karunasena, 2019: 3)

6. Legal Factor
Legal factors refer to applicable laws and regulations in Indonesia and their impact
on the hotel industry's performance. These laws and regulations include union laws, labor
laws, fair trade laws, licensing laws, and other laws that affect a hospitality business,
according to Law No. 13 of 2003 on Manpower Law. Probationary periods of up to three
months are permitted for employees on indefinite-term contracts, provided the trial period
has been agreed upon. The company cannot impose a probationary period on employees
with a fixed-term contract. However, it gives the company authority to hire people who
are most suitable for a position.
Moreover, in 2015 the Indonesian government provided 45 countries visa-free
access to Indonesia (Presidential Regulation No.69/2015 concerning Exception of Visit
Visa). This policy change was made in order to attract more foreign visitors. In March
2016, the number of countries whose residents were allowed to enter Indonesia without a
visa was raised again through Presidential Regulation No. 21/2016 concerning Exception
of Visit Visa, which means there are now 169 countries that not need a visa to enter and
stay in Indonesia.
Minister of State-Owned Enterprises (BUMN) issued Circular Letter No. SE-
08/MBU/2014 concerning efficiency and savings of BUMN Operating Costs. This
circular letter aims to improve company performance and service performance through
efficiency and savings in BUMN Operating Cost in official travel, protocols, and meeting.

2.3.2. Competitor Analysis
Based on in-depth interviews conducted with General Manager of Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta, there are four hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta that is
considered competitors to Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. These four hotels are considered
competitors based on having the same target market as Innside by Melia Yogyakarta,
namely business and leisure travelers. Besides, competing hotels have the same stars,
namely 4-5 stars, and the same number of rooms and facilities. The four hotels are the
Sheraton Hotel Mustika Yogyakarta Resort & Spa, Novotel Yogyakarta, Sahid Jaya
Yogyakarta Hotel & Convention, and Grand Mercure Yogyakarta Adi Sucipto. Table 2.3
shows the comparison between Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and competitor hotels.

Table 2. 3. Competitor Analysis Table (Internal Data, 2020)

Published Rate/Night Room Total Room Leisure Number of Meeting Room Social Media
(Via Website) Types Numbers Facilities & Largest Capacity and Followers
Innside by Melia 5 meeting rooms Instagram : 4.452
± Rp 540.000 5 242 Swimming Pool,
Yogyakarta (300 persons) Facebook : 1.215
Restaurant, 4 event rooms/
Sheraton Hotel Mustika Instagram : 16.600
± Rp 720.000 8 246 Swimming Pool, 10 breakout rooms
Yogyakarta Resort &Spa Facebook : 6.522
Gym, Spa (1800 persons)
4 meeting rooms Instagram : 5.093
Novotel Yogyakarta ± Rp 450.000 4 202 Swimming Pool,
(250 persons) Facebook: 5.401
1 Ballroom (2000 persons)
Sahid Jaya Yogyakarta Restaurant, Instagram : 2.219
± Rp 320.000 6 245 and 10 meeting rooms
Hotel & Convention Swimming Pool Facebook : 1.594
(400 persons)

Grand Mercure Yogyakarta 6 meeting rooms Instagram : 5.500
± Rp 650.000 4 305 Swimming Pool,
Adi Sucipto (700 persons) Facebook : 2.286
Gym, Spa

Based on Table 2.3, each competing hotel has almost the same specifications as
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. However, there are several differences in terms of
advantages in each specification. Overall, the Sheraton Hotel Mustika Yogyakarta Resort
& Spa is the most superior hotel among other hotels. This hotel can install the highest
published rate with the complete facilities. Consumers can choose various room types
because this hotel also provides the most hotel room types, among other hotels. Besides,
consumer awareness of the social media of Sheraton Hotel Mustika Yogyakarta is also
the highest among others. This awareness is shown by the number of Instagram followers,
totaling 16,600 accounts, and Facebook totaling 6,522 accounts. Sheraton Hotel Mustika
Yogyakarta is almost superior in all aspects of specifications.
Grand Mercure Yogyakarta has the advantage of having the largest number of
rooms than other hotels, namely 305 rooms. The hotel's published rate is the second
largest after Sheraton, which is Rp 650,000. It is a significant advantage if Grand Mercure
Yogyakarta can maximize room occupancy and increase the published rate. This hotel
provides facilities for Business Travelers in meeting rooms, although not as big as Sahid
Jaya Yogyakarta and Sheraton Hotel Mustika Yogyakarta. However, Grand Mercure
Yogyakarta somewhat lacks in terms of social media. The hotel's Instagram and Facebook
followers are the second largest after the Sheraton Hotel Mustika Yogyakarta. However,
the gap in the number of followers is huge. Grand Mercure Yogyakarta has 5,500
Instagram followers and 2,286 Facebook followers. Grand Mercure Yogyakarta tries to
focus on Instagram as a marketing tool.
Novotel Yogyakarta and Sahid Hotel Yogyakarta are hotels with the lowest
publish rates among other hotels. The facilities of these two hotels are also not as
complete as other hotels. However, Novotel Yogyakarta has an advantage in social media.
They are trying to focus on Instagram and Facebook in terms of media marketing, unlike
other hotels that focus on just one social media. Sahid Hotel Yogyakarta has the advantage
of having the most extensive and most considerable meeting rooms and ballrooms, among
other hotels, namely one ballroom with a capacity of 2000 people and ten meeting rooms
with the largest capacity of 400 people. This hotel is indeed very focused on pursuing
business traveler consumers.
Overall, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is in a middle position when compared to
its competitor hotels. The number and capacity of the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
meeting rooms are among the lowest among other hotels. Innside is only superior to
Novotel Yogyakarta. To pursue the business traveler segment, Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta needs to increase its capacity. However, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is
superior in terms of the concept of getting the Leisure Travelers segment from the
millennial generation. Even though each hotel has equal facilities, Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta has a swimming pool facility in the form of a Sky Deck with a model and
ambiance tailored and designed for the millennial generation. It is different from other
competitor hotels whose leisure facilities are more for family holidays, not especially
millennials. However, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta needs to improve social media
performance, which can be a tool to attract potential millennial generation customers.
Because based on the number of followers, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is inferior to
other hotels and is only relatively equal to Sahid Hotel Yogyakarta.

2.4. Internal Environment Analysis
2.4.1. VRIO Analysis

Figure 2. 9. VRIO Analysis (Rothaermel, 2013: 91)

VRIO is an acronym for Valuable (V), Rare (R), Imitate (I), and Organization (O).
The VRIO framework is used to analyze the implications of corporate resources on
competitiveness. If a company has resources that conform to the VRIO framework, it can
gain a competitive advantage. The application of the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
resource-based display using VRIO is described in table 2.4 below.
The VRIO analysis at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta was carried out by dividing
the types of resources in advance. Resources are divided into tangible and intangible.
Tangible resources are resources that can be seen directly physically. Meanwhile,
intangible resources are the opposite of tangible, resources that cannot be seen directly
by the physical.
In Tangible Resources, there are nine identified resources. 1) hotel building and
2) hotel rooms. Hotel buildings and hotel rooms are a precious asset for Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta because without buildings and rooms, this hotel will not stand up and make
money. Hotel building and rooms are not something rare and not easy to imitate. This is
because every hotel must have a building and rooms. Besides, there are many hotels in
the Special Region of Yogyakarta with vertical buildings such as Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta. Therefore, the impact of competitive parity is that many companies have
equal performance in hotel buildings, such as Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.

Table 2. 4. VRIO Analysis of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta (Internal Data, 2020)

Inimitable and Organized
Resources Valuable Rare Impact
non substitutable to Exploit
Hotel Building Yes No No Yes Competitive Parity
Hotel Rooms Yes No No No Competitive Parity
Restaurant and
Yes No No No Competitive Parity
Bar (Syndeo)
Sky Deck Rooftop Temporary Competitive
Yes Yes No No
Pool and Bar Advantage
InFit Gym Center Yes No No No Competitive Parity
Meeting Rooms Yes No No Yes Competitive Parity
Social Media Yes No No No Competitive Parity
Website Yes No No No Competitive Parity
Mobile Application Yes No No No Competitive Parity
The brand of Temporary Competitive
Yes Yes Yes No
Melia International Advantage
The Innside by Melia Temporary Competitive
Yes Yes Yes No
trademark Advantage
Human Assets Yes No No Yes Competitive Parity
Networks with Sustained Competitive
Yes Yes Yes Yes
The Alana Yogyakarta Advantage

Temporary Competitive
Hotel concept Yes Yes No Yes
Temporary Competitive
Culture at work Yes Yes No Yes

3) Restaurant and Bar (Syndeo) and 4) Sky Deck Rooftop Pool and Bar. These
two resources have in common; they both have bars and are valuable because they can
make money from guests who order Food and Beverage (F&B). The difference is that
restaurants and bars (Syndeo) are not considered rare because it is common for every
hotel to have a restaurant. However, Sky Deck Rooftop and Bar is classified as rare
because hotel guests can do various activities such as lunch, dinner, and swimming while
enjoying Mount Merapi's view and the atmosphere of the streets of Yogyakarta City
without being obstructed by any buildings. These facilities and beautiful views are
precious and become an attraction for guests to take pictures. However, this facility is
relatively easy to imitate. Each hotel with a vertical building shape can change its rooftop
concept like that. Therefore, the impact of restaurants and bars (Syndeo) is competitive
parity, while Sky Deck is a temporary competitive advantage.

5) InFit Gym Center and 6) Meeting rooms. InFit Gym Center is classified as
valuable as a complementary facility for a hotel and can generate money for companies.
However, InFit Gym Center is not a rare and easy to imitate facility. It is common for
every hotel to have gym facilities as with meeting rooms. Hotels in Yogyakarta are
starting to expand into the MICE hotel type. Many previously did not have meeting
rooms, built new meeting rooms, and even built a ballroom. Therefore, the impact that
occurs on the InFit Gym Center and Meeting rooms is competitive parity.
7) Social Media, 8) Website, and 9) Mobile Application. Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta has social media in the form of Instagram and Facebook, a website
and a mobile application that can be downloaded at the app store and play store. These
three resources are valuable for hotels because they are used as the most massive hotel
marketing media, considering that the current era uses digital. However, in the end, these
three resources are not rare and easy to imitate. Almost all hotels have this medium to
market their products and services. Besides, there are weaknesses that Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta has not been able to maximize these three resources to market its hotel.
Therefore, the impact that occurs on social media, websites, and mobile applications is
competitive parity.
In intangible resources, there are six identified resources. 1) The Brand of Melia
International and 2) The Innside by Melia Trademark. These two resources are valuable
because Melia is a well-known brand globally in the hospitality sector. Its influence will
raise the image of a hotel, which also bears the name Melia. Then the use of the Innside
by Melia Yogyakarta trademarks, which is the first Melia hotel in Southeast Asia to use
the name Innside. This could be an advantage in itself for creating a curious effect on
consumers for this emerging hotel. These two resources are classified as rare and difficult
to imitate, especially in the Yogyakarta area, because Melia's policy only builds 1 Melia
brand in 1 region/city. However, since its establishment for two years and with the
advantages of these two resources, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta has not achieved
satisfactory performance in terms of revenue. Therefore, these two resources are
classified as a temporary competitive advantage. Because if Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
cannot change the advantages of value, rare and not easily imitated into revenue, it will
be a bad thing for the company and will be overtaken by other competitors.
3) Human assets and 4) Networks with The Alana Yogyakarta. These two
resources are valuable for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta because no one runs this hotel
without workers. Besides, several workers at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta are workers at
The Alana Yogyakarta. Even though the two hotels are different operators, they are still
under one owner, so that often there is a collaboration between the two hotels. Human
assets are not rare and easy to imitate by other companies. Other companies can also
recruit their employees and train them to become professional employees. The impact of
human assets on these assets is competitive parity. Meanwhile, the impact of the
collaboration with The Alana Yogyakarta is Sustained Competitive Advantage because it
is rare, not easy to imitate. Other hotels are not much like this. Besides, this cooperation
is running well and mutually beneficial. When the Alana hotel guests are full, and
someone still wants to book, they will be directed to Innside. Likewise with Innside to
Alana. Both overnight and event guests.
5) Hotel concept and 6) Culture at work. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta has a
holistic business and leisure (Bleisure) concept with a touch of an urban lifestyle hotel.
This concept is valuable because it can differentiate between Innside by Melia and most
hotels in Yogyakarta. This concept is finally in line with the culture at work. Workers at
Innside never wear formal uniforms. They are free to dye their hair. This is a rare thing
in the world of hospitality. However, this concept and this work culture can easily be
copied. Until now, the concept is going well and can get a positive response from
customers. Meanwhile, a relaxed culture like this increases the morale of the workers.
The impact of the hotel concept and culture at work is a temporary competitive advantage.

2.4.2. Segmentation, Targeting, Positioning (STP)

According to Kotler and Keller (2009), Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning
(STP) is a framework that companies can use to identify their consumers accurately and
formulate them in the form of product positions in consumers' eyes. This STP is a critical
factor in winning the competition by seeing the market from a unique angle and different
from competitors. After conducting external and internal analysis, here are the STP
formulated for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.

1. Segmentation
Travelers who visit the Special Region of Yogyakarta are very diverse. In general,
travelers visit the Special Region of Yogyakarta for business and tourist purposes. Table
2.5 describes the tourist market segmentation in the Special Region of Yogyakarta based
on geography, demographics, psychographics, and behavior.

Table 2. 5. Segmenting of the Special Region of Yogyakarta Travelers (Yuniati, 2018:184)
Aspect Characteristics
Geogaphical Urban and rural cities
Demographic Ages: 26 - 60 tahun
Gender: Male and Female
Occupation: Private employee, Self employee, Entrepreneur,
Housewife, Civil employee, Student
Education: S1, High school, Diploma
Income: > Rp 4.000.000
Psychographic Social class: Middle to Upper class
Lifestyle: Experientals, Aspirers, The Golden Years
Reasons to Yogyakarta: Vacation, Business,
Visit to extended familiy
Source of travel information: Social media,
Internet, Word of mouth
Time to Yogyakarta: Long weekend, Eid Al-Fitr, School Holidays
Favorite type of tourist: Nature tourism, Religius tourism, Marine tourism

Geographically, most of them are urban people who come on vacation to

Yogyakarta. Based on demographics, the majority of tourists are 26 to 60 years old. Most
of their jobs are private employees with middle to upper social class. In behavior, the
primary purpose of tourists to Yogyakarta is a vacation and then business trips. The
preferred marketing channel is social media.

2. Targeting
After knowing the market segment of travelers in Indonesia, Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta chose target customers with the criteria in table 2.6 as follows:

Table 2. 6. Target Customers Innside by Melia Yogyakarta (Internal Data, 2020)

Aspect Characteristics
Geographical Urban cities
Demographic Gender: Male and Female
Occupation: Private employee, Self employee, Entrepreneur,
Housewife, Civil employee, Student
Income: > Rp 5.000.000
Social class: Middle to Upper middle class
Psychographic Reasons to Yogyakarta: Vacation and Business
Source of travel information: Social media,
Internet, Word of Mouth
Time to Yogyakarta: Long weekend, Eid Al-Fitr,
School holidays, Business duty

Based on existing segments, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta's target market is
Business and Leisure travelers from the millennial generation (26-40 years). Leisure and
Business travelers are the right markets to target. Although, for now, the competition to
reach the business travelers segment in the Special Region of Yogyakarta is quite tight
because competitor hotels have more complete MICE facilities such as meeting rooms
with a larger capacity than Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Another problem is the limited
development space for the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta to build more meeting rooms for
business travelers. Opportunities for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta to reach the leisure
travelers segment are greater than business travelers because tourists come to Yogyakarta
mostly for vacation. The leisure facilities owned by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta are
classified as unique, rare, and valuable because they are different from competing hotels.
These leisure facilities need to be maximized to achieve the best performance of Innside
by Melia Yogyakarta.

3. Positioning
With a target market, namely Business and Leisure Travelers from the millennial
generation, the positioning of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is "Urban Lifestyle Hotels for
Smart Business and Leisure Travelers."

2.5. Consumer Analysis

Research-based on the questionnaire results is processed quantitatively and
discussed and analyzed using the customer experience journey approach. This
questionnaire was distributed from November 2020 to January 2021. The author divides
the respondents into three personas.

Have stayed at
Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta Yes

Have been to the Existing

Special Region of customer Add to
Make an Share and Remember
Yogyakarta Shooping
Yes Order Review and Return
Have heard or Potential
seen Innside by customer who
Leisure Melia
Travelers and Yes are aware of
Yogyakarta Innside by Awareness/ Research/ Decision In-house Loyalty and
Business Leisure Preparation
Melia Inspiration Consideration Making Experience Advocacy
(Bleisure) Yogyakarta
Yes Not Enjoy
Have heard or Complaints
Never been to the
seen Innside by
Special Region of
Melia Potential
Yogyakarta No customer who
are not aware
of Innside by

Figure 2. 10. Questionnaire Distributing Scheme for Each Persona (Internal Data, 2020)

Persona 1 is a respondent who knows and has stayed at Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta (existing customer). Persona 2 is a respondent who knows but has never
stayed at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta (potential customer). Persona 3 is a respondent
who does not know and has never stayed at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta (potential
customer). Each persona is 50 respondents. The questionnaire distribution scheme for
each persona can be seen in Figure 2.10.

2.5.1. Profile of Respondents

The initial step in processing this questionnaire data is defining each persona's
profile based on gender, domicile, age, profession, average income per month, and
average expenditure for consumption per month. The profile will be further described and
analyzed at the following points:

1. Gender


35 29
30 26
25 22 21
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Male Female

Figure 2. 11. Gender of Respondent for Each Persona (Internal Data, 2020)

Based on gender, the number of female respondents is more than male

respondents for each persona. However, the number of female respondents in each
persona is not very dominant. The proportion does not exceed 60%. This data shows that
the respondents drawn in this study are relatively balanced in terms of gender.

2. Domicile
Based on domicile data, most respondents in Persona 1 are domiciled in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta, with a total of 14 respondents (28%). Then, in sequence,
respondents in Persona 1 are domiciled in Semarang (22%) and Solo (20%).
Most respondents in Persona 2 are domiciled in DKI Jakarta with 14 respondents
(28%). The second and third most were domiciled in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
and Semarang with the same number, precisely nine respondents (18%).


14 14
11 10
8 9 8 9 9
10 7 7
6 5 5 6
5 3 2
1 0 0
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta Bandung

Surabaya Semarang
DKI Jakarta Solo

Figure 2. 12. Domicile of Respondent for Each Persona (Internal Data, 2020)

Most respondents in Persona 3 are domiciled in DKI Jakarta with 16 respondents

(32%). The second and third respondents resided in Bandung with nine respondents
(18%) and Semarang with seven respondents (14%).
This data shows that most customers who have stayed at Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta (Persona 1) come from the Special Region of Yogyakarta and around Central
Java such as Semarang and Solo. Meanwhile, people from DKI Jakarta are potential
customers for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. The majority of DKI Jakarta people are
aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta even though they have never stayed overnight
(Persona 2) and many DKI Jakarta people have traveled to the Special Region of
Yogyakarta even though they do not know Innside by Melia Yogyakarta (Persona 3).

3. Age

30 28

25 21
20 16
8 8 9
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

21 - 25 26 - 30 31 - 35

Figure 2. 13. Age of Respondent for Each Persona (Internal Data, 2020)

Based on the respondent's age, both personas 1, 2 and 3 are in the age range 21-
35 years. The number of respondents aged 26-30 years dominates each persona. This data
shows that all respondents per persona belong to the millennial generation.
According to Moreno et al. (2017: 135), Millennial generation was born in 1980
- 2000. The millennial generation is a generation with a population that dominates among
other generations and has high purchasing power, thus making many companies make the
millennial generation an attractive target market for the products they sell.
All respondents for each persona are correct in age because they belong to the
millennial generation who are also the target market of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.

4. Profession


25 21
19 19
15 11 11 12 11
10 8 8 7 7 7
5 3
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

College Student Entrepreneur General Employees

Government Employees Freelancer

Figure 2. 14. Profession of Respondent for Each Persona (Internal Data, 2020)

Respondents in Persona 1 majority work as freelancers with 12 respondents

(24%). Then continue with the profession of general employees and government
employees with 11 respondents (22%).
Respondents in Persona 2 majority are general employees with 19 respondents
(38%). The second-largest profession is a college student with 11 respondents (22%). The
third-largest profession is entrepreneurs and government employees with seven
respondents (14%).
Like Persona 2 respondents, most Persona 3 respondents work as general
employees with 21 respondents (42%). The second-largest profession is a college student
with 19 respondents (38%), and government employees with seven respondents (14%).

Based on these profession data, general employees are the largest profession in
the three Persona. People with the general employee's profession can be a good target for
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta because they already have more flexible income and free
time to become leisure travelers than government employees.
Existing customers at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta (Persona 1) are slightly
different from potential customers (Persona 2 and 3). College students are a large number
of potential customers. Meanwhile, college students who stay at Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta are only in fourth place with eight respondents (16%). Apart from general
employees, college students can be a good option to target Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
because they have more free time for vacations (leisure travelers) than those already
working. However, not all college students have income above average because many
depend on their parents' money. This analysis can be considered for Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta to be more selective in targeting consumers from college students.

5. Average income per month

Average Income per Month


25 23
20 21
20 15
15 13 14 14

10 8
5 6
3 3 4
5 1 0
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

< Rp 1.000.000 Rp 1.000.001 - Rp 3.000.000

Rp 3.000.001 - Rp 5.000.000 Rp 5.000.001 - Rp 7.500.000
> Rp 7.500.000

Figure 2. 15. Average Income per Month of Respondent for Each Persona (Internal Data, 2020)

Based on average income per month, most persona 1 respondents have an average
income per month of Rp 3,000,001 - Rp 5,000,000 with 23 respondents (46%). The next
is Rp 5,000,001 - Rp 7,500,000 with 15 respondents (30%).
Respondents in Persona 2 and Persona 3 majority have the same income, Rp
5,000,001 – Rp 7,500,000 with 20 respondents in Persona 2 (40%) and 21 respondents in
Persona 3 (42%). The next average income per month is Rp 3,000,001 - Rp 5,000,000
with 14 respondents in Persona 2 and 3 (28%).

Based on these data, potential customers (Persona 2 and 3) have higher incomes
than existing customers at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta (Persona 1). However, several
factors influence the average income per month, such as the different UMR in each
region. The majority of persona 1 respondents are domiciled in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta and around Central Java, where the UMR is different from Persona 2 and 3
respondents who are mostly domiciled in DKI Jakarta. However, this still makes potential
customers (Persona 2 and 3) an attractive market for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta to
target. With higher income, it is hoped that they will be able to vacation in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta and stay at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta with a greater frequency
than existing customers.

6. Average expenditure for consumption per month

Average Expenditure for

Consumption per Month

20 22 24 24
20 17 17
10 3 4 3
1 0 1 0 2
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

< Rp 1.000.000 Rp 1.000.001 - RP 2.500.000

Rp 2.500.001 - Rp 4.000.000 Rp 4.000.001 - Rp 5.000.000
> Rp 5.000.000

Figure 2. 16. Average Expenditure of Respondent for Each Persona (Internal Data, 2020)

In the average expenditure data for consumption per month, the majority of
Persona 1 spends Rp 1,000,001 - Rp 2,500,000 for consumption, with a total of 20
respondents (40%). Then the next is Rp 2,500,001 - Rp 4,000,000 with a total of 17
respondents (34%).
Whereas in Persona 2 and 3, majority spent Rp 2,500,001 - Rp 4,000,000 for
consumption with a total of 24 respondents (48%). Then the next expenditure is Rp
1,000,001 - Rp 2,500,000 with 22 respondents in Persona 2 (44%) and 17 respondents in
Persona 3 (34%).
According to the Boston Consulting Group (2013: 6), most Persona 1 respondents
are middle-class Indonesians (consumption expenditure is between Rp 1,000,000 - Rp
2,500,000). While the majority of Persona 2 and 3 respondents are Indonesian residents
with the Upper Middle class (between Rp 2,500,000 - Rp 4,000,000).

Based on Table 2.6 regarding the target consumers of Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta, the company is targeting markets with middle and upper-middle social class.
Existing and potential customers in all Persona are currently under the social class profile.
However, it is hoped that most potential customers in the Upper Middle class can become
loyal customers of Innside by Melia. The author assumes that the higher the expenditure,
there is a possibility that the potential customers' willingness and frequency to spend their
money on vacation will be higher, especially for a vacation to the Special Region of
Yogyakarta and staying at the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.

2.5.2. Preliminary
The preliminary stage is the questions asked to the respondents of each Persona
to find out their behavior while on vacation in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, their
behavior when using electronic devices and internet media every day, also their awareness
of hotel brands in the Special Region of Yogyakarta and hotel operators in all region. The
following is an explanation of each question at the preliminary stage:

1. The most frequent travel by the respondent

The Most Frequent Travel by The Respondent


50 46


10 4
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Leisure/Staycation Business and Leisure

Figure 2. 17. The Most Frequent Travel by The Respondent of Each Persona (Internal Data, 2020)

In Figure 2.17, respondents of Persona 1, 2 and 3 travel more frequently to the

Special Region of Yogyakarta for leisure/staycation purposes than for business leisure
(Bleisure) purposes. This data shows that the market for leisure travelers in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta is bigger than Bleisure travelers.
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can consider this data. With the Bleisure hotel
concept, which is currently still being implemented, it turns out that more existing
customers (Persona 1) stay at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta for leisure purposes compared
to Bleisure purposes. Given that the number of leisure travelers to the Yogyakarta is

higher than Bleisure travelers, it will be advantageous for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
if they focus on changing their positioning as a hotel with a concept for leisure travelers.

2. The frequency of staying at hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta

Table 2. 7. The Frequency of Staying at Hotels in Yogyakarta (Internal Data, 2020)

The number of answers per Persona

Answer Value answer
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3
Very rarely 1 2 7 4
Rarely 2 4 10 10
Quite often 3 14 16 15
Often 4 17 11 13
Very often 5 11 6 5
Means 3.50 3.10 3.11
Standard Deviation 1.19 1.05 1.13
Interpretation Often Quite often Quite often

Based on the data in Table 2.7., Respondents in Persona 1 often stay at hotels in
the Special Region of Yogyakarta compared to respondents in Persona 2 and 3. The
standard deviation value of the three Persona is lower than the mean value of each
Persona. This value indicates that each Persona's answer to the frequency of staying at
hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta tends to be similar and refers to the mean
value of each Persona.
The difference in frequency can occur because most respondents in Persona 1
(existing customers) reside in the Special Region of Yogyakarta and Central Java. It is
closer to the Special Region of Yogyakarta than Persona 2 and 3 respondents who are
mostly domiciled in DKI Jakarta. However, with a longer distance than Persona 1,
Persona 2 and 3 respondents still travel and stay at hotels in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta quite often, so they can still be right potential customers for Innside by Melia

3. The average length of stay at hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta

Based on the data presented in Figure 2.18., Respondents in Persona 1, 2, and 3
both have the most habit of staying at hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta for three
days two nights. Then the next most are two days one night. This data shows that
respondents in Persona 1, 2, and 3 feel that the ideal duration for a vacation in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta is three days two nights.

The Average Length of Stay at Hotels in The
Special Region of Yogyakarta

25 22 23
19 20
20 18

15 13

10 8 8
5 2 1 1 1 1 1 1
0 0
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

2 Days 1 Night 3 Days 2 Nights 4 Days 3 Nights

5 Days 4 Nights 6 Days 5 Nights 7 Days 6 Nights

Figure 2. 18. The Average Length of Stay at Hotels in Yogyakarta (Internal Data, 2020)

This data is in accordance with BPS data (2020: 29) in Figure 1.2 that the average
tourist who has a vacation to the Special Region of Yogyakarta is 1.5 nights, or if round
it will be two nights three days. This data is useful for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta to
prepare hotel packages, promos and marketing strategies to stay for three days two nights
which can provide the best experience for hotel guests.

4. The average number of people staying together at hotels in the Yogyakarta

The Average Number of People Staying at

Hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta

20 18
15 16 16
15 12
10 10 11
5 6
5 3 2 2
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

1 Person (Myself) 2 Person 3 Person 4 Person > 5 Person

Figure 2. 19. The Average Number of People Staying at Hotels in Yogyakarta (Internal Data, 2020)

Based on the number of people who traveled to the Special Region of Yogyakarta
and stayed at hotels, respondents in Persona 1 and 2 were group leisure travelers.
Meanwhile, Persona 3 is a personal leisure traveler. Persona 1 and 2 are called group
leisure travelers because most respondents choose to stay at hotels in the Special Region
of Yogyakarta in large numbers (4 people). Persona 3 is called personal leisure travelers

because they prefer to travel to the Special Region of Yogyakarta with fewer people or
only with their partners.
However, the number of Persona 3 respondents who chose to travel to the Special
Region of Yogyakarta in a group was slightly different from those who chose to travel
personally, precisely 16 respondents (32%), 4% different from those who chose to go
personally, precisely 18 respondents (36%). So it can be concluded that most leisure
travelers to Yogyakarta Special Region are those who depart in large groups (4 or more
people). This data can be a reference for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta to provide hotel
services from rooms, facilities, promos, and marketing strategies that can provide the best
experience for group leisure travelers.

5. The hotel class most often stayed in the Special Region of Yogyakarta

The Hotel Class Most Often Stayed in the

Special Region of Yogyakarta

30 25
25 23
20 16
14 14
10 8 7
5 2 2 2 2 3
1 0 0 0
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Budget hotel / Not starred 1 star hotel 2 star hotel

3 star hotel 4 star hotel 5 star hotel

Figure 2. 20. The Hotel Class Most Often Stayed in Yogyakarta (Internal Data, 2020)

Respondents in Persona 1, 2 and 3 are more likely to choose to book 4-star hotels
than other hotel classes in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Next, if not at a 4-star hotel,
Persona 1, 2 and 3 respondents will book at a 3-star hotel. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
is a 4-star hotel, so Innside by Melia Yogyakarta has the opportunity to enter the main list
as a destination hotel for potential customers (Persona 2 and 3) to book. Besides, Persona
1 as an existing customer has the opportunity to re-order Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
because, in hotel class, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta also meets their preference

6. Brand hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta that has been seen or heard

Brand Hotels in the Special Region of

Yogyakarta that Has Been Seen or Heard
40 42 40 42
40 35 35 33
30 31 32
28 29
0 0 1
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3
Sheraton Hotel Mustika Yogyakarta Resort & Spa
Novotel Yogyakarta
Sahid Jaya Yogyakarta Hotel & Convention
Grand Mercure Yogyakarta Adi Sucipto
Never seen or heard
Figure 2. 21. Brand Hotels in Yogyakarta that has been Seen or Heard (Internal Data, 2020)

Several hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta in Figure 2.21, is a competitor

hotel from Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. There is a slight difference between Persona 1
respondents and Persona 2 and 3. respondents Persona 1 is more aware of Novotel
Yogyakarta. In contrast, respondents Persona 2 and 3 are more aware of the Sheraton
Hotel Mustika Yogyakarta.
However, the number of Persona 1 respondents who are aware of the Sheraton
Hotel Mustika Yogyakarta is slightly different from those aware of Novotel Yogyakarta.
As many as 40 Persona 1 respondents (80%) were aware of the Sheraton Hotel Mustika
Yogyakarta, 42 respondents (84%) were aware of Novotel Yogyakarta. It can be said that
all Persona have a strong level of awareness of the Sheraton Hotel Mustika Yogyakarta
compared to other competing hotels of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.
Sheraton Hotel Mustika Yogyakarta is Innside by Melia Yogyakarta's strongest
competitor in reaching leisure travelers consumers. The awareness of leisure travelers
consumers at the Sheraton Hotel Mustika Yogyakarta is high. This awareness level can
also be proven by the number of social media followers that far exceeds Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta and other competitors. Based on Table 2.3 regarding the competitor analysis,
Sheraton Hotel Mustika Yogyakarta has 16,600 Instagram followers and 6,522 Facebook
accounts. Sheraton Hotel Mustika Yogyakarta's social media account can be a reference
for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta to improve its social media accounts.

7. Brand hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta that has been stayed

Brand Hotels in the Special Region of

Yogyakarta that Has Been Stayed
24 23
20 17 16 16
15 14 14 14
15 10
9 9
5 2
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Sheraton Hotel Mustika Yogyakarta Resort & Spa

Novotel Yogyakarta
Sahid Jaya Yogyakarta Hotel & Convention
Grand Mercure Yogyakarta Adi Sucipto
Never stayed at any of these hotels

Figure 2. 22. Brand Hotels in Yogyakarta that has been Stayed (Internal Data, 2020)

Not much different from the level of awareness of each persona, Sheraton Hotel
Mustika Yogyakarta is the hotel most booked and used as a place for travel by respondents
Persona 1, 2, and 3. Even though 26 respondents from Persona 1 (52%) have experience
staying at Novotel Yogyakarta, the number of respondents is only slightly different from
Persona 1 respondents who have stayed at the Sheraton Hotel Mustika Yogyakarta as
many as 23 respondents (46%).
This data proves that Sheraton Hotel Mustika Yogyakarta's efforts to increase
awareness of leisure travelers in the Special Region of Yogyakarta can be generated quite
well into their decision to carry out the booking process and try to stay. This effort can be
a good example for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta to analyze to generate potential
customers to try to stay overnight and keep existing customers re-ordered.

8. Hotel operators that have been seen or heard

When analyzing hotel operators, both Persona 1, 2 and 3 have different answers
from hotels they are aware of in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Respondents in
Persona 1 are more aware of Marriot International than Accor. Meanwhile, Persona 2
respondents are more aware of Archipelago than Marriot International. Then, Persona 3
respondents are more aware of Accor than Marriot International.

Hotel Operators that Have Been Seen or Heard
50 46 47

43 42
40 38 38
40 35 37 36 36
33 32
29 30 28 31
30 26 26 27 28
20 16


Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Accor Archipelago Intercontinental Group

Swis-Bel Group Santika Indonesia Melia Hotels International
Marriot International Sahid Group

Figure 2. 23. Hotel Operators that have been Seen or Heard (Internal Data, 2020)

Overall, the Marriot International operators remained the operators with the
highest level of awareness. It because both existing Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
consumers (Persona 1) and potential customers (Persona 2 and 3) put Marriott
International in the top 2 as hotel operators that they are aware of compared to other hotels
operators. Then in second place, there are Accor operators who are in the top 3. Among
the eight hotel operators, Melia Hotels International only ranks 6th in the eyes of Persona
1, 2 and 3 respondents as operators they are aware of. This data shows that Melia Hotels
International's operator needs to reformulate its marketing strategy because based on the
level of customer awareness, Melia Hotels International is still far behind other hotel

9. Hotel operators that have been staying

Based on hotel operators who have booked and stayed at, Persona 1 respondents
put Accor in first place and Archipelago. Then the Persona 2 respondents put Archipelago
in first and Marriot International in second. Persona 3 respondents ranked Marriot
International first and Archipelago second.
This data shows that overall (including hotels outside the Special Region of
Yogyakarta), hotel products belonging to Accor and Archipelago operators are among the
most frequently stayed by Persona 1, 2 and 3 respondents. Although specifically in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta, according to Persona 1, 2 and 3 respondents, Marriot
International operators excel in awareness and booking, with their hotel product, namely
Sheraton Hotel Mustika Yogyakarta.

Hotel Operators that Have Been Staying
40 36

35 31
29 29
30 27 26
25 22 23 21
20 20 20
20 15
14 14 14 13 14
15 12 12
10 6
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Accor Archipelago Intercontinental Group

Swis-Bel Group Santika Indonesia Melia Hotels International
Marriot International Sahid Group

Figure 2. 24. Hotel Operators that have been Staying (Internal Data, 2020)

Along with the awareness level, Melia Hotels International ranks 3rd in the
bottom of 8 hotel operators whose hotel products have been booked and stayed at by the
three Persona. Besides the awareness level, Melia Hotels International needs to increase
its occupancy rate more than other hotels.

10. The most frequently used electronic devices every day

The Most Frequently Used

Electronic Devices Every day
50 45

42 43 44
40 34 36

11 13
9 8 7 7
10 6 4
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

PC/Laptop Smartphone Tab Television Radio

Figure 2. 25. The Most Frequently Used Electronic Devices of Each Persona (Internal Data, 2020)

Based on the behavior of using electronic devices, Persona 1, 2 and 3 both have
the behavior of using smartphones every day. Then they also have quite a habit of using
PCs/laptops. This data shows that digital marketing strategies are very relevant to
behavior each Persona in using electronic devices. Smartphones and PCs/laptops can
easily be connected to internet media and are flexible to carry and access.
11. The most frequently used social media every day

The Most Frequently Used

Social Media Every day
48 48
50 45
30 27 25 27 25
21 23 23
19 18
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Instagram Facebook Twitter Tiktok

Figure 2. 26. The Most Frequently Used Social Media of Each Persona (Internal Data, 2020)

Based on social media usage, Persona 1, 2 and 3 use Instagram more often than
other social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Tiktok. The social media
platform Facebook has the lowest usage rate among the other four social media platforms.
Meanwhile, Twitter and Tiktok can be said to have the same usage of each Persona.
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta has two social media accounts, namely Instagram
and Facebook. Instagram can be maintained and utilized more, considering that most
respondents in each Persona use Instagram as the most used social media platform.
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta needs to focus on Instagram or choose other social media
such as Twitter and Tiktok rather than maintaining and developing Facebook with the
least interest.

12. Social media access time in one day

Based on the data in Figure 2.27, each persona is more likely to access social
media at night (19.00-24.00), then in the afternoon (15.00-19.00). This hour is the prime
time when the respondent in each persona finishes their work or school activity. They
take their time in the afternoon and evening to access their respective social media
accounts. This information is useful for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta to post content at
the right time. The posted content can be seen and read properly by existing customers
(Persona 1) and potential customers (Persona 2) not to miss the content.

Social Media Access Time in One Day

50 45
40 32 33
30 25
21 20 22
20 13 13
11 9 9
6 8
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Morning (06.01 - 12.00) Afternoon (12.01 - 15.00) Evening (15.01 - 19.00)

Night (19.01 - 24.00) Early days (00.01 - 06.00)

Figure 2. 27. Social Media Access Time in One Day of Each Persona (Internal Data, 2020)

2.5.3. Customer Experience Journey

According to Folstad et al. (2014: 413), the customer journey is a process that the
customer goes through to achieve specific goals that involve one or more service
providers. The customer journey is essential to understand because of the increasing
complexity in providing services that customers want. Researchers and practitioners often
use the customer journey approach to support a company's design and service
management to attract potential customers, which leads to the decision to try their
company's services.
Besides, customers expectations of service are about how they receive the
experience and how they perform the experience. Therefore, the experience of existing
customers is also essential to define. Every step that the customer feels is a bad
experience, must be improved to create satisfaction that leads to re-ordering of the service
(Stokes and Moore, 2017: 16).
The world today is dominated by millennials who cannot be separated from
technology. Technology is used by them for activities, seeking information, entertainment
and others. By improving technology, a company can create added value from brands and
products according to what consumers want (Moreno et al., 2017: 137).

Figure 2. 28. Consumer Journey Model for Digital Age (Stokes and Moore, 2017: 16)

The target market for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is the millennial generation.
Therefore, the author tries to create a digital-based customer journey to define the
problems experienced by existing customers and potential customers when interacting
with the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta brand and other hotels in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta. This customer journey was designed to find the central problem points in a
journey phase to resolved by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.
The following is a Customer Journey Maps of the three defined personas. A
complete analysis of customer journey maps will be discussed and explained after the
customer journey maps:

1. Persona 1/Existing customer (Knows and has stayed at Innside by Melia

2-3 Weeks 3-4 Days 1 Day 1 Week 3 Days 3 Months

Hear or see news Start comparing and Add Innside by Melia Make reservations / Prepare and check all Start enjoying the Contact the hotel Share their Make a re-order at
CUSTOMER about Innside by evaluating the Yogyakarta to their bookings at the equipment for the trip stay at the Innside by service because of experiences with the Innside by Melia
ACTIVITIES Melia Yogyakarta various hotels they shopping chart Innside by Melia to the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta the problem they are others Yogyakarta
from various sources will go to Yogyakarta Melia Yogyakarta facing

No goals at this point Looking for the best Can search and select Be confident with the Increasingly Satisfied because the Get help and Want to share Want to repeat the
hotel options for their the hotel for their hotel of their choice
AWARENESS/ determined to travel hotel they stayed in solutions to the feelings and provide wonderful experience
CUSTOMER stay stay easily and book without to the hotel of their matched the problems they face feedback on hotels while on vacation at
hesitation choice expectations they that have been stayed the hotel they have
wanted stayed in

Pleased and Very Satisfied
Excited and Happy 4.12
Happy and
3.78 3.66 Enthusiastic and
Pleased and 3.50 Honored and
3.48 Pleased Excited
Quite Interested Excited Respected
and Curious
FEELINGS Quite Dissatisfied
and Frustated

Making it one of Try to choose the Glad to try a hotel Is the price in Feeling getting a In accordance with Dissapointed Can tell experience Want to stay at the
the hotel references best hotel facilities that never accordance with the good service expectation easily hotel again
to stay been stayed experience gained?
1. Word of mouth 1. Internet media 1. Decision maker 1. Media for booking 1. Media for receiving 1. Internet media to Media to deal with 1. Internet media 1. Internet media
(Parents) (Social media) (Myself) hotel room preparation service share experience complaint (Social media) (Social media)
2. Word of mouth 2. Internet media 2. Decision maker (OTA) (Email) (Social media) (Hotel room phone) 2. Internet media 2. Internet media
(Sibling) (OTA) (Sibling) 2. Media for booking 2. Media for receiving 2. Internet media to (Feedback media) (OTA)
3. In-hotel 3. Internet media 3. Decision maker hotel room preparation service share experience 3. Internet media 3. Internet media
(Hotel signboard) (Feedback media) (Parents) (Tour agency) (Social messenger) (Social messenger) (OTA) (Feedback media)
TOUCHPOINTS 4. Internet media 4. Word of mouth 4. Decision maker 3. Media for booking 3. Media for receiving 4. Internet media
THAT AFFECT (OTA) (Review from stranger) (Friends) hotel room preparation service (Hotel Website)
EACH PHASE 5. Mass Media 5. Internet media 5. Decision maker (Hotel website) (Social media) 5. Internet media
(Billboard) (Hotel comparison) (Couple) 4. Media for booking (Social messenger)
(FIRST TO LAST) 6. Internet media 6. Community hotel room
(Feedback media) (Online community) (Tour operation)
7. Internet media 7. Word of mouth 5. Media for booking
(Social media) (Friend) hotel room
8. Word of mouth 8. Internet media (On the spot)
(Friend) (Location finder)

A. Social media A. Social media Not using social Not using social A. Social media A. Social media Not using social A. Social media A. Social media
TOUCHPOINTS 1. Instagram 1. Instagram media and messenger media and messenger 1. Instagram 1. Instagram media and messenger 1. Instagram 1. Instagram
FROM 2. Youtube 2. Youtube 2. Tiktok 2. Tripadvisor 2. Youtube
SOCIAL MEDIA 3. Tiktok 3. Tiktok B. Social messenger 3. Facebook 3. Tiktok 3. Tiktok
AND MESSENGER 4. Twitter 4. Twitter 1. Whatsapp
THAT AFFECT 2. Direct message B. Social messenger B. Social messenger B. Social messenger
EACH PHASE B. Social messenger B. Social messenger Instagram 1. Direct message 1. Direct message 1. Direct message
1. Whatsapp 1. Whatsapp Instagram Instagram Instagram
2. Direct message 2. Direct message 2. Whatsapp 2. Whatsapp 2. Whatsapp
Instagram Instagram 3. Snapchat

TOUCHPOINTS 1. Instagram story 1. Instagram story Not using Instagram Not using Instagram Direct message 1. Instagram story Not using Instagram 1. Instagram story 1. Instagram story
FROM 2. Friends posting 2. Friends posting Instagram 2. Instagram feeds 2. Instagram feeds 2. Instagram Ads
3. Instagram explore 3. Instagram explore 3. Group posting 3. Instagram explore
4. Instagram Ads 4. Instagram Ads 4. Instagram feeds
FEATURES 5. Friends posting


Figure 2. 29. Customer Journey Maps on Persona 1 (Internal Data, 2020)

2. Persona 2/Potential customer (Knows but has never stayed at Innside by Melia

1 Week 3-4 Days 1 Day 1 Week 3 Days 3 Months

Hear or see news Start comparing and Add their preferred Make reservations / Prepare and check all Start enjoying the Contact the hotel Share their Make a re-order at
CUSTOMER about a hotel from evaluating the hotel to their bookings at the hotel equipment for the trip hotel where they stay service because of experiences with the hotel where they
ACTIVITIES various sources various hotels they shopping chart they have chosen to the hotel that has the problem they are others stay
will go to been booked facing

No goals at this point Looking for the best Can search and select Be confident with the Increasingly Satisfied because the Get help and Want to share Want to repeat the
hotel options for their the hotel for their hotel of their choice
AWARENESS/ determined to travel hotel they stayed in solutions to the feelings and provide wonderful experience
CUSTOMER stay stay easily and book without to the hotel of their matched the problems they face feedback on hotels while on vacation at
hesitation choice expectations they that have been stayed the hotel they have
wanted stayed in

Very Satisfied
4.28 and Happy
Pleased and 4.16 4.16
3.90 Excited Honored and Happy and
3.84 Excited
Pleased and Enthusiastic and
3.56 Excited 3.56 Excited
CUSTOMER Interested Pleased
and Curious
FEELINGS Quite Dissatisfied
and Frustated

Making it one of Try to choose the Happy with the Is the price in Feeling getting a In accordance with Dissapointed Can tell experience Looking for the
the hotel references suitables promo selected hotel accordance with the good service expectation easily hotel promo
to stay experience gained?
1. Internet media 1. Internet media 1. Decision maker 1. Media for booking 1. Media for receiving 1. Internet media to Media to deal with 1. Internet media 1. Internet media
(Social media) (Social media) (Myself) hotel room preparation service share experience complaint (Social media) (Social media)
2. Internet media 2. Word of mouth 2. Decision maker (OTA) (Social messenger) (Social media) (Hotel room phone) 2. Internet media 2. Internet media
(OTA) (Friend) (Friends) 2. Media for booking 2. Media for receiving 2. Internet media to (OTA) (OTA)
3. Internet media 3. Internet media 3. Decision maker hotel room preparation service share experience 3. Internet media 3. Internet media
(Feedback media) (OTA) (Couple) (Hotel website) (Email) (Social messenger) (Feedback media) (Hotel website)
TOUCHPOINTS 4. Word of mouth 4. Word of mouth 4. Decision maker 3. Media for booking 3. Media for receiving 4. Internet media 4. Internet media
THAT AFFECT (Review from stranger) (Influencer) (Sibling) hotel room preparation service (Social messenger) (Feedback media)
EACH PHASE 5. Community 5. Internet media 5. Decision maker (Tour agency) (Social media) 5. Internet media
(Online community) (Feedback media) (Parents) 4. Media for booking (Social messenger)
(FIRST TO LAST) 6. Word of mouth 6. Internet media hotel room
(Friend) (Hotel comparison) (Tour operation)
7. Word of mouth 7. Word of mouth
(Influencer) (Review from stranger)
8. Word of mouth 8. Community
(Couple) (Online community)

A. Social media A. Social media Not using social Not using social A. Social media A. Social media Not using social A. Social media A. Social media
TOUCHPOINTS 1. Instagram 1. Instagram media and messenger media and messenger 1. Instagram 1. Instagram media and messenger 1. Instagram 1. Instagram
FROM 2. Tiktok 2. Youtube 2. Tiktok 2. Tripadvisor 2. Youtube
3. Youtube 3. Tiktok B. Social messenger 3. Twitter 3. Tiktok 3. Tiktok
4. Twitter 4. Twitter 1. Whatsapp
AND MESSENGER 2. Direct message B. Social messenger B. Social messenger B. Social messenger
THAT AFFECT B. Social messenger B. Social messenger Instagram 1. Direct message 1. Direct message 1. Direct message
EACH PHASE 1. Direct message 1. Direct message Instagram Instagram Instagram
Instagram Instagram 2. Whatsapp 2. Whatsapp 2. Whatsapp
(FIRST TO LAST) 2. Whatsapp 2. Whatsapp 3. Snapchat
3. Line

TOUCHPOINTS 1. Instagram story 1. Instagram story Not using Instagram Not using Instagram Direct message 1. Instagram story Not using Instagram 1. Instagram story 1. Instagram story
FROM 2. Instagram Ads 2. Instagram Ads Instagram 2. Group posting 2. Instagram feeds 2. Instagram explore
3. Instagram explore 3. Friends posting 3. Instagram feeds 3. Group posting 3. Instagram feeds
4. Friends posting 4. Instagram explore 4. Friends posting
5. Instagram Ads
THAT AFFECT 6. Group posting


Figure 2. 30. Customer Journey Maps on Persona 2 (Internal Data, 2020)

3. Persona 3/Potential customer (Does not know and has never stayed at Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta)

1 Week 3-4 Days 1 Day 1 Week 3 Days 6 Months

Hear or see news Start comparing and Add their preferred Make reservations / Prepare and check all Start enjoying the Contact the hotel Share their Make a re-order at
CUSTOMER about a hotel from evaluating the hotel to their bookings at the hotel equipment for the trip hotel where they stay service because of experiences with the hotel where they
ACTIVITIES various sources various hotels they shopping chart they have chosen to the hotel that has the problem they are others stay
will go to been booked facing

No goals at this point Looking for the best Can search and select Be confident with the Increasingly Satisfied because the Get help and Want to share Want to repeat the
hotel options for their the hotel for their hotel of their choice
AWARENESS/ determined to travel hotel they stayed in solutions to the feelings and provide wonderful experience
CUSTOMER stay stay easily and book without to the hotel of their matched the problems they face feedback on hotels while on vacation at
hesitation choice expectations they that have been stayed the hotel they have
wanted stayed in

Very Satisfied
4.36 and Happy
Pleased and 4.22
3.94 Excited Honored and
Happy and
Pleased and 3.76 Excited
3.76 Respected Enthusiastic and
Interested Excited
3.64 Excited
and Curious Pleased 3.04
THOUGHTS AND Quite Dissatisfied
FEELINGS and Frustated

Making it one of Try to choose the Happy with the Is the price in Feeling getting a In accordance with Dissapointed Can tell experience Looking for the
the hotel references suitable promo selected hotel accordance with the good service expectation easily hotel promo
to stay experience gained?
1. Internet media 1. Internet media 1. Decision maker 1. Media for booking 1. Media for receiving 1. Internet media to Media to deal with 1. Internet media 1. Internet media
(Social media) (Social media) (Myself) hotel room preparation service share experience complaint (Social media) (Social media)
2. Internet media 2. Internet media 2. Decision maker (OTA) (Social messenger) (Social media) (Hotel room phone) 2. Internet media 2. Internet media
(Feedback media) (OTA) (Couple) 2. Media for booking 2. Media for receiving 2. Internet media to (Feedback media) (OTA)
3. Internet media 3. Internet media 3. Decision maker hotel room preparation service share experience 3. Internet media 3. Internet media
(OTA) (Feedback media) (Friends) (Hotel website) (Email) (Social messenger) (OTA) (Feedback media)
TOUCHPOINTS 4. Word of mouth 4. Word of mouth 4. Decision maker 3. Media for booking 3. Media for receiving 4. Internet media 4. Internet media
THAT AFFECT (Influencer) (Couple) (Parents) hotel room preparation service (Social messenger) (Hotel Website)
EACH PHASE 5. Community 5. Word of mouth 5. Decision maker (Tour agency) (Social media)
(Online community) (Friend) (Sibling) 4. Media for booking
(FIRST TO LAST) 6. Word of mouth 6. Internet media hotel room
(Couple) (Hotel comparison) (Tour operation)
7. Word of mouth 7. Community
(Friend) (Online community)
8. Mass media 8. Internet media
(Event sponsorship) (Location finder)

A. Social media A. Social media Not using social Not using social A. Social media A. Social media Not using social A. Social media A. Social media
TOUCHPOINTS 1. Instagram 1. Instagram media and messenger media and messenger 1. Instagram 1. Instagram media and messenger 1. Instagram 1. Instagram
FROM 2. Youtube 2. Youtube 2. Tiktok 2. Tripadvisor 2. Youtube
3. Tiktok 3. Twitter B. Social messenger 3. Twitter 3. Tiktok 3. Tiktok
4. Twitter 4. Tiktok 1. Whatsapp
AND MESSENGER 2. Direct message B. Social messenger B. Social messenger B. Social messenger
THAT AFFECT B. Social messenger B. Social messenger Instagram 1. Direct message 1. Direct message 1. Direct message
EACH PHASE 1. Direct message 1. Direct message Instagram Instagram Instagram
Instagram Instagram 2. Whatsapp 2. Whatsapp 2. Whatsapp
(FIRST TO LAST) 2. Whatsapp 2. Whatsapp 3. Snapchat
3. Line

TOUCHPOINTS 1. Instagram story 1. Instagram story Not using Instagram Not using Instagram Direct message 1. Instagram story Not using Instagram 1. Instagram story 1. Instagram story
FROM 2. Instagram Ads 2. Friends posting Instagram 2. Instagram feeds 2. Group posting 2. Instagram feeds
3. Instagram explore 3. Instagram explore 3. Group posting 3. Instagram feeds 3. Friends posting
4. Friends posting 4. Instagram Ads 4. Instagram Ads
5. Instagram explore
THAT AFFECT 6. Group posting


Figure 2. 31. Customer Journey Maps on Persona 3 (Internal Data, 2020)

2.5.4. Awareness/Inspiration
According to Stokes and Moore (2017: 13), awareness can also be called
recognition of a brand. This awareness is consumers' ability to recognize a brand from
various attributes such as name, image, logo, slogan, and various other sources. In the
discussion of awareness in this study, the author tries to find out sources of existing
customer awareness of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and will be compared with potential
customers' behaviour when aware of hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. This
gap will be examined further.

1. Touchpoints, People, and Environment

a. Word of mouth

Table 2. 8. Touchpoint Awareness at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta from the Word of Mouth Category
for Persona 1 / Existing Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
A stranger
Answer Value Answer who had
Parents Sibling Friend Couple Influencer
stayed at
Very uninspiring 1 0 3 4 15 16 18
Uninspiring 2 0 2 9 13 14 12
Quite inspiring 3 5 12 6 7 10 4
Inspiring 4 17 16 20 9 7 11
Very inspiring 5 28 17 11 6 3 5
Means 4.46 3.84 3.50 2.56 2.34 2.46
Standard Deviation 1.31 1.50 1.45 1.44 1.37 1.78
Interpretation Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Quite inspiring Uninspiring Uninspiring

On the touchpoint awareness of the word of mouth category, these three groups
(parents, sibling and friend) are the groups that make Persona 1 aware of Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta. When compared between the three groups, parents are the most inspiring
Persona 1 to recognize Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Couples are quite inspiring for
Persona 1, while influencers and reviews from strangers do not influence Persona 1 to be
aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Besides, each word of mouth category's standard
deviation value is lower than the mean value of each category. This value shows that the
responses of Persona 1 members to touchpoint awareness at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
from each word of mouth category tend to be similar and refer to each word of mouth
category's mean value.
Meanwhile, in Persona 2, the source that made them most aware of Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta in the word of mouth category was a sibling. Parents, friends, couples,
influencers and reviews from strangers are enough to get them inspired on Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta. Besides, each word of mouth category's standard deviation value is

lower than the mean value of each category. This value shows that the responses of
Persona 2 members to touchpoint awareness at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta from each
word of mouth category tend to be similar and refer to each word of mouth category's
mean value.

Table 2. 9. Touchpoint Awareness at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta from the Word of Mouth Category
for Persona 2 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
A stranger
Answer Value Answer who had
Parents Sibling Friend Couple Influencer
stayed at
Very uninspiring 1 2 4 1 3 9 23
Uninspiring 2 10 4 12 14 24 13
Quite inspiring 3 12 6 11 6 4 6
Inspiring 4 18 28 23 21 11 5
Very inspiring 5 8 8 3 6 2 3
Means 3.40 3.64 3.30 3.26 2.46 2.04
Standard Deviation 1.17 0.96 1.09 1.12 1.42 1.19
Interpretation Quite inspiring Inspiring Quite inspiring Quite inspiring Uninspiring Uninspiring

Based on these two data, existing customers (Persona 1) and potential customers
(Persona 2) know Innside by Melia Yogyakarta from their closest people. Persona 1
members majority reside in the Special Region of Yogyakarta and around Central Java,
closer to seeing and being aware directly of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Parents of the
Persona 1 members told about the existence of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and making
Persona 1 members aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Whereas in Persona 2, it could
be possible that their siblings are domiciled around the Special Region of Yogyakarta or
know Innside by Melia Yogyakarta from other sources. Then, their sibling talked about
the existence of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta to Persona 2 members, so they became
aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.
Besides seeing touchpoint awareness at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, the author
also examines Persona 2 at other hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Persona 2
can be aware of hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta from the reviews of strangers,
influencers, friends and couples in the word of mouth category. The review from the
Stranger gave the strongest awareness influence on Persona 2 members. Parents and
sibling only inspire Persona 2 members to be aware of hotels in the Yogyakarta. Each
word of mouth category's standard deviation value is lower than the mean value of each
category. This value shows that the responses of Persona 2 members to touchpoint
awareness at other hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta from each word of mouth
category tend to be similar and refer to each word of mouth category's mean value.
Table 2. 10. Touchpoint Awareness at Other Hotels in the Yogyakarta from the Word of Mouth Category
for Persona 2 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)

The Number of Answer

Answer Value Answer Review from
Parents Sibling Friend Couple Influencer
Very uninspiring 1 7 5 1 3 1 3
Uninspiring 2 17 11 4 5 6 9
Quite inspiring 3 12 13 9 12 7 7
Inspiring 4 11 21 31 21 30 10
Very inspiring 5 3 0 5 9 6 21
Means 2.72 3.00 3.70 3.56 3.68 3.74
Standard Deviation 1.13 1.02 0.90 1.18 1.19 1.11
Interpretation Quite inspiring Quite inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring

Almost similar to Persona 2 members, the word of mouth category that affects
Persona 3 members to become aware of hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta is
influencers, couples and friends. Reviews from strangers, siblings and parents are only
enough to inspire Persona 3 members to become aware of hotels in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta. Influencers have the most influence on Persona 3 members compared to
other sources. Each word of mouth category's standard deviation value is lower than the
mean value of each category. This value shows that the responses of Persona 3 members
to touchpoint awareness at other hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta from each
word of mouth category tend to be similar and refer to each word of mouth category's
mean value.

Table 2. 11. Touchpoint Awareness at Other Hotels in the Yogyakarta from the Word of Mouth Category
for Persona 3 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Answer Value Answer Review from
Parents Sibling Friend Couple Influencer
Very uninspiring 1 6 5 1 3 3 3
Uninspiring 2 17 3 10 5 6 10
Quite inspiring 3 10 23 5 11 2 10
Inspiring 4 10 19 24 13 24 21
Very inspiring 5 7 0 10 18 15 6
Means 2.90 3.12 3.64 3.76 3.84 3.34
Standard Deviation 1.25 1.04 1.16 1.21 1.11 0.91
Interpretation Quite inspiring Quite inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Inspiring Quite inspiring

Based on the data, the touchpoint category of word of mouth for each Persona at
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is quite different from other hotels in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta. Sources of awareness for Persona 1 (existing customer) and 2 (potential
customer) at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta in the word of mouth category come from
people closest to them. It can be said that the awareness process at Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta is still traditional. Whereas in Persona 2 and 3 (potential customer), they are
aware of hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, especially from people who are not
close to them/foreigners such as influencers and review from foreigners via digital.

b. In-hotel

Table 2. 12. Touchpoint Awareness at Innside by Melia from In-hotel Category

for Persona 1 / Existing Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
The shape Billboard
Answer Value Answer Hotel Events in the
of the advertising in
signboard hotel area
hotel building the hotel area
Very uninspiring 1 4 4 8 6
Uninspiring 2 4 8 12 17
Quite inspiring 3 6 14 16 11
Inspiring 4 19 16 6 4
Very inspiring 5 17 8 8 12
Means 3.82 3.32 2.88 2.98
Standard Deviation 1.41 1.52 1.32 1.45
Interpretation Inspiring Quite inspiring Quite inspiring Quite inspiring

Based on the In-hotel category's touchpoint awareness, Persona 1 members felt

the hotel signboard made them the most aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. The shape
of the hotel building, billboard advertising and events in the hotel area are only enough
to make them aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Besides, each in-hotel category's
standard deviation value is lower than each category's mean value. This value shows that
the responses of Persona 1 members to touchpoint awareness of each in-hotel category
tend to be similar and refer to each in-hotel category's mean value.

Table 2. 13. Touchpoint Awareness at Innside by Melia from In-hotel Category

for Persona 2 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
The shape Billboard
Answer Value Answer Hotel Events in the
of the advertising in
signboard hotel area
hotel building the hotel area
Very uninspiring 1 1 4 7 3
Uninspiring 2 9 9 9 9
Quite inspiring 3 8 7 7 5
Inspiring 4 26 23 16 23
Very inspiring 5 6 7 11 10
Means 3.54 3.40 3.30 3.56
Standard Deviation 0.91 1.28 1.36 1.17
Interpretation Inspiring Quite inspiring Quite inspiring Inspiring

Persona 2 members also feel that the hotel signboard gives them the influence to
be aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. However, on the awareness touchpoint of this
In-hotel category, Persona 2 feels that events in the hotel area have the most significant
influence for them to be aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. The shape of the hotel
building and billboard advertising in the hotel area only has enough influence on Persona
2 members to be aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. each in-hotel category's standard
deviation value is lower than each category's mean value. This value shows that the
responses of Persona 2 members to touchpoint awareness of each in-hotel category tend
to be similar and refer to each in-hotel category's mean value.

Table 2. 14. Touchpoint Awareness at Other Hotels in the Yogyakarta from the In-hotel Category
for Persona 2 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
The shape Billboard
Answer Value Answer Hotel Events in the
of the advertising in
signboard hotel area
hotel building the hotel area
Very uninspiring 1 1 9 8 5
Uninspiring 2 13 18 11 5
Quite inspiring 3 10 2 6 6
Inspiring 4 24 12 22 25
Very inspiring 5 2 9 3 9
Means 3.26 2.88 3.02 3.56
Standard Deviation 0.96 1.42 1.24 1.03
Interpretation Quite inspiring Quite inspiring Quite inspiring Inspiring

On the awareness touchpoint of other hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta

(In-hotel category), Persona 2 members feel that events in the hotel area greatly influence
them being aware. Meanwhile, other sources such as hotel signboards, billboard
advertising and the shape of the hotel building are only sufficient to make them aware of
hotels in the special region of Yogyakarta. Besides, each in-hotel category's standard
deviation value is lower than each category's mean value. This value shows that the
responses of Persona 2 members to touchpoint awareness of each in-hotel category tend
to be similar and refer to each in-hotel category's mean value.
Unlike the Persona 2 members, according to Persona 3 members, there is no
touchpoint awareness-based in-hotel category that makes them aware of hotels in the
Yogyakarta Special Region. Sources of awareness for in-hotel categories such as events,
billboards in the hotel area, the hotel building's shape, and hotel signboards are only
sufficient to make them aware of hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Events in
the hotel area is a source of awareness with the highest value among other touchpoint
awareness sources based in-hotel category. Each in-hotel category's standard deviation

value is lower than each category's mean value. This value shows that the responses of
Persona 3 members to touchpoint awareness of each in-hotel category tend to be similar
and refer to each in-hotel category's mean value.

Table 2. 15. Touchpoint Awareness at Other Hotels in the Yogyakarta from the In-hotel Category
for Persona 3 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
The shape Billboard
Answer Value Answer Hotel Events in the
of the advertising in
signboard hotel area
hotel building the hotel area
Very uninspiring 1 10 4 2 2
Uninspiring 2 9 13 10 12
Quite inspiring 3 5 5 12 14
Inspiring 4 19 25 21 9
Very inspiring 5 7 3 5 13
Means 3.08 3.20 3.34 3.38
Standard Deviation 1.38 1.21 1.03 1.13
Interpretation Quite inspiring Quite inspiring Quite inspiring Quite inspiring

Based on existing data, events in the hotel area are touchpoint awareness (in-hotel
category) which is the most influential for Persona 1 (existing customer) and 2 (potential
customer) to be aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, as well as for Persona 2 and 3
(potential customer) to be aware of hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Although
Persona 1, 2 and 3 members did not participate in this event, information about these
events could spread to them due to advances in digital-based marketing technology.
Besides, for Persona 1 and 2 signboard hotels belonging to Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta have a significant influence in making them aware of Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta. The hotel signboard belonging to Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is an iconic
thing and is different from other hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The picture
of the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta hotel signboard can be seen in Figure 1.8.

c. Mass media
Based on the mass media category's awareness touchpoints, Persona 1 members
feel that billboard advertising on the highway has the most significant influence for them
to be aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, other sources such as event
sponsorships and newspapers, tabloids, magazines are just enough to make them aware.
Another thing with sources such as television, radio and advertisements affixed to the car,
which did not make them aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Each mass media
category's standard deviation value is lower than each category's mean value. This value
shows that the responses of Persona 1 members to touchpoint awareness of each mass
media category tend to be similar and refer to each mass media category's mean value.

Table 2. 16. Touchpoint Awareness at Innside by Melia from Mass Media Category
for Persona 1 / Existing Customers (Internal Data, 2020)

The Number of Answer

Newspapers, Advertisement
Answer Value Answer Television advertising Event
Tabloids and affixed
and Radio on the sponsorship
Magazines to the car
Very uninspiring 1 12 12 2 15 6
Uninspiring 2 17 14 4 19 7
Quite inspiring 3 10 8 12 12 18
Inspiring 4 9 13 28 4 7
Very inspiring 5 2 3 4 0 12
Means 2.44 2.62 3.56 2.10 3.24
Standard Deviation 1.29 1.58 1.24 1.11 1.41
Interpretation Uninspiring Quite inspiring Inspiring Uninspiring Quite inspiring

According to Persona 2 members, billboard advertising on the highway is only

enough to make them aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Unlike Persona 1. For
Persona 2, sponsorship events have the most significant influence for them to be aware
of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta has given sponsorship
several times to events in the Yogyakarta Special Region area such as Ngayogjazz and
Prambanan Jazz. Besides, other sources such as television, radio, newspapers, tabloids
and magazines were only enough to get them inspired by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.
Advertisement affixed to the car did not affect at all. Besides, each mass media category's
standard deviation value is lower than each category's mean value. This value shows that
the responses of Persona 2 members to touchpoint awareness of each mass media category
tend to be similar and refer to each mass media category's mean value.

Table 2. 17. Touchpoint Awareness at Innside by Melia from the Mass Media Category
for Persona 2 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Newspapers, Advertisement
Answer Value Answer Television advertising Event
Tabloids and affixed
and Radio on the sponsorship
Magazines to the car
Very uninspiring 1 7 3 2 16 5
Uninspiring 2 19 11 7 12 4
Quite inspiring 3 14 17 11 9 10
Inspiring 4 6 19 25 8 20
Very inspiring 5 4 0 5 5 11
Means 2.62 3.04 3.48 2.48 3.56
Standard Deviation 1.31 0.92 0.98 1.24 1.20
Interpretation Quite inspiring Quite inspiring Quite inspiring Uninspiring Inspiring

Table 2. 18. Touchpoint Awareness at Other Hotels in the Yogyakarta from the Mass Media Category
for Persona 2 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Newspapers, Advertisement
Answer Value Answer Television advertising Event
Tabloids and affixed
and Radio on the sponsorship
Magazines to the car
Very uninspiring 1 2 3 4 2 3
Uninspiring 2 16 20 6 11 4
Quite inspiring 3 11 19 10 24 16
Inspiring 4 21 8 20 13 16
Very inspiring 5 0 0 10 0 11
Means 3.02 2.64 3.52 2.96 3.56
Standard Deviation 0.95 0.82 1.08 0.80 0.74
Interpretation Quite inspiring Quite inspiring Inspiring Quite inspiring Inspiring

Based on other hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Persona 2 feels that
the touchpoint in the form of a sponsorship event provides the highest awareness
compared to other mass media sources. Billboard advertising on the highway can also
make them aware of other hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Each mass media
category's standard deviation value is lower than each category's mean value. This value
shows that the responses of Persona 2 members to touchpoint awareness of each mass
media category tend to be similar and refer to each mass media category's mean value.

Table 2. 19. Touchpoint Awareness at Other Hotels in the Yogyakarta from the Mass Media Category
for Persona 3 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)

The Number of Answer

Newspapers, Advertisement
Answer Value Answer Television advertising Event
Tabloids and affixed
and Radio on the sponsorship
Magazines to the car
Very uninspiring 1 2 15 2 6 3
Uninspiring 2 12 14 12 9 9
Quite inspiring 3 15 15 13 16 10
Inspiring 4 21 6 18 15 3
Very inspiring 5 0 0 5 4 23
Means 3.10 2.24 3.24 3.04 3.56
Standard Deviation 0.90 1.01 1.04 1.13 1.05
Interpretation Quite inspiring Uninspiring Quite inspiring Quite inspiring Inspiring

According to Persona 3, sponsorship events are the most influential mass media
source for them to be aware of hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Other mass
media sources such as television, radio, and advertisement on the car only exert enough
influence for them to be aware. Newspapers, taboids, magazines have no impact on
awareness. Besides, each mass media category's standard deviation value is lower than
each category's mean value. This value shows that the responses of Persona 3 members

to touchpoint awareness of each mass media category tend to be similar and refer to each
mass media category's mean value.
Based on the data above, members of Persona 2 and 3 both think that mass media
in the form of sponsorship events is very influential for them to be aware of hotels in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta and Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Whereas in Persona 1,
they only felt that the billboard advertising installed by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
along the Yogyakarta Special Region road was more influential than the sponsorship
event. This data further shows that the process of introducing Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta is still limited to traditional marketing. Unlike other hotels in the Yogyakarta,
which is quite good at using digital media to disseminate information regarding
sponsorship events that make potential customers aware of their hotels.

d. Internet media

Table 2. 20. Touchpoint Awareness at Innside by Melia from the Internet Media Category
for Persona 1 / Existing Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Social Feedback
Answer Value Answer Social Media Online Travel Official hotel
Messenger Media
Platform Agent (OTA) website
Platform Platform
Very uninspiring 1 6 7 4 11 6
Uninspiring 2 6 4 6 10 5
Quite inspiring 3 7 17 3 13 11
Inspiring 4 19 15 25 8 13
Very inspiring 5 12 7 12 8 15
Means 3.50 3.22 3.70 2.84 3.52
Standard Deviation 0.60 1.46 1.25 1.54 1.36
Interpretation Inspiring Quite inspiring Inspiring Quite inspiring Inspiring

Based on touchpoint awareness through internet media, Persona 1 members feel

that the Online Travel Agent (OTA) has a more significant influence on their awareness
of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Media feedback and social media also give them the
influence to be aware, but not as influential as OTA. Meanwhile, the social messenger
and the Melia Hotels International website are only enough to make them aware of
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Each internet media category's standard deviation value is
lower than each category's mean value. This value shows that the responses of Persona 1
members to touchpoint awareness of each internet media category tend to be similar and
refer to each internet media category's mean value.

Table 2. 21. Touchpoint Awareness at Innside by Melia from the Internet Media Category
for Persona 2 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Social Feedback
Answer Value Answer Social Media Online Travel Official hotel
Messenger Media
Platform Agent (OTA) website
Platform Platform
Very uninspiring 1 5 9 2 1 3
Uninspiring 2 5 16 3 7 5
Quite inspiring 3 5 9 1 26 3
Inspiring 4 17 13 22 16 25
Very inspiring 5 18 3 22 0 12
Means 3.76 2.70 4.18 3.14 3.64
Standard Deviation 1.30 1.20 1.22 0.72 1.01
Interpretation Inspiring Quite inspiring Inspiring Quite inspiring Inspiring

Like Persona 1, OTA also has the most significant influence for Persona 2 being
aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Besides, social media and media feedback also
influence awareness of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, although not as big as OTA. Social
messengers and official websites only provide enough influence to be aware of. Besides,
each internet media category's standard deviation value is lower than each category's
mean value. This value shows that the responses of Persona 2 members to touchpoint
awareness of each internet media category tend to be similar and refer to each internet
media category's mean value.

Table 2. 22. Touchpoint Awareness at Other Hotels in Yogyakarta from the Internet Media Category
for Persona 2 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Social Feedback
Answer Value Answer Social Media Online Travel Official hotel
Messenger Media
Platform Agent (OTA) website
Platform Platform
Very uninspiring 1 1 4 2 1 1
Uninspiring 2 0 18 2 7 7
Quite inspiring 3 0 10 1 12 4
Inspiring 4 27 16 24 30 30
Very inspiring 5 22 2 21 0 8
Means 4.38 2.88 4.20 3.42 3.74
Standard Deviation 0.69 1.07 0.96 0.80 0.86
Interpretation Inspiring Quite inspiring Inspiring Quite inspiring Inspiring

It is different from the internet media-based awareness process at Innside by Melia

Yogyakarta; Persona 2 members can be aware of other hotels in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta through social media earlier than OTA. Although OTA also influences
Persona 2 to be aware of hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, it is not as big as
social media. Media feedback also influences Persona 2 to be aware of hotels in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, official hotel websites and social messengers
only had enough impact. Then, each internet media category's standard deviation value is
lower than each category's mean value. This value shows that the responses of Persona 2
members to touchpoint awareness of each internet media category tend to be similar and
refer to each internet media category's mean value.

Table 2. 23. Touchpoint Awareness at Other Hotels in Yogyakarta from the Internet Media Category
for Persona 3 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Social Feedback
Answer Value Answer Social Media Online Travel Official hotel
Messenger Media
Platform Agent (OTA) website
Platform Platform
Very uninspiring 1 3 7 2 3 1
Uninspiring 2 1 10 8 9 5
Quite inspiring 3 4 20 1 15 10
Inspiring 4 20 11 22 17 14
Very inspiring 5 22 2 17 6 20
Means 4.14 2.82 3.88 3.28 3.94
Standard Deviation 1.11 1.25 1.16 1.08 1.03
Interpretation Inspiring Quite inspiring Inspiring Quite inspiring Inspiring

According to Persona 3 members, social media platforms also have the most
significant influence for them to be aware of hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
beyond OTA and media feedback, although the last two media also influence Persona 3
members to be aware. Official hotel websites and social messengers only provide enough
influence for Persona 3 aware of hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Besides,
each internet media category's standard deviation value is lower than each category's
mean value. This value shows that the responses of Persona 3 members to touchpoint
awareness of each internet media category tend to be similar and refer to each internet
media category's mean value.
The touchpoint awareness data for the internet media category shows that all three
personas feel that social media, OTA and media feedback make them aware of Innside
by Melia Yogyakarta and other hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. However,
Persona 1 (existing customer) and 2 (potential customer) feel that OTA has influenced
them to be aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, Persona 2 and 3 (potential
customers) feel that social media is more influential than other sources.
This data shows that even though there is a policy from Melia Hotels International
to limit hotel room sales via OTA, in fact, OTA has the most significant influence on
existing and potential customer awareness at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Besides, the
three personas also considered that the official hotel website was not very influential for
awareness. Therefore, in order the Melia Hotels International policy to run well, Innside
by Melia needs to improve its social media so that it can become the most significant
source of awareness for existing and potential customers. Through social media, Innside
by Melia can drive awareness of existing and potential customers on the Melia Hotels
International website. When awareness of the website increases, it is hoped that hotel
bookings via the website will increase and via OTA will decrease.

e. Community

Table 2. 24. Touchpoint Awareness at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta from the Community Category
for Persona 1 / Existing Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Answer Value Answer Online Offline
Community Community
Very uninspiring 1 5 5
Uninspiring 2 6 9
Quite inspiring 3 11 14
Inspiring 4 20 14
Very inspiring 5 8 8
Means 3.40 3.22
Standard Deviation 1.27 1.45
Interpretation Quite inspiring Quite inspiring

According to Persona 1 members, online and offline communities only have

sufficient influence to make them aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. However, when
the two are compared, the online community is more influential than the offline
community. Besides, each community category's standard deviation value is lower than
each category's mean value. This value shows that the responses of Persona 1 members
to touchpoint awareness of each community category tend to be similar and refer to each
community category's mean value.

Table 2. 25. Touchpoint Awareness at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta from the Community Category
for Persona 2 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Answer Value Answer Online Offline
Community Community
Very uninspiring 1 3 11
Uninspiring 2 6 20
Quite inspiring 3 13 7
Inspiring 4 12 12
Very inspiring 5 16 0
Means 3.64 2.40
Standard Deviation 1.21 1.08
Interpretation Inspiring Uninspiring

Slightly different from Persona 1, the online community for Persona 2 members
is a source of awareness that inspires them to become aware of Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, the offline community does not affect their awareness of Innside
by Melia Yogyakarta. Then, each community category's standard deviation value is lower
than each category's mean value. This value shows that the responses of Persona 2
members to touchpoint awareness of each community category tend to be similar and
refer to each community category's mean value.

Table 2. 26. Touchpoint Awareness at Other Hotels in the Yogyakarta from the Community Category
for Persona 2 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Answer Value Answer Online Offline
Community Community
Very uninspiring 1 3 7
Uninspiring 2 2 16
Quite inspiring 3 6 15
Inspiring 4 26 12
Very inspiring 5 13 0
Means 3.88 2.64
Standard Deviation 1.10 1.00
Interpretation Inspiring Quite inspiring

According to Persona 2 members, the online community also affects their

awareness of hotels in the Yogyakarta Special Region. Meanwhile, unlike Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta, the offline community has sufficient influence on Persona 2 members
to be aware of other hotels in the Yogyakarta. Then, each community category's standard
deviation value is lower than each category's mean value. This value shows that the
responses of Persona 2 members to touchpoint awareness of each community category
tend to be similar and refer to each community category's mean value.

Table 2. 27. Touchpoint Awareness at Other Hotels in the Yogyakarta from the Community Category
for Persona 3 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Answer Value Answer Online Offline
Community Community
Very uninspiring 1 3 11
Uninspiring 2 3 17
Quite inspiring 3 6 7
Inspiring 4 27 15
Very inspiring 5 11 0
Means 3.80 2.52
Standard Deviation 1.07 1.14
Interpretation Inspiring Quite inspiring

Like Persona 2 members, the online community also affects the awareness of
Persona 3 members at hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Offline communities
are also quite influential in their awareness of hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.
Besides, each community category's standard deviation value is lower than each
category's mean value. This value shows that the responses of Persona 3 members to
touchpoint awareness of each community category tend to be similar and refer to each
community category's mean value.
Currently, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta does not have and follow an active
customer community, both from the online community and the offline community.
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta only has connections to corporate or tour travel. Therefore,
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is difficult to find in discussions of hotels such as Kaskus
or other travel communities. Whereas according to Persona 2 and 3 (potential customers),
online and offline communities are essential for them to recognize a hotel in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta. When targeting the leisure traveler market, Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta needs to consider following or creating its community so that more existing
and potential customers can become aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.

f. Contact centre

Table 2. 28. Touchpoint Awareness at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta from the Contact Centre Category
for Persona 1 / Existing Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Letter / email Innside by
Answer Value Answer
from Innside Melia call
by Melia center
Very uninspiring 1 9 17
Uninspiring 2 22 14
Quite inspiring 3 15 11
Inspiring 4 4 7
Very inspiring 5 0 1
Means 2.28 2.22
Standard Deviation 1.03 1.37
Interpretation Uninspiring Uninspiring

In the contact centre category, Persona 1 does not feel that letters/emails from
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and call centres affect their awareness of Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta. Like Persona 1 members, letters/emails from Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
and call centres do not influence Persona 2 members, to become aware of Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta. Each contact centre category's standard deviation value is lower than
each category's mean value. This value shows that the responses of Persona 1 and 2
members to touchpoint awareness of each contact centre category tend to be similar and
refer to each contact centre category's mean value.

Table 2. 29. Touchpoint Awareness at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta from the Contact Centre Category
for Persona 2 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Letter / email Innside by
Answer Value Answer
from Innside Melia call
by Melia center
Very uninspiring 1 15 10
Uninspiring 2 18 17
Quite inspiring 3 5 13
Inspiring 4 9 5
Very inspiring 5 3 2
Means 2.34 2.26
Standard Deviation 1.24 1.04
Interpretation Uninspiring Uninspiring

Besides, according to Persona 2 members, letters/emails and call centres from

hotels in Yogyakarta Special Region also do not affect their awareness of hotels in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta. Likewise, Persona 3 also felt that the two touchpoint
sources did not make them inspired by hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Then,
each contact centre category's standard deviation value is lower than each category's mean
value. This value shows that the responses of Persona 2 and 3 members to touchpoint
awareness of each contact centre category tend to be similar and refer to each contact
centre category's mean value.

Table 2. 30. Touchpoint Awareness at Other Hotels in the Yogyakarta from the Contact Centre Category
for Persona 2 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Answer Value Answer Letter / email Hotel call
from Hotel center
Very uninspiring 1 12 11
Uninspiring 2 18 19
Quite inspiring 3 11 12
Inspiring 4 6 6
Very inspiring 5 3 2
Means 2.40 2.38
Standard Deviation 1.18 1.07
Interpretation Uninspiring Uninspiring

Therefore, it can be concluded that letters/emails and call centres are not
considered good sources of awareness for Persona 1, 2, 3 members to identify Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta or hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Both touchpoint sources
may be more useful to use at stages other than awareness.

Table 2. 31. Touchpoint Awareness at Other Hotels in the Yogyakarta from the Contact Centre Category
for Persona 3 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Answer Value Answer Letter / email Hotel call
from Hotel center
Very uninspiring 1 17 16
Uninspiring 2 9 14
Quite inspiring 3 12 5
Inspiring 4 8 13
Very inspiring 5 4 2
Means 2.46 2.42
Standard Deviation 1.24 1.05
Interpretation Uninspiring Uninspiring

2. Social Media Behavior

a. Social media

Social Media that Makes Aware of

Innside by Melia Yogyakarta

22 Twitter
20 Tiktok
10 5 Youtube

0 Pinterest
Persona 1

Figure 2. 32. Social Media that Makes Aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
for Persona 1 / Existing Customer (Internal Data, 2020)

According to Persona 1 members, OTA affects their awareness more than social
media. However, social media can still influence them to be aware of Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta even though it is not as influential as OTA. Instagram is the most influential
social media for awareness of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta compared to other social
media. The second place is Youtube, and the third is Tiktok.

Social Media that Makes Aware of
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta

30 24
20 13
10 2
Persona 2

Instagram Facebook Twitter Tiktok Youtube Pinterest

Figure 2. 33. Social Media that Makes Aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
for Persona 2 / Potential Customer (Internal Data, 2020)

Persona 2 members also feel that Instagram is the social media platform that most
makes them aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Then Youtube and Tiktok followed
as the second and third influential social media platforms to become aware of Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta.

Social Media that Makes Aware of

the Hotel to be Stayed in the Yogyakarta
50 47

35 Instagram
30 26 Facebook
25 21
18 Twitter
15 11 Tiktok
5 1
0 Pinterest
Persona 2

Figure 2. 34. Social Media that Makes Aware of Other Hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
for Persona 2 / Potential Customer (Internal Data, 2020)

For other hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, Instagram is the most
influential social media platform for the awareness of Persona 2 members at hotels in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta. Tiktok is the second favourite social media and Youtube
the third to recognize and be aware of a hotel in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

Social Media that Makes Aware of
the Hotel to be Stayed in Yogyakarta
31 Facebook
30 23 Twitter
20 17
12 Tiktok
10 3 Youtube
0 Pinterest
Persona 3

Figure 2. 35. Social Media that Makes Aware of Other Hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
for Persona 3 / Potential Customer (Internal Data, 2020)

Persona 3 also considers that Instagram is the social media touchpoint that most
makes them aware of hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The second is Youtube,
and the third is Tiktok.
Based on the social media category's touchpoints, Instagram is the most effective
platform for Persona 1 (existing customer) and 2 (potential customer) members to be
aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Besides, Instagram is also the most effective
platform for Persona 2 and 3 members (potential customers) to be aware of hotels in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta. Youtube and Tiktok are the second and third platforms
that can affect the awareness of each Persona. Facebook is in fourth place. Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta has two social media accounts, namely Instagram and Facebook. Based
on this data, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta needs to reconsider using Facebook as a
platform to gain awareness from the target market. Besides, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
also needs to consider using other platforms such as Youtube and Tiktok, given the
number of users in each Persona.

b. Social messengers
For Persona 1 members, social messenger only influences their awareness of
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Unlike OTA, social media and media feedback. However,
if this social messenger is used to increase awareness, then Whatsapp is the social
messenger that Persona 1 members feel is the most influential. The second is the
Instagram Direct Message. Then Facebook Messenger and Twitter Direct Message did
not affect awareness at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.

Social Messenger that Makes Aware of
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
40 38

DM Instagram
Facebook Messenger
DM Twitter
5 4
5 Whatsapp

Persona 1

Figure 2. 36. Social Messenger that Makes Aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
for Persona 1 / Existing Customer (Internal Data, 2020)

Unlike Persona 1, Persona 2 members stated that Direct Message Instagram

influenced their awareness of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta more than Whatsapp. Then
the social messenger Line has slightly impacted Persona 2 members' awareness at Innside
by Melia Yogyakarta.
Persona 2 members feel that Direct Message Instagram and Whatsapp are very
influential in making them aware of hotels in Yogyakarta. Then the Line application also
had a little impact. Facebook Messenger and Twitter Direct Message both had no impact.

Social Media that Makes Aware of

Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
45 40

30 DM Instagram
Facebook Messenger
15 12 DM Twitter
10 Whatsapp
5 3 3
Persona 2

Figure 2. 37. Social Messenger that Makes Aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
for Persona 2 / Potential Customer (Internal Data, 2020)

Social Messenger that Makes Aware of
the Hotel to be Stayed in the Yogyakarta
25 DM Instagram
20 Facebook Messenger
15 DM Twitter
5 3 3
Persona 2

Figure 2. 38. Social Messenger that Makes Aware of Other Hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
for Persona 2 / Potential Customer (Internal Data, 2020)

Just like Persona 2, Direct message Instagram is a good source of awareness for
Persona 3 members to be aware of hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Then
Whatsapp became the second choice, and Line became the third choice. Facebook
Messenger and Twitter Direct Messages also did not affect.

Social Messenger that Makes Aware of

the Hotel to be Stayed in Yogyakarta
35 32

DM Instagram
Facebook Messenger
8 DM Twitter
3 Whatsapp
5 1
0 Line
Persona 3

Figure 2. 39. Social Messenger that Makes Aware of Other Hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
for Persona 3 / Potential Customer (Internal Data, 2020)

Based on touchpoint awareness for the internet media category, the three personas
both think that social messenger does not influence them to be aware of Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta and hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. However, if Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta wants to take advantage of social messengers, they can use the Direct
Message Instagram, which is mostly chosen by the three personas. Besides that, the
advantage of using Direct Message Instagram is that it is still in the same application as
Instagram social media. Instagram is a social media application that all members of each
persona consider to be the most influential for their awareness of the hotel. Social
messenger allows Innside by Melia Yogyakarta to interact more closely with its existing
and potential customers.

c. Instagram features
Based on the existing features on Instagram social media, Persona 1 members feel
that the Instagram Story feature significantly affects their awareness of Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta. Then friends posting is in second place, Instagram explores in third, and
Instagram Ads is in fourth. This data shows that Persona 1 members are more aware of
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta through their closest people's experiences. They only
become aware through the content or advertisements created by the Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta account.

Instagram Features that Makes Aware of

Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
50 45

40 35
35 Instagram story
30 27
Instagram Ads
20 Friends posting
15 10 Instagram explore
10 5 Sponsored feed
0 Hashtag
Persona 1

Figure 2. 40. Instagram Features that Makes Aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
for Persona 1 / Existing Customer (Internal Data, 2020)

Just like Persona 1, Persona 2 members are aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
through an Instagram feature in the form of an Instagram Story. Then the second feature
is posting friends. The third and fourth features are Instagram explore and Instagram Ads.
This data also shows that Persona 2 members can be aware of Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta through their closest people first, then the content or advertisements created
by the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta account.

Instagram Features that Makes Aware of
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
50 46

45 40
40 Instagram story
Instagram Ads
23 Friends posting
25 21 20
20 Instagram explore
10 Sponsored feed
4 3
5 Hashtag
Persona 2 Group posting


Figure 2. 41. Instagram Features that Makes Aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
for Persona 2 / Potential Customer (Internal Data, 2020)

Persona 2 members stated a difference when they became aware of Innside by

Melia Yogyakarta through Instagram. Persona 2 members feel that Instagram Ads helps
their awareness of hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta after the Instagram Story
feature. Then proceed with Instagram explore and post friends.

Instagram Features that Makes Aware of

the Hotel to be Stayed in the Yogyakarta
50 46

40 37
Instagram story
35 32
30 28 Instagram Ads
25 Friends posting
20 Instagram explore
Sponsored feed
10 5
4 Hashtag
0 Group posting
Persona 2

Figure 2. 42. Instagram Features that Makes Aware of Other Hotels in the Special region of Yogyakarta
for Persona 2 / Potential Customer (Internal Data, 2020)

Persona 3 members feel that the Instagram Story feature makes them aware of
hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, the next influential features are
Instagram Ads, Instagram explores, and Friends posts.

Instagram Features that Makes Aware of
the Hotel to be Stayed in Yogyakarta
NUMBER OF RESPONDENTS 35 Instagram story
30 28
24 Instagram Ads
Friends posting
20 17
Instagram explore
10 7 Sponsored feed
5 Hashtag
0 Group posting
Persona 3

Figure 2. 43. Instagram Features that Makes Aware of Other Hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
for Persona 3 / Potential Customer (Internal Data, 2020)

Based on the awareness touchdown regarding Instagram features that can make
you aware, the Instagram Story feature is the feature most chosen by each person to be
aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.
Therefore, to increase awareness, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can make better use of
the Instagram Story.
Besides, Persona 2 and 3 members (potential customers) feel that the Instagram
Ads feature helps them get to know hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Innside
by Melia Yogyakarta can budget more funds or divert mass media budgets that have less
impact on target market awareness to advertise on Instagram Ads.

3. Social Media Belonging to Hotel

a. The first attraction when looking at the social media
When Persona 1 members saw the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta social media, the
first thing that attracted them was the post about hotel facilities. Then the second is a post
about promos. The third and fourth are influencers who are on content and posts about
events held at hotels.
Whereas for Persona 2 members, when they saw Innside by Melia Yogyakarta's
social media, the first thing that caught their hearts was a post with promo content. Then
the second place is a post with the content of existing facilities at Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta. The third place is because of photo and video content with good
visualization, and fourth is the influencers in the content.

The First Attraction when Looking at the
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta Social Media

35 32
30 26 24
25 21
10 4
5 1
Persona 1
Good photo / video visuals
Influencers / public figures who post
Post about the facilities available at the hotel
Post about the activities / events held
Post about hotel management activities
Post about information on tourist areas / culinary surroundings
There is promo information
There is information Quiz with prizes

Figure 2. 44. The First Attraction when Looking at the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta Social Media
for Persona 1 / Existing Customer (Internal Data, 2020)

Based on the social media observations of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta from

Persona 1 and 2 members, there is something in common: they are interested in the
content regarding the promotions and facilities available at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.
Then the influencers that appear in each content are enough to get them interested.

The First Attraction when Looking at the

Innside by Melia Yogyakarta Social Media

50 44
40 34
35 28
25 20
20 13 13
10 2
Persona 2

Good photo / video visuals

Influencers / public figures who post
Post about the facilities available at the hotel
Post about the activities / events held
Post about hotel management activities
Post about information on tourist areas / culinary surroundings
There is promo information

Figure 2. 45. The First Attraction when Looking at the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta Social Media
for Persona 2 / Potential Customer (Internal Data, 2020)

Meanwhile, other contents such as events held, tourism and culinary in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta are not too visible from the observations of the two Persona. Then,
the visuals of photos and videos did not catch their eye.

The First Attraction when Looking at the

Hotel Social Media Yogyakarta

50 45
45 36
35 30
30 26 23
20 12
10 3 5
5 1
Persona 2
Good photo / video visuals
Influencers / public figures who post
Post about the facilities available at the hotel
Post about the activities / events held
Post about hotel management activities
Post about information on tourist areas / culinary surroundings
There is promo information
There is information Quiz with prizes
There is nothing of interest
Figure 2. 46. The First Attraction when Looking at the Other Hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
Social Media for Persona 2 / Potential Customer (Internal Data, 2020)

When Persona 2 members saw social media belonging to other hotels in the
Special Region of the Yogyakarta, the first thing that came to their mind was good photos
and video. Then the second is influencers who are on content. The third is the information
about hotel promos, and the fourth is the content regarding the facilities at the hotel.

The First Attraction when Looking at the

Hotel Social Media Yogyakarta

21 22
20 18

Persona 3
Good photo / video visuals
Influencers / public figures who post
Post about the facilities available at the hotel
Post about the activities / events held
Post about hotel management activities
Post about information on tourist areas / culinary surroundings
There is promo information

Figure 2. 47. The First Attraction when Looking at the Other Hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
Social Media for Persona 3 / Potential Customer (Internal Data, 2020)
Like Persona 2 members, the first thing that caught the attention of Persona 3
members when they saw the social media belonging to hotels in the Yogyakarta Special
Region, the first thing that came to them was good photos and video visuals. Then the
next thing that comes to mind is the influencers on content, information content about
hotel promos and content about the hotel's facilities.
Based on the data that has been explained, most potential customers from Persona
2 and 3 will be interested in social media content that looks good on the photo and visual
video content. Then the influencer used in the content becomes an important thing to
attract customer awareness. Then followed by content about hotel promos and facilities.
For Persona 1 (existing customers) and 2 (potential customers), Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta's social media emphasizes content regarding facilities and promos.
Meanwhile, good photos and video visuals and influencers used in the content do not pay
attention. In order for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta's social media to attract awareness
from existing and potential customers, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta must think about
how to create content with good photos, and video visuals recruit the right influencers to
become icons and models for the content.

b. Causes of following the social media accounts

Causes of Following the Social Media Accounts

of Hotel to be Stayed in the Yogyakarta

30 27
25 21 22
20 17
15 11
10 7
5 1
Persona 2
Good photo / video visuals
Post about the facilities available at the hotel
Post about the activities / events held
Post about hotel management activities
Post about information on tourist areas / culinary surroundings
There is promo information
There is information Quiz with prizes
I do not follow
Influencers / public figures who post

Figure 2. 48. Causes of Following the Other Hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta Social Media
for Persona 2 / Potential Customer (Internal Data, 2020)

As many as 94% of respondents from Persona 1 (existing customers) and 100%
of respondents from Persona 2 (potential customers) did not follow Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta's social media accounts. Persona 1 members follow Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta's social media because of the content about hotel promos.
Then, compared to social media accounts belonging to other hotels in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta, Persona 2 members follow the hotel account because there is
content about hotel promos. Second is because of the content regarding hotel facilities.
The third is good photos and video visuals, and the fourth is the existence of content
regarding tourism and culinary information around the Special Region of Yogyakarta.
Persona 3 members have reasons to follow the social media accounts of hotels in
the Special Region of Yogyakarta because of the content about the hotel's facilities and
the content about hotel promotions. Then continue with tourism and culinary content
around the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

Causes of Following the Social Media Accounts

of Hotel to be Stayed in Yogyakarta
19 19

12 10
4 2
Persona 3
Good photo / video visuals
Post about the facilities available at the hotel
Post about the activities / events held
Post about hotel management activities
Post about information on tourist areas / culinary surroundings
There is promo information
There is information Quiz with prizes
Influencers / public figures who post

Figure 2. 49. Causes of Following the Other Hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta Social Media
for Persona 3 / Potential Customer (Internal Data, 2020)

Based on this data, it can be found a similarity in the reasons for Persona 2 and 3
members (potential customers) to follow the social media accounts of hotels in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta, because of the content about hotel promos and facilities. Then
there is additional value in the form of content regarding tourism and culinary around the

Special Region of Yogyakarta. The content is made to maintain existing customers to
return to travel to the Special Region of Yogyakarta and re-ordering at the hotel.
The content currently being created by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta on social
media maintains existing customers. However, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta does not
create a good content foundation to attract potential customers in the form of good visual
photos and videos and exciting influencers. Content regarding promos and facilities will
also not attract existing customers to follow if the photo and video content are not
attractive. This problem makes the possibility for existing customers to be reminded of
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and re-order (become loyal customers) reduced.

4. Customer Thought and Feeling

a. Customer thought
When Persona 1 members became aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, they
thought the most about was making Innside by Melia Yogyakarta as one of the reference
hotels to stay. Then the second thing they thought about was to find out more information
about Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Persona 1 members did not immediately feel that
they wanted to stay at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. They choose to compare with other
hotels until they find the best one or find out more about Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.
Persona 1 thoughts show that they still have doubts about Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.

Customer Thoughts After Aware at

Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
Interested in staying

15 Interested in trying out the
15 facilities

10 9
Making it one of the
5 references for the hotel to
5 stay
Find out more information
0 about Innside hotels
Persona 1

Figure 2. 50. Customer Thoughts After Aware at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta

for Persona 1 / Existing Customer (Internal Data, 2020)

When Persona 2 members became aware of hotels in the Yogyakarta Special

Region, they thought the most about was to make the hotel a reference for booking. Then
what they think about next is interested in trying out the existing facilities at the hotel.

The Persona 2 members' thoughts show that they still want to find the best hotel for their
vacation in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, so they still compare one hotel with
another. Then they are also not immediately attracted to any of the hotels. Initially, they
were only interested in the facilities but had not yet reached the stage of staying overnight
and carrying out the booking process.

Customer Thoughts After Aware at

Hotel to be Stayed in the Yogyakarta

Interested in staying
14 13 overnight
10 9 Interested in trying out the
Making it one of the
4 references for the hotel to
2 stay
0 find out more about the
Persona 2 hotel to stay

Figure 2. 51. Customer Thoughts After Aware at Other Hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
for Persona 2 / Potential Customer (Internal Data, 2020)

Just like Persona 1 and 2 members, when Persona 3 members are aware of the
hotels they see in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, they will make the hotel one of the
references to stay.

Customer Thoughts After Aware at

Hotel to be Stayed in Yogyakarta
30 27

25 Interested in staying

15 Interested in trying out the

12 facilities
Making it one of the
5 2 references for the hotel to
Persona 3 find out more about the

Figure 2. 52. Customer Thoughts After Aware at Other Hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
for Persona 3 / Potential Customer (Internal Data, 2020)

The second thing they think about is being interested in staying at the hotel.
Persona 3's thoughts show that sometimes they are very interested and feel comfortable
in a hotel they are aware. They will go through the journey research stage (comparing
with other hotels) and immediately decide to book at that hotel.

b. Customer feeling

Table 2. 32. Customer Feeling After Aware at the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
for Persona 1 / Existing Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number
Answer Value Answer
of Answer
disinterested 1 0
and not curious
2 0
and not curious
Quite interested
3 28
and curious
Interested and
4 20
Very Interested
5 2
and curious
Means 3.48
Standard Deviation 0.57
Interpretation interested and

Based on the feeling experienced by Persona 1 members when they became aware
of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, they felt quite interested and curious. This feeling arises
because they may hesitate to stay at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and still want to
compare with other hotels to find the best vacation. Besides, standard deviation value is
lower than mean value. This value shows that the feelings of Persona 1 members when
they become aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, tend to be similar and refer to the
mean value.
In contrast to Persona 1 members' feeling, those who belong to Persona 2 feel
interested and curious about hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, which they are
aware. This feeling arises because there is a possibility that they have begun to be
interested in trying out the existing facilities at the hotel even though they have not yet
made a booking decision. Besides, standard deviation value is lower than mean value.
This value shows that the feelings of Persona 2 members when they become aware of
hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, tend to be similar and refer to the mean value.

Table 2. 33. Customer Feeling After Aware at the Other Hotels at the Special Region of Yogyakarta
for Persona 2 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number
Answer Value Answer
of Answer
disinterested 1 1
and not curious
2 2
and not curious
Quite interested
3 18
and curious
Interested and
4 26
Very Interested
5 3
and curious
Means 3.56
Standard Deviation 0.79
Interested and

Then, the Persona 3 members also felt interested and curious about Yogyakarta
hotels, which they were aware. Even though they are both interested and curious, the
average value of Persona 3 is more significant than Persona 2. This feeling can grow
because Persona 3 may tend to book hotels directly if they are very interested even though
they are not aware. This tendency creates a higher feeling of interest and curiosity
compared to members of Persona 1 and 2. Besides, standard deviation value is lower than
mean value. This value shows that the feelings of Persona 3 members when they become
aware of hotels in the Yogyakarta, tend to be similar and refer to the mean value.

Table 2. 34. Customer Feeling After Aware at the Other Hotels at the Special Region of Yogyakarta
for Persona 3 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)

The Number
Answer Value Answer
of Answer
disinterested 1 0
and not curious
2 0
and not curious
Quite interested
3 17
and curious
Interested and
4 28
Very Interested
5 5
and curious
Means 3.76
Standard Deviation 0.66
Interested and

5. Duration of the Awareness/Inspiration Stage

Time Phase Duration Awareness Stage

Persona 1

10 1 day
8 7 7 3-4 days
6 1 week
4 2-3 weeks
2 1 month
0 > 1 month
Persona 1

Figure 2. 53. Time Phase Duration Awareness Stage at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
for Persona 1 / Existing Customer (Internal Data, 2020)

Persona 1 members need around 2-3 weeks to become aware of Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta. Then the second largest member needed more than one month to become
aware. The awareness process of Persona 1 members towards Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta took a long time. As previously explained, this long duration of awareness
could be due to the touchpoint awareness of Persona 1 members towards Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta that was still traditional.

Time Phase Duration Awareness Stage

Persona 2
20 18

16 15
1 day
10 3-4 days
1 week
4 2 2-3 weeks
2 1
1 month
Persona 2

Figure 2. 54. Time Phase Duration Awareness Stage at Other Hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
for Persona 2 / Potential Customer (Internal Data, 2020)

Persona 2 members' awareness process towards hotels in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta generally takes place faster than Persona 1 members to become aware of
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, which is for one week. The second and third most time
phases that Persona 2 members need to be aware are 3-4 days and one day. This faster
duration of aware time can be due to hotels' touchpoints in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta that is already digital-based. Digital marketing makes information more
comfortable and faster for Persona 2 members to access. The duration of time they are
aware of hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta is faster than Persona 1 members.

Time Phase Duration Awareness Stage

Persona 3

1 day
15 12 3-4 days

10 1 week
2-3 weeks
1 1 1 1 month
0 > 1 month
Persona 3

Figure 2. 55. Time Phase Duration Awareness Stage at Other Hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
for Persona 3 / Potential Customer (Internal Data, 2020)

Almost the same as Persona 2 members, the duration of time needed by Persona
3 members to become aware of hotels in the Yogyakarta Special Region is one week. The
second and third most are one day and 3-4 days. The analysis is the same as Persona 2.
Every hotel in the Special Region of Yogyakarta is digital-based. It can be accessed
quickly by Persona 3 members to quickly become aware of hotels in the Special Region
of Yogyakarta.

6. T-Test the Awareness / Inspiration Stage on Each Persona

a. Persona 1 and Persona 2
In the results of the T-test conducted to compare Persona 1 and Persona 2, the sig
(2-tailed) value is 0.048. This value is smaller than the alpha value of 5% (0.050). It can
be concluded that the awareness process for Persona 1 at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is
significantly different from the awareness process for Persona 2 in other hotels in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta.

Figure 2. 56. Awareness stage T-test in Persona 1 and 2 (Internal Data, 2020)

b. Persona 1 and Persona 3

Figure 2. 57. Awareness stage T-test in Persona 1 and 3 (Internal Data, 2020)

In the results of the T-test conducted to compare Persona 1 and Persona 3, the sig
(2-tailed) value is 0.038. This value is smaller than the alpha value of 5% (0.050). It can
be concluded that the awareness process for Persona 1 at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is
significantly different from the awareness process for Persona 3 in other hotels in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta.

c. Persona 2 and Persona 3

Figure 2. 58. Awareness stage T-test in Persona 2 and 3 (Internal Data, 2020)

In the results of the T-test conducted to compare Persona 2 and Persona 3, the sig
(2-tailed) value is 0.881. This value is greater than the alpha value of 5% (0.050). It can
be concluded that the Persona 2 awareness process is the same as the Persona 3 awareness
process in other hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

7. Conclusion on the Awareness / Inspiration Stage
Based on the results of descriptive and quantitative analysis using the T-test
method, the awareness process at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta that occurred in Persona
1 (existing customer) was significantly different from the awareness process for Persona
2 and 3 (potential customers).
Persona 1 members can be aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta in a traditional
way. In terms of ranking, the touchpoint that most influenced Persona 1 members to be
aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta was word of mouth from the source of parents
(4.46). The following influencing sources are sibling (3.84), and hotel signboard (3.82).
Social media touchpoint sources are only in seventh place (3.50).
It is different from Persona 2 and 3, which are aware of hotels in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta by digital means. The significant three touchpoints that influence
Persona 2 to become aware of hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta are internet
media. The first place is social media (4.38). Then OTA (4.20) and media feedback (3.74).
Likewise, with Persona 3, the first order of the most influencing touchpoints comes from
social media (4.14). Then the media feedback (3.94) and OTA (3.88).
This difference in touchpoint affects each persona's duration to be aware of
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta needs to be recognized by customers for 2-3 weeks to more than one
month. Meanwhile, hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta take one day to 1 week to
be recognized by people in an excellent digital way.
Besides, the social media Facebook that is still being used by Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta is no longer relevant to its current target market. Millennials who are existing
and potential customers choose to use social media in Instagram to be aware of hotels.
Other social media used are Twitter and Tiktok.
On Instagram social media, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta needs to take advantage
of the Instagram story feature properly, such as spending attention to posting time and
content. Besides, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta needs to place Instagram Ads because
Instagram Ads are an influential Instagram feature to make each persona aware.
The social media content created by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is less relevant
to what potential and existing customers want. The content that potential customers want
to be aware of hotel social media is good photos and video visuals; engaging influencers;
and content about tourism and culinary in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The content
currently posted by the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta social media is more suitable for
maintaining existing customers (promo content and facilities). However, existing
customers are also less interested in the social media of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
because the quality of photos and videos is not good and influencers are not quite right so
that the possibility of existing customers to realize again with the experience of staying
at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and re-ordering is small.
The difference in the awareness process between Persona 1 (existing customers)
and Persona 2 and 3 (potential customers) shows that Innside by Melia Yogyakarta has
problems with its digital marketing. Therefore, when Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
decided to focus on re-positioning the hotel for leisure travelers from the millennial
generation, touchpoints in selecting social media platforms, the features used and the
content created needed to be better planned.
The difference between Persona 1, 2 and 3 at the awareness stage can be seen
again in Figures 2.29, 2.30, and 2.31 regarding each persona's customer journey maps.

2.5.5. Research/Consideration
Research/consideration is the stage where Persona 1, 2 and 3 members start
comparing each hotel they are aware of in the previous stage. Later, they can choose the
best hotel for their vacation in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The following is a
discussion of the research/consideration stages:

1. Hotel Selection Criteria for Consideration

Table 2. 35. Hotel Criteria for Consideration for Persona 1 / Existing Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Answer Value Answer Number of Number of Hotel Reputation
Facilities Type of hotel Location Price
room types room units class of the hotel
Very unimportant 1 0 0 0 0 9 18 0 0
Unimportant 2 0 3 0 0 14 11 3 7
Quite important 3 0 9 11 0 12 12 8 6
Important 4 17 25 17 31 10 4 21 17
Very important 5 33 13 22 19 5 5 18 20
Means 4.66 3.96 4.22 4.38 2.76 2.34 4.08 4.00
Standard Deviation 0.49 0.87 0.78 1.04 1.24 1.31 0.82 0.47
Interpretation Very important Important Important Important Quite important Unimportant Important Important

After going through the awareness stage, Persona 1 members began to compare
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta with other hotels in the Yogyakarta Special Region. The
most important criterion for a hotel that Persona 1 chooses for a vacation is complete
facilities. Other essential criteria starting from second place onwards are hotel price, hotel
location, hotel class, hotel reputation, and type of hotel. For Persona 1 members, the
number of room types is considered quite important. Then the number of room units is
considered unimportant. Besides, each hotel criteria standard deviation value is lower

than each criteria mean value. This value shows that the responses of Persona 1 members
to each hotel criteria tend to be similar and refer to each mean value.

Table 2. 36. Hotel Criteria for Consideration for Persona 2 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Answer Value Answer Number of Number of Hotel Reputation
Facilities Type of hotel Location Price
room types room units class of the hotel
Very unimportant 1 0 0 0 0 11 1 0 0
Unimportant 2 0 0 0 0 16 25 0 3
Quite important 3 3 5 11 4 13 18 9 4
Important 4 16 14 5 9 8 6 19 23
Very important 5 31 31 34 37 2 0 22 20
Means 4.56 4.52 4.46 4.66 2.48 2.58 4.26 4.20
Standard Deviation 0.61 0.85 0.82 0.62 1.12 0.72 0.74 0.83
Interpretation Very important Very important Important Very important Unimportant Quite important Important Important

When Persona 2 members started comparing hotels in the Special Region of

Yogyakarta, there were three very important things to consider. These three things are the
hotel price, hotel facilities and the type of hotel. In sequence, things that are considered
important for Persona 2 members are hotel location, hotel class and reputation of hotels.
The number of hotel rooms is considered quite important for the hotel they will choose.
Meanwhile, the number of room types is considered not important. Then, each hotel
criteria standard deviation value is lower than each criteria mean value. This value shows
that the responses of Persona 2 members to each hotel criteria tend to be similar and refer
to each mean value.

Table 2. 37. Hotel Criteria for Consideration for Persona 3 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Answer Value Answer Number of Number of Hotel Reputation
Facilities Type of hotel Location Price
room types room units class of the hotel
Very unimportant 1 0 0 0 0 12 4 0 0
Unimportant 2 0 0 5 0 9 23 0 2
Quite important 3 3 13 6 7 19 20 12 14
Important 4 21 20 21 10 7 2 12 15
Very important 5 26 17 18 33 3 1 26 19
Means 4.46 4.08 4.04 4.52 2.60 2.46 4.28 4.02
Standard Deviation 0.73 0.77 0.94 0.61 1.17 0.78 0.91 0.83
Interpretation Important Important Important Very important Quite important Unimportant Important Important

Persona 3 members, when comparing hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta,

really prioritize hotel prices. For them, hotel prices are the most important thing to
compare. Then sequentially, the things that are considered important for Persona 3 when
comparing hotels are hotel facilities, hotel class, type of hotel, hotel location, and hotel
reputation. The number of room types is considered quite important, and the number of
room units is not considered important. Besides, each hotel criteria standard deviation
value is lower than each criteria mean value. This value shows that the responses of
Persona 3 members to each hotel criteria tend to be similar and refer to each mean value.
There is a similarity when members of Persona 1, 2 and 3 compare hotels in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta. Each persona feels that hotel prices and hotel facilities are
the most essential things in hotel selection. Hotel prices are directly proportional to the
hotel class they choose. At the preliminary stage, each member of Persona 1, 2 and 3
chooses to stay at a 4-star hotel with almost the same rate per night. Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta still falls into this category.
Then, each member of Persona 1, 2 and 3 also felt that the hotel's location was an
important thing to consider. The location of hotels close to the leisure areas of Yogyakarta
Special Region (the palace, the square, etc.) will be more vital to consider than those that
stay away from these leisure places.
Then the number of room types and the number of room units are considered less
important. This consideration is possible because each hotel has the same number of room
types, namely 3 (superior, deluxe, and suite). Then the number of room units states the
size of the hotel building. The bigger the hotel, the bigger the capacity to accommodate
hotel guests. Sometimes there are hotel guests who prefer to vacation in private hotels
with few hotel guests. However, this is not considered important for each persona.

2. Touchpoints, People, and Environment

a. Word of mouth

Table 2. 38. Touchpoints Word of Mouth Category that Influences Research

on Persona 1 / Existing Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer

Answer Value Answer Review from

Parents Sibling Friend Couple Influencer

Very unaffected 1 6 1 3 2 2 1
Not affect 2 12 12 3 8 14 3
Quite influencing 3 5 15 9 22 12 4
Influence 4 20 20 23 12 12 27
Very influencing 5 7 2 12 6 10 15
Means 3.20 3.20 3.76 3.24 3.28 4.04
Standard Deviation 0.99 0.92 0.79 1.28 0.89 1.18
Interpretation Quite influencing Quite influencing Influence Quite influencing Quite influencing Influence

Based on the touchpoint word of mouth category, Persona 1 members feel that
reviews from strangers and friends can influence them when comparing Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta with other hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Then successively,
influencers, couples, parents and siblings were deemed sufficient to influence their
considerations. Besides, each word of mouth category's standard deviation value is lower

than each category's mean value. This value shows that the responses of Persona 1
members to touchpoint of each word of mouth category that influence research tend to be
similar and refer to each word of mouth category's mean value.

Table 2. 39. Touchpoints Word of Mouth Category that Influences Research

on Persona 2 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Answer Value Answer Review from
Parents Sibling Friend Couple Influencer
Very unaffected 1 6 7 1 4 0 2
Not affect 2 15 16 2 3 2 5
Quite influencing 3 8 11 6 14 6 8
Influence 4 12 12 16 21 23 13
Very influencing 5 9 4 25 8 19 22
Means 3.06 2.80 4.24 3.52 4.18 3.96
Standard Deviation 1.32 1.18 0.95 0.77 1.12 0.75
Interpretation Quite influencing Quite influencing Influence Influence Influence Influence

According to Persona 2 members, they feel that friends, influencers, reviews from
strangers and couples can influence them to consider hotels in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta that they will book for a vacation. Although both can influence, friends can
have a more substantial influence than other categories. Then parents and sibling only
affect their considerations enough. Each word of mouth category's standard deviation
value is lower than each category's mean value. This value shows that the responses of
Persona 2 members to touchpoint of each word of mouth category that influence research
tend to be similar and refer to each word of mouth category's mean value.

Table 2. 40. Touchpoints Word of Mouth Category that Influences Research

on Persona 3 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Answer Value Answer Review from
Parents Sibling Friend Couple Influencer
Very unaffected 1 4 6 0 0 0 5
Not affect 2 14 16 4 3 15 6
Quite influencing 3 6 7 9 9 14 16
Influence 4 13 13 17 19 18 18
Very influencing 5 13 8 20 19 3 5
Means 3.34 3.02 4.06 4.08 3.18 3.24
Standard Deviation 1.34 1.30 1.14 0.95 0.93 1.11
Interpretation Quite influencing Quite influencing Influence Influence Quite influencing Quite influencing

According to Persona 3 members, two sources of word of mouth can influence

their judgment, namely a couple and a friend. The couple has a more decisive influence
than a friend. Meanwhile, another word of mouth sources, such as parents, reviews from
strangers, influencers, and siblings, only had enough influence. Each word of mouth
category's standard deviation value is lower than each category's mean value. This value
shows that the responses of Persona 3 members to touchpoint of each word of mouth
category that influence research tend to be similar and refer to each word of mouth
category's mean value.
At the touchpoint of the word of mouth category, there are similarities between
the three Personas. They both assume that friends can influence their judgment to
determine the hotel they will book for a vacation. They believe that friends can help
choose the best hotel for their vacation compared to reviews from strangers. When
members of Persona 1 and 2 still can ask for consideration from other people they do not
know such as strangers and influencers, Persona 3 members only believe in the people
closest to them such as couples and friends. This perception is possible because Persona
3 members mostly take personal trips (only two people) while on vacation in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta.

b. Mass media

Table 2. 41. Touchpoints Mass Media Category that Influences Research

on Persona 1 / Existing Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Newspapers, Advertisement
Answer Value Answer Television advertising Event
Tabloids and affixed
and Radio on the sponsorship
Magazines to the car
Very unaffected 1 2 3 2 9 0
Not affect 2 12 15 5 9 8
Quite influencing 3 20 23 13 23 14
Influence 4 9 6 26 5 15
Very influencing 5 7 3 4 4 13
Means 3.14 2.82 3.50 2.72 3.66
Standard Deviation 1.06 0.93 0.94 1.11 1.03
Interpretation Quite influencing Quite influencing Influence Quite influencing Influence

At the mass media category's touchpoint, Persona 1 members felt that sponsorship
events and billboard advertisements on the road could influence their consideration when
comparing Innside by Melia Yogyakarta with other hotels. Meanwhile, television and
radio; newspapers, tabloids and magazines; and advertisements on cars only sufficiently
influence their judgment. Besides, each mass media category's standard deviation value
is lower than each category's mean value. This value shows that the responses of Persona
1 members to touchpoint of each mass media category that influence research tend to be
similar and refer to each mass media category's mean value.

Table 2. 42. Touchpoints Mass Media Category that Influences Research
on Persona 2 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)

The Number of Answer

Newspapers, Billboard Advertisement
Answer Value Answer Television Event
Tabloids and advertising affixed
and Radio sponsorship
Magazines on the highway to the car
Very unaffected 1 5 4 2 9 2
Not affect 2 14 20 8 21 9
Quite influencing 3 12 8 20 11 13
Influence 4 11 12 13 9 24
Very influencing 5 8 6 7 0 2
Means 3.06 2.92 3.30 2.40 3.30
Standard Deviation 0.94 1.02 1.20 0.98 1.24
Interpretation Quite influencing Quite influencing Quite influencing Not affect Quite influencing

According to Persona 2 members, there are no mass media that really inspires
them to help them consider hotels in the Yogyakarta Special Region. Billboard
advertising; sponsorship events; television and radio; newspapers, tabloids and magazines
are just as influential. Meanwhile, advertisements on cars do not affect their judgment.
Each mass media category's standard deviation value is lower than each category's mean
value. This value shows that the responses of Persona 2 members to touchpoint of each
mass media category that influence research tend to be similar and refer to each mass
media category's mean value.

Table 2. 43. Touchpoints Mass Media Category that Influences Research

on Persona 3 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)

The Number of Answer

Newspapers, Billboard Advertisement
Answer Value Answer Television Event
Tabloids and advertising affixed
and Radio sponsorship
Magazines on the highway to the car
Very unaffected 1 4 2 0 12 2
Not affect 2 14 15 9 20 7
Quite influencing 3 18 18 23 10 15
Influence 4 12 12 17 6 18
Very influencing 5 2 3 1 2 8
Means 2.88 2.98 3.20 2.32 3.46
Standard Deviation 1.04 0.75 0.97 1.09 0.99
Interpretation Quite influencing Quite influencing Quite influencing Not affect Quite influencing

According to Persona 3 members, there is nothing in the mass media category that
really influences them in considering their preferred hotel in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta. Sponsorship events; billboard advertisements; newspapers, and magazines;
television and radio are just inspiring enough. Each mass media category's standard
deviation value is lower than each category's mean value. This value shows that the
responses of Persona 3 members to touchpoint of each mass media category that influence
research tend to be similar and refer to each mass media category's mean value.
Based on the mass media category's touchpoint, Personas 2 and 3 feel that mass
media is not good enough to help them consider the hotel they will choose. Meanwhile,
in Persona 1, they are still considering mass media such as sponsorship events and
billboard advertisements. This perception is possible because most Persona 1 members
live in the Special Region of Yogyakarta and around Central Java. They can find it easier
to find billboard ads on the streets and attend hotel-sponsored events. This hotel's
existence can be seen more easily by Persona 1 members than Persona 2 and 3, the
majority of which live outside the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

c. Internet media

Table 2. 44. Touchpoints Internet Media Category that Influences Research

on Persona 1 / Exisiting Customers (Internal Data, 2020)

The Number of Answer

Social Location Hotel
Answer Value Answer Social Media Travel Official hotel Feedback
Messenger Finder Comparison
Platform Agent website Media Platform
Platform Platform Platform
Very unaffected 1 0 4 0 7 0 1 0
Not affect 2 0 11 5 12 2 5 6
Quite influencing 3 6 23 9 4 8 10 9
Influence 4 14 8 14 21 25 25 18
Very influencing 5 30 4 22 6 15 9 17
Means 4.48 2.94 4.06 3.14 4.06 3.72 3.92
Standard Deviation 0.70 1.30 1.07 1.01 1.00 0.90 1.13
Interpretation Influence Quite influencing Influence Quite influencing Influence Influence Influence

Based on the internet media category, platforms that can influence Persona 1's
consideration in comparing hotels are social media platforms, OTA, media feedback,
hotel comparison and location finder. Social messengers and hotel websites are only
sufficient to influence their judgment. Each internet media category's standard deviation
value is lower than each category's mean value. This value shows that the responses of
Persona 1 members to touchpoint of each internet media category that influence research
tend to be similar and refer to each internet media category's mean value.
Meanwhile, according to Persona 2 members, apart from the internet media
platform that can influence Persona 1's considerations, the official hotel website also
influences their considerations. However, on the social messenger platform, Persona 2
members also feel that the platform slightly influences their considerations. Then, each
internet media category's standard deviation value is lower than each category's mean
value. This value shows that the responses of Persona 2 members to touchpoint of each
internet media category that influence research tend to be similar and refer to each internet
media category's mean value.

Table 2. 45. Touchpoints Internet Media Category that Influences Research
on Persona 2 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)

The Number of Answer

Social Hotel
Answer Value Answer Social Media Online Travel Official hotel Feedback Location Finder
Messenger Comparison
Platform Agent (OTA) website Media Platform Platform
Platform Platform
Very unaffected 1 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
Not affect 2 0 11 0 5 2 9 5
Quite influencing 3 4 18 11 18 4 14 5
Influence 4 20 21 18 24 20 17 23
Very influencing 5 26 0 21 3 22 10 17
Means 4.44 3.20 4.20 3.50 4.16 3.56 4.04
Standard Deviation 0.64 0.77 0.79 1.00 1.17 0.97 0.92
Interpretation Influence Quite influencing Influence Influence Influence Influence Influence

According to Persona 3 members, the social media platform greatly influences

their consideration in considering hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Other
platforms such as OTA, official hotel website, media feedback, location finder and hotel
comparison also influence, although not as significant as social media platforms. Like the
members of Persona 1 and 2, the social messenger platform is just enough to influence
their judgment. Besides, each internet media category's standard deviation value is lower
than each category's mean value. This value shows that the responses of Persona 3
members to touchpoint of each internet media category that influence research tend to be
similar and refer to each internet media category's mean value.

Table 2. 46. Touchpoints Internet Media Category that Influences Research

on Persona 3 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Social Hotel
Answer Value Answer Social Media Online Travel Official hotel Feedback Location Finder
Messenger Comparison
Platform Agent (OTA) website Media Platform Platform
Platform Platform
Very unaffected 1 0 6 0 0 1 0 3
Not affect 2 0 8 0 6 1 7 3
Quite influencing 3 1 20 10 19 11 14 9
Influence 4 17 12 19 19 15 19 17
Very influencing 5 32 4 21 6 22 10 18
Means 4.62 3.00 4.22 3.50 4.12 3.64 3.88
Standard Deviation 0.52 1.10 0.95 0.85 0.76 0.89 1.11
Interpretation Very influencing Quite influencing Influence Influence Influence Influence Influence

Based on the internet media category, all Persona consider that social media has
a vital role in considering and comparing the hotels they choose for vacation. Other
platforms such as OTA and media feedback are also essential for them to even though
they are not as strong as social media. The selection of this touchpoint can occur because
most words of mouth touchpoints chosen by all Persona are friends. Using the social
media platform, they can see content about the hotels they are comparing and then send
direct messages to their friends, asking them to consider which hotel they should choose

to book. Meanwhile, OTA and media feedback do not have a direct message feature, so
members of each Persona cannot immediately ask their friends for their considerations.

d. Community

Table 2. 47. Touchpoints Community Category that Influences Research

on Persona 1 / Existing Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Answer Value Answer Online Offline
Community Community
Very unaffected 1 1 8
Not affect 2 4 11
Quite influencing 3 7 22
Influence 4 28 6
Very influencing 5 10 3
Means 3.84 2.70
Standard Deviation 1.07 1.26
Interpretation Influence Quite influencing

According to Persona 1 members, the online community influences when they

consider and compare Innside by Melia Yogyakarta with other hotels in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, the offline community is only sufficient to influence
their judgment. Each community category's standard deviation value is lower than each
category's mean value. This value shows that the responses of Persona 1 members to
touchpoint of each community category that influence research tend to be similar and
refer to each community category's mean value.

Table 2. 48. Touchpoints Community Category that Influences Research

on Persona 2 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Answer Value Answer Online Offline
Community Community
Very unaffected 1 3 6
Not affect 2 5 19
Quite influencing 3 14 15
Influence 4 17 10
Very influencing 5 11 0
Means 3.56 2.58
Standard Deviation 1.04 0.94
Interpretation Influence Quite influencing

Like Persona 1 members, the online community is also felt to influence the
consideration of Persona 2 and 3 members in considering the hotels in Yogyakarta that
they will choose for a vacation. Then, for the offline community, members of Persona 2
and 3 also perceive that the offline community slightly affects their considerations. Each
community category's standard deviation value is lower than each category's mean value.
This value shows that the responses of Persona 2 and 3 members to touchpoint of each
community category that influence research tend to be similar and refer to each
community category's mean value.

Table 2. 49. Touchpoints Community Category that Influences Research

on Persona 3 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Answer Value Answer Online Offline
Community Community
Very unaffected 1 4 4
Not affect 2 1 18
Quite influencing 3 10 22
Influence 4 21 4
Very influencing 5 14 2
Means 3.80 2.64
Standard Deviation 0.95 0.89
Interpretation Influence Quite influencing

In the community category, it can be concluded that the online community

influences to help the three Persona to consider and compare the hotels they choose for
holidays in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, the offline community only
influences their considerations. Online and offline communities can consider each
Persona because according to the touchpoint category of word of mouth, each Persona
also considers reviews from strangers or influencers even though they are not as strong
as their closest people such as friends or couple.
This information can be used as a reference for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.
They need to follow or create their own online and offline communities so that this brand
name can be notified more often and reviewed by others, thereby increasing the
possibility of being booked by leisure travelers.

e. Contact centre
Based on the contact centre category, Persona 1 assumes that letters/emails and
call centres from Innside by Melia Yogyakarta do not consider choosing the hotel they
will stay in. Just like Persona 1, members of Persona 2 also feel that these two things do
not affect their consideration. Then Persona 3 feel that these two things quite influence
their consideration in choosing hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Each contact
centre category's standard deviation value is lower than each category's mean value. This
value shows that the responses of Persona 1, 2, and 3 members to touchpoint of each

contact centre category that influence research tend to be similar and refer to each contact
centre category's mean value.

Table 2. 50. Touchpoints Contact Centre Category that Influences Research

on Persona 1 / Existing Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Letter / email
Answer Value Answer Innside by Melia
from Innside by
call centre
Very unaffected 1 13 18
Not affect 2 15 12
Quite influencing 3 14 13
Influence 4 2 1
Very influencing 5 6 6
Means 2.46 2.30
Standard Deviation 1.25 1.30
Interpretation Not affect Not affect

Therefore, it can be concluded that the contact centre does not provide a
reasonable consideration for the three personas. This perception can arise because all
information about the hotel is already available via internet media. Suppose customer
want to convince that the hotel is of good quality, the contact centre's answers tend to be
subjective and dishonest because they will certainly try to look good in front of their
prospective customers.

Table 2. 51. Touchpoints Contact Centre Category that Influences Research

on Persona 2 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Answer Value Answer Letter / email
Hotel call center
from Hotel
Very unaffected 1 15 14
Not affect 2 15 18
Quite influencing 3 9 15
Influence 4 10 2
Very influencing 5 1 1
Means 2.34 2.16
Standard Deviation 1.16 0.95
Interpretation Not affect Not affect

Table 2. 52. Touchpoints Contact Centre Category that Influences Research
on Persona 3 / Potential Customers (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Answer Value Answer Letter / email
Hotel call center
from Hotel
Very unaffected 1 8 12
Not affect 2 16 14
Quite influencing 3 12 8
Influence 4 11 12
Very influencing 5 3 4
Means 2.70 2.64
Standard Deviation 1.15 1.29
Interpretation Quite influencing Quite influencing

3. Social Media Behavior

a. Social media

Social Media as a Consideration for

Choosing a Hotel

48 46
28 27
30 25
18 19 17
20 15 16
11 9
10 4 3
1 0
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Instagram Facebook Twitter Tiktok Youtube Pinterest

Figure 2. 59. Social Media Platform as a Consideration for Choosing Hotel (Internal Data, 2020)

According to Persona 1, 2 and 3 social media platforms that most influence their
consideration in comparing hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta is the Instagram
platform. Then the second most chosen platform is Youtube. Then for Persona 1,2 and 3
members, Twitter and Tiktok platforms are quite influential. Meanwhile, Facebook does
not influence their judgment.
Instagram is their favourite platform for comparing hotels because Instagram is a
complete platform. Persona 1, 2 and 3 members can view content about the hotels they
compare, see reviews from other people and can also be used to send direct messages to
friends to ask for their consideration. Meanwhile, Youtube is quite a favourite because it
contains a long video about the hotel they are comparing. Customers can assess the hotel
they are comparing from the video reviews on Youtube and their comments, but Youtube
cannot interact with friends even though friends' touchpoints are highly considered by
members of Persona 1, 2 and 3. Then, like the awareness stage, Facebook is still not the
preferred platform for comparing hotels.

b. Social messengers
Although for Persona 1, 2 and 3 members, the social messenger platform only
slightly influences them to consider their choice of hotels, this social messenger is an
important platform when all three Persona try to ask their closest people for consideration.
Because the closest people of Persona 1, 2 and 3 members are like friends and couple that
quite influence them in considering hotels.

Social Messenger as a Consideration for

Choosing a Hotel
45 42

40 37
35 32
9 9 8
10 6
3 4 3 4 4 3
5 2
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

DM Instagram Facebook Messenger DM Twitter Whatsapp Snapchat Line

Figure 2. 60. Social Messenger as a Consideration for Choosing Hotel (Internal Data, 2020)

Based on Figure 2.59. Persona 1 is slightly different from Persona 2 and 3

regarding the social messenger options for comparing hotels. Persona 1 members prefer
Whatsapp to Instagram Direct Message to compare hotels they are aware of. On the other
hand, Persona 2 and 3 members prefer Direct Message Instagram over Whatsapp.
Direct Message Instagram has been chosen because it is one of Instagram's
practical features (it only takes one application). Meanwhile, Persona 1 prefers Whatsapp
because maybe their friends are easier and faster to consider when Persona 1 members
contact them via Whatsapp. However, Persona 1 members still consider Direct Message
Instagram as one of the social messenger platforms, which influences their consideration.

c. Instagram features

Instagram Features as a Consideration for

Choosing a Hotel
50 45 44
40 33
30 24 26 26 25 26
18 18
20 14
10 3 3 2 4 5
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Instagram story Instagram Ads Friends posting Instagram explore

Sponsored feed Hashtag Group posting

Figure 2. 61. Instagram Features as a Consideration for Choosing Hotel (Internal Data, 2020)

Based on the Instagram features chosen to consider hotels in the Special Region
of Yogyakarta, Persona 1, 2, and 3 members both chose Instagram Story as the best
feature. Then in the second place, there are friend posts. The next sequence is that
Instagram explores and Instagram Ads.
At this research stage, Instagram stories are still very influential. Content in the
form of short videos from friends, other people or hotel accounts can be a reasonable
consideration for them. Then friend posts also influence because one of the influential
touchpoints for consideration is their friends. Then, Instagram Ads is no longer very
influential at this stage. Instagram Ads is more useful for making existing and potential
customer aware of hotels.

d. Types of content that are considered in choosing a hotel

According to Persona 1, 2, and 3 the types of content that help them consider
hotels are content about hotel promos and content about hotel facilities. Then continue
with content about tourism and culinary areas around the hotel and Yogyakarta.
Persona 2 and 3 members (potential customers) prioritize prices when choosing
hotels. Therefore, the content regarding promotions is very important for their
consideration. This price does not always have to be cheap. When members of persona 2
and 3 judge a hotel's facilities to match the price paid (even though it is more expensive
than other hotels that have been compared), they can also choose that hotel.

Types of Content that are Considered in
Choosing a Hotel

41 41
37 38 38
40 35 33
30 24
21 19
20 12
10 4 3 5 5
0 1
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3
Content regarding the facilities available at the hotel

Content about activities / events held

Content regarding hotel management activities

Content regarding information on tourist areas / culinary surroundings

Promo content

Prize quiz content

Figure 2. 62. Types of Content that are Considered in Choosing a Hotel (Internal Data, 2020)

Meanwhile, Persona 1 members (existing customers) tend to prioritize existing

facilities compared to prices. When the price is too expensive or cheap, they will hesitate
to reconsider booking at the hotel and choose another most suitable option. Therefore,
content regarding hotel facilities and promos must be mutually correlated to attract
existing customers' to re-order and attract potential customers to try to stay the first time.
Content about tourism and culinary around hotels and the Special Region of
Yogyakarta is also essential because the purpose of leisure travelers to the Special Region
of Yogyakarta is to enjoy hotel facilities and vacation in tourism and culinary areas in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta.

e. Type of influencer that can be considered in choosing a hotel

According to members of Persona 1, 2, and 3, the right influencers to become
icons or content are those in the travel sector. The choice of influencer traveling is because
their review of a hotel location can be trusted by Persona 1, 2 and 3 members to be
interested in trying the experience. According to Persona 1, 2, and 3, the next right
influencers are beauty and fashion influencers. Beauty and fashion influencers are
considered suitable influencers because they are good looking and can attract the attention
of Persona 1, 2 and 3 members to listen to reviews or content made.

Type of Influencer that Can be Considered in
Choosing a Hotel
40 38
35 31
30 28
25 24
25 22 23
20 19
20 16
10 7 7
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Fashion Beauty Travel Food Sport

Figure 2. 63. Types of Influencer that are Considered in Choosing a Hotel (Internal Data, 2020)

4. Customer Thought and Feeling

a. Customer thought

Consumer Thoughts while Researching and

Considering Hotels

30 26
25 22 23
20 16
14 13 14
15 12
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Try to choose the best hotel facilities

Trying to choose the most suitable hotel prices and promos
Try to see positive reviews from various sources

Figure 2. 64. Consumer Thoughts while Researching and Considering Hotels (Internal Data, 2020)

Persona 1 thinks differently from Persona 2 and 3 when comparing the hotels they
will book. Persona 1 members think to find the best hotel facilities for them. Meanwhile,
Persona 2 and 3 members are thinking about finding the most valuable hotel promo for
them. This thought can be caused because most Persona 1 members prioritize facilities
first compared to hotel prices. On the other hand, Persona 2 and 3 prioritize hotel prices
compared to existing facilities at hotels.

b. Customer feeling

Table 2. 53. Customer Feeling while Researching and Consider Hotel (Internal Data, 2020)

The Number of Answer

Answer Value Answer
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3
Very displeased
1 0 0 0
and uninspired
Displeased and
2 4 0 0
Maybe pleased
3 14 15 12
and excited
Pleased and
4 21 25 29
Very pleased and
5 11 10 9
Means 3.78 3.90 3.94
Standard Deviation 0.88 0.70 0.65
Pleased and Pleased and Pleased and
excited excited excited

When comparing one hotel to another in the Special Region of Yogyakarta,

members of Persona 1, 2, and 3 are both pleased and excited. Comparing hotels is fun,
even though it gives a little effort to think which hotel is better for their vacation. Besides,
standard deviation value is lower than mean value. This value shows that the feelings of
Persona 1, 2, and 3 members when they research and consider of hotels in the Yogyakarta,
tend to be similar and refer to the mean value.

5. Duration of the Research/Consideration Stage

Time Phase Duration

30 27 27

15 12
10 11 10
10 7 8

1 1 0 0 0
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

1 day 3-4 days 1 week 2-3 weeks > 1 month

Figure 2. 65. Duration of the research/consideration stage (Internal Data, 2020)

The length of time they need to compare one hotel to another is 3-4 days to 1 week
for the three Persona. Then, they decide which hotel they choose to be a vacation
destination in the Special Region of Yogyakarta or do not choose these hotels at all.

6. T-Test the Research/Consideration Stage on Each Persona

a. Persona 1 and Persona 2

Figure 2. 66. T-test of the Research/Consideration Stage of Persona 1 and 2 (Internal Data, 2020)

In Persona 1 and 2 T-test results, the resulting sig (2-tailed) value is 0.570. This
value is greater than the alpha value of 5% (0.050). This T-test shows that the members
of Persona 1 and 2 when conducting the research and consideration processes are equally
real/insignificant. There is no significant difference between the research process and
consideration of Persona 1 and 2.

b. Persona 1 and Persona 3

Figure 2. 67. T-test of the Research/Consideration Stage of Persona 1 and 3 (Internal Data, 2020)

In Persona 1 and 3 T-test results, the resulting sig (2-tailed) value is 0.697. This
value is greater than the alpha value of 5% (0.050). This T-test shows that the members
of Persona 1 and 3 when conducting the research and consideration processes are equally
real/insignificant. There is no significant difference between the research process and
consideration of Persona 1 and 3.

c. Persona 2 and Persona 3

Figure 2. 68. T-test of the Research/Consideration Stage of Persona 2 and 3 (Internal Data, 2020)

In Persona 2 and 3 T-test results, the resulting sig (2-tailed) value is 0.828. This
value is greater than the alpha value of 5% (0.050). This T-test shows that the members
of Persona 2 and 3 when conducting the research and consideration processes are equally
real/insignificant. There is no significant difference between the research process and
consideration of Persona 2 and 3.

7. Conclusion on the Research/Consideration Stage

Based on the results of descriptive analysis and the T-Test results, there is no
significant difference between Persona 1, 2 and 3 members in the stage of researching
hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta that they are considering being booked. In
general, the main things they consider are same. These are hotel prices and hotel facilities.
Then in order of touchpoints that can help them in the research and consideration
stages is also almost the same. Persona 1 members consider social media to be the most
influential platform to help them consider hotels. Likewise, Persona 2 and 3. For the next
sequence, each Persona is almost the same in choosing other internet media such as OTA
and media feedback as touchpoints that can influence them in considering hotels.
At the research and consideration stages, Persona 1 members (existing customers)
chose different touchpoints during the awareness stage with Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.
They try to compare Innside by Melia Yogyakarta with other hotels in the Special Region
of Yogyakarta on a digital basis. Not traditional anymore. Even parents who were initially
a touchpoint that greatly influenced Persona 1 member recognized that Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta was no longer helpful in making considerations for hotel selection.
The most influential social media platforms for consideration for Persona 1, 2,
and 3 are Instagram. The most influential Instagram features are the Instagram story,
friend posts, and Instagram explore. Direct message on Instagram is also quite influential
as a medium of consideration when they need their friends' opinions. Instagram is a
complete platform for comparing hotels with each other from their content, seeing hotel
reviews from other people's comments and also being able to interact with friends to ask
for their opinions directly. Friends are also one of the important touchpoints for the three
Persona besides the internet media.
The content approach that must be made at this research stage is different from
the awareness stage. The content needed by the three personas to compare hotels is
content about hotel promos and hotel facilities. Both contents are necessary because these
two things (price and facilities) are the most important considerations in choosing a hotel
for the three personas. Besides that, influencers also influence their judgment. Influencers
are expected to be experts in travel because their reviews can be trusted and taken into
consideration. Besides, beauty and fashion influencers can also be chosen because they
are good looking, making each member of Persona 1, 2 and 3 want to listen to reviews or
read hotel content they have created.
The difference between Persona 1, 2 and 3 at the research/consideration stage can
be seen again in Figures 2.29, 2.30, and 2.31 regarding each persona's customer journey.

2.5.6. Decision Making

The decision-making stage occurs when Persona 1, 2 and 3 members have
finished comparing each hotel in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Then they are
determined with their choice and ready to book the hotel. The decision-making stage is
divided into two stages, add to shopping chart stage and make an order stage. The
following is a discussion and analysis of the decision-making stage:

1. Hotel Choice Decision Based on the Category

a. Type of hotel

The Type of Hotel Chosen to Stay


20 18 17
15 13 13 12 11
11 10
10 8 7 8

5 2
0 0
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

MICE Hotel (Business Hotel) Boutique Hotel (Leisure Hotel)

Resort Hotel (Leisure Hotel) Lifestyle Hotel (Leisure Hotel)
Bleisure Hotel (Business and Leisure Hotel)

Figure 2. 69. The Type of Hotel Chosen to Stay (Internal Data, 2020)

The type of hotel that Persona 1, 2 and 3 members prefer to vacation in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta is a lifestyle hotel (leisure hotel). Then the second and third hotels
chosen are resort and boutique hotels (leisure hotels). Lifestyle hotel is a hotel that adapts
to the lifestyle in the area where the hotel is located. The vibes in the hotel lifestyle are a
modern atmosphere mixed with the atmosphere of the Special Region of Yogyakarta.
Then, hotels with the MICE and Bleisure (Business and Leisure) types are less
liked by existing and potential customers from Persona 1,2 and 3. Because this type of
hotel is not focused on leisure. Mice and Bleisure hotels provide more facilities for work,
such as meeting rooms and ballrooms and do not focus too much on vibe leisure.

b. Hotel facility

Preferred Hotel Facilities

50 46
42 42 42

40 37
30 24
20 17
14 15 14
15 10
8 7 8
10 5 6
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Restaurant Swimming pool Gym Spa Bar Night club

Figure 2. 70. Preferred Hotel Facilities (Internal Data, 2020)

Based on the selected leisure hotel facilities, members of Persona 1, 2, and 3

prioritize swimming pools and restaurants. Besides, other hotel facilities such as spa, bar
and night club are quite a lot of reasons for consideration for Persona 1, 2 and 3. In stage
research and consideration, facilities are one of the most important things to consider by
Persona 1,2 and 3 members. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta needs to strive to fulfil the
facilities desired by the three Persona, which are representations of leisure travelers.
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta already has an iconic swimming pool on the rooftop.
Then they can improve the swimming pool again, the restaurant and bar are also upgraded
and create an iconic and delicious menu to relax. Then Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can
add spa and night club. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta has had spa services but a special
call for hotel rooms. As for the night club, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta does not yet have
these facilities and can be recommended to be built to become a complete leisure hotel.

c. Price

The Preferred Hotel Rate to be Selected

25 22 21
20 17 18
15 12 12 13

5 2 2 2 2
1 0
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Rp 200.000 - Rp 300.000 Rp 300.001 - Rp 500.000

Rp 500.001 - Rp 750.000 Rp 750.001 - Rp 1.000.000
>Rp 1.000.000

Figure 2. 71. The Preferred Hotel Rate to be Selected (Internal Data, 2020)

Hotel rate is one of the three primary considerations for Persona in choosing a
hotel other than hotel facilities. Regarding hotel rates per night chosen by Persona 1, 2,
and 3 members, they both chose hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta with rates of
Rp 500,000 - Rp 750,000. The rate is following the average price of the 4-star hotel in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta that the three personas choose the most. If the hotel rate is
more expensive than Rp 750,000, the three personas are not too problematic because they
still accept hotel rates at Rp 750,000 - Rp 1,000,000.
In Chapter 1 regarding the hotel description, it has been stated that Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta has an average rate of Rp 510,000 - Rp 650,000 per night so that in
terms of price Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can be the preferred hotel for Persona 1, 2
and 3 (existing and potential customers).

d. Location
Based on the hotel's location, the three Persona chose to stay at a hotel in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta, which is close to tourism and culinary delights. In
proportion, the next hotel location chosen by the three personas is quiet from the crowd
and close to public facilities such as malls and sports venues. The reason for choosing
this location is understandable because leisure travelers traveling to the Special Region
of Yogyakarta enjoy tourism and culinary around.

The Preferred Hotel Location to be Selected

25 21 21 20
20 17 16
14 15 14
15 12
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Close to tourist attractions,

Quiet from the crowd / private,
Close to public city facilities (malls, places of worship, sports venues)

Figure 2. 72. The Preferred Hotel Location to be Selected (Internal Data, 2020)

Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is located in the Maguwoharjo area, Sleman,

Yogyakarta Special Region, which is quite close to tourist attractions such as the
Prambanan temple, the square and the Yogyakarta monument. Besides, the hotel location
is also quite close to the Hartono mall and Ambarukmo Plaza, the largest mall in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta. This location can be a value for Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta for customers to choose as a hotel for a vacation.

e. The reputation of the hotel

Least Reputation Hotel that Prefer to Stay


25 23
21 20
10 6 6
5 1
0 0 0
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Rating 9.0 - 10.0 (Very impressive) Rating 8.0 - 9.0 (Impressive)

Rating 7.0 - 8.0 (Pretty Impressive) <Rating 7.0 - 8.0

Figure 2. 73. Least Reputation Hotel that Prefer to Stay (Internal Data, 2020)

According to Persona 1, 2, and 3, they have the same opinion regarding the hotel's
minimum reputation they will choose to book. They choose hotels with a minimum rating
of 8.0 - 9.0. This hotel rating can be seen and compared on the OTA platform, media

feedback. Ratings 8.0 - 9.0 are included in the impressive hotel category according to
existing consumers.
When viewed from several OTA platforms and media feedback, Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta received a score of 8.6 / 10 (impressive) on Traveloka's OTA. Then on the
OTA, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta got a score of 4.3 / 5.0 (excellent). On
Tripadvisor, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta received a score of 4.5 / 5.0 (fantastic). OTA
and Tripadvisor's assessments indicate that Innside by Melia Yogyakarta has received an
outstanding response from existing customers. This reputation makes the possibility of
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta being chosen as a hotel for a vacation in the Yogyakarta
even greater because it fits the minimum rating criteria of the three Persona (impressive).

2. Add to Shopping Chart Behavior

a. Factors that influence the decision to stay at Innside by Melia (only Persona 1)
According to Persona 1 members who are existing customers of Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta, they decided to stay at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta because of the facilities
that match their wishes and the hotel's location. Another factor that also influences quite
a bit is the price and class of hotels according to their preferences.

Factors that Influence the Decision to Stay at

Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
40 37 37

35 Type of hotel
30 Facilities
25 22
20 16
13 Price
15 12
Number of room types
10 7
5 The size of the hotel building

0 Hotel Class
Persona 1 Reputation of the hotel

Figure 2. 74. Factors that Influence the Decision Persona 1 / Existing Customer to Stay
at the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta (Internal Data, 2020)

Hotel type is not included as something that affects them staying at Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta, because they prefer to look for hotels that are specifically for leisure.
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is currently classified as a Bleisure hotel (Business and
Leisure). When Innside by Melia Yogyakarta reposition the hotel to become a unique

leisure hotel, it is possible to increase the type of hotel that both existing and potential
customers want.

b. Factors that influence not choosing to stay at Innside by Melia (only Persona 2)

Factors that Influence Not Choosing to Stay at

Innside by Melia Yogyakarta

25 Type of hotel
15 Location
15 12
10 8 8
Number of room types
5 2 The size of the hotel building

0 Hotel Class
Persona 2 Reputation of the hotel

Figure 2. 75. Factors that Influence the Decision Persona 2 / Potential Customer to not choosing
to stay at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta (Internal Data, 2020)

As a Persona who is aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta but has never stayed
overnight, Persona 2 has a reason not to choose Innside by Melia Yogyakarta as a hotel
for a vacation. The main reason is because of the location. The location of Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta is quite close to leisure locations in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
and quite close to city public facilities such as malls. However, all these destinations need
to be reached by using a motorized vehicle. Persona 2 members may want a hotel located
closer to leisure and culinary spots in the Special Region of Yogyakarta and can be
reached on foot.
The next reason is the unsuitable type of hotel. As discussed in the hotel types
chosen by existing and potential customers, they prefer hotel types specific to leisure,
such as lifestyle hotels, resort hotels and boutique hotels. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is
a half business and half leisure (Bleisure) type hotel. This reason can be a reinforcement
for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta to reposition hotels to hotels for leisure.

c. Additional requests at the hotel to stay (For Persona 1, 2 and 3)

Many Persona 1 (existing customers) have never asked for additional requests
when staying at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Most of them request for smoking/non-
smoking rooms. Then is asking for the extra bed. Likewise with Persona 2 and 3 when
booking hotels in the Yogyakarta Special Region. Most of them also request

smoking/non-smoking rooms and extra beds. The rest are some who ask for extra
breakfast, lunch or dinner and also rooms upstairs. However, the number of Persona 1, 2
and 3 members who have requested these two things is not too many. This information
can be useful for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta to prepare for additional requests such as
smoking and non-smoking rooms and extra beds not to run out and disappoint customers
who will stay.

Additional Requests at the Hotel to Stay


34 33
35 30 31
30 27
17 18
20 15
15 11
8 9
10 7
4 5 5 5
5 2
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Extra Bed Airport pick-up / drop-off

Smoking / Non smoking room Extra breakfast / Lunch / Dinner
Rooms Upstair Never made additional requests

Figure 2. 76. Additional Requests at the Hotel to Stay (Internal Data, 2020)

3. Touchpoints, People, and Environment

a. The decision-maker to stay at the hotel
Persona 1, 2, and 3 members choose themselves as decision-makers for the hotels
they will book in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. However, Persona 1 is also
sometimes influenced by siblings and parents when choosing Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta as a hotel for a vacation. Meanwhile, Persona 2 and 3 are more affected by
friends and couples when determining hotel choice to book. This information shows that
the currently existing Innside by Melia Yogyakarta customers is on vacation with their
families. Then many potential customers choose to vacation in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta with friends or couple. Group leisure travelers, families, friends or couples
can be an option to be targeted as the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta market.

The Decision Maker to Stay at the Hotel
40 37 37

35 30
25 23
21 21 21
20 15 16 15
15 12 13
9 10
5 2
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Parents Sibling Friend Couple Myself

Figure 2. 77. The Decision Maker to Stay at the Gotel (Internal Data, 2020)

b. The platform used to book hotel rooms

Persona 1, 2, and 3 all choose to use OTA as a platform for hotel bookings.
Although Innside by Melia Yogyakarta currently prefers to attract business to business
(corporate and tour agency) customers and has a policy from Melia Hotels International
to reduce OTA, OTA remains the primary platform for booking the hotel rooms. Almost
no one made bookings through the Melia website and application. The Melia website and
application are still unknown, and not many people are aware of the promos given.

The Platform Used to Book Hotel Rooms


40 35
20 17
12 13
8 7 7 6
10 5
1 0 0 0 0
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Online Travel Agent (OTA) Website

Android or Apple hotel app Tour Agency
Tour Operation On The Spot (OTS)

Figure 2. 78. The Platform Used to Book Hotel Rooms (Internal Data, 2020)

The process of introducing the Melia website and application can be assisted by
good use of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta's social media because social media touchpoints
are very influential for all personas to be aware and choose hotels.

It is different from Persona 2 and 3, which have started to book many hotel rooms
in the Special Region of Yogyakarta using websites. This fact shows that several hotels
in the Special Region of Yogyakarta can make good use of their websites. Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta is quite behind in terms of digital marketing, be it social media
platforms or websites and applications.

4. Customer Thought and Feeling (Add to Shopping Cart)

a. Customer thought

Customer Thoughts when Adding

Hotel to the Shopping Chart

35 31
25 21 20
20 16
13 13
10 6 6
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Glad to try a hotel that has never been stayed

Happy with selected hotel
Can't wait to try the facilities

Figure 2. 79. Customer Thoughts when Adding Hotel to the Shopping Chart (Internal Data, 2020)

When Persona 1 (existing customer) added Innside by Melia Yogyakarta rooms

to their shopping cart, many Persona 1 member were happy because it was their first time
trying a hotel that they had never stayed. Then Persona 2 and 3 also feel happy with the
hotel they chose in Yogyakarta Special Region. The minds of Persona 1, 2 and 3 members
show a sense of pleasure towards their choice after comparing various hotels in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta.

b. Customer feeling
When members of Persona 1, 2, and 3 adding to cart the hotel of his choice, they
all feel excited and excited. For Persona 1 (existing customer), their average score is
higher than other Persona. This score indicates higher feelings of joy and excitement. This
feeling may arise because their minds are curious because they have never had the
experience of staying at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Besides, standard deviation value
is lower than mean value. This value shows that the feelings of Persona 1, 2, and 3
members when they adding to cart of hotels in the Yogyakarta, tend to be similar and
refer to the mean value.
Table 2. 54. Customer Feeling when Adding to Cart the Hotel of his Choice (Internal Data, 2020)

The Number of Answer

Answer Value Answer
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3
Very displeased
1 0 0 0
and uninspired
Displeased and
2 0 0 0
Maybe pleased
3 0 5 6
and excited
Pleased and
4 26 26 20
Very pleased
5 24 19 24
and excited
Means 4.48 4.28 4.36
Standard Deviation 0.50 0.63 0.69
Pleased Pleased Pleased
Interpretation and and and
excited excited excited

5. Customer Thought and Feeling (Make an Order)

a. Customer thought

Customer Thoughts when Make an Order


30 25 26
25 20 21
20 18
9 8
10 7
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

In accordance with the budget

Think about whether the price is in accordance with the experience gained
Reduced savings for a staycation

Figure 2. 80. Customer Thoughts when Making an Order (Internal Data, 2020)

When these three Persona place orders and payments, insecure thoughts arise, and
they doubt whether the experience of staying overnight matches the money that has been
paid. They hesitate because the expectations that have been built are too high for the hotel
they will stay. This thought can arise because both Persona 1, 2, and 3 have never tried to
stay at the hotel before.

b. Customer feeling

Table 2. 55. Customer Feeling when Making an Order (Internal Data, 2020)

The Number of Answer

Answer Value Answer
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3
Very displeased 1 0 0 0
Displeased 2 5 2 5
Quite pleased 3 18 24 12
Pleased 4 24 18 29
Very pleased 5 3 6 4
Means 3.50 3.56 3.64
Standard Deviation 0.69 0.75 0.83
Interpretation Pleased Pleased Pleased

Based on the average value, their feelings when making an order decreased from
the adding hotel to cart stage. The decrease in these feelings' value can occur because of
the emergence of doubts in each persona. However, even though there was a decrease in
feelings' value, they were still happy when making an order. Besides, standard deviation
value is lower than mean value. This value shows that the feelings of Persona 1, 2, and 3
members when they making an order of hotels in the Yogyakarta, tend to be similar and
refer to the mean value.

6. Duration of the Decision Making Stage

Phase Time Duration

45 40

30 25
25 20
20 17
15 10
8 7
10 5 4
5 0 0
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

1 day 3-4 days 1 week 2-3 weeks

Figure 2. 81. The Duration of the Decision Making Stage for Each Persona (Internal Data, 2020)

All Persona in the majority answered that it only took one day to make the decision
phase, from add to cart to make an order at the hotel they booked. The duration is
relatively fast because, during the journey in the form of research/consideration, they have
compared each hotel in the Special Region of Yogyakarta and have carefully considered
their choices.
7. T-Test the Decision Making Stage on Each Persona
a. Persona 1 and Persona 2

Figure 2. 82. T-test of the Decision Making Stage of Persona 1 and 2 (Internal Data, 2020)

In Persona 1 and 2 T-test results, the resulting sig (2-tailed) value add to cart stage
is 0.098 and value make an order stage is 0.082. This value is greater than the alpha value
of 5% (0.050). This T-test shows that the members of Persona 1 and 2 when conducting
the decision making processes are equally real/insignificant. There is no significant
difference between the decision making process of Persona 1 and 2.

b. Persona 1 and Persona 3

Figure 2. 83. T-test of the Decision Making Stage of Persona 1 and 3 (Internal Data, 2020)

In Persona 1 and 3 T-test results, the resulting sig (2-tailed) value add to cart stage
is 0.325 and value make an order stage is 0.467. This value is greater than the alpha value
of 5% (0.050). This T-test shows that the members of Persona 1 and 3 when conducting
the decision making processes are equally real/insignificant. There is no significant
difference between the decision making process of Persona 1 and 3.

c. Persona 2 and Persona 3

Figure 2. 84. T-test of the Decision Making Stage of Persona 2 and 3 (Internal Data, 2020)

In Persona 2 and 3 T-test results, the resulting sig (2-tailed) value add to cart stage
is 0.582 and value make an order stage is 0.264. This value is greater than the alpha value
of 5% (0.050). This T-test shows that the members of Persona 2 and 3 when conducting
the decision making processes are equally real/insignificant. There is no significant
difference between the decision making process of Persona 2 and 3.

8. Conclusion on the Decision Making Stage

Based on the results of descriptive analysis and the T-test, there is no significant
difference between Persona 1, 2, and 3 when they decide to make the decision-making
process at the hotel they choose to vacation in the Special Region Yogyakarta.
Based on the type of hotel, each person chooses to stay at a hotel with a specific
leisure type. Then the most expected hotel facilities for each Persona are a swimming
pool and a restaurant. Then the hotel room rate according to their budget is Rp 500,000 -
Rp 750,000. However, when there is a higher hotel price than Rp 750,000, the three
Persona still want to choose the hotel, as long as it does not exceed Rp 1,000,000. The
expected hotel location is close to tourist, and culinary spots in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta and the minimum hotel reputation is 8.0 - 9.0 (impressive).
Overall, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta has fulfilled all the primary requirements
desired. However, some things need to be improved. According to Persona 1 members
(existing customers), they want to stay at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta because of the
appropriate hotel facilities and location. However, it is different from Persona 2 members
(potential customers). Even though they are aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, the
factor that keeps them from staying overnight is location. The location of Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta is quite close to tourist attractions and city public facilities such as malls. It
only has to be reached by public transportation. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can consider
providing facilities in the form of a tour around Yogyakarta; making a terminal for public
transportation (taxi); making public transportation rental services; or making leisure
facility inside the hotel, so that hotel guests do not have to leave the hotel. Just in the
hotel, they can enjoy the vibes of the Special Region of Yogyakarta.
Regarding touchpoints, each Persona member still chooses OTA as a tool for hotel
bookings. The hotel website has begun to be widely used by Persona 2 and 3 to make
bookings. However, Persona 1 as an existing customer, almost no one makes bookings
via the Melia website or application. This fact indicates that the existing and potential
customer awareness of the Melia website and application is still not good. Good social
media can be a way to promote the Melia website and application, with a note that
awareness of the existing and potential customers of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta social
media must be improved first.

2.5.7. Preparation
The preparation stage is the stage after the customer makes payments, and before
they stay at the hotel. This stage is a crucial stage where customers can cancel trips and
stay plans for any reason. The refund process's ease also makes it easy for customers to
think again about the hotel of their choice and cancel their trip. Moreover, there is still a
feeling of insecurity in the customer at the decision-making stage, whether the money
they pay will match the experience they get. Therefore, every hotel usually provides a
value at this preparation stage so that the customer does not cancel the trip and stay
overnight. The following is a discussion of the preparation stages of the three Persona:

1. Service Criteria at the Preparation Stage

a. Assessment of the services provided by the hotel
According to Persona 1 members, the important services provided to them at this
preparation stage are tourism recommendations around the hotel, reminders for check-in,
and pick-up offers from public places such as airports, stations or terminals. Meanwhile,
other services such as reminders for packing documents, travel tickets and providing the
hotel address's location are considered quite important. Then, standard deviation value is
lower than mean value. This value shows that Persona 1 members when they assess the
services provided by the hotel, tend to be similar and refer to the mean value.
Meanwhile, according to Persona 2 and 3 members, all services at the preparation
stage are essential to be given. For Persona 2, they consider the most important check-in
reminders to provide. The next service order from the most important is travel
recommendations; pick-up offers from public places; reminders for packing documents,
tickets; and finally giving the hotel's address and location.

Table 2. 56. Assessment of the Services Provided by the Hotel for
Persona 1 / Existing Customer (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Reminder all Provide the Provide Receptionist
Answer Value Answer documents and address / maps recommendations opening hours
offers from
tickets are of the hotel for travel around reminder for
public places
packaged location the hotel check-in
Very unimportant 1 9 1 0 0 2
Unimportant 2 8 9 7 8 7
Quite important 3 15 26 9 13 13
Important 4 8 7 11 16 18
Very important 5 10 7 23 13 10
Means 3.04 3.20 4.00 3.68 3.54
Standard Deviation 1.36 0.96 1.03 1.10 1.08
Interpretation Quite important Quite important Important Important Important

In Persona 3, they consider that providing travel recommendations is the most

important thing to give. Then, in sequence, there are services in the form of pick up from
public places; check-in reminders; giving hotel locations; lastly reminder documents and
travel tickets. Besides, standard deviation value is lower than mean value. This value
shows that Persona 2 and 3 members when they assess the services provided by the hotel,
tend to be similar and refer to the mean value.

Table 2. 57. Assessment of the Services Provided by the Hotel

for Persona 2 / Potential Customer (Internal Data, 2020)

The Number of Answer

Reminder all Provide the Provide Receptionist
Answer Value Answer documents address / recommendations opening hours
offers from
and tickets are maps of the for travel around reminder for
public places
packaged hotel location the hotel check-in
Very unimportant 1 3 2 0 0 0
Unimportant 2 5 7 4 4 6
Quite important 3 6 10 12 6 10
Important 4 24 17 19 24 18
Very important 5 12 14 15 16 16
Means 3.74 3.68 3.90 4.04 3.88
Standard Deviation 0.92 0.87 1.14 1.11 0.99
Interpretation Important Important Important Important Important

Based on the data above, both Persona 1, 2, and 3 consider providing travel
recommendations; check-in reminders; and pick-up offers from public places are the most
important services to provide. Travel recommendations are considered important so that
no tourist and culinary destinations in Yogyakarta are overlooked. They can add or
rearrange their tourism plans. A check-in reminder also needs to be given because there
is a possibility that the customer will request a check-in earlier. Before the customer
makes the request, a value can be given in the form of notification of check-in hours.

Then pick up offers from public places are also important because not all customers bring
private vehicles when traveling to the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

Table 2. 58. Assessment of the Services Provided by the Hotel

for Persona 3 / Potential Customer (Internal Data, 2020)

The Number of Answer

Reminder all Provide the Provide Receptionist
Answer Value Answer documents address / maps recommendations opening hours
offers from
and tickets of the hotel for travel around reminder for
public places
are packaged location the hotel check-in
Very unimportant 1 5 3 0 0 0
Unimportant 2 1 8 2 10 6
Quite important 3 10 6 10 4 8
Important 4 27 21 20 19 21
Very important 5 7 12 18 17 15
Means 3.60 3.62 4.08 3.86 3.90
Standard Deviation 0.84 1.10 1.18 0.96 1.08
Interpretation Important Important Important Important Important

For Persona 1, 2, and 3 document reminders, travel tickets and hotel locations are
deemed no more important than the three services mentioned. It is possible because travel
tickets are now digital, so it is uncommon to be left behind. Same with documents such
as KTP, SIM, which is usually a package with the customer's wallet. Then the hotel
location can also be easily accessed via the internet.

b. Services from hotels that have been experienced

Services from hotels at the preparation stage

that have been experienced

35 31
28 27
30 25
23 24
25 22
18 17
14 13
15 12
8 8 7
5 2
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3
Reminder all documents and tickets are packaged

Provide the address / maps of the hotel location

Provide recommendations for travel around the hotel

Receptionist opening hours reminder for check-in

Pick-up offers from public places

Never received that service

Figure 2. 85. Services from Hotels that have been Experienced (Internal Data, 2020)

Based on what has been experienced by Persona 1, 2, and 3 members, they usually
get service in the form of a check-in reminder from the hotel where they stay. Then giving
hotel locations and pick up offers from public places. Providing tourism and culinary
recommendations is not automatically provided by hotels in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta. So, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can add this value because providing
tourism recommendations is a service that existing and potential customers preferred.

2. Touchpoints, People, and Environment

a. The preferred media to receive services from hotels

The Preferred Media to Receive Services from

Hotels at the Preparation Stage

40 34
30 29 31
30 25 24
20 16
10 5
1 2 3
0 0 0 0
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Social Media Platform Social Messenger Platform E-mail

Telephone SMS Do not like the service

Figure 2. 86. The Preferred Media to Receive Services from Hotel (Internal Data, 2020)

There is a slight difference in the media used to deliver the hotel services. Persona
1 members prefer to be sent the service via email. Meanwhile, in Persona 2 and 3, they
prefer to receive the service via social messenger. Social media is not too chosen to be
the right platform to get this preparation stage service. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can
try to use social messenger because this platform has been chosen quite a lot to receive
these services.

b. Media that has been used by hotels to provide services

According to the experiences of Persona 1, 2, and 3 members, they have provided
hotel services at this preparation stage using email media. Then next is the social
messenger. As previously discussed, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can use social
messenger because not many hotels in Yogyakarta Special Region use social messenger
to send these services, and customers favour these services.

Media that has been Used by Hotels to Provide
Services at the Preparation Stage

40 35 34
20 15 14
8 6 8 7 8 6 6
10 5
2 2 2
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Social Media Platform Social Messenger Platform E-mail

Telephone SMS Never got that service

Figure 2. 87. Media that has been Used by Hotels to Provide Services (Internal Data, 2020)

3. Social Media Behavior

a. The preferred social media for receiving hotel services

The Preferred Social Media Platform

for Receiving Hotel Services
at the Preparation Stage

50 41
40 35
30 20
20 13 10 12
4 7
10 0 2 2
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Instagram Facebook Twitter Do not want to receive these services via social media

Figure 2. 88. The Preferred Social Media for Receiving Hotel Services (Internal Data, 2020)

Social media is not a favourite platform for Persona 1, 2, and 3 members to receive
hotel preparation stage services. Social media is in third place after email and social
messenger. However, if Innside by Melia Yogyakarta still use social media, then the best
social media chosen by each persona is Instagram. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can use
the Instagram Direct Message feature to send these services.

b. The preferred social messengers for receiving hotel services

The Preferred Social Messenger Platform

for Receiving Hotel Services
at the Preparation Stage
40 41 42
40 36

19 19
10 4
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

DM Instagram Whatsapp Line

Figure 2. 89. The Preferred Social Messenger for Receiving Hotel Services (Internal Data, 2020)

According to the three Persona, Whatsapp is the best social messenger platform
for receiving services provided to hotels. Then in second place, there is an Instagram
Direct Message. Then Line and other platforms were not very liked by the three Persona.

4. Customer Thought and Feeling

a. Customer thought

Customer Thought when Getting Hotel Service

at the Preparation Stage

35 31
25 21 20 19
10 7
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Feel you are getting a good service Feeling his presence awaited
Privacy is compromised

Figure 2. 90. Customer Thought when Getting Hotel Service (Internal Data, 2020)

At this preparation stage, the three Persona agreed that when they received
services at this preparation stage, they thought that the hotel was good in terms of service.
Providing this service gives a positive impression to customers before they stay, the
feeling of wanting to go on vacation can increase and reduce the possibility of cancelling
the trip.
b. Customer feeling

Table 2. 59. Customer Feeling at Preparation Stage (Internal Data, 2020)

The Number of Answer

Answer Value Answer
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3
Very dishonored
1 0 0 0
and disrespected
Dishonored and
2 5 0 0
Maybe honored
3 15 7 9
and respected
Honored and
4 22 28 29
Very honored
5 8 15 12
and respected
Means 3.66 4.16 4.06
Standard Deviation 0.86 0.64 0.65
Honored and Honored and Honored and
respected respected respected

When each persona gets services from the hotel at the preparation stage, they feel
honoured and respected by what the hotel is doing. This service is an excellent effort to
maintain relationships with customers and reduce the possibility of trip cancellations.
Besides, standard deviation value is lower than mean value. This value shows that the
feelings of Persona 1, 2, and 3 members when they received services from hotels in the
Yogyakarta at preparation stage, tend to be similar and refer to the mean value.

5. Duration of the Preparation Stage

Phase Time Duration


13 14
15 12
10 10 11
9 9
4 3 4 4
5 2
0 0 1
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

1 day after payment 3-4 days after payment 1 week after payment
2-3 weeks after payment 1 month after payment 3 months after payment

Figure 2. 91. Duration of Time at the Preparation Stage (Internal Data, 2020)

All three personas stated that they usually book hotels to stay a week after making
payment. This information states that the provision of services from hotels to customers
can last up to a week. These services need to be managed. Do not let the customer feel
annoyed because the hotel sends reminders and continuous service to the customer for a
week after making a payment.

6. T-Test the Preparation Stage on Each Persona

a. Persona 1 and Persona 2

Figure 2. 92. T-test of the Preparation Stage of Persona 1 and 2 (Internal Data, 2020)

In Persona 1 and 2 T-test results, the resulting sig (2-tailed) value is 0.059. This
value is greater than the alpha value of 5% (0.050). This T-test shows that the members
of Persona 1 and 2 when conducting the preparation processes are equally
real/insignificant. There is no significant difference between the preparation process of
Persona 1 and 2.

b. Persona 1 and Persona 3

Figure 2. 93. T-test of the Preparation Stage of Persona 1 and 3 (Internal Data, 2020)

In Persona 1 and 3 T-test results, the resulting sig (2-tailed) value is 0.144. This
value is greater than the alpha value of 5% (0.050). This T-test shows that the members
of Persona 1 and 3 when conducting the preparation processes are equally
real/insignificant. There is no significant difference between the preparation process of
Persona 1 and 3.

c. Persona 2 and Persona 3

Figure 2. 94. T-test of the Preparation Stage of Persona 2 and 3 (Internal Data, 2020)

In Persona 2 and 3 T-test results, the resulting sig (2-tailed) value is 0.626. This
value is greater than the alpha value of 5% (0.050). This T-test shows that the members
of Persona 2 and 3 when conducting the preparation processes are equally
real/insignificant. There is no significant difference between the preparation process of
Persona 2 and 3.

7. Conclusion on the Preparation Stage

Based on the descriptive analysis results and the T-test that had been carried out
at the preparation stage, Persona 1, 2, and 3 did not have a significant difference when
doing the preparation stage. The three personas want the hotel's value in the form of
providing tourism and culinary recommendations in the Yogyakarta Special Region;
check-in reminder; and offers of pick up from public places such as airports and stations.
So far, both Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and other hotels in the Special Region
of Yogyakarta provide limited services in the form of check-in reminders and pick-up
offers from public places. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can provide other values that
existing and potential customers prefer in the form of providing tourism and culinary
recommendations in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.
Besides, the preferred media for the three Persona to receive these services is the
social messenger in the form of Whatsapp. This social messenger is a platform that is
quite actively used by the three Persona to communicate. The possibility of these services
being seen and read by each customer will be much greater. So far, Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta provides these services via email. Innside by Melia can try to provide these
services with the social messenger. Innside by Melia can also integrate Instagram social
media with Whatsapp. Content regarding tourism and culinary recommendations that
have been made on Instagram can be shared on the customers Whatsapp.

2.5.8. In-house Experience
In-house experience stage is when Persona 1 members start to stay and experience
staying at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Meanwhile, Persona 2 and 3 members began to
stay at hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. This in-house experience is divided
into two stages: when the customer enjoys the experience and the stage when the customer
does not enjoy it because of problems faced at the hotel. The following is an explanation
of the in-house experience stage:

1. Enjoy or Not Enjoy Experience

a. Experience staying at the hotel

Table 2. 60. Experience Staying at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta

of Persona 1 / Existing Customer (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Answer Value Answer Number of Number of Hotel Reputation
Type of hotel Facilities Location Price
room types room units class of the hotel
Very not
according 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0
to expectations
Not according
2 0 0 0 0 0 11 0 0
to expectations
Quite according
3 5 6 10 0 9 22 0 11
to expectations
In accordance
4 31 12 28 36 29 12 31 28
with expectations
Very in
accordance 5 14 32 12 14 12 3 19 11
with expectations
Means 4.18 4.52 4.04 4.28 4.06 3.06 4.38 4.00
Standard Deviation 1.23 1.25 1.19 0.91 1.32 1.24 1.35 1.46
Very in
In accordance In accordance In accordance In accordance Quite In accordance In accordance
Interpretation with with with with according with with
expectations expectations expectations expectations to expectations expectations expectations

For Persona 1 members who are existing customers, the Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta facility is the thing that best fits their expectations. The facilities match
precisely what they envisioned during the research/consideration and decision-making
stages. Then another thing that fits their expectations in order is hotel class; price; type of
hotel; the number of room type; location; and reputation. Then for them, the number of
room units fits their expectations.
The location of the hotel is still following expectations. However, when compared
to other categories, the average score is relatively low. Only occupies the 6th position out
of 8 categories. Expectations for this location can arise because customers expect the hotel
location to be very close to tourism and culinary in the Yogyakarta. While the current
hotel location is quite close to that location but must be reached by vehicle.

Meanwhile, the reputation of the hotel also gets low scores. Number 7 out of 8
categories. Expectations on this hotel's reputation have a low value because customers
initially did not expect that the quality of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta could be this good
compared to its brand and reputation that customers were less familiar. Besides, each
experience category's standard deviation value is lower than the mean value of each
category. This value shows that the responses of Persona 1 members to their experience
staying at the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta tend to be similar and refer to each experience
category's mean value.
Then, for Persona 2, they feel that the hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta
that they have stayed in have met their expectations in all categories. The category that
best fits their expectations is hotel facilities. Then respectively the price categories; type
of hotel; location; hotel class; the reputation of the hotel; the number of room types; and
last, the number of room units.

Table 2. 61. Experience Staying at Other Hotels in the Special Region

of Yogyakarta of Persona 2 / Potential Customer (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Answer Value Answer Number of Number of Hotel Reputation
Type of hotel Facilities Location Price
room types room units class of the hotel
Very not
according 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
to expectations
Not according
2 0 0 2 0 5 5 0 2
to expectations
Maybe according
3 3 9 8 9 7 14 12 14
to expectations

In accordance
4 40 24 27 26 30 26 26 23
with expectations
Very in
accordance 5 7 17 13 15 8 5 12 11
with expectations
Means 4.08 4.16 4.02 4.12 3.82 3.62 4.00 3.86
Standard Deviation 0.80 0.69 0.70 0.76 0.82 0.79 0.68 0.44
In accordance In accordance In accordance In accordance In accordance In accordance In accordance In accordance
Interpretation with with with with with with with with
expectations expectations expectations expectations expectations expectations expectations expectations

Unlike the Persona 1 members, hotels where Persona 2 members stayed in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta have a location that is more in line with their expectations.
The location of the hotel they are staying in is closer to the tourism and culinary centres
in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Then, each experience category's standard deviation
value is lower than the mean value of each category. This value shows that the responses
of Persona 2 members to their experience staying at the hotels in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta tend to be similar and refer to each experience category's mean value.

Table 2. 62. Experience Staying at Other Hotels in the Special Region
of Yogyakarta of Persona 3 / Potential Customer (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Answer Value Answer Number of Number of Hotel Reputation
Type of hotel Facilities Location Price
room types room units class of the hotel
Very not according
1 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0
to expectations
Not according
2 0 4 0 0 0 6 1 2
to expectations
Maybe according
3 7 2 8 7 13 5 10 9
to expectations
In accordance
4 35 22 31 27 27 29 28 29
with expectations
Very in
accordance 5 8 20 11 16 10 10 11 10
with expectations
Means 4.02 4.08 4.06 4.18 3.94 3.86 3.98 3.94
Standard Deviation 0.73 0.71 0.61 0.87 0.93 0.68 0.55 0.65
In accordance In accordance In accordance In accordance In accordance In accordance In accordance In accordance
Interpretation with with with with with with with with
expectations expectations expectations expectations expectations expectations expectations expectations

According to Persona 3 members, hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta also

match their expectations from all categories. The category that best fits their expectations
is the price of the hotel. Then, in sequence, the categories that fit their expectations are
hotel facilities; location; type of hotel; hotel class; the reputation of the hotel; the number
of room types; and the number of room units. Hotel prices are the most priority for
Persona 3 in choosing hotels, which is following their expectations. Besides, each
experience category's standard deviation value is lower than the mean value of each
category. This value shows that the responses of Persona 3 members to their experience
staying at the hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta tend to be similar and refer to
each experience category's mean value.

b. Assessment of the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta

According to the assessment of Persona 1 members (existing customers), the
facilities at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta are the most satisfying among other categories.
They were also delighted with the added value provided by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta,
such as the beautiful view of Mount Merapi and the atmosphere of the city of Yogyakarta.
Besides, they are also very satisfied with the food served by the Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta restaurant.
Persona 1 members are also satisfied with other categories, such as service,
comfort, cleanliness, and hotels' location. Again, the hotel location is the lowest score of
all existing categories. Then, each assessment category's standard deviation value is lower
than the mean value of each category. This value shows that the responses of Persona 1

members to their assessment of the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta tend to be similar and
refer to each experience category's mean value.

Table 2. 63. Assessment of the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta from

Persona 1 / Existing Customer (Internal Data, 2020)
The Number of Answer
Answer Value Answer
Cleanliness Facility Location Service Comfort Food Value-added
Very dissatisfied 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Dissatisfied 2 2 0 6 0 0 0 0
Maybe satisfied 3 7 0 21 5 0 2 0
Satisfied 4 36 16 11 21 31 21 23
Very satisfied 5 5 34 12 24 19 27 27
Means 3.88 4.68 3.58 4.38 4.38 4.50 4.54
Standard Deviation 0.49 0.57 0.92 0.47 0.50 0.66 0.62
Interpretation Satisfied Very satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Satisfied Very satisfied Very satisfied

c. The most satisfying facilities at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta

The Most Satisfying Facilities at

Innside by Melia Yogyakarta

30 31
Hotel room
Syndeo Restaurant
Skydeck rooftop & bar
10 6 InFit Gym Center

0 Meeting rooms
Persona 1

Figure 2. 95. The Most Satisfying Facilities at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta (Internal Data, 2020)

According to Persona 1 members, the most satisfying facilities from Innside by

Melia Yogyakarta are the Skydeck rooftop and bar. This facility is a dirooftop swimming
pool which is also equipped with a bar. The value offered is the beautiful view of Mount
Merapi and also the urban atmosphere of Yogyakarta. This facility is also an iconic thing
from Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and it has successfully made an impression on the
minds of existing customers. Then, the next most satisfying facility is Syndeo restaurant.
In accordance with the food that Persona 1 feels very satisfying, the location of the
Syndeo restaurant is also very comfortable to enjoy a meal. Then the next satisfying
facility is the hotel room.

d. The most satisfying value-added at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta

The Most Satisfying Value-added at

Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
40 34 35
35 32
17 18 16
15 9
Various kinds of food and beverages (Modern Cuisine & Mixology)
Open lobby Lounges
Free, fast and 24 hour wifi in every corner of the hotel
Free refreshing mini bar
Many photo spots (Instagramable)
Urban lifestyle hotel concept for millennials
There are various free games (Billiards, Board games etc.)
A rooftop pool view of Mount Merapi and the city of Yogyakarta
Figure 2. 96. The Most Satisfying Value at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta (Internal Data, 2020)

The value-added that is considered the most satisfying at Innside by Melia

Yogyakarta is a rooftop with a beautiful view. Meanwhile, the next value is the urban
lifestyle hotel concept. This hotel's concept is a value that is attractive to them and is quite
memorable as if they ignore that Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is a Business and Leisure
hotel that is not specifically for leisure. The next best value is the food and drinks served.
However, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta does not have many variations of places
to take pictures. Millennials have a habit of sharing their experience content. An
"instagramable" hotel and a variety of photo spots are needed so that customers' content
is more various.

e. Complaints that have been made

There were not many complaints given to the hotel when Persona 1 member
stayed at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Likewise, when Persona 2 and 3 members stayed
at hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. The most complaints given by Persona 1
members to Innside by Melia Yogyakarta were noisy. This complaint can occur because
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta directly intersects the highway and is also very close to
Maguwoharjo Stadium, which is very noisy when there is a soccer match.

Complaints that have been Made at the Hotel

10 10
10 9
8 7 7
6 5 5
4 4
4 3
2 1 1
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Damage to hotel room equipment Hotel rooms were not clean

The hotel room smelled bad Noisy atmosphere
Hotel food is not fresh

Figure 2. 97. Complaints that have been Made at the Hotel (Internal Data, 2020)

For Persona 2 and 3, the complaints they most often experience are damage to
items in the hotel room. The next thing that often happens is that hotel rooms are not clean
and smell bad in hotel rooms.

2. Touchpoints, People, and Environment (Enjoy Experience)

a. Social media used to share content while staying at hotels
The social media most used to share content by Persona 1, 2, and 3 is Instagram.
Then Tiktok is the second most. Tiktok is a platform used to create short video content.
Currently, Tiktok is an application widely used by the millennial generation to create
various funny content and review content. Tiktok beat its predecessor social media
platforms like Facebook and Twitter as the platforms used to share content for Persona 1,
2 and 3 members.
Then, the Youtube platform which is widely used by Persona 1, 2 and 3 members
to be aware and consider hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta, apparently not many
use Youtube to share experience content hotel. Youtube is a platform used to create long
length videos. Most members of Persona 1, 2, and 3 only want to share their experiences
briefly. Therefore, Youtube has not been chosen too much to share their experience
content while at the hotel.

Social Media Used to Share Content
while Staying at Hotels

50 45 45


20 13 15
10 10
10 5 5 7 5 5
3 1 3
0 0
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Instagram Facebook Twitter Tiktok Youtube I do not share content

Figure 2. 98. Social Media Used to Share Content while Staying at Hotels (Internal Data, 2020)

3. Social Media Behavior (Enjoy experience)

a. Instagram features used to share content while staying at hotels

Instagram Features Used to Share Content

while Staying at Hotels

50 44
30 25
20 12 10
11 11
10 4 6
2 3
0 0
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Instagram story Group posting Instagram feeds

Hashtag I do not share content

Figure 2. 99. Instagram Features Used to Share Content while Staying (Internal Data, 2020)

The Instagram features that are most used to share their experiences at hotels are
Instagram stories. Then the second is Instagram feeds, and the next is the posting group.
Instagram stories created by Persona 1, 2 and 3 members can be reposted back to the hotel
Instagram account of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta or other hotels in the Special Region
of Yogyakarta where they stay. The content is reposted so that loyal customers, existing
and potential customers can see the content and arouse their desire to stay at Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta.
Instagram feeds also have the potential to be seen by friends of staying customers,
so that the spread of information about Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can be more
expansive. Meanwhile, the group posting feature is used to share their experiences with
their circle group personally. Hopefully, this experience will also attract friends' hearts to
stay at the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.

4. Customer Thought and Feeling (Enjoy Experience)

a. Customer thought

Customer Thoughts when Staying at the Hotel

30 27

25 23

16 16 16
10 7

Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Recommended In accordance with expectations Want to come back again

Figure 2. 100. Customer Thoughts when Staying at the Hotel (Internal Data, 2020)

Persona 1, 2 and 3 thought of the same thing when they stayed at Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta and at hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. They think that the hotel
they are staying in has met their expectations. This thought shows that the research
process carried out by each persona has been successfully carried out, thus raising their
satisfaction when staying at the hotel they chose.

b. Customer feeling
Members of Persona 1, 2, and 3 are happy and satisfied with their experience of
staying at the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and at hotels in the Yogyakarta. Their
satisfaction is also due to the few complaints they submitted to the hotel during their stay.
Apart from that, everything they had researched about the hotel they were staying in was
in line with their expectations. Besides, standard deviation value is lower than mean
value. This value shows that the feelings of Persona 1, 2, and 3 members when they
experiencing the hotels, tend to be similar and refer to the mean value.

Table 2. 64. Customer Feelings when Experiencing the Hotel (Internal Data, 2020)

Value The Number of Answer

Answer Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3
Very dissatisfied
1 0 0 0
and unhappy
Dissatisfied and
2 0 0 0
Quite satisfied
3 0 0 2
and happy
Satisfied and
4 22 20 14
Very satisfied
5 28 30 34
and happy
Means 4.56 4.60 4.64
Standard Deviation 0.50 0.49 0.54
Very satisfied Very satisfied Very satisfied
and happy and happy and happy

5. Customer Thought and Feeling (Not Enjoy/Have Complaints)

a. Customer thought

Customer Thoughts when there are

Complaints at the Hotel being Stayed

40 33
18 17
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Complaints can be resolved properly and quickly

Disappointed because of the complaints experienced

Figure 2. 101. Customer Thoughts when there are Complaints at the Hotel (Internal Data, 2020)

When each member of Persona 1, 2, and 3 has problems while staying and filed a
complaint at the hotel, they think about it is disappointed. Even though the hotel has
appropriately handled their hotel problems, there is still disappointed because they are
disturbed by these problems. Besides, their expectations of the hotel they choose are not
following reality because of their problems.

b. Customer feeling

Table 2. 65. Customer Feeling when there are Complaints at the Hotel (Internal Data, 2020)

Value The Number of Answer

Answer Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3
Very dissatisfied
1 4 2 3
and frustrated
Dissatisfied and
2 14 16 12
Quite dissatisfied
3 19 18 20
and frustrated
Satisfied and not
4 6 12 10
Very satisfied
5 7 2 5
and not frustrated
Means 2.96 2.92 3.04
Standard Deviation 1.13 1.06 1.04
Quite Quite Quite
Interpretation dissatisfied dissatisfied dissatisfied
and frustrated and frustrated and frustrated

When each Persona has a problem and makes a complaint, they feel quite
disappointed and frustrated with the problem at hand. Not all members of every Persona
experience this. However, one day if they experience these problems while staying at the
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and other hotels in the Yogyakarta Special Region, they
will feel the disappointment. Besides, standard deviation value is lower than mean value.
This value shows that the feelings of Persona 1, 2, and 3 members when there are
complaints at the hotel, tend to be similar and refer to the mean value.

6. Duration of the In-House Stage

Phase Time Duration

25 22 23

19 20
20 18

15 13

10 8 8
5 2
0 1 1 0 1 1 1 1
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

2 Days 1 Night 3 Days 2 Nights 4 Days 3 Nights

5 Days 4 Nights 6 Days 5 Nights 7 Days 6 Nights

Figure 2. 102. Phase Time Duration at the In-hotel Stage (Internal Data, 2020)

The majority of Persona 1, 2 and 3 members stay at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
and Yogyakarta Special Region hotels for 2 to 3 days. The duration of this time is
following data from BPS that the majority of tourists who go on vacation to the Special
Region of Yogyakarta stay for 1.5 nights or are rounded up to 2 nights 3 days.

7. T-Test the In-House Stage on Each Persona

a. Persona 1 and Persona 2

Figure 2. 103. T-test of the In-house Stage of Persona 1 and 2 (Internal Data, 2020)

In Persona 1 and 2 T-test results, the resulting sig (2-tailed) value is 0.186. This
value is greater than the alpha value of 5% (0.050). This T-test shows that the members
of Persona 1 and 2 when conducting the in-hotel processes are equally real/insignificant.
There is no significant difference between the in-hotel process of Persona 1 and 2.

b. Persona 1 and Persona 3

Figure 2. 104. T-test of the In-house Stage of Persona 1 and 3 (Internal Data, 2020)

In Persona 1 and 3 T-test results, the resulting sig (2-tailed) value is 0.897. This
value is greater than the alpha value of 5% (0.050). This T-test shows that the members
of Persona 1 and 3 when conducting the in-hotel processes are equally real/insignificant.
There is no significant difference between the in-hotel process of Persona 1 and 3.

c. Persona 2 and Persona 3

In Persona 2 and 3 T-test results, the resulting sig (2-tailed) value is 0.826. This
value is greater than the alpha value of 5% (0.050). This T-test shows that the members
of Persona 2 and 3 when conducting the in-hotel processes are equally real/insignificant.
There is no significant difference between the in-hotel process of Persona 2 and 3.

Figure 2. 105. T-test of the In-house Stage of Persona 2 and 3 (Internal Data, 2020)

8. Conclusion on the In-House Stage

Based on the results of descriptive analysis and the T-test carried out, Persona 1,
2 and 3 have the same in-house stage process. There is no significant difference when the
three personas perform this stage. Every Persona feels that their expectations of the hotels
they stay (Innside by Melia Yogyakarta or hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta)
have been well fulfilled.
According to existing customers (Persona 1), they are very satisfied with the
existing facilities at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. The most satisfying facilities were the
Skydeck rooftop and bar, which is the icon of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Then the
food served by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is also very satisfying. This food is directly
equivalent to the restaurant Syndeo, a second facility with satisfying performance after
Skydeck rooftop and bar. The best-added value provided by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
to its existing customers is a beautiful rooftop view. Customers can take pictures and see
the beauty of Mount Merapi and the atmosphere of Yogyakarta.
However, there are deficiencies in Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. The hotel
location is not following customer expectations. The assessment of existing customers
towards the location is also the lowest among other categories, although it is still
considered satisfactory. Then Innside by Melia Yogyakarta does not have many photo
spots. Photo spots that are "Instagramable" can please customers and make the content
they share on their Instagram or Tiktok more varied. The Instagram feature most used by
customers to share experience content is Instagram stories. This Instagram story post can
be reposted by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta to be seen by existing customers and
potential customers who follow the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta's Instagram account or
be seen on Instagram explore.

2.5.9. Loyalty and Advocacy
Loyalty and advocacy are the final stages in the customer journey. This stage is
an activity carried out by Persona 1 (existing customer) and Persona 2, 3 (potential
customer) members when they have finished staying at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and
hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. At this stage, the hotel hopes that each
persona can share their good experiences while staying at the hotel and so that they will
re-order one day by staying back at the hotel they were staying at, especially at Innside
by Melia Yogyakarta. The following is an explanation of the stages of loyalty and
advocacy experienced by Persona 1, 2, and 3 members:

1. Customer Loyalty
a. Frequency of staying at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta (only Persona 1)

Frequency of Staying at
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta

1 time
15 2 times
10 3 times
5 2
Persona 1

Figure 2. 106. Frequency of Staying at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta (Internal Data, 2020)

Persona 1 members majority have only stayed at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta

once. Meanwhile, only 11 people had re-ordered by staying overnight (22%). This
information shows that the number of existing Innside by Melia Yogyakarta customers
who have become loyal customers is still small.

b. Frequency of staying at hotels in the Yogyakarta (Persona 2 and 3)

For Persona 2 and 3 members, they have stayed 5-20 times at the Yogyakarta
Special Region hotel for a vacation. This information is useful for Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta. Many potential customers can be reached and used as loyal customers
because they often head to the Special Region of Yogyakarta for vacation and stay at
hotels. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta must arrange a better marketing strategy because
most of their existing customers do not re-order anymore.

The Frequency of Staying at Hotels in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta
30 28


4 5
5 3 3 3 2
Persona 2 Persona 3

1 time 2-3 times 5-10 times 10-20 times > 20 times

Figure 2. 107. Frequency of Staying at Hotels in the Yogyakarta (Internal Data, 2020)

c. The thing that makes you want to stay back at the hotel you have stayed
Persona 1 members (existing customers) feel that the thing that reminds them the
most about Innside is Melia Yogyakarta and wants to stay overnight in the swimming
pool facility. The Sky Deck Rooftop and Bar is the most memorable attraction on the
minds of existing customers.

The Thing that Makes Want to Stay Back

at the Hotel you Have Stayed

50 44
41 41
36 38
40 33 33
30 28 28
27 25
30 24
20 16 16
13 11
10 4 3
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Comfortable hotel room Nice and interesting food and drink

Beautiful scenery Attractive pool
Many photo spots (instagramable) A hotel concept that suits you
Don't want to come back

Figure 2. 108. The Thing that Makes Want to Stay Back at the Hotel (Internal Data, 2020)

Then an upgrade regarding photo spots is also desired by Persona 1 members at

Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. They want Innside by Melia Yogyakarta to be more
"Instagramable" so that they can be more varied in capturing moments of experience
while staying. Then, the beautiful scenery is the value Innside by Melia Yogyakarta gives
to its customers. However, if Innside by Melia Yogyakarta always relies on these values,
existing customers will be bored. Beautiful scenery is not the primary value that makes
customers want to return to Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. They needed a new experience
when they returned to stay at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.
According to Persona 2 and 3, "Instagramable" photo spots are essential for hotels
in the Special Region of Yogyakarta when they are on vacation. This photo spot is a new
demand for hotels that target millennials as the target market because they have a habit
of creating content, taking pictures, and sharing it with people around them.
Then, another thing that Persona 2 and 2 prioritizes so that they return to the hotel
is the hotel concept that suits them. Their wish is to sign that their first impression of the
hotel they are staying at in the Special Region of Yogyakarta must be good and follow
their wishes. The leisure concept offered by hotels must be good and stay in their minds.

2. Touchpoints, People, and Environment (Remember and Return)

a. Media that makes you remember at the hotel you have stayed

Media that Can Make Remember and Want to

Stay Back at the Hotel you Have Stayed

50 44 46

40 34 33
30 24 25
20 16 16
8 6
10 2
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Social media platform Social messenger platform Online Travel Agent (OTA)
Official hotel website Feedback media

Figure 2. 109. Media that Can Makes Remember at the Hotel (Internal Data, 2020)

Persona 1, 2, and 3 members commonly use the media to remember their stay is
social media. Then the next media is OTA and media feedback. The hotel website is still
not a favorite media for each persona to remind them of their stay experience.
Social media, OTA, and feedback media were chosen because there is a possibility
that each member of Persona 1, 2, and 3 are not used to looking for news or information
that is too specific on something, such as hotel websites. They are more accustomed to
using platforms that can view many different things and content. The platforms that can

provide this are social media, OTA, and media feedback. Then social messenger is no
longer the main platform that every persona wants to remember from staying at a hotel.

b. Social media that makes you remember at the hotel you have stayed

Social Media Platform that Can Makes

Remember and Want to Stay Back
at the Hotel you Have Stayed

50 50
50 45
30 22
18 19 21
20 14 16
13 12
10 7 7
3 3 2 2
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Instagram Facebook Twitter Tiktok Youtube Pinterest

Figure 2. 110. Social Media that Can Makes Remember at the Hotel (Internal Data, 2020)

Persona 1, 2, and 3 members agree that social media can make them think of
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. The hotel they have stayed in in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta is Instagram. Then the next social media are Youtube and Tiktok.
Youtube is again the social media platform used by existing and potential
customers on this journey. This behavior proves that the majority of Persona 1, 2, and 3
members are passive YouTube users. They only want to see Youtube content videos, but
they do not like to upload their content on Youtube. Besides, this behavior shows that
members of Persona 1, 2, and 3 want to share the content of their stay experience primarily
with the people closest to them. The Instagram and Tiktok platforms can provide this,
although they can still be used to share with the broader community that they do not know.
However, if customers use Youtube to share content, especially those who watch their
content are people they do not know.

c. Content that makes you remember at the hotel you have stayed
According to Persona 1, 2 and 3 members, content that can remind them and make
them want to stay overnight is content about tourism and culinary information in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta. Besides, content regarding hotel promos and events held
at hotels is also desirable. Existing customers do not desire the facilities' content because
they have experienced the hotel and already know exactly what facilities are in the hotel.

Content that Can Make Remember and Want
to Stay Back at the Hotel you Have Stayed

50 44 45
40 38
40 33
30 29
22 20
20 14 16
10 5
0 0 0
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Content regarding the facilities available at the hotel

Content about activities / events held
Content regarding hotel management activities
Content regarding information on tourist areas / culinary surroundings
Promo content
Prize quiz content

Figure 2. 111. Content that Can Makes Remember at the Hotel (Internal Data, 2020)

Therefore, they need content about tourism and culinary delights to remember the
old memories when they visited there for existing customers. The promo's content is very
attractive to existing customers to encourage them to come again to stay at the same hotel.
Content information about events held by hotels is also needed to arouse the desire to
travel to the Special Region of Yogyakarta again, because there is a clear purpose for
them to attending the hotel events.

3. Social Media Behavior (Remember and Return)

a. Instagram features that makes you remember at the hotel you have stayed
The Instagram feature that most reminds each persona and has the desire to stay
back is Instagram stories. This feature is a favorite of each persona during each stage
journey that they take. This feature's convenience to see the activities of existing
customer-friends traveling to the Special Region of Yogyakarta can remind and revive
their desire to travel to the Special Region of Yogyakarta and stay at hotels.
Another feature that will make them remember is Instagram Ads; friends post;
and Instagram explore. At this stage, Instagram Ads are needed again, because in
accordance with the wishes of existing customers, hotel promotions can revive their
memories of the hotels they have stayed in in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

Instagram Features that Can Makes Remember
and Want to Stay Back at the
Hotel you Have Stayed
50 47
40 39
30 32
29 28 27 29
30 23 24 23
19 17
20 14 16 16

10 6 6
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Instagram story Instagram ads Friend's post Group posts

Instagram explore Instagram feeds Hashtag

Figure 2. 112. Instagram Features that Can Makes Remember at the Hotel (Internal Data, 2020)

Touchpoints in the form of friends are also important at this stage, because when
existing customers open Instagram, they like to see photo or video feed posts from their
friends. Therefore, so that the experience content of staying at Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta can be uploaded and seen by many people, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
needs to make its hotel into a lot of photo spots.

4. Thought and Feeling (Remember and Return)

a. Customer thought

Customer Thoughts when Remember

again at the Hotel

35 31
30 27
20 15 15
15 11
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Want to stay at the hotel again Looking for the hotel promo
Do not want to stay at that hotel again

Figure 2. 113. Customer Thoughts when Remember at the Hotel (Internal Data, 2020)

According to Persona 1 members, when they thought back to Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta, they thought they wanted to stay there again. This thought is relevant to the
satisfaction they feel when staying at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. According to Persona
2 and 3, when they think back to their experience at the Yogyakarta Special Region hotel,
they will immediately look for the hotel promo. This thought shows more seriousness
about returning to vacation in the Yogyakarta and staying at the same hotel.

b. Customer feeling

Table 2. 66. Customer Feeling when Remember at the Hotel (Internal Data, 2020)

The Number of Answer

Answer Value Answer
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3
Very unhappy
1 0 0 0
and not excited
Unhappy and
2 0 0 0
not excited
Quite happy
3 11 7 4
and excited
Happy and
4 22 28 31
Very Happy
5 17 15 15
and Excited
Means 4.12 4.16 4.22
Standard Deviation 0.50 0.64 0.58
Happy and Happy and Happy and
Excited Excited Excited

All Persona 1, 2, and 3 feel happy and excited when they think back to their
experiences of staying at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and hotels in the Special Region
of Yogyakarta. This feeling was because they thought the hotel staying in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta was an impressive experience. Besides, standard deviation value
is lower than mean value. This value shows that the feelings of Persona 1, 2, and 3
members when they remember at the hotels in the Yogyakarta, tend to be similar and refer
to the mean value.

5. Touchpoints, People, and Environment (Share and Review)

a. Media used to share the experience of staying at a hotel
Same when at a hotel, each member of Persona 1, 2, and 3 prefers to use social
media platforms than other platforms such as OTA and media feedback to share their
experiences. The convenience of social media features for sharing stay experience content
such as short videos is the convenience that each persona is looking for compared to
writing about the experience on OTA or media feedback.

The Media Used to Share the Experience of
Staying at a Hotel

50 44
20 14
11 10 10
10 7 7 6 6 7 7
3 2 0 0
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Social media platform Social messenger platform

Online Travel Agent (OTA) Official hotel website
Feedback media Do not want to share experiences with others

Figure 2. 114. The Media Used to Share the Experience (Internal Data, 2020)

b. Social media used to share the experience of staying at a hotel

Social Media Platform Used to Share the

Experience of Staying at a Hotel

50 45 45


20 15
10 9 11 11
10 5 5 6 7
2 4
0 1 0 0
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Instagram Facebook Youtube Tripadvisor Tiktok Twitter

Figure 2. 115. Social Media Used to Share the Experience (Internal Data, 2020)

Persona 1, 2, and 3 members continue to use social media in the form of Instagram
to share their experiences at the hotel where they stay. Besides, there are other social
media platforms in Tripadvisor and Tiktok to share their experience content. Youtube is
again not used as a favorite social media when sharing content. As previously analyzed,
each member of Persona 1, 2, and 3 is a passive Youtube user who prefers to watch its
content compared to uploading their content.

6. Social Media Behavior (Share and Review)
a. Instagram features used to share the experience of staying at a hotel
Like the previous steps, the Instagram feature that Persona 1, 2, and 3 members
like the most to share their review experiences is Instagram stories. Then, there are also
features in the form of Instagram feeds that they like. When they post photos on Instagram
feeds, the written captions can be longer than the relatively few Instagram stories.
Besides, posting photos on Instagram feeds can be permanent. Unlike Instagram stories,
which are only 24 hours later lost and need to be reposted again. Then, they also like to
share experiences with their friends through the group post feature.

Instagram Features Used to Share the

Experience of Staying at a Hotel
50 47 47 45


20 16 17
13 12
2 2 3
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Instagram story Group posts Instagram feeds Hashtag

Figure 2. 116. Instagram Features Used to Share the Experience (Internal Data, 2020)

7. Customer Thought and Feeling (Share and Review)

a. Customer thought
All Persona members think that they can easily tell their experience of staying at
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. This
thought can be caused because the experience was very memorable for them, so they still
remember and memorize every part of their vacation trip and stay at the hotel.
However, it can also happen that they are still reminded of their stay because of
an unpleasant incident. Such as a problem that customers experienced and have to
complain about the hotel. This negative review is dangerous for the hotel's reputation in
the eyes of potential customers who read the review. However, based on this
questionnaire's results, both Persona 1, 2, and 3 have good experiences when staying at
the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and at hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.

Customer Thoughts when
Sharing Experiences with Others
30 27 27
14 13
15 10
9 9
10 5
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Can tell experiences easily It is quite difficult to write experiences

Do not want to write experiences

Figure 2. 117. Customer Thoughts when Sharing Experience (Internal Data, 2020)

b. Customer feeling

Table 2. 67. Customer Feeling when Sharing Experience (Internal Data, 2020)

Value The Number of Answer

Answer Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3
unenthusiastic 1 0 0 0
and uninspired
2 2 6 2
and uninspired
and excited 3 14 6 17
4 23 28 22
and excited
enthusiastic 5 11 10 9
and excited
Means 3.86 3.84 3.76
Standard Deviation 1.13 0.88 0.79
Enthusiastic Enthusiastic Enthusiastic
and excited and excited and excited

All Persona members feel enthusiastic and excited when they have to share their
experiences on social media or with other people. However, their average score when
they had to review was smaller than when they thought back to the hotel they had stayed.
This feeling can arise because reviewing requires more effort to think about the right
content and words to say or write. Besides, standard deviation value is lower than mean

value. This value shows that the feelings of Persona 1, 2, and 3 members when they
sharing experience, tend to be similar and refer to the mean value.

8. Duration of the Loyalty and Advocacy Stage

Phase Time Duration


16 14 14 14
12 10
9 9
7 7
8 6
5 5
6 4
3 3
4 2
Persona 1 Persona 2 Persona 3

Domiciled in the Yogyakarta 1 time a month

2-3 times a month 3 months go once
6 months go once Once a year

Figure 2. 118. Phase time duration at loyalty and advocacy stage (Internal Data, 2020)

The length of this phase is different for each persona. The majority of Persona 1
members reside in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. People in Persona 1 members
outside the Special Region of Yogyakarta usually return to vacation within three months.
Then between Persona 2 and 3, most of them return to vacation in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta every three months to 6 months. These potential customers can spend more
time on vacation in the Special Region of Yogyakarta and stay at Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta. They need to make a good and precise marketing strategy based on the three
personas' journey analyzed.

9. T-Test the Loyalty and Advocacy Stage on Each Persona

a. Persona 1 and Persona 2
In Persona 1 and 2 T-test results, the resulting sig (2-tailed) value is 0.106. This
value is greater than the alpha value of 5% (0.050). This T-test shows that the members
of Persona 1 and 2 when conducting the loyalty and advocacy stage are equally
real/insignificant. There is no significant difference between the loyalty and advocacy
stage of Persona 1 and 2.

Figure 2. 119. T-test of the Loyalty and Advocacy Stage of Persona 1 and 2 (Internal Data, 2020)

b. Persona 1 and Persona 3

Figure 2. 120. T-test of the Loyalty and Advocacy Stage of Persona 1 and 3 (Internal Data, 2020)

In Persona 1 and 3 T-test results, the resulting sig (2-tailed) value is 0.763. This
value is greater than the alpha value of 5% (0.050). This T-test shows that the members
of Persona 1 and 3 when conducting the loyalty and advocacy stage are equally
real/insignificant. There is no significant difference between the loyalty and advocacy
stage of Persona 1 and 3.

c. Persona 2 and Persona 3

Figure 2. 121. T-test of the Loyalty and Advocacy Stage of Persona 2 and 3 (Internal Data, 2020)

In Persona 2 and 3 T-test results, the resulting sig (2-tailed) value is 0.103. This
value is greater than the alpha value of 5% (0.050). This T-test shows that the members
of Persona 2 and 3 when conducting the loyalty and advocacy stage are equally
real/insignificant. There is no significant difference between the loyalty and advocacy
stage of Persona 2 and 3.

10. Conclusion on the Loyalty and Advocacy Stage
Based on the descriptive analysis results and the T-test, Persona 1, 2, and 3 did
not have a significant difference in the loyalty and advocacy stages. Persona 1 feels that
the thing that will remind them of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is its facilities in the form
of a Skydeck Rooftop and Bar. Then there is something that Persona 1 wants, the
increasing of “Instagramable” photo spots. The two other Persona also expect the same
thing when staying at other hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. These three
Personas tend to want to experience a different experience when they have to re-order at
the same hotel.
Then the touchpoint used to review and think back to the hotel they stayed in was
social media in the form of Instagram. Instagram can be a useful tool for customer
turnover between existing customers and their friends (potential customers). Post reviews
of experience content created by existing customers through Instagram stories and
Instagram feeds can make friends interested in taking a vacation to the Special Region of
Yogyakarta and staying at the same hotel as the content creator. Conversely, when friends
finally go to the Yogyakarta for a vacation and stay at the same hotel, the existing
customer can be reminded of his experience while staying. The desire to stay overnight
appears again so that the existing customers to become loyal customers is even greater.
Besides, the duration of Persona 1, 2, and 3 members to return to vacation in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta is quite long, between 3 months - 6 months. Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta needs to work on its marketing strategy again if it will target leisure
travelers so that their duration for vacationing in the Special Region of Yogyakarta and
staying at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is shorter than it is today.

2.6. Root Cause Analysis

Few Followers of the Lack of the Innside by

Innside by Melia Melia Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta Social Media Awareness

A new hotel with an international

Customers are not interested in brand that consumers are not familiar
following the Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta social media account
Improper marketing
communication tools and method
The social media used by Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta is not quite right
Improper target market
Low Social Media
Awareness of the
Innside by Melia
Mistake in content
creation strategy

Uninteresting content

The purpose of social

media content is unclear

Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta s
Unfocused Social
Media Content

Figure 2. 122. Root Cause Analysis (Internal Data, 2020)

Based on the results of internal, external, and consumer analysis each stage of the
journey between Persona 1 (existing customer) and Persona 2 and 3 (potential customer),
it can be concluded that the main problem of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is the
awareness stage.
The problem at this awareness stage affects other journey stages. Other journey
stages also need improvement so that customers who stay at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
can feel maximum satisfaction and become loyal customers who often make repeat
orders. The following is a root cause analysis of the main problems experienced by
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.


3.1. Business Solution Alternatives

Based on the results of the previous chapter's analysis, Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta has a business issue in the form of dissatisfaction with the General Manager
of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and the board of directors of PT Saraswanti Indoland
Development on current hotel performance because the revenue earned is still inferior to
competing hotels in Special Region of Yogyakarta. Then, based on the results of business
issue exploration, it was found that the main problem that was felt by existing and
potential customers was the awareness stage. The problem at this awareness stage affects
other journey stages and requires improvement from various lines.
In this chapter, the author will provide business solutions to improve the
performance of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. There are two business solutions
formulated, namely repositioning and new wave marketing. New wave marketing is used
to increase customer awareness on social media owned by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
based on target markets and positions that have gone through the repositioning stage.
Then further analysis will be explained on customer journey maps. The following is an
explanation of the repositioning and new wave marketing that has been formulated:

3.1.1. Repositioning
Repositioning is a positive perception formulated by target customers who can
accept the modification of the characteristics of goods, services, or offers from a brand to
compete with other brands in competing for existing market segments. Repositioning is
required when the operational environment leads to drastic changes in the competitive
landscape, such as consumer behavior changes. Repositioning is not a decision to be made
lightly, as consumers have pre-existing attitudes toward a brand (Zhang et al., 2015).
Based on Segmentation, Targeting, and Positioning analysts (STP) in the Business
Issue Exploration Chapter, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta targets the business and leisure
travelers market and positions its hotel as "Urban Lifestyle Hotels for Smart Business and
Leisure Travelers”. Positioning Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, which has been formulated,
does not provide adequate performance.
The largest income for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is in the business travelers
segment. However, after conducting an external analysis in the form of competitor
analysis, it turned out that Innside by Melia Yogyakarta did not have adequate MICE
facilities compared to other competitor hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. For

example, the meeting room owned by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta has the fourth-largest
capacity of five competing hotels. Then, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta has no
development area to build more meeting rooms or ballrooms with larger capacities to
compete with competitors. If Innside by Melia Yogyakarta does not make changes, the
income earned will be stagnant and will not get a significant increase in performance.
Therefore, a strategic effort by repositioning is needed to improve this
performance. The market that can be focused on being developed is the leisure travelers
market. Market expansion to leisure travelers is illustrated in the explanation from Igor
Ansoff's growth matrix below. The expansion carried out is market development.

Figure 3. 1. The Ansoff Matrix (Meldrum et al., 1995)

The Ansoff Matrix is a two-by-two depiction of the options open to organisations

if they wish to improve revenue or profitability. The matrix was first described by Igor
Ansoff in “Strategies for Diversification”. It is useful because it provides a simple
framework which encapsulates all the strategic directions an organisation can adopt in
one analytical tool (Meldrum et al., 1995).

1. Market Penetration Strategy

Market penetration strategy focuses on selling existing products or services to
existing markets. Businesses focus on well-known markets and products. This strategy is
a low-risk zone and will not require much investment in new market research.
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta wants to increase hotel revenue more than they
currently get. Using a market penetration strategy while still utilizing existing products
and markets will make the revenue received by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta stagnant,
and there will be no significant changes. Besides, in Figure 1.18 chapter 1, by utilizing
existing products and markets, revenue Innside by Melia Yogyakarta only ranks 4 out of

5 competing hotels. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta needs to carry out other strategies to
increase its revenue and to exceed other competitors.

2. Product Development Strategy

A product development strategy is a strategy that is focused on being used to
develop new products in existing markets. This strategy requires the development of new
competencies and requires companies to develop products to attract existing markets.
Based on Table 2.60. In Chapter 2, existing customers were satisfied with the
products or facilities offered by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta when they stayed. The
facilities offered are following their expectations. Therefore, the product development
strategy by creating new products in the same market does not need to be carried out by
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, given the satisfaction felt by existing customers.

3. Diversification Strategy
A diversification strategy is a strategy for developing new products for new
markets. This strategy carries a substantially more risk than the other strategies because
it moves into new markets with little or no experience with these products.
Apart from the fact that the existing market is satisfied with the existing facilities
at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, there are regulations and policies from Melia Hotels
International's operator that the Innside by Melia brand is an urban lifestyle hotel intended
for business and leisure travelers. It is not allowed to significantly change the product and
market according to the stipulated conditions. Strategies that can be done are the tendency
of each branch of the Innside by Melia brand to pursue the business or leisure segment
more and adjust the facilities within the hotel according to the segment that has the most
profitable opportunities to be pursued. However, the facilities for both segments must still
be in the hotel. Thus, the diversification strategy cannot be implemented at Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta.

4. Market Development Strategy

Market development strategy is a growth strategy that focuses on selling existing
products and services in new markets. Given the satisfaction felt by existing customers
with existing facilities at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta; lack of development land to make
MICE facilities bigger and adequate; as well as the regulations of the Melia Hotels
International operator discussed earlier, the market development strategy is the most
appropriate strategy to be implemented by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta compared to
other strategies. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta does not need to change existing products

significantly. Hotels only need to develop the market and focus more on one segment,
namely leisure travelers, to increase their revenue.

When Innside by Melia Yogyakarta decided to focus on leisure travelers as their

target market, several changes occurred. These changes are explained by the following
marketing mix (7Ps).
According to the Charted Institute of Marketing (2009), Marketing Mix is a term
used to characterize the mixture approaches used by a business to accomplish its
objectives by successfully marketing its goods or services to a specific target customer
segment. The marketing mix was initially divided into four components (4Ps); product,
price, promotion, and place. And then added 3 Ps (people, physical evidence, and process)
to the initial 4 Ps to extend the marketing mix framework to the service.
1. Product
Based on the discussion of company products in chapter 1, Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta currently offers products in the form of hotel rooms, Syndeo Restaurant and
Bar, Sky Deck Rooftop Pool and Bar, InFit Gym Center, and Meeting rooms.
Based on Figure 2.70 in chapter 2, the facilities prioritized by existing and
potential customers are restaurants, swimming pools, bars, and these three facilities are
already owned by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and do not need to be changed. However,
suppose Innside by Melia Yogyakarta wants to develop facilities. In that case, the night
club can be an alternative because, for existing and potential customers, the night club is
the fourth facility for those who are considering hotels to vacation in the Special Region
of Yogyakarta.

2. Price
Based on the discussion in chapter 1, the room rates at Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta are in the price range of IDR 510,000.00 - IDR 650,000.00 / night. Then,
based on Table 2.60., Existing customers feel that the price is following their
expectations, so that Innside by Melia Yogyakarta does not need to put a price rate that is
too low from that price range.
However, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta needs to adjust the room price with the
estimated occupancy obtained so that a combination can be found that can generate the
largest revenue.

3. Place
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is currently located in Maguwoharjo, Sleman,
Yogyakarta. The hotel location is strategically located for several tourist attractions and
transportation access, such as Adi Sucipto Airport. However, according to existing
customers in Table 2.60., The location of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta has met their
expectations. However, the value is relatively low compared to other categories. The hotel
location ranks 6 out of 8 categories of their satisfaction when staying at Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta. The hotel's location to the city center, such as Tugu and Kraton, needs a
vehicle and cannot be that close to walking like other hotels in the city center. Besides,
the hotel development area is also limited, as previously explained.
Therefore, the idea of changing this place category is to create a crowd that leisure
travelers prefer by utilizing existing facilities, buildings, and hotel land, such as by
inviting communities in the arts, crafts. The discussion regarding this will be further
explained in the business solutions section of the New Wave Marketing.

4. Promotion
Promotions currently carried out by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta are mostly
discount promotions or Melia Rewards member loyalty made centrally with the Melia
Hotels International operator. The promotions can be seen on Innside by Yogyakarta's
social media, website, and mobile application from Melia. Meanwhile, on touchpoint
awareness at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, existing customers are more aware of mass
media such as hotel signboards, billboards than Melia's social media, websites, and
mobile applications. Even though the awareness process that potential customers like
when they want to vacation at a hotel in the Special Region of Yogyakarta are through
social media. Customers do not know much about Melia Rewards' discount promo or
loyalty members.
Changes that can be made are changing the marketing strategy of Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta, which currently optimizes vertical to horizontal methods, such as using
internet media so that promos can be seen and spread well to customers. This strategy
will also be discussed further in the New Wave Marketing section.

5. People
In terms of people, currently, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta responds more to
consumers by email and telephone. The approach of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
employees to consumers does not happen too much on social media. Even though social
media is the preferred touchpoint for leisure travelers. Based on Figure 2.18, Innside by

Melia Yogyakarta's social media engagement rate is 2.16%. With 4159 followers, a
reasonable engagement rate should be 5.60%. This data shows that the Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta approach to serving its customers with the touchpoint they like (social media)
is still lack. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta needs to improve these services to increase
customer engagement and satisfaction.

6. Physical evidence
Based on Figure 2.96, existing customers from Persona 1 feel that Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta has a shortage of photo spots that are less and the spot photo is not
"Instagramable." Even though Persona 2 and 3 include "Instagramable" photo spot
criteria as the hotel's principal value, they will book. Instagramable photo spots can be a
physical evidence value for hotel products offered by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. This
strategy will also be discussed further in the New Wave Marketing section.

7. Process
The Innside by Melia Yogyakarta service process for customer satisfaction is
currently unable to take advantage of the media they have, such as social media, websites,
and applications. This media is the touchpoint that consumers prefer in the entire
customer journey process, from getting to know the hotel, choosing hotels, booking hotels
to providing complaints and reviews. Besides, the existing Melia website and mobile
application have not been fully utilized as a good service process.
The solution that can be made is to create an integrated service process that
integrates consumer-preferred touchpoint media such as social media, websites, mobile
apps, and other preferred touchpoints such as OTA. Innside by Melia must treat
consumers from all stages of the customer journey process with this integrated media.

Based on this repositioning discussion, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can carry

out a market development strategy by prioritizing leisure travelers as their primary target
market and repositioning hotels as "Urban Lifestyle Hotels for Leisure Travelers."

3.1.2. New Wave Marketing

According to Kartajaya (2008: 154), human behavior is always changing
dynamically along with the times. Now is the era of internet technology. This internet
technology makes changes to customer behavior as well as opens up new opportunities
in business. Marketers must respond to these changes by developing more relevant
marketing strategies.

This change in consumer behavior arises because of the birth of a new horizontal
(bottom-up, peer-to-peer, and many-to-many) marketing approach. This approach is also
known as New Wave Marketing. This approach has replaced vertical marketing (top-
down and one-to-many) or legacy marketing (Kartajaya, 2010: 27).
According to Kartajaya (2010: 58), New Wave Marketing's concept is to create
four aspects of the 4C business (Competitor, Customer, Company, and force of Change),
which is a horizontal business landscape, connected with one aspect in the form of
Connect. Connect is not only about how a marketer connects online but also must be in
tune with the online world. When marketers are only connected online, it will only cause
an impact of excitement and engagement. However, when marketers connect online and
offline, it will further impact intimacy and enthusiasm.
Connect aspect is an absolute must to enter and connect to 12C's core marketing
elements of New Wave Marketing. The 12C's core marketing element replaces the 9C's
core vertical marketing element. The following is a schema of 12C's marketing elements
of New Wave Marketing:

Figure 3. 2. 12 C's New Wave Marketing (Kertajaya, 2010: 57)

Based on the root cause analysis in Figure 2.122, the main problem of Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta's social media is the lack of awareness. When viewed from the
customer journey maps of Persona 1 in Figure 2.29., The touchpoints that have made
existing customers aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta are through parents (4.46),
hotel signboards (3.84), and siblings (3.82). Social media only ranks 7 (3.50) from all
existing touchpoints. This survey results indicate that Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is still

more dominant in using vertical marketing; even hotel signboards are felt to provide more
awareness than social media.
According to Figure 1.4, 56% of Indonesia's population are active social media
users, and each year the number continues to grow to 15%. Besides, based on the
customer journey maps Persona 2 and 3 in figures 2.30 and 2.31, the first touchpoint that
made them aware of hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta was social media. This
fact shows that the number of social media users in Indonesia is quite large, and most
hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta can make good use of social media.
Therefore, the New Wave Marketing strategy is the right strategy to solve
awareness problem on Innside by Melia Yogyakarta social media, because it can change
the vertical marketing method of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta to horizontal marketing.
Besides, the recommended content for social media is also formulated in this strategy.
The following is the implementation of the New Wave Marketing strategy to increase
awareness on Innside by Melia Yogyakarta social media:

1. New Wave Strategy

According to Kartajaya (2010: 83), the formulation of a marketing strategy in
segmentation, targeting, and positioning is a vertical strategy or can be called legacy
marketing. The company seeks to define and map markets and select these markets based
on the resources they have. The company must then care about its existence in the target
market's mind, which has a good position and be the brand chosen by them.

Figure 3. 3. New Wave Strategy (Kertajaya, 2010: 84)

In preparing the New Wave Marketing marketing strategy, the author will change
the marketing strategy of segmentation, targeting, and positioning into communitization,
confirmation, and clarification to become a horizontal marketing practice that can be
meaningfully accepted by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta customers.

a. Segmentation to Communitization
In the vertical segmentation practice that has been used by Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta until now, consumers are seen as a group of people who have the same
characteristics. This causes them to buy the same thing, where they do not know each
other and become the marketing target of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. The market
segment for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can be seen in Table 2.6, which in brief are
people visiting the Special Region of Yogyakarta for tourism or business purposes.
When using the New Wave strategy, segmentation will be changed to a more
horizontal direction by communitization consumers as a group of people who care about
each other and have the same purposes, values, and identity. This community must be
positioned as the center of the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta's business strategy.

• Company activity
Based on the customer journey maps of Persona 1 / existing customers in Figure
2.29, the online community is only sufficiently influential on Persona 1 members'
awareness. Meanwhile, influencers do not affect the awareness. It is different with
Persona 2 and 3 members. On the customer journey maps of Persona 2 and 3 in Figures
2.30 and 2.31, they place influencers and the online community in the top 7 of 8
touchpoints that influence them to become aware of hotels in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta. Even though community and influencers are very influential components in
this New Wave Marketing strategy

Figure 3. 4. Three Ways to Form Community (Kertajaya, 2010: 90)

Innside by Melia Yogyakarta does not have or follow any community yet. Innside
by Melia currently only has a combined loyalty program from the Melia Hotels
International operator in Melia Rewards. In New Wave Marketing, existing customers
who join Melia Rewards cannot be said to be a community because they are positioned
as a marketing tactic, not the center of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta's business strategy.

An alternative way that Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can do is to form its
community. According to Kertajaya (2010: 90), there are three ways to form a
community. The three ways are the Pool model, Hub model, and Web model. The pool
model is the most organic and natural community. They do not need to be formed, have
joined by themselves because they share the same values, identities, activities and are
joined because there is a clear and strong pooling factor.
According to the author, currently, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta cannot use this
pool model method, because based on a preliminary survey, both existing and potential
customers are still not aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Based on Figure 2.21 and
2.23, they are more aware of the Sheraton by Mustika Yogyakarta and the hotel operator
such Marriot International, Accor, and Archipelago. The existing and potential customers
of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta cannot move into a community to beat its main
competitor, The Sheraton by Mustika Yogyakarta, because no pool factor encourages
them to do this.
The relevant way used by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta to form communities is
the Hub model. This community can unite because of the admiration factor for an
individual. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can use influencers to form this community.
Based on the survey results in Table 2.10 and 2.11, potential customers from Persona 2
and 3 place Influencers as the best three touchpoint awareness for the word of mouth
category when they are aware of hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. In Figure
2.63, Persona 1, 2, and 3 members like influencers in the tourism and culinary fields to
represent a hotel brand. An influencer in this field was chosen because it can provide
relevant and reliable information so that the three personas want to have a vacation in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta.
According to the author's analysis, the right influencer who can fulfill all three
personas' desires is an influencer like Rio Dewanto. Rio Dewanto is an artist and
influencer who is currently joining the coffee lovers community in Indonesia. Besides, he
is also the CEO of the Yogyakarta Coffee Philosophy cafe, which has been made a feature
film. Rio Dewanto has 1.5 million followers on his Instagram. Rio Dewanto can become
a magnet for the tourism and culinary community of the Special Region of Yogyakarta,
formed by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Besides, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can also
collaborate with the Filosofi Kopi cafe and coffee lovers community that Rio Dewanto is
participating in so that the potential customers of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta from these
communities will increase.

For local influencers of the Special Region of Yogyakarta who can become a
magnet for the tourism and culinary community formed by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
is Gina Meidina. Gina Meidina is a beauty, food, and travel influencer, owner of the
Lantai Bumi cafe and Culture Head Coffee Yogyakarta. Gina Meidina likes to create
content on tourism and culinary themes in the Special Region of Yogyakarta and around.
Gina Meidina has 849 thousand followers on her Instagram.
When Innside by Melia Yogyakarta has formed the tourism and culinary
community with the choice of the two influencers, a Web model can be implemented to
raising the community that Innside by Melia Yogyakarta has created in digital form.
An alternative way is to join or collaborate with existing communities. Based on
VRIO analysis in Table 2.4, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta has a sustained competitive
advantage in forming a network with The Alana Yogyakarta hotel because it is both
owned by PT Saraswanti Indoland Development. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can ask
for community relations that have joined The Alana Yogyakarta, such as the Harley
Davidson and VW communities, and join these communities.
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can also join other communities that are more in line
with their identity as a leisure hotel, such as collaborating with the Kaloka pottery, which
produces handicrafts in clay glass are widely used as souvenirs and Yogyakarta tourism
destinations. Then Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can also join the Jogja Hiphop
Foundation community, which can further show the identity of Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta as a lifestyle hotel for leisure travelers.
The alternative of making a community or joining/collaborating with the
community needs to be packaged in an event. According to the Figure 2.47 and 2.48,
content about the event can remind existing customers of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.
The event can be in the form of a “kopi darat” event, tour, or dine dining held at Innside
by Melia Yogyakarta.

• Alternative media selected

Following the survey results in Figure 2.31, the media used in this strategy is
social media in the form of Instagram, Because the three personas agree that Instagram is
the main platform that can make them aware of hotels in the Yogyakarta. The most
popular Instagram features are Instagram stories and Instagram Ads. Then Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta can also add social messenger features from Instagram in the form of
Direct Messages.

Before using all these features, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta needs to recruit
employees to organize and retrieve social media content (social media officer). This
position is responsible for making good photos and video. Based on the survey, the three
personas think that these photos and video visuals are essential to make them aware of
hotels in Yogyakarta.
The Instagram Story feature will later need to be put in the history on the profile
because the Instagram story after 24 hours will disappear from the post and it needs to be
put in history. This history also needs to be grouped so that customers can easily see
according to what story category they want them to see again. Then Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta also needs to budget funds to be allocated for making Instagram Ads for
content about collaboration with communities and influencers.

• Alternative content selected

The content created in this communitization strategy contains content about the
interaction of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta with communities created by themselves or
communities invited to collaborate. This content must also contain the event being carried
out and published on the Instagram story.
Besides, the marketing communication and social media officer position need to
work together to create content about invitations to potential customers to participate in
the creation or collaboration process with the community and post it on Instagram stories,
Instagram Ads dan Direct Message Instagram.
Then if there is someone's Instagram account that posts the event or comments on
the content created by the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta Instagram account, the social
media officer needs to repost it on the Instagram story and put it in the history in the
review category.

b. Targeting to Confirmation
In the vertical targeting concept carried out by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, three
categories must be met when determining the chosen market as the target. First, make
sure the selected segment is large and profitable. Second, the selected segment must be
on the company's competitive advantage. Third, the selected market segment must be
based on the competitive situation.
In New Wave Marketing, the concept of targeting the segment has been changed
to confirming the community. The criteria that must be met are relevance, active level,
and the number of community networks. Relevance is the same purpose, values, and
identity. The active level is how active the community is. The number of community

networks is how many networks are owned or can occur between a community and
another community. The following is an explanation of this strategy at Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta (Kartajaya, 2010: 100):

• Company activity
After meeting with influencers and communities in an event held at Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta needs to assess which communities can
be confirmed according to the criteria of relevance, active level, and the number of
community networks.
Like the alternatives that have been given, if Innside by Melia Yogyakarta decides
to create its community, then suitable influencers to recruit are Rio Dewanto and Gina
Meidina. Meanwhile, suppose Innside by Melia Yogyakarta decides to collaborate, The
Alana Yogyakarta communities such as VW, Harley Davidson, and other collaborations
such as the Kaloka Pottery or the Jogja Hip-hop foundation can be options.
Based on the analysis formulated in the Chapter 2, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
wants to make its hotel an "Urban Lifestyle Hotels for Smart Leisure Travelers". The
results of discussions with the General Manager of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta show
that definition of the urban lifestyle here is to make the urban people of the Special Region
of Yogyakarta as the hotel's identity. Leisure travelers do not need to go far to city centers
such as Malioboro and Tugu Yogyakarta. All things about the lifestyle of the Special
Region of Yogyakarta are at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. The rest of the leisure travelers
need to visit tourist attractions that are "natural" or adventure around the Special Region
of Yogyakarta, such as Prambanan Temple, Boko, Pindul Cave and Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta can provide the tour package.
With the purposes, values, and identity that Innside by Melia Yogyakarta will
build, the author feels that Rio Dewanto can be chosen to be an influencer who represents
the community created by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. His profile is also as desired by
Persona 1, 2, and 3 (potential and existing customers). His profile in F&B, tourism, and
the number of networks he has is very potential to be partners. However, it could also be
that Rio Dewanto was only invited to collaborate. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can enter
the Rio Dewanto coffee-lovers community or collaborate with the Filosofi Kopi Cafe.
Then the Harley Davidson community, Kaloka Pottery, and the Jogja Hip-hop
foundation are also following the purposes, values, and identity of Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta. The Harley Davidson community represents the value of tourism and has
many active members and networks among other vehicle communities in the Special

Region of Yogyakarta. Kaloka Pottery and Jogja Hiphop Foundation follow the urban
Yogyakarta community's lifestyle today, which is identical to music and handicrafts.
These communities also need to confirm that Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is a
member or partner who can be invited to collaborate until an agreement is found and
mutual recognition of their membership between the two parties.

• Alternative media selected

The media that can be used at this stage is social media in the form of Instagram
with the Instagram story and Instagram feed features. social messenger in the form of
Instagram Direct Message. Then the media needed is the company database used to
collect data on each community that has reached an agreement to collaborate with Innside
by Melia Yogyakarta, or the community that Innside by Melia Yogyakarta has joined.

• Alternative content selected

The content that can be created at this strategy stage is content regarding the
establishment of cooperation between Innside by Melia Yogyakarta or communities that
have been entered by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. This content needs to be loaded on
the Instagram story and Instagram feed. Instagram stories reposted by the community or
community members need to be reposted and put in the history category community.
Meanwhile, the Instagram feed is used to post photos that there has been cooperation or
collaboration between Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and a community.
The purpose of the Instagram story and Instagram feed content is making
customers who see the content become curious because there are new things at Innside
by Melia Yogyakarta. It is hoped that the desire to have another vacation in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta and stay again at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. As for potential
customers, they know that if there is an event that involves the community, it will be held
at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Potential customers become aware and find out more
about Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Besides, the more people view the feed and story
content, the more likely it is to appear on the Instagram explore each account that
interested in traveling. The spread of news about Innside by Melia Yogyakarta with the
community is getting bigger.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) needs to collect data on collaborating
communities or those that Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is involved. Not only that,
members of each community that have Instagram account recorded, followed up, and then
in Direct Message, write the message of greeting for them. Closeness between Innside
and community members needs to be built.

c. Positioning to Clarification
In the vertical positioning concept, positioning is about building trust, confidence,
and competence for customers. When everything is built, the company's brand will be in
the minds of the customers. Based on this concept, positioning is a company-driven
practice. Companies try to build perceptions that penetrate the minds of consumers
(Kartajaya, 2010: 112).
In the New Wave Marketing concept, everyone has the right to perceive what they
think about a brand. Then this perception can spread widely through the internet media.
In this strategy, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta needs to clarify the identity of Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta in the eyes of communities that have been formed or invited to
collaborate. The following is a form of activities of Innside by Melia on clarification:

• Company activity
Activities carried out by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta at this stage are to clarify
who they are, what goals and values they want to bring to the communities formed, or
collaborating with Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. In this case, Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta can do this by forming a meeting event with these communities.
Representatives from Innside by Melia Yogyakarta asked for facts from community
members, what they saw as the company so far, and representatives from Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta provided clarification so that an understanding was realized two parties
regarding who Innside by Melia Yogyakarta was.

• Alternative media selected

The media used by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is the same, Instagram with its
feature an Instagram story. Customer Relationship Management is still with its database
trying to record what communities can be reached and their members who can be invited
and have similar thoughts.

• Alternative content selected

When the event has ended, and Customer Relationship Management has been
followed and follow back by each community and its members, the next step is to clarify
via Instagram. Through an Instagram story made by the social media officer, Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta can conduct a poll about what kind of hotel they are. Let the
community make up their perceptions. All perceptions of participating Instagram
accounts are reposted so that potential customers can see the identity of Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta in the eyes of its communities.

Then, let them discuss with each other and respond to their comments one by one
so that there is a good relationship between them. After the discussion was over, Innside
by Melia Yogyakarta clarified what kind of identity they carried. Then let the community
members confirmed the clarification and spread the content so that "free marketing" can
occur by members of each community.

2. New Wave Tactics

After developing a strategy, the next stage in New Wave Marketing is to formulate
tactics. In legacy marketing, the tactics consist of differentiation, marketing mix (product,
price, place, promotion), and selling. Differentiation is used as a tactic to differentiate
content, context, and infrastructure. The marketing mix integrates the company's offering,
logistics, and communications. Selling is an activity to generate cash for the company.

Figure 3. 5. New Wave Tactics (Kertajaya, 2010: 122)

At the New Wave Tactics stage, everything is made horizontal into codification,
co-creation, currency, communal activation, conversation, and commercialization. Here
is an explanation of each tactic:

a. Differentiation to Codification
In New Wave Marketing, just creating differentiation is not enough. Companies
need to identify the various aspects that make them genuinely distinct down to the DNA
level, not just the surface. Companies must also be able to connect with customers to
make products that no one can resemble (Kartajaya, 2010: 124).

• Company activity
Based on the survey results in Figure 2.69, each Persona prefers a hotel with a
lifestyle hotel (leisure) when on vacation in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Therefore,
the DNA that Innside by Melia Yogyakarta wants to bring and differentiates it from other
leisure hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta is the value regarding urban lifestyle.
The urban lifestyle is defined as a hotel that resembles urban communities' lives in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta. Everything customers want to look for in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta is at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Stay at Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta, and customers can experience the Special Region of Yogyakarta in its
entirety. Based on table 2.60, regarding the experience of Persona 1 members when
staying at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, they are not satisfied with the location of Innside
by Melia Yogyakarta, which must use a vehicle if they want to go to tourist and culinary
spots in Yogyakarta. DNA urban lifestyle hotel that was formed by Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta at the same time to solve this problem. Customers do not need to leave the
hotel to enjoy the crowd. Just stay at the hotel, because everything about Special Region
of Yogyakarta such culinary and tourism is here.
The credibility of the DNA must be maintained. Therefore, the community
collaborating with Innside by Melia Yogyakarta must be maintained. With the existence
of a community, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta no longer works alone and gets support to
maintain its credibility in the market.
The author recommends three main communities to collaborate. Harley Davidson
community as representatives of the tourism community; Kaloka Pottery as a
representative of the handicraft arts community; and Jogja HipHop Foundation from
representatives of the music arts community. The three communities were then packaged
with Rio Dewanto influencers who could also become representatives of the Food and
Beverage community.
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta needs to always clarify its existence in the eyes of
its communities and influencer regarding its existence, presence, and purpose. The goal
is that the communities and influencer genuinely believe and feel that Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta has not changed DNA, remains authentic. They can help provide clarification
via social media when there are complaints or problems faced by Innside by Melia.

• Alternative media selected

The media used can be Instagram with its Instagram story, and Instagram feeds
features. Then online discussion from each Instagram belonging to the collaborating
community can also be used. Based on the survey results in Figure 2.32 and 2.33, the
Youtube and Tiktok platforms can also be used because each persona used the two
platforms to be aware of hotels in the Yogyakarta after Instagram. Innside by Melia does
not yet have these two social media accounts, so they need to be created first.

• Alternative content selected
Content that can be created is content that can convey the company's DNA. Social
media creators can make the content into short videos uploaded on the Instagram story or
Tiktok platform or long videos with good visualization and uploaded on Youtube. Each
Instagram account and other social media belonging to each community can also be
empowered by creating their respective content (which is directed and assisted by creating
the content by Innside by Melia Yogyakarta), which contains content about their
community activities at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Content created by each
community can be reposted on the Instagram account of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.
This content strategy is expected to generate respect from each potential and
existing customer who sees it. Existing customers will feel that Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta still has a different DNA from other leisure hotels. Meanwhile, potential
customers feel that Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is an exciting hotel to stay. Hopefully,
they will be more interested in joining these communities and trying to stay overnight or
repeat orders at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.

b. Product to Co-creation
In legacy marketing, the process of developing a new product is carried out
company-centric or product-centric because the company controls the product
development, and only a few consumers are asked to consider the product.
In the New Wave era, the process of developing a product was carried out
horizontally. Companies provide opportunities for consumers to actively participate in
developing new products so that new products create the company and its consumers
(Kartajaya, 2010: 132).

• Company activity
Based on the survey results in Figure 2.96, existing customers from Persona 1 feel
that Innside by Melia Yogyakarta has a shortage of photo spots that are less and the spot
photo is not “Instagramable”. Even though Persona 2 and 3 include “Instagramable”
photo spot criteria as the main value of the hotel they will book. Therefore, Innside by
Melia can involve existing, potential customers and their communities to create an events
such as the customer version of the Instagramable photo spot design contest.
This photo spot design contest is made thematically each four month and is
contested. All ideas collected will be thrown back on social media, whichever is the best
for them. The community, existing and potential customers can be participate to make
and choose the decoration. Prizes for winners can be given items from the Kaloka Pottery

craft community. Alternatively, the prize could be a walk and drink coffee with Rio
Dewanto and Harley Davidson. Alternatively, customers can also have dinner and stay
for free while seeing the appearance of the Jogja Hiphop foundation at the Skydeck
rooftop and bar which are facilities that are considered the best by Persona 1, 2, and 3 and
can provide value in the form of views of Mount Merapi and the beautiful city of
Yogyakarta. Apart from decoration, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can also apply the same
thing to their food menu at Syndeo Restaurant.

• Alternative media selected

The media that can be used is Instagram with the Instagram story feature,
Instagram Ads, Instagram feeds and also Instagram explore. The Instagram of each
community was also involved in enlivening this event.

• Alternative content selected

The content created is contest content with prizes that everyone can be involved
in to create and choose the best decoration for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta every month
or periodically. Besides, the content also includes Rio Dewanto influencers so that
potential customers who are majority domiciled in DKI Jakarta and around can also know
about this event and participate.
Marketing communication and social media officers help each other organize this
event to existing communities and form good content to be shared with each community
to be passed on to its members. Any questions via Instagram Direct Message or comments
on feeds must also be answered immediately. Instagram Ads was again empowered to
disseminate information about this event so that more people are aware of Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta and its communities.

c. Promotion to Conversation
In legacy marketing, advertisements are dominated by advertisements in
conventional media such as television and billboards that can reach the broader
community quickly. However, this promotion requires much money. Besides, promotion
with mass media is a promotion that is unidirectional.
The promotion practice from legacy to New Wave Marketing is not just moving
from conventional media to digital media. Promotion practice must also involve
consumers in two directions or called the conversation (Kartajaya, 2010: 166).

• Company activity
The implementation of the conversation strategy for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
will be easier if it can enter social media controlled and owned by consumers. The
conversation strategy implemented is to make Innside by Melia Yogyakarta a
conversation topic between one consumer and another. Products that need to be promoted
are bookings via the Melia website and application.
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can ask their influencers, for example Rio Dewanto,
to open a Q&A session on his personal Instagram. Then conversations can occur with
each other. Rio Dewanto can recommend Innside by Melia Yogyakarta as a hotel to stay
in a while on vacation in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Besides, Rio Dewanto can
open conversation as the most worth staying hotel in Yogyakarta. Then explain the
advantages of booking via the Melia website and application compared to using OTA, a
favorite for leisure travelers for booking hotel rooms.
Other communities can also create online seminars that tell about their various
activities at Innside. In this kind of conversation, the writer feels effective because there
is an interaction between the two parties and follows the current era.

• Alternative media selected

The media used for this conversation strategy is social media in Instagram with
features in Instagram Stories and Instagram feeds. Then between Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta's Instagram social media, influencers and the community collaborate by
putting the Instagram account name in each of their Instagram profile descriptions.

• Alternative content selected

In this conversation strategy, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta cannot move alone.
They need Influencers and their communities to chat with potential and existing
customers about the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta brand. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
only needs to prepare content that can be discussed, such as "the advantages of booking
hotels via websites and apps compared to OTA." Then the content about the best tourist
destinations and hotels to stay in the Special Region of Yogyakarta.
When Influencers and their communities talk with potential customers about this,
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta posts content on Instagram stories and feeds about the
benefits of using Melia's website and apps, or what is Melia Rewards—then continued
with content regarding hotel facilities, ambiance and others. When influencers and the
community finish talking with potential customers, it is hoped that potential customers
will be curious and then open an Instagram account of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta from

the description of the Instagram biodata belonging to the Influencer and community. The
traffic to the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta's Instagram account increases, the latest
content is seen and read, and the message about the Melia website and apps is conveyed.

d. Selling to Commercialization
According to Kartajaya (2010: 176), in the New Wave Marketing strategy, there
are two main competencies that a salesman must-have. The two competencies are the
ability to map and build an effective network to support the sales process (mapping and
building an effective network) and optimize the network to get sales through
recommendations (commercializing the network). The following is an explanation of the
application of the commercialization strategy at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta:

• Company activity
Based on VRIO analysis in Figure 2.9, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta has a network
with The Alana Yogyakarta, which is already in operation and is more present in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta. This relationship can support the hotel room sales process
by exchanging customers and providing data and information about potential customers
that can be reached.
Then what can be done is to optimize the communities they have. Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta can again create “kopi darat” events that are held regularly. From this event,
new people will be found to be prospected as potential customers and loyal customers of
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.

• Alternative media selected

The media that can be used is a social media platform in the form of Instagram
with features used in Instagram stories, Instagram feeds, and Instagram Ads to post “kopi
darat” events with each community-owned. Then a social messenger platform is also
needed, such as Direct Message Instagram and Whatsapp.

• Alternative content selected

The content needed at this stage is content about the togetherness of
representatives of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta with potential or existing customers who
attend the “kopi darat” event. Photo or video them and upload them on Instagram stories
or feeds with their name tags. Then follow them. Then they will notice with Instagram
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and follow back. To build good relationships, ask their
WhatsApp number to send photos of together at the event, or if they are reluctant to give,
send via Instagram Direct Message. Customer Relationship Management is also ready to

enter these people in the database for data so that the marketing communications
department can follow them up on an ongoing basis.

3. New Wave Value

The last thing that is formulated in New Wave Marketing after strategy and tactics
are value. In legacy marketing, the value here consists of brand, service, and process.
Then at New Wave Value, all components are transformed into character, care, and
collaboration. The following is an explanation of each value strategy:

Figure 3. 6. New Wave Value (Kartajaya, 2010: 187)

a. Brand to Character
In New Wave Marketing, Brand is character. Character is the real content of a
company. Meanwhile, a brand is a wrap that is only visible from the outside (Kartajaya,
2010: 188). Even though the logo of a brand changes, customers will not disappear from
the brand as long as it has a strong character. Here is how it applies to Innside:

• Company activity
As stated in the previous discussion, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta has DNA as an
urban lifestyle hotel for leisure travelers. Everything customers are looking for in the city
of Yogyakarta can be found at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Communities recommended
by the author, such as music, handicrafts, motorbikes, and food and beverage, are
communities that describe the character of Yogyakarta and can be found at Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta. Therefore, these communities need to be well monitored by Innside
by Melia Yogyakarta not to change DNA and character.
Activities that can be done so that character does not change ask for
recommendations, criticisms, and suggestions from existing communities and potential
and existing customers via social media. Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can survive with
this kind of character and DNA.
Besides, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can also make an online poll on whether
their logo needs to be changed with the characters and DNA they currently have. Then
involve them in creating a new logo or creation for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.

• Alternative media selected

The media that can be used is Instagram with the Instagram story, and Instagram
feeds feature. The content issued is content about asking for recommendations, criticism,
and suggestions regularly and a poll to ask whether a logo change is needed at Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta. Then, each answer will be reposted via Instagram story. Then, the logo
creations that match the best characters of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta are posted on
Instagram feeds. Then the community, existing and potential customers are asked to
choose again.

b. Service to Care
According to Kartajaya (2010: 199), In New Wave Marketing, there is a
difference between service and care. Service is something that consumers want.
Meanwhile, care is something that consumers need. New Wave Marketing requires
companies to provide something consumers need without being asked. The following is
an explanation at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.

• Company activity
The leisure hotels requested by Persona 1, 2, and 3 are hotels that can provide
more "Instagramable" photo spots. Often what consumers need is someone who can
photograph them well and can provide a right angle. Therefore, Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta can provide care in the form of photo services. When employees see
customers taking photos, they will try to offer customers their photos, send them to the
customer's device, upload them to the hotel's Instagram, and tag its account. Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta also has the benefit of free existing customer documentation and
awareness without asking them to upload it first.

• Alternative media selected

The media that can be selected are social media in the form of Instagram with the
Instagram story and social messenger in Direct Message Instagram and Whatsapp.

c. Process to Collaboration
In the New Wave Marketing strategy, the company's activities in designing,
buying, making, and sending goods or services are more horizontal because they are
supported by the strength of information technology's connectivity (Kartajaya, 2010:
210). Here is how it applies to Innside by Melia Yogyakarta:

• Company activity
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta already has a platform in the form of the Melia
website and application. However, based on the survey results in Table 2.20 until 2.23,
Persona 1, 2, and 3 are more aware of hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta when
using social media, OTA, and media feedback.
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta needs to build a platform that is integrated. If
customers are more aware and comfortable using social media, then Instagram is used to
reach the Melia website and application. They must use and market it with mouth and
mouth from influencers like Rio Dewanto and the existing communities.
Give members of each community involved in free access and Melia reward
points to help get customers who book Innside by Melia Yogyakarta hotel rooms via the
website or download the application. Help each member of the community by posting
any content they create related to websites and applications.

• Alternative media selected

The media that can be chosen are Instagram with the Instagram story, Instagram
feeds features and the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta website and application.

• Alternative content selected

Content that can be created is content regarding the benefits of using the Melia
website and application. Provide content on how to download it on a smartphone or laptop
so that each community member, existing and potential customers are aware of the
platform. Then provide content on the convenience of booking, ordering, requesting
service, and benefits in the Melia Rewards for discounts on the next booking.

3.2. Analysis of Alternatives from Customer Journey Maps

After creating a business strategy using New Wave Marketing, various solutions
were found to increase awareness of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta customers. The
alternatives for each of these strategies and combined with survey results are summarized
in the following customer journey maps:


1 Week 3-4 Days 1 Day 1 Week 3 Days 3-6 Months

Hear or see news Start comparing and Add Innside by Melia Make reservations / Prepare and check all Start enjoying the Contact the hotel Share their Make a re-order at
CUSTOMER about Innside by evaluating the Yogyakarta to their bookings at the equipment for the trip stay at the Innside by service because of experiences with the Innside by Melia
ACTIVITIES Melia Yogyakarta various hotels they shopping chart Innside by Melia to the Innside by Melia Yogyakarta the problem they are others Yogyakarta
from various sources will go to Yogyakarta Melia Yogyakarta facing

No goals at this point Looking for the best Can search and select Be confident with the Increasingly Satisfied because the Get help and Want to share Want to repeat the
hotel options for their the hotel for their hotel of their choice
AWARENESS/ determined to travel hotel they stayed in solutions to the feelings and provide wonderful experience
CUSTOMER stay stay easily and book without to the hotel of their matched the problems they face feedback on hotels while on vacation at
hesitation choice expectations they that have been stayed the hotel they have
wanted stayed in

Very Satisfied
and Happy Very Enthusiastic Very Happy
Very Pleased Very Pleased Very Honored
and Excited and Excited and Excited
Very Interested and Excited and Respected
and Curious

CUSTOMER Satisfied and

not Frustated

Believe that the

Interested in Not confused about Can not wait to try price paid is in Feeling getting a In accordance with Complaints can be Can tell experience Want to stay
staying overnight finding and the hotel accordance with the good service expectation resolved properly easily again
comparing hotel experience gained and quickly
1. Internet media 1. Internet media 1. Decision maker 1. Media for booking 1. Media for receiving 1. Internet media to Media to deal with 1. Internet media 1. Internet media
(Social media) (Social media) (Myself) hotel room preparation service share experience complaint (Social media) (Social media)
> Instagram > Instagram 2. Decision maker (Hotel Website & (Social messenger) (Social media) 1. Community > Instagram > Instagram
(IG story, IG Ads, IG (IG story, IG Ads, IG (Friends) Apps) > Whatsapp > Instagram (Online community) (IG story, IG Ads, IG (IG story, IG Ads, IG
explore, DM IG) explore, DM IG) 3. Decision maker 2. Media for booking 2. Media for receiving (IG story, IG Ads, IG 2. Word of mouth explore, DM IG) explore, DM IG)
ALTERNATIVES > Youtube > Youtube (Couple) hotel room preparation service explore, DM IG) (Influencer) > Tiktok > Youtube
TOUCHPOINTS > Tiktok > Tiktok 4. Decision maker (Tour agency) (Email) > Tiktok 3. Internet media 2. Community > Tiktok
THAT AFFECT 2. Community 2. Community (Sibling) 3. Media for booking 3. Media for receiving 2. Internet media to (Feedback media) (Online community) 2. Community
EACH PHASE (Online community) (Online community) 5. Decision maker hotel room preparation service share experience 4. Internet media 3. Word of mouth (Online community)
3. Word of mouth 3. Word of mouth (Parents) (Tour operation) (Social media) (Social messenger) (Social media) (Influencer) 3. Word of mouth
(Influencer) (Influencer) 4. Media for booking > Whatsapp > Instagram 4. Internet media (Influencer)
4. Internet media 4. Internet media hotel room (IG story, IG explore, (Feedback media) 4. Internet media
(Feedback media) (Feedback media) (OTA) DM IG) 5. Internet media (Feedback media)
5. Internet media 5. Internet media (OTA) 5. Internet media
1. DNA Innside by 1. Activities of each 1. Easy booking with 1. The greeting of his 1. Photos and videos of 1. Repost customer 1. DNA Innside by 1. Poll about the 1. An invitation to join
Melia Yogyakarta community at Innside websites and apps arrival is awaited at the experience of experience photos and Melia Yogyakarta satisfaction of staying the community
video 2. Hotel promo Innside staying with customers videos uploaded by Video at Innside 2. Update event held at
2. Repost introductory 3. Instagrammable 2. Benefit from Melia customer accounts 2. Recommendations, Innside with the
videos from each facilities and photo rewards 2. Events near hotels or 2. Events near hotels or 2. Review and criticism and community
community on Innside spots communities at Innside communities at Innside 2. Repost photos of clarification from the suggestions from 3. DNA Innside video
ALTERNATIVES 3. Communities and 4. Food menu served 3. Activities that can be customers together community customers 4. Update communities
influencers who 5. Polls about Innside done at Innside with with the community 3. Upload customer and influencers who
collaborate with hotels in the eyes of the community uploaded by customers photos and reviews collaborate with hotels
4. Instagrammable customers or the community 4. Repost customer 5. Update Yogyakarta
photo spot 6. Review photos from accounts experience photos and Food and travel
5. Yogyakarta Food exisiting customers videos uploaded by 6. Hotel promo
and travel information 7. Q&A benefits of customer accounts 7. Quiz about hotel
booking with the Melia 5. Clarification from decoration creations
website and apps the community and food
Increase awareness and 1. Increase Innside 1. Maintain potential Increase sales via Keep customers from Give customers an 1. Minimizing 1. Increase existing 1. Increase repeat
interest from potential social media traffic and customers' choices not Website and Apps changing their mind to unforgettable disappointment customers to advocate orders
customer each community from to switch to other cancel traveling and experience while 2. Clarifying any potential customers 2. Convert existing
potential customers hotels refund staying negative reviews about 2. Clarifying any customers to loyal
2. Increase interest in 2. Increase the number the company's DNA to negative reviews about customers
BUSINESS GOAL staying at Innside and of downloaded Apps becomes positive the company's DNA to
joining the existing Melia review becomes positive
community 3. Increase the number review
of bookings via
Website and Apps

Number of people 1. Number of people 1. Conversion rate Sales and revenue via The number of Customers review Customers review 1. Viral reviews from 1. Number of repeat
KEY reached reached Website website and Apps from customers booking who customers order
2. Number of followers 2. Number of Apps leisure travelers requested a refund 2. Customers 2. Number of
3. Engagement rate download satisfaction community members
3. Number of loyal
1. Create a campaign Creating a campaign Optimizing the booking Optimizing the booking Provide services that 1. Providing the best 1. Turn customer 1. Manage feedback 1. Increase repeat order
about the company's about benefits and experience with experience with are not requested by service. disappointment into a well 2. Increase the number
DNA. activities that can be websites and apps websites and apps customers, but 2. Provide services that positive feelings 2. Maintain the of existing customers
COMPANY 2. Forming or inviting done at Innside with customers need are not requested by 2. Maintain the reputation of the hotel to become loyal
ACTIVITIES appropriate the community customers, but reputation of the hotel 3. Develop sharing customers
communities to customers need session 3. Increase potential
collaborate customer prospects
3. Hire the right
1. Marketing and 1. Marketing and 1. IT officer 1. IT officer 1. Marketing and 1. Social media officer 1. Social media officer 1. Marketing and 1. Marketing and
Communication Communication 2. Marketing and 2. Marketing and Communication 2. Front office officer 2. Marketing and Communication Communication
2. Social Media Officer 2. Social Media Officer Communication Communication 2. Social media officer 3. Housekeeping communication 2. Social media officer 2. Social media officer
RESPONSIBLE 3. Customer 3. Customer 3. Social media officer 3. Social media officer officer 2. Front office officer 3. IT officer
Relationship Relationship 4. Selling and revenue 4. F&B officer 3. Housekeeping
management management officer officer
4. F&B officer

Figure 3. 7. Customer Journey Maps (Internal Data, 2020)

The following is an explanation of various alternatives solution of social media
content that are planned for existing and potential customers of Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta and are arranged in order of the most priority to be implemented:

3.2.1. Awareness for Potential Customers

1. Upload about DNA Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
The first action plan is to upload photos or videos about DNA Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta in the awareness of potential customers. There are three content that must be
uploaded, content regarding the profile of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta as an urban
lifestyle hotel for leisure travelers, community profiles in collaboration with Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta, and influencer profiles from Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. These three
things are the DNA of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.
This action plan must be posted first because based on the overall survey results
formulated in the root cause analysis in Figure 2.122., one of the problems with Innside
by Melia Yogyakarta's low social media awareness is the lack of awareness of potential
customers at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. This brand from Melia is less familiar to
customers because this hotel is the first hotel to use the Innside by Melia brand in the Asia
Pacific. In Figure 2.23, as an international hotel operator, Melia Hotels International is
also less well known when compared to other operators such as Marriot International,
Accor, and Archipelago.
Besides, the content regarding DNA Innside by Melia Yogyakarta includes the
implementation of the New Wave Marketing strategy in the form of codification. Through
this content, it is hoped that potential customers can understand the DNA of Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta, which differentiates it from other hotels in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta. Based on Figure 2.47 and Figure 2.48, the first thing that attracts potential
customers' attention when viewing social media belonging to hotel accounts in the Special
Region of Yogyakarta is a good photo and video content and interesting influencers.
These two things must be applied to the photo or video content of Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta to see the content and aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.
There are three key performance indicators of this content: the number of people
reached when many potential customers open this content. The second is the engagement
rate when many interacting accounts comment on the photo or video content of Innside's
DNA and share the news to other accounts. Then the number of followers, when many
potential customers follow Instagram Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.

The posting time for the three contents is made alternately every month. Potential
customers' accounts as an audience do not receive too much information and can receive
this information well. Content about influencer profiles is created every four months,
assuming that many already know them. Besides, many influencers are also involved in
other content that can create potential customers notice that this public figure is an
influencer from Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Posting hours are set in the evening (15.01
- 19.00) until night (19.01 - 24.00), because based on the preliminary survey Figure 2.27.,
These two hours are the hours of active potential customers to access social media.

2. Upload hotel promotion with influencers

Based on Figures 2.47 and 2.48, hotel promo content is the third thing that attracts
the attention of potential customers when viewing social media belonging to hotels in the
Special Region of Yogyakarta. Therefore, in implementing this plan, hotel promotion
content is created which involves influencers. Examples of content created are vlog
content from influencers who had the opportunity to staycation at Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta because of a promo. This content is an application of the New Wave
Marketing strategy regarding conversations. According to the survey results in Tables
2.10 and 2.11, potential customers believe that influencers are an excellent touchpoint for
them to be aware of hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. Therefore, it is hoped
that with this vlog content, potential customers will believe that the promo provided by
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is worth trying. Then potential customers pass this promo
information on to their friends so that the New Wave Marketing strategy of conversations
is successful.
There are four key performance indicators in this content: the number of people
reach, which indicates that potential customers widely view this vlog content. The number
of website address clicks on social media profiles and the number of apps download
indicates that the content has successfully led potential customers to find out more about
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. The website conversion rate indicates the number of people
visiting the website and booking Innside by Melia Yogyakarta hotel rooms.
Because potential customers are interested in this content, this content will be
created every month with influencers who collaborate with Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.
Posting hours are set in the evening (15.01 - 19.00) until night (19.01 - 24.00), because
based on the preliminary survey Figure 2.27., These two hours are the hours of active
potential customers to access social media.

3. Upload facilities from Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
Apart from promo content, according to Figures 2.47 and 2.48, facility content is
the fourth-order content so that they are aware of hotels in the Yogyakarta Special Region.
It is also recommended that the content regarding this facility be made with content
regarding promotions. The content regarding the staycation vlog from influencers
contains two contents: the promo and facilities of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. This
content's expected effect is the same as promo content, namely the success of
implementing the New Wave Marketing conversation strategy, where potential customers
who are initially attracted by influencers in the content then begin to see and pay attention
to the content. There is marketing in the form of word of mouth with potential customers.
They told the contents of this video to the people around him to become aware of Innside
by Melia Yogyakarta.
There are 3 Key Performance Indicators in this content, the number of people
reaches, which shows how many accounts of potential customers have seen this vlog
content. The second is the engagement rate. It is hoped that many accounts will begin to
ask questions about this facility in comments or Direct Message Instagram (according to
Figure 2.38, Direct Message Instagram is a social messenger that potential customers love
to be aware of hotels). The Innside by Melia Yogyakarta's social media officer replied
that message so that the engagement rate increases. When the engagement rate increases,
awareness of social media will also increase.
This vlog content is also created every month following the content about the
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta promo. Posting hours are set in the evening (15.01 - 19.00)
until night (19.01 - 24.00), because based on the preliminary survey Figure 2.27., These
two hours are the hours of active potential customers to access social media.

4. Upload Yogyakarta food and travel with influencers

Content about food and travel in the Special Region of Yogyakarta is also made to
make potential customers increasingly aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Based on
Figures 2.47 and 2.48, the content about tourism is only in fifth place from other content
that can make them aware of hotels in the Special Region of Yogyakarta. However, this
content is made as to the last priority. It hopes that the attraction of influencers who travel
around the Special Region of Yogyakarta looking for culinary and tourist spots can
influence the desire of potential customers to vacation in the Special Region of
Yogyakarta and try to stay at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.

This content's key performance is the number of people reach, which is the number
of accounts that view this content. Then is the engagement rate, because the hope is that
it can lead to a discussion in the comments column of this post content or from Direct
Special Yogyakarta, which causes awareness of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta to increase.
The content of food and beverage and tourism in Yogyakarta is alternated so that
potential customers do not receive too much information and can be more noticed by
potential customers. Posting hours are set in the evening (15.01 - 19.00) until night (19.01
- 24.00), because based on the preliminary survey Figure 2.27., These hours are the hours
of active potential customers to access social media.

3.2.2. Awareness for Existing Customers

1. Find out customers satisfaction
Content about customer satisfaction needs to be the priority for existing customer
content. Because based on the survey results in Table 2.67, existing customers are excited
to share their experiences with other people staying with the Instagram platform. This
behavior needs to be utilized to become content material for potential customers so that
they are aware and interested in Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Because according to
Figures 2.10 and 2.11, a hotel review from a stranger is one touchpoint that can make
potential customers aware of the hotel being reviewed. Besides, customer satisfaction is
the implementation of the New Wave Marketing strategy in the form of character,
strengthening the DNA of Innside by Melia as a quality and satisfying leisure hotel.
The Key Performance Indicator for this content is the number of people reach,
which indicates the number of accounts viewing this content on the Instagram story. Then
proceed with the number of participating accounts because the idea of this content is in
the form of a poll. The next is a viral review because of their satisfaction with Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta, and it has become a topic of conversation in cyberspace. Then lastly
is the engagement rate. The more viral and the more responses there are, the higher the
engagement rate and awareness of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.
This content will be created every month, considering the importance of this
content. Every month, it is assumed that existing Innside by Melia Yogyakarta customers
stay with different engaging experiences and can be shared with other potential
customers. Posting hours are set in the evening (15.01 - 19.00) until night (19.01 - 24.00),
because based on the preliminary survey Figure 2.27., These hours are the hours of active
existing customers to access social media.

2. Upload food and beverage and tourist place in Yogyakarta with influencers
According to existing customers, food and beverage and tourism in Yogyakarta
are the most engaging content. They can make them want to return to travel to the Special
Region of Yogyakarta. This information can be seen in Figure 2.111. This content can
best remind existing customers of the Special Region of Yogyakarta.
The Key Performance Indicator for this content is the number of people reach,
which shows the number of accounts of existing customers who viewed this content.
Then, from many new followers, which indicates that they like this content or want to
save this content, their memory of the Special Region of Yogyakarta can last.
This content will be alternated every month. In the first month, culinary content
is made, the next month's content is tourism. Posting hours are set in the evening (15.01
- 19.00) until night (19.01 - 24.00), because based on the preliminary survey Figure 2.27.,
These hours are the hours of active existing customers to access social media.

3. Upload hotel promotion with influencer

After content regarding culinary and tourism in the Special Region of Yogyakarta,
content that is interesting for existing customers to remember and a desire to return to
travel in the Special Region of Yogyakarta is content regarding hotel promotions.
Examples of content created are vlog content from influencers who could stay at Innside
by Melia Yogyakarta because of a promo. This content is an application of the New Wave
Marketing strategy regarding conversations.
There are five Key Performance Indicators in this content. First is the number of
repeat orders. The more repeat orders use the promo from this vlog content, and It can be
said that this content has succeeded in attracting the attention of existing customers to
stay overnight again. The number of people reaches, which indicates that existing
customers widely view this vlog content. The number of website address clicks on social
media profiles and the number of apps download indicates that the content has
successfully led existing customers to find out more about Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.
The website conversion rate indicates the number of people visiting the website and
booking Innside by Melia Yogyakarta hotel rooms.
This content will be created every month and matched with promo content via
vlog for potential customers. Posting hours are set in the evening (15.01 - 19.00) until
night (19.01 - 24.00), because based on the preliminary survey Figure 2.27., These hours
are the hours of active existing customers to access social media.

4. Upload update event held at the Yogyakarta and Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
The content regarding the event is a unique attraction for existing customers,
according to Figure 2.111. Events held in Yogyakarta and Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
can reason for existing customers to have a vacation. Besides, based on the New Wave
Marketing strategy in the form of community, conformity, and clarification, Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta will carry out a horizontal marketing strategy by forming communities
that can be an excuse for existing customers stay back at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.
This community will conduct open recruitment, and existing customers can register and
participate in community events. When there are more community members, more and
more existing customers will return to Innside by Melia Yogyakarta because Innside
provides a place in the hotel so that each community can always be creative in the space
provided. The existing customers doing repeat orders is getting bigger.
Then the Key Performance Indicator of this content is the number of members of
each community. When more and the more people join, the more existing customers can
be prospected to become loyal customers of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Besides that,
engagement and the number of people reach also affect.
This content will be created every month, considering that every month the
communities create events for ground coffee and other events according to each
community's services. Posting hours are set in the evening (15.01 - 19.00) until night
(19.01 - 24.00), because based on the preliminary survey Figure 2.27., These hours are
the hours of active existing customers to access social media.

5. Upload DNA Innside by Melia Yogyakarta

Like DNA Innside by Melia Yogyakarta content for potential customers, this
content is also made for existing customers. It is just that this content is no longer a
priority, such as potential customers because members of each existing customer have
stayed and know what Innside by Melia Yogyakarta DNA looks like. However, by the
New Wave Marketing strategy in the form of clarification, this content also needs to be
made for existing customers. When there are lousy netizen comments about Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta, these existing customers can help straighten it out. Also, DNA content
can be used to introduce communities or influencers who have recently collaborated with
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Existing customers interested in this new community can
join and increase the likelihood of making repeat orders.
The Key Performance Indicator used is the number of members or followers of
each community and Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. The more existing customers follow,

the more they know Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, and the more they can prospect to stay.
Customer Relationship Management officers of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta need to take
advantage of the New Wave Marketing strategy in the form of commercialization so that
existing customers who are prospected can become loyal customers of Innside by Melia.
Like the DNA content of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta for potential customers,
these three DNA contents will be posted alternately every month. Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta's social media followers are not saturated with the content and can receive
the information well. Posting hours are set in the evening (15.01 - 19.00) until night (19.01
- 24.00), because based on the preliminary survey Figure 2.27., These hours are the hours
of active existing customers to access social media.

6. Event for customers via social media

Events for customers via social media are events that involve each entity for
making a good relationship between Innside by Melia Yogyakarta with the community
and existing customers. The planned event is a contest in the form of a new Instagramable
photo spot design for Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. This content is a manifestation of the
New Wave Marketing strategy in the form of co-creation. Based on the survey results, it
can be seen that the value desired by existing customers while staying at the hotel is an
Instagramable photo spot. This photo spot needs to be replaced periodically so that
existing customers are curious and have reasons to return to Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.
By involving all these entities in the form of a contest, Innside by Melia Yogyakarta will
not run out of ideas to make spot photos.
From several Key Performance Indicators that are the same as other content, KPIs
distinguish them, namely viral comments about this contest or design. When this contest
goes viral, it is hoped that more and more customers will become aware of Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta.
This contest is held three times in 1 year. This timing is based on the times before
the peak season, allowing many leisure travelers to travel to the Special Region of
Yogyakarta. Spot photos of designs and choices for existing customers must be made
during the peak season. Then, this spot photo and new facilities uploaded in Innstagram
via Instagram story. When there is a new photo spot at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, it is
hoped that many leisure travelers will be interested in staying again at Innside by Melia.

3.2.3. Value at the Hotel
1. Upload photo or video from happy customers
The concept of this content is the manifestation of the New Wave Marketing
strategy of care, which is to provide a service that customers do not ask for, but they need.
When customers take pictures in photo spots, they sometimes want to take photos
together, but no one takes photos. This moment is where each Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta employee's role is to take the initiative to take photos of these customers. The
photos are shared with customers and Innside by Melia Yogyakarta's Instagram. Both
parties will be happy. The advantage of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta is that they get free
documentation from customers and can be used as new content.
Key Performance Indicators for applying this content are the number of reaches,
number of followers, and shares. The more people share, the more existing customer-
friends will see the content and become aware of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.
This content depends on customer demand, although it is expected to be posted
every month. Posting hours are set in the evening (15.01 - 19.00) until night (19.01 -
24.00), because based on the preliminary survey Figure 2.27., These hours are the hours
of active existing customers to access social media.

2. Upload activities of each community at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta

Community activities at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta can also be used as content
to strengthen the character and DNA of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta in customers' eyes.
This content is also used to increase followers belonging to the community and Innside
by Melia Yogyakarta. Therefore, one of the Key Performance Indicators referred to is the
increase in the number of followers following both parties' social media.

3. Upload products from Innside by Melia Yogyakarta

The products referred to in this content are products related to the New Wave
Marketing strategy in collaboration. This product is the Melia website and apps. Then
there is also a loyalty program in the form of a Melia Reward. There are still many
customers who are not aware of these two products and programs. From the survey results
in the decision-making stage, it can be seen that the majority of existing customers booked
hotels via OTA. It is rare to use the website.
Therefore, this content was created with the influencers' help, and the idea is packed
with Q&A from the influencers' Instagram account. This content was then enriched with
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and made posts about the benefits of booking using the
Melia website, apps, and Melia Rewards.

One of the Key Performance Indicator of this content is the number of customers
who make repeat orders because the hope is that more existing customers will become
loyal customers because of this platform and loyalty program's conveniences and benefits.
Like some other content, this content is posted every two months. Customers are
not disturbed by this content and also increase their focus on a good platform and program
at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Posting hours are set in the evening (15.01 - 19.00) until
night (19.01 - 24.00), because based on the preliminary survey Figure 2.27., These hours
are the hours of active existing customers to access social media.

3.2.4. Interaction with Customers

1. Communication with customers and community
The interactions that occur between Innside by Melia Yogyakarta social media with
existing customers' social media accounts are aimed at increasing engagement rates which
lead to customer awareness to return to vacation in the Special Region of Yogyakarta and
stay at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. This communication is done every day from
afternoon (12.01-15.00) until night (19.01 - 24.00).


3.3. Conclusion
These conclusions are the answers of the research questions written in business
issue which is found and covered in Chapter 1:

1. Does Innside by Melia Yogyakarta need to do a repositioning?

Innside by Melia Yogyakarta needs to do a repositioning to the leisure travelers
segment. Based on the results of the author's research, the majority of Persona 1 (existing
customers), Persona 2, and 3 (potential customers) have the purpose of traveling and
becoming leisure travelers when going to the Special Region of Yogyakarta. This study's
results are also supported by BPS data (2020: 23) that the purpose of travelers to the
Special Region of Yogyakarta is for travel. Not for business. Hotels that are the choice
for Persona 1, 2, and 3 members when visiting the Special Region of Yogyakarta are
specific leisure types such as lifestyle hotels. This data proves that Innside by Melia needs
to do a repositioning and position its hotel as a hotel for leisure travelers.

2. What are the suitable social media content strategies to attract more followers
of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta account?
The right social media content strategy to attract more followers of Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta is content that engages communities with the same goals and values as
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Besides, these communities are also maintained with
influencers following the DNA of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, which follows the
preferences of each Persona.

3. How to attract potential customers from the leisure travelers segment through
the process of the purchase journey within social media?
The main problem with the purchase journey that has been analyzed is the
awareness stage. Existing customers (Persona 1) are still aware of Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta in a vertical way because Innside by Melia Yogyakarta still prioritizes legacy
marketing. Social media has not been used appropriately.
Therefore, the way to attract potential customers to make purchasing journey via
social media is by improving the visual photos and video content of Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta first. Then hire influencers according to their preferences (tourism and
culinary). An example of an influencer that authors recommend is Rio Dewanto. Then
form or collaborate with the community according to the DNA Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta and potential interest customers. They are interested in tourism and culinary
Yogyakarta. The authors recommend collaborating with the communities Kaloka Pottery,
Harley Davidson, and the Jogja Hiphop Foundation.
Then, at the research and consideration stage, give a campaign about the activities
that can be done at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta with the community. Also, provide
content about “Instagramable” photo facilities and spots, and provide content about
booking benefits using the Melia website and apps, which is supported by distributing the
content with the community and influencers. Provide a website address and download the
app in the Instagram profile description or take advantage of the swipe up feature to make
it easier for customers to book via the two platforms.

4. How to maintain existing customers from the leisure travelers segment through
experience within social media?
The way to maintain existing customers through experience within social media
is to keep a two-way relationship between Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and existing
customers. Involve them in many things. Maintain the credibility of DNA Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta. Then create a new experience at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta by
involving the community and existing customers so that they have a reason to return to
stay quickly.
An example is inviting them to join communities that have been invited to
collaborate with Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Follow these community accounts so that
customers know about activities soon and are interested in returning to Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta. Then is to create an online event such as Instagramable decoration quizzes
and consumer food creations. Decoration and good food are then collected and shared
again on social media for consumers to choose and apply to Innside for a certain period.
Then from social media, involve the community and customers to create new things that
must be present at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta.

3.4. Implementation
Based on the research results obtained, the author and the General Manager
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta and the Marketing Communication officer formulated a
content schedule to be posted as part of research implementation and implemented in
2021. The following is the formulated schedule:

Table 4. 1. Implementation Plan for The Proposed Business Solution (Internal Data, 2020)
Key Performance 2021
Action Implementation Posting
No Indicator Month
Plan Example Hours
(KPI) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Awareness for Potential Customers
The profile of Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta as an
urban lifestyle hotel for leisure
1. Number of people reach
Upload photos or videos about DNA Profiles of communities that
1 2. Engagement rate
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta collaborate with Innside by
3. Number of followers
Melia Yogyakarta
Profiles of influencers that
collaborate with Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta
1. Number of people reach
2. The number of website
Vlog Influencer staycation at address clicks on social Evening (15.01-19.00) -
2 Upload hotel promotions with influencers Innside by Melia Yogyakarta media profile biodata Night (19.00-24.00)
because of the latest promo 3. Conversion rate website
4. Number of apps
1. Number of people reach
Upload facilities from Vlog Influencer staycation at
3 2. Engagement rate
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
3. Number of followers
Top 10 legendary F&B of
Yogyakarta according to
Upload photos or videos of Yogyakarta Influencers 1. Number of people reach
food and travel with influencers Hunting for beaches and new 2. Engagement rate
tourist attractions in
Yogyakarta with influencers
Awareness for Existing Customers
Poll about the satisfaction of 1. Number of people reach
staying at Innside via 2. Number of participation
Instagram story 3. Viral reviews from
1 Find out customers satisfaction Polls about Innside in the customers
eyes of customers 4. Customers satisfaction
Ask recommendations, 5. Engagement rate
criticism, and suggestions
Top 10 legendary F&B of
Yogyakarta according to
1. Number of people reach
Upload the latest F&B and tourist places Influencers
2 2. Engagement rate
in Yogyakarta with influencers Hunting for beaches and new
3. Number of followers
tourist attractions in
Yogyakarta with influencers
1. Number of repeat order
2. Number of people reach
3. The number of website
Vlog Influencer staycation at
address clicks on social
3 Upload hotel promotions with influencers Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
media profile biodata
because of the latest promo
4. Conversion rate website
5. Number of apps
Regular "Kopi Darat" event
1. Number of community
with each community
Upload update event held at the members/followers
4 Update on music and arts
Yogyakarta and Innside 2. Number of people reach Evening (15.01-19.00) -
events at Innside and
3. Engagement rate Night (19.00-24.00)
The profile of Innside by
Upload photos or videos about DNA Melia Yogyakarta as an 1. Number of people reach
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta urban lifestyle hotel for leisure 2. Engagement rate
Profiles of new communities
that collaborate with Innside
1. Number of people reach
Upload update new communities and by Melia Yogyakarta
6 2. Engagement rate
influencer who collaborate Profiles of new influencers
3. Number of followers
that collaborate with Innside
by Melia Yogyakarta
1. Number of community
Open recruitment from each
7 Upload invitation to join the community community, benefits and how
2. Number of people reach
to register
3. Engagement rate
1. Number of people reach
2. Number of participation
A contest on the design of
3. Engagement rate
8 Event for customers via social media "Instagramable" hotel photo
4. Number of share
spots and new food menus
5. Number of followers
6. Viral comments
Post the results of the 1. Number of people reach
Upload latest facilities from
9 Instagramable photo spot 2. Engagement rate
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
contest or the latest facilities 3. Number of followers

Key Performance 2021
Action Implementation Posting
No Indicator Month
Plan Example Hours
(KPI) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Value at the Hotel
Customers who ask to be
1. Number of people reach
Upload photos or videos from photographed by Innside
1 2. Number of followers
happy existing customer employees will be uploaded
3. Number of share
on social media
1. Number of people reach
Upload activities of each community Content about "all can be 2. Engagement rate
at Innside by Melia Yogyakarta done at Innside" 3. Number of community
members/followers Evening (15.01-19.00) -
Thematic and latest F&B 1. Number of repeat order Night (19.00-24.00)
menu from Syndeo 2. Number of people reach
Restaurant 3. The number of website
Upload products from Q&A benefits of booking address clicks on social
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta with Melia website and Apps media profile biodata
with influencer 4. Conversion rate website
Q&A benefit from 5. Number of apps
Melia reward with influencer download
Interaction with Customers
1. Number of people reach
Repost photo uploaded
2. Engagement rate
by customers
3. Number of followers
1. Number of community
Afternoon (12.01-15.00) -
Repost photo uploaded members/followers
Night (19.00-24.00)
by community 2. Number of people reach
Communication with customers 3. Engagement rate
and community Reply to all message and
1. Engagement rate
reviews from customers
1. Number of community
Online discussion with each Evening (15.01-19.00) -
2. Number of people reach
community Night (19.00-24.00)
3. Number of participation
4. Engagement rate

This implementation plan is in the form of a content schedule that must be posted
every month. The content schedule is divided into four sections based on goals and
objectives. The four sections are awareness for potential customers, awareness for
existing customers, value at the hotel, and interaction with customers. Each action plan
of the four sections is arranged according to the highest priority, which must first be
carried out by the Marketing Communication and Social Media officer of Innside by
Melia Yogyakarta.


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Appendix 1. Script of The Interview Result

Interviewer : Arief Fathoni Argadian (I)

Interviewee : General Manager of Innside by Melia Yogyakarta (G)
Date : October 15, 2020
Location : Innside by Melia Yogyakarta

I : Selamat sore Bapak, perkenalkan saya Arief Fathoni Argadian mahasiswa MBA
ITB semester akhir. Dalam rangka memenuhi tugas akhir, saya mencoba untuk
dapat membantu menyelesaikan permasalahan yang sedang dialami oleh
perusahaan khususnya mengenai permasalahan pada bidang marketing. Apakah
saya boleh memohon waktu Bapak untuk mendalami permasalahan tersebut?
G : Silahkan, sekiranya apa yang ingin Anda ketahui?
I : Baik Pak, sebagai langkah awal saya ingin mengetahui asal usul dari hotel
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta dan seperti apakah konsep hotel ini?
G : Innside by Melia Yogyakarta adalah merek hotel yang berada dibawah naungan
operator Melia Hotels International. Brand Innside by Melia yang ada di
Yogyakarta ini merupakan hotel pertama di Asia Pasifik yang menggunakan brand
Innside by Melia. Konsep hotel ini adalah Urban Lifestyle Hotel dengan target
pasar pada segmen Business dan Leisure Travelers.
I : Sejak kapan hotel ini beroperasi?
G : Hotel ini beroperasi sejak bulan Maret tahun 2017.
I : Sebagai hotel pertama di Asia Pasifik yang menggunakan brand Innside by
Melia, apakah terdapat kendala dari awal beroperasi hingga saat ini?
G : Terlepas dari pandemi Covid 19 yang terjadi saat ini, terdapat suatu kendala
berupa keinginan jajaran direksi untuk meningkatkan revenue hotel. Memang,
pada dua tahun terakhir, revenue kita terus meningkat. Hanya saja, revenue kita
masih kalah dengan hotel-hotel pesaing yang ada di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
I : Segmen apa yang paling banyak berkontribusi untuk Innside by Melia
G : Sebagai hotel untuk business dan leisure travelers, segmen business saat ini
merupakan segmen yang berkontribusi paling banyak untuk perusahaan secara

okupansi dan rate kamar hotel. Segmen ini banyak kita raih melalui kerjasama
dengan korporat yang ada di Indonesia.
I : Kemudian, apakah ada kendala untuk meraih lebih banyak segmen business
travelers ini Pak?
G : Fasilitas MICE dan kapasitas yang kita miliki seperti ruang meeting masih kalah
dengan hotel pesaing. Selain itu, hotel juga tidak memiliki area pengembangan
lagi jika harus membangun fasilitas MICE yang lebih besar untuk business
travelers. Akibatnya, banyak perusahaan yang tidak deal dengan kita karena hal
tersebut. Okupansi kamar hotel dapat memenuhi permintaan mereka, namun tidak
untuk fasilitas MICE. Selain itu, terdapat kendala berupa channel booking.
Perusahaan banyak yang masih booking via tour travel, agency dan OTA padahal
kita memiliki website dan aplikasi sendiri berupa Akibatnya kita
jarang mendapatkan keuntungan maksimal dari penjualan kamar hotel karena kita
harus membayar fee yang cukup besar sekitar 15-20% tiap penjualan kamar hotel
pada tour travel, agency, dan OTA.
I : Apa yang sudah dilakukan pihak Innside by Melia Yogyakarta untuk mengatasi
hal tersebut?
G : Kami mencoba untuk fokus dan mengarah pada segmen leisure travelers yang
selama ini tidak memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan pada hotel. Kita ingin
memaksimalkan fasilitas yang kita punya untuk segmen leisure travelers sehingga
bisa mengimbangi kontribusi dari segmen business travelers.
I : Apakah ada kendala pada Innside by Melia Yogyakarta ketika mengarahkan
pasar ke leisure travelers?
G : Kendala ada pada awareness leisure travelers pada brand Innside by Melia
Yogyakarta. Pertama, karena brand Innside by Melia Yogyakarta merupakan
brand baru di Indonesia, bahkan se Asia Pasifik, sehingga muncul keraguan dari
mereka untuk staycation di hotel ini. Selain itu, leisure travelers yang kita kejar
adalah generasi millennial yang sadar dengan teknologi dan internet. Media yang
kita miliki belum termanfaatkan secara maksimal seperti sosial media, website
dan aplikasi. Banyak yang belum mengetahui ketiga media ini.
I : Apakah ada kendala pada pengelolaan sosial media milik Innside by Melia
G : Kendala yang terjadi adalah tidak adanya posisi karyawan yang secara spesifik
dan khusus untuk menangani sosial media ini. Selama ini yang menangani sosial
media adalah karyawan bagian marketing dan komunikasi yang memiliki tugas
yang tidak spesifik untuk menangani sosial media. Akibatnya, pekerjaan mereka
terpecah dan mereka tidak terlatih untuk membuat konten yang bagus, sehingga
banyak yang tidak tertarik dan aware dengan sosial media milik kita.
I : Apakah ada harapan khusus jika sosial media dapat berfungsi dengan baik?
G : Harapan kami, sosial media dapat berintegrasi dengan baik dengan website dan
aplikasi Melia. Melalui sosial media, tiap akun dapat melakukan klik menuju
website dan download aplikasi Melia untuk mengetahui promo terbaru,
meningkatkan booking via website dan aplikasi melia. Kemudian mengurangi
jumlah booking via tour travels, agency, dan OTA.
I : Apakah tidak bermasalah jika Innside by Melia Yogyakarta lebih fokus pada
segmen leisure dibandingkan dengan business travelers?
G : Tidak bermasalah. Selama fasilitas masih ada untuk kedua segmen tersebut, tidak
merubah banyak produk yang tersedia, maka tidak menjadi masalah karena masih
sesuai dengan ketentuan dari operatot Melia Hotels International.
I : Sosial media apa saja yang dimiliki Innside by Melia Yogyakarta dan perbaikan
seperti apa yang diinginkan untuk website dan aplikasi Melia?
G : Website dan aplikasi Melia tidak dapat kami rubah kontennya, karena terpusat
dari operator Melia Hotels International yang mengelola. Selain itu website dan
aplikasi melia terdiri dari gabungan semua merek dibawah naungan Melia Hotels
International. Yang dapat dirubah kontennya adalah sosial media yang kita miliki.
Kita memiliki 2 sosial media yaitu Instagram dan Facebook yang mayoritas
penggunanya adalah millennial. Sesuai dengan target pasar yang diarahkan pada
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta. Namun saat ini kami harus memilih untuk lebih
fokus pada Instagram dibanding Facebook.
I : Baik Pak, terimakasih atas informasi yang telah diberikan pada saya. Hasil dari
informasi ini akan saya analisis lebih dalam lagi guna membantu untuk
menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut. Terimakasih Bapak.
G : Baik terimakasih kembali.

Appendix 2. List of Survey Questions for Persona 1

Preliminary Questions Part 1

A. Respondent Profile
No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan
a. Laki-laki
1 Jenis Kelamin - -
b. Perempuan
a. DIY
b. Bandung
c. Surabaya
2 Domisili d. Semarang - -
e. DKI Jakarta
f. Surakarta/solo
g. lain-lain
a. < 20
b. 21 -25
c. 26 - 30
3 Usia - -
d. 31 - 35
e. 36 - 40
f. > 40
a. Mahasiswa/I
b. Wirausaha
c. Karyawan swasta
4 Pekerjaan - -
d. PNS
e. Freelancer
f. lain-lain
a. < Rp 1.000.000
b. Rp 1.000.001 - Rp
c. Rp 3.000.001 - Rp
5 Pendapatan rata-rata per bulan - -
d. Rp 5.000.001 - Rp
e. > Rp 7.500.000
a. < Rp 1.000.000
b. Rp 1.000.001 - Rp
c. Rp 2.500.001 - Rp
6 Pengeluaran rata-rata konsumsi per bulan - -
d. Rp 4.000.001 - Rp
e. > Rp 5.000.000

B. Leisure Travelers or Business Leisure Travelers

No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan
a. Bisnis
b. Wisata/Leisure/Staycation
1 Anda paling sering melakukan perjalanan: c. Bisnis dan - -

Preliminary Questions Part 2
C. Questions about Yogyakarta
No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan
a. Saya berdomisili di Daerah
Istimewa Yogyakarta
b. 1 kali dalam sebulan
Berapa rata-rata frekuensi Anda berpergian
1 c. 2 - 3 kali dalam sebulan - -
ke Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta?
d. 3 bulan sekali
e. 6 bulan sekali
f. 1 tahun sekali
Seberapa sering Anda menginap Sangat jarang (1) -
3 - -
di hotel Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta? Sangat sering (5)
a. 2 hari 1 malam
b. 3 hari 2 malam
c. 4 hari 3 malam
Berapa rata-rata lama Anda menginap d. 5 hari 4 malam
4 - -
di hotel Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta? e. 6 hari 5 malam
f. 7 hari 6 malam
g. 8 hari 7 malam
h. > 8 hari 7 malam
a. 1 orang (saya sendiri)
b. 2 orang
Berapa rata-rata jumlah orang yang menginap
c. 3 orang
5 bersama Anda di hotel Daerah Istimewa - -
d. 4 orang
e. 5 orang
f. > 5 orang
a. Tanpa bintang/hotel melati
b. Bintang 1
Hotel kelas apa yang paling sering Anda c. Bintang 2
6 - -
inapi di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta? d. Bintang 3
e. Bintang 4
f. Bintang 5
a. Sheraton Hotel Mustika
Yogyakarta Resort & Spa
b. Novotel Yogyakarta
Berikut ini adalah beberapa merek hotel yang
c. Sahid Jaya Yogyakarta Hotel
10 ada di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Hotel - -
& Convention
apa saja yang pernah Anda "lihat/dengar"?
d. Grand Mercure Yogyakarta
Adi Sucipto
e. Tidak pernah lihat/dengar
a. Sheraton Hotel Mustika
Yogyakarta Resort & Spa
b. Novotel Yogyakarta
Berikut ini adalah beberapa merek hotel yang
c. Sahid Jaya Yogyakarta Hotel
11 ada di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Hotel - -
& Convention
apa saja yang pernah Anda "inapi"?
d. Grand Mercure Yogyakarta
Adi Sucipto
e. Tidak pernah nginap
a. Accor
b. Archipelago
c. Intercontinental Group
Berikut ini adalah beberapa merek operator
d. Swiss-Bel Group
12 hotel yang ada di Indonesia. Operator hotel - -
e. Santika Indonesia
apa saja yang pernah Anda "lihat/dengar"?
f. Melia Hotels International
g. Marriot International
h. Sahid Group
a. Accor
b. Archipelago
c. Intercontinental Group
Berikut ini adalah beberapa merek operator
d. Swiss-Bel Group
13 hotel yang ada di Indonesia. Operator hotel - -
e. Santika Indonesia
apa saja yang pernah Anda "Inapi"?
f. Melia Hotels International
g. Marriot International
h. Sahid Group
a. PC/Laptop
b. Smartphone
Perangkat elektronik apa yang paling
7 c. Tablet - -
sering Anda gunakan sehari-hari?
d. TV
e. Radio
a. Instagram
b. Facebook
8 Apa saja akun sosial media yang Anda miliki? c. Twitter - -
d. Tiktok
e. lainnya
a. Pagi hari (06.01 - 12.00)
b. Siang hari (12.01 - 15.00)
Kapan Anda paling sering mengakses
9 c. Sore hari (15.01 - 19.00) - -
sosial media sehari-hari?
d. Malam hari (19.01 - 24.00)
e. Malam hari (19.01 - 24.00)

Questions per Stage
D. Awareness/Inspiration
No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan

a.Orang tua, "Word of Mouth" adalah

b.Saudara, komunikasi dari mulut ke
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber
c. Teman, mulut berupa pemberian
informasi kategori "word of mouth" yang Sangat tidak menginspirasi (1)
1 d. Pasangan, informasi/rekomendasi
membuat Anda sadar dan terpikirkan pada - Sangat menginspirasi (5)
e. Influncer/Public Figure, terhadap suatu produk/jasa
hotel Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
f. Orang asing yang pernah baik secara individu maupun
menginap di Innside kelompok

a. Papan nama hotel,

Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber b. Bentuk bangunan hotel, "In-hotel" adalah
informasi kategori "in-hotel" yang membuat c. Papan iklan/billboard Sangat tidak menginspirasi (1) sekumpulan identitas, promosi
Anda sadar dan terpikirkan pada di halaman depan hotel, d. Event - Sangat menginspirasi (5) dsb yang dapat dilihat dan
hotel Innside by Melia Yogyakarta yang sedang terletak pada hotel itu sendiri
dilaksanakan pada lokasi hotel

a. Televisi/Radio,
b.Koran/Taboid/Majalah, c. "Mass Media" adalah
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber Papan iklan/billboard yang ada sekumpulan sarana, channel,
informasi kategori "mass media" yang di pinggir jalan, d. Iklan/stiker Sangat tidak menginspirasi (1) atau media yang digunakan
membuat Anda sadar dan terpikirkan pada yang ditempel pada kendaraan - Sangat menginspirasi (5) untuk mengkomunikasikan
hotel Innside by Melia Yogyakarta umum dan pribadi, produk/jasa kepada
e. Kegiatan sponsorship event masyarakat luas/publik..
musik dan olahraga

"Internet Media" adalah

a. Platform Sosial Media, sekumpulan sarana, channel,
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber b. Platform Sosial Messenger, atau media berbasis internet
informasi kategori "Internet Media" yang c. Online Travel Agent/OTA, Sangat tidak menginspirasi (1) yang dilakukan secara
membuat Anda sadar dan terpikirkan pada d. Website resmi perusahaan, - Sangat menginspirasi (5) daring/online untuk
hotel Innside by Melia Yogyakarta e. Feedback media mengkomunikasikan
(TripAdvisor, Kayak, Zomato) produk/jasa kepada
masyarakat luas/publik.
"Community" adalah
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber
a. Komunitas online di Internet, sekumpulan orang yang terus
informasi kategori "Community" yang Sangat tidak menginspirasi (1)
5 b. Komunitas offline di menerus melakukan berbagai
membuat Anda sadar dan terpikirkan pada - Sangat menginspirasi (5)
lingkungan sekitar hal secara bersamaan secara
hotel Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
online maupun offline.
"Contact center" adalah
informasi terpusat yang
a. Menerima surat/email dari dikelola oleh suatu
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta perusahaan dan digunakan
informasi kategori "Contact Center" yang Sangat tidak menginspirasi (1)
6 b. Menerima telepon/sms/WA untuk menerima dan
membuat Anda sadar dan terpikirkan pada - Sangat menginspirasi (5)
dari call center Innside by Melia mengirimkan
hotel Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta permintaan/promo/complain
dll melalui media tertentu
(email, telepon dsb).
a. Instagram,
Platform "Sosial Media" apa yang membuat b. Facebook,
7 Anda sadar dan terpikirkan pada hotel c. Twitter, d. Tiktok, - -
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta? e. Youtube, f. Pinterest
g. Ga perna akses sosmed
a. DM IG,
b. FB Messenger,
Platform "Sosial Messenger" apa yang
c. DM Twitter,
8 membuat Anda sadar dan terpikirkan pada - -
d. Snapchat,
hotel Innside by Melia Yogyakarta?
e. Whatsapp,
f. Line
a. IG Story, b. IG ads,
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada
c. Friends posting,
"Instagram", dari mana Anda mendapatkan
d. Group posting,
9 informasi yang membuat Anda sadar dan - -
e. IG Explore,
terpikirkan pada hotel Innside by Melia
f. Sponsored feed,
g. Hashtag
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada a. FB Story, b. FB ads,
"Facebook", dari mana Anda mendapatkan c. Friends posting,
10 informasi yang membuat Anda sadar dan d. Group posting, - -
terpikirkan pada hotel Innside by Melia e. FB pages, f. FB feeds,
Yogyakarta? g. Comments, h. Hashtag

Apakah Anda pernah membuka dan melihat
a. Ya,
11 akun sosial media yang dimiliki oleh Innside by - -
b. Tidak
Melia Yogyakarta?
a. Visual foto/video yang baik,
b. Influencer/public figure yang
ada di post,
c. Post mengenai fasilitas yang
tersedia di hotel,
d. Post mengenai aktivitas/acara
Bila Anda secara tidak sengaja melihat sebuah yang diselenggarakan,
post dari akun Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, e. Post mengenai kegiatan
12 - -
apa yang pertama kali menjadi daya tarik manajemen hotel,
Anda untuk membuka akun tersebut? f. Post mengenai informasi
daerah wisata/kuliner lingkungan
g. Ada informasi Promo,
h. Ada informasi Kuis berhadiah,
i. Tidak ada yang menjadi daya
Apakah anda merasa semakin sadar dan Sangat tidak sadar dan tidak
terpikirkan pada Innside by Melia Yogyakarta terpikirkan (1) -
13 -
setelah membuka dan melihat akun sosial Sangat sadar dan terpikirkan
media milik Innside by Melia Yogyakarta? (5)

Apakah Anda salah satu pengikut/followers a. Ya,

sosial media Innside by Melia Yogyakarta? b. Tidak

a. Visual foto/video yang baik,

b. Influencer/public figure yang
ada di post,
c. Post mengenai fasilitas yang
tersedia di hotel,
d. Post mengenai aktivitas/acara
Jika Anda menjawab "Ya", apa yang yang diselenggarakan,
15 menyebabkan Anda mengikuti/follow akun e. Post mengenai kegiatan - -
sosial media Innside by Melia Yogyakarta? manajemen hotel,
f. Post mengenai informasi
daerah wisata/kuliner lingkungan
g. Ada informasi Promo,
h. Ada informasi Kuis berhadiah,
i. Tidak follow

a. Visual foto/video kurang baik,

b. Influencer/public figure kurang
c. Kurangnya update mengenai
fasilitas yang tersedia di hotel,
d. Kurangnya update mengenai
aktivitas/acara yang
Jika Anda menjawab "Tidak", apa yang
menyebabkan Anda tidak mengikuti/follow
16 e. Kurangnya update mengenai - -
akun sosial media Innside by Melia
kegiatan manajemen hotel,
f. Kurangnya update mengenai
informasi daerah wisata/kuliner
lingkungan sekitar,
g. Kurangnya informasi Promo,
h. Kurangnya informasi Kuis
i. Saya follow

Apa yang Anda pikirkan ketika sadar dan
17 mendapatkan inspirasi mengenai hotel Innside - - Pertanyaan terbuka
by Melia Yogyakarta?
Bagaimana perasaan Anda saat sadar dan Sangat tidak tertarik dan tidak
18 terpikirkan mengenai hotel Innside by Melia penasaran (1) - Sangat
Yogyakarta? - tertarik dan penasaran (5)
a. 1 hari,
b. 3-4 hari,
Berapa waktu yang Anda butuhkan untuk
c. 1 minggu,
19 sadar dan terpikirkan pada hotel Innside by
d. 2-3 minggu,
Melia Yogyakarta?
e. 1 bulan,
f. >1 bulan
Apakah anda pengikut/followers dari akun a. Ya,
sosial media hotel lain? b. Tidak
a. Visual foto/video yang baik,
b. Influencer/public figure yang
ada di post,
c. Post mengenai fasilitas yang
tersedia di hotel,
d. Post mengenai aktivitas/acara
Jika Anda menjawab "Ya", apa yang yang diselenggarakan,
21 menyebabkan Anda mengikuti/follow akun e. Post mengenai kegiatan
sosial media hotel tersebut? manajemen hotel,
f. Post mengenai informasi
daerah wisata/kuliner lingkungan
g. Ada informasi Promo,
h. Ada informasi Kuis berhadiah,
i. Tidak follow

a. Visual foto/video kurang baik,

b. Influencer/public figure kurang
c. Kurangnya update mengenai
fasilitas yang tersedia di hotel,
d. Kurangnya update mengenai
aktivitas/acara yang
Jika Anda menjawab "Tidak", apa yang diselenggarakan,
22 menyebabkan Anda tidak mengikuti/follow e. Kurangnya update mengenai
akun sosial media hotel tersebut? kegiatan manajemen hotel,
f. Kurangnya update mengenai
informasi daerah wisata/kuliner
lingkungan sekitar,
g. Kurangnya informasi Promo,
h. Kurangnya informasi Kuis
i. Saya follow

E. Research/Consideration
No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan
a. Kelengkapan fasilitas dan
b. Jenis hotel,
Seberapa penting kriteria-kriteria berikut ini c. Lokasi,
Sangat tidak penting (1) -
1 menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan perbandingan d. Harga, -
Sangat Penting (5)
Anda dalam memilih hotel? e. Jumlah tipe kamar,
f. Jumlah unit kamar,
g. Kelas hotel,
h. Reputasi hotel
a.Orang tua, "Word of Mouth" adalah
b.Saudara, komunikasi dari mulut ke
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber
c. Teman, mulut berupa pemberian
informasi kategori "word of mouth" yang Sangat tidak berpengaruh (1) -
2 d. Pasangan, informasi/rekomendasi
dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan Sangat berpengaruh (5)
e. Influncer/Public Figure, terhadap suatu produk/jasa
perbandingan Anda dalam memilih hotel
f. Orang asing yang pernah baik secara individu maupun
menginap di Innside kelompok
a. Televisi/Radio,
"Mass Media" adalah
c. Papan iklan/billboard yang
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber sekumpulan sarana, channel,
ada di pinggir jalan,
informasi kategori "mass media" yang dapat Sangat tidak berpengaruh (1) - atau media yang digunakan
3 d. Iklan/stiker yang ditempel
menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan Sangat berpengaruh (5) untuk mengkomunikasikan
pada kendaraan umum dan
perbandingan Anda dalam memilih hotel produk/jasa kepada
masyarakat luas/publik..
e. Kegiatan sponsorship event
musik dan olahraga
a. Platform Sosial Media,
b. Platform Sosial Messenger,
c. Online Travel Agent/OTA, "Internet Media" adalah
d. Website resmi perusahaan, sekumpulan sarana, channel,
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber e. Feedback media atau media berbasis internet
informasi kategori "Internet media" yang (TripAdvisor, Kayak, Zomato) Sangat tidak berpengaruh (1) - yang dilakukan secara
dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan f. Platform pencari lokasi Sangat berpengaruh (5) daring/online untuk
perbandingan Anda dalam memilih hotel (Google maps, Waze, Travel mengkomunikasikan
Guide) produk/jasa kepada
g. Platform pembanding hotel masyarakat luas/publik.
(Trivago,, google
hotels, kayak)
"Community" adalah
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber
a. Komunitas online di Internet, sekumpulan orang yang terus
informasi kategori "Community" yang dapat Sangat tidak berpengaruh (1) -
5 b. Komunitas offline di menerus melakukan berbagai
menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan Sangat berpengaruh (5)
lingkungan sekitar hal secara bersamaan secara
perbandingan Anda dalam memilih hotel
online maupun offline.

"Contact center" adalah

informasi terpusat yang
dikelola oleh suatu
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber a. Mengirim surat/email pada
perusahaan dan digunakan
informasi kategori "Contact Center" yang hotel yang dipertimbangkan Sangat tidak berpengaruh (1) -
6 untuk menerima dan
dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan b. Telepon/sms/WA pada hotel Sangat berpengaruh (5)
perbandingan Anda dalam memilih hotel yang dipertimbangkan
dll melalui media tertentu
(email, telepon dsb).

a. Instagram,
Platform "Sosial Media" apa yang dapat b. Facebook,
7 menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan c. Twitter, d. Tiktok, - -
perbandingan Anda dalam memilih hotel? e. Youtube, f. Pinterest
g. Ga perna akses sosmed
a. DM IG,
b. FB Messenger,
Platform "Sosial Messenger" apa yang dapat
c. DM Twitter,
8 menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan - -
d. Snapchat,
perbandingan Anda dalam memilih hotel?
e. Whatsapp,
f. Line
a. IG Story, b. IG ads,
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform c. Friends posting,
sosial media "Instagram", dari mana Anda d. Group posting,
9 - -
mendapatkan bahan pertimbangan dan e. IG Explore,
perbandingan dalam memilih hotel? f. Sponsored feed,
g. Hashtag
a. FB Story, b. FB ads,
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform
c. Friends posting,
sosial media "Facebook", dari mana Anda
10 d. Group posting, - -
mendapatkan bahan pertimbangan dan
e. FB pages, f. FB feeds,
perbandingan dalam memilih hotel?
g. Comments, h. Hashtag
a. Konten mengenai fasilitas
yang tersedia di hotel,
b. Konten mengenai
aktivitas/acara yang
Konten seperti apa yang dapat menjadi bahan
c. Konten mengenai kegiatan
11 pertimbangan dan perbandingan Anda dalam - -
manajemen hotel,
memilih hotel?
d. Konten mengenai informasi
daerah wisata/kuliner lingkungan
e. Konten promo,
f. Konten kuis berhadiah
a. Fashion (Contoh: Sonia
Eryka, Anastasia Siantar,
Omar Daniel, Ibrahim Risyad),
b. Beauty (Contoh: Tasya
Influencer/Public Figure sosial media yang Farasya, Abel Cantika, Anya
dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan Geraldine, Andreas Lukita),
12 - -
perbandingan Anda dalam memilih hotel, jika c.Travel (Contoh: Barry
memiliki konten: Kusuma, Marischka Prudence),
d. Sport (Contoh: Sabrina
Chairunnisa, Deddy Corbuzier),
e. Food (Contoh: Tan Boy Kun,
Nex Carlos, Ria SW)
Apa yang Anda pikirkan saat
13 mempertimbangkan dan membandingkan hotel - - Pertanyaan terbuka
satu dengan yang lainnya?
Sangat Tidak Senang dan
Bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika
Tidak Bersemangat (5) -
14 mempertimbangkan dan membandingkan hotel - -
Sangat Senang dan
satu dengan yang lainnya?
Bersemangat (1)
a. 1 hari,
b. 3-4 hari,
Berapa waktu yang Anda butuhkan untuk
c. 1 minggu,
15 mempertimbangkan dan membandingkan hotel - -
d. 2-3 minggu,
satu dengan yang lainnya?
e. 1 bulan,
f. >1 bulan

F. Decision Making
No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan
a. MICE Hotel (Business Hotel),
b. Boutique Hotel (Leisure
Berdasarkan kategori "Jenis hotel", hotel
c. Resort Hotel (Leisure Hotel),
1 manakah yang akan Anda pilih untuk - -
d. Lifestyle Hotel (Leisure
e. Bleisure Hotel (Business and
Leisure Hotel)

a. Restaurant,
b. Swimming pool,
Berdasarkan kategori "Fasilitas Hotel",
c. Gym,
2 fasilitas apa saja yang harus ada pada hotel - -
d. Spa,
yang akan Anda pilih untuk diinapi?
e. Bar,
f. Night club

a. Rp 200.000 - Rp 300.000,
Berdasarkan kategori "Harga", Hotel b. Rp 300.001 - Rp 500.000,
3 manakah yang akan Anda pilih untuk c. Rp 500.001 - Rp 750.000, - -
diinapi? d. Rp 750.001 - Rp 1.000.000,
e. >Rp 1.000.000

a. Dekat dengan tempat wisata,

Berdasarkan kategori "Lokasi", hotel b. Sepi dari keramaian/private,
4 berlokasi seperti apa yang akan Anda pilih c. Dekat dengan fasilitas umum - -
untuk diinapi? kota (Mall, Tempat ibadah,
Tempat olahraga)
a. Menyediakan 2 tipe kamar
Berdasarkan kategori "jumlah tipe kamar", b. Menyediakan 3 tipe kamar
5 hotel manakah yang akan Anda pilih untuk c. Menyediakan 4 tipe kamar - -
diinapi? d. Menyediakan 5 tipe kamar
e. Menyediakan > 5 tipe kamar
a. 5 - 20 kamar
Berdasarkan kategori "jumlah unit kamar", b. 21 - 50 kamar
6 hotel manakah yang akan Anda pilih untuk c. 51 - 100 kamar - -
diinapi? d. 101 - 200 kamar
e. > 200 kamar
a. Tanpa bintang/Hotel melati
b. Bintang 1
Berdasarkan kategori "kelas hotel", hotel
c. Bintang 2
7 manakah yang akan Anda pilih untuk - -
d. Bintang 3
e. Bintang 4
f. Bintang 5
a. Rating 9.0 - 10.0 (Sangat
Berdasarkan kategori "Reputasi hotel", hotel b. Rating 8.0 - 9.0
8 manakah yang akan Anda pilih untuk (Mengesankan) - -
diinapi? c. Rating 7.0 - 8.0 (Cukup
d. < Rating 7.0 - 8.0
a. Jenis hotel
b. Fasilitas hotel,
c. Lokasi,
Pada saat Anda memutuskan menginap di
d. Harga,
9 Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, faktor dari - -
e. Jumlah tipe kamar,
kategori apa saja yang mempengaruhi?
f. Besar kecilnya bangunan hotel,
g. Kelas hotel,
h. Reputasi hotel

a. Extra Bed
b. Penjemputan/pengantaran
Apakah Anda mengajukan permintaan
10 tambahan saat mengajukan pemesanan pada - -
c. Smoking/Non smoking room
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta?
d. Extra breakfast/Lunch/ Dinner
e. Tidak mengajukan

a. Orang tua
b. Saudara
Siapa yang memberi keputusan untuk
11 c. Teman - -
menginap di Innside by Melia Yogyakarta?
d. Pasangan
e. Diri sendiri
a. OTA/ Online Travel Agent
(Traveloka,, Pegipegi)
Media apa yang Anda gunakan untuk
b. Website
12 melakukan pemesanan kamar di Innside by - -
c. Aplikasi Android/apple Melia
Melia Yogykarta?
d. Tour agency
e. Tour operation
Apa yang Anda pikirkan ketika memutuskan
13 untuk menginap di hotel Innside by Melia - - Pertanyaan terbuka
Sangat Tidak Senang dan
Bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika memutuskan
Tidak Bersemangat (5) -
14 untuk menginap di Innside by Melia - -
Sangat Senang dan
Bersemangat (1)
Apa yang Anda pikirkan ketika harus
membayarkan sejumlah uang untuk
15 - ` Pertanyaan terbuka
pemesanan kamar di Innside by Melia
Bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika harus
membayarkan sejumlah uang untuk Sangat Tidak Senang (5) -
16 - -
pemesanan kamar di Innside by Melia Sangat Senang (1)
a. 1 hari,
b. 3-4 hari,
Berapa waktu yang Anda butuhkan untuk
c. 1 minggu,
17 memutuskan menginap di Innside by Melia - -
d. 2-3 minggu,
Yogyakarta hingga melakukan pembayaran?
e. 1 bulan,
f. >1 bulan

G. Preparation
No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan
a. 1 hari setelah pemesanan dan
b. 3-4 hari setelah pemesanan
dan pembayaran
c. 1 minggu setelah pemesanan
dan pembayaran
d. 2-3 minggu setelah
Kapan Anda menginap di Innside by Melia
pemesanan dan pembayaran Pertanyaan ada di stage
18 Yogyakarta setelah melakukan pemesanan -
e. 1 bulan setelah pemesanan decision making
dan pembayaran kamar?
dan pembayaran
f. 3 bulan setelah pemesanan dan
g. 6 bulan setelah pemesanan
dan pembayaran
h. > 6 bulan setelah pemesanan
dan pembayaran
a. Reminder semua dokumen
dan tiket sudah terpacking
b. Pemberian alamat/maps lokasi
Menurut Anda, seberapa penting pelayanan c. Pemberian rekomendasi
Sangat tidak penting (1) -
1 berikut yang diberikan hotel sebelum Anda perjalanan wisata disekitar hotel -
Sangat penting (5)
menginap? d. Reminder jam buka
resepsionis untuk check-in
e. Tawaran penjemputan dari
tempat umum (Bandara, Stasiun
a. Platform Sosial Media
b. Platform Sosial Messenger
Apa media yang Anda senangi jika
c. Email
2 mendapatkan pelayanan hotel sebelum Anda - -
d. Telepon
e. SMS
f. Gasuka layanan tsb
a. Instagram
Platform "sosial media" apa yang Anda senangi
b. Facebook
3 jika mendapatkan pelayanan-pelayanan hotel - -
c. Twitter
sebelum Anda menginap?
d. Tidak suka layanan tsb
a. DM IG,
b. FB Messenger,
Platform "Sosial Messenger" apa yang Anda
c. DM Twitter,
4 senangi jika mendapatkan pelayanan- - -
d. Whatsapp,
pelayanan hotel sebelum Anda menginap?
e. Line
f. Tidak suka layanan tsb
a. Reminder semua dokumen
dan tiket sudah terpacking
b. Pemberian alamat/maps lokasi
c. Pemberian rekomendasi
Sebelum Anda menginap di Innside by Melia perjalanan wisata disekitar hotel
5 Yogyakarta, apakah Anda mendapatkan d. Reminder jam buka - -
pelayanan berikut ini? resepsionis untuk check-in
e. Tawaran penjemputan dari
tempat umum (Bandara, Stasiun
f. Tidak pernah mendapatkan
layanan tsb
a. Platform Sosial Media
b. Platform Sosial Messenger
Apa media yang digunakan Innside by Melia c. Email
Yogyakarta saat menghubungi Anda untuk d. Telepon
6 - -
memberikan pelayanan-pelayanan hotel e. SMS
sebelum Anda menginap? f. Gasuka layanan tsb
g. Tidak pernah mendapatkan
layanan tsb
Apa yang Anda pikirkan ketika mendapatkan
7 pelayanan hotel dari Innside by Melia - - Pertanyaan terbuka
Yogyakarta sebelum Anda menginap?
Bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika Sangat tidak tersanjung dan
8 mendapatkan pelayanan hotel dari Innside by - tidak dihormati (1) - Sangat -
Melia Yogyakarta sebelum Anda menginap? tersanjung dan dihormati (5)

H. In-house Experience
No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan
a. Jenis hotel
b. Fasilitas hotel
Saat Anda menginap di Innside by Melia c. Harga hotel
Yogyakarta, apakah ekspektasi Anda d. Lokasi hotel Sangat tidak sesuai (1) -
1 -
terhadap kategori berikut ini sesuai dengan e. Tipe kamar Sangat sesuai (5)
yang dibayangkan? f. Besar kecilnya bangunan hotel
g. Kelas hotel
h. Reputasi hotel
a. Kebersihan/cleanliness
b. Fasilitas/facility
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap Innside by c. Lokasi/location
Sangat tidak puas (1) -
2 Melia Yogyakarta sesuai dengan kategori d. Layanan/service -
Sangat puas (5)
berikut ini e. Kenyamanan/comfort
f. Makanan/food
g. Nilai tambah/added value
a. Rooms (kamar hotel)
Pada kategori "Fasilitas", menurut Anda b. Restaurant (Syndeo)
3 fasilitas apa yang paling memuaskan di c. Skydeck rooftop & bar - -
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta? d. InFit Gym Center
e. Meeting rooms
a. Beraneka macam makanan
dan minuman seperti western,
traditional, cocktail dsb (Modern
Cuisine & Mixology)
b. Kebebasan untuk menikmati
kenyamanan lobby, resto dan
bar tanpa charge (Open lobby
c. Wifi gratis, kencang dan 24
jam di setiap sudut hotel (Stay
Pada kategori "Value added", menurut Anda connected)
4 value apa yang paling memuaskan di Innside d. Soft drink gratis di tiap kamar - -
by Melia Yogyakarta? (Free refreshing mini bar)
e. Banyak spot berfoto
f. Konsep urban lifestyle hotel
untuk millenial
g. Terdapat berbagai permainan
gratis (Bilyard, Permainan papan
h. Kolam renang rooftop view
gunung merapi dan kota

Apakah Anda sempat memiliki

a. Ya
10 keluhan/complain saat menginap di Innside by - -
b. Tidak
Melia Yogyakarta?
a. Kerusakan pada peralatan
kamar hotel
b. Kamar hotel yang tidak bersih
Keluhan/Complain seperti apa yang Anda c. Kamar hotel beraroma tidak
11 - -
alami? sedap
d. Suasana yang bising
e. Makanan hotel tidak fresh
f. Tidak ada complain

a. Ya
Apakah pegawai Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
12 b. Tidak - -
menanggapi complain Anda dengan baik?
c. Tidak ada complain
Apakah anda melakukan kegiatan berselfie,
a. Ya
5 berfoto, membuat konten video selama - -
b. Tidak
menginap di Innside by Melia Yogyakarta?
a. Instagram
b. Facebook
Platform "sosial media" apa yang Anda pilih
c. Twitter
6 untuk membagikan konten foto/video dsb saat - -
d. Tiktok
menginap di Innside by Melia Yogyakarta?
e. Youtube
f. Saya tidak bagikan konten
a. DM IG,
b. FB Messenger,
Platform "sosial messenger" apa yang Anda
c. DM Twitter,
pilih untuk membagikan konten foto/video dsb
7 d. Whatsapp, - -
saat menginap di Innside by Melia
e. Line
f. Snapchat
g. saya tidak bagikan konten

a. IG story
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform
b. Group posting
sosial media "Instagram", manakah fitur yang
8 c. Instagram feeds - -
Anda gunakan untuk membagikan konten
d. Hashtag
e. Saya tidak bagikan konten
a. FB story
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform
b. Group posting
sosial media "Facebook", manakah fitur yang
9 c. FB feeds - -
Anda gunakan untuk membagikan konten
d. Comments
e. Hashtag
a. Platform Sosial Media
b. Platform Social messenger
Media apa yang digunakan pegawai Innside c. Email
13 by Melia Yogyakarta untuk menangani d. Telepon/SMS - -
complain? e. Telepon kamar hotel
f. Langsung datang ke kamar
g. Tidak ada complain
Apa yang Anda pikirkan saat menginap di
14 - - Pertanyaan terbuka
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta?
Sangat tidak puas dan tidak
Bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika menginap
15 - senang (1) - Sangat puas dan -
di Innside by Melia Yogyakarta?
senang (5)
Apa yang Anda pikirkan saat memiliki
16 keluhan/complain di Innside by Melia - - Pertanyaan terbuka
Bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika memiliki Sangat tidak puas dan
17 keluhan/complain di Innside by Melia - frustrasi (1) - Sangat puas dan -
Yogyakarta? tidak frustrasi (5)


a. 2 hari 1 malam
b. 3 hari 2 malam
c. 4 hari 3 malam
Berapa rata-rata lama Anda menginap d. 5 hari 4 malam Ambil dari Pertanyaan
4 -
di hotel Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta? e. 6 hari 5 malam Pendahuluan PART 2
f. 7 hari 6 malam
g. 8 hari 7 malam
h. > 8 hari 7 malam

I. Loyalty and Advocacy
No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan
a. 1 kali
b. 2 kali
Berapa kali Anda menginap di c. 3 kali
1 - -
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta? d. 4 kali
e. 5 kali
f. >5 kali
Apakah Anda memiliki rencana untuk
a. Ya
2 menginap kembali di Innside by Melia - -
b. Tidak
a. Kamar hotel yang nyaman
b. Makanan dan minuman yang
enak dan menarik
c. Pemandangan gunung merapi
dan suasana Kota Yogyakarta
yang indah
Hal apa yang membuat Anda ingin kembali
3 d. Kolam renang rooftop yang - -
menginap di Innside by Melia Yogyakarta?
e. Banyak spot berfoto
f. Konsep urban lifestyle hotel
yang cocok dengan Anda
g. Tidak ingin menginap kembali
a. Kamar hotel tidak nyaman
b. Makanan dan minuman tidak
c. Pemandangan tidak indah
Jika Anda menjawab "Tidak" hal apa yang d. Kolam renang rooftop yang
4 membuat Anda tidak ingin kembali ke Innside tidak menarik - -
by Melia Yogyakarta? e. Spot berfoto tidak
f. Konsep urban lifestyle hotel
tidak cocok dengan Anda
g. Saya ingin menginap kembali
a. Konten mengenai fasilitas yang
tersedia di hotel
b. Konten mengenai
aktivitas/acara yang
Konten seperti apa yang dapat membuat
c. Konten mengenai kegiatan
5 Anda teringat kembali dengan Innside by Melia - -
manajemen hotel
d. Konten mengenai informasi
daerah wisata/kuliner lingkungan
e. Konten promo
f. Konten kuis berhadiah
a. Platform Sosial Media
(Instagram, Facebook, Twitter,
Tiktok, Youtube dll)
b. Platform Sosial Messenger
(Whatsapp, Line, Snapchat dll)
c. Online Travel Agent/OTA
Media apa yang dapat membuat Anda teringat
6 (, Traveloka, Pegipegi - -
kembali pada Innside by Melia Yogyakarta?
d. Website resmi perusahaan
e. Feedback Media
(TripAdvisor, Zomato, Oyster,
Travel blog dll)
a. Instagram
b. Facebook
Platform "Sosial Media" apa yang dapat
c. Twitter
7 membuat Anda teringat kembali dengan - -
d. Tiktok
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta ?
e. Youtube
f. Pinterest
a. DM IG,
b. FB Messenger,
Platform "Sosial Messenger" apa yang dapat
c. DM Twitter,
8 membuat Anda teringat kembali dengan - -
d. Whatsapp,
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta?
e. Line
f. Snapchat

a. IG story
b. IG advertisement
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform c. Friend's posting
sosial media "Instagram", fitur apa yang dapat d. Group posting
9 - -
membuat Anda teringat kembali dengan e. IG explore
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta? f. Instagram feeds
g. Hashtag

a. FB story
b. FB advertisement
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform c. Friends posting
sosial media "Facebook", fitur apa yang dapat d. Group posting
10 - -
membuat Anda teringat kembali dengan e. FB pages
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta? f. FB feeds
g. Comments
h. Hashtag

Apa yang Anda pikirkan saat teringat kembali

11 dengan pengalaman menginap di Innside by - - Pertanyaan terbuka
Melia Yogyakarta?

Bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika teringat Sangat tidak senang dan tidak
12 kembali dengan pengalaman menginap di - bersemangat (1) - Sangat -
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta? senang dan bersemangat (5)

Apakah Anda akan membagikan pengalaman
a. Ya
13 menginap di Innside by Melia Yogyakarta - -
b. Tidak
pada orang lain?
a. Pengalaman Anda terlalu
buruk untuk diceritakan
b. Malu untuk menceritakan ke
Jika Anda menjawab "Tidak", apa alasan
orang lain
14 Anda tidak ingin membagikan pengalaman - -
c. Perlu effort untuk
Anda ke orang lain?
menceritakan ke orang lain
d. Tidak suka menceritakan ke
orang lain
a. Platform Sosial Media
(Instagram, Facebook, Twitter,
Tiktok, Youtube dll)
b. Platform Sosial Messenger
(Whatsapp, Line, Snapchat dll)
Media apa yang Anda gunakan untuk c. Online Travel Agent/OTA
15 membagikan pengalaman Anda di Innside by (, Traveloka, Pegipegi - -
Melia Yogyakarta? dll)
d. Website resmi perusahaan
e. Feedback Media
(TripAdvisor, Zomato, Oyster,
Travel blog dll)
a. Instagram
b. Facebook
Platform "Sosial Media" apa yang Anda
c. Twitter
16 gunakan untuk membagikan pengalaman di - -
d. Tiktok
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta?
e. Youtube
f. Pinterest
a. DM IG,
b. FB Messenger,
Platform "Sosial Messenger" apa yang Anda
c. DM Twitter,
17 gunakan untuk membagikan pengalaman di - -
d. Whatsapp,
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta?
e. Line
f. Snapchat

a. IG story
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform
b. Group posting
sosial media "Instagram", apa yang Anda
18 c. Instagram feeds - -
gunakan untuk membagikan pengalaman di
d. Hashtag
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta?
e. IG advertisement
a. FB story
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform b. Group posting
sosial media "Facebook", apa yang Anda c. FB feeds
19 - -
gunakan untuk membagikan pengalaman di d. FB pages
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta? e. Comments
f. Hashtag
Apa yang Anda pikirkan saat membagikan
20 pengalaman Anda di Innside by Melia - - Pertanyaan terbuka
Sangat tidak antusias dan
Bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika membagikan
tidak bersemangat (1) -
21 pengalaman Anda di Innside by Melia - -
Sangat antusias dan
bersemangat (5)
a. Saya berdomisili di Daerah
Istimewa Yogyakarta
b. 1 kali dalam sebulan
Berapa rata-rata frekuensi Anda berpergian Ambil dari Pertanyaan
1 c. 2 - 3 kali dalam sebulan -
ke Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta? Pendahuluan PART 2
d. 3 bulan sekali
e. 6 bulan sekali
f. 1 tahun sekali
Seberapa sering Anda menginap Sangat jarang (1) - Ambil dari Pertanyaan
3 -
di hotel Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta? Sangat sering (5) Pendahuluan PART 2

Appendix 3. List of Survey Questions for Persona 2

Preliminary Questions Part 1

A. Respondents Profile
No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan
a. Laki-laki
1 Jenis Kelamin - -
b. Perempuan
a. DIY
b. Bandung
c. Surabaya
2 Domisili d. Semarang - -
e. DKI Jakarta
f. Surakarta/solo
g. lain-lain
a. < 20
b. 21 -25
c. 26 - 30
3 Usia - -
d. 31 - 35
e. 36 - 40
f. > 40
a. Mahasiswa/I
b. Wirausaha
c. Karyawan swasta
4 Pekerjaan - -
d. PNS
e. Freelancer
f. lain-lain
a. < Rp 1.000.000
b. Rp 1.000.001 - Rp
c. Rp 3.000.001 - Rp
5 Pendapatan rata-rata per bulan - -
d. Rp 5.000.001 - Rp
e. > Rp 7.500.000
a. < Rp 1.000.000
b. Rp 1.000.001 - Rp
c. Rp 2.500.001 - Rp
6 Pengeluaran rata-rata konsumsi per bulan - -
d. Rp 4.000.001 - Rp
e. > Rp 5.000.000

B. Leisure Travelers or Business Leisure Travelers

No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan
a. Bisnis
1 Anda paling sering melakukan perjalanan: c. Bisnis dan - -

Preliminary Questions Part 2
C. Questions About Yogyakarta
No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan
Jumlah pernah ke Yogyakarta/tidak pernah
(Dapet dari pertanyaan Pendahuluan no 2
a. Ya
1 : Apakah Anda berdomisili/pernah - -
b. Tidak
berkunjung ke Daerah Istimewa

No. Part No Part Pilihan Likert

Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Jawaban
Pernah Gaperna PERTANYAAN (Pernah & Ga pernah Arti tiap Pertanyaan
Pernah ke DIY Gapernah ke DIY
ke DIY ke DIY ke DIY)
a. Saya berdomisili di Daerah
Istimewa Yogyakarta
a. 1 kali dalam sebulan
b. 1 kali dalam sebulan
Berapa rata-rata frekuensi Anda berpergian b. 2 - 3 kali dalam sebulan
1 2 c. 2 - 3 kali dalam sebulan - -
ke suatu daerah? c. 3 bulan sekali
d. 3 bulan sekali
d. 6 bulan sekali
e. 6 bulan sekali
e. 1 tahun sekali
f. 1 tahun sekali
Seberapa sering Anda menginap di hotel Sangat jarang (1) -
3 4 - - -
ketika berpergian ke suatu daerah? Sangat sering (5)
a. 2 hari 1 malam a. 2 hari 1 malam
b. 3 hari 2 malam b. 3 hari 2 malam
c. 4 hari 3 malam c. 4 hari 3 malam
Berapa rata-rata lama Anda menginap d. 5 hari 4 malam d. 5 hari 4 malam
4 5 - -
di hotel ketika berpergian ke suatu daerah? e. 6 hari 5 malam e. 6 hari 5 malam
f. 7 hari 6 malam f. 7 hari 6 malam
g. 8 hari 7 malam g. 8 hari 7 malam
h. > 8 hari 7 malam h. > 8 hari 7 malam
a. 1 orang (saya sendiri) a. 1 orang (saya sendiri)
b. 2 orang b. 2 orang
Berapa rata-rata jumlah orang yang menginap
c. 3 orang c. 3 orang
5 6 bersama Anda di hotel ketika berpergian ke - -
d. 4 orang d. 4 orang
suatu daerah?
e. 5 orang e. 5 orang
f. > 5 orang f. > 5 orang
a. Tanpa bintang/hotel melati a. Tanpa bintang/hotel melati
b. Bintang 1 b. Bintang 1
Hotel kelas apa yang paling sering Anda inapi c. Bintang 2 c. Bintang 2
6 7 - -
ketika berpergian ke suatu daerah? d. Bintang 3 d. Bintang 3
e. Bintang 4 e. Bintang 4
f. Bintang 5 f. Bintang 5
a. Sheraton Hotel Mustika a. Sheraton Hotel Mustika
Yogyakarta Resort & Spa Yogyakarta Resort & Spa
b. Novotel Yogyakarta b. Novotel Yogyakarta
Berikut ini adalah beberapa merek hotel yang
c. Sahid Jaya Yogyakarta c. Sahid Jaya Yogyakarta
10 11 ada di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Hotel - -
Hotel & Convention Hotel & Convention
apa saja yang pernah Anda "lihat/dengar"?
d. Grand Mercure d. Grand Mercure Yogyakarta
Yogyakarta Adi Sucipto Adi Sucipto
e. Tidak pernah lihat/dengar e. Tidak pernah lihat/dengar
a. Sheraton Hotel Mustika
Yogyakarta Resort & Spa
b. Novotel Yogyakarta
Berikut ini adalah beberapa merek hotel yang
c. Sahid Jaya Yogyakarta
11 - ada di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Hotel - -
Hotel & Convention
apa saja yang pernah Anda "inapi"?
d. Grand Mercure
Yogyakarta Adi Sucipto
e. Tidak pernah nginap
a. Accor a. Accor
b. Archipelago b. Archipelago
c. Intercontinental Group c. Intercontinental Group
Berikut ini adalah beberapa merek operator
d. Swiss-Bel Group d. Swiss-Bel Group
12 12 hotel yang ada di Indonesia. Operator hotel - -
e. Santika Indonesia e. Santika Indonesia
apa saja yang pernah Anda "lihat/dengar"?
f. Melia Hotels International f. Melia Hotels International
g. Marriot International g. Marriot International
h. Sahid Group h. Sahid Group
a. Accor a. Accor
b. Archipelago b. Archipelago
c. Intercontinental Group c. Intercontinental Group
Berikut ini adalah beberapa merek operator
d. Swiss-Bel Group d. Swiss-Bel Group
13 13 hotel yang ada di Indonesia. Operator hotel - -
e. Santika Indonesia e. Santika Indonesia
apa saja yang pernah Anda "Inapi"?
f. Melia Hotels International f. Melia Hotels International
g. Marriot International g. Marriot International
h. Sahid Group h. Sahid Group

a. PC/Laptop a. PC/Laptop
b. Smartphone b. Smartphone
Perangkat elektronik apa yang paling
7 8 c. Tablet c. Tablet - -
sering Anda gunakan sehari-hari?
d. TV d. TV
e. Radio e. Radio
a. Instagram a. Instagram
b. Facebook b. Facebook
8 9 Apa saja akun sosial media yang Anda miliki? c. Twitter c. Twitter - -
d. Tiktok d. Tiktok
e. lainnya e. lainnya

a. Pagi hari (06.01 - 12.00) a. Pagi hari (06.01 - 12.00)

b. Siang hari (12.01 - 15.00) b. Siang hari (12.01 - 15.00)
Kapan Anda paling sering mengakses
9 10 c. Sore hari (15.01 - 19.00) c. Sore hari (15.01 - 19.00) - -
sosial media sehari-hari?
d. Malam hari (19.01 - 24.00) d. Malam hari (19.01 - 24.00)
e. Malam hari (19.01 - 24.00) e. Malam hari (19.01 - 24.00)

Questions per Stage
D. Awareness/Inspiration (Innside by Melia Yogyakarta)
No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan

"Word of Mouth"
adalah komunikasi
a.Orang tua,
dari mulut ke mulut
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber berupa pemberian
c. Teman,
informasi kategori "word of mouth" yang Sangat tidak menginspirasi (1) informasi/rekomendasi
1 d. Pasangan,
membuat Anda sadar dan terpikirkan pada - Sangat menginspirasi (5) terhadap suatu
e. Influncer/Public Figure,
hotel Innside by Melia Yogyakarta produk/jasa baik
f. Orang asing yang pernah
secara individu
menginap di Innside

a. Papan nama hotel, "In-hotel" adalah

Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber b. Bentuk bangunan hotel, sekumpulan identitas,
informasi kategori "in-hotel" yang membuat c. Papan iklan/billboard Sangat tidak menginspirasi (1) promosi dsb yang
Anda sadar dan terpikirkan pada di halaman depan hotel, - Sangat menginspirasi (5) dapat dilihat dan
hotel Innside by Melia Yogyakarta d. Event yang sedang terletak pada hotel itu
dilaksanakan pada lokasi hotel sendiri

a. Televisi/Radio, "Mass Media"

b.Koran/Taboid/Majalah, adalah sekumpulan
c. Papan iklan/billboard yang sarana, channel, atau
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber
ada di pinggir jalan, media yang digunakan
informasi kategori "mass media" yang Sangat tidak menginspirasi (1)
3 d. Iklan/stiker yang ditempel untuk
membuat Anda sadar dan terpikirkan pada - Sangat menginspirasi (5)
pada kendaraan umum dan mengkomunikasikan
hotel Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
pribadi, produk/jasa kepada
e. Kegiatan sponsorship event masyarakat
musik dan olahraga luas/publik..
"Internet Media"
sekumpulan sarana,
a. Platform Sosial Media,
b. Platform Sosial Messenger,
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber atau media berbasis
c. Online Travel Agent/OTA,
informasi kategori "Internet Media" yang Sangat tidak menginspirasi (1) internet
4 d. Website resmi perusahaan,
membuat Anda sadar dan terpikirkan pada - Sangat menginspirasi (5) yang dilakukan secara
e. Feedback media
hotel Innside by Melia Yogyakarta daring/online untuk
(TripAdvisor, Kayak,
produk/jasa kepada

adalah sekumpulan
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber a. Komunitas online di
orang yang terus
informasi kategori "Community" yang Internet, Sangat tidak menginspirasi (1)
5 menerus melakukan
membuat Anda sadar dan terpikirkan pada b. Komunitas offline di - Sangat menginspirasi (5)
berbagai hal secara
hotel Innside by Melia Yogyakarta lingkungan sekitar
bersamaan secara
online maupun offline.
"Contact center"
adalah informasi
terpusat yang dikelola
a. Menerima surat/email dari oleh suatu perusahaan
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta dan digunakan untuk
informasi kategori "Contact Center" yang Sangat tidak menginspirasi (1)
6 b. Menerima telepon/sms/WA menerima dan
membuat Anda sadar dan terpikirkan pada - Sangat menginspirasi (5)
dari call center Innside by mengirimkan
hotel Innside by Melia Yogyakarta
Melia Yogyakarta permintaan/promo/co
mplain dll melalui
media tertentu (email,
telepon dsb).
a. Instagram,
Platform "Sosial Media" apa yang membuat b. Facebook,
7 Anda sadar dan terpikirkan pada hotel c. Twitter, d. Tiktok, - -
Innside by Melia Yogyakarta? e. Youtube, f. Pinterest
g. Ga perna akses sosmed
a. DM IG,
b. FB Messenger,
Platform "Sosial Messenger" apa yang
c. DM Twitter,
8 membuat Anda sadar dan terpikirkan pada - -
d. Snapchat,
hotel Innside by Melia Yogyakarta?
e. Whatsapp,
f. Line
a. IG Story, b. IG ads,
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada
c. Friends posting,
"Instagram", dari mana Anda mendapatkan
d. Group posting,
9 informasi yang membuat Anda sadar dan - -
e. IG Explore,
terpikirkan pada hotel Innside by Melia
f. Sponsored feed,
g. Hashtag
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada a. FB Story, b. FB ads,
"Facebook", dari mana Anda mendapatkan c. Friends posting,
10 informasi yang membuat Anda sadar dan d. Group posting, - -
terpikirkan pada hotel Innside by Melia e. FB pages, f. FB feeds,
Yogyakarta? g. Comments, h. Hashtag

Apakah Anda pernah membuka dan melihat
a. Ya,
11 akun sosial media yang dimiliki oleh Innside by - -
b. Tidak
Melia Yogyakarta?
a. Visual foto/video yang baik,
b. Influencer/public figure yang
ada di post,
c. Post mengenai fasilitas yang
tersedia di hotel,
d. Post mengenai
aktivitas/acara yang
Bila Anda secara tidak sengaja melihat sebuah diselenggarakan,
post dari akun Innside by Melia Yogyakarta, e. Post mengenai kegiatan
12 - -
apa yang pertama kali menjadi daya tarik Anda manajemen hotel,
untuk membuka akun tersebut? f. Post mengenai informasi
daerah wisata/kuliner
lingkungan sekitar,
g. Ada informasi Promo,
h. Ada informasi Kuis
i. Tidak ada yang menjadi
daya tarik

Apakah anda merasa semakin sadar dan Sangat tidak sadar dan tidak
terpikirkan pada Innside by Melia Yogyakarta terpikirkan (1) -
setelah membuka dan melihat akun sosial Sangat sadar dan terpikirkan
media milik Innside by Melia Yogyakarta? (5)
Apakah Anda salah satu pengikut/followers a. Ya,
sosial media Innside by Melia Yogyakarta? b. Tidak
a. Visual foto/video yang baik,
b. Influencer/public figure yang
ada di post,
c. Post mengenai fasilitas yang
tersedia di hotel,
d. Post mengenai
aktivitas/acara yang
Jika Anda menjawab "Ya", apa yang diselenggarakan,
15 menyebabkan Anda mengikuti/follow akun e. Post mengenai kegiatan - -
sosial media Innside by Melia Yogyakarta? manajemen hotel,
f. Post mengenai informasi
daerah wisata/kuliner
lingkungan sekitar,
g. Ada informasi Promo,
h. Ada informasi Kuis
i. Tidak follow

a. Visual foto/video kurang

b. Influencer/public figure
kurang menarik,
c. Kurangnya update
mengenai fasilitas yang
tersedia di hotel,
d. Kurangnya update
mengenai aktivitas/acara yang
Jika Anda menjawab "Tidak", apa yang diselenggarakan,
menyebabkan Anda tidak mengikuti/follow e. Kurangnya update
16 - -
akun sosial media Innside by Melia mengenai kegiatan manajemen
Yogyakarta? hotel,
f. Kurangnya update mengenai
informasi daerah
wisata/kuliner lingkungan
g. Kurangnya informasi
h. Kurangnya informasi Kuis
i. Saya follow
Apa yang Anda pikirkan ketika sadar dan
17 mendapatkan inspirasi mengenai hotel Innside - - Pertanyaan terbuka
by Melia Yogyakarta?
Bagaimana perasaan Anda saat sadar dan Sangat tidak tertarik dan tidak
18 terpikirkan mengenai hotel Innside by Melia penasaran (1) - Sangat tertarik
Yogyakarta? - dan penasaran (5)
a. 1 hari,
b. 3-4 hari,
Berapa waktu yang Anda butuhkan untuk
c. 1 minggu,
19 sadar dan terpikirkan pada hotel Innside by
d. 2-3 minggu,
Melia Yogyakarta?
e. 1 bulan,
f. >1 bulan

E. Awareness/Inspiration (Other Hotel in Yogyakarta)
No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan
"Word of Mouth"
adalah komunikasi
a.Orang tua,
dari mulut ke mulut
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber- berupa pemberian
c. Teman,
sumber informasi kategori "word of mouth" Sangat tidak menginspirasi (1) informasi/rekomendasi
1 d. Pasangan,
yang membuat Anda sadar dan terpikirkan - Sangat menginspirasi (5) terhadap suatu
e. Influncer/Public Figure,
pada hotel di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. produk/jasa baik
f. Orang asing yang pernah
secara individu
menginap di hotel DIY.

a. Papan nama hotel, "In-hotel" adalah

Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber- b. Bentuk bangunan hotel, sekumpulan identitas,
sumber informasi kategori "in-hotel" yang c. Papan iklan/billboard Sangat tidak menginspirasi (1) promosi dsb yang
membuat Anda sadar dan terpikirkan pada di halaman depan hotel, - Sangat menginspirasi (5) dapat dilihat dan
hotel di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. d. Event yang sedang terletak pada hotel itu
dilaksanakan pada lokasi hotel sendiri

a. Televisi/Radio, "Mass Media"

b.Koran/Taboid/Majalah, adalah sekumpulan
c. Papan iklan/billboard yang sarana, channel, atau
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber-
ada di pinggir jalan, media yang digunakan
sumber informasi kategori "mass media" yang Sangat tidak menginspirasi (1)
3 d. Iklan/stiker yang ditempel untuk
membuat Anda sadar dan terpikirkan pada - Sangat menginspirasi (5)
pada kendaraan umum dan mengkomunikasikan
hotel di Daerah IstimewaYogyakarta.
pribadi, produk/jasa kepada
e. Kegiatan sponsorship event masyarakat
musik dan olahraga luas/publik..
"Internet Media"
sekumpulan sarana,
a. Platform Sosial Media,
b. Platform Sosial Messenger,
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber- atau media berbasis
c. Online Travel Agent/OTA,
sumber informasi kategori "Internet Media" Sangat tidak menginspirasi (1) internet
4 d. Website resmi perusahaan,
yang membuat Anda sadar dan terpikirkan - Sangat menginspirasi (5) yang dilakukan secara
e. Feedback media
pada hotel di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. daring/online untuk
(TripAdvisor, Kayak,
produk/jasa kepada

adalah sekumpulan
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber- a. Komunitas online di
orang yang terus
sumber informasi kategori "Community" yang Internet, Sangat tidak menginspirasi (1)
5 menerus melakukan
membuat Anda sadar dan terpikirkan pada b. Komunitas offline di - Sangat menginspirasi (5)
berbagai hal secara
hotel di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. lingkungan sekitar
bersamaan secara
online maupun offline.
"Contact center"
adalah informasi
terpusat yang dikelola
oleh suatu perusahaan
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber- a. Menerima surat/email dari
dan digunakan untuk
sumber informasi kategori "Contact Center" hotel terkait Sangat tidak menginspirasi (1)
6 menerima dan
yang membuat Anda sadar dan terpikirkan b. Menerima telepon/sms/WA - Sangat menginspirasi (5)
pada hotel di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. dari call center hotel terkait
mplain dll melalui
media tertentu (email,
telepon dsb).
a. Instagram,
Platform "Sosial Media" apa yang membuat b. Facebook,
7 Anda sadar dan terpikirkan pada hotel di c. Twitter, d. Tiktok, - -
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.? e. Youtube, f. Pinterest
g. Ga perna akses sosmed
a. DM IG,
b. FB Messenger,
Platform "Sosial Messenger" apa yang
c. DM Twitter,
8 membuat Anda sadar dan terpikirkan pada - -
d. Snapchat,
hotel di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
e. Whatsapp,
f. Line
a. IG Story, b. IG ads,
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform
c. Friends posting,
sosial media "Instagram", dari mana Anda
d. Group posting,
9 mendapatkan informasi yang membuat Anda - -
e. IG Explore,
sadar dan terpikirkan pada hotel di Daerah
f. Sponsored feed,
Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
g. Hashtag
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform a. FB Story, b. FB ads,
sosial media "Facebook", dari mana Anda c. Friends posting,
10 mendapatkan informasi yang membuat Anda d. Group posting, - -
sadar dan terpikirkan pada hotel di Daerah e. FB pages, f. FB feeds,
Istimewa Yogyakarta.? g. Comments, h. Hashtag


Apakah Anda pernah membuka dan melihat

a. Ya,
11 akun sosial media yang dimiliki oleh hotel yang - -
b. Tidak
ada di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?

a. Visual foto/video yang baik,

b. Influencer/public figure yang
ada di post,
c. Post mengenai fasilitas yang
tersedia di hotel,
d. Post mengenai
aktivitas/acara yang
Bila Anda secara tidak sengaja melihat sebuah
post dari akun hotel di Daerah Istimewa
e. Post mengenai kegiatan
12 Yogyakarta., apa yang pertama kali menjadi - -
manajemen hotel,
daya tarik Anda untuk membuka akun
f. Post mengenai informasi
daerah wisata/kuliner
lingkungan sekitar,
g. Ada informasi Promo,
h. Ada informasi Kuis
i. Tidak ada yang menjadi
daya tarik

Apakah anda merasa semakin sadar dan Sangat tidak sadar dan tidak
terpikirkan setelah membuka dan melihat akun terpikirkan (1) -
sosial media yang dimiliki oleh hotel yang ada Sangat sadar dan terpikirkan
di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.? (5)

Apakah anda pengikut/followers dari akun

a. Ya,
14 sosial media hotel yang ada di Daerah
b. Tidak
Istimewa Yogyakarta.?

a. Visual foto/video yang baik,

b. Influencer/public figure yang
ada di post,
c. Post mengenai fasilitas yang
tersedia di hotel,
d. Post mengenai
aktivitas/acara yang
Jika Anda menjawab "Ya", apa yang diselenggarakan,
15 menyebabkan Anda mengikuti/follow akun e. Post mengenai kegiatan - -
sosial media hotel tersebut? manajemen hotel,
f. Post mengenai informasi
daerah wisata/kuliner
lingkungan sekitar,
g. Ada informasi Promo,
h. Ada informasi Kuis
i. Tidak follow

a. Visual foto/video kurang

b. Influencer/public figure
kurang menarik,
c. Kurangnya update
mengenai fasilitas yang
tersedia di hotel,
d. Kurangnya update
mengenai aktivitas/acara yang
Jika Anda menjawab "Tidak", apa yang
e. Kurangnya update
16 menyebabkan Anda tidak mengikuti/follow - -
mengenai kegiatan manajemen
akun sosial media hotel tersebut?
f. Kurangnya update mengenai
informasi daerah
wisata/kuliner lingkungan
g. Kurangnya informasi
h. Kurangnya informasi Kuis
i. Saya follow
Apa yang Anda pikirkan ketika sadar dan
17 mendapatkan inspirasi mengenai hotel di - - Pertanyaan terbuka
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
Bagaimana perasaan Anda saat sadar dan Sangat tidak tertarik dan tidak
18 terpikirkan pada hotel di Daerah Istimewa penasaran (1) - Sangat tertarik
Yogyakarta.? - dan penasaran (5)
a. 1 hari,
b. 3-4 hari,
Berapa waktu yang Anda butuhkan untuk
c. 1 minggu,
19 sadar dan terpikirkan pada hotel di Daerah
d. 2-3 minggu,
Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
e. 1 bulan,
f. >1 bulan

F. Research/Consideration
No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan
a. Kelengkapan fasilitas dan
b. Jenis hotel,
Seberapa penting kriteria-kriteria berikut ini c. Lokasi,
Sangat tidak penting (1) -
1 menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan perbandingan d. Harga, -
Sangat Penting (5)
Anda dalam memilih hotel? e. Jumlah tipe kamar,
f. Jumlah unit kamar,
g. Kelas hotel,
h. Reputasi hotel

"Word of Mouth"
adalah komunikasi
a.Orang tua,
dari mulut ke mulut
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber berupa pemberian
c. Teman,
informasi kategori "word of mouth" yang Sangat tidak berpengaruh (1) - informasi/rekomendasi
2 d. Pasangan,
dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan Sangat berpengaruh (5) terhadap suatu
e. Influncer/Public Figure,
perbandingan Anda dalam memilih hotel produk/jasa baik
f. Orang asing yang pernah
secara individu
menginap di hotel tersebut

a. Televisi/Radio, "Mass Media"

b.Koran/Taboid/Majalah, adalah sekumpulan
c. Papan iklan/billboard yang sarana, channel, atau
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber
ada di pinggir jalan, media yang digunakan
informasi kategori "mass media" yang dapat Sangat tidak berpengaruh (1) -
3 d. Iklan/stiker yang ditempel untuk
menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan Sangat berpengaruh (5)
pada kendaraan umum dan mengkomunikasikan
perbandingan Anda dalam memilih hotel
pribadi, produk/jasa kepada
e. Kegiatan sponsorship event masyarakat
musik dan olahraga luas/publik..
a. Platform Sosial Media,
"Internet Media"
b. Platform Sosial Messenger,
c. Online Travel Agent/OTA,
sekumpulan sarana,
d. Website resmi perusahaan,
e. Feedback media
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber atau media berbasis
(TripAdvisor, Kayak,
informasi kategori "Internet media" yang Sangat tidak berpengaruh (1) - internet
4 Zomato)
dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan Sangat berpengaruh (5) yang dilakukan secara
f. Platform pencari lokasi
perbandingan Anda dalam memilih hotel daring/online untuk
(Google maps, Waze, Travel
produk/jasa kepada
g. Platform pembanding hotel
google hotels, kayak)
adalah sekumpulan
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber a. Komunitas online di
orang yang terus
informasi kategori "Community" yang dapat Internet, Sangat tidak berpengaruh (1) -
5 menerus melakukan
menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan b. Komunitas offline di Sangat berpengaruh (5)
berbagai hal secara
perbandingan Anda dalam memilih hotel lingkungan sekitar
bersamaan secara
online maupun offline.
"Contact center"
adalah informasi
terpusat yang dikelola
oleh suatu perusahaan
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber a. Mengirim surat/email pada
dan digunakan untuk
informasi kategori "Contact Center" yang hotel yang dipertimbangkan Sangat tidak berpengaruh (1) -
6 menerima dan
dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan b. Telepon/sms/WA pada Sangat berpengaruh (5)
perbandingan Anda dalam memilih hotel hotel yang dipertimbangkan
mplain dll melalui
media tertentu (email,
telepon dsb).

a. Instagram,
Platform "Sosial Media" apa yang dapat b. Facebook,
7 menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan c. Twitter, d. Tiktok, - -
perbandingan Anda dalam memilih hotel? e. Youtube, f. Pinterest
g. Ga perna akses sosmed
a. DM IG,
b. FB Messenger,
Platform "Sosial Messenger" apa yang dapat
c. DM Twitter,
8 menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan - -
d. Snapchat,
perbandingan Anda dalam memilih hotel?
e. Whatsapp,
f. Line
a. IG Story, b. IG ads,
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform c. Friends posting,
sosial media "Instagram", dari mana Anda d. Group posting,
9 - -
mendapatkan bahan pertimbangan dan e. IG Explore,
perbandingan dalam memilih hotel? f. Sponsored feed,
g. Hashtag
a. FB Story, b. FB ads,
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform
c. Friends posting,
sosial media "Facebook", dari mana Anda
10 d. Group posting, - -
mendapatkan bahan pertimbangan dan
e. FB pages, f. FB feeds,
perbandingan dalam memilih hotel?
g. Comments, h. Hashtag
a. Konten mengenai fasilitas
yang tersedia di hotel,
b. Konten mengenai
aktivitas/acara yang
Konten seperti apa yang dapat menjadi bahan
c. Konten mengenai kegiatan
11 pertimbangan dan perbandingan Anda dalam - -
manajemen hotel,
memilih hotel?
d. Konten mengenai informasi
daerah wisata/kuliner
lingkungan sekitar,
e. Konten promo,
f. Konten kuis berhadiah

a. Fashion (Contoh: Sonia

Eryka, Anastasia Siantar,
Omar Daniel, Ibrahim
b. Beauty (Contoh: Tasya
Farasya, Abel Cantika, Anya
Influencer/Public Figure sosial media yang
Geraldine, Andreas Lukita),
dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan
12 c.Travel (Contoh: Barry - -
perbandingan Anda dalam memilih hotel, jika
Kusuma, Marischka
memiliki konten:
d. Sport (Contoh: Sabrina
Chairunnisa, Deddy
e. Food (Contoh: Tan Boy
Kun, Nex Carlos, Ria SW)
Apa yang Anda pikirkan saat
13 mempertimbangkan dan membandingkan hotel - - Pertanyaan terbuka
satu dengan yang lainnya?
Sangat Tidak Senang dan
Bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika
Tidak Bersemangat (5) -
14 mempertimbangkan dan membandingkan hotel - -
Sangat Senang dan
satu dengan yang lainnya?
Bersemangat (1)
a. 1 hari,
b. 3-4 hari,
Berapa waktu yang Anda butuhkan untuk
c. 1 minggu,
15 mempertimbangkan dan membandingkan hotel - -
d. 2-3 minggu,
satu dengan yang lainnya?
e. 1 bulan,
f. >1 bulan

G. Decision Making
No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan
a. MICE Hotel (Business
b. Boutique Hotel (Leisure
Berdasarkan kategori "Jenis hotel", hotel
c. Resort Hotel (Leisure
1 manakah yang akan Anda pilih untuk - -
d. Lifestyle Hotel (Leisure
e. Bleisure Hotel (Business
and Leisure Hotel)
a. Restaurant,
b. Swimming pool,
Berdasarkan kategori "Fasilitas Hotel",
c. Gym,
2 fasilitas apa saja yang harus ada pada hotel - -
d. Spa,
yang akan Anda pilih untuk diinapi?
e. Bar,
f. Night club

a. Rp 200.000 - Rp 300.000,
b. Rp 300.001 - Rp 500.000,
Berdasarkan kategori "Harga", Hotel
c. Rp 500.001 - Rp 750.000,
3 manakah yang akan Anda pilih untuk - -
d. Rp 750.001 - Rp
e. >Rp 1.000.000

a. Dekat dengan tempat

Berdasarkan kategori "Lokasi", hotel b. Sepi dari
4 berlokasi seperti apa yang akan Anda pilih keramaian/private, - -
untuk diinapi? c. Dekat dengan fasilitas
umum kota (Mall, Tempat
ibadah, Tempat olahraga)
a. Menyediakan 2 tipe kamar
b. Menyediakan 3 tipe kamar
Berdasarkan kategori "jumlah tipe kamar",
c. Menyediakan 4 tipe kamar
5 hotel manakah yang akan Anda pilih untuk - -
d. Menyediakan 5 tipe kamar
e. Menyediakan > 5 tipe
a. 5 - 20 kamar
Berdasarkan kategori "jumlah unit kamar", b. 21 - 50 kamar
6 hotel manakah yang akan Anda pilih untuk c. 51 - 100 kamar - -
diinapi? d. 101 - 200 kamar
e. > 200 kamar
a. Tanpa bintang/Hotel melati
b. Bintang 1
Berdasarkan kategori "kelas hotel", hotel
c. Bintang 2
7 manakah yang akan Anda pilih untuk - -
d. Bintang 3
e. Bintang 4
f. Bintang 5
a. Rating 9.0 - 10.0 (Sangat
Berdasarkan kategori "Reputasi hotel", hotel b. Rating 8.0 - 9.0
8 manakah yang akan Anda pilih untuk (Mengesankan) - -
diinapi? c. Rating 7.0 - 8.0 (Cukup
d. < Rating 7.0 - 8.0

a. Jenis hotel belum sesuai

b. Fasilitas hotel belum sesuai,
c. Lokasi belum sesuai
Setelah mempertimbangkan berbagai pilihan
d. Harga belum sesuai
hotel, mengapa Anda belum memutuskan untuk
e. Jumlah tipe kamar belum
9 menginap di Innside by Melia Yogyakarta? - -
faktor dari kategori apa saja yang
f. Besar kecilnya bangunan
hotel belum sesuai
g. Kelas hotel belum sesuai
h. Reputasi hotel belum sesuai

a. Extra Bed
b. Penjemputan/pengantaran
Apakah Anda pernah mengajukan permintaan
c. Smoking/Non smoking
10 tambahan saat mengajukan pemesanan pada - -
hotel di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
d. Extra breakfast/Lunch/
e. Tidak mengajukan

a. Orang tua
Siapa yang memberi keputusan untuk b. Saudara
11 menginap di hotel Daerah Istimewa c. Teman - -
Yogyakarta.? d. Pasangan
e. Diri sendiri
a. OTA/ Online Travel Agent
Media apa yang Anda gunakan untuk
12 melakukan pemesanan kamar di hotel Daerah - -
b. Website hotel terkait
Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
c. Tour agency
d. Tour operation
Apa yang Anda pikirkan ketika memutuskan
13 untuk menginap di hotel Daerah Istimewa - - Pertanyaan terbuka
Sangat Tidak Senang dan
Bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika memutuskan
Tidak Bersemangat (5) -
14 untuk menginap di hotel Daerah Istimewa - -
Sangat Senang dan
Bersemangat (1)

Apa yang Anda pikirkan ketika harus

15 membayarkan sejumlah uang untuk pemesanan - ` Pertanyaan terbuka
kamar di hotel Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?

Bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika harus

Sangat Tidak Senang (5) -
16 membayarkan sejumlah uang untuk pemesanan - -
Sangat Senang (1)
kamar di hotel Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?


a. 1 hari,
Berapa waktu yang Anda butuhkan untuk b. 3-4 hari,
memutuskan menginap di hotel Daerah c. 1 minggu,
17 - -
Istimewa Yogyakarta. hingga melakukan d. 2-3 minggu,
pembayaran? e. 1 bulan,
f. >1 bulan

H. Preparation
No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan
a. 1 hari setelah pemesanan
dan pembayaran
b. 3-4 hari setelah pemesanan
dan pembayaran
c. 1 minggu setelah
pemesanan dan pembayaran
d. 2-3 minggu setelah
Kapan Anda menginap di hotel Daerah Pertanyaan ada di
pemesanan dan pembayaran
18 Istimewa Yogyakarta. setelah melakukan - stage
e. 1 bulan setelah pemesanan
pemesanan dan pembayaran kamar? decision making
dan pembayaran
f. 3 bulan setelah pemesanan
dan pembayaran
g. 6 bulan setelah pemesanan
dan pembayaran
h. > 6 bulan setelah
pemesanan dan pembayaran
a. Reminder semua dokumen
dan tiket sudah terpacking
b. Pemberian alamat/maps
lokasi hotel
c. Pemberian rekomendasi
Menurut Anda, seberapa penting pelayanan
perjalanan wisata disekitar Sangat tidak penting (1) -
1 berikut yang diberikan hotel sebelum Anda -
hotel Sangat penting (5)
d. Reminder jam buka
resepsionis untuk check-in
e. Tawaran penjemputan dari
tempat umum (Bandara,
Stasiun dsb)
a. Platform Sosial Media
b. Platform Sosial Messenger
Apa media yang Anda senangi jika
c. Email
2 mendapatkan pelayanan hotel sebelum Anda - -
d. Telepon
e. SMS
f. Gasuka layanan tsb
a. Instagram
Platform "sosial media" apa yang Anda senangi
b. Facebook
3 jika mendapatkan pelayanan-pelayanan hotel - -
c. Twitter
sebelum Anda menginap?
d. Tidak suka layanan tsb
a. DM IG,
b. FB Messenger,
Platform "Sosial Messenger" apa yang Anda
c. DM Twitter,
4 senangi jika mendapatkan pelayanan- - -
d. Whatsapp,
pelayanan hotel sebelum Anda menginap?
e. Line
f. Tidak suka layanan tsb
a. Reminder semua dokumen
dan tiket sudah terpacking
b. Pemberian alamat/maps
lokasi hotel
c. Pemberian rekomendasi
perjalanan wisata disekitar
Sebelum Anda menginap di hotel Daerah
5 Istimewa Yogyakarta., apakah Anda - -
d. Reminder jam buka
mendapatkan pelayanan-pelayanan berikut ini?
resepsionis untuk check-in
e. Tawaran penjemputan dari
tempat umum (Bandara,
Stasiun dsb)
f. Tidak pernah mendapatkan
layanan tsb
a. Platform Sosial Media
b. Platform Sosial Messenger
Apa media yang digunakan hotel Daerah c. Email
Istimewa Yogyakarta., saat menghubungi Anda d. Telepon
6 - -
untuk memberikan pelayanan-pelayanan hotel e. SMS
sebelum Anda menginap ? f. Gasuka layanan tsb
g. Tidak pernah mendapatkan
layanan tsb

Apa yang Anda pikirkan ketika mendapatkan

7 pelayanan-pelayanan dari hotel Daerah - - Pertanyaan terbuka
Istimewa Yogya. sebelum Anda menginap?

Bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika

Sangat tidak tersanjung dan
mendapatkan pelayanan-pelayanan dari hotel
8 - tidak dihormati (1) - Sangat -
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. sebelum Anda
tersanjung dan dihormati (5)

I. In-house Experience
No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan
a. Jenis hotel
b. Fasilitas hotel
c. Harga hotel
Saat Anda menginap pada hotel di Daerah
d. Lokasi hotel
Istimewa Yogyakarta., apakah ekspektasi Sangat tidak sesuai (1) -
1 e. Tipe kamar -
Anda terhadap kategori-kategori berikut ini Sangat sesuai (5)
f. Besar kecilnya bangunan
sesuai dengan yang dibayangkan?
g. Kelas hotel
h. Reputasi hotel
a. Kebersihan/cleanliness
b. Fasilitas/facility
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap hotel di c. Lokasi/location
Sangat tidak puas (1) -
2 Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. sesuai dengan d. Layanan/service -
Sangat puas (5)
kategori berikut ini e. Kenyamanan/comfort
f. Makanan/food
g. Nilai tambah/added value
a. Rooms (kamar hotel)
b. Restaurant
c. Kolam renang
Pada kategori "Fasilitas", menurut Anda
d. Gym
3 fasilitas apa yang paling memuaskan pada hotel - -
e. Spa
di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
f. Bar
g. Night club
h. Meeting room
a. Beraneka macam makanan
dan minuman
b. Rooftop untuk bersantai
c. Spot foto instagramable
d. Wifi gratis dan kencang 24
Pada kategori "Value added", menurut Anda
4 value apa yang paling memuaskan pada hotel - -
e. Makanan dan minuman
di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
gratis pada mini bar kamar
f. Penggunaan komputer gratis
g. Terdapat berbagai macam
permainan (Bilyard dsb)

Apakah Anda sempat memiliki

a. Ya
10 keluhan/complain saat menginap pada hotel di - -
b. Tidak
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
a. Kerusakan pada peralatan
kamar hotel
b. Kamar hotel yang tidak
Keluhan/Complain seperti apa yang Anda
11 c. Kamar hotel beraroma - -
tidak sedap
d. Suasana yang bising
e. Makanan hotel tidak fresh
f. Tidak ada complain
Apakah pegawai hotel di Daerah Istimewa a. Ya
12 Yogyakarta. menanggapi complain Anda b. Tidak - -
dengan baik? c. Tidak ada complain
Apakah anda melakukan kegiatan berselfie,
berfoto, membuat konten video selama a. Ya
5 - -
menginap pada hotel di Daerah Istimewa b. Tidak
a. Instagram
Platform "sosial media" apa yang Anda pilih b. Facebook
untuk membagikan konten foto/video dsb saat c. Twitter
6 - -
menginap pada hotel di Daerah Istimewa d. Tiktok
Yogyakarta.? e. Youtube
f. Saya tidak bagikan konten
a. DM IG,
b. FB Messenger,
Platform "sosial messenger" apa yang Anda
c. DM Twitter,
pilih untuk membagikan konten foto/video dsb
7 d. Whatsapp, - -
saat menginap pada hotel di Daerah Istimewa
e. Line
f. Snapchat
g. saya tidak bagikan konten
a. IG story
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform
b. Group posting
sosial media "Instagram", manakah fitur yang
8 c. Instagram feeds - -
Anda gunakan untuk membagikan konten
d. Hashtag
e. Saya tidak bagikan konten
a. FB story
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform
b. Group posting
sosial media "Facebook", manakah fitur yang
9 c. FB feeds - -
Anda gunakan untuk membagikan konten
d. Comments
e. Hashtag

a. Platform Sosial Media
b. Platform Social messenger
Media apa yang digunakan pegawai hotel di c. Email
13 Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. untuk d. Telepon/SMS - -
menangani complain? e. Telepon kamar hotel
f. Langsung datang ke kamar
g. Tidak ada complain

Apa yang Anda pikirkan saat menginap pada

14 - - Pertanyaan terbuka
hotel di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?

Sangat tidak puas dan tidak

Bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika menginap
15 - senang (1) - Sangat puas dan -
pada hotel di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
senang (5)
Apa yang Anda pikirkan saat memiliki
16 keluhan/complain pada hotel di Daerah - - Pertanyaan terbuka
Istimewa Yogyakarta.?

Bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika memiliki Sangat tidak puas dan

17 keluhan/complain pada hotel di Daerah - frustrasi (1) - Sangat puas dan -
Istimewa Yogyakarta.? tidak frustrasi (5)
a. 2 hari 1 malam
b. 3 hari 2 malam
c. 4 hari 3 malam Ambil dari
Berapa rata-rata lama Anda menginap d. 5 hari 4 malam Pertanyaan
5 -
di hotel Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta? e. 6 hari 5 malam Pendahuluan PART
f. 7 hari 6 malam 2
g. 8 hari 7 malam
h. > 8 hari 7 malam

J. Loyalty and Advocacy
No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan
a. 1 kali
b. 2-3 kali
Berapa kali Anda menginap pada hotel di
1 c. 5-10 kali - -
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
d. 10-20 kali
f. > 20 kali
Apakah Anda memiliki rencana untuk
a. Ya
2 menginap kembali pada hotel di Daerah - -
b. Tidak
Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
a. Kamar hotel yang nyaman
b. Makanan dan minuman
yang enak dan menarik
c. Pemandangan yang indah
Hal apa yang membuat Anda ingin kembali d. Kolam renang yang
3 menginap pada hotel di Daerah Istimewa menarik - -
Yogyakarta.? e. Banyak spot berfoto
f. Konsep hotel yang cocok
dengan Anda
g. Tidak ingin kembali
a. Kamar hotel tidak nyaman
b. Makanan dan minuman
tidak enak
c. Pemandangan tidak indah
d. Kolam renang tidak
Jika Anda menjawab "Tidak" hal apa yang
4 membuat Anda tidak ingin kembali ke hotel - -
e. Spot berfoto tidak
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
f. Konsep hotel tidak cocok
dengan Anda
g. Saya ingin menginap

a. Konten mengenai fasilitas

yang tersedia di hotel
b. Konten mengenai
aktivitas/acara yang
seberapa sering Anda menginap di hotel c. Konten mengenai kegiatan
5 - -
ketika berpergian ke suatu daerah? manajemen hotel
d. Konten mengenai informasi
daerah wisata/kuliner
lingkungan sekitar
e. Konten promo
f. Konten kuis berhadiah

a. Platform Sosial Media

(Instagram, Facebook,
Twitter, Tiktok, Youtube dll)
b. Platform Sosial Messenger
(Whatsapp, Line, Snapchat
Media apa yang dapat membuat Anda teringat
c. Online Travel Agent/OTA
6 kembali pada hotel di Daerah Istimewa - -
(, Traveloka,
Pegipegi dll)
d. Website resmi perusahaan
e. Feedback Media
(TripAdvisor, Zomato,
Oyster, Travel blog dll)
a. Instagram
b. Facebook
Platform "Sosial Media" apa yang dapat
c. Twitter
7 membuat Anda teringat kembali dengan hotel - -
d. Tiktok
di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. ?
e. Youtube
f. Pinterest
a. DM IG,
b. FB Messenger,
Platform "Sosial Messenger" apa yang dapat
c. DM Twitter,
8 membuat Anda teringat kembali dengan hotel - -
d. Whatsapp,
di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
e. Line
f. Snapchat

a. IG story
b. IG advertisement
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform c. Friend's posting
sosial media "Instagram", fitur apa yang dapat d. Group posting
9 - -
membuat Anda teringat kembali dengan hotel e. IG explore
di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.? f. Instagram feeds
g. Hashtag

a. FB story
b. FB advertisement
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform c. Friends posting
sosial media "Facebook", fitur apa yang dapat d. Group posting
10 - -
membuat Anda teringat kembali dengan hotel e. FB pages
di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.? f. FB feeds
g. Comments
h. Hashtag
Apa yang Anda pikirkan saat teringat kembali
11 dengan pengalaman menginap di hotel Daerah - - Pertanyaan terbuka
Istimewa Yogyakarta.?

Bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika teringat Sangat tidak senang dan tidak
12 kembali dengan pengalaman menginap di hotel - bersemangat (1) - Sangat -
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.? senang dan bersemangat (5)

Apakah Anda akan membagikan pengalaman
a. Ya
13 menginap di hotel Daerah Istimewa - -
b. Tidak
Yogyakarta. pada orang lain?
a. Pengalaman Anda terlalu
buruk untuk diceritakan
b. Malu untuk menceritakan
Jika Anda menjawab "Tidak", apa alasan Anda
ke orang lain
14 tidak ingin membagikan pengalaman Anda ke - -
c. Perlu effort untuk
orang lain?
menceritakan ke orang lain
d. Tidak suka menceritakan
ke orang lain
a. Platform Sosial Media
(Instagram, Facebook,
Twitter, Tiktok, Youtube dll)
b. Platform Sosial Messenger
(Whatsapp, Line, Snapchat
Media apa yang Anda gunakan untuk
c. Online Travel Agent/OTA
15 membagikan pengalaman Anda di hotel Daerah - -
(, Traveloka,
Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
Pegipegi dll)
d. Website resmi perusahaan
e. Feedback Media
(TripAdvisor, Zomato,
Oyster, Travel blog dll)
a. Instagram
b. Facebook
Platform "Sosial Media" apa yang Anda
c. Twitter
16 gunakan untuk membagikan pengalaman di - -
d. Tiktok
hotel Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
e. Youtube
f. Pinterest
a. DM IG,
b. FB Messenger,
Platform "Sosial Messenger" apa yang Anda
c. DM Twitter,
17 gunakan untuk membagikan pengalaman pada - -
d. Whatsapp,
hotel di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
e. Line
f. Snapchat
a. IG story
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform
b. Group posting
sosial media "Instagram", apa yang Anda
18 c. Instagram feeds - -
gunakan untuk membagikan pengalaman pada
d. Hashtag
hotel di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
e. IG advertisement
a. FB story
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform b. Group posting
sosial media "Facebook", apa yang Anda c. FB feeds
19 - -
gunakan untuk membagikan pengalaman pada d. FB pages
hotel di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.? e. Comments
f. Hashtag

Apa yang Anda pikirkan saat membagikan
20 pengalaman Anda di hotel Daerah Istimewa - - Pertanyaan terbuka
Bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika membagikan Sangat tidak antusias dan
21 pengalaman Anda di hotel Daerah Istimewa - tidak bersemangat (1) - Sangat -
Yogyakarta.? antusias dan bersemangat (5)
a. Saya berdomisili di Daerah
Istimewa Yogyakarta
a. 1 kali dalam sebulan
b. 1 kali dalam sebulan
Berapa rata-rata frekuensi Anda berpergian b. 2 - 3 kali dalam sebulan
2 c. 2 - 3 kali dalam sebulan -
ke suatu daerah? c. 3 bulan sekali
d. 3 bulan sekali
d. 6 bulan sekali
e. 6 bulan sekali
e. 1 tahun sekali
f. 1 tahun sekali

Seberapa sering Anda menginap di hotel Sangat jarang (1) -

4 - -
ketika berpergian ke suatu daerah? Sangat sering (5)

Appendix 4. List of Survey Questions for Persona 3

Preliminary Questions Part 1

A. Respondents Profile
No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan
a. Laki-laki
1 Jenis Kelamin - -
b. Perempuan
a. DIY
b. Bandung
c. Surabaya
2 Domisili d. Semarang - -
e. DKI Jakarta
f. Surakarta/solo
g. lain-lain
a. < 20
b. 21 -25
c. 26 - 30
3 Usia - -
d. 31 - 35
e. 36 - 40
f. > 40
a. Mahasiswa/I
b. Wirausaha
c. Karyawan swasta
4 Pekerjaan - -
d. PNS
e. Freelancer
f. lain-lain
a. < Rp 1.000.000
b. Rp 1.000.001 - Rp
c. Rp 3.000.001 - Rp
5 Pendapatan rata-rata per bulan - -
d. Rp 5.000.001 - Rp
e. > Rp 7.500.000
a. < Rp 1.000.000
b. Rp 1.000.001 - Rp
c. Rp 2.500.001 - Rp
6 Pengeluaran rata-rata konsumsi per bulan - -
d. Rp 4.000.001 - Rp
e. > Rp 5.000.000

B. Leisure Travelers or Business Leisure Travelers

No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan
a. Bisnis
1 Anda paling sering melakukan perjalanan: c. Bisnis dan - -

Preliminary Questions Part 2
C. Questions About Yogyakarta
No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan
Jumlah pernah ke Yogyakarta/tidak pernah
(Dapet dari pertanyaan Pendahuluan no 2
a. Ya
1 : Apakah Anda berdomisili/pernah - -
b. Tidak
berkunjung ke Daerah Istimewa

No. Part No Part Pilihan Likert

Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Jawaban
Pernah Gaperna PERTANYAAN (Pernah & Ga pernah Arti tiap Pertanyaan
Pernah ke DIY Gapernah ke DIY
ke DIY ke DIY ke DIY)
a. Saya berdomisili di Daerah
Istimewa Yogyakarta
a. 1 kali dalam sebulan
b. 1 kali dalam sebulan
Berapa rata-rata frekuensi Anda berpergian b. 2 - 3 kali dalam sebulan
1 2 c. 2 - 3 kali dalam sebulan - -
ke suatu daerah? c. 3 bulan sekali
d. 3 bulan sekali
d. 6 bulan sekali
e. 6 bulan sekali
e. 1 tahun sekali
f. 1 tahun sekali
Seberapa sering Anda menginap di hotel Sangat jarang (1) -
3 4 - - -
ketika berpergian ke suatu daerah? Sangat sering (5)
a. 2 hari 1 malam a. 2 hari 1 malam
b. 3 hari 2 malam b. 3 hari 2 malam
c. 4 hari 3 malam c. 4 hari 3 malam
Berapa rata-rata lama Anda menginap d. 5 hari 4 malam d. 5 hari 4 malam
4 5 - -
di hotel ketika berpergian ke suatu daerah? e. 6 hari 5 malam e. 6 hari 5 malam
f. 7 hari 6 malam f. 7 hari 6 malam
g. 8 hari 7 malam g. 8 hari 7 malam
h. > 8 hari 7 malam h. > 8 hari 7 malam
a. 1 orang (saya sendiri) a. 1 orang (saya sendiri)
b. 2 orang b. 2 orang
Berapa rata-rata jumlah orang yang menginap
c. 3 orang c. 3 orang
5 6 bersama Anda di hotel ketika berpergian ke - -
d. 4 orang d. 4 orang
suatu daerah?
e. 5 orang e. 5 orang
f. > 5 orang f. > 5 orang
a. Tanpa bintang/hotel melati a. Tanpa bintang/hotel melati
b. Bintang 1 b. Bintang 1
Hotel kelas apa yang paling sering Anda c. Bintang 2 c. Bintang 2
6 7 - -
inapi ketika berpergian ke suatu daerah? d. Bintang 3 d. Bintang 3
e. Bintang 4 e. Bintang 4
f. Bintang 5 f. Bintang 5
a. Sheraton Hotel Mustika a. Sheraton Hotel Mustika
Yogyakarta Resort & Spa Yogyakarta Resort & Spa
b. Novotel Yogyakarta b. Novotel Yogyakarta
Berikut ini adalah beberapa merek hotel yang
c. Sahid Jaya Yogyakarta Hotel c. Sahid Jaya Yogyakarta Hotel
10 11 ada di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Hotel - -
& Convention & Convention
apa saja yang pernah Anda "lihat/dengar"?
d. Grand Mercure Yogyakarta d. Grand Mercure Yogyakarta
Adi Sucipto Adi Sucipto
e. Tidak pernah lihat/dengar e. Tidak pernah lihat/dengar
a. Sheraton Hotel Mustika
Yogyakarta Resort & Spa
b. Novotel Yogyakarta
Berikut ini adalah beberapa merek hotel yang
c. Sahid Jaya Yogyakarta Hotel
11 - ada di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. Hotel - -
& Convention
apa saja yang pernah Anda "inapi"?
d. Grand Mercure Yogyakarta
Adi Sucipto
e. Tidak pernah nginap
a. Accor a. Accor
b. Archipelago b. Archipelago
c. Intercontinental Group c. Intercontinental Group
Berikut ini adalah beberapa merek operator
d. Swiss-Bel Group d. Swiss-Bel Group
12 12 hotel yang ada di Indonesia. Operator hotel - -
e. Santika Indonesia e. Santika Indonesia
apa saja yang pernah Anda "lihat/dengar"?
f. Melia Hotels International f. Melia Hotels International
g. Marriot International g. Marriot International
h. Sahid Group h. Sahid Group
a. Accor a. Accor
b. Archipelago b. Archipelago
c. Intercontinental Group c. Intercontinental Group
Berikut ini adalah beberapa merek operator
d. Swiss-Bel Group d. Swiss-Bel Group
13 13 hotel yang ada di Indonesia. Operator hotel - -
e. Santika Indonesia e. Santika Indonesia
apa saja yang pernah Anda "Inapi"?
f. Melia Hotels International f. Melia Hotels International
g. Marriot International g. Marriot International
h. Sahid Group h. Sahid Group

a. PC/Laptop a. PC/Laptop
b. Smartphone b. Smartphone
Perangkat elektronik apa yang paling
7 8 c. Tablet c. Tablet
sering Anda gunakan sehari-hari?
d. TV d. TV
e. Radio e. Radio
a. Instagram a. Instagram
b. Facebook b. Facebook
8 9 Apa saja akun sosial media yang Anda miliki? c. Twitter c. Twitter
d. Tiktok d. Tiktok
e. lainnya e. lainnya
a. Pagi hari (06.01 - 12.00) a. Pagi hari (06.01 - 12.00)
b. Siang hari (12.01 - 15.00) b. Siang hari (12.01 - 15.00)
Kapan Anda paling sering mengakses
9 10 c. Sore hari (15.01 - 19.00) c. Sore hari (15.01 - 19.00)
sosial media sehari-hari?
d. Malam hari (19.01 - 24.00) d. Malam hari (19.01 - 24.00)
e. Malam hari (19.01 - 24.00) e. Malam hari (19.01 - 24.00)

Questions per Stage

D. Awareness/Inspiration
No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan

"Word of Mouth"
adalah komunikasi
a.Orang tua,
dari mulut ke mulut
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber- berupa pemberian
c. Teman,
sumber informasi kategori "word of mouth" Sangat tidak menginspirasi (1) informasi/rekomendasi
1 d. Pasangan,
yang membuat Anda sadar dan terpikirkan - Sangat menginspirasi (5) terhadap suatu
e. Influncer/Public Figure,
pada hotel di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. produk/jasa baik
f. Orang asing yang pernah
secara individu
menginap di hotel DIY.

a. Papan nama hotel, "In-hotel" adalah

Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber- b. Bentuk bangunan hotel, sekumpulan identitas,
sumber informasi kategori "in-hotel" yang c. Papan iklan/billboard Sangat tidak menginspirasi (1) promosi dsb yang
membuat Anda sadar dan terpikirkan pada di halaman depan hotel, - Sangat menginspirasi (5) dapat dilihat dan
hotel di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. d. Event yang sedang terletak pada hotel itu
dilaksanakan pada lokasi hotel sendiri
a. Televisi/Radio, "Mass Media"
b.Koran/Taboid/Majalah, adalah sekumpulan
c. Papan iklan/billboard yang sarana, channel, atau
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber-
ada di pinggir jalan, media yang digunakan
sumber informasi kategori "mass media" yang Sangat tidak menginspirasi (1)
3 d. Iklan/stiker yang ditempel untuk
membuat Anda sadar dan terpikirkan pada - Sangat menginspirasi (5)
pada kendaraan umum dan mengkomunikasikan
hotel di Daerah IstimewaYogyakarta.
pribadi, produk/jasa kepada
e. Kegiatan sponsorship event masyarakat
musik dan olahraga luas/publik..
"Internet Media"
sekumpulan sarana,
a. Platform Sosial Media, channel,
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber- b. Platform Sosial Messenger, atau media berbasis
sumber informasi kategori "Internet Media" c. Online Travel Agent/OTA, Sangat tidak menginspirasi (1) internet
yang membuat Anda sadar dan terpikirkan d. Website resmi perusahaan, - Sangat menginspirasi (5) yang dilakukan secara
pada hotel di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. e. Feedback media daring/online untuk
(TripAdvisor, Kayak, Zomato) mengkomunikasikan
produk/jasa kepada

adalah sekumpulan
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber-
a. Komunitas online di Internet, orang yang terus
sumber informasi kategori "Community" yang Sangat tidak menginspirasi (1)
5 b. Komunitas offline di menerus melakukan
membuat Anda sadar dan terpikirkan pada - Sangat menginspirasi (5)
lingkungan sekitar berbagai hal secara
hotel di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.
bersamaan secara
online maupun offline.
"Contact center"
adalah informasi
terpusat yang dikelola
oleh suatu perusahaan
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber- a. Menerima surat/email dari
dan digunakan untuk
sumber informasi kategori "Contact Center" hotel terkait Sangat tidak menginspirasi (1)
6 menerima dan
yang membuat Anda sadar dan terpikirkan b. Menerima telepon/sms/WA - Sangat menginspirasi (5)
pada hotel di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. dari call center hotel terkait
mplain dll melalui
media tertentu (email,
telepon dsb).
a. Instagram,
Platform "Sosial Media" apa yang membuat b. Facebook,
7 Anda sadar dan terpikirkan pada hotel di c. Twitter, d. Tiktok, - -
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.? e. Youtube, f. Pinterest
g. Ga perna akses sosmed
a. DM IG,
b. FB Messenger,
Platform "Sosial Messenger" apa yang
c. DM Twitter,
8 membuat Anda sadar dan terpikirkan pada - -
d. Snapchat,
hotel di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
e. Whatsapp,
f. Line
a. IG Story, b. IG ads,
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform
c. Friends posting,
sosial media "Instagram", dari mana Anda
d. Group posting,
9 mendapatkan informasi yang membuat Anda - -
e. IG Explore,
sadar dan terpikirkan pada hotel di Daerah
f. Sponsored feed,
Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
g. Hashtag
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform a. FB Story, b. FB ads,
sosial media "Facebook", dari mana Anda c. Friends posting,
10 mendapatkan informasi yang membuat Anda d. Group posting, - -
sadar dan terpikirkan pada hotel di Daerah e. FB pages, f. FB feeds,
Istimewa Yogyakarta.? g. Comments, h. Hashtag

Apakah Anda pernah membuka dan melihat
a. Ya,
11 akun sosial media yang dimiliki oleh hotel yang - -
b. Tidak
ada di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?

a. Visual foto/video yang baik,

b. Influencer/public figure yang
ada di post,
c. Post mengenai fasilitas yang
tersedia di hotel,
d. Post mengenai aktivitas/acara
Bila Anda secara tidak sengaja melihat sebuah
yang diselenggarakan,
post dari akun hotel di Daerah Istimewa
e. Post mengenai kegiatan
12 Yogyakarta., apa yang pertama kali menjadi - -
manajemen hotel,
daya tarik Anda untuk membuka akun
f. Post mengenai informasi
daerah wisata/kuliner lingkungan
g. Ada informasi Promo,
h. Ada informasi Kuis berhadiah,
i. Tidak ada yang menjadi daya

Apakah anda merasa semakin sadar dan

Sangat tidak sadar dan tidak
terpikirkan setelah membuka dan melihat akun
13 terpikirkan (1) -
sosial media yang dimiliki oleh hotel yang ada
Sangat sadar dan terpikirkan (5)
di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?

Apakah anda pengikut/followers dari akun

a. Ya,
14 sosial media hotel yang ada di Daerah
b. Tidak
Istimewa Yogyakarta.?

a. Visual foto/video yang baik,

b. Influencer/public figure yang
ada di post,
c. Post mengenai fasilitas yang
tersedia di hotel,
d. Post mengenai aktivitas/acara
Jika Anda menjawab "Ya", apa yang yang diselenggarakan,
15 menyebabkan Anda mengikuti/follow akun e. Post mengenai kegiatan - -
sosial media hotel tersebut? manajemen hotel,
f. Post mengenai informasi
daerah wisata/kuliner lingkungan
g. Ada informasi Promo,
h. Ada informasi Kuis berhadiah,
i. Tidak follow

a. Visual foto/video kurang baik,

b. Influencer/public figure kurang
c. Kurangnya update mengenai
fasilitas yang tersedia di hotel,
d. Kurangnya update mengenai
aktivitas/acara yang
Jika Anda menjawab "Tidak", apa yang diselenggarakan,
16 menyebabkan Anda tidak mengikuti/follow e. Kurangnya update mengenai - -
akun sosial media hotel tersebut? kegiatan manajemen hotel,
f. Kurangnya update mengenai
informasi daerah wisata/kuliner
lingkungan sekitar,
g. Kurangnya informasi Promo,
h. Kurangnya informasi Kuis
i. Saya follow
Apa yang Anda pikirkan ketika sadar dan
17 mendapatkan inspirasi mengenai hotel di - - Pertanyaan terbuka
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
Bagaimana perasaan Anda saat sadar dan Sangat tidak tertarik dan tidak
18 terpikirkan pada hotel di Daerah Istimewa penasaran (1) - Sangat tertarik
Yogyakarta.? - dan penasaran (5)
a. 1 hari,
b. 3-4 hari,
Berapa waktu yang Anda butuhkan untuk
c. 1 minggu,
19 sadar dan terpikirkan pada hotel di Daerah
d. 2-3 minggu,
Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
e. 1 bulan,
f. >1 bulan

E. Research/Consideration
No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan
a. Kelengkapan fasilitas dan
b. Jenis hotel,
Seberapa penting kriteria-kriteria berikut ini c. Lokasi,
Sangat tidak penting (1) -
1 menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan perbandingan d. Harga, -
Sangat Penting (5)
Anda dalam memilih hotel? e. Jumlah tipe kamar,
f. Jumlah unit kamar,
g. Kelas hotel,
h. Reputasi hotel

"Word of Mouth"
adalah komunikasi
a.Orang tua,
dari mulut ke mulut
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber berupa pemberian
c. Teman,
informasi kategori "word of mouth" yang Sangat tidak berpengaruh (1) - informasi/rekomendasi
2 d. Pasangan,
dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan Sangat berpengaruh (5) terhadap suatu
e. Influncer/Public Figure,
perbandingan Anda dalam memilih hotel produk/jasa baik
f. Orang asing yang pernah
secara individu
menginap di hotel tersebut

a. Televisi/Radio, "Mass Media"

b.Koran/Taboid/Majalah, adalah sekumpulan
c. Papan iklan/billboard yang sarana, channel, atau
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber
ada di pinggir jalan, media yang digunakan
informasi kategori "mass media" yang dapat Sangat tidak berpengaruh (1) -
3 d. Iklan/stiker yang ditempel untuk
menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan Sangat berpengaruh (5)
pada kendaraan umum dan mengkomunikasikan
perbandingan Anda dalam memilih hotel
pribadi, produk/jasa kepada
e. Kegiatan sponsorship event masyarakat
musik dan olahraga luas/publik..
a. Platform Sosial Media, "Internet Media"
b. Platform Sosial Messenger, adalah
c. Online Travel Agent/OTA, sekumpulan sarana,
d. Website resmi perusahaan, channel,
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber e. Feedback media atau media berbasis
informasi kategori "Internet media" yang (TripAdvisor, Kayak, Zomato) Sangat tidak berpengaruh (1) - internet
dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan f. Platform pencari lokasi Sangat berpengaruh (5) yang dilakukan secara
perbandingan Anda dalam memilih hotel (Google maps, Waze, Travel daring/online untuk
Guide) mengkomunikasikan
g. Platform pembanding hotel produk/jasa kepada
(Trivago,, google masyarakat
hotels, kayak) luas/publik.

adalah sekumpulan
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber
a. Komunitas online di Internet, orang yang terus
informasi kategori "Community" yang dapat Sangat tidak berpengaruh (1) -
5 b. Komunitas offline di menerus melakukan
menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan Sangat berpengaruh (5)
lingkungan sekitar berbagai hal secara
perbandingan Anda dalam memilih hotel
bersamaan secara
online maupun offline.
"Contact center"
adalah informasi
terpusat yang dikelola
oleh suatu perusahaan
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap sumber a. Mengirim surat/email pada
dan digunakan untuk
informasi kategori "Contact Center" yang hotel yang dipertimbangkan Sangat tidak berpengaruh (1) -
6 menerima dan
dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan b. Telepon/sms/WA pada hotel Sangat berpengaruh (5)
perbandingan Anda dalam memilih hotel yang dipertimbangkan
mplain dll melalui
media tertentu (email,
telepon dsb).
a. Instagram,
Platform "Sosial Media" apa yang dapat b. Facebook,
7 menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan c. Twitter, d. Tiktok, - -
perbandingan Anda dalam memilih hotel? e. Youtube, f. Pinterest
g. Ga perna akses sosmed
a. DM IG,
b. FB Messenger,
Platform "Sosial Messenger" apa yang dapat
c. DM Twitter,
8 menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan - -
d. Snapchat,
perbandingan Anda dalam memilih hotel?
e. Whatsapp,
f. Line
a. IG Story, b. IG ads,
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform c. Friends posting,
sosial media "Instagram", dari mana Anda d. Group posting,
9 - -
mendapatkan bahan pertimbangan dan e. IG Explore,
perbandingan dalam memilih hotel? f. Sponsored feed,
g. Hashtag
a. FB Story, b. FB ads,
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform
c. Friends posting,
sosial media "Facebook", dari mana Anda
10 d. Group posting, - -
mendapatkan bahan pertimbangan dan
e. FB pages, f. FB feeds,
perbandingan dalam memilih hotel?
g. Comments, h. Hashtag

a. Konten mengenai fasilitas
yang tersedia di hotel,
b. Konten mengenai
aktivitas/acara yang
Konten seperti apa yang dapat menjadi bahan
c. Konten mengenai kegiatan
11 pertimbangan dan perbandingan Anda dalam - -
manajemen hotel,
memilih hotel?
d. Konten mengenai informasi
daerah wisata/kuliner lingkungan
e. Konten promo,
f. Konten kuis berhadiah
a. Fashion (Contoh: Sonia
Eryka, Anastasia Siantar,
Omar Daniel, Ibrahim Risyad),
b. Beauty (Contoh: Tasya
Influencer/Public Figure sosial media yang Farasya, Abel Cantika, Anya
dapat menjadi bahan pertimbangan dan Geraldine, Andreas Lukita),
12 - -
perbandingan Anda dalam memilih hotel, jika c.Travel (Contoh: Barry
memiliki konten: Kusuma, Marischka Prudence),
d. Sport (Contoh: Sabrina
Chairunnisa, Deddy Corbuzier),
e. Food (Contoh: Tan Boy Kun,
Nex Carlos, Ria SW)
Apa yang Anda pikirkan saat
13 mempertimbangkan dan membandingkan hotel - - Pertanyaan terbuka
satu dengan yang lainnya?
Sangat Tidak Senang dan
Bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika
Tidak Bersemangat (5) -
14 mempertimbangkan dan membandingkan hotel - -
Sangat Senang dan
satu dengan yang lainnya?
Bersemangat (1)
a. 1 hari,
b. 3-4 hari,
Berapa waktu yang Anda butuhkan untuk
c. 1 minggu,
15 mempertimbangkan dan membandingkan hotel - -
d. 2-3 minggu,
satu dengan yang lainnya?
e. 1 bulan,
f. >1 bulan

F. Decision Making
No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan
a. MICE Hotel (Business Hotel),
b. Boutique Hotel (Leisure
Berdasarkan kategori "Jenis hotel", hotel
c. Resort Hotel (Leisure Hotel),
1 manakah yang akan Anda pilih untuk - -
d. Lifestyle Hotel (Leisure
e. Bleisure Hotel (Business and
Leisure Hotel)

a. Restaurant,
b. Swimming pool,
Berdasarkan kategori "Fasilitas Hotel",
c. Gym,
2 fasilitas apa saja yang harus ada pada hotel - -
d. Spa,
yang akan Anda pilih untuk diinapi?
e. Bar,
f. Night club
a. Rp 200.000 - Rp 300.000,
Berdasarkan kategori "Harga", Hotel b. Rp 300.001 - Rp 500.000,
3 manakah yang akan Anda pilih untuk c. Rp 500.001 - Rp 750.000, - -
diinapi? d. Rp 750.001 - Rp 1.000.000,
e. >Rp 1.000.000

a. Dekat dengan tempat wisata,

Berdasarkan kategori "Lokasi", hotel b. Sepi dari keramaian/private,
4 berlokasi seperti apa yang akan Anda pilih c. Dekat dengan fasilitas umum - -
untuk diinapi? kota (Mall, Tempat ibadah,
Tempat olahraga)
a. Menyediakan 2 tipe kamar
Berdasarkan kategori "jumlah tipe kamar", b. Menyediakan 3 tipe kamar
5 hotel manakah yang akan Anda pilih untuk c. Menyediakan 4 tipe kamar - -
diinapi? d. Menyediakan 5 tipe kamar
e. Menyediakan > 5 tipe kamar
a. 5 - 20 kamar
Berdasarkan kategori "jumlah unit kamar", b. 21 - 50 kamar
6 hotel manakah yang akan Anda pilih untuk c. 51 - 100 kamar - -
diinapi? d. 101 - 200 kamar
e. > 200 kamar
a. Tanpa bintang/Hotel melati
b. Bintang 1
Berdasarkan kategori "kelas hotel", hotel
c. Bintang 2
7 manakah yang akan Anda pilih untuk - -
d. Bintang 3
e. Bintang 4
f. Bintang 5
a. Rating 9.0 - 10.0 (Sangat
Berdasarkan kategori "Reputasi hotel", hotel b. Rating 8.0 - 9.0
8 manakah yang akan Anda pilih untuk (Mengesankan) - -
diinapi? c. Rating 7.0 - 8.0 (Cukup
d. < Rating 7.0 - 8.0
a. Extra Bed
b. Penjemputan/pengantaran
Apakah Anda pernah mengajukan permintaan
9 tambahan saat mengajukan pemesanan pada - -
c. Smoking/Non smoking room
hotel di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
d. Extra breakfast/Lunch/ Dinner
e. Tidak mengajukan

a. Orang tua
Siapa yang memberi keputusan untuk b. Saudara
10 menginap di hotel Daerah Istimewa c. Teman - -
Yogyakarta.? d. Pasangan
e. Diri sendiri
a. OTA/ Online Travel Agent
Media apa yang Anda gunakan untuk
11 melakukan pemesanan kamar di hotel Daerah - -
b. Website hotel terkait
Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
c. Tour agency
d. Tour operation
Apa yang Anda pikirkan ketika memutuskan
12 untuk menginap di hotel Daerah Istimewa - - Pertanyaan terbuka
Sangat Tidak Senang dan
Bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika memutuskan
Tidak Bersemangat (5) -
13 untuk menginap di hotel Daerah Istimewa - -
Sangat Senang dan
Bersemangat (1)
Apa yang Anda pikirkan ketika harus
14 membayarkan sejumlah uang untuk pemesanan - ` Pertanyaan terbuka
kamar di hotel Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?

Bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika harus

Sangat Tidak Senang (5) -
15 membayarkan sejumlah uang untuk pemesanan - -
Sangat Senang (1)
kamar di hotel Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
a. 1 hari,
Berapa waktu yang Anda butuhkan untuk b. 3-4 hari,
memutuskan menginap di hotel Daerah c. 1 minggu,
16 - -
Istimewa Yogyakarta. hingga melakukan d. 2-3 minggu,
pembayaran? e. 1 bulan,
f. >1 bulan

G. Preparation
No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan
a. 1 hari setelah pemesanan dan
b. 3-4 hari setelah pemesanan
dan pembayaran
c. 1 minggu setelah pemesanan
dan pembayaran
d. 2-3 minggu setelah
Kapan Anda menginap di hotel Daerah Pertanyaan ada di
pemesanan dan pembayaran
17 Istimewa Yogyakarta. setelah melakukan - stage
e. 1 bulan setelah pemesanan
pemesanan dan pembayaran kamar? decision making
dan pembayaran
f. 3 bulan setelah pemesanan dan
g. 6 bulan setelah pemesanan
dan pembayaran
h. > 6 bulan setelah pemesanan
dan pembayaran
a. Reminder semua dokumen
dan tiket sudah terpacking
b. Pemberian alamat/maps lokasi
Menurut Anda, seberapa penting pelayanan c. Pemberian rekomendasi
Sangat tidak penting (1) -
1 berikut yang diberikan hotel sebelum Anda perjalanan wisata disekitar hotel -
Sangat penting (5)
menginap? d. Reminder jam buka
resepsionis untuk check-in
e. Tawaran penjemputan dari
tempat umum (Bandara, Stasiun
a. Platform Sosial Media
b. Platform Sosial Messenger
Apa media yang Anda senangi jika
c. Email
2 mendapatkan pelayanan hotel sebelum Anda - -
d. Telepon
e. SMS
f. Gasuka layanan tsb
a. Instagram
Platform "sosial media" apa yang Anda senangi
b. Facebook
3 jika mendapatkan pelayanan-pelayanan hotel - -
c. Twitter
sebelum Anda menginap?
d. Tidak suka layanan tsb
a. DM IG,
b. FB Messenger,
Platform "Sosial Messenger" apa yang Anda
c. DM Twitter,
4 senangi jika mendapatkan pelayanan- - -
d. Whatsapp,
pelayanan hotel sebelum Anda menginap?
e. Line
f. Tidak suka layanan tsb
a. Reminder semua dokumen
dan tiket sudah terpacking
b. Pemberian alamat/maps lokasi
c. Pemberian rekomendasi
Sebelum Anda menginap di hotel Daerah perjalanan wisata disekitar hotel
5 Istimewa Yogyakarta., apakah Anda d. Reminder jam buka - -
mendapatkan pelayanan-pelayanan berikut ini? resepsionis untuk check-in
e. Tawaran penjemputan dari
tempat umum (Bandara, Stasiun
f. Tidak pernah mendapatkan
layanan tsb
a. Platform Sosial Media
b. Platform Sosial Messenger
Apa media yang digunakan hotel Daerah c. Email
Istimewa Yogyakarta., saat menghubungi Anda d. Telepon
6 - -
untuk memberikan pelayanan-pelayanan hotel e. SMS
sebelum Anda menginap ? f. Gasuka layanan tsb
g. Tidak pernah mendapatkan
layanan tsb
Apa yang Anda pikirkan ketika mendapatkan
7 pelayanan-pelayanan dari hotel Daerah - - Pertanyaan terbuka
Istimewa Yogya. sebelum Anda menginap?

Bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika

Sangat tidak tersanjung dan
mendapatkan pelayanan-pelayanan dari hotel
8 - tidak dihormati (1) - Sangat -
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. sebelum Anda
tersanjung dan dihormati (5)

H. In-house Experience
No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan

a. Jenis hotel
b. Fasilitas hotel
Saat Anda menginap pada hotel di Daerah c. Harga hotel
Istimewa Yogyakarta., apakah ekspektasi d. Lokasi hotel Sangat tidak sesuai (1) -
1 -
Anda terhadap kategori-kategori berikut ini e. Tipe kamar Sangat sesuai (5)
sesuai dengan yang dibayangkan? f. Besar kecilnya bangunan hotel
g. Kelas hotel
h. Reputasi hotel

a. Kebersihan/cleanliness
b. Fasilitas/facility
Berikan penilaian Anda terhadap hotel di c. Lokasi/location
Sangat tidak puas (1) -
2 Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. sesuai dengan d. Layanan/service -
Sangat puas (5)
kategori berikut ini e. Kenyamanan/comfort
f. Makanan/food
g. Nilai tambah/added value
a. Rooms (kamar hotel)
b. Restaurant
c. Kolam renang
Pada kategori "Fasilitas", menurut Anda
d. Gym
3 fasilitas apa yang paling memuaskan pada hotel - -
e. Spa
di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
f. Bar
g. Night club
h. Meeting room
a. Beraneka macam makanan
dan minuman
b. Rooftop untuk bersantai
c. Spot foto instagramable
Pada kategori "Value added", menurut Anda d. Wifi gratis dan kencang 24
4 value apa yang paling memuaskan pada hotel jam - -
di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.? e. Makanan dan minuman gratis
pada mini bar kamar hotel
f. Penggunaan komputer gratis
g. Terdapat berbagai macam
permainan (Bilyard dsb)
Apakah Anda sempat memiliki
a. Ya
10 keluhan/complain saat menginap pada hotel di - -
b. Tidak
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
a. Kerusakan pada peralatan
kamar hotel
b. Kamar hotel yang tidak bersih
Keluhan/Complain seperti apa yang Anda c. Kamar hotel beraroma tidak
11 - -
alami? sedap
d. Suasana yang bising
e. Makanan hotel tidak fresh
f. Tidak ada complain

Apakah pegawai hotel di Daerah Istimewa a. Ya

12 Yogyakarta. menanggapi complain Anda b. Tidak - -
dengan baik? c. Tidak ada complain

Apakah anda melakukan kegiatan berselfie,
berfoto, membuat konten video selama a. Ya
5 - -
menginap pada hotel di Daerah Istimewa b. Tidak
a. Instagram
Platform "sosial media" apa yang Anda pilih b. Facebook
untuk membagikan konten foto/video dsb saat c. Twitter
6 - -
menginap pada hotel di Daerah Istimewa d. Tiktok
Yogyakarta.? e. Youtube
f. Saya tidak bagikan konten
a. DM IG,
b. FB Messenger,
Platform "sosial messenger" apa yang Anda
c. DM Twitter,
pilih untuk membagikan konten foto/video dsb
7 d. Whatsapp, - -
saat menginap pada hotel di Daerah Istimewa
e. Line
f. Snapchat
g. saya tidak bagikan konten
a. IG story
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform
b. Group posting
sosial media "Instagram", manakah fitur yang
8 c. Instagram feeds - -
Anda gunakan untuk membagikan konten
d. Hashtag
e. Saya tidak bagikan konten
a. FB story
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform
b. Group posting
sosial media "Facebook", manakah fitur yang
9 c. FB feeds - -
Anda gunakan untuk membagikan konten
d. Comments
e. Hashtag
a. Platform Sosial Media
b. Platform Social messenger
Media apa yang digunakan pegawai hotel di c. Email
13 Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. untuk d. Telepon/SMS - -
menangani complain? e. Telepon kamar hotel
f. Langsung datang ke kamar
g. Tidak ada complain
Apa yang Anda pikirkan saat menginap pada
14 - - Pertanyaan terbuka
hotel di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?

Sangat tidak puas dan tidak

Bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika menginap
15 - senang (1) - Sangat puas dan -
pada hotel di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
senang (5)
Apa yang Anda pikirkan saat memiliki
16 keluhan/complain pada hotel di Daerah - - Pertanyaan terbuka
Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
Bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika memiliki Sangat tidak puas dan
17 keluhan/complain pada hotel di Daerah - frustrasi (1) - Sangat puas dan -
Istimewa Yogyakarta.? tidak frustrasi (5)
a. 2 hari 1 malam
b. 3 hari 2 malam
c. 4 hari 3 malam Ambil dari
Berapa rata-rata lama Anda menginap d. 5 hari 4 malam Pertanyaan
5 -
di hotel Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta? e. 6 hari 5 malam Pendahuluan PART
f. 7 hari 6 malam 2
g. 8 hari 7 malam
h. > 8 hari 7 malam

I. Loyalty and Advocacy
No Pertanyaan Pilihan Jawaban Pilihan Likert Arti tiap Pertanyaan
a. 1 kali
b. 2-3 kali
Berapa kali Anda menginap pada hotel di
1 c. 5-10 kali - -
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
d. 10-20 kali
f. > 20 kali
Apakah Anda memiliki rencana untuk
a. Ya
2 menginap kembali pada hotel di Daerah - -
b. Tidak
Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
a. Kamar hotel yang nyaman
b. Makanan dan minuman yang
enak dan menarik
c. Pemandangan yang indah
Hal apa yang membuat Anda ingin kembali
d. Kolam renang yang menarik
3 menginap pada hotel di Daerah Istimewa - -
e. Banyak spot berfoto
f. Konsep hotel yang cocok
dengan Anda
g. Tidak ingin kembali
a. Kamar hotel tidak nyaman
b. Makanan dan minuman tidak
c. Pemandangan tidak indah
Jika Anda menjawab "Tidak" hal apa yang
d. Kolam renang tidak menarik
4 membuat Anda tidak ingin kembali ke hotel - -
e. Spot berfoto tidak
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
f. Konsep hotel tidak cocok
dengan Anda
g. Saya ingin menginap kembali
a. Konten mengenai fasilitas
yang tersedia di hotel
b. Konten mengenai
aktivitas/acara yang
Konten seperti apa yang dapat membuat Anda
c. Konten mengenai kegiatan
5 teringat kembali dengan hotel di Daerah - -
manajemen hotel
Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
d. Konten mengenai informasi
daerah wisata/kuliner lingkungan
e. Konten promo
f. Konten kuis berhadiah
a. Platform Sosial Media
(Instagram, Facebook, Twitter,
Tiktok, Youtube dll)
b. Platform Sosial Messenger
(Whatsapp, Line, Snapchat dll)
Media apa yang dapat membuat Anda teringat c. Online Travel Agent/OTA
6 kembali pada hotel di Daerah Istimewa (, Traveloka, Pegipegi - -
Yogyakarta.? dll)
d. Website resmi perusahaan
e. Feedback Media
(TripAdvisor, Zomato, Oyster,
Travel blog dll)
a. Instagram
b. Facebook
Platform "Sosial Media" apa yang dapat
c. Twitter
7 membuat Anda teringat kembali dengan hotel - -
d. Tiktok
di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta. ?
e. Youtube
f. Pinterest
a. DM IG,
b. FB Messenger,
Platform "Sosial Messenger" apa yang dapat
c. DM Twitter,
8 membuat Anda teringat kembali dengan hotel - -
d. Whatsapp,
di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
e. Line
f. Snapchat

a. IG story
b. IG advertisement
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform c. Friend's posting
sosial media "Instagram", fitur apa yang dapat d. Group posting
9 - -
membuat Anda teringat kembali dengan hotel e. IG explore
di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.? f. Instagram feeds
g. Hashtag

a. FB story
b. FB advertisement
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform c. Friends posting
sosial media "Facebook", fitur apa yang dapat d. Group posting
10 - -
membuat Anda teringat kembali dengan hotel e. FB pages
di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.? f. FB feeds
g. Comments
h. Hashtag
Apa yang Anda pikirkan saat teringat kembali
11 dengan pengalaman menginap di hotel Daerah - - Pertanyaan terbuka
Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
Bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika teringat Sangat tidak senang dan tidak
12 kembali dengan pengalaman menginap di hotel - bersemangat (1) - Sangat -
Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.? senang dan bersemangat (5)

Apakah Anda akan membagikan pengalaman
a. Ya
13 menginap di hotel Daerah Istimewa - -
b. Tidak
Yogyakarta. pada orang lain?
a. Pengalaman Anda terlalu
buruk untuk diceritakan
b. Malu untuk menceritakan ke
Jika Anda menjawab "Tidak", apa alasan Anda
orang lain
14 tidak ingin membagikan pengalaman Anda ke - -
c. Perlu effort untuk
orang lain?
menceritakan ke orang lain
d. Tidak suka menceritakan ke
orang lain
a. Platform Sosial Media
(Instagram, Facebook, Twitter,
Tiktok, Youtube dll)
b. Platform Sosial Messenger
(Whatsapp, Line, Snapchat dll)
Media apa yang Anda gunakan untuk c. Online Travel Agent/OTA
15 membagikan pengalaman Anda di hotel Daerah (, Traveloka, Pegipegi - -
Istimewa Yogyakarta.? dll)
d. Website resmi perusahaan
e. Feedback Media
(TripAdvisor, Zomato, Oyster,
Travel blog dll)
a. Instagram
b. Facebook
Platform "Sosial Media" apa yang Anda
c. Twitter
16 gunakan untuk membagikan pengalaman di - -
d. Tiktok
hotel Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
e. Youtube
f. Pinterest
a. DM IG,
b. FB Messenger,
Platform "Sosial Messenger" apa yang Anda
c. DM Twitter,
17 gunakan untuk membagikan pengalaman pada - -
d. Whatsapp,
hotel di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
e. Line
f. Snapchat

a. IG story
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform
b. Group posting
sosial media "Instagram", apa yang Anda
18 c. Instagram feeds - -
gunakan untuk membagikan pengalaman pada
d. Hashtag
hotel di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.?
e. IG advertisement
a. FB story
Ketika Anda melakukan akses pada platform b. Group posting
sosial media "Facebook", apa yang Anda c. FB feeds
19 - -
gunakan untuk membagikan pengalaman pada d. FB pages
hotel di Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta.? e. Comments
f. Hashtag
Apa yang Anda pikirkan saat membagikan
20 pengalaman Anda di hotel Daerah Istimewa - - Pertanyaan terbuka
Bagaimana perasaan Anda ketika membagikan Sangat tidak antusias dan
21 pengalaman Anda di hotel Daerah Istimewa - tidak bersemangat (1) - Sangat -
Yogyakarta.? antusias dan bersemangat (5)
a. Saya berdomisili di Daerah
Istimewa Yogyakarta
a. 1 kali dalam sebulan
b. 1 kali dalam sebulan
Berapa rata-rata frekuensi Anda berpergian b. 2 - 3 kali dalam sebulan
2 c. 2 - 3 kali dalam sebulan -
ke suatu daerah? c. 3 bulan sekali
d. 3 bulan sekali
d. 6 bulan sekali
e. 6 bulan sekali
e. 1 tahun sekali
f. 1 tahun sekali

Seberapa sering Anda menginap di hotel Sangat jarang (1) -

4 - -
ketika berpergian ke suatu daerah? Sangat sering (5)


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