Climate Change - Semestral Project in STS

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Submitted by:
Avestruz, Angel Mei E.
Bautista, John Daryl
Blanco, Tomi
Corona, Bernadette M.
Dotig, Claudine P.
Fajardo, Kimberly Grace D.
Mangundayao, Beatriz Angela G.
Ramos, Raycel R.
BSTM 2104 Student

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for

GEd 109 – Science, Technology and
Climate change is not only one of the Philippines’ societal issues but also a defining issue
facing all countries all over the world. According to the United Nations, climate change is a shift
of weather patterns that threaten food production, to rising sea levels that increase the risk of
catastrophic flooding. These impacts of climate change pose a great problem and real threat to
the Philippines, as they destroy Filipinos’ lives, properties, and livelihoods. Food security and
public safety will also be influenced by changes brought on by the country's unpredictable and
intense rainfall patterns as well as rising temperatures. This is a result of the country's high risk
of natural disasters (cyclones, landslides, floods, and droughts), dependency on climate-sensitive
natural resources, and extensive coasts, where the bulk of its people and all of its major cities are
located. The climate crisis in the Philippines worsens as environmental issues contribute to the
most serious pollutions: air, plastic, and marine.
The group members started the interview by introducing themselves and stating the
purpose of the interview. The participants all provided the interviewers with a more
comprehensive understanding of climate change, whether they were frightened, confident,
truthful, or straightforward. The group members are able to know the different perspectives of
individuals with different statuses in life. Because the vast majority of people are aware that
some are ignoring the climate crisis, the members of the group are relieved to know that there are
still many concerned citizens fighting for the natural world in which we live. The length of the
interview varies based on the assigned question. The time duration ranges from 1 to 5 minutes.
However, no matter what the interview length is, the participants were able to answer climate
change-related questions and gave answers that also went beyond their given questions. The
hardest part for every group member is finding a good schedule to allot time for the interview
since some of the participants are already working, and some of the participants are also students
but academically busy. Lastly, the members of the group ended the interview with words of
thanksgiving and honor for giving us the opportunity to conduct the interview. Some members of
the group gave tokens of appreciation to their chosen interviewee, such as biscuits, chocolate
bars, and short letters.
Climate change is indeed an excellent issue to discuss with others. The members of the
group are glad that this simple action allowed them to support nature, remind others of its value,
and emphasize the need to combat climate change because it has a significant impact on
everyone daily lives. It is time for climate change activists to create a common narrative that
better appeals to people's values and improves our health, given this opportunity. As the group
members attempt to respond to or resolve these issues, other members of the society should
consider how they can encourage more robust collaboration, minimize duplication of effort,
strengthen key ideas, share resources (by pooling funding, tools, and resources), mobilize and
coordinate across fields and movements, and reimagine community engagement by leading with
curiosity and inviting people to discuss these issues in the context of their own experiences and
those of others. Together, we can influence the laws and practices we need.

The 2017 World Risk Report ranks the Philippines as the third most vulnerable nation to
climate change. There are many negative effects of climate change in the Philippines, such as
annual GDP losses, changes in rainfall patterns and distribution, droughts, threats to biodiversity
and food security, sea level rise, risks to the public's health, and endangerment of vulnerable
populations like women and indigenous people.

Stated below are the simple advocacy efforts and campaigns that can be done to help our
environment and help resolve this global climate crisis.
1. Minimizing food waste. Since we squander food, we also waste the resources used to
make it, making this a true environmental issue. The concern over food waste ending
up in a landfill and directly causing carbon pollution and the climate effect is another.
When learning how to combat climate change, you can start by meal planning to
prevent overbuying, creating meals that contain leftovers, and making excellent use
of your freezer.
2. Start recycling. A startling 50% of recycled products are actually made from
household garbage! Therefore, if you want to start with a little change that directly
affects climate change action, just sort your glass, cardboard, and paper into
categories that can and cannot be recycled
3. Plant Things. Get your hands in the dirt if you have access to land or even simply a
garden. By simply stepping outside into your own backyard, whether you choose to
plant a tree or simply try to produce your own fruit and veggies, you will be assisting
in lowering the consumption of fossil fuels and the cost of transportation. Even for
people who don't have a lot of space, growing herbs or a single tomato plant is
preferable to doing nothing. Of course, the more self-sufficient you can be in creating
your own lovely organic food supply, the better.
4. Reduce Plastic. The planet is currently being suffocated by plastic, so it's imperative
that we all look at the little things we can do to cut back on our personal plastic
consumption and carbon footprints. Whether it be switching from disposable razors to
bamboo ones, using a fabric bag the next time you go shopping, or replacing your
plastic water bottles with refillable ones. We can significantly lower those harmful
greenhouse gas emissions if we can manage to cut back on the use of single-use
5. Support CARE Climate change campaign. The global climate crisis affects
everything that CARE does and threatens our vision of a world of hope, tolerance and
social justice where poverty has been overcome and people live in dignity and
security. As the breadth and impact of the climate emergency are expected to worsen
in the coming future, CARE must do all it can to ensure that our actions are part of a
global, urgent, effective and equitable response. CARE adds a great deal of value in
our ability to communicate international climate justice and gender justice through
the same lens. In our efforts to push countries to increase their climate ambition,
CARE aims to ensure that gender justice and climate justice go hand-in-hand. By
connecting women in solidarity networks that bridge the Global South and Global
North, and helping women and their male allies to mobilize at local, national and
international levels, CARE can significantly contribute to building a worldwide
movement aimed at advancing pragmatic action by which leaders can accelerate
climate action and the ecological transition that puts people — particularly women —
at the center of climate policies and actions.


Nicole Roi B. Rosales Vince Jasper Jumarang Joy Dimaculangan

3rd Year College, 21 3rd Year College, 21 20, BS Information
BS Accountancy BS Tourism Management Technology

Angeline Binay Kico A. Corneja Here’s our little token for

19, BS Information 20, BS Financial Nicole & Vince
Management Technology

Patricia Irish De Castro Kent Blanco Angel Nickie Unias

19, Associate Software 22, BS Development 25, Client Care Executive
Engineer Communication at a Broker Insurance Co.



Permission to Conduct an Interview


Name: _______________________________
Age: ________________________________
Course (if student): ____________________
Work (if employed): ____________________

Dear _________,

We are writing to request permission to conduct an interview in related with the topic of
climate change. The group 5 members of BS Tourism Management block 4 is in the
process of doing mini research through the help of interview as part of requirements for
the subject. GEd 109 – Science, Technology and Science.

Our interview will take no longer than 10 minutes. Rest assured that the data gathered
will be only for academic purposes only. We are hoping that this request will merit your
favorable approval.

Thank you and have a nice day.

Respectfully Yours,

Avestruz, Angel Mei E.

Bautista, John Daryl
Blanco, Tomi
Corona, Bernadette M.
Dotig, Claudine P.
Fajardo, Kimberly Grace D.
Mangundayao, Beatriz Angela G.
Ramos, Raycel R.


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