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 Deming cycle was given by W. Edwards Deming.

Deming’s philosophy

 Continually provide better products and service

& gradually improve the process.
 Put quality first, not short-term process.
 14 points management philosophy
 Deming cycle-plan, do, study, and act
 Create a vision and demonstrate commitment
 Adopt new philosophy
 Build quality into product and process
 Consider total cost not jus initial price
 Improve constantly and forever
 Training on the job
 Institute leadership
 Drive out fear
 Optimize the efforts of teams
 Eliminate exhortations
 Eliminate numerical targets
 Remove barriers to worker satisfaction
 Encourage self improvement
 Take no action
 Developing a plan for exactly what organization
going to, want to, need to or would like to

 Should keep it SMART

S - Specific
 Planning requires
 Defining a problem or opportunity
 Analysing the situation
 Thinking creatively
 Developing an implementation plan
 Executing the plan, taking small steps in
controlled circumstances

 It is all about doing

 Research on the basis of previous stage
 Communicate with the related people
 Deliver a well expected result
 Recruiting man power for the planned work
 Study(check) just as it implies.
 Where one perform analysis of the data he has
collected during the previous stage.

 Checking requires
 Analysing data and pinpoint problems
 Observing the effects of the change and test
 Collecting some more information
 Inspecting the work which has been on process
 Act standardizes the change.
 If the result is not satisfactory then, repeat the

 Acting requires
 Looking for proper resources
 Starting to implement the process
 Development of technology
 Securing the improvement
 The points mentioned above in Deming
management process may seem to be minor but
they are not.
 Every single organization must go through each
and every aspect of the cycle.
 Since there is no specific time suggested for any
particular cycle, it could take place in an hour, a
day, a week, a month, a year.
 This process results in continual improvements.
 When one is satisfied that his/her organization
has accomplished all it can from this
cycle, starting again with the process results only
in improvement.
 Improvement equals better but not perfect.

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