Prof Ed 4 PT

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Erenio D. Valerozo Jr.

BSED English II-B

PROF ED 4 – Technology in Teaching and Learning

Performance Task No. 1

A. Write a paragraph about your personal experience on how technology has influenced your
life as a learner from elementary, high school, and senior high school years.

Technology in many ways has tremendously been useful and helpful in man’s life. Whether it’s
about education, healthcare, entertainment, or employment, these aspects almost completely rely on
technology and may not be able to thrive or improve without it. By that, we can all agree that the 21st-
century world truly revolves and will continue to revolve with technology.

As vague as it may seem, the quality of education in the modern world is tied to the technologies
associated with it. This is because technology makes studying more fast-paced yet effective, transcendent,
and efficient. As a 21st-century learner, technology has made my studies a lot more convenient, as the
education system is deliberately incorporating technology with its curriculum. However, the technology
that helped me with my studies is not limited to typical digital devices like mobile phones, computers,
laptops, or TVs. During my grade school years, we were more associated with textbooks, flashcards,
visual aids, and charts to learn. We also must copy our notes from a chalkboard and write them on a
piece of paper or notebook, and search for something in a library. These in return, have influenced me to
learn to find details in how words or letters were written, which eventually made me develop my motor
skills in writing legibly. In high school and senior high school, I was introduced to more advanced devices
for learning. We’ve used microscopes for our science projects, scientific calculators for Math, and
computers for research activities on the Internet. These devices have indeed made learning so much more
fun and convenient, which also have developed me as a learner to become globally competent. As far as I
am concerned, the experience of using those things made me realize that the world is so much bigger than
I thought and that there is so much more to know about! This, in conclusion, points out that technology
really does bring out the best in quality education: to make learning broad, transcendent, and continuous.
B. Cite a video or post that you saw on YouTube or social media that made an impact on you.
How did it influence you to become a better version of yourself or change your perspective
toward something?

YouTube link:

If I should think about one video that changed my perspective towards something, this is that
video. This video represents how our fate strongly controls our lives and that we almost can’t do anything
about it. Before this scene happened, this man (holding a pocket watch) woke up at his house with
suspiciously lots of clocks and prepared to go to work. Sadly though, as he got out, he was focusing on his
pocket watch that was malfunctioning and got bumped by a vehicle. His world flashed and unexpectedly
woke up again, wearing the same pajamas before changing his clothes. Shockingly, he witnessed his past
self, preparing to go to work, and got bumped by the vehicle again. The scene of creating other variants
of the man seemed to keep repeating every time the man dies, and these variants were trying to figure out
what was happening. Fortunately, the last variant was created, looked at his original self, and finally
noticed that he was too conscious and controlled by what he was meant to do next. This is when the last
variant (see photo) looked up and tried to savor the moment, which gave him a bit of freedom from
everything. He then closed the pocket watch his original self was holding and was able to go back to the
real scenario. But by that time, the vehicle passed by him.
This video has taught me that sometimes, we can be unaware that we are stuck in routines that
make us oblivious to what’s happening around us. We tend to focus a lot on how time moves without
making the most of it. What’s more is that our state of being controlled by time would only take a short
pause, a breath, and a self-reflection to realize that it’s totally fine to take a rest and focus more on what’s
beneficial to our emotional well-being, yet all too often, we fail to recognize that. The main character
somehow depicts a part of us, in a way that we strive to make a difference by repeatedly doing the same
thing. If we want change, it must start with ourselves. Contrary to that statement, the chances of us being
able to change what’s yet to come are low. But we’re humans. We can always try.

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