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Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate

School Based Assessment


Candidate Name: Kenisha Alleyne

Candidate Number:

Name of School: East Ruimveldt Secondary School

Centre Number: 090021

Territory: Guyana

Year of Exam: 2024

Teacher Name: N. Benjamin

Date of Submission: 30th June 2024

Title Page

Candidate Name: Kenisha Alleyne

Candidate Number:

Center Number: 090021

Territory: Guyana

This portfolio is made up of six (6) components.

These are:

1. Letters
2. Manuscript
3. Tabular Form
4. Committee Document
5. Display
6. Legal work

All Saint Girl’s Collage

243 Upper Hills Forth Street

Kingston Bartica

Region 7

Ministry of Culture Youth & Sport

71-72 Main Street, South Cummings burgh


Hon. Minister Mr. Charles Ramson,

On behalf of the parent teacher’s association for the All

Saint Girl’s School we are requesting permission for the use of the national cultural center in
honor of hosting a school pageant funded by the school’s PTA board for the student of the school
on the 20th of May 2024 at 4;00, basic on the availability of the cultural center. the pageant is a
beauty pageant open to contestants across the entire school ages 5- 17yrs old. The pageant is
comprise of a show which is usually perform outside that is consists of female students within
different age range wearing traditional outfits and acting out historical events. The purpose of the
pageant is not only to show case the student of the school’s talent but also we are hoping to take
it from the level at which is it right now to an inter-school level where other schools will be able
to participate against other schools, also to show case their talents and to bring together harmony
in schools. According to the agenda prepared by the PTA we have a full documentation of the
entire program outlined to be done for the preparation of the pageant. These will be forms that
will be given to students in school for person’s who are interested in participating in the pageant
to take to their parent to fill up and returned back to their class teachers. also there will be given
days in the week where the student will be release from classroom in order to pa for the

upcoming pageant a head of them. There will be a hosting of different fund rising activities such
as hot dog sales, cake and ice cream sales, lemonade day sales and other sales that will help the
board to rise fund for the necessary preparation for the pageant.

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