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Таа е сама, цел живот беше сама.

Никогаш не беше вистински сакана од страна на нејзините

родители и секогаш се плашеше да ги праша за нешто лично. Тие не толку и обрнуваа внимание,
па можеби и сега таа е причината зошто до сега има убиено 5 мажи со кои спиеле.

Таа беше во кревет со 6ти от, лежеа, сонот што туку започнал, а она е станата. Часот е 6 наутро,
она е будна и смислува на каков нечин ќе го убие човекот кој што лежи до неа, сега. She was
waiting for the voices to appear, voice that tell her if she can or cant kill the men that she slept with. She
heard those voices, scary old voices, from a woman who was with her form her 5th year of living. Back
than, she somehow summoned a portal to the underworld, and called an old woman to be with her till
she died. She was the only person who can heard her voices, old, navy, and scary voices that she was
satisfied hearing them. The voices in the head told her how she can kill someone and never be
discovered, by summoning a deamon that will help her with that.
she was laying in the bed, the voices were running through the room and echoing that she can kill
him. She didn’t want it, he was beautiful, they had fun night. But she didn’t wanted to get read of the
men. She wanted some more from him. But the voices were stronger in her head and she couldn’t
control them. So, she wake up, wnet to the kitchen, grab the knife that was on the counter and got back
in the bedroom, where he was still sleeping. She talked to the voices in her head. “do I really need to kill
him, he is beautiful, I don’t think that the deamon will be satisfied enough.” She gasped for air wile
holing her knife. “ if u don’t kill him now u will anger the deamon and he can get u instead of him” the
voice in her head said that to her. She was scary. She wasn’t that scary, but this time something in her
head was saing that is a bad idea and u sould be ashamed of doing that. she grad the knife in the other
hand, swing it around and then stab the man who was still sleeping in her bed.

The voices were greating her, she was proud, of course she would be she killed 6 peoples by now, and
never forgot those steps.

She went to the kitched, grab the the salt that was next to the oil and ran to the room. When she got
in to the bedroom, she sat on the carpet and pour a salt around her. The salt was poured in a circular
shape, she started saing the world that she always said after killing someone. She finished her saing and
from the dark part of the room, a man size of 9feet, giant with a horns on her head (hot asf), and a tail
stepped in the room. “oh, hi. I tought u forgot me” the deamon said, with heavy voice and hunger. She
wasn’t scary, she knows him verry well, “no, of course, I don’t forgot u, but I was strugeling with a vitim

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